HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-16 - Orange Coast Pilot·, -.. . Tll llAlll Cl c11m11n111 TUURSOAY. DECEMBER 16, 190:? <HIAN<,f 1 1)1 1 ~1 1 t t Al If OH NIA :t~> C£NT S '.Public views sought on airport alternatives . By STEVE TRIPOLI o<tt.0.-, ......... The p~blJc will get a chance to comment on 12 alternatives for' the future uae of John Wayne Airport as part of a process that also app~ara headed toward diacusaion of other airport sites. Orange County supervisors have authoriz.ed the preparation of a detailed study of the ~ alternatives. which ranee from a shutdown of the airport to an expansion to accommodate .several times the number of Irvine wages boosted By GLENN SCOTT Ol'h 0.-, Not ltd Salary increaaes averaging 6.1 percent have been approved by the Irvine Oty Council for 380 fuU~timt: orunicipal employees. 'Ille raiaee, one of two ways in which dty workers can increaae their annual pay, will go into effect ln January. Police officers will get by far the largest f!!AY increases. The department a five lieutenants will get a 15 percent lncre~. ..-panta and lower rank officers will receive an 11 percent ralae. Other city workers will get •lightly leas than a 5 percent lncreue. Council members, with no comment, authorized the salary recommendations from City Manaeer WWJam Woollett Jr. at their meetins Tuesday. The lncrerr wW cast the dty about '483,000 for the remaining a1x months of thia tlacal year, offida1a aald. The salary aareement coven all city employees except Woollett and Aaalatant City Manager Paul Brady Jr. c.ouncil members aald they will review tho9e two salaries next month. Along with the flat salary lncreues, Irvine al.lo offers its workers a ctwlce to earn extra nmes through a merit system ln which each worker is etValuat.ed at annual anniversary dates. Up to 30 percent of the workers can win additional 8 percent incre88es ln salary steps for exceptional work. Most 0th.era will be given increases •tram 4 to 6 percent for average performance. Thus, one police lieute nant could. earn aa much as a 23 percent salary increase within the next year. A hard-working civilian employee could reap a 13 percent i:ncreue. Moat police o fficera will receive a combined 16 percent (See WAGES, Page AZ> Cold morning ~empei:atures • to continue It might have felt like It was freezing this m orning, but weather forecast.en say it never d ipped below 37 degrees in Orange County. A 8J>Okesman for the National Weather Servfce aald the bone- chllltng temperatures were the result of a combination of clear ~ and little or no wind. And the forecaat for three- blanket mominO It expected to .continue, with low• Friday ~ for between 38 and 48 lowest temperature for the county WM recorded at . the UC Irvine a1ricultural field l'*tion near the Marine Corpe A.Jr Station. El Toro. A apokeawomaa at the 200-ecre farm atatton tald the tanpenb.11' dipped to 37 deF"I ..-lY, today. paasenge,. It now fervet. The study, to be completed ln 90 days, includes proviaion for at least one public hearing on the alternatives before the county Airport Commillaion. Comments gathered at the hearing or hearings, for which no date has yet been, 11et, would be incorporated into the study. Superviaon will uae the study to narrow down f11ture airport options to at least one, and perhaps several alte rnatives which then would be the focus of In-depth exainlnat.ion. Supervt..on, ln authorlzlng the 1tudy W edne1day, displayed 1ome of the dltferencea of opinion over the airport that have characterized thelr debates ln recent yean. Supervoor Ralph Clark said the study ahould include a look at other airport aftes becaaae John Wayne probably cannot be expanded to meer the count}''• full projected air tranawrtation need. That neeQ has been peqed at as much aa 10 times the roushly 2.8 mJlllon pa-.enaera the airport will handle this year. Clark Hid he believes that Jolnt mllitary-dvlUan u. of the ti Toro Marine Corpe A1r Station · la the best answer to the problem. That aolut.ion run.t contrary to a recent board resolution, which · pa..ed on a 3-2 vote, declaring that no other feasible airport alt.es exist ln the county. Clark reminded sueervt.ora tbat Orange County Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner threw out one airport expanaion Tripleu (from left) . Maria Lupe, Maris Nina and Maria Delores Rodriguez check out dresses at Sean in Costa Mesa on a shopping spree for needy families. ? plan largely becauae tt had not adequately a ddre 1sed alternatives. Not looking at alternatives u part of this 1tudy, even ln light of the resolution, "la not golng to change the aviation needs of the county In the judge's view or anyone else's," Clark said. Supervisor Thomas Riley said the new nudy la "intended JD fully comply" with both Sumner 's w ishes and require me nts to report ttle ·A ·merrier Christmas for the needy Five county families get shopping spree from savings and loan firm By KAREN E. KLEIN • O(lhe u.llJ .... ·-Sharon WlliJon looked down at the identical triplets, each wearing blue corduroy pants and white flowered shirts and sporting long brown ponytails tied up over their ears. "What's your name"? 1he asked the first 9 -year-old. "Maria." came the reply. "And what's yours?'" aha said to the next. "Maria." The third? ••Maria.·· Wila on looked up in amazement. H o w was she supposed to tell these three apart? Then the first Maria piped up: "We all have differem middle names.'' ahe said . The three Maria Rodriguez.ea, also known as Lupe, Nina and Delores, were at the Sean store in South Coast Plaza Wedneeday m o rning to take part In a shopping spree for needy families s p onsored by the Imperial •-Savings and Loan Aa>dation. For the fourth year in a row, Imperial has taken the money it normally would use f o r Christmas trees to decorate its branch offices and put it toward the ahopping prosram. Sean opened its C<.ta Mesa store an hour early for the 27 children and their parents targeted as n eedy by the Salvation Army. In the Southern California area, 16 Seara stores and 400 children participated In Wednesday'• early Christmas preeent. aald Bea Freeman, the director of family 8erYioet for the Salvation Army. More than 530 families in the Orange County area were interviewed to take part ln the program, she added. The five families whic h were selected repreeented the most needy. All were from the Santa Ana and Tustin areas, she said. ''One father worka for $3.35 an hour, one makes $600 a month and pays $43~ rent and one make1i $700 a month and pays $500 for rent -and be has 10 people to aupport," ahe sa.kl. "If they're hungry, they're hungry," she aaid. On Wedne.day. BOme of the families' needs were being met. Branch managen from the eight Imperial offices around the county each aupel"VWed three or four c hildren as they raced around the clothes departments pjddng out outfits. -Each child had a $65 limit, giving him or her an opportunity to take home items ranging from ahoet to underwear to pajamu. In the toddler's department, Stephen Nutt, one of the bnmch manage'rs taking p~rt in the program, was having some difficulty sorting through the girls' clothing. He was helping a lamily of four kids try to pick out coordinated clothes and stay within their budget limit. "For a male who's never had any kids of his own, th.is is kind of hard." he said, smiling. "l guess thi1 is a good time to learn." Wu.on, ICOU.rlng the racka in the girl's department with Lupe, Nina and Delores., had devi.8ed a foolproof system to keep the triplet. names straighL '"Ibey all have different -colored ponytail holden," she said, indicating the girls' ·red, white and blue-hair OnlalDenta. The triplecs aelected hot pink windbreakers and boots as part of their outfit:a. "Always alike," fSee SHOPPING. Pqe A%) . projected environment.al lm~ of any expanlion. Board Chairman Bruce Neetande, who had aponlOl"ed the local-site resolution, said he wasn't sure he wu prepared to back a study which looked at other local airport aftes. When Neatande aak.ed county legal advl1era for advice on whether the study could ext.end into other altn. ~rt Nuttman, assistant county counsel, Hid some of the altem.aUves under (See AIRPORT, Pase A%) AFB-52 bomber crashes SACRAMENTO (,AP) -An Air Force B-52 bomber with nine aboard c rashed today in a commercial district of suburban Sacramento near Mather Air Force Base, spewing columns Of smoke hund.reda of feet into the air. Police radio report• said authorities were kept at bay by ex ploding .50-caliber ammunition. There were no immediate reporta of injuries or details of the plane's cargo. Fire department official.a aaid authorities were checking with nearby Mather Air Force flue to deterJlline whether the plane carried nuclear weapons. Authorities monitored on a polke radio said firefight.era were forced to stay about 1,000 f~t away from the aircraft becau.e of the fire and the exploding ammunltJon. Sacramento Sheriff'• Department spokesman Bm Miller said the plane went down about 10 miler eest of the state Captol near Jldmon Roed and Bradshaw Avenue In a commercial and industrial area. AccordJ.nc to Air Foree offidala in Wa.ahingtoa, the plane crashed on takeofl from Mather. B-52a stationed there reportedly carry nuclear weapons. Auditor report response due in recall issue Members o f a committee seeking recall of three Fountain Valley School Districts are expected to respond tonight to an auditor's report that detected no financial rnbconduct by district offid.ala. The Committee Advocatma Responsible Education baa mounted a campaign to recall trustees Cheryl Norton, Roser Belgen and Suzanne Moore, charging that they and district administrators have miahandJed d.iatrlct funds. A special auditor's report probing theee allegationa will be. COOlldered by the achool board at todar'• meeting, which beg1na at 7 o clock In the district headquarten, 17210 Oak St. Freeway through · Mesa would oust 2,4f!7 . BY .JODI CADENHEAD Boulevard to construction of a °'.,..,.,,... ...,. freeway thrwgh the heart of the About 783 homes and bu•l" z rr ln Cc.ta Mae woWd d'the report aays bua1ne9S and .be knocked down and i,407 homeowners would be people left bomeJeu or compensated for any loa u a unemployed if a $ 159 mllllon r • 1 u l t 0 f t b e f r e e w a y ext.enalon of the Cotta Mesa conatructlon. Employees and Freeway la built, acoanl1na to a those inconvenienced by report by CaltnM. conatructlon would not be A depreaed freeway along ted Newport Boulevard la one.of ~r::' k,;owledae of the et,ht altemaUvee dilcut9ed ln a pe>Wnual Wr.eUhood of a freeway 1 o n g -a w a i t e d d r a f t or major conatructloft taking .nvtronmentai impact statement ... _._ ln , M'-hborhood o on atate Rouw 65. The report ta ...