HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-12 - Orange Coast PilotORANGI COAST SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1982 Shaping up 0 •111 Piiot Photo by Ch•ti.tl Start YOUR HOMETOWN DAILY PAPIR ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 50 CENTS ~ U.S. weighs Russian • • 1ntent1ons • Ill Europe WASHINC'l'UN (A l') Reagan adm101sLra11tm off1t1Jl!. are Wt'1gh1ng Sovwt l11ntl. thJt tht·y m ay Ix· w11l1111< lo stnkt• <A deal 1 l'mov1ng must but nut all o f tht•ir 11u1 lt•<1r r111ssllt•-. t<trgt.•tt·d un Wt•,.l1·r11 Eu1 opt'. adm1n1str.rt11111 M1u1tt:S ::.11111 Saturday Thl' sourt·l's, whu d1~ 111w lJJ ht· 1dent1f1l-<l, said th.:1t 111 a 11u111bt•r o r proht•s in tlw U S Suv1t·t European nus.-.1h• l<llk_.. ln Gt.•111•vJ t h t' S I) V I l' t ::0 I II d I l' ii t t• d a w11Jmg1lt's.» lo LUt lht•lr ron'l' Uf about f:Hl 0 m 1ss1 It• s u n cl t' r dtS<:uss1on uy rnort• thun half In r Pturn, tht· Sov1t'l Union seeks tu µi·rsuadt· l ~u· U n1 Lt•d Sldtt'S Lo shl'lw plarL., LO dl·pluy 57:.! PL•rsh111K '!. alld la11J bd.'>t'<-l t r UIS(• 1111.~illo:. 111 w1·slt·rr1 1-:uroµt· lx•g11111111g a yL'ar from rww AJthough ttw S.1VIL't off1 ·r wa .. , 11111 mad .. formally, thl· ~·ur l"L'S sc11d , 11 was taken s<•nuusly by l'dul N1tzt• and tht· U S nc)(•Jllcll1ng lt:am dnd 1s now bt•mg ~'ti by an 1nkr agt·nl·y l(ruup 111 Washington during iJ lwo 1111mth brl•ak in thl· talks Tt11· Suv1t·l m11vt· whll h .. ml'rged ovl·r a numbt·r or Ot>got1a t111g sess10ns, is '\t•en 111 W iJ S h I n g l 0 11 a S l h l' r l r S l l>n•c1kthrough tn th1• yt·ar long talks. wh1l·h until ntJw w1·n• v1rtwilly dc:adhxk1.>cL Thl' Soviet overture 1s far short of Prt's1dent Rl·..cgan's "zt•r o option" pus1t1011 U S demands that lht· Sov1l•t& d1 smi1ntll· 111 Superpowers hit by Nohel OSLO, Nur v.. c1\ I A l'I Nol>t·l Pt'i>l'-' Pnzt· w1nn..r Alv<o M ydral b1ttl·ilv <1tt<u k1·d tht• Un1tt'd Stcilt•s "c1nd th1 Sov11·1 Union Saturd<ry '<i y1ng th•)' h.t' 1· l'f(•ated Cl "lUlt ur v1olt·m1·" th.ct thn•att•n ... glol1,d w .. 1r and brt'<'<ls urbcin ('rlml· In c1n 1mp:L ...... ion1><I addtt''-'· th• 80-)ol'ar-old Vt•tt•r;in d1-.<1rn1 .. mw 111 camp<1tgnl·r <tbo l"dlt·d for an mterna11onal pt·.1l't· '11nf1·n·rw1· 111 198:3 "Thl'r!' 1s no d11uht lhal what thc-s uperpl!W t·rs ..irt· nnw planning, and 111 which th<.•y ..cri· investing b1llwns. 1 ... prt'<-'IS<·ly thl' preparatwn for w;igrng war," Mrs M yrdal ... ud 1n ht•r Nubt•l IC('ture .. "The agt• in which w1· hvt• c;111 only bt• de!>t:rd1t·d J' 11111· o f barbarism," sh1· s;.1d "Our t'lvil1za t wn 1s 1n Lhl• µrou''' not only of tx•ing m1htar111'Cl. but al.so being brutahu'Cl "Many co untri<'" p1·rs1•1 utl• their •.Jwn utrH·ns Jnd inu•rn • winner th1·111 1n prisons or 1•11nl·1·ntrJt11m 1·umps Oppression 1~ bt·conung r1111n• ;.nd mun· ii pdrt 1.r lht· 'Y't l•ni , <111d Lf'< h Walt·,J's -.urt<·rinl(s may sl.<lnd ..._.,;; symhoi {11r th1· V..'.1Y 111 v.. h1C'h human nghL.., ..en· t>1•mg lramplt'<J down m 0111· t"Ountry aflt·r an11lh1·r " Wah·w. lht· Polish l<iuor ll·c1dt•1 v.. .1:-. 1ntc·rrH·d for 1 I month' f o 11ow1 n g th l ' D<'L I :1 I 9 H 1 tmpo1>1llon of marital la\.\' and ... usr.wns1on of Solidan t y. the onl y union fre<· uf Communist ('ontrcil 1n thl· SovlC•t bloc: Myrdal, a Swt"Cle. and fornwr M t.• x 1 t· a n F o r e 1 g n M 1 n 1 s t e r Alfonso Garc:1a Roblc·s. wh<~ sharl:'d the 1982 Nobel Pc·aCl' PnLe, t.'ach spokC' for ahout :l(J 111111ult"' 111 Jn au<h<'nl'f' 11(. somt· :.!00 111 lhl Aula Fc_>suval Hall 1n downtown Oslo They rt'(_·1_•1vt.>d a guld m1'<ial a Nobel di pl o ma and the· t>qu1vall'nt of $78.500 ea<:h Friday n11o{ht for thC'tr c·ampa11{ns for I ee NOBEL, Page A2 I fl'llWVt' llll' ,l:.!4 lrlplt• W<1fht't1d SS :.!O n11~ilt-i. Jnd a somt>whcst s mall..r ron't' of SS 4 cmd SS-5 nllN>llt'b In n·turn ror a !>ht'lv1ng t>f tht· plan ror dt>ployml'rll of lhe nt· w U S n11!>s1 If'!> 1 n Wt•!>l et•nrumy 811t..11n and It...tly Thl• n'<iu<:Uons fore:;c't."n by tht' Sov 1t•l plan would lie .il·l·omphslwd b y rd1r1ng the ulJcr SS 4 and SS 5 nussilt.'l> u11 along with about 50 or so of till' SS-20 mudt>l T h t· S o v 1 t' t 1 n 1 t 1 a t 1 v <· 1 s undnstood to haVl' prumplt."<.I a dt•batc w1th111 tht• inter-agent:y gro up un whether tht· United Stall's s hould drop lhe "zero o ption" pos1t1on t o s t rtkl' a l'ompromi&.· West C<•rman Chanc:t'llor Helmut Kohl and J l)S(!ph Luns, S('(_'n•tary-g1meral o f NATO. both have suggl'sted that tht· "zero .. o µt1 o n " p os1 t1on I!> n u t 1mmuldblt• Thrt'l' yt'ars agu. NATO dt'<:ldt.'<.l to deploy tht· new U S m1~ilt.'s t.o t•ounter a s usla1nc:d Sov1t'l build up of SS-W missiles 1f no agrt'E.'mt>nt l'Ould be reached on hm1ung land bali(.>d missiles_ Currently. no US or NATO miss1ll'S in Euroµ<• c:an reac·h the S.JV1el U ruon On Friday. NATO foreign m1111stt•n. n·afhnnt'd tht· plan to 1mtall tht· U S m1ssllt·l> in the Jbst.•ncc ur an agreeme nt with thl· Soviet Unum U11t1l tht· Soviet buildup bt·gan , both NATO and the Wc1rsciw Pact <·ountnl':> had only short ran~t· rrns;ilt'l> 1n Europ<• A US. 0 H1rntl, who asked not to be 1dl·nt1f1cd. said Saturday "We c'Ontinut> to be hopt•fu1 that the l0 1rc:umslancC'S permit an agn·emt-nt that would observe th1· priruc:1pal S4.-'<-'Ur1ly needs of both s1dl>S " Until n ow . admin1strallon rJfr1c1als have r eb uff ed suggesllons by fonner U S arms nc•got1ator Paul Warnke a nd otht'rs that a more llmiUo'Cl goal than <:omplete removal or thl· SS 20 m.ISSil~ bt• M't Raceway mishap kills woman A 2 !l y l' a r u Id V 11 t 1> r v 1 l lt· w oman was k1lll'd Saturda y when a drag racing v<•h1cl<' shC. was warrmng up struc:k a trt"l· on tht• grounds of Orangt· County International Hat•1•way. al,·ording to the l'Oroner's 0H1l"t' Killed insldnth 111 tht> 11 20 am sma sh uµ w,,., D1ilrlt' K Tate th1· t·o n vc_•rgt'nl'e o f th1• Sc1nta Ana and San Diego Fr<·c•ways, ..aid 1t was the first fatal acc1dtmt <it thl' rat'f'W<tY in two to thrN· vec1rs Rost.• said Tate was wanning up tht.• eng1m• of her boyfriend's veh1dc, a Vega station wagon that had been converted into a "!wm1-profess1onal" drag racer orit• q uartt·r m1l1• 1n !l t o 10 s1-conds S ht• t•st1matcd It w as travelrng <iboul 20 Lo 30 m ph Whf'n It hit thf' lfl'(• Thl' spt.x·1f1t· caUSt· o f d eath has nut lx'<•n dt>Lennined Hic·k Ecl~lt•) ( '<'ry to p ), Bob Mt>ttf'r and Kris t i Bcwhm dt·c·oralt> .. St·a-Thru" for thi~ y.-ar'!>. F t>s tival or Li ~h1~ pa r nd•·. Ut•c. 17-2 :1. ""Sf'a Thru:• u win1wr in last yea r's parade' in Nt•wport llarbor, ~ill ha't' f>.000 lig hts run by computer. Dt'puty Coronl't ,J S tt'Vl'ns said th!' driver was at"t,•l1•rat1ng "in place" whl'n tht· l'ar spt·d forward. l~t c:untrol .rnd strut k a lrt><· Lynn Rost· g1·n1·ral mdnagt•r of the track lft J<::L ... l irv1nt• nt·Jr "She was JUSt gt.•ltmg 1t rf'ady for a rat'\'," llOSC' said "Sht> was separated from people and from othe r cars in a penmeter area of thC' track on a road leading tt> tht• drag slip from the pll" She said the car rould travt•I It was ;_innoum~ C'arher this 0wc·1·k that the· ran•way would closl' nt•xt month because the Irvine Company 1s choosing no t to renew a )Pa<.t.· with the raC(•way opertttor But R<l6<· said nt·gouauons are schedult>d M undc1y and that raC't'way ort1c·1al" are attempting t.o kl'ep th<• trat·k op<•n His family fights on for Clark SALT LAKE CITY (APJ Artificial heart rt-e1pH'nt Barn1•y Clark rf'ma1ned sC'm1tnns<:1ous Saturday and his w1fP sau..l h<' may re<·l he· 1s not dom~ "quite• a'l good a .JOb as h<' w1-mtrd to" for medicaJ researchers Clark's fam1ly has tx"l·n tryin~ to help him regain <.'C1 n.sc·1ousness by huRgtng him and talking tc1 him "W<''rc encuurag1n~ thl'm to give him input This ts touching, holding, talking. dl'velo p1nJ< con versa ti ons.·· Dr C hase Peterson 01d "All o f this is l.I1l rtan t .. ~ark , 61. has been semiconscious and in a111cal condition siOC<' suffenng seizures Tueed.ay morning, five days after he became the firs t JX>rson to receive a permanent art1f1c1al heart Peterson, v ice pr<'s1dent for health 9Clen.cet1 at the University of Utah Medical Center. repeawd that docton have no evidence of blood clot.II or bleeding that rould have damagf"d Clark's br1un H owever, Pt>terson ruud docton w on't he sat1sf1ed that brain damage hasn't occurred until they c an carry on a conversation with him A reapirator tubt> keepe Oark from 1pea.king, but he aeems to be mouthing word~ hPhlnd thr tube, Pet.el"90n 1&ld "There'• no evidel'l("(' that he'• last hia ability to 1pea.k," he aa.Jd Those with ClArk "fet>l he t ----. · .. ·-.... _ .. _ .. _ ... ---. •___,,_ Dr. Chas.-P eterson understands a lot more than he chooses to respond to," Pet<>rson said "But he does respond to anythtng he thinks is 1mporumt " Peterson said Clark's wife. Una Loy, told him hN husband "entered this with a sense of really wanting t.o do this well, doing 1t well for research and doing 1t for the w orld, in a S<'ruK' She wondered this morninR 1f the romplkatlon he's had hasn't made him feel that he's not doing quite as good a job a.'! he wanted to_" Peterson said Clark coulc1 remain in his present 11\.alA' for 11 week. Cla r k 's doctors say they believe the IM!lrures were cautlf'd by a chemical imbalanct> that was belng treated primarily with a high-nutrient diet. Mrs Clark, their daughtrr, Karen, and her husband. Tim !See HEART. Pa1e At) _ ... ~ . -----....._ --........ ~ Amicably breaking ties that hind By STEVE TRIPOLI Of tlM 0 .11, Piiot Stall Lagunn Bf>at.·h rPMden l Ron Davis said 1t was o matter of 1•nd1nR his 20 yt•ar marrragt• "with some sort of d1g111ty" I lls formt•r wilt·. Diane. who in1t1ally opposed tht> breakup. agr<'l"S now th<rl thf'1r path lo d1vr1rct• was "th1· bc>st way to end a murnagt•" · Othl'r'I who arC' trying a new d1vort•1• syslt'm t'lk Less traumn. t h l' a d v a n l a g t' o f m a k 1 n g d<'l'ISHJnS w 1 thou I 11.0-bet W('C'ns and lown legal r('('S What.-vrr t ht:' rea.s(m, the US<' of d1 von·t• mNli<ition IS growing ii s a n a l t P r n a t 1 v t· I n t o t a 1 d1·1>1·ndt>nn• on the legal systrm "P .-oplt• ~c·t married in l(Ocul fnilh . Tht·~ ('Un cl i ~·on·•· in ~ood faith." for d1v11r11ng 1 1111pl1·~ An csumatC'd 10 pert't.'111 of Lhc• 15, 000 Orangf' County m upll•o; who rile for dlVOrt'I' annually UM' some rorm of nwd1allon · And th<' 1mn•asing nollt'f' 11 1~ attracting in family law purnals nallonwHfo marks 11 as a pra1·t1t't' w h 1 1· h . t h o u g h pt' r h a p s 1mperfN't, 1s only lwginning tn reah7<' 1Lo; full 1•1tpnt1al ...-----INDEX----- Bo!-4kt·tbaii s tandout Tod Murphy from Lokt•wood eleclt>d to att(•nd UC Irvine· und thE' Anlf>3le~ ore glad h(• did. St·c• what the f n•l'hmnn hos don" lott•ly on Pn~t· DI . BurnlX'Ck Enna Bobeck Classif1 t"d Crossword ()(>ath Notices Delaplane Editorial Page Entertainment Featuring Finance H oroecope Ann Landers Mailbox B6 85 0 10.El -H 05 09 C6 A 8 05-7 .85-7 Rl-4 B7 .B5 AB Mov1c·s National Nt'ws Public NOh('('S Real Est.alt> Richard Rt"C'Vf."' Sports Stock Markc>t.s S tyle Television Theaters Travel Weather 0 5-7 A3 D9 JO B2 A8 D l -4 83-4 C l -6 08 05-7 C6 A2 Th•· Oc1v1S4--; (Davis 1s nut th1·1r r1•c1l n<1m •·) were wh a t ont• d1\.orn· ml'cl1ator callf'd t lw t'"•rfr'Ct subj('(·ts for mt'(h,1t1u11. a < 1111pl<' with property to rl1v1dc .11111 tht· futurf' of thl'11 two tt-t•n agt•rs to settle Th t• 1 r r rJ l t• s w 1th 1 n th 1• marriagt• rt?la t1onsh1p. with M rs Davis doing v1rtually no out.s1df' work while• they were married. ;dso con s t1tutt'd the classic "lrad1 tional" s1 tua lion . aC'C'Ord1 ng to llarrtC't Rossetto of tht' Orang<· County Famil y Med1at1o n St•rv1CT' Rossetto said mediation l1·<:srns what she SC'C>S as thr fundamental problem or "using tlw court to settle what arf' basically personal issues " Thi' t-ommon practi('(' of hmng !!t•paratR lawyers, each interested o nl y 1n getting the bC's l !K'tllt•ment ror his or her chenl, 11ftt•n only fans the flam<'s of b1ttf'rn<'ss that are smoldt>ring u r• n e a t h m o s t m a r r 1 a g e d1ssolut10ns. she said And using second parties lo produCf' a settlement, especially b e tween people wh o were married for a long time, l8 "an unreal situation for two people who've talked for years. "People get married In good faith. They can divorce in good faith," said R<.etto. A fair. reasonably friendly parting agreement Is what the Devises wanted. They alAo had a good Idea of what they wanted the agreement to include. In five 2-h our se .. ions they divided up possession of their home. three o ther piece• o f pro perty and four can. They a11reed to a spousal support plan ( ""Mt·dia tion·.., ha rd lo lil:O through. hut ) ou t•nd up ~tronJ:wr a (tt•r ii." in wh1rh Hon wuult.l µ.-iy D1anr d t' t' r c• as 1 n g am o u n ls as her 1nconw plan grt>w It wasn't l'asy Hnn s a ys mro1at1on may have t>N>n more 1•mot1un ally wrC'nt'hmg than a trad1u onal <'ourt d1vor('(' There' wl'rl' lt'ars and raised voices at tinws But boLh agree' that thC'y nN'dro to {a(.'(' each other and let those e m o tion s come t o the su rfa({' t o properly lay thP relat..1onsh1p LO rest "It's harder to go through. but you end up stronger after 1t," Ron said D1anC', who was interviewed separat.cly, agr~ ''I probably w o uldn't be talking to hun right now if I'd JW!lt hired a lawyer I wouldn't have w o rk ed through t he problems I had with him " Though mediation w o rke d weU for the Daviaes 1t sh ould not be consldered the 90lutlon for aU couple11, Rosaetto said. Those witho ut c hildre n o r many pcmesalona may not need it. Judie S h ella Sonenahine, chief family law judge ln Or~ County Superior Court. aald U. proceu may have 1hor\Cornln* that iu potential users shourci cons.Ider. "I 've alway• b een a btJ believer ln a negoUat.ed outcofnl (See MEDIATION, Pa1e Al) A. •ti ,,.. llr u11u11 ( uoa1 lJAll , I'll u 1 ~u11duv Llo1 ... 1111, .. , 1.· 11111:- Envoy recalled by Italy for talk HOME (Al'J lUil\ "" .illnl 1t-. umhwssudm ltwn Bulg1ir1u f11r 11 •nsult11llons S,;lurduy 11m1d ..:r11wing terlb11>11 over rhur !{•·~ tbut Bulgarum .1g1·nts plotlt'<l lo ~inat.f' Po!A' John Puul ll ' In Paris. tht• 11'1 llsl nt>wspapt·r I.:.1b crat1on 4uutcd a furrn1·1 lsulganun ~"·rd -.1•rVl<'t· 11H1l'1•1 us G ymg ht• Wll!> l't•rtmn Bul~,1rr.111 ~cnts plannt'<l t ht• u!>Sa~111uu1111 lt'mpt ag1a11 ... l th1• pop1• •111 t dt'r:I form thl' S11vt1·t tJn11Jn ,,. The !tali.in f'11r1·1g11 M1n1 ... t1 y 1a1ll 111 a brr1•I ... 1,111•1111·111 th.11 .f\rnbassador Cm lo H 11!>.'I Arnaud was urden:d hu11w f111 wlk' "' F'url·tgn, M1111 i.1t-1 Ernil111 l 'olombo 1 t dui not :.a y how 11111~ lt1• woulu n·111..i1n 1n Homt• On Thur::.do.1y, liulg<.111.111 ,•\rnh<.1:..">Jd111 V1·1wlm Ko.wv fl•·"' lo Sofia fur "'Ii.it ll11 Bulg.1rr.111 l-:111b'""'~ .1ho d1·-.l 1 ll>1•d 1s'\ 't>lll>UI t.<111111' ' Vassil 011111trt1\ tt11 Hullo(JI 1.111 !::111ba:.sy spt1k1 ... m,111 dPn11·d prt·'::. fl'JHll b lh.it th1 11111\'I' I t•flt'l'lt•d <I dt•\('l llll olf 11111 111 r 1· lat ro 11 s tw I " ( • 1•11 I t JI Y .111 d Hulg.irrn 11v1•1 tl11 Jl.lp.tl ... 1i ... 11111g 1m May l~i. H~lll From Page A 1 !'Xh<tfft•r, Wl'fl' ill ~.'lark':-. bt•dsuh Lfl tht• lnlt'llSl\t' 1':111' 111111 S.1tun.ldy, ht• .... uJ The rt•l1r1·d S1·attl1· d n1trst 111.wns h t!. L'Yt'S and ln11k' ,11 people wht·n tht•y '>pt·ak to h11n, rnoves his limb.' on h1!> own and when asked tu t1nd -.h<iw~ rw -;1gn s of paraly"' that l'llUld rnd1caw bra111 de1m.1w· l'l't('N111 said. In a St!V<•n hour 11pt•rat11111 I )I, 2. Clark fl't't·1v1·d .; f'l.isl11 Jarv1k-7 ht-at t whu h rs poWt'fi'<I IL.!1.111 ul I" i.1h • .is .. d1·11H·d r t•luttuni. Wl'l l• U\'lt•r 1or1tl111~. but Jt.1lv'~ Sonahi.t l'u11v tkmunJ1•d H f••ll li•lllll'l\IUI y d1 bull• 111\ till' "H11IH1ariun t·u11111•( 111m" tu th1• ... 1i1i;.1t1nt< And '>t!IU• lOI' r J (1111 t I w I uh 111!( l 'h11 .. 11.111 llc.·111<"'1.1111 l '111 ty !>t'lll •• 11111'· \II l'r.·11111•1 A111111f•ll •' !• •• rl I oJ 11 I ,, II d (_' • I I 0 111 h fl d1•1111.111tf111g tlrJl tlH•y t'l,11'1fy \\ Ii .1 \ ,, • t 1 11 11 ., H ll l g u r 1 .1 n ,llllh1111t11•-. l•luk Ill I 111\ll('I lfllll with th1 p.1p:d .1tl.11 k So l,11 Jt<1llu11 111\'t -,11~:d11rs h .. IVl' unplh alt·d tht 1•1· Bulgarr.m 11111, lid:. Ir\ th1• '"'J'"'llll<lllOll .1tt1•111111 t·;.1rr It'd uut hv Turk1 ... h tt•r ron-.1 M1·h11wl Air Aett·a Frvt• l'urk .. Jt1· ahu 1lr.irg1•d ,,.., 1·11 •'l>ll'lp11.1l11~ tr-1 tho• ,hoolln>-: HulJ<..1rr.m 11fl1no.11' hJv1· 1 alk<l 1 lt1 "111 lo:·• lru11' uJ<.1111 .. t lhl Hulgart.111' 'Jh.,urd llll'got .111d ho~trlt·' •11 b .11r111'tl Jt dr:s<·r1·tht1111< Bulg..1rtJ 0 111• of tlrt ~"' 11'1 l'n11111'-., '""'' ,tJll••' ltali.;11 ix1!1t·1• .tfl t'-.tt•d Sl•r ~1·1 Ivanov A11t111lO\'. :is. st.1t11111 l h1t'f of tlw Bulgat1a11 Jlt ltrtl''· N•J\' 'I. I fm c11nipltutv 111 th•· .,1iw11lng • • • hv .111 t >d1•111:.J air 1·111npn·..,.~ 11 11 h.1s wot k1'<l f1<.1wlt ...... -.ly -;1111., tlw .. urg1·1 )' I'• l•·r.,111l ... aid Cl,1rk' \ 11.il ... rgrL-. w1·11· w1thu1 n11rn1JI 1,111g1•' .111d for lilt' first 111111· 111 tw11 111 .. 11111 .... t1•s ts ::.howt•d Cl.11 k ' brnh " fPtamrng t1111n· JJ111lt 111 1li.1n 11 ll> burning up Ht· said that nWJns Clor k 1 ... '>tar ting to rebuild mu~ It· t1~ut that hdd lx.'1.·n Jt•t{1•1wrat111g fr11111 '"' v1·,ff' 11( l'Jrd111111v11µ.1ht v ,, d1·g1•n1•ro111v1 hP.1rt d1~·;L...C' NOBEi~ WINNER • • • From Page A 1 J.isarrnament o.111d "11rld 111 .111 Thf' awc1rd' "tr t a1111ou1w1•d l!atll€!r tins fall In his Nntwl lr·c lurt" Gore1,1 Robles. 71 . ckv11lt d h11n:.t·lf Ill s u m ma rrz1 ng I h1• h "tor) '' nd content of lht· "' t-.dlt·d IYt:ii Trt'aty of Tlal1•lok~1. wh11·h ht• '' •rNlneu v..1th f.11h•·rtr\R .•nd HERES fHf Ill SCU( ll ll 1 COM£R Of~ ro 00 50MI. CHl.!t5TMAS 5HOl'l'ING ONLY I~ I.JAYS l l I T1 ~~ G~ t j " ( I I whu h 1·st.1bl1sh1•s .i IHI< 11•.11 f11·1· irnw 1n L..1ung Anwll•"' "The nucf1•ar Wt«1µ011 .. I 11·1· lor1t.• hils bt.'t·ontt m t'X<1111plt• .•n 1r\o.,p1rC1tion fur -;t,tlt'' who w .in I to pr1111111tt· d v.. orld lot.ti l v r 11·1 11f n ll• l1•<1r "''' "pon-. " ho ""d ~~\.1~11~ ( ·! ~C'I 11 l\.!.';-- 1rom '- Hiagen-Daza J lc:e Cream Sho~ W;!J 'W . ' N c)t -sc)-ra 1>icl-t ransi t D•llJ Pllol Photo by P•lrlclt O'Donnell South ( :oa:-.1 Plaza llotd ~1u·~b wt·rc.· offt·rt•d I urn-of-the-century 1ra11 :-.porlalio11 Suturclay niµ.ht lo South Coast Plaza Shopping ( :c·11lc•r. B ill Burlo11 of Arc·a dia. who own!oi tlw hor"t' und carriagt·~ \H·lc·o111c·!'o µ.uc '!-ol.., al hott'I •·11lrtuu·t• on u rt·lurn trip. l>riviug tht• c·arriaµ;c• i:-. cla u~ht c·r Carol yn Boyd . Similar s ••rvi•·t• will 1.H' offt>rc:d nc·'t ~aturtla)' ni~hl. Blast routs .20,000 I :\1<·1 I .. 1 1/\PI Abvut W 11110 11•-.11lt11L'> 111 fl\• lo\~tu. v.i·n· 111 1h •11 d '" 11·,1\'1• th1·11 hu1111•.., .... ,it Ill d ,1 V .tf It• I ,1 I.Ill k of 1 ho ·n>h .d· 1·xplod1'tJ 111111 llJlllP'> .1t ,, 111111111 <.'.11 b1dt C11rp µl.1r1l. 1h1t•;11t 11111g l•i rt lt·.1"· µc11s111111us ~·,.is 111t11 th1· ,11r .. 1ulh1111t1l's said N11 11111irtt·!'. w1·11· n·1x1rtt.'tl A ·411 fn111 und1•rgr 11un<l lank h 1 dd111~ :lll,0110 ~~\ll11no; of tht· d1t·1111~..1I ,11 r11l1·1n 1·xµlt1dl·d al ,11~ 1ut I:! :w .J 111 Polin• ordcrt'Cl ttw 1•v:1l u<1t11111 of all n•s1dcnts w I t h t n r l v l' nl I I t' s 0 f th (' sprnwll11g µIan\ wh1d1 sits m a hl•av1ly 1ndustrialrzed corridor along thl· Miss1ss1pµ1 Rlver about 20 mtl1.•s nor1hw1·st o f New OrlcilnS Tr<.1ffl1 jlOJJl-t the rivpr was du!><.J ;ilon1ot a 10 rmlt:' strf'l.ch T h 1· t .1 n k . w h 11 h h d s a It) 01111 g..11lun lapanty c:ontmu1-<l lo burn throughout the day and .;uthnntles worrwd that nearby tank.!. t'Ould ruptun· and release a g~ rre<•ll"<l by the superheated lrqu1d l hemical Thi ga'> can tx· fat..jl 1f mhaJed Wt• plan to lf'l it bum it.sdf 11u 1 'aid U111un Carbld(' o.,µ11k1•!.man John K1nthl'n. ;1rlding authonllcs had no idea how long that might takl· · H1~ht now. th<' fact that 11's bummg IS J JXNllVC' thing," said lno;pt"t·tor Ht•nry Wolfe of the St. l'harlt-s P.insh Shi·n f(':. Ufflt1· It burns up lht• 0 porsonous ga .... ,ond kt'l'(}l> rt from fii(l ltlllj.{ 111 lht· ;ur At'I ull'trl 1s c.1 l h1•mtl .ii u.~-d to 11hl.k1 · ,in1nwl food .. uppl(•m1·n~ ;imJ pro<lut·t., °"' h1< h kill C1lg~11., pl.ml offrnal~ s.11d Th<· y1•1low1-;h or n1lorl1•s::. liquid. wht< h has .J t.·hok1ng odor , rs Jlso ctl\ irritant anJ ts llSl"tl 111 t<·ar ~as Thl' 1·vJc:u;1llo11 ordt·r affl-1:l1'<1 about 'lU,000 pt•uplt•, ,rnd most ob l' y c J . s a 1 d J u It•~ II y m <'I . assistant parish Civil DC'fl·nse J1n'C'lor "That's <i pretty cu11scrvat1 ve e s t i m a t t• , b 11 s <' cl o n t h e populations of the towns involved." ht.' said Author1t1es ordered the c·vacuatton of Taft and the nearby towru. oC l fahnvll.lc· and K.Jllona o n the WC:'St s1dl' of the flV('r. and the towns or Norco, Muntz and New Sarp y on the east bank Evai:uees wornt;'d that they might be away from their homes !>t.'Veral days Following the Sept 28 derailm e nt o r 4 3 lll1no1s Central Gulf Railroad cars at the town of Livingston, about 2.700 pt•ople wt>rr forcl>d Crom their homes for two wc·eks while chnrucal fires ragt-d among the <;cat le red can. "We haven't t old them anything because we don't know oul">C•lw .... " H ymC'I s.a1d Louisiana Chem lea I Plant Explosion Hahnv1lle Mis 1ssiPP1 River we don't want to do that," scud Glenda Clement. a spokeswoman for the sheriffs office. Kinchen said the cause of the blast was unknown. "We don't have any idea what causl:.'d it," he said. "We w on't know until we can get someone 1n the 1rnmed1ate area to do somt' invesugaung." But Hymel said the explosion apparently was caused when water got into the tank and reacted wtth the cherrucal. One of the shelters was sct uµ at Hahnvtlle High School, whl'rc· Vice Principal Veroni<'a GrPen said about 500 people s pent thl' day. Fair with cloudiness " A n y th 1 n g w f' m 1 g h t s :i y would tx· purely SP£'<'Ulalron, and She s a id the Red Cross supplied breakfast and lunch, C1nd was brrnging in t·ots and blankets in preparation for tht• night " Patrol · tepped up in Me a f'ullt·1• In ('11:1111 Mt•\11 Ult' l'Ulllllllllllg to t•flfltrt I J Ill l p1 ug111111 ...iirn .. d at 11·1h11·1n1& tht· numbl·r u f rJr u11k1•11 dr 11/ rtK relult·d atTtdl•llh 111 th1· l:1ty durrnl( lht• hulidt1V S(·c.11M1n l Pullt t• Lt JQhn M11qu1n s&.ld tlit• !IU•pJ.lt'd up t·nfor<'t>ipC'rlt td Cnlg tht• ('ltv's ma111 lltl<·<·I:. begun Nuv 24 :J11d will t'tJ1'1J11U1' thrnuli(h Jcin 5 Thruugh Nov :10 111 this' yl·ar tht·rc !rad IJt~.'ll :!41 uw1dl'at.s ll1 tht· l'lty 1nv11lv1n~ druoken drrvt>rs wtth 770 ix·uplt· arrestt-d for drunken driv11ig Drunkt>n drrvmg arn-sLs had rm·n·asf<I 8 7 J)(.'f"Cl'nt ov1•r lht• ~rrw period last year • Four traffrt· offtt't'f'> have bt. .. en asl>rgnPd lo patrol Horbor and Nl'W port boul1.•vards. Bake r . Bnst0l V1ctorra anJ t 7th sta-ets M1Jqutn !.aid tht-cr.it kdown 1s part of Pn•suknl Rc.·Hl{ttn'~ rL'(;ent n 1ll for ,;I n-ductton in the numocr u C d r u n k l' n d ri v l r" o 11 t h t: nallon'!. highways Mo4uin SC11d f1 v1· of the srx LrC1ff1t· deaths 1n Cost.a Mt·sa this yt•ar 111volved alcohol 1"1ri.t llmt: drunkt'n driving nffl'ndl•r s face a !me. akohol program. <i possible jail term ur ltn:nsc rc·strrct1on A second drunkeri dnv111g cunv1t·uon l'an n·su lt rn a Jilil und l1t·e n s<· SU~pt·llslOll Action unit for schools organized Meeung m AnaheLm, delegates of the Caltfomia School Boards Assoctatlon have voted t.o form a political action commi ttee t o further the group's causes. The PAC will channel money to t•andidat.es that the association supports "For a number of years. the schuol boards a round the stale• fl'lt sc:hools should stay out o f polttiC'S and politics should stay o ut of schools." assoc1atron prt-siden t Eule n e S hirley said "W ht•n they realited that poltt1c1ans make the rules, 1t's impossible to stay out or it." Voting delegates raised the rnmm1ttee's first $1,800 by the end of the> voung session, to back ca ndidates who endorse s uch association causes as local school 1·ontrol and full Cmancmg for state-mandated programs. Although the assoc1at1on has had lobbytst.s at the capitol for at lc.·ast I 0 years. S hirley said legislat o r s question what lobbying groups have done for thf'm in terms o f campaign rontribullons "CSBA feels their lobbying acttv1ttes have become a lmost tnefft'CtlVC trl the face of massive campaign on rontnbutions from other sources." said Shirley. R.l'"D The Fotecast For 7 pm EST Snow O Accounts of Baja storm received ")ufldr1-., Dett4n•l>+'' •· ••-1 , 9 ,,.,1~ ,., ,, 1, Stlo..,•rsCTJ Flurr1es,B (.o "·"'"I Fiii• lh•OUOh tontQnl t>ul pelr.hy d-loO Ihle mom1nq In ~O.Ula '1.as s~ mornlnq ro0 and tow clouds otherwiM1 var1e1>1e n101> cloudlneta on Mon<l•y All"'" Albu•JU""l' "" Am At Ill Af1(nt'l'.tlf,l-· Ar V"v•llP A11enra NATION Ml <>5 u 41 zc. l.o 01 32 26 19 I ·~-~_., •O:\ Llgl>I vartable w 11Hll thi s morning over coa~tel •elfHI t>eCom•no _, 10 touthwest 8 10 12 k noll tr11s •fte•noon decreating by this 8v f'ntng Southwest ~11 1 10 1 ltw>t F a•r Sunday but patcny deolMI rog 11>19 mornlno l .. '-; . .'HI 111111(1 r\· Rain tell In mn11 ol lhll Sou1hea11 on Selur<IAy wnll11 snow wu ~•llM!ld 1n parll or Tex•• end Ok leho ma lhl! NAllonAI Weal~ S8fV\oe Mid Snow 11nd rein 11lao 11111 lrorn nor1harn W!!ll Virginia to Nl!w Jaraey Snow 9190 roached up 1n10 N~ Englllnd, the lower Great t akes and low. Mlchlg•n II wa1 cl9er •nd cotdl!< In Ille r>0<11>ern llall ol bolh 11>9 Pl11ln1 .,,a thtl MlasiMlppl Va'"'°I' Tampe••lur•• were In Hie tlng1* dlglls and low 1-1• trom Mont&n1 to n0<11>ern M4nMM>l8 Sunny JkMls -• ror~• '°' mucl'I of thtl natlOn Sun<1111v t>ul wtllT tcallfl"«I ehOwa<• •tono the Sooth Alf•ntle cour R•ln and anow -• exl)9<:19d lo apraed tnrouoh the Pectnc N0<1n_.t Temperatur88 In Iha &Oa 111nd 70. -• tor-I tor Florlda end perta of Calllornle end Arl1ona In nor1harn New Enol~ rN<llno• -· ellP9Cl«I 10 be Ollty In lhe t.-.. 8llO lllnQle dlgltl Tamper•tur•• 1 .,ound the nation. •I 2 p m EST Se!Ufdly ranoed trom 1 low o1 4 •bc>Ye reto in em.-Mon• 10 81 0eo·-1n V9<o Beech Fla Air quality A1lan111 1, Au'it•r H"I"""' 'fl A•ll·no• Bum•f'Qt'l"n B"marc " Bo•'Se B>'' ,.. B'<•Wn\.-11•1 B·•"ll" Burlingt"'" (,&•t>ll• Cl'larltt" )n '> < Cha•lt>""' w v ChMl011e N c CttAf6fl"fl C.l>ICIO" (,in<.1nnAt1 Ci..vAlRN1 <..nt11m01A <, Lo1umh1•"l 0AllA8 fl WOttt• 011vton O...w11r n..s M nln•i'I O..lrn1I nvhllh fl ""''' r .. un111nlio~ reron Flegswr OrHI re11~ Herttnro Hl!IMll Hont>lulu Houston lndl11napoh• Jeck 'IOn M,.• J•ck..,,nvllf,. Jun91111 Kttn,3, f .11., I A' Vf!Oll• t nll" Rnrk lou"vlllf\ \ ybt>OC~ Mamcih,. Mlamt MllWllU~911 Mpl1 St Pa111 NUhvllle New Orl••n• New Vot~ Norfolk Nor In PIAllf• 41! 18 ,., 40 18 3) •8 •6 17 J• 28 07 ~j 'II 28 (JI )7 •I H JIJ 6~ 56 )4-.; 11 ~'\ 05 1'1 10 ",: <,< ·~ H •9 •} 1 • }0 is 1~ JQ 36 u 79 •9 ,., J5 J 1 •6 u 33 29 :)1 26 J7 08 J4 28 :>• 04 56 43 13 12 26 03 )7 JO 211 10 17 21 ,. 01 75 66 80 53 J5 JO 52 so 114 Sii '.);> u )1 17 ~q •2 •O 32 40 38 . , JO •3 •2 79 ,. 3• " Jj IJI •4 41 80 511 35 JJ ·~ 43 36 10 r•o•lls ....... 0 11.l&honut t •tv •• 0 rf'l8h8 tf> IA O•lnr111 .. .. hh Phll&tl911>h111 JI ... Phnent• ~" I ~ (I Plll~bwgft l1 in Porllnn(I 11.4,. '4 ] Ponrond O•" 48 ... Providence 16 10 Raln•~h 4A 4 I Rapid Ctty )0 01 Reno '3 21 R1chrnonrl •2 38 S11ll I eke 3S 15 'ian Antonin S1 •1 Sea Ill" ~' 1• Shr.,vo1pm1 43 ,, S1011• r1111• <'J OJ SI l fl\llS 4 1 ~o St P1110-Tam[ln 110 66 SI ,,,. M111IA 28 Ot Spo~ene 2• 09 Syr&<.u~ 10 26 Too'!l•11 H n Tucson SS 311 fu!Se •• 3!> W•sh111oto,. " 36 Wt<:hlfll •O 311 CAL1'0flNIA Apple Vellev 62 1' Bek8<1fleld 511 40 Barelow 82 •4 Beaumont 80 39 Big Baar ')(l t9 Btahop 56 1'• Bty1h" 611 .. Cetelln" fl• 4~ Eurelte 'i8 40 FrMMO ~(I '1'1 Lenee•••• 00 .l.l Lono BMCh 1 t 49 Th• Air Ouellly Man9011m11n1 Olltrlc1 predlcil QOOd elf QUA.Illy today throughOUI lhe South Ca.el Air Satin deac>ll• hlQh mornrno level• ot ctrbon dlo11ld8 In lO• AnoalM llnd elOf>O the OOU I A Potlutent 8teo<1111d Index of 15 wH loreou t tor th• Si n Oabf-Pomona v-.y. with P81• of 87 In the BM ,.etNNk> Md 8ente Cl8'"1 walley9 and &O In ml'lropolllen ui. ~ 111. .............. -~U--R_f R_EP_DR_T A PSI of 42 -predlcied 10< llllOlhet .. -AOMO retlnge .,. • lo4lowt Oood, 0-100, unll .. llhlul for u nelllve p eople , 101·200, un-lhful fOf ~. 201·300 llnd hCefdoua. 30 {.50() I .J,. ' hrf hrl •wt ••841 ..... heotl ,..,. .... Prd Avg ..... Wm• '1 3 12 1 2 Sent• Monica ' 3 " I 2 HewpOr1 2 3 ,, 1 ' Sen~ County ' 3 '' ) 3 Qui le>< Mood•v s11gn1 lnc:r811~ In WMt8'1y 1wflll1 ) ~ .. ~ . ,. --------.A....-..-....... _.._ --,_....._ ___ _. ••841 Dir SW SW AW w Io~ Any,.1.,1 10 56 Mnnrrri.1,. 72 •7 Monlflbl'llr• n. 42 Montl'"'Y 59 43 Mt W11wn S6 38 N~lo• 64 45 Newp11o I llf\A(ll 65 so Oekhrntl 66 40 Oritnrlo 68 48 Pu11d11no 69 46 Peso Roble~ 62 3!> nive,.ule A7 45 Rod Bluff 63 34 R&dwood City 81 39 Reno 4'i 19 St1Gramflnto 'ii\ 211 SetlnH 10 4 I San Barn•rdlf'ln 67 40 S•n Otego 66 52 Sen F • enc11eo 62 48 Santa An• 10 :~ Senl• Bt.,b••• 83 Sent• M•rla 66 37 S11nl8 Mon1<:11 85 52 Stocklor• 60 JO r et>oe v 1111ey 42 13 Tiie< mar 10 45 Totr•nc" 65 50 Yum11 117 49 CANADA t.•lo••v JB 011 fclmonton '3 04 Mnn1t11a1 J'\ 07 01111w11 i• 02 Jl"U1n11 06 -:.>O Tnrnnln 26 18 VIU'\C OHYfW •S 21 W1nnl1>f!Q 08 20. PAN AM A(..ftJ)lllfU 90 71 B••bt1r11)• ~ 75 Barmucla 75 811 Cur11c110 118 71 FrMPQ<I llO 8" Olttdll1111<e 73 114 n1111dotoupe 114 70 ~lav1n11 114 ea Ktooaron 118 72 MOl'ltlQ<I Bey 118 72 Ma1atla11 112 ea MIWlda 118 tie Me•l«l (;tty 73 55 Montarr•y ~II 50 NtNBU 80 00 San Ju11n PR 82 7t T 11Q11CIOAIPA •• 113 I rlrtlOIMl "' 73 v.,e Cru1 lie 811 i By ALMON LOCKABEY 01 Iha D•llJ Piiot 8teft Rt>ports of a devaswting stom1 "" tht· «oast or &,a C'lltfom1a In thl' Sea nf Cortt>7 wen• rt~'t'IVE'<.I 111 Oran~l' County SJturday JLm Arnold of San Clt>m<>ntf' Sdld ht: and hr-. w1ft-and s1su.•r in-law wen.• 1n Palm1lla, north of Cabo San Lucas WednPsda'' v.. hPn !ht• freak sturm hit th~· roast and drovl' du11·ns o( sailboats and power bodls agrounJ Several boats were dcmohshc'<.I hy tremendous seas. Arnold said Arnold said he and his family w£1rc• vacationing at San Jose del Cabo and had gone Lo Palrrull<i for a f1.shmg tnp on Tuesday The storms s tarted w1 th a drenching ram on Tuesday night but th<' full force of the Chuba.9<:.'0 S IERS RENT OUR SKIS AND BOOTS I ( 11•h1 ch don 't look like rentals) ALL NEW EQUIPMENT! V isualize yourse lf in this picture, not standing in a rental line when you arrive at the ski area. We rent Rossignol Fi sc her and skis , Sa l o man Boots. Our rental facil ity is newly improved and will help take the hassle out of renting. RESERVE llOW! ' ---·---· (squall) did not hit the coast until late W1.-dnesday a ft.emoon Arnold said he counted 36 boats on the beach near the Palm1lla hotel Most of them had anchor lrnes around their propt.'llers Arnold said he sa w the wreckage of o ther boats on the beach between Palm11la and San J ose del Cabo RINTAL FACILITY LITILI STOii JIOl W ...... ..,. •• .,.,. ........ ttta (11•) 111·1144 1 ~ I ,, ... S•Cll!!G!"@l!lll9111!1114"'4@~Flll!l,,4!9'~t~ .... ,~c .. a11111 ................... l!'I ............................................................................ ..__.. __ .._ __ ._. __ ~~--:"""".'--~~~--..-~-:-.~.:-::-:--;--::--;. -:-:-;-~-; I .. I I Orang" Coast DAIL v PILOT /Sunda y. December 12, 1982 !I Modern romance novels: Escape or drug for women ? ' By JOl!:L C. DON Of ,,,. O.ity l'llol ltaft U C I r v 1 n l' • ., L 1• :.. I 1 l ' Rabine has sp{·nt ,1 l1fl•lllllt' l'Uh uring an apprt-'<."l<Jllon fur lhl' wo1 ks of Balzac, St1•11dhal 1md otht·r maste rs of 11:.llh t't•nlury Frc11ch literature For the past 1.•ouplt· t1f ye.tr:.. howt•ver, the bttc>rury i:nllt· hic. been 1mmel"S(.>d 111 tht· p&gl'S uf modern romann•:.. tht• gushy, mass-market books thdl rarely find their way 0 1llu t·ullegt> required-reading hst.::. Her research intu stortl'S of unrequited l ove and fie r y passions wiU form u t•hapter of a book on romam."L>s spanning the Middll" Ages t.o tht-current-day, megabuck romance publishing industry. Rabine's review of the literary ge nre has some good ..ind baJ news for the m1ll1uns of loyal readers of romani:l' novels. The works don't rank with those of the Bronte sisters, Geo1ge Sand and others, but they do help build vocabulary, reading skills and offer some cducauon o n the social demands of uur umes, she said . Ultimatel y, r o man ('e paperbacks fail to help women find realistic solu tions to the problems of inte rpe r sonal relationsh ips, careers. sexual roles and marnagc, Rabine satd. "Romance novels have to be taken seriously because they're the o nly reading around that treat s certain C"u nf11 c·t s a nd problems that mod1.•rn wumt•n face," she said "Howew'r , they treat the c:onfhcts in a way I fe<.-1 exploits the reader "Th ey put t hl• rl'ader in a passive re lat1uns h 1p to their problems " Tu 11<· blunt. Huh11w U1kt·11 tht.> 1111vt•b t11 w sk ht."t·uu11t• slw ft·t·U. tlll'y lrl•u t wonwn'i. prublt·ms al ht>llh' <1nd w ork "1n u Vl•ry ,1 I I l' n cl t t' d . m l' <" h u n I z e d , t11v1al1wd , repellllVl' ftll"m " S he 1•1tcs Maril y11 )o'n·rll'h's "Tht.• Wo111t•11's Roo1n" as a n t·i..umplc nf t·un tt.·rnporary l1tl'rnlure that ('hullt.•nges readers tu solvl· lhto>lt uwn problems Sut·h books mus t <foma nd the rl'ader ask "lluw ean I change my lift.•'1" "Wh t<rca s tht•s 1• 11ovels (modern romant'«S) art• a lond of Jrug," Rabuw sattl ··1 d on't think the drug dues .1n yth1 11g dangerc,us to wo n\l•n It's usl·d t.~:onorrucally by lht.· t'Orporat101lS to make a lot of money and tt doesn't help wumt•n n'SOlve their t.'Onflti:ts. "It doesn't do any harm but ll dU(•sn't do any good." Habine focuSt:•d on I la rlequin Books. perhaps tht.• must popular romam-e series with 11!8 m1Uion cup1(•s sold each y .... ar at a net annual tni:uml' o f $20 million. Harlt-qutn has an t•st1mated 14 m1 Uwn n'adt·rs. H.abme's s tudy shows most of tht< av id readt.•rs aren 't h uusC'wives, but <ffl' o,;umewhat l'ducall'd working wom(•n who don't have much le1sun' ti me. Romanct•s prov1dt• a "literary escape" from thl'lr troubles wtth men or bosse:. cit work For the most part, wornc·n write the books. though a ft.•w mPn, unde r pst·udonyms. haVl' fH•111wd tht• da.•;s1l t.alP of cl lov,. ><om· astray that suddenly fluuri~lll'S ont'e 3R8tn tn a passwnJh , happily- t•ver -aflt'r E-ndmg If the books Sl't'm t o have s imilar plots and t.ha rac ters. tht•n,·s a rPa-.<m Most publishers hovt• ~t11l'l t(U tc.l t>li1w~ on tht' ~UbJl'('t ltnd OUll'Offit.• o f their romunces Cunadlan bused 1101 lt'tjUtn, for exumplt., rt-quires the ht·rolnt' to bt-11bout 18 t.o 2~ years old und u typical American woman T he hero is virile but not t1x1 sudlstlt' Thcrt' has to be a i.truggle that's resolvt..'d, It has w huppen in an exo\I(' place, the ~tOry has tu end in marriage and sex 1s permitted as long as ll 1s warranted by the situation. T he women are never ultra- beaullf ul, but foster an inner f ire The m e n are always su pt:rlatively good lookin g. If all the right p1e('es fit into the fol1lluJa, an aL'{·cpted novel can earn the writer several thousand dollars in an advance fee plus royalties. "The message an th<.-sc books 1s aJJ you have t.o do is wait around for the big, strong man t.o come and solve your proble m s," Rabine said. "It's a vision of th.:- world that ultimately affinns the suburdinate role of women. "What these books do ts take very importa nt conflk ts that women feel about the world and turn that aro und so that ultimately w omen Ul'Cept their s tatus quo an the world." Her oini:s in romance novels don't want to be lake men . working up the corporate ladder tu powerful executive positions, sht• s~ud. Rathe r, they want to be apprt'<.'1aled for their inherent t.al1mt.s, values and sensitivity. But o nce again, t he novels pain l an unreahsuc picture of the working world "Whe n most w omen go to work they never mt"Ct the men who makt· dec1s1ons about their work day," Rabine explained. .. Liter ar y cr1t1c Leslie Rabine from UC Irvine sums up roma n ce novels, "They do for women what Playboy docs for men.'~ "But in these books the heroine will go to her boss and express her anger He listens and says 'I'm sorry.' " Women <.'Ontinue to scoop up the n o vels, th o ugh , with romances capturing 30 percent o f mass-market book sales, she said. "I compare them (romances) to Playboy. They do for wome n what Playboy does for men.'' A recent lecture o n h er on - going research was w el l - received. interestingly , by a group o f secr etaries from UCl who are a lso fans of modern romances. "They appreciated the fact that literary critics take the lime to think a bout and talk ~bout what they read," Rabine said MEDIATION BURIES BITTERNESS, SPELLS OUT SEPARATION • • • From Page A 1 to dissolutions td1 von·f's) From that context. I fl"(.•l ml·d1ot1on 1s super," Sonenshine said MC'diallon's potential to leave one or both part1t•s w ithout a complete knowledge of their legal rights in a divorce is a "grave c:oncern," how1c·ver, she sajd "Even 1£ something·,, fair and acceptabl~ it duesn't rnt•<sn that it•s legally right." Sonenshine said Though sht· ha:-."'' obje<.'ll(Jn to one party giving up more tha.n that person may be t'nt1tled to in a d1von::e, he or shl• should do so with full knowledge of what their rights were. thl· JUdgr ~11d "People are not al lht·1r best al tht• t ime o( d 1ssulut1on and th(·y're easily ddraudt.'CI " So nenshine c1Llv1 c;e>d anynnl· s c tt 11 n g a d 1 v o r c l. l h r o u g h mC'd1at1 o n 10 co n su lt an 1ndc·pe ndent lawyer at som e point dunng the prOCC"'S. such o.s after a draft agreement 1s drav.n up, to be assured of not domg anything they will regret later Ncgot1at1o ns at the Orangl' Co u nty F amily Mrdial1 o n Service , one o f Sf;-vera l s u t'h scrv1ces 1n the count\ inl'lude USC' of a lawyer a~ J "law professor." or lc·g<tl adviser Ros.c;Nto said That lawvt·r 1s 1>f nl·tl.'SSlt\ 1mpart1al. howevC'r. and cann~l a d v 1 s e o ne s 1 d <' cJ f 1 ts b t• st interests in a d1von·c· Ron Davis said thC' l<1wyc·r·s role 1n his med1at1<>n v.c1s onl' shortcoming of the pr<.><.·t-ss Davis said he and h1-. f'i..-w1h· were able to obtdln .l full n ·adtnK "'Th<· psy('faologica l things you go through are important. \'ou ~et lo t>x plor•• the m in m ediation." o f thl'1r legal nKhls from the med1<tt11m IJWYt r during 1he1r nt•g11u,111on' hut only ht·\.·ause I h I' I W 0 11 f t h (· m !. fl U g h t l l 1hr11u~h" "mon· •>r It·"-" thorough p1t1b111g . Bob Lnp<·z (11ot hts rt·.il nanw), "'ho splt t with lit!. w1ft· of :.rn vt•ar-. in Hunt111 gton &•.tt hand 1~ IHI\\ tn lht• final Stt.•ps t1f divorce nwdi.1t1111\ -;aid hl· ,~ .. ..,"probably n111 kc·r1 1nformf·d of mv full right.,·· during th1 · rn1•d1atmn l.opt•7 anrl his t•strnnged v;ifp had to sit through two sessions wnh the· 1mpart1al attorney, he s:.ud. partly because the lawyer "had not been informed of where "-l' wl•rt• at (on issues) at all," prior t<1 their first meeting Nl'vertheless, both Lopez. who now lives in Fullerton, and the Dav1ses say th ey are happy with what they accomplished in mc'Cliatton "We Just made our own law." said Diane DaVlS. "H 1t was O K wnh us. 1t was O K Refuse transfer station due Groundbreakrng ceremunit'S are scheduled M o nda y 1n Huntington Beach for the fu-st privately owned .md o pf'rated refuse transfer st.-'lt1on in Orange County The facility also will indudC' .J recyc ling center a n d a truck maintenance yard at Rainbow Disposal. 17121 Nichols St Stan Tkaczyk. Rainbow Vll"t' president . s aid tht' transfco1 We're Listening ••• 642·6086 M•JtWJtty 't•rt•1 If 'f(}tU t nm hll•fll tf"rv' ,...IM, ttv ~ lO p m t •' i-.•t>'• I l ,,,, .,.0 ... I ll•"f w ill I #f -"'1 swt1on 1s dL'Sl~ncd t.o sav1· fuel and to bring about inc reased Pffll"ll'nrv Tht• f.ic1hty will allow trash t.o b1• tr.rns fe rrecJ to big lral·tor tra11Ns from th<' smaller trash rollt'<·tmn trucks T his procedure rt.>dUC<'S the numbe r of truck s ne<'df'd tn haul rubbish t.o dumps, then·by saving fuc•I. Tkaczyk ~Id Tkan v k said lhl' compan y r<'<'l'IV<.'d <1 $145.000 izrant from th e sta te Sol i d W aste M anagement Board fo r the recycling center. W or k i s ex p ected t o be completed an June. St.ate. county and city officials a r e s la ted to attend the groundbrC'aking ceremony Rainbow handles t ras h collectaon in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, S unset Beach ancf other areas in the county. Wh.1t do \Oil ll k1• .1ho11 t thl' l>atlv l'llot"' Whal don't VC)U like~ l':dl tilt' numbt•r .it ll•fl <s nd your m1•-;s;lgl' will be rCt·ordC'<l, tru11S1 riht'<I and d1·lt v1•rnl to th<' appropnatC' editor T hl' -..im1· ;!1 hour ,,n.,"'enn11: service may be used lo record let tt·r ... 111 tho· .. d1t1lr 11n JO\ l•1p1r Matlbox contntrnlors must include lht•ir name• ancl tt'lt•phon1• numbt'r for venflcallon No c1rculat1on l'ol 11' plPJSl' I ell "" "h.11 .., on '11111 numl ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma• P. Haley Ctanlfled edvertltlng 714te42-5871 All other depertmentt 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE l.)O Wo.o 11 .. St '"''• _,,, CA M•H • .,..,,.. .. llO• I* C°'ta M• .. C 4 ~>t CooyrlOM "'' °'-(M\t Put111"'1"9 ,_ .. No r'I••' •toft•' 1uu,lr•Uorn •dltMtal m•t•' •' .. "•tll\•m t1nh1 M tf ln m ey be t •O'Odll<M wit,_,. I' 1l1l1ihl'1 q;wl 4 I 1•1 f ... 11• •fl ( }!lu ~· 'T ••I 09""'"'°" ot copytfQftt ow,.., S.tu•d•y "'''d "iv,.d•y 11 '""' f')n nnf •M"•"" yn.,, C.<l!JJY tiy f • m < "" h•frlt~ 10 • '" •'"' yout t oov """" .,._.., Jon• Amari Raymond Maclean "'°"' ar..•1 't ..... _ 2:1'" (..ounty .. Mn, -· in.r.....:.::~.,. l"O'ININiQolM - l •tff ut .,,,. ~tt•tc, l . Kay Schulta v''" p,,..,..,~, vnt1 O·• "°' rn1 ,f .Atjv't• H,11 \I ( I "''""''" Mi<ha•I P Horv•y (1,,,.. t()f ol MQf\ll'h~ I ( ul.tl f1()(\I "I fC'lt good about it, and so did my husband. We both felt 1t was fair" Aside from obtaining complC'le legal counseling. Ron Davis had another piece o f advice for those going through med1at1on. Verify the sped fie values of Items under d1scuss1on. Davis said h is experience revealed differences over how much some items were worth and how much su pport was needed fur Diane to meet her financial obligations. Th e Davis es so ught ind e p e ndent appraisal of pro perty values and dtd their own research on household C06ts foe a clearer picture of what they were working with, he said R ossetto said mediato rs attempt to build mom e ntum toward resolving disagreements by first iro ning out a reas of agreement. The divorcing couple first lists their assets and debts. then discusses where they stand on issues o f c hild cus t ody and support, s pousal suppo rt and property settlement. D ead l ock s are resolved through arbitration. often with a retired judge se rv i ng as arbitrator, Rosc;etto said. The system does not work for everyone . Rossetto said her group has "lost a few" couples who could not reach agreeme nt o n significant po ints . Those people usually returned to the co urt system to settle their diffe rences. The fee for mediation, which generally runs no more than 10 hours, ranges from $700 to $1.500 depending on the complexity of the C'ase. The fee includes the mC'd1at1on law yer and preparation o f t he divorce agreement, but d oes not include extras s u ch as a rbitratio n , pro p erty a ppra i sa l and accounting services if needed and the court filing fee. Rossetto said t'Ouples who have .tAff Ti._ 1122 I lb of our lamo•a lkd51• k • ~1Nltrr ~uu1e .. II\ ,or1k,.1 1 nlkr II"• lMKS I ut 1>1 ""'"''I ltol Mu• 1.011 1 .. 1 ,. ... h ul '>l\tirp'"'nd (. h<-•·1 11 11 .. •~It h<·rM' •p1rA1I II"'"' ~f1·dn1111 "h.1rplll<'ddU,' HI 11fl.-..,·kl'd \\llrAI 11111" 1ml'-t1.1\0olk•rr1 l~lflHon• Sl•l.OO• Thjnk of everyone wholl love a Christmas gift from Hickory Farms.· (ho1 .. ~t· f1111111 l\'t'I If It l ti 1((c•rt•11t 1o1111 .... 111 .1 \',1nl'I \' 11f .;l~'lpt'~. pr 11't•-i o111d ~11.1·~ .. 1ll fill1 'fl "1th ta,tr ddt~ht-. \11<11\l.'ll ~ladl)· handl1• ,11f tht: <let.111..; ,1•11rh11~ \11\H J.!llh (1111 not been marn ed long. or have no children and Cew poss<.>SS1oris. probably can easily hand le divo r C'e through t he court system. B\Jt Sonenshine said mediation 1s "probably possible under all circumstances, so long as the- sam e (legal ) t ools tha t are available in court are available." Sonenshine also disagree.(} with Rossetto's conte ntwn that courts are not the place to settle personal problems ''Personal problems belong in the law as much as anv other It's JUSL that we may havC' more options in that area," sh~ said Some of those who ha ve experienced mediation said a key to its success is a w illingness of both sides t o come t o a o agreement Bitter attitudes that seek vengeance usually require a \. court settlement of the divorce": Rossetto said · At 11.S best, mediation can help bury bittern ess a s w e ll a s. produce a separation agreement The Davises seem to have fou.nd such a double benefit. "l 'don't hate him and he doesn•t hate me." said D iane Davis. "It's the best way to end a ma rriage, and that's worth a low Ron Davis said mediati<>(\ helped remove the distrust that he feels arises naturally from thei estrangement of a once h apro-: couple. : "The psychological things you . go through are important. You: get to ex pl o r e them i n ~ mediation," he said. fll OH I O sOUth ·l Coast ?taza . iii' . L ... .,.C_.....Mll 1r1 ...... .. S•D ......... .. c .... ...... 5 ,,.,,.. ,..,.. ......, .... ,.. \ ) "·· .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOt /Sunday, December 12, 1982 Dally ll'tlot·etan photo Pastry in library a real sweet idea By ROBERT BARKER O('tM D.it, "91 It•" A visit to the H untington Beach Central LlbFary can ~ a broadening experience, in more ways than one. The J ordan Robert PatiSSt'ne (F rench for ba kery) has begun selling F rench pastries and beverages in the patio area on the lower tloor. There a re English and Irish breakfast teas and eight k inds of croissants ranging in price from 85 cents to $1.75. French brewed coffee is sold a t 60 cents a cup. There a r e lot s o f oth e r offerings at the pastry cart. You can get a portion of quiche aux Gruyere (Swiss cheese) for $2.50. The n e w o pe ration began Tuesday. It is designed to help raise money to help offset library operations that come to $2 million a year. It also is a business venture for Darryl J ordan and Robert Musial w ho have sold pastries in Long Beach for four years. S h e 11al d a h e e n visio n s lrequen t ust• by busln.,11smen who do research at the li brary and who can have a snack there to save lime. She 1i8ld the pw;try cart 1.100 s h o uld come in h an dy fo r mothers who have brought their children to the library and have to wall while t hey do book reports. Another aspect in Its favor, she said, is that there are no dlnlng areas near the Ubrary. Musial and J ordan are renting the library space for $100 per month for the first six months. The ci ty also will receive 6 pe r cent of the gross sales exceeding $200 per month . Librar y Director Wa lter Johnson said the French pastry business is unique. "I've never heard of one operating in the 1 library before. "We'r e fo llo w in g a city directive to make all the money we can to offset costs. "It's nice, pleasant and the food is great. It appeals to me." Jordan Robe rt employee H . David Webb operates pas try s hop in Huntington Be ach Library. Randy Harwood, in charge of Patisserie promotions, said she expects operations "to turn into something big." T he library engages in other fund -raising p rojects s uc h as compute r r esearc h fees a nd rentals of popular records, books on cassettes, and meeting rooms to organizations. Marshalls ... with the quality and selection you want for the holidays, at savings that really make a difference brand name sweaters regular price e lsewher e $28 niar-,hallc; price 12.99 Tlw lalt'"'l 1unior look.., In 1110'\, .t«l\lh C rt>w a11<1 . bc~'ll llN k-..t\1c~111pallf'm". ..,, rip•·-. a mi ar~vJt-,., Fi r..,1 q11.iht\ '.:>17(''t s :--1 I.. nylon half ~~nf d matchingb pre-llckt>ted by the famous maker at S I 2 /\ 'll1J)('r buy' Shiny m;u.,hall~ 100% rwlon haH sltp prkt' W11 h rn.'1tc·hln14blklnt 99 In whll<'. nudf' and 3. as<1ortrd f olor'l. r,r.sl qurutty.111 sl7.csS M·L. infanta' designer jogging aulta com parable In quality at S26 Two ple<.'('jol'!J.!ln.i~mlts marshalls from tllfsfanknl.,dt'Sl~1· pr1CC' l'r.1117.lp front or crew 14 99 nl'l'k sryk.A ... .,...,nccl ml ors. Easy ran· 1X>l)'<'St<'r.' • rolton tt·nv Flr.11 qualt ty. past si-asnn Sl7<'" 12to24month'l gtrla' designer knit dreues · regular p rice elsewhere $40 marshaJls 18 99 prtc-e • Classic polo knit styling wllh short sleeves and placket front rollar. Holldaycolors\lt1th contrast Ing ribbon belt. Easy·rare rot ton wll h desl~ner logo on front. Fl rst quaJitv. Sizes S-M-L for 7 to 14. the more you know about l 4kt gold and s terll ng s ilver the more you'll a ppreciate our fine jewelry department • chnt111o • c11rr1n~11 • P<'nclnnts •chnrms• aJl11ha~nndsl1.f's famoua maker holiday l&I ... acceMOrlee rt'l{lllQ r pf1N' manllalle __. l'fVWht'rt' price M11••DI plate ... 12.95 ...• 5.99 eet of 4 ealad platee ....... 14.95 .... 8.99 A dC't'orottvC' adcllf 1011 to your holiday C'nll'rtatnt11,I! ftrc,t quality and boxt·cl. Th• comperabte prtcH are In comptlance with FTC comperlton guldellnH, which a tale, "of Ilk• grade and quallly" or "•H•nlletly elmtlar quality and oblatn1bl• In lhe area." ••:;;;~;~;;~;;a;~;~'"'••"'' 'J\\i11;iif ;§'i~~1 llll ti service desk. Redeemable at any one of our stores. Brand Nah'llis for Less/ _____ _ CANOGA 'A"K: I,,,,..,,,.,,\/"" •1Wf11 ..,, ,tn(1 t •••ti,,"'' COITA MllA: tl,t,tHH ~,,111p (.II .tt lhf" '"'"' ,1r l•un I), t•tl•h1 • tl1i,.t ,.,.,f W ·l"on f.t Q"ANAOA HtLLI c.otnt_H ot 8ttlt)O~ and San f ""'~n<lo M•U •"" ll'"" HUNTINGTON I EACH: """" c•• ll<'1t1 ''Ill.ii .\1'11 I ""V flo LA MIRADA: l•'""" •loll """Ul>"'ll Ct1 fast lmp"11el >tcti..y rll•ftt11 (ll $.\Ill• Ge111uo11sA•1t LAOUNAHILLI : (),1•1 .. nnl(V ""II''''' "·"~•l'liloh 1.1( """'A ,,, ... ,I ru .. 111.t '"•IUll '>M(J11'()<1 I '"'• ,,,,.'.I• ~Iii IClld\IUna IMI M~U THOIJIAHO OAICI: 1111110 Jltl"llt MaU Ntnlh Ml)t,,f)aOt, Rn,)Q I J nwtt l 3~1 nr If"!•• n .... V~11 l ( ALL IN STOCK B.P. JOHN BEDROOMS V2 PRICE NOW IN PROGRESS . OAK or WALNUT 4 PIECE BEDROOM . t DRAWER DRESSER, FRAMED JMRROR $179 DOUBLE OR QUEEN HEADBOARD AND 1 NIGHTSTAND ' jb:;;J:•~ 'Iii :.\'" ._ - SLEEPER SOFA ChOice of fabrics, iD stock or ~week 1'>39'° delivery • t;. QUEEN SIZE . . . . . sza.oo 2 PC SECTIONAL OR SOFA & LOVESEAT your chOlce '3 IN STOCK QA 1 WEEK DEL Ok.DMIKA TAIPU OMllEA SHADOW IOX MIAROA (rc:JC lhooorn) BOOK CASE HEAD90AAO, 5 OAAWEA s59es CHEST or 4 OAAWEA DESK ~ MATTRESS SALE ~50%0FF SEALY LADY AMERICANA AND NIGH'I' & DAY Prtmlum RED LABEL MA~ SETS TWINSIZE2PC ... 64.liMatUBoxSpring FULL SIZE 2 PC.. . 74.95 Matt. Uox Spring QUEENSIZE2PC 119.liMatUBoxSpring KING SIZES PC. . 129.95 Matt. l Bo1Spring ********************** PREMIUM FOAM MISMATCHED SETS TWIN $19 FULL SlJI QUEE.~ St• KING Sta CHAIRSO RECLINERS '\-.;~' ... ~. ~-1'~V-=--_1. \. : Ii . --;,, ,,.,;---sgg •UP STRATALOUNGER OILED OAK WALL UNIT .,. ....... 5122 s24995 LOVE s16995 ~~~NGER SOFA SEAT GARY SCHROEDER QUEEN SLEEPER '349• SHANNON _ CALIF. QUARTZ CLOCKS c'L~Kr ¥2 PRICE •449 UP. 'SOLID HARDWOOD WALNUT FINISH Orenge Coe1t DAILY PILOT/Sundey, ~ember 12, 1982 .. I t I ----------------,.----------------------------_,_ ______________ ...-;..~..;.;.;~.;;.;.;.~;;.;.;.;;;.;.;;~;;;;.;.;;;;..~;;:......;.:.;.- A winter of discontent By CHARLES CAMPBELL . ........ ..,.. . ....., TORONro -Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trude au la warning of a long, hllrd winter ahead for Canadians, whose economy and spirit already have been damaged by four tough aeuons in a row. "I am reaching out to you. Our country II ln trouble," Trudeau l&ld In an unuaual aeries of three recen t talka broadcast naUonwtde aa his countrymen prepared for the flnt heavy snowfalls. "A difficult winter llea head," the prime minister said. "I wish I could tell you otherwise, but 1 reality II there for all of us to eee." Reality crowds In on all sides. The unemployment rate reported In November was 12.7 pen.-ent, a post-Depression reeord, while Inflation remained above 10 percent. Such key industries as mining, forestry, oil, autos and steel are especially hard hit. In Toronto, the Salvation Army appealed for bunks and mattresses from the De fen se Ministry so it could stop turning homeless people away from its crowded shelters. Police reported finding 150 transients asleep in an underground parking lot one recent evening. The Foster Parents Plan, through which donors contribute $23 per month to support a child in an impoverished country, • reported that 1,000 Canadian participants had dropped out . The lou was blamed on tight family budgeia. Canada had prospered almost without Interruption for 20 years. missing the w orst of occasional U.S. rt'CellSions. Now, as Trudeau suggested, hard Umes seem to have damaged the nation's 1elf-confldence. In the Indus trial cl t y o f Hamilton, Ontario, the local newspaper found the national mood expressed In a sona by unemployed bricklayer Mike Woods, 26, and printed the words on its front page: "Well I remember growing up In my teens . . . And I sewed a Canadian flag on my jeans . . . I was proud to be from the Great White North. "Years go by and things hav.e changed . . . It seems now my oountry needs to be rearranged .. . And I'd like to know Where we're headed for." Beatrice Blight of Richmond Hill, Ontario, in the plaza at Toronto's City Hall, says, ''No matter who you talk to, they're worried." Mrs. Blight says the ooncerns of the average Canadian are heightened, not eased, by what they hear from political leaders of all parties. "It doesn't seem like anybody has a substantial thing to say or do," she says. Pierre Trudeau in 1968 In his televised talks, Prime Minis t e r Trud e au urge d Canadians to work togethef:- saying, "This must be the winter when we act as a nation to achieve what we want as a nation." Canada's troubles come "not because we Canadians lack the skills or the knowledge or the means," he says. "Nor do we lack the courage, n or the willingness to take risks, nor the resources on which to build. All of these we have. What we have (See CANADA'S, Page Al) GRAND OPENING SPECIAL It's January In December at E.G. Rummel In Newport Beach with across the board reductions on ALL of our Famous Maker Ski & After Ski Wear from Peter Stelnerbron, H.C.C., Anzl Besson, Fera, Gerry & many others. ....... , ..... f t ; i ALSO -Take advantage of BIG Savings In our Ski & Boot department as well ... AND as a Special Bonus, reserve & rent our New DEMO skis and boots at low rental prices. Try us, our prices can't be beat. 1719 WESTCLIFF DRIVE Sid/ lctivew11r Shop The Robinsons Gift WATERFORD ' \ DISCOVER THE CRYSTAL COLLECTION SO UNIQUE1 YOU'LL ONLY FIND IT HERE. Our shimmering Waterford crystal. Each piece, meticulously mouth·blown, hand-cut, full·lead Irish crystal .. here in an exclusive array of collectibles. Robinson's Waterford Crystal. 142 To order call toll· free 1·800·345·8501 (sorry. no C.O.D.'s on monogrammed items). And ask about our Waterford Club Plan A Mini bell. $37.50 8 . The Waterford knife. $85~ C. Dunmore East hurricane $195. • D The Waterford cake server $69.50 E Min1 salt and pepper. $85 e F. lnnisfall Irish cream. $50. G. Mooncoin goblet. $55. H Lismore hurricane. $125. •Add $1 per character for script engraving . Please allow 3 weeks for delivery. ROBINSON'S PERSONALIZED WATERFORD A special seleclion of Waterf9rd crystal creations has been designed exclusively for us to accommodate hand·cut ln1t1als. Delivery Is approxlmately 4 111onths from order date. so plan early for special occasions Samples may be seen and orders placed in all stores. YOU CAN NOW CHARGI YOUR ROllNION'I Al WILL Al YOUR PURCHASE ON THI AMIRICAN IXPRllS• CARD IOllNION'I CBDIT CARD . ~ •) • t T' ii L -- -'• Or1ng• Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sundoy, December l2, 1982 CANADA ' FUT RE . • • From Page AS J,acked la the wLIJ to act togl•ther." Unfortunately for thl' prime mlnlall'r, much pt the commentary on hls spe«hes r't'ferrro to the widespread view that Trudeau hu long alm't.' equandered the moral authority he mlt(ht have uMd to rally the nallon. Truch.•uu t•un <'Ull the• 1wx 1 nu1lonul t•lt<etlon11 1mythnc• bt•twe n now und t•urly l91:f~ Tht> 03-yt'Mr old prlnw mlnh1Wr tu1111 '°"icJ ht• cJoea not plan to run u.i111n Ail a rt'luh, on(• of Canuda's favorltl' porlor gam(.>11 ls guC111ln& wh~n Trudeau will retire. Any govurnment lnltlutlvu or changes In peNIOnnOI In Otwwa ar" anaylzed in the preu for what light they might 11hed on the prime minister's date of dt•par ture 'A diffh•uh wiutt•r lie•K oh .. ad ... "Anybody else delivering Pierre Trudeau's televiaion message might have been believed," wrote Pete r C. Newman, one of Canada's best- known jo u r n alists, in th e newsmagazine Maclean's. "ln these television programs, Trudeau Is attempting to regain the trust of Canadians, and IO to regain effective polillcal leadership," said R ich ard Gwy n, a col,umnist and T r udeau biographer . "Almost certainly, this goal is beyond him." The image of a dashing young man who became prime minster in a wave of w hat was called "Tru d eaumanla" In I 968 is a faded memory 14 years lat.er. Instead, a disrespectful gesture to a group of protesters this past summer has made Trudeau's m iddle fi nger the focus of endless jokes and political cartoons, becoming a symbol of what many Canadians see as a ha ughty disdain for the .,.rime minister's countrymen . Recent opinion polls have shown Canadians preferring the Progressive Conservative Party of Joe Clark to Trudeau's Liberals by a margin of about 15 points. If it's got wheels yo.u'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad. can 642-5678 COLOR BROCHURES ..-.tAE. ,.oo~E."" ,.tAou"1 I wii h I could tell you othe rwi8e.' Playtex® 18 Hour® bras and girdle& ' . . 18 Hour~ bras and girdles stay comfo rtable for hours. They move. bend and stretch with you because they are made with Spanette*. Spanette is the exclusive stretch fabric with the exact combination of strength and softness that will assure you truly comfortable support. Playtex• 18 Houre bras: Lacy c ups, shown, 34-428,C, reg. 12.50, 8.75 Sizes 32 to 420 cups, reg. 13.50. sale 9 .45 Sizes 34 to 460 0 cups. reg. 14.00, sale 9.80 Tricot cups. 34-428, 34-44C. reg. 12.50. 8. 75 Sizes 34 to 440 cups, reg 13.50, sale 9 .45 Sizes 34 to 440 0 cups. reg. 14.00: sale 9.80 Seamless in 34-408 ,C, reg. 13.00. sale 9.10 Sizes 36 to 420 cups, reg. 14.00. sale 9 .80 Seamless contour bra, in sizes 34 to 38A and sizes 34 to 408.C cups, reg. 13.00, sale 9.10 Long line 1n 36-428 ,C, reg. 18.00. sale 12.60 Sizes 36 to 420 cups, reg. 19.00. sale 13.30 Playtex• 18 Houre panty controllers: Briefs in sizes M.L, reg. 17.00, sale 11 .90 XL and XXL sizes, reg. 18.00. sale 12.60 Panty girdle, sizes M,L, reg. 28.00, sale 19.60 XL and XXL sizes. reg. 29.00. sale 20.30 High waist briefs, M,L, reg . 20.00. sale 13.99 XL and XXL sizes. reg 21 .00, sale 14.70 18 Hou re Light•"· M.L, reg. 17 .00, sale 11 .90 XL and XXL sizes. reg. 18.00. sale 12.60 \ I ) Price• effective through Sunday, January 2 Open Monday through Saturday 9:30 to 9:30 • Sunday 10 to 1 •Christmas Eve 9 to 6 Closed on Christmas• Open New Year's Eve 9:30 to 6 •New Year's Day 11 to5 Huntington Beach, 9811 Adams Ave. at Brookhurst St. AD PRICES PREVAIL: DtctmMr 12th THRU December 1 Ith MILTON BRADLEY DONKEY KONGn• This 11·~· Barbie has gone curly' You can curl straighten & curl her "o ~U •W> ha~:a .37 MATTEL CAMEO COSMETIC CASE ~··:." 1 0 .95 FREIGHT TRAIN This realistic set Includes· locomotive. gondola, 1 coal tender, caboose 8 8 8 & 8' of track. Ulll t"O"llU IAn lll•I (NOT INCLUORO) 141971 • SET PLU•3394 HOTWHEELS9 LOOP & CHUTE STUNT SET Zoom through the daring loop. lhen pop the chute• Action set includes Hot Wheels" car. 5-24" track sections & more • 7 9 5 ~ ,,... • T DYNO-MIKE'• WIRELESS MICROPHONE Now you can project your voice across a room 9 111900 5 :~~h l~ r~e~ro~' UHi l•I YOLT MTTlllY • CNOT INCLUOIO) PLU 12M0 PLAY•DOH RAINBOW RINGS Make beautiful multt-color designs right before your eyes! l .. KAY 8ATI'aRY OPIRATID RIMOTI CONTROL WALKING DACHSHUND ™' dlrMnl.........,. Cln '*"· .......... bow, 1 INlltlllMlfllldw.-t -• .. Is founder dead or alive? By JOHN·THOR DAHLBURG CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP) - Sailor, wordamlth, phlloeopher, eeer -L. Ron Hubbard hu been all of thcae. But ls the man who 28 year• ago cruted the now· •mbattled relialo n called Scientology still alive? No, c.'Ontends his aon. "I think he's dead or become u mentally Incompetent u a claar· l tore wooden lnctt.n or a bowl of Jell-0 ," said Ronald E. DeWoU, f 8, an apartment manager In Carson City, Nev. "I've known for years that the person writing me and other membe rs of my family , and .tending presents, was not L. Ron · Hubbard." DeWolf, who change d hla name from L . Ron Hubbard Jr. when he fled his father's church ln 1959, is petitioning a Superior Court In Riverside, asking to be app o inted t rustee of Scientology's far-flung holdings. DeWolf contends church officials are saying Hubbard Is alive to maintain control of his assets. "The only way he can contest all o f this is to s h o w up physically in court," DeWolf said of his father, who would be 71 this year. "But I expect he may have trouble doing that because I don't think he Is alive." A probate court hearing on his petition is scheduled for Dec. 30. Frizell Clegg, a spokesman at ,Scientology headquarters in Los A nge les, labeled DeW olf's petition "crazy" and "a joke." B u t when asked how Scient-ologists knew Hubbard Y1as alive, Clegg said: "As far as the church is concerned, he's ali ve. I've not seen him personally. His wrl tings are J>retly much what I'm going on." But where is L . Ron Hubbard? His wife, Mary Sue Hubbard, admits she has not seen him since 1979 but, according to h e r :Jawyer , "hears from him on a L. Ron Hubbard regular basis and is comfortably supported by her huaband on a monthly basis." Mrs. Hubbard has filed notice to try to atop her stepson's petition. One of the last sightings of Hubbard by any outsider was apparently i n 1977 , on a California ranch owned by the church. Apne Rosenblum, a former official in the St, Louis branch of the church w h o has since abandoned Scientology, said that when she encountered Hubbard at a ranch near La Quinta, he had gro wn obese and had graying, shoulder-length hair. _ Hubbar-d's~~:f.pearance la the most recent p e in the life of the Tilden, Neb., native who in 1954 founded a faith that has spread to 55 countries and claims 2.5 miUlon adherents. Current Scientology literature boasts that Hubbard was, "at various times, top sergeant in the Mari nes , radio crooner, newspaper reporter, gold miner in the West Indies and a movie d lrc.K.·tor·1'>tplorrr. hi.vlnei led u motion picture expedition Into the South Seu aboard an ancient wlndJunmt>r." De\Volt lauahed when the J>MUae wu read lO him. "1 can ta)'. thllt 99 pe~~nt of what my father wrote about hla put Ufe wu falle," he aald. "He and I uaed to joke that he would w rite a new blo each week." Michael Flynn, a Botton lawyer involved In numeroua antl-Sclentologist law1ulta, said, "Hubbard'• blos also used to fallely claim he wu a medical doctor, a doctor of nuc!ear· physics, a doctor of divinity and a clvtl enatneer. In fact, he flunked out of achoola left and riaht and wu a failure until he wrote the b ook 'Dlanetlcs,' on which Scientology la bued." Hubbard wrote "Dlanetlca: The Modern Science of Mental Health" In 1950. Flynn said letters indicate that by 1952, Hubbard was considering "the rellg!on an&:" aa a way to protect his · tics Foundation from lawaui nd the Internal Revenue Service. In one letter to Helen O'Brien, a founder of the foundation, Hubbard wrote, "I await your decision on the religion angle," wh i c h h e said was being conside r e d to "kn oc k ~ychotherapy Into history" and 'make enough money to ... keep HAS (the Hubbard Association of Scientology) solvent." Scientology. offel'S counsellng;- called "auditing," that cl.alms to free believers from harmfu l mental imprint s, call e d "engrams.'' Anyone delivered of such illogical thoughts, which can extend ,•into past lives, is called a "clear." By November 1959, whe n DeWolf quit, Scientology was under lnyestigation in the United States, France, Britain and Australia. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, e>ec:.mber 12, 1982 ~ 7 Robnscns • ONLY 7. MORE HOURS TO SAVE 40%-70% ON OVER $15,000,000 OF THE FINEST HOME FURNISHINGS. SHOP TODAY ONLY, DECEMBER 12, FROM 11 A.M.-6 P.M. FOR SENSATIONAL PRE-HOLIDAY SAVINGS 50% OFF Every Housewares, Mikasa and International China dinnerware set. Reg. S50-S100. Sale $24.99-$49.99. 40% OFF Our entire Gift Department. Reg. $5-SSOO. Sa le f3-f300. $95-$285 OFF Print comforter sets. If purchased separately $135-$385. Sale $39.99-$99.99. 50% OFF Our entire Oriental rug collection. Reg. S100-s6.675. Sale $49-$2,995. 50% OFF Selected Sealy. Simmons aodSpriag.Alr mattcesses..and boxapclngs. - --Reg~S139.95 twin ea pc.-S1.099.95 king set. Sale $69 twin ea. pc.-$549 king set. And much more! Hurry, quantities are limited to $tock on hand and all items are subject to prior sale. ' Please, no mail or phone orders. WHY COMPLICATE THINGS? ·THE ONLY ACCOUNT YOU NEED is the ~ great C hristmas meal is a Marriott tradition. In our King's Wharf Restaurant you can enjoy an Old Fashioned C hristmas Buffet. Two convenient seatings at 1 :30 & 4:30 PM. Capriccio Cafe offers a Turkey Dinner complete with all the trimmings. POR INFORMATION ANO RESERVATIONS PHONE (7 14) 640-4000, EXT. 6100 **** I ORANGE COUNTY'S ONLY 4·STAR HOTEL ~~Beach. ~=o~ Tennis Club 900 Ntwport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Complete Top Sldoln, Tertyald St.U, or Prawn Dinnen. Spedal nJaa lllra .... WOil, Jut'°""'· 10 come to Start Jladenon'a today. Yoca'n lolnl to feel~ lmlde. ..,, Put something special ~ ~Inside your season's areettnas~ Send Stuart Alldenon'• Gift Certlftcata. 9'~~a BLACK ANGUS FOUNTAIN YALLIY, SANTA ANA,,GARDeN GROYI, JORRANCI, CIRRITOI, LAKIWOOD, ANA .. IM ' ITIZE MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT INSURED Your investment is insured up to $100,QOO by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ____ INYERES 10°/o until December 31 , 1982. After that, we will pay you the we~kly average Fed Funds rate less ~ of lo/o. INSTANT LIQUIDITY Unlimited personal ·~----transfer privileges to your other Citizens Bank Accounts. BONUS Bring us a Bank of America or Security Pacific newspaper coupon and we will allow the same bonus to open your "Citizens Money Market Account." IT'S THAT SIMPLEI For detailed information on the "Citizens Money Market --. Account," available Dec. 14, call 714/979-4~00, New Accounts . Member FDIC MAIN OFFICE Harbor at Boker Costa Mesa, CA I ; 17th STREET OFFla 17th Street at Sonta Ano Ave. Costa Mflo,t/:.A CITIZENS BRIA OfflCI 2650 E. Imperial Hwy. lreo,CA 714/99U150 BAN~. ~ ~· Orange Coaat OAILV PILOT/Sunday, Oeoemb•r 12, 1982 Freeway, b y any na111e, necess ary for g row th With the start of th e n ew year, t h e ba ttle lin es will be forming on a new Orange County public works project, the proposed San Joaquin Hills Transportatio n Corridor . Call it a corr idor if you like, but bear in mind it would be a freeway. Depending on location u ong its 14-mile cou rse, six, eight md 10-lan es of traffic w ould be n oved from n ear J ohn Wayne '""port to th e San Diego Freeway n San Juan Capistrano. T he cor ridor has been under 1tudy for a decade. Even 10 years •g o , co unt y tr ansp ortat i o n >lanne rs rea lize d that a new ·acw ty would be needed ·to m ove .raffle a long t he O range Coas t. rhose planne rs t h eorized then .hat Pacific Coast Highway and .he San Diego Freeway simply would not have su fficient capacity o h andle future traffic volu mes. There is no further need to h eorize. T h er e is ample proof ?xistin g tOday that bot'h tne lighway that hugs the shoreline and the inland freeway ar e !arrying increasing amou nts o f .raffle less and less efficiently. )ne n eed on ly to travel either "OUte any morn ing or even ing to see JUSt how congl'litt.-d they have become . And, if nothing is done, a bad situation will get w orse . T h e re will be more development a long the r ou te o{ the corridor -In places like Laguna Canyon, Aliso Viejo and Laguna Niguel. New deve lopments in these areas are already on the drawing boards; it is only a matter o{ time -and change in economic climate - before a new building boom hits south Orange County. Man y might wish to close their ey es to th is i!npending growth . They might wish that some form of rapid transit syste m be built overnight to carry all the new residents to places of employment, schooling and shopping. Being wishful, unfortunately, provides no solutions. A grow ing coun ty mus t take the s teps necessary to meet Its growth. And it must take the s te ps in practical fashion . L ike new jail facilities, landfills and airports, reew ays are among the im provements that must be designed and, more importantly, built. And everyone must give up just a little bit of what they e njoy today in that process. . ., Choos e c ertific ate cos t Now , for a limited time only, >roof of birth. death and marriage s available from the County o f )range at a special low pric.e - his year's. Not available in stores, th ese :ertificates are the perfect gift for. h a t special person on your gift list A'hO' has everything. But act fast, h.is offe r ends Dec. 31. It ends the n . because next f e a r d.e a t h a n d m a r r i a g e ~rtificates will increase from $3 to ~4. w hile birth certificates w ill 1um p fro m $3 to $8 . County ::Jerk-Recorder Lee Branch urges that you buy now a nd save. Obv io u s ly, w e're talking extra copies here . Yo u might arrange a marriage between now and the end of the year , but it's a little late to ge t started on a birth. On a more serious note, the large jump in the cost of birth certifica tes is a result of a state la w requiring $4 of the incr eased cost to be used to crea te a special trust fund for child abuse pre ven tion programs. Battered kids need our help desperately . It might be a good reason to wait until Jan. l and pay m ore. Wis dolll, wish didn 't die Popular wisdom has it that lision is a function of great age. J ennifer Ross didn't know a ot about popular wisdom , so w hen 1he had an idea, sh e thought it :>erfectly reason able to ask that it :>e carried out. And so she did. S he Nanted a special Christmas. O h , n ot for h e r . J e n n ifer cne w s h e w o u ldn 't see this ::.h-r i s.t m as. S-h-e-had n o n - Hodgkin's L ymphoma, and last ~ugust the intuition of the dying .old her little time remained. So .h.is 8-yea r -old second g ra d e r nade a s im ple request. She .wanted to be able to sh are God with the children in cancer wards 10 they would know why sh e was 'lot afraid to die. Her pare nts promised, a nd a t l :58 a .m . Sept. 4, J ennifer Ross :lied in her sleep. Ken and Cheryl Ross had given the ir word, and together with son Chris, they h ave :ome u p with a jo yful way to Jpread Jennifer's faith. The Rosses for med Can cer Kids and through the group, they plan to distribute toys to every single c hild h ospitalized w ith cancer in Orange, Riverside and Los An~eles cou nties. In addition, they will hold a party in each county for the children, their fa milies a nd families w ho have lost children to cancer. It is an ambitious undertaking for the Rosses. who lost virtu ally everything. includin g their house, to pay J ennifer's medical bills. It is a n effort suppo rted b y the e mpl oye r s o f both F o rd A e r osp ace and Shear son / American Expr~. But it is also an e ffort that needs our help. We urge area residents to get behind t h is drive. Cancer is a devastating illness when it attacks adults. When a child has cancer, the devastation of the illness is coupled with a poignancy of what mig h t h ave been . These kids deser ve whatever w e ca n give them . Call 966-6577 and donate a toy, or your tim e . It's a fitting tribute to a special little girl. A s h e r m o th e r said , "Someone said you're supposed to mourn. But I can't regret anything about someone that special. We just want to share her love with othe r CamHies. She was eight, and she was 80." Amen. )pinions expressed In the space abOve ar e those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex- pressed on this page are those of their author s and art ists. Reader comment Is invlt-ld. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone 171•> M2·"321. L.M. Boy d/ Illiteracy "That both the w ife a nd t he daughter of William Shakespeare were illite rate Is not surprising. Women weren't educated at a ll in \hoee times." writes a scholarly client. "More noteworthy •is the fact that Shakespeare's father was illiterate." Historians say the Ciereest soldiers In the Western World hundreds ·of yeen ago.came from areas where the people now are moet noted for their ,rejection of war -Swi\Zcrland and Swed en. Neither has gone to war alnce 1815. BeUige rents paid the patelt ~Ible price for \he 16th Qefttur)' mercenaries of Swlu.erlan d. And ihe Swedea foug ht 10 many ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat f fi erce wars tha t they once we re feared all over northern Europe. Chinese mothers until 50 years ago routinely gave birth in a squatting position. Add that to the report that t he ancient G reeks used specia l birthin g chairs to keep mo thers uprJght during delivery. Most popular hou!lehold pet In West Germany now ls the parakttt. H e r cr'11 a lad y who says s h e improved lhe appeara nce o f he r b e l oved Bos t o n f e rn al m ost miracu lously six monlhs ago when ahe started taking it mto the shower with her every Sund1y morning. The"""'· Holey P,11• ,~•• Jone Amorl [ ,.,.,. ·•Cd•-. lottN.ra Kr•lltlch 1,11 '~ ( ,, l~or S COPIES OF MY BfrlT~ CS~TIFIC'ATi AND rs OF MYMAR~IA~S' ~JC&NS!S··S OF !ACM ONE'. ~eagan strategy examined WAS HI NGT O N -H is b udget c1!..cectm: .. wauayJ.n1..Mm. lhat the federal deficit is going to be cloee t<> $200 bUlion next year, and his chief economic advller was saving that. unemployment m11ht not gei aa low as 7 percent for aix yean or more, but the president qf the United States wu in Los Anaeles saytnc that his program was working just fine. ls Ronald Reagan a fool? Is he klddlng us? Only a little, according to Rudolph G. Penner and Hugh Heclo, an economist a nd a political scientist w ho h ave prepared a very perceptive analysis of what Reagan and his people have been doing for us and to us these past two years. "FISCAL AND Political Strategy in the Reagan Administration," by Penner, a n economist with t he Ame r ican Enterprise Institu te, and Heclo, o( Harvard's Department of Government, argues, often brilliantly, that the reason Reagan can be so sanguine is that he, most of all, knows that the strategy is mo r e p olilical t h an f isc al. And, politically, the Reagan administration sees it.self succeeding no matter what the -rest of us thin k is h a pp e ning economically. "The place to begin," begins the a nalysis, "is by understanding that Ronald Reagan was the first modern pr esident to arise from a polit ical movement." Pe nne r and H eclo a rgue that Reaganomlcs never mad e any sense economically. Very few people, they said t his month during a confere nce at Princeton University. really believed that Reagan's tax cuts -"supply side" econom ics -would actu all y and painlessly attack inflation and sti mulate the national economy. Reaganomics really was, then, a "passive consensus" among monetarists and traditional fiacal c.-onserv.atv~ - The two aroups , in this analysis, thought botb the other g roup and aupprysrae•'-theory were-irrelev~t The monetarists thouaht Reaganom1cs would work becau.e a reduced money s upply, produced by an aggressive Federal Reaerve Board with White llCIAll 111111 House support, would end dangerous inflation. "FiacaJ conservatives," Penner and Heclo say, "worried about the irrespon.alblllty of supply aide tax cuts, ut llao S&w the advantage of reducing (tax) revenues u a pennanent restraint on government spending." So, Reaaanomks, as It developed as part of the code o l the ideological conservatives In the last five yea.rs, was an unquest.loning amalgam of tax cuts, tight money and reduced government spending. It made sense only one way: politically. "Econ om ic a n a l yala a lon e w a s tentative and incomplete, changing as economic conditions changed ," write Penner and Heclo. "Not ao the political analysis behind this economic stra tegy. Within the conservative movemen t two concerns, each id entifying something real, have become inextricably linked - th e prob lem of a m a lfunc tioning e c on o m y a nd the prob lem o f a malfunctionins biQ government. It was ·an act of political theory to link the latter as the chief causal factor behind the former. Under this overriding concept, which lay at the heart of the movement and Reagan 's 15-year campaign. a.JI strands of the Reagan economic progTam were fully compatible and m utually reinforcing. All were means of hemming in government so as to release the inherent forces of the market economy, cr~atlng growth." Tha t political consensus among con- servatives la why Reagan could joke, early in 1981, that he didn't need a Council of E:conom ic Advisers. Martin Feldstein, the current chairman of the council, may wish the re wasn't one· either. He met with' reporters recently and said th at eve n if Reaganomics worked, the nation would have to live with very high unemployment for at least five or six ye~. The same day, David Stockman, the director of the Office of Management and Budget, was projecting a fiscal 1983 deficit of $190 biJllon. In fact. it w ill almost certainly be higher -and so will interest rates, crippling the economy. WITH R ECOR D u nemployment, record deficits and plummeting national production, Reagan, though, could go to California o n the same day an d optimistically say that Reaganomics was "already pr~vidlng the stimulus" to get the country moving. Moving for him, maybe. But that "stimulus" 1s not economic. It's political. P enne r a nd H eclo con clude th at although the best and most productive days of the Reagan ad ministration have already passed. that In just 18 months this very political president has had some lasting impact. "As time goes on and people become bette r educated regarding the true quantitative d imensions of the budget dilemma, the voters may become more and more willing to absorb further tax increases," they predict. ''This would see m to go agains t ever yth ing that Presiden t Reagan s ta nds for. But it should.not be interpreted m this manner. Whatever the final outcome, it lS hkely that it will involve less spending, lower tax burdens and lower In flation than if Ronald Reagan had not been elected." That is no small political achievement -even if you believe the economic price is t~ high. Letters to the editor A pioneer in u.~. journalism To the Editor: In view of your recent announcement that the T1mes·Mirror has ~ to sell the Orange Coast Daily Pilot to Ingersoll Publications. the following may be of interest .. The founder of Ingersoll PubUcataons 1s one of the more colorful figures in recent American journalistic hi.story. He Is Ralph McAllister lngen10ll, who was born 82 years ago. · Ingersoll was general manager of Time magazine and one of the group of young men from Yale Unlvenity and Ho tchkiss P re para tor y School who founded Time Inc. under the leedenhip oJ Henry Robinson Luce a nd Briton Hadden. The latfer died In the 1920s but Luce rontinued as president until his dl'ath (:iirly recently. INGaRSOLL was a we ll-known writer in the 1930s, 40s and 50s. His best known work.a included "The Dark Silence!" and another novel "The Great Ones", the latter baaed on the lives of a well-known magazine publisher and h is wife, a plalc:rl1ht. (Luce was married to Clare th Luce, who wrote the femlniat play, "The Women.") Ingersoll'• other books included • volume of history on Mexico and two book.a on World War 0 military history In Europe -"Top Secret" and "The Battle "' the Payoff". He was a founder of PM in the late 30I n t rail-blazing ne-w ap a per in a completely different mold from some early joumaliat.lc endeevon. While \he writer of thia letter did not Uw ln or nHr New York City, he recall• that In9e r 1oll '1 publication Included columnlats Max !Arner, Max Wetner I nd Ben H«hi. amorw othel' eolumrUaia. Hecht wroi. with CharM M.cArthur 'ht' cluak: newspaper play of the ltlOI, "The Front Pqe", a..d on Hecht and M~Arthur'a yurt In Chimao· T hou1ht your Hadert ml1M be Inte rested In the elder ln1eraoll'1 b1ck1round. He waa recalled aa an t""911eftt lnWltiptlve NpOr'W. DA VS TA YLOft MAILBOX Beach trailers To the Edi tor: The El Morro Mobile H ome Park's oceanside trailers sit on State of California park land. Mother Nature, through a combination of hilh tides and storm sur f. has them targeie d for elimination every couple of yean. l think the poUtJcal powen should .ocept their continuance as a waste of taxpayers money. The granUnc of 20 year leuee for this strip of 72 betlchaide units wu a bed decision. The units lhat were condemned should not be allowed to rebuild and the 3~ units that were endanaered ahould have their altet quationed. Can they be moved to new lites on the inland aide? Why are bundrids of man boun, Jarae amounts of enero and matertai., plua traffic slow-down.a and b.ck-upe on a major state ~hway, UMd to protect mobUe homes wno. lite. are continually th.reet.-ned? HARRY MOO~ MX not n eeded To the F.dltor: On Nov. 2, 2~ percent of the American voten expn:1Kd them11elve1 u being in favor of a bilateral nuclear weapons freete. Production and de ploymeni of the MX would be a step away from • fl'ftle. Aher y ears of effori, weapona plannera atlll have not devised a aauataciory method of deployln1 ihe MX. Our puaeni l~nd, H• and alr =I ration of )lucl•!! WH~n_! edeGwite ae ......... to a SoYtet ltriu. The MX 11nol111111iled •• ..... of ... pinpalnt ~. the MX ta a "flnt ·atrlke" weapon. Con--=.: :;~yment would have a antlae,.._.t rnAllwJ....._. r Our ......., .. In .... trouble, and many of our aiU.. an ~-'ftle btlltona of dollfn which Preatd.nt .. ' . Reagan proposes to pour down the MX rathole could be s pent muc h more usefully on social needs or returned to the taxpayers. . Next mon th the U.S. Congress will dee.Ide whether or not the MX will be pu1 Into production. Clearly. membe rs of Congress should be encouraged to vote against the MX. DALE BRADFORD PLO support To the F.ditor: Regarding the assertion that "The PLO is mostly supP9fted by the United Nations, t hat is mostl~ supported by U.S. taxpayers dollars" ("PLO costs too," Mailbox, Nov. 25), a U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff investigation of a few years back concluded otherwise, a nd a PLO mov e t o g e t U .N . development aid was blocked by the United States. Accordln& io Robert Lacey m "The Kingdom: Saudi Arabia and the Hou.e o( Sa'ud" (P.446): "Saudi Arabia ia Yaaaer Ara fat's principal fin a ncia l supporter. lncreasina Sa'udi su bsidies to ihe PLO alnce 19'73 h ave given ~he or1annation currency ~rves estJimlted at over a billion dollars." JOHN W. OSBORN, JR. Pree., Crance County Chapter, United Nations A9oc:iaUon of the U.S.A. Proud of homes To the F.dltor: We apprec:iate you r Interest In our area, Santa Ana Hellhta. h's our-honwe and we love h. We .choee to Jive here 13 )'Mn .,o eo we could n Ule .our children and have honea and a little slower llfeetyle than ewn a few bloclp away. The airport ii the airport. It's been called every\hlftl you· can think of ao lhere'a nothlnl we can edd. We are "°' a rundown alum u 80f1l9 would hllw ~ belil'Ye. We are ~ a weel\hy commun!ty, but them of UI wbo . own and Uw here do take ~ In ow horn9. . ,.. ' There are them who don't llw hen whoa~roperty de trac t• from tll• neAchboMoad. FRANK AND KATHY NQ& ' -,. .. ' - Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Sunday, O.C.mb« 12. 1982 ~lit" Curmudgeon nominates celebrities for loser-take-all game BY.~9"c .. "A1•1!fl1~L,._u, GAN Vlr41lnlu £lien Roberw-tn Glendale. found u .......-.... ·--~-my ortatnal list "quite refreshln1." K'<.'Onded by RlDUlELD. Conn. -P a blo P lca110. HUGH MUlllG~.AU nomination of Brookt> Shlelda ("She may have a Eleanor R001evelt. Norman Mailer. Le Corbualer Rn nice body but ahe haa a apolled-brat fac-e") and (nee Char lea Edouard Jeanneret). Phil Donahue. adv~ th nomlnatlona of Milton Berle ("Al. &tward Teller. The nominatlona keep pouring In M.C. for a strip joint he could be mildly for the Most Overrated Celebrities of Our Time. review" he received tourina with the mualcal amusing"), Jerry Lewla ("Not funny but "Corbualer, the father oC urban blight and "Annie" In the FDR role, nominated Dick Cav,\t any\hlna for a lauan. no mattel' whal t hurt.t ... ") the modem ~king gv a&e.Js to archlte.ctUJ'e ("no excuR' ror hfm at all"), Sandy Duncan and Merv Griffin ("He aau the moet asinine what a SaTvation Army band Is to the Chicago ("Nothing, not pretty, not witty, a video wute of questions of guests, and his reaction la usually a Symphony," writes Jonathan Weldon from time."), Rowan & Martin ("Llghtweisht , railed eyebrow or grimace In lieu of any really Houston, Texas. manufactured, proof indt'(>d that ours ls an age of clever or humorous response. I'm sick of As for Picasso, "I wouldn't Jet that Spanish mediocrity"), the Smothers Brothers ("Read announcers telling me of guests who are dauber paint the new bathroom we're adding -Rowan & Martin"). 'funniest in the world' and 'moet talented' -I'll he'd probably ecrlbble all over the ceiling and From the "House of Cards" (whatever that do my own evaluating"). leave aplotche. on the tub," contributes Mildred ls) In Burbank, Parker Sheaffer (could that be a In evaluating contettanta for our l01Cr-t.ake- Colle.n.from Rlverdale..N-Y. _ _ pen name?) proll'OKd..!or deterved oblivion o cut _all celebrity same, readers suggested a high hy_ee My little eesay a few weel<JI aso on media-of "caricatures of themselves that included Ethel count in no v e 11 st Ma Iler (<TE v e n h I 1 inflated egos In our ICOeity provoked a cataclysm Merman, Lucille Ball, Diana Rou ("the real autobiography wtll be a non-book," says Owen of unrestrained cunnudgeonry throughout the sparrow"), Truman Capote ("lan't there a rest Shulman of New Orleans), talk ahow compeer land, especially in the hills around Hollywood home for has-been celebrity novellsts?") and Donahue ("A coyote smiling up from the carcass where a torrent of theatrical agents, publicists, among others from TV Steve AJlen ("Stop taking of other people's problems") In the opinion of screen writers and similar show biz types leaped bows for the "Tonight Show." Everyone knows Dale Lesson of Staten Island, N.Y.), Eleanor to respond. itwasJackPaarwhogaveitclassandbowed out Roosevelt (whose selection by several Jack Denton, a West Coast TV host-at the renith. All would-be followers have bl-en correspondents, Including Agnes O'Rourke of Brltlah pundit Malcolm Muarrldse In h11 fuclnatlns aut.ob60lf-.,Y "Chronlclel of Waau-d Time".) John Utvich, a manaaement consultant in San Marino, pronounce. hinwelf "shocked and . dlamayed to tee that you have omitted several ~ wlndbaaa, whited aepulchrea, etc., from your celebrity llat -please adc:f"'J:dwara Tener, Mllhaua the Moral Mldiet and Nancy Rca1ean." Letter wrltlns 1eem1 to be a major • participation sport west of the Rockies. In a little over a week, I received no !ewer than four letten, totallns 15 pases of alngle spaced typlns from Rudy Val.lee In h1a palau.o In the Santa Monica hll1a nominatinS himlelf aa the most "underrated man of the year or century." • Tf you agree with Sondra~ otTanana - that "It really la about time someone had the courage to speak out on our super egomaniaca and brought aome celebrity-awed folk out of their awe-d om ... the Lista are a till open for further nominations. Following Rudy Vallee's suggestion, we wlU a lso entertain nominations for the most underrated celebrities of our generation. interviewer who enclosed copies of the rave carbon copies ... "). Freeport, N. Y., brings warm endorsement from ~...:_ __________________ __;;._ __ _..;.. ________________________ ~,;..;..!..__;..:,_ __ ...:_ __ .;.;._ __________________ _,__ ___________________________________ ,, Your f-\oliday Entertainment Center ..Jlo/iJa'J Special/ • PERMS Reg. sso Specials Good thru Dec. 3 1, 1982 $35 Acrylic Nails, Fills, Manicures, Mini-Juliet A FULL SERVICE SALON Mesa Ve rde Center, C.M. . 540-0600 ""!l...,.. I BEAUTY SUPPLY ___,,..... PRE·HOLIDAY .SALE 1 0 3 OFF 01 OUR EITIRE STOCI TILL i11s EXPERT SCISSOR SHARPENING SERVICE Mesa Verde Center 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 662·2171 , ..... .., ........... , 'T " ~. ... • PIZZAS • SPAGHETTI • SANDWICHES •SOUP • SALAD • DINNERS DAILY.LUNCH & DINNER SPECIALS PATIO DINING ALL FOOD CAN BE PREPARED TO GO 2701 HARBOR At Adams COSTA MESA 979-8735 DEN & JUDY QASnl' 223 MARINE AVE • BALBOA ISLAND 673-9322 photography by jeffrey "CREA TIVE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY" . Christmas Portrait Special - A Beautiful 5x7 Color Portrait (choose from several) FOR ONLY $}2.95 1 Person or Groups uo to 4 People Mention this ad and receive a SSO Gift Certificate for. a New Wedding Booking Expire' 12-15-82 Ale Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Oec:ember 12, 1082 I ' • ' I II II I I Guaranteed: 20/o more than the averag_e yield on money marke.t funds .erovided you act now~ Beginning December 14, Home . Federal's new Insured MoneyMarket Plan"' will bring you a com hi nae io n of safety, high potential earnings plus a varieC}· of transaction privileges never before possible. And if you sign up right a'"·ay, we'll even guarantee your high earnings - w ith a 2% interest bonus over the average yield on money market funds for 30 days renewable monthly at the option o f Home Federal for up to six months (according to a leading index). This special offer is good only through tomorrow, December 13, so sign u p today. In addition, you 'II receive a free Chextra"' interest checking account -an important money management tool, because it's linked to your Insured MoneyMarket Plan with transfers you control by phone. And gives you day-in, day-out cash convenience. 200 personalized -checks free! Minimum, $5 ,000 maximum, $75,000 deposited in a regular 5-1/2% savings account and transferred automatically o n December 14. Guaranteed: up to $2,000 interest 1' • tllat Federal taxes can't touch -1 v H you hurry~ ")•· r.. Your last chance to open a ?....-Tax-Free Savings Certificate is fast ~11 approaching. By law, these one-year, 1,1 no-minimum account" cannot be •:• offered after December 31. .,., Open your account now, and you'll I I , .,, •' • II :. ,,, . . ,, You'll earn an extra 2 96 on your Investment dollars for 30 days hat e been usi ng o ne tax advantage to create another! . Guaranteed: a beautHul 1983 with your~FREE calendar! Be sure to pick up your free 1983 Calendar when you visit Home Federal. This year, we're featuring CALIFORNIA fl.OWERS. y renewable monthly at tbe option of Home Federal for UJ!. to_s--,,tx~ __ .,.__ 'f11(mtbrotfi!f'Tbe average ylel on money mar, et unds according to a leading index. still qualify to earn a total of $2,000 tax-free interest if you· re married and file jointly ($1,000 if you file individually). Depending o n your filing status, FREE! This handsome pen with our compliments -a fitting memento for signing up early, or just stopping in.• each o f those amounts represents the maximum lifetime exclusion allowed. If you've already earned some tax-free interest, but haven't invested enough co earn the maximum, you ca n still open a Tax-Free avings Certificate with the amo unt necessary to make up the c.Jifference! If you've already earned all the ta.'<-free income permitted, consider re-investing in 3-1/2 up to I O-yea r Money Market Certificate2 for guaranteed interest which could provide an excellent hedge aga inst the current trend o f declining interest rates. Or, use your tax-free income to fund your IRA or Keogh3 account -that's how many successful investors HOME FED ~Limit, one calendar and pen pw family, while supplies last, not available by phone.) llel1a11ber, YQIY r musl&VI. by to111111uw, Deca11ber 13 to be eligible for P/o ----ideresl! l,2J N.'\lcr:il l'C)(Ul.itklll' ~-quln: 'ul'N.inliJI rumoUUI'\."' ror ~1rh whhdr.rw:1l u( 1enn .ittount' In aJd1tk111. :imoun1' .. ilh \lm11 eJrl) rn1111 T'.L\ free ~vi~' Ccnillcat~ 300 IRA/Ket1Mh xcount.' :i~ '"hjecl 10 1, .. , of t:iiH.ler.:r'l'C'l.I 'lll!IU.' ' ....... ARltt ... .-...=: ... llllJl'Hlt o. •10-4 ... Stock market transactions for 100 Oranse County firms last week are . charted on Page B2 SUNDAY, DEC. 12, 1982 STOCKS 83-4 85 86 ,,, ANN LANDERS BRIDGE Unemployment picture like _ the weather: cold, -gloomy By HARRY B. ELLIS Of The Clwtltllln ~ flloftltor Millions of_f.mericans -some young and unskilled, others older and highl)' skilled -are likely to remain jobless for years to come. That prediction comes from Ma-rtin Feldstein, President Reagan's chief economic adviser, who says it will take five or six years to bring the unemployment rate -now 10.8 percent - down to 6 or 7 percent. What can the United States do to cope with that likelihood? ---This searing--nationaLproblem_intrudes_. and will continue. to intrude, upon all the economic policy that the ·White llouse and Congress are settling down to write. Experts at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue agree on basic assumptions: . -Whatever ia done should not be allowed to reignite inflation, if this is possible to prevent. A fresh burst of inflation would undo years of painful struggle to bring rising prices under control. · -The residual unemployme nt problem, even after economic recovery takes place! will center on millions of people who are "structurally" unemp oyed. Such people, experts stress, are not likely to find meaningful work even in a brisk economy, unless special training and retraining programs are devised. Feldstein divides the "structurally" unemployed into two· major groups. One comprises young people, making the transition from school to work. · "Forty percent of Americans now unemployed," Feldstein told reporters, "are under 25 years of age. Half of them are teen-agers." T ypically, he adds, this group is not "chronically unemployed." They find jobs -but of a temporary, dead-end nature. "The critical thing," says the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, "is to improve that transition so as to create good jobs." This involves training. Tiie second major groue Feldstein cites is the "long-term unemployed," often highly skJlled workers from ah_rinkin& industries such as a utos, steel, and textiles. "Two-thirds of all people now unemployed," says Feldstein, "find jobs within 15 weeks." But this i.a not true of workefc from troubled industries, often battered by import competition. Such industries, even when modernized, are unlikely to employ as many workers as before. People laid off in this category are victims of what a top U.S . banker calls the "transition from smokestack America to information -flow America." By this he means that two-thirds of American jobs are now in the service sector -including increasingly the processing and transmission of information -and only on e-third in manufacturing. To reemploy people who have lost "smokestack" jobs requires retraining, not the basic training needed by the young. Within the Reagan administration, says Feldstein, "we are somewhere beyond midstream" in th.inking through programs specifically designed to help the structurally unemployed. I Young unemployed minorities II Ages 16-1 9 0 Agea 20-24 ' Number of unemployed; black and other nonwhite minorities In thousands 100 1982 600 500 400 300 200- 100 0 Jan. Feb. March April May June Jobles s rate; black and other nonwhite minorities In percent 70 010 1982 60·----------------------------........ 50 t-------------------------- 30 20 10 0 Jan. Feb. March April May June Note: Figures are not .seasonally adjusted Chicago Tribune Chart; Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics A beginning was -rliade in the Job Training Partnership Act of 1982, which provides federal funds -transmitted ~h­ atates to local entities -for training, espedally of disadvan~ young people. Some money also can be spent for retraining people laid off in what are called "contracting," or declininjf, industries. · Private Industry Councils, bued on a partnerehip between business and local government, are fo..-en aa the trainlnl agencies. Public works programs of the kind now being discUSlled in the lame-duck session of Conaress are rejected by White House officials as inapplicable to the needs of the s tructurally unemployed. · · Jobs created by such programs in the put, a eenior White House official says, "take a year or 18 months to take effect" and seldom result in pennanent private-aector jobs. With factories producin8 at lea than 10 percent of capacity, analysts' agree~ no programs deviaed by government will cut the structurally unemployed rolls by much. Only when recovery comes and the nation's plant.a build up toward peak capacity can "real" new jobs appear. Yet Feldstein, aloflC" with--many-prt;vate-eeonomista,-eatltiens--- about inflationary dangers inherent in too strong a recovery. "ltisimportant;" he-says, "not w have an excessive rate of growth or you will boost inflation." _ • Feldstein sees growing budget deficits as a threat to efforts designed to improve the lot ·of the structurally unemployed. "When the goyernment borrows 4 to 5 percent of the nation's sro-national product (to finance the deficit):' he says. "in a country where the private '8vlngs rate is (only) 7 percent of GNP, the effect inevitably is to raise long-term interest rates." High interest rates, as Americans have learned, stifle economic growth and stunt the economy's ability to create new jobs, especially in the export sector. "Deficits push up real interest rates," says Feldstein. "This causes the dollar to grow stronger." . A strong dollar makes foreign goods comparatively cheaper for Americans to buy, so imports swdl. Exports of U.S . goods decline, D:ecause they become more expensive for people in other countries to buy. This year's huge U.S. trade deficit, analysts say, may double in 1983 tO $70 billion or $80 billion, roughly 2 percent of the GNP. The result will be fewer jobs in export industries, which in !ood 1imerfmni:sh 1 out o~faeturing job8 i.n the IS Fewer crumbs for uneducated in future job market .............. NEW YORK -Nearly one in every four teen-agers in the work force is without a job. U the youngster is a black male, the ratio rises to more than one in two. Many are achool dropouts. They could become life dropout.a too. That such a fate awaits them is almost foreordained unless they receive training, because within the jobleu statistics is a story of economic change th at suggests crum or e un uca . The new era h• called by sever a l names, most o ften "post-industrial" or "adyanced industrial," words that haw far more sign ifican ce when explained succinctly by Libby Howland of ULI, the Urban Land Institute. The new world's guiding force, says Howland, is information, "a force analagous to energy in the industrial, and labor in the preindustrial eraa." Even oil industry faces bleak outlook By JOEL C. DON OftMO.-,l"tlet...., The so-called windfall profits tax on oil will be struck down by the U.S. Supreme C.ourt, an oil industry analyst prediCted. But, he said, energy producers may still be targeted for taxation to partly solve the nation'• budget deficit dilemma. Frank M. Burke Jr., a partner with the accounting firm of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., said tbe tax w o uld be ruled unconatltutlonal becau.e it la not applied in a uniform posraphical fashion throughout· the country. He noted some Alukan crude la not subject to -the ·em. tax. - - Burke, who wrtw a monthly column for the authoritative American OU & Gu Reporter, told a ll'O'.IP of b\Wlnela people Thunday at the a.lboa Bly Cub In Newport Beach that the pemment may collect • much • '40 bU1Jon from the ... by the time the C98e la awolved. ''nu. la the moll clamic C.'Ue the Supreme Cou rt has ever .-n," Mid Burke, who ii b..a in WMhlnpln, D.C., bUt i.rawla throu1hout the world for the I ~ _ ... I international firm. ''The chief justice of the Supreme Court haa talked about the Independence of th e Supreme Court. If he means what be aays, they've got a very tough decision on their hands." The demand for oil in the U.S., aa well aa the reel of the world, appears to be on the wane, Burke said, becauae of the economy, interelt rates, corwervation ,and the decline of the lnduatey. Lut yeer, Burl'e Mid the oil industry apent Si60 billion on exploration, produetlon and new well leuea. It a1lo wu the flnt year that enough oil and gH ._,ere found'° meet the demand. In order to h ave the ume positive lituation thia year, it wu j>redided the Industry needed to spend •72 billion. . But aa of Sept. 30, oil producers had spent only 2~ percent of 1ut year'• flpre, he said. "We are on the decline," ..ad Burke, an attorney who ha1 written three books on taxation and h~ apectaUsed on enero 1-uil. •tffbe only peo~le that l tt:o'tl,Y.:~ ~IO Oro uts need it be said would have pitifully little to offer in . that world. The new world is already here too, the result of a merging of computers and communications technology. By some estimates, about half the workforce already is related to some aspect of informatio n -g a thering (resea r c h), processing (programming), manipulating (buil~ing data banks), sellin(C, transmitting. etc. It has developed swiftly in Frank Barke says, only 4 percent of workers were in information; machine energy-and muscle power still dominated. By 1920 it waa still only 17 percent. But now the rush ii on. Nearly 70 percent o f total employment growth in the past two decades hu come from new profeuional, technical , managerial and clerical ;at.. At the same time, the relative number of blue-a>Uar and farm workers hu diminished. information, and for most youngsters the most successful way to get it is in schqol. Native intelligence, street smarts and muscles are okay in some jobs, but those jobs aren 't in the ascendancy. The ones that are growing require classroom work. Otherwise you don't get them. A con current problem is spelling trouble also for millions o f w o rk ers in m ining, manufacturing and construction. Such jobs have grown at only a development in service-related industries. In. for example, health services, finance, business services, recreation, insurance, everyone of which h as been spurreCI by-electronic computers and access to computer-generated information. · The Impact of the combined information-services age can be seen graphically wherever the old heavy industries and newer electronics industries are near to each other. Downbeat forecast by econoinist By ltAREN E . KLEIN 3 percent increase in real growth Of ttM Deir""°' Steff in the economy over the next U the U.S. economy does not year, he said. recover from the c urrent K~ldsen termed the domestic recession by next year, the world ec:!bnomlc situation "scary ," but economic situation will worsen said he thinks this period ls leta seriously, a S~curit.y Pacific dangerous than the 70., when Natlonal Bank economilt said:-countries In the Middle East Speaking at a World Trade delivered a blut to' the world Center meeting, Richard G . system by draatically hikinl oil KJeldaen, fin\ wice president. of prices. Security Pacific, said, "It'• going "We're not coming out of the to be f.OUlh , for the world and for recession in a robust faahion,'' he u1, If die potential recovery said. "It's not very aatlafylna. doem't \alee place in 1983." We've paid a hell of a price for !(Jelcben aid he la moderately the experimentaUon that'• _gob\& opdmt1tlc that a s lu11t1h, on to Wuhlngton. CONWner·led recovery wtll take 11l'm look1nc for any kind of pi.ce next year. optimiam 1 can get,'' he said. ''If then'• no recovery, we've Kjeldaen predicted lntere1t all tot bAC problems," he aid. rates will continue to decline "We are Oounderiftl. It would s teadily in U83, but t he be better lf Ronnie (Preatdent une mployment level will fteeon) and (Arthur) LaUer and probably stay clOM to 10 percent. his funny economk:a were riaht, "l'm not optlmlltlc rqardina but they aren't IO far," he said. labor ," he said. 911f lleaaan Laffer la a proponent of suppl.)'· creates 300,000 Jobe <uatnc lhe aide economb. lncre•1d a->Une IQ'° pMn• Recovery will come In the rwenue fcir a hl1hwa1 pfOll'am), form of lncruHd tbn1umer th• rate rnt1ht dip below 10 1pendinl. r.ther lhan in • ~P perc•n'.'' he Mid. ..Bul 'h•& in lnYel\J'Mnt, K,..ldMn .ad. The \.would be falr;.:rthellc· Wiii H r«lllWfY will retUI' In anly a 2 to f8M DOWN, l 11) J ' .. Orange Coaet OAILV PILOT/Sunday, 0.0.mber 12, 1812 DRAlllCDAITITICll Here are the stock market activities of publlcly traded Orange County firms for the week ended Friday, Dec. 10. Data provided by Newport Securities Corp. I . .,., -, --, -------:-, -' fl i1lT •n• •a..Wn t•• ••oturra ... utll "''•••Pr••• I l.O(U lt>• tt•ll•ll·ll (01110 ,,. ,,, '"" ... . . "' .. ' •h~• .... ,... '"'' I Uttt \'.'ql'I' &LI t '-•'·O'••· •DC• ' ... ,. "911.0. .. , 1 ••• , ... \. l• ,. • h•rt••• St t ••• ,. n-..... 1 ..... ,. l•l1 w.u • .: ::~~;:':·r::~ '"" ,, .... ,, h ...... '' ,,., .. ,,,,., re1 ••no• '\ ~I lt•re I"•· IUU>S u Ca p\ 11 r•no lh· • ,._. C•rt h ,.rlll•r C'U \ '' (e,.\rt.1n C•ro 'litr• 1l Ci.tt•I•••• MIS , ... ,,, .......... " .. tt Colo•" t)'a. 10 r••"•••• s,., -1' .. o-.re~. z,. . CMAO '' Co.ort t'•r• CH.PM 1\ Co•Htt•t·>n con• l' C'V~h••h fl•CI ,~O!H ... '> Ot \IP•H••I' UPVl ~b Ot tt\f'ttn OTU J1 Oui.ia DA nt• 2• Oolff\•t ,_.. OSL H UCO. I• ur )0 IJ, "ll ro U P'M " 11 ...... 0 t.e10 a.o• ll D1111u .,,.~ f.""U• )J hl'tvl I On ho" • • l' , •• ,,\, '"" flt ),. rar "•-"\ ""· rvr u ,,,.,, '••'"·'· '""" '1 rtvor •11,.p. ''-" • l~ fl ,o,.o ·••bnl'I ~ r111• .n rqr ht,.,. 1.. n•n ltO c.,..,.., l v\., l"tUfA •• ,.,. ...... t. ~ ':~t 1" "' .... , '"tloj "l 0->l!l•,. "' "· .w~ • h C"ta\W•~ULoap ~tit ,.\ H•lt1H1e\tr• HtLI H u.ru•c• """"' l4"n 1q HUH H11t•"" WHC• 11e l•pt,.lat ht, ,_.,t •4 lr•&"llll "-"1 ,,. r•~··· ~o Lac. "'a 1, t LGIU ~.,. ... ,,.. .,, " ltiertt ••t. I ., ' 1 ~" r"'""' ·,. i:;1101 'lo• LO\ •h 111P•'J• LU "" ~'\ L.11t.f'ler Mir J t 1fH ~~ Hrrt1111b• rorp ... , "'""0_,,.,. 1\4~. ..~L ')It Ht,.,rv 0.f·l"t'AI • "oO ,... P'tta••1 " '4 •r,• 1)1) f'to.-.t-n•4tft I,. • "'I! I(• l:l' "!.SI Dau ,.P 11'!'1 • ... lhtt "'•' ,., ~r" • 6) •eve •11 t t •&.;'l ti" lhl:l.:t"W\ • r, Nfl.11 :& :::~~~~ l c~;: ~ n,,. b? Ntwp11rt tl•r•t Ntwlo. 68 Ne•c;inr\. fih"''• (l(llfPH 69 Ne.,. Wo,.ld r ,_. HfWV lO lfwt-h•r Nt -.--..s1 lt ?d•tl«."t .. i, 11 ~f'll••-tlr4 •Wt '1 ... ,.." ... ,...,. ,. .. •t PHI fir 1-ltt"' PS.I 1\ ,..,..,4,., , .. , • ,.,., 76 hn• '"'° '"P PPAC f1 rtoer Hf<I'"" PSlN 1'8 ,,. .. 19, Co. rec • • 79 ""t"t"o"' .-rua• ao ~HP•"' ~·1H. ,,TC 9, •• l•<t1.M•t ... •e: az ••P a.,,...... au._ 8 J !\a" '•" r,..... !llJt !• S.•~t•• DI I ,-u,c as su uo,, 5n .s.:..cw• !i6 • "•,..-,.~'IL !t.Y 1 81 Se1tr t"'''• St?• "" ~ Jt"l •• ··"· $?&« !9 ~· •""'9•r6 Loe. STI>L' 10 -~'-•"""" ,,.. ~~, • ~' St•"( .. ,4 .. ., S~N '12' .. lilt:J' •• 1.. $.Ill• i J 1,. .. -t -• 9 .. •111 Pl.I\ it" lo(t-• 'NCi' '' Te!•r • """' • ~,. t ...... h t!M• t;.1 r .. .,,,..,.,. • r. -,. .. .e J.· .. , "'• 11 ··1 l + , ~ l'"'t'\I' • ._.. 'I .Ill i') Y11 ... ,. • ~v~ · ,,..,". M•"•t• ... ,.,, ···'·" ..,,,.~.,. .. vpor\ h••" ....... , ...... lre\M °"•-"'•• ..... ,. ...... fll O.et• .... . ,,..,. 41\• •a•h•l• "'' ''"'fp"' 5-n J1H " r., 11\eh ele &l'l•h•l• .. WJOrl .. Uh c ........ .. S.tth .... . .,. ..... . 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'.1·~ C• ... ll 'J:;;t ·•Ot . ., n,100 ·'19 U,5ll I ,1 I\ •.1., Ul i~:m 1,960 z ,16) 1•1 ',\91 I •.lH 101 l,Otl lJI .. •• l ,O,l .. ., .•. \ .. . ·''' .. .an t,Ol) "' ,, .... •7,U• )6) ·101 7 ·'" .,. 10, ,,, !:W \\, lll 11),260 '· 199 ,S,1]1 I, lf, t ,Zll \11 • ,99T nr ::: m--W.it-- 9.')61 ••• 110 119 ·?TS 0,069 ·h , .... , 1,00• J!:m 1,UT H• Tt, }t) l ,U• ;:m •l. :;1 )1\ ·HO 115,010 9. 110 6•,U~ ,, ,., U,TOO ·•,JOO 9',002 .,. t , lll '°' Z•,ln •.Jn \I• ;l:m ••• ·'·'" 'I •••. ,,. •n. "' J•.~11 .... •• }6 ..... , H,OOJ ),)60 ll,I JS '·"' )t, 10 '· t 10 ,,,,, "' ,,,., ·•,10 1,18' 2,1') 1.1•1 .. lt 1.112 .. ·'" 1,901 .... 1).•\6 1,ffl\ 16, JtO '·'" Santa's bill in billions By Tiie A11oetated Pre11 Pi.yin& Sar\U. Clau1 ro.i. a lol $0.0 blUlon 1uld ~h.an'-e to bt> 4'Xact. Thal 1 the flgurt-the edltol'll of "l:Cvt>ryll0dy'1 Muncy," 11 quarterly magulne publl#htod by the C:r~h Union National AMoclaUon, came up with when t.h y colc;ulated tht1 price ~ for Santa's Chn8tma1 Eve journey. Here arc the figures: -Buie materlala. On" toy al $10 tor each of lhe world's 503,2:W,OOO children under flve or $5,532,:WO,OOO. Plus $38.00 for a ton of coal tor naughly boy11 and glrla. -Labor. Toymaker& earn an average of $0.49 an hour plu1 benefits. For 100 e lves, Santa's annual payroll comes to $1,553,001.20. Add an additional $45,000 for 15 temporary clerks to pr<>C.'fta Christmas gift request. -Operating experuea. WATS lanes ror lncomfng calls with-requests year-round cost DOWN . • • From Page 81 c orrec t th e unem- ployment situation? No." Having ju1t re turned from a fo\Jr of some South American and Latin Ameri c an countries, Kje ldse n commente d on the economic outlook for developing nationa there as well as giving the nation-wide forecast. The Mexican economy is almost at a point of no return, Kjeldaen said . ."Mexico is a mess," he said. "They played the game badly and there's no direction that says they're going tb get out of it." He said the Mexican prlv,ate sector is having massive problems. "One-third is bankrupt, one-third is on the brink and one-third is barely making it." American banks have loaned money to Mexico Stay in the black not in the dark with ,,,. .,#.~ The Daily Pi1ot's year·end business review and forecast. Coming Dec. 29 in the D1ilyPllll •10,337.33. A pel'llOnal computer 80 Santa CMn koop track of tho Uata ii •2.1..a. Reindeer maintenance. A "rclnde"r m ai ntenance enaln•er" -le e ~r -work.a two houn a day ll t9.62 an hour or $6,949.60 a year. Duher, Dancer, et al Ht $1, 806.7~ worth o( groceries a year. And Santa keeps $2,000 ln a •vlnas account to buy • ret1t.·rve rclndt!er -ju.It. In case. -Slelah maintenance. Paint and harneu oU coett $30 • year. -l.Nurance . .Property damage UlllUrance - In cue of 1 roof-top accident -runs $6,250, pcraonal liabillty coverage J.a $1 ,500 and a one- day travel policy ii $5.15. -C lothing allowance. Ope red aull, complete wlttl cap, coett $250. A ault of thermal underwear 11 $45. And dry cleaning I.a $3.80. The total: S0,534,169,367.33. Not including batteries. .· :•. A LIMITED NUMBER OF ATTRACTIVE Christmas Carol So~g Sheets ARE NOW AVAILABLE TO: Churches & Organizations Coll In Person, 8 A.M. to 5 P.M . HARBOR LAWN mor1ual'I/ 1625 Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa 540-5554 NO CHARGE • NO OBLIGATION ++ + -t • I 10 heavily that the U.S. ... . .. governrnentwill have to l~-================~....l.L!~~========::=::=::=::=::=::=::::::::::::::::::~::.:: underwrite thoee loans should Mexico's economy worsen to the point of collapse, Kjeldsen said. Both Argentina and Brazil will make ll if the world's economy picks up, h e predicted . "Argentina is a wonderful country that's been run badly," be said. Suppose somebody told }Otl tax-e:!)OO~~by OIL F ORECAST • • • IT'S NOT YET TOO LATEI: ONLY 19 DA VS LEFT . it&lred CDs. I From Page 81 get better quidkly are those people who are in the industry." He said smaller oil producers may have to file tor-bankruptcy or be consolidated inlo larger FQJl1P3nies if the price of crude oil continues to drop) J>rice stability can be m ainta ined through the ije<:ade if lhe world price can be held at the currenl level of about $33 a barrel. Burke suggested the upcoming meeting of members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEX'.::) will be "critical" to lhe American oil industry. "It's certainly not a pleasant situation, but it's hot a disaster." he said. "When you don't have a boom ifl the oil business you've got to fight to make yolir dollar." The oil industry spends about $1 5.50 per barrel to develop new oil sources and fceil fuel is getting rnore difficull to find. Producers must drill deeper and invest in more exploration. BUrke fears the federal government,Iffl f.S-search for tax dollars, may place an increasing burden on what he feels is a depressed industry. To Refund ALL '82 Taxes and Recover '79·81 Taxes t·l · 2:1 · 4.1 · 6·1 · JO·I +ITC + ETC? Real Estate Research & Development Equ11J!Tftnt Leasing U1ut11? ~~ . lPl I-=· Is. I& lthlllNllt........... ,....., 1 Presenred by DAL TON, DAL TON, COOPER & FRANKLIN, INC. 2691 R1ch1er Ave • Sre 102. Irvine · Near Jamooree/405 Our Staff of Attorneys ancs Accountants will be available 9 AM · 10 PM SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FOR A PRIVATE NO FEE INITIAL APPOINTMENT RSVP: CALL NOW (714) 641·3781 FOR SEMINAR lncro<lucing a tll..'W concl'Pt that offers you u.x~Xl'lllpt bonds c.tut an' S('CUJLxi by Ccrtificatl"S of Deposit i.t1Sun.-d by FSLIC . TIUs nwan~ that dll' same insurance..· that millions of A mcric-..1115 ha~ Ions m1ste<l ~ nO\v available in conjunction with r.ax~xcmpc im\.'Stll1i.i1ts from Shc.."<ll"S<m/Am1.·rican Expn:ss. At Shcarson we can rum ~ur idk cash into working money with a can.ofuJ l)'l' coward your nc..'Cd for safety. So if you ha~ monc..·y that isn't working as hard JS it should -what Wl' caU -idle cash"-taJk to our Financial Consultants today. • ror morc information about Ta...x-Excmpt Municipal Bonds ~'Clln.'Ci by C Ds with FSLIC insurann· up to SHX>.CU> for an individual, sc..'tld in thl' coupon below, or call (714 ) 644-2442. Several suggestions have been made on Capitol Hill. including an import fee on foreign crude, a eens~mef'4a.xon-tha-aznount...of...enei~~aec:Land..a...-l-------I• r ----------------------.. . tl.at-rale income tax as a means of solving America's economic woes. "The flat-rate tax will give a fairly occurate estimate of what revenue will come in ," Burke said, iadingt Jiat he aoesn't believe the proposal will be seriously considered for several years. But he warned that the government shouldn't ~k a quick fix by taking oil industry cash reserves. "If we don't find a means of reconciling Congress and the oil and natural gas industry, we're going to be in a very, very difficult shape. "A tax that takes gross receipts out of an industry_is not a proper tax," he said. He said 1983 will be a pivotal year for the mdustry and if the nations economic problems are not solved by 1986. the U.S. could face a similar "nergy crisis to the one that occured in 1974. : An Invitation From EF HUTTON . Alternatives to AH- Saver Certificates You're Cordlally Invited To Attend An Informative SEMINAR New Ways to Convert Taxable Income Into Tax-Favored Earnings. DATE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15 TIME: 7:30 P.M. LOCATION: SOUTH COAST PLAZA HOTEL I • SAN GABRIEL ROOM 666 ANTON BLVD. COSTA MESA RESERVATIONS J)onlta Vaughn at 547-0101 Santa Ana ~~uttan E.F. HUTTON & COMPANV. INO. 1eet NO. MAIN STREET SANT A ANA, CA 92701 .. ,,,. . . ... .. . .. . . . " READ •IDBJllEI CM'RILLV. YOU •V BE B.lllRE. saa.m-s1oa.• &eg.<ww1Q 0.-.-, ...... ~."' .. ___ _ ,_, --_.De oftll'9CI tor -IO qwioloed ~ on I --l11S1 - -.C ltle """110pn•~ ol ~ """_,.. 'l bAOClta "°"'"" DllNt l'Oltll --N 9Mc1' ,,.:=-------..--·~ CeMlll o -.. c.o..e, .. 0.-,. ID ~ .. 1.t ,.._.,._ ...... 1.0nl -....._ beDW> 111113900 Two__,, lftla be9"t .c"3000 2...,,.. ~ _., I ,..,,._ ol 121,IOO pet~ IO~ ~of --..... llQid IO -w!>O _,,I-ol 133,425 ...0 50li ol IN -..... llQid IO -W'10 -.n I rNJCim<AI' of .. t,110 A I 1,000.._, le iequtNCI ' 3.tn•,... ,_ IOf ~ C<iyera Wilt De 7ft l!lt ''"'.,... llft"'9Meondi-r -~W.tllofll,...,_ 10fttl0f ... ~2'7~ 4.M ...,,. -De-OCC""'9d H0_ ...... - 5. The 0r""99 County~ ~-llr4 ... ngtl<IO ~~­~youlNCICletoMll ~ --lie-"" 0<"1lc-"'ll ""°''°-on 0..:-1t.lllO °" • dt>Jot lie ... lrom 1~00 I trt IO 6 00 0 m '°' . -~Ull ?'Mltf ..... r •f • ... • I\' ~ 1 • , j\ f I ~ 4 J ~ < t,.J •, f ~ ~ .. ----a.--.°"'- 5Af> Newport €enter Drive Suite Newport Heach, CA 92660 (714) 644-2442 A1111 .f<'rry .Jone~ I I I YES. Plv~SI: '4.11d m l' 111vn 111l(1rnuno11 Jh.1u1 I \l f( ·-bJtl..1"1 fJ, .. £:\ullpl I Mumup.al U.ll1J~ I N.wne~~~---~~~-~~.~~~ ...... === ... ~,o----~~-~~~~- Addt"9 ~~~-~~----~-~--~~-~-~~~~~ I Cly s.... z.o I I .__ PNlfte ( l .._ ......... I I I L 0....tl .... ~~(--.. ,.._,~~..-c;: ... 1....._.c;;::;;;;.._. .... .__. J ----------------------...... L. ........ !lo_.,..~ ...,.,..,... ........ lt:r"'" ~..-c: DOING BUSINESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS NAME? All new bustnHH• using a fictitious neme, mu• by law be regl•ered wtth the County Clerk. The O'AIL Y PILOT provides the forms •nd fling MrYk:•• for our cu•tomera. If you•• •t•rting a new bu9"teH c•ll the DAfl Y PILOT for lnform.UOn and forms 142-4321 OT. 132 This may be your last opportunity to ever afford living in Ncwpon &ach. Tax Credit Pass-Throulh 4-1 WllTIOff PLUS DIDUCTIONS i lCOVll 3 YIAIS IACK, 5 POIWAID NO NOTIS, NO llCAPTUll STI ONG TIACK llCOID DICIMID 24th Q.OSINOI DAY /NIGHT 714/720-0220 Sandcastle is perf«t as a ho~ or cxc..'CUti~ retreat near all tht' bur.1ness in Newport, or• «ny l·~room, I-bath home near one of the atcat"' btachn in Southern C11lfurni11. .-~-.::::.o.)();;,.,ye•r Rxed rate-....,..ble lbwnclna •Yallable. Le-.e ope Ion. See .. ln •nt for detail .. ANDCASTLE IN ~'OtKJN~ Dll MAR N£Wf10n Bt:Aett lnvnton-kome. OFFER EXTF.NDED ONE MORE WEEK. ,7<:F ~11.1do Awnue, Cwuna Jtl M1r, CalifcwM (71., 720·01'17t (""'111 • m. tnflr m. °'""' ~' tmdllulday. • ... ... Or1nge CoHl DAILY PILOT/Sunday, O.Otmblr 12. 1882 EW YORK STOCKS CONl 1~UED ~... .... """ Law ,., """ ~. ... .. Ole "~ ~ ,. I AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE ClllOIAllOll\ tllC\.llD& llAH\Otl flll ltlW YOH llllOWIU, H(IPIC. "" ....... DlllOtl ••O Ct•Ctllll&ft "OC• UCMA .. U HO HllO•llO U 1111 llhOAllO llOfllllf .•. .... , • .... 1,.. ... •• c.. """ lff ..... ... 'l llltll L .. Utt Clit ...... ...., . . , ... ..... .... ' f Mitt i..,. Ull C.. Mitll Uw Or~nge CoHt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, 09Cembef 12, 1982 81 · i"ree now &o look a& my d•etrl1adla1 •we111r Lau1llll•1 ov~r &be 1011lp toluma ta me 1cbool 011, Ood, If you are tbtrt, -------------baa1ta1 ID &be close&. , paper. PIH H let 1omto1e lake 11111 crytac baby off My bookl aad basketball 1c:lle41lt rt1Un1 OD And 1l11Hn1 ovtr wbo wlll be U1e nut lo my Ila.Mi, DEAR ANN LANDERS: You have had aeveral requeaa. to rerun ''Dead at 17." It was a mighty eowerful piece and I can understand why Bear Bryant. that ,reai coach at Alabama, read.a It to his fresh.man claaa every year. I have clipped 10mething from your column that I think is equally powerful and I hope you will consider rerunning It. I'm a teenager whose life was changed by It. -BETSY IN OREGON DEAR BETSY: Wllb pleaaure. Tbanlu for aak!D1. Here It la: TEENAGE LAMENT By Nancy Carll• The aew morality -aad freedom From claa1ea -wbat a drag! F rom Mom aad Dad -alway• arguing. From bomework -1eaaele11 boura. F rom dlaclpllDe -uaeleH. From cburcb -a bore. From conformity -a bangup. I'm my own woman aow. Made ao by one declaloD. Oae boar of love aad pleaaure. flMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S END I wondered when someone would get around to blaming video games for inciting v iole nce in £hildren. So far the electronic screen has bet?n blamed for loss o f appe ti t e, t e n n is w r ist , sexual transfe rence. and seduction or a minor. Adults are like tha t. Every time a kid is having a good time, eating something that tastes good, or wearing something that's comfortable, there has to be someth ing wrong with it. F RANKLY, I DON'T SEE video games as being any more mind-controlling than their fathers sitting spellbound before 86 football games a week or their mothers mesmerized by four hours of soaps a day. You wanta talk viole nce? I can tell you stories about games past that will make your hair stand on end. In 1943, my moth e r grabbed a C h inese checkers board w ith both hands, threw the marbles all ove r the kitchen and crashed it over my Cather's head, claiming, "I will not play with thieves!" In 1954, m y h usband and I w ere playing Monopoly with a few friends. Know ing full well that I was down to my last $50, he de manded $3,060 when I landed on one of his utilities. When I tried to reason with him he snicke red and said, "You're out! Why don't you just go ou t and get the chip dip and snacks?" Had we not had children to consider, I don't like to think what would have happened. Th ere are so many things in our lives that have an effect on children, I wo uldn't know what to take away. If you don't want them to see vi.olence, you better hide Hansel and Gretel. If you don't wan t them to see sex, don't let them see a pregnant woman. If you don't want them to know terror, protect them from Halloween; or h ypocrisy. tell them Santa Claus doesn't exist. IF YOU DON'T WANT THEM to be frightened by monsters and things that go bump in the night, cut down the large tree in front of the house that makes weird shadows on their walls when the lights are out and brushes against the spouting. If you don't want them to see war and suffering, throw your body in front of the TV set for the six o'clock news. The other day I saw two brothers fighting for control. One boy yelled. "It's my turn!" The other one said, "Would you flake off?" The first one said , "I'm telling Mom!" and gave him an elbow in the ribs. The second one said. "Get out of my face," and ground his foot into his. A video game? Nope. A fight over a hymnal in ch urch! These Nugget• were Inspired by Pre-Cokimblen pef'ldants cast In the lost-wax method discovered In the Oiquls region of Costa Rica Ortglnal 14 K•at Gold Ptetecl Nuggeta OILY '21.11 ·---------··-··········-----------Ofder Now $29.95 (PllM S200~ '~· Nugget King ol Cal P.O. Box 744 C0<ona del Mar. CA 92625 0 t enclole my money Ofdef 10< S ------- ... Fashion news • Beauty tips • Trends Every Sunday In the tbe 1belf. experience A.ad le& my fee& dance oact more. My ma terial for a prom formal -ae ver made n e aew moraUly -aad frffdom! I am IO old. AJad I w11 aever youa1. -H l& 11t1 amid &lie remua&1 For cleuta1 -wba& a dra&l Do you ft>el awkward. aelf-cotl!IC1ou. -lotwJyr.., Of lite fabrics left over from my malel'llll)' For llJm -alway• ar1uta1. Wt-komeo to thl' C'lub. Tt1t'l1''• help for .fbU tn Ann ~ ......... fopa. For lroDIDI -1ea1tle11 boura. Llmdt>rs' booklt•t, "Th" K~y to Popularity." &Jnd MJ My medals from bead and cbolr, foreakeD ID For dl1be1 -uaele11. ceni.. with your rt'qUf'St and a long. •wnP«I, 11ell- tbe clutter of a Jewelry bH. For cookl11 -a bore. addre-Ul'd en velope to A nn Lander•, P.O. Box My friend• pa11la1 by my window For eex -a baa1up. 1199,, Chk•MMo. Ill. 60611. 1~================9iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ DAYll.a•OWll MIC•OWAVI OVIN • 1.4 cu. ft. Oven Capacity • O.fro1t · • 25 Minute Tl,.._ • Large 1.4 cu. ft. • Dual Wave Microwave • 1 0 Power Le vel• •Auto~ SAVE $30 ,. .......... • Larp '·' cv. ft -" • "5 Mlftwte TW- • J IM.-Memety • 2 ..... s...-c... .... • v .. i.w. ,_., • Y...W.Pew• • , ... Clrcle Ceelri1>9 • r ..... ..w. Thia holiday sea- son welcome fam- ily and friends to your house with the crunchy almonds from our house, the House of Almonds.At House of A Jaiondswe have almond gift pac}cs per- fec t fo r every- one on your gift giving list and ., sure to fit • • .. ,. Oefteol • c..6t4 ay ,_ .. Ye,,,.. • Dititel Clecti & TJ,_ • , ..... ft. -$5,500.00 A rradicicm uf cnm. _ill_ 8 AUM E & M ER CIER Clt. .. t-.1t BIARRITZ ... A VERY SPECIAL PLACE AND TIME. Sculptured links and cue of l 4K gold surround the predae quartz movement crafted by Baume & Mercier. JrWrLS by JOSrPH loc.trJ 11 South c.,.,, Pin• 1n (\111a M•••· All nu1or •«Ju urJ• •nJ P<'hOnaloaJ J•,.d• hy Jo•tph account• ,.,tlcom• Phon• (7141 540·9066 ~n •<'•tn J·~· a wrrk. GIFT GIVING within your budget. We mail gifts too. We have everything you need to ere- House of Almonds gift of ~ ~ . your very own from colorful gift tins to traditional decorator jars. And, they're always in the best of yule- tide spirit . So for almond aiftswith good taste come on over to our houae, the Houaeof Almond1 • ••• South Cout Plua • Sherman Oalu Galleria • Buena Park Mall Del Amo Fa1hlon Center • Northrlclse Fuhlon Center • Laurei Plaza ' Topanp Pwa • Butland Mall • The City • Hundnaton ~enter · , . • u M Oraogt Coat\ DAILY PILOT/Sunday, December 12, 1N2 GOif i 01 111081 BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF DEAR Ma. GOUN Q. -•• ,.. '-*• ,.. .., .... a NH .... W. la Mt left. .... Bewew•, ...C ti •1 ,...._r1.,......._.lt._.. be lorel8a lor ... re-4. 1 .. ••t aver11 le tlWI, b•t I we.W like le bew euctJ1 bew re ....... r ...... &i"Mt hie had after pertaer lull revereed. We laave ee•· 1lderabl1 dlu1re••••t abHt t~I ucl lalt ~ WI eadecl la a partecore whea a ••all .... Wal a• ....... contract. -R. W allue, Cel· 1&mbla, S.C. CThJ1 queat.Joa laa1 been awarded the weekly prhe.I A.-1 must confess that the wording in those books was a .rifle careless. A reverse bid Is not forcing to game; however. it is certainly fore· Ing LO al least three or opener's first suit. Mathematically. that is only logical. For his reverse, opener has a hand worth at least 18 points. Responder has shown a minimum or 6 with his first bid, so eJen if both players are at the bot· tom or their bids. they are in the game zone. Therefore. the partnership should be safe at the three-level in opener's announced long suit. After a reverse by opener. responde r has certain priorities. If he is dead minimum for his initial response, he must tell opener that he has no game aspira· lions. There are two methods of doing so. Some play that a return to opener 's first-bid suit is the signoff; others use a bid of two no trump as RUFFEi.L'S UPHOLSTERY ........... .-s.... lt22 ...,IOI ILYD. denot.lng a minimum re aponse. l •llfhtly prerer the latter, but I think that the majority of playere UH the former. Aa long ae you a•ree on a method with your part· ner. It mattera little which you uae. Quite often, If your firat reeponee wae In a major. partner's reverae ml1ht. be bued on a fit for your suit. poaaibJy a ver1 good Therefore, if you have a five· card major. you 1hould rebid It, even with a strong hand. Since you are 1till below the level or three or opener'• original suit, a simple rebid maintains the forcing situ•· lion. With support for either of opener's suits, fix the trump suit as 1oon as possible. depending on your methods. If you decide to adopt two no trump as your signorr. a return to opener's first suit is forcing. and might be made with a good hand. If you play that bid as a denial. you have to jump in opener's first suit if .you have the values for game. Responder 's raise of opener's secorld suit creates a _game force. But if opener raises responder's suit, it is simply invitational. If opener has the values for game. he must either jump to game himself or else bid the fourth suit to create a new foree. In brief, res ponder's obligations are: 11 Sign off with a dead minimum; 21 Rebid a five-card major; 31 Support one of partner's 1ulu, IC pooibh•, and 41 Make any hid e.itt't1J>l a 1lgnorf to force to game. Re1pondt>r'1 rt1bld11 after ra r('versf' by opener 11 a <'Om plex suhj4-ct which can only be aklmmed In thi• brief col umn. Out. If you bear In mind the principles outlined above, you should be able to avoid languiahlng In a part1corc when slam is In Lht' offing. e....., ................. - -· te: C.._,a.a Gena u4ll 0.1r 8MrU. _.. •f tllla ... ...,.,. EMii wHla a prtu ef • -.1e1 die ... "G ...... , •rWa• c-· ........ • lt.16 val .. , wm h ............ die ..... u •• J.qed .._hatr...tn4. c11.,1.. a.,... ..4 o •• , 8Mrtf ,.,__., e--.t .U.r· &Ue te ... ,..,all ... .u.u ••~ •ltted. Q.1 -Both vulnerable. u South you hold: +SS c;11UOl3 0 1(92 •Jt8Z The bidding hu proceeded: Nert• Eut S.lltla Walt 1 • P ... 1 NT Pua a+ , ... ? What action do you take? Q.2-Neither vulnerabl,e, as South you hold: +9874 c;iQQ OKJ842 •1 The bidding has proceeded: N.,.Q Eaat SHth Welt I• Pan I 0 PH• I \'::> Pa11 1 What action do you take? Q.S-Both vulnerable, as South you hold: +K9S c;1K873 OAK&2 •JS Partner opehs the bidding with one dub. What do you respond? Look for answers on Monday. COSTA MfSA -541·1 IH ·~· THI \ !!.!!:! All COMllltOl • ICI SOlM WAl'll NIA,._ llATMeOOM ---• SI ... 117UI s.rYlce T-St-et Yow Door COell StOA -I Yow....,_) COST~ MISA 641-1289 1 SM Newpett ...... MISSIOH VllJO 495-0401 21tH c:--. c '5 oww !I-Dlofo ....., ... A..y l'lrwy.I ~ ~ ~ • MCS·122 :rHE 43.37 Tomytronlc111 Tron Hand-held electronic game that com· bines 3-unique arcade games from the movie. Ages 6 & up . • llaHel* Nol lnCIU09cl. 19.87 Cosmic Clash"' Mini Arcade Feel like you're actually firing missiles Into outer spoce. See/hear the explosions. Ages 6 &. up. • ..,........ Nol lnCIU09cl. 13.87 Run Younen Ragged Thi• obttaele oourM 11 a game of lklll, OOOfdlnatlon ond qulcic tnlnklng. Ages &•up. 6.86 Hop-A·Long Hoopater111 Wind up Hop·A·Long and set him down In the start position. Dials on the scoreboard. Ages 5 and up. 6.66 Tron Light Cycle tt hos a sleek design. monlpulated by a rip cord for lightning fast races. Ages 6 a. up. Billboard top hit rclea ed By Tiiie At1ochUd Pre11 Th•• tollo w l n.i urt: Billbuurd '11 hot rcc:urd hlta tor tho w1.~k l'ndln& Ot>c. 18 u they op(X'ar In n~xt w ct>k 'a l11uc ot B illbo ard maaulne. Co pyrl&hl 1982 . HOT SINGLES l. "Maneater" Daryl Hall & Oate1 (RCA) 2. "Mickey" Tonl Basil (Chrysalis) 3. "Gloria" Laura. Branigan (Atlantic) .(. "The Olrl Ir Mme" Michael Jackaon & Paul McOarlncy (Epic) 5. "Truly" Lionel Richie (Motown) 6. "Steppln' Out" Joe Jackson (A&M) 7. "Dirty Laundry" Don Henley (Asylum) 8 . ''Sexual Healing" Marvin Gaye (Columbia) 9. "Rock This Town" Stray Cats (EMI) 10. ''Muscles" Diana Ross (RCA) TOP LP'1 1. "Business As Usual" Men Al W o rk (Columbia) 2. "Built For Speed" Stray Cats (EMI) 3. "Lionel Richie" (Motown) 4. "Night and Day" Joe Jackson (A&M) 5. "Famous Last Words" Supe rtrap (A&M) 6. ''H20" Daryl Hall & John Oat.es (RCA) 7. "Midnight Love" Marvin Gaye (Col- umbia) 8. "Get Nervous" Pat Benatar (Chrysalis) 9 . "Coda" Led Zeppelin (Swan Song) 10. "Combat Rock" The Clash (Epic) Our December 12, 1982 \\Gifts At a Discount" advertisement on Page· 1 inadvertently states Sale Starts Wednesday. The correct Sale Date Starts SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1982. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused . Thank you for shopping at Kmart. 1/2 Price! No-Wax Floor Tile Solarsh1ne II~ has a 1adian1 no- wax surface w11h a long-lasling shine and easy. self·sllck 1ns1al· la lion. Rec·§:.1e44~~ Save 18-22% On ,,t.Hllh Tools! • _......~rn Save 22-33%! Res. Sale Curved Claw Hammer $13.49 S 10.99 12' Powerlock Tape $11.49 $ 8.99 20" Hard Tooth Hand Saw$ 7.69 S 5.99 Save 33%1 Solid Oak Parquet Rei. *39~ ~::::...I AUW CW11C Sale IA. Save 15%1 Red Quany Tiie r1r · Re•·*33( Sale u. Save 34%1 Self.stick floor Tile d" 111" um. PAYll 1tee.59t39( Sale :?. Save 25%1 , Solid Vinyl 111e ... 71t 59c II' I II" .... C-... llft.Ll a IWYW Sale n. WISTMINSTIR 11191 leach loulevarcl 898-3388 SANTA ANA 2101 So. lrl1tol St. (Necw heentNm St.) 557-1324 Glazed Ceramic Tile Sale 99c St SANTA ANA 322 w. 17th Street 547-7781 MON..nl. t • I, IAI. 9 • 6, IUN. 11 • I a.om>~DAY • M•ACftalll GUMiMla9 · M'ftall9 IMY VMY 111 -no.I , HOIOSCOPI av SIONEY QWRA Mo.Uy December U ARiES (March 21-Aprll 19): Empbaata on completion, sensing trends, betna aware of unlveraal themea. Break from put procedures la part of 1eenarlo. You'll be rid ol burden. You aet wider recognition: R e ach beyond current expectations. Watch Libra. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Factual material required for greater Insight -concerns borrowlns. lending, tax aheltera, licenae requtrementa, fi..cal reaporulbllity of one who would be a partner. Cancer, Capricorn. Aquarius natives play significant roles. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Forces tend to be 1Cattered -be flexible, display veraatility, make Inquiries, refuse to be backed Into comer. Give full rein to intellectu'al curiosity. Legal affairs hiahlighted; check passport, complete travel plans. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Avoid direct confrontations. Be specific concerning details - puzzle pieces fall into place. Success Indicated via unorthodox procedures. Focus on employment, dependents, care of pets and resolutions concerning diet, nutrition and health. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Good lunar aapect coincides with change, travel, variety, speculation and excitement of romance. You e ncounter mercurial persons who provide lessons in sales, vitality and quickness of Ideas. Gemini. Virgo persons play important roles. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.22): Moderate pace prov~s superior to sensationalism. Focus on diplomacy, inquiries concerning savings. investments, loans. Basic domestic adjustment occurs; family relationships improve. Taurus, Libra, Scorpio persons figure prominently. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Avoid self- deception, see people as they exist, be versatile without acattering your efforts. Lunar emphasis on short trips, relatives, visits, notes concerning ideas. Places Individual aids in preparing legal forms. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Emphasis on investments, income potential, locating needed material and demonstrating executive abilities. You'll have more responsibility, there will be added pressure, you'll be provided with authority and funding. SAGIITARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Cycle high, you reach more people, you sense pulse of public and you'll be at right place at crucial moment. Focus alao on charisma. new contacts, added indeP.,endence and love. Aries, Libra natives figure in··~xciting acenarlo. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Light is shed on area previously marked by darkness, fears,· doubts and suspicions. Break from past proves beneficial. Confer with one who is confined to home or hospital. Leo, Aquarius peraons play dynamic. dramatic roles. AQUAR IUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Emphasis on desires, emotional fulfillment, sentiment, romance. You get what you want, wish comes true in WlOrthodox maner. Element of surprise is featured. You successfully utilize powers of persuasion. Watch Aries! PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Orders from top are subject to change, could laclc substance. Know it, have alternatives at hand, be flexible and make additional contacts. Focus on communication, increased social activity and abiity to express self in meaningful manner. NO matter what the marquee says, what's now playing at United Artists Communications theaters Is a real horror show. UAC, the second largest movie chain in the U.S .• has embarked on a national policy of eliminating jobs. fostering unemployment In city after city where they own and manage theaters. In California, UAC employees who chose union representation are the primary targets of the company's greedy, crass "pro- fits before people" corporate phi_losophy. W ithin the last few weeks, UAC has locked out many of Its southern California projectionists (members of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employee's and Moving Picture Operators) rather than engage In good·faith bargaining. Manage- ment taunted Ulese highly skilled and dedicated workers with a ~posterous "final offer" that would mean: • eliminating 50 to 75% of the projectionists' jobs • cutting wages for many of the remaining employees • arbitrary reassignments and changes In working conditions (I.e., forcing one proJec· tlonlst to service up to 18 movie screens In two or three buildings that may be 24 miles apart). Janitors In UAC's San Francisco.area theaters who belong to the Service Employees union have also been vlctlmlzed by management. Forced out on strike more than a year ago becauH UAC won't budge from Its demand for a total wage freeze. the lanltora. too, are confronted with a hOstlle and lnfle>t· ble attitude on the company'• part. . UAC wants uncondltlonal surrender"' no matter what the consequenoea for workers, the Industry or the area'• economy. "Take It or leave It" Is their basic "negotiating" stance. UAC glvn It• employeH no real choice. But movlegoere do haYe a choloe of where to spend their entertalnmenl dollars. PLEASE DON'T PATRONIZE UAC THEATERS ~ IAT8E Southern Aa.oclatlonlCorDor••• CampalQn 630 o.M¥I lttWt. HunOnoton 8Nc:h, CA t2MI hlttcrtlletethe •wepeperthet cewenyour ....... ...,. .... , ... . ' Dlal Direct 642·4321 llllyPIMI I , llOW IS JHE TIME! To plen tor your holldey partle1 end tamlly get togethere. lllEI PARTY IEITILS h•• everything you need to m•k• your event • 1ucce11. ·Holiday @heep "'-_,,,, YOU CAN RENT TABLES CHAIRS HIGH CHAIRS BEDS PERSONALIZED NAPKINS & MATCH BOOKS BARS HEATERS CANOPIES CHINA ANO MUCH, MUCH MORE CALL OR COME BY ~aJ.(tlll ~a-dy-~1'dA n 1151 BAKER STREET ~ COSTA MESA 545-4667 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Sunday, December 12, 1982 87 E IALI SHOIT NOTICI LIQUIDATION OP OVll 410 llLICT HANDMADI OlllNTAL IUGI Pre• lt•r•• Th•t Heve DIHentlnuetl lu1IA•H Dl•Mkltlen ef '•rtnertha. • UnclelMetl O.etl• Pr•• lt•r• .. ** ONI DAY ONLY** Slll, OlC. U 10 AM-5 rM HOUDAY ... 2l20I LA lltAZ ROAD LAGUNA HILL.I FIM Mleellon ol rug• In ell eol<>f• and llz" from 2'113' to 11·1112· from all mapr rug WMYlng center• ol the world, Including Iran, Chine. lndle, Rulli•. Afghan111an, Egypt, Paklttan, Romani•. & Turtl.y. ;_. !!. '!'-~!19. L'!-. ...... "••• r ............ 14'3• IO I ,..,_ IC-"-SU. 93:1,000 e1.tt0 l 'h2'4 '"-lei IC-I .,__...,, U!IO 116 12'd ' k\ilplUfed ...... C'*-6,llOO 1.300 t '2a8'3 Semi Anl'-S-111 Kelllm 6,760 176 4'3a2'8 Ooulell-A ....... Pr~ f1uo •71 175 4'a2' ~ ""'-... 176 30 •• 4' .. 2'3 TIA.loll ~tie 350 IO 14'at0' ~-S.300 175 ...... , Slot*' J!'!:.. .. Tatwlz 4,250 1,250 1'113'1 I Jelpur......., 1,126 416 11'2•2'6 Siii* y--.......... Inell• I, 160 275 10'2"7'3 ..,_.., OcM>ll Knolled llOlll\1<1 3,llOO 1,225 t '2al'J ~IOft Fine IC-K.-,..fgypl t ,200 3,)0() 10'1'T3 Old .......... 8-11-1,476 •JO ••• ,. Sil*llnO ciw-tJO 250 NOTE Fnl come, llf•I _,... bMM. Ce!~ ""° COf!IP4el• price hi le .. -et N -~ Of Aul'*'lleily I"'*' Wllll ~ rug tolCI A.A. a A, Inc. LklUldelon lnnoo;211-~ *Buy a Polaroid'600 Serles camera and on a round bip fligl;lt with Delta you can get two trips for~ price of one. t .A. C>ELTA ~Al" LIN•S SLR880. SunCalTMn Aulofocua 880. Sun c.m.ra 840. Available At Yol•r Loc~1I K111~1rt 800 High Sp11d tlm. ~ " ,1 q I ' --- ...... ·' - I I I ' r I I I I 1 ····--~r,, ..... Acoustic : C•lllngs s12• SIOOMS• 375$0.FT. Ast tor ftet estlmltt. Clllr'9S nut bf In good condition. AOClltlonal cNrge tor stains, Pffllng, .mas and 1101ts. Patching and su11ng extra. •EACH ADOfT10NAl ROOM ............ 33c SO.FT. Hommer or Hondrmon Sf,11111 rour S899 Choa EACH IK. '1 Ut UOl 15-0t. daW hammff With hic.ory Nndle. 1101Yi. 26" crosscut NndSaW, a Pl or 10 pt. models. f1SH/1521. __ ASK_ JOI A Fm ESTIMATE --..l.--=:::::==--------1 POwerlocll ~gr SCN•drl11ers 25-fle. "'" s2~a S99u! llC. 'I.Ii con'*'5 •• • , .. IK.'1Ul.1"wtde standard tip, s-aDIMt dP. btadl stivs r1QIO tD ,, ,.... and plaStlc rJrt.. 7 ft. '"" return. #IJ.J21T. #film. 8·1NCH llC. 11.111111¥C~ -.: '2.• Mal· s, 99 ASlllOttlO ........ perennial l*lomlnl EACH fMrttls. • tlorlollle .,,..,, .JllMGw 0-3,500 cuttlng strokes per minute. 1/5-HP. 45• tilting foot. 1417. • 7~" Clrcular ...,satetv switch helPS prevent accidental starts. 1~ HP. With blade.1574. • •Ir' Cord,... llrf• Recharges In 3 hours. 2- speed control. .. 1001500 RPM. In forward and reverse. 12005. fH llClf .,,,.a .......... l'Ota·80I Gunlltt s911J1 · s1911J1 IEG.11UI. ,.._,. arrytng .. '21.•. lnctuaes ..... alCIC>er apac1ty Of a tDCll llal and ttlt SOldettnll tlPS. ft.la ..... wrendl, QUICt acces Of a tott IU16. IOICl'Ollfl. la.I. A#l'IOU• .,. .. ,,,,. l'OOlset S299JI ...... ~ set Wlttl ztnc ..... and VC*t. 51 lndltS high. #0?0041l. •"llr'Jlr •allroadnes sa~! DETAIL.S & ENTRY BLANKS IN All AN._ a -HOME CENTERS - •••co Parts Calllnets s14~! ORANGE thleen Suddarth it Lis Claibomed ror Cruise ol LIP•• 0 A T Dec. 12~ 1982 By VIDA DEAN Of .. Delr ......... Sometimes things don't go according to plans. For instance, 20 years ago the Huntington Harbour Philharmonic Committee wanted a simple fund-raising event. It was decided to sponsor a boat parade through the lighted waterways of the harbor. Jane Dod, the first committee chairman in outlining the plans to Mrs. John Laun, chairman of the Women's Committee of the OCPS, said in part, "Members of the HHPC have voted to sponsor a benefit boat parade . . . It is the wish of all concerned to keep the affair as simple as possible ... " Dod's original idea has developed over the years into the Symphony of Lights and includes a boat parade and the Cruise of Lights, one of the most spectacular holiday events in Southern California. And it is not only Huntington Harbour and other Orange County residents that board tour boats to view the brilliantly decorated homes and boats located throughout the harbor:. People come year after year from Fresno, San Luis Obispo -and San Diego They come by pri'[ate cars and they come by the busloads. Approximately 25,000 spectators are expected at the "simple affair" this year. The first tour boat group will embark on Tu~. Dec. 14, at 5:30 p .m. from Peter's Landing for the holiday Fantasyland ride. The boat rides will continue through Dec. 23 with four tours nightly beginning at 5:30 p.m. and continuing hourly until 8:30. This is the third year that boats will be leaving from Peter's Landing, a restaurant/busines,, complex at 16400 Pacific Coast Highway. Participants will view the artistic creativity of the harbor resid~nts. Some residents work for months 'preparing their decorations, and around the middle of November they begin to put them together. ,. The second weekend in December has traditionaJly been the Boat Parade Weekend at Huntington Harbour. Parties abound along the channels while guests view the cleverly decorated boats in the parade. .-. Saturday evening Tom K.asabali acted as grand marshal for the event and with his wife Nancy aboard the yacht Niac Sixx, led the 20th annual parade. This event was primarily for the harbor residents and their friends and was the prelude for the Cruise of Lights open to the ..Public. To ensure that each person coniliig to- tour the harbor will have a place on a cruise boat, tickets are a on a pre-sale basis only. Tickets, ($4 for adults, $2 children) may be purchased at the Philhannonic office at 16873 Algonquin St., Huntington Beach, and further information may be obtained by calling 840-1777, 846-9216 or 846-3589. A parking area at Peter's Landing has been designated for cruise participants. . Plans for the 20th Symphony of Lights began in January under the direction of Sandra Clouse, vice chainnan of ways and means. It was her responsibility to arrange the complex coordinating of the Cruise of Lights permits and contracts necessary for a benefit of this magnitude. Missy Prowell and her as&stants, Deanna Ashby and Frankie Holland, were in charge of the boat parade while Yvonne Kelley and her c..