--oae 1 1 of Cl r e _ _. to be o.W...allu releMed requJ.r1J\I • 1ael ont1'• bowie, ·...---,.............. ~°"Job ta to MY the leut nest month. ~, .. the NPOrt atatea. State tranlpOrtatlon and city off lclala have declined to CamUuedon dlM .um.ta on comment on the report or tlMt all the bwway planl ranee from ahematlVff contained In tb• three to four 19UI and would •h•dy uaUl th.• document I• Htult tn the1 removal of all approwd forrblk circulation. -=::~. and •om• of the A flml ~It expected to \ ln downtown Cost.a be made •••t year on the ,._, freeway, a .ubjlct of ttudy by L ne tr"teet vlaual impact atate hl1bway of flclah 11.nc. ~ tilt Cftllted by two ol. the lMt. · ,.._ callinc for the .oonltNcdon Tbe alt«nativw ~from of•a frww&y ~Ml lbow d'Y dolg notbln1 oa Jfewport ...a."'."SUC6 pa-Would ,.,it t1 • In an "intrualon into the community opening up a penoruM view to thme \&11.ni the fadllty,'' accord1na to the report. Durins construction of a freeway raldeflta cou1d expect to su..f fer from 9dded ~ tO n'earby 1treets, disruption in buaine11, conaiderable inconvenience, vibrationl._~ no&.le and a temporary cMcradauon of 'air quality, the lenf\hy report aaya. n Tbe construction of a vldaduct 20 feet above \he IUnOUnd1na around IW'face or a hlebway 20 leet below nlltlnc ...W..1...I IUrface l'ftolllV ttriU tome ;;;;;-•an~ lmplet.'' the npott ..... Thou1h not con aidered ~ the bwTowtna owl -.whlcb bil ..u.i up ll~ tn the N.wpan 8ouMYan1 ditcti - would haw to be re.looatl9d lf a ,,...,,,, • built. The Jillt of alwnaUWI are: NO PROJllCT -·No chanl9 to N..wpon BoWevard wouldl>e tMdA. Tba dltl:h wou)d -tw.d ~ ln with 900,000 cubic yards of materUI and ad. WIDEN NEWPORT -Add one lane ln MCb direction from Bay Street to Industrial Way. Cott eatimatAr, •a mUJion. No bomet or bum.-. ~.ied. GRADE SEPARATONS - Wklen Newport Boulevard from 8riato1 Street to Indwtrill Way. c.ouJd carry 1361000 whicltl per day. Cost ettimate-, '48 m1Won. ADOPTED ALIGNMENT - A fo\lr to eight lane deP1't'l919d freeway from Industrial W.-y to: Meta Drive with 17 brldcea. Route would 1win1 weat at Industrial and rejoln Newport! near Bay. c.c.t eltimat.e at •1•· million. <llaoladna 807 bomel. 1,· i 118 relldeni.. lM bt"'n 1• 11 and : l.• emplo1eee. Could caJTYI 180 000 vehldm I*' day 'i (sM MESA. p ... .U) . I . ~ I ---lllDEX---...... AGES BOOSTE • • • ual l.ncnue: other workt1l"'I <*l ODW\\ on about 10 percent. • The lrvtne Pola Amoctauon la ~ only employ" 1roup that rnally ne10Uate1 with city rc1a11 for 1alat-y lncreaac·•· h er w orjter1 are Invited to 1*rtodlc review 1eaalon1 to al11eua ulary proposal• with ~ton. , 'l'he polkle officen won their r•lattvely lar1e Increases thl1 ntar because t heir two-year ci>n\rac_t ne1otlated last year ~ the city to pay offJcera ~ to varloua countywide ~nta. 1 For example, lieutenants abticmatically had to receive the t6p aalary acale for tbejr rank I amd"na all pol.Ice department.a 1.n Oranp County. Ser1eanta we~ to bt' paid the third hl&h••t aalariee and lower rank ofltcert the lixth hJ&hMt. I Brady aa.ld city officlala hope to do away nu><t year with the sy1tem of ranklna one pollce department'• 1alarle1 above another, calling it a "leap frotr" approech. Beginning In January , lieutenants will earn from $34,· 642 to $46,560 while be&inning officera will make from S22.104 to $28, 728. In other field1, a • beginning secretary will earn from $14,016 to $18,924 and a beginning building inspector will make from $20,496 to $27,684. AIRPORT STUDY . ~ . cbnaideration. such as closing J'ohn Wayne, implied by their niature that other sites would ._veto be considered. I . Nestande; who has said sites oui.ide the county sttoul}i be considered for another regional airport, eventually voted )Vith other supervisors to authorii.e the study. Among the 12 alternatives most likely to be considered: aa.-ording to llOW'Cefl cloee to the supervisors, are expansions of the ' airport that would l.ncreaae the present 41 dally outgoing jet fllghtt to 55. Several supervt.ora, are reported ready to back at least that number. S.HOPPING SPREE .. • th,elr m other said quietly in Spani..lh. tell them," she said. "We also have posters up explaining why not. Most people think it's grea\." .,.,_Net ll'Mte .., ~ Ko9'11et Newport Beach detec tive Mike Oeladurantey examines an artistic-looking haul, part of burglary loot valued at $750 ,000 recovered after the arrest of two Costa Mesa brothers. Br TEVI!! MARBLE or-...., .... ...- Newport Be•ch police, untan1llna • atrlni of aophltllc•tcd reeld nll1tl bunllariet, have N!!COY red $7~. OOOln rare art object& and other valuables and are conUnulna to 1earch for an equal amount of unrecovered loot. Detectives aUeged they have lied the eerieta of 13 burglartes, which cfate back to early 1981 and include the homes of several prominent citiz.ena l.n Newport, to a pair of Co.ta Meu brothers. Richard PagninJ, 28, and David Pagni.nl, 24, were arrested Nov. 27 at a Keel Drive residence l.n Newport Beach, where officers said the two were obaerved 'by Police bruking into a home. The older brother, police said, is being held in lieu of $1 million bail at Orange County Jail. The younger brother ,had tvs bail reduced from $250,000 to $100,- 000 during a Wednesday court prqceeding. The brothers, former Boston resldenta, auertedly used rented cars l.n the crimes, mounting a $10,000 bill at one local car agency, said Detective Mike Deladurantey. The collection of recovered loot, displayed In a.. police conference room Wedne1day, includes a $65,000 carved ivory Shiva, an ornately carved tusk. an 18th century $6,500 pocket watch, a briefcase filled with 90 pocket watches as well as r cover in loot dlamondl, 1old ban. palnUnp and ...,., equipment. Dtladurantey uid HVeraJ aafea were taken durln1 the bur1lariH, lncludlni one he df'tCribed u be•nc .... btc .. • refrl1erator." The ufe11 hav not been recovered. Mott of the · buraJaries were committed In Newport Beach. Victims Included car dealer Albert Mardtklan and Joae Rosan, an owner of a Newport boat and engineering firm. Deladurant.ey aaid ln two ca1E11 the burglar• dl1armed sophl1tlcated alarm 1y1tem11 c utting e l ectrical wires, telepftone Un.ea and connections to alarm pad1 hidden under carpeting. He said the burglaries were staged during Kolidaya when re1idents were out of town. Intruders were very selective in what was taken . Deladurantey said in each case the burglars took no less than $100,000 in valuable1. The greatest loss was in San Clemente where $750,000 in goods were hauled o!f. The recovered items, which included a valuable 1et of Lennox china and a pair of crystal swans, were turned up at art and antique shops in Orange. Los Angeles and San Diego co unties . Some items, Deladurantey alleged, were found in the Costa Mesa house rented by the brothers. Although all the families were Sp-,nlsh-speaking, language ~ did not pose a problem. '.!:~~-~hlldren, who pick up Eriil.iah quickly enough in school, ac~ u interpreters for their parentl when questions came up. After each child had filled hiB or her shopping bag to the limit, everyone trooped down the escalators to a room in the peraonnel office where a Chrlatmas party, complete with milk and cookies and toys under a tree, was being held. Fire laws rapped in Valley gems robbery !f.he shoppers tried hard to keep the clothes as practical as PQll!lible: plaid shirts, jeans, socks and underwear for the boys and pullover sw eaters, corduroy pantl and jackett for the girls. H e lpers distributed the wrapped toys to the children, who cl ung tightly to the packages, their eyes wide with excitement. "You can go aht'!Ad ilnd open them now," said Freeman. But the children continued to sit there, content to just stare at the boxee they clutched on their laps. Fountain Valley police are searching throughout South- ern Calllomia for a holdup man who escaped with more than $500,000 in jewels and cash at a gold and diamond store. Detective Steve Wi.lllams said today, however, that lead.a are slim foflowing the robbery Tuesday night of th e International Gold and Diamond Exchange, 18956 Brookhu.rst St. He said the holdup man waa described by victims as a 5-8 Caucasian. He was wearing a gray h at and a dark-colored bandana and was anned with a .45-<:aliber automatic. Williams said the holdup was believed to be one of tAe largest in the city's history. Store owner Werchen Maldjian claimed Wednesday that the Fountain Valley Fire Department contributed to the robbery. Maldjlan, 39. said that the gunman entered the front door and passed through a second, unlocked interior door shortly after 8 p.m. Maldjian said the inner door previously had a dead-bolt lock that prevented customers from entering the store after hours. He said customers were "buzzed in" by himself or his employees. specific case but that commercial establishments are required to have unimpeded access for customers and employees. Jorgensen said dead-bolt doors "}can be dangerous because people can't leave In a hurry in case of fire. "'They need ~verything. You name it. they need it," said F.del Adam, a Costa Mesa branch manqer who has been involved ln the program for three years. Everyone feels very positive about what Imperial is doing, ahe said. "If cu atomers aak why we don't have a Chriatmas tree, we "They want to wait for Christmas," one of the branch managers said. "They don't get very much else." Car clouter caught? Maldjian claimed Wedneeday, however, that the fire department had ordered the dead-bolt lock removed several months ago as a safety measure. AB a consequence, the interior door remained unlocked, he said. Maldjian said he and his employee, Diane Craft, were handcuffed by the gunman and locked in a bathroom. But the store owner said he w as fint forced to open the aafe by the f unman who emptied about 500,000 in gold and jewelry into a black duffel bag. ,, .. .l 'Cpastal ..,,. .. vetWl6e ~ :="' .. ~ ~ of ew1y . rrwmlng lot atone th• GOH t. todliy mnd Frtclly In the flOe.. •••here, from Point oepllon to the MHlcen border eno out eo ,,._ Ugtwt. ~..,. toNtM end Fl1dtly lft6rnlng. becoming moetly .,..terly to 12 knot• 'rldey euernoon with emooth ..... W••t•rly •••II• S to 5 feet . Oco9*11111 .... of tnell ... 5 to I feM 011 wMt4eclng ti.ech ... s:""" ..,._ 1trougfl lnCll ... lfl ~ of tog 8lld F1tdey morNnG. ' -from Hla91n Dau . lei Cf90m Shoppe ~ Cooo• l'lolo lJ.ll llntfO s-ec.>o _.., CA >n~1o 714 I~ 11~ l!>ol Soc;...,....,. l~ llaoctl CA Wc6 I ,,.~'~' mounteina. with the oonalderably stror>ger gu11a neer Mammoth Lake• on Friday. the we1111er ~ Mid. Mounteln hlghl -• ~ In the 50e wlttl !owe tllet coukf ** to 20. Hlglle tn 0-W Vel#ty lltlOUld renge from 68 to 54 H the weekend--. w41h IOw9 from 1s to 25 . Hlglle tn n«them "-II mey lluctueta lrom 55 to 83 with lowe from 25 to 38. HIQhe In the tow deMr1 "'°'*' .....ch Into IN 80e wt!h !owe from 35 to 43. A silver-h•ired Long Beach man. alleged to be responsible for hundreds of J.wcury automobile burglaria on aolf counes id the county, has been arrested by C.O.ta Mesa police. Harry Frank Kane, 50, was arraigned today in Harbor Municipal Court following his arrest Tuesday afternoon by investigators at the C.O.ta Mesa Golf COune .• Costa Mesa police Sgt. Bill Bechtel Nid Kane, who was arres1ed in connection with two thefts, is believed responsible for MwMhle.~ofeurferl todc to the -t• WadneecSe)' to no. wge --on ..i-t.ang beeChel. County Hlegu11rd Cept. st .... voon-Nlkf the tf .. 11 -· "the .,... --_ • ._. l'ted WI 1 wtJllt OMt bfre." Ntl<Jt\11 WHIM! ~w:• TO NOU. U S 0.01 o' Camm.~e He -Nlfwrtnll 10 breU·e;. .. high .. l1ve 1 .. 1 al Soutll Bey beecllee, kk:lled up by • etomi front thll utended 800 mu .. wHI ot th• central Callfornla cout. Mid Scott ~O. of IN WMthefMMcle. frontt: Cold ..-Watm .,., ~luded ~ ·T emperatures NATION .. ~ 42 3e 46 21 60 21 42 42 eo 42 64 ... 81 34 60 41 31 14 ff 38 2t1 oe 46 aa 49 42 15 41 41 ... 41 st 1$ $() 10 ... .. 41 e1 IO == 47 13 47 40 . .. ... $1 11 u 47 t3 ... 21 83 27 Delro11 • Duluth ' EIPMO Ferge> At!getafl ar.t F ... H.ttord tMMne Honolulu HOU91on lndtenepolla Jeclc9on. MIM. ~ KerlMe City Lei Veges Uttle Rodi: Loulelltlle Lubboc:tl "'*"Pl* ....,.,.. ......... ~.Pu ~ .. °'*'"' New VOttl Nottoll "°"" ,.._ ~°"Y C>meNI ONndo ,.....~ ""°"* ==t'Me. ~.Ore l'loMlllOt =City Nohmond a.nun SM Anlonkl 43 25 56 2' ,7 40 47 42 11 81 4e 82 73 $6 51 52 41 54 53 re 31 33 53 M llO .. 44 M 31 71 41 N eo 31 .. 47 .. ,... M ,, 41 .. 33 s.en1e ~ 44 07 = 32 32 27 oe ot St. Louie 4& 31 21 St. Pel•Tempe 71 et 34 St Ste Marte 33 18 S8 Spott-41 31 25 Syncu .. 50 3e 70 Topel!• 311 21 48 Tuceon 82 37 33 TulN 82 30 21 WMhtngton 53 .. 83 WlcMa .. 2t 20 CAUPONt!A 33 32 .. ~· S5 Beikenfteld 82 39 2t l!IKM!e e1 411 34 Frwnc> 57 34 74~ H ~ 10 60 te 12 S8 53 11 Peeo~ S1 37· •1 Red""" 5a llO 41 A9dwOOd Otty " 84 et leonlrnento 51 41 14 ...,,. M 44 ao len Diego .. 47 11 a... ,,mndeoO 61 SS .. Stnl• .... = 16 43 8todlton :k. 44 8erttaW 54 " "' llO .... 11 11 IO =-11 11 41 .. 41 ~...,,, • 41 41 ~ I n A 1t ~leeefl ... om.no 118 ... .. ,.,_.. . ., 40 ...... ..,dttlO .. M .. ... o.t.t • •, 11 .., Joee 17 .. , Tides fODAY hooM low 4• 14 p.m. 0.1 llRf IEPDRT leoofld ~ t0-51 p.m. u . ,..,AY lwf ... lwf .... =' .... ~!OW 1:07 a.in. U ..... A91 .... .... ~ Dllr ~ t;U1.m II Z""'9 a e 11 • ew !OW 4;:f plft, 0~ ... Mollloe • • 11 I I 4 WIW hoond .. 11 '"' •. ~ . ' 12 • • w•w ""' .. m .. •:•• P"". 11 4 • w ~ l'ftdlly... •111 ~~~ Moon ,._ IOdt)' tc 11M a.111., l'CIO • 75 othen1 in the city during the last three years and hundreds in the county. Fire Chief Richard Jor1eNen said today he wasn't aware of the The exchange, located in the vicinity of Brookhurst Street and Garfield Avenue, bought and sold gold and jewelry, authorities said. Di1gulaed as a golfer Kane allegedly 1tole golf clubs, cash, jewelry and cameras from Cadillacs parked at golf courses by using a device he inserted into the luxury ca.r's cigarette lighters that popped open the trunks, police said. Irvine spill halts traffic GQUers returning to their cars were baffled by the theft from the .trunks they believed they had left locked, said Bechtel. The dapper Long Beach man was arrested by 1:.ong Beach poli~ in January and is facing burglary charges in Chino, police Police closed several blocks in an Irvine industrial area to traffic Wednesday afternoon when a 55-gallon drum containing a corroaive cleaning substance rolled off a freight truck and ruptured. . I said. The spill occurred near the intersection o r Harvard and Valencia avenues at 4:20 p.m .. police said. A three-hour aigalert was called for a 1 ~-equare mile area surrounding the ' He is being held in Costa Mesa dty jail in lieu of $10,000 bail. OUR STORES warm. friendly. comfortable. Stores with courteous, knowl- edgable salespeople, where the customer is our priority. Stores that off er a complete selection of traditional sportswear for men, women & boys. SPECIAl>CHRJSTMAS HOURS Mon.-Fri. 10:00-9:00 PM Sat. 10:00-6:00 PM Sunday 12:00-5:00 PM in teraection. Police said a Willig Freight Lines truck was transporting the industrial s trength cleaner . amino methalene phospbonate sodium melibdate, to Hoag Memorial Hoepital in Newport Beach when the container fell off the truck. A Long Beach firm which specialirea in cleanup of chemical spi..l.la was called, said Sgt. Dave ' Freedland. It.,was detemilned the subeta.nce was not haz.ardous. • I STATE .Task force proposes water fluoridation By Th AaMCtalM Piets SACRAMENTO -A i.M force that revlewed atate hMlth laws for two yMn uya communltlea ahould be required to fluoridate water uni.. their voters .. Y no. ln a report made publlc. Wednesday. the tuk force ai.o propoeed: --Stricter qualllkatJon for local heahb ofUcera and nu\rltJonlata. -Repeal of manda,ory teetlnc of IChoo1 children for tUbercuJosla. II -A new and 1horter uniform code eoveminc the oonatruction and operation of oommerdal food fadlJtiea. ... Quake fatties Fortuna FORTUNA -A "big bang" of an earthquake cracked chimneys, broke store windows and knocked down ChrUtmu demrationa, police ln this town near C&lifomia'a northern cout said today. The quake, meuuring 4.4 which struck at bedtime Wednesday for many of Fortuna'• 8,900 residents, apparenUy cau.ed no lnjurle., laid dispatchers for police and the Humbolt C.ounty Sheriff• Department ln Eureka. The quake hit at 10:53 p.m. and wu centered about 24 miles aoutheut of Eureka, not far from Fortuna. Donati01ls aid teen-ager LOS ANGELES -A diaabled teen-ager swamped with donations after thieves stole hia television and money 1aved fOI' a video game 1aya he's thankful for the gifta, but appn!d.ates the attention even more. The day after Hinch and hi.a family. The haul included $141 from Danny's toy•aa.fe. .. .,~ GOITA .. A .. ·-.. '~Y ...................................... .. . Llvf:;,, unite Per ton I -· ·n111• -·------"IGht-of-way 0-.~ructlon Tot• Alternative _., , _..., 'r'"'_, ___ dltpaoed dllpfaoed dleplaoed dtlptWd OOlt . ~ 90lt ~ .--.. ~ --· ·--. .:: No Pro)eot 0 0 . 0 0 '° '° IO -,. . -·~, ··-. •--"' .. _._ ...... Newport Bt¥d. 0 0 0 0 ' so ta mllNon -M m•lon I 1, Thr;.1:: wsy I ~ • 1 I w/ 0 0 0 0 . 11 mlmon $47 mHHon .~.mMHon •. , MpoWtlonl F,..nyon . ·'~ ..I 8dopted 807 1, 118 159 1,289 181 mllllon 178 mlHlon ' t159 mitt~ ~ ~tto I Ultrtal Way 111 " Frwway and . . • vtaduct on 4 8 0 0 •1 mUJ~ $73 mlllton · $74 mHllon Ii Newport Blvd. . .... ~"' F,_wayand I I . . --··''· -,....,nlng wall 13 33 18 118 S3 mllllon · 177 mlllton S80 mlHlon , :-i on PMwpc>rt Btvd. . -. I F....way and . . • I viaduct on 54 139 60 285 $15 mllllon $94 """'°" euterty downtown I $79 mllllon . bypua • t ~ Fr9.way and :• ,, ,, ~ retaJnlng wall 209 . $90 mlltlon· • on Mlterty 81 32 188 $20 mllllon $70 mllllon downtown bypua '°'' I .. r,• I MESA FREEWAY ALTERNATIVES PRESENTED • • • From Page A1 Bristol, cost estimate, $80 million. Would displace 13 homea, 33 re9identa. 