-o-ehairman, Joanna Chase, headed the Cruise of Lights committee. The HH Philharmonic Committee is made up of seven groups -Admirality, lslander, Marina, Nautilus, Starboard, · Trinidad, and Windjammer. The board is contpoeed of representatives and the president of each group. Kathleen Suddarth heads this group of 33 women. The approximately 300 wome n in the seven groups, along with their husbands, are the volunteers who plan, support and work for the success of the Symphony of Lights benefit. Proceeds go to the OCPS for its youth musical programs. I ... , 22s22t a a a cc a s a a 0 0 0 s • • UL 0 Cl Orange CoHt DAILY Pll.OT Sunday, Oec•mb•r 12, 1982 .. Coiffures dressed up for holiday By VIDA DEAN e..utr ldltOf To make your hoir look special during the holiday season. !our Hollywood hair stylists who create the looks for the soon·to·be· nnoun :eel Helene Curtis "Ten Best Coiffured Women" oC 1982, have offered these "dressine up" Ups. VD~ "Keep it soft and natural.'' says Rahn McDow, who coifs among others, Morgan Fairchild, Barbara Mandrell and Victoria Principal. "But, always remember to balance your hair with your complete Cashion silhouette. The fancier and more detailed your dress, the simpler the hair and accessories should be and vice versa." sophisticated hairpieces arc sensational holiday additions. · He adds that a small cerarruc ornament pinned subtly on the side or in the back helps li ft hair and adds a festive touch for the holidays. For short-hair chic like his newly-shorn clien ts Linda Gray and Farrah Fawcett, Jose Eber recommends a styling gel for a·sJeek, spiky. sexy look that adds drama to even the shortest hair. Longer hair sho uld be left "messy," Everything from glitter and mistletoe t.o gold cord. yarn and colorful hairsprays (that wash right out) are used by Beverly Hills stylist Le Maire to adorn hair for the holidays -hair that belongs to Stephanie Powers, Jill St. John and Tatum O'Neal. to name a few. Eber, who suggests a light teasing at the roots for added fullness and volume . "I love big, voluptuous hair for the holidays." says Ilona Farkas, whose creative talents are displayed each week by actress Joan Collins on "Dynasty." "Use your Imagination," she says, "be daring and try creative techniques. Braid tiny gold balls into the hair, wrap tree·trim around headbands and glue holly to combs and barrettes. The holidays are a time to go for it!" All of the stylists agree that a perm will give you the style support, lilt, body and curve to enhance whatever holiday hairstyle you choose. • "The bigger the head of hair, the sexier the look.'' according to Farkas, who feels that When the mail was sorted last week, a press On the cover • Karen Briggs, assis tant store manager/fashions at Huntington Beach Broadway coordina tea K athleen Suddarth's L iz Claiborne ensemble -one that would be suitable to wear on the Cruise of Lights. Pinwale corduroy pants are teamed with a poly/cot ton blouse and sweat er vest. For extra warmth she added a diVinci cream-a>lored jacket made with dolman sleeves. LOCATION: The 100-foot Christmas tree at Pete r 's Landing, Huntington Harbour. PHOTOGRAPHER: Gary Ambrose, Daily Pilot. On a cruise, Kathleen Suddarth could attend the Captain's gala in the Themes cocktail dress, with sequinned bodice and ruffled neck jacket. For other shipboard activities the two-piece cha llis dress by Liz .Claihorne, right, would be exe-catching with. its bright multi-colored stripes. HOLIDAY GOWNS AND COCKTAIL DRESSES The imprinted suede g1tt bOx made 1n Switzerland and the fine wrapping With the embOssed gold sticker are nice. but what Wi ll really excite her abOut the gift from Wyndham Leigh wall be the jewelry itself Jewelry that you took lhe tune to choose. JUSt as our designers and crafts· men took Che tirne to crea~. making ~r- Complimentary Sun day Brunch as a gift to our Bride and Groom Barbara's f0tmal & Bridal Shoppe 270 £ 17th-SI .. C M 548·8264 taln that ~ detail was exact!Y rrght we do not compromise on design or quality and our reputation speaks for this tact -chances are. she ktlO\NS that. and the wrapping tells her that you care enough not to compromi~ either l.k'llque and exciting Jewelry From SIOO. WyndhaRl · Le1gh~l~f.PRT ) 127 FdWon Island. Newport Beadl, CA 92660 Teftphof~7'4/644·050f. """ lullocks Wilshirt relcWi<' abo~l holr curk•ra ended up on the food editor's desk. ~ It lx'gun "Cook up your very own hair fashion rt'Cipcs this holiday scuon with the latest styling treat to hit the American market ... the Hot Doi Roller, developed in Europe ... " After lookinR at the photographs, the mistake ts underatandable. The rollers do look like wieners. They are made of pliable foam rubber and can be twisted in all BOrt.s of shapes -an ~ tor waves, an 0 for looser curia and bent Into an A for tl(lhter curia. You don't need clll)s or pins and you can sleep on them. You can ge t two sizes, 5 Inches and 10 Inches Ion~. They are $18 and $20 per package -slightly higher than your Farmer J ohns -and not nearly aa close as your supermarket . .According to the release you have to send t.o New York for them and pay $2.50 for postage and handling. Hot dog! · \ MAKWVER NEWS: The response to the makeup offer was super. There's a lot of you out there that want a new look and the first two candidates have been selected. Makeup artist Richard Stevens and hairstylist Orlando Rodriguez of Corona del Mar have great plans (or them. We plan to feature before and after pictures on the Jan. 2 S tyle Cover. Watch for these new faces for the new year. New Hot Dog rollers achieve body a nd volume. ~-----------------~ ...... ---------------~ • • • rianukkah celebrated 1 NEWPORT BEACH CHAPTER OF Hadassah will celebrate Hanukkah with fhe traditional lighting of the candles and luncheon Monday at noon at the Temple Shir Ha Ma Lot in Eastbluff. For reservations, call Barbara Gordon at B42-7249. SPYGLASS HILLS PHILHARMONIC Committee members will host a Christmas luncheon Tuesday at the Balb{>a Bay Club beginning with holiday champagne punch at 11 a.m. For retervations, call 640-4256. MONDAY MORNING CLUB of Laguna Beach meets Tuesday for a Christmas dinner party at the El Niguel Country Club beginning at 6 p .m . The "Dancing Grandmas" will present the program and reservations may be obtained by calling 499-4041. EXECUTIVE WOMEN INTERNATI ONAL, Orange County ct,apter will hold its annual business meeting and Christmas party at Disneyland's "Club 33" in Anaheim Tuesday beginning at 6 :30 p .m. For reservations, call 731-7711. THE NEWPORT/MESA AMERICAN Association of University Women will meet at the Newport Balboa Savings and Loan office in Newport Beach Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Beverly White, dealer in primitive art, will present a slide and painting presentation. For information call 638-6288. COSTA MES A WOMEN Club members will gather Friday at ll a.m . for their annual White C hri stmas brun c h . F o r reservations, call Martha Roth at 963-6867. OFFICERS WIVF.S LEAGUE OF Orange County will hold its annual Christmas dinne r dance Thursday at the Mesa Verde . Country Club in Coeta Mesa.Tor reservations, call 640-0754. ORANGE COUNTY ALPHA Xi Delta alumni will host a Christmas open house Dec. 19 from 4 to 7 p.m. in Fountain Valley. For information about • the coc.k tail party and gilt _ exchange, call Marilyn Hatch at 962-5729. • LAS BUENAS AMIGAS • Auxiliary of Family Service of Orange County will install 1 officers at its Monday, Dec. 20, Christmas luncheon at the El Adobe Restaurant, San Juan Capistrano. Mrs. Charles A. Bowes, president for the coming ' year. will be assisted b y the Mmes. Anthony Bland, Robin Ollivier and Fred Walburn, vice presidents; Mrs. Walter Thomas a nd Mrs . R ay J . Hazen , secr e ta ries. and Mrs. Colin Brown, treasurer. UNITED WAY of Orange County North/South will hold a victor y dinner Tuesday in D isn eyland H otel's Grand Ballroom, Anaheim. The holiday celebration marks the end oC the 1982 fund-raising campaign. The' event is open to the public and reservations may be made by • calling 634-2252. Only Santas Prices Can Match Ours . : Everything in the store-must be sold by the end of the year. We are closing our Fashion Island store Dec. 31, 1982 Watc hes 30 to 50°/o off . • ··*··· •. . .. 30 to 50°/o off ··:~·: .. : ... Pearls & Pearl Drops 30°/o off Pins 30 to 50°/o' off 35 Fashion Island • Newport Beach , . Rings . . *'··· . .. • . . . 50 to 70°/o 'r, e.4-2494. off 50°/o off ., Cruise line Bob Mackie is famous for the fashions he created for celebrities - Cher, Carol Burnett, Mitzi Gaynor - and now he is de1igoing for the public under his own label. H e presented the West Coast premjere of his holiday cruise line at a black-tie dinner hOlted by Amen Wardy at hi1 new location adjacent to Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, December 12, 1982 (;3 '82 Christmas __ w.rapped up in season parties _,_ WHIMSICAL INVITATIONS In rc.'<i and white rcadirag "Let us tie you up for Christmas" have been circulating In the Newport Beach area. They are beckoning folks to come to the annual Las Marineras Auxiliary luncheon and boutique on Wednesday at 11 a.m. In the Balboa Yacht Club, 4801 Bayside Drive. There'll be time for browsing and buying the unique holiday specialty Items before lunch is served. Even if you didn't get one of those cute invitations you can attend by calling 675-4412. SANTA CLAUS has promised to make an appearance at the Wednesday party that Assistance League of Huntington Beach ls giving in its chapter house for the 17 students of the Speech Center. Members "adopt" the students and bring gifts for them. Betty Crouch has also promised games and refreshments at the 7 p.m. event. CHERYL HARRIS, a junior at Woodbridge High School, Is the new honored queen of Bethel 306 Irvine, International Order of Job's Daughters. An installation service held in the Santa Ana Masonic Temple for Cheryl and other new officers was followed by a reception. All SQrts of interesting activities -tashion shows, tea and trips -are planned during Cheryl's term. MR. AND MRS. TIMOTHY PSOMAS will open their Bay Front home at 5:30 p.m. Friday for the third annual Christmas boat parade party planned by St. John Chapel Guild of Balboa Island. Cocktails and a buffet supper will be served as members and guests view the parade. F.arly reservations have been made by Marie McNabola and the William Browns, James Davieses and the James Simmonses. Mrs. Russell Haverick, 675-3088, is handling reservations. THE ADMffiALTY CLUB is a fairly new group, but the members are already into their second fund-raiser for Childrens Hospital of Orange County. Member Dave Colton says 500 are. expected at the club's Dec. 23 boat parade party and buffet supper at Balboa Bay Club. The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. and tickets are $20. Barbara Akin can be reached at 645-5000 for reservations and further information. NANCY ADLER THORNTON entertained with a reception in her Newport Beach home following the Orange County Master Chorale's Christmas concert in Orange Coast College Auditorium. Henry T. Segerstrom was presented with the 1983 Patron of the Arts award at the concert and was guest of honor at the reception attended by 150 of his friends and family members. The guest list included past recipients of the award, Elaine Redfield, Floss Schumacher and James K . Nagamatsu and Dr. Maurice Allard, chorale music director, Dr. and Mrs. John Carlisle Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lady Jr .. the Norman ·Smedegaards, the Robert Schaars, Nora and Vin Jorgensen, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Germain. Entertainment was provided by the Californians, a select group of singers in the chorale. -Fashion Island. THE DOLPHINS, women's division of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce, has presented a nice Christmas gi.ft to New Directions.·At the annual holiday lunch~n at Balboa Bay Club President Corky Whitford presented Dot Clock, ND board chairman, with a check for $20,500. The money was the result of the Wimbledon West Tennis tournament tbe Dolphins sponsored in October. More than 250 attended the festive luncheon featuring a,,centerpiece display and contest, singing, a visit from Santa and a little magic. SPECIALLY FOR CHRISTMAS Polo University by Ralph Lauren Corduroy port Coat · Tr.1ditin1wl!I 11.Jt11r,1/ .'hould1·rcd. p•1tl'l1 pni·kC'f$ 11ith J1a1>s. 1•entr•r 1·rnt. 11 Pit sramrrl .me/ hand rollrrl. Great Color CnmP/. Cho1·()/at<'. Tau1w. i\/,11/n'. RI.id. .. Sea Fn11111 •• 1·srlrt. Brrn .· Ou·~ Christmas "' Gift To You reguiar $17 5 • ' 1 THREE DAYS ONLY R:EERT A I LI'S formtrh Polo tort' 0 TH COAST PLAZA -333:i BRISTOL ST. A Weeksworth of N~M. Paulette Howard's netsuk~ art, Tuelday and Wednesday In Fashion Island. From 11to3, see h()VV she's arranged her netsukes with beautiful ~em1- precious stones~ She's here to befit your fall wardrobe -piece by piece. Our collection, 70. 00 to 550. 00. Fashion Jewelry, Beverly Hills and Newport Beach. The envelope, pleaae. N-M Gift Bonds are award- winning Chrlstmaa gifts. Just fill in the blanks. For last-mmute Santas with no time left to get just the right things. Here's 1ust the right thinq.s -an N-M Gift Bond in any de- nomination. Credit Desk, Beverly Hills, and the Gift Bond Booth on main floor, Newport Beach. Marcel Franck atomizers from Paris -the complete collection. Thursday in Beverly Hills; Friday at Newport Beach from T 1 :00 to 3:30. Objects of art all, each adds a luxurious note to your dressing table, an accent to your purse. Our collection, 25.00 to 195.00. Cosmetics, Beverly Hills and Newport Beach. With each 17.50 Godiva chocolate purchase, receive a 1/4-lb. bonus-through Christmas Eve. Exquisitely mqlded milk and dark chocolates, the centers filled with nuts, fruit creams, caramel, praline - delicious I For gifts, entertaining and yourself. The Chocolate Bar, Beverly Hills and Newport Beach. HolldayShopplngHours N·MS.verl'(tMs open IOIOB JO•/ICeplS•I ros N·MNewpOlfS.llCllC>f*l I010h11ceptSaf,'°' Sttnt operi ~y lo.f • . • More than 1,000 aupport.en of c.he--Oranp-County. Perl<>rmlna- Art1 Center will be at the OW\eyland Hotel tonight for the ninth annual Christmas Candlelight Concert. "Never before ha ve w e reac h e d 1,000 peopl e In attendance at this black-tie affair," commented Floes Schumacher, vice president in charge of special events for the center. ''The sellout la remarkable for a $100-per-peraon event in theee economic times. h is truly gratifying to know the center has this kincl of support from the community," she added. Following dinner, guests will be entertained by the Orange County Pacific Symphony, conducted by Keith Clark and the Orange County Chorale, under the direction of Maurice Allard. The program will include popular ChNtrnas carols as well as excerpts fr o m "The Nutcracker" and the "Messiah". THE WORLD PREMIERE of "Six Weeks," spolllOred by the Orange County Premiere Committee of the Diabe tes Aaaocialion brought tears. They were caused by the heart-tugging story of the film starring Dudley Moore, Mary Tyler Moore and talented new child actress Katherine Healy. DAILY PILOT /Sunday, O.Cember 12, 1982 Concert sellout: Hard act to follow . But there were no t.ean when the-leaulLot the1und-rMilM!t W.fll:i! announced. Germayne Cumby, chairman, told the group of more than 400 at Edwards Cinema that $30~.000 would be realized from t he event, and all oJ It would go for reaearch. · Actually. the Oran1e County event WIS parl of a double feature. A•. Oranae Countlan1 gathered at the Fashion laland theater, anothe r group WIS attending the movie premiere at Century Plaza in Loe Anplea. On arrival at F.dwards, guests were give n the red carpet treatment with valet parking, Santa's preny (female) helpers to d irect them to a spot where photographers awaited to take their pictures and then to an inalde lobby where champagne WU terved. Stationed at the front entrance, decorated with white poinsettias, were toy soldiers from Disneyland, and Paul Zimmerman's orchestra played to add to the holiday atmoephere. Alter the movie and eyes were dried, the party moved to The Ritz restaurant for supper where guests dined on lobster bisque Ritz salad, Medallions of beef and trifle. The guests included Virginia and Paul Bender, the Me l J1ffte1. Mimi and Hal 84mkrant, Jcrrl ClmmarruaU, Nancy and O.nlel H1rrl1, Joan and Robert Lund, Or. and M n . RuHell Poucher. Kathy and Robert Ruper. Terry and Robert Spreen, Sandra Ve ntura, Allee and Richard Zamboni and .Bob~e and Gerald Sanda. And what would a premiere be without eei.briue. -jolnina the ,uettl who came from au over the county were Adam Rich from ''Elaht ls Enou1h"; Ann Jillian, atar of "Mae Weat"; Bll\)' Warlock. "Happy Daya", C. Th omas H owell, "The Outsiders"; Shannon Doherty, "Little House : A N e w Beglnninl" and Byron T hames of "Father Murphy." THE DICKENS CAROLERS from Disneyland ente rtained members and guets of the 552 Club aa they entered the ballroom of the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel. More than 600 party-goers assembled In the atrium for cocktails to beain the Hoag Hospital major aupport avoup'• traditional Charles Dickens Christmas Carol ball. They dined on a feast of filet de boeuf au champlgnon and a lot of other tasty accompanying dishes and while the de.ert -• omelette noel -waa beinl aervec the entertainment beJCan. Harry Babbitt, maater of cerernonle1, Introduced Bones Weit, A 1roup of 40 trombone playera. Babbin, u ni "White Chrlaunaa" and then Invited the 1roup to join him In that aona and (n "Silttnt Nl&ht." Freddy MarU.n '• orchel\ra played for dancln1 and kept the dant-e floor crowded until 12:30 l.tn. Co-chairmen Gary Hunt and Tim Parker have eatlmated the ball wUl result In $53,000 for Hoa1 Ha.pltal. The amount is larply attributed to the seneroua donation• of "an1ell" who contributed f552. Amofll those attendln1 were Georp and Patrida Hoq, Aarlet Blomquist. Vicki and Mlcfiae l Gering, Charles and Nora Hesttt, Phyllla and Gene Baum, Barbara and Jim de.Boom, DI". and Mn. Paul Kuhn. Vi n and Nora Jorgenaen, Ray and Jean Kovacs, Gordon and Carol Bowley, E.H. and Patricia Clark, Gen. and Mrs. Richard Cooke, Dr. and Mn. Richard Agnew, Julie and George Ar1Yros. Tomi and Pa\ Evans, Dr. Fred and Betty Grazer, the Robert Mclntyrea, Jay and Marilyn Reed, the Joel Manchestera, Cecil and Jeuie Mae Shirar, Michael and Diane Stevens and Tom and Kathy White. Tim and Rhonda Parker with Joanne and Gary Hunt at Hoag 552 Club's Christmas Carol Ball. Sandra Ventura, left, and Bunny Pero with friend from Disneyland What is )!)ans un 7arbtn It is a French Parfumeur ... now open in Fashion Island ... and just in time for Christmas! DANS UN JARDIN. which means "in a garden:· is one of the most charming and personal boutiques from Paris . with over 100 shops in Europe. Canada, and the United States. We specialize In exclusive French and custom blended perfumes. and our most popular fragrances for ladies. me_n, and children come in comRlete lines of elegant and exquisitely scented soaps. shower gels. bath oils, body lotions. and more ... all color coordinated. \Ne also have excellent plant based skin care products. These and all of our products are extra mild. even for the most sensitive skin. For the man of good taste. we have six refined and very masculine fragrances ... each comes in a complete line of products including shaving soaps. after shave. colognes. deodorants. bath soaps and shower gels. To complement our unique family of products. we have the highest grade terrycloth bathrobes and towels as well as other boudoir accessories. And for the home. potpourris and burning oils In 50 fragrances. We cordially Invite you to come to Dans un Jardin .. a beautiful and Intimate boutique where you will feel at home with our personal service. Dans un Jardin ... now open In FoahlOn llland. Newport leach. -· ·- While guests enjoyed partying at the Newport Harbor Art Muse um's Christmas Tree Gala, some women worked in boutique booths. Shirley Gelde rt completes a made-to-order wreath. ··--··--- NORDSTROM: Anne KJein re presentative Mark Bigelow will conduct a scarf-tying demonstration in the acceisories Department of the South Coast Plaza store Tuesday from noon to 2 p.m. on the first floor. On Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. Joan Bennett will present a buildin g block wardrobe seminar in the blouse department second floor. Harvey and Rochelle Shields, representatives ot. Gary's leather wallets, will present a noon to 3 p.pi. trunk showing in the flrst floor acce990ries department. ERNESTO'S BAYSIDE: Designer Janell Berte's fashions will be modeled Wednesday from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at Ernesto's, 333 Baysid e Drive, Newport Beach. The Irvine designer's collection will include dressy silk and wool suits and silk and chiffon gowns. ROBINSON'S: The Friendship Collection of Jewelry from China will be presented in the -Newport-Beactrstore Thunday -from 10· e .m . to noon. 3oin [he Christmas 'Boat 'Parade December 17 thru 23. 1982 BALBOA PAUl~lan t•ur Boat! leave Nightly from ,! ADVANCE TICKET c,11 .,11y 5 Locker • SALES NOW Halboa Pavilion ' '"•'673-1 •34 - ..--.........:.· ·';· -~.,....._.. ~ ····~ -~- E•Joy tie Ciri1l•11 p,,,,, ol Li1it1 AIHMr' tie 52' Seiooaer "ALLURE" December l7-23rd two crutSH nichtly 6 00 lo 8 00 8 30 to 10 30 Cocktails Au1lalllr on board $12 per person ~ for rrstfuhons c~ "!l~"t( (7t4> m 2494 1!:iJ 1W Yachts available tor your hohday parties (ASI\ ABOUT OIJll SPlCW. - NEW Y(ARS CVl PARTY) ,.........,_, -•-l Cganog & Cook•t\ l'•~htln« Consultant""• In~. Suite S • 30 2 Vra Oi)orto • Hrwport Bfach Cahfornia 92663 le/ mUA de ( ;,,11,~1· Patil THE "MUST" TANK•. Crl>ated 1n 1918 by LOUIS Caruer In tribute to the American Tunk Cor ps. Today's version in 1a karat gold oversrcrttng--snvens stytmj with the Cldss1c Cartier dlal. Shown. ivory with Roman numerals or onyx lacquer. Each. $650. The earth abounds with luxuries. But precious few are musts. Bailey Banks& Biddle World Renowned Jewelers Since 1832 SOUTH COAST PLAZA. COSTA MESA First /eve/, Bul/oclt'• win1. (714) 761 -5640 Orange Coa1t OAILV PILOT/Sunday, December 12, 1982 (ti She'll Love It! From the in com parable Ralph Lauren Collection Thr clas ie Chatham uit ... s595 llcather Brown llerringlxme grra l with !>trow "13oatcr" anJ loose uloul>e. Tum of th<' Cc•ntury Anti~u<· Cameo ... s 150 SOUTH COAST PLAZA -3333 S. BRISTOL ST. - ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED On ~firsLJday of Christmas my tr~~ 911:vf-'to· ~ .. a m~_ll>~ ict cream Dn a aJne--' The perfect Christmas gift- Haagen-Dazs T-shirts, hats & bag·s -ln-many-yummy-flavors. ___ ---=---- We also have Haa~gen-Dazs Gift certificates. en-Dazs 0 ' ® The Ice cream dedicated to perfection! South Coa1t Plaza 3333 Brf1tol Street Ccma MeN, Ca. IHH 714 -754-7752 154 So. Coat Hwy. Laguna ieKh 714 -4 .. ·6507 •• DAILY PILOT/8und•y. December 12, 1ee2 can De enjOyeO in any climate By MICHAEL CARLTON ......_ ,_. T,..,.. Cltu rltet I remember last Chriltmaa well. I aat on a sun-aDlaahed patio or a 300-year-ola home overlooking the c.rtbbeen. It was warm that day -nearly 8S degrees -I was thinking thouthts of my childhood at Christmas: a childhood of deep snows in the Pennsylvania mountain.a, of sleds and red noses, of mittens and big, furry dogs to cuddle with at night beside the fireplace. 1 was happy that day in the Caribbean, just as I was happy in the frigid lands of my childhood. Christmas is such a special time with such a unique feeling that It can be enjoyed in any part or the world, In any temperature zone. with pleasure and love. It is becoming more and .11\ore fashionable not to be Jtome at Christmas, to not have to deal with stuffing a turkey, st.earning a plum pudding, decorating a tree and cleaning up the whole horrid mess after the orgy of dining and drinking has ended. For those of you who feel, as many of us do, that the best Christmas present you 'could possibly receive is a vacation away from home at Chrisbnas, here is our list of some wonderfully unique and happy ways to spend the holidays this year. Great Britain, the land of plum puddings and Tiny Tim, of yule logs and caroling in the lanes of the countryside, offers the most traditional of Christmas holidays to the traveler, so we'll start there - at Gleneagles, one of the great hotels of the world. Here, in the midst of the great rolling Highlands of Scotland, we'll make our way along a winding country road from Edinburgh, a lighi misting of_ snow swi~l!ng acr oas land so beautatul at make1 your heart ache. We approach Olenea1les with reverence, for we know the hlatory or thla place, with its five-star reputation of service, cuJaine and ambiance. Enterin1 the 1ates of Glenea1lea, surrounded by wild, unspoiled moors and free-flowing streams, ls like arriving home to our own private castle. On Dec. 24 we'll chec:k in and have a glasa of chan\pagne and a candlelit dinner in the Stratheam dining room. We'll be formally dresaed, for after d i nner we'll go int'o the ballroom to dance to a superb band, playinJJ Chriatmaa carols and waltzes. Then, we'll be taken to midnight Christmas service at a centuries-old church. On Christmas morning Father Christmas will visit, then we'll have a buffet lunch and lel.Jh~.m.ildre.o..enjoy the Mad Hatter's Tea Party. That night a traditional Christmas dinner -ham and turkey, plum pudding and wassail - will be served. On our last day, Dec. 26, we'll be taken to the Glamis Castle for a dram of whlaky and lunch. Then, perhaps, we'll walk through the little glens, our breath looking like pipe smoke as we partake of the crisp &ir. Later, we'll enjoy music in the piano bar and have a final dinner in the Stratheam. After dinner we'll dance the niaht away to the orchestra in the ballroom and then snuggle under a down comforter and dream thou&hts of a perfect Scottish Christmas. We can do all this for about $130 a day per penon. Sound too cold, this Scottish Christmaa? Then, let's take a cruise. We have four v ery good ones to chooee from. The Royal Cruise Line's Golden Odyssey Christmas cruise will leave San Juan and take us to Caracas, Aruva, Colombia and the San Blas Islands, then through the Panama Canal, and up to Acapulco. If we want to bring the children along, we'll only have to pay $900 per child and, best of all, they'll get their own stateroom. Not only that , the grandparents can come, too, and pay only half the usual fare. Sun Lines will have two things to celebrate on· its Christmas cruise leaving Galveston, Texas. Not only will we celebrate Christmas and New Year's on the cruise. we'll help the line observe its 25th anniversary. During this "champagne cruile," the wine will flow freely throughout our voyaae. We'll have a complimentary bottle of champagne ln our cabin, and attend champa1ne aemlnara and tastings as we vlalt l 0 porU of call and do a double Cf'OMin1 of the Panama Canal. We'll h ave a traditional Chrlslmaa dinner and -on New Year's Eve -celebrate the 2:5th year of the cnai.e Une with free champagne. If we overindulge, three professionals from Houston's Phoenix Spa will be there to help ua stay fil. Delta Line Crum offers ua two Christmas poealbi.UUes - one a cruise to Mexico, the Caribbean and around South America; the other to Canada. On the South American trip, Christmas Day will be spent transiting the Strait of Magellan. that maze of inlets and channels surrounded by glacier-studded peaka between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Hard to be more exotic than that. On the Canadian cruiae, the Chriabnas Eve celebration will be held as our ship enters Vancouver against the backdrop of snow-covered mountaina. Still not right? Here's one that is hard to beat for tradition. "Christmas in New England," an orgy o{ sleigh- riding. tree-trimming, carol- ing and parthing-with plenty p'f e1gnog, of course-is scheduled. The trip begjns at Hartford, Conn .. and proceeds to the F..sremont Inn at South Egremont, Mass., for four nights. After visiting Norman Rockwell's hometown of Stockbridge, Mass., and the pictu resque village of Middlebury, Vt., we'll move on to the Mountain Top Inn at Chittenden , Vt., for a snow-washed New England Christmas. Finally, we'll go to Boston and home. lf that la a bit too tame, how about a Chnatmu llWllU'ed by ''The Sound of Mu*"? The motor-ea.ch tour of Auatria, whkh lrv 1ude9 a concert in the Sahhurg Castle, a performance by 8alabur1'1 Marionette Theater, a lhoW' at Vienna's Spani1h Rldln1 School md an eveniQ1 at the Vienna State Opera. Chri1tmaa meal• wlll be served at lnn1bruck and Adamabrau and, on New Year's Eve, a banquet at the Hofburg in Vienna wlll be followed by the traditional Kaiaer Ball, one of Europe's aoclal hiahllahts. Coat, with roundtrip airfare between New York and Copenha&en included, la $2,409 per person. ea.mo. Tours haa two toun scheduled for the holidays that allow you to apend Chrlatrnaa Dey ln Rome. Rome ls a partJcularly nice place foe the Chriatmu le8IQD because the Piazza Navona ii the site of the annual Chriatmaa fair which is one of Europe's largest. St. Peter's, of course, la filled for Christmas Eve mass and hundreds of thousands will gather in the square to receive the pope's Christmas blessing. On our trip we'll al8o visit Venice, Florence, Piaa, Lake Lucern, Paris, Bru.uela and Vienna. The 16-day tour costs $Sl2 per person, and includes hotels, continental brealdut and dinner daily and sightseeing. The trip begins in London. Tilere are many, many more ways to apepd Christmas, from Williamsburg's quint- esse ntially American Christmas to the snow-bleaed ceremonies in Vail, from a rum-soaked Christmas in Martinque to a pinata- smashlng party in Mexico. Wherever you go -or U you plan to stay home -make it a season of joy and peace. Trial cruise is a mini-vacation NEXT Thl.6 .rticle concludes a two-part serje. on cruises. By DICK DOYLE .......... 0.., ..... A trial cruiae is commonly known as the party cruise. You are certain to know somebody who's t.aken at least one. It lasts tJlree or four days, depending on which itinerary you select. And, it leaves from Loe Angeles. The 20,000-ton S.S. Azure Seas is a floating entertainment palace. It's got Laa Vegas beat all to heck for a three or four day mini-vacation for people budgeting their time and their money -and you get the bonus of taking a cruiJle. the owner's suite (when available) at $600 for three nights or $65S for the four-night cruiae, to an inside caf>in in the Emerald deck with two lower beds for $350 for three nights or $400 for four . All these prices, by the way, are per person, double occupancy or "PPDO" as the travel agents say. Add to these prices your drinks, wine, port taxes of $11 per person and you've about covered the cost of required expenditures. Money pumped into the one-anned bandits ia al80 extra. But for less than $400 per person for three nights on the Pacific being pampered and fed like a hungry rhino, you've gotten quite a bargain. The three-night crui8e leaves Los Angeles at 7:4S p.m. every Friday althouth paaeengers and their gueata can go aboard a couple of boun before that. There's even a buffet for paaengera (your fint taste of "seafood," ir you'll Jm'don the pun) hours as well as at dinner. I recommend the second sftting every time. You don't have to be up for a 7 a.m . breakfast and afternoon tea at 3:30 should carry you through until 8:30 dinner. U you've never taken a cruiae, take an S.S. Azure Sea voyage and you'll be hooked. The only drawback I ever heard about waa the parking in San Pedro and that will always be a too-many-can, too-little-space problem for the Loe Angeles Harbor Department -and its -effort to get more cruise ships to stop at San Pedro's Port of Los Angeles. Better they should use Long Beach. If you're interested in one of these quick and comfortable cruises, contact your travel agent or West.em Cruise Lines, 1220 Biacayne Blvd., Post Offk'e Box 010882, Miami, Florida 33101. And, tell them the Dally Pilot told you to call. Bon Voyage! The Azure Seas plies the waters from Loe Angeles to Enaenada. Then home again. Plenty of time in port and even more time at sea. It's a shorty cruise that will 1et you in the mood for the Caribbean, A1aaka or even the QE2. be,mrllng at 7 p.m. Your guests will be ashore by ,.------------------- then, by the way. You'll arrive at Enaenada al 10 a.m. Saturday and leave at 9:30 a.m . Sunday, docking ln San Pedro at 8 a.m. Monday. However, customs will delay you a couple of boun at this end, ao don't plan to get back to Orange County before • 4 road sign in the Australia outback warns motorists that kangaroos are cl"088ing in the area. Admittedly, this isn't a restful mini-vacation. Not with three night clubs, a diaoo, five ban, a movie house and more slot machines than you can count. The latter, by the way, helps keep the cruiae cost down. Capt. John Cox says his S.S. Azure Seas generates from $2,000 to $10,000 a day at sea from the casino. Not bed pickings. The Azure Seas canie, 700 pasaengers in the lap of luxury. Its staterooms all have closets, dreeeers, wall-to-wall carpeting, private bathrooms with shower, telephones and two-channel music. Since you're not out of range of Loe Angeles and San Diego television stations, you even can w11tch "Love Boet" on television, if you like. There are nine -yep, n-l-n-e -levels of accommodations on the Azure Seas, ranging from noon at the earliest. The four-day cruise leaves Loe Angeles ~t 4:45 p.m. Mondays, arrives in Enaenada at 10 a.m. Wedne9days, leaves that beautiful (and still almost undilcovered) tourist spot at 9:30 p.m. Thuraday, getting you back home by 8 a.m. Friday. Aa for meals, breakfast is from 6:30 a.m. until 9:30 a.m. and lunch is from noon to 2 p.m. in the Cale Miramar, a wonderful little eatery away from the fonnality of the dining room. However, the dining room ia an experlmce during the daytime !r hey have Christmas DOwn Under, too It's summer Down Under. Warm breezes off Cle South Pacific. Weekendera crowding popular 8ondi beach. Parka filled with cricket playen, eoap bi>x orators, amateur painters and pretty Australian &trla in frilly cotton dre.es. Weather geta up in the high 701 but A\.181rallana manate to make a Christmu anyway. 'nlough they were born on thla aide of the world (and call Engllahmen "bloody Pommiea") F.ngland Gi Home. They turn on the plum pudding and the ChristmU gooee in weather suitable for ice cream mld cold cuts. George Milne who runs the Chevron Hotel up I\ King's Croa told me: "I never knew what Chriatmaa was like until I was in a Japane.e pri90n 9ffiP· It waa Cbriltamu time. We were badly fed. Had a bed time at Singapore. "But we were up in the mountaina of Japan. The air anelled of pine treel and the sky waa fulfof reed at.an. It felt like ChrlstmU." _ Sydney's coamopolltan by any standards. l.araer \han Loa Anaelea. modem .. New York. lt.ocltbroken wear plnltripes. Cabbiea aocept credit •rda. So many akyacrapera the sun doesn't tenetn._ until mid morninl· Sydney la San Francisco with tea breaks. •anhattan without mu~era. Officially the a>o-year dee with Mother wen cut at the II.Im of the century. But the ver cord II .UU there. A~ mwt be the~ beer drinkinl ll!eOl)le in the world. Jl'.ncllah«yle meat p6el are aa •tlOnal aa our~ ~ In Mew Gulnee durinc World War ii were arnued that Au.trallanl on Juncle i-trol 8wa19 halted at 4 JUD. to boll up tea. "" Queen SUubeth'a portrait la on every umwallan co&n -b.nknote. J'ram the W• a-& It'• a 17 ~-hour ride on ~·• QUARTAS. (One of the oldest a&rU.. • the world. 1' flew internally on buah pUot niu•.) o.ta fl198 one-way. C.. flH more to , • SYDNIY li09"f city in Au•trolio, o covntry QI big QI the U.S. wltti leu than 15 millon people. Tempet'GturM now in midsummer 71 deoi-doy mid "'9ht. Y041 Ned o paMflOft, o 'Illa mid a rounckrip tldtet. Strong eM04MMIOl tlet to England. The 0--'s llrttidoy 11 o national holiday. (A curiovl 1elollo!iehip ~ it wos England who~ her comlcta here uNil ltle middle of ltle 1800I.) The Aumalion has ~ fof all of England'• www. "IMf, beer, beerl" IClid ltle priw!ft. "IMrry -ry men --"' IMf -stroneer than ovn Is mother's ml• to the Ausele. Twenty•flw ~ ago drinking after 6 p.m. -ovttaw.d. Autttollant ruthed out of their offfcee at quitting time to dmlt as ~ beer • poulble. A time llnown aa ''the 5 o'clodi """"·" 1 Win• was know11 contemptuously os "plonk." Now Auttralla's ,.,._ -IO fOllONd !MN'• llttte left to •JlflO'i. ride the luxury buaine9I ci-. Buy It. It's worth it. M09t of what viaiton want to aee ls within the downtown rectanc)e: The <>Pera House. The apedaC\llal' new Centerpo&nt obeervadon '9WW· ~ rest«ed lite of colonial Sydney. The waterfront .,.. known • '"Ille Rocks." Good tranlit. Taxla, ~' meeicara. subway. The city rww blc Mercedea "Explorer"' "'-for tourists -all-day ticketa, $8. Off and on aa you like. U you rent a care, you'll find the 1teenn1 wheel on the rilhL Traffic ..,.. on the left. The apeedomecer ii in kilometen. Said the car rental men: "No worn., mate. JUlt do evwythina~ md ahe'll be riaht." Sydney t. mc.t of it'1 lovely hafbor. The Sydney brtq9. Melbourne people c:all ''The CO.ihAnaw" .) new Opera Hou9t, the most med buildinc ln town. You cen Ill married in the Open Houee. Have your ILldt baptmd on the front 1teJ19. A n&cht at the op1r1 ciom what you'd npect to P91 for a Broedw~ lhow. Biil _._ IO for $85 • peit. Rowa 19-iO. (The Queen 1111 then when llhe'• in town.) • Best bargains are standing-room-only aold an hour before cutaln curtain time: $5 and the view is territic. · The stronger American dollar helps the tourist. American and Austcal.ian dollars are rou&hly equal now. (Earlier thla year our dollar was 13 cents le1a than theirs.) However, cmt of living is up. Sydney ia the third most expensive city in the South Pacific. much competition. • At a beach reeort north of town hotels chalk their rata on outdoor blackboarda. The moment a hotel keeper low~rs a price, everybody el8e dashes outside to wipe their slates and chalk in a new figure. Slide-lecture tour at OCC Two Oranae Cout Col.lep allde·lecture prosrama wW \Ake audleJK'eS around the world. The praentatiorw are echeduled on Friday, Dec. 17. A Scandinavian experience, to becin at 7:30 p.m. at the Fine Artl Jfall, wW include fjorda of Norway, the VIJdnl capital of Ollo, Stoc*holm and Copenhqen and the «Nntrylld• of Sweden and Denmark. Lecturer wW be VMan CurUa, a native of Norway who hal ._upt NorwetSan c1-at the con.a-md hal eonducted field ltUdy towl to 8can&llnavla. At 7 p.m. in the IC.ienal ~ hall Ralph Oerrtlon'• pl'OlrWft wtU CXMl'~a ann.. the AmalDn bllin. a.u and the u... P\u1her lnfonnatlan • a by ce1linl &N-5880. • . . .. • NEWPORT HARBOR PARADE OF LIGHTS CHRISTMAS CRUISE Enjoy bdn1 • put or the tncUtional Parade of Ulhts CbrislnhlS Cruise aboard the newly commissioned C•taUna Holiday. Friday, December 17th Saturday; December 18th Sunday, December 19th Monday, December 20th BOARDING TIMES: SAILING TIMES: 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:15 p.m. COST: $14.00 per person •Plc;l-.c specify \Jthng ume .. hen ordering. I 1<:kc1~ will he honored for specified sa1h ng 11me only Balboa Pavlllion Main Strttt & E~tltn ~ TRIP INCLUDES: • l 'h Hour Cruise • Champacne • Danctn1 with Lin Musk •No Host Bar FOR RESERVATIONS CONTACT: Ex«utlve Toun A Tramportatk>n 711 w ... 17th Street, Sufft C-11 Co.ti M111, Cllfomla 91617 (714) '46-1163 ·~· A I.I. PIHC'tl SIJ&IF.M' TO CllANGI W1T1t0t It None E. ,.... .......................... ,_ ... ... _....,. ........ -............. ... ................................. _ ........... , ................... . CllOIJl'S MCJSr MAK~ f'HDlt OWN TrlA~l'fMTA TION Allll,.N<i«M~Ntt, .. 111111 Piii SUNDAY, O!C. 12, 1912 ENTERTAINMENT 05 TELEVISION 08 ......... ~.., ... --- It was quite an elaborate system t hat finally brought Tod Murphy to the UC Irvine campus. NBC playing -musical-chairs Hiring o f Vin Scully h as sh ak en up broadcasting team s It is always gratifying when an old friend makes it big but, somehow, the notion perai.ated that Vin S cully was not without a future in broadcasting. Therefore, if it wasn't startling, it was significant when word reached the boulevard on the deal E. Gregory Hockstratten had put together for Scully with NBC. The contract calls for Scully to do bueball on the network for a salary in the neighborhood of a million dollars a year, a highly respectable neighborhood. Of courae, Vinnie atilt haa the first dime the Dodgers ever paid him and doesn't need that kind of money but that 1a neither here nor there. It 1a significant that when a star of Scully's 1tature arrivea on a particular scene, m\Jch commotion is created. In this case, there is considerable trembling in the baaeball department at NBC. THOSE WITH THEIR ean to the ground and their eyes to the keyholes at NBC say t1le bueball team of Tony Kubek and Joe Garagiola 1a obviously hi.atory. Thi.a will be accompllahed by dumping Kubek and slipping Garagiola in u the No. 2 man behind Scully. It 1a entirely likely a national poll of bueball TV viewers would have suggested NBC keep Tony and give the foot to Joe, but there are people at the networks who are paid oonsiderable IWJW to make such dedsiona without ..utance, particularly from the general public. If Kubek FS to the No. 2 buebell team at NBC, 90 be it. However, the reports say nobody goea anywhere without a oerta1n degree 'Of feeding of the egoe. It ia a known fact in bra.dcuting that if egos are not fed, they are liable to nm amok. SPORTS COlUMHIST BUD TUCKER Enberg was not financially compensated and said he would not pennit hia ego to interfere with the network'• acquiliton of "a top announcer.•• Actually, Scully is the best bueball announcer on the face of the earth and there are thoee who bear the aounda of di.atant violina when Vinnie does a National Football League telecut. Quite aome time o, thi.a tourist expreteed some of the aspect.I in~ved in the Anaela .elllng their product asainst whatever oppoeition waa created by the Loa Anaeiea Dodaen beina 30 milee -or thereabout.a -down the l"Olld. Mentioned prominently WU the fact that Vin Scully was • very formidable inltitution with the Dodgen. ENBERG TOOK thla u a personal afront inasmuch as he WU bra.dcuting the Angela pines at the time. It came as aomethinc of a aurprile that any bueball broadcMter would be offended by being placed a notch behind Vin Scully, but ep are powerful Influences on the thinking and behavior of their ownen. It la a1IO rather intereltln8 that NBC found it nece ... ry to aooth and pacify the ego of Joe Garasiola. The gap between the talent• of Garaak>la and Scully Ill, to utter the very leut, vast. J oe Garaaiola could not carry Vin Scully'• . . . Paclly and 1ooth Joe Gara1iola? Well, what.ever the network feell it has to do, but there was a much limpler IOluUon to any problem with the ego of GaraO>la. NBC could nave traded Garali<>la to CBS for Jimmy the Greek and P h yll11 George and a corpulent flcure to be named later. ~ ClllllfllD 010 , . Murphy's Law_ • It adde d up to UCI for top r ecruit By JOHN SEV ANO or ... .,.., ........ You can't help but wonder why a CIF 4-A Player of the Year, with hundredl of basketball achoola to chooee from, would elect to' continue hi.a career at UC Irvine. After all, a player of such apparent q ... wmcations and ability would normally have hls pick among the elite college market, right? Of coune, just to complic.ate the aituation, UCl frfthman Tod Murphy admitted he had such a aelectlon. So, why then, with all the possible cho~. did he pick UCI of all places? "IT WAS BASICALLY becauae I liked (Coach Bill) Mulligan a lot," aaid the lanky 6-7 forward who tore up the CIF last year in averaaing 16 points per game while leading Lakewood. 20'-3 overall, to the 4-A title in 1982. "Plua," he added, "another reason I chose Irvine was that I felt it was an up-and-coming achool and the program would get better in the future." Deapite his simplistic answers, Murphy acknowledged there was a much more complicated procedure in which b_e baaed bis final decision. With an a11lst from his father, Tom, the younger Mu rphy aaid he sat down and Hated approximately 15 items he felt were important. He theh rated each cate,ory from l-to-10 depending on it.a sianificance to his career. Finally, once all the num6en were imerted, they. were multiplied together for a final total. ''Things like academics, arena. achedule, area, and IOCial life were taken into account," explained M~hy. 'What about personal emotions?" asked a reporter. ''The final thing was gut-feelingl," Murphy an1wered quickly, "and that rated a 10 in importance .•• MURPHY SAI D he didn't remember UCI's final total ("It was 600-BOmething"), but whatever lt wu the campus "graded about 50 points better than (UC) Santa Barbara." Mwphy, in deciding on the Anteaten, said he pared ha final choices down to UCl, UC Santa Barbara. USC, Santa Clara and Long Beach State. And, to uy UCI wasn't aurpriled by Murphy's final ded.aion would be inaccurate. "Yeah, it wa1 a 1urprise," admitted UCI um.tant coach Mlke Bokosky. ''But at the same time we were glad becawe we really rec:rulted the beck out of him. Up until the last week, though, we didn't know. And we would have been di.aappointed if we hadn't gotten him. "I knew he had eome type of evaluation system eet up. But I didn't know it was that elaborate." "' Breaking away Fortunately, for UCI, It wu. And the Anteaters have been reapina dividends ever lince. In four games (three u a reterve and one as a starter), Murphy has averaged 10.2 points and 5 rebounds. He ia aecond on the team in the latter department behind Bob Thornton. So far, Murphy haa managed to exceed everybody's expectations but his own. He may be a freshman, but he certainly hasn't played or acted like one. "I KNEW I was capable. I knew I could play. It was just up to what the coaches thoul(ht," aaid I lcnew I w.u ~pable. I knew I could play. It was just up to wh at the coaches though t. Murphy. "I think as I go along they'll have more. and more confidence in me . . . somewhat like Kurt Rambis (of the Laken)." Murphy's maturity may stem from the fact he spent most of his We on the shirt-tail of his brother Tim (a junior at Colorado State), who 1a 2 !h yean his senior (Tod is 18 years of age). "Basically, I've always played with people that are older than I am," said Murphy. "It was even more 80 when I was a kid because I always played on my brother's team and did everything with my brother rather than people my own age. "I think becauae of it I developed much quicker as a player." That doesn't mean, however, that Murphy 1till ian't going through a learning process. In UCI's opener against the University of Oregon, Murphy was quickly introduced to Division I basketball with a couple of belts to the chin from 6-11 center Blair Baamumen. Recalled Mulligan; "He (Murphy) came back to the bench and said, 'He hit me .• I said, 'No kidding'." Mulligan noted that he tried to get Murphy l)n a stronger weight program during the off-aeuon, "but it's ~h to tell a kid out of high achool thoee kind of things." Murphy realizes now he could have U8ed the bulk, however. "I've lost eight pound• since the start of practice (Oct. 15) and I didn't have eight pounda to loee," aaid Murphy with a mille aa he currently carries 192 pounda on hi.a 6-7 frame. -To illustrate just how thin Murphy looka, in UCl's game with Pepperdine, in which the Anteaten unveiled their new uniforms, you would have though t the jersey Murphy wore was (See MURPHY'S Pace 03) San Franciico running back J eff Moore shed & potential tackle during Saturday'• ga me with San Dit!8o. See story, 04. FOR INSTANCE, Garagiola and Kubek would be oompenuted finandally for stepping aide to make room for Scully. During thia feedinl, thouah, there WM very likely a ar-t dMJ of weeptna. Ci. ceta the picture of Ganciola throwina hinweU to the floor of ~ executive suite and ldckina h1a feet and holding h1i breath. Another ep which has been mentioned la that of Dick Enberl. the fonner vokle of the Anaela and Rama. l!nberg la actually NBC'• No. 1 football ~ but he w involved in a-ball at u.ne.. For instance, be w. pm't of a J.arae crowd of guy. NBC atuffed into the boc>th du.rtnc the molt recent World Series. Mustang~' rally falls just short, 58-54 Rambis le ads Laker s OAKLAND (AP) -With forward K·urt Rambl1 domlna 1 tl:f, the backboard•. the Loa AJiaelea Laken y ran aver the Golden State Warrior• 121-107 ln a National Baaketball AmoclaUon ..... S.turday ni&ht. Ramb6I. plaYN only 21 mlnu• puu.d clown 14 rebound• 81 tbe Lakere 1rabbed a ~4-39 rftouncllnl ..._ It WM the fourth comecuuve 1•m• ln whim Golden State h•• been out- rebounded. 'n'9 LaMn med balanced ICOriq • MVen plaYWI recorded douaM ,.._.., wtth 1lamb9 the '°' 9DONt' with • potnta. f,{1~88 MUNSON ............. 'liM c.o.ta .._ Hilh Mwtanp •ved the be9t for lut Saturday ni&ht. but came up abort, G&-M, apin8t Loni Belich Wu.on in the champMJnlhlp • ' ame of the Klwanl1 Invitational Baaketball oumament at s.n Clemlftte Hllh School. Behind 43-32 at the eun of the fourth quarter. the MUl\anlll ou'8cored wu.on 7 ·2 to pull to within ""with 8:13 left. After an~ oft.Uta. Mae cmww ewn cmr, .. Daw Palm6l.de made a three-point play. With Juet 42 wandl wlnlna. Phil Km IOONd to cut Whmn'1 le.t to IM-12. On the elllUillC placillon WM called f« ~-...... .... ... witb -~ ..,... i.tL But a.ta ........ nnt and the MIMWlll had to foul WiJMD OU\ o ....daft. Bruce Fr...--sect the vtctory with a pair of free throw1. Fraaer wa1 named MVP of the tournament and acond 21 potn ... hlttlnl e of 7 from the field alone with 9 of 10 from the line. . Ted Stitt had a gune.bilh 22 pomta for c.o.ta Meea, while P.amblade .-.I 12 and Paul Bd.orl Md 11. "We 1tarted off llow," Mid MUltanl c.o.ch 'nm Panel. 'l()ur movement wwi't very aood· And wu.on lhot vwy well." WDaan opened the ~ by .. ~ .wt\ of lta ftnt ellht Moea from the field, and 1111 at the end of the ...,... 1e.10. 0 They an very tall -and pla~llent ...._ .. 8clded ........ .,,_, tclGk our pme· lfWfl1 ,.... ...... , .-11111 Nboe-W well. .. l ~ ........ ..., .. _ .... l ddnkwe .... ~..Uattbllpalntln .. _.." -A -palr of 11-foot jumper• bJ IUtt • (All-toumament) cut the Muatanp' halftime defldt to four polnta, but Wil8on countered with aix atrailht polnta by ,..._,. to live the Bruim a -b-23 le9d mld~ay throup the third ~· The Muetan11 manaPCI to 1hoot only 41 percent from the fJeld. while WUaan bettered that mark wtth a 55 s-mnt effart. And the Bndm m9d9 18 of 23 tr.. throwl to make thlncl tMt mudl Miler. Coeta Men _playa a1aln Mon day •1atn1t =.~:ID) In the IMne Toumamilnt .. In ~lrd place action Saturday, Foothill defeated San Clemente, ea-&&. All-tou~ perform.' Neb Dutrtlllc led all ICONl"I with .. palnta far Faodalll. • The ........ -· afWr for the ~ ....... ......._ ... 191b&D held a 4Ml 1wl ..... Into tbit tlml .... . • .. ... Orang• CoHt DAILY PILOT I unday, D9C mlMlr 12, 1982 -----------------------------------------------------------~--,...-~--------------------------I I /lefH'r•1t .tth ; .. r ,. Na•p1tten ttlnlf Miii .. ol 61-,.,,. J ullH Er vl•a i('Ol't'd u lit'HOll m Ralp9a Sampt OI outducled Pat m high 44 JlOlni.a to lcud l'haladt•lphlu EwlDI In their l't"lClbrated 1howdown to a 128· 1l1 victory ovor vh•l llntf Saturd11y nlaht f&I top-ranked Vlrtlnla Oetrolt Saturday night In t.ho hunai on tor a 68-63 victory ovl'r National Buketball ~lutlon, Th win WN !he_ third rankf'd Georactttown In colleie. buketball. 76era1 Uh.h 1t.ralaht ovt•r Dctroh at tht1 SJ)l'Clrum ·-Samp.'lc.m. a T-4 aenlc>r, ~elealed VlrafnJa to . . . F.l uwtiere In t he NBA , Rola ndo It• alxth 1trul1ht victory thla 1euon by to.ina In Bia a. 11 -.a h 7 .1 23 polnta. whll Ewlna, a 7-0 tophomore, had 16. camu t.a lvu • J•mt.--hlat 2 polnu t&nu Tlw lloyu rn 6· 1 . Forward Dar ren Daye Mark Apirre chlppuc.1 In with 25 WI DallOll Nigro k'Ortd 19 polnta to leMd a balanced UCLA attack San Olf'go, 124-118 · · · as the Mth-ranked Bruins rolled to a 94-71 Be rnard Kina notched 18 Basketball s~ores c:r CNipmen ti. 1oe11 Colleae 1 a UCU.t4, ...... "--ltr 7f" --CfllOo 81 12, ltanfofd 71 Chrl•I College 71, San JOH ...,..., Gon1aoa 12, E Oregon II Cat Poly·Pomon1 57, San Ftendeco 81 141 Cal 81111 t.A M , Noire OM'9 (Cal.) 74 Coiumble 61, Holy Cfoee 17 Atebtm4I 71, ~ It 13 (3 Oii TCM•A...,,I ...... FtHnO It H , P~dtM H '"'"' H Afl2on• It, ... n ... Pedflo 17 (ltllrdJ ........ ~ 78. Wyoming 65 (llrttj H C ·Wllmlnglon ti, E Ml ~64 (thltd) ,......,_ Chacon wins brawl points IUld Maurice Weba&er triumph over San Joae State . . . Mark had 4.'lght of his 13 rebounds Gauon poured In 10 polni.a and arabbed 14 i h , h N rebounda to help No. 7 Iowa to a 68-55 vicCory POt1llnd II, 8oM 81 M ......... 71. IM. r.tarf • • 7 88rt Dleao I t. •t. Oteoon 47 Weller I t. M. Pdlc ,7 a. Flcw1dll 17, Flcw1dll 73 ,.,.., Flcwtde It. 11, Jllllkeofwlle M lthlrdl (, and new WBC title n t e ourt ~uartcr u ew over USC . . . Dicky Beal notched 14 polnta York held of Washington. and trla~red an 11-0 run at the end of the fint 85-79 . . . Adrian Dan&ley --and Darrell Grtffl&b had 19 h alf to break open • close game as No. 2 Cal ~tlet 70, POf'llOl\a•Plttet 11 UC Nvef81de 11, Sec:re""nto St ... u111111::~. ~ 11 63 ("'91) 8't'U 70, Fcwdllenl ::~:;:) From AP dlapatcbes · SACRAMENTO -Bobby m Chacon blasted Rafael Limon to the canvas with a pair of hard rights ln the final 9e00nds Saturday to clinch a 15-round unanimous decision and capture the World Boxing Council super featherweight title nine months after his wife committed suicide points apiece In Utah's 101-94 Kentucky routed Illinois. 76-~7 ... Guard conquest of Houston . . . Tim Taylor hit a jwnper from the top of the key R or y S parrow scored a with five 1eCOnda left and Homer Riven added •RV1N0 _ season-high 30 points as twofree throwatogiveDivlaloh ll member Chko Atlanta knocked off Chicago. 117-107 . . . State an 82-78 upeet at Stanford. Mike Wood1on'1 34 points. a career high, sparked Wisconsin s•uts down ""d6ers Kansas City to a 122-110 triumph of host San Humbolcff 81. 74, 8. Ofegon 85 Weetrnoril II, Ctaremont·Mudd 11 ~1rrr1 ........ ..._... Peudene 17, LA ~t 70 Iowa 11. IO, Maona ee (llfll) H•• Mexico ... tot' New Golden WMt H , Alvetelde 17 Melllco.. (ttWdl Utah 11, ......,Reno IO LA Pierce 77, LA Velley 10 UW1 It. IO, ldeflo I t. 54 (coneolellonl MT F0toe 74, l.HMlJ 70 ..... 11 ••--Onnge COM1 61, 1en Meleo 68 1 becauae he wouldn't qult boxing. Antonio. The win put the Kings back in first BATON ROUGE, La. -Junior II place In the Midwest Division. quarterback Randy Wright threw for e 9 t two touchdowns, one good for 87 OlllMlome 1'7, W. T .... SI 85 (third) K-82, SMU IO ..... ...... ' Chacon. bleeding h eavily from the noee most 1 of the brutal bout. had to win ..... 8anle .... 77, Sanll Ana .. Kentudcy 76, Mlnoll 57 (4 ot) (llrel) the last round to take t he d ecision and he furiously chased the Mexican boxer around the ring. Chacon rocked Limon with a right near the ropes, then followed with two rights in the center of the ring that sent Limon crashing to the canvas. The final bell yards, to lead Wisconsin to Ha firs -ever Whale al a win tor llartlord poetaeason victory aa the Badgers beat Kansas State 14-3 ln the seventh annual Independence Blaine Stougbtoa scored three Iii· Bowl Saturday night. goals Saturday night as the Hartford ' Wright hit on 10 of 24 pass attenv>ts for 183 Whalers defeated !-'htJadeJphla 'f-4 tor yards, muiitering the only real offe~ of the their first victory over the Flyers night. Neither team could get a ruahmg game since joining the National Hockey League. The going. Whalers had gone 0-8-3 in their first 11 games The Badgera' first acore came on a 16-yard against the Flyers since 1979 . . . In other Wrigh t pass to Mike Jones in the second quarter M~ IO, N. Alebeml 49 El Cimino 82, Compton 44 N.C. Wlllleyen 58. VMI 47 (1tlltd) ,,~Old 00m1~ 75, w. Kentuc:tcy Lona 8Mdl 17. a.r.ta Monica .,. 75 (coneotellonl Wl6ce F0<Mt 87, Appejtchlan St. .,_._. 48 GfOMmonl 63. Clrr1toe 52 (llftl) Virginie Tech 88. Rlchtnood 88 lmperlel Veltey 82, Sen Diego T~ 78, New Orleen1 74 Mele 72 (third) 0-gla 93, C. Weeieyen 15 Porte! 111111 81, 8outtwtem le Jame1 Medllon 88, Ve. (conaoletlonl Commol1....ith 57 c..... MlrnpNe St. IO, E. T--Moorl*'k 70, Weet LAU (~It) St. 82 Cenwor11 M. CU.U 11 lthlrdl Vendefbllt 74. Dutile 65 Pelo mer 10, Fullerton 87 • CHAC<* sounded with the referee in "the middle of the count and Limon standing ', virtually helpless, his eyes glazed and his mouth NHL action, the struggling line of Clark GlDIH and. in the third quarter. with Wiaconain at ii.a and Duane and Bren& Saner e~~~ed for nine own 13-yeard line, Wrigh t tossed a short paaa to polnts to-spark the New York ders to a 7-1 wide receiver 'l'im Stracka. who raced all the win over New Jersey . . . Peter Stastny way to the end wne. M NofUI Cerolina 79, Sente CWa (coneoletlon) Diiie Not1h Carotine St. 45, Mlchlgen Dixie 913:. ~Int) St.41 - Ctemton H . Pr~et'len et T WI spitting blood. , Chacon. who lost the WBC featherweight scored three goals. Marian Stastny added two L d d and Anton Stastny scored one to lead Quebec;-:to= __ W_BA re111a~ reef!_mmen e De¥1daon 11, Mwac:twtt1 ea ._ c1e-.. South Carollna 59, Putdue 63 LB Wllaon 58, Coeta ..._ 54 ' championship eight years ago, was giving his pdream of regaining a world title one last chance ·at the age of 31. He considered killing himself : ater his wife, Valorie, took her life last spring, , · but he kept fighting. 7-4 triumph over Pittsburgh . . . Doug The World Boxing AssOciatlon Ill Wlckeabelaer drove in a 25 -Coot slapshot for the supervisor for the Mike Weaver· winning goal to give Montreal a 3-2 victory over Michel Dokes heavyweight title Buffalo ... Ron Delorme and Doug Halward fig h t said Saturday h e will • scored eight rrunutes apart m the secona penoct recommend th at the organ ization order a to help Vancouver defeat St. Louis 3-1 . . . rematch of the controversial fight . Nick ....... -(lll'lt) Iowa ee, USC 55 Foothlll 83, San Cl-nte 55 Notre Del'M ea, Dertmoutn 45 (ttwdl Ball St. to, Bredley 88 Compton 84, El Modena 22 ~ St. 54, Ofll ~ 40 (conao1at1on1 Kent St .. 87, Canlllul.. --· Clndnna'1 78, Aicron ee Cec*treno Velley 51, Sonora 47 Oil"'-81. 81, St. L~ 58 (flnst) ~r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---, Q•ote ol tbe day Danoy Gare had two goals to give Detroit a 6-2 Keraalotlf said he will be meeting with WBA w. Virginie •• Ohio St .. 87 (2 Oil La Hebt• 74, Bre•·Ollnd• 70 MiMout117, Oregon St. 58 (ltwdl •I .~ . ... ~ . .. '• ~· ... •• jt. 11· .:· .: I •' •I I.> I I ' t j • I , ... i I Heracbel Walker, Georgia running back who won the Heisman Trophy: win over Toronto . . . Defenseman Mike President Gilberto Mendon Monday a nd O'Connell scored on a 50-foot slapshot in the expect.a to suggest the rematch of the bout in Cok>rado 72, Loyole, 11. 71 Canyon 49. Dena HIMI 38 tllfthl NebfMlla58 eaytor51 lrvlne 55, Megnolla 43 Marquette ae. N. MlflOl9 58 (conM>latlon) "People have to make people. I've been surrounded by fine athletes and people who have helped me. Life is a team, and if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be here." third period to give Boston a 4-2 win over which Dokes stopped Weaver at 1:03 of the first Chicago . . . Minnesota remained one point round Friday . . . Fonner New York Giants Mleml, Ohio et, Kenyon 48 ... ..,_ l<Ml8M 52, Abilene Ctwlttlan 39 S«vlte eo, SI. Anthony 58 (otl ahead of Chicago in the Norris Division with a wide receiver Rie b Houston was killed early 5-4 victory over Edmon ton. The Oilers have a Saturday in a head-on colliaion that left one lael (COMOlltlon) Vlfginle ea, a.Grgetown 83 Non ,, .. .,. Maryland 15, ~ 64 • Sentlego 74, Legune 8Nch 68 five-point lead over the second-place Kings. other peraon dead, police and team offlcial.a said . Nllvy 11, Herv•d 57 Womeft $yr-t2, Houeton 87 c ..... Autgert IH, t.af8Y91te :Ml UC INtne 81, Utllh St 85t FIEE #IT "'' I IHI I' IElrlEI 11'11UT llfl LIT_l_l_llZ( MIRI Wide Screen TV ,_,.,,, .... ,,.,, '"'"'',,. 7S9-1BS4 3901 W. Co1st Hwy. ~ w 1na~~ :4ta11ea11t GIANT SCREEN TV 4()¢ HOT DOGS '1.00 BEER Happy Hour 12 to 5 1Mt3 9laia It. 141-1111 laatlattea IMI~ 141-UU • PREDICT THE SCORE AND WIN A FRIE ROOM FOR 2 FRI. A IAT. NIGHT 10 WHERE TllE AOTlll Ill llAIT SCIEEI TV & EJCtra 'IV's for Great Viewi ng FMt LHI ht lqs I 011111 h11 lta41• ... nlt' · Pra·G•me Warm Up Happy Hour From • P.M. 846-o201 2907 W. CoHt Hwy. Newport .. ech ~~~::~N·T~ All Beer During Game $1 .00 Hot Dogs, Chili & Chips -[ __ ._ ... _--__ ._....,_._ ........ ___ __. _ SlllY llEES 1 ... So. of 405 Fwy. Coll ,_ ,...,,.,..,,, 913-23" • JlMIO GALLEY DECK COCllTAlS • JlMIO Ctal Ctl£SE DOGS FOOTBALL SIZE HOT DOGS 18 oz. MUGS OF BEER Happy Hour Hon d' Ouevre1 4:30 to 6:30 Mon.-Fri. 14982 Redhill At Edinger IAR-1-IJIED Riii IAR-1-IJIED DllDKE# 71' IEER FOUR Tr11 11'"9 0.ast lhrJ. 141-2224 •••••rt ltaall ~~COltMJCf\S L~NDING BIG SCRllN TV 25• HOT DOGS $1.00 1111 "" ,.,,,,..,,., Allll ... , 4 L.A. RAll8 CHelR&.eADIRI 3 GIANT ICMIN TV't -llAl'l'LI PRID8 FfN T.:o. a Hon D'NU~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Folornd By C_,,, Wntn ,_, •••••••••••••••••••••• hwy Mendoy Nitht 6 p.m. te I 1JO a .m. ...&\(ff(I-~ ""'\'• ~ . ta•· .at, "'"'°"" • IAlOOlt Oyer Ad. •t Newport Fwy. Santa Ana 549-1612 l • • ' ...... ~ • v • -- .. Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, December 12, 1982 F erragamo gets another chance today! • Chalk llu-p lo lnc.·rroffi l' Um nH , or maylx> lhe fact &rt J om.•1 Is lnjun'<.I. t;llhcr wuy , the bou.om line 11 ttlln)lj rans wiU get what uwy'vc ~n wanlina for two yeani whc•n Vince Ferrag1mo assumes the helm for lhc lle(.'Ond stralaht gam as lhe Rams cnt~rt.aln the Denver Broncos Loday (I o'clock) al 'Ar1ahl'im S tadium. -Tnd, rucKiry, e 1tAIJOOlon1 enouJih 110 that l4.'am phy1ldan Dr. Robert. Kcr13n <.'Ould make the c·holce for him. -thv IMlme ll'ltng:" Aialnat the 49era, Ferrapmo threw for one) touchdown and 286 yard1, compleUng 20 of 43 palk'l in i:Ee , pool'-tMMnc·...U-&he-49enl, ill 8041.; to have to perlonn beuer 1f the teAUTl h• any chance of survlvlna thu 1962 campalen. "8Nt Jonea will not be play Inti ~unday," annou.nt"t'd Kerlan earlier Ui week. "And, unleN ht' re•Pond1 amaUcally tA.I treatment, he 1a probably ugh for the aeuon." "( think everytxidl felt about having me ln tht!te, ' aaJd erTqamo. "I'm jult trying t.o pick up the alack for Bert and I think the guy1 responded Thua far, however, the dt>fon1C' hJ been dolns a lot of arm tackllnai and faJUng at opponents' feet with Utt~ resul... • At • reault, team• that run art runn1n& over the Ran», while wwns th .. ~ pa19 are pu1lr'41 throu&h the club. • At leaat In Ferraaamo the RamJ· lt figured Coach Ray Malavasi was going to have a difficult time chooelng his atarUng quarterback after the way F erragamo per formed In the team's 30-24 loss last Thursday against San Franciaco. Quietly, MalavMl ~robably breathed a sigh of relief. Lets face It, without Kerlan'a help how elae could Malavul explain to Jone., the Baltimore reject It took two drart plclo to get and $500,000 a year to keep, why he wasn't st.artlna? One thing la for aure, If nothing efac the playen would appear happy by the tum of events. weU. ' "There'• 1ome kind or chemistry between us. They (the players) work well with me and I work well with them." 01 oourse, Malavasi's delayed declaion to •tart Ferragamo might be too late to help the Rama. ~.::.:. have aolved their offens~iv Vince F erragamo ACter all, it had been a long time - 1980 t.o be exact which, incidentally, was the last time Ferragamo s tarted for the Rama with any consistency) -since a Rams' QB had thrown with the same efficiency that Ferragamo did against the 49ers. Still, Malavasi had to make it official AB one teammate put It after the game with the 49ers: "With Vince we knew the potential to strike was always there. We've never had that feellna with Bert. I think if you go •round the room evt:rybody would pretty much tell you Both Denver and the Ram11 enter today's game with 1-4 recorda. leaving each with just. the faintest hope of qualifying for the playofu. And. as good as Ferragamo is, he can't do It alone. The Rams' defense, whJch turned In a . "We weren't really attacking th defenae," u.id Ferrapmo of the ofle under Jonet. "We were timid and mo or leu wit hdrawn. Now we're more wide open." The Bronool; after losing to San Dieg~ ln their first game of the year, came baC~ to acore an lmpreulve win over Safl Franciaco before the NFL strike hit: Eagles dropped • in title contest Edison , Cd M, Costa Mesa a nd Ocean View a dvance Estancia High missed the second half o{ a one-plus-Qne free throw situation with five 11eCOnds remaining Saturday night, and the Eagles fell to Santa Monica 47-46 in the championship game of the Beverly Hills women's basketball tournament. Santa Monica bounced back from a 23-16 halftime deficit to capture the tournament title and hand Coach Joe Wolf's squad its first defeat against two victories. 1 Despite the setback, Estancia players Amy Hathcock (20 points) and Sally quistrnan (8 points) earned all-tournament recognition. Elsewhere in wome n 's bask etball play Saturday night: Edilon 59, Tr oy 47 In first-r ound a ction a t the Sava nna Tournament, the Chargers, despite having forward Shelly Trepl on the bench with five fouls and four other players with four, held off Troy for their third win without a defeat this year. Trepl added 11 rebounds while both Lynn Uchizono and Kari Cat.es had seven assists each for the Chargers. The Chargers advance to second-round play Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. Rustlers, Pirates • • w1n 1n tourneys John Kresich scored 20 of his 30 points in the first half Saturday night t.o spark Golden West College to a 95-87 victory over Riverside CC as the Rustlers took third place in their own tournament. And at Skyline College in San Bruno, Orange Coast College got 10 points and 10 rebounds from reserve Garinn Morton to score a 61-56 triumph over San Mateo in the consolation game of the Skyline Tournament. At Golden West, the Rustlers unproved their overall record to 6-4 even though two starters - Dennis James and Sheldon Revis -had picked. up their fourth fouls with 18 minutes still remaining in the game. Teammate Sherwin Durham (16 points) picked up the slack, and the Rus tlers survived the double-figure scoring of five Riverside players to pick up the victory. Kresich, a transler student from Orange Coast, hit 8 of his first 11 shots and also had eight rebounds in the first half to spark Golden West. In the championship game of that tournament, Pasadena City College topped LA Southwest 87-70. At Skyline College, c.oach Tandy Gillis' Pirates improved their overall record t.o 4-4 with the win over San Mateo. They did it the hard way, as team scoring leaders Leland Bruce and Brad Guess were held to seven and six points respectively. Oeron White scored 12 points for the Sues while Shaughn Ryan added nine. The Pirates held a 30-26 lead at the half and never did trail. Orange Coast retu~ to action Wednesday night (7:30) when the Pirates host Palomar, while Golden West opens play in the College of Sequoias Tournament Friday against West Hills. Sports on TV, r a dio • TELEVISION 9:30 a.m. (2) -NFL TODAY -A look at two colorful defenses -the Jets' New York Sack Exchange and Tampa Bay's Renegades. Brent Musburger, host. · 10 a.m. (2) -NFL FOOTBALL -Tampa Bay at New York Jets. . 1 p.m . (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -Raiders at Kansas City. RADIO Football -'Raiders at Kansas City, 12:40 p.m., KNX (1070); Denver at Rams, l p.m., KMPC (710). ( ~--', \k ...... W\ \ ; LINGERIE FASHION SHOW LUNCHEON Every Mon. a Tue1. Lunch Specials From 12:15 p.m. t'st J\SfADOR Re Laurant Vnd« N-Me~t Se•feetl A Ste•k8 401 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa 548-3241 Cos la Mesa 47, Canyon 3Z Point guard Patsy Harada scored 10 points and ran the Mustang offense as Cost.a Mesa advanced to second-round play of the Savanna l'ounuJment with a relatively easy win. The Mustangs scored the first eight points of the second quarter lo jump out to a 20-4 lead and never looked back. WOMEN Cente r Angie Garcia led the Costa Mesa scoring with 14 points, while teammate Lisa Schwnaker hauled down 12 rebounds. Costa Mesa advances t.o the winner's bracket second-round game Tuesday at 3 p.m . against Sunny Hills. Ocean View 57, Western•• Tammy Webb pumped In 20 points and Michelle Chomicz added 12 as tbe Seahawka won their first-round game in the Savanna Tournament. The victory sends Ocean View up against Santa Ana Valley Tuesday at 6 p.m . Corona del Mar 75, Santa Ana 13 The Sea Kings used a full-court, man-to-man d e fense , forcing Santa Ana into n u merous turnovers, and as a result, they'll advance to the championship bracket of the Garden Grove Tournament Wednellday afternoon at 2:45. Senior guard Heather &tey 9COred 24 points while sophomore forward Francine Wynn added 18 for the Sea Kings. Junior guard Lisa Romney c h i ppe d in 17 for Corona del Mar whic h improved its record t.o 3-1. The Sea Kings meet the winner of Monday's game between Santiago and Rowland in their !leCOnd-round contest Wednesday. Upland 81, Newport Harbor %7 The Sailors fell behind 24-2 in the first quarter and never could catch up in first-round Garden Grove tourney play. • Lisa Wayne llCOred 10 points for the Sailors (0-3) while Suz.anne Shriner had her best outing with five points. Ne wport Harbor advances to a consolation bracket game at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday. Inglewood 41, Foutal.D Valley 38 The Barons shot 52 percent from the floor in the first hall but hit a chilly 19 percent in the final 16 minutes, and as a result the Barons dropped their first cont.est of the year. Fountain Valley, playing in the aecond round of the Artesia Tournament, was eliminated from the 32-team affair. Thereee Puchalski scored 13 points while Lisa Burch had 10 for Fountain Valley. Bl1bop 39, Newport Clari1tlu 33 NewPort Christian, playing its second game with in a thre e -hour 1pan, dropped the championship game of the Lone Pine Tournament. The Conquerers beat Lone Pine 43-28 earlier behind 17 points from Stella Berkebile and 13 from Chris Yearley. ORANGi COUMTY «;~U&C!'9~ CHRISTMAS GUN SHOW llGGIR & llnll THAN IVll Dec. 11 & 12 Sat. and Sun. BUY -SELL -TRADE 250 TRADE TABLES ,;· F•lunno Guns -AnllQue I Modern '1 Ammo -War Relles I Sutptut lndlan Artlftlets -~ugs I Jewelry -Coins Adml••lon 13.50 ...t. t . Cttlldren Under 14 l1M ,..., .. ,,,,,.-....., HOUIS: IAT .. MM. t .. I ou.•1 COUMTT Mii •DUI• MIW flllOOUCTS PAYILIOM,' .... 11 ...... ,.. ... .._ ................ · ,., ... .., .... ,.,, ..... .,.., SKI RENTALS SKI SHOPPE of COSTA MESA NEW BUllNEMMIN Co1ttecl .... DAIL y PILOT ._....,._ ... ,. now Clothinf Rental r clcphont 0Rc~rva11ons All Skis Wutd & Tuned now ClochinR Rental Affordtbie price• Skle, Boou, Pole• (J1n1 Dey t9 00) SEPClAL TUNE.UP 11 5.00 I 'J H Mrt .. V.,rJ., Or. Cost .. Mt~. <.A CJl6lo I near Harbor & Ad•mt) ' ,...,.,.. ... ..,.., ,.~ ... , ......... ,., ........ ,. ...... ... .............. MMn1 UT.DI l@IAQmll ace wonien tal-e state volleyball title Ja ne Hilgendorf VISALIA -The Orange Coast College women's volleyball team had an easier-than- expecte d road to the state championship Saturday night, dismantling College of the Sequoias, 15-7, 15-4, 15-8, in the loser's gym. After a slow st.art in which the Pirates found themselves tied, 7-7, in the opening game, OCC began to r oll a nd had Ii ttle trouble annexing the first two games . Then , w i th a 9 -8 advantage in the final game, the Pirates spurted with six straight points to claim the title. "We were a little apprehensive at the start with thelr crowd and their gym," claimed OCC Coach Capo Valley, Vaqs triuinph at Sonora Cap~trano Valley and Irvine highs wrapped up Sonora Tourn ament basketball play Saturday with victories while Laguna Beach dropped a non- league game to Santiago. Capo Valley 51, SoDora 57 go1 but Santiago took advantage of a Laguna desperation trapping defense for some late easy baskets. Freshmen Coby Naeas and Shawn Jordan each played well in defeat; Naess pul.1.ing down ll rebounds and leading Laguna with 20 points a nd Jordan grabbing 10 rebounds. Jane Uilgendorf. "There were p lot of ti~ we weren't uaed t.Q. But l had faith in our kids an" ever;rone played extremelf well. • Lori Adami was selected as tht Most Valu able Playe~" whilt setter Kathy Mollica and middl' block er J odi Brencic also contributed h eavily t o thf victory. But Hilgendorf stresseq that it w as a team effort all th9 way. • "We had a nice, balanced attack with no weak spots," she said. "And Mollica played real well after being sick for two day4 with the stomach Ou." ! Experience played a major rol4 in the Pirates' auccess. • "The big difference was thaJ all our players had been through this befor e and we w e r e determined to win after last ·· year," u.id Hilgendorf. Orange Coast reach ed the championship game last year, only to lose to El Camino. The Pirates were champions in 1978 and 1980. Hilgendorf also gave credit to assistants Scott Pe terson and C u r t Hanson as being instrumental In the team's succe91. SatW'day'1 title match was the third time thia aeuon the two -teams had met, .and Orange Coast ·- kept it.I string of not losing a game to the Sequioas alive. The Cougars captured the Raiden' own tournament, helped in a large part by the defensive play of Walt DeCasaa. DeCuas held Sonora's Jon Samuelson 900reless the entire aecond half after the Raider sharp1hooter had tallied 16 f~half points. MURPHY'S LAW ... From Page 01 The Cougars were paced in the scoring department by center Dan M ulder with 14 points. lrvlDe 55, Mapolla 43 • After a disappointing tournament opener at Sonora, the Vaqueros apparently found the formula, winning the next three games an~ capturing the consolation crown. originally designed to fit Wilt Chamberlain, it was that big on the freshman. "To tell you the truth, I don't think .Earl Campbell could fill out thoee unifonns," Murphy joked. "But I would like to try to fill it out a little bit anyway." doubted that I could. Maybe I was just tryinC to ps:ove to other people that I could." And as far as the UCI team itaelf? Irvine led from the opening basket, although Magnolia did manage to cloee to within a single point in the third quarter. Berna.rd U89ery, who did a fine job on the boards and scored eight points Saturday, was selected to the all-tournament equad. Murphy, confident but not cocky, isn't surprised by his accomplishments. "The reason Coach Mulligan gave me the scholarship was to produce, otherwlae he wouldn't have given it to me," Murphy lamented. ''I think we can win because we have so much talent," Murph y noted. "You know, I've never really come into a season being the underdog. But I kind of like it because we have the element of surpriae. People don't seem to be expecting much out of us.'' And what has Murphy learned to this point? A description that could almost apply to Murphy himae11. Sut1a10 74, Laguu 58 The. Artists rallied t.o within flve points with three minutes to "More than anything I've realized I can play with major college players," be said. "I never "Yeah, maybe," agree d Murphy with a smile on his face. "But I think people are going to be even more surprised when I'm through.'' NF4 standings NATIONAL CONFERENCE W L Pct. PF PA Oallal 4 1 .800 121 76 Green Bay 4 l .800 134 85 Washington 4 1 .800 108 97 Atlanta 3 2 .600 118 119 New Orleam 3 2 .600 77 71 St. Louis 3 2 .600 94 102 NY Giants 3 3 .500 103 97 Chicago 2 3 .400 63 92 Detroit 2 3 .400 72 85 Minneeota 2 3 .400 95 88 Tampa Bay 2 3 .400 68 79 San Fran 2 4 .333 106 155 Rama 1 4 .200 98 132 Philadelphia l 5 .167 108 135 NCYI'E: The top ellrht teams 1n each conference wUf qualify for the playoffs. Satua1•• Scores New York Giants 23, Philadelphia 7 San Diego 41, San FrancilOO 37 .TMA1'1 Gamet Denver at Ram1 Raiden at Kan1u City (Channel 4 al 1 p.m .) . Ptttaburgh at Buffalo AME RICAN CONFERENCE W L Pct. PF PA Raiden 4 l .800 134 109 Cincinnati 4 1 .800 116 80 Miami 4 1 .800 117 92 NY Jets 4 l .800 139 78 Pittsburgh 4 1 .800 121 88 San Diego 4 2 .667 160 120 Buffalo 3 2 .600 85 73 Cleveland 2 3 .400 79 99 New Eng. 2 3 .400 80 98 Seattle 2 3 .400 84 82 Denver 1 4 .200 84 125 Houston 1 4 .200 74 118 K.anau City l 4 .200 73 108 Baltimore 0 5 .000 50 125 Baltimore at Minneota Cleveland at Cincinnati Detroit at Green Bay M1ami at New ~ Tunpa Bax at New York Jets (Channel 2 at 10 a.m.) Waahinpln at St. LoWI ChD&o at Seattle New Or...,_ at Atlanta ..... , •• o... DallM at HouRJn (°'8nnel 7 ate p.m.) MM Herlter llvtl., Ce1t• M ... ..... A.P.R. • FIMClmAVAUILE . ... • ' ....... PIOll" JOHNSON & SON presents ... NFL ,. .......... .. * Roma over Denver anlnnotl .,,., Clevelancl * Greenlay over Detroit Men., o.. 11 Dollat ..,., Heulten -- 04 Orange Coa1t DAILY PIL0Tt8unday, December 12. 