18 buliJM'Mf'll and 116 businesses and 285 emplo)'eel. Could carry 160,000 vehicles per day. Included ln the draft report .(:,. three alternative• for the interchange of Newport ' Boulevard and Pacific Coast-'· .. Thankagiving, thieves broke into the· East Loa An&elea home of 13-year-old Danny But people around the nation responded to the boys'1 pl.lg.ht after news repo11a last week. They have donated a new televiaion, video sames and funds towards purchue of a specially equipped ·van for Danny~ who suffers from' a rare bone diaeue. VIADUCT ALONG NEWPORT -A six-lane freeway built 20 feet above exiating Newport Boulevard from Industrial Way Jo Walnut and then dropping Into depte11ion to Bristol. Coit . employeee. Could carry 160,000 vehicle. per day. DOWNTOWN BYPASS WITH VIADUCT -a aix-lane freeway built 20 feet above downtown from Induatrial to DOWNTOWN BYPASS WITH RETAINING WALL -A six-lane depreaeed freeway with retainlng~wall from Industrial to Bristol At 17th Street the route would awing 200 feet east, returning to Newport Boulevard at 19th Street. Cost estin\ate, $90 million. Would displace 81 homes, 209 residents, 32 businesses and 188 employees. Could carry 160,000 vehicles per day. Highway. · One calla for doing nothing. ' -:: c • 'nle second alternative calla for ·~ removal of the loop from} southbound Newport BoC.ilevard' .. to eastbound Pacific Coaii Highway, widening northbouncf·: NATION Auto import bill backed WASHINGTON - Legislation to re1trict auto importa swept through the H o u1e on a tide of protectionist sentiment, but faces a tougher reception in the Senate. The so-called dome.Uc content bill, which would require that impor1ed can contain a subrtantial amount of U .S . part• and be aaaembled by U.S. workers, wu approved by the Houae 21~-18A Wednesday night. The United Auto Worken promqted the meuw-e u a )>b-creeting mechanilln. Transplant patient dies HOUSTON -A man who received a h eart-lung tranaplant, then IW'Vived 23 daY1 while being u-eated with an anti-rejection drus, bu . died of "intractable lung Infections," hmpital officiala laid. The 41-year-old, who was not ldentlfied, died at 8:35 p.m. Wedne9day, said Elaine ·WORLD Moore, a 1pokelwoman at St. Luke'• Epboopal Hospital. The man, who never left the hospital after .lhe IU.fl'el'Y. had been 1uffering from a severe lung ailment and eeoondary heart di8eMe when the transplant of a hart and two .lunp were performed Nov. 23. Amerasians leave for U.S. HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam -Twenty-two Amerasian children bade a tearful farewell today to their Vietnamese friend• and relatives, and left for the United States hoping to arrive in the land of their fathers in time foe Chriatmaa. 'The 22 children. who flew to Bangkok oo the weekly Air France fli1ht , were accompanied by 13 adults and younser relatives. Some of the adults are flying to the United States for reunions with huabanda they haven't leeJl since the 19608. It WU the third and largest flight of Amerasiana, children of American fathen stationed with the armed services in Southeut Aaia, since Vietnam bepn allowing them to leeve and Consrea pa.aed a law providing for their immigration to the United Sta tel. Walesa ·detained, freed WASHINGTON - Pre9idenl. Reegan Mid~ that Poli.ah labor leader .Wale1a had been relea1ed from custody after being detained in Gdanak. Reagan made the announcement at a ceremony in the East Room, w~ he 1igned a proclamation deal~ting 1983 u World -- Communlcationl Year. "In c ase you haven't heard," the president told the audience, ''we've bad a little telecommunlcatlon1 right now. Lech Wale9a bu been releued within the last two houu." The audience ape,~ded. Reagan did not ela te. - :.=·f~ =~n~o~ eight re1idents. Could carry 160,000 vehicles per day. FREEWAY WITH RETAINING WALL -A aix- lane depreaaed freeway with retaining walls along Newport Boulevard from Industrial to Plane slams ., bookstore; five perish MONTGOMERY, Ohio (AP) -A light airplane alammed into a bookstore in this Cincinnati 1uburb today and bunt Into flames, "-ttina the buildJ.ne on fire and killing at lea1t five people, authorities laid. A holpltal 1pokesman uJd one penon wu reparted k.llled, but Montpnery City Manager Dean Sterlinl laid he couldn't confirm that, Sterling Mid an undetermined n"'1!lber of people were ln the 1tore when the plane h lt. Authorities couldn't get cloee enough to the bumlna bu.ilding to learn anything of the plane'• pa11enger1. • Bay, continuing in deJ>"9Bion to BNtol. ~te would swing 200 feet at 17th Street and return ewport Boulevard at 19th Street. Cost e1timate, $94 million. Would dl1place 54 home1, 139 residenll, 50 Sen. Ernest Hollings Newport Boulevard from 32nd street to Channel Bridge-.~,. The third adds widening of die -: Arche1 and Channel bridges to ,.. the eecond alternative. 1•1:i White House raps •'• .. ~ .~ . Senate unit on MX -~J:. WASHINGTON (AP) - Although a Senate committee haa approved money for the fint MX rru..iles, the WbJte Hou.e ii unhappy with the panel'• re1trlctiona on baaing the new nuclear weapon. The Republican-controlled Senate Appropriation• c.ocnm.ittee, working on a stopgap fund.ing bill u eongre. tries to concluae a lame-duck ~11ion, voted 16-12 Wedne1day to approve Reagan's request for $988 million to buy the first five of the planned 100 MX weapons. But the panel added a reatrlctlon that none of the procurement money can be 1pent until both houses of Conareaa approve a bu1ng plan,. . · .,.., Sen. Ernest Hol.µnp, D-S.C., an MX opponent who ~ .. the baaif\I amendment,. aaJd ft-~ ''locka ln'' the Senate .,.inst the "deme pd<" ~ propo9ed last month by Re.pn. The denae peck buinc mode calla fOI' putting all 100 mi-1les in a 20-mile-1quare area near Cheyenne, Wyo. Last week. the HOUie defeeted production money for the MX ml.88ile. But the HOU8e'a anti-MXJ vote wu on a Rps.rate Pentagon spending bill, which the Senate won't con1ider aa it ru1he1 toward adjournment. lnatea~ bill. ·Shared housing funds backed DefeNe Department mone~ be part of the stopgap ~ After the Houae vote, propoeed a oompromi8e plan would buy the first five rnl8llMil and give Congreu until n~xt aprt.na to vote on a buing ~ ltoll.lilgJ' propa.U •ta no Orange County aenior citizena who t the propoul before while endorainf the program, limit for a ~ on butna· -seeking ho~ to 1hare or the boar , called the shared WH critical o the county'• White HOUie spokesman IArtt roommate 1 eithe r for howling program innovative. Senior Citizens' Advilory Coundl Speake. ihrugged off Ul'e. companionship or aa a way to "Home-1harin9 will allow for not recommend l n 8 committee action and aa.id t.o.i .. ve money -now can tum to a many leDion to realize benefita establiahment of such a program White Houae would fl&ht fOl'l new countywide referral 1ervice from reduced bou1ing co1ta, much earlier. floor approval of the Reaa'fl' :r; 'l"ueeday by the county whkh ln tu.m will prov1de them "I am disappointed the SeniOI' propo881 when the stoP1•P biU; Authority. w l t h mo re l n co m e for Citizen.1' AdvWc>ry Councll did comee before the full Senate. .,. County aupervi9on, 8ding aa t:ra.Nportatioo. medical 1ervices oot take a greater interest ln "Congrell could poitpo~ the bouRn,I authority board, El and other vital necemitiea," he thia." Riley laid. indefinitely a vote on a new. Mide $35,000 to fund a one-year laid. The new program will start milSile," Speakes laid after ttua to create new shared-Supervi1or Thomaa Riley, operation ln January. l' _....., -;"' pane a ""' ... on. ,...., propwrw in. a parta of --------------------------.....;;.....----------""".2. 1 the county where they do 1\ot. pneently exist and to coordinate eJdstina onee. The program will be ad.minlstered by the Feedbtlck Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides 1ervicel to county l8llior dtbena. l'eedbldt Foundation will be ••poumbJe for ooordinatina the 13 ahared bouanl JJl'OINIDI now operatlnc. creatma new °'* and eltabUlblnC a central reptry of ~ lntelWted in pu1id1>9q Supe~ Roaer Stanton, A HOllDAY JliESSAGt:-4m ______ _ The ...tf of P.O.S.H. wishes to thank all of Rur valued customers, for Iha-contiaued~tro-. and loyalty. We p&edae to maintain our blah ........ efiar;Ma:throuahoot the comlAJ weeks, and wilh everyone• joJou~~n. .. ,, ' We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number at left and your ~ will be recOrded, tramcrlbed and delivered to the aPP">i*'laie edttoc. The same Uhour anawertnc service may be uted to record let· lers to the editor on any topic. MaJlboll contrtbuton muat Include their name and telephone number for verUlcatlon. No ctrculatlOft 842-6088 calla, pleaH. · · Tell ua what's on your mind. D I 1 T' ct ~~ OAAHOE COAST llllyPllll ,,_,.. ~ 1.,,,...,4 M.d.Mn ~ l~~--oooc= CO!*ol.. ·\ • ' ~nativity-I e t e I t I ·' CaroliNI. tolklorlco dancln1 and a p~ re-enacun1 Joeeph and Mary'• pllarlmase t.o S.thlthem wlll hl9hll1ht the MCond annual POllda hotted by SMta Ana'• Bow~rs Mueewn betwem 0:30 to 8:30 p.m. Sunday. 'nM publJc ll tnvf*9 to the tree event which wW allo Include a pl.nata-breakina for children, .... , ...... .,.~ traditional Mexican reflWhmentl and extended mu.eum houri. nae attend.lnc ahould wear warm clothina -preferably traditional Mexican drets -.na br'in2 fluhUahtl to \.Ille during the pl'OOe98ion. 'Dowen Mu.ewn ii located at 2002 N. Main St. ln Santa Ana. , • • • "A Gift From the Heart" la the theme for the 1982 West Orange County YMCA Chrlltmas day camp. The camp will run for two weeka Crom Dec. 20-31. Besidt19 providing child care, field trips, crafts, games, small group lnteraction, and ot.Mc activities will be provided. The cost will be $45 for one week and $80 for two weeka for YMCA members. For non- members, the cost la $55 and $90. The camp will take place at the Westminster Community Center, Room 16. It is loca-ted at 7151 Westminster Blvd. at the comer of Hoover and Westminster. Pre-registrations are being accepted at' the YMCA qfflce, 7262 Garfield Ave., Huntington Beach, or by calling 84 7-9622. Also being featured during the holiday aeaaon will ~ a New Year's Overnight, for children 5 to 11 to bring in the New Year while parents are free to pursue their o~ New Year's Eve plans. 39.00 Final Opportunity To Select From Our Onoe-A-Year Kimberly Sport ' Shirtdress Special Thsy wt1re a near ss/1-out at our 49.00 special valus, and now 'Ml 've gathersd the remaining 150 dresses from other I. Magnin stores and brought them to South Coast Plaza at a price that's even more s{J6Cial than bsfore. Classic shirtdre"8s in a great choice of prints on polyester crepe de Chine. Sizes 8 to 18 in the collection, but ndt all styles in all sizes. Come early for the best selection. Miss Magnin Sport Dresses 1.ma g n 1 n M.C.I. and I. Mllflnfn fnvlt• you ro m11kl a 3·mlnura ull for free to anyone you low In tha cont/1JUou1 48 Starn, through O.C.ml»r 24. A hal'dy surfer n egotiates a wave near the Huntington Beach Pier · Wednesd ay. The surf was up but the temperature was down 59 de.grees·ia the • • • The Orange County Fairgrounds will be featuring a 5-day special swap meet with over 1000 booths offering huge varieties of new, antique, handcrafted, and unique Rifts Dec. 20-24 from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m: CHRISTMAS SHOP THROUGH FRIDAY IN SOUTH COAST PLAZA TILL 9:30; SA TUR DAY TILL 7:00; SUNDAY TILL 6:00. Pilot Logbook -I ·1 p•1at Candid com~orle1 II y I exclU$1vely ~the ·• waler. RUFFELL'S ·-UPHOLSTERY .......... --- ltZZ ~IOI IUD. COSTA MISA -541·115' Children's Puppet Show It's the eeason to make kids happy at Huntington Center with the real Santa, caroling and entertain- ment. See the Mitchell Martonettes. "4 ahowa dally. Dec. 16 thru 24. Photos With Real Santa Bring the "little ones" to Huntington Center's new mall for memories they'll never forget with the Mitchell Marionettes Christmas show and a visit with the Real Santa with the Real Beard. And instant Santa photos only $2.99. llOERSAL PEACE GOOD ~ALTH TO MAN ·"I.!.: I I. Ph. .. NLY THE BROADWAY HAS THIS GLORIOUS GIFT FOR YOU . A POTPOURRI OF ROSES , WRAPPED -TO -GO WITH ANY 20 .00 FRAGRANCE PURCHASE FROM OUR GORGEOUS COLLECTION . You'll love our exquisite collection of fragrances from all over the world And our elrtl8 epecial potpourri of roees gift. Yours to keep. or give to 1 friend, with •nv 20.00 or more l~rtnc.'9 purcheN. And. to toP'h off. -·11 elegently -•P your pur· ch11es in our silver or gold peper 11 no extra chlrge. Why buy fragrances any othet wey1 One gift per cus· tomer. please, while eupphes lett. Fregrenc•. 17, 116, 119. 176. 178,401,409. '· I t \ . Grand Jury applicants ought A IEAT ON THE 1U8!1 84 Orana<• t'oun_!l Grand Jury can be youra 1f you ~c>nd an aJ>pUcaUon to th• lnwml111 prnldlnll Julllt< of • Oranae County Superior Court Juda Rlchard Beacom It asking quallflfli county resJd.,nta to 1ubmit their appllctttlona for conalderatJon. Appllcanta ahould be prepared to work full.time on the panel from July 1, 1983 throuah June 30, 1984. The &rand jury la compoeed of 19 people whoee namee are drawn from thoee Jlomirult.ed by 1uperlor court jud1e1. Beacom uld he ll aolicltlng appllcatJona from thoee who may not know a Judie. The jury inve1tl1ate1 the operation& of county aovemment and occaalonally lnvestJgates criminal matters. A.aide from freedom from regular jobs, there are a number of other requirementa suggested for Grand Jury members. Interested people should call C.ourt ExecutJve Of/leer Alan Slater at 834-3226 for further lnformatJon. The deadline for applications ia Man:h l. • • • A MERRY CHRISTMAS can be ruined by 90me of the accidents and fim which commonly occur around holiday ume, the county's Office of C.o111umer Affafrs warns. A few tips from the offlce for preventing them: -When selecting a tree, look for a fresh one whoae needles bend without breaking. Set It up away from heat sources and keep it watered. Never bum it In a fireplace. -Artificial tree. should be fire-resistant and kept away from heat aources. -Check Christmas lights before using. Look for frayed wires, loose connections, broken or . cracked sockets. Do not use overhead extension cords. Make sure all outdoor lights are weatherproof. -Do not burn wrapping, papers in fireplaces. Place them In a metal-covered trash barrel. -Be sure toys purchased suit the age, skills and abilities of the child. Examine toys for sharp edges or small parts which can come off easily. -When leavinS children with baby !Utters. leave a telephone number where you can be reached and numbers for the doctor, police and ambulance service with the sitter. Make sure children know how to use the emergency 91 I number. Badham on GOP panel Rep . Robert E . Badh..am, R-Newport Beach, has been elected to be the California representative to the National R epublican Congressional Committee. At the first organizational meeting, Badham was elected to the NRCC's executive committee. The committee, which will. be beaded by Rep. Guy Vander Jast, R·Mich., for the fifth consecutive two-year term, Is made up of representatives of each of the states with Republican members of the Houae, plus two at- large me~bers from the freshman delegation, a total of 48 In all. Badham was selected to be the California representative to the NRCC by unanimous vote of the 17-member California GOP delegation, the largest in the nation. · The NRCC is responsible for overseeing the re- election of Republican members of the Houae of Representatives, for candidate development and election of new members and working with the NRCC ehairmlb and staff to further theae goals. The NRCC raised more money this year than any other Republican organization, including the Republican National Committee. Total fund -raising amounted to $40 million, with $8 million spent ln aupfort o f GOP cand dates and U 5 milllon In national media campeigna. There are 75 staff members at the committee offices in Wuhington, including etsht field dlrecton. ~. Phone Homa Free onus CC>tM to th. center court of the Huntington Center mal and coll yow friend Of relative onywhere on the MCI long di,tance netwOfk absolutefy frH. Your frH 3. min. cofl is our . holiday gift to you~. 0 ClllTY 111111 IP RECENT STORMS dama1cd your home, boat, airplane or other property, you may be oliatbte,,for tax relief, county ~ Bradley Jacobi aald recently. Under the c..Jamity Re~t Proaram, ownen of taxable proper1y whlch 1uataJna •~.000 or more In damase. throush no fault of the owner, may contact the aueuor for calamity relief. People granted relief wlll have their property reuaeued at reduced value for the remainder of the 1982-83 tax year. Property still damaged on March 1, .1983 can receive a reduced 1983-84 aaeament alao. Appllcatlon1 for reasse11ment can be obtained by calling or wrltina the a.ueuor's -office. Applicationa muat be filed within 60 days of l:he loea. . ,,, . EVEN THOUGH INFLUENZA did not break out in slsniflcant amounts across the United States last winter, county health officials are advising people who u1uall,y get flu vaccinations to get one thia year. Vaccinations are strongly recommended for all older people, especially thoee over 65, and all peo~le suffering from heart diaeaae, respiratory diseases, diabetes, anemia, immune defects and renal disease. People over 55 can receive vaccine supplied by the state. • • • NO DUMMY, THIS GUY: An lnvestJgator in the county District Attorney's office recently received a $450 award from the county Employee Suggestion Program. His recommendation: ~ycle the mannequins used in homicide trials. About 30 of the dummies were languishing in county evidence rooms' aft.er being used to illustrate injuries to murder victims. Investigator Tommie Icenogle recommended that dummies from trials \"hich have been settled be shipped out for refurbishing and reused. On his suggestion, 20 of the dummies were photographed for permanent record-keeping purposes, then repaired and painted. They currently are awaiting use in future murder trials. -Daily Pilot County Bureau ' HE LOVES A FABULOUS FIND: I CHA US RUFFLED BLOUSE, 24.99 COUNTERPARTS DRESS PANTS I 29.99 lt'a likt having Chrlltm111 Hrty ~ ~can NYf on the V9fY glh lht'd buy htfMlf: Chtu1 pclyMttt crtpe CS. chine plett•front ruffle bt<Mt, white, lyofy, ~. Nf~. plnli, rtd, 8to 11, ...Wpurchlee. ~nterparu ~/reyon c,. '*"' ~ lldttt, Mltctlon lncludH dlrndl '*'" *'"· OUl'IWMl'bund pem, b6eclt and be19e, I to~. Of'IO, 40.00 to 44.00. 1pon1 .... , ., ••• ,., ... \ • The Souncls-Of SANYO AM-FM Mini Player (RPSS) II/FM LED DHilTIL CLOCI RADIO l 29.99 Mini Cossette Player (MG 1 Ol Super-Thin! 44.99 AM/FM Cossette Mini Player (MG30) 64 • 99 34•• .. _t\ ,. .t (Limited To Supply On Hand -Otters Good Thru 12/21/82) ( . \ ( , . more than you expect in a hardware store I . '~. ) g CROW• V/S4' HARDWARE --- ... .. " .. I -~ --. , ., •• . . .. f> .. .· l \ ti ' .. II --- • • l~IUI . GO FOR IT! 410 WINNERS WILL DIVVY UP ~. GIFT CERTIFICATES. REGISTER BY NOON,· STOP IN SPORTSWEAR•BO'S OR MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND PICK UP AN ENTRY COUPON. THEN REGISTER TO WIN A 100.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE. FIVE WILL BE GIVEN IN EACH STORE, ON SPORTSWEAR ALL SPORTSWEAR SO'S MODERATE PULLOVER SWEATERS : 33o/o OFF MARKED PRICES ALL REGULAR PRICE SPORTSWEAR FROM A FAMOUS NEW YORK MAKER : 33% OFF MARKED PRICES ALL OUR REGULAR PRICE VILLAGER HOLIDAY SPORTSWEAR COLLECTION: 33% OFF MARKED PRICES ALL AILEEN ACTIVEWEAR: 25% OFF MARKED PRICES ALL LADY MANHATIAN BLOUSES : 25% OFF MARKED PRICES ALL PLAZA SWEATERS: 25% OFF MARKED PRICES ALL REGULAR PRICE MISSES IZOD : 25% OFF A('ARKED PRICES JUNIORS ALL JUNIOR DRESSES : 33% OFF MARKED PRICES ALL JUNIOR DENIM PANTS (EXCEPT GUESS?, JORDACHE): 25% OFF MARKED PRICES DRESSES, JACKETS, FURS ALL MISSES SOCIAL OCCASION DRESSES: SHORT, LONG AND DRESSY SEPARATES: 25% OFF MARKED PRICES ALL SUEDE , LEATHER AND FAKE FUR JACKETS : 25% OFF MARKED PRICES . MINK JACKETS : 30% OFF MARKED PRICES ACCESSORIES AND ROBES ALL LEATHER HANDBAGS: 20% OFF MARKED PRICES MOST FAMOUS MAKER GOLD-TONE COSTUME JEWELRY : 25% OFF MARKED PRICES ALL ROLFS, BARONET, PRINCESS GARDNER AND BUXTON SMALL LEATHER GOODS; ALSO CAL-Q-CLUTCHES : 25% OFF MARKED PRICES ALL BEITER FASHION JEWELRY, INCLUDING CUBIC ZIRCONIA, CLOISONNE, 14 KT . GOLD AND GOLD FILLED: 20% OFF MARKED PRICES ALL ANKLETS , SPORT SOCKS AND KNEE HI'S : 33% OFF MARKED F?RICES ALL BODYWEAR-LEOTARDS , TIGHTS, LEGWARMERS AND EXERCISE . SHOES: 25% OFF MARKED PRICE&- ALL WASHABLE SLIPPERS AND WARMUP BOOTS FROM DEARFOAMS, I • JIFFIES AND ANGEL TREADS: 25% OFF MARKED PRICES ALL MISSES ROBES (DEPT. 51 ONLY): 25% OFF MARKED PRICES OUR ENTIRE LA YETIE COLLECTIONS: 33% OFF MARKED PRICES OUR ENTIRE INFANTS COLLECTION : 33% OFF MARKED PRICES OUR ENTIRE TODDLER GIRLS AND BOYS COLLECTION : 33% OFF MARKED PRICES OUR ENTIRE 4/6X GIRLS COLLECTION : 33% OFF MARKED PRICES OUR ENTIRE 417 BOYS COLLECTION: 33% OFF MARKED PRICES . OUR ENTIRE 7 /14 GIRLS COLtECTION : 33 % OFF MARKED PRICES OUR ENTIRE GIRLS SLEEPWEAR AND LINGERIE COLLECTIONS : 33% OFF MARKED PRICES OUR ENTIRE BOYS UNDERWEAR AND PAJAMA COLLECTIONS : 33% OFF MARKED PRICES OUR ENTIRE COLLECTION OF GIRLS ACCESSORIES : 33% OFF MARKED PRICES OUR ENTIRE INFANT FURNITURE COLLECTION : 33% OFF MARKED PRICES TOYS · ALL PLUSH ANIMALS: 33.o/o OFF MARKED PRICES . ALL INFANTS AND PRE-SCHOOL TOYS : 25o/o OFF MARKED PRICES · .. • I " ~..., 11 fH • >~ = ~·. ,.. -" -' 1=1~ llA\~ ANll 41,000.00 -WORTH OF 100.00 BROADWAY . 5 WINNER·S EACH STORE, EACH _DAY. EACH DAY. REGISTER BETWEN 8:00 A.M. AND NOON; WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT NOON. CERTIFICATES ARE NON-TRANSFERABLE; YOU NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN . 1=C)I~ lilNI MEN'S SPORTSWEAR ALL MEN'S CASUAL SLACKS (EXCEPT HAGGAR): 25o/o OFF MARKED PRICES ALL MEN'S ACTIVEWEAR : 25% OFF MARKED PRICES MEN'S KNIT SHIRTS FROM ARROW AND PURITAN : 25o/o OFF MARKED PRICES MEN'S DESIGNER JEANS : 25 % OFF MARKED PRICES ALL JOEL SPORT SHIRTS : 25 % OFF MARKED PRICES MEN'S FURNISHINGS · ARROW, VAN HEUSEN AND MANHATIAN FULL FIT DRESS SHIRTS : 20% OFF MARKED PRICES MEN'S BE[TS"AND' ALL MEN"S'-TJEs:-·2o·o/o "OFF 'MARKED PRICES".. .. ... . ................. -···· ......... -····-........ -····~ ii ALL MEN'S ROBES : 20% OFF MARKED PRICES ALL MEN'S JOCKEY UNDERWEAR : 20 o/o OFF MARKED PRICES ALL MEN'S ACTIVE FOOTWEAR : 25% OFF MARKED PRICES YOUNG MEN AND BOYS SPORTSWEAR YOUNG MEN 'S AND BOY'S O .P. SPOR°TSWEAR : 25% OFF MARKED PRICES YOUNG MEN'S LE TIGRE SOLID COLOR KNIT SHIRTS : 25% OFF MARKfD PRICES YOUNG MEN'S DESIGNER JEANS: 25 % OFF MARKED PRICES YOUNG MEN'S AND BOY'S DRESS PANTS AND JACKETS : 25 % OFF MARKED PR ICES ~ ·• . LUGGAGE ALL DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED ATIACHES AND PORTFOLIOS : 3B % OFF MARKED PRICES 1=c>1~ 1-tc>1"11: BEDDING ALL COMFORTERS AND BEDSPREADS : 50 % OFF ORIG . PRICES ALL SATIN SHEETS AND SATIN GIFT SETS : 50 % OFF ORIG . PRICES ENTERTAIN ING AND PICTURE FRAMES ALL FABRIC FLOWERS AND ARRANGEMENTS : 50% OFF MARKED PRICES COLONY'S DANUBE GRAY CUT CRYSTAL STEMWARE AND TABLEWARE : 50% OFF ORIG . PRICES ALL PICTURE FRAMES : 33o/o OFF MARKED PRICES ELECTRONICS PIONEER 32 WATI STEREO SYSTEM :SAVE 350.05 ~ SONY VIDEO CASSETIE RECORDER :SAVE 270.00.G.E. VIDEO CASSETIE RECORDER : SAVE 350 .00 /' RCA 19" DIAGONAL REMOTE COLOR TELEVISION : SAVE 171 .00 YORX 4-WAY COMPACT STEREO: SAVE 100.00 ATARI E.T. CARTRIDGE : SAVE 15.00. COLECO DONKEY KONG: SAVE 15 .00 HOUSEWARES CUISINART DLC-8f.: SALE 119.95 OLD HOMESTEAD CUTLERY SET : SAVE 50.00 SIMAC PASTA MACHINE: SALE 109.95 NEWCOR 7-PIECE ENAMEL AND STEEL COOKWARE SET: SALE 49. 95 . SPIRITS ... ALL NORMAN ROCKWELL DECANTERS FlLLED WITH 750Ml. BOURBON: 84o/o OFF MARKED PRICE CYRUS NOBLE PORCELAIN CAROUSEL TIGER FILLED WITH 150 ML. BOURBON 80o/.o OFF MARKED PRICE • • (NO DELIVERY. LICENSED STORES ONl Y) . _, ( ' ' ·-· Meet your man-of-the-month ('!om the Men of USC calendar) - in person, Saturday. Have your copies of "Looking Good: The Men of USC" calendar (6.95) autographed-man of the month after man of the month. And see how these new faces in town look all dressed up in what w e have inked in for next year's new looks. It's a date! From 12 to 4 in The Stationers, Newport Beach. -·-· .. ~ ---,,,,.,. •• .. ••••-•••••••• •••-.. •• -••H•••·•" _,..,.,, """'"'" •;.,,,. .... ,...,. ,,,,.,,,,,.,,.~ • ,.,,,,,,,.,,_, •oH•••• ••-· ,.,,,, .. ,,,,_,,,, •••·•• .. o .... • ..--•••••••••••., .. ' N-M Newport Beach open 10 to 9 except Sat and Sun, to 6 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FLOODPLAI" D£VELOPMEN1' REGULATIONS (CODE AMENDMENT 12-13) .L._ ·i. ZONE Vl (fl 6 ) A fon.'\_,tl of I~)~' '10¥11 ._,.,,.. rlo--•l ,.l,..J.11tinn" (ll'd Ot:J"'d M..,.rd r~"'" ~ ,,.._,,..,,,.nr,:l. KJ ~ "t lOC>--Y'f"V' il'lt.tl k~ O""'•Hm ~,. ~11 ,.r,.. t7"-twiY'I\,,,..,. '11 NY• r.tr·-O• rtt,: tlV"'llol'~ c)fpliw o( U"l\rll\1l 'on Ar-• •h"""""', but ro floor' Maard f-• ""' ........................ . NI llrN• or 100-Y"'!r • ._,I le:" r1rn11.., -..-,,,,,.,,. Al" bet)llt')rn tnf' CU NWt ~ ( H ,,.,,., t ,..,,.,.. (J1r•I f'l~Uor.N• •~. t.Jt ""' fl~t M'"nJ fottora <11-tmwdlW'd. Al ... A10 A,......,. of U')O ... 'f'\\.r (JtrYt: IV'~ flf.,.d f'h!'W\l h_,I ....t fload Munt ,,,,,.,,...,,,. rlrt~rwr,.,.1 """V. bi!~ ltl'\llfl t ·f l.t-.r ll)C).'r'·lf f'1n l Arvl .. .00--)'Hr '1cod: f'f't C"<'rVnn ,,,..,,,. "''"~ to 1~~ Unnchncr wat.n .lW',.~,-~ifh• IM• •J\Vt "'° cu root t)r ......,,,. ~ c.nntnt'!Ut\""f tlr•lr"WVfe ..,.... ••• I.,..~ (lt'tll ~f'O 1'\a)r r or •MM• prot.ecud IJI' I-t ..... lho bHe llo:>d. e -· of ..inu.al f1'"11nl· v ~ of I~ -•!Al T11nl vlV\ "°'1tJ1:t\y ._ llCtlMl f ...... CIO"tl •'l"""Ul"N IW'tfl tlom ,..,..,., ,_.. l'Rl•""'" ... '"""'· NM• of I~ l.Wl•l•l !lrctl v11Jl l#lrclty f...,..Yactlml1 -fl~ ...,l•Ume.,.t !I~ l'iUlll'd 1-• llM....UM!. ....,,.. -flood ·--Rat• ......... -'°' ,_In "'"' City Cieri!'•~. I.id ~ .. .,.Nici at the"°"' ol 7-00 P M . on December 2 t. 1982. In Ille Councl ~ lk-.g ol '""' CMc Cent•. 2000 ...... 8tteM. Hun1¥'91on .-.. c.llomle. ,.. _ _...... ... -IO•-.d-~---­oplnlor>e tor ot ~ 1""' ~ C0$ ~No 12·13. Funt;-...;:::::::'.'(~)~~ '"'"' lhe City P\w"*'G ~ OAT£0 -tllh day ol ~. 1912. .. AUGUST 16 1982 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP CrTY Pl.ANNINO COMMISSION ey -w.pe1n 8ect-.Y ZONE~ (OE"H 2) huntlngton beach plan.nlng division .: cl " ~ . . ~...-f\ "J I .... , ,, 'Mummer Sausage, :J Y, oz. n( uur spreadable Cn·amy Sl'.1S~. 2 oz. each uf Karaway and Sharp) che«~t: ~prt'ad. an II OL. ~t1rk uf f>lt-d1um Sh;irp Cht"ddJr. ' ~ uz of C ra, kt·d Wht:al Thn~ .md fanry Strawbt-rry Unn Unn~ • $9.99• ' ~ J ~: of our famous)Jj..•d Slick • !iWD111ct ~ui.ag.. .. \\e also mduck !Im. t·arh of Sharp Chrddar Md ' Edam. 7 oz 1>f -.1•1111.,oft Gouda rht·t•'-t: and farn.s ~tra ... ·l)(:rr)' lfon !:Son, :t2.99• 1Uty TlrM #39 I lb. of our falllOIJ5 Ht•t•f S1 Kk • ~umnlt"r Sau-.:111c. 8 o.z. ·of New York Mt:d111rn Cht-dd.u, 4 oz. tnan11k» ·of Robusto. Qucso dt" T;1w , C.:ht'cl-n-S-!Llm1 and H111 Pepper dxo.ese. 3 <, 11z. t'ach of •Preadablt: Cream~ S"'1" and 1an11Y Pub"" dieel><:. 5 oz of Edam. ;, oz uf ~n~•kl' (smoked theese barl and Strawb<.,rn Bon B111b . Si I.~· phone orders accepted 642-4302 ''We Mail GiffS'' 17th & Irvine, Newport Beach 64 2-0972 ~J Mon.-Frl. 10-t S•t. 1M lun. 11·5 ·' . · (AM ' s lJed Stick -Swruner Sausage, 7 oz. of Gouda. a 5 oz. Smokr (smoked cheese bar). 2 oz. each of Creamy Swiss and tanjzy Pub~ cheese. 6 oz. of Sweet-Hut Muslard, •,oz of 1.-nspy Cracked Wheal Thins and Strnwberry Bon· Bon' $16.99• Tapes offer ;..,,.._.edical facts Founia.tn Valley Community Hmpltal will launch • free Heafth-Llne eervk:e ln January offwt.na taped medical lnlonmUon on 200 topk:a. The pro_sram will be 1u.,eerv_laed by the l"ounttln Valley C.ommUDJty Hmp6W Out.Id. a volunteer poup. Realdent. wlll call hoaplul phone llnn manned by IUiJd memben. A IUild member will listen to the caller'1 lnformatlon request and play the appropriate taped maaap, lutiJ\I between three and aeven rninuta Tape topics will cover 1uch topicl u 1he commop cold; di.abets, fl!Cina major IW'pl')' and qancer wam1na ligna. M.lchllel l'fuh, the hoaplta1'1 public relaUona dlrect.or; aaid Founia.tn Va1ley Community will be the first hospital in the aree to provide • taped information aervlce. The only othe r Oranae County hoai>iw offering a health tape aervice la Martin Luther Medk:al Center in Anaheim, be '8id. Naab aald the in formation tapes are produced by a nationwide dlstrlbutor. They will be reviewed by local physicians before they are lmde available to-callen. The oosta ..adated with the Health-Line program will be paid by the guild, which has men than 80 members . • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • •• • \ ..• -··· .. , •• ... • • • • • • • • • • • ..~ . • • • • • • • ... •• ./ Ot1nt1 Oottt OA V lttLOffThWN • OIMmMt 11 tHI • • • J .. Trav9l&nd 1nvt~ you to sh&re the maglo of the Hol1dl:W' Beason wtth a very spea1&l Sa.nta.. He's the oma1&1 'Ibis tor 'lbtB-an.ct" Bob Hope Vetara.ns Parcy Santa and h1B bee.rt, a.nd spirit a.re as ' r8a.l as his beard. MUlaCluebo JOam '° la»Jll 8pmto6pm • • • • • r.::====================~ • -A--- HOMECOMING CHRISTMAS Thia Chriatma, ther9'1 one gift he'll look for. I Nordstrom IWNtef'. •• • • •• • • • Nordstrom has a commitment .. ... io 0Quaiiiy and value: ,,. ..... ~ and nowhere is this more apparent than on sweaters bearing the Nordstrom label. OJr classic V-neck sweater is a fine exarnpk!. It's constructed of luxurious, hlgh grade lambswool. In a style that's easy to wear, easy to enjoy. Fully fashioned, with tum-back cuffs. dropped back yoke, and packaged in its ONn protective Nordstrom sweater bag. You'd expect to pay more for this kind of quality, but our prices rep~esent an · outstanding value. We're proud of our Nordstrom label sweaters and we're equally proud of our prices. Lambswool V-neck sweater, navy, maize. light brown, light blue. pink, camel. grey, brown, pearl, red or tartan green, sizes s-m-1-xl; 37.50. In MEN'S SPORTSWEAR . South ~st Plaza, Brea Mall, • !..os. Celrltos Center. OJtslde our local dialing areas in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, call toll free 1-000-432-7175. Open speclal holiday hours weekdays and Saturday , 0:00-9:30, Sunday , 0:00-6:00. •• • • • • • • • . -•• ? • . _, •• • ' .. .. . "'' ,,~ ~ .. ., ~ .. -"' . ' I ·~ • I ' i , I I I I . I I I ,. I .. I ' I I ' I I I I I ~ I I . i ' I I • ' l > : ' • • I I . -i i . . . t l \ _, ... Kunttna&on Beach City :ounct1 mem~r1 lut week agreed to ab&ndon a hotly protftted plan , to •tan charainl residenll $3.~0 a ~th for truh collection. The next day •. City Admin- .atra tor Cnarles Thompson >rd~red a freeze on hirinl{ of ·pew :tty employees. and· instructed all :ity department heads to look for way.~ make new cuts in services. I'he move, he said, was imperative oec&Ule of the city's "extremely weak" financial condition due to thorttalla in anticipated collection >f motor vehicle and sales taxes. µn. .. umuB)y will have to contlnu to do ao, now that the aped.al truh f oo hu been dropped. The reveraaJ came about" when two council membeta who had atrongly advocated th~ ~­ fee reversed their atance and joined three members who had opposed it all along. One cited .. great pl'e99ure" from the public to change his stand. Thompson, who had rec- >mmended the new trash fee in the wake of the county's decision to unpoae fees on dumping at county landfills. said trash collection costs will rise to about $3.5 million in the next 12 months. The city has been paying this cost out of the general fund budget and Also influencing the council decision wu news that the clty has some $2 million in the bank account of the Public Facilities Corp. which opetates the Civic '-Center and Central Library. Th~ city, as landlord, collects lease payments from the corporation. U this money c.an be retrieved for the general fund it will help offset the ~mcreased cost of trash collection. So, for the time being, homeowners can breathe a little easier. l•WJ•rt luc•----------f ote count revealing During the election in Newport Beach, there was a good d~ of rhetoric about the Banning Ranch ballot question. Part of the rhetoric was caueed by the growth/no-growth 4etplte that has raged in the city for:a fe~ years. Part was caused by the confusing wording of the ballot measure. If you wanted to. su~rt development of Banning Rakh, you had to vote no on the ballot question. : At any rate, prior to the eleition, several members of the COTQJ11unity noted VocallY. that the pr~ which proposed building hoO'les, offiees and industrial fadlities on a 75-acre chunk of the ranch in West Newport, was anathema to the residents of the arep. wen. the precinct-by-p.n:_c~_ vot.e tally has come through, and the~measure, which easily found a 3,0:00-vote margin of those fav~ring the development, also was supported by seven of 11 precincts in West Newport. Only one of the four precincts voting to ditch the building plan was heavily against it -Newport Crest, a community immediately· adjacent to the Banning Ranch. The project must be approved by the state Coastal Commission before construction can begin. It is always difficult and often dangerous to draw firm conclusions from such results. The margin of victory for forces favoring the development was somewhat startling in itself, and the lack of a landslide of rejection in West N~wport was als·o thought-provoking. ff any one conclUsion can be drawn from all of th.is it might be that Newport Beach voters think for t~-e~~ves 8!14 ~~P. their own counsel. With that kind of ·electorate, successful campaigns in the future are goins to have to be firmly based on logic. · taf••aa~~~~~~~~­ Ch.ristinas gift of art • There's something new on the L~una Beach Christmas scene thi; ye.ar and it promises to become a dtiing tradition for an art colony. .Lamp posts along Coast ffithway and Forest Avenue are decorated with artists' palettes, each bearing an individual design -.ranging from whlmsical to tr~tional -by a local artist who do._ated time and material to the Y~etide project. In fact, the tradition started badk in the late 1960s when sifdlmaker Earl Secor desi'gned and created 104 palette-shaped holiday signs in three different si1'-screened designs to decorate thl, downtown lamp posts. But, a~r a decade or so, many of the si~s were in bad shape and evfttuallY they were diacarded. I Members of the Laguna Beach Arts Commission managed to rescue about 70 of the original . palettes and enlisted the aid of local artists to restore them -in their own style. First the arts commissioners devoted several weekends to sanding down the palettes and applying coats of base paint. Then the artists were on their own. They obviously enjoyed the challenge. Now 38 of the re- designed palettes are brightening the Christmas scene in Laguna and it's hoped more will be ready by n~xt year. Even given Laguna's parking problems, the display is worth a visit and an inspection tour on foot. lrfill------------ '\ ff ope for track funding " . ·~ Last June Irvine voters aptroved a measure giving the dtf authority to seek funding to. be~ work on lowering railroad ~ throuah the dty eight to 10 f~ below ground level to muffle nc+e and improve aesthetics. ~ Controversy developed when P\lblic Works Director Brent M~bow and other dty officials ~ a two-step plan to build ov,rpaaaes over the existing traeka, then aeek additional funds to p.¥er the track.a. ~ Critics contended it would be. dlCflcult to obtain such funding af •r the overpasses had taken ~ of 1he immediate problem of ge~ acn:. the tracks safely. Now there'• ' new hope. re.entatives of· \he privately Ame11can High Speed Rail .• which hu obtained it.ate orlzatlon to con1truct and te a bullet train line betwee~ Lfl Anaelea and San Diego, aupa-t iheir company probably would be willing to pay for lowering the tracks through Irvine. The bullet train line would run parallel to the existing Santa Fe tracks and engineers favor the lowered tracks, dty officials were told. Cost of the project has been estimated at $5 million for the overpasees and another $5 million for lowering the tracks. In the event the tracks are lowered, the overpaaes could be eiaht to 10 feet lower, 80 there would have to be cooperative planning and funding. For the time being the bullet train project lt tu1pended, pending the outcome of leplatloo eeeking public heartna• that were bypaaaed when the LegiaJature rushed th.rouah lt.9 •':lthorlzatlon at the cloee of tile last ..-on. But, .. urning the bullet train doea materialize, It would be a definite plu1 for lrvtne If lta builders would finance the track- Jowering operation. .... -.. ,....., 1::;,.~ ! ....... ~ I fdtloftcll , ... (dofOt Letters to the editor ' Spirit of giving alive and well To the Editor: This lett.er Is to commend and thank you for the article about our mission work in your publication of Nov. 26. Dozens of kind hearted people have responded with large amounts of food, clothing, produce, toys, furniture and over $900 in cash. One concerned man gave us over $1 ,· 000 worth of new childreh's clothes, and every day we are receiving phone calls promising Christmas presents. Some people have adopted large families for Christmas. Your write-up has proved what l have been saying for years, "American people are warm-hearted and only need to know where and how they can help, and then -they will." I will leave you with an ancient "saying" which I hope you will print: "With how much love, should we give to the poor. tha\ they migM forgiv.e ~for the gift!" BR<YrliER MICHAEL Jail sites To the Editor: Your Dec. 5 editoriaJ criticizing me perw>nally for the Board of Supervilors' decision to expand the jail lite study wu factually In error and curiously mlaleading. Adding two or more remote sites to the study, ln responae to overwhelming community opposition to all the site. preeently under review, will not delay either the final .election of a site nor the construction of a new jail. As your editorial Implied, there simply is no money to build one in the first pl.ace. Aa is stated at the meeting and was quoted in your news story Dec. 3, money without question ia a conaideratiorn. But resident.I moved into our communities with certain expectations u to their praent and future lifestyles. The EIR process itaelf requ1rea us to consider MAILBOX social impacta. If we elected official.a can't consider our residents' expectations and other social impacta, then we are not worthy as their elected repreaentatives. I try to be consistent on this polnt whether those residents are my constituenta or your readen in Irvine's Northwood or thoae ln Newport Beach impacted by airport noiae. I am cwioua as to why you think this is wrong. BRUCE NESTANDE Chalnnan of the Board' Save the trees, too 'fo the Editor: l would like to comment on a front.- page story you ran thia week concerning the wind-related collapee of the $30,000 White Fir the Fashion Island Shopping Center dare calla "The largest Christmas tree in Orange County''. It amazes me 110meWhat that the same citiz.ens who cry "Save the Whales!" and can raiae thou8ands of dOllilliat a momenta notice to a re-beak the mutilated pelicans can condone the cutting down of a living thing that hu survived .. • biological unit for decades without human interference -or until that time came when an "Idea Peraon" decided to give Rockefeller Center a "Run for the Money". The nursery which supplied thia White Fir can al...,,.ya argue that the tree wasn't cut but topped, leaving juat enough trunk 90 that new llmba could begin to grow back. My retort would be that this particular tree will eventually die and never be again, just as 20 percent of the animal species living today will be extinct by the year 2000. ~ THE POINT I'm trying to make la that one must be made aware o~ the mua u.ncona:ioumMB. WW I buy a Chrlstmu tree this year? AD I can ay la that the Daily Pilot haa nm ooneecutive articles for the put two yean on a Mr. Michael Dwaileebee, who works dally flllllil VllllJ---------- Tree responsibility The recent windstonns gave some impetus to the Fountain Valley City Council's de«&ion to change its policies regarding replacement of diseased and damaged parkway trees. One storm knocked down some 50 trees and it cost the dty $3,000 to replace them. From now on, the city will not pay to replace diseased or damaged trees, but wUl offer homeowners the choice of independently purchasing and olantinJl A replacement -from a list of approved trees that do least damage to curbs and sidewalks - or ordering a tree from the city for about $30 and arranging to have it planted, or ordering the tree and paying to have it planted by dty crews, for a total of about $60. Given the city's current financial situation, this is a reasonable move . Strictly speaking, the parkway trees which are planted by developers ~a homeowner'• property. '9ui tlie dty pays'~r trimming and maintenance at a cost ol· more than $600 per tree over a 10-year period. Given that cost, the city probably would just as aoon forget about replacing diseased or toppled trees. But if homeowners want their trees, it's fair enough to ask them to pay the cost of replacement. catal1a~~~~··;.__---~~~~~~ Saga winding down The long aaga of Coeta Mesa'• leiaty CaqJJ.J.io collector Sid Softer may be at an end. Alter battling the clty for more than five years over whe~ and for how long he can leplly 1tore hi• collection of vlntaae Cadlllam, Soffer manaaed to aet hlt cue to the dool'I ol the tr.8. Supreme Court. But there it ended. 1l1e htah OCK.b't Nfuled to heer Soffer'• ccmplalnm. Softer fint tued the dty for '220,000 tn 1977, oontendln& that. h1I dvtl rt•hta had been violated · becauae thrM of hit can were · towed away y under the 1,2-hour parkina llmltatlon ordlnance. Sid oontended be · lhoUld have been lfven a hearinl before the towtna took place. The city uJd the veblclH parked on the ltn!el were a public .nuisance. Soffer'• netghbon agreed. He laid he wu deprived · of t~e pleuµre and pride of ownership when hll can were removea. . 1 A jury decided the ctiy wu rlaht. S"o did • U.S. District Court Judie. But Soffer, KUna " ~ own •ttcmex, pwhed on with hli appeal, rfaht to the hJChelt court ln the &ana. • • Soffer •Y. the latelt re~ . }ust mm he'• not • wry loocl attorney -not that he'• wrona. But he hM yet anoUMt ~Int ·•••nit the chy. on;o hi• CidJllacl, Soffer contend1, wu dent.d on one of the ~ trip and he'd lib the dt;y ~ ,., few that. He ~t mlaht try anottiir laWIUlt. • distributing food to the poor from a truck perked in front of the Mesa Bible Church, Co.ta Mesa. Last year I donated to t.hia cauae the money l would have spent on a Christmas tree. Thia year, the same. Yes Virginia, people are starving in Costa Mesa, Santa Ana and even Newport Beaeh. $30.000 would buy an ample amount of eggs, bread and milk for thoee poor fortunate enough to Uve on the Orange Coast. As for the White Fir, I can only ponder upon its predicament as an American Indian would -that the tree is falling apart in a rebellion against lta transgre99on, and that the nature splrita of the wind are aiding it to escape. JAMES W. HOLZER Comparison To the Editor: Catching up on what's happening, this morning found me at the breakfast table with tfae Daily Pilot and my latest weekly newa magazine spread before me. In the iatter, t had just-read -two very c&tw'bing storiea. One concerned the poverty and unlivable conditions in Lebaneae refugee camps. The other described the deaperate plight of Vie1namele refugees horded in a Thai camp that .eemed more like a priaon. YOU know this kind of story, the kind that makes you wish there were .amethina you could do, that if only others wiih more re9CXU"Cel would help. ~ I turned tO the Pilot and saw the full page ~port of Robert Schuller's Crystal Cathedral Nativity extravaganza. Half a million dollan on a Chriatm.as show celebrating the birth of a man who lived and taught humility and devoted h.ia lite to helping thoee who suffered. What would lfe think of thia, I woodel'ed? THE TWO news stories juxtapoeed on my table ~ answer enough. 1 could only be glad that at least the Leba.nC!9e and Vletnameae victim. of war will probably never know how some In American who call thenwelws Christian see fit Jo apeod their money. But then the bottom line came from my two little boys: 1'Tbey have live animals and even ~.shepherd boy from Iara.el." • Oki they import the ~ too'" "Yeah. Straight from heeven. It ·cost a lot, but It WM worth it." BARBARA R. MARTIN Raceway loss To the Fditor: I wu uddened to read ~our article on 12-7-82 on the closing of Ora.nae c.ou.nlY Int.emaUOMI Raceway. 1' Although I have not participated in drag racing in a number of yean I did participate dwing the years of the San temando, Colton, and S..ugua Drag Strii-. all of which were cic.ed due to nolse and the increase of their land value. Thia la a real shame. During' the earl~ of the automobile Southern wu the leader in high performance 1DllCh.lnery. Now it la eomewhett clme to Jut. Buildll\8 high performance equipment is a very Melthy hobby, but there mu.t be a place to nm the equipment or there will be some aerioua ecddenta on the public .atreets. Since there aeema to be an abwldanca of F1f counes and tenn1a cou.rta there must be a place tomeWhere in Southem CalifomJa for ano~~WMAN \ .. --- Play it safe with your t.-ee chrieLmae 1982 shcz.tland C"2.Wntz.ck ... By PAT HOROWITZ Of ... Dlltr ....... ..,, DEAR READERS: Chriatmas trt'ea arc beautiful, but they also can be t!Xtremely dangeroua fire hazards. The following aafety \lpe should be followed m avoid a n<.>Cdlesa holiday tragedy. -Make sure your Christmas tree is fresh. To 'test freshne8ll, remove a needle, place il, end to end, between your thumb and forefinger anc! squeeze. If the needle breaks or cracks, it's a sign the tree is not fresh. Needles should be firm'l¥ attached and somewhat Umber to the touch, not dried out or dull In color. Shake the tree and str.fke the butt against the ground. Expect a few needles to fall from spruces, but not !rom other trees. -Before erecting the tree, saw off about two inchea of the trunk and put the tree in a sturdy mount that can hqld water. Keep the holder filled with water aratt-umes. A fresh tree will use a quart or more of water each day. -Do not place the tree near fireplaces or heaters. Keep it away from stairways or doors that would be used as exits in an emergency. -If you select an artificial tree. mal<e sure it has an Underwriters Laboratories (UL) label that specifies the tree is "fire retardant." -Do not put more than three sets of lights on a single extension cord. Check wiring on all lights. Dispose of any strings tha'r' appear to be frayed. Turn off lights when you • .. .I . "" ( so to bed or le1.vo th hou . u .. " 10Ckf'l that U. reMdlly 8(.'(Ulible ao th plua can be eaally pulled In an emergency. • Dlapoae of l.(Jed• treea proswrly and without deJay when they dry out. Never bunr a used tree in your flreplac..'C aln<.-e dried pine and far ure extremely flammable. A ppraisal deductible DEAR PAT: I suffered • ca1ulty 1011 tbl1 year dae to tbe recent raln1. If I bl re an appraiser to determine tbe extent of my 1011 can I deducf bil feet on m y federal tax return? M.W., Hutta1ton BeacJa The appraisal fee la deductible, and Internal Revenue Service adds that It alao la deducUblttt the-appraiae.l is ~determine the fair market value of property you plan to donate to charity. . • Got a problem'.' Then write t~ • 1 Pat !'forowitz. Pat