1082 v Loe~ IA1\IN>AY'8 Meu&.T9 , .................................. , ,.aT Mee. 400 ,.,.. Juanu Teddy (Tonka) 11.00 4.40 :UO Im Ou1a Touc:tl (PeullneJ :uO 2 40 BIMt .. UI Aeb lc..eo-1 2.IO Al90 taced: Mother s.cw-Tile Pottr!Wt, h t A Bo. Tidy C*t. Sciioed MWUnl, 0..llnO Ouptic.at .. tim.. 20.41 SI lllACTA (7·411 paid $31.IO. MCOND M CI. 350 y111d•. A Zure H~ (Catdola) 7.20 3.eo 3 00 Botay (PauNne) 4.00 3.00 ~H• Humboldt tCruowl 2.eo AlaO rllCed: Oona a. PToe>et. Tam• Copy. Valu. CNo. Mt-Mlja. Time. 17.80. THlllO MCL 350 y111dL Jette c .... (Creeoe<I 7.80 4 20 3.00 ,._ Pokr (TrMM.W•I 9.eo 41.oo ertne Luok (Brc>oQ) 5.eo Al90 raced: la Ta Dough, c.....111. What • Dolly. Noweyl-1 Afedy, Chleno. Roy9I Ptllll, lady Salena. Time: ll.M. • IJIACTA (7 • 10) paid 170.20. fOURTH M C.. 400 y111da. Aye Oat• \Adeltl 4.80 3.40 3.20 LlmkM4tl ~) 13.00 7 80 Joa Ara Cool (lAO.ayl 4.40 AlaO r80ad: RelM Your Oui!M, Hot Too Eaty, Smooth SlrMkar. 8a Auurad, Tlmeto Bad. EMy N Gay. Timw. 20. to. .. H ACTA (B-4) paid SS0.80. N'T'H MCI . 350 ylllda. 8advklol Boy 1c.rc1ou1 41.80 3.eo 2 eo o-1 Aoclcal (P ..... l 9.80 UO Jal Feel (8Md) 3 20 Al9o r80ad: Chleedo Rel>, Vel Lou, Jotlnny Ctllllgar. Jell 0 Luek, Vegas Bo. SIUlln Sia, Sonny The Bui. Time: 1717. .. HACTA (&-3) paid IM.60. llxn. ltACE 400 ylllda. Viking Copy (Fryday) 12.00 5 20 3.80 Sir Alrtln Around (Hlll11 3 20 2.80 Prlmonalt• Man (Armstrong) 4.00 Also r-0: Supoala Win, Boogie uiu... Mr. Marry Chk:lc. Time: 20·10. SIVENTit MCI 350 yarda. MaSecret CMh (Hlll1) 4.20 3.40 2.40 lrudtle Toea (Creeoerl 14.20 4.20 C .... Har In (IArdoU, 2.20 Also reoad: Mr. Joethymua. 8IWIOt> 8ta1. Paech Pk:lcar. R«>a Polly. Time: t7:74. II lllACT A 13-5) Pa1<1 167 .40. .. P'K:t( Mii (1·7~) paid 12~!•5.00 wlUI 14 Wining llckeota (IJbt ~~ w PICll SUt conaolatlon Pal<l 134..20 wltll 334 winning tlcllat• (!Ml l!ot.-~ lbQHTM MCI 400 yerda. AM*rf Lynn (Hart) 7 .20 3. 40 2 .eo Oollya ~ (81a¥1na) 3,40 3.40 Golltarnoon (Zutal1) 41.80 Al9o r~: Sound of Summar, Super Rid!. SWMI Gerna, Ea.y Six Aoclcatta, Lado Sat>u, Anoe!Mh. 'flme: 20:0 1. NINTH ltACI. 440 y1110S RICtl Lua (PauUna) 3.00 2,40 2.20 A411•11velY AnK• (Bard) 3.80 3.00 J ... tllk• 0on (Tonk•l 41.eo Aleo race d: By Bedulno, Awlngenda Preyer, ProuOty, Get the Gold. Proud M-*, Oeedly Put'a.oll. Tim« 21:9.5. II IJIACT A (I_.) paid 110.20. '1unt UCE 400 ywdL Truck .. Joy (C.91199') 7.110 4.80 4 00 All Au1~ (Hlll1) 4.40 3 4IO Seys Uomlnetor (Annatrong) 4.20 Jt.190 r80ad: ~ Uttle Man. BID Laegue o.ncar. Awegazan. lza VIJnllQU8, Phantom F\ooue, HOnda Jet, Lowa P..t Due. 'flme' 20:30. SI IXACTA (5-4) paid 139.80. Allendllll09 -8,202. Hottvwood Pen IAT\llll>AY'a ..,._Ta (JMhaf ............... _....., ~ ... T Mee. 41 furtoftga. F .. ture Fan!My (Ortaga)77.eo 31.40 18 40 Won't Glw an Inch (Meeanon) 10.20 7.80 PaneloCla Mct.eod ,...,_., 9 00 Aleo t-4; Elalie'a Slslar. Ttiple Medi, UI' Miu Goody, Ona For Morning. D W '• °'-'· Rab'• Sactat. T1mat 1:11 4/5. M COMD RACE. 1 11141 ....... Clllal Celabratlon 10r1111 12.20 41 oo 4 20 MIQtlty c-(Mc:CwTonl 41.eo 4.40 Soldier of Fo11une (OllwtM) s eo Aleo t80ad: Pram lum Oepoelt, Vanqulah, Glllte-Purci-, ~of Note. Trompe. Podlelpurw, Alberta P-. Time: 1:44 315. II DAILY DOU9l...e (&-31 paid '438.20. TleN> M CI. 1 11141 rn11ea. Pla'a Prlnoe Al (Celnda) 12.00 10.00 6 40 Ol\al nme (Bledll 13 eo 1 20 Charge Account (Hawtay) 4.20 Al90 r80ad: Ubenon, .,.,_, Ridge. Per11 Sarvloe, S6cy Yerder, Z...., Jim Dandy I( Time: 1:42 4/5. • IXACTA (Ml paid 1442.00. '°"'"" ti.AC«. 411'1 !Utlonga. 0 r l•ntat ch a mp 3.80 2.80 2 eo SporllnQ Red (Mtal 4 00 3 40 Ou1 of Socks (6......,.) 4 eo Alao tecad: Haalen My Miu. Bella Moral!na. F1rwt LP., s-.. Ledy Sam Time: 1: 17 3/6. • IXACTA (4-3) paid $39.50. fW'TH M ee. 1 11HI mtlee on tuff. er1e1 Grief (Plaroel 43.80 19.40 8.oo Cougar'• Mn (~I a.eo s.eo R1t1uana (V.icwicn> 4.80 Alto raced: Lady TrH P•H. Ja ulara, Oacepllve, Kippy, Shamaen, J ennller, Sudden M10t. It T ovterl Tlm« 1:43. • DACTA (1-4) paid $1, 170.00 8IX'nt MC& 41 Nttonga. o.c11eeta 18**) 9.20 8 40 s 20 ONm 8cot9 (VllcMcfl) uo 6 00 Ternpaat Waye (Ptaroe) 9 00 Aleo raced: lt11* Hook. Vlron, Legend of Ugllt. M•let Mlnatrel, Bang Bang Bang. c;.,.._ Pleeeure. lee It, LOM laeder. Tinl« 1:10 1/5. 8IYbf'lll MCI. 1 1/18 mllM Time For lnWgrtty (Pnc:y) 7 .eo 3.40 2.eo Comedy Act (MoCMron) 2.eo 2.20 Voodoo ~ (H~ 2.40 A/Ito reoed: f'rw Splrtl, Oe\olne Looll. Red Ralaln, SllY« Lu't Pnci., S1ardull Lady, Olden Vlntag9. Time: t:d (16. • UACTA ( l ·t l paid 145,00. u l'tClt •tJI 1a.1-•-1-2-11 paid s 1eo. 671.tO ...... oM Mw*'ll bal (llll ~) 12 PlclC 8bt -ieolaliol• paid 1771 ~8 wlnnlnO tlc*N (IM llcn9) IJ9ffTM RACa. t'A n-. on turf T .. AeMl ,e>> 12.40 4140 4 W~( 1) 1220 7.80 W~(~l 5.80 Also raced: Oro.illly, LOfd Jack. Rua 1'9nano, lloMfnlerl GroYa, l ake Iha Floor, &lllWor'INP. Tirna: 1:47 415, ..,,,. AAC& 1'4 ,.... on tun. M-• (~) 4.to 3.20 2,40 Hancleor'fte ~ce) 4.IO 2.IO Rodt aomy ( on) 2.eo Aleo raoad: Salao, L• Due De Bat , ...,.._lltleel, ._.., CMron. BoalO. Slop 'M Cold. TllM: UI. • UACTA (W) paid Me.00. AM't ~c_.:..~1 ... 1) -42 ..... I -.0. 71 41 ....,.,.,., "6 ,. *·"~I~. DAftn ........... ,_ ......... 4 -°""· llcJ ........ ,. f'odloN,4 ... .... ....... ......,_ ............... . ...... I ....... ,.......,.. ... . ... ',,.., ....... _ ........ , ....... ,,......, ~ ~ •. Ill,...-·. • ' .... .,,..,..22 ............... , -IO MtMn. I Mftfto. I llefl.vt, fOO ~.too ............ .-11111. , ... wt•TDM CONPUDGI ...... ~ • L ,... -l.MIWll ,, 4 .... S-Ule 18 5 .1H .... "'-"-t2 9 .671 & ... Portland 11 11 .IOO 1 Ooldlwl Stet• 9 14 !191 11141 San OleQo 4 " .182 14 ....... Dl'tlelall K.,_Clty 12 1 w San Antonio t5 10 eoo Delee 11 9 .6llO 1141 o.n-9 12 429 4 Utah • 14 364 5141 .._on , " .143 to IAITINI COMRMMCI • ..... DtwWMI PNI~ .. 4 ·''' eo.1on 17 4 .110 ... .... Jaraay 12 10 645 6141 WMhlngton 10 11 .4741 1 New York 7 16 .311 10\li Central~ MllWaukM 14 8 .413e Detroit 12 10 .545 2 Allanta 10 11 .4741 3\li lndlana 9 12 4211 4141 Chicago 8 14 . 364 • Cle¥eland 3 11 143 10141 ... _... .• ca- Laan 128, Goldell S ta .. 107 ,._ YMI 65. WaehlnCllOfl 79 ~ 1U, Oe4rOll 11t ~ c.7 122. San AnlonlO 110 Atlanta I I • Chicago 107 Oellaa 124, San ~ 111 Utah 101. H-ton T ....... t•ao-o.nwr at Boeton lndlana al MhaultM P~X al POf'tland Uken 121, w.mon 101 LOS ....U• -Rambla 20, Wiik• 141, Abdut-Jebl>ar 13. E. JollNOn 14, Nixon 141, McAdoo 141. Cooper 9. Wotthy 13, C. Jollnaon 2, .Jordan 2, l.andtberoer 5. Totala: 112-91 24-31 1211. QOl.DDI STATE -Shor15,~19. CarrOll 16, Rlc:hardaor\ 8, Romer 4, Free 17, Lloyd 12. Br-n s. Connor 8. Kenon 12. Engler 4. Totals: 46-101 14-22 107, a-.1111ro-w. Loa Ange!M 34 29 341 29-128 Golden State 24 29 24 30-107 Thrae-polnl goela -Richardton. Rebounds -Loe Ange1ee 54 (Rambll 14~ Golclan Stat• 39 (Wiiiaims 7~ Aaelala -Loe A.= 33 (Nlluln, Cooper ti. Goldell Steta 24 Conn« 8). Total fOUle -Loe AngelM 22. G State 27 Techntc:ela -Ullara I_.,.,, ... -13,335. COLLEGE Cheomen 12. eoC• C..... 12 aoufHulN CA&. COUHI -llfaroe 22. Rotlatta 8. Smith 12, ~ 2. Shannon 10. Reddldl 8. Hlnlt 3. COl'9I 8. Mort-1. Totala: 29 14-18 72. atANAN -POOie 12, Walacle 14, Clerk 2. Sewyar 18. wr1g111 41, Bart-•. JonM 41, ~ 12, Kelly f41. Spellman 4. Tot&M. 45 Halfllme: Chlipnan. 44-311. T 04al loula: Sou1ham Callomla College I 4, Chaciman 141. Chttet Col. 75, Sen JoM lllble IZ CHflteT COLLEQI -Brandon 22, H•rt~ 141, HanMn 111, Elchalti.r11« e, WOOd II, Puts 4, Muay 1, l--0. Totlle: 241 23-40 75. . IAM JOM .._. -Spangler 14, Lloyd 15, La nd II. EHi 8, Do11gl11 8, Nell 4. Jacc:otle 2. McLotton 2. Fairly 1. Tota 2.7 II-t5 412. Hlllftlme: San JoN Bible, 32·29. COl•MIMITY coua• occ11 a.n ...... • ~ COASi -eruoe 1. Krofwltlldl 3. White u. ~ 41. Sarnanekl 5, Ryan •· ~ 7, Mor9'fl 2, Morton 10 TC!Ule; 2S 15-27 411. aMt lllA~O -Rad~ 7, llrown 2. eat• 8, Naut>euw 10. Prtoe 10. Gllein• 18, Ennll 3. Tot• 21 14-21 lie. Hallllm« Ofange Cout 30-21. Tolal fOUla: o.enoe Coaal 18, San Met.o 24. Fouled out Gllatta (s.tl MllaO), Brown (San Me190). Golden WMt A..,..,.._ W7 fltVlflSIDI CC -Annay 10, Guy 11, ~ 10, <Kady 24, H-13. a.ttl9r •• Reed 3, McCulloua" 2. Fer\N 2. Conkar11• 3 Totala: 33 21·2' f7. OOlDIM WST -KtMldl 30, Oumem 18. Sibel 7. R9vla 141, J-9, Mylea 8, OotTlatn 7, OMclt1dOe 2, ac-2 T,,...., 3$ 25-341 95. Hellltme: 4$-45 Total loula: ~CC 24, GOiClel'I Weet 22. FOUied OU1. .i-(Golden W..,). QOU>Et WST TOUllN•MPfT Al-T...,,...a ct T ... Ren1om Eave• (Peudane), Menuet Can>llna (LA Soul'-1). Sherwin Ournam (Golden Weet). Cwlla Guy (r:u-.tde). Brien Salone (LA Pierce~ MVP-Oemall Fi.tchar (PataollaM.) HIGH 8CHOOL •N La W1leon 11. Coeta MeM 5' COSTA .... -Palmblede 12, Edeon 11. Tina o. COOll 2. Sllt1 2:2, ~ o. Koe 7. f°'* 23 &-12 54. LOMG eEACH Wll.80M -Fr•-2 I, Sagllallo 12, Brook• S, Nlcketeon 9. Celloo#ey 5, Aeybum 2, ~ 4 Totate· 20 16-23 5& tc..llllro-t.'I Coata ...... 10 • 13 22-54 Long 8Mdl W119on 18 9 19; 16-641 Total touia: Coata ..._ 18, Lona 8Mcll Wilson ts . Fouled out; COOk. Pafmbled• (Coa!AI ...... ). T ectinlcal loula: Broolla (long Beach Wll90n~ a.ntaeao 74, LatlUM a..ce. • 8AMTIA~O -Dn la 2. Slonlgar 20, MalQOu 12. Tambaelor t7, Oonzalea 141, Heel" 4, Totall: 27 20-28 74. LAOUMA RAat -T9'11* Iii, Fortuna 14, "-20, Jordan 1, Amclt 2, 0-. 2. Eclwarda 2. MoGnltfl 2. Tot.ia: 26 1'"30 51. ._. .,, a-.. Santiago 11 15 18 19-74 l.aauna 8Mdl 12 14 11 12-51 f otal loull:: Sanl.lago-20. L.aQune 8Mcfl 21 FOUied out Taoper llaeune 8Mch). '"""' 11. ..... no11e a MAOMOLIA -Hemada 8, Kitchen 1 t. Allton 8, Chandler 0, MlltkO 3, fulnare 0, W .... 13, P""'-9 Q, Total« 1711-17 43. ..,,.. -RhOdea 13 ........ u..ary 8, c-41. 8lllman 14, Caldwell 41, Flynn o, M8'tel o, Tamura O. Satermo o. Total&: 23 9-12 66. ._. .,, o-ter9 Maonolla 4 11 I 1 10-43 IMne 11 14 14 17-4141 Total lcKlll Megnolle 13, IMfte 141. CaooVallnl1 ......... 41 c.,..."1tAllO ¥1un -Ander-eon e. Mulder t4, B. Call 41. o.c... ''· Ott• 10, M Cell 0, AQullar 0. Tot•' 22 1·11 61. 80NcJflA -J . S am11e11on It. E 8-*-'ll. Hookt . ~ 10.L.Kt-41, M, Samutlaon 0, 8-O. Totale: «v 7,22 47. a-.1111ro.w....a Cap1a1rano V"""1 ti 9 10 14-61 8onor1 17 II 7 11-47 TOlal tOUla: Caplltrano v~ 11. SOflOr• 14. , ........... c ......... foona&. -Oen 7, OWtNc 2t l..altd J 10, IM1' R. 12, 8ertlClt 2. 8cld t tot•· 21 .. 11a. 8AN Cl.a•tnl -Wecllanl*m 19, Yodet 8, Hom 2, HurlOllt 14, 01ttatl 10, KnloMe 2. Tot* 24 7.9 M. ..... .,,a-.. l'OOINI 10 21 14 11-~ 8an ~ 9 20 12 14-ef TOllal '°'*-FOOllllll 14, 1M1 C1trM11te ti. l'ouled 0111: Oarra ll (l1n Clemente). TeolWOal fNei FOOChlll '*'Cfl, Hllttbut (a.n OlafNnlalo CGUaQIWOlml UC .,.... It U.. IL• llTM 8T~TI -~ O ..... ti, Qow '· ...,. '°• ...,.., .. ._... ,,, e....~1 f'OIOl,JdN• ....... O.TMlllC -~,.... ' Y0 ... -.......... 0.-.......... a. ~ o . ...., •1.. °""' t , HerYe o, ....... ............ ,Y,,,.. ..... lt, ~I,_.., 4, T..-M tlott II ........ uo ......... T• .... UWI ..._ 11, UO nine IO. ........_.,,tn.Y.ater• ~-O\laf-4.~14. '-l4ar1 HI. K-7, AnJafton D, Hlllden 0, MOO<• 0 Tolala Ill I 111441 fOUWTANf YALLIY P11,hel1kl I), Ntecl9e I , lll<ett tO, Hut.cMlicll 11 Cio.et 4 RawM 0, Mtt'Mll O. WNltwom 0 Tot• It ... 31 .... .,, 0-*• lflQlawooO 11 14 I I 10 48 Fountlin llelley 17 I o 1-31 Tolal 10\llt: lnQtawood e. ,Ollfllalt! V1811ey ,, UDleftd •.:.=port twbcw rT ~ Wayne 10, Ooddt 4, OOlrl 2. Adlllneon 4, SMnat 5, Kemper 2. O.ege 01 N01ein 0. Totala 10 7• I 121 UPlAMD -Serrano 14, KUU\1111 41, Pll*I 4, Rodrlguae I. Klklal 22. LOMY 10, lloycl 18, Clitlord I. Tolll• 31 6-10 • I ...,..,,0-W. Newport Harbor 2 10 1 41-27 Upland 24 18 2 I 20-et Total IOUle: Neiwpor1 H1tbor 12. Upland 13, FouMd <Ktt: Kaldal CU91and). a.nta llonlca 47. ••taftolf ... ltTAMCIA -Carpenter 9. &etcher 2, Hatl'oc:OCll 20, 8chOlel 7, Cllflllman 8, Totele; 14 11-24 441. eANTA MOMCA-G. Settlal\O 10. RMne 2, Sptague I 1, W•er 7, Naal 9, L. SatflllllO &. Totals: 20 7·16 47 • .... .,,0-W. E•tanda 10 t3 t 1 10-441 Santa M~ 9 7 17 t4-47 T 04al toult.: &tanda 13, Senta Monlc:a 18 Fouled °"" Sprague (Senta Monje•). G. S1tnano (Sant• Montc411 c•n.a.nta.AMU c~ Dl1. llM -Romney 17, E.llev 24, Oodcle 14, Wynn It, Gren-2. lotlla: 32 11-14175. tANTA ANA -Kelly 32, 8ot>raka 10, Flelcl 8, Barrera 11, SeHm 2. Totel1: 25 13·24 113. .....,,o-w. Coron• C1a1 Miii 13 31 15 141-75 Santa Ana II 17 14 23-413 T otel toula. Corona Clal M111 1 t. Senta Ana 16. FOUied out: Dodd• (Coron• dal Mlf). .CO.ta-. 47, c.won 12 CC>eTA ... -Hiiied• fo. Mc;llroy 41. ....... &c:humatl• 6, Garcia 14. a.ton 2, Sdlmldl 0, Hottmen 0, McWellly O, Sloty O. Totala: 18 11·21 47. CANYOtf -Andr/ 2. CUrlll 0, Garcia O. ~ 3, Mutphy 0, 8impaOn I 1. Wleclttna 15, Muney 2, a-O. Cowett 0. Totall: 12 6-21 32. e-e1111ro-w. Coal• Mala 12 141 • 11-47 canyon • 11 6 8-32 Totel foula: Coeta Mala 20, Canyon 17. Fouled ou1: i.-(Canyon). Tec;hnlc:ala: Hoffman (Coale M-). Ourtl• (CanyOn). OcMlt View 11, ... ..,., ... ~ VllW -Webb 20. ChOmlc:I 12, CllaM 9, Slmell I, Douty 4, Oatman 2. GIN 2. MankOWllltl 2, Takldo O. LazM 0, Gagliano 0, Gr_., 0. Totata: 27 3-13 67. Wl8TlflN -StHlek 12, J anson II, Per.,.,tNu 9, Joeeph 8, Gltl 8, E¥ena 2. Brown 2. Totals 22 4-11 48. .... .,,o-w.. Oc:M1> View 20 II 19 10-57 w..-n t2 12 10 t4-48 Total fold: I 1, WMlarn 141. FouMd OUI: Gill (WMtarn). ~twialten 4S, LOM P9f'9 21 .. c.-.TIAN -a.ttanllautarl 2, Barketilla 17, Y-1ay 13. Andereon 11, Mohler O. Totall 18 11· 19 43 LONI .... -Cflmt 41. Flth 8. Hyiar 2, Caatto 2, Wllltlntorl 41. Naytor 4 Tota11. t3 2-13 21. ...... a-.. NawpO(I Cflri.tten 12 12 II 10__., • L.-PIN 4 10 41 1-241 Toeal ~ ~ Clwtellan 15, i.- PIN 19. FOllled OUI: e.t*"'--1 (Newport OwWt6an), f'alh (l-Pinal. Wiil--ii.- Pine). e::&r• Ne-= Chrtetlen II Ta.. -~ e. Mohler 7, Berlcablla 12, Yearley 4. Ander8on 2. T oe.M: 14 5; 14 33. ~ -Perttar 2. KllOPariCh 41. Tetrldc 10. Mccurry 2, Cobutn a. Donnally 3. Veugflan 4, &ll¥en 2. Totala: 19 1-8 39. ...,. .,, o.rtete N9wpOr1 ChrWtl«t 9 12 8 41-33 BilllOP 8 • a 11 -39 Total foule: ~ Cllrlltlan 14. Blltlop 17, F~ad FOUied out: Partcar (8Wlop~ NI'\. C ......... 41,-.11 ...... ~ San OleQo 7 17 7 10 -41 San FrlndlCO 7 10 7 t3 -37 SD-Chendlet 31 pen from Fouts (Bennc:Nc• kle*) SO-FG 8anlr9dlka 25 SF-Moore 41 p eas from Monta na (Warac:NrlO kldl) SO-Sievert 211 p ut ftom Fouts (BMnc:hic• kle*) SF·FO Warac:NrlO 45 SO-Ct11ndler 14 Piii lrom Fouts (Bar*'aetM kle*) SO-Chendla t 20 p111 ftom Fouts (Benlr9dlk• klell) SF-Solomon t4 PHI from Montana (Warac:NrlO kid!) SF-Ring II run (klcll fllled} SD-FG ltentrlehka 4 t SF.Qarll 7 pa. from Montan• (Wllt'ICtllng kid!) SO-Muncie 3 pau from Fou11 (BanWICllk• klc:ll) A·56.tee ..................... AUSHIHO -8an Oleoo. Munc:la I 1-35, 8rooka 4-33. Ceppelllttl 4-21. Fout• 1-n'llnu• 2. 8an frandleo. Nng ....,.., Moore 10-43, Monana ).f8, Sobnof'I 1.-.. 4. PASSINO -S e n Diego , Fouu 33-41·0-450. Se n Ftencltco, Mont1ne 31...._2-3M, e.ni-nin 1·1-4-tO, REGEMNO -San OleQo, Win.loo# -.101, Jdftar 1-1411, CllandMr 7-1~ • ..._.. ~5. ~ 2·22. BroOll• 2·•· Muncie 2-3. San Frencllcc>, Clark 12-136, Moore Mt. Francia 4-66. S<*llnon 3-39, Young 3-24, Ring 2· 15. Ren1om 1·21, Cooper t · 11. Wtleon 1·6. FIELD GOALS MISSED -81n Diego, 8enlneNI• 50. &an f'tenclaoo. none Qlenteaa, ...... 7 .... .,,a-.. PNleclelpllle 7 0 0 0 -7 NY Olent1 3 14 3 3 -23 NYCWG OMelo 97 P1'1·Cetmlctl ... 23 pMI from JaworNI (f'fWJln llldl/ NYO-Woo 10111 6 pa11 ftom 9tunnet (OanelOkldl) NYG-Or"Y 11 pa. from 8t1iMer (Oaneto klell) NYG4'0 Dar>alO 34 NYO-fO o..6o 2t A .... 083 ......... ......... RUSHING -~. MontlO'l*Y 1·H . Harrlrlglon .. 1• . .i--1 1..a. New Yof'I(, ClllS*lt« 21-81, WOOllolll 10·33, er-4-11. .. ASSING -Phll•d•IPlll•. Jawor1kl 17·2'-1•211. Cllemmo!1e 0.t-1-0 "9W VOttt, Brunner. 1'1·29-0-171. RECIMNO -l'tllfI...._ Cermlc:flMI 4-'7, ~ 11·14, MOfttfO'Ml'Y S·IO. GI-on• 3-II, Hwrlneton l •H . Olllck 1·20 • ...., Yen . ....,..._, ... Gt-. .. n . Mullldy 4-H, Mleltlw MI. WOOlfclill l·I, 8'*11 14 MIPID NU> CM>AU -NeM. NCAA"""'°'" ........ 1-AAII ·-Dal9ww'& 11, ~Tedi 0 1-.rT! l<4lltlldlY 11, T....-81. 1 ................ ~ T,.. 8' M. UC Olllll t IUIA PUYOfN .............. ......Colo.11 ........ . a.Mr• ... °""' ..... ~ ... ,, ........ ...... Ulllllld. CM. .............. Mo II ' ··~. I ~ NHL CANf'elL'-CONraflaMC& tMyttlaOWWM w '-T Oii' OA "'9 14 11 1 14. 135 341 I:) II i 107 1011 )I 12 I) I 1?0 112 30 13 It J 124 tt9 29 I I II 9 132 1'9 ~· ... ,, .. ~ HI I • 140 112 4:1 15 6 • 123 91 42 19 18 3 lot 1'5 2) 8 17 8 411 12 t 11 • 11 • 1>2 ,,. 15 WAUI COWUllNCI ......... Otwtallfl NY taWld<W.... 17 t I 41 124 103 JI> PllMacMlol\1• I a 11 4 1141 N 34 NY AellQ4HI 14 13 2 I 19 115 )() WatNnQ1on 11 t t 103 104 30 P1t1lb\llgt1 t 16 8 N 132 23 New Jlfaay I 20 '1 94 144 IQ ...... DMelM Montr..i 18 7 6 149 IOI 4:1 eoe1on 11 e 41 133 " 40 0...baC 16 I I 3 140 130 33 111111110 12 11 41 118 ee 30 HarllOtO 9 17 3 ff 139 11> .. ... , .... _ Win"'-4, IC ..... 3 Botton '· Ch~ago 2 HatllOt<I 7, Phltadaipllte 4 MontrMI 3. 8utt110 2 New York lll•nder• 7, New JerMY I Ouabac 7. Ptlllbwr 4 o.trott 41. Toronto MlnnMota 6, Edmonton 4 vancowar 3. St Loul• 1 T ....... t'aO-Hatllord et 8ullalo Catgety at Oeltolt PttllbUfgll ., p~ &oeton 11 WMfllnglon New Jef1ay at NY Ran99fl Quel>eC et CNCaOO Jel94,1Unae 3 .... .,,....--. Loe AngMae 1 I 1-3 Winnipeg 2 2 0-4 ,.,. ....... 1. LOI AnQllHt.~v•n• 9 (1 .. k .. on L. MlltPll}I), 2: t2 2. wfnnlpaa. I Lundllolm 8 ~lndllrom, 81Hn). 4! If. 3. WlnnlP•Q • tuk<*lch 11 (Macllan. Bal>yell). 11:25 (pp). ~ -Hardy. LA. 10·21. le-Mt, LA. 12'02; Amlel, Win, 15:03; Slmmat. LA. 18·24, Soatlart. Win,:::::. =•I, 18:24, 4. Winnipeg. 8abycl> 9 (Sleen, Undalrom). 12:43 (pp~ 6. Winnipeg StMn 7 (~trorn, BIO¥dll. 17:07 IPPI 41 Loe Angelee, Simmer 10 C&oiitll, HOim.-). 11 56 (pp). Penattlee - Madlln, Win, 41 31: Loe Anoai-barw:h, aarWCI by Kally, I I 43, L MU<phy, LA. 18'44, s.-111 Win, ll .49. Tlllrd ....... 7. Loe Angataa. HOlmM 4 (l<elly. Hardy). 7:48, Panaltlee -NON Shott on Goal -Loe An1•••• 12·12·15-311. Wtnntpag 11·7·11-2 • GoellH -Loa AngalH, Luko11tl. Winnipeg. Soel-1. A -11.528. loaoer .... ecMOO&. .... ._..T_T __ t ,.,.. ........ ............. a. ........... , Huntington 8Mcll llClorlng: Rutt 2. lllaflM '-0•-.1 I Matlne ac:otlng· Gunn 3: (Mill'lne Win• on penalty kldc•~ e>oa.. V'-a. ....,._,. , Ocean vi.. scoring; Oulbll'I 1. i<..,,._n 2. ...... 2, CW! P-11 t ............ ................... 0.....0 ~ aci--on penally ktcl• c..._c.,1,l4IMll• ......... ._T_t Matlna -"'9· ~ 2, l<Jrtiy 1, P.,,.., I O-V'-1,._.T_2 OcMrl View ecor1ng. l<ac>lan 1. A. Smtth 1, Thl~I. HfQH ICMOO&. WOMIN .....,.r ......... , ,,,........._ ........ 0 EOleon acoring• Terranova, 1, Porle•t 1 .............. ........ ._., Edleon acotlng. Wlnl!lar t: (Edison wins on penally tuck•). . ............ coua• LMe....,. .._a. UC.,,,._ •1 50 lr .. -1. Speller (LB), 21.112: 2 An<lereon (UCI). 22.43; 3 . Rldkovtc: (LB). 22.•1. 100 .. _ ,, 8petl&r (t..ej. 47.4111; 2. zin- (LB). 41.4$; 3. Maloy (OCI), 50.23. 200 hff-t. Zlnow (LB). t:47.35; 2 Crenshaw (LB). 1·so. Ill; 3. Bu1n1 (LB). 1.62.83. 50CI tree-I. Undblad (LB). 4:51.82, 2. Prttehllld (UCI). 4.54103; 3 LOC!khart (UCI). S'Ol.75. 1.000 "-' Un<lblad (UI). 10:02 37: 2 PftlcN<d (UCI~ 10'03 97: 3. Wr1glll {UCl). 11:13.57. 200 IM-Barttar (l.B~ 2:00.341: 2 LOCkllafl (UCl). 2.1>2.&4: 3 Hovwd (LB). 2.02.81 200 beck-1. Hovard (LB). 2:01.73, 2 Sollle lm (Lii, 2:03.94. Webll~r (UCll. 2:oe.12. 200 brHtt-1. Kant (LB), 2:15.eo. 2. o.M1t (LB) 2: 18"'3; 3. VllllrMi (LB). a: 17 51. 200 lly-t. lockll•r1 (UCt), 2:00.81~ 2. A)'Wa (UCI), t 02.01, 8. Burnt (LB). 2:001. t..flWMr dMng-t I<-(UI). 306.25 pta .• 2. Oleon (L8~ 278.110; 3. Burgoon (UCI), 172.G6 9-fMMI' clMna-1 K-(LUI, W .70 pta.: 2. ElllOn (LB), 21210. 400 frH tel•y-1 Long UH Cll 81 .. 1:12.N : 2. UC ltvln• (A)'9re. Anci.reon, Malloy, Hl lll). 3.21.23; 3. UC lrvln• (Ptltcllard. Sertete, Wtlght. Johnson). )•3401. 400 maclley rally-I. Long Beech 81 , 3~42.JO; 2 UC IMne (Wabetar. ~. Ayera. Helli). 3;42,53: S. 1.onG llMctl St .. 3:44.418 • >"· WI I ........ 'L.JE: Ora1111 Ot•:::: ... el tll• ........., .. ,,, ..... 1 ... Fouts, Chargers -w-in---assing -sho:w, top 49ers, 41-3 7 From AP dl1pa&cllea SAN FRANCISCO Dan 1''outa and J oe Montana came out throwing, and tht-San Dlego C hargers' Fouts cam e out a winner in one of the greatelt passing dueh In National Football League history. "Both teams were playing with playofC fever," said Fouta. who threw for five touchdowns and a career-high 450 yards in Saturday's 41 -37 victory over the San Franc'usoo 49ers. Fouts' 3-yat'd touchdown paas to C huck Muncie wllh 3:22 remaining seuled the shootout a nd le f t the 49ers, reig n ing S uper Bowl champions, with a 2-4 record with three games remaining. "The 49ers and Chargers will pile up some yards if the quarte r backs are pro tected. T hat's the key to the passing game, p r otecting th e quarterback," added Fouta. There were 816 yards passing, 18 short of the NFL record, and 1,009 yards total o!fense. "I guess the difference in the game was that they had the ball 11 few more titnet than WI," aaJd Montana, who threw tor 3~6 yards and broke one of Fouta' NFL record• by hilting the 300-mark a flfth straight game. Gl•ntN 23. E••l~11 7 EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. - R ookie Floyd Eddinga' pan recepUona eet up Scott Brun.ner's aecond-quarter touchdown u.es to Butch Woolfolk a nd Ernest Gray that propelled the New York Giants to a 23-7 victory over Philadelphia . The loas v irtually killed the Eaglea' chances of reaching the National Football League playofCa. Eddings, a free aaent-ottt of.. the University of California, caught five pasees for 148 yards . He hauled in a 41 -yarder at the Philadelphia 6-yard line to open the 1eCOnd quarter, three plays before Brunner found Woolfolk on a 5-yat'd strike. On New York 's next ~ion, on the first play after n Bright returned a punt 29 yards to the F.aglea' 39, Brunner found Eddings for 24 yards. Seahawks, -Vikings top South Bay foes A trio of area high school me n 's soccer teams p roved Saturday you don't hjave to come from the South Bay area to enjoy 9uccess in the annua l Sou th Torrance Tournament. Both Ocean View and Marina picked up a pair of victories in fi rs t -round action at South To rr ance High , while Huntington Beach won lta tint game before losing on penalty kicks after a 0-0 standoff in its second-round game. "We showed them we can play soccer down here," noted Ocean View Coach Paul Kollar, whOle Seahawks topped Hawthorne 3-1 in their opener and then stunned host and highly-regarded _South Torrance 3-2 in second-round play. The Seahawks improved their record to 5-0 with the two wins, and they needed a penalty k1clc by Ron Durbin with 10 mi.nut.es remaining in the game ag'\inst South Torrance to earn the second win. Ocean View had taken a 2-0 lead on goals by Okan Kaplan and Richard Smith, only to see South Torrance tie the game midway through the second half. But Durbin's penalty kick settled matters in a hurry. The Seahawks will square off with Canyon on Monday, Dec. 20 at 9 a.m . in third-round act.ion. Marina's first-round win over Oxnard required three goals by junior center-forward Kenny Gunn and then an advantage on penalty shots after the two teams were tied at the end of regulation Shawn Kirby's penalty kick m ade the difference a nd pro pe lle d the Vikings into aecond-round play again.at West Torrance. In that on e, the Vi.kings got two more goals from Gunn and another from Kirby in a 4-0 triumph. Raul Ruiz sc."'Ored a both goals in Huntington Beach's 2-1 first- round win over Santa Monica. Hls firs t came on a first-half penalty kick, while the second Anteater women top Utah State S ANT A CLARA -Senior Katherine Hamilton scored 23 points and sophomore J ack ie Vander Poel added 21 Saturday night to s park the UC Irvine women's basketball team to an 8l·65 victory over Utah State in the Santa Clara Tournament. The vic">ry. the Anteaters second ayatnst three defeats, gave UC third place in the four-team tourney. Besides teaming up for 44 of their team's points, Vander Poel and Hamilton combined for 17 rebol!nds to aid the Anteaters. was the result of a steal and a breakaway five minutes into the second half. The Oil ers and Damien deadlocked 0-0 in the second round, but Damien advances to the third round after winning on penalty shota. Huntington Beach has now allowed just three JJoals In its SOCCER first four games (the Oilers are 2-0-2) behind the goalkeeping of ~ohnHewin. Edison High downed Oak Park 2.: 1 jn the first-round of the same tournament but fell to Culver City 1-0 in aeoond-round play. In high school women'• action, Edison scored 2 -0 a nd 2 -1 v1ctories over Brea and Sonora in the Glendora Tournament. The Charger women got goals from Stephanie Terranove and Molly Porkells to beat Brea. Goalkeeper Ne l Cooper re.corded the shutout in the first game . Edison has a date with Upland in third-round play at 3:30 p.m. on Dec. 23. Next up is a non- league encouter T uesday at 3 p.m. when the C harge rs host Rolling Hills. The two victories improved Edison's record to 6-0. So Cal College falls, 92-72 Richard Pierce 9COred 18 points and had nine rebounds in the first half, but it wasn't enough for Southern California College as the Vanguards dropped a 92-72 decision to hoet Chapman Saturday night in co llege basketball action. With five Panthers scoring in double figures. the Vanguards found the o pposition much tougher than m their 1ast outing when they routed Cal Tech 107-40 Wednesday night. Thanks to Pierce, SoCal College kept thino in\er'e9tinc in the first haJf (the Van.uarda trailed 44-39), but# oombtnation of too many turnovers and Chapman's half-court defense finally t ook its toll on the v angua.rds. Andre Smith had 12 points for the V anguarda while teammate Mark Shannon added 10. Chapman got 16 pointa from Tran Sawyer and Heimer Kelly and 14 from Nigel Wallace. SoCa1 College retuma to action Thursday night whe n the Vanguards take on Pacific Chriatian at 7:30 at Cal State Fullerton. Kings nipped, 4-3 WINNIPEG, Manitoba (AP) - Deferweman Dave Babych s:ored one goal and added two -11ts to IHd the WinnJpeg J ets to a 4-3 victory over the Loe An1elea K1n11 In a National Hoc k ey i..e.,ue game S.tur<S.y nl8ht. Ben1t Lundholm, M orria Lukowich u\d A.nden Stftn alao 1cored for Wlnnlpea. wUh v e t eran left winie r Wllly Llndltrom eddlna three ....... Three of the Jeca lour p1a w.n ICOred i &::: =. 8tmnw and~Uftfl Hoam. replied for the K1np. The tri umph Improved Wtnnipttl'• rword to 11· 12·3 r while Loe An1elee dropped to 13-11-5 In the t ight Smythe Division standinp. · Wlnnlpec pile ~ Soetaert r e bounded from a weak performance tn a 6-4 loea to Calgary on Friday to make 3e 1Avn. while Kinp rook.le Gery Lukoeld turned Miele 25 dr1vea. Soetaert wa1 parUcularly etronc late In the thlrd pmod when the Klnlt were applytni conatent preuure to e ven the aeon. Vetltnn K1np Olntn Marc.a °'°""9, looldnl to ..,,,.. tu. eoo.b NHL pal. w .. foiled ee¥enl u... tiy Soe\Mrt and Uo hit • ....... • I i • Orangt Coaet OAILV PILOT/8und1y, Oecem!Mr 12, 1082 DI ....................................................................................................................................................................................... Microcep~alic messiah with a message By LISA LEVl'M' Anu1...-,......,...., collar and 6 u'clock •hudow, hu11 ~ .. '" u"pt•aarln" 111 about two down nf'WIPUJlC.'lli 1lnr<> th<> mltJ-11>70a. Thls month, he moke1 his dc•but In th~ NMtivnuJ Lampoon. 1 It• mov1.'<J I.() San ft'rimcl!K'O und \'rt•ntt-d ont· of tlw grl·ut 11ul.'(.'f•i11 stories of underground coml~•: Tin· \lf >\II-'<>I 'I I \\\"'-I TO I 1-. I . I \ l I 'a C H Ii SAN FRANCISCO -He'a a microcephallc meuiah wha1e meaa11e manifesta ltaelf as mixed metaphors and a metaphyak:a.I meanderings. Younu Lu11t, u t.akc-ofr on romllllef' comka thut haa 11(.)ld In the hundrt.'tls ot thou.sanda. '\ 1-: I { ; 11 B< ) I<~ . \He H I But to the faithful re.ders of the comic strip he'a ln, Zippy is potent medicine -definitely addJct.ive, even therapeutic. Underaround comic artist Bill Griffith admits there are times when the charecter he'a created actually at.ands beside him at bia drawing table and tells him what words to put i.n the Utt.le balloons. And Zippy's sayings are as nonsensical as they can be: "All Ufe is a blue of Republicans and meat": "There's a lot of big money In misery If you have an aaent"; "California is where people Crom Iowa or New York fo to subscribe to cable television"; and "Yow! Am having a Ufestyle yet?" But Griffith defends his creation. "He's not really talking nonsense," he says, easing his lanky frame into an overstuffed chair covered in zebra-striped fun fur. A typical •trip showa Zippy n wly mQv\'(J Into "Habitat Village" by the frt"t'way oU.ramp. "I'm meditating on the formaldehyde und ube11tos leaking Into my personal space," Zippy saya. "When my rent la raised next month, I'll huve to leave . But until then, l gul'IS I havo a con<!omlnium complex!" Griffith says that Zippy "provides a little pressure valve release." • "When you've got all this stuff built up Inside, through Zippy, you can let it out again," he says. Griffith grew up ln Levittown, N.Y .. the son of an Army captain who wanted him to be an electrical engineer. He attended Prall lnstitulC in Brooklyn, dreaming of becoming an artist ''with a capital A." But he left after two years for Europe. then returned to New York, where he saw his first underground comic in 1967 -Robert Crumm's Zap No. 1. Zippy was born In the ~arty 1970., aa an artlat'a n:ndcrlng of the microcephallcs known In aldl•shuws aa plnheuda. Hl• was Inspired by director Tod Brownln~'a 1932 claulc film, "Freaks." GrlCflth 11 picaresque pinhead became a sidekick for another character, Mr. Toad a 6-foot, egocentric amphibian whose lll·temper is directly proportional to the lightness of his suit. "Zippy was naive and or.en and sort of happy.go-lucky, without an ego,' Gtlftlth said. "I made Mr. Toad dominate him and take advantage of him, but Zippy didn't realize he was being taken advantage of. He was perfecl1y content to have that relationship, because he never understood the terms on which It existed." It was only after drawing Zippy for a few years that GriHlth realized his creation's endless good humor and naivete, his blissful ignorance or any emotion resembling embarrassment, c.'Onfuslon or anger. made him vlrtuallr omnipotent. "It has an internal logic, this inconsistent consistency that has to be crafted. It's the Unklng of seemingly unreleated subjects and thoughts in a way that makes it's own crazy logic." Zippy, resplendent In clown dress, stand-up "It still didn't make me into a cartoonist," Griffith recalled. But publication of his first comic book, Tales o{ Toad No. 1, did. "He has super powers,' Griffith said. "He can _ ...... , "'°'-'' .. travel through time, he can drop into the Ova,! .._ __ .=m;;;-;;;;·;;•;;;;;;taJ~-==--...!;==--------~--' Office and chat with Reagan ." .. ...... "* .. ,... ...... MOYIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE Al,.. .......... a. ......... ,.,...1we .......... ""'~·.,,. °'"" '•M9.1 11 to~ pr.I...,.,, •004/I ... Juit•t:Ntt)'"' mo .... CO'Wl'W b v•~ o, """ ,,.,.,,.., ~ ALL .. au l<OWITTEO l!::!J Geniet •• Auc:henc.~ ®NOONE UHOCR 11 -.OMlllCO (AQ4t hrn•I "-Y "'"Y ,,, certain •'•••J \.r OUllM ALL am .4HO li!l '•lMS AEcc•vt THE SUol "' rnc MOllOH PlCTUf'I! COOC D' Sllf REGULATION MU ...,,.8'H l'loll 519 Sll9 COlf&•U EOw-8tlSICI 540 740 ll TDMI ld•llO\S-l SI • 5110 111•• lc.-W-.ogt c-i.. Oly Cemtt U4 "" wtn••m• ld..-Meb c.n.N WHI 191 1935 JlllllT'*tAWt PK.le sf-V., O"••"' H2141t OMlll St-Oio•eln 6398170 COlf&MlU EdwaiO\ HllDol 1 ~Ill 63• 350• SSI 06SS ..c> ,._ ... , .cct_P1CO '<"' fHlll tllOAO(MIJfl TDDAT'I CIDSSlllD nZZLI ACROSS 72 Eatence. In 147 While 18 Leglalator 98 Big fuu 1 Tutes Hinduism 1"8 Summer, In 19 Haberduh· 97 Attending 7 Harem room 76 Poura ott St. Lo ery Items 99 Reiner 10 Donkey gently 150 Tiny rodents 21~ilkworm Of' Roy 13 Appralae 78 Seottlah cap 151 Brown kiwi 23 Glouy 100 Battery 19 Separete 79 Spire 152Goulp fabrics terminal 2 word• ornament 153 Ring out 31 Heating 101 Gym pada 20 Unwelcome 81 Written 155 Choir voice• lamp t02 Reply: Abbr. mark acknowt-1511 Pub brew 33 Settle 103 Map dlrec- 22 o.leware edgment t59 Actor Asner 36 Cotton tlon lndllN 83 Flahbone 1llO Seed bundle 10,. Sway sign 2" Westward ridge coating 38GulnnMS 106 One of -! 8,. Smooth• 161 Gaetic title the O.reka 25Burm~ out 182 Plural ,.1 Yes. Mos-107 Show up girl 86 S. Amer. ending cow atyte 108 Stamping 28 Overhead dwarf cattle 183 Cut a 43 Might form train 88 Righi-hand ballot ,.4 Venerate 112 Hoatlle 27 Afraid: Scot page 165 Metric 46Wilnesa e11curslon 28 Spoiled 89 Concerning measure 48 Ash eggs 115 Cornered child 90 Wrath t66 Refuse ,.9 Polynesian 111 Castor's 29 Can .. USA 91 Headllner polltely power mother etc. 92 Betllcose 168 Leaves the 5 1 Cattle genus 118 Glossy COi· 30 Presldenlial god picnic 52 Epigram ton l1brlc nicimame 94 Snow remains -5.!_Coln 121 Gorilla 32 Pamper runner 170 Magazine opening 122 -AntonlO 3,. The same. 96 Street map managers 57 Grow 124 Oeposot Lal. abbr. 172 Assigned mellow 125 His Fr. 35 -on. 97 Exclamation places 58 Basketball 126 Took a encourage 98 Scarlett's 173 Cape Horn players long look 36 Baseball home native 60 Wall panel 127 Radio tubes club 101 Uncles 174 Ibsen 61 Charity or t28 Russian 37 Prepares 103 Skirt characier a type convention flax features 175 Me11ican 63 Persian 130 Guide: 39 Female 105 Argued &hawl gateway 2 words 98/ldpiper publicly 64 Oklal'IOma 13 1 Furniture 40 NFL tally 109Charoe<I DOWN City wheels 42 Elect particle 1 Said one's 65 Deduced 133 Zodiac sign current 110 Al all piece: 2 66 Maple 134 Dorsal ,.3 Dessert Item 111 Check payer words genus bones 4,. Indian 113 Fragrance 2 Actor 67 Companion 135 Announce -lght 114 River Island· Pacino 69 Metal 136 Persian 45 African 116 Fattens 3 Vigo< container princes seaport securely "01 the ear 70 Health 138 Having an 47 Sharp cry 118 Red. While 5 Gossip resort end wall 50 Mlshnah or blue 6 Card suit 73 Shamash's 140 Fla.'s neigh· 18Ction 119 Me11lcan 7 E. lndlan wile bor 52 Vlnelrult coin vine 7" Elves t41 Aanges 53Shows 120 Evaluators 8 Takes out 75 Had lunch 144 Pine Tree mercy 123 -Moines 9 Verb form 77 Map State 65 Aegean 12°' City on 10 Plowed land direction 1,.6 1t1han lood Island the Seine 11 Motorcycle 78 Sun hat 149 Wear away 56 Direction 126 Dismantles attachment 80 European 152 Grind the sign 129 Relieved 12 Plant stalk country teeth 58 Spreads 131 Slloe 13 Even though 82 BuslnaH t53 Hair· It 59 Slur over 132 Rkllcute 14 Suit abbr 154 Allow 81 Cuckoo 137 Croubeam material 85 Cltletn t56 Existence 82 Unruffled 138 Snazzy guy 15 Hidden 87 Plural verb 157 MIK 84 Biblical 139 Marbles obstacle .91 Per.'91ra._ 160 Wordaon name~ 142 HiatOl'lc city 16 Raid the 93Compound a menu 88 Individual near Boston lndge ether 164 Alrllne abbr. 89 Applauda 143 Assistant 17 Naval 94 Openhand 167 That· Fr. 71 Tattered 1« FIHlouS police: blow 169 Digraph cloth 145 Up<lfl' Pref1K Abbr. 95 Flying toy 171 -art IEE CLASSIFIED SEClJON FOR ANSWERS ~ TOP OF THE LINE HIGH QUALITY•LOW PRICE Panasonic Portables ROn SelectaVtsion ~;~~~· ~~.~:::~" -, ......... :C ~ VGT225 -········· .._ -· Fully loaded. Wireless ~ Remote $94900 \. Front-Load VCR with Picture Search & 24·hour Electronic Timer s52900 ----- Panasonic PK·956 Compact color video camera Newvicon Tube, Auto-Focus Titling, Low Light, Fade 0SANVO s94900 Beta VCR 3900 s39900 PH 0 N E:646·8928 Mon. thru Fri. · 11AM to 8PM Saturday · 10AM to 6PM Sunday · Noon to 5PM ' \ \ \ Clint Eastwooll anti Kyle Eastwooll llonk11tonk Man 103 E. Seventeenth St. (located off Newport & West Seventeenth · behind Denny's) ) Clint Eastwood and KP' Eastwood in "Honkytonk Man" ExccutM Producer Fritz Manes · Sen-en~ by Clancy Car1ilc. ba!ed upon his now:I Product'd and 01rt'ctcd by Chnt Eastwood IPOl--. -··· ro;.c,.;;..~._-... ,1 TECHNICOLOR~ rll()M llllWlllllMI AWMINlll C()MM~':!C~,!!•.c,~.!o t-i.-;.,--i _, _ _...., ~-~-c-awuj '~ ··~ .... ' , I ~. I lt \ '°' I ' I I~ ..•• " I t1 t\ I' I 111 1 I ..,, I "4 '\ ~ ~ , ... 08 Orange Coa1t OAILY Pll.OT /Sunday, December 12, 1ee2 For Yoko Ono, it's all right ly MAl\Y CAMPBELL .............. NEW YORK (AP) -S he aha In her cavemou11, d1mly U\ parlor, the dark wood paneling locking In the eomber tone of what Yoko Ono has lo say. h 'a been two years since a crazed gun- man atalke d and s h ot he r husband, former Beatle J ohn Lennon, outside lheir weatside Manhattan apartment dwelling. Still, Ono lives In the shadow of death . Laat August, Ono received anonymous letters wamina her that ahe, too, would be killed. She al.so received a collection of Beatles records with bullet holes in them. Police advised her to move into a hotel, which she did, and not to go to the studio to work on the album she was recording. But the 49-year-old artist decided she wanted a normal life, one in which she could pursue he r work. ''I told the security guards they can go to the studio and check it out; I'm going to go to the studio," she said. "Because I am human, J was sort of shaky. I thought, this is bad to be shaky. This 1s like being In a trap. If you're frightened, you're going to attract things with your bad vibes. "I went in the studio ~ carry on the things John and I believed in together," sh e said. "l wanted to say it's all right and let's dream together and there'll be a beautiful future and all that ... I really feel it is goiog to happen. I smell rainbows in the air." And she completed her album. It appropriately is called "It's Alright." "John and I, at the time we were working on the 'Double Fantasy' album in 1980, said the world is going to be all right," she said. "lt is going to be bt•uuli ful. And I fltlll b<>lat·vl• th1u " . T tw 1ww album hu. 10 11011u11. ult w1 lllt•n l>y Ono, with auch tllll .. tUf "My Mun.'' "N•·wr Suy Cuodbyu," "Lorwlh1l ... ," "lt'a Ahiihl.'' "Lt•t thu Tc1u11 Dry" nd "I &.>t.• Rainbowai" ·rtw i<>ng lltrmai togl'lhcr the story of Ono'11 lll4lll 1md lorutud •, "l took the sumc rouk• I alwuy1t took whC'n writing to op1•n myal'lf, to show myaclf hunL>stly," Ono aaya. "In that hon«'tlty I show<.~ my vulnerability as wt>ll. l ahowed the depreaslon I went through, the aorrow and sadness and all thal. "1 would caJI the first sidt• of thl' album nigh\ the nlghtmarei., remembrance, nostalgia," she said. "The second side Is day. h hug Sean saying, 'Woke up, Mommy.' I woke up tx.'<:Lluse here Is this boy. "Whenever I felt like, what Is the point of lire any more? ... The realization that kept me alive was that I have to look after Sean. He needs me." When Lennon and Ono met at a New York exhibit or her avant-garde art, she said her work took precedence over men."I didn't have any designs t.o build my life around n man," she said. "John came into my life and said it's not going lo be like that now." Sean was born seven years ago and Lermon promised that he, too, would share in ralsing their son. "SuddenJy, I was confronted with this little being looking at me -it's just you and me now. Are we going to get to know each other? "Now I'm rinding it as a marvelous, beautiful gift to me, which I don't deserve really," she says. "I feel very guilty; it is almost like this relationship came to me not because 1 was a mother but Sean is giving it to me. SPECIAL LIMITID ENGAGEMENT ... o-...uo1u•1•'"'•· THI MOVll THAT •uFTS YOU UP WHIRi YOU BILONG" CILDRATll IT8 20th IMAIH WDKI MU M.IM •••• """ SH S3l9 .,.,. ldwllf\W..,_tOVt c-~~·OU~ -c.~ 63• 2~~3 11&111111 lllOWl l0.410\ We .111t1•,t S30 H OI ....... C:UllTUIO Pill.~ .. \ "'"\"-"I 011•1 In •n ·~·~ -.o••nn •tc.,no 10. , .. ,. l..O•Ol..,U•t ,...,_~,_, . ....,., ... "" ... _ ...... 1~ ""1'EX. Is IDOle than good ... It ts a wonderful. · wonderful ftlm.'' -Joel Siegel. ABC H TOllO Saddlellack 581 ·5110 COSTA MESA Edw11d1 C.ntnia Cen1tr 979 414 1 COSTA MHA UA C1ntm1 540·0594 FOUITAll VAUEY foun111n \lallty 839· 1500 111\llH Woodbndtt 55 I 0855 LACUllA HACM Soulh Cots1 494-1514 OllHQf O•tntt Mall 637 0340 OllAllGE UA Coy Cin1mt 834-3911 WfSTlllHlfll Cinema WHI 891 3935 I /l£AD&fV M£Ml!IERS: YOUR CARD WILi. AOMrT YOU ANO" GUEST TO A.HY l'£JIFOllMANCE AT THE A80\/E TliEATIIE.S BURT ·REYNOLQS & GOLQlt HAWN S,,.clal Dec. I, 1912-0ec. 14, 1912 A leA callon &Ian 1quar1urr. complete with an unc1etc11vel Mei. 111 pump, hater. tllermomtlet. two aanc valve. live feel tutMna. two "&hi bulbs, ten poullds gr av et and a l1n facts aquarium handboo~ See al Aquatte Tropicals IOf only 39 99 Thl•ad I• for all thoee who ever wonder If your United W.v gift . I• really appr11ctated. f; r BURT REYNOLDS GOLDIE HAWN "BEST FRIENDS " Starring JESSICA TANDY BARNARD HUGHES AUDRA LINDLEY KEENAN WYNN RON SILVER Music by MICHEL LEGRAND Lyrics by ALAN and MARILYN BERGMAN Executive Producer JOE WIZAN Written by VALERIE CURTIN & BARRY LEVINSON Produced by NORMAN JEWISON and PATRICK PALMER Directed by NORMA~ JEWISON "WARNER coM~~~,~=="! I.. ......... •· ••• 1'. ~ ....... §TA HTS FlllDA I', OECEMBEll I 11• '". ' : ·,' ~ .'.' ': .. ' -_ ....... t ,~· ... iJ .. ., •J. ~ 1>1au I<>•'(, v •. ,, ~ ... · ,·~. ~ Starrln1 ·-!J~~1P .. ~ ~ KLAUS KINSKI '1-~ CLAUDIA CA"DINALE l [lt1CJJI,Jdo eN, .. w.,•.-'•lul"\ rm:J ENl."lu11lt'e Or•nl/P ('ou11t.• E,.'nll•l/PIDPnt FRIDAY 7:15, 10:10 SATURDAY 1:00, 4:00, 7:15, 10:10 SUNDAY 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:50 •BARGAIN MATINEES * Monday tllru Saturday All Perlo1m1nces before 5:00 PM IEICttll Sllldll E119191111111t1 111d H.Waysl "THE MAN FROM SNOWY AIYER" 1~ '~·-· .... , ...... "Al .. PlANE 11 THE 8EQUEL" .-1 ... nr.. ___ _ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN "THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK",..,, • ,_ DOlft 8TIJISO __ ..., __ "AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN"'"' 1~ 1:21 UI t \ .. _,. "THE TOY'',.,. ·------) "Fl .. ST BLOOO" C!1! 1J•a t:a. ._ nt. U1 ...,.. 1oc ... 1ty ot Conotewooo 213/531·9580 "Al"PLANE 11 THE 8EQUEL" '"' ............... _ • .. YICT IHI•• ~1•1••----~-----... ~'r=r ;.~-:!.... AccoNlll 'ftf.... ,,.., .. , _, •c ., _-.--.. --"-'--=-='-"..e~~"----=-=---'= ... .;;.•;;..-=- LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAl• •H foc:UllY Al Del NnO 21J/6M·t211 "THE MAN FROM SNOWY AIYER'' l"I tue.t;A ... ,. .. "CREEP SHOW" 1111 tUI .... .... -~-... ..--· .. ,ACIFIC THlATAU oa1n-1N SWAP 1Ul1' lflllCM f9'tl tuea.I -IK• fltl 061 At ANAHUll Dl lVt-111 llAAIOll I LVO OlllW:•lll & OllAJIO( OAIYf-111 I •• te > N &UllllOU 6 _, nu,..,.. awe.n •r ....-.. ,,._. •••_.,,I t.• ANAHEIM 0'11\lf IN ,_ .... ~·· 179-tllO ~ ::::.;.~,., ....-..-r.....,. ... , ~ HOU"I" t•> a.,.. u.tT --1•1 "'"A"K£Y'I MACHINIE" 1•1 c... ,,_ Cl!!("- " I "'A I"""" BUENA PARK 0111'11 IN ~ ' '• "' A. L ~ LINCOLN 0'11\ll IN lMCom ,..,. 'flp .. t ot ""°" 821·4070 ' J, ..... ~ FOUNTAIN VALLEY 0'11\lf IN "AM Of't'IClll AND A MNT\.lllAW' I'll -t •AmJllC.ul QIOOUr 1111 "A~--· TMI .. OUti." l"I -•JUYU. • NYm ••. SOt1 o-'"" 91 _,..(la) TOCM'TMltl A._.. I'll f62•1 ... 1 Cllll II- "THI TOV"1M1 -"HAMt 't flAMC't" t"'1 Cllltll-. -.... LA HAR~A 11• ,1 ., -·-·-... ·--•n·llH . ----- ORANGE l'" "' N ..,...,.._oor ... -.._ATM ......... Clllllll- ._ .. _,...., •-c-.. .,,.., ------------------..:.-.....--~--....... -..--............................... _. .................. . • !.. Gabe Kaplan., rig ht, and Robert He gyes on the stage of Westwood Playhouse where Kaplan stars in "Groucho." Heg yes portrays Chico Ma rx in th e pla y writte n by Groucho 's son, Arthur . Merono Sport ... the active look tor C hristmas ... Perfect for Saturdays or any day! Shirts and pants ore 100% cotton 1n great c~, _; &~~~ 56 FASHION ISLAND· NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 Starts Friday I 1s Orange Cout OAIL Y PILOT /8und1y, December 12, 1882 ·--~:::JLUXUIY fHfAUIES_::l~--- 1tt ...... i.. ....... lYl2 llU..ttllllW•lat ..... 111am4a.1.u1116J4 25ss/\'::A::.~, J * fOI FOOi HCITlmEnTt V111tOur ... ARCADE ofGAMt.S * .: . . · '-18 HRS .• • .,~,.,.\119t t~lr&.-Jo' l:ll ro~Bo 111•r.u \•,\\ ''l ,\1•00 ·~1 llJlJ ewmwaw ~ 1.(n~1&\i\\r.B! 'V.T y, l1l ~"81 • ~,I!_•" O'T OOLS la tAW>llTI YWI 111ao 11t o 4100 1110 'fiUt1n * Drlv•lns 0 1*! 8:45 WMknlihts / 6:30 WMk•nch CllildrH Uldtr12 frtt U.ltH Meted ~CALL ..,.._T aOOD" -MUCI " ll'OI ...... c:J. ... ~-IAT,_, IAT/-,,__ ..... i-wt Dmon .. "HOUU WHEM -rEX" 1..01 IVIL DWIUI" -r.=..'-... _ IATI -IATl_1_11111._ ,..,_ .. AlllPLANm • _,.,.,. . "HEIDI'S MoCllll-SONG" 1•1 THIUOWL" "THE ........... , ...... 11111 TOY"'"' .. ,,_,...,_ ... U T/IUll.1• ,... ..... "THE LAST ......... IAT ....... 10 l:ll,1a11 IUN.>44 ... TBEllAN E.T.· ... SNOWY "'-1:111 (R) RIVER IAT/IUN, •:GI, l:20 Tab'l'aA· ~ "'-1:11,la IATllUN. 1:11. .. Ml.Ml,11:11 (N) -............... ntu>t •cetTt.-u.--"''"1 4 TRACIC D0&.9Y ITIMCf Ernm&snA· m • • TUaaTIUAI. A UMwt"l&l M"t~ , ...... 1:11,10:ll 8A T /IUN. 1:eo, 1:11, l:GO •11,10:11 111t 11lissnmlra .• ,.... 1111, 10:2I IAT/IUN. 1111. 1:11, 10:H THlllAN ... SNOWY RIVER ,... ........ UT/IUN. 11:11, .. 4:ao.l:ll,l:ll,1Ml(N ) ---RJCKA.JU> osu ~ ·~ .............. ~ UT/IUll.,_ ... I .... ... -.. ~ • • • . ... ii , ' ~ 08 Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, O.C1mb1r 12, 1882 -..1 \.II\' MOfMHQ 6.-00 I INTIJWACE GINllOOTT THNalCOM 1:10 ( MOW • • '..\ "Corky" ( 19721 Rot>erl Blake. Charlotte Rampllng. 1: 11 w WHA rs NU? 1:30 II '°"OUR TIMU "Project GrMn Hope" ~ ICHUlL.l1' OMOYIE • • • "MOdern Romance" ( 1981) Alb•rt Brook a. Kathryn tiW•Old. 8:4e GJ C..MTOPHIEA C.L09El.Jft 1.-00. c.vTAJH IWfGMOO D MU8IC AHO THE S~NWON) • CAMPUS PAOFILE: V.WPOINTON NUTfVTION I) YOUTH AND THE l88Ul!8 (!) SUHOAY MASS Ga at NEWS Cl) ROMPIA ROOM (I) SUNDAY MORNING (l{)MOVll • • • * "Ollv*'" (1968) Ron Moody. Ollver R..o (%J lllOYW ** * "LIM My Father TOid Me" C 1975) JeNrey LynH, YOMI Yedln. t i 11 (I} l.LaCTAIC UKIWO 1:30 I HMHDtPITY AOMAT ICHUl.lEA OAOWIHG YEAM VOYAGE (!) C..ICAOO.LANO CHUN:ti HOUi. G) 8NAKOUT at TO 8IOOTRY NO SANCTION 1:00 I TODAY'S AEUOION THATS CAT UTT1..I M.8CAl..S • IT 18 WAITT£N G KIHNETH OOPti.AHO Cf) TA1'ZAN I DAY OF DISCOVERY WOODY WOODPt:Cf<EA AHO FMHD8 • YOGA F01' HE.Al. TH -~ ii EUCUO 8T1'1ET llAPT18T C..UN:ti (C)WOVll ** * • "T•u" (1979) N .. tHll• Klnlltl. Peter Flrlh O)WOVtt: ** "Wiiiy Wonlta And The Chocolata Fec1ory" (1971) Gene Wilder, Jeck Alber1t0n Dwov. * * "Flitt Of Fury" ( 1973) 8'uce LM. Marie YI 7:JOll~ D WHrTNl:Y AHO Tl4I! "°90'1 I DAYllMAK LA. .1M¥Y IWAGGAAT Ml8TUt ..aGIM (1') CJ) TV.a LOOKI AT ~ llJ) LLOYD OGILVIE CllTHE~ TOMOMOW (S) DOT AHO SANTA CLAUS 1:00 I) SUNDAY MOAH1HO D THl8 .. THE UFt: D POPEYEANO FAIEH08 fJ ~ASOHAL DIMEH8IOH8 0 LLOYD OGILVIE (!) RAWHIDE .., CA1'TOON8 S) t:L.ECTNC COMPANY (R) CJ) LET THIM 11E UOHT !!I Jt:MY 'Al.Will at NX HUMMllD e QNNITH CONl.AND (ZJMOVW * • "Stromboli" I 11150) lngrld Berom•n, Mano Vita le. 1:30 8 OOYaMY PfOPl.17 1iJ MUTINO TIME AT CA.LVAlllV -~I(.~ tD ELECTNC COMPANY <"I CJ) THI! L.AHAYU at KNOW Y~ a-..t: (ID 8..C.: A INaAl CHIUTMAI Two ''Onnlvlng ~ men try to profll ~om Cl'lrt1tmu while Senti Cllul llM other ldMI. l:OO I M&T THI,.... ill8T M A.M, L.0e AWWIU l·==RT8 "'llWNTTIN WOM..DY*>H (H)MO'llm * * "Amertcen Wlldef. _ .. (O)WOV.- • • "Tiie Retutn" ( 1981) Jen-Mlch••I Vincent, ~ Slleclherd. (l),MMTAL.a n.A'TM "HMlll Altd °'9tel" . ...,.,.. •••.,. "Acrou Th• Gl'Mt DMcle" ( 1978) Aob- erl Logen, Heelher Rel· .... ,ll>~~y LANDMNM LANDMCOUM91 I !MY M DtlOOYaY "'°"'~ .,...WON.D TOMOMOW ' Frank Sinatra and Faye Dunaway star in "The First Deadly Sin," tonight on NBC Sunday Night at the Movies on Channe l 4 at 9 p.m. ml ~ @;KENNETH COPE.LAttD ~NFL 'l2 9:40 , l I CHARlE8 CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE 10:00 I) NFL FOOTBALL Temp• Bay Buccaneers at N-York J•ts 0 MOVIE * •'• "Sorrowful Jones" (19<191 Bob Hope, LuClllll Ball. fJ AT THE MOVIES Roge< Ebert and G- SJSkel r•view "0 ," "Tiie LHt Unicorn,.. "Love Chlld.'' "Nol A Love Sto· ry" and the "ltlnker of tile week." 1iJ HERALD OF TRUTH WOVIE • • .. The Trep" 119471 Sidney Toler M1ntan Moreland G) REX HUMBARD Cl) IN THE CENTER AINO EID THE .LAWMAKERS ml MONEVMAKt:AS ~NFL FOOTBAL.L m LOUIS KAPLAN C MOVIE * * * .. NIChOIH Nlci<leby' ( 1947) Oe<ek Bond, Cedric Herdwlcke f$1MOVIE • • • "Alrplan•I" ( 1980) Robert Heya. Juli• H8Qer· ty {J ,MOVIE * • '.t "Che•ch And Chong'• Nice Or•ema" (1981) Rld\9rd .. Cheeeh" Marin. Thomea Chong 10:30 0 ARTS OF ASIA fJ OJ) 8UT OF KIDS ABE PEOPU TOO U A08t:RT ICHUlLER G) JVWt' FALWU.l fJi) CAUFo..HIA CONGRESSIONAL RuoRT '11) WAU. ITRUT WE£1( m CA.LVARYCHAPEL rO) JANE FOHOA ·s WORKOUT 11:00 0 ON CAMPUS GJ MOVIE **'Ir .. Tiie 8•ut From 20.000 Fathom•.. (1953) Paule Raymond. Paul Christler> m MA.ttTE1'PIECt: THEATl\E ml HUMAHrTIES THAOUOH THE.ARTS m RALPH WIU<t:ASON ff( MOVIE • * "Ofl Heev•nly Oog" ( 1980) Chevy Cheae. 8enjl 0 DOT AHO SANTA C.LAl.M 11:30 0 TO BIGOTRY NO ~18 W£EK WTTH DAVID BRINKLEY G Tt:MY COLE. WHITTAKE1' (!) WOVlt: * * * '" "The Pr!sonW Of lend•" ( 1937) Roneld Col- men, OeYld Nfwn. G) CHUf'CH IH THE ~ ID HUMAHrTIU THAOUOH THI. ARTS CD)~ rs MOVIE • • • • "Herold And Mauoe .. ( t971) Ruth Gor- don. Bud Corl (f ,MOVIE • * • "The Concer1 For l<ampuchel" ( 1990) Paul McCer1ney, The Who AFT't:ANOON 12:00 D A0"9COLTORE U.8.A I THNI ITOOOU MAlllCH MOYll * ·~ "Meni Bfot~ Al The Clrc:ua" I 1939) Men! Brothere, Eve Arden Oltlnherlt•d from hit uncle'• lortune, • men modernlaa hie run·down clrcua with the help of four brolhet"I eoov "J&B GOid Pullet Award Pl•yoflt" The llnnt wom- en OOlf•• In the W<>'ld compel• for • 160.000 flret prlH In Ihle pr•tlglOUI ll'Jltlng c:ontMt from the OeMt1 Inn end Country CIVtJ. ID UNOPITAHDIHG HUMAN llHAV!Of' "Pt)'Ctlotherapy" (Ptr1 1) • MOYll •• ~ "Model Wll•" I 1941) Joan Btoftdell, Olek Powell. A l>MutlM youl\g model • deflee het bOM'• ofllclel dectM end get• merrled CS"'..6v. ...... "Tiie MUllc Men" (1H2) Roti.<1 Pr•tton, Slllrley Jon... 0 MOVIE * * * .. Day• 01 Wine AnQ Roses" ( 19631 Jack L•m· mOl1, Liie Remick A bUSI· neasmen and hi• wlte beGome •lcohollca. but only the hU•band 11 able lo lind reh•blUlltlon 12-$0 D NFL '12 fJ WALL STREET JOURNAL. REPORT liJ WILO, WILD WORLD OFAHIMAL8 "Covot•" '1!) UNOEMT ANDINO HUMAN KHAVIOA "Psycholhetepy" (Pert 2) @) NIWIMAKt:M 0 SUMMER SOUITICE Henry Fonda and Myrna Loy star " • married cou· pie wno reflect on their 50 )'Nrt together 1:00 I) l.A8T OF THE WILD 0 NFL FOOTBALL Los Ano.,.. Retders at Kansas City C111ars D THE MUN8TEAS Two hoodlum• llUI Her· men's car 10 UM In • bank robbery G DIMCTIOH8 0 HEEHAW Gueall Mel Tlll11, Charlie Welk11<, Derrell Waltrip, Cu11er'1 Lett Band Cl) ADAM-12 The *""' or • temete lhopllf1er leeda the olflc:en Into • tregle chain OI _ .. _ fill NATURE ·'The Dltc:overy Ot Animal Bel'lavtor In Praise 01 God" A focus on the nalur· a11111 who wlHe •mono the llrsl to study anlmel beh•YIO< 1nc1u01no Jor.n Rey, Cherin L•Roy alld Oelnu Barrington, la Pf"• -.ted '1!) AMERICAN OOVEANMEHT "The Legal Syatem" @) PUelJC PULSE aJj NFL FOOTIAL.l Regional c;oyerege or Den- ver Broncoa el Loa Ange- les Rama, Lo• Angelet Raiders at Kanau City Chief a (H' Vl0€0 JUKOO)( '$'DOTTIE WOT: SPECIAL DeuvtRY Kenny Roger• end Dave Rowland & Sugar jOln Dot· tie In het llret major TV apeclal. <l MOVIE * * * "Uea My Fathet TOid M•" C 1975) .Jeffrey Lynu. YOUI Yedin - 1:30 I) FACE THI NATION D F-~ Agarn leev" th• Army to become an Indian brave fJ AOOTS Georg• Jo11n1on (Brad 0.vts) nv•• Tom'• Ille •II• he I• neerty bNten to dMll'I by Evan 8•en1 (LIOyd BrldQM). Chloken George returns end t•kM hit laml· ly off to Henning. Tenn•._ -10 make • ,,_ alart (Part 9) MOVll * • •~ 'Boyt Town" (1938) S~ncar Tracy. Mickey Rooney Fath•r Flanagan'• BoVS Town la dltNpted by • _,,1no1y hear11 ... new arrival Cl) AOAM-12 A re(ect•d woman ettempta aulclde ml AMERICAN 00V(1'NMfHT ~The l'eoerel Judiciary" CJ) SIROl!ANT PflUTON CW THE YUl<ON OJ) SPICT'NJM m MOVIE **'Ao "Something In The Wind" (1947) DMnna Dur- bin, Donald O'Connor. A pr•tty lemele dlte )04*ey finds that • WM!lhy man hN mede the Md mlatake of c:on!Ualng her wtlh h4lf eunt. NCHUTTLl'I CH,_TMAIC~ Tiie mNl•r lmpr .. alonlat plays • mullltude of rOlff, lncludlng Eb•nn•r Sctooge end Bob Cralchlt, In Ill _.. \l9'alon of the c:Mtlee Dlctlen1 holl· deycleeelc. (OJ MOYtm *~"<Nr TlrM" ( 1973) P . Sue Mlr11n, P1r1ter 8tev ton. The MYM of two young oouplH en<olled at prlv•t• llOhool• .,. dl'"t'd Wl*I -of Ille °"'8 dlec:o....,t IN la ~lllt.'PO' .MO'llm -----'------------------------------------~ * • * "Tiie Ru~ StUf'll· l>IM" (1879) Olck Ven DyU, 1<.11ni.n CN!nlen. A C.ttiolie prital le tried for tll9 rnut04W of I nun With CHANNEL LISTINGS e KNXT ICISI (d') • KNIC CN8CI (J) e KTLA Ct•.I ~ .KA8CIA9CI (.C) •Kf'MICCISI On·TV Z.TV H80 (Clnemul IWORJ NY , N Y. .. whom lie had ti.I\ - peoted of lle¥ln9 .,, "'"' 'li'G' 1:00 I NIWIMMCIM :,:aw• *MD e KHJ·TV tll'ld.I a> IWTBSI ••i.t "'"'9 Tl'Ojeft Hofw" ,, .. ,, ..... "-'-· '°"" Drew 8errymore. Th• Gr••k• end Trol•n• *'lflll In IPIOlllCuler Mt• .... '°' auptemeGy. . ...,.,.. • KCST CA9Cl, e l(TIV fll'd.J 'e l(COP-TV (IM.) •• KCET 1 .. 111 e l(OCI INll ,, Cl) CESPHI (I) ClflooMllM I • '90tlltfll • e CGeOlt Ntwt ,..tt-rll I IMI KOOC /Ind.I I I • * • "ltoy On A DolpNn" (1167) loptlle Lenn, Alen L.144 When • Or••" tO<lfoOI 01-lllld• • 'Unit Ill lllOI" ol •1. tlfle l)leol• IQ NII 11411 1111(.t•t It) 1119 lllQ!I• MlbtOllott Gt MOVlll • • "C11 .. 1<1 City" I 191121 Aal'Clo1p11 e,011, l\•vmono MHMy t WO brolh•t• becom• rlvel1 Otler tile Ci0fl1t1uct1on of • 1 allroed In 1170 Ii) INllO. WAIHIHGTON GD IHT"°°4.JCINO ltOLOOY (I } ~,. WOMAH Otl IHTPTAIHMINT THteWUK lnlervtew• with Will .. Net· ion. Merv Orlllln. Roy Clarll and ROCik Hudt0n; • r•port on tile Influence or COn1Ulllng f11m1 In Tl/ "*""•program•. S MOVll * • 't\ "Love I• Bettet Then Ever" ( t952) euu- betll Taylor, l.•try Park1, A confirmed b•cl'lelor llnally dtcld•• to Mttll down with • N•w He .. n den<:lno IHChet" 2:JO II IHTlMAC9 D OIUJGAN'l lk.AHO Thi CHtaways 111 r•vltlt· •d by Wrongwey Fetdmen •. tJD PAUIHTI! "Mlgranta And The Law" ml INT"°°4.JCINO llOLOOY ClMOVll * * * * "T•H" (1979) Na111111la Klnskl, P•ter Firth, IH)MO\/IE * • • "9 To 5" 119801 Jane Fonda, DOiiy Parton. 2:46 CZ CHAAt.U CHAMPUH ON THI fll.M 8Ct:NE 3:00 I) 2 WfTH YOU D MOVIE • •'A "Love Happy" ( 1950) Marl! Brolhera. M111ityn Monroe A bNull· rul but dangerou1 Cfltnlnel keeps lour men on their IOM. &:> NOM&AN AOCt<WEL.L'I WORLD: AH AMEIUCAH DMAM A no11alglc loolt la llken al th• 111e anlat'• Ill•, work and hometown of Stock- bridge, Mauecl'luMttL ' ml INTAOOUCIHO llOlOOY 8TAATREK C~pt. Kirk 11 captured by 1wo a1r1ng• crNtur" who llPf)ffl' In varloua maglcel '°""'' ~THE~ fll.£8 !OJMOVIE • • • "Southern Com· ror1" (1911) Keith Clol'ra• dine. Po-• Boothe. A group of Natlonel Guerd .. m•n on we•k•nd meneuvere In • L~ bayou spark • tmall over· rllle wer with a eotnm4Mllty of b1Gkwood1 Cajun•. 'R' {Z)MOVIE • '!\ "Up In Smoke" ( 19781 Cheecl'I and Chong, Edie Adem1 3:28 fl'i:) PlEDOI MEAK Regularly achedulecl pro- 9• •mmll\Q mlly be~ du• to pledge br•ell 1 3:30 I) AFTl!NfOON PLAY~ "Portrait 01 A TMn·Age Shoplltter" A ... t>urbetl high echool lluder'tl llM to tac. the a... .. 1a11no con-- Mqu«leel wften .,.. .. arrNted lor anop~f11ng. (A) G AT THa MOVIU Roger Ebert end 0- Sltl<el revtew "41 Hfl,." "The Toy." lol'ld the "•llnk· ., of tile week .. UTT1..I HOUU ON ~PMIM Ne41le vnlntentlonelly l'lelpl Ille flnenclelly deeperate Ingalls lamlly al Chrletmas- tlrM fill WILD MtlNCA "Uvtng With Wlldltf•" Miii· ty Stouller llluslret• how -can best Hve with 8"d pr-our natural llerl· t•g• of wlldllle. '19 DQKININQ HOMe INTINOM m MOYIE * • "The Atomic Kid" ( 1954) Mlekey Rooney, Robert StreuM A youno men ...,rvt,... an elomlc bleat but becomes highly radioactive. r SJ HALLl!l.WAH GOeNU Glen Cempbell encl Andf• Crouch .,. l'loeta to r>et· formers ~Y Cllartee, Den- ._ WINletna, Waller Ind Tremaine Hawtclna end Ille Hewtcln1 Famfty, Ind The lmPetlala In Ihle oeleOf•· tlon of ooapel mullc tepecl al the Cryttal C.tlledrel In Garden Oro-.., Calllornl• DMOVll * * ''The Flfm Mvtlletwr'' ( 1979) a..u Brtdgee. Univ· la And•"' O'Artagnen end Ille Tiii' .. Mvake!Mr9 become In~ In enottl- ., plan lo blodl the *""' lntentlona ot the llklletet Cardlnll ~ agMlll the French erlatoct~. 'PO' 4:00 D auHDAY Loc.tlon: Chlllnlllteh et Wllthlfe Soulward Tem- ple. I :::: HOU.YWOOO "The OeYll Wltflln Her" C t910) Joen COiiine. a-i Alltlna, A -.n llndl Iha! 11'1• cl'llld •h• carrlH poHHUI demonlo pow. .,.. .MCMI • ft. 1.4 "The 8one Of Kelle llder" ( 1"8) Jotw\ Weyne, DMrl Mll'tln, Fow brother• •v•no• t11• dMtha of their petenl• end tile IOM Of their rardl, . ...,.,.. • • "UFO Journet1" (1118) Dooumtntery, e Dalrll•t• HOMI INTl"°"8 ~ Cl) wa..oo. MCK. KOTT19' ~-pelnt• • "'* rnurei !Of .,, ollll IN -Jllle'IMoe lllTMAn~ 8MOVll •• ,_. "ClllY Joe" (1114) ,...1c¥1. ~ ...... .... ....,Clele ...... •• M.-. ....._ --.. II .,...,....,_"" ••• TMATmMAT u 1m w. eowa. IOUND T9fWIMMt ltflll ,.,_ IN 0... "-" ... ~ oe'• '°"* ....,... lnldlllfl "' • ,........ ""' °""" Wld ...... ......,.. _ ~ ....... ,...., .. TUBE TOPPERS . ... KTLA (~) 8:00 -"En~nalnment This Wet!k." Interview• with WIUlt: Nclaon. Merv GrUttn, Roy Clark and Rock Hud1on; • report on the influence of conaultJn1 firms ln TV news programs. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"The Fint Deadly Sin." Frank Sinatra atan u a veteran New York City police detecllve, who.e wile (Faye Dunaway) 11 1uff erlng from a serious illneu. tries to catch a brutal killer terrorizing Manhattan. KNXT (2) 10:00 -"Trarper John. M.D.11 A viaiting neurosurgeon • neglected wife takes a romantic intefe9t ln Gonzo. th• Jotdenelr... Micki Futlrman end Ille Flak Jubllee Sfnoet• 4:IO 8 OANCI """" • 1 ON LOCATIOH CD IN 11AACH OP ... "Hlroehl!N 8urtllvora" "*-9 end Jeffw'ey join fllOOln Hood ""' hie bend In merry Olde England, end then "*"' Cn111ee Lind· ber9h teunch 1111 trenMI· lat)llC ntoltt. e ltll .MC NIWI Cl.~ Cl> IYllWDAY COC*IHQ WITH JACQUll N~ "Pllell 01 Mun•I•" Jacque• Pepin dernon- 11ratH !low 10 chOOM, Clffn end prepar• mu .... , In • variety or way1. CJ) FAC9THINATIOH CR)MOVll * * * * "Ollvw" ( INll Ron Moody, Ollvet AMO. (IJMOVll * * * • "Harold And Meude" (1971) Rulh Gor· don. Bud Corl (l)UOV. * * • * "Moecow eo-t't ........,. In Teer•" (1980) v... AlentOYI, Al•••I Bat•IOv. ThtM country glrl• with different ooata Ind Vlluel -to Ille big Clly 10 pur-their ambl· Ilona. 6:0d I HA....v DAY9 AQllUN .MCNIWI WAUenw.T JOUNllAl MllOfl'T D OOlD l"'°'9 THE DUP A group of dlvwa under- teli• one of the rnoe1 embl- tlou• and h&lltdou• .... vege operatlone M they attempt to fee:.-Rultl1111 OOld t>uHlon rrom tile bot. tom of the Barent1 s.a In Ille ArC11c Clf'cle. Cl) w•A•1•H Radlf borrowe cnar1e1· reco<d pleyer 8"d talc• awt M the M'A'S'H dlec jockey. ·= •• "Nllll To No Time" ( 1058) K-th Mor•, Bei· ay Drake. A timid factory wor11er ~ up wltl'I • novel ,,_, of eutomatlng 1111 empl0y9t'1 QOfl'IPM}I. (Q)MOYW * * "Wiiiy Wonke And Tiie Chooolat• Factory" (1971) Gene Wlldet, Jack AlbertllOn. ·=-· C8I NIWI LAYINtl & IHIN..IY &eotl#'AHY ,.., . SflOtz lnelela 1119 Oltl• get patrlOtlc or they' r• out Of IN WlllUel tlllent "-· l:'Nml .. OH ~ Cl) Ala ==-=..00.. •• "Seturdey The 14111" C1N1) Alc:Mrd llen)emln. Paule Prent-. IYIN9G .... u .... • * • "Adventurff 01 Hudiletlerry Rnn" (IMO) Tony Rendell. Eddie Ho6- gae. 8Med on the ltory by ..__ TWelrl. • TMOll MMiNI 11-..u Feetutecl: fire enta: klller .t\ele OOl'MIUnloation; • pet Y'Ulture; • My .. ~ loW9d "°"' fer1'I to euc:- tlon; llulftlNt ... •: -.. .,,..,... Cf) MHTMOKI Hoat D•vlo Horowll& ~ the lftMning of Ille -d "IJllll" In P'Od• ucte. flr·kllllng de'lloee. dangtf-tO)'I. end tMta • nlOMe "°"'* ed. . ...,.,.. .. • "Dtvld Copperftllcl" (tl10) "'*"' ~ Nd!-.,. Altlnbot0U9" ...... on !tie S1oiy by CNttee Dldt-. A )'OUnO orphen Doy .,_ up In IN Eng- llllld Of ... 1IOOL • IOl.Deo&.D OHNeTMAI INCIAl Hoet•: ,... """"· ~ MoCoo. ~: Tiie °""'"' '""""'· Mltle Ollllorld, ...._, Pu t M9ry, Donni! ._,....,......,., Jotwt ldltt Ilda , Aftdt9e Cloudl, TM 0.. Nll09 ~.MleriM. •. AUOMA'Nfm iMAT AND 1MALL . ''ll•eplng .. ertntre" .JlfMe end ..... 119'19 • -""" ,,....,..... end .......... .,_... Tr-.n --'°' ........... ,...,, 10) • NOVA ''WMl9 WMOll" TN ntll- lllllMlll • ., ....... .. ................... _....,. ~ 91'9 .......... "fMllr .............. flllNr .................... '"" ..... Q -=~---..... "All n.,.,.. y .... Cols ..... ctMOt ..... w...-.. .... A PUJ I•• II" hM I ....,...,.....fMllr...,. ,.. fer lflOMF, 1111...,., Cl>NmmTMI ~-. AN.,_.. _c .... • ~--&:=" ............... ................. ·-:=.=- "T ... Money MNt.,a" Den Corda end Mk:hMI Con- nor hOet an ••amlnallon or the Mttte undetttood end unlq~d•pendent Fed· .,,I w ; major ec:.ono- mt1t1 Fed Cllllltman PIMA Volcket er• Inter· ~. D THICMff ~ A lludy Of Ille jUYenlle crime Ind j11111oe ayatem. i~CHN8TMAI 9"CIAl. WITH UJaAHO .. AYAl'OTTI • OMNCM COUNTY WOWTaac..I (ff) HINIW f'OHOA: n. MAH ANO Hit MOVIU (Q)MOYIE * ••.t "Tep1" 11911) George C Scou, Timothy Hutton. ( &) IEX: TUHACN ITYLa The myth• and ree1111 .. ol ·-· 10 ... peer pr-IU•• and cher>glng morale ere uemln•d through lnlervlewa with IMnl, per· entl end IMCflerL -~IOl.8Ta Henry Fonda and Myrne Loy 1111 M • married COU· pie whO reflect on their 50 yeetl logethet MOYta * * * "Llee My Feti-Totd Me" C 19751 Jeffrey Lynea. Yoeel Yedln 1=-• MCWla ••~ "P*W)''' (1950) DI•· ne Lynn. Cllerlee Coburn. Two vlvec:lout llttera vie for Ille coveted crown of RoM Bowl a-while one l'IU • aeuet edven. ~ owr the othet t:OO. Cll AACtM MJNICP'•~ H11ry jeopetdlit .. hi• mer• rlege tor the ••cit-I of a r ... tlonlfllP wtth e youno -· GCllCtwe Ponc:tl II Cl'llllenged to I QNdee l'Mtctl car ,_ by the embittered younger brother of • boy whO wN killed ~ befof•. . """"~ TMWlmc In....,.... with W.. Nel- IOI!, Merv Griffin, Roy ClartL end Aocti Hudlon: • report on the """-ot coneuflll\Q firms In l TV -progr-. • Ill MA TT HC>t.9TOlll Mitt lnvMltoef• ......, • doctor 19 murdered In Mitt'• Offtce during • hMrt lllnCI pwty. • "'llMWTTIN CD TWLIGHT ZON1 P'llOht 107 errlvea on ldM!dule. but empty • MOYIE • * • ~ "Tiie 8one Of Ketle EJder" C1NS) JoM Weyne, Dean Mertln. FOUf bro1h•" aveno• th• clMttla of their pa191111 end the !OM Of their ranoll. .MCMI **""atnhOIA~" I 11131 ~trt. An ClrP'**I coyote pup - •-out Into IM wide, _._wortd. • NATUM "The Olecovery Of Anlmel ~ S-Cfl For The Mind" Tiie eftort9 of the Mrty neturWlat• end~ glefa MIO delYed Into tM ~ Of "" enlmel mind -rtMewed. ....... 8MAK ~ actMlduled pro- grarnlftlng mey be dllleyed Oue to pledf9 break• (C)MCMI • • • .,. "The Muelc Men" ( tMI) i.obln Pr .. ton. 8Nr1ey JonM, ...,.,.. * * * "Ori Golden PClftd" ( IH 1) H41nry 'onde, K9tMrtne ~n. (IJ lltlOVIS ••• "Altpienel" (IMO) AoMr1 Heye, Jlllle H..-• ty, A'* Ill ..,.,_., - ,... to IOOd pollofllflt, • ..-.. '°"'* -..... .. ~""° ..... end ~ oonteN ... -~ ...... ........ _.,.. .... 11141 OlcN-... _,_... .'°. .MOVll •• "Hsfy'I W11" (1M1) lodwd H9tm•lfl. 0..... .......... A ...... IOOMI p.-.i -.... elcl °' .............. .... tM.-t-.'N ' ··r.~--"fO letw TllMI All My o.,t" , ....... ,..,.. wltll .... ..... 71111 -... ..................... ...... ,. ,,..,.,.L. ...... -pQ- ~·~ ....:a...~ ....... ...,.. .......... ~ ,...,.,.._ w cm nt1asmaa. •• , ...... ite9ffHlt ._.... -"·-1111111 ................ ~n-- *I I "Tiie rH11 DMdly lin" ( INOJ 'I*'"' llnetra, raye ~ey A _.,.,. New Yo11i CUy POlkle detect111t, wno.a Wlf• I• 1Ullertng from • Ntlou• IN· -· ,, ... t() Cllcl'l I b11.1lat k!W ••oort.1119 Mai1h•t• IM • WILD KINGOOM "~Of Oamble' I Pert 2) •Ill MOV. • • "the Flnel Covrtl· dOWfl'' (10IO) t<lrk 0oug. lu, Merlin S'-> A my1• 1ertou1 1torm et ... l•lh· tpOfte Ille etOnlle•powetlO alrCtell carrier U S 8 Nim· IU l>ICk In time 10 o.c;.,,.. bit 8, 194 1, pot111on1ro tne lle9MI bel-P•erl Hatbor and the edvenclng JIPlf'*M llMI CJ I :=POP<>ff ••'A "Y• Sir, Thel't My Biby" I 1949) Doneld O'Connor, Charla• Cot>urn. A paJr of former Ola .... • football 111m *"° their c:oec:h ., Job !O)MOVIE ••'A "Trlbut•" (1990) Jeck Lemmon, Robby a.neon An lrr••ponalb,. Broadway P•H• agent beglna to regret hit w111ed Illa end hie tenuoua rel•· tlonll'llp wtlh Ill• orown '°"·'PO' CZJMOYIE *'A "Up In Smolc•" (1978) Clleecl'I end C11ong. Edi• Adam• Two drifters embark on • crou-country trip, lruatratlng Ille law and fnMtlng 8" Odd UIOrt • menl ot mai'ktera •Jong thewey '!\' I: 10. MA8TUU"1ECE THl!ATM "To Serv• Them All My D•11•" P.J.'1 feud with the l'leadmatter comM to • hNd at tile Board or Gov· •rnort me•tlng when Aleock demendl his reelQ- netlon. (Per1 10) 0 t :308(J) ~DAYATA m. The leek or • college edu- cation 00111 Berbare • mucl'l·w1nted job promo- tion • WOM.O~ atJfMVAl G JACt< VAN IMPE Cl) MOVIE • • • "Public Enemy" (1931) J•mH Cagney. Donald Cook A rld<ef- relMd In • 1anernen1 rl- to eno la111 from th• l'lefghll of ~ '1!) AN EVENING WrTH LIO IMJ8CAOUA Dr. 8u1eeg11a sher" hla ll'lought• on IOve. Ill• and l'luman potentlll In • lee· ture tepecl •• the Crytt11 Cath•drel In Berdan Orow, Cetlfonla (S)MOYIE • • * "The Enlorc•r" ( 1978) Cunt Eulwood. Tyne O•ly. "Dlr1y Herry" Callahllll it joined by a rem.i. rOOll .. In hie pun!Ult of • group of C.Jlloml• revolutlonatlM lerrorlltlng San Franclsco. 'R' 10:00 8 CJ) TRAPPE1' JOHN, M.O. A vlalttng neuro.urgeon ·1 neglected wll• lakH e romantic: inletMl In Gonzo I •• HeWI WON> F<>f' TODAY )MOYIE *** "9 To 5" (1990) Jene Fond•, DOiiy Parton DMOW * * "The F111h Muale•t-" ( 1979) a.., 8'l<IO*I. Ur.,. I• ANlrMI D'Artagnen end Ille Thr• Mualcet-. become TnvOlved In llnOlh· ., plan to btoc:k the 91111 Intention• or tile llnt1ter Cerdlnal Rlcftelley eoeine1 the French llttflocrecy. 'PO' ~. ML.D, WIU> WON..D MAMMAL.I • WlllUHD WOWTa ~ I .1*/MV8WAGGMT 800V IN OUUTION "Natl.. Medicine" Or Jorietflan Miiier contr .. 11 the practice of modern medicine In en Englltlh 1own with trie lradltlonel meglcat 1yt1m of th• AIMlde tribe In Africa. (R) • 1'0Cl.U9 C) 1e1-1ma ..oow MOYll • •... "Che•ch And ChonQ'a Nlc:e Of'Hm1" (1911) RlcMrd "Clleeeh" ~In. Tl'lomu ChOl'\O. 10!41 • IUNOAY IPOffT9 .. Mia ID NATIJM "The Ollcowry Of AnlrMll lehevlor: Search For The Mind" the .nona of the Mrty netutelltl• end lOOlo• olttt IMlo delwd Into the nt)'llltlel Of the anllftel "'*'d -,..,....,, ,, •••• (1)98 ..... •==-'°"' "CMI UbertJM Vt CMI Order" ~t: anor..-y ~l(Ynlllef. 1.:M&.'*4 **""._..,"(1NO)Mar· tlll Mull. 1'le9cley Wltd A hepplly m•"teo Merln County couple -apuned by thllr trendy nelghbore lftto lllplotlng ellemet...,. ~'R' tt:11 ,. Cl9 NIWI tt• ~ ...... -......... ,. ..... o.ew_.~ L~ Nllllw "41 Houn;' "The Toy" end "8ophle11 C"91oe~·· ttil018'0RT9 NW. M&WiiW MONIM ATTM9MOY91 ....., ..,.,, llflCI Gene ..... ,..,.... .... Hr•.," "TM Toy," llflCI the "llltlll· "°' ............ • NChJI•• TO TUM fiM MOOMytlllft ef\41 Certt~-..­ --~-rOfl"'911tON "*'.~,.....In Alrt09 wflO hevt lll9ft •""'" •v •• , .,.. ...... 11141 Ille roeultl Of ............ MM'l'AMIR ''CM L..,,._ Ya CM ~ ....... : Mtomer WllllMI KuMtter a MOVll • • ._. "TN ln¥Mlon Of JoMloft Olultty" 11111) ........... IMA ...... ~ ...... ................... ............... M•t11\g c.,ult"' Iii j>t~t~ lntlWOl4 Weal l>f!MOVll I e • ',II'* DeMMWI The LIP*" 'rlWt (IMO) l<tn HOW41rd. ~Ike ""'"' The llory of the "<>m11t1 Call'lollG pr'*'' wflo de'lot• Id hi• hf• 10 helOll'ICI 1119 elfltc 1.0 al a H•w411ien lepet COiony II drlllNlllHd (Al 0 NIW DAY IN 109H It IOMrfHINO'I Al'OOT Jean 8taple1on end Andy 011)1.1 tW In thlS lllV.91Cel wf\Odunlt abOUI 10 llOo ... OU-II at en EflOllth COYtl· try llOuM Who ere r'llUf• Otred one by one 11·tfCJ MOVll • • * "FellW11 Damien· l he leper P1lllt" (1980) Ken Howard, Mike Ferrell The •lory ot '"" Roman Catl'IOllc pr ... 1 wno deYot· ed hit lll'f 10 hetf)lno Ille atntcted 11 • Hawellen ~ cOlony 11 dr1mat11ed (R) fJ MOVIE * * ·~ "All In A Night's Work' CIN 11 DM.n Matlin, Shirley Maclllne When. 1MJbl1Sh1no tycoon la found dffd, 11.-nepheW lnl'lerlta the buslnesa end all Its hHdaChet 11:60 I) MOVIE * • ''Love Story" (1970) All MecGraw, Ryan O'Neel A vouno w.o-recatla hll wile. • victim of leukemia 11.56 H MOVIE • 11 * "All That Jau" ( 19791 Roy Sc11e1der. Jes· 11Ca Lange The tumultu· ou• ltte 01 • prol•aionel choreogr~ ,. IOllowed from aucc:ets on th• siege to pert0nel crl-'R' 12:00 U 700 CLU8 G ALLG00'8 CHILDREN Ca1ol l.Jlwrenoe end Stan Mooneyham. with guettl lha L•nnon Sl1t•r1, Dlahenn Carroll and The Imperials, presen1 11111 plee to l'lllp the world'• chll· d1en NEWB G) OUTER .LIMITS 0MOVIE * * • 'fhe RunnlH Stum- bl•t" (1979) Dick Van Dyke. Kathleen Ouinl1n A CalhOllc priest I• tried for 11'1• murder of • nun wllh wl'lom he l'lad been ...,,. pec:1e<1 of halltng en eflalr 'PG' l MOVIE * * * * "KM1)41 Tippet" I 1975) Monique Van Der Van, Rutg11< H1uer A fr ... •Plrlled girt 11 lore.cl lnlo prostitution u 1 mean• of ... ppor11no n•r rsm1ty 12:30 TOM COTTLE: UP Cloe! Guea1 Henny Youngman Cl) THE AO()t(l£8 A former Green B•••t blames Mike for his cap. ture In lllelnam MOVIE * * "File It Under FNt' ( 1973) MaurMn Llpmen, JOlln Le~roer A 1ma11 town 11 caught in a or1p of panic lollowlng • terle• ol atr•nounga, 0 MO\/IE * * • ' Days 01 Won• And RONI 11963) Jeck Lem· mon LM Remick A busl- neatman a"d 1111 wll• blComtl lllCohOltCS. bv1 only th• husbend la ab,. lo (Ind rehabllfta.llon 12:36 C MOVIE * * * "0 luc;l(y Mer>I" ( 1973) Malcolm McDowell. Ralph Richa!dllOn A COi· ... ..,.sro.,, 11 captured .. • •PY eno eent to pr1eon where "-con1emplat.. • cat-In Ille movie• 1:00 OEHE SCOTT ~ECIACU 1:20 j MOVIE * * "Entet The Nlnje" (1981) Frenc:o Neto. Sueen George. An Amertc:en mar· llal art• •.IC9*'1 Ml• oul to •"*"O* 1he murder of htl blll lrlend 'R' 1:ao 9 .MC ..wa (JIHIW8 1:418 ATONf. Gueet Rod Steiger ll ) CHMla CHAMPUN ON THI! ALM 8C1N1 2:0011 Cl> cea N1W9 NIQH'TWATQ4 (If) VIOeO JUKUO)( lltMOW •*'A "The Shout" I 1979) Alen 8•111, Suunnah York. A dltturbed man conflned to en lnttltutlon belle... Ile can make • "deeth lhOUt." a aound that wlll kill. 'R' C2lMCME * '..\ "Up In Smoll•" (1971) CllMC:h and Cllong, Edie Adame. 2:30 Cl) llA HUNT (l{)WOVll * * * "On Golden Pond" (1911) Henry Fonde, Kethetine Heptlum. 1:41~ NIWI a.-oo llOGRAPHY ( }MOYIE • • • "Tile Enlorct r" C 197') Cllnt Ea1twood, Tyne Dely. "Dlr1y Harry" Cllllel'l1r1 Is joined by • """"* roallle In Ml pur9Uft of • Ofovp Of CelNornlll '9¥0lutlonar1M terr0t lllflg Sen Ftenclaclo. 'A' S:30i=IO • *. "OelullJon" (191 ,, Pllrlcll P-cy. "°""" Cotten. A prlvat.-duly -r• In loft wltfl "" petlent'• h~ YoUl'll m:.'A' * *°" "ChHoh And CllOftO't Nrc. DrMms" ,, .. ,, ~ "en.di" Metift, TllO!Me Cl!Ong tM(C)MOVll ••~"AM The F1ne Youno CINllb•" I tllOI Net• WOOd. !'obit! WIQ!llt. A l\NdltrOftO girt "om • poor '°""*" ~ INr· ,.. '°' money, tlOt love 4:tl (!) TOP O' n4I MON•• UO(R)MCWm **• "I To 6" (tNO) .,.,. 'oncl•. Dolly Plll'lon. •• (!) IUUWINKLI 4:41 Cl l HAU.ILWAH 90IN&J ..... ~ ""'Alldr .. Cl'OUdl -hoM• to ,.,. --· ~ c--. OM. '-~Wlltlt91'9 T,_..H9Wtt6"19"41"'9 ...., ... 'Mllr· -n. .,, ....... .,_ .. ........ ttoft °' ...... --...... " .,. er,.... O...• .. OM9111 a..... C• ;a POOi. it. NO llCL IU .. l lUOI' COURT Of' CALllO•NtA COUNTY O• ORANQI 700 CM41 Cntr Or WHI Santa ""'· CA t"'101 MARlllAO& O• li'ITITIONlll JA\lllER AYALA RUIZ Rlll'ONOINT MA•OARITA AYALA IUMMONI (l'AMILY LAWI CAil NO. 0 ffltoe NOTICll Yau have ken eued fhe COll•I Mer dKkle ae.inet '°" wlthollt ,our Mint heard 11nlaH ro11 rHflOl'\d within JO d1r1. Reed Ille lnlormatlon llelow II y11u w1•h 10 toltll tMI adv1Ct! ot en •1111111,.y In thll m•ttt• you ahe>uld do IW l)f<>lllplly IO ,,, •• Ytl<" tf'tP(lo .. 0t ptu11d1ng II any "'"Y t>ti hlltd 0t1 hn1t1 AV llO I Uated ha tldo demendedo. e1 trlbunal pued• cMc:ldlr contra Ud. eln aud .. ncle • me,,.. qva Ud. raepollda de1hro de 30 dlH. I.e. la lftformadon qye •leu.. 51 U'1.:<I <Hra11w •OllC1t.i1 111 conHtll lltt un 81>0!)11d0 en ••'" llSUOIO . dellt•IG hacurlll 1mmod1uturmir1111. <111 Hiil rn111111m. au roapunta el11g1t1on. •• hny 1lgun1 pu11(je 5111 1eg11trad11 11 tiompo t TO H1£. RESPONDENT 11111 pa1111onor ha& llled 11 pe1111on concer nlng your morri11ga II you t.111 to hlo 11 1osponsu within 30 t.lflyi ol thlf d1<1u lhill tllla aummons II ser ve<I on yo.J your dateult may be entered Jnd tne courl may 11<1tl!f • 1udgma111 con1111n1ng 1n1unctiv8 or othar orders co11cern1ng <11v1s1011 ot prop•• ly spou~ol support. c11110 cuatody Child suppor 1. u11ornoy •oo•. costs and such other rQl•et as m•y be grun1eo by the court lhe gern11hm11nt ol wagH toking 01 money or property Ot other courl 1uthor1ied proceedings may oiso !l!iUlt Dated July 12. 1982 Lee A Bron<;h Clerk He4ao M Otten Deputy Orange Coaet DAILV PILOT /Sunday, o.c.Mber 12, 1982 •• Louis Ornelas enjoys retirement so much, he volunteers 25 hou a week. Would you? Louis dnves a Red Cross van for a community nutru1on program. Five days a w eek, Lows shutlles elderly-people to a Help Center for a fr ee hot meal. He also delivers hot meals to another 20 shut-ins. On Thwsdays, Lows takes his passengers to the supermarket so they can shop for food. "The importanfthmg 1s that you get these people a balanced meal," says Louis. "A lot of elderly people don't cook anymore. and if you don't gwe them a meal, they probably won't eat.'' Have you got time on yow hands? We could use a hand helping p eople m yow community. Jorn us. Aninial surplus plagues ZOOS Published Orange Coast Dally Piiot Dec 5. 12, 19. 26. 1982 5337·82 PUBLIC NOTICE ITATEMIENT OF WITHl>f'AWAL FROM PART•RSHIP Together, we can change things. By DICK ULMER Om9'1a Woftcl..Hefeld O MAHA, Neb. (AP) -Lions and tigers and bears, o h my! Lions and tigers and bears! Zoo directors around the world soon might want to adopt the worried c hant of Dorothy in "The Wiza.rd of Oz." Zoos have become so successful at breeding and feeding exotic animals that k eepers say they're running out of room Cor all of them. The Detroit Zoo recently announced plans to reduce its animal population by 20 percent because of overcrowding. A New York zoo director proposed s la ughtering som e excess animals. then f eeding the carcasses to tigers and lions. Lee Simmons. director of Omaha 's Henry Doorly Zoo, says he hous es an over - abundance of at least t hree k inds of an - imals and would like to dispose of four or five of each: -21 scimitar-horned oryxes. of the antelope family. -21 Ledy Gray's waterbuc ks , als o antelope-type creatures. -17 ri ng -t ailed lemurs, monkeys. Simmons says many of the extra animals could be sold or traded to other zoos. ranches or private owners. "The animals that potentially will cause the most grief are the large 1 carnivores -the bears and the cats," he said. Lions and tigers and bears r equire big quarters, have voracious appetites and live a long time, Simmons says. They can't be turned out in a farmer's pasture to eat ~ like some of the hoofed stock. "Righ t n ow, it's getting difficult to give a tiger away, much less sell one," he says. The Omaha Zoo has 21 Neptune CllEMA TION 8URIAl AT 5£A 646-7431 Our literature talla the complete atory of our • society. c.11 ....... __ ,._ McCOtlMIOI MORTUAltlS Laguna Beach 494·94t5 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Cap1s1rano •95 1776 HAIJOtl LAWK-MT. Oll¥1 Mortuary• Ceme tery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 '1HClllOTHHS llU•OADWAY MOllTUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 6-42·9150 IALTl .... OH SMrTH a TVnflU WHTCUfll CHAPft.1 427 E 1711'1 St Costa Meta 84&-9371 PAC»ICVllW ~, ... c.n.t9'Y MortUatY Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac11tc View Om1e Newport Beach 644-2700 I Bengal tige r s and six reintroduced to the wild white rhino, the secret Of'ERATING UNDER Siberian tigers. Simmons because their habitat is proved to be placing the FICTITIOUS 1U...-H NAME I The following person hat would like to get rid of largely gone and they animals in argc groups withdrawn as a general purtnet from two Siberians to make are too tame. in warm-climate zoos. u1u partnerllllp opetatlng under the room for two from a "If you took a tiger ''Now they're about t1ct111ousbuslna51 n1meot OURYEA CURTIS & VACCAR O. •301 different family tree. He back to India, he would like rabbits," Simmons MacArJhur Blvd N-port Beech, thinks h e has a willing either starve to death or says. "Except they eat CA 92660 American Red Cross to'~,. J " S more." The 11c1111ous buliness name ~ip~ntin -~land. eat peope, immo n s 1111emem 1~ ·~ pannet~~ wu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------~ "That's this time . I says. ....------------1111ed on October 13, 1981 1n the don't know about next Exotic animals are County ot Orange Full Name end Addresss ol the time," he says of the prospering in zoos for PUBLIC NOTICE Parson W1thdraw1nl : IAN E. r elatively easy tiger se ver a I r easons. FICTITIOUS eu11NHS ~~~~t::>rio\ ":3~~ ~:~~,~tu~ transactions. including medical care . NAME STATEMENT . . • Simmons says that in a "We have made heroic b T5~ee:~119o,w1ng 1>11rsons ire doing 81s~g·n~g:it :.'~~~2~ 92660 f d• f ( t t u • F173121 ew years zoo 1rectors e or s 0 save some HUNTINCHON SURF & SPORT. CUfllTtl a VACCARO must take a cue from animals," Simmons says. t 506 P1c111c Co111 Hwy • Att0tney• ,1 uw M .d beef h "In h Id Huntington Bea<:h. Ca 921M8 1 w est ranc ers some cases we s ou AARON JACY. PAI 20•62 Ahsa One Nawpon 11'1. • 1010 and "cull their 'herds." quietly have let nature lane. Huntington eeac11. Ca 926'16 Newpon Beech, CA 92660 e.liminating some of the take its 'COUrse." This business Is conducte<t by an Published Orange Coast Oa11y individual Pilot, Nov. 21. 28, Dec S, 12, 1982 "senile old bulls" that Another {actor is Aeron Jack Pai 51Sl·8~ carry bad genes to make breeding. Simmons says Tt11S s111emen1 wu tiled with 111e r 0 0 m f 0 r y 0 u n g e r zookeepers h ave learned County Clerk of Orange County on MLIC NOTICE Nov 12. 1982 breeding s tock. to encourage animals to F20t"5 T h e 0 m a h a Zoo mate by using tricks to Published Orange Coast Dally STATEMENT Of' wmto•AWAL F•OM PART .. ltSHH" OPERA TING UNOIR FICTITIOUS 8USINEH NAME The lollowlng peraon h•• wllhdrllWTl as a genOfal partner from director uses the word simulate t h eir natural Poot. Dec 5• 12• 19· 26· 19g~35.82 "euthaniz.e." But, yes. it environme n t. Fak e means "kill." r ainstorms put some H e says killing the tropical birds in the animals could prove mood for love. difficult, because of a With th e endangered tendency by zoo directors _• ----------and keepers and the public to treat th e animals like people. They are given names and newspapers run stories about their cute antics and medical woes. Part of the overpopulation problem began with ioos ' att e mpt s to save endangered species. Simmons says the efforts have been successful - to som e, perha ps too successful. Paradoxically, some of the s pecies are all but extinct in the wild but fit the category of "captive self -sustaining .'' The term means zoos often have more than enough of them. Simmons says most of the animals c an't be rta.IC NOTICE NOTICE OF NON-M'.8POM8191UTY Notice ts hereby given that the undoralgnod wlll not bo roeponllfblO for any debU or llebllllltt contracted by anyone other than m)'Mll. on or att8f thla dlle Oiied this 9'h day of a-m110t, 1982 Bebe "B.J."' Janot Kaller 21773 Ocoan Vitti Or., Sovlh Laguna. CA 92677 Published Orange Coaet Delly PllOt, Ooc. 11, 12, 18, 1912. ~23-12 Plll.IC NOTICE NOTICE OF DEATH OF MARGUERITE BEHR AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A·lltl34. To all heirs, beneficiaries, cred itors and contingent creditors of Marguerite Behr and persons who may be otherwise Interested in the will and/or estate. A petition has beens filed by Janet Behr Crowl, Elsa i------------~ Behr Grether and Martha DllTH llTICI B e hr B eaumon t in the ii Superior Court of Orange 1-.----------cCounty requesting that 1• Janel Behr Crowl, Elsa Behr MURPHY Grether and Martha Behr WILLIS L . MURPHY, a Beaumont be appointed u resident of a.ta Mesa, Ca. personal representative to Passed away on December 9, admmister the e1tate o f 1982. Beloved h usband of Marguerite Behr. (under the Chrlat.lna, beloved brother of Independent Ad.minislraUon Frances Partee, devoted of FAtates Act). The petition father of John, Pau line, is set for hearing in Dept. Billie Lee.. Jamea andNo.3at'l.OOCMcCenter Dr .. C h a r le a • c her I ah e d West, ln the City of Santa grandfather of Dawn Ana, CA. January 5, 1982 at Cryatal, Shawn M ichael, 9:30 a.m. Raynee Charmaine, Wendy IF YOU OBJECT to the Michelle, Miaty Erin, and granting of the petition, you Heather and CoUeena, al90 should either appear at the 12 other grandchlJdren out h e aring a nd s tate your of state. Mr. Murph)' retired objections or file written after 20 years with The City objections with the court o f Newport Beach . Mr before the hearing. Your Murphy wu friend t4 all appearance may be m peraon who knew him with a or by your attorney. apedal pl.ace in h.la heart for l F Y 0 U A R E A \he netchborhood kJda. Mr. CREDITOR or a contingent Murphy worked with the creditor of the decealed, you Civil Army Air Corp duri.nl must file your claim with the World War U. and hM been court or preHnt It to the involved with the Cal Aero personal re presentative Fli1ht Academy Club, h e appointed by the court wu alao known for hl1 within four montha from the beautiful Clristmal ~,.., date or first l11uance or ., he WM the winner of the letters at provided In tee\lon Forty Mlle Cbrlatmu 700 of the probate code of Dl1play Sweepltakea on California. The time for Hveral occulon1. H o ly filing cJaiml wlll not expltt Rosar y will be h eld on prior to four montha from Sunday, December 12, 1982 the date of the hearln1 at 7:30PM a& St. Joechim'1 noticed above. PUBllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUllMelS NAME ITATl•NT The tollowlng persona era doing bu5'neu H CROWN INVESTMENTS 1585 Sunland Lana. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 ROd S Chamberlain, 29•5 Maul Place, Coste Mesa. CA 92626 Thomu J . Rausch. 1671 Klamath. Orange, CA. Jerry w Townsend 513 w. Alplng, .Senti Ana CA JamH A NlchOll, 19261 Can)'OI' 0.1119. V1Ha Park, CA Th15 buslrnHS IS conducted by a general partneran1p, Rod S Chamberlain Th•s statement was Ille<! with the County Clert. ol Orange County on NoY 23. 19U the P8f1 net$111p oper aung under the hCllllOUI bu_ .. name of DURYEA CURTIS & VACCARO, •301 MacArthur Blvd . N-pof1 Beach. CA 92660 The llclllloua buslnau name •t•t-nl IOI Iha panno<shlo WU hied on Oecernbor 3, 1981 In the County ol Orange Full Name and Addrass ol the Pereon Withdrawing· LHUE N. DURYEA II, INC., 4301 MacArthur 81vd., N•wport Beach. CA 92660. Signed Leslie N Duryea F177312 cutms a VACCARO A "°'"°1' at Law One Nowpclft li't. II 10 10 Newpor1 Beaoll. CA 92660 Puollshed Orange Coast Dally Pilot, Nov 21, 28. Dec 5. 12, 1982 5157-82 '202917 1-----------1 rta.IC NOTICE Publiahed Orange Cout Oe1ty Pilot. Dec; 5. 12, 19, 26 1982, l--,-IC-TITIOU--.-----S-8--1 53'I0·92 NA• STAftllllNT PtB.IC NOTICE NOTICE OF DEATH OF JUUA A. TEWINJU.E A.ND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER F.STATE NO. A·llllM. To all heirs, beneficiaries. creditors a nd contingent credltore of Julia A . TeWlnkle and per90na who may be otherwise interested In the will and/or estate. A petition has been filed The followlng par1on 11 doing bull,_. as: CEYLON EXPRESS LTD .. 9531 Dumueck Or., Huntington Beach. Ca. 921M6 \lulnl Oe Siivi. gs31 Dumbreck Of., Huntington BMch, Ca. 926-46 Thi• bullnetS la oonducted by an lndlYldu81 V11tlnl 08 Sllve Thlt 1t11ement wu fllad with the County Clerk of Orange County on November 15, 1982. Fall211t Publlthad Orange Coast Dally PllOt Dec 12, 19, 26, 1982, Jan. 2. 1983 ~57-62 by Crocker National Bank, a 1-----------1 Corporation, In the Superior "8.IC NOTIC£ Court of O range County '1CTIT10U8 llU ... H requestin1 that Crocker NAME eTAn•NT National Bank be appointed The following .--•• dOlng buslnon ... as peraona.l representative to c u s T 0 M w H E E L administer the estate of Julia ACCESSORIES, 1570 t Chomlcel A. T eWlnkle (unde r the Lane. Huntington 8oach, Ca. 926"9 Independent Administration K 0 n t u I n I • I n • t I 0 n • I of J!'atata Act). The petition Corporation (• Calltornla ls eet for hearin1 In Dept. ~.:.f'n:~::'1e::.'~~ Lana. No. 3 at 700 Civic Cen ter Thia t>u._ la condUctod by • Drtve, We1t, in the C,ity .o c:orpor111on. Santa Ana California on K"Onzu tntOl'Mlk>nol-c«p • AIQhard Chong. January 5, 1983 at 9:30 a.m. 1 vtco Proeldont IF YOU OBJECT to the Thi• 1111-t -lll8d With the granting of the petition, you County Clerk of 0tanoe eountv on ahould either appear at the Decomt>or •. 1982. h ear ing and state your 1 Publlahad Orenge Coe~ obE" tlon a or file ',"rltten Piiot Dec. 12. 19. H . 1982, Jan. 2. ob tlons with the court 1,983 be or e the hearln1. Your 5"54-12 appearance may be In penon or by your attorney. Plll.IC NOTICE I F y 0 u A R E A FICTITIOUS llUSINEH CREDITOR or a conUnaent NAME STATIEMINT creditor of the decffled, you The lollowtng persona ar8 "°'ng buslnet• u must fUe your cla1m with the E M 4 c e N G I N EE R I N G court of present It to the SSOCIATES. 1•H1 Myf0td Roed. peraonal repre1entatlv e 6·2. Tu1t1n C• 92680 I d b h MOHAMAD !BRA.HIM EL GA.Fl. appo1nte Y t e court 1945 Sharlnglon Piece. Newport within four montha from the ~ .. ch. Ca 92683 I date of first l11uance of R 1 c H AR o A e Y No Lo letters• provided 1n .ctJon FUARELL, 28912 \Ila Gtende, C700lloff the pTrobeh ie,codefof_ M•Ml~~~°N c:A:~~~o SHORT, a ornla. e t m e or 1542 Camino P•P•I. El Toro. Ca fWnl clalnw will not exp(re 2630 prior to four montha from Tn11 bullnen 11 c:onduc:ted by '" the date of the hearln1 n1ncorporated ae1oc11tton olher -~...._. _.___ hon • paf1nersh11> ,.,..._, __,,,...,, MOhamad Et Gall YOU MAY IXAMINE Tntt 1t11te<Tltf'l1 w11111ed' WIO'I t,,. the file kept by the court. 1f ounty Clotk 01 Orange County on you are lnternted ln the ov 23. 19'2 ettalth ... tyou ~r_!llttoarniqu.tl Pu1>11•11td Oran11• Co•~Y w .he ..,., .. , • ece ve !lot. Dec 5 12 1t. 29 1M2 1pecleJ notice of the 529$-1• lnwntory of eeia1e and of 1----------the petJUona. aacounta and repor1a ~ In 8«tJon 1 fOO.a of th• Cellfornla ,.... .. c.ode. Ute the Dally Piiot 'Tis lhe season when our relationships with others find expression in the generous spirit of giving. ~ol surprisingly, some of the gills that mean the mos t are neither tradlt1onal nor c ostly. One unique way to display your hohday s p irit 1s with a Holiday Greeting in the Daily P ilot. What better way to convey your special message of warmlh and good cheer? And. adding a personal touch. your message can be a s long or as short ~s you desire. . For only 50 cents a line (two line m inimum). you can d isplay your holiday message in the Dally P ils>t's Holiday Greetings page on December 25. For an addltlonal $5 you can choose from three holiday Illustrations to enllven the greeting (select from the a ssortment shown below). Mail the attached coupon to place your message. Please don't delay. closing date Is noon. December 23. To order. print your holiday message below. allowing 21 characters per line. Then mail coupon' to: Holiday Greetings -Class1fted, Orange Coast Daily Pilot. P .O . Box 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. (Private parties only, please) ------------------------------------------------------- A Include llluS1rot1on 0 1llus1·1Uon A 0 1llustrat1on 8 0 Illustration C Card type 0 VISA 0 MASTERCARD Chorge Card Card Expiration Date You may c:harge your Class1fled Ad Be SUM lo Include your Card type (V1sa/MilsterCardl Your Card 11umtH!r. and the EXPIRATION DATE YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR TELEPH ONE l~UMBER BELOW I l I I I I I 1 I 1-B-:l il 1 H I 11 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I l I l IL l =1 I J 1 l :J 1=1 l i=r -1 T·l -,-1 _]_] _._~I:CI:Cl Catholic Church.t... ~o~ta YOU MAY EXAMINE Meaa. Ca. Mlill of \.:nnma.n the file kept by the c:ourt. If Burial will be he ld o n you a re Interested In the Monday, December 13, 11112 ..i.t.e, you may file a NqUett at lO:OOAM at the Sacred with the court to recelw Heu1ofRedlandlCatholic1peclal notice of the Church, 1 U Weit Olive, Inventory of "tate and of Redlanda, Ca . Internment the petltlorw, acoounta and wm follow at Hlll1lde repori. deacribed ln 8ectlon Memorial Patlc, ftedlanch, 1200.5 of the Callfornls Ca. Frlenda may call for Probate Coede. vl1ltaUon on Saturday, WOOUSY..1. ANGELO • December 11. 1882 from TRATCHBn.&.. .IHI In 4:00PM to 9:00PM and on .i-.1a Hlllt M ., ~ Sunday, Deciembw 12, from IHd, CA HtH, (fU ) t:OOAM to 8:00PM at P&erCle Nt.f .... &lJaWITZ, aa11aa, "Put Rnull" 1ervlee NAMI! llMDOIULD .. MSADS, dlntttory. Your ADDRESS Brothera hll Broadway PubU.hed Orsnr Coaet Mortuuy. Pierce Btothen Dll1ly Pllot. Die. l , lS, It, Bell Broadway Mortuary 1982 842·91~. &482-82 Ht N1w,.n Cuter Dr., """'~• 11 our • i ~,lff';.=."...... lpttlalty CITY ----....-.....---------STATI l P\abUshH Qraue 0-t , Call'4a·Wl1Ht. m ZIP -=~-----Tl!L(PHONE t ~ ...._ Die. IT, ll. 11, .._ __ .... _.,..__ QCNCk or money Otdef encloNd t Ml?-12 .___~-~~-____.._ ......... lllllill ........ llllli .......... .,. ...... llllli._ ............ J • • . 1 • Dll Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Oecemb4tr 12, 1082 1· ClASSI f I ID 7'11e marketplace 011 f/1 e Orange Coast ... 642 -5618 Among people tookang fur o rental , 70r; read real estate clau1/ied ads. 1foCiday Gift &Service Guide ~~!"'~, ~~~t!:!!m~~~~'?:!! -----------··--Im the Farru y 1 • (11fr., a , fm I Rlcc0'1 crMtlve ~terlng. • ••• A A A • • • • • • Put mobltl~ a l\in rn IO· C.IONl!L l!Ll!C"fftlO TRAIN Muelc on the Move. Get-In Your Complete 8111 HMd· ¥-IS 17S We do It ell, or JY•I eerve Jon Broc:tlmen Plano Co. meone'1 te Ihle Chrltt· SETS. New. •l•o uHd the Groove with Mu1lc Tll lllllMLI 'QUWt .. -s ..... ~. 1 , n & c:tMflUp. 5.48--0621 897 Gtenneyre OQ~N"PL-:oo..... mH with en electric englnH, cert, treck, tor ell Occ. 731·91M Cloth Ing, Ski R1mp, Ii L BMch 4g7 3490 ~ ••• -.. 3-wtlMler. Golden Ch•· tren1former1, acCHIO· ....... a.! NEWPORT 81<1 co .• C f • • ~ eguna • ~ jr.~ll~j rlotl. 548-2364 rlH. And Lionel end MUSIC FOR YOUR AF· fN ~ 2700 W. CoH1 Hwy R.{UllrJt'{J~. *" Flet1 torChrl1tmu ~ I/A.-.,• • I~ A.merlcen Flyer Treine FAIR, eny ityte. Pleno, King JemH vertlon ot 631-3280 7.) • . · DICK MILLER MOTORS I\:! •.ii~ ~· Flrewbo.d,30mo1tly dh~j from 1920., 1111<1 1g30•1. guitar, violin, vocela. the New THtement.1-S-top-1-,..-... , ... -_-_-.. ,,.... .. _....,.1-Sente AM 557-2132 =-:'.,, wood, 1 • cor · M&-4328 545-3722 or 631-3275 33u ............ __ _,, ( I ( t rV-12 r.11 .. e pt,nts' pickup HC>-0587 word for word, on ,. U . 1-•. by Jenine 'I [ .t·rt I It a (l''> M~ Flnlah Gift I Jll"":] II ,'if. Ir. ' . ow.odd BOUQUETS OF BAL· ALTEC STUDIO SPEAK· long play recorde. Holt· New''"~ ttOf'I Cerda s=.i. ~f 1~~6. ~ 1 .~d S C~Rw.r::E HOLID~ LOONS Dellvered by ERS (2), w1tnut wood dey 1p.cl1I s2g,95 w/ fMtur1ng litdutflle Bllz. tnvttellon1 TWT .. .._,,. ~ ~ ~~ 1C '~I uw s Ref. 642·64"49/&45-7972 co11umed me11eng1re. flnlttl.1250 ... 551·3208 ,, .. vinyl ceH (115 zard 1ld1 & femoua ectl- CertlflcatM ... ~ ~ •Cases Beer• e.lloon• 780-8768 IUI -a-.. a_ value). Come ... u1 124 veweet ""-llter for • Call eniwer •d 151g, Body wrep1-teclel kit• ~ -s . I D 'l •1 t tor d~or•· -r-E. Broadwey CM. Mon· · ·-pr5 &42-4300, 24 hre. gltt pedlege 64-4-5289 • ' v "'· •Pet supples :·~:Ji~. Le1 ~ u!~ grH .... Good cond. Mult ..... w. d g . 1 2 0 r c • 11 IH drewlng Dec. 15 Hot Chimney SwHpl Mlllna 11300. Cell 9'191. 857-2040 ~. bootl, veca- H' H Flofel & Crtf1 Sup-!af6... G .·res f·or Her --s R1 114-848-2788 ~ lloM, mor•l 642·5e30. ply 3 toe. Orenge. Gtrd· _.. ctean Illa wey. pee I 1l 1t WHtellft lrtn .,, Gr°"· Anaheim (,.fr, ' singer Sewing Mect1lnee llVE I lln OF UFEl 651•3273 · For c1ull11e<t Ad ... ,.,~ _ • WMtCll11 Plaza. N.e . AS THING ARE • Fio-New ZiGUG Modela/Sg5 IUTll PUITla Lge Mlecllon ol unueuel 1peclmen More temN ... ere getting ACTION S ~--I WINDSURFING SALE urengement1, S ilk h>r ell'· 1:.,111111, p & JCOx 5-48-4425 elze plenta at Incredibly low prices. the camping "bug" thl1 Cell a • Pt r' & \1pp lc'i Mi.trel 1950. HIFly 1750. Plante & Tr•••· Hend ' "••r II wou have • Delly Pllot P ,tr[\ C1 <ll>l.IL UP o ...... •(714 ... "1 ~toe -1 ........ a I• -~ tor email enlmll1: Free nat1 lor gOOd ' · ' .. "VISOR ' ~ -,.,... -crtf1ed glf11. 1590 S. Cat ......,K -_... ,,_ camper th•I'• not nAttlnn ,....,.. •• • •••• 1• < Hwy, UiQ ecn. 494.1204 UIOl IYlllM ·221 Merine Ave. B.1. ho .. ,., & good home• tor tree pets. uMd, sell 11 now ';nh .. a &42·5678 u:DlfR 'V6~~P{REE u t • • •..... •• •••E 875.-1572. 'Tl• the .... 2 •• 0 IEWPllT ILVI 0 I c 1u11t1ed Ad. WHIRLIGIG FROM Roler ..Jfla e / • •.a.6 .. •• 1... ... eon to give reel gold •• •• • • 801 W. Beker. Coit• /, - .,, ..... 1 -·--·•1 --------·-· Open Dally 10-5 u..... Pertw'• •• W.E • =. .. over nv.,_ on .. Seulllce • ..al}9b11¥-J,&Hd ...I "7~570 2•22 "San--Miguel NB ·-•82 Audi'• Bo1ch Mliter 1249.50; • • • • • • • • •• .• • • "'1 ~ • ...., v 'Mci.-0000 · 40·IO"t. Bouti<1ue?' bl.,__. endM'tM111s1ee.50 ~ to -~·.. tFF • ·92 Rab t .....,.,,. , Y'I Pll I '82Sdroceot 6-509t .,. ... • .. .., • 11111 "F'IU All sltatu In atoclc, lnci' PATW•DI Prlcel do not Include In--~~ ~ •I Iv, ~ .-: T~~-=lature Riedel & Suregrtp! .... ,... llft.... 11e11ed ecceNOrles, Ext • ...~... .... S -. , 'i f>c.r'>un.tl 11c:d IHaafreet Chr11tm .. 1t•m• -tldiu ::'.!'.1l~'en°:.Fectory re-G .f 1-H~ H ol1d a\' Flowl'ri. M1 ..,u :IL.tnl.:l>u' A ) (Jilt ~ AK8:'~'~&Eg~=M ...... ~"'•·~~: .. ,,, your Holldeya with 4-45 E. Cat Hwy N.B. 1 I [~ ()f 1111 \9) SHEEPDOG PUPPIES .-..... eeee•eeet CMetmu a-. Come 873-0900 , "2 FOR CHRISTMAS Vlelt Ut. 4242 Cempu1 Ofter' end 12/24182 Cemp-wayt lnfletlble LEE'S FLOWERS Wiii Wright le. Creem T· "(;, ~ ..... T= 1350. g7&-1478 .... Drive. St• E·3 N-po11 ---------ding hy 1200. Dela· s.. u1 tor your Chrl•t· Shirt•. Ledl" & M1n1. I~ II BMch 64M650 Mon·Fr1 WTAll LMt'I merln• dl~t•I depth mu....._ _ _., ... , 2"'"" Uft""ue Chrlatmae Glft1 - / ~ Cocker .sp1nte1 pupplff • y ' h d ~·-.. -•2 . <>--t-p ...._......, . ., •• ""• • .,.. ' 170 E. 17t St, Ste. 117 lor Chrtetmae. AKC reg., .,. t0-4, Sat g:3C).3:30 ~ tr!:,' c!~•:.! j';;"~~ ~en 1 $, 00 . FLOWERS BY MORRI I.US. 973-3313· L---_ -. Coete Meta. 648-3141 blond. 642-3341 I)\ "i • .. to°"' 8'. Try°"' pnc. 96&-5808 441E.17th Street. .., 11U ..,...._ -...__ _,_, ~ Engreved giftt lut tor• • ~ .• In our Sport• Annex • ---------Coe1• Meta. 845-814-4 moped ~-\ ~\~~\.L ver. Tenkerd1, gobl•t1, CANARIES· Singing Ball Save up to 70%. PCH & 11 f1 Heron Sallboet. AH New ,150-121 C--'7, beby cup1, picture ot Red F .. thera for Wer,,.r, H.B. 840-2556 ~t:..~. ~5..,m~~ .,.... Ml=.1~.,d~llt ~ ~.,,, 1~ ... ~G _l-:: ~~ . ..:\. '!_•cm. ••. key rlng1, etc. ~~~=1~2'-orenge) Carerint: °' (213) 592-3130 ;;s ·~57,. -·...--Ftn vty. 982.1g22 .Jo".~ ~~ •· UNIQUE HANDCRAFTED TOYS & GIFTS , Reuonable. 875-7489 . 88 ~ ~ In Time for Holldeyt CHRISTMAS PUPPIES Berlendlng tor Holld•)' HOlldtyRenl·A.Cer 1,9:.1nHonda.5,000C8or~o m·~re •• M i cellantous ••tn• I ~~:-..; )" ~ ~ Peraone~ Cham-=:r~~~~-~~ ... PertlH. Pvt rHldent1 Low u 13g,g5/WMkencl lllT PAllll ..-...-l ...... j only. Tell ui how meny RoblN F0td 642-0010 "450. 982-8043 Belboa Charter Corp. I N•m•. m1111ge, logo. Auat. Shep. pupt, 8 wt11, •1• you expecl. We will do HOUD•Y POTLUCK .... photo on-v bottle, u ecloreble, 111 cotore, no ret<., & the,.... Sh<>P mix -"" cuH~T~~.. •rtOW1"'1~18 ,~,5~011 ~ ~ ~.!.,.'' .*7! !!1·3cuitom ~·· M 5. 631-8632 Decorac1on~ ve, clein-up,' ell ior l DINNER CRUISES, 110 -,.,... ..., " .,.. • _. -.. ..,.. v .....,.. 1 , __ .._ n" .. .,.,..,. 833-5808 780-2578 , PRESENTS! S I Adoreble 5'emeM Kittlfllt--------• ·-.,........, How •!>ouOrt en entfrlque NewCN>rt:!!f~~. N':'t \; ~ H•v• "OU reed todey·s for Chrl1tme1. 176 to ••-_1 LOVE AT FIRST BITE Mc• .. k•1 It • Co'!ttn1•ttnt,•I Gourmet Git.t·"' blcycter • •t-om 111t2256 .. =:='...."'cM & I ~ ~ c1e11itl•d Ade? tt not. •100· &42-8520 ... ,_ -7132 E~ .. r 1tm•• ...... 0 or .~ , ..... ~ , __ .. _ or Eft-........ .,,,.. ~ CHRISTM·s ............. t 11y ,,. ·-_.._,. .. ~ So ,.. ___ ...... ..__ ~ you're mltli"" the best _. .. a•1 -"" Sante AA&. 64 -4811 the ..,,._ em,. goo Bllte? Y<N CW1find11 ·..._tr--.""' m, \ ... --,.._.. TRE.ES • ~~~w9!tt= ~=~ 111•111~m .. ".::.,....., H~~h~'r~I ~ ~~Llf'~ · u:g:~:~:;~ton• ~~ ... r.•Renchoumuune, 2038r~1~~1 CM Welters• Bertencllng Scendl1 Down Shope. .... 2.a ...,.,. 1114. Bey. 640-51511 . \, .,~ Tullet. elong ceme • _. - 842-5937 g:n:=,·~~· ~l: ~: ~1!1~h~0J•'c!!~f.~n~,; a ULLlm ..... I ~,,,. \ \\ lf~~~r t.~:t r~~~.~~t:=: ::!i-:e.~m:;:-;:~ spec1e11111 In Holld1y o.- Pollte & well groomed Cat Hwy LB anoct.. P«Mps Gour· 875-2570 Holiday 11Se11oon 1 Cil•• Dmc• ---MC11on ~t Miu Muf· 1250. Blk tern 1175. coratlons. Copperfleld'• prof. bertender/MNer New M~owave (~). met Soup1 & BrHd? H BOAT/HOUSE Bo11q11•" 1 t. CllrW----tet'1 Tuft« end bough1 It 1111 am Flowere. 1938 So. Cit r4Mt ...... ·for Hotldayl. per· S119 ... Celling Fent w/ Fruit. CheW & Wine+ CL"ei=oblforeorefter ~15• &48-e755 1 ._..,,,.=:s!!I.. -f« 19.95. You can Mii With~ 9)"911500/bat Hwy. LB. 494-H73 8-t.:.-. ·~.,14...., 1 1 1 !!,.'..'~ • w , I 19 . meny more. Hand 1>4111· Holldey pertlM: Quellty Th• f11test dDrew1 In th• i'1l ILC• HWy your tuffet er>d Iota ol ofr. Xtre IQ boned, xln1 CHRISTMAS TREES .... ....... "" .._.,. vered In the Newport llr\'lce. 780-2681 Weet ... 1 • ly Piiot i,/ · o ther thing• through temp. Sholl/wormed,. DELIVERED from lot to Cluaffled Adi, your one-----------t A.rH. Cell R.S .V.P., ClaMlfled NJ. Call Today c-Mw Delly Pilot CIH1ltled Wiit hOld Ult Chrlatmu. your door. Cell AnlWef atop ~center. 873-3820 Wint Adi Cell 842-5478 &42·5e71. 67l·J420 Ada. Call 642-5878 530-6385 A.tJ 537. &42-430, 24 In. ACTITIOUI-.. ...-1TAftmNT The lollowlng person 11 doing ~-: JACK'S TEXACO, 17988 Broolchurat, Fountain V•ll•y. Callfomle 92708 Gnolam.'ltlu11n H. Fwd, 2017 W. Sin Lorenzo. S•nte An1. Calffomle 92704 Tllll ~ II conducted by an lndMdual OflOlemhoeMln H. F•d Tllll ltat-1 -ftled wl1h the County Ci.rte of Orenge County on o-ntier 8. 1982. ,..... Publl•hecf Orange COHI Dally Pllol, Dec. 12. 19. 29, 1982, Jan. 2, 1912 6451·82 NI.JC NOTICE ftCTTTIOU8 euatNEU NAm8TATDmNT The IOllOwlng p«tont are doing bu.in.au; SANTA'S PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS LETTERS. 19511 s.ctamento Ln .• Huntington 9Mdl. ca. 92846 Jtck S . Hanan , 1g51 1 Sec:ramento Ln .. Huntington a..cn, Ca. 92848 Kathy A. H•n•n. 19511 Sac:temento Ln., Huntington 8eacil, Ce. 92848 Thie butl,_. It conducted by • get1«al pertnetthlp. Jeck S. Hanan Thie atat_,t WM flied with Ille County 0er1< of 0ranoe County on December 8, t982. PlllUC lllOTICC K.-. FtCTTTIOU8 au ... 11 NA• aTA'fftleNT The followlng peraon1 are doing bu11neu •• THE OAVIS·ROGEAS GROUP, 1641 18th StrHI, Santa Monica, Ca 9040• Davis Pec;ll1c Corporation (• Calllornla corpor ellon). 184 t t 8th S1r .. 1, Santa MOl\lca. ca 9<M04 Thie bullnas IS cooducted by I corporation DAVIS PACIFIC CORP Oy· Richard B Rogers. Executive Vlce Pruldenl Thts llllement WU lil«I with Ille County Clefk of Ofa099 County on Oc1ob9f 22. 1952 F200l1'0 Mt.IC NOTIC( 8TA~O#~WAL ,_ 'ARTMIR .... ~"A TINO U..11 f1CTITIOU8 llU ... H NAM!: The lollowlng petson hat wlthdfaMI u •gene.al partner trom the partnerlhlp C>Pe'•llng under the llct11lous bullnaN -DURYEA CURTIS & VACCARO. 4301 MacArthur Blvd , Newport Baecn, CA 92860. Tne lk:lltlou• bu1lneu neme 11•1-t 10< the pertnerthlp WM tiled on o.:.mtter 3. 1981 In the County ol Orange. Full Nam• and AdOreH ol th• Peraon Withdrawing• WILLIAM M CURTIS, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION, '301 M•cArthut Blvd . Newport Olach. CA 92860. I ' P\B.IC NOTICE l't&.IC NOTICE - Mt.IC NOTICC aTATEmNT CW WJTHDRAWAL aTATU•NT 0# wmtDtlllAWAL FICTITIOU8 auSMH FICTTTIOU8 au81NEU AK>lll ,A.RTNI....... FftOM ,AllTNEJI.... NAME aTATHIENT NA• 8TATE•NT °""ATING U.." °""ATINO ~" Th• 1011ow1ng petaon 11 doing The lolloW\ng pe<e0ns ere doing FICTITIOU8 eu ... aa NAiii! FICTIT10U8 aua1N1aa NAME 1>u1.ness as butln"t 11: The tollowln9 peraon nas The lollowlng pereon haa KC ENTERPRISES. 177 F HELPERIN INVESTMENT ""thdrawn u a G9f"'al ptWtnet lrom withdrawn as a general partner from Rlvert!Oe Of. Newport 8e.tch, ca C0"4 PANY, 19 17 Y•cht Puritan Ille P9rtnetlhtp operating und9' Ille Ille oertn«lhlp operatlrig unoer the 92683 Newport Beecn. c. 112660 llctltloutbullnHtnameofDURYEA llcllllout bullneu name ol CAROL E ANTTILA. 1780 JEROME HELPERIN, 1917 CURTIS & VACCARO. 4301 CHORUS LINE OANCEWEAR. 369 Sel'I• Ana Ave., No. 3. Coet• Mesa. Yl!Ctll Puntan, Newport Beech, C. MacArthur Blvd., Newport B .. ch. Eaal 17th Strfft. Coste "4asa. CA CA 92627 192660 CA 92680 92827 Thia business It conducled by an JOHN CURCI, 5111 Via lido The l1c11tlou1 buslnH• name The llc;tlllous buslneu name 1ndMdu•I. Nord N-port 8eech. Ce 92860 11•1-t lor the pannetahlp ewae st•t-1 for tne pertnwllllp wu C.,ol E An111ta LOUIS A TURNER. 1107 llled on October 13. 1981 ln the ltled on Apt1I 2 1952 In the County Th11 ata•-• wes hied with the BayMlere 'Terrace. Coron• del M•r. County of Orenge. of Ot1099 Coonly Cltlfk 01 Orange Coonty on Ca 92625 Full Name •nd AddrH1 ot th• Full Nam• and AddraH ol lh• Dec 2. t982 Thi• buatnest Is conducted by a P«tOn Wl1ndra ... ng. W1LUAM M. Person Withdrawing· All l•d9er ,20M97 o•net1I partnership CURTl8, A '"OFl8110NAL ab Aka M ..... 112S Wntdtt Publllhed Or•nge CoHI Dally Jerome Helperln CO .. ,ORA.TION, 4301 MacArthur Or . Newport BHch, CA 92660 Pilot Dec 5. 12 19, 26 1912 This 1tet-1 was llted With the BM! .• Newport 8alc:n, CA g2eeo 5252-12 County Clerk ol Otange County on ,,..._ PubHthad Orange Coast Dally -----------PlloPu~ed2 Or9an2~a <?_<!HtJOel21y Pilot Nov. 21. 28, Dec 5, 12, 1982 "8JC lllOTICE 1~ --.. 1 . 1 • "· i ... 2. an. . 511so..a2 F1m12 CIMTl8 a VACCARO Ah.,.,. et~ Signed: w"" ~rtlt Signed Alie• M Otdger 1------------I Nov 30, 1912 '171111 F-111527 P\IK.IC NOTICE l'Jm17'1 Publlsh•d Orange CoHI 01011 Pilot. Dec. !>. 12. 19, 26, 1982 5328-12 CIMT18 a VACCAll'O Publlstted Orange CoHI Dally 1----------- lllC'11TIOUI .., ..... NAm ITAT'llmNT The lollowlng peraona .,. dOlflg ~-NEW FOR YOU, 17440 17th St'911t, TU9tln. Celltomla Emily ForbH·Ruhl. 11150 Tuttln Vll l•g• Way, Tuttln, Cellfornla g:zeao Natelle O'Shea. 488 82nd Street, Newport &Mch, Callfornla 92993 Thll ~.~eel by. general pertnanNp. Emily Forbee-RuN Thie ~ -fled wtlh the c-ty c.tc °' Orange c-ty on Nowwnber 23, 1982. ~ Publlalled Orene• Cout Delly Piiot, Dec. 12, 19, H , 1982, Jen. 2, 11183 '1ClmOU8.,_U NAmlTA,_,.,. The tollowlng pert0n I• doing buolllnlaa -ALL SERVICE MAINTENANCE. 25tt Bowdoin Piece. Co.ta M-. Calfomla 92928 ' CMa Jesmeln Cerilon, 25 tt lowdoln Piece. Co•t• MH•, Cellot'nle 92928 Thia ~ II oonducted by an lndMduel. Cllr1ll J. Car1lon Thia ...._,. w• fled with Ille County on ol Or111g9 County on DeoemMr 10, 1M2. ,_ l"llblllhecf Orenge Cout Delly Piiot, Dec. 12, 1g, 28, IM2, Jen. 2, ~56-82 l't&.IC NOTICE FICTTTIOUI au ... aa aTATIMINT M WTTMDflAWAL NAME 8TA.,._NT F'9'0ll ,~ The tollowlng peraon• ere doll\ll ()Pt[ftATINQ U..1t ~ .. ; F1CTTTIOU8 IU ... 18 NAME ELSINORE EOUITY COMPANY, The lollo•lng peraon haa 2123 YllCht Julle. Newpor1 9Mdl. withdrawn u a gen1111 partner from Calflornla g2eeo Ille perlnetsnlp operating uncklt Ille C. R. Berreman. 2123 Yacht lic:111Joua bulinMa name of DURYEA Julla, N-port Oeech, C1llfornl• CURTIS £ VACCARO. 4301 92880 MacArlhur Blvd., Newport Beach. S. T Berreman. 2 123 Yacht CA 926GO Jull•, N-por~eech. C•fllornla Tha fictitious t>utln•H name g2880 st•t-t lor tne partnet"11P wu Thie bual,_ II conducted by .,, liled on October 13, 1981 1n th• ln<llvlduel County 01 Oranoe. c. R. Oerremen Full Nam• tnd AddreH of the Thie •tll_,t WU llled wfth the Paieon Wllhdrew109--.. L.l•UI N. County C1ier1t of Orenoe Couftty on DUflV•A II, INC. 430 t MacArthur Otctmber 8. 19&2. Blvd., Newport BMcn. CA 926GO Signed· Liiiie N Duryee F111121 CIMT!a & VACCAJIO Attorneyt •I ~ One N9wpor1 "· '1010 ...... Publl•h•d Orang• CoHI D•lly Pilot, Dec 12. 19. ff. 1952, Jen. 2, 1983 5452·82 OM .... pcwt '1. • 1010 Newpor1 Buch. CA 92MO Published Orange Co11t Dally Pilot, NOY 21, 28, Dec. 6, 12. 1982 5158·82, Mt.IC NOTICC 0M New.-rt ,._ Pllo._ Dec 5. 12, 19, 26, 1982 FICTITIOU8 IU ... H .,.._ 1910 5'76·82 !Um 8TATEMENT Newpcwt ~CA 121to The lollow1n9 peraon It dclng l't&.IC NOTICE Published Orange COHt O•lly fltlll.IC NOTICE buMnets es· -----------Piiot. NOY 21, 28. Dec 6. 12. 1982 -----------THE ARTIRY, 135-A C•cll FICTITIOU• IU•••• 5152·8; 8TATE•NT Of .. ANDONllRNT Pl-. Cotta M ... , Ca 92627 NAME ITATUffNT •----.,.---IC-NO-TICE____ °"UM 0# PeMtope Bonham Long. 135-A The lollowing penons are do;ng i iiiTiiiiiiiiif"(;AiwiiXiiimiT r~ FICTITIOU8 IUSINE88 NAME c.c.t Piece. Co"• Mete. ca. 9M27 buSfnnl ts· 8TA~NT Of' AaANDCll .. NT The followlng person1 hlYt Tim bu$inesa 1s conducted by an ASSOCIATED STUDENTS Of' UU CW FICTIT10U8 aua•ta abandoned the UM ol the llctl11ous Individual. SALES, 23385 Via S•n G•brial FICTITIOUI au .... at NAMI NAMI ITATl•NT bualneu name. Penelope Bonham Long Lagun1 Hills Ca. 92653 Thi lollowlng p1rson1 heve Th• lollowlng pe,.on fa doln9 DURYEA CURTIS & VACCARO, This stalemeol wu llled with the STEVEN HOWARD HERTZ. abandoned Ille UM ol lhe llctltlous butlneSs as •301 MacArthur Blvd . Newport Counl)' Ctetk ol Orenge County on 23385 Via San Gabriel, Laguna ~ name: LANDMAN< FUNDING, g~9B Beach. CAI 9M80 OcloMr 19. 1982 Hills ca 92653 DURYEA CURTIS & VACCARO, Bolaa. Wettmin .. et, CA g2693 The ~tehlious Buslneu Name Ft..r ROBERT HARLAN HEAT Z 4301 MacArthur Blvd . Newport Vu H"J Tan. 228 Ouafl Lane, ralarred 10 above wu lll•d In Published Orange CoHt Diii)' 19381 BrOOkhurat. 50. Huntlr>gtO!\ Beectl. CA 92660. OrTnanoetl bu• °.,..!,~861•90A_ .. ,~1_.. bw •A Orange Counly on Octobar 13. Piiot Nov 21, 28. Dec. 5. 12, 1982 B .. ch, Ca. 928'16 The Flct11lou1 Bu11nen Name ... _ • """~.., , -· 1ga1. 514~2 Tn bu 1 d 1.-.. b relerrad to abov• WH llled In 11'\dMdu•I WILLIAM M CURTIS. A 11 soneH 1 con uc"" Ya Orange County on Oecembar 3, Vu Huy Tan PAOFESRIONAL CORPORATION, a 111-1C NOTICE genetal P"'s""1..!1HP _11 1ge1 This Slatement WH filed with Ille c I I I I •30 t r~ -~ - WI LLl .. M M "URTr~. A C0Un"'Cler11ot0r-Countv on aiornacorporaton, • ,._-. Th11.stet~twaardedwill\tha-.., ... ... 0 ., _ .. .,._ , Mac:Ai1hur BtVCI • ~ewporl Be•cn, ......... -c t ci-..C Or Cou PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION.• Dec 2, 1982 CA 92660 a""'"'°" COURT Of' oun y ..... ~ o ange nl)' on Ca lllornla c orporation, 430 t ,.._ MELVIN S FELDMAN. 4507 CAll'OflNIA Nov 29· 1982 MacArthur Blvd . N-port Beach, Publlthad Orange Co11t Dally Gorham Of Corona del Mat CA COUNTY 0# OflANOI l'1mOl1 CA 92t80. Pilot. Dec 5, 12, 19, 28. 1952 92825 ,, ' 700 Cwt.: Cet1w WMI Publllhed Or•nge CoHI 0111y MELVIN S. FELDMAN. 4507 5339·12 S AN E VACCARO . A a..te AN. CA ll701 Pilot, Dec 5· 12· 1g· 28• IN2 Oorhem Ot .. Corona de! Mar. CA 1-----------PROFESSIONALCOOPORATION, a l'\.AIN'Tff: COMMUNITY IANIC, 5221"82 92825. Mt.IC NOTICE Calllornl• corpor1t1on, oo 1 a c...,.,. _.,...._, rta.IC NOT1C£ SANE ,VACCA.RO. A-----------MacArthur Olvd . Newport Beach, Dl,aNDANT: llLLAIONO -----------PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION.• FICTtTIOUe au ... aa CA g2eeo. '"ODUCT8, INC .. a Celltornla NOTICI 0. "*AC ~ FICTtTIOUI aua•aa Calllornl1 corporation, •301 NA• 8TATE•NT LESLIE N DURYEA 11. INC,, a ~etleft: DON -.&.M; LOLA IY VAUIY Cl* p~ =0;~~~:' 0 •11y 1 ____ NJt __ 1c_NO_n_c_c __ _ Pilot. Nov 21. 28, O.C 5. 12. 1N2 5153-82 MA• 8TATEMINT MacArthur Blvd .. ~t 9ellCl1. The following per1on 11 dolnO Calllornla corporation, •301 -.&..All; Md DM8 1 ttweUffl 10. CALWOMllA. INC. fl' PlB.JC NOTIC( Th4!_ lollowlng peraon la doing CA 92MO. butinelt as MacArthur Blvd .. Newp0r1 Beach . ..........,__ NJ180NAL ~n CW -----------bus~~~~RN STA.TES HIGHER Thi• butlneaaw .. oonducled by• ROD CHAMBERLAIN AIR. 1585 CA 92680. aUIMllON8 LOCllHAlllT .. Off, INC. ~~IT~ EDUCATION SERVICE. 197 G9f"'•lpar1nerlhlp. Sunland Lane. Coll• Meu, Tnl•butllneuwucondUC!le<lbye CAHNe.Jt10M NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by -A,-.. , Virnillfa, CO.le Mesa. CA 92627 Wtlllem M. Cunl1, Clllllomla 92828 gene. .. per1netlhlp. NOTICll YM M9e ~ tlled. Vall•y of C•llfornla. Inc. th1t a The t II I II d 1 • • ProlMtionll Corp. Rod s Chamberlain. 2945 Maul Wllltam M CUttlt, TM c.-t "'af ...._ ....,._. 1" pybltc auction of office tumlture. 0 owng perton on9 KEN HUTCHINS, 191 Virginia. Wltllern Cvnlt.Pr... ...~."-t•• ....... e.Callforntat2t2t tProteteionel Corp ~ -......... ....,. ..... lncludlnn w1thou1 llm11etlon ~ ..: Cotta M .... CA 92627. T tt n-""" ....,. •--" PROFE8810NAL MUSICAL Thia butlnni It oonduc:le<I bw In hit "atemenl wu l«I with lM Thll butlnete It ~led by •n W.M Cur1te. Prw ,.., ~ .... IO....,.. "9ed 1ypawrlt•ra. eddln9 mulllnH. SEAVICIE8 2918 .,,.., AC*I <:<* , County Clerk of Oranga County on 11'\dM<luat. Thi• acatement wu tiled with the IM lnteml•tteft Mlew. c•lculatore. coplera, oltlce ' • ' • Individual ' NOvembel' 18, 1982. ,1m11 Rod s Chambef'191n Count" Clefk ol Ora-County on If """' with 10 IMll the e<llllCa of d•corlllOhS, Ill• cablnett, checlk M--. c.lltomte 92'2' Kan Hu1cNns ' .. ,.... ,~ ,.lchard Loul1 Wll1on. 2t1e Thia 11,1_,1 w" llled Wilh the C"'"11 a VACCAAO Thia tletemenl was hied •Ith the November 11, 1952. en attorney tn thl1 mattar. you w•ll•ra, ml•cellanaoua ottloe -. Aoed Celt ......_ C8lltornle A...._,. 44 ~ County Clefk 01 Otenge Counl)' on Ftnta1 tllOUld oo eo PfOll'\Plly ao tnet vw ~. thelYlnll and booll~. ' a County Cieri< of Ora099 County on OM New.-rt I'\. 111010 Nov 24, t982 CUflM a YACC.AM Wflllen reeponM. It any. mey be 'Wiii .,. Mid on o.c:-nti« 18, 1tu '2: buek'911 te oonducled by en Oeci«nbef 2· 1g82 l'toMtl Newport INch. CA 92880 ,._,. 0... .... peft "-/1 1010 m.d on time Thettrneofth .. alele9:00p.m. eno lndlvldval.w.....__ Publlahed Orang a Cont Dally Publl•h•d Orange Co11t D•lly Publlthed Orange Coeat Oaoly Newport a..cn, CA 92880 A V I I 0 I U • t •ii fl• 1 I ii • th• tocallon ot the Hie 11 2202 5360-82 _._ ,_,,_d L Wllaon Pilot, Dec; 5. 12, 1g, 28, 1g82 P"ol, Nov. 21, 28, Dec: 5. 12, t982 ( Pilot. Dec 5, 12, 19, 28, 1982 Publl1hed 011noe CoHI Diii}' de111and•d•, II trlb111111 ,uetle South Main Strffl. 8ulldln9 A, - -----------,_ ......,._,t -fled wl1fl me 5293.12 •----------5-159-8 __ 2 b34t-82 Pilot, Nov. 21. 28. Oec 5, 12, 1982 '9oldtl' eOfttra W. IM eullt1FM11e 1 Sant& An•. C1lttornl• 92107 TM 1M3 r~--. ~_,,Or ,. _ _... --,-515442 llMiftM .-&N, ,..._.... ...._ .... wtll ~ conduc;ted ~I lo ft&IC M)TIC( ~ .. , .._,. "' lftOI ..._", on "8.IC NOTIC( NlllC NOTICE •-IC llftf~ ·-----------• M .... LM i. .............. , .. Section 9504 ol Ill• Cafllornlt --"iiiii:ifiiOUi"Mjiiiiiii8-o-nMr t , tte:z. t----~---""--~----·-•-IC llftTIC( ...... Uniform C-clal Code bawd "9C1TTIOUe ...... tied 0 ~ ITA'RMSNT cw WfTMDRAWAl 'ICTtT10Ul IU...... ITATIMlllT OP wrntoltAWAl ..--"" ~I Ull•d dun IOllCllU ., on Valley ot Calltorn11. Inc .•• 11Mm ITA1'W Publll tane• COHt •lly PROM,~ NAMI ITATS•NT ,... , ... YMIR.... ITATIMlllT "* WIWAWAL COOHfO d• un abogldO •n .... •eourlty lnterHI In tll• tbov• Ttle to1N1119 "'80lll -doing Not, Dec. 12· 19· ff. 1"2• Jell 2• °'911AT91G UNDIR The lotlowiflO pe<~t atl d0ln9 °'8ATWO wmeR llROfll ,MW• a 1 v n to, deb er 11 II I ctr Io pereon .. IH~Y The lteine will be ~ • 11183 'ICTITIQUI .,_,, NAm bualr>na u · l'tC'"10UI .,_ .. ...._ Of'9RATWQ -lmmediat-le, de NII lllllltfl, told In bull to lhe lllglleeC tliOder, TMVIL Pe~ LTO.. NU.a:z Tht lollowlng peraon hn R & S RE A~ EST AT' The tOllOwlng penon hll l'IC'"10UI .,_ .. ...._ tu,..,._., eec1lte, 11 Illy llgufll, "as 11. wl'l«t le," WltllcM .....,,-eney 2tM l. C.. HWMl'f, Cot-dal rtaJC M)TIC( wltl!Orewn ••G'I"'• pennerftom 81!RVtCES, 2028 Ou11l S1r111, wllllclr-1ttgt111tllpertner"om Thi t ollowl1111 peraon 1111 puecSe -rtelltred• 1 tiemc>o 01 repr-tet!otl of My ltlftd or .... CelforNa ttt28 -..... ptWtnerehlp 09etetin9 under the ~ INch. Cl. 92HO .... penlWlllfO ... Ing under ""' wlttldt-.. • lltftl'll ~ froia 1 TO TH( otFl!NOANf· ,. CMI nature •~ott>• wwrenty .. 10 ""' " Tri ... A.ge11t Te>11r1, lne., • HChhOUI Wll ttotlllou1 1>u1lnH1 ne111e ol ITl!AANS DEVELOPMENT ft1Dt1ttC1u1 buafM1a NIMlf DUflYIA ltll peiu•INP °'*etlllg Uftder _.. complalnt hal been tlled •Y tlle there -ftO bU11: bidders ....-nt. e.Hf«nle OOfportllon, 2155 E. lllMmlTAW DUAYlA CURTll & VACCA. .. 0 , OOM,ANY. INC., e Celltornle OU .. Tll & VACCA .. O, 4301 ftaWOul...,._.,.,.,.OfOU..vtA 014t11111" egajnat yc111Kyovwiet1lotM11-.. be IOld llldMOIJ.ity, =~~Corona dal .. .,, The foftowlng PlflOll IS dOlftt 410t MICA.r11M llvd .. N~ COfPOrttlon, 20H Ov .. I lltMt, M1CAt111ut ltvd . Hti1rPOr1 llMGll, CU .. Tll & VACCARO, 001 ~ ttllS lewluft, )'Oii l!IUll wl1htll C11h or 011\er tOffl'I ot JMY'Mllt ~ • lleadl. CA t2ttO ,...._, IMcifl Ce..... C,A tlMO. ~ ltvd, """*1 llldl, H d1y1 •ft•r tflll 1vmmo"• II IOOtC'tllbla to V"""1/ °' ~ T1lll bulll'llll 11 .,_. oonductecl A.NA.LOO IYITEMI, 1HO-O The tlollllOvl b111t11e•1 11e1t1e .. I" I D I V I L 0 , M I N T Tiie llet1110111 b1otll11111 n•-C,A fft10 _.. on )'Oii. 111t w1tt1 tllfe CIOUt\ e tnc wlll be ....,.... Thia .-n11W "'. OOlpGlli9ol.. ~~-Ave1111e, 00111 ,.. .... ""--' tor the Plfl~ .,.. CO .. ,O .. A. TIOH, • 0111to111l• ....... lat IN ,.,,,..,..... -Tiit nctlllOUI """"·" "'"'' Mtnefl fMPOllM to .... ~ "adjollmed or poetllOMd wtlllollt ""1 I.......,. ma ltftd °" °'"""* t . *' "' Hie co,pore11011. 1141 °''"'""ti tied °" Oototier ti. tft1 111 111e ttwt '°' .,. oennerlNP -Ul'ltM JOU c1o eo. '°"" def9lltt .. nottee cw lllrtt:tr pulllea11on Tfle Tflll tteteMellt flied wttll Ille ~ o.lltd ,_,.,. n 1t1 COvllty of Ofanol, Ave . OrMft, C...... CNltY of Or8llft llleil °" DUI n• s, 1te1 Ir! .. .,. "''"" on _,,.,..cetlon ot Ille lbOve --• ooollltooa mew be ~an., ar.,... County Oii CMllterfJ '"°' c ... ,.. ~ '""' N•me MCI Actdreal Of Ille Tflll """'*' .. ~ ~. '"" NW 111411 ,.. .......... Colllllr" °'9f!IO. '"""""· tlld ""'cour1 mer.,..,. Mjeet to eoctltlOMI Ot M*tded 0111 1.,. e. 1tu. '•rton Wltfldrew111I . IA• I . gener• per1nertNO ....._ .......,...,.: -.w. I. '"" ...,... lfl:t Adilrelt of tfle ..,._.....,.. .-i IOf 1111,.... 1e11111 1110 eo11dltlon1 to •• ~ Giiiet fA THI liullrlell 11OOlldllatled111¥ Wt VACCAllt0..1 A PROP lllO•AL lteeme Dei•O,IMlit PIL••A• 4IO? laorfl11t1 Or., '-Mii --••ltll; -.w. I . delftllictld ii tfll ............ ..._ ••IOlllllOICI M 1111 ...._of lfle .. 1Tn91 IL.... ~ COllPOAATMNI, 410t MecMflur CCll'f\PMY Ille c..,. ... u;;, CA..... PILDMAM 4I07 lllorf!tlll o, .. 00111• rnlllt Ill 1er11llfl-11t ol Tiie ...... """ reeerw 11141 Ille A" f I ti 0 OWµ •1 "· 0. ,_,..,. ltvd. Newpor't lleafl, CA 8lllO. f1f111jp A. lteim. ....... MeeW11. ,...,,_, OofOM ... Mer, CM1111 wega tlllllll of~ Of propetty gooclt 10be10111 fM)' be .... ._, -..._,..... nm 11Jt1 1•1C .. fled Wiii .. ...,.. "" t. v-.. ~ ' . '171111 ....-= WI a, ,,....... e1 otflet rellel req1otMted In tlle flt Illy time For"""*""°'" ...... " .............. _,. ~QM of ()r9lltl C°""'Y M Pt"'1I Thia ••-1 WM fllMI Wllfl IN ~I ¥AOOMO .. .--ft""' ~ ....... ~ ....._.. I "= (?Mt--01111 .. I, tM1. OURN a WACCMO ~ o.ti of Orlflll C....., 911 'II Riii 11 L89 .... a ~tO o.tt ._......, 4, ttlO • '"'. HOt ,_.. 0.. Or-. ~ o,-. cout"':': '"blleMd Or111119 eo.:': ~.,=~·.=, Dlo • ,.., w u':":.":':t:::.~:::O ~1f111~CA'::O ~A~~ ,~·~.:-~ ..... PIM, 0.. 11, 1t, It. tell,'*'• f . Not, DIG. 11, •. It, ttu. JM, f. Pub111fled 01t11 .. Coe .. Dlil'f ,ubll1hed Orlnt• Cotti Oetlr Pu..._ 0.1"°9 OOHt Deity ,11....,... 0'111119 Coaet Olllv "'blllllff 0.•1199 COllt Delly 'ubHlfled O,..,._ Ooeet 0..., 1• 11N · Hot, Nov 21, 21. Dec. I, 12, 1tU Pt101 Dec 8. 12 11. 2t tN:l Nol, Now II, II, DIC I , 11, 1Mt Hot Now 11: n, DIC I, ti. 1tlf lttlot, Dec I 11, If, ff, 1MI ""91, 0ec I . t , 11t 1•, 1911 ........ '4N-ll ltlf.a ' •. 8339-t2 11tcMI • .,.... 1a1.a 1114• Orange Co11t DAI LY PILOT/Sunday. O.Ctmber 12. 1982 ta ·'"········· ..... II I •..••.........•...... Alttre" _.. f't.,C.u •• ~~~~~~ ......... !.Ill CLASSIFIED INDEX T1PllclYwM,Cll ~, .. .,. .... .... 'cl;'=~ ..... ., •• ... ,. .. ......... !1&1• .... . ti: ,,.,..,, r .... . -r::!'t~!:~~11~1rl> -:: G:J :1 i = Ill.LI• ... . . ....... One OI IN CIMnell l)fO• perll" 1n ColleQe Park. end one ol tne b11011n1 * 642·5678 MITMllH ... DUN JS, u.-,..1 AOl"ilW• \'i:••"t IOUAl HOU91HO OllllO IU UNlt \' of tne ~ 4 big bdrme, Q) CIKkllng hr~ In liv- ing room. ~t "" Mull u1 to believe j ~ MOUSES FH SAU Pt:ISONAl S & C.-el lol-liloM ........ _ .... .... ,. llST & FOUNI .., •. '·-~~ •:h .. , ~~~.u~~: .. oth ~~" Auiutl•M IA • ,........, ......... »reel •tet1 lld-llMCI In thl1 new1pepar 11 I Ubj.ot to th• F1de11I ,.., HouelnO Acl Of 1Mt Which INlllle It Illegal to •d'llftlM "any prefer - Liii ii .... THE REAL E S TATE RS 548-2313 ........... I. ·•-•I THE REAL ESTAT&:RS ... t:-::=-"" ~·-""' ltlA •ttu r ..... ,.. .. ., ·-Jlle Cotb Ma • ·-...... ,...'". Ullil o.... ........ -'-' ... _ '* t:IToro 1q ........... WU ,_,...,,. v.1~, ·-llet1el Clw•• -flllnllOjl\onll .. rll .... Tuw.I• -hli'lM 1004 1.ac ..... 11 .. 0 ... ........ 11.11. . .. l..e&Wft•"-~•wl llU SOYICES .. ,Uiella v .. ,. ,.., t:~ .. -._.-:" ... »rr11i.,.. Otrenuo ..._. It'll s..a Jfil.a• c.,.,"•*' 19111 ~i!:: .. ·-... EMPlOYMlNT & s.,c,. La&wf'• ·-V.'n tm1Mlf't ·-Plf'AUTION MoOtl• Hom.1 ~•lf' "" ~•ln111rwt-. -1mmm J9t1Wa•lt>f1• llllt lkl••· ....... ' t 111111 ""·--· ,., s.i. ·-A.puun.,,.._.,.,,...,.1, ·-MEICMANOISE t.':-!!:'Vr:"',..,. 13» C•mettr)I '{.% C:r)ph uoo 1500 =~~:!:.';:J:'' JIOO AM~u.' -1* AppM•n.-..-llOIO °"""""" C•1lt laJf' 11111 """-llOIS -............ HOO ::r.-: Malft11l• -i.._r._rv -l&l ._.,..,,,_., uoo Gaftwta.. • f:.4wpm.nt. -Loul•S.• !200 r.ou -Mullillie ttwc Trer Prh -°'91 -r.~t::l-~O:•'«' -...... " .. ~°" ~ CM., Cou111~ l'ro~ 2500 f\frNltir• --OM•lt S.lt ~ CM of SUt• rOQ -llotM\ -ManeM,.t·aun•.Groves mo H.,....llold\;-S• -Rf'al Ellalt t!1Ch•n11 -J ...... ,,. -Mtal t.:.lllt' "''•flt.t'd -t..vnlOC'k llllS Mafl\1Mty 9011 tENTALS Mt1ttlU~ -iUlllffUaMCM» ~ • .ntf'd ... ~f"UrNt.Md uoo WY.Mf'al lblrvnwau lllU OlllH fltrw • t:q..,p -Homft Unft;r1u.1ol\cod -Pou .., ~ f'Urn or llnl UIO =~~i~~ -Coedoounuun-' t"'ur• :woo Dl COftdom1n11im• Uni ~ ~~~~=!nt.lhr -Too.~F\,rn lD -To-alM:Mata t.nf ~ ~~J'MS10 ..... , S&trf"O -Ou,.en°' f'utft :WO -~••nt:nr -A f\irft J100 Apu CnJ"''" -A.pU ''"" or l nf ---IOATS & MARINE 11-•Board -Hokb . .Wot•b 4100 EIUIPMENT G-aiu.-, ma S...mnwr R1flt ah UllO \'aulJOlt Ktnt•I• ~ c ....... 111110 """'-w ........ AUTOS, IMrGUll UtMnl AY;i KUIMQ AIOll1 Aw.l .. U ..... ~ NMW .... ,,. er.-D•bw. •'•rr•t• ...... . ....,,,. J1111~r "'""" Ki.1.rtrWftHl."1• ~ .. IN-.......... Mttt.•t ... et.Ai MO N I.II <lt><I .... AlW't.t Pl'Wli(t'Vt Pt.W•4'htt Rtnawlt Mou. MO,H• RO\U t: Si.;b.ru Te;ou Tr11i1mpb Volh••••• \'oh«> AUTOS, NEW u~tr.1 AllTOS,USH t;.nwuJ A)IC 11 .. ,k Caithll•r C•m•ru .. \.~t"l Ult)•ltr . C.mttt l'.....,nt•I Cot-uthl' l.:Q!i14•r ~,r· Jmpwn.t LIMol• llh\ltld. ~t(C't.it) •M 8'W)I, lll'nltetlon Of cllecrl REDUCED $100 000 •M mlnlllon bued on rec•. :i': color. rellglon, 1111 or ' •m netlonal orlgln.1 or eny IOHlfreat _ ••t Sell • :~~ Intention to melce any Ttlll le the "°'* fOf yout 4 rOOfftt ~roorM. twoe ~room ., .. , clrc:ulu gem1 room. ralMcl rock llreptece, 2 pvt petlo1. cent. elr, dynamite locatloo. Laa• 11111\ H501mo. DON'T DELAY CALL DIANA TODA YI wiu euctl prefetence, llmlt•· 3 Br. 4 Ba, 2 years new. $550,000. ~; = :=-: ~t lllVE IY 4111 WllHI t1AU wi• knowingly accept eny Olll Hl·IOl1 If .... IM-11IO ~~ edY9ftlllng lor rHI H · "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!l•Bl!!!!!!!!+-"!:!!ITllNl.•nLPI .~ tele wfilotl ll In Ylolatlon -= 111- ~~lijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Ttlat'a whet the "drew fHt" when you mn Tl m• of the law. People who need People Vou don't need • gun to I wi,. DAIL V PILOT place en ad Jn tne Delly IUIY IU •HT ....... Advertls-SERVICE DIRECTORY Pilot Went Aclll Cell now 011 :i: era should check I• •II about! / 842-5678 a..u111u1 bffc:h dup1e111 11~ 1-========:l:=::::::::======-Two 3 Bdrm 2 beth unlta. :i: their ads dally and 11111, _, c.~ 'O .I\,., J> -c ~c:::. Live In one end rant tne 91.., report errors Im-.. 11u1 P~ l'<llU iv~ -<b P <r ·;) ::: other! Stapa to privet• :l:J med I ate I y . The •-"' <""" • ,__ beech. ctubtlouM a ten- ml DAILY PILOT 88_ •=-.t."1:.!' ~ ,.~ n11. Only 1285,000 '"· mi sumes llablllty tor ~-:.'t.. :""...!:':' o1 ce11 toci.vt 146- 7171 the first Incorrect 1 1 Insertion only. ~. _w_H_o_L_L~A_.._ -, _____ , I I I' 11 I THE REAL ESTATERS lllT M • ..-UIT&PI 8 Br. 7 ba, over 8,000 1q.1t. Pool, tennl1. ca- b•n•. lemon grove a 1pa oo 3 5 ecr .. with view ot ocean & open apece M115.000 HERB OLNEV. REALTY PO Box eaes. RenchO Santa Fe, 1120&7 714~758-4488 _jlllll • .. 0001 Ot built In ~nanclng on thlt huge 3 Bdrm 3 beth •••cutlve Coron• dal Mar homel Efljoy eweep- lng vtewa of ocet1n, bay encl city llghta. + elegant pool and deck araa. Sel- ler mey trede or ••- c;Mnoe. Call tor d•tallal 146-1171 THE REAL ESTATli:RS ~.'!!.~! ••••••• j ::I ==G=,=,.==0=0=1==~, -· ..., ,,,,,. I I' I 1· I ........... HOMES from 1385,000 ·~--........ to M .000,000. Condoe, Lerge famlly home taa- 1235,000 to $430,000. turlno 4 plus Br, 3 Be. Lotl, 1 150,000 to 13. 2300 1q. It. Try 10% 500,000. Let me be your down. tllkeover 9Y. 1at & guide to the graclou1 llv-1 owner wlll carry balance Ing Avell. In Rancho st 1CW• for 7 y .. re. Only Senta F1. lt2'11,llOO. Call 759·1501 HERB OLNEV, REALTV Of 752-7373. !MlS •••••••••••••••••••••• -- - --::: ,,.,,,, "" .--------~ll • •• • •• ••••• •• ••• • • • • •• I N u D E E R I 5 Imm a~~ Bel rm :s==i=:1_~·..,1==Llr-_-..1....-I ~-= home oo lrg lot. Remo- w;u cleled In 1981. Good n-I G A Y c E N I : nenclng encl owner le t---Yl--.1 .... '-r.l ',....;,..l.....;...,I~ These clay£ opportunity w.1 flex I bl•. Call Dorothy ... --L.-...1-~1-. --1... --1.-...1. = Harctcaatle fOf more a. doesn't knock. It comes on PO Box 8865. AanehO Sant• Fa, 1120&7 756-«88 MYI 11 IY OllllTIUll No-Q'Uit11y1no1Aiium• tow Int loanl Short 11- crowl Seller .. YI -tail• It ott my henc111 3 B•-clro"om1. t1mlly room, modem B.I. kitchen, pool and apa. S 133,000 DON'T DELAY CALL DIANA TODAY! llllA NTllHl·YILPI Ill·•• 1'11 IDWllll 1 Bdrm condo with pa11o. convenient to all Sent• Ana Freewaya. Beautltul country club aettlng - spa and poot. Take •d· vantege of thla under- merket price of $79,990. Pet• OKI Call Carolyn Lam'*1 142-IZ• j PETE 00 • • • Rt-ntab to Sh•n• 4300 BcMMa.Ma•nl Mrv1n GAU.If'• for R•nl ~ Bo.au.N arlnt: Eqt1UP Ofhtt fC•nt•I "°° lloau."-•• lkilinft• R•nhl -kM.a.Rf'M 0.•rltr ~'.:Lie --P1o&o -PbtllO\llll --. talla and en appt. to .... I IC L E C O T 11110 night televlslon ollor· 5 759-11100 _ 1 • I I I I . ~~~u~s deal on ··--- ~ ~~ J BARRETI .. REALTY • p t Poouac-lnd~al ktttUI UGO -... s..1 -n..t-rlMrd ::.·~"-"'" UIO -i;hpo OorU -Vtea -:=:-=:~· -·-..... ~ MIK Rf'M&t• --5 I le,,rl B IE L N I• c_.....,. ~u • .- What • Wooclertut WOfld . I 1 1 I Y<N ~! :=., M:1' ;:;! i~~~~~~~~==~===~~~~~~~~§;~i of Shopping, right et .... , ·----t Cedlllec. to Go-Cart• ~~y'17iro:psc~:~ • ; .. r r r I' r r r r r r r I Whetever the Fed Adi. To piece your ad. 'L S I.LY '..: ~YLOR CO. Ht-:t\l.T(JI\~ -.,1111• 1<1.11; OWNER WILL FINANCE 9% lllTEREST NO LOii FEES 111 011111 •1mY Olll .. Tll ..... 111111 IWIUllAY•I .. Ytll 11111 II llWI PIMIT Class-Style-Elegance-Quality. All are truly descriptive of one of Big Canyon's truly custom homes with a wide frontage on the golf course. 5 Bdrms, 61h baths, plus all of the amenities you would expect. An unusual opportunity to step UJ? without inconvenie nce. $1 ,95().000. see anytime. Call 644-4910. '. II Ill CAIYll lllF CHISE '411,000 31 Foot living room. Overlooking 11th fairway. Lgt: master suite on ground floor. Private yard & patio, 3-car garage. Vacant. See any time. Call 644-4910 for permission to enter. 11 HE1YHTE ,,., UT/Ill 1·1 ' Ill C&IYtl PllME llCATIH 4 Bedrms, family room & dining room, immaculate throughout. New carpets, drapes, marble entry & decor. Electronic ~urity system. Wet bar, 2 fireplaces, 3 car garage. Heated pool and spa. Priced right a t $695.000. Call 644-4910 for permission to enter gate. 14 11111• TIEE It ., lie o .. ,., S~I 1·1 llllll ISWI Fill· TIME llMl Charming nea r -new , 2-story architectural gem. 4 Bdrms, fam. rm. Quality design and decor throughout. Designed for g uest quarters. Priced to sell $595,000. Seller Unance. No loan fee. 213 ll&Mllt lYI. IPll UT/Ill 1·1 I SPYIUU Nil ... l 411l l •HL I Two-story Nantucket 4 BR with beautiful Sunset pool. T ast efully l decorated throughout. S hows like a model home! Seller will finance. Submit down. $760,000 incl. land. ..... ""'mu,~ -... Quiet. park-like setting. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul-de-sac st ., 3 bdrms, fam. rm. $299,000. Low ground lease $375 year. I I 17 Years before adjustme nt. 1111 IR WllT Wll -1·1 I llWPtlT llJUTS II Mill •IA Charming 4 BR & family room, 2 brick fire places, country kitc h e n , quiet residential area in young development. Seller will finance. $229,000 Fee. llY• TllUOI Fii YU.R Charming 3 bedroom home with Iota of extras. You own the land. Great family home. ~autiful large comer lot. Owner motivated. This could be best buy in CDMJ:C0.000. Financing available. 1Ma aa• TllUll, NII UT 1• 1·1 ' . .. HllT -llT ... -~ 3 BR, 2 ~ ba on 1 r een belt wlth community tenn1a, pool & spa. Drive by 1 15 Willow Tree Lane, Univenlty Park, I then call Mt-4910. $136,000. WUUY I. Tin.II II., ll&tm 1111 ....... .... ........... , .... &lo ...... .. .. R: .. :: g'.::..0 mezs.. ~~~581:-v~S:, ~~ fl.::1 I I I I I • I I I I I C.il Nowt 842-5878 you. STATELY HILLTOP CHATEAU · NELLIE GAIL RANCH He re is a residence of enduring design and splendid architectural beauty. A regal home, beautifully decorated, and with every amenity for comfort and gracious living! Every area is richly appointed with extensive use of woods, crown mouldings and tasteful finishing touches. 6.000 square feet of quality are yours, with 5 bedrooms (including a magnificent master suite). study, 6 baths, 3 fireplaces and a grand entry way accented by a sweeping solid oak stairrase to the second Ooor. The generous sized lot is beautifully landscaped. with a gorgeous pool that overlooks hills and valley below, S l .150,000.00, with great financing po ibilities. Trades considered. OPEN SUNDAY, 12:00 to 5:00 25462 GALLUP CIRCLE (Nellte a..! Ranch • Ju1t off Freewey 5 -take Lii Paz eXlt .,..t.) DRAMATIC CONTEMPORARY NORm TUSTIN ESTATE Elegant! .A fresh and unique blending of traditional end contemporary architecture, so exciting and different, any attempt to copy frofQ it would equate with attempting to duplicate the Mona Lisa. Almost 8,000 square feet on a large secluded, tree covered lot with sweeping views towards Newport Beach and Catalina Island. Custom built by renowned contractor T. Duncan Stewarl, this gracious home offers uniqueness and quality often sought but seldom found. Its warm and rirh appointments are greatly enhanced by the extensive use of exotic, beautifully finished woods and wall coverings. Extra features include solar water heating, fireproof roof, Pella windows, 4·car garage and much more. Creal owner usisted financi~ and will consider trades for huge equity. Priced at 11 ,750,000. Shown by appointment only. 1710 LA LOMA DRIVE -NORTH TUSTIN , 1GEORGf El l<IN S CO PICTURESQUE NEWPORT BEACH 2 ACRE ESTATE Miracle of Miracles!!! Two full acres in Newport Beach, with a panoramic view of the Back Bay. the Bluffs, and Newport Center! This secluded estate was cho en by a legendary Orange Count • actress as her permanent re idence in the glory years of the silver screen. It is adjoined by many 01her similar estates owned by prominent Beach area families who treasure its serenit y and country charm. The huge. rambling ranch home is superbly planned for large scale casual and formal entertaining. as well as family comfort and enjoyment. There i suffi cient land for tennis courts, and existing faciliries for horses if vou like, with direct acccs to the Back Bay trails. MAGNIFICENT EOUNTRY MANSION ORANGE-NORTH TUSTI N HILLS • A bold and stately country chateau. with a grand circular cobblestone rpo~or courtyard behind massive elcclric gates. A truly distinguished residence for someone whose success in lif r requires a parallel in living. This spectacular home has almost 8.000 square feet and feature a giant entertainment room with a magnificent solid oak professional type bar and two fireplaces. The master bedroom suite boasts a gorgeous cu tom designed granite. pewter and hand carved oak. fireplace, and the master bath has an 11 ft. Roman tub/spa and a large marble shower/steam bnth. Each of the 5 bedrooms and the study feature private baths. in addition to 2 powder rooms. It i situated on on<' full acre with pretty views and is surrounded by othe'; grand homPs. Prices includes decorating and landscaping allowance. 380 CHANDLER RANCH ROAD ('rom Nof1ft Tuettn, drhre Ho. on Newpor1 Ave . .1.. ~o Ctlepmen, '""' .... , blOdc to CNndW ~ •.• "'"' .... to ltd dl'tw•9J Oft """ llde) lailyPillt C.1•u~.-OAOt PnoM .. ,.,.,. ·- fi:a Orange Co••• DAILY PILOT/Sunday, December HZ. 1Vts:l ,,_,.,,, ,., ~,. -.... , ,., "'' ~~!!!!.~.~'! ....... ~~!!!.~.~ ••••••• ~~!!!.~ ••••.••.••• !!m.~ ........... ~~-~-.......... ~m.~.~ .......... !!'!!.~~ ••••••• ~ •••••••••••••• ...................... ····"'·····•······•••• • Ill .... I 1111 &... I JM IOI~ I IOll II '"' 0.•11•/ Ill ,.8Hll JMI 11 •• ~·.~~{ ••••••••• }.'.ff f.'.~~~~{ ••••••••• J.'-", f.'.I!~~~{ ••••••••• } •••• •••••~~••••••••••••••• ~~~~•••••••••••••• ,,~~~~{•••••••••••••• f'!~~~•••••••••••••••~ ~•••••••••••••••• ·~•"9'••··············· ••••.•••...•••••••• ~·. • TEI PlllOllT MWI R <.'modc lc d Condo,2 + Den , N<'w Cq1 pcl, New Appllancea, Brick Patio, Community Pool, near Hoag Hucplual. OWC -El(cellent Value at $149,~00. 760-8333 THIS IS WHAT WE'R( DOINO IN 1982 ... EXCLUSIVE l ISTING or WArUll no Nr HOMES, INC. RFAI rans 1 p1operly 10 tvlt ovtry llft',tyi.1 ond tlnflrlClll µosttloo Thia It I CIOll '4>C.ll011 OI 0\11 p1ope1t'4ttl IOI Ute Rontals from S600 .,.r month MOblle h0n14t t1om . S32.000 LKIO 11\Nt ' + bed S439,b00 SllO!tcWlll 4 bedroom S:l!>b.000 BIG CANYON 45 Royal St. Geor1e Price reduced to $799,000 ~•i.1l1 •111• 1111 Um· of 0 11( t'1myun'11 I 111t·•I lli•lltt"' 1'1 ''"I h11 11rut u>Ua t•nlt r1.u1nrn11 •11d 11111111\ h\tn11 (,ju11lll\' < t ullwm•n•hlp 11i1 11u~h1•u1 , 1•x11·n11v1• u••· o l 1111k Muj(1Ulltl'lll l'•lol 111111 ,.,_. 6 h<"1n11mltl, :1 h.1111 •• l111111lv 1 •••m. torm..I d1n1111( room Tl&IE EtlITT Coste Meu 3 bedloom homo . $114,000 BIUtls 3 bedtoom Condo .•.•• $143,950 S1>yUlaU 4 bedroom $449,000 Oceenttont Duplex .. $499.000 &>wut1rut Traditional 4 BR Home In Corona Highlands accented with French Door s, Stai ne d & Leaded Glass Windows, Gourmet K itche n . Aaklng $81)5,000. O wner will tr1Ade $400,000 equity for Industrial or Comme rcial. 760-8333. Irvine Ttrrle9 hOme $225.000 Newpcxt He!ghll pool home ........... $285,000 Newpoft Beech Cupit• . . . $259.900 Vlllc1 BelbOI condo .. • • . .• 5262.000 Big Cenyon condo • . $295.000 Balboa 1s1and home .. .. . ...... ··jtm Newport townhouse with dock . . Peninsula Point home •.. . . ,500 Baycrest 5 bedrOOlll home • . . $325.000 Baytront Conde> • Ll(jO .. S!>49.000 COiona <Mt Mii t\OfTMt •.• • Sl>89.000 BeylhOfH otw 6 bed1oom . SS2b.OOO China Cove home ... ... S726.000 Bay111da Cove beyl1ont condo . . S776.000 Newport Haigh II view .. ... .... .... . $649.600 Balboa Island beyllont .....•.......... 11.300.000 Linda late t>aytront . .. ...... ,........ S 1,396.000 Peninsula Bayltont ........ , •. , ••. $1,460,000 ~· •.. . ' ~· r. ' ' HM80a Vl'.W .. LS PttlCC ICDUCED t !lllll ,000 t.t•1111<'1111IJ "' $4ll6,000 lo'«•• Dt•t Duyi ('11m1111 tl••I Mllr ~·&IOI y with ·I hl-d1'(10m1, 21;; huth~. furuily n111111, i..·1,11r11u· dining room, 11 II 111•w flu11rln11 1 urp1·11ng i nd wall wv1 rm11• :l·1·ar "",.."'' untJ It V il<'(-t·~s Llt• 8'" low unumublt• l •I al I I '• '!I. J) I u 1 ow n 1• r l11w1~1n11 •l I~ RUSTIC 4 LEVEL Jasmine Creek 3 bedroom .. .. $375.000 Daylront 6 bedroom .. ... .. . . S t,696,000 Costa Mesa · 79 units . SS.600,000 St!t in Natural Forest Setting within walk of Beach. 3 Bedrooms, 2'h Baths. Lots or windows with view or mountains and str~am. Master Bedroom Suite with Hot Tub, Balcony and Sun Deck - Situated on a 4 N.:.re Parcel that may be Ow:ded. $315.000. 760-8333. Commercial . Newport New Waterfront Olllce Condos $13,000.000lcomplex Many O"i'ners ere otte11ng substantial p.lce reductlOlll and terms Some w!M e11Ct\ange and ··casri Speal.s "' Cell tor details to pu1chase any 01 the above we have others NewpQrt Beach 2436 W Coast Highway 631-1400 TWO OFFICtS TO SERVE TH£ AREA Balboa Island 3t5 Marino Avenue 673·6900 Calf tor appt LORETT A CURCI Call 644-1367 760-8333 c/i!! I I(' <(,{~~'(//ti I C II ·,,mr'rl' in the m.ir I.ct for J home o f your own, you're probably in the m.1d .. N for J home luJn, too. 1\ c.onwntiundl mortgage is usually the first I.ind thdt comes to mind, but other .iltcrnJtivc\ do exist. IUlll YllW llLLI Popular Sausalito plan upgraded and beautifully maintained. Watch the sun set behind Catalina from the lovely covered patio laced with hanging bougainvillea. 3 bdrma., family rm. with beam ceilings, cheerful breakfast nn. plU& formal dining area. P ride of ownership throughout. $347 ,000 L.H . with STAR GAZE~ .... t---....--81 ti ,y k PULL\Nl--...----1 Thc\c 1nc.lutk • prtvJlcly insured ln.im e Gl·in,ured luans •FHA/HUD• inwred lu.im •I .irmcr) Hume l\dmin1~trdt11>n loJns •urban "homc\tcad'' lt1Jr1' • "'h<>U'>(."·lo·hou~" fnJns • vJn.1blc intcrc)t rate loans • gradu.rtcd p.iymcnt mo• l!o:d).tC\ ,111d e l IUD\ \Ub\id11cd horncowncr\hip progr.11n. \~ ~ :7c.~~ : .. ;:: r..~ i:. To cJe-r9lQp "-U09f ft.i, Thu,Hlllt ,eod wc;t(h <CW•~1"1 to~'" ot "°"""" Z<ld•<>< l>l,th ''9" ,,,..,, :ur11t.,,.• ))'fo)w .... ~-.., .... .... tO.t ,, '"• ......... _ .. l .. ··~ ... tO.W-~ lt•o ''""'"' t;1N~ I~ "'Q t)tM ....... , .. "'•l·• .• ...... °""""' ., .. "9' ...... .. ...... ...... .... '1tl't'• ,,~ .... I u lcJrn ,1h11u1 1hc-.e 1m~'>ib1litic'>, t.ill.. to J member of the NATIONAL. ASSOUA I ION 0 1 RL AL f ORS® before yuu 't.itt looking. RE AL TORS® dlC re.ii c~ldlC profc\)ionJI\, and forms or fin,rn<..ing MC part of their citpcrti~c. They c.an tell you whd t \ c1vc1ilc1blc in your c.ommuni1 y, and how you c..in quc1lify . attraclive..terma. 10,,. •• , .a~ • , • t1 .... "°""~ ua.n, d"-••• ,,.,,... 01 .. -....0 -·~ ... ~ ,,...... ., ... .c.. •• ~.. ..,,,.. ''""""' ••l••·•""' tf(U .. ..l_ .. Cre.itivc frn.mcin.: 1.ould make the difference between c1 home that's just riitht and one that's ju~t affordable. f or vdlu.ible c1dv1ce and assistance, call d RE:AL 1 OR® today. ,, ..... _ .,, .,. J0""9f, ,,.. '• 1•' ,,c;.. ..... 11 •·· -"10"'1 ))ty.o °'l.l"Cl<IU. •Federal Housing Adm1n1s1ralion/U.S. Oepartmenl of Housing & Urb.n ~enew~I ,.,.... """' ,.,,""~'" ~· ... ,.... ... •''""°" "''..,,.. It U•t \t"o A public service of the "'"'•I 4lif••• JIO'-•••• tot•• .... ....... Classifieds 642-5678 *NEW LISTING* HARBOR VIEW HOME Outstanding PortoCino on FEE land! Excellent ramJly home featuring a premium location with extensive use of used brick, 3 BR's plus large covered patio. Priced for immediate sale at $315,000 with 10 ~% assumable financing!! Call 759-1501 or.752-7373. ESTATE SIZED LOT *CAMEO SHORES * This outstanding exec home features what must be the largest lot in Cameo Shores! The rear yard features a Japane.e garden, waterfall, Koi pond, pool & volleyball crt. in a spacious environment designed for memorable days thruout the year. Alge liv rm w/frplc overlooking the pool & gardens exemplifies the open spacious feeling prevalent thruout. A huge kitchen, fnnl din rm & 4 spacious bdnns including a m.str suite w/blt-in shelves, sunken jacuzzi tub. Offered.at $670,000. FEE w/~umable financing at 11.75%. 759-1501 or 752-7373. ..... *SELLER DESPERATE * * COL'YGE PARK * This fine home has been remodeled thruout!! Besides 3 brs, the owner has added 2 skylites in the fntly rm & re-tiled the kitchen counters. Priced at $133,900 w/a.ssumable financing!! Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *DOVER SHORES* This custom Ivan Wells designed home was built w/executive entertaining in mind. Quality thruout, from the solid oak paneled de n to the mahogany paneled rmly rm. Some of the numerous features are: sensational view of Fashion Island & ocean, black bottom pool & spa w/outside bar, 3 car garage. complete security system & of course formal dining. To view the Jwwrious features oC this magnificent residence, call 759-1501 for pnvate showing. $1,500,000 FEE! *$279,000 *DOVER SHORES * Spacious executive home featuring 4 br & 3~ ba, pool & a view of the backbay & Anthony's Pier! This fine residence la located ln a very desirous area & priced for Immediate sale. Low lnterest assumable financing available. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. •WATERFRONT HOME & SLIP* Sensational executive home featuring 4 Br. enorm0us living & dining room, 2 fireplaces & room for 55' boat! Only $559,000. FEE with assumable financing. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *EXQUISITE* Contractors own home!!! Smashing 3 Br home reaturlng used brick and wrought iron, skylites, atrium, shake roor, and extensive use or Mexican pavers. Offered at $165,000 w/assumable financing! Call 7 141759-1501 or 7141752-7373. AIANDONID ARTIST'S CHALIT SACllPICI PllCI OF $169,900 This English Tudor style home is vacant and waiting for a new owner. It ls custom built with many features nonnally found only in higher priced properties. Notice the bay window and artistic wooden plant.er boxes. What you can't see in the picture are the five skylights, used brick entryway, ceramic tile kitchen flooring, secluded patio or the lofts found in each of the large bedrooms. Added to that is a spacious family room and three full baths whkh make this cozy five year old home located onlv two miles from the ooean trulv an exceptional value in today's market. 9032 Adams Ave., Huntington Beach. For more information please call 556-7035. HOW DO YOU SPILL SUCCESS? A Rolls Royce of a home! Of course every detail has been attended to for the discriminating buyer. Tantalizing colors. Pt!rfect flow for entertaining with cozy corners of "al home" living. Three thousand five hundred square feel of uncompromising elegance consisting of rive bedrooms and three Cull balhs. The master bedroom s uite is particularly enchanting and includes a lux urious sunken oval tub and separate tiled shower. There is a separate family room with wet bar and a 15'x21' bonus room for the children. Formal dining is provided as well as an eating area ore the kitchen. Beautifully landscaped yards including a custom spa. The $354,900 price is surprisingly affordable in today's market place. For complete details call 963-5671. CAPI HUNTINGTON TOWNHOMI ( APFORDAILI llACH LIVING What.would you normaJly expect to find for $112,000? Certainly not a double car enclosed garage with an extra large patio, and probably not a den with a wet bar or a large family eating area. But even if you did, we'll almost guarantee the master bedroom suite wouldn't be 18'x15' with mirrored closet doors. All this and more can be yours within a five minute drive of Pacific Coast Highway.We~oe dellgnted to give you any additional information IC you'll just call us at 963-5671. DILUXI llAUTY SALON IN HIGH TIAPPIC ARIA LOCATION You would· have to aee this custom designed and decorated Interior to believe It. Five busy operators and five additional stations for future expansion plus twin nail stations and a facial room. Also included are six hair dryers, three shampoo stations and two supply rooms. AU equipment ls topof the line quality and barely l ~years new. Seller Is willing to remai.n as an employee of the new o~er. Considering the location and cash flow is reasonably offered al \'.4,000. 556-7035. llCYCLI TO THI llACH PROM SUPlll LOCATION This highly upgraded home with solar heated pool is only minutes from the ocean and is in the much 110ught after &Uson High School District. No expenae has been spared In lavishly appointing this showplace with wall coverings, wooden shutters, mini-blinds, mirrored wardrobe doors and MORE!! A very large formal dining room is perfect for the corning holiday aeuon. With all of thette amenities, you'll find the price hard to believe: It's offered at the May, 1982 appraised value of $158,500. Call us for details on the exciting financing plan& we have! available. One is certain to be right for you! 566-7035. NEWPORT BEACH OFFIC~' 2170 Ian lllgUll DftYI Mtwpon llacla, CA l2llO (714) 111-1901 AMERICAN HOME SHIELD "We Protect & Service Things That Service You." .HUNTINITON llACH OFFICE IOl2 Adami AYI. HIMl .... l ... ,CAl2141 (7M) .. 70ll -· ... ·--·-~ UllllU--ltlYIA...... ....1-1 Prinw L.ldt> Nord bllyfront, 3 bdrm, ~ ~ .. lh. Lar LR , air <.-ond , 2 boat •llP' Sl.~.000 Re~&ed 3 bdrm, 2 ti.th 1 1atse rec. rm beam ceillnp, fumlahed. p11Uol. H 20,000. N•DIU_. Otten & jelly vlewa Marine room, 4 bdnn, 3 bath. 3700 1qJt. Sl ,38~.000. Oceanfront. Lllll llLI IAYFlllT Laeoon vh.:w from 8 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, durlt nn, tlt•n Hoat 1dlp. Now $11llO,OOO llYlllE PUOE Specu.cular beyfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up: 2 br 2 be dn. 2 boat 1pacei!. Reduced -Sl,500,000 FllllUll UllOI New 4 br. 4 ~ ba, custom French Normandy Eltate 1.2 prime ac hilltop. Sl,25-0,000 DlllUll Ull Coronado la1and cuat. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plana avail. Now $370,000 w/tenna. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR J •l µ ) ' \ d I ') ' ,/I ' ~ ,., I I ' ~ fl UMllU IPll lllllY 2-4 111 VIA UM IHI Choice comer location near bay, beach & elubhouae;--3 bed.rooms,3 batha on a wide lot. Fantastic financing. Large a.uumable loan. Owner will assist in financing. $387,592. YUi Ell lllllZI IPEI 111111 1-4 211Yll11101 Large Lido Isle fixer with some bay view. 11 room; 4 baths. Bank owns It & will finance. it. Large loan, low down, low Interest. Must close in December! $575,000. Liii ISLE YILU OPEi lllUY 1-4110 101 YIA IElll Perrect house for formal entertaining. 4200 sq. ft. with 88' on Via Genoa. 3 bdnns, 5'h baths, den, dining room, 1000 sq. ft. master suite with bay view. $895,000. . LIM llLE WIH UT + Piil IPll 111111 1-4 204 Yll EllLI Walk to Lido Village. 3 Bedrooms, 3 baths, good aasumable financing. Xlnt buy. Price reduced to $525,000. IEOllITT LMll J IPEI lllUJ 1-4 100 11110 UIE #101 Newport Beach condo l at Ooor, l bdrm, 1 bath, like new, beautiful pool and apa areas. Assumable loan. Lowest price in Versailles. $1 14,000. LIH llLE IPEI lllllY 10-12 111 VIA UVEIU Charming 3 bdrm beach home In an excellent location, cloee to clubhouse, tennis & swimming. Features a unique circular fireplace. Brick patio & lovely shade trees. Private 1 bdrm & 1 bath upiatairs with outside entrance. $349,500. UHllU IPll 111111 12-2 222 VII PILEl•I Open beam ceilings throuahout. 4 bedrooms, remodeled kitchen, aouth sunny patio. Submit offer. Excellent ~Y at $367,000. Lido Realty 673-7300 .... .... 11-4 11,Jll,IM--See Ted Petenion at 503 W. Edgewater ll~ Debi Bibb at 4621 Gorham ...... See Edie Obon at 2609 ~See Jane Mit.chler al 15 Carmel Bay Drive IUl,111-See Maagie Gu t h a t 24&1 Bayahors Drive ~ Kay Parker at 214 ~ Cora Baldlka.kl at 1800 Newpan Hilla Dr. 118,l~Sff W ynn Wi11on at 1840 Tndewtnda ..... See Bert Reedy at 11 c..n llland , ,,-. .. Ql.nny AnderlOn •t 5081 Al)p1e Tree, lrYtne ......... Lucy Ra. ., 171& CW.tee~ I • r Romance! Atmosphere! EleganC411 are yours In this spectecular eiecullve h<>me on a private "Jungle" waterfall. Dramatic master aull&-erackllng fireplace, fOfmal dining, 2 car garage. MUST SEE TO BELIEVE. $145,000. Call 11&1•11 llAIT In torecloeure. Lovely 2 ttory home with custom Interior and ou1tom wood lhutter1. lncludea huge 1undeck which OY9l1ookl the pattl and a hwge cu1tom bullt apa. (Wiii accommodate the whole party). 2 llra- plaoes, one In the tamlly room and one In the h~ay muter aulte. 548-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS People who need people should always check the Service Directory in the DAILY PILOT .mGIUllllN 2 Ir ......... , •• ................... .. ,, .... ,, ""." 1114 .,.,.. Prie•4 .. ...... 112,0IO. COU OF NIWPOffr MAL TORS uu·Lc-•M•r· c:..--.. ... 115·5511 D~ llTlllllllllJ Ill 1011 llUIFlllT. Probably the most outstanding contemporary oceanfront estate in America. Under construction for nearly five years, it is a vision of glass; aea and reflections. Offered at $6,500,000 (Furnished) George Grupe. Ullll 11111 5 BR. Customized "Devonshire". Upper level offers one story living w/mstr suite, den (5th BR), lower level has lg. game nn. w /fireplace & 3 BRs. Fantastic view. $775,000 Belle Partch. llllL llPlllTIOITill. Newport Beach with a country feel - Great family home -3 BR. fam nn residence totally redone. All new paint, carpets, wallpapers, landscaping . $215,000 Tom Allinson. I HIT HJ -111111 11111. Outstanding "Lautremont". Super com er location. Priced for quick sale at below market price of $599,000. 4BR, 3BA, ocean & city lights view. Anita Schandel. LIH IT Tll 11111 Fii 11111 llM,IM. Great street to street lot w /magnificent view of the ocean & Dana Point. Just steps to one of the nicest beaches in North Laguna. This 3 or 4 BR h ome h as good assumable financing. $599,900. Maxin e Propp. MUI YllW 11111. Beautifully decorated 3 BR single story condo in Jasmine Creek. A best location and view. Assumable financing. $390,000 incl. land. Martha Macnab . . 111111 llllUlll YIEW. Panoramic ocean view from this single story California Ranch home 2 or 3 BRS, 2 ~ BA1 fonnal din. rm & fam rm. Hign beam ceilings, Mexican pavers, French doors, plantation s hutters. Completely r e m o de le d & profeaaionally landscaped w / lovely spa. $849,900 incl. land. Donna Godshall. llTlllllllllJ Llllll HUIHllT. On e of Laguna's moat secluded oceanfro nt locations. Private steps to sandy beach. 6 Bn, ~ acre w/115' of oceanfront, abeolutely charming older home. Ownera will carry 1en1aUonal owner tenna. Aaking $1,6~,ooo. George Grupe. TIY Tiii II HI llHI Water. mountains & Ughta and a beauty of a hou ae juat newly ref urblahed. The beu of ewrythlnc in • bia 2 story, 3 BR home. $289,000. COby Ward. 144-8211 HARBOR VIEW HOME Finll llml' utfered. Large 1 level 4 8r, form. din., fam. rm .• 2 ~ Ba, bt!'6ullful yard w/swimrnlng pot & jacuul. Oood terms. Yll IWI TU UU 1111,0GO. IPll UT 11111·1 17H Pert l1111tt HELEN 8. DOWD OPEi TlllY 1-1 PM Wll f .. ILY Ml, .... I .... I-· $339,500 ............ 2406 FRANCISCO, NB IUL Tiii, 110. 144-0134 lllll I II, TllTU IMI I MM LUii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $179,900 . 1925 1 SIERRA CADIZ, IRV. L"llllTill Reduced $200,000, custom 5,000 sq.ft .• view, $1 ,095.000 -20% down. •n 11111 •• Flawless condition, ocean view, will trade, $550,000 fee. · IDIGU SI0,000 Six years new, 5 Bdrms, walk to ocean or bay. Owner will trade for Costa Mesa 4 Bdrm motivated. $399,900. WllUITNOI $695,000 fee. Privacy, 2 story, complete remodel. 11101100111 $825,000 fee. Owner will financ.oe or trade (or income property. 4 Bdrms, Cameo Shores. HPWOlll•El $245,000. Walk to all shopping -in Old Corona del Mar. UITIL 5 Br. Harbor View Homes. $1500 month. ........................ DllTm $549,500 ..... 442 BEGONIA, OLD CDM t IH•, IWll Fii, HI, YIOllT, 1111111 $429,000 .... 2706 LIGHTHOUSE, CDM llHWIJ, OLlll-1 1111, YllW+ llllT $365,000 ................. 409 DAHLIA, COM IPJIUll, I IH•, YllW If llJ Ill llUI $850,000 ............... 5 POINT LOMA. NB llWPllT, I Ill•, llTI YllW, IUI MIHL $260,000 ..................... 2531 BUNY A. NB llLlll ISLE, llW Ill YIOUT WITI Ollll $575,000 211 OPAL, BALOOA ISLAND lllPPHl .. I IMI, 1111'1 WU Mll,111 i299,50.Q_ ................. 1030 POLARIS, NB YIO&IT·IPUIUl-.,1 I NIL, OUAI $339,000 1315 SANTANELLA TER. NB Fii •Ill llFI OILL REALTORS, 675-6000 2443 &et Cout Hl9hway. Coron• del Mu WE llAVt' i ) or TllB Bll:lff Lll>"TillC!> 11'1 1UWl'I 1-------• SELL Idle Items with a Dally Piiot Clallllled Ad. , .. \ I Orenge Coa1t DAii v PILOT /Sunday. O.cember 12. 1982 t.:a ---LIOIU end .,,*llelu• two bedroom l'torne. Prime 10011100. "·2 lot Great i::.=11 '°' lnveator or . 0--wlll ..... t wltl't 11nanc1n9. 1250.000. 111·1• fmaTNW- l-l-.&.1111 ...... ,., OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 MUIR BEACH CIRCLE C OM (SowQl .. 1) 640-8~59 .f~~r~I .... , .. '~ .......•.............. unu 11U11 Own.-muat Mii cult re-I modeled elegant 3 br home & aep guest apl. Prim• foe. 127-t27Yt Abalone. Reduced $200. 000 to 1495,000. Cour- teay to bkra. 8'40·4424 or 759·0777. C...• ,,, •• , ''" .•••.....•.•...•••.... •FULL OCEAN VU * 300K loan. Jumlne Crk Owner/Agent 8'40-1515 """" fHr tft•r Spot .... 3630 II dupleK owe lst-12%-long term 31>f/3ba+5br/3ba-1 11ac 509 ~-walk to sea Open Hae Sal/Sun 1-5 Owner/bkr 8'45-7048 /Jn "j,(•l ~I r11 l I r f. II '1'.lH 11\ If ~, I YI IU MPU 1111,000 W.L 111-1100 TRADE ••• f!!!~.!!~!, ...... !.~~1 your boring ln()()me pro- perty or outgrown rffld-ence with the large equ- ity for this neat rustic and roomy 4 Bdrm, 3Yt ba home In WALK TO THE BEACH CORONA DEL MAR LOCATION with 1pectacular 180 deg. ocean, Catallna llland and harbor 111ew. Priced II current appral· 111 of $475,000 IH Owner llaa S t95,000 equity and wtll carry 2nd T.D. 9"-1211 ........ IAll UY E•HITllll llTlTI large rembllng country home with panoramic view of the back bay, Newport Center and much more. Facllltles tor a small herd of horaes, , .. U&.l IJ .... Adorable 3 BR 2 Ba hme, In prime cond. Great loc. • walk to So. Coast Plaza. Oorgeoua, t pvt bacilyd w/cov palto. Lge aaaumabl• low Int loan. aelllng to 111old loreclo1ure Priced be· low markel at $158,000. Owner. 540-3138 FAMILY llME 3 Br 2 Ba, frplc, encl. patio. min. 10 beach, lhop, emplOy, achool1. & bus. Xlnt buy. $117,500. 8'45-4559. 835 Joann. HNWIYIJ 3 Bdrm home, ntc:.ly COfatedl Extra lrg Mllr Bdrm & huge bactcyard Cheery & brlgllfl Ont S 109,000. Take """' 11"1. loan. Call 979-5370 \ (>I l / tl /:' t/ ""I Al T • .,, I t.i • I • ' T ,~ f ~~ ' acc.at to back bay trall1. _O_UT_S-TA_N_D_ING--BUY---1 For Ad Action (1 7 111 1.)lllllll1 ~ llr. Choose payment• th• • ._ are ()()mfonable tor you Call a UNIQUE, City lights, quell 3 Br Townhouse, with & bbll t .......,h 3 B double garage. Only Daiy Piot ra s or •-v · r, S 1 O 2 • O O O. Agent! 2 Ba, Nantucket model, Broadmoor Sea11lew. _5_4_4-_1_95_5 ____ --1 AD.VISOR S375.ooo. 720.0858 Oa-tClasslfied Ada are the 11ld Connelly answer to a aucceHlul .... I ...... Saller very 1u·ut1ova for quick .... and h49 r• duced th• price Cooel· derebly. tmm1cutate 3 ~oom home _.. IOt• Of wood panellng In the dining ar... N"t lend· acaping with aome lt'Ult tr .... OrNt value. ~·1 mlU OU11 Priced now 11 only 1 129,900. Calt for detail•, 979-2390 lul ..... LMa . lt 11.11~ ... Super financing on thl1 4 bedroom ranch ltyled lamlly home. OrNt IOCI• tlon within blo;cl8 r8fl98 o f th• beac h. Lerg• corner IOI with room fdr AV parking and tip top landacaplng. Come •nd take a look at thll 8UI*" clean home. llated at $124,950. Call 979-2390 tll-1111 37.~~~T %':~lOL llYI-,.~ VA/FHA term1 or 11- aume toen. Dlrllng 2 .. 1y condol In dellrablil anNI Attached garage, lrg pa- tio. Only 191,000. Call now 979-5370 \ I >I l I tl F If 1 ... -TWO ...... ONGS To place your message before the reading pobllc, phone 642 5678 Have something you want garage or yard salel It's a More lamllles are getting • to sell? Classllled ads do better way to tell more the camping .. bug .. thl1 It well. 642-5678. peoplel • t • •. • .. " THE STARNES COMPANY Dally Pilot Ctusllled, 642-5678 year. II you have a _;_....:....------1 camper that"• not getting ...... ,,, s.1. • ..... ,,, s.1, ••• ,,, ,,, s.1, ••• ,,. ,,, s.1. 760.-1397 673-7761 used NII It ~ with a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • c1..9itled Ad. c..,,.1 lOOZ t;,.,,.1 . 1002 lifaer•I 1002 lif•er•l ll02 OCEAN VIEWS FROM IRVINE TERRACE One story wood home with 4 bedrooms. 3 baths. pool, terms. $600,000. Owner will carry 1st: ELEGANT BA YFRONT CONDO On the Cove overlooking Balboa Island with 2 bedrooms. den. 2'12 baths. $855,000. BA YSHORES CHARMER ON FEE LAND Spacious 3 bedroom family home with family room and French doors. large corner lot, good terms. $495,000 FEE. WATERFRONT HOME IN LINDA ISLE Traditional 5 bedroom, 41/2 bat h home with courtyard entry spa slip and side tie for 60' boat. $1 .450,000. ' · SPANISH JEWEL IN THE BLUFFS Lowest priced 4 bedroom with spa and security system plus fireplace and garage. $269,000 FEE. • A MINI ESTATE WITH POOL, SPA AND KOi POND A beautiful huge yard surrounds this 6 bedroom, 4 bath home with fireplaces. Need to sell. $449,000. HARBOR VIEW "CARMEL" HOME Near beaches and schools with 3 bedrooms. covered patio and huge redwood deck. $249,000 FEE. . LIDO SANDS NEAR POOL, BEACH AND SHOPPING Great starter home with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, patios and fireplace. $159,000. THE PLAZA AREA OF THE BLUFFS Spanish style condominium with 4 bedrooms. 2'h baths. Try lease/option. $169,500. CITY LIGHTS FROM SEAVIEW Seller will help finance this 4 bedroom, 3 bath home in prestigious, gate-guarded community. $465,000. BIG CANYON CONDO Upper level 2 Bedroom 2 Ba. fireplace. tasteful wallpaper. use of pool, spa, tennis. $205,000. Try anything. ACROSS FROM OCEANFRONT Whitewater view 3 bedroom home on Oceanside needs TLC. $895,000. EMERALD BAY TOTALLY REMODELED Outstanding 3 bedroom 2'ft bath gate guarded community home w/uae of pools & tennis. Asking $710,000. FABULOUS OCEAN VIEW LOT Above "Palm Tree Circle" with seller financing up to $100 000 $385,000. • . NEAR PARKS, TENNIS AND BEACH Country style home with 5 bedrooms, 4 baths. family room. brick patio. $755,000. COUNTRY CHARM PLUS OCEAN VIEW Walk to pool from this 6 bedroom. 5Yt bath home with maid's quarters. $680,000. LOW, LOW DOWN OR LEASE/OPTION Ocean view, oompletely restored 4 bedroom, 3 bath home with family r0om, corner lot. Hlghly motivated Miier. 1775,000. NEWPORT BEACH ,, .• .......•.•.........•••..•••.••...•.......... ··•··················· .•.•.....•.•••....•••. ----------- IDEALLY SUITED FOR ENTERTAINING "Lucerne" model witti 3 bedrooms, 31h bath. 3 fireplaces and family room. $695,000. SPECTACULAR OCEAN AND CITY VIEWS This expanded "Miramar" model is ideally located near pool and tennis. A 3 bedroom for low down and terms. $575,000. SEE THIS ONE AND COMPARE Try low down on this "Dynasty" mod~I with 2 bedrooms. fireplace. terms. $379.000. -• PREMIUM LOT FOR FORMAL FRENCH HOME Plans for a 10,000 sq. ft. virtual estate are included. Try joint venture. $1 .500.000. "LAUTREMONT" MODEL WITH TERMS A spacious patio area surrounded by lush landscaping plu~ 4 bedrooms. $790,000. JUST LISTED "JODELLE" MODEL Striking Interior with furniture Included, 3 bedrooms. 2'h baths. good terms. $865,000. SELLER WILL CONSIDER TRADE This "Devonshire" model with 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, has fireplace. atirum and panoramic ocean and city light views. $675,000. MOUNTAIN AND CANYON VIEWS Two story condo with 4 bedrooms. 31/2 baths and family room plus nice location near the Reservoir. Priced below market. $550,000. "CASABLANCA" MODEL WITH GOOD TERMS A fireplace to warm the nights as you gaze out to the lighted city. A 4 bedroom. $520.000. RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN-IRVINE Two bedroom, 2 bath condo with fireplace, decks and use of pool and spa. $159,000. ARBOR LAKE OF IRVINE Boating and swimming are available to residents of this' fine commuflity. This 2 bdrm. 2 bath is only $175.000. TRY 15% DOWN OR TRADE FOR T.D.'S Near beach and shopping, this Costa Mesa triplex has garages and sundecks. True pride of ownership. $245.000. QUIET GOLF COURSE CONDO Laguna Niguel 2 bedrot>m. 2 bath greenbelt view unit near tennis. $118,000. HUNTINGTON HARBOR WITH 35' BOAT DOCK Trinidad Island apaclous 3 bedroom family rJ9m home with seller flnerw.lng. $399,950 ~El!. • ULTIMATE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Young •llecutlve wlll appreciate So. Coat Plaza location for this 2 bedroom 2 bath condo. $143,000 I • 2 s s s a s a a a a es 5 • M · • Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Oecembet 12, 1982 ,;;:. ... '!..T .. I~~ ...... ~.~~ .. 1.·,~ i::~·,~~··7;;, '~;~~~·;·~,· ~;,~¥.tt ..... .mn......... . lllf n•rn ........... r.ir .... .-;, .-::n •••••• -.~ ...... i•············•1 I• .L,. 1 , .. '' ._ ...••.•••.....•..•.•. IPD TlllY .•.•. rr:: ••••••••• l'.ii 9!~!!. ,_~~t~l!.~ ..... l!tft.f Plmld.~ .... '.'!~ .. "'"·~¥.'!... .'.'!tff _,~,~~~~ .. •;"'; r••H J JOf ~'/.•••••••••I.If! fr.J~.!tff ...... 1!Af ~•••••••••••11.ff . '.' .. '.!. •••••••• •••• Qll~AD .. f~ .~ROVE: S Ir fll·aOa 3 bdrm, 2~ be, WOOOBAIDOI 4 Ir, J ,. .... a4Uy Condo 2 encl patio a yrct. lf'PI, dbl la. 3 Cef .., • qulel C411· MPLITILY UP · ..... . ~ ~~=: MIT n IWI 1·1 Pl IUWllW • NIT llHLI llllL. • LIVING fllM AC· HMr bMCll, •hopping, PANORAMIC VlfW front 11111 I 111111 LINT YllW GM 91' Full a"'8111tlaa. gat 111, lat & I.a 1111 d a · I a G, V r I 'f I I I 1121/mo,f.Cl"4·0171 318 l 1nta lllbel l1IOO/mo A11""9fli1i.a 131·42'3 AH• oniy Mt.Otto. TIO W/WOOD eolloole, S Br. 2 Be. row C9tller tor Dleney• NE l IN 0 • I" I c K ·~ rm/countrv llltoh-IMd flrewortaa. ,.... .... c, 0000 LHDSCP en. mined ocoupency oepllONll ~ 1 Mii UTO 8PAKLA8, latllun 1·4 • 1211 3 bdrma, library, end AID PATIO a GA· Northport toll Ademe lerga lamuy room with , CEMENT OAIVE· aMt of e.ach). 141· IHI fir~ 1)11'9 room tot e a AV PAAKINO. • .... tuL1 PoOI. VIEW from ~ OOO. ~75· Clou to ocean 3·3, avary room. Hlgll U • Pymta $1200 1o S2 ooo eumabla loan•. UH, S176K 10 $215K. MoW i.i 000. #2t CANYON flllO- • Ilka over ehar9d ap. GE. patio, 2 cer get. praolatlon. Financing OUl·d·UC, nr So. IVl llabla. Cell Su• et Ptua. By appoint· 191·56541 t I 131,000. AMl•I· -----C----1 I (114) 857·1401 WALK TO BEA H. OOMn '""> 551-een Ylaw, s er. 2.,. ea. 2 cat gar. Only 2 yrt old In ""* loc. $235,000, may trade. Call brkr/o wnr Alch Dunham 964-8111 E/Slda 2 bf, huge ,__,__ , ..... . Oood11 ioano •· L .... ~ ••••••••••••• m ave . wnar an-lmYIUfTY PAii $148,000. 75 SS 1-e632 2-.ity 3 Bdrm 2.1" Ba w/ atagantly daalgnad Int• riot. Hae Mair aulla w/ trplc. Baauty & eomlort • '99dy 10 move Into. Alk- Prima loclllon 4 Br, tamlly, dan, pool a apa. Aaauma $149,000 111 at 12..5%. Stell at $350, 000. Ruety Oulnlhar, 631-1288 R&"M~ 1 n g $ I 5 5 , 0 0 0 . Ag I. I "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim 552-7500 I• 1850 aq It condo, k loracloaura 1ala, $10.$20K, buy di· r cf f rom bank . -5055, 842-2000. 111 tu am With $18K down S9K lmm9dately d9duc:table o n darling 2 bdrm ~orthwood Condo. 1 120,000. Aga n l 158-8088. ~ 111,111....,.. lmmeculata 4 Bdrm 2.,. ma epa home on '" land acrou from parl(. Form- ., modal hu air & 3 car aaraga. Owner ••Y• r. ....... Euy tarme. Juat ,. ... " llU IPll 11-t 24191 La Vida o r .. t ioc.t1on & baeult-ru 1 vlewa. Super 4Br. $145,000. Harcum a Horn Real Eetala 484-8551 Sale or leue option BffuUful four bedroom, 3 bath home In auarded 1att COnlmunlly. Ex<•tillent vtew. Profeulonally landacaped. $375,000. Good financing available. -·-IWlllllllT 112-0411 . Ill· 1111 French do0r1.greenhouM wlndows.Oek lloor-akytlght etc. accent 11111 meon•llcent 2 Bdrm 2 Ba double wide moblll LI~ I"-' Jllf HEW 2 Br. 2 Ba, dbi"'O#. WOOdbfldga O.Cecned 2 ~·•0••••••••••• ell IPPll ptue ffkloe. No bclfm pkie cNln. AJC, co-3 Bfll, 2 8a, J& he'# ont, Pa11. l/alda. H&"O/mo var•d daGk L•k• and =~~i. t4.~'7 =. H7-2ttl =~No e>a'• e1wen LM ....... te HJ --·--· ---2 If, newly r~eled, 5 bdrm. family room, BEAUT WOOdbtldga, 2Br I o o d eon d S 1 o o. atrium. 3 car gar1oa +den Ilea w/OtdN, 2 car ' 3 / 7 "'o "'o O o d Boat gall, ........, deco· get w/Of>N. cfllld a cet 790.1302~ y , rat9<1, Maa~v-;,'da. 1 1. OK, 016 m o. (714) 000 mo. Xlnt "'ma _sa_2_.1_303 _____ _ ,,,... • 11Jt·2445 0( 548-6155 tnJM.Ji ~-1 ...... quiet E·elda 4 br, 2 Hl.~~.~t .. !~~f •••••••••••••••••r•••• ba lamlly home, frplc, EMEF'ALD BAY 3 Br 2 I yr Old condo, 81lbo1 OI'· 1150. 831-1054 Ba. trplo, brick patio, Panlnaula. 3 Br, 2 Ba, all Eulllda . Don't mill 11111 with apa. 11800/mo. amanltlM. daaign« di-2 ...... ~ M 816-3081 coralad, moet conve-uu .......... on -Onolla ----·-----nlanl looatlon. I block '°' only I !29,500. Tlka 2 Br. den, 2 be, lrplc, d/w, from Miid. Call 8rok•r 0* • blG IOan. Call Mel mlctowava. truh comp, 875-4912"' 873-IMU Kiddle AMltOf, •P•CIOlll wood d•ck• Ml·llll 110• ocaan/cyn vlawa. l ~~~.~!.'h! .. !~P. 4 Br, 2'h Ba. "NEWPORT 11150/mo. 494-4518 CHARMING: 2 Br. l Ba, RIVIERA" Condo avall 3 8'. Vlaw w/prtvftey, walk lfo rma. bean\ call, bike 12·20. $750/mo. + 6•· to private bHch, no I o b c h . 11 5 O / IT) o . poalt, 1-439'-3148 pelt, garage, lrplc, bll· 875-9498 Eulllda 1 Br, Oula1 . ln1. 111 + MC.1950/mo, IPYIUll al IM Stove/trig . naw c pta/ _4_80_·1_6_1_1 ____ _ BMut apec home 3 be d rap••. N o p •I a Monarch B1y, 3 bt, 2 bl, tonnai' dln. rm, t~ rm: 1510/mo 850""°8&...,.. pvt bueh. 11200/mo bonua rm 3 trplea 3500 a Wknda. Incl. gardener l water. • Cl 'I .• .., a 11. J. n BACK BAY AREA Avell. Jan. 1. 499-5538 home In 11'19 Mc:urlty $2300/mo 844·5043 1 8' w/lrpt $350/mo Incl Aren Bay Hgta. Newer 3 gat9d commvnlty Tilt 2 br, 1 ba, beam celling, ulN. 75 1-nl8 bdrm & Dan. Frpl, New =,. a. etova. re~rl . r•sTSID£ 3 bd m 1 b Crpt, Ocean Vu, lmmac: .. G I ""' · r • a. •1050 (213) 5"'~8128 '~ •m4tn ty. t , WfY nice. 2 cir gar. Large yard. _• __ ._.....;. ____ _ 0-... lll' $e7,500, A buyl Toni mo. 855-3649,...,.. Chlldran and P•t• 0 1< North lagun• 1 bdrm, I rn • Illa.......... LARGE CdM home, 2 228 E. 24111 PL $790. bl, gar, 2 blk1 10 baaGh. In two-raapacta. Value & PENTHOUSE> 2 bcltm.-2 S 3 754-4508 Avall lmmad. $850, appeal. Onlw 1355,000 b l k lry, Cir gar, Ocain • , • arga dao . vlawl v I• w . For I•••• . Eutllde twnhM, 3 BR, 2'h _5_53-_.148_7_._8_5_1-_1_34_5 __ lor 1111• axecullva 4 Br Aakl~ $275 000 wllh ••3501mo. 851-8110 3.,. Ba w/3 c:arf.:· W9I ... ,. ' •' ba. Kld1/pet1 OK. $850. ~ ... .U1 JIJI bal' & 2 .......... e ..... _~ ..,.,, dn, _,me 1at. daya, 780-3e50 avaa. 2 4 8 I Irv In• Ave . .....,.••••••••••••••••••• •...-""""""' OwllW wlll carry. •~2.0""'5 2 bdrm c:ondo. AJC, ancU Baycraal locallon. Call Cell owner H3..e610 CHARMER 2 Br, 1 B1, 2 '" u I I I ---------1 #i'-Lll-• $ 8 5 O ear gar. Full upgradee. or v aw ng.appt. -... M.llPI c....ni.i -·•• c ar gar . • 3 Br condo ovarlooklng MOOmo.551.o255 ,rt 8 831·7310. 54t-3648 -·-lllk UH 818175&-2388 Blull1, lrplc-bar. Linda --------- TR\DITI()\ \I ~I \I I\ Laeaa/optlon. Cuatom •• f.'!.r.!'1. •••••• !.IJ! ••••••••.,••••••••••••• Country cllarmaf 3 Br, So. Hart 531· 12645, agt • ..,..,, ,,.,, 1111 twnhoma. 3 br, 2'h bl, --------·1 ol Hwy, good IOClllOn, Eulllda 1, 2 & 3 Br. llOU· ··-··"················· ~~ g'm,,. d1np.p;om, '2,roooplc, P• 11•/llll'llL g.,. Av a II. now. aaa on private lltHI, 2 Br 2be Varaalllaa condo. .,,. · " x. Ill 842·3442, 631-1266 '415 & up. Inquire at 324 Ad u I I • • n o P •I • · 1q It . Mika , SMl ,IBlllLIUI 1 21 t S t 11 $850/mo.Oys531-3851, 651-4481 ave & wknda; Fantaatlc arH . 40,000 NEW 2 aty, 3 BR 3 Ba, tam ~7918. · 0 r c 1 av/wttnd 213/912-9352 521-1811 dya. itq. rt. under roof. Single rm, 2 c:ar gar, $805/mo. ,.. UlllD ,, .... 1111 .._ ~n~~r~~'c! ~-MOBILE ~-J::•· aec.-Bkr. 111,,, JU 3s~Cx:. .. ~:.~ a;,:.rn:; Baaut. 8lutf9 4 "· 3 .. a ...... 1~ UTI Biii Merrell or Big Walk· unur , ... I( ---------•••••••••••••• •••••••• • gt . 8 3 1 -1 2 8 6 0 r dan condo. Pool, tannlf Lga new euatom home, .,, s1,850,000. ~ "" 2 Br. 1 B•, Cape Cod, EXEC 4 Br, 3 Ba, lam rm, Me.5508 ...... b ... _......_._ • ........... s /Su 1 5 1 ... s compl. ramodal9<1. Pvt. MC gale, alfVIEW, patio.--------- ...., • rw _,..,._ • -..._. opatl et n • . 210 ~" PJ~'I..,; 011 b a 1 c II . I 10O0 mo . 1175mo. 720-0375 BAYFRON Neutral decor. FEE (you Vie Ban Remo. Own/agt. YfJ! 23 Al'fC'S •75 '"04'" •73 ~111 & T own land). $280,000. 875-3048 073-25Se + 20 utlu11iunul v -v v, v .... 1'i t.i. f,-IJ.. JU .Aftt ~11 •u•r•-wkdya 833-2900. .t~••••••=V.•••••• ...... .__ .. ...,,. . •-•• ... v' ,., 2 BR, 1 be oott;ri $825, lovely 3 bt & dan, FURNISHED ~w: unfur· ••---.... ,..... U.J ~l,tHNI b Ill I " I ,_ .. _... --Baaul. Trlldawtnda, beat lid ffy 418 Narcl~a. $12 mo. ••u u yar.,, x nt n--.. 2 moe. minimum A w a r d w I n n I n g view. Nawporl Canter 0 8Q Otto ltoalty I 873-2787 ave, wltnd neighborhood. Chlldran rant11. Excel location. ~· ~ °':': =Y· 840-t812 Fr9d 673-7300 l1Yt1t•Ht Ct. C..I•,,,., Jllf waleoma. 848-7787 ~8o5~~mo . Owner home w/tta well of mlr· ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Why throw aw1y r1n1 ---------rM, whit• marl>'a anll')', WATERFRONT 4 Bl'. 10% lH/l .... 1-2 Bd HouM and 2 Bd DIJ.. wh1n you can own 4·3 H.,bor View Homaa, 3 bd, whit• erpt & •llullare, do'#n owe at 10% Int• IL.r.;,-, plax w/11200 lo $2,000 pay· 2 ba. lovely hOma, pool, along with It• t>raathtak· rut, 10 yaara, uklng -..... •-•-i•-333 E. 2111 St CM mente. $175K • $215K, gard1ner. $1200/mo. 1ng valulact calllna la Iha $249,000. Wiii dlacount II -._ 845-8103 Ho pa11 move In -take ovw ap-Avail 1/t5-83. ~ ROOM. 2900 aq. ft. , nr So Cat Plz1. ,000 & Lrg ANum- e Loa n1 , OWC 283 ....... ulflmala place for Iha lor larger pyml. Agent •••••••••••••••••••••• #•utm, ...,,, 1 M Pin I tlllT g;~~~~~n, call Sue at Eaatblufl Condo. 3 br lllffl 1&111• IOPhl•llcetact couple to M0-8208 MPll TU •LlD ,_, If Rng. yard, No pets. uu1 -2~ba. 835 Amloo(Ho 8), $151000 You own the IMd. 2.000 entertain. Add guerded W llAI.... •• llWlllllm ...................... pd. 1540/mo. 111 plu• ··;;:i,1,.· • 915. 9 8 o-. 9 3 8 7 1229.000. Agt. 552-1500 fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiil 0 •q It, 3+2, lg• lly room. Auuma A loin. Walk lo llal. Call 845-8748 0( 541-0425. aq ft, 3Bf', lam rm, 2.,. gm.a, awlmmlng & ten-CL-3 Bd , San Clemente pride ot Pehm Oaaart, Monterrey a• c 8 4 8 •;. w .... 213/541-4480 Ba, wide Oraanbalt, near nle. • auperb focallon, ..._ rm 2~ next to ownat1hlp . modern Plen 300• golf. lake/ 11• .. ~--1811 • • •-p RICE RED UC pool. Far below markat and you have an axcap. pool. Walk lo beach & Spanish •tyla 4 unit apt. min w . llltK S 100 u. m......... •••••••••••••••••••••• 8-ltlful home 3 Br 2 Ba. • $235 000 Wll ..... tlonal vetua at $.410,000. allop1. $150,000 price houN wtlh OCMfl/11111• & aum. PP. 714/855-4151 4 Br condo tor ...... 2'!1 CLOSE TO BEACH 2 cat garage pooi IP• OON ' . op. ·~"' "'1 I lnclucMI r~ wutier/ B 1850 I I Brand new 3 Br, 2.,. 8a ..,.,... private 0 1 c ' lea: lion. EMu. 644-0134 ......, •• 14 Of appt. --~ • gotf courM Yl9w. Cloaa 0.1 fl C.u'-a, I , .. lann I , ~ Sauik:;r:dadtt • ~~lnof Mc Sl350tmo' . u••t J•ft ~~~~~~~~~1·-liOOi"Ci~~~-... ,_ . .,... -1500. to everything only 3 •1 pool, rec. No pata. Raf9. '"""" ,. .....,, · •• -· ...a ••TIWHH• BY OWNER: 3 BA houN, 2 bdf~~C:.U.. a ... a-.,. Jn ~~·old & •h'ow• Ilk• .. ~~ ...... Y.!f ~:'.~:~'· s..wo71 0( and .~pl. Al u~i pd. D:i 111· 7141770-0347. rm Eulalda divided All--.. LUii 1189,000. Lo fin. Con· aacludad home over-...................... I A,_ owner could 12000 dwn, 3 Br 1 Ba, ---------car gar. Child OK. Orlve NEWPORT CREST double cir g1rage. 8-ltlfulaxacuuva home lldaf any oflaf. 845--11841 rooking golf couraa. z a 1~ IA -~ 3 Bd':;;.2 ~·~ garage.bll-lna,nawpelnt 1'h Br. garage, yard. by: 921 Al1bama A.Gant hU 2 apacial con- t• drive, private on large prolaulonally Newport ...._ta older 2 Priced 11 $430,000. Modal cond. Covered _,, 11 ~ & ~th & root, San Dim" loca-1525/mo. Wutalda 536-1979 do•; 2 a 3 B '• · • $127,700. IMd..,.__. comer lol. 4 .... 1 .. _ • ._dbl~···,. ... -. Open Sun 12_. KatlM Pallo. ONC 111 w/15% •PP ea e ran • tlon. Aaauma 110 150 II 841.0713. Pata ok. 2 ..... ~ 2 ... ..-... .v,,.,J $1000/$1200. 845-0295 ...... lltr --...... ... .... ..... .-..,,..... H d 1• R · 1 S other 3 apartmenll for 12.... 30 1•1 d .,...m, ...., ...,,, ...,.,., W , , lerge BR. t>onua room & 50 x 117 RI lot. ar u y, ••tor. dn. 135K pp. Walle to Income. Seller '#Ill help ,.., yra •• · Eulalda, reap ldlt• pr• nr Mall. Cul-de-Sac:, ,..., te rMf 141-lllt formal dlnlngl Now ontv 1185000 780-8244 °' 75Mlfl bMdl. •r. 840-5078 lln1nee & SAVE buyer 84e-U44 farted, 2 bf, 1 ba, gar-1750 536-78&4 Newport 1ownhouae, 4 ~~~~~~~~! 1235.ooo. Celt 1ss..1501 ~1 Banta Ant ~.... mtT ms nm r..tla I thouaanoa 01 dollara1 IHI ,,,,,. age. S825tmo. 673-7544 2 bt. 2 t>a condo, 2nd "'· bdrm, 2 cat gar. s1100 l<rtllln Lana (Harbor °' 7 .... 52·7373. 548-6041 art 8 llt/S. •Y •••••••••••••••••••••• REDUCED Mlllng price ~-2Br, 18a, 1 etory, 11119, trptc, tannl1, MC. gila par mo. By Jan 111. Victoria) IHH or * MJllll* Newport Halahte older 2 Beautiful 2 Br 2.,. Ba of 1328,000 le wey BE· .. ::;ee;:"K-;.......... cpt/drpa, Piiio. trplc, l'A ml baaclll. l(lds OK. 833-5808, 780-2578 option. 2 bdrm, 2 To aall ~· Ilka-new Br 1 Ba. dbl car garage 311--cont.lo, ax..modal unit, _.LOW curr1n1 replace· Laguna Niguel houaa a dahwahr, beamed call-s 8 o o / m 0 + d a p . Lux. Big Canyon 2 bt 2 bl 2 cw garage. Fir• houMIL•k• 11(11 ..... eblodln 1111frurom11 50·x 117 RI lot. • 3 Br. Ba. lwwty con-upgr~. mlcto, lruh mant coallll Prlnclpala Rancho Cant. aerHga Inge. 2850 Elden. 1540 551-4597: 2131912•7821 condo. Pool, MC • ..:..,d-e. ancloMd patio. . "" s185,000 domlnlum, meny axlru, compaotor, mual IH. ONL VIII C111 owner at Io r Haw a II prop, eso-1198 ..- ,000. ~21 Jannalra range & (2) 411 8-tta Ana A.,.. •.Int financing avellabla, SIOO/mo Ed H4-8171 (714) 496-1078 mo. W~th row rent •':a3y .:iH~ E"6:.;~r.;on convection ovan1. Trl 548-!504! art 8 ~.lloola, parka a •• ._, __ ,_;, I 142-1111 1 _.. a. -..,.. E.utal6a 3 8'. 2~ Ba. pri-~ can own .,. • · ' • .. lfllMI• I... 15%down, uauma lat ._.._ "'1 ,_...,_ ..... -r•-1-vita pallo w/apa, lncd 11200 10 121000 pay-2 Br 1800/mo 3 Br ...a ..... OWi'* w11 catl')' b.i.nc. BEST BUY -LOWEST OPEN 1-4:30 Sit/Sun •••••••••••••••••••••• 11 .. ..f\1111 <>var1ootllng Golf CoutM. backyd, ramod. klteflan, m,nt. I 175K-$215K $950/mo Have othara . .,._ at 10%. Reduced to prleadNptC,...Plen3 2331•Pfeoa Trldaaqultylfthoma,IM 3 bdrma. large tamlly 2carg.,age.1850/mo. Mova In, take over. Fred Tenore. agt tllt ..... ..._ 1235.000. FEE. C111 3 8'trt-M 1119,500 •r. 87M333 good molorhoma •net Priced •t 1·2x'a QrOM. room, 2~ bathe. Wiii lat IMt & MC. 84&-3532. Shara appr«:latlon. Fl-531·12141 ,,.a, W 1111,111. 75e-1501°'152-7373. IMMACULATE-End unit $5000 firm. 3 8', I.,. BA, lncludH pool, tannla trade ror c ondo In nanc:tng avail. CaN Sue 11 ---------.. ••• .,1• Upgraded 38r den Plen 4 Tr• fw .... 22 x 38' pool In Waat· courta, and only 4 yra Orange County eo .. 111 f&af .. 891·55541 Newpon Shor .. 3 Br. 2 ...-. -$2IO,OOO 10% dn •r. Np1 Hgta. 2 bdrm Cape mlnatar. Bal $87,000. n1w. In Oca1nalda. Araa. l-337-5254 4 Br 2 Ba. encl. patio, Ba. n1ar baac:ll. Av111. Tom Oottlar 846-t200 Cod. 131,500 equity. $1280/mo everything. ~ mollvalad. Sub· lrplc, 2 cer gatage, No. BaauJllu~ ~ Bi' 2 .,. B1a now, lhon °'long term ~ Walker & Lee "1-.&Tll/W 2 Bdrm 2 bath Cape s.. rlal townhome, located In one of the r*-t .,.... ol c:o.ta Mela. PYtca )1111 radUcld lo $120,500 • a terrific buyl Call 842·5200 for 1ppolnt~ man110 .... 142-1211 j PETE ' BARRETI . REALTY llU ftlll •• m Baeutlful 4 Bdrm family home '9aturtng 'Pl Ind ancioMd garden room, oll the muter aulla. Completely remodeled lhrouohoul with man~ upgredaa for the ~ mlnallng buyer. Aaklng $190,000. ~or an •P· polntmant lo .... call 540-1151 41W_. HERITAGE ... REAHORS ---~ --- $192,000. Eallmatad value S 128, mlt ell offlra. ...,.,, C.M. location. $850/mo. con o, rp ee, ane . 1 a a a a . s 8 9 5 / m b . llU• WE 548 oeo, 494-0395 000. Fully Wlll>'a no -.11an ....... 0 ............. 831•1370. AM'°' Jim. g1r1ga. mlc:ro. ocean _1_eo._1_9_11 ____ _ EST iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil qutil, Prv petty 818-5517. t~•a•11 v I aw. I 8 5 0 I mo. Ed ATES-2 bd, dan, ff. ,,_. • ...... r.aJdM ~ 11111 1184-8171 AoRam_.,,lodaNld..w.i,..t condo, 2 Br & ~ bfary, Cuat SPA. FANT-OfM IHI,,,,,. 3 ..... ._ ...................... Landlord need• big tax ~ bdrm, 1 bl. $495 Incl den, comm. pool, nr ASTIC VIEWI 15e-1011, ....,.. 111111 ,---. •.1&.... •-•--~ •1 ..----.,_"Rant 1 ..... ~ Hoa~ Ho1p1t1I, $750. .......... I -1 99'W511 •••••••••••••••••••••• p 1 -... "22X ......, ..__. ti ...,.,.....,..,, 09&: , ... ~ utll 4 ...... to .......... N ,....... .......,agt, •~•-·--r c .... at •. groaa. •••••••••••••••••••••• · .,_ _,,, o Agt. 80--8333 3 8', 2 Ba. alngla story, 1441 Galaxy on.... I• W. II Managmment & 11nanc1ng calllnga, pvt patio, "'Mt home." Gourmet Kit, ptax. 213-434-8148 UIU llU iii~====·-1 -•1 ... ti% depfaclatlon avall. Cute 2Br, open beam9d bf, 3~ be, cualom pool peta. l-unit In du-•-..;;_ ______ _ and. pmtcr, dtJI qar, Qdo, 1ow1g 4 Ir. Dan, Formtll Dining •••••••••••••••••••••• avWI. Sa6aa ......._ 11.396. .__ '"~"' ~ .,. Formal dining daalgl'9t Q88 BBQ, cant. air. bfllcfl.-*F Room, 2 Flrapl1C99, 3 .... , llAll ooo. · • ..,_ · · ........ _.._ iee decor thruoui. N1tural 3 Br. Townhouaa. aharp, 2 5 ~r. 5'!1 Ba. main bay. 128K down. 11124 Pl/ 1211.111 car gariga plua large Bal Aire Home, llght Contact Jotvl SflM i-,.. .... j 1l41 roc:I( 1rp1 NciUded tnc:d etory, lrplc, 2 cer gar. 50 allp. $4400 on yr ie. Mo or $13K down, $1312 BIG CANYON-CUSTOM, Hobby Room. Pool alZ9d lntartcn, 2 bdrm. 1 bath, ••• Pl•BllU .....,.••••••••••••••••••• Vfd. vary' MIY 'move-In'. $880/mo. 839-3131. ae. 1175-0558 Pl/Mo. RE/MAX. C•ll on golf couraa. 20% dn. IOI, beaut. landac8')ed. "°"' kitchen axpendad Emerald Bay 4 .. 3 ea. nr $350 under rnarttat. Agl, 2 STAY 3 Br 2 Ba. Quiet 2 Bf. 2 Ba CONDO. 2 Cw ~~ Own r I 1 g t. Vacant, allow anytime. ~ wlll •lll•t al fl. uv. dining .; ... Young iiiiiiiiiiiliiill-iiiMMiiiiiiiiiiiiml ~Jd~:.~.'111 711. 531-8740 Chg St. Very nice anc:I yd garage near Hoag ~ Tr S1.ot5.000. nandnG. Only 1420.000. Adulta a paCa welcome --------14 Br, 2ba, lga bonu• rm, 1150/mo. Agl. 536-1435 pltll $750/mo. 840-5324 13-1181 Ot 780-1317 °'::'~~:"' 124.500. 540-5931 Ag! . ...... .............. •!r.[f IMd 1111 gar, E'alde. $950, c1fl or te0-&4a8 LIDO ISLE, 4 Br, 3 Be. ~ ....... , Hara la a wlnn1t In 1 compact package. Lov.- ty alr-cond .. 2 Bdrm 2 bath condominium In quiet lrvlna Grovea. S.. the lerge kitchen, IMng room, d•n and dining ., ... EncloMd and at- ladlad 2 car garage, at· trecttva front patio and walled garden for your prMlcy. Mt doora from pool. All thl• for 1138, 500. Cell 10 .... 142-llOI Aoblneon: ANnora Prlcld lar below ottwa ••• ••••••••••••••••• ~155 SPAC, cuatom exec. 4 Br, $1400. 222 VII Palamlo PRICE MDUCED &JI• ~ '-i.i. I ol It• kl11dl Mollva19d UPllYll 4 Bdrm 3ba, 11v rm tam 3 Ba, pool, apa, m1ny _8_7_5-_1_1_ea ____ _ '304,000 ... l .H. ~~~...-~~·~~·~1~~1 :"::::II.~.............. Miiar wttl help finance. 3 bdrm, 1~ ba. lamlly rm, r.C rm, ocean 'vt.w, a xtraa. SI 200./mo. Can11 lront, u pper 2 E-.. Owner financing. 5 = 0000 OLE BOYS Sacrifice et U08,000I rm. 2 f'nplacea. lM Mid Wiik 10 bct1 ldMI I« 3 964--0221 bdrm bolt a11p ...... 11 Bdrm, doN to ac::hoo6a, Hunt, flail, rllaa your ar. 71~24-0520 Jan lo Mid Aug 1913. aharlng. S880/mo . • t11 •••• 000 mo. 1eo-oeoe ' ' ahopplng. Open Sat/ lllAm lllW famlly In hMlthy anvl· 1800 mo. lncludea g.,-845-el50 -Sun. Agent Hedda .. llK ronmenl. 4 .18 ac:raa •-----d.,,., & clMnlng lady.---------• Vu ot ocean: 2 Br. I'~ WALK TO BEAc.1 846-1044 or 844-1742. gantty rolling lend, over. -,,_,_ .. 142,..111 $510/mo. New carpal, Ba. gu1rd gila, pool/ Clean 2 bf+ dan, 2 ba. 2 Bf'28a&~vtaw. IDoklngTollMMINV...., ••••••••:.;;r;;:i...... ,,.. drapee, 2 cer g1.r-aauna/gym. $100. trplc, patio, 2 car gar, .. _,1 ... ...... ,.uun .... Lovaty 2 Bdrm plua den home, gala guarded iuxunoua comm. Bt1ght. r.haarlul atmoaphara. Can be ftnanoad 91"1 """' you wlall w/20~ dwn .• You -.-:om. to ln-tpaet. ti 3 Aue Fom.lnl- Try S23,000 dwn. A•· Surrounded by · 11 Unlt9 EASTSIOE C.M.. age, cloaa to the plrtl, 213/333-384e, M0-7S13 comm. pool & tannla . auma lt10,000 lat T.O. ranch••· Safi or poa g 0 0 d t I n 1 n c Ing · ,__ gardener lnc:IO. ·~-•-.. 1815 IMM. INJ0.1235 at 13.50% apr, OWC trede. $22,500, Agent 1011groH. Prine. only. V ......... bech 1825 122 Center St. llYNlf ••"l'W 2nd, M119r deap«ete. 54+lt55 akr. 551-t171, VIEW. 2bd f125 ._. ..__ uz 1-• •••••••••••••••••••••• BEACON BAY: l.rg llv rm ...... ·.. .. · ... R&"M~ --------~ NrW9t• 2bd 1750 •-...-• -• _. IDTILI w/plna pnlg, corner .WA lllA OOMn Vu *3 Br. Twnhaa, nr S.C. te t Wnu, ....... Wind/It, ~ call, 1 8'. Salling anything with 1 Dally Piiot Clualtlad Ad ta a almpla matter . • . II* call 642-54178. E..ida ~ o..5% dwn, V.,..... 1 1200 Plaze. S.A. Pool. 1p1, If .... h ,1.ll. w/d, porch, gar. Prlv 2 Br, lllgtl beafn oalllnaa, Ocaen"1 3bd $1250 gar. $780/mo. w/d Ilk· --bctl, tennis ct. $550/mo yarda, QlrllJH, 1141, Udo lg 6bd $ 1800 up. 152·5822 Incl utll. 815-3331 bat 10 toO. WA T'!RFAOHT HOMES _ °' aft 4. ~~r=.•:..:ll~ 111· 1• 1s!d.T:W.,e::"'::oa ~ _N_EW_PO_RT_C_R_ES_T-.-,-Bd-, PETE BARRETI .. REALTY --J-. bleeu, S3M,OOO. Brf1WtyWooda28r2BI Own r /Llcenaaa S117.:..000 aach. Agl. ralar. lit. plua H e. 3 Ba. frl...191/, frplc. PoOI. 840-1•14, ~1 UOO ISLE. 3 bdrm, 2 be. $385/mo. 499-1811 tannla, )lie, 2 car get, wet '30,000 tu daduCltlon tot lemrm. •1100 mo. 8111 2 Br, :111nt loc:allon, kid• ~·~c~,;,= ...... + .... * lnlUll a&.* condo w/lrplc. 2 car 1':~~;;;;;;;:1~~~14CM3:~~~3:~3~~~ garage. ancs 1ota ot Oe11. t 1 Comm~• a a 1an11la. ~ m.11 Mldna $140,000. LoV91y 4 BA Pr .. ldanl &'U-11 06 MCM)312 Ho ma In the llllla or Turllarock. The back 111n11nmt UTITl-Huoe lot, ,... dOGklng, huge own« r1nano1ng, lluoe J>"C9 reduction - 1116,000 land Incl. We T~ \f)ll 10\ \I l<l ,\I f\ yard la picture perfect w/a ouatom apa you won't tHHlava. Kllchan nae new eppllincaa _ ell1llenl• you to com· owner Wiii ia... option. p8rel how anytime. TNa one ~ don'I '""t _aeo..o202 ________ 1 .... ,., ,,,. •••••••••••••••••••••• to rnMa. Prtced to ... al 20 YMr old model home 4 1295,000. Pal Adan, Br + lemlly rm + den. 1114,000. Open Houea Sel. 1·5. 309 Cedar. 840-t208"-Ganl ____ , 2.4242 8ante Ciera Ocqaoua IMl1nl. 2 bf, ~ be condo. newly dec. Reduced 1 25,000 . IN-3151 !.f!ff •....•• ; •• /.~f .am .. 19 04lt trt.lewal 4 bdrm. ,..., '8tk Ind lo c... ll'lara. Modal quellty. ::!N2H,500. 8kr. !!.!!!l?Jfl!tz.!Mf .. j JJ. Macnab Irvine I ~ , OHNITMAI GWT Ptlo9 NdUOed to I 13t, :0,...°""!: ~1J! WllH•• IQU8r9 ll'artc. Try 110, Mra. oea.t 11¥9 In tflll 000 dowft & euume ..._wood model on ., 1'6,. lntatHI. lllr. ::,::. .. ...::·..::=:: _..,,._m_1. ____ , .... tram....-. •1n1 •=• ••11.000. o .... , win I.~ OOftllder Olf'f.';' lftd •••• ••••••••'" .-.u TD. Oel --.1 11 MC~ 1 Ir Cc!Mo. Hr ...... MllM. .... flleo tao. Mall• offer. MW• -.... HlRfTAGf 11 1 /\I , <11t•, ~ : ..... LITllmT ·-... .................... lluldlO ........ ... .... ...... Md°"' ... HAUi\' 9'1M.TOR ...... Thia truly map.ificent residern- il for those who embrace relaxin2 luxury aa a way of life. Tela ho me Is completely remodeled & decorated , featuri ng imprted pavera beginninc on the front paUo & con tinuln1 into the entry & thNout the frnly rm, kitchen & breaklut area. Decora~d in Mediterranean atyle w/curved arches, rece11ed lighting & liberal uee of mirrora. The remode led 1ourmet kitchen featurn eoUd oak cabinetry. Jen·Alr Kanp, Yortucue-tu• & • breakfHt nook w/ocean view . Naturally there la a p&noramJc ocean & ni1ht view from LA to Catalina & of COW"lt pool & 1pa are encl'd ln a private courtyard. Thia fine home ta unm11takably Newport! Priced at '849,900 FD w / .. umable flnandal. 7&9-1801 or 702-7373. n=.-::: ..... ,., (1M) Jll•ml 1M2. 2 dtx duplexae 3bt. Grund)', Attr. l1Mll1 OK, 111 moa • .-.nt a• 1875. 845-9830 1~ .... 4 1'9 o6d + I ~· $525. 963-7800 Of ~ 11Fou11u•. e:!l.. c000.M. ~!!!!.~.. 845-5135 e-860() mlTUll .. llN --prlca-. · ....,., Ila Ull UY laaH/opt1011. Cuetom owe saoo.ooo TD at •••••••••••••••••••••• twnhoma, 3 bf, 2~ be, 11'4.~. Income S '38, &.uxury Townhouaa on tam rm, din r~, dbl ::-.:~~~·by Dae IOIS Felt RENT ~z3~J.:: ~snc.ts1t1ME t'l'll.~:i. 521 -~t~ .... ......... *IAVINE• No~t5"4i.~ WOOOBAIOOENo. tWlld ~551 •448 1 ava & ::."r'~:y~x~ ~'e~ 1150 ~Br. 3 _!'~·= ~t.~ =·1y3 ,:·m~ Big Cyn oondo on golf l215K.-. a:se MOO •HUHT. BEACH* • PfY ,... • W..,_ dryw Nr Aaa'n courM. 3bt, ~'!Iba, big ,__._ .___ •-L. •700 2 bike S C Plaza. ~ PoOI .p., ..,;,..· AYllll kll., aec. geta, lannla, -- - 851·"90 t211'. 1945 mo, 495-3011' pool, lt200. 4~1 ••••••••••••••••••••• .. .... •GARDEN GROVE• 2 Bt. anded prage, car-Univ Pertt 3 If 2'A ... 2 BAYFRONT -Bal Panln, loned oommunlty 1100 pate, dr1pu. 113 w. cer' gar 1t50 a.I 1 quiet. a.. no doc*, no ,.,1 11 ....,. com-W 111 on. No P a ta. leaH 1•84 •. 844:·122'1' pa ta . I 2 O O O mo . == -~·~ •ANAHEIM• 1525/mo. 831-4189 54t-8156 .. o. _8_1_&-_7_8_13 ____ _ :'.~eo~ o= 1100 Ele!':n!.'97~.bt~r~~o; a ~a:=-~ w~i' N:.,c:,t 1~. Br. ptua fr, 811-1170.~12 •CHILDREN* unfum.~1129 ;·:;·oenr~;'.""i110 : MMIOlaoent I ~nl>l I I()\ \I 1~1 \I l ~ *PUS Of<* l.ll·adl. 2 bd, I ba Ou-162~2te. 21S/M7-487 r:t·5~~do ';'91":' r.e Aedao Hr. 21a, lrplc, eio ~:'°~bdrm IH'MI llYll1llllTI lento Tomea 842-tW ;~~~':mo. Moftaco Townllome bt-adl, 3 bd, 1 be+ Fmty .......... _ ,_~ ........... overtoolllng i.e l lllr• ""' Ll9I O.Cadlad Gar -·-· ....._, "'""'F wayt. Totelly cf\ermlng wliJl.t acoaae. M28. No :::J.!•,:•~aolle: et '2200 mo. . ...... -(Jmz1Jll Pata. 2 1 2 L 11 I I an, Ir & den.~... IAIT8LU"': \Ill .. Ora· ._. • w.-. mlltntlftlMI ,,.. yrd. ....., ....,. S bdrm, •• 1.m .. •••••••·~·"'•'l~!!!!!!~!!l!!!!!!!!!!!~ll.llcle "9.,... I Ir I a.. &.alle, poola, teftnl1. •~ be. C1nyon view. • - -~ DIW, ~· no 110001mo. 118·H11. ,_.a,,_ 11000 mo. --.-.. , .... _ ......... .-111-1111 -- :.. per =t:r.J Ir. PP~.}!» l..llcle 4 Ir I a..11no. ~. THI 8'fll1NGI, 1 bdrm l"VINI, flleftcllo :•n fi .,._ Cllenv Ylltr t Ir ...... Jii r e I I • I 1 I 0 I m o , condo. ftool, lie. runn1na =::~·.v:~.,:: HMOftt. A1ent'. -.aiiiii -.w 111.-.0, w-.. ....... tl00' •• M010" ..... to .-arll lall• & ,. ·-- 1 • --.a·?" I ........... i Ir ..... GMINTMI ••• I ... fOOtlllftl. ,,..._ ""''· ' newtr cleooftt94f, "'" trplo, lndry ""..r. oomm ,...,..,... roed! -"'°' ~·1""9o.,..._ pOol llOv / mo . .., ..... •·°"---w-.... --..,-.-1-... --.,.-• ~...,.. wan.. ..,.-.. 111 ... 111 ! ... n am Cleft. CIHCI ftOllfl,or. •M Atit· Oral .... adWll ....... . ...... Cflllctree OK ....... Ir.,. ......................... _. ..... , refttal M.V. '100lfNt11-41W.A .... 111111110. I••· Joyee ........ __.,,II_.. """-IMl-Me. Doo IO Wiiiie. agt •M-Incl, ..... __,111 . ~. tn-mti ,._,_, -- • •DMK>M 10 Aue Vert• (Ila Canyon) N.B. 7to-82 .. /769-tet6 Sun 12-4 3 Rue Font.tneblMU <Bo Cyn) N.B. 759·9100 $386,000 Sun 1-5 512 Redlenda (Npt Hgte) N.B. 760·8333 S199,500 Sun 1·5 2 ... plue 'AM RM or DI N 3491 Queens (Wlmbldn) C.M. 84~303 $187,500 Sun 1-4 *19 Curl Or. (Jumlne Crk)vu, CdM 640·1515/1·72S.5151 Sat/Sun 12-4 * # 1 Pendor a (lrvlne Grove•) Irv. 842-5200 $138,500 Sun 1-4 3 RDROOM 14 11 Klnga Rd (Clltfhaven) NB 642-5200 S526,000-tee 2119 Vlata Laredo (Bluff•) NB 631 -1400 $230,000 •3134 Cork (Helecrett) C.M. 979-2390 s 129,900 1 Queen'• Reef (Univ Pk) Irvine Sun 1-5 Sun 1-4 Sun 2-5 552-7500 $155,000 Sun 12-4 2819 Way Ln. (China Cove), CdM 759·9100 $379,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1863 Breemar Way, Newport Beach 759-9100 $349,900 Sun 1-5 1543 Serenade Terr. (Irv. T«r.) CdM 8«·4910 $320,000-Fee Sal/Sun 1-5 1 t Rue Verte (Big Canyon) N.B. 644-4910 $465,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-S. 2338 Rutgers, Costa Meaa 546-3375 $132,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 2108 Yacht Mlachlef, CdM 720-0858 $375,000 Sun 11-4 3 Woodland, Woodbridge, lrvlne 644·6200 $156,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 233 18th Place, Newport Helghtt 8«-6200 $155,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 113 Via Ravenne, Lido lale, N.B. 673-7300 $349,500 Sun 10· 12 322 23rd St. (E/Slde) Costa Mesa 548-2313 $213,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 278 Virginia, Cost• Mesa 546-2313 $135,000 2516 Elden, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $237,500 616 VI• Lido Soud, Udo Isle, NB Sun 12-4 Sun 12-4 673-7300 $387,592 Sun 2-4 1824 Port Stirling, Newport Beach 546--2313 Sun 1-4 3 8R plue FAM RM or DEN *9431 Gateshead, Hunt. Bch 963-6767 $324,000 Sun 1-4 1654 Samar Pl (Mesa Verde) CM 549·1366 $146,000 Sun 1-4 2001 Yacht Reaolute (Seavu) NB 760-8333 $425.000 Sun 1-5 1717 Clltt Or., Newport Beach 979-2390 $425,000 Sun 2·5 5 Jasmine Creek (Jaamn Ck) CdM 552-2000 $450,000 Sun 1-4 * 1967 lrvlne Ave. (E/Slde) CM 631-8011 $158,000 Sun 1-4 452 Broadway (E~tlJde) CM 631-8011 $185,000 Sun 1·5 8 Valley View, Turtlerock, Irv. 552-2000 $305,000 Sun 1-5 1607 Comw .. I (Westcttff) NB 642-5200 $289,500 Sun 1-5 DIRECTORY ••• , Hilt _., 41rectwy WtMI t• !Mt ........... et , .... llMM......._. •• MM t.cetl•t flt .. d ...... en •MrillH I.. ...... ff •tell y •ttttW.. elffwlltn Iii te•y't 0 4'&.'f "LOT WANT 40S. ,.tr.,., thewlMf.,... llMNt fw ••le w ,..... -wp4 te l tl tMll ....__,._ IA ltllt c.i.-Heh SetwMr eAd$ ..... y, * 1472 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shre, NB 642-2510 $695,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1·5 * * 1044 Polar la Or, Dover Shra, NB 831-7300 $395,000 Sun 1·4:30 * 1724 TMrapln Way, Baycreat, NB 631-7300 $350,000 Sun 1·4:30 * * 1036 Polarl• Dr. (Dov Shra) NB 759·9100 $899,000 Sun 1-4 711 K· Thanga, Irvine Terr., NB 631-7300 $460,000 Sun 1-4:30 1218 Key West (Harbor vu Hiiia) CdM 644·4910 S299,500-LH Sun 1·5 2674 Redlands (Back Bay), C.M . 497·17<44 $145,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 15 Carmel Bay, Spyglass. CdM 644-9060 1595,000 Sun 1-4 214 Amethyst, Balboa Island 644·9060 $449,000 Sun 1-4 34 Sliver Crescent (Trtlrk) Irv 760-8333 $280,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1215 Mariners Or. 3·F, Newport Bch 644-6200 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2307 Falrhlll, Back Bay, N.B. 644-6200 $215,000 Fee Sat/Sun 11-5 101 Via G~oa, Lido lale, N.B. 673-7300 $895,000 Sun 1-4:30 *204 Via Eboll, Lido lale, N.B. 673-7300 $525,000 2120 Aater, Coate Meta 546-2313 $189,000 * 1130 Pembroke, Newport Beach Sun 1-4 Sun 1-4 546-2313 $245,000 Sun 1-<4 4 BEDROOM 114 Ruby, Balboa Island 631-1400 $425,000 Sun 12-4 * 162 1 Orchid, Santa Ana Hghts 979·2390 $162,500 Sun 1-5 8 Rue Vlllars (Big Cyn) NB 631-1266 $700,000 Sun 1-5 1779 Ha~ll (Mesa Verde No) CM 979·23lJO $169,900 Sun 1-4 24891 La Vida, Laguna Nlguel 494-855 1 **503 W. Edgewater(Bal.Penln)NB 64._9060 $1,275,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 760 Via Lido Soud (Lido), NB 675-6670 $525,000 Sun 1-5 434 Begonia, Corona del Mar 644-721 1 $550,000 Sun 1-5 14 Morro Bay, Corona del Mar 780-8333 S595,000 S11n 1-5 4 BR plu• FAM RM or DEN 4 Vienna, Harbor Ridge, CdM 752-1414 $525,000 Sun 1-4 2706 Lighthouse (HVHla) CdM 675-6000 $429.000 320 Seaward (Shoreclls) CdM Surl t-4 831· 1400 $395,000 Sun 1-5 2048 Port Weybrldge(Hrbr Vu Hms)NB 780·8333 $359,500 Sun 1-5 468 OeSola Terrace. CdM 675-5930 $375,000·fee Sun 1-4 510 Aliso, Newport Beach 631-1266 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1118 Somerset Ln., Westclltt, NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sun 1-4:30 * 14 Burning Tree Rd. (Big Cyn) NB 644-<4910 $695,000-Fee Sun 1·5 210 Via San Remo, Lido Isle, N.B. 675-3048/673-2556 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2425 22nd St.. Newpor1 Beach 780-1900 $600,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 19121 Biddle Street, Irvine 760· 1900 $199,000 SatlSun 1-5 1511 Kings Rd. (Clltthaven) NB 631-1400 $550,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 213 Diamond Ave. (Balboa Island) NB 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1.5 •5 Colonlal, Northwood, Irvine 631-7300 $230,000 Sun 1-4:30 ii 14 Point Loma. Spyglass, CdM 673-4400 $723,400 Sun 1-4 633 Bayside Or, Prom. Bay, N.B. 644-9060 S 1, 100,000 Sun 1-5 2609 Lighthouse Ln, HV Hiiis, CdM 644-9060 Sun 1-5 4901 Basswood, Univ. Park. Irvine 644-9060 $235,900 Sun 1·4 *1715 Galatea Terr.(lrv.Terr)CdM 644-9060 $435.000 Sun 1-5 1840 Tradewlnds Ln, Baycrest. NB ~4-90$) $349,500 Sun 1-4 *407 Mendoza Terr, CdM 780-1817 $1,250,000 40 Royal St. George (Big Cyn) NB Sun 12-5 644-6200 $3,000/mo. Sa/Sun 1-5 4 Narbonne. Harbor Rldg~CdM .. 644-6200 $1,695,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 2965 Maul Pl., Costa Mesa 546-2313 $229,500 1152 Krngston. Cotta Mesa 546-2313 $215,000 Sun 1-4 Sun 12-4 932 Coronado, Mesa del Mar, CM 631-7370 $142,900 · Sun 1-4:30 222 Via Palermo, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $367,000 Sun 12-2 *4626 Roxbury, Cemeo Shra, CdM 835-4242 $670,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-4 1441 Galaxy Or. (Dover Shores) NB 546-5647 $420.000 Sa/Sn 12:30-4:30 43 Cambria. lpyg1 .... CdM M0-1112 N76,000 Sun 1..a 201 L.arkepur/Oceln Bl .. CdM 131-1400 t 1,876,000 Sat/Sun 1·6 I U DROOM •708 VI• Lido NOfd, Lido .... NB 875·\181 11.500.000 Sun 1·6 1204 Avt. Bu~a Sutttt, San Clem. 759·9100 S806.000 Sat/Sun 12,.. 2912 Carob, Eaatbluff, N.B . &44·1742 1304,000 Set/Sun 1·5 5 U plYt FAM RM Of M N •8 Oakmont (Big Cenyon) NB 673-7761 $1,095,000 Sun 12·3 46 Rldgellne (Herbr Ridge) 644·6200 S775,000 Sun 1·5 1607 Caatte Cove (Spyglaaa Ridge) 644·6200 S640,000·F.. Sun 12·3 *7 Muir Beach Cr. (Spyglau) CdM 640-6259 $1.995,000 Sun 1·5 14941 Rancho Cir., Irvine 979.5370 $145,000 2531 Bunya (Eaalbluff) NB 675·6000 $260,000 I BEDROOM 233 Via Genoa. Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $575,000 Sun 1·4 Sun 1~4 Sun 1·4 I ... plue FAM RM or DEN 41 Goleta, SpyglUI, CdM 644-6200 $890.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM *~00 Cagney Ln # 107 Veraallles, N.B. 673-7300 $114,000 Sun 1-4 2 BEDROOM 1031 Bayside Cove Eaat. N.B. 640-5390 $675,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 •8 Lucerne (Hrbr Rdge) Newport Sch 759-9100 $450,000 Sun 1-4:30 * **24242 Santa Clara, Dana Pt. 893-3151 Sun 12-5 3 BEDROOM 2286 Pacific (#M), Costa Mesa 645-0303 $119,000 Sun 11-4 4 BR plue FAM RM or DEN SO 1 Cane ha (Bluffs) N.B. 644-8011 $290,000 Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 3 BR plue 2 BR 423 CarnaUon. Old CdM 675-8370 Sat/Sun 1·5 6111 Seashore, Newport Beacn 645-0303 $450,000 Sun 2-4 3 BRplue3BR 416/416'.h Carnation. CdM 63 1-1400 $589,000 Set/Sun 1-5 5 BR ptue a BR 509 Acacia (Oceanside of Hwy) CdM 645-7048 $440,0007 Sat/Sun 1-5 * Pool ** Waterfront * * * Watertront & Pool B••111 U•l•r•idli _...,,.._,, hnld'4 _. .. .,.,,.,, lmnllAH ~all A11.111laHt1 A,,,,_,.,, A 1 1 A t I A •••••••••••••••••••••• -:r:-:."::~ ••••••••••••• -:T;-;."::............... ll.iu.JIA'4 -. Uatu.11 ~I .,. ' ~I .,. ' ~,,.,.,, A,.,1 ••• ,, .___, ...,, 11f• C.,. .... 1114 .___. J.Kt 3111 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ~'!!~!!'!~~.'!. .....••••••••••••• ~~••••••• V•l•t•i••!!... ••••• U•f.,•ldli U•l•n idH D•l•ui1•H • .-• ....-.;.............. •••••••••••••••••••••• •• -• .r.;; ••••• ••••••••• W"-' /WU Jiii C.. Iii Jll f C #l ••1 • • • • • ••• •• • • • ••• ••• •.. •• • • • •• • • • •• • • • • • •••••••••••• • •... •• •• • ••••• • ••• •• • ••• •••••• Sup« .,.a.I 2 bf, 2'h ba ..... • •• OCEANFRONT Ohl 2-4 Br .••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~ ••• ~..... "'' ,., -4 "''' ,., -~4 C..11 .... U l f C..11 .... 3114 . condo, loft-type den w/ --By week or month. Yeerly -2 Bdrm. 1 bl • •••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• H"•l1a1toa wet bar, lrplc, open ALL UTILITIES PAID 873-7873 fireplace. 2 cet ptlfklng. 2 Br, WHltlde Coit• Large 1 Br nHr 1hop1, Lovely 2 Br lwnhH on 2 bdrm, 1 bl, patio. WID ltit• ,140 beamed celllng1 meny ~ $800/mo 1175-i797 me..,_-ny M .. e. Carport I pool. pool, 111 uUl1 ~· 1884 E.llde, nu crptlldrepea. l'IOOk up. 485 Plumer St. ••••• •••• •••• • •••••••• • x tr 11. S 8 9 51m0 . Compere before you On th• beach hotel 1 · • .._.,. No ~tt: 1415tmo. Catr Montovra. 548-0339. frptc-, paUo & trg eun-s 4 8 5 . 5 4 4 . 5 9 3 9 , CL08E TO BEACH e.41-7452 Of IJ.41•2880 renl. Cuetom design f~-room ept. kltchene11• & Sml eottage. 2 Br 1 Be, APlllMfi 833-8533 , deck, ger. S525/mo. 11t, &46-H78 Unique beet\. w/loft and -------· _1 turee .. Pool, bbq, covrd beth, furnished $250 & frpl. no gar. S700/mo BeeuUfully 1end1ceped S485/mo. 2 Br. 1!1• Ba. le1t & dep No pell 1rp1 11011t and relrtg All Spec. 3 br, 2'A bl very gerage, turroundedwlth up+ dap. 2308 W. 1nc1.uUl.Ag1.873-40e2 gerdenaptt.Pool&Spe. lllTllT II upper unit, •II bll·ln1, &46-~20 · · Lrg 2 B<I. BMm c.lllngt. udt pd S450/ · 0 c:tMn twnhM, pool, Jog-plu1h tend1c1ptng. No O c •an front, N . B. Pellot/deckl. No peta. 2 Br, H~ Be lwnhie. ctrport, lndry rm, b1I-loll ol wood thruoul, 536-7979 · m · gtng, etc. $800/mo. Agl petl. 873-4154. ..,... t Bdrm 1475 cony. *MESA VERDE 2 Br. 1 serv btr. $480. 2256 --------544-1~ 1 BR. Furn. $515 -l t•l•t.JI 31f1 2250 Vanguerd540.11828 ~eurpollt~~~'ar,ll~u1~3,;,rc: 527 w. WlllOll Ba. Newly decor. 1495. Meple. 873-8803 or WALK TO BEACH: Be- 2 B N 385 w. Wlleon &42-1971 •••••••••••••••••••••• T1l .... Ml-1111 No pet1. 833-8974. 548·7356 chelor, atove & retrtg ell r. cottege, ewporl Spadous sl""lt. ont 2 er. 2 Ba. yrty. Malure. ___ Small •I K. Ft p. ulll1 peld. $360/,;,o. Helghl1, lrpk:, redwood 1390 AttrllCtJYe Fi.umlehed & two bed~oom non emkr1, no pel1. S800 Bache4ora 1410 S825-te35/mo. Ea1talde BacMIOf BHll•.llH 536-7979 deck•. brick walka, epl. LMge pa1lo1 gerage. +dee>'•. 2131 799-4195 1 Bd 1485 2817. 2543. Beamed ceillng, French Wcalfield ...,, 3144 --------wooded. ger. $760/mo. Meture, quiet No lhar· apartments. 257 ·9792 or (7 u l 131rE. 18th. &46-68 18 2543 ,0renge Aw. doora to privet• pt1lo. ••••••••••••••••••••••WALK TO BEACH 1 Br Avell 1-1-83. 845-e825 Inga. No pell. 2234·B 873-39118 181 E. 18th. &42-0856 2314 Sent• Ana Aw. lerge kltenen a tun balh. APlllmfi u.... "" w/be!cony. Stow & ~ Rulgere Dr. Cott• Meal. ... [I;,-1 I IR Call fOf eppl •u-•t J•ft 2nd. '""80/mo, Beautltul "•rden •Pl• 0 frig. "25/mo . ... a--11 1n1 213/4S4-5104. IJ • !. a.ytront, prtv bMch. 1500 1U. Ill.... TSl =· M;, .. pet;'.'752.2~ Petro.tdecke. Spe, hMl AL ~~L~:el.ACE 536-7979 H •• 11 • 1 ·-~·=:·.~··3·~ .. ,., ftLU11 I I II :.! ~Rs~1=· ~ Newly decor. OH pd, 842•1 urn peld, Quiel, Adull•. paid. No pell. ..,.,.,.. •HomeyfM 1 & 2 er 3 bd. 2 ti.. ~. i.un--...,_, .._ "' Beeutltut Landeceped 1 1 r. pie M 11no·1e. • • encl ger, dwahr, pool, wanJll YILUll Piiio. $300/mo Avail Jen ~=::~~Ba. i585 •Poollepa/bbq ::L:._ecll'e. ldeel fOt 2-3 ~~~~~~r:•s2~or;;r;:~~ Gu, w•t• peld. Petloe, ' ef3.21e2 bbq. no pe11. &42-5073. Bechetor & 2 Br ept1 1. ~-ee&e 398 w. Wll9on 831-5583 •5 M:f9I of bMutltlltty M76. IM0-1129 213/44~2928 pool, )ecuul. aeuna. I-FUINISffED or 2 Br 1 Ba. Privet• eun-Nft9r 2 BA 2 Ba, '475. avell. Poot, 9')a. leund ~ieaped iurround 2 bdrm, 1'A ba 1wnhH --------1 nta cour11, volleyb1ll UNFUINISffED decJI. NewP«1 BNch _ No ~et1. 780-1418 or rm. No pet1. lmrned Oc.-ft.LA 111111 &1-tde. 2 bd, 1 bl Du-:N; FfWYI 1 lhopplng $416 + S376 dep. Nr. 1 court1, rec room. Jr. 1 All UTIU. TIES bloctl to beech a bey, &42-752t evt/wnds. cup ... ......_.... •"75. 2 Br 2 Ba. family com m· Cll'd gar, Pm ft •Out.I area Beach Blvd et McFed-. ~ IM J... Br. furnlthed '430. quiet quellly nel~hbor L 4/ I 2 B 1B .....,_,.,.,. plex.' dlltTwMher I di.: 9t5•TNO Pets. es No ....... "-_... den. Quiet, o6der penon "'-~... •-• Cell 557.0075 PAIO HEALTH • rg p ex r. •. 2 Br $526 potel, enct1d "•r•x.· san o omee. 142~ • ,.......; .... n *"-prefd, no pet-. et~ 'J -••1• • · hood on Balboll enln-d1hwr. Wl alde. Avell ....,5 w· 1-... ·5 • lll11) Mll··IMI 1• •AVAIWLE.NOW~i495• •;:r-CLUBS.TENNIS _,..Point,~ Of 12 1 11 . $490/mo. '""'rsL-I t. ut1t1pald.$530fmo. 2 Bd, 1 Ba. ger, pool. ebet~Cr HB 2 Bdrm, 1be,1450, tmmKUlll• 2 bd condo, 11~• SWIMMING plus unfum. 834-1v••· 845--le25 &4S-8f22 S300 depoelt. 2324 Eld• Chlld OK. No peta. Btwn S6eterlWWner 111/IHt & d•:· 7794 '"' en, 541-4147 -$550/mo. 1399 A Bal!tf'. ....____ -I" ........ · ., ell extru, pool, 2 kid• •••••••••••••••••••••• much mort! Sony, 3 bdrm. 2 be, Frpl. Lrg Large 3 Br. 2 Ba. Town-8 , 141-07113' off Beectl ._.._... ~' ,,.... t OK, no doge, 831-9303 fll lllllft m 0•, $785/mo houM In i.t complex. ·PKIOUI 2 Br. 1 ~ Bl Deluxe 2 Bdrm, bit In, $446 2 B 2 B I Of 240-e01f BMu1ffu1 a pert! like with "° ~1uM9odtls6 87~2018 Of 875-7810 terge pool~ gerden Ml· TownhouM wlfrplc, El dawtlr, bbq, Jecual on 1 Br, evell now. Weter I etft "11117111 ·-• pectc)1 k~ OK. No';::.: "'·"-~ ••• !.'M l .... opUon, 3000 t.I., galed ., .. , tennla cna, oeean vu, Medlt. 1tyt., $2000/mo. 561-8215 C.mle•u1 llmnllffl 1411 •••••••••••••••••••••• Nr. So. Cout Plan. 8herp 3Br 1'h be, pool end JacuzzJ, 2 car ger, patio. M25/mo. Kid• & pell ok. 551-e 147 VILLA BALBOA, CONDO, 1 Br""" bdlden, 1'A Ba. tri*. dee*. OoMn Yl9w. ttrreoed pool. Optft -T to . * • * Gr•t toe bech 1 tint . te78. u~-3381 , alcle. No '*8 1 cet gar, b If w vu S 4 9 6 mo hOt weter tum. No pet1. 1 ac. i & 1 2 br. to..,.y 146-teee, M0-74'4 :~;: Oakwood P•llo on bay. S2H Inc 87 5949· =-~~~-Sierra 826-5147 ~~~:e~~ MIHton :.~:.en~~·:~~: 1 Br. refrlg, but11-1n1, • G ... _ utl. No kltdl. 873-1943 1 br, retrtg, ltOYe. lndty. __ --llT 2 Br 1 Ba, CfPt.1..drepee, toe rec ., .. Incl. gym, drepH & carpel. No •CoY«ed Parlllng •vat A~ 2 Br 1 BL Illa ft..... °" Pet• con•. '395. 1920 ~ ~ . •tove a O/W .,.1s1mo. 3 Br, $475. 1'h Ba pool & ..,._ 846-1591 P9Ca. M0-2'75 •Dining Ar.. -· u .,_.... Wllllece 140-eC>2f Litle rMI, toe 1 br 9911, 558-9660. 118 Shallmer. 2 Br, 1425. 1 Ba •Weltt. Jn Clotet1 N«wport lddl/No. b I O C k t o b • • c h . . trptc, dw, ger, .. 75/up. A. Pool, No pell 541-95541 MADDOX APTS: 1 a 2 br. UllW flLW •Home Ilk• Kitchen• 880 lrvlnt Attt. HOO/mo. 111. a· IHI. 2 Br. 1 Ba. 571 W. Joenn. Petlo or betcony. Pool & Nice, quiet eunoundlnge.:1 To•nhoUHI for rent 1 blk 10 Huntlnglon (1tl6th) Me-5743 Upt1el11. No pet1 . ..,..Nopell.295 Hane. 2 Br,.-.,lnt locellon. kid• NEW CONDO 1Br.1 Ba. S450-S650. 842-87(1, D.euxer.tur..3Br 2.,\ Center, treneportlllon l ' . 6'"5 110'" S2t5 nice bactlelor rff 1425/mo. Sierr• Mgmt. ,._ Plnel 5' 9-2«7 OK, 111 mot. rent & de--2 deckt. l rptc, micro-Bet 9-5. Ba. S700/ Cell A ..... lrwyt ,. • ,. • • M1·1324 poelt S525. 1183-7800 Of wave, pool & •P•· rno. _, .:...-• --pon1lbt• peraon, uUla $315: 1 er. refrtg p•tlo. 845-5735 M75/mo. Av111 Feb 1. Lg• 28r wfger. Super! 7 14 11 4 7 • 3 I 5 7 or ••-•-r-, Newport leM:ll/So. ~.no pel•. 1oe E. Bay 2Br upe1elr1, quiet, encl no pett, tdulti pref. Hl-2859 clean, oloH to bch. 7141841-3725. 1 Bdrm From $515 1700 l6th Sl AYI. Apt 9. gar. no doge. 1110 Vic-731·0 11th St, eJ ~7787 2 Br. 1 Ba. Eallllde Up• &05/mo 984-4888,lWent Ad Help? TownhN unfufn (It Dov«) C... Ml,,,, ,,.. tort a . f 4 9 5 /mo . per, nHr 1chool1. No •1111'1 tl.Ull 636-7330 _ 142 M]I I.A QUINTA H~== 642·5113 : ................... ~~ 831-el12 aft 10. 1d'J'.,;, ':11:· ::'I =r ~~in:o.;;~~a:ad1. BeeuUtul/lal~ • ITIPI Tl .... 2B 1Ba dowMt.,,_ tncd . • • . GM. "1er peld. PetlOI, 1~1~ ~ ~ :* 1.erge 3 • 3 a. ~· 1 gar9g1. tsod rno. P•kli pell~, eect get•. w .. tetd• 2 Br. 11ov1 a poor. l•cuut, HunH, Ken nebunkport? otEdlngef • .. ,.~; 2Br 29•. •1es>• 10 befl, 1men111e1." srn10."Cf.7i '164-0IM ~:.~ .. ~; ~= Ycf:a ....,.. ~ deoOfated. tennll oour1•. ~ Isn't that the horse that won .... I ~ 8 rno. on YffY IM. OOtoctly 173-7975 GrlNCIL 179-19 i 1 No pet1. "50/mo. Weier court1, rec: room. ~ Br * $360/mo. up . ...., -1 1160 mo. e50-7t3& -eYee El !Mde. chMrY a BR 2 Ba, • p •Id . Ind r y t. c . untum. 1 Ba. 152S. Cell The Triple Crown In '72? & 2 Br. unfurn & lurn.1 1 BR '375 mo blk t 2 Br .. trplc, 1tov", b•I-patio, 2 11y. carport. 1 ldnn, 1 be, pool. teun-14e-4312. _55_7_.00_7_& _____ 1 pool epa. 18"2 Flot1de. • / ·N do cony,"'-· no pet1. S700 M76 mo. l40-09t7 dry, 1dult1, no pel1. ;--,,.= f"V'"'\ ~ ~=.. .,. '42-2'34,&42-3172 =!'d~~.j11j'~1m.•dtt tncld• etec. 322 Hello· ....... _ UH. 133-7190 or L~r;._!!!· caocrpect, C....., Jal v---J 1\...1 './"'-.:..J -l iiiialiiiill .. · · trope 875-t024 Open -..-Me-UM7 ~.....-. -......... rw ••••••••••••••••••0 •• If you're not tur• who (or what) lftRHID IPTI &42·!5002 . 12_. · · 781 w. '""· No pela. $560/mo t bdrm apt. Cpllng, Kennet>onlcport wet, don't,... bed _ yOU're 1•i:•d·~····~·;;cr& 1 ~IR, pool, epa, 2 bdrm. near bHch. ...,._ trom "-beech. 2 Br. 1 le. upper In 111-781-3ele drape9, ell uut except not llone. Kennet»unkport le one of 14 Sec .• undergrnd gar. SISO/mo. 845-2315. ... Of 890 no -tum all.ii Newly fUm Perking ...... oo.M, bey PaYtllon LUXURY 2 BA. 28A. .. erldld gereoe. No ..... ca.. no pell. Pts ~r .... -mo. 149 Jl· 1~~-.• 2 1 a -e i 7. a'. 5 city light YW. Lge 2 llA. M.,.,.. pulntlfl toP pelt. 2271 Pomona, IYAI. .. lftO. &47-2874 d11Unct1"91y dlfterenl .-rlmerll ltoorp4an• al . Ceneda. M1·1247 21~ ' 2 la. greel old CdM toe., Oeoonllor.... 1475/mo. 161·2175 Large 1 Ir. refrlge, .___._ • ........,. ~ I s...tnd Vlllege In Huntington Beach 1 Cf, HB $1400 mo. I••••· Plulfl w/w ~ range, laundry, pool, -· ..,_ -'" Seewlnd Vlnege 19•r-'tof101-lly ........ ,. lmllW 8'wn .....,/W.,. 1 Br ocHnfront =· ~1 W.. In ao.ca 2 Ir •/gar, up1t1tr1. oerpor 1, No pell kit. Ulllt pd. 1250. peraonaNnd Pfofeaalonel planning. The kind :'r.T•••••••••••••••••• off IMdl wtnter montha orttt . Nice 2 BR 2 Ba ,__...,. Pmele pdol "1."'""°· No '*8. Aefl S426/mo. 131 w. 191h .... ,,., .,.. 1271 of attention you ~. A perlect b6lnd of ~JflP.!. ••• l!!f 1""" l1H lfS.1901, Sendy, egt. _,. wlfplo, ~Petio QoutmM KltCMll req d. ':a-a~ II . ....o4t2 e..eMle CUii 1 IMlrfft -. netUN end IMnO -nafled In • fONel wtttt 2 Br 1 1e, trpt eg1 oerllOI •••••••••••••••••••••• 8ciec. beat*« u bettl and ger. A,,.. now. ere-Carpott w/llonga 2 BR dUPU w/encl .., .,..._ lmal Y9fd. '3H. babbllna bfootl• Ind ql.ltet ponds, cooled by $IOOlrno tncit. utrt. AOt ,orengetrff 2 Br 1 B•, lllodl "°"' ~ AwM'. dlt Nit 1 """'· No pete. ap., outdOOf l8Q F1ru;t-. pool, dWlw..n-Redec., ~ nelgtllbof: No,..._ .... 1111. natural OCMn breene Add to that 1ennt1 e1S-4082 tower unit on weter, '300/mo yrty. 212.30i11 t72& mo. Cell 115-2311. ~ •· P'll petlo. JC tro gard-h 0 0 d, • 4 ta. c 1t1 2 "•I le. c..-,.. IO courta, ewtmmlng pool .. • ..,e end • ...., tll01MO.EV9155t.eee1 St.l1W20e btwnV-5 '680/mo ........_ art.21r.NI0.567·2M1. 588-IOOi PIH•, ..,111 Jan 1. c:on~ltocatlonneetthoppltlQend ._ 1111 ,. ~m i-.-..,. n44 • ....,. THE sHoRu-eucH WILLI •••n• rH1llYIUE21r .,,.. , bedfOOm 2 .,.,......., ... ""°. 111-3tt1 ~ ~oJ;':.'t:r:.~:!"yone •• :-=t::m: ••••• T•••• fmH;'••••••••••••••• ~~-fl AMA lpMIOul I llde Apia Of1*./drpa, .,.....,., tnod =lira no ~·-1471 HOl.tDA't llllCIA( 1<---.. .... -1) One and two llecltoom ..-Smll 1 BR _, new ..-Liouy llUdlO, frM H80, TWO MO. FAD MNT. Ind --0.. dttlWfw 1· yd • petto, waler pd 1-....... , -1 Ir -.,._ ............... _ • ...... ...._ Mn"'""' ""'"' phone, meld tefV, ape, •••••• • •••••••••••• Come a ... our ~ --~·;;.t -No H it "D" lent• An• c:r:y ·-::::.::' .;..:' ..... ..._ Ind two be"'~"*"" from IMO _,....., • tllOWll 4..,.aC>15 L,._ ~ 1"' Mor8*1~ t &2 .,........,, -· "-Av e 1&10 Cell -"""'' ""· .,..=, ~ md "t.IOM . ~mn'T.·••••••• lktrm -'680 & NH l)et9, 1--.'.4110 . 11111111 pd, ..,. fl1I. loo, no ---2., 1 ... tum no 11tl1GHT&IOUNO .. ,,_,. .,..... · Allllllelul · -· ---:,•••·A v e l l n ow . a~,... ve.i1y1110 moi>ul!:: M11A11t,trp1c.ger L,... .... ,.,..,,s .1ory ::t~:rn11.c .. 1<111n Cl!rl9trwD11oaun1t 11·u-11n .... , .... 1~.;..•.,..-&411 _ __,...._.....,...._-1 ~~~nHunt VUllll' 11111 pd, No•· atepe""TO ~~:..mo· deluxe trg. ~frplo, ,,._ ... 2 .... A 2 Ir, t peraon=O llllrmll 11R., 1M • "°ii•~= t 1n1n10. I Ir, I l e. ~ belldl. 17f.IOel. .......... l1IOO mo. 17 7 --· bdnn, • -US--2 Ir. 2 pereona 2 Ir. ' la -....ry rm, '°"' """..... 90Wl1U .. 1 trplo, ..... &-. ., ._ .lf'.ll Oo•offo.il 2 Ir I" trpt, BAYFROffT ::,:.' ~ f~: t It. ...,.,.. Ill C::..:,''"· drape• ....-. _!!1111111 lllY-• PCl".::1':1 ~. II 1111t ~Oii ~ '--..,_., r.::::-. ..... "':n •• T;.'TI Y"I bid' In No. L•t· 1ll MOO -nn lldef! Ave. CM lllftO. ....... ~ ¥l:T. -....... CA n1 ............ . Ill•• Wf '1200. 12·1040, l ·I 111 mo. Ml·7tOI ... .._ ... ....,.. ~,. 1 ••·7114 ...... ...... ,......... 12t~':!..-:.'* I Ir., ... .,.,,, lnclry .. "... .. .... , ''°"'.:...~ ~7:.·:.. *:::..'::" ...,., ....... deoof.-Compare before you buy. =-:=i:u:'::ta~ MIO I br, 1 be, trpto, no t2'~~~\l!~11 :mv:.~.rlhno~ Nr taut I l lOfff..1._Yery awecNen ........ ~ tor fur" apt. ,,pl. C!Mlllledmt1e"11.-y. ••eel too. •11001mo. -.... , .. 1 c•-a~Ad ... .,..,.. ~•t l!AM ..,....,,'!'°'ol"Yo .~·1"°0 """'"'lttl .. -......... .,...8UllllMl •Ollfl. dllr10AM' ..::::•:•:~:"'°:!'n-4~~0:"":;.·-=-J:;;l4~2.~se~1~a========~OM1~~-~M~4~t1~11~==--l= ...... ~Aeer1~~'·~1~eo.~11~"~ ... ~l~---w~·c~~~;;-'~2~.&t'~r~•:__-.L!11L~~la! .. ~~ .. ~~-1~111!!!.J:::=!IL1~I=•::13113~~==:1.!~~·~·:~;•;::_·==~·~·~~·Ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I 1.1 .. -1-11 .... lll!.' ' I ~ . • I E8 Orange Ooaat DAILY PILOT/Sunde~, Oeoembef 12, 1982 00 IT NOWI .. ~ ....... / ~!/.~ ..... ~. J'llf ••••••••• !t.!411!P. •••••••••••• ~!!!!~~'········ '!t!!!!f •••••••••••• ~.~~'M ............ . •••••••••••••••••••••• Cemenl·MMOnty·81odl IJormlo• Top• • Of •II •••W1H0 OAMAOf? HOl.IMC ... nlno. t•ll•bl• llUCKWOAK· 8~ jobe Farthlno lnt1tlor Daaioll flb•rgl• boat t•P•lr. W....Cu.1. woril. Lie ktnde. Prompt . "'9uon· ~t/"9mod. No IOb Alf. Owft tranap Aeu Newl)Ofl, CC>tt• Meta. HANOlNG/STRIPPINO Varnllh, paint I malnt. #38t087 Rob 547.2193 •bl• COii. 842·11 ta&, too.,,,.. , .. t ..,ytge, YOUNOA M2-0~5 lfVlnl Reta. 87&·3t7& VIN·MC Scolt e.45·9325 Prof, ,...., MH11e1 •" _,.,, 11-~ t.42·274t F,.. .. t. Keith e.e.4e12 ••••• • PUm c 8 ,_.., s ,._ -_. --uatom ,...,.. tOfll rill• Cntll "'t"'"• ....................... STIVI THE Tll.i (Jtp'd In all home flC)tii(I. Ctaenlng S.Vtoa. Cleen· lloete·Concr•• .. 8tuoco •••••••••••••••••••••• ..U.,, Child Cel'I, rny home, full BflTER ·..pen lnatal· AIM. No ~oo Small. HMM IS next to OOdll· Aefl. F,.. .. ,. 549·11492 ,CUSTOM wood pelto ••• ••••• ••. ••• •• ••. ••. or ptlllma. Nwpt 8llorll letlon, ,,_ eet. M3-S213 en.n ISO·-1"99 1'-1 e.42..aaot c<>Yll'•, redwood dlctl• l CUSTOM HOME BLOR .,.._Rafi. &4Mt84 hnJ'9n i.Jl. Id •.U.. ·~-19ncM. Randy IH-0022 naad• SMALLER JOBS • Splrllual b•Md CtlllCI· .......... :;;;!...... ..................... H=~~c~~ble .. "::::w ............... ,,,,,,,,,. .. ,, ~ ..... ~·,.A..342, cat• In lov. & total IC• CUSTOM RIFINISHINO DUMP JOBS 8fanda llCl2·2890 •&·1 ..... • ••••• ~ •• r.-.-•••••••• """"'"· .,.,, "" -v • c•ptenca C.M. tloma. F111n. & Kit. Cabln9te l Small MoYlno Jobi T ED'S PLASTERING CdUtf ·~·-84M t89 STEVE t7&.2313 Call MIKE 844r-t3tt 2 bl* llOualclMtlltl wlll ~~1v!5r~.:~p. ..~1 paten... lntl•xt • •••••• ~~ •.• &.'!'!~ ••.•.••...••• .' •• UH -Mott tubjacU. K· 14 ._. _, • Oey/ew $8 & 112/llr ""Home r~/Rlmod _Mr, Morgan M8-817t """"·"~ •Carpentry •Plumbing "-'-•mn •tlac •fl'ln. C1tpan11Y :1~••••••••••••••• •O.l·Moldlnaa-Ceb1Mi1 WNI do typing In my home. •&heMng •l:auc.tt to IBM 8•1•clrlc II. Cell gar door aprlncJ9. Bia or _s_a_t._M3_2 ____ _ tmlll • -do tt 1111 ,-.. t. WIMw Cl...i.• afflctant Nrvlce. 20 yra •. • •• •• • • • • • ••• ••• •• •• 111 • B352151. 951-t0e7 WE: WASH WINDOWS fut · ProfMelonal ••••••••::tt::"A•••••• CHILO CARE· Tami>orlfY ...,.._,_ HAUL.ING.QRAOING beeutlly your hom• for No 0*11tM. 730·1353 .,..iuccoe 845·1268 ~~0~.c::~Ng,::~Eb~t full tlm•, ·part Uma: "1:;;;;";11............ d•molltlon, CIHn·up. ~~; •• ~;~'i:~·.:~~~2 ·ABC MOVING· PLASTER PATCHING IMJ•• Quality WOfk guaranteed Fr .. •tlmlta IM6-73t t ... .., ..... Your o.lly Pilot Servloa Directory Rapraeentatlva ilti ". • drop-In•, 24hr• day/ HI-• Wl11'11 Concm• I tr" removlll. noon. 131•73011 aft 12 Ol.llck, Careful Ser· .. --. R111ucco1. lnl/1111. 30 ••••••'••••••••••••••• tum tura. Lio d. Wkandl tooE We LOVE Mowtng adOi ekl Ol.llck a.v. 842·713f • ...., yrt. Niii. Paul 546-21177 Hui* Rooflll(>-111 IYPll· 1--------- Kan Burkatt 138-1451 Kida. 831·4274 or IWHl)tng. F?e.r .. ':'1: LIOHTHAULING noon. Low r•I••· 552-04t0 NORD PLASTERING N-·racovar-deck• ..... Lew ..... , ... Ml·IHI, nt. 111 I!.._,_ 842-1107 !NIM. 845-6737 I CLEAN-UPS BACHELOR'S HOUSE STARVING COLLEGE 1nv•111. Aaalueco•. Uc. #411802. 548·11734 Thal ell contrec.lOft wtlO ~~~~~~~~~I -:;:r.-:;-.·100••••••••••• F 842 2667 CL.EAHING. REl.IABLE. STUDENTS MOVING Bl k 586-4192 ... ,. ... , perlonn WOf1I o.,., $200 -Ramod./Rapalre. Lo rat ... C..tt.,,.,I ... al a.en YP1 • TrimmlnO r .. •t. • l<AREN 540-29tl CO. Lie. Tt2~ __ oc __ w_al_I•-----• Includ ing labor and AMllJfUl .... 1U.!f Oeckt, pat101, lanc11. •••••••••••'•••••••••• ~WI · Malnt. HAULING-1tudant w/I~ ln9'1rld. 041·"427 Don't r•roof, repair · •I metarl•I• muat b• If. •••••••••i~••••••••• Fr .. Ml Stava 752·9568 None 2 bit. none 2 amell, Free eat. 042·2057 truck 11m1 lo rate1 Lat Shell•y CIHn·up for WATCH us GROWi f/~!!~!~I............. fraction of $$. 157·2890 canMd. UnltcenM<I con· REMOD. SPECIALIST ' From A lo z w. do It all. Thank you 7511•11179 Iha Holldaya. Reliable,---------• JG Allan. Lie. 202752. EXPER. carp•nter doH 71...a7s.9438 llC 425781 ,,.,... ...... John up'd , o wn t r an1. Hlar II <;> Ml·llH ROOFING REPAIRS tractora lhould '° t tata Bonded. 4114.1110 !~~d'na, r1•~.:~acFk•. 139-ll035 c s 146-6853 •.i.11-40 oat watarhlltar $226 =-~~!,l~~~.?iK.,:0~~~ ~~":;.~ert~;=. ""' ta ·-·· raa a.....-~ 1 --Yd~ HAULING & LEAN-UP BACHELOR HSEKEEP· ~~ ••• ::r•••••••••••••• Plumbing, hlltlng I drain O Afaltalf Mt . 14t-45112 -.. -....._...,.-CALL RICHARD ING .. PU-ttoppt~ea. '-oue• or _Chucit, 542-63112. contact MMY rondle at ••r;:••••••••••••••••• · ' ••••••••• ••A•••••••• Tr .. trtm/remoY t ••-" (714)551-4086 wltn any Or1veweye, Patttlng Lot Doore ln1tell1d, av•rv· Supplyllnatlll/Rapalr Irrigation Jim 051-0129 attar achool. ll&7.ci12t. Unique & Spaclallzed by Richard Sinor. Lie. comm. vee/wknda. Em· JOHN uc-y quaatlone. contrector'1 Repairs, Sealcoatlng. thing In bldg & rapalr. 35 Lge Hlaotlon + herd· ... II•• Claanlno·llUndry-lron 280044. 14 yre ol happy ployed by USC 11 Jour-• nu"' Sllta LlcenM Board. 28 S&S Aaphn Cl31-4t1111Llc yre axpar. Rafa. Jury ware. Bob 84Cl-2923 IVI ... al l#ftln ••••••A•••••••••••••• ate. $8.60/hr. 842·1207 local cu11omera. n•ymen Plumber. Con· 'ti~~~· Civic Center Plaza. 546-4413 DOOR INSTALL/REPAIR •••NtO°HT.STAR.SKv••• Hllr 8 <:;:? Ml-7111 Thank you, 83t'"'4410 tractor lie. #2521150. 54i-e213 Room oeo. Santa Ana, A,,,.,_.. ~I •---4 Locke lnal1ll•d. Fr•• on """" oalllng. E.xactly Fur"**'pool·watar hllt • __ ,.,,,_ PAINTER NEEDS RaH. rtlH 4114·34 t3. -===------'• CA 112701. ....... ,.............. ~,. ,___. ... ..., •• ,.. 181 50e8 ::========= Incorporation. bualnaH ••• •••••••••••••••••• 11tlmatM. 8111 ~7311 painted In colora that .... ._1,1 •••••••••••.,••• ••••••• WORKI 30 yra exp, lnl/ • ad'Acl. Rauonable ,.... No StMmlNo Shampoo glow In the dark •••••• :;-~.......... BUSINESSMAN WILL 1111. ~•lie celling• UC ... , ,.,,,,,,w l«ftni 752· lll82 Stllln Speciallal. Fiii IJ#llNal Wiii do otll•r 1pecl11ty "HELPING HANDS" HOUSES IT. Educated 3M710. Fr .. ntlmetn . ••A,•11111 •••• ••••• ••••••• •••••• ..---------.. dry. Fr ...... 8311-1512 •••••••••••••••••••••• Job• • llect .. plumbl~, You name It, .-·u do Ill I capable. 547-3524 Davia P•lntlng 847-8432 ····Ac .AAiNG.UTIEA···· sEt:~Wi!Lo~:~\llCE A•,..•lln .•.••.••.............. .. NEWPORTWEST u Dataun to Rolll. Cu1tom Wl.lC & dltall. 650· 1 t32 'L~lttla :::w.'.:-•••• r .......... . aertettt1111thn (llc'd, bonded agency) 420-Cl2nd St, N.B. C. Coder's Babyll1Ung Agency. Cell e.45-3740 Shampoo I atMm claan. ELECTRICIAN-Priced painting, ate. Ml-287 Ed&. Bobbi 240..0275, 24 Prof. couple to hOUM tit, Bal Ille Painting Bonded·lna41e 9344764 754-6318 Color brl~hten1r1, whl rlghl. frH Htlm•t• on ~ llrL wlntar months, NB. Non s.--. rel•• $75 pr d1y Fr .... 1. 1·524·6824 tar~ or 1ma11 Jobe. ..-crpt1 • 1 min. bleach. Lie. 39e021. l73-03S9 ••••• •••••••••••••••• ..,.,,,...,_ emkra. 213/47 t-14 t8 plul malarial•. 173-53711 l•"-'-&.'- Hall, llv/dtn. rma $15; 1vg1 __________ 1 ':,~tlnQ -Catpenlry •••••••• ........ '•••••••• Low••t reteal Prompt .11~1. room $7.60; COUCh $10; ELECTRICIAN ...... emfC Tiie. Lle'd I ROBIN'S CLEANING l.IM ' •••••••••• ••••••••••• Chr .... Guer. ellm ..... , Sml )obt/D-••ra Uc .. __,._,,, ·~4""47118 -.,-~-t'-~ ..... ~ H'•-'•• ne•t profea1lonal1. 15 J O.)iorn Reflnllhlng ... ,.... 233101.C-lO 548 5203 .............. -......... ....,...,..,. • • "°'"""" •••••••';C:':'"•••••••••• yre exp. 036-71411. Antiques, kit. cabinets, odor. Crpt rapalr. 16 yr• . • HOME CARE-REPAIR, . clewl nou.e. 540-48 7 Cullom Dack•. Muonry fine palnllng, 845-oCIM :t'. ~~f::s" myHll. RESID/COMM'L/INO. paint, yard. FrM h1ul. HOUSECLEANING: Good I Pello Covar1. Real. U&ll'I P&llT1ll ---------• 20 yra. Do my own work. F,.. Mt. 751-4341 rate. Trlnl90fl•tlon. Ex· Fr .. Mt. Gana 6311-<W78 Low rat•, lie. 63&-9e98 w;t~ ~ i=• UC. 27804 t Al 146-8 t29 The IHIHI drew In the l*'d. 1179-11754. Totll traa a.v, landecape, MOBILE HOMES Truck mount unit · Shop a1 home. ll's easy W11t ... a Dally Piiot Sell things lasl with Dally handyman, cement, ma· 30 yra exp. Fr .. •I. Dye Work gu1t. 845-3716 w11h classllled 642·5678 Ctuellled Ad. 842·5678. PUol wanl Ada. aonry, 25 yra. 538·0914 971..0824. eva 631-5943 tor your •tlll-good retrtgerator DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item Cldlltaca to Go-Ca111 Whatever IN Fld Roll ·em off the market Wllh a Clanlfled Ad Call Nowl 842-6878 INES ~·~~!!!~!!~~! ... DRESSMAKER & FASHION DESIGNER Rauonable. 646--8447 f1H l«rift .••••.•••............. $$LOW RATES U TrH lrlmlremov, cl11n up1. mowing. 554·7017 Going Into Buslne11? with the County Clerk. Call the DAILY PILOT LEGAL DEPARTMENT for fCHme and further lnformetton. M2...U21 bt. 332 11p!Qµmn OLLARS per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detalls. (~d•I•. ildr• MnM t1.00) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 AIMu.",•••,'• L-~ IAIMu.''····· ~! ........... !!!tf !'!.'.~.~ff!.!!Aff ~!'.'!.!!.P.~!.~l;e!l.'! .. ~.~!!.~ff !'!!!'!..~!~!~! .... !.~!! C...1nl1I l11iH11/lorflt/ l•d•n1/&rnl/ lt•l•I• , 4411 Ti11utt luu1t • •r• ••-•l•1•l1llH Furn room prlv. home Lerga Big BHr Cabin. M to lhr 11ug1 bMcll hou· E/Slda C.M. Clean IQI on Off~ epace '°'lease 710 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• pool. Sac. Gate. Nr occ. Pool Table. COio!' TV, 2 18 w/panoramlc view, pvt-..;, long term ator· ft. 1595/mo. Ullla paid, ..••.••..•••.••.•.••......•....................••.••••..•.......•• Buthl11t• •~ltMll Jiii Cafl dayel31-39t0,...,.. lrpl'a . Sl••P• 14. Balboa. 1360/mo. aga,$70.673-seoo llr,groundfloor.1056El * 550 aq 11 $550/mo. Xlnt luiilllll l•thlHI tor P.O. Box'a. Co11t SOO n.-...1 IM ~· U41 .. •.-:r.:;•••••••••••••• aft 4·30 131·11771 7t4154~1CI. 876-"44 Camino Or. C.M. 3 bltl1 E •••••••••••••••••••••• DUPLEX 2 Br, 1 Ba. d/W, · · · Nwpt Ht• •raa, •Ingle of F1lrvlew & Adame. Av ell. for ChrlttmH. tndry. WALK TO BEACH. Malura working famel•. lAlca Tlhoaj lncllna Vig, 3 MIF to lhf lga 3 bf, 3 be garage $85 mo. 754-1040. Mr. Tracy. Hwy/Newport Shoraa ••• ".fr.!!!!'i!l .•..•••.••• -.irr.:;...-:!l •••••••• loc. 045--1844. * Ltundremet for 1811. ln- LOYely cuetom 3 bdrm 2 $ 725/mo. 1182·41114 Prtv be, kit prtv, pool. Nr Br 2 be lk rantlll, Antol-condo w11k 10 b .. ch, 541-9831 or 040·8585 be wfth double ..... ft;.. 964-eete . oc Alrpor,. REF. $225 nett• 702/031-5554 H.B. s3so1mo. 045-0209 SCIO/ 2864 LIS 'I STORAGE YARD ,.,.,,,;,, -' plus ut11 557 7178 mo. •• 8• •2500 eq 11 unit with 5 place, no pett. '815 mo. 2 Br Condo • QUIET exit . • LK ARROWHEAD • 2 aty F to lllr 3 bf 2 b8 beedl-Coate MeN. 000 aq It y1td ' ... ,., 4511 17171 Van Buran, call for cond. Prima Waatcllff Small attrac, rum. studio new 4br +Iott. 2ba, 2 front apt,' Nwpt Bch, Aft 5:00, 957-2740 · •••••••••••••••••••••• JOI# A ~ trfo 141-5924 or loc. uso. 7511-0524 nr bc::tt tor empl'd. Non-frplct, 2 baloonlM, cotor nonamkr, $3 tO/mo. tllllft lalal H• •5000 aq 1t unit with 10. s:1~~1 ~P0~0t~~o~~ 1 -· amkr. Pm kitchenette, "'· lllpa 14. Nor1h Shore. 541--41.48 •••••••••••••••••••••• 000 aq ft yard. dondo Circle. p & T •ltllllOll prvt entry $300 loci uOll $285/wknd. $3115/wk. -lllTD Acrou from bNCh. 2 pool, TV: tannle. R•f'i '5115/mo. 522-M31. Rmmtawenfed: M tolhr4 A'WNlf 714/'Jll~'JH Huntington. ,Buch. ,.00, ,e.: RfACH bdrm, d•luxa. VHrly. raq 493-3490 CONO()..SUN VALLEY br on Panlnaule, clean, Full SefVloa Sult• _8_4_2_-2_8_3_•_. ----- s750tmo. Guy e3l·S300 . R . Beaullful21t""'28r2quiet.1220 l mo. 11111'm111t SUBLEASE OFFICE2571aqftlrvln11r11. 1#01/lnJ. .. OCEANf'RONT • 3Br. 28e Famila o~~e·t~ Be. S1aiapa w'eomrOn· l 73-t40t I '650 .. Fum/unfum SPACE AND/OR WARE· S 1030 /mo. Aleo Mr. """Meineke Olac:o11n1 . L IVI NI, ' . • Securrly Giits upper unit, frplc, gar. lllarel Nepl. k. ·,2 16 able. $15 /day. Cell M/F to 1hr 4 br, 3 be All you nMd for one HOUSE SPACE. 5 min to Rogara laav• m•uage M11lllera ... o ......... .. $1250 mo. Yffy. 876-2725 oc. on-am r • · 057· 1244. houM, N.B. Nr beach. monthly fMt O.C. Airport, 4 oltlcea 531-1056 """ ....... , e•o•••• '"" • Poo1 & Rec Room • I & 2 8R PilltO AOIS • l1i110tn lilndSCilP•llQ dye, 073-4515 ...,.., 636-2875 $ 2 Cl 5 , 11 t & I a 1 t ·I 144)..5470 pk.11 800 1.f. warehOUN ---------•••••• 1 br, 1 be, atove. rafrig, P!~~t:~::~.~~,r~m~~ laMll 11 a.,.4 646-2015 •MLID lmlll* =~~'a:. ~=[~n~t:: t:Ow~";8~~ c~~~fflce, • ~::::~1c: 10 v ... • Oosh'lnShefl & 880 s • JoO 10 8ci1Ch & S1'0ps new p1lnl. Clo•• to prof. 1250. Ev•• call •••••••••••••••••••••• CctM: Miiter bdrm w/ba. t MO. FREE RENT I 0 w g 0 Ing r 1 t e . 845-9907 beacfl. $410. 557-0975 759-l40e 2 bdnn, 2 bl. View apt. Furn or unfurn. ~ 1 room to 2800 eq. ft. 557•2900. l~..J .... , • Unktv• Merlo;e11n1 B ti' I 3 B 3 a PromontOfY Pdnt. $3IO. '250. 173-73511 From l 1.1CI a 9q. ft . Adj.1----------1 _ .. _, • l'rowen Ad"•""1"1 :•u II u 2 r. I . N. B. DOVER SHORES. F.,.,,..., 25-35 yws Oki. PM!....._.... S bf Alrporter Inn & Frwye. OFFICE SPACE FOR 1400 aq ft. with oftlce In • To1e11"""tmen1 own OUM, car gar· FuN Ba. bed, mlcroweV9, Call An9W9r ad No 533, ·-..-" Call AM 833-3223 LEASE. 700 aq fl, exit Co1t1 Meaa. V•ry rHI 113,000 ---------• age, frplc, lndry hk-upa, frig. Sep ant. $350/mo. 642-4300 24 twt. "· M/F vu beck b•Y·t Newport loc. 146-7728 rant. Call Mr. Scllachtar. flln.enclng1tqvelill•CIJ 2 Br, 1 ea. Vary prtv upa. m I c r o . No P • t I . ltt/ltt. Call Glng•r pool, t•nnlt , apa. Jan1 t817 WMICllff, N.B. 256 llam-9pm 541-3464 • Coett 10 cont talre unit. 3 Blka from SHO/mo.176-llOOCI. 041.-eCI Moo-Fri 8:30-5 Share 2 br, 2 be houaa, 75e-o048 to 4000 aq. It. tit. lloor.1----------1----------1• Oc•an. enc I gar . Lower 2 Br. duplex wl Apt MaMVardaN Furn2 =.:; ~; lllp Room for rant CctM, 1311 Aoant 5-41-.5032 ~t!~"~•~d~•J~~~ '!~P~~· J% ~~o/F~ 11= :=!~:'!:. $550/mo. Agt 536-t435 Pat Io & car Port. er' 2 Ba w/patlo non-. . & f utll, fem praf'd. AKpor1 ., ... Exec. &#-., , ... rant , .. , dr. $385. 175--8251 o1111-. ~ or llCI0-8468 t725/mo.131·5e&4 amkr. s..s-25 17 • Shr lrg home or condo. 780-1394 aatc for SU9la tM. From 225-<450 aq. It. &42-0100 · 1189-1221 CALLAN"'•• TOLLP~U CLOSE TO SHOPS. 2 Br': 3 Bdrm 2 be 2 bike to 11t la•t dapo1lt ut111. F«n loc*lna for Fam to 11 I* 9q. ft. Many xtru. 1100 eq 11. office & war• 1 ea. Laund fee. Nr bch'. beech.' Pauo: Pall OK. ~ prtv rm w/prtv ba. Me-6471, M2·24411. 111; 2 Br i 88 at Pr Call 557.7010 3 off~ room•. 84-0 aq 11, houae. xlnt loc, So. S.A. No pell. $450/. mo, 111 1700/mo. 173-3721 tow:"l'*::"~:h ~~~ MIF ah•r• CdM home. montory Pt. Maribeth 400-too PLUS t400 eq. tt. g:c'pg ~ C$~75f.::· J~~~~n~w~'~.c~.~~ only t Br edlllt condo v.,...._ amottar t wort1inG par-AWlll 12115. $375/mo + 175·1174 or t55-3H3 Pwt~ Baytrom Sul· 541-9Cl43 · • Cl46-75l2 m daf>. &e0-61172 let OCMn vu ie50tmo eon~· S275 mo 1st a 'A Utll'1. Evea, 8-8 pm wttdyl. Avell lmmed. ta, perking. patios. ---------• • 1---Ut · ......... d TV· ........ , ltlC)..3231 ' 17S-1003 580 eq. ft. Harbor-Bakar R•nt • Mo 100 1q It. •~-••~~ I 1750 .. c. dep. Agt. _.. """ · ,......,.. Fam tllara 2 Br 2~ Ba Canter (1croaa from 1250/mo 21144 Randolf UYUll _..-. 54M547 u P . F o r I P t C a I I Mala ltralght, non-tmkr wld frplc, gar. $295/mo .. ••--F...., J I "5 C M 675 51 t8 •••••••••••••••••••••• 497-3121 Avall Dae 15th 1250 + \ii ti 1 o · + uiMt Joan 14&-H29 -.... co). 0 n aoma gr••• "' • · · • · WalnUt Sq. Condo. 2 81 2 Newpor1 Helgllta, 1 bdrm · u · Y• · AttractlW ruatlc uptlalrl tenants •1 thl• choice Ba. den. gar, AJC. petlo, 1 be, carport, Gd toe.: Furn or unf\lm. Stape to ::2~~4t aft Clpm, M prof ..-1ng MIF (naet Mttlng. W• .ippiy oetk, location. Mgr. S411-13M llllMM 4flf $700. 650-88311 tlon. 1425. Cell Jena NPT BCH. Pool, Jae, n-lfMr) rmmta ttw 28R epeoe, copier. You "IP-Newport Baedt •••••••••••••••••••••• 146-7800 tanntt.. MC. 1235. Inc utll. tBA modern rum apt w/ ply pllOnl, & 195 pr mo Newt dacoratad car-St~~ Space t2' 11 18'. '--u• ...,. "41 t8r 119' I t afrlg &. 541--4290 ~ frplc. t blk from ooaan pr daalc. Call 1144-7211. P•te~ panelled ottlca 38 door. $70/mo. plus ::7°•••••••••••••••••• parklnwg8 c;':'o~ mo L~ 2 bdrm unit down• 8t1f wttll Newpof1 aqc 18•lboa). s2oomo 1•t, ~ lurn/ 'unlurn luxurlous s7 o aac. dapoett. 1-aoo 231·•77 ''•"c" .. •• "ow e-veileOte In th'• •ree c I u de a Fluff & Fold. $8000. Harbor & Adame, C.M. 840-e754 Accnt'g I won! PfOC:. t>uS. Sell °' outrlghl or 11k• acllva partner local lo HB/FV area w/lnvatmt funda. 847-30:M Family Mertdng/ Men~ mint •lCJ>lndlng. " lntw· aatad In aerloua extra lncoml call 848-8331 for appt. No rlakal !~!r.!!. ffl! .. l!!f R.E. LOANS, 1at-3rd, 1 110%. comm·1, con11r. Feat funding. 143-1845 IRPnlll 11 on th• way ror your money problam1. lowwt rat•. lntar811 and COit. lat. 2nd, 3'd TD'1. Call on our experta •I no C06t. Ray 857-1422 .T/3,"' ,,.,, SUI ...............••.••.. U.IAmD ....... Spec Jet I 2nd 111411 Robt. Sattler NH/CM R.E. Brokar 8d Reeltora 042·2171 54s-ol11 ...., 676-0Cl12aft5PM . lalra,aundeck,ocHn $390/mo.931-IOSe • IMt$1S0MC.C17S.447I atmoaphere.'tully atal· e13•4 l 54. Newport Mott ~ 114». bkig. v I• w , N . B . I 5 2 5 . an. lpm. • ... , llllTll fed, custom ...... Bw:fl. --------• In ~ Beacta, finest Luxury 1 Br panthou... M2-7459 Shf lux mobile home, ~ Single parenl {female) With UM of reception, Celt 752-e408 luhta/&..,I/ CllrlatmM caah? Pvt pty hat cull for good trutt d••da . Agt . 119-758-0318 anytime location In town ~ pool, •P•. ovarlooklng blk to ooelln. Pool, rac. !Oolillng for rmmta lf) 3aR oonf. room, kltch, phone, • ___ .:.._ taking vlewl.1111 buitt4na, courtyard, 111, fHt & N.B. 2 rooms, beth, pool, avell. Own room & bettl. houM In CM s2so. Attl MCretartel & word pro-•UmllT lff• •• !!~•••••••••••• haeled pool aub-garaga MC. teOO/mo. 831..()3()() $3tennla, epa 5148 Furn or unf\lm. $260/mo h 0 u 1 1 h 01 d pr 1 v . ceaalng. Mllll I meauga 270 aq It In Npl Bc h. luhnl elevator. Lea .. only t Br yearly gar pkng SO mo. 845-lat & tut. Avail Jan t. Cl4M987 a"9r 8 aarv. avell. eapa-ataty If lmmadl•t• occup1ncy. ._,,_., NII S850 a up. atpe' 10 t>aaCt, 1415,mo· Room wttll kttc:h prtv Nr Reta. pleaM. Call •ft• I daelract. Call: Jene, tit and 111t. $400 per ~r.:;::-:!l. ''Thlt's ft:rllllle" 330 Clfff Or. 4IM-8083. daya 731·5440 av•a but fine l shopping lpm, teo-6144 • Sllr w/cpl9: bMut. trg 2 714n80-4100 mo. 7141175·11007. "ii.iiiiii.i Niiil Nahooally qi1zed Small ltUdto ocean..,. i1s.s218 oantar. "2·7520. .... Bdrm wlbdl, pool. ~c,~.~ '&'~v~ IWIE Sim 213./493-3120 nr Mein t>Cti. $335/mo'. Bach •nt $300 lnc;I utH BEAUTIFUL. l300 IJ'O. $395/mo. l75-42Cll ... Pll• LMI Want Id to own and Fire Prootirt ~ u1lll lnold. 494-3044. re111g:-'°1t'ove. ~par~ PUllfll -541-5106 lft Cl, Wiier Frtlf INs 3CI0· 11IO plua 1.f. Avail. ~~~ ~ Seeks D1sl11IU1J kr LsgaStudlowtthkttcMn, :::·~'JrJ.n 11 ·~: ~~es:~· non-~ cr~,:.~~'irtl~'. ~=: 11.50/tq ft. Laue. lmmed. Only 80t Pf a.I. ta In Ootlt Meta, New-lheroost[lfectiveftre near beach. 1llopplng. -"'· · $375 mo. S hr w/Nwpl 548 8884 642-4044, M·F. t-5 474 E. 17th SI, CM. Agt; port 8tMcll I eurround· $315/mo lnc:lda u111e. tit 550/mo Bechltor Pan· W~ for non«noll•. ec.c. 83 t-806t. furnl1had Condo. Fe, f or L .... -<>tnce 3 rm•. P •tr I ck T • n or•. Ing are.. Plauant bUll· Retadal ~a1lable. mo.+ $500 MC. to mow fhOUM. ·v...-.. pool Prof I or:=· Prtv M. F ""28r ... CdM °"" Br I Ba. HB... 1200 ~·Good tmllc. 831-t2e6 ,,.... High profit Item•. rn Safe FR..-~~ In. Hotel Cellfomle Apta. •P• Mc:urlty gate a1i Npt Bc:ll. • IU 03et em to k t 'F "" , All Amanltl••. 1250. C • •x""'"-'•ra. llU -Can atert p.i time. Age L •av• m • • • • g • ....-,,,... ...... 'Call Room f rent furn/ non-em r pr• · r,....c, ..---·-or •XS*lelM» not Imp«-IArPnllltt's lnvenlfK 494-27117 , no ..... -. or • """' WIN/drfr 4 bike to bc::tt llCl4-Me1 or144-2613 I CMall~'"8-dl1·7"""'0BMI, Af't HCl.B&. •WNll ... 11nt. Rlqulr9I SU50 to · foreppt. lurn,CM.$225orl 250+ $317 mo.', Incl utll. Cali .... .., $17,500 cllh 1nvaat-wasleallredon TV's OoMnfrom 2 er 298 1rp1. TSL Mgmt M MI03 daf>. 640-&2" aft ePM 7n-1t86 Ctlfiet*' F 10 *:':I """·I wtcndl 931.1309 ~~r~rEs ~~~J·~~ ,,.,,, For dat• and 1o-"That's lrufM!ible". Y~fo~ld15~n5~4o0 ~·I •--111__ ,..,. Room tor rent, kitchen f 2 atw 38R ..,i 1n c.M. :=:-.:::.~~.!c, ~ 2000 eq ft omoa w/500 aq FROM StH 10 s1315. ea1 1n11Mew, writ• CA.L $ · • • • -.,_,. 1• prlv. S 110 mo. Nwpt nOft•amtcr 1185+ ..._ ... k..._ ... ....,. ft wer9houla. St545/mo. ''""EXCELLED SER· WEST VENDORS, SUP· Pi'estJ&100S8us1ness. wttdyl •••••••••••••••••••••• ....... M2-t141 . .._. ---.,.. NC ...., Or · 2 BR S4Cl5 yearly, new • ...,_ 22 & up. 131·7037 IMl\I .,. ... Mr ~· VICES, 0fVIRONMENT, PLY. I . 2.,., Lago .. $27,50011M!S1mert '1•!!'.f!•:-.... "":.~ .. ~! =o~ =· :~~C,h· ~~"";::..cc;; 3 Br 1 ... C.M. home, lrg ~~'l,. ~tu-f:v-==-=: sl~~FHEADOUARTE.RS :~n;~o3 Murl~~·o ~: S«:tl9! by llM!IUwy. NO FEEi Apt. & Condo . ha. NB i.t cool! mil yrd..oU:lc, call I VH lC\lry 2 bdrm, 2 be Pro-t• with law llbrwy prM-COMPANIES 1118-354-2771 or call our Call•.~ rant& VIII Rant• 2 bd. n~ ba. blk to bcfl, ~ Mlf ,.., ss7s 1nc1 931 . . '2llO I utll. montory Point VIII•. lagae (&t. 1977) Offlc:aa 114/111 ... 1 TOLL FREE numb•r e75-41112 Brotcer. chlldren I P•11 OK. u1 646-M · M/F non-emb to* 4 br Oceen/bay via•, fir• lvelllbll mo to mo or 800-952·5Cl5CI end nk 117) J»-1713 2 er. 2 Ba.from1525, No ::.t:n502·8e37 or ' 1"-N home'. $200 + \4 piece, prof. decofetect. le1te. 11911".u 45 mo. ATTORNEYS & PAOf:ES-_f_or_b_t_. _0_14 _____ 1,,...._ ______ _, 142,1141 .. " Due 3 year"S. Home on R2 lot. llOx 100. located on Wll9on AV9, Cotta M .... boallarll peyor. 714-972·t"4 $50,000 buyl S53K TO 2 yr 10% Int. Npt Bch con- do 66().()822 A• .. Ht1•111t1/ ,,,, ... ,.; ,.,,' '••-' ...•...•••....•...•..• ~~!~~-'!.!!!~!! •. !.{!f Thinking ol a new home tor eprlng'l' s .. lhe mMy llstlng• In today's cllall- lled cotumna. 642-54178 ~ MrOM from ........ .I"' .... '-.. _..._,_ fl• Ill ... C.M. eao-ot07 Tannie, PG0t. D'I"· Vary Word proce11fng con· SIONALS • Lo ground fir port Beacta Golf Couna. 2 Br 2 Ba, nr Sin Cl•·' .. s:f!:,.~ ........ f em•I• to •hara 3 Br. ,...,....,._, •75-8327 faranc• rooma. Talu. offlc11 avall w/wlndow'1111111111111 ......................................... . 545-4855 mant• Hoap .. patio, PM W llTIL ~ In MMe Verdi. 1 Dan• Point HM, 2/3Br, Eucuthe Row lno. 3901 vlewt. FULL SERVICE. I --•• • nawty deoorltad, water I Wk"' 1'9nlM now ev911 clllld oll non-amokar. 111111 now. 1250·'300 MICMtlur Blvd, 211 l•t Nr OC Airport. IHslng. ~&:-1:;~11C:t~"::t.,, i:t~tl.:' S485 t mo . 1105 a. up. Color Tv: Ce1aftiPM. IM&-S831 mo. C a ll collect Jamboree Blvd), N9., c714>752·~ furn & unfurn, raaeon· Pllonae In room. 2274 L1wyer w1nt1 to ahr 2 t17·7-.et71 762-7170 .......... Ml 4411 Ible, all amanltlea. CLEAN l SUNNY. 2 Bf, t Newpof1 Blvd. CM. bdrm ept w/nonamllg, MIF ihera CdM home, PRIME LOCATION: n-•••••••••••••••••••••• Br<*• 87Mllt2. Ba, ftlfrtg, gar. No Patt. ~7445 neat F. 141·810I. avail 12/16. $230 mo. bldo. 1100 aq ft or can Retell etore et 2tlO Avon, :::.:1,:r•" Jin 2 .BEACH .AREA '""""'2WltoltW3br, 176-1111 ~d~~~t~~ ~~~:,~~1~8cer 1 81 It .., IJancee 1 2 b• condo In lrvlne, 4 bd, 2 be. pool, No ....._ a ... 2431 w. Co Ht 1900 1 f ldMt for 111.,. irpC, :O,OM :om OOMn.l ffj/....L :_+,~MY -:;'1.t::.,.· •225imo. Hwy, N8A8t831·1400. clM .ttdo on Bal P9nln. $400/mo. M1·11t2 ..,., ft mlWTll 176-7$29 dye, 073-4293 ... •--~etor·Mald-J'ool Mlf to atlr 31r Tuetln Flft'lllle ti to 30 to 1"819 O.hiae office or ator• .,_,.., ,. _ NwP' Blvd & Wlllofl • home. frplc, ll!Ytfte.~ lltfl s •.1aa.houaa1n t .. "aoltOO rt 1----n-1-.---u--• •••••••••••••••••••••• CoMll ~ 641-4761 loo avall 1/f·l3 CeH Newport I each , tpllal. ._ ICI • COUNTAY CUJ8 LMNG 3 8r 2 Ba. nr 8.C. fltue. ' • ' "''"""' 14304/1200 eq ft. 8eeot1 ..-ft .....,. rt IH NEWPORT BeACH l'9C rm, pool/)lc:. MH. Pina Knot Motel on C(l9IC Tom 711).4493 -1mo. 548-(1117. IMI. 9twn 2 ,.r., CMc .-, eq, •to .. .,_ eq. • Bdrm. 548-7131,9"91545-6323 Hwy, N•. Step• t o """"'9 to"" 3 bf ..... •HOUSEMAfHROOM· Oenllr ~, c.n.. ~~.ro'n:nrc:. "8~~ --~ OCH n . Wiiiy r•t, •. l!/Mdl C.M. 8280/mo + .................. Cltl,:1~* ptlmelooetlon. 7lotlll 17H700. _.,,_ Ma..G440 ~ utlla. Ctwta 647·7272, --or ll0-4144. --------• On .:::::'°Ad. It .. a PUlll t4Mta ·~.... Na prof Off, 100 1q ft. ~ Sen Jolql*'l Hiil M . ~--retH. Kit· ff•m•I• roolftmete to ___,....tor 1 Moo r?: =~ ... '!ffff!l ....... !4.!. .... ,. -=-....;... _ _... __ ~==! dlel ...... .,...,._ meld m. • r ~~·:a ........ " oft IO II ""° :. Coloni.i .....,. rw~ lh•re lnduttrlel tpec• --------..,,,..., I ~ "'°" -..... 11 ' Mid I....... -&lot ofllOe nr lmdl & 8-ltlful lerge 4 Br. an-vtee. 8ANDl'tltUI MO--1-· 111 .. 114 --Ml 2:: =Ott ' ol•d petlo, 1tep1 to ~ IUll TU, 1117NIWport11¥d. ffetMle Mn!ot ottlnn to -• ...:.. . ::"..:.0~0o~';2r, beedl. Y~. 178-4419. .. • CM .... tl7. "*"I bf~ non-lllU• WMlt 40' dOdc for SIOW • Wiiiy r•nt111 ttl up. r~ .__.,HM ~· '::'.'.~:': f!!~.JflNIJf.. .... ... lncll.N09Pf., llt 1111 Liii• 11a11.1 ... 2'A be. oon-Cotor TY,''" con .... ~.nnimnnT w-410t QUIT MATUM WOMAN .... , eerve. oont. nn., ,_ do. t 1IOO/l'llO w/doetl, ....... pool & .... to itALM DUIRT c.c. .... . " •• d • , • "I. I •n .. ~ '*"'::i ,'::; 1111 &f ... :air .. " ,. 11000 ......... ll0-1110 ooeen. ~· .-.. llr •l•w flome1 __ •.P•· ...,,_ 4 ar ...,..., IC l:':.,'!"ett-' . .__,,,, ,.....,. -,.. -..... •1• 1-It .... IAnl -N. 0.. Hwy,, -IWll/ndl. '80/nua,1, l'tua, M. 11·11, 1tr ., i-10' .... 11M ......_ Adi. 40I ~ In --'" '" ,.. . 001.AN,f'ONT·CU•l•m laflMe ............ Holdlyrw ..... 11.. non ·•Mllr, 111 0 . • ,,Y. llldlv. °""Molino. ~::.ti~ T ... o.oor. I bf, t M. ... "°°"'~~': l'etll Ctty Utalt Coftd= 141... = :.. ':'t..a": "'°"' 1111. Ill 1441. ;;op11 wM» neact PIOP4e a • "11..,,_ ad\. ~ ....... I, llltaMfl. OI*' YIP to lllr br, 1N IPI., .... to_.."'. Trecte ~t Old 1tuff lor allould ~ ahlck the ....,.,._, 7-W. e.e. . . ..__, to 1111 ... A ... DIO 11 • w/ a ... M. I 11111'"" .......... •tow,.... No nw~~odlU with t ~ OW.OtY In tM Oll*lll ..... Illa.. •. 1410. 1141 ... 14 lldl Ill CdM. IJl.llDI ...... 119-1414 ' CllMlftad ad e.42·5178 _..!OA=IL~Y,.;;Pl:.::ll~.:O.'T._.:d~~==~===~===~==~~========- PARK NE POR T APA'lT~r N TS , -Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, 0.C.mMr 12, 1982 ET ........... ; I .................. f!w..,M'!t.-.1Aff P!Jl..,11!11 ..... 1.~ff -..,M~ .... TJ.fl 6 :::!., MM &l!'IPn ........ IJ!t lm'n. ......... 11.tf ,__~1111/ l••••••••eaMlnl ._ Now hlrlna P'wll & "'' .~ ..... :'~ ., ...... YOU. ... ";lnrr.r.'Ju .. ~ I ' Iota. vary OCJOd cond. Gold dlamonl l _pHrl ..., .A~ 1• DllTllll .._. needad fot r9IOt1 Coe*• &llNf ,,,_., but ~ ~ , OWN MOm Can11on 31mm '"" t100 woma11'1 r~Oll •••••••r..·.~·••••• WANlEDI hoell. AIJflt/liJ lfl ...,.... at not "~ulrect. w ... , ~ , ~.... aqupmnt i.n .... titler•, 1ao.ol62. 176-1334. .,.. ~ 7 1 ••---•• flM I '7. 11 • .....__ ••.., wo·ooa.a H•r. t_.1 .... THI ONHO-'-":: .-;;i:,,... i'.18] ,,. , caH, 110. u211 o•o MAUTlflUL 1• Hentedof\ ..,.,...._ t4tewMeold :nnu-.-............ TI'lllU -•1111. ,_. a.-tano ~ "' Ml1'AUAANT. 1.eoo 1 _..... 1 ~· , ~-• .....aJ?4 ·-are.ktront • ,. "*1otact weiddlflo , .,..,.,,.. ... . Sl'DIU I~ •l1ld11 II If hft ftlll W, 'CH, H.I . l4I· ... 1 ~"'" ~--.. .I> 14 t W. \ 'f:-ht Cenoft Al1 wti.naee & all dlnlfto table wll Uallan cw. 1C: Af>f)r. 11,000, W\fWl•U.hl • •••• ,.. H Oftlo• peraon~T, Ille 1 -"~ • ~· •• ;.;. 1 ·~\ IT ' ..-1• wee IMld. *-lllM °"9it1 ..,..._ .. ~ ... MOOOtOIO. ~ fieill* -~~for ........... bllk'O,typino, Mull • I. , '\~ C11e lnol l4tt ~.E-'61·1tH Ad63',142-430024"'9, ANSWERS '!!'! r--~·~ a-..&...... h•11• Plum-bing olllce ...... IAU ... NOW ~·JI!'.~.' ' t71•25tl Chair reolln•• Vfbr••or, ............... ............... • .......... a.autllUI ~ for t.ne ....., _ ... .., .... , --work ••P•tlence Call .... , ....... IY an1 .. ..,... '"""""D t""•TAHT .......,. • ..,. ..,..,. -.._,,.,.. ·-1t11 Pil ... 11 Hooan Plumbing at --"' • ,....,.,,.""" .... OOOd --...... ""' ..,, P"1 part~ would 1161• lo andUte • 4tlWTt ~=~~.tow g .. ·-... -II M c ..... 2 Ml lllOW CAMlRA, US. Bobble, It., H.I . Cell M0-5071 '1ade 1 1 ct o.ntD'ogtet Lo«*• • Nlbbl9 .... .. -•ig • ,...,.. 1 s a • ' o o o ~1MAA "'---~ .......... ..-.. GOLDEN OLDIE Bank of Newport nH ---... 1 ...... '""Tt Olnett• Mt "'' 2 lea-. -· ·--·-Open 7 ~Week lnvOdiete ooenlnaa for ~. '21.IO c.. OIL COM .. ANY OPEN· ..... ......,, &.f• .... x3 .. ,__ Wiii .... I . 115 CHh. al aaaoo for ..... model Ti-d•'fl ~,untty •• 1 full. and part~tlrne lellar9 111.-...at lat I INOS :m;o;emrne ........ m................... 2217 Hwbor lllld., apt. car. would b• • gr••• dolan't kllOC*. GOn* -with a AIQUl"IO one Offtl'lore r'IO•· Ho °'* EVIAYTHINO GOU. ~ ..... ULI E-4, CM. 142·20'4 Chrletmal Gift. Cali 12·9 on late night 1~ 11111,,AN<,C.M. Y99f'908f1t~ln nae. 81arl lmmed . pllan, 111/wr, clolhH, latt8un I0"4. Children ~--MU pm,175-3731. off•rlnQ •deal on Vl8A MO .. .,._of~olal JANITO,., PIT. F0t 1•1· m .ooo+ • Yf. FOf Info knlc -knac1, eto. 301 and l1dle1 olo1hH, ::::t'.:'e••••••••••1'•'"tt:' Davenpon, pertect cones. .... C •~ k 1tK OOU>EN OLDIE llbuma. ~•no ,.,.., ttan .. c-t"'ooo· 7Ham11a111'ow3a:30y, pml. call (3121 t20-1364 11'1 Onyx,._, 7-4 aport1r19 good• Chtl•t· Tx lnat Home Cofnt>utet uo 2'!'7 Harbor IMt. Li1'~ =t .... '2~ bo11/ AEFAHHING UTOPIA ,..,.... 142·6Mt. NI 22398 ..... h.JanM mae gtn1. NtW 'YORK & =~~io:::-~ apt EA. CM.142-2014 papera Mw PleQeC 1tl( IMI I INM "" GLOW. OC'e flneat, Mo. Wa c:an ofter you beaut.,_ P&IT Tim 1...................... NEW JEM~. CM liml JWIM tank t ' 2 0 0 co' I ...................... mweur l40-IOl6 f\tl ol'lloel frlendly l9Qal 8ecretll'Y 8alHman'1 lemplH, ,,..,.,. Jll,_, LITT e: A. 0 U Al IT y Magnificent Louil )(V '2000/lrd APC>le oompu, *" ~ .-r• wor11rie:nworwn:t, hloNv t-3 yra experlenoa In Evee and/or weellend•., Lingerie, Sleepwear, & •••••••••••••':."'~•••••• PRINTER. lfother EM·1 Dining room Mt. value PP 14W964 . FNIU\ ADS 24 .,,. °""*' M.i CIC'• compelltlva ulary and corporal• law. Ex!>lfl· ANc>onalbll adult•. Oll9f other ltema. lat-Sun, AltlflGlal Chf"'l'llM Tr ... parallel d•l•y wheel I 17 . O O O. • • k I ng Hllfbor 1-.nct Ellates•: UU11U eet-ett4 beneftta. ance on WOf=:IHlng ~r~1:' r:r=outal~ al~ ~c:.: :!.:!3 Mire· Ml bdtml GMl1, clothea, or1nw. UM1 IBM ribbon. 11,0001080. A.Ito beau· led ... OUltOl'l'I diamond equipment • MuaC ml1c:. P c1ure1, 111111. lOnl cortdltlon. ln•"UC· tlful 8reakrront value -tc:n & matcnlng wed· ARE FREE INTERVIEWING BY be polled end able to work "'1 h youth 1'1111 C... ltl,,., flo•er pota, mantel. tlon manual, UOO. *' 1..:.000, Hklng 15000 ding band, $2100. Jay ,.,,,.., APPOINTMENT ONLYt work under prauure. lO· t 4). Call 2• M, ...................... 1•m11. t :30AM·4PM 761-8409, 08u. 840-48t0. 17$.3738 Cal: ....... 11 Loat: Sprtnger Spanlal, 7 mot. old. Bal. Ptnln. ...... RIWWdl 173-1105 Of M0-1020. ,.,.,,,., ,,,, Office loceled nr. JOfln 142-4321 , HI. 341. Toyt blk .. l'Ufnandrnilc: 140 Wli(lt'M River Clr· IM DI~ Rm Set ----......,,..---,,- •••••••••••••••••••••• PleaM call: w-Air ........ Send r• E.O.E. 11em1. 2S 16 Windover ell. FV. "2-9280 ~ .......... , alnut top' Harbor lllanct Eltat• S•: ···~ ,...... s 11 .. ......-.....-. • beaullful rare 1 Cit die· Pereonnel Dapt. aume lo .0 . Box 7120. Pl1nt Care un -...,. w /ornately d11lgnad mond r1' neYW worn _ ·-(7t4) 71CMOOO ~· ~h, t2MO. ~~'!!~o~.~;,~1·~~f'~~i Sat/Sun 10·3. dbl oven., ~'!!f••••••••••••••• r!!f.!!J~ .••.•• l!ff , wrough(~ Iron 1eg12~00nd Ol'TI ceri~iot $7100, ..Ii _,,_ -·-~ · · · ....-• TV'a, hMt*t ltema. 1533 I ...... .. Chalra v). New I " · for 15000 or trade tor ::-:-~. ~: .:: Ba k LEGAL SECRETARY· ~~r::,,~~J:t~~~ Seacreat. &44-eeet furn., oebYi{rollar. baby Lftal UI.. =11~:bo· Daya cw. J*'J 875-3738 appt1, 1hopplng, air· 0 Oood typing & dicta CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE mlec:., tOOll, ~. SwHI, affec:tlonata F Antique ring wt.lie gold, t port.a, ate:. By hour or of !>hone lk!Ma It SH • P/T .... SAT 12-4 SUN 10-S llo~clu. China and ~Nida OOoO hOme, Carved teak and 11elcwr lg. 7 ema'11 diamond• d*'J. bate 6 gen'. Law ;.:'i!; 702'.+ N1rcllau1 (alley) book1. 1211 Slarlll•. 842.0100 tet-1221 Leopard Sota. $325. Moo 080 (appralMd). 494-5857 768-1731 Newport .... .,. for ttiendly 3 man Amblt1ov1 couple/ ma· Sat/&.in 9 to 9 PM 541-8737.., & wknd 548-2589 Found Mld·November. 2 ... ture tingle; mkl/mgmt, C.I• #HI yr old, moctty t>i.ctc lf'8p llt1n. Wiii do IOfM reoept fa m I I y bu a In 111. •••••••••••••••••••••• Oeraga Salal Camping Need lo11lng home w/ ...... I NEVER BEEN USED Sal· )(. Fe. 493.5499 or EOE dutlaa w/Pflmary aacr• 14Mnl-11a4 .......... , tent, 1tova, 11mp1, bundle of love lor ..... ... ko Ouaru. diamond 97t-4230 M....,Female. Prof. tner• M/F tarlal reep for Jr. -Pol holdera, bell• and chalrl, table, etc. MotOf· Chrl11m11 for blk toy ' hhl lale walcn. $t50. 551."f300 peutlc muaage by atu-date. Hwpt Center toe. REAL ESTATE lot• of Ctlrlltmal deco-~·moped. 8toddancl Poodle, 4 yre o ld. .._ ..... BID cat w/wtlt martdnga. denl. 886-2077 IHl111111 14+5292 SaleamM. Need 1 expe-ratlonl. v rw. 2044 8 campfi 1hell. mite. M2-ttt0 Roae. E~ frOITI a lux"' Diamond twac:etet 8.40lct Vic. Plac entla Ave. Account• recelvable, L-•• Sectet_, Trainee ri.nc.d peraon In com· Natlona182'011a Mau Sat/Sun 0"4. 4et Moun· WANTED· Fr" to good rtoui 4 bcftm model muat a ppr' 115•400• 1111 548-68C>1. ._ -• marclal & lnduelrlal rMI s Su 1aln Rd. · be IOld by Sunday. t7500. 2131540-Mat . • ........ , light typing. Mature per. Type 80, llte legal ex· .. tale for a IUCCMlful I all n home puppy. Famal~, RANCHO SAN JUAN ---------Lo11. Oold•n Retriever, •• ;c:_."••••••••••••• it0n with minimum ol 3 p.,lenoe or collage ll'owlno nrm. Clothlng t>outlque, dlllhll, .__,, .... mad. 1111 tor boy • ESTATES, 81,, Juan vie Brookhur1t & Bu· J. ftulM fnJ YM'I experience. Full/ training required. PIMM a.et wor1i.1ng condition• turn and mtac. 144 Cecil • .-.-.se•••••••••••••••• Chrl1tmu pre11.nt. Capletrano. llMillNn 11'11 lfwllrd. FV. $50 Reward. ...................... time. Mon.-Frl. Sand c:all for Appl. In Newport Beac h. Pl, Cc>ata ....._Sat/Sun ..,., m&ll Ill.I 776-1321. Alk tor Moth· Off 405 So. 11 Ortega ·~ ....... 9fuu•u•uu t88-UNl6 HouHkHpar, FRENCH RESUME ONLY lnctud· Mll'Y Hidlle Aqertcy 7l4/846-S051 ._5 2500 Cliff Or Newport ar Hwy c:omer Del Oblspc 8 Craf11man Join I., Found· Blac:k lab fem LADY. Exper. c .. Kathy Ing wen hllltory 1 aalaly 19712 MacArthur Blvd B••c:h. Liquidation of 2 8-mo fem. cate. 1 ,.,_ & A.;....,..,,. Planer •/leg, Ilk• new. Ho ID. Vic: Gartlald & &4f;78ee or 645-10n ,.qulrementa: Co1ta lrYtne, CA 640-2920 ULll ILllL ...... ANTIQUE HALL TREE, theM Item• 11 • muetl brown tabby. 1 whit;, F~ 11gna from cnr $250. 54t-2f41 Magnolia. 983-7351 Young married man wlll MeH Statlonera, P•r· Loan Proceaaor· Minimum Office sUciOlv Co. hat 11 baby crib, bar/frlga, Cry1taL_!lorcalaln1._ Utter box traloed. Attec:t.. SAT.SUN 10·5 15'~" Crattaman Pedaatal do general handy WOf'k eonnel Mor, 270 e. 17th 2 ywa experi9nc.1n FN time ~ avail. WI b_dJm HJ, larnpA. Lota bronza1,-)awa1ry, ca· t-gooc1 houM cat1. PleaM CA!f10NL'Y ·,_.,Oriti Pr-K •new $250:" Found: gray tiger kitten, Calf av11 & wltanda· St, Coeta..._. 92127· MA. Cali Lot1~8-1038 train. Statlonefl more. 1831 Tan•gar. maru, -.i.ar1, 11ereoe, call. 882·2383 -549-2141 wtlt chaatl laga, blk ool-7 8625 Biii ' · I 657 212 M E Meu Varda. Sal-Sun _.. lar. HBJ FV. 984-2327 8 2• ' Mk tor · LOW ON SKILLS/ HIOH nc. • '· m· 10.tllt daltl. •nllqun, painting•, ta-Kitten FrM to good hOme. EITITI IW -,0-,-. _Cr_att_am_an_t_able--..,.-pr~t'-al nurM ~-pa 'Clerk:\at ,...... MOTIVATI""" " ...... mona paetriee. Bring caah, VIM L ....... Ilk• ............ M-'~ .... Found 1211· thldl haired -"' ' """" • "" v.... ,~ C lo TV de1k MWlng or American Expr .. 1. ....,.. ,_.,, .,... 2 e G d 1 L w • -• ,_ · · nlon neeci. poeltlon any can type, ctean, pre11. S11 .. 1oecoraUng flair. ~. rodlfon c8n dehy-SUNDAY ONLY 9 ·-10 rll 831-4578 2 ran v '"'· ag. S2 . 549-2141 wtolte M ~?) W. hOUl9 needed 645-2590 Part time, flex, houre, drive. & want to grow Comrnerc:lal/re.ldentlal, lo _.. Bcti. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 19th, C.M. ~15 · general ofllc:e dut111. with our Co. Contact part or full ume, wlll drator, bike, toy1. c: • 3 pm. 7 mo. Springer Sp/Shep, Hou11ru1 of furniture, U---Poaltlon avellable imm.. 1 1 H 11 thu I more. 10$ to haet>roken. clothl~, , .. Mtl. mlr-lndullrlal Ml>tlno Motor t Found:FOoblemlx,l>llt& -• -Lynnaft5onty957·2500. ra n . o Y s1oo. 414 Ogle St.. FamouaMlg.Sample..,., 931.7411at1 4 HP$160.541-0t32 brn; F Lab mix, blk & DMlf'ea pvt duty nunlng dlataty with email 1tvtne CM non-lmlcra only. 7141730-9203. ,.,_,_Mau •• 2_1917 boya, girt•, ""· ctllldren. rora. d n rm Ml, mite. ~~~~~~~~~ wtit: M Doble, l>llt & t>rn; for~ lhlfl. 14 Y'9 up-tu accounting and ln·liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ___ iULiliUii ___ I ..,.,... . .,... Jackat1, aweatara, wet•. Oenlla, beaut. Slam .. • Satl&.in a.2. 497· 1100 - F Collle mix, Mbla & wtll; •· 831·9282 YMltnanl firm. Management , P.R. PERSONS NEED· ESTATE SALE panta, 1hort1. 1hlrt1, type, 2 yra, decla•ed, F Golden Rel. mix, gold. Rallable married man w/ II Oealgrllr c:lothaa, Blala. 1wlm, acceu. 1klrt1. 1payad. Love• people. SLEEPER/SOFA lfhftUUHU "" All avall. now. Newport car, dNll llc:. .-1 am-PIMM c:all 191• lllrtlfl ED , Magic laland II AM Klein, Ellln Picone. Sat/Sun Oec 11·12. 471 Allergy torcH c:hanga. Full-i lia, ru1t tweed ..................... .. Beach Animal Shelter. ploymant. Handy, lntall-Ablga!IPrtce: ..__. ,,...... look6"9 for• I-lnttlll· Sfftc. wool, cotton dr"· 12nd St. Newport 873-5711 colonlal 1tyla. good Anllque mahogany 125 Meu Or, C . M. ganl 8111497-8783 M1-11M __ .. gent, attracttw I llncere HI, 1ult1, blouH1, 842.0758 cond. StOO. 996-0429 cablnat·$75; bathroom 844-385e ' .... ,.. .... paraon1 to "pr11anl pant1. Dfflgner Jeane. C....... G ........ Sale "marble type•• llnk In 1 •ti• ftulM 11• .. -· Start your new car-on them In !half private club T/lhlrt•. Wool, lthr, fur u.;··m• o:!"":.71a bab • l..Jl.n "" KING-SIZE HEAOBRO door & 2 drawer cabinet Found: Slam.& cat. In Ir· •••'"•••••••••••••••••• ---our 3rd lhlfl, earning $4. In Nwpt Bc:h. Interview coat a. Night g.o•n•, fur• new ~· • &Y •••••••••••••••••••••• Oii pine, ltlnl cond. $80. plue matching 2 door vine at Th• Orovea. Acct• payable paraon, Al Occupatlona Up to $4.60 11 you ti. required. Cell tor appt, 7 robel cunmare wool n, toya, •'P * * * * 551-8517 wall cabinet & "matble 880--3734 expar, "'' aome btlkp'g. A~ come more axp'd. You da'fl, 10 AM • 8 PM. Alk cotton 1w111ari. Slie c:' o th••· • t / sun I BlJY PECAN DIN. R•• SET 1y-" wall ahelf, a11 tor lumber & data prooea-Great Income ..........,.un-111 b t d t for Mr Ha Iba r g 8 9 F 10 sa. 11AM·2PM. 1159 Port '"' ...,.. Found: VlDla vie Harbor ....,.... • w • promo • o · • · •• · , .. ou. WhMler NB Good ulad Furniture & w/9 c:half1, neutral color $ 100; tempered gl111 and Wlllon Coata ....._ •Bing Hp. hel8p4fu21.9H22u~t 3"12Y,.;.,.. ! .. ~1' .,~1 e-n1foo. mgmt. & aupervtaory la.. 876..QtOO t>oota,allcolora7~m«t. . ~ 1.-... cu1hlon1, xlnl cond. ~ door1, like new. MM 10 mo 145-9143 c:h UH. • • -"''" vei9. Call; 714-537-4840. SALES PERSON . Manne lthr l>UfMI, •H c:oton. Ulllm or SELL fot You '275. 846-5833 only $50 for both. Call ~l ' 10AM-3PM ..,.....Fee_tor __ Olrect __ ort_...._· --I lntervlaw1 held every Hardware, axper ~al. DllhH, 1talnle11 llal· () n Ceblnel caeh re· ••-•-~ 1 ....... , CUilom ~ 842--0138 . ....... _, T--' ,..~ ..... ~ Wed f.7 --It 111 Dal Full .._.... .............. ware, Cooking utenalll. u • -·--·-----------"" ..... ure ...... 'Cu~'iodi'~n Needed FIT ME.": ~·M... E. 0 . Pt. ~1:"'9s.33' ... "'1· Much more kit 11am1, f.111"· Chalra, lablH, .. •• m-MH & eek lacquer. I 75. Lift Ul.Ulll Too Yt\11111' fnD '°'~complex "',l~~~~~~~~~~s~~-=~~===-1 King u ahelt1 towel• •mJ>•. Radlo-,.cord 548-9737 av/wt<nd Bouquet• ot 30 Hellum lflNUh 51• •..............•...... PllMl111 lffll1llll WIY1 ln1tantaneou1 re1ult1 with apace • lachnol- ogyl Where? See or call ua at ••N•• .. .-Yf .. mllll,• 4020 Blrc:tl Street NEWPORT BEACH MMH4 ............. PHOTO MODELS ESCORTS/DANCERS OUTCAll 24 HRS llMll1 \IUl1U UI\ Corona dal Mar. We.... Salea plllOWI, labl~cloth1'. player. Vacuum, mite. I llY ,...,. •··-".._.I/Cant·•-· ..__... Balloonl. Perfect for all AILllS 1 1 1 TY 11auz111 Sameonlte ~cat-t-3 Sat/Sun 525 Via Udo LM 867-1133 ...,, .. ._. ""'_,. .,_. I I h lid • • • looltlng for • herd MR· G .. culator, tB•• • , trlc. Soud (Udo ••> "' matching dra11er1. occH on1 o •Y•· Ing, Mff etartlng lndlYI-MARKETIN -944-4504, 752·2404 Delivered anytime. mmJ1 •• --) ~. Out1M w11 .............. 11~·· F'tc:t\na, book1. Sat/Sun ~ F' ...... ITURE _ .........., ......-. 873-4419 ..,,.... .,..._.. .... 8 AM. 303 Ramona Pl. Ha111 aome1 you want "'"" """'" '""" ---------1 · openlngl for lO regular CUl1odlal malnt & ........ Profeaatonal adV9f1111ng (OFF SANTA ANA AVE to 11117 Ci. Ida do Muat , .... Ceatl F" Stz Sot bed $100 w .. Clock Oall AeQulator lhltpgalllUUYSlreeto the Mttlng up of large ............ ort. Earn ex-BTWN 15TH & t9TH It well I Call NOW. Pnc..atartat GuoodeC d~I ·-.... • by Colonial. 135l>/t>eat travel .. maJor U.S. d-roome for mMtlnol and .. -Matlr ..... & found. Mt on ton, --v• fr 758•8001 1111 I reaort ., ... , In· program•. Heavy titting ~ 1180 1ramely large commit· STe. CM). 142-5178. Twtn $77 • Fun $97 1onea. 642-8740 _o_. ______ _ ctudlng H.Y. City, Miami, ol tablH 11 required. =-~:r'~o~~ ~l~~f,; Queen $147 . King 1197 Oecoretora 3.S beveled lntalavlelon Game Unit. Oellu, New Ortaana w/ Exper peraon Pl...,red. Or Coun Sell oea-Sofa 8eda $197 g1111 dining table brw w/I cartrldgH, mint unique young bualneae P"-heva referencea ER MONTH ange nty.: Htl• WHIH 1100 ~ 111' Sofa & lOWIMt $247 hoof• w/ram1 haad1. c:ond. Sacflllce $175/ofr. group. No expar. nee:.• and wen experience lfl.. ~ AdYartlalng tor TV ... .-.................. ;JX";:.¥.............. Dinette w/4 c:tw. $87 coet $1000 llCrtllce tor Ctlr1a, 875-9084 -pr0Yldea2..--..... lonnatioo..,.....when No E1penenc' e agulne. Iha nation'• ..,_UL.II HARBOR AREA DISCOUNT FURNITURE tr•c• of glUI only ....... ~ .................... . ..-C M F g largeet local weekly pu-APPLIANCE SERVICE ... """',. .._. ... --. • training period. Abo.,. cafflng. all Ofl· rl, R • ed bllcatlon. Benefit prog-:::-~ HoE...,.,.. W• .... recond •• guar. 19611 Harbor Blvd. etching cott .. table. Acceaaor .... $175, ~-:;:.•:;. :;r=:,,: AM. 4 PM 873-22el ~ '~ t~v~~b!o~ wor11:v;;;-:a1y~~11. appllancee. 549-3077 Coet•,,.... 931-.eot 846-9785 54M748 mu11 be ti or over, ..... '91 llL:U : ~= minded people rnta.rvlew, c:all 17141 ~~:r.~rtr. I 11f ~ Victorian Spool bad, dbl, OUEEH Sin Hlde-a·bad, 1 Sat French doora e· With aharp, unattac:hed & ~ FlnlTOC, xl.n~ ... ~..!!:.: Ortly IK-8140 ......__ 1 • 1. . LM 867-8133 Walnut $150/ beat ofter. OOoCI condition $75. hardw.,.. '200. ready lor lmmed. em· """" -,,..... • C&lt 24 houri ---w..,_.0ryer 5135.., 7s.t00l 147-3382 846-9783 ploymant. For In*"'-. ::lr._co1or .... train. 11• 1~1 a11 8alea wt1h "':1F deco-Typing 40-eo wpm PIM-Dtahw ..... •100 9· dMk perf9ct' arct11 4 pa11o chairs, looM ~ contact l<Altte Maneonl at --------•-----"-----• ratOf po1ent • Wllon iant.' neat, entry level ....,.,. ..... '"'".. ' or 2• COST"•• T ....... p...... 1hlon1. metal lrame1, 567-3009, Mon thN Fri, mnaf laland fine home tumW.-poaltlon • negollabl• Refrig. -.,............, tec:t, arUlt °'anyone. """w80~ova..,...I -11:-1 ... $75 tor all. 556--0tH 11 am to 5 pm OHL YI ....... ...... Inga retailer needa ..,.. .... 8ancl Hand llllffl· Wutlar, dryer (ltaclt unit) Ille ctwr. & lhelvea. $115. ..... ft ~ .. *** If I ::.,.~ '::::,.=~: FatMlloua wonting concl-rlenc:ad Hl••,1,•raon, tan r••ume to: Lauria alee. Good c:ond. Sl60. ....a191 -·new S30. 147.3392 7 NEW TIRES ltl•lfl• ...... , u::1:':!;1:'C,~. Neiwpor1 Stattonara Inc. =-Ho= ~Ac~ ~:.:;; c:.'111:· = LH, P. 0 . Box 272, 973-2817, 173-3415 Beeutlluf Imported French BUNK BED ••Ith m•t· c::~::·!,.10 ~ Open 24 .,,. 1 d8Y llOI t8 un11 bldg,~ 667-1212 Mr. Emmonl MAii:us. 718·No. Har· Shop. Huntington Beach. CA Ft'Mlllr. Admiral 19 cu. ft, ~ ~,!!!tdoorw/hu1tch ~.~:;g ~;e •111,W....,--------7 days a..-eutalda locatlon. H · bor, Fuler1on. '70-e192•---------r 92141 upnght StlO/beat otter. .,.._ -~· """" · rought Iron ball.,'• Jacuul, Sauna. locall periance Pl•l•ned. Sand ~ AWY baftleen 12 and 5 ... ...., WllUMIE 983-68'5 ~ Country Frenc . Sofa and maldllng Chair recll, 9· h~·· u well •• Tourl1t1. re1uma to Ad # 1085, .. •••m11,_1111111•• -PM. Mon.-Sat. See Kally • l11t,el1lllt Farberware convec:llon .14Wtlt brown:.!~5~~· od ~b6ack __ ._1_75..,...· ____ _ BankAmerlcard, Amer· Dally Piiot, P.O. Box Dettver GTE Nelghltor· -l•ll -Typing, exoelllnt oppor· No Experience Req. Ilka $16 Buy her a beautJful IOlld c:ond • .-.41.......,. 3 bar atoola, Olk wrought lean Exprw, Olnara. All 1580, Co••• M-. Ca. hood phone book a: tunlty with 011 related Male up to tlaltlr ltart-OllW'I, ~25 • mahog pede1tal tabla Oak Dining Room Table & lion, gold cuahlona. 1,5. welc:ome 7141846-3433. 92828-0580. Coate MeH, Newport Can make 113 • *181"' firm PMll call for appt. Ing pay. Full/ParMlma w/1 drawer & leather lop 8 uphol1tarad chalra 558-0tte 2112 Harbor 81. OM Aulllant In• marketing BHCh, lrvln• & Santa •tarting pay. Fuf!IP•rt· (111) nw. avall. In our pub. Call REFRIGERATOR ~~~ P,~~lltmu. $50. )(Int c:ond. $800. 2450 _RC_l_F_am_lty_M_em_O._lh_lp- Cul10f'l'I F.,,._ Phone repe. F&C lie pref. Sand Ana arH1. You mu1t g:~ ~;:'!~",!~' .~~~:•iiiii~~~~ii!i!ii•I •=for appt. 537•2880 Uk• new, troat tt-ee. _.,.... -Newport Blvd. Mngra of. $550 lnc:I. 1ran1ter '"· Converaation with a.1>el Reaume to: ()aelfted Ad have own car I ln1ur-~74UO KING d't I' lll•n•-LL K d't $155. tt3-8080 24x80 wal flnl1h c:off" flee. 865-1487 MC/VISA 24 tn 1887. Deity Piiot, PO .,_, i1e ovw 18 & h:nw --------1 llllll-• lllRll IU!.. Hotpolnt Refrlg. Ilda by table wtornete carving. --------Call 836-0701 Box 1580. Coeta Mela. valld driver'• llcenM. ..IL Secretarial poaltlon In w~• llde, autometlc: Ice mall· $30. 64M74f 2 twin bade. tramee, me1, ~$2~c:' unit. Ilk• SPIRITUAL READtNGS C.. 92927. Mon.·Sat. 8-4:30. Call ~ 8-* Office, PIT or ac:tlve N-port Center Experienced people er. $100. 644-1804 Mat--. ctw Mt Valour treu. 1prlnge, wood wat' m9d.~ 882-6117. EOE. H Realtor'• office. Front make,.., to 117/hr Full/ --.., • • haadboard1 pr tt50, om • Advlc:a In all mattera, Baby91tter. •JIP. to care If type. Nr oag. office poalllon requlrn part 1~ poaltlonl avail Bullt In dlahwa1her. Ex· only few month old. 780-0t57 Ing rm table, 2 lea~ love, marriage & bull· for 4 mo1. old In your Dental _&4f; __ 50_7_3 ____ -i good telephone voice. In~ pub Call todey for cellerlt condition. $100. $150. 831-1870 Frenctl walnut llnllh:' t1, neaa. AllO counMflng. C.M. home. Full time E 1 d R DA -111_. .......... , .....____,,a-.. t 5,.7· 2110 KING 53&-0281 ............. Cont_..,,,.,., 8• -. .......... •-.1 000. n..-548-3441; eva, 1815So. El,.___.__ ........... Mon-fr1.142·9184 ~ 'fornc•Ort....;.....:,...: -• __ _. ,,,...,. .. ..,.u_.., ...... app . ., • ....--1 _,.,._.._, $125 --87"~71•.o , .... ,~; •'=7.;;:...._ ,__, ,......,.,.... Pan/time .............. H6Qtl pearanca. Reel Htata cf't 18 CU FT FREEZER lofa; beige plllow back .,. ._ ....,.. .., San Clem . ._, • ...., Baby.Iller neadad Dec. nractlce In Mlaa6on "'-'-.----;.~ experience helpful but S.... ·~1 >tint loYMMt. $500 7tl0-8045 -Oeak--Jcn.t---,-.-v-7,...-..,.--14 -M-ln_k_S_tt_ol_l« __ O_or_c: __ a 17-M ... ...,.., Income. Call Mr . ......,.. not aaaanuai Pr..., looal 7 ..... .., .. ,...,.. • . ' v .. v.....,, • FIUNlf CICtJS ui. atura woman "'Y Ar-. 830-3703 blanco. 914-1111. ,_,dent. For Interview ....,._ cones. S1 5. -5187 Gorgaoua ctlrome I glut drl•llhelY9a. coat $500. natural ranch w/ able 1U11UU.J home. 640·2887 morn-Oomaltlc call Mtl. OUN •••••••••••••••••••••• Xlnt 30 .. T8'>Pl'I v-..... coftee table 1t25. Sell 1150, 546-3242 collar. Value 15000. u .. 1;...._. Inga. Full·tlm• llv•·ln attan-• ...., L Tiiier ... ~~••••••••!!! oven & timer: c?uper 1eo-:.o..5 Lg BrHkfronl, glua Alklng U400. l40-49lO Meua': P~~~ Gor-Neecl'e~ T~ g.an~':~M~ NO Realtor. -\4.Mtto WESTMINSTER ABBEY ~ ~~~:.O~~ln •& m ~:Jhta, te". 5450· 1~~~f:j~? ,';';'.~ g1111 to aarw you. ttvu Fri, 2·5 PM. Coate llnQ to tl'8Wll occ:aalotW-ANTIQUE MAU 11 QUEEN SIZE. Nevy blue $15001off9r. 875-1861 or from 10 AM untll 4 M •I a ' my home . ly. Cell a.tty, 851-11388 •llllTY 11751 w-., ...... All9. w:::r: 1 cu. llde Wlttl white on:Nda. 1150. MISC. FURNITURE ltt/W-4722 daY9 ..... Fr91 850-1317 (or lntenltew. • EIPEllEICE Now ~Ing appllc:a-OAROEN GAOV£ =:: ~· 145-2618 aft 3 PM • Mu.t ..... 540-54el. 2 glf1a' blk .. 20", I lrg buffet. 718 No. Harbor * I * .wm -tlone for quelled W · 554-4103 645-2835 Naugahyde couch with 224 LO)'Ola,C.M. aolld Oak delk. e11,ec. Blvd, Fullerton •••Ill E 1 R O. C. Marketing Firm lty peraoiwlll. Mon·Ttul matching chair & 0110-atyte 175. 552-0884 11M1M1tl -No xper enc:• eq. now hlrtng lor It• com-8:30-12 noon. >Ont lftart· HOPE OR 9LANl(ET 30" 1lngl• oven range. m • n , $ 4 o o Io b o .• .,,., ,.. --------- ALL MAJOR CREDIT UllmTUnn :,:~r,.gu:.tr,~ F~:1~t:~ pany ltd poaltlona. 21 1ng aa1a1y, benefit pko. mil 11., ~~nd1~:,:,Jf/5· 75,..,.zea ••••••••••••••••••••••. •x9· ru11y d•t•ll•d Ho CARDS ACCEPTED ...... UT 11-· av·•1. n our ""'b. lmmedlet9 openlngl. Full Apply In peraon: P9raofl.. ...,!9111 • Of .................. ~ Am .... Engll1h Riding Boote, acala train lay-out. ..... , ..... .. .. -beMflta for bright, herd nel Dept, 1107 Jamoor. REFRIGERATOR .._..""' _,, Black, M 'A. MO ' Bactwnan eng., AttlMma FIUNlf CICIJS We .,.. • growing, aio-Call today lor appt. WOf'k ... C... & aome Rd N.9. .... 1r., L ... ,.... F ...._ _ _.._. ~. ~ top, 4tt·4217 ' c:are. Mu1t .... )(Int IUllUU'1 cH1lul, Independent. 837-2880 l<INO d't Part·t"""-' · · =--roet "-· _,.. wt ornately 4Hlgned Ch r I 1 t m a 1 g I t 1 bar* wtttl our COfPOI• El111'g9tlc outgoing femMI m'T/.. 860. 54a-111' $185. 541 4415 wrought Iron leg• •nd -Hiil IPllllL I $400/0BO. 142-0143, lblilu of'lloa ~In Orange to CJ;tV. beloon bou· $14 400 F1nanclal 111.....,..ll flrm ......... , .. fnll Ward1 Walher & Dfyef, c:f*r'S (I). N9w, 12500. KS FARMS, f'IWPT BCH: M2·7451 Coumy. quet telegram1. Mu1t J f0t aducalors. P'erlclonel 1100 ~1111 1150 Ml. 224 Loyola, Alkl~ t800/olr. 10 Riding l.wonal76 -E-IS_E_H_H_O_W_E_A_C_om_m_•_· Mauage Parlor. Gor· II you era •••kind'! • he\19 own car 7!CM!ll • communlOellona' dept. . CM. ~5481. 840-41 Carol (NO• tt5!hr).. ~·1 morallv• Coln $to ~ glrta to ..,.._. you. MC'y. Xlnt typ. I 8/H 8-lttful, ler91 IOlld ma.. Nor haaVy ~ .,...,., 8Mutlful 9'Mltfrortt, Ya• 8dva110ld. 175-2f07 Bobble, • . AM.7~~1::::.C~,.! chall~lng, rawer Ing E~l•v•I Act Agency P£Rf£AR req'd. Elcec. ~k hoQl,~7 11dalll,l2500. drr.r. 1275 HarvHt lue 111,000. A1klng 762 ·4000 outtet.7~9 No. Harbor ~ ~~ .!0.= ,..=..:~'o,~ Call'°' Appt. ~Wed. ...,. • .d~ ~ • ,.,_7'1 ao.cs. 548 eue S5000/o.t ofr. '40-4910 ....,."' ,_. -~ lC397t548-3t78 Btvd, F1Aerton e po11t1on for you. Mutt andtype80wpm.Salary, 71......_5354 Pl ... , ' . !-. ... ,. 9' COUCH, ruat, brown, .......... c;;;.;•si;'; POOl. TA8LE4x7.cuatom 11M1M1tl ~ln~h=a~ f1u:'1!o'1'1~' C •II s:;,:. tZP:. •~Pi:;· ~~!!'.!'~= !;:.'1:.:! !fr.Jf! ......... l!ff ~\~~k0~1nbJ~cS~~ct:~"c; ~-:.'(,!.)Alana ~•I· :::: = ~-dly ~~~W' ding to !Mm), J*aNnt '"5•t•n 1on, lob lume ,_..; ,,7·:ogo uttltlO 18 ooo Sctlwlnn Continental vary 957-oeeo t • r n . t 3 8 . 5 o • • .1...,,....,,.------- phone manner. anJoy Ullm -knock• often When you rant 37 Faatllon leland, oe6. e4o-4910. ' lood cond. new i1re1, t ' _ ....... l .__...61 .. _1 552-3611 Frri 8'1" ... tor°' table w/ •-I -• _......_ 1-,.. __ -. 642-4780 UM ......,It.getting Dally NB Apply In penon. 711 775-0458 """"" ..,....... • ""' aocea -•• -.....-oon -·· ......., -·• Piiot Cla11lflad Adi to -.............. ANTIQUE NIGHT . gold, 1275. Bobble, /llisnl/Hl .. I ••• . 142;1705 24 hour9 • C9ll 836-1189 You'• be r-lllble for &pal ... "!9!.~P~cior. .,n. readl tne Or1n91 OoMt 8"w. .. ,....,., An.ndant, STANO, llO. lobbla, l.ADIES' 3 SPD BIKE 1 S 2 • 4 0 0 0 X 3 9 7 ; •••••••••••••••i•1••1•i•1••iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" typing c:orr~· 131-4496 Ptlone 842-8871 ~ 16/tv. Mult be•· X317/641-397t n5-0458 Houaltldcl Of fumltur. Ill• •KRtS l<RINGLE• __...... ....., .,.,_ _,. martial. PIT Evening lhlll, I 7 5 2 . 4 O O O XLNT COND.145. 548-3978 ~ ~.~~·; :=,..:~~ ~ ~ Tract LOM :-i-976-HTI, Et· MuetCAI. CYUHOEA Old CrulHrl & UHd ,_,. ~ S...-tllc '... . l''I Officer. Muet "9¥9 •x· TOY, us. lobbla, BlkH. TlrH, Wh .. ta, ~2201 j :!c'= .::"'• We offer growth, oppor. pertlM In FHA/VA pro-7 8 2 • 4 0 0 0 11aata. Parta. 1M2 Char· ..,.------..,,..,,.,,...,... I .. .., Oo-Go glrl1 (to go) = u.ce1ant wortl6"9 ceeelng. Xlnt l>enefll1, lC3t7/541-397t le It. C.M.142.o309 s::,: ,::v•H~~·~.:. j 1 _i "'.-.., eet-lll 4 ma . .!:!i::7.' = ~~ = ~':'; m OPPORTUNITIES m IEVELLED EDGE PAPER Olrla Lanctcrul..,, 21", & dwt ;r.Clctaphone ~.-_..,........._ =.-::::· ILUIY UID I~~.• at ( 7 14) _1_1_4JnO.Ot ___ 1_1. ____ 1 IN CUTTER. NO. Bobble. oooct cond, I 1pd. an1wer machine w / +me _. ,.-.. I I l3CMIOO 7 6 2 • 4 0 0 O lllW/1210 wtl ... t100. remote MOO. 87M103 -------_, DI n -a .,. Electroaics l..tommuaic.ations >0t11MW1n 4N-t11• ~ .... ._ ...._o.k ltll• ILa-11'" ••-No Experlfnce "•q. Mebolc. WwtM11et 1015, 24" 1CMod tioy'I bllle. t blown,...,., nice. M 3 '---Be 9tJre tO vfaft OUf ..., ... ,. .. -.... up IO t111hr etar'I· How Would You Llk• To '.. Aeooncl. '60'1 atyta 46. moe otd, Mk• NW t76. llO. •1-t1a new store --· -EQUlll Oppty ~ .. f.1!· FU111,rr-11me : ~io: ~:~ ... M1.oto2 144-4201, 161 .. 131 8.!_!!:_,7 .!!.-. l>•lg• and BEACH 'N BALL n;;;.. .. ,.;:;::.. OM ::. ~~a:;: K-= : =-:.~: =... =::. T::. ,~~.::::••a ......... °i4W47I THRIFT STORE ...................... -uu••t._u•tu.1tt'ff' ~ ...... • lln,IOy tt.sutar Civllt.n Uff' c 0 n t e Int r • • I 0 0 . 11W22J or 641-2111 IONO HIADeOAN> Hop ""I'• now :::1: MCMe07 ~ van11y, -. to ~ ..-. tto. 301it W. aALL ROAD, ANAHEIM StteSS m~nwnJ qar'I of. V.19u• :J).C. Siens For Stress Include: HHdllChn Fat1ou. lrrltablllty Backechn u~ pntlt ~pulative ther1py. S.. nutriUonaJ cow.llftl. (7:1.:1-1211 , ~~~ .. ~: ---.."c!~ ~~-, We Oftw ... unu1ua1 Amer101n ou epct, IA''. a.,,... llO. EIN'Wknct 54U737 MOND•Y·IUNO•Y ... _.I P.M. ~. _._, drtvW. • .:XNllent CANH <.>P,ponui\ltlft Fflf' H 8 oommocte wlmlrrOt, all ~7 Twtn Md boll IP'tnaa 1 ,. ,. .-- "'9wr9 for l'IMd lton· Orllduatto or lqu1V1j.n1 llftletled, SHI, llCMe07 IMdl Cnlleer, beife, tow ::r..iaad oonct. "40. , eat .J t 8 t • Ing. ca1t 414 404-4 • Tralnlnc P'or Ptopll' With No AMl!llfOAN OAK mllH. Like new UO. 1 DONAT10Nt ACCtlPTID (Tax o.ductlble) Mlll\ary Experi.nne tor Chflatm ... ctrMMr Celll. .....-1 ,.... of 1 Md tlMa. eon--· ~ • Ap I? or Cf IO 3$\h blrthda)' w I m Irr of , • 111. ldMlnn 10 IPd ..... •• ....... y ~ UO. MllS&ii • Optnllndl·"~ .. ~PrlOt 8tNW .....,1 -.It-........ .-.. ~ .._I.····--·-·-... ---·-_ _ ,.,...,. Miit. n yra Old, IMl-41S7 ew & •net 1 .... ""'· conMm- OolPo1• OMoe, N.•. SOUND INTERESTtNC . .m '""" .... llOO or ... lotlwtftft '9eOll °'"'"'· pOt-.......... , ... ,. ...._ .. ... g:=,.:::•::.~.:. CALl TOOAY 97'·7'63 «*r. MM411 mttalllo blut, nlokel 110i.M4!*4 **~""*WIC:".,"'"°11""' lit• •rpl119 reaulr•d. (t>etween 1:30 a.m.44:30 p.m.1 '-"""' Mt fl'om Mtct-...._ *" oonct. ltH or Mu11 " e19p9nd•b••· CNtY "'"""° "°'· ... a110. ._ ..... MMOll ':' ~ .... 4 ._. ..n TALADRO. •nl1R ¥11'9 rH_con111»1e. & Hll· I nt-11n MMJ M..*4 -~ "'° ... ~7• -t 0 H-!~ ,! ..,. ulUIMa 1---. •tjfde llAf lldrtft .,.... oontempo. MONDAY. MWAY M ,. 1. ,_,. ~~47' • -· 2•s1 New,..--... .,,'°"tor .,IOtl ....... m.-nnu..... ~.,, etJte •1 *•wef• llLL ·-,_ -fll Gel GRUN CMh 19. c..te MeM n 1.-a ':M'f!"T-=-= lll.144-MIM • 'I ·1· __.. for WHfTE tleptlent• Id ... llA ·-New tn town? Gtaaalftecl lllW In lllOdiled -... I' lof•. lltM tan -.oil· 18.I • A Withe Ctuaifled Ad I&~ _ can l'lllp )IOU IM9t = rra"'•· aHt elf er. lrpuftct •floral'""'· Calf 642·H71 -ol your neem. 142-887 l?lo7111. 111. M4-tl04 ___ 4 0 J Ea Orange Oo11t OAll.Y PILOl/Sunday, December 12, 1912 ~ ••••• ••• l!'!ff Mf............. . 1. Mff •• ••••••••••• •• ~.~ ....... ~ .... ~!M!!f4 .•..... ~1t~.1Mtlft .....•.. !It ... ..,m .......... . v~,:~. •1°~~:t:_•.::1~~· 0::r~''::1oM:r.:: ~;A"~ ~08 ·.,;•0•1,;.., RV I BOAT T~•oa11· .. ~~:.'~,!!t, l!f. ............ 1.t. rlf! ............. t/.ff fltr.tfl.ffrl. .. t/.tf "1flXJfM ....... fM ............. 11.ff a.., ftloe. Aetlill• 1200. 150-o..SI Liil• new •160 DRY SfNH oa"'J.ar •h•ll U 11 IS •JI -NI 4 • Attll lwttat 1111, .. "" ·11460 UL.. toeded MIMlt 'It vw a1>eo1111ety mini ·ea '°'o Cowllry lq&Ma, t uktno 111 m 1100. Playful part llamue 641· .. '3 unnGE 113 ,. Auto New •nt tt•n• lpVder New lop, i!P top Hll, •lnl I U ,100. COlld 0•11 fOt d•t•ll• puuno-r Station w •• Ut-1712 epayacl f' car 1 ';'Old 14' ..... We're It In lhe WNI bftkat lltae ookl i en,. t U ,UI OBO 7M•114t 170.6* rn C111IH control OA"I 11001 TAUCKS Mlawtd, Sll.°873·5254 ITlll llT... w .. ':., 1111pe lot Naw & u .. o Jeep run1 xint 122150 Oell 611 '1 IO afl IClm '11 OlaMI, !lint ooncs, Muet '71 YW Oonv "'"'-fblacll. .:::·~~-='•ml M~: •'1ll ,Av&lla&>le 11 loo al Amarlc«t Pit ~II Tttrler, w/cartr~.4~;• cond lllellable allO s.... Tllarel1 a AMaon • n f. "m •, Ive m 1 g , '11 .,_ 11• .... I 1 tti!OO H ,000 mllH, Perfect ,...... 111 26o t"-140t ~Oii I······ Cell I yr, P•P•ll. 1126, to -. --•AIU ~,~, 8alactkln."' 411 -1007 AfD.11800.0alleYI Nt-4207 ooncs.aeeoo 871-IOl4. • --- refundabl•I 1 (3 t2) good home. 813·'918 SONY 10' II.Ck & Whll• u,_ llUJll . ln_,li.>ry '81 00008, wnt/be!Ot lfll , t78 •toe Dye 1784130 ... MB 2304&.. I Mett YOll can nave"' 'll LTI ....... •c 31..as31 ut 223tB fOI 9¥11 m111>1e TV Xln\ cond -...... .., • ~l)) AIC, AM/FM c ..... IUll 'll NT 114 ••via. 2 lopt, .. ~~ ........ .... .'tt-':it'r'' on:.:~1112 ::'en::C'r.Ytii. llow to AKO Cockw S~ Piii)-76· MC>-IM2 tJ•lll1 1 ./\ ran~e ,,_ pwr option, llMIO, ~. ~ ,_. enjl, ielnl O 06 n 0 • I 17 ·I00 'U VW, 111n1oof, 11lntl-" ...... ------, ' pl ... Large variety. .. a.. . .-('oJt\f -enrl. 27K ml, 112,000 ltlOO/Obo, t:it.7117 14 ·M22, ~1·2tt7 •" oond .... to_, ..... ·11 (I CaA'llno SS, 300 On u -Mr bed. complete 111a.1200 993-0090 If• 1hl• -• 1152a.1111 1. l14IO/otio. 142-4274 zae. n.tMlf tlfM, need• w/h .. dbrd, padding, 3 . . ... ,_ •• , ,,,.,,..,,,. 1u•-·· C0$11•1A 8 ....... •i llUll paint • 1800 obo. comp191• .... of theeta. DWARF BUNNIES! 811ow/ ••• ~.ill.............. . .... ~............... 11141 ~' 1111 Cll•J .. ~I/It • 1 4000 41. Am/Im CUI, ~ ........... ,..... te0.e872 l 1tO. 720 •01152 . pet1. Many color• ,.,,.,'1 HJI C..,.n .. ,. ,70 O.t1Un P.U. '''·alloy•, new llrH. -lllT•t '7421011d1n. )(Int rtln 1.11'"-...;... _____ _ e75-t)34 115·30. w111 11o1d 1111 ··:.-.-,;.·•••••••••ee•••• ,._1 ., II# •ha I I . c • r pecf":ft A11d1 ma11, vary clean. we can helpl a.ota yow oond. Evae/wknda •••-;1··,·;;.;;·~ ... .__ IHI BEAUTIFUL Ml k t Chfletrnaa. 41~807 -·-... •••••••••••••••••••••• 19001080 ~2·83AI 17500. 157-8580 llYV. ~ our ""beat• 141·11514 ff -m••'r-'·············· n COi . LA B PUP PIES AKC FOA SALE Flba1g1 ... cal'llS* lhatl, '11-1•• able ~ton. Hvtno• ....... .....,. '17 Marc. Couo•r New :~~ ~ Qual~ hautltul llMlthy'yatlow•' 642-4644, M·F, 9.5 from O.taun truck. HO. '76 Ford FIOO Plc:kup, 380 Aulo, ale, fm etereo, and a.vioa IOdaVl MB '77 240D, 4 ep, --eng, New trana New pwr II. l 1tao. e.48-3aS:"' I I ho 11. 55 7 -l 0 7 3 : Alum. Boat, Valoo Ut4C 64&-1701 Cl~ang,_ auto, w/llr, runl vary wall. Alklng llllllllTY 1unrt., lvory/b1mbOO, IAl,Dl= d lac b rkt. t 1800 • Ma.2217 Rod llolde11, locking ,,.,,. C.,, "" ....,, 631 6'78· I I 5 O or b • t o Ir . UUI I -~! :!· ,'OC:~ ~& g1: -_f_eo._1_°"------ Matamtty Oreel, etanbaf· Ctlrlatmu Coc:ttlllel comp. SCl25. 548-8381 •••••••••••••••••••••• '72 ClleVy Luv PU. Oood 417·0831 2150 Hatt>or 81\ld 873-7375 or 875-0912 OVEASEAS DlUVERY If :1a~is8~~1': o~; 125. Wiii hold. s~ c=~~= ~~4:5o~ ml 41&·3270 '74 100 LS, eunroof ~. COSTA MESA EXPERT& !!!!9 ............ !f' 11 o o . 6411 . 3 o 8 o . 967-8170 .. ,., #ll•N•UH life with a n •l•Ctrlc Vary Clean local oar. New 141-H.O '71 450 SL, Burgundy/ 1• ,_ 942.2111. AKO coc11., Spaniel pup-i.mn Hlf 3-wnaatar. GOider! Clla-ll ...... •llll·tr... radio. 11860 876-eec>e 11n, 2 1op1. XII cond • UILI m mt• 114 1.8 engine tor HI•. ple1. Burt, 11 wk1 old. •MARiN£9ELEClRiCIAN• riot• 641·23M Red, 11lnt cond, 13400 '74 100L8. 1111 bait 011 '~A~:~~)(iw7!,~~~: :!e,?3~2 ml. 121•600· •• 4 lf*ICI trane. & UtaJeo beet on.. Alk tor Bob. Female 1275, mate 1250. DMlgn/lnetlll/Aapalr •..U-4-.. llfl Of beet. 840.6621 11500 wlll buy 4-apd, 14260. 657-8100 111M008Hart>orT ..... E~· radio wllll cauatte. lle0-1718 84Q..5130 Qlty wortc. 541·2520 Ev •••••••••-••••••••••• '70It1T, cpa. dk bllllb*. A.IC, atarao, mint oond. Ill 1141 .. ... .... (,.2YZA). -· 111911 mPllll MOPED . PEUGEOT 555 lowarac, 7'1, CHHlt•. No dent•, no euatehN, Aebullt Honda t1178 ...................... ... ....... 1 •Y UHi --T ... ,, lluU• ml. New cond, all axtr••· '8000/btl otr. 7511·11100. run• parlect. 541-7245 cvcc cylinder hHd, '51 MGA REPLICA '71 v .... · 2• .. c ..... .._.. -....... Full length, Ohrllllne Wonder llltar. 8 pup1. L!.1 nt -•o 1385. e.44·1018 873-4223 co m PI• t • I 2 6 0 XI t d ••""" ...... o -• -· - --·-Dior. Light beige. $7,000 Both parantl at home .•• ;;,;!f!'! ••••••• ~. 848-1183 ' n ::r,~1-.o;""' low mileage. 842-7053 2800 Hatbot' lllYd. value. Beat offer. Top lmportl. Wlanerau WANTED, Wood Freeman PUCH fUJ ffJ JllW 111J ..,.._ COSTA MESA 957.9314 Breeding. Sir• Sch 3 Auto Piiot. Model "t 1, Xlnt oond. '300. • ........................................... 80 Honda Prellld• all •••• ,, ITU .• Volvo Int oond ... 1... . (VA). Dem hand ~ad 12 Vott. PleaM call San-640-8090 Oodg• '78 T1ada1man. trM, Mk•-· 28,000 ml ...................... I tic ·,; looka ' ...... ________ _ Worll benct\, llardwood 31 by Waltll' Martin. Great cty 7141644.()t28 •81 MOTOBECANE MOP· auto. V·8, AM/FM caa, SCl500. M2-lt55 '77 MOB, blue/tan In t. r:::9 tic ,,4601 wie '75 Mu8tang. Ale, eteteo, X 70, 2 dwr, bottom temperament. Opportun-• ED XI 111161, atova, loebo11, good •80 Pratuda lmmac cond Good cond. Lo ml. St• ...... u7245. 0 er. a11to tran1, new brk1, lllatf.145.644-83117 lly to obtain 1111 best. TINY TIOER 1211111ov, nt:r,i~'~fe13415 oono. 1owner.134001 Nubrakaa:am/fmtllfeO rao tape, rack. 12200 .,...._ lood running cond .. Mink Stroller. Ooroaoua 1500 ptue. Private Party. ~arator HI. 10 lbe, • 0 80. 557-4804 or CHI, iun/root. 18900 OBO. 417-8181. 1775 bit ofr. 545-875e naturel ranch w/Sabla 831-8283 Walla. Cowr. llOO. Like naw 1118 Saoll1 <213>«a·0853 Pat. OBO. 562-o828 '77 MGB, nu red paint, Aaltil D* '81 Mu1tang FHtback. collar. V1lu• 15,000, Golden Aatral\111' pupplea, 87B-5223 or 548·2"88 Moped, 2836 actual 'II·-llllll• '82 Accord 4 dr 5apd air lop, Urea, itarao, xlnt ..... ~ ................ Muat Sall. Oood Running atklng 12400. 84C>-4110t I wk• Old, 150 w/lhol1. I wa ;'..k~~ S 5 9 5 1 ob o Camper Van, pop-top, UUI 111¥111 lter•o 'ooo mllu, con d . I 4 1 o o I o tr . ,.._'1 "'' con d . I 1 6 o o I o b o Car phone, naw In boll, 644-8877 ~'!, .. !!'!.~ .... !!':!'! •Ink, 1tova & lcebOJC , ... _ '8300. S73-8110 . 750·1800• 873-4223 c;.;·i:·&·;;;·~·-.-5"48---5-230 _____ _ pu1hbutton, head only, r; .. .,' n.. .. ,' '74 Callfornlan, all fiber· ••t.ttffln/ fold-out bed, 4 1pd. 1131·2<MO .Al5--41411 J. 111 ,.,... 11SI Beech'• """' Mlectlon eo Muetang, air, tterao I 8 O O or b • t o Ir· .......... ::.......... glaaa, 10 w/Chlvy Eng. llHNn lllf 11000· tall' Bl• .. 11.•U ...................... of pravlou1ly owne d oUMtt• 4 ~ new 54...a467 Oak yprlgllt player piano. van11n Trall•r. good ~··••••••••••••••••••• l&0-9537 162·3232 28402 M---'ta Pkwy •• ..;;·,:.:;;;1.-··• t-=~TER Po11c11a·a, Audi'• and tlr••· 13eooJOeo: Call • Ohau1 Dec-O-Oram ac:ale man / e I e c . $ 5 2 O 0 . running concl. 11715. Pvt 74 Honda 750K, 4 Into 1, '11 11111 YU 1211 ,.;:;--· -.-lllLN Volkawagana 418-7132 cap. 2810 gram1, Mdi 11381-4812 Party Call 847-5888 or :1: nc~~l;rt~tg~"o ~uO~ Crptd, panelled. S3800 (A!v E.111111~5) 38'~~7~·800 ,..l/llll Oli 1· _tl_7_7_M_Uetang ___ A_C_,_4_1Pd-. · seoo. . 415-e021 BaldWln o~t th .. tlf 53&-3008. 549-7871, 549-11322 obo. 841-5182, 541-8071 Open Sundays ..... ·-DI'" 13831 Harbor BIVd. 11l1n .,., 11lnt cond. 12500 OBO. -organ, beautiful cond. -o den G ova -•-714-413-7484 ~ r--. TULi 11000 oeo 644-1018 24 ft SKIPJACK 79 Honda XL600, 11lnt. A•,., W1•IH II ~ ~..n tmmac. SteOO/obo. WUI 81 r 445 E. COMt MW)' , 111nt ooncS Twin v 1 5 000 1750 OBO. ••••••• .. ••••••••••••• ~ 1JLI' oona. trade. &42•1384 WH•lenlot Newport Beach 88 Mu1tang conv. autoz 551-85.17 Steinway Upright and -.:3:.-J ' l40-a53 WE PIJ Le.... 973--0900 tran1, vary nice cond. -------J Ml91 Banctl. S3800. Prtv S.,.._S.W.L-.1!.'¥ ..,.... AJa lfJ4 11• ·--2111 f4200. 87S.382t. Harbor Elt••• SM: Prty Tnna 548--6737 '71 Honda XL500, 5K ml, TIP MWR Tll aenm 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• ..... 11 rt true you can buy • ladlae custom diamond H .,.__. 0 CIHtlc 18' Lap1trak• 55mpg, perfect cond. '81 Gllla. 500 ml on new , !MPs for 144 tlllOUQll the 80 Tllfbo Mustang, blue watctt a matching wed· ammond ~s· rte rgan. Century bay bOat. o4 c:yt, Sl50/bal1. 179--55115 Fii llll •••s -. eng. New paint, ttrN, too 78 II 11S: Sllll9r, Black, lJ.S. Oovarnment? Get w/llght vinyl Int. 40,000. ding band '2100 Jay and Lrge pltlf conlOle Grey 13500 875-8181 """ Ufl llllftll mllCh to ll1t. 13260. S.. mint cond. 48K mllH, Illa facte todayl Call milM, 4 epeacl, p/1, ti. 875-3738 • · 12200. Prlv Prty Tarm• · · · '78 C•n·Am 250cc dirt ILU IAI• A HANDFUL OF 19112 rtoue--onty c.it 85()..1809 fully load•d. •18,000. 312·742-1143 E>ct.._4738. reo. Vary good cond. 548-i1737 10' llbargl111 boat wltll bike. good cond, mu11 -a•;e-aal MODELS REMAIN AT Call 831-50711 (OPEN 8UNOAY) I 4 I I 5 . C I 11 , Harbor llland E.ltala Sile: 1 111 11 p o I B motor, 1111. '400. 873--1408 ~ •--'88 Karmann Ohl• Con· 714/IM7 -162'1 , beautlfut, rare 1 ct dla· Thomu 2 k bElectrdonlc org1n 11 • $800/obo. 751-4288 DIRT BIKE·'7I Kewal8kl 2460 Harbor Blvd. SUBSTANTIAL SAV· verllble, a real beauty. 51 PORSCHE. COUPE Jald ffl mond ring never w0<n ey oar 9, Lea e COSTA MESA INGSI $3400 n0-5364 Orlglnal, VlfY nice. •••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Muat. lk;yl, au1o, g9n'I Olrt. fOf 17100, ea1i 1pk11. w/bencll, good Cabin Crul11r, NHdl KX80, grMt cond. 1280. Ml.,. * '75 5301; auto .. 1un · $5850. (213)612-2110 '82 La Sabre Wagon,.... air, etc. 11515 for 15000 or trede 10, con d . s 5 7 5 / ob o . Work, Twin Evlnruda, 762·5903 dyl. • •• , .. , root. (1DVK3101 '73 Karmann Ollla, 11lnt ·n PORSCHE 124 eume Of t>uy out ...... 546-7038, 84M370 ; car. J-875-3738 87s-e810 !37!0f~1b5o. Call Tom at ,79 Ya mall a x81100, _. * '78 3201; auto .• 1un cond. tllruout, 131150/ Loaded 641-3001 _, v ->._ roof. (7008) beet otfw. 751-1731 look• great, eunrool. · Ou....11• 1115. 8 track tape player $50. Hammond Organ BC dr_. kit, lo ml, 12500 Of WE llJ * .78 320I: 4 IPd .. ton , $5850. (2 13)6112·2110 CMl.llM Ill ..................... . Ampllfllf S20. New Rain-~odal, 2 apkrt, good lr9de ta< auto, *4-1754 Al Ra• I root. (1321) 7n2.c!hla c:orc,~~~ad:.• '80111 T•ga. Petrol blue. •••••••••••••••••••••• lllT llU 4 bow lllOI 1kat11. 1lu concl. $800. 847-7017 '71 Honda ex 500 13,000 -~ Oii * ·eo 3201; auto., 1un e.ai ::654-1852 . All option•. tow blue 111 LUlllT '11 C11ll•H Supreme . 5~ 125. 759-1288 Uptlglll piano, good cond, mllN. llk• ,_, iici>. All TIMll roof. (4098) book. 124,800. WIU con-IEUITlll Broghm. 011 economy,\ Twin alza Brau HHd· good for baglnnef, '400. IMl0-6543 111-1111 #Ida 1111 elder partlal trade. Prlv Ilk• new, velour Int. THt,, t>owd, 135. s.t-1045 avea. .U Dll 208 w. 11t Santa Ana •••••••••••••••••••••• pty 642-1384 °' late moclel, low ,.,._ c:rulM. eter case. 8 -Y 642-9740 UPRIGHT PIANO S200. 545-51117 Oloeed 0 Sund1y lid ••nm.. hneM 1tH '""' ~~nc~:=~~1''S!0~ :: r"~-=~ O~~ fur cape, =· ~':.'84~~ 'llO SNRay Sundance ce-&izulll 80 Racing Bike CHOICE INVENTORY Peru rad, c:uatom paint, today! vlnyl top. S5S75, p11 1 175 -'V .... """• bin crulMr •Int cond Botad out to llO, '4()0. VOLUME SALES 111 mechanlcal, prolL UIEll 984-2128 P.P. . .,._..vvo PLAYER PIANO, •Int Mutt ... : $23,00 o: 545-5187 ~ malntafned •Ince total U..Lll .................. I~~~~~~~-=~·oW!~ :,rt1~:J':~:; IM2·2550 '71 Honda 750K. 13,000 -llYll ~ ::':'! 11~~~::.UlJ:V: 2800 Harbor BIYd. 2 dr, 33,000 ml, i\]:8,j 548--6121 Baby grand. 873-7877. Plcg deal: 3 br, 2 ba, ale ml. Kerker. Mu1t Sell. Top dolla11 tor Sport• I I I I IL & IE I appreciate. 115,000. Call COSTA MESA cream & carnal, landau, trailer on Colo. R. In Ari-11500 obo ... 2·138-4. Cari, Bug1, Campe11. -111 UI ~ between 9 & 12 AM .... 1111 roof, pkilh Int .. wire wl\la, Ventura Luggage, Mine llNtrit lr&M, ltlttf• ~ona + 21' Omeoo boat 'll llllY llZll 814'1, Alldl'• POI YOUI Wkda. 640-0881 ..-pwr everything , c1ul10 Two Suttw, uMd once ..... 1 • .,..., .... tkl boat. 120,000. 11rt• -..... Alkt0<U/CMGR S...._Serw.LAulng MIJTMAIOA. ·ee112T•ga,mlntcond .. '72 c . de VIila. lmmac cont, am/lmlc:aa. Orig. 185. 844-1918 ttrt~tltl 184 ;111 545-5187 I,•--..... • ua• 828 So. Euctid Ave. ""n 1 alloya, $t ,,OOO. lnalde/ out, blue/ Whit• owner. Ulla new. MOOO state Bu""* Pool Tabla ... , •• 1• ltt..1 ,11 ....... ,,., l••I Piii• Ml-1111 n&.llWllll Fullerton _ -.. .., 780-8582 top, loaded. Run1 par-°'make oftw. IM-0426 wtth r9d flllt. llk• ,_ w/ • • • CH"'8TMAS SALE 74 187'1 &wt\ Btvd-. (l1•)1M 1111 ·-• fectly. Prloa: neg. '77 Old• Omega. Orig =J:50. 933--0538 ... nl-11'4 • ... ~ ............ Suzuki 400, 5 epct , lie. HUNTINGTON BEACH Open Sllnday . fMIUnl l~ ... ~8o:f.;,.!OI' Sala. 548-5308 ~· ~C, :e·i":i ev:, ---------• YAlllll llm NII Ctwtetmu Boet Pereda, off rd, g rHt cond. Ml·l9 ••lt-11.C•IUWWSWI llfl0-1778 ·ea Cadlllac (Broughem), n on · · Tlttany Biiiard llgllt 11oney 13800 w.e114 Newport Harbor. Dec '300/obo. 831~74 aft. 1111111• .. , .711 OLC. Auto trana, ale, newly painted, 1 owner. ,_7_75-46 __ 1_2 ____ _ oolorad. 1250. 1133-0536 . 17111 tllru 23rd. Ralpll 6 wamD! W• need your trade-Int am/fm radio . 2 dr '11 ...... 114 1575 53fr«>OO "-• 1111 Of 780-8538 Hammond organ mdl Huffman 837-7008 'll lllll •tll Call or ... our llMd car lltchbk. $2300 obo, Runt good. S3800/obo •78 El Dorado orig owner •••••••••••••••••••••• Franclacan "Madeira" 8 ~~& ~=!...':',~'::~~ Cllrl1tmu Boat P~rada DI r I , "o o d con d . ~~~~i::~ol~~'. manager, Wolfganq Jurl-873·526<4 ~ee full pwr whit• 12500. 73 Pinto. air, new tlre1, place MttlnQ w/terV dis-S73-5122 """ partlea. Cl.-C 50 MM· 13851080. 546-5913 Cell ua today! natl,'°' l'llQhe9t bldl '74 Mazda RX3 11300 or l•U1 •-111• eso-e57S · · ~~.FM cue. 11100 "-· 1160. 833-0538 or boat avall. for charter. L• 11111 IMW beat oft«. e.42·3284 uk •••••• -;;I!····••••••••• '76 Cou de 186-5208 780-8538 ltil•f. llf Room fa< 20 +. RMeon-A•N l«ftn, lutl S~leulng t Biil "l DEALE"' IN US l Pl viii•. wire•----------------<••••• •••••••••••••••• able rate. 657-3587. tf .,.,..,_ Hll 3870 N. Cherry Ave. °' . ft •. · 'Wheel9. excellent cond. '7 t Pinto, rune great. BEAUTIFUL :v. length na· Knaellal lkl• & Boot• & RESERVE NOWI 80, •••••••••••••••••••••• LONO BEACH #•ttM. ... lfff nrtv' CARVER 11800. 546-5511 H 35. 862-2443, wrk ~~,~~.·~~~~~ ~7~'7:5 Size 200· '40. Solloonar, ChrlllmH P,';},NT10 ~· ~ WOl'•k1, .... ......,... (11•) 111-11• •••••••••••••••••••••• ...._,I· ~ '74 Brougham, 1 owner, 1133-4271, Alk for SI..,. Sac 11500 197-0471 Parade, Whal• watcll. iii 142":41o0"~22t . c.......... 1111 -lllSL m....._,1~ Ila everything, S2800 Of ,,__,. IHI · ~-,_, Pattiee etc. eH ~ ~ , ....... ,., , ... , .. , Anthracite w/dova Int• ..,.,-1 (I)_.,,.,,,",.. beet oltef. ~ .:1:::: ............. .. 8' Pool Table w/1111. cm ':m=t............... ..,. Auto tow ber and httch -ll&lit'I rlor. chroma alloya. ..-""'t"""uc .. ~...,...., 11112 ~ 9000 ml '50 Plymouth, 83,000 orig '$1800 new. Sall H50. ..,. ..u "" a. .....-. 11-· WI llY • --• b 1 t I •• 1 t 11 a.. ._.,, •• ' ' ' ml ........, Int ~·,........ wtn de! 54&-11877 -• IBP I •••••'•••••••••••••••• ,.. ,_,,., ..., -• .. • o " • Y .., n .. lac1 equip, Ilk• ,_ • _... ' ~, · _,.. ~,. 973-5223 or 548·2"88 USED CARS & TRUCKS #t,. (1CSY340) concl. 1 11,000. e.it after wo rk. U OO /bet ofr. 2 aquartuma. 30 ' 10 gal. .. ... Tll I ••n• COME IN OA CALL FOR ~ p/u Cl'evler logo '58 Aolll Aoyoa Bentley 5, et1-1588 848-4172 ~· ~.~1'tpwr ITlllll U111 A•Nil I# Ill• fl& .... &l 208 W. , ... , Santa •na 8111.:.!''!12~d. 118'500' 11MIO El Dofedo Olaael. Lo '78 Fury wgn, ps, pb, ...,,..., ., •• _.. _,, Motllar tllort ol caeh •••••••••••••••••••••• Cormler-o.Llllo •• " ~ -Ml, Mln1 Cond. Sun root, CtVIM , am/fm. air, ,_ pllone d .. k w/cllr, ra-~· 11n 10 wetault to The l.aaer St0f9. 11t an-IMPOATAHT NOTICE _ _ ~l.Mllng 111-1111 1.-. 1111 Xtr• tank, muat Hll. *-·good cond. $800 or oord c.blnat '418-7353 statt lier 8-yr . ..ofd aon oft nual Christmas claatlng. TO AEAOEAS A.NO _._, ~ r A 0\ tr.R Cloeed Sllnday ...................... 110 500/obo 844 8388 .,_,., ~144 Acme J ler ,........ ndl In 1111 turfing career. Dae 10,11,12. M . LaMf ADVERTISERS 111211 BEACH BLVD. ....._,1 \.../'\.1'V C S .... S•~LaulnQ • ..,. UC • """"' co Need fOf Santa to IMve Hllboardl 1850. H11g• Th• price of llaml ad· HUNTINGTON BEACti ... ••• '80 Coupe O.Vllla .. orig. l•llM ~-s tlon. Mi,.s.1572 under tlla tr••· Call reduction•. 824 WHt vertlMd by veNcla deel· Ml ... 1, Ml·lll1 llllSR:JiCE·BlvfW Xlnt c:ond. 13100/otfer. ~ .................... . • n. w. r ad f1 5 7 8 . 18th St. CM. M 2..ol4t .. In -""** 6111.-:Jllll IC ~Cl"" ..... 142-1403 70 Areblrd O.'lglnal own·. JI T.a. ..._...... 642..&300, 24 llra. flacl ad'fertlalna columnl ..,_,...__ .. ,.->_ 111·aM -•• •· lClnt cond., In & out " •• •-J~~~~~~~~~o·oay Deyaallar 18'1", doea not lndl'°8.,.., 1111-c-,. Ill 11900. 87~18 Jet Atnaf'lca.. Long 8ch llJ! hinged mast, lifting holat, pffcable w•. Ileen•. 1875 BMW 2002, 4 epd, ,_...,. 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• ft--..1-1..1~ 11•1 ~ ~~1:;Y> u.. w ~ ~=-~~~.~n ~:":::. tranafer f"•· finance =•::.tae:& g':c't ~ff•i:;;i:·c·;r·;;;·o;: 'l• 111111 LT ... ~~ ........ 6.~. OIWITIUIU 12350. 1714)523-N51. e:r::-c=r:l' ;'!~ FOf YOUI Cetl 87MS<M IWI•. Auna good. Needs '3500/otlo. 140-01137 7:,.T:Jd, lo ml, xlnt cond •• '=·~:, ~ r,50, ........... 18' twn 80 Jot\naon lkl/ certification• Of dNMr JI••. -'1• -1112 1om• work . 1350. ·eo 228, 350 eng, auto, • . 557..0t75 lo 1 Cab a I I a r o 1 . .,_ 11 I 11 f1t11 bolt, trlr. Muat ... docuinentary prepara· U ... ......._, in ............ -__.. "'·-· I 87&-4493 AM/FM cue .. AIC. U· 542·8024 aft 8PM 11119 ...-anc1. a.at offer. tlon chargH 11nleu ~ ;.,:;:;:; 4'; ~ ........... ;;;;go ' 71Cellce..5 epd, AC, mint tr•. Xlnt concl. 87K ml. A•,., U114 ,,_ M le ... pp ...... ,.1...., -... 1 .... 8 otllarwlae 1peclflad by ,..__,,8 ............ """ ..... ..,. .:..... concl. l4et5obo '5800. 548-7Mt ................. ··1·1·1·11··1·1·1••1••• · ' '~ "'"• vr.r "'' the ecflrertleer. ...,.,., ..,_ ,,,_,...,.,.,., .,..._ 245 553-8034 911991Wknda "'W.::r' ,., F•~~ .,, ,~=-~~~~· :1:-'s Aa'lfM!/ Hcll!t~s~ c:: ~=~ ·15 200~~om•tk:. WE llll J ·n TOYOTA COROlLA eeifJ;'; =5oa N~' •••••••••••••••••••••• ••: Sworda. coins, war ....,. ~-~ .II.!! doma1tlc or foreign 848-0840 HLL Uftbeck. auto,... ....,.--------~ CA LL1"' r .. DIP I IOU\'lnlrs, antlquee and,._ ..... cond Muat .... ••••••• •••-••• 551-8285 ,,..,-' lfll am/tm, S11150. ~3311 o,,..,,, ·~ ~·of colaetlbla Sac:'i11c1'. 18211. *•AIM Ill* Nead ln111pen1lv• ma· ~r.:................. t«)T I frl~ali 1111 ···-··········=··· LEARANCE m .. Tll 0..;ANOE COUNTY "9-tet5 IMlll meea ILlllllT1 cllanloalty aounc1 iruc:tc. '71 Capri, blue w/1Unrt, •••:::r:"•••••••••••••• r ... 11 11mll ...,.. Celt 845-1171 and....,. AM /l"M cau. 4 cyl/4 • 8rtUeh C1u11c TM 1171. we haw a QOOd Mlac- Motllar 1hor1 or 08111 coltlAO:~J'::~'nter 8~!:~s~l~S~ meg. -..d, 11.000 ml, great Aeojng oraan. Leather tton or NEW a USED SALE! neade Ila 10 wetlUlt 10 ""'ti 3A off ..._...._on St. eee-1et5 ....,. ,,_ tm -con d . I 2 3 5 O Io r r . lNIRS(ID. 11photatary. Good mlt. Ctlewroe..at ""' ,_I-yr.odd .,., off ..-"'"''V' • • •n•--546-2114 age. 2 new ttr.. Engine In hit eurflng career. Top quallty bedlpactdng New Ot8on 30. paid 132, .__ W111111 ..... l1# . , ~Early AM'a or ~tor Santa to....,. gaar&dothlnQ. Muataelt 000 , Hll 211,000. !!:, =Ii~ Depeodablec:.. l200. ·--•••••••••••••••• If "OU're r_ .... 1,... thla ................. C OMM Ell CHEVROlET un•lf th• tree. C•ll now. Kathryft 175-3410 845-3337 or let-18tll IV • .,.2-0100 let-1221 1•1 ·-, ..., .... _.,_ d 1 5 711 mag -• •-ad, don't make thla :.:'a~ • ' Atatt + 8pe6e lnvadera, .. II ... _. lllft m I 1 ta k a o f n o t '24 twa. Ptllall. Combat a Golf. SPENCER-44, •'1 cet»tn, • ~A•Nil ,_~ A11tom attc trana .. air c heeking with J im 1911. 640-7613 center cockpit, wtter, ••••• i.~.;•••••• oond --...-... ...... h S'· 1 1 ~ ti f Att9nttonll Small famlly Jdnt concs. Eqlllp v •· , .. -. I ,__11 l1•• .. --r-..,, .. mon m r or tm -.rr wantl to b uy • nlca IH4 ...... ah tenatve ctUlelng. '" '71. ...., -•a ••••••••••••••••••••°I: ~ tape player & your ne•t ercedea M1•• -... dre1Sar. Call anytime Older, good concl"lon OWner want1 offera. ""' ....,_ ••-111111 moral (401311). Benz. Bring ua any ----------&42-9415 135: 970-3104 IPICt bolt In Nwpt, PP. Prod11c acl I>~ I hag ...... •Y .... written authorlHd Qood llMd vw 8drocco Faocory * con\l., aut llu#aJ 12 ga. Browning Cllorl et5-4et5 c~··=-CM02). j Av~ .!!l!v,1 _. llMLM =-~.:-:~ :=' .=-. ~· d'!": !r•n:., P!'~ i':i Mli&Mll M Grade 5, l)lteo!I wood. ~ _, M 11 Clift refund-.00 Hart»or Blvd. :gg1ea to alt 2400'•, ..._.7., (1DM8443). •••••••••••••••••••••• new 12500. 8al 11500 or •••••••••••••••••••••• • ...... "<°"' C08TA MESA ·., 300Tora---" •Y .... P beet offer ~ 7 WINOSUAFER. r ..,. I able. 1 312) 131-6337. ____ ,_ .... 1 Set Ktc*-out vw ,.., Linton lccolod. ,Bo11,1111t . 5 11160 Good cO:. ,o; -----I e11t 22318 fa< your di· _. 300CO'a In atodc onty -wlndoW wttll llardwln. -IAl&UI ....... ' . J • \I • ~4/>-1 2 00 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DI VILLI · t (104VSOI ss995 1911 CADILLAC ILDOIADO llAlllTZ (1ASO&t1) s15,995 new, ~·· w c e Surfboard, antall raoea, · • ....... -•a I rectory on llOw to pur-O.A.C. Thia offer 171 ........ 713 ...................... 1280/DM ofr. 842-8392 llr'lgle tin, 11'8", 170. T~ Info. M3-48S2 --c:NM. 2'4 hrl. eJCPtr• Dec. 20, 1912. _.,., ,._.,.,. ..._ tte2 LAI 1'11111 Ooldanboy, fin 5'1" 1100. 2 O'NelM Great Cllrl1tmH 0111. v... ... _. wt1t1 a jump JIU. ,,..,, Ji.ff Cell tor ct.t.Ma. .. ...... COSTA ME$A gurw, trap bridge, orig wet 1ulta, 130 H . Cueeom ~.I.litre aeettCtOtl). 1-Neiw _.., reblt eno. to .. ,. 19IO CADILLAC ca a a . I 16 o o fl rm. 840-71513. ull, brand n-cond. .-. ~· .... --... • ...... ii;~·.-... • •• • m I, I 2 1 O O Io r of r. •to Monte c.to, tmmac., IL DOI ADO COUPI IMt-lt73 ... ,. ml ~~. 848-7200 av, • 175-0ttt HK, a ll Ptfr, loaded, (IACL719) D .. U u • 0 r a I a C II •• .-. _ __......... __... 16100/0tlo. 111tM>lto $ " ...... : .......... • ••• -... .. ..... __ ,,__ 12 995 "Monltat +'' In ebony. r._. .,,. m,, -eng, tran1, dlft, l>rka, 'II Impala Wagon, 802, , 10 *""'9. ~. ltandl. 125 Oft new bearda Wiit ~h Miii 1211 good tlrea, auto, rune run1 111nt. IHO/ beat. ~ .... Oaap, 11400 tllla ad. Au ..... a. a280 ••;;n-;;•••••••••:A\1' 1ood • b~ QOOd. 138-7778 met S. l<r1a or bHt. 150-aere. Newpon81.en-&t11 T8UP8AV~ &.81.............. 'IUIOIL.7000mt.wn tJIO....... . .......... Qood Cond n1.-oe. ~ Beectl: n·. g, '°' 4• """'"'a ... IP· wheel•. ta1.0001oeo. ·eo vw v.......-. •.no. ,.,., ,.19. AJC .. fender Rllod. •• 73 Key ,,.,., ..,,_,,.,, 30" 311" 40·, 1 41" =~~~~1 /;t•f~to .~~~. u1oa2.-71• Lo Ml. Ill;, AMlnl-. -oeio. 11waoe =model, mint cond. Ju llH 142-4144 frolwl t -5, t• MU. .. "'llO.....,,.. ._, Jdnt I ,,.._. _ .. _ •••••••••••••••••••••• Mon-frl. reeldUal-t41 2.00: total _ ... Im 'll nll d 7 -.____ a I * ___ .... __ _... ____ .Jeornct Burger Pany Mak· 8UP8 AVAIL. ...,_ ., 111 dibeller at.npol• ot P•rmenta -t U . •-H,000 or19 .. _ ml. M111t ;;»:n. PHHnoer • -::.. - 1 Ztmat llectrlc Q111tar er UOO ~80. T11 W. Harbowr B·-,,.-Da ~ .. a oa· -..r.o:. oar. 117.11;.la-.tllMll(1M 4 IP9lf trane., AM/fM 1111 9'"° p1...,.. A ..... , ........ 4 epeed, Ith a XI t d Wllaon 0 M "46-«>54 ~1 """" month ~ l lloen-.-.0 ~Olew -"" . . '11 ........ ~ IO Ml O&lHlll"' llahJ bh.11 :...,. amp. n oon • • . . l40-M41, ..... • M ta IO. 21 N1·1'111 M) • "4l.l 7. (l8tl1). ~ a watorn " • euetom cl•ll blue. a -1oao. 417·1tH p M , 1 4 o _ 4 0 9 7 , ._ 118 NOW! . ...._ NE). '17 490 8LC BrnfTtn ~-. lllnl oond. ooo m1w.,.,.,.,.11.no. Al'IMSTRONQ PtOC0\.0 1 fr.!ilM#' 714/840-71711 ... .._ 11M14 ...... ,. _ ... , ~ Loedad. II.I ml. • l1M11.fll3 yr" Old, Jdnt oond. 12211 •it.aa 1141 '°'d Woody W•· HUGO t7S.?!ft '71 oorMrt .... .,....., 714 111:4111 oeo1rtnlleMl2I ••9,;.:~: 8::tJ!'Pbo~~.: gon.811,000. ===. -· -..... oond .. lldrM,11K ._ .... Linton Ptoc:oto. Bo119ht NO • ._,.,. '31·7717 1t21 l"ord Modal A Town lU... ~~...::'· '1Z UO, euec:· *· ~· ::..17110. 110·8701 Hfl.fh .......... .. Ne•..1.~u••d t wtoa. ,..,...,.. WANT!D permanent NB Sadan , 1 10 ,000. •-1-new •n, na. 11 n · • .....,,_ ~ UIOr1111t Olr.142.atl '""/DO ::;ca:; ..... ,. ..-....... _, ,,_. 42 , ...,._ ITM111. '79 Metta, Nd w/bll -_. I I IO O 0 BO · a.IAN '• VW, lftft, NII = or 111alle otter. '""' .......,_,......,. _,.."" "'' ,,._ ..,._ I AC I k 1t4/9Slo.lllO l"M, 11111. ONLY ...... 1111 "l'.Li:i I AAOtO, '20. 8obb1e. ..... Wll pey OOlr'I ,... •91 De8of!.1.. .. orig., runa ~ .0.,: ~ n::: '11 HOZX, ,.,.... ... 1I MMl Jdnt oond., Dotti ... 1• iii,!~~;~~ AMI 7 I 2 • ' 0 0 0 or .,.. '°' -ol ,.. aood. l71U or beet offer. ...-..... ......... "'°° .. • ... r.;"r." Xlt1/Mf-317t oar . C a ll oollaot 141-e417 ---_...,. aee.1aoe =\b.11 ·~','"· '71 VW ~-~~1 ... 1979 CADILLAC SIVILLI (302VPS) '11,495 1911 CADILLAC runwooo D'ILIGANCI (1ARCH38) s12,995 1990 CADILLAC llDAN DIVILLI (IMtllT) I: ~!_1!1~~· I YamaN ,..,.. ,...... TotmMUO. 1CM pm. 'IO Coupe DeYll9. .. orto ,.,, Im ,__, .... • ......... _,,... ... .._ ~· ment IHOO.' Hit tor CH01C1 ~ ,. >Ortt oonct. N100fotrer: ............. .. :nms .......... l'l'e'l'I' 'll W ...... =flt, ...., •t00. •· taooo/ offer. 417·&112 eo1· Moortnawfboet. 142·1403 £'~-.. ....'~ -lldlri !!:"""1111 ....._11...-.,. _ ... _-__ .,.._, ... ,,... ---Vied ~ aod m9IUlll bfl' JflM 19,IOO. ~ , ,._, -1-., .... ff ,,_ ...__. .... -.. ,.,,_... t -...., .._ !-1. !aft II.ff ....a. aunroof. ad conct. Like -· •7, ,..,..., ..-.... .. __ •· rune .. -not a ~~--~~ Offer -...N Thru s9195 r..--.. ••, one wlttl 1a lnof\ OOlot Z9nltn TV ,._ Zlr.'lf".•......... .. now 11'.400 OBO r---·-· ....._ .....,...., -= Monet-12 13 12 .... ..,,,.._, Xlnt for woru 1711. •• ....... ... • 1174 Ctlevrolat .. ton t 4 i -t 2 \ 1 1ve1 : W" H fut : = = :":r::_.. Ill r • i6 r.\ f o*: I~ Ml..-••• .. • _,, • • ~-~home bul. Iii IOM llY nMlf!r c.,.,., ..._... ........... ..._ oiete. 110.t I . IHI ......... ,.. '10 Ol'Ali"" 1 • • ~ •••• -7• Aweome Teo. 8peaMra illUl\lta NI ............. AMIN lltl, •tra ottt I ttJft I' woM ,_ w1 ,..,... 1190 M°"ttlfr Mt~==· =·-==-I~-= ·:.-"'1:=o ::-::.."':. 144-1111. '14 !"f!!.~': ...... -...... , ::.r~ MO. llMtll :;;;iJ; ' atttr. "''· ptr. 0111 "'· 117-4117 ~ ._.. ~ =.. ...... ""\:: IW_ Ti.e r•eet drew In t ...,.., -MM174. 1 "° -· Audi 00..., I owt. euto ,eo~u tine t '11 IJlll!... w·e:.:~w !I ,_, .. I!!.,. =.;t .. ,.il&W,t"o' ""~.I-"• ...... ...,.,... ~~·.°'l ·nm ••w.er=..""'· :r. .:an --.r.·m:-c.. ~.rrr;.~·1Nf llldl, 11 • ....,I .. f.ee71. 19 ClaMlfleO ads 00 11 well 144 4IOI . ' fll.:::. OIMll!ld Ad. = M...:.,, MOft Mf .. 11 ) 1 111111 ClllT l' DEAR SANTA CLAUS ... I DON1T SUPPOSE YOU'VE EVER RECEIVED A LETTER 6EFO~E FgOM A BIRD ANt? A D06 .... HA ~A .•• ANYWAY, WE JUST TI{OU6'-IT WE'D DROP '(OU A LINE II ™A:r'S WRAT 61VES IT A 1-lOMEV TOUCM •• SANTA CLAUS LIKES T~AT SORI OF ntlN6 •.• READ IT A6AIN .... NANCY .. YOU SHOULD . I GUESS HE'S • SUNDAY. otaM••• 11. ,.., ... CINU HEY·· GET OUT OF THA,-: .. TREE ALWAYS TRY TO SEE THE OTHER FELLER~ POINT RIG ~ T~::;::;t"--:t-::::::::;:=:::;:;-:- OF VIEW I, - • Ylll lllmll llllY Ml'll • READ\"? YOU LEF=T our THE ''~A ~A '' @ OKA'<' .. FOR6ET T~E l' ~A ~A '' Bv Ernie Bushmiiler AW--l'M SORRY, Kl DDO--DON'T BLAME ME--l'M ONLY ' DOING i I I I J ' MY ,.JOB I ---"! • • GARFIELD ® VOO CAN HAVE THIS HAMBURGER IF VOU CAN REACH IT, GARFl~LO DENNIS THE MENACE CleNNfC'?<l. ~NNA GO rtUMt:I-_. ~-.JDGE PARKER 4 _____ _ by Jim Davis /\k/ I PONT DESERVE NO MOPE:D. A/...t... :I ~ G AR&OMX IRTBJJ<E! <1<J<l ' e . . . . ~ : . . : . i f . . I : , .. MA'a>8E 1'415 GlAS.S OF (Uq"M MILK WILL HELP ME FAU: ML.EE.P ! EVERtr>ONE.. 1MI NKS 1Wtf 'TAKf N& <JOOR BAND 1n 1HE. 1l>URNAM 1MEQ DON•i KNOU) HOW ~ WAKE UP I~ 'THE MIDDLE OF 1HE Nf6Hi IN A COLD SWEAT IHINKIN& ABOOT 1AAr DREADED ClJRVE ON10 C.OL.O~DO 80UL..EVA~D.,, OFlroSE.S m~DE 15 ALL FUN AND GAMES! I§~~~ ~~1 ~~~-f! ~ ........ ~! MOON MULLINS Yo(.JR TEST TODAY, CLASS] IS -ro COMPARE iHE VOYAGES OF COLUMBUS AND MAGELL.,AN. READY? BEGIN .1 BES'ID~S --I LOOKED OVER TH 7 MAP IN OUR TEXTBOOK L.AST llA!O f NIGHT--AND 811''"' • :::::-... ,- OR WORRl.>IN& ABOUT WHETMElc:. OR NOT 1HE 11'0MBONE SEC.TION WIU.. Acc.t DENTAU.t..> GET LOST AND GO MA~c.HING DOWN 60ME SIDE ~EE.Tl J,~ S/GHJ,~ Ii'5 NOT EA54> BEING 1ME 6~EAT65T BAND Dl~ECTOR IN 1HE. WORL.D ! WUEN YoU'RE Hor, You'J?E Hor! DOCTOR SMOCK By George Lemont 3 eu-r-yoo'F<e A L.APY SHRINK.' AN' "f'HA-r's "f'He WAY fl" IS, POC! AN' WHA"T"' :t: WANNA 1""At..K Aeoo-r IS ReAL- HES-MAN, MACHO S"'f'UFF ! IN '"T"OUGH GUY, eARROOM L..IN<SO, -roo/ YA t:'l<S ?>.' ' Re:L..Ax!Jos-r "'f'HINK OF Me AS oNe oF 1"'He eovs! • I I l r . 12·12 Mt(•/...,._ ... ____ _ t M @ a • ~ e ,. J • , CAN YOU T•'IST YOU• IYllt ""9 •N •t .... , 11• '"'9r· ......... .....,. ............ .., .................... .... 41.aaJJ CM ,_ flM ....... , a.ft IM•ln wlte-tM99 .... . 1Yt111wst1•1'9qe1t•M f ''l>lll> .. ....,...HI._.~ .... , s· ....... t111D1 -1•4 ., ·111ttsiw •1 ,.,, "t ·1~11P" 'l'M ·c ·1Yt1siw ---.,J. 1 -..io ~rr~ ® --------by Hal Kaufnun----------- • IAFITYNOTEITIMt.._.,..... ...... ,....._...,.,,, ........ -.. ... ....... ....... ., ............ "" ...... ys -• •ftf tlMet ............ ...,.. ut ........ drive, PUTWOllDS INTUNll Say It with music! U•· Ing lettert of MCh no .. Of the rnulkal tcale, n•m• something •ssoc:l•t.d with the hollct.ytNton: 1.00 ___ _ 2.•1 ___ _ l .MI ----•.FA ___ _ S.SOL ___ _ t.~----... ___ _ As a st•rtw, tome IUIOfttlons .,. pie· turtd -No. 1: DOLL, for Instance. No fair peettlng •• poealbl• .... . ., ...... . ,..~ ..... 'Al~ ""'PIOI "'°"9t ....... "" ·..-.i1a1 ·1100 ._... .. ,...,.., ."FMIMM*.,.S,1Ktett ...... IS 2. .21 I -.., \. '\ -.... 18 20· . 3 e at 5 17 ! . a."~ .. .l •7 ~ f 6· ... l I .13 ~ . 9. 12 II MIAO STAaT1 Our artist Mnly ....... •aw ·~ when his subject had to depart. Add missing lines. • ' For Better or For WOrse I• . , Kee:.p SUCKING '/OOR ~__;_t_,.-, 1RUMB L\KE. THAT, L\'%.2\E -F\ND rrtL FF\Lte>FF -!- • 2 7 1 SPELLBINDER SCOlll IO ..... 9'r uMftl .. , the letters In the...., below to form ----t---....._ twoc~-.11; S'AllC&.10 by Lynn Johnston : . • • • f SHOE ef18TI . l!!!ETTE~ 'TO FUL-· FILL O!VE's OE6i!N'I iHA>J 10 H.AAIG ARCXJIVD, Ae,JNG AAIO LNWAAJTED/ JIJ5T CRAJ.JK UP~ 'TUE EN01NE. ... rr 6Ai~ ~ Ml~AA\/EP Af 6'KOOl,.100~ ... Phi, OAO '5 '-'~ If 1l:> Me, &U1' ~E ~~ L.&11L£ &f(D1M£tt ! 1b ~''M IT\ MAMO Mt 'IOOR 60NNA Mlf 4ME. C~U .. INEJ \al~M' ~ PeN ... \f ~E. ~e,e~ 1\U~ ! !Al A l=EW DA'/s YOU'LL ALL 8E <:JONE,/ I'LL BE LEFTAWNE AGAIAl' • .. • I 00'?? ~R 1'~£. ~UR~, I'~ Lf,A~ ~10 By Gus Arriola IF .,-AA.,- FAO.E:D .Sl!<.ENA 1:, ALL 'r'QlJ HAVE J-E!FT, ZU TAKE IT/ :I NEED A ~ICIATA FO~ "lONteMT/ .I'LL &liT TO t6EE WHAT THIS CH~ISTMAs TJ-1/}JGJ 15 ALL AE!!Ct.JT/ 0 by MacNelly ,, , .. ... • ll ~ r Say yes to Ultra Wear at an ultra ·. low75¢. CAnlallllUGI SUir ol 1Ys The Dukes ol Hazzard Do you bave a epedal trick Jor 9taytnc .U..? - R.T., Caatoa, Olllo I have a routine, not a trick. My mother makes sure I eat breakfast every day -she still can't forget how for years I wouldn't touch it And I don't go on binges. I enjoy a good meal, but I just don't stuff myself until I'm sick. I even like pastry occasionally. I never touch anything out of a can; I Slick to eaiing fresh food I also feast on sun baths ~ and vitamins -and stay I~~~ -~-···· away from sugar. substituting -. honey instead. Whit~ Hwa Chwl ol Stalf How IMO)' newapapen doe9 the Pree&de:ot reed eacb day? -P.L., J..,.k:a. N.Y. President Reagan, who refers to newspapers as the "nerve centers of information," is an avid reader of at least four papers. To keep abreast of other events, the White House News Summary Office prepares a composite or news Items every day, which gives him a good wrap-up of what the press is reporting. A spe- cial edition of this summary, containing cartoons as they appear throughout the week. provides an assessment of the views and concerns of Ameticans nationwide. ..OMTlll 11AIK'' ....... n1111•~ HOLY KRYPTON: om. topber Reeve. now the cor· rupt dergyman in Monsignor. fears that if he makes another Superman movie {he's cur- rently filmin~ No. 3) he might actually begin to believe he can leap over buildings ("es- pecially alter a night at the local pub"). That's why he says if there is .. a Superman IV, he'll pass. "I won't make a career or being a bloody bore in tights and a cape." ... ~e ..... Reeve's CXHtar in Monsisnor. didn't have to do much research to get into her role as the naughty nun-to-be. She was educated in a convent. and says she's well versed In the liturgy .... Says a friend of ac· tress Koo Stark. who's sot· ten more attention for her on· again, o~ romance with PriDee A.-.ew than she ever did for her acting: "Since the day Koo met the Prince she has become a saint" ... F. Y J.: After seven 1e110ns as Barney Miiier, IW ......_ swore he wouldn't Cover by Don Huntsteln/lnset Photo by Penelope BrffH·llal1on get locked into another 1V series for a while. He was so adamant that sources report he turned down a S2 million deal to star in 1Vs new SI Elsewhere. Hal's contenl ck> ing films (like his upcoming 1V movie with Anne Meara, ~ Other Woman) and per· forming in his o~man show, in which, amona odlU trunaa. he ... to play his lrUttY clarinet .... 1BA rs SHOW lllZ: When author ltam Jalfe's bestselling book Mazes and Monsters was filmed in Canada (the 1V movie will be aired this month). Rona's pa.rents. un- familiar with the worklnp of the movie business. visited the set. They watched a scene in which actor Tom (Bosom Buddies,) Hanks does nothing but sleep. Afterward, still en- tranced, Mrs. Jaffe walked over to Hanks, lying there With eyes stllf ~ ana of. tered. "Good actlna. Good scene.". . . Korean com ic ........ >' Ylme reflects: "In my country, women walk five feet ahead ol you. Irr America. they walk Ill over you. And where I oome from.~ pay a lot for that." Do you ..._ the .. l(OOcl old .,.,. of r..no., - R.S., Camclea, N.J. I have a deep hunser for those times. Commercial tele- vision has become too much of a children's plaything. an electronic theater or occa- sional innuendo. frequent smut and adolescent humor. We should r~xamine the last days of radio before tele- vision. Take the best of radio and set it to pictures. Ifs not too late to unleash the imagi- nation again. How cm I nl9e •>' SAT 8COl'e91 -NM., Bn•p, Me. learn as much as possible about the test beforehand, and know where to suess ana when. ~emaCic p~ &ration is cnticaJ. 90 SCUdy ahead, either on your own or in a study clau. Anyone determined to make a dlf. ference can, with. a positive frame of mind. Many have railed their scores by as much as JOO points. e 1m FAMILY Wl!IKLY. All """8 fWeMd. IWI, IV _, ...... ~--.-----..:.·==-~------------------------- Marlhom L IG llTS 1 oo· s 10 mg "tar:' 0.7 mg n1cot1nt-Ktngs: 11 mg "t•:. 0.7 mg nicotinuv. per cigamtt. FTC Ripon Ote'.81 Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. J am a believer in the open market, always have been; Moses should get all he can. But when lhe players themselves are more solvent than the teams. then something is desperately out of sync. There are. claim the National Ba.sleet· ball Association's negotiators at bargain- ing time. no more than seven teams ma.king money. Who can argue with th.em or with their wonderfully creative accountants? But what fan who cares about pro basketball does not sense its erosion? I know that I have been in some kind of psychic dissent from the game for the la.st few years.. It used to be that as a season approached. I became palpably excited. l loved the New York Knick.s in those days. and I worried whether the team was getting old; I was nervous on the day of the draft. I remember in 1973 when the Knicks drafted Mel Davis in the first round. I called friends around town to find out what I could about Mel Davis. Could he eventually replace Dave DeBusschere? (Could anyone, I was later to lament. replace Dave DeBusschere?) Sadly, Mel Davis, he of the powerful body and glistening muscles. called "Killer'' by his teammates, rould never find the grace and the suppleness to balance his sheer powei. Soon he was gone and I was bit· terly d~inted. Nor was my passion reserved just for the Knicks. In 1974 I was a guest lec- turer at the U.C.LA. School of Law. Visiting Regents Lecturer. was my title. I believe. a singular honor. and perhaps the high-water mark for me as an * head. On the final night of my tour there was to be a party in my honor with all sorts of Los Anseles and Hollywood celebrities scheduled to attend. from Pat Brown to Tom Hayden. It also happened to be the sixth game of the N.B.A. ch~ pionships in a series which featured the Kareem AbduhJabbar Bucks against the Dave Cowens Celtics. The party was suooosed to start roughly an hour after th"e game started. Thus. with a little luck, I might see the entire game and yet be only a little late. I am normally obsessively punctual but this time the game was too good. With the game al~ over. I was already 20 minutes late. But it was a marvelous game and it went into overtime. I was now 30 minutes late. The game got bet· ter. There was to be a semnd overtime. My young escort officer was visibly ner- vous. We were now seriously late. His fingers kept drumming on the table. Could we 90? he asked. Every now and then a man has to make a hard decision. We stayed. No RegentA Lecturer had behaved like this before. We were "1 hour late. Lost on the way, I explained to our host, a U.C.LA. profes&Ot He Cm~ of o~tion: 7luo domino"' bi1 men, KOl'fml AbduWobbor (hllt) of tM N.B.A. l.04 A,,,,e• Laltm and Pat Ewlnf of Gtorf«own U11111cr1lty. 1ymbollu the cscolotl111 bottle bMc.wn the pro and coll• fOtrWI -o bottle for foltA rati,..i ond. of coutN, blf ntOM.)c looked at me oddly. The party was an immense success. No one else was late. No one had been sequestered in a side room watching the game. I have been suspicious of C.alifomia and Its culture ever since. Callfomlans are people, I de- cided, of dubious pas.sjon. It would never have happened In New York. Those days are long gone. Now I pay relatively little attention to the pro- basketbalJ draft I think the game Is seriously diluted and Imbalanced. T,he players are as good as ever, perhaps bet· 1er. I think as a group they are the best athletes in the world -lhat is, more of them ~ a combination or power and grace than athletes from any other sport On ~n the individual per· formana!S are still dazzling. Watching Julius Erving or Gus Williams or Lany Bird or David Thompson or George Ger- vin play on a given nlahl Is still ex- hilarating. In my mind T still see Earl Monroe -Earl the Pearl -splnnlnJ. weaving. shooting. But the game's pull is now more in the artiatty of the In- dividual than, as in the patt.. the match- ups and the teams, the lmpona.noe ol which ha been diminished by the l~'s too-npid expansion and by the bloaled schedule. Not surprisingly. the l~ue pushes network TV to hype the Individuals. Slardom must be soki. "Watch The Bird apin• The Magic Man." What I loved moll about the game In that ldorio& time of the 60's and early 70's, the rivalries of welkleftned teenu. Is gone. In those wonderful years. the N.B.A. had the best of both world1; it had fine teams, and lt had individual matcb-ups, an artistry of the Individual The Knicks against the Bullets meant that DeBu.sschere and Gus John.son would bang heads. aJtemating nights of ex- cellence. neither able to otXiteraie the othe.; each finally raising the other to a higher level. It also meant Walt Frazier · st Monroe. Willis Reed against ~ UnseJd. and Bill Bradley against Jack Marin. It was team against team, and yet there were even smaUer worlds or competition within the larger universe. Nor was this rivalry the exception. for lhere were others: the Celtics against the Sixers. the Kruoo ~sc the Celtics. and finally the survivor of all lhis ag,ainst the Lakers. Most of the teams in those early years seemed like AOQC:l ones and there were few genulne- fy weak teams. Glutted as I was then with professional football, I wrote a decade ~ that I thought that prof& sional basketball was on the rise and would be the sport or the 70' s. I was wrong. I penned that prediction on the eve of splralling expansion that dramatically changed the game and the nature of the season. Because the expansion took place so quickly. the league has virtualJy doubled in the past 15 years. There are too many teams and. even more importantly, too many weak teams. In any given year. perhaps eight of the 23 N.BA teams are cons& tent, four are mediocre. and there are a number of perennial dogs. There are at least ftve or sb franchises that simply should be closed down. There are too many games and, even when the players put out. there are too many games ~ weak teams that have no meaning for the fan. There are in fact two seasons now: the resuJar season. played at one pitch, and the real season, the J_>layolfs. played at a wonderful. feverish pitch. M the rivalries and match-ups d.lmin- lshecl. so did lhe ntlng5. and television which had so much to do with en- oouraging the exces!ive expansion, now began to pull bade trom what it hid wroughL Soon the sport was harder and harder to find on 1V durins the sea900. and even the championship games were not put on live. Oeart~ prote. sional basketball. masnl6cent athietes and all, was a leCOn<klas sport. Now cable coveraee has iue.at1Y lnaMled and CBS wUI put on tfie mampk>nlhlp games. but necwork 1V seems unwillinS to oover the pmimlnary pan of a 5ea.t0n, the ewty part when the p>d teams define themtelves. and the early playoft sames (often the belt sames of the ltMOn) When the bat teams finally emerae-Whether the seuon oovered In itl early days by cable and its Iller days by a major netwofk can be conl6dered sue- .,. " cesstuJ is dubious, for a season is a~ mulative thing. Excitement ha,, to build gradualJy; it cannot be force-fed to viewers at the end. which is what is hap- pening now. The owners profess to be pleased with the new television a>ntraa but it is a scam. It is the same money that cas paid for the last four years (lhou,h f.robabiy greatly diminished by inftation . And. except br giames used to fill in during the football strike.. it calls tor CBS to show only four reeular season games (some will be late on Friday niAht). oompared to 17 last yeai: What al5 did ln television terminology is called warehousing; It buys somethifll noc so much to have it. but so thal some- one else (at leMt no other ma;or net- work) cannot have It. Thll ls at once AOOd and bad -good for the owners 6e_cause It gives them a grea1 deal more ~than they thougll th~ were go- ing to get. and bid becaute it meens that the network has abdkaled ~ & nadonal sport. <.'BS in effed bouaht IC DO( to U9I! it. And so I moum the sport, In pan becal&te the lthJetel Ol't the t. ln the wortd. No mailer my~ when I watch tomeone like Out Williams p&ay I am momentlriJy broUflht beck.· The bes alhlttes, wrote Shalin O'Connell, a Univenily ot MllMd\utem E""9h prolaloi; pt.y It the ipeed of thoU8hL But pro bllketbll1 It a tpOrt no lorp harmonious with ltJelf. Money has become I IU~ute br orillMI put- polt. and the MhJetetare often numbed by too many ll01'il Ind IOO much FM&Y \VUla>'. ~ 11 • ,.. 7 . ' I I I Watch the Tournainent ofl Nabisco Brancls ·can $200,000- in Sweepstakes Prizes. You could win any one of 5,485 prizes: C1.1tomobiles, videocassette recorders, television sets and new Kodak Disc Cameras. Pick up a Sweepstakes Fonn at your groca: No pmilase is necessary. But make sure yoo Wdtch the telecast January 1st to get the facts you need I OPPICIAL RUl.18-NO PUBCllA8B NSCB88AllY Roses PatadeJanuarytst make you awinnec · · Up to $20.00 · in Valuable Cash Refunds. It's the biggest refund in our history. Depending on the number of Nabiseo Brands quality products you buy, you caii receive up · to $20.00. Look for the Nabisco Brands DisPaYs with Refund Request Forms at your groceJ: Or fill in the awfication below. .. RJaky buslna•. Lawn mowers ... vacuum cl~zmers ... bathtubs. stairs ... all part of everyday life and all hazardous to your health. The Consumer Product Safety Commission says these household necessities caused llimost a million accidents last year, ye.t most people accept the potential risks because of the proven benefits While X-rays may cause cancer. they're much mo re likely to detect this hightenlng killer. Even those roasted peanuts thal ~elp get you through the big game are risky: Each one contains almost 200 chem1cals. But 11 would be nuts to stop eating this nutntious,high-protein food because il like many other foods, contains chemicals in amounts too small to harm humans. Risk. In other words. l.s part ol lile. Fool'• goal. Nothlng's sale all the time. yet there are still calls for a "riak-free aociety." Don't risk IL. for eliminating chance can ruin more than appetite. As ldentlst and fonner Washington State Governor Dixy Ltt Ray put tt: ''Zero defects ln products plus zero pollution plus zuo rtak on the )ob l• equiv· alent to maximum growth ol 90""'mcnt plus zero economJc growth." And when It comes to the economy. what America doesn't need Is a Chicken Little that lays goose eggs. -- "Guess what. sweetheart? I j ust tripped on the oocuum deaner." Cold fut. What America does need are more companies willing to take business risks, especially on e nergy. where the risks are high. For Instance. oU companies gave the federal government $816.5 million for the rights to risk Sl79 million more drilling wells beneath the North Atlantic waters 100 mUes 6ff New England's Georges Bank. So far, the results have been "dry." The $2.1 billion Mobil and other companies agreed to pay the QOll'eTTlment to search for oil and gas near Alaska's North Slope at an auction last October Is another example of the !!!s rtsks oU companies take all the time. And that's just for starters. To drill this forbidcllng area will require millions more for special coki-resistzint pipe. drilling Islands ol ~ that can w!thsland Invasions ol ice packs that loom like mounm!n ridges. and millions more to protect the fragile Arctic environment We're pmblen. The oO ind119try taka other btg riw & all ova the U.S.A evay day: The top 25 U.S. oil -~--: companla spent nearly $4 mUllon an hour ln 1981 -· alone to find and produc.e moft domestic oO and nmu-- ral gas to keep you warm In winter (and cool ln awn-- mer) and enable you to driw to the folki hou9t for the holkleys. The good news ill thlit oU companla haw found more otl and gaa wtthln U.S. boundaries. atabllt.lns 1.M country'• oil and flOll raenie lnuentorla after o 10-year dttllM. Tllldng Nke: It'• the bat way to kup Amftia rolling ... and growing. It'• a feet: The Department of Energy reports that reserves from ·new field dl.scoveries" In 1981Increased78 percent for crude oil over 1980 ftgures, and 47 percent for natural gas. Mobir travel. What is mming most nights on the court is not physical effort but sur- prisingly enough. mental concent~ tion. Aiena.s blend into arenas, games into games. The league should prObably be folded and reconstituted -no 111Qre than 16 teams. no more than 60 regular season games(versus 82 now) and, with a little luck. no more than six teams to make the playoffs, rather than the cur- rent J 2. Perhaps. too, some of the salaries can be relaled to performance; as a team wins more games. the salaries rise acmrdingly, something San An- tonio has trieCl reamtly. In the meantimecomestherlseofcol- le&e basketball A number of faaors have contributed.. The first WM the insbtuti~ in 1972, of freshman eli8)- bility. which gave a player four years at a given school and gave colleee teams identities that they had lacked in the ~ The seoond factor is the shorter schedule. rotJ8hly one-third as tons as the pros. which pennits the higher iJl. tensity of action. The third is the absence of the guaranteed contract so commonplace in the N.B.A (coupled with the sense among the colleee players that if they play hatd and im- press in coUeee a bia oontrac:t awaits them in the future). fhis gives college coaches far more leverage CYVeT their players than professional coaches. The result is a sport that is now in bloom, and gets higher t'eJevision ~ (in no small part_. I suspect, be- cause it is also perceived as being "I~ black" than the profeuional game). In the past it was never a particuJar favo- rite of mine. I am not keen on cheer- leaders. no matter how high they are held aloft by handsome. blond young men, nor am I hi&h on students wander· lng aroWld the arena dreseed as bears. tigers or unicorns.. The level of athletics WM rarely as high as that ?~~ros and I had never been enth about short, scrappy white auards who drib- bled weU and dove for 1ooee balls. Worst of all there was the slow-down offense. The game lacked the advantaee of a 24-seoond cJock. and the team that had the ball could. in the seoond half, 90 into a stall olfense (known among the c;og- noscenti as "lettins the a.Ir out ofthe ball"). But this deprived the sport of the very thing that made the modem game '° exciting the speed and acrobatics of the new black players. The four-<x>mer offenae. popularized by Dean Smith of North carolina. has always ttruck me as just about as lntet estjng as pro bowllf18. On occasion, J would pick up on a team -John Wooden's U.C.LA. teams were AOOd and fast and the players looked" tor each oth~ thouah r never much liked Wooden's pi«ies. Kentucky, another powerhouae. wu cJeart.y a school that was finl and toremost a basketball fadory, and then. and only 10 FAMID' ~ • l*IM'ID 12 • 1• then, a school If there was any team I rooted tor it wu Marquette because itJ players were so funky. never over· coached. and they looked like they were still havt~ fun. Jn addition. m the mid-70' s. J began to root for the 8Je.1t ln- cliana teams because I had rare!y in any sport seen a combination of such discip- line and intelli&ence on the court. and because a>ach Bobby Kni&ht insisted that his players graduate and that they become full.ft~ citizens of~ SudOerilfOOOeae baKetball is on a roll. The Final Four. after much promo, is an event it gets ratlnp two to three times those of the N".B.A. playofts. and the games leading up to the cham- pionship fonn a season of their own, less cumbersome than the professional season. They can be readily orches- trated by a deft network. One can watch a team on the rise. and the players soon have instantaneous national identities. The athletes themseJves are 8'ftin8 bett~ and last year the final was as llPO<l as any game rve aeen. Certai~ ihe ballet was there: Geo,..c:own s Pmick !Wing at 18 was doin8 thinp with his body lhM no man that youna and that bia shoukl be able to do, He had, It aeimecl, survived with a» siderable ~ the cruelty of the racial taunts thal had peeted him In areoe after arena earlier in the 9el900. James Worthy of North Carolina also played brilliantly and showed that nilht he was an ath~ ln the best serwe of the wold. thM is. there was a mental t~ to with his conlklerable ph lkill&. roe, th• was a nilht in wh George- town wu ao1ns to beet Nonh Carolina. Make no mistake about tha1. Georaetown had superior llhtelk: lltren8lh end. epln• a far more a· Ptrienced and IOphbdc:lted teem. k had no< become ftuaered u matiy had Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 9 mg "11C 0 7 mg n1co11ne av. 111f c1gnne by FTC method. WILD & WONDt:RfUL! •Huge 52"x60" •Fabulous Lifesize Tiger! Soft, Thick, Luxurious Pile-Machine Washable! The Tiger Throw Not $60 $1988 Not $40 JUST each 2 FOR $38. to the 10010111 stadium So well made. the design " reversible , . Golden 1an-on-brown reveraes to brown-on-tan Rich, labulou1 acryllctotalln blend with neatly bound borders~a11ly machine waah-and·dryable It's A -• Rug • Blanket • Wall Hang- ing • Bedspread • Furniture Throw • Carseat Cover • Stadium Wrap Exotic, adventurous. oreathlakingly beautiful' A megn1ftcent l1fe91ze 1oger. ceptvred 1n fungle-true colors on aoft, fuah. ultr1-th1ck pile. The perlec:t decor a. 'ULl Y OUAllANTHD II not 100,. p1euet1 tor touch lor "Our home Supero as a In every *•Y. eompty ••turn for lull, prompl , refund (u eepl el\lp & h•ntl ) T •ml1c Valu• wall hengong, pr1c1tca1 enough to use as Sertu11on11 Grll It/H I Ou• pohc:y 11 to bed cover, furniture throw, or deep sink-procua all orders )'our-toes-In rug. lmagone th•& splendid promptly Cret/lt c•rd . ~I "trophy" In the bedroom 11v1ng room. or ort/•ra .,. IH0041eHd upon anuggled 'round you ea you wetch TV on creel•I approve! O.l•y• h II I 1 notohed promptly. &hlp-c: 1 y •ve,.,1no1 I travel& we I, too . men1 guaren1ud wllhin I-~.. •l Take ti along on cer 111p1, p1cn1c1, aalarta 60 Cl•Y• --m · rtew Hampton General Store, N111•m," 11m s.~'"I Sat tf•e<S Cuttom•'~ S l'\(e tilot r--------·SATISl'ACTION GUARANTEED-MAIL TODAY'--------, I N(W NAMrTON lllKUi ITOlll, Dt,t. ll·IUt, l40 ,.,1., St., NIMYtr, ,. 11>21 I I Yes' PIHH ru1h my ''f" lnrow(•) (lS6Sl911 P~tHl I I aslndlcatedbetow,onFul Mon1y81ckCuaran1ee NAM( -----------C Olle Blanket/Wall Hanc1n1 lor only $19.H I I plu1 $2.90 nuvyweiant 1n1pp1n1 & h1nd11na I I o SAVE 1 Ordtt 2 for only ua oo plus $~.so AOORE 6S -I I 1n1pp1na & nandltnc I h cloHCI ts S (PA rn adel u lu tta) I I CNUlll IT: ~ Amerk an hprtu VISA I Li Diners Chio C MelltrCard I I CITY I I Acct NP I I [lj) 011• ITATC ZIP I L--------------·~ H.H.I , ltll ______________ ... BAIKn•ALL expected. Until that night James Worthy had never played against anyone as awesome as Patrick Ewing and yet he had not folded, and in the end he had carried his team. It was an absolutely wonderful game. Beyond that it had a human connec- tion -the moment when Georgetown coach John Thompson had. seemingly instinctively. put his arm around Fred Brown. the player who had just thrown the game away. It was a rare moment of sweetn~ and grace in sport, some- thing that it almost always should be and almost never is anymore. It was worth any number of televised inter· views with coaches who claim that sport is character building. Working against the collese game is the fact that it still laclcs a time clock (although eight conferences are ex· perimenting with different versions of one this year). Thus any coach can, in effect. "let the air out of the ball" any time he wants. A good game can go dead at any moment. The other thing is that collese ball is not as straight a world as CBS and NBC, its two main pur· veyors. would have you believe. It is in truth one of the uglier flesh markets in America. With the decline of pro basket· ball. two networks as well as cable have entered the competition to put on col- Iese games. Ted Turner reportedly spent a record SS00,000 to secure the televi· sion rights to this weekend's Virginia- Pulitzer Prlie winner David Hllber•am b <he author of niw Bal and tht Britlhtftl, 'nrtt />owns 'nrat Ek and '1111 B'fWJlu ol tht Comt. hla chro.U. de of a MILtOf1 w11h tht Portland "nail Blum which wlll be out In plPtfbkk (Ballantlne) In Mardi. 12 FA.Wll.Y WUAY • OtCDtltll 12 • 1111 GeorRetown game, the kind of dream match-up Invented by 1V. pitting the collese game's two greatest big men - Ralph Sampson and Ewing. When the financial stakes increase, this means the intensity of the recruit· ing, already an ugly business, is going to escalate. even rnore than collese foot- ball, basketball is a beacon light for sharks and hustlers. be they coaches, athletic directors or conese presidents. A football program depends on tradi- tion, takes a long time to develop and demands a large number of players. But a basketball team requires only a few playe.rs; and one transcending player can tum a program around. Thus the in- stant outlaw colleges. anxious to make a national reputation and divvy up some television money, are drawn to basket· ball, all the more because l}le ftesh Is black, often k!s,, sophisticated and thus, they suspect, more vulnerable. So be warned. you may be watching a game that is on occasion quite beautiful, in- d~ artistic. but the underpinnings are on occasion quite crummy. T here i.s a certain melanc:holia in writing this about something you love. Jn America everything is always sul)l)09ed to Qet better. In pro basketbalf this turns out not to be true. In collese basketball. a same which is improving. there is a secret price -the recruiting -and a sense on the pan of all Involved thll the less the fan knows about the Invisible exploitation of young men, the better for the coUete and the better for the sport. The price paid per game to any team aJlowi"81V to IChedule a partkularty pd mltch- up ls 90ing up sharply every )'Mr. - believe me when I SI)' thll recrultina violations will ao up )ult as quickly. IW HELP FOR FAT CATS (AND IXX15) By Anne Mayer B abe. a beagle. is a roly-poly puppy that gets too many feedings per day because its owners think roly-poly puppies are cute. Sam, a golden retriever. looks more like a grizzly bear because every time il.s owner eats a snack, Sam gets one, too. And Sophie. a Siamese that loves table scraps. gives the Impression it is going to give birth -any minute. According to veterinarians and canine and feUne nutritionists. obesity In pets has become a national prob- lem. "Owners are killing their pets with kindness," says Or. Joseph E. Haddad. a veterinarian in Bedford HUl.s, N .Y. Haddad believes owners may be shortening their pets' life spans because the stress of carrying extra weight on their bodies may lead to arthritis, Joint aliments and cardiac disease. How do our pets beco me over- weight? Too much dog or cat food, table scraps. snacks and lack of exer- cise are the culpnts. ''NormaUy, dogs and cats will eat to satisfy their caloric requirement -untU they are fuU - but if they are being fed something that is very palatable. they can overeat, just like people," says Dr. Francis Kallfelz, Mark L. Morris pro- fessor of clinical nutrition at the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University. "If the animal is 15 percent above what It normally should weigh, ac· cording to breed standard (you can get the right figure from your vet), or It is fat to look at and feel, it is regarded as being obese." Dr. Haddad explains. Another way to tell Is by feeling the r1bs and the back part of the animal. "If the pet Is in good, lean condition, you should be able to feel the ribs, and the hindquarters should feel firm. If the ribs feel too padded, or If you can't feel them at all. your pet Is over- weight," says Robert Mohrman, direc- tor of pet nutrition and care research for Ralston Purina Company In St. Louts. In some Instances a pet can be overweight because of hormonal problems. so Dr. Kallfelz recommends having your pet checked by a veteri- narian first before starting a weight· reducing program. If your pet Is obese Anne Maya II a freelance writer .,,.dollilng In hcohh and ptVChologfco/ topb. FAMILY WUXLY . Dr.Cl.MIU It. 1912 13 fro m "over-indulging," Or. Haddad recommends gradually reducing the pet's intake of food. "One can start by cutting out table scraps and snacks," he says. And of course, the owner should not forget daUy exercise. Or. Haddad suggests playing with cats by using a ball or string or putting them outside to exercise. "Some cats wU1 retrieve," he says. For an overweight dog he recommends letting it run around In a fenced-in yard or taking long walks, about two miles. "The walk ls good for the owner, too." IW SAVE50¢ • CW\ your ntxc P\ll'Ch»t-o( SOFT SENSE SKIN LOTION I f I I ll(lOd m I~ o: cinlyt HVUYl OFFD l!XPIRES JAN. )I, ltf') I I I I I 50¢1 c tlm&C.--&lllfl,IW> 11-. ____________ .. . , ....... Quartz ........ -- J $27.H WSSPIGGY• ..... Ir s Ttmex time again ... with - Quartz $29.91 wonderful ideas for everyone you love. -With al kinds of new looks. terrific featt.ns, and W(y, very dependable. Remember, great deaign.and great. · beauty .. not~.Juatrare. • Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ItS Mare you. . < '1 ~ ·- WHEN MOTHERHOOD BEGINS AFTER 30 By Anne Flaherty Traditionally, the majority of mothers have given birth to their third, fourth or final child by age 30. But improved birth oontrol and the decisjon by many women to pursue careers have rontrib~ed to a reversal of this trend l\cmrding to data from the National Center for Health Statistics in Washington. O.C.. between 1975 and 1979 (the most recent statistics av~ able). there was a 37. percent i~ crease in the number of~ c.an women between the ages of 30 and 35 giving birth to their first child. What are the possible medi- c.al romplicat.ions when a wom- an delays Slarting a family? "If a woman elects to wait until age 30 or older to have a child. the chances of her becoming preg- nant will be less. Fertility de-- creases aJter age 30.'' says Ot Alvin Eden. a Calik>mia pedia- trician. "The older woman may also experience more difficulty in giving birth and getting back into shape aJterward. since the birth canal and stomach mus- des are less ftexible than at age 20." There are also increased risks for babies born to mothers over 30. Down's Syndrome. a chromosome mutation causing mernal retardatiOn~ more prevalent among children of older mothers. At age 20 a woman has only one chance in 1,923 of giving birth to an in- fant with Down's Syndrome; at age 30 the likelihood is one in 885. By age 40 there is one chance in 100. For the normally healthy woman. though. having a baby between 30 and 35 is not generally ~ There are some precaut1e>ns thai should be ta.ken . however. Doaors can now deteci Down's Syndrome and more than I 00 ocher birth detects with a test called amnio- centesis. It is perfonned around the 14th or 15th week of preg- nancy (~ is about SSOO). A Ions, thin needle is inserted i~ to the abdomen and a sample .4nnf! F'lohnty u a ~rch pumolitl who rttf!ntfy fintShf!d hf!T fir$# ~ of amniotic Ouid is drawn and then studied b chromosomal abnoonalit.ies. Doaors believe thar for women over age 35 this procedure is worth the slieht f risk involved. There are al.so precautions thar should be taken in regard to life style. Dt Sarah Short, professor of nutritiol) al Syra- ruse University. ad->ises that women of all ages who even suspect they are pregnant should watch everything they eat or drink. Pregnant women need a well-balanced diet. in- duding fresh fruits and vege- tables, whole-grain cereals, dairy products and high-quality protein. They may be adviSed to take vitamin and iron SUJ> If a pregnant woman over 30 la expotlf!d to a lot of 6b ea at work, she should make llUTe llhe ha8 plenty of retlt period& plements. and to drink in- creased amounts of watet It is also recommended that they C\Jt back on artificial rood ~ lives. The adverse affects on the unborn child of numerous products. induding alrohol, drug.s and cafteine. have ~ ceived wjdespread publicity. Dt Short says. M Although it may seem ronservative, r think the expectant mother should, among other things. cut down on coffee and other cafteinated beverages, and curtail akohol ronswnption. The risks are too great to take dlances." Many obstetricians also urse that their patients stop using over-Ole- counter medications without ronsulting with them first In addition, it's advisable 6or ~ women to reduce their exposure to ~ which hM been linked to m~ Women having their first child after 30 are likely to be woridng women and may thll1 face hec- tic !ldledules. Dodors advise frequent rest periods. A\' FAlil!LY wmu • OCCIMIUI 12 t· '* 17 FREE! PURINA' DOG SHAMPOO J· ATA1 KWITH JIMMY CARTER prepare late that evening to tell the American people the following morning what had occurred. That was a difficult time. Another very lonelY time was when I was at Camp David with Begin and Sadat and I got word unexpectedly ""T"'--'"'I that Sadat had already ordered a i . ,, .. .. --- wo years ago, Jim- my Carter lost the Presidency, largely because of his in- ability to free the Americans held hostage in Iran . After leaving the White House, Carter retuffled to his home in Plains. Ga., from whence he so suddenly sprang as a self· proclaimed political "outsider" in 1976. He has kept busy, teaching part-time at Emory University in Atlanta, working in his woodshop and writing his memoir, Keeping Faith , now a best seller. Recently, in his Atlanta office. L'le fonner Presi· dent talked frankly about himself as an officeholder and a gentleman with FAMILY WEEKLY's Mary Ellin Barrett. Q: la K_,.. Fabh, you wrtte t.Ut one ol your c...-....,.._. Ilona of tbe Pl Ell~ WM .. tbe lonelhw ID wblcb tbe _,. cUftl. cult decWou Md to be .... " What WM your lonelleet moment? Caner: I think it was the night that the hostage rescue attempt failed when I had to go back to the White House and helicopter to leave before the negotia- tions were complete. At those times it boils down just to you by yourself. and advisors and counselors don't help much. But, in those lonely moments, when I could share a decision or an ex- perience with anyone it was with RosaJynn. Q: Do you feel lonely now? Carter: No. I really have a full and gratl· lying and enjoyable life. Almost e'(erything about being a fooner Presi- dent has been better than I had an· ticipated. The only problem that I have is some of the radical changes that have taken place in the policies that I established as President. This has con· remed me very much. With that exceJ> tion, everything has been better. I've got a very challenging future as a part-time professor and establishing a center at Emory within which I'll continue to work with absolute polittcal freedom on the issues that were important to me while I was President: Middle East peace, the economy. education, human rights, environmental quality, control of nuclear weapons. In addition. our life at home in Plains has been very pleasant. The tounsts have a different attitude. While I was in office. the tourists were quite frantic in trying to reach me. Now they approach me very calmly. They are very careful not to intrude on my privacy but they just want to touch my hand and say, "We have confidence in you. We appreciate what you did. We've come here because we care about you." So it's been a very pleasant experience. Q: What WM your happ&e.t mo- ment u Preeideot? Carter: When I discovered that the hostages would be freed. That was one of the happiest moments of my life. Q: You campal1ned for the Pre.ldency u an ''outaWer," and many people tbouibt tbal tlaJa WM one OI the reaiiona why you won tbe election. What now do you ..._ tbe -* about WMb.inctoa wt tbe Preeldmcy1 Carter: I don't miss anything about Washinston. Our life there was en- joyable but I don't have Potomac fever. I can't explain the psychological el~ mentor it but I haven't missed Washing- ton one day. I have to say that I do miss Camp David. Camp David Is not only beautiful and a place of retreat but it's also a place that's conducive to clear th inking and the easing of tension. You could do the same amount of work at Camp David and it didn't seem like work. And my family and I could share experiences more easily there. Q: lo your 1975 autoblognpby you wrote tbal you knew you wanl'ed to marry Roulynn after your ftnt date. Whal made you 80 eure7 Carter. I don't know. Before I had that date with Rosalynn I never had told any girl I loved her. Q: Your mother told a reporter once that abe blld taUlht you ~you knew, even about the blnl8 -and the bee8. Do you 1 emember the day abe tauaht you the f.u of life? Carter: You know, I believe that mothers and lathers overestimate lhe impor- tance or their leaching about the birds and the bees. In most cases, by the time a parent gets up the nerve to talk to a child about those things. the child has already learned them from other sources. That was true in my case. I don't think children are nearly so inno- cent as parents tend to believe Q: You once Mid, ··1 doubt that anyone bu ever eee11 me UvtcL" Whal WM the cio9eet )'OU eY-er came to losing your temper? Carter I think probably the angriest I ever got was at the Ayatollah Khomeini when he professed to be a deeply reli- gious person and to follow the teachings of the Koran and at the same time was deliberately persecuting and punishing people who ~re absolutely innocent. To me thar's almost u~ forgivable. That's probably the angriest I've ever been in my life. Q: U your ~ttt Amy were to nm for Praldent 90me day aplnst one of the Kennedy cb8dren. wbal advice would you ~~ughing} Amy is a very strong person and my guess is that her in- stincts would be as sood as mine. It would please me if she ran tor public ol- fice. I wouJd hope that she would be qualified to hold public office. But I would advise her that the Kennedys are a fonnidable political force and their family is very cohesive and they can be very effective in a political campaign. I think I would certainly tell Amy not to underestimate them as political o~ ponents. Q: What three MijectJve. beet dMcrtbe you7 Carter: I m idealistic .. I'm am- bitious .. And I'd say the third one would be persiSlent. I don't ever ftive up. Q: Do you think you haw a em.e alb~ Carter: Oh yes. I think so .. I don'1 do lmpr~ions. I'm not a performer. Rut I think my sense of humor is at least ade- quate enough not Lo have a situation ctesenerate into tragedy or hand wring- ing or despair. Q: Some people have Mid yoa have a tendmey to be I emote and that th.la adPt have a•IM)d you pro~ Jema. Do fOU th1nk that'• true? Carter I think so. Both RosaJynn and I are naturally shy people Q: You've been c:aDed ''u tougb u woodpecker Up.." Do you think of younelf ... touab suy? Carter: I think that Fm tough enough to prevail if I have a fair fighting chance in a contest. rm tough enough not to back down under difficult circumstances. I'm tough enough not to withdraw from a ~ just because il seems to be remote. r m Lough enough not to fear defeat if it's inevitable provided I do the best I c.an to reach Lhat goal. But at the same time I have a soft heart. rm emotional easily. Tears come to my eyes. Q : What a r e your «reate at ~? Carter: You·re asking some very embar· rassing q~ions but I've tried to answer them fairly. I think the greatest strength I have is an inner peace and inner ronfidence. I Q<>n't despair when I do my besl and fail. Q: What are your ~7 Carter. I don't think I have the ability to deal with other people as harmoniously as I should. A politician ought to be able to attract other politicians to his side and to form a sense of camaraderie or co~ patibihty. And I don't have the ability as well as f should. particularly in someone who's been Lhe holder of the highest of. flee in the land. I've never formed any close political alliances, for instance. within Congress that would compare to what Lyndon Johnson had or even John Kennedy. And I don't attribu~ it to anyone's fault except my own. I think that's a problem for me and it's.a defect in my personality and in my attitude. When I was President I never formed a sense of doseness or mutual under- standing with the Washington press. And here again. I see the same defect on my part. Q: Do you feel bitter toward the American people? Carter. No. nQJ at all. The frustrations that the American people felt in November of 1980. when I was defeated for reelection. are the same ones that I fell. Here we were. a powerful nation, the most powerful on earth. apparently impotent in bringing home 52 Amen· c.an hostages whose freedom we sooght. I felt as aggravated as any voter who decidedthat heorsheneededtochanse Presidents.. I was just as aggravated with the inftation rate as the American pee> pie were so I don't feel bitter toward them at all. I think the American people were justified in makins their own ju~ ment. I think it was a rational approadl. I wish they hadn't done it I would like to have been reeJected but I certainly CAI\ understand their motives. M F'AMllY WED:LY . Of.Cf.MlltJI 12 • '* 19 H someone you care for suffers fiom ~ of bladder control ••• ••. give them Attends- prot.ection that really works. U someone you care for suffers from loss of bladder control, you can help give them comfort. security. confi. -dence. Thanks to Attends-an extremely effective disposable brief from the Home Service Group at Procter & Gamble. With Attends. you'll be giving them the kind of superior wrlness protection that helps them feel good about themselves. De\reloped for Uae in ROIPitalll and Nuninc HOllll!L Across the country. quality nur.>ing homes and hospitals use Attends. In fact. nur5eS and aides pref er Attends 3 ----------' to 1 over other incontinence care products they've used. They know Attend~ helps them give their patients the best quality care. Money~vift« O«er-.$15.00 Oft Oil" C.ut of Attenck. If you or a loved one is severeJy incontinent. you are mvited to try Attends at $15.00 less than the usual cost. Just mail the coupon below. A case of Attends will be deliv- ered to your home. Or. if you pref er, you ma y order your Attends by telephone. Simply caJI toll·frtt 1~543-0400 and ask for Operator 401 It's a convenient. simple, private way to take advantage of the best wetnes.s pro- tection available today. l. Solt. ~way inner hMr llclps kttp skin dry. Patented micr~ de$ign_ kttps wet· ness away from~ 8 umes l1'lOn! efftcttvely than any O<her maimal used m inccn- tJnenee are prod~ 2.. Heavy-duty inner padding soaks up mo'5tUre Men than half a million fibers m e-very 9Quare inch make it more absorbent lhwl 10 layers al conon d och. Call now ton-tree l-800- 343-0400. Ask tor I Operator 401 . I GU ARAHTEE OF I SA118PM.TION: II at any llrM you I ~ diaublfitd D M)' ctwdc for $ it mdowd D Ple•uhle> C.0.D. BID my C MllMYCard • D V1.5A • <lldd $1.50 forddll'ft) ~ with AMntts. I Procur & Camble will replece th( full ca..y nr rtf\ind I yourmonfy I ,,_........ I :,tg-.,.-:;;;-- ~.Olo 4Qtl I *"'°- (Md Ne> fiq> 0.1----- sena---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N..-n11=------------------~ --· Addrtte-----------Phonr(=-~.-;;:'-)~.iliiliiii)~R~J&~ Warning: The Surgeon General H11 Determined That Cigntte Srno0tg Is Dangerous to Yow Hllhh. By Marilyn Hansen The friendly hum ot a ~ the whir ot an eAabealer and the chopping soond ot artfery greeted me when l toured the Betty Crocker Kitchens and Nutrition Center in Minneapolis, a spot so popular that more than (0,000 vis>- tors visit each yeai The staff greets guests with an old- fashioned down-home wekome -in my case. a steaming cup of oolfee and a slice of deOOous Easy Upside-Down Cake from their newest book. Betty Crrxker's WorlUng Woman 's Cook- book. Then I went on a tour of the seven beautifully appointed, regionally decorated kitchens. The soaring increase in working women in America prompted the latest cookbook published this year -which h~ sold over 60,000 copies in the first month of publication. It's the 26th oookbook in a series. which started with Betty Crocker's Pie· ture Cookbook in 1950 (it has sold 20 million copies to date1 and has become one of the blsgest ~ stories in American publishing. For the Working Woman's Cook- book. the 7~member staff carefully researched the kinds ot dishes that woukl best fit the busy working woman's lifestyle. Recipes were then developed for "quick and eM'j'' and "do ahead" main dishes, salads. vegetables. soups and sandwiches., as well as appetiz.ers. desserts and beverages.. . Here are several recipes from Betty Crocker's Wo~ing Woman's Cook- book. published by Random House Inc., New York, copyright © 1982 by General Mills Inc., Minneapolis, Minn., reprinted by permission of Random Hou.seine. c..-1111Uua 3egg~ I tMlleef DDM ...... tld .... I.,., cupe whlppMt a-.m Have ready at serving time. l c:upe ~ reepberrta « .... m.wtiem. 3 ~Of~ lhilllv deed .,., cup pedi.-d iw-- 1. Beat egg yolks unt!l 1hlck and lemon col· ored, about 5 minutes. Gradually beat In granulated sugar. 2. Heat whipping aeam In l1h-quan sauapan over medium heal )ult until hot. FAMILY WrDJ:J • Dr.C!MIP 12. 1112 21 l . Stir 111 least half of the hot cream !Jadual- ly Into egg yolks. Blend tnto hot aeam in saucepan. Cook, sl1rrlng constantly, until mixture thickens, about 5 minutes (do not boil). '· Pour Into 9-lnch pie plate. Refrlgerateat among 6 d m dishes. Sprinkle brown least 2 hours but no longer than 24 hours. sugar over me Br\llea. Broll with top TO SERVE: About 10 minutes before serv· about 5 Inches &om ·heat until sugar melts lng, set oven control to broil and/or 550°. and fonma "4ztt, about 3 minutes. Spoon Mix blueberries and nectartnes; dMde owrfrult. Malca6..,.,,. ... .J /,' Time to share the warmth of the season. And what better way than by serving Southern Comfort to your holiday guests. After all, don't good friends deserve the very best? For the smoothest, richest eggnog you ever tasted, try a Comfort Eggnog. 1 part Southern Comfort, 4 parts dairy eggnog. Pr~hill. ingredients. Pour Southern Comfort into a glass and add eggnog. Stir to blend. Dust with nutmeg and serve. C heers! Southern Comfort CAii 'r'ou'll be glad yoo walled unlit now lo plan a fun-filled dream vacation to Lu Vegas. Because now, with casino gambling legal in the East. Laa Vegas has to be me>fe competitive than --and you're the one who benefits. Thia means that you can now en)oy both the VIP treetment and special bonuses majof hotels normally reMMS tor their "high roller" guests. It's all part of an exciting ~y. 2-nlght VIP vacation at Vegas Wond. the famous mu1ti- m1lllon dollar hotek:aaino on the glittering LU Vegas ''Strip," that you wlll find lrreis.stable. Such invitations are extremely limited and can be issued only on a first-request t>uia. To accept, you must act now. 'lblJ may take your vacation anytime betore 'a ••111•, 1H4. Call toll free 1-eoo-eM .. 801 or send the form below no later than December 31, 1982. Immediately upon amval at Vegas World. you will receive casino chips and script. By using your scr1pt and chips, your Las Vegas vacation wlll be virtually tree. ., """' recehle CWW' """ In c••lno.cdon uponanw.I HOW DOES VEGAS WORLD DO m Everyone coming to Lie Vegee enj0y1 lfle thrlll or winning at tfll f_. cutnoe !Nit have made the city 10 IM>u!Oue e ..-tlon 1'9fl'MI WNte moet ~ ICCePtlnO Vegae Wortf'I VIP ,,,,,.,. flon w111 uea oniy "" benefit ct11pe and eon111 1nch*d 111 tN• pecMge, • few ··1>1g time gemO!ere" will uaa '"a'IY eddltlonlll dot· ,.,.. w.·,. benklnO on winning enougri from,,_ to tMlll 11"9 olfet to you poealbie. PRIVILEGES & PROVISIONS I llt()N(Y 8AC1( GUARAHTEE -veou Wona has Oloek«I • la•ge numDe< of rooms IO< this ~1a1 VIP Vacatoon offtt We gu.atantee you c;onformeO ttte<VatlOl'la on lhe CSAtn you cnoose, 0< yoUt r~afoon lee •tit be refunoed on full 1 Tlll1 olfe< valid 1 Clays a wffll 'll>ur Las V~ Vacallon lnv1I•· !Ion 11 QOOd fOf amva1 Sunday tton.i ~ay. Of Friday on w.ellends. No Thursday 0< Saturoay amv11s. We hoOhly recom· meno midweek l'HeNatlOns Room 1e...-.1111ona can be mlde now with you• 1eq.-1 f0tm. Of by tel9phone, taieg<apl\ 0< m .. 1 11111 '!bur reS11Vatoons must be made at leut 10 days belate prOjKlld lm'lll dale 3 A '-If ton '" of S97 Pl' penon ftOlal S 19'~ mull be mall.o with your vac:atoon •nvttation r~t lonn to OUlfW'I" 'f'O'# an1vat Do noc .__on yQ4Jt vaeatoon uolll you "-c:on- t1tme0 ,_,,ations 4 We will m111 you1 llMfltlOn wotl'lln !i Clays altet rtlCll"'"ll YOUf Vacation lnvltallon AeQuHI Form and ,._.,Ilion 1 .. F0< your ,._..,atlon IM. you wlll rec.,,.. on arrtval, Ill of the tJene. lots U Clncrtbed 11 lelt !i ~ VacatlOn lmritahon c-be uaec:t ourtno "'Ii<>' floOdays, New'""' Eve. Ltncoln's 81rtnday. Wufungton's Birthday. i..- t>Ot Dey. M«nonal Dey. l"°ll)llldeflCI ~ Columbus Dey. - TNnklorvino llllCI CMstmu ~ 6 R£S£RllATIOHS. All c~lahons ol ,._..attone muat bl,... cef\lld on 011r oHic. 72 ~ Otlot 10 planned Chectl<1n lime or thl otte< 8"" .,_ ~1t1on1 tee #HI bl lorl.,ted cane.II• tlona or raMN•llO'la pno1to12 hOurW will be cllargeO • ~,.. tcl'llOullng fM 'fbur 1nvlt1tlon 11 lllO complei.ty lt1n11ef1ble to anyone you may wish 10 give 11 10. 7. TI1l1 1nvltallon entitles you to the benlflta 11 apeclflecl II does not Include tranaportatlon Of any other 1ndividull ••l*'- Tfle u-agrees to be tespon.it>le tor all ~ peflOnal cllatQet tncuned. a Tanna and condition• of 1hl1 Invitation may 1n no way be al 19"ICI Valk! only to non~ rnldlnt1ov.21 "rMf'I ot -oa GUESTS APPLAUD ''Wit enjoyed our vac.tlon vefY much. Couldn' heoe......., lot betW." -Ill. LNdlw. .._um.ta, Oii/a. "I rwnembeliect yow caelno on '90 Mlnvt•" and juet had to come 11 wee temllc:. Won 11.eoo.oo on Keno." -0. F«fUllOI\ 0-H-. fffb. j I I I HERE IS WHERE YOU WILL STAY ..• Futund 1w1ce on 60 Minutes" a.nd the Metv Gnflin Stoow. Vegas Wotld 11 the hOme of the wortcJ'a la1gHl 11CkPot-S1 mo~ 11on-C1oll11S -wl'l•cfl you can win• EnjOy action, enreftatnmenl eac:tremenr ana roS0<1 accommodattons v1rtually frM as oatt of the VIP Vacation e>«kage But ,......•loons ire hm•ted Call or wntetoaay• SPECIAL FAST-ACTION BONUS! eau '°'~''" 1~M-4M1 befOfa December 2•. t982 ena VOQU World will a/So provtdl valuable coupons IOf LW1Chll. Gourme1 Dfnne<• and Fal>ulo<.os Shows 11 Olhe< Fl~I CllN Lii Vegas h0t1l11. ~ neeo not actually taka yau1 "aceuon until ...._., 11, , ... .... lb: YIOAS WOALD "oeel c..-, o.pt. 121 2000 i.. v._.. ....... Soud\. ln v.e-. ........... YES' w1al'I to tall• 111v1n1aoe ot your 1..11 Vegu VIP vacation 09Cl0'1un11y. 1 hive enck>MCI my 1'9M!Y• tlon, t .. (Check Of money OfClll) fOf $194 lot, IWO people. P\eaae Mnc:I my vacation 1nv1t1tion to the ~ below. I unellnllncl I hive unlH ......_. 1e. 1M4to11111 my vaca11on. (PIMM mike cn.cti payable ICY vao-World Vacation Clulll CALL TOLL PMll 1 800934-8301 7Dlya•Wllk (credit~ only) Of return form wltl'I yOur cMc:k today I PleMI !'MCI the "Prlvlfe9ee & Ptowlalonl" of your lfWltlllon lllOr· OUQlll4}' to rl\IM IN rnoet of 'f'O'# vacation eno to know ••act!) ~ 10"'"' etltttled '°,....... Qwoe my Vlu 1 Mut..c.rci Eao Dale------ CMS No Name _________ _ Addreel ________________ _ City ---------S111t ___ Zlp_ Pftone·------------------ f wttlh to mMI my r~ tor the rollowtno wrtwll date. -----------· "--------- MAKm.AHUD DISHU 2'ft· to ~lb. bfOk .• chk:Mn. CUI up 2~oow•~ol 2 ...... odoM, dllnlv alctd aad ...,......., ..... 2 do¥a .,tk.. ~chopped 1 c..(16oz.)wtde.___ l can ( l~ OIL) condei.-1 chkMa bfOch 1 Clllp-- 1 o.ip dry_..... wtne or..,..~ 1 tabAMJi c Dft ......, l WlllipOOCI drW thyme ..._ l lltMpOOft uh 'A IHlllpOOD ~ Have ready at serving time: 1 medium.-~. cut Into 'i'i·lndl .... S *-French breM.. tOMMd Snipped perUei/ 1. Remove skin from chicken: cook in oU In 4-quan Dutch oven until brown. Remove chicken fr-om pan 2. Cook and stir onions and garlic In same pan until oruon is render 3. Retwn chicken to pan. add tomatoes (with liquid). broth, water, wine. sugar, rhyme. salt and pepper. break up tomatoes with fork. Heal 10 boiling. reduce heat Cover and simmer unlll chicken Is done, about 1 hour. 4. To serve Immediately, skim excess fat from chicken mixture. Add green pepper Heal to boiling: reduce heat. Co ver and simmer. about 10 minutes. P\ace a slice of French bread in each serving bowl. Spoon chicken and broth over lnad. Sprinkle with parsley. 5. For make-ahead meal: Cover and re· frigerate no longer than 48 hows. 6. TO SERVE· About 30 minutes before serving. remove excess fa1 from soup. Heat to boillng: reduce heal. Cover and simmer unlll chicMn Is hot. Add ~ pepper. Heat to boiling: reduce heat. Cover and simmer about 10 minutes Place a slice of French bread in each serving bowl. Spoon chicken and broth over bread. Sprtnkle with parsley. Maka 8 seruings -about 1 1/z cups eoc:h ... WIT1t ••MOW 1 wtde ~ Brie ca-(4'1J OIL) I ~-_..,..or bulle '4 cup to-.d ......... 1 •*' f c -tir..dil. If ....... Amorwd crecka-1 1. Set oven control al broil and/or 550°. Broil cheae wllh lop 3 lo 4 Inches &-om heal until soft and warm, about 21/z min· u1es. 2. Heal margarine unrtl mehed: stir In almonds and brandy. Pow over cheese. 3. Garnish with snipped parsley if desired. Serve wlth'tfackers. • Mkrowaw Dlrectiona: Mlaowave cheese uncovered on medium (50 per cent) juSI until soft and warm, 2 lo 3 min· utes. Micrqw11ve margnrine unco~ on high (100.percent) until melted. aGou1 1 minute. Stir In almonds and brandy: pour over cheese. Garnish with sn!pped parsley If desired. SeTve with~. f cape plr I ""' )llk:c 1 cup .... Makes 8 svulngs 1 c:up ,_ti.ed browo .... ,... oft~ ad IMo 1.4-lnch .utpe y, alf OfWlle "'*'- 6 whok do¥a 4-lnch rlnn .. lddL Swhok ...... a;, t-.poonMll 1 bocds (~ qt.) &y red wlDe --~-----~ --------- 1. Heat pineapple Juice, water, brown sugar. orange peel. on1nge Juice. cloves, cinnamon stick, allspice and salt 10 boiling In 4-quan Dutch oven, stirring occasion· ally: reduce heat. Simmer uncovered 15 minutes. 2. Remove spices and orange peel: stir In .wine. Heat jUSI unrtl hot (do nol boll). 3. Serve In mugs Of heat -proof glaiMSgar • nished with orange slice and cinnamon stick If desired.Makes 10W•-cup)114!rulnss Note: Hoc Spiced Wine can be covered and retngen,1ed no longer than 1 week. Before serving, heal but do not boil. WY TACO D•lllD 1 lb . .-id beef l .... onion, chopped(~ l all») 1 _.... (l" o&.) c.co ~ab 1 cup .... 1 ~ (11 oz.) tordl.m ddpa y, heM ....... tohredded 2 meclum ----· dMllll*I 1 cu (2'4 oa..) .Iced r1pe olMa. ........ 1 cup tohredded Clwddm or Monterey -'Kk ~ (labcMd 4 oz.) ~ cup dmry -crMm 1. Cook and stir ground beef and onion In lO·lnch skillet until beef Ls light brown; drain. 2. Stir In seasoning mix and water. Hear to boiling: reduce heal. Simmer uncovered. stlrTlng occasionally, 10 minutes. 3. Spoon beef mixture onto chips. Top with remaining Ingredients. Maka 6 aervings , ARE MEN AND WOMEN DECIDEDIY DIFFERENT? By John E. Gibson G HERA SINGER 1 NE 1 Touch:Tronlc• 2010 memory nwhtne-29 stlt.cha pre-set to opllmum width and lenath. OnHtq> buttonhollJi. (S 100 bond) Touch.fronic• 2005 memory machhv-manory stitch seltttion, wlnd·in piece bobbln. universal pl"IS'SUtt systan ($75 bond) Get your best price on any of these Singer machines from your dealer and Singer will top it with a free U.S: savings bond.t To cash in on this offer, purchase one of these Singer machines between Novem- ber 21andDecember24,1982. Then send your sales receipt, vali- dation coupon and product registra- tion card to The Singer Company. postmarked by January 21, 1983. Si1*t ZIQ-ZIQ MllC.htne Model 6136-14 built·ln sdtchcs, frtt.arm, bulft·ln buttonhol'r (SSO bend) SINGER 10 0 MILLION PEOPLE SEW EASI ER WITH SI NG ER. fs. your pertlclpelitltl Slnftf dalcr for dctalla. Hot all olrttt .vallab&c at all loe&tlona. Ct.di! plant optJortal at pertklpednti O.alcn. Convenient credit P'-llY•llllbk IO qlllltned c:uMOfMl'I •A ~rk of Tbr Slniftt Gompeny 0 1982 Tbr SlllPf ~y 11llJE OR FALSE? 1. W<XDeD are fn!que'1dy ~by inns ~~men <>ten ad in re- sponse to external cira.111\Uoo?s. 2. Women are the less crealive sex.. 3. A man's sexual fantasies are more ex- plicit than a woman's. 4. Women tend to intemJpC men more often than men intemJpC women. 5. On trivial mattelS. men tend to make decisions more quickly than women do. ANSWDS 1. 1iue. ~ studies. ~ more than 200 men and women sub;eds. at Mankato Stale University (Minn.) ~ vestigaled how personality and external circumstances in.lluen<E behavioc The researchers found that how a woman ads and talks is likety to be influenced by the way she kets. while a man· s bel\avior tends to be largely in.lluenood nol by hi.s inner teefings but by the ci.rtumstances In which he finds himseff. The study sut gests that a woman tends to trust her ~ stin<1s and teelings. while a man responds more to external rues. . 2. Falw. ~ tests measuring creative ability were administered to male and female students at the University of Michigan. The results reported rood~ sively thal women are as ~e as men -if not more so. On every gauge of er& tivity. in this study, women scored equal to Of slightly higher than the males tested. It was found. howevel; that ''men and women differ in the utiiir.olion ol their creative capacity, pos.gbly due to the ~ Ouence ol sex-role stereo«ypes." S. »-. In a University ol Manitoba study of how erotic fam.a9es difler ~ tween the sexes, investigators found that men's sexual fantasies were fully ~ oped in everj de(ail, leaving nothing to the imaginalion. Women's sexual fana. sies di6ered markedly from the men's in that erotic activities were implied to a far greater extent The researchers also found ihat where men lend to let their imagina- tions run wild. women's sexual il1l¥f)' is moresobde. 4. Faltle. In studies at Florida State Un._ versity, analyzing responses to interruJ> lions by males and females in conversa- tion, "Males were tound to intenupe females 3 times as often as females~ terrupted males.'' These findings have been documented elsewhere. 5. »ar. This is the case where relb- tiveJy trivial matters are concerned. University of Virginia investigalQra made a study of how long It took a ran- dom selection of men and women sub- jects to perform such acts as studying 1 menu, writing a personal lenel\ Slot> ping ror a snack, picltin(I out a birthday card, or seleding a locatk>n to hana 1 picture. The lnvestlptions showed tfiat women took a lot longer to do theee things than men did Women dawdkd notably more than men in leiectlnt 1 card or making a menu choice and con- ve!S'ns 90dall)' on the telephone. IW 24 FAMLY WIUl.Y ....... 12 • ·- MOl&Y CAN llUY MILOVI So you want lo many a mil- lionaire. Well, get in line and take a number. But we'll let you in on a little secret. In her book The Only wide You71 Ever Need to Marry Money, author Diane Ackerman reve.als the best places to look. Make friends with one of the succesQuJ divorc:e lawyers in your town, she says. They'll know of soon-t~vailable wealthy clients. Hospital wailing rooms and gift shops are areas rife with potential candidales who might be highly susa!plible to your kindness and symparhy. Visit auctions prior to sales day to scout for potential buyers. ff a browser is with a member of the auction house staff. he or she is probably worth bundles. Go hunting for an expensive house, before or after work, when the owner {whom you've checked out beforehand with the real estate agent) will be home. Find travel and trade associa- tion events by checking the local newspapers. Don't go to the meeti~. but hang out in the coffee shops and resta~ rants where the convention crowd gathers. And, always carry a big um- brella when rain threatens. Ackerman advises. You never know when someone in an expensive suede mat will need rescuing. You can wait until after the honeymoon to send us our 10 percent finder's fee. IAVlllG LIMU Ten years ~. a person with a severely damased leg faced the prospea of probable ............. ~ Pamck M UnSkey YtDe "-*'" W M OINoto< O.•aldWr~ v ... .._..... -Gent. -Jonalllen Thompeon MIMt MllurCoooer a..-a---. Mol1°'1 ~ .... MWllQlnD EdltO( T"" Mu•~n 0..lgn Olt9CIO( AoOen All-. AnlClet EdllOf. Kate Wll•lt. lefllor EOll~ '"'!Ce Adcroll. Aoee'Y" At>ftyrfa. ,ood ldftCK Me~ ~Mii. A--. fdllO( EllO• KAlllan ,, .... EdltOt. Mary £Min 8-rrett. OOllY EdttO( ()l9N BtOWM, "--Oh, U!IOI Vllleroe. l't>olo ldltOf, VICIOf .. 911., A'1 OktlclOf, ~·o """'''·,, .. ,.An Olr-.c1IK...., ......... Ar1, 8ar1>e11 Jlll*>n C~n .. RICIOOl1 Coftttlblltl"9 Wr1tenl Nom>en L.oOee<ll. Ml .. ~ Y."·MIO l Olt of Ol*allone. A"llero Mrllell Maevp Me<. "-'la Collne l"lod. MOt, Cll<lltN Oal'INll 1'1Mnln9, Mlt-~r~ l»Oof..,.., 0.0.a be V P·A-Ad 01<, Joe f 1&111 Jt l•tern Mgl., l-Q G•..n. Ok.,Cl~t&A~yAelatlOna.JalT!etl Pow.ft.Ae-. t.1tmM01,Alcn.l'OK.C.rr011 loll1MrnMGl,Klli1i1illllJ ... ...,. O.trolt Mgt, uwr...ce M flnn Calif ,"""''"'· 5tepNnl, .on Otr l4111 llld HaywerO, V .... MM!lllflO Dk, Ste~ benflliCI, ...._.Int MOC.~ O'AletMnclrO. l'rOlllOllon Ott. ,_ltll!ll IC~ c ........ Olt . Rooefl O.nltet MfiOlllndlllno ~·. ~ Qenllle, ,,... Mdeo MOf., L~ w- H .. •-lll•llllOltt' v P., l " u .. v p H-..PIC* hNIGM, ~ J Ctlt>itllfl. Ntwlll...,""" Mort. -0 9-f. llooell"' Mamon. Aoll ~ro. JotepllC w ... b~ Mgr, Jlffl McCet>n Olt1rlbUOon MO< , Pny1111 Pr!lelo C-11,,,.. IWGt . LIMI Mo\1111. Admln. AMI., lat'Oe•• SNotro V,,,.,..,_, NIMt ~. Contl'041et, "*"* l nnont. FAMll.Y WWJX . OlaMID 12 • •1111 25 • A fresh new taste experience that outshines menthol. It not only tastes fresher while you smoke. It even leaves you with a clean, fresh taste. All Promohonal Costs Paid by Manufacturer. A store coupon was scheduled to be attached to this page and rf 11 is m1ss1ng. we will 1nveshgate the matter. To assist our Investigation. please send this page. your name. address. the newspaper name. and location from whfCh you obtained your newspaper to: Consumer Relations Department, Lane Services Inc .. P.O Box 3000. Winston-Salem. NC 27102 Wa rning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. i 1 mg. "11(', 0.5 mg. nicotine rv. per cigarette by FTC method. .. . ' I _, I , 2 -Westcllff Plaza-An Advertlelng Supplemen1 to tM O~l'::f PILOT/~day, December 11• 1982 Key (!b ~ ~ aDiiio~ed A n011day remmder 10 keep you up 10 dale on 5')ee•ll o-moer even1a al Wes1cl1ll Plaza 28 Turn tn your Qtlls 10< TOYS FOR TOTS 11 Newpor1 Balboa Sev1nos Mrs Santa here tor the kids even•nos and Saturday Carohng by .. The Winds Way" evenonos and Sa1urday F 2 3 WMtclff Pina s IirisfmaD Holiday shopper s along the Orange Coast will be treated this year to an old-fashioned holiday celebration at West.cliff Plaza. The shopping center chose an old-fashioned the me because its merchants believe in their slogan - "quality and fashion and services with that personal touch" -and they want that old-fashioned concept to be transmitted to their customers and friends. I • The celebration begi~ in earnest on Dec. 15, when stores will be open late for shoppers' convenience. Until 9 p.m. you can purchase fashions, gi Ct items, food and holid ay necessities every weeknight from Dec. 13 to Dec. 23. ln addition, many stores will be open from noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 19. The Toys for Tots program is in full swing at Newport Balboa Savings. and to h elp coax that project along Mrs. Santa Claus wilf put in some guest appearances. She'll collect packages for needy children and hand out candy canes to children in the plaza Crom 2 to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 18, and from 6 to 8 p .m . Monday through Thursday. Dec. 20 to Dec. 23. At the same time, shoppers ean re lax to the holiday music of "The Winds Way," w h o will stro1l through the plaza. \ • - ~~, NEw-parr: PILOTl-y.--12. 1--3 ~BALBOA -. Savings lllllW·~~~~~b INVESTMENT ALERT TO: Our eustomers and Fmnds CONCERNING: __ Insured. ___ E_asy_Ar:ee __ ss_, _Ri_g_h_n_.•_ld_A_~_ca_ .. ,_nt _______ _ OUR RECORDS SHOW: You asked tor a Money Market Ac:cOunt tbat 1s IHSURID. Now we haft one. Recent Gofttmment action prcmdes federal tnsumnce for accounts up to $100,000 -AND -ther earn MoD8'f Market ral9s -for both 1Ddttidual and bustD9IS accounts. Al Newport Jalb()a Sarings, we call it our Dil1JRiD llCHft 11AP••1 ACCOUNT. n goes into attect Tuesday, Deannbet ~4th. NEWPORT BALBOA ACCOUNT: IHSURm llOIDY MAP•• I ACCOUNT INVESTMENT FEATURE: 1). JDIUl9d aax"4mD up to $100,000 l7f tbe FSLIC 2). \llnbmnn depadt m $2,!500 3). Acc8rslb0ftr wilbout penaltf l7f TelepboD8 Tmnsfer, ATM. or l7f cb8ck (IOID8 191tddiom applJ') . ( 4). Rt~ 1Dtlmtst m• -1mes above brobmge J,DSJ' mmlmt 1ates 5). Your d9poslts at Newport Balbo<J Sa91ngs CD8 nttum8d diNct!f' to tb8 comzm1nttr in tb8 tmm m hOID9 Jocm mortgages . W•STCLI~ PLAZA, 17th and IRVINE AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH• 714/645·6505 CORONA NL MAR, 3021 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR• 714/675-8060 OPEN: MONDAY -THURSDAY 9 AM TO 5 PM FRfOAY 9 AM TO 8 PM SATURDAY 9 AM TO 1 PM ~- 4 -Westcllff Plaza-An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Sunday, December 141!, 1'H:t~ Put some slippers under their bed this Christmas . IJ _Llll. __ _.. r FLEECE·UNED SLIPPERS 4' ~~'Y • • One of the finest selections in the entire area of men's, ladies' and children's lined slippers in genuine leathers. We gladly gift wrap. Value priced from $9. to $33. 1052 Irvine Ave. Westclff Plu1 Newport BllCh 541-1614 TOYS FOR TOTS -Marine Sgt. Phillips and Retired Marine Corps. Col. Vin Jorgensen, community liaison for Newport Balboa Savings, display the 1982 Toys for Tots poster. Depot barrels for n e w . unwrapped toys are available at Newport Balboa Savings. Toys for Tots barr~I open "Toys for Tota," the Inspired program of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, is coming to Ne wport Beach once again. The official "Toys for Tots" barre ls will be located in the Wes1.elilf Pla:za (lrvine and 17th Sts.) and Corona Del Mar (lris and Coast Highway in the Albe rts on's shopping center) ornces of Newport Balboa Savings, starting Friday, December 5, according to Fredric J. Forster, president and and chainnan · of the board. . • - The nationwide program for unde rprivileged children began in 1947, when a Marine Reserve Major. WiJliam Hendricks, organized the program with the help of the Los_ Angeles Advertising Club. Unwrapped new toys for children are collected by the Marine Corps Reser ves and dis tributed to hospitals, children's homes, and other areas where needy chlJdren are located. Retired U.S . Marine Col. A . Vince nt Jorge nsen, community relaUons ofiice.c, will OOQCdinate tb.e "Toys for Tots" program at Newport Balboa Savjngs. Flights of Fancy Precioua beea, perfect aa pina or . aa rinsa. Available in four aizea and your choice of diamonda, precioua emeralda, ruhiea or aapphirea . . CHARLES H. BA RR • ......... ... ............ ............ I t 81Lf . ... Westcllff Plaza-An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Sunday, December 12, 1982 -5 Say (,. "Merry Christmas'' to that special lady in a special way. ·Veta's INTIMATt APPAREL. INC. 1111 ... AtfllE IPWOIT ICACH. CA. jlffO 642-1191 I j _, ' r 6 -Westcliff Plaza-An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Sunday, December 12, 1982 SCREWPULL Simply, the world's best corkscrew ... just a tum of the handle 9.88 ECOLOGIZER Gat riclof smoke in yourhomel 17.88 ...-.--------. ----NoW Tltru WEAREVER THE CAii HlllDLER! POPCORN PUMPER No oil... just air ! 18.88 AllOW STAPLE GUN Handy homemaker or hobbyist tocking tool . loads '.4 '' and Yi ." staples 7.88 CA~PUCINO 4-cup electric coppucino brewer by Vesuviona ~ ,M':JJ/J~ Wearever's Hand· Held Electric Can Opener. - Model 2000 19.99 MICROWAVE POPCORN POPPER •by Raytheon •lights flash OS it pops ! ~llim''• ~~~~ LPor Natural Gos Back and Bottom Grill - Includes electric rotiss. iPincl. tri - Nat. Gas incl. 12-ft . quick chconnlct hose 99.99 Limited to stock on hand . Extended Holiday Hours: .. more than you expect in a to dwat • ltOf'I .. ,. • CROWll HARDWARE •IFT ~-n~..!l> ~ SlllYO II/Fl CLOCK UDIO Super-thin! INTERMATIC TIMER •Helps protect your home 4.88 (0 11 18) ' WESTILIFF PUZI 1024 Irvine Ave. (17th 91. At Irvine) NEWPORT BEACH 142-1133 RMl100 . I ~ ~! I •• Westcllff Plaza-An AdvertJling Supptement to the DAIL y PILOT /Sunday, December 12, 1982 -7 VACUUM FWI •0"8 litre capacity •Replaceable gloss liner •Keeps beverages hot & cold for hours , CUISlllRT Ports and Accessories Headquarters OLClOE ........................................ 94.99 DLC8f ........................................ 144.99 DLC7E ........................................ 179.99 DLC7PRO .................................... 199.99 PASTA AnACHMENT .................... 94.99 NEW! OLCX ................ .............. 299.99 •COMPARE OURPRICESI• :e 8.88 Cllrist1nas---a.11-,-... -c.tlery---.... --DIW-. -x.-.EA-Y-,DUTY----- 11TCHEN FAVORITES FOOT PUMP THI lllW llAllSOll DRILLMINDER DISPENSER Select and receive the dril bit you wont . Free- standing, or clip to your drill . Comes loaded with 13 drill bits. nm Food Pr~ CITRUS JUICER C F-rt. (;Jtt. .. iml' .. Special juicer attachment for your food processor 14.88 HARllR VIEW 1614 San Miguel Dr. (San Mlguef Atlsan Joaquin) Newport Beach 844-8570 KNIFE SO Includes poring knive, utility knive and slicer CONAIR HAIR DRYER 1500 watt Pro Style less 5.00 Mfg. rebate MULTIPLE ounn CENTER For all your holiday needs 12.88 CIRlll DEL llR 3107 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar 873-2800 ~ • " • 100 psi guoge •26" hose The Sounds of SANYO AM-FM Mini Player (RP55) 29.99 Mini Cossette Player (MGlOl 44.99 AM/FM Cassette Mini Player (MG30) 64. 99 KR UPS TOUCH-IT -GRINDER ·-• Model No. 202 No. 1 Selling Grinder lntht World list 27.00 14.88 AlllEll HILLS 5620 Santa Ana Canyon Road (In the Von'• C..ter) at lmpeMI Highway •1212 -· . ,, ' l -v .I \ I .. .. ·. 8 -Westcllff Plaza-An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Sunday, December 12, 1982 Here come's Santa! Santa mini-plaque This colorful ITllI'll-pfdque is a delightful sto®ng stulTu or small !llfi r()f Santa-lovers or aDa~1 S4 00 . For the jolliest of trees! :-. tr your Omstmas •wn lhe sp1n1 or the ·:;ouv old el( youll love oor galltty'<>r Santas Uke our Cycling Santa. Jo11ev Trolley and --Spun or Christtnas ·· Oloose one. or chooH them an. and make your 1ree maria than ever bdOR! 1 Christmas Store Hours: 10-8 Daily 11-4 Sundays Paper lJnllmlted 1112 Irvine Ave. w 548-7921 tfAlewA~ for a cozy Christmas Westdtff Plaza Newport llelteh .. 1058 lrvtne Ave. 642-5262 The Wind's Way, an offspring of a lar~er traveling choral club who have entertained Southern California audiences for the past five years. will a ppear at Wes tc liff Plaza, Saturday, Dec. 18 from 2 to 5 p.m. a nd Monday, Dec. 20 through . .. Tis the Season fot J. Mer on a Fa la la la la at Mes Anies/ Thursday, Dec. 23, from 6 to 8 p.m. This delightful group of 10 ,singers dressed in 12th century Dickens' costumes will perform a variety of classical . traditional and contemporary musical M>lec::lions, all for your holiday shopping pleasure. n • mes am1es Westchff Plaza 1132 lrvne A ve. Newport;. Beach Cehf. 92660 7 14 -631 -6008 Teens .. Westcllff Plaza-An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Sunday, December 12, 1982 -9 OUR STORE warm. friendly. comfortable. a store with courteous, knowledgable salespeople, _where the customer is our priority. A store that offers a complete selection of traditional sports~ear for men, ·. ' Visa-Mastercard/Westcliff Plaza, 1028 liMne, Newport Beach, Phone 642-7061 - . ..., I i l I I I . I I r I I I I . . I .. '• I I I I ' I I .4a Exeld•• C-.i•lee Diamond jewelry accented with rubies, emeraJd.s and sapphires . . . · c B CHA~LES ·H.· BA RR 17th .. ..,,... WMtdlff Pino Newpert leoch from DR. LOU ROY ELDER a..TomTilllT and SERGIO ALVAREZ MM'll I I 11 Of"T1CWe 1124 IRVtNE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92te3 WESTCllFF PLAZA Telephone. (714) &42-0720 ........ ·--· a.... s.dety ......... Ow ........ , .. . Westcllff Plaza Shopping Directory I '· 1+141LILl•·ILILI ; 1. ......... -_._. .... ._._ -.. --c..... .... ,...... .... ................. ,,,,,.. ....... ·---....-.-~---........ -~o--4--...,_.,. ........... ......, _......_... __ ... --.... ~--.. __ -..........~-----............ .....__ ....... ...................... _ ................... ....__. , __ c..~-.-.--- .. .. .. ::....:r .:-.... -==:-... ., -.. _,.. ..... ....................... -.. ..._._......, .......... .....,.._ , ........ c-. ,.._ . ..,........~ c.-.-. ... .....---..... -. ' .. _,,_ -------~--_..,_ -~11-..it ............. .. __ ~ .... ....., ........ ----·--~....,_ .......... ,_._._. ............ - ' 1S. 14. 15. .... 11. 11. 11. 20. 21. 22. ...... ~ == .............. , . ......_ --- ff ........ -·-........ ~ ....... .............. .-....._.., ----·------~...,_. ... _ '" --~ ............. ~ ___ ... .,..._... -__.._ ------·- OMlt'¥&1r11i' /.t'4M~ WISTCLIFF PLAZA Westcllff Pfala-An A~ Supplement to 'fhe DAIL y. PILOT ISUnday. Oeeember 1_2, 1982 -11 I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ltUC\? ~unn J\ntiqu.es Everything from teddy bears to fine antique jewelry. Newport Beach's finest consignment antique shop. We buy gold and antique jewelry. 11 30 Irvine A venue Newport Beach, CA W estcliff Plaza 631-3332 Tell her just how Special she really is This Christmas I an tee f:fegance in :J.eminine Attire f · :Jop. American anJ Guropean ::be6igner · :J.a6kionJ , W.61cli// Plaza • 1044 Jku;n. Au.n'u.. • n.,;,0,.1 B.ac' 548-8365 . ~ . . RalfTime #22 l lb. of our famous Beef Sti•·k • Summer Sausage. l! Yankee Tradertea bags. :J oz. of Sw•·ct·Hnt Mus- tard, 2 oz. each ufSharpy and Cht•cz·n-llarnn t~t::.t· spread, 8 oz. uf Medium Sharp Cheddar, 1h oz. of Cra<.kcd Wheat Tluns and Strawberry Bun lion~. SJ <1 . 99• . "Spr~.i~ t lb. of our famoos Beef St1t k • Sunmwr S:1u-,.1)(t'. 12 oz. of Mild Cheddar. 7 oz. ur<ioud~. !! 01.. of Edmn. 1'11 oz. of Applt• 1'1c Clwddar. a fi ur.. Smoky ls111ok1·d c:hecse bar) and Strawberry Uon lion~. S22.99• Think of everyone who'd love a Christmas gift from Hickory Farms~~ Choose from over lOOdifferentgifts, ina variety of shapes, prices and sizes, all filled with tasty delights. And we'll gladly handle all the details sending your gifts out 17th & Irvine, Newport Beach 642-0972 r::2:]Mon ............. . ~Sat. 1M tun. 11·1 ------- # 17 Fashion Island Newport Beach 640-6030 Mon..Prt. 10-1 lat. 1M lun. 11-1 .. ... . . ,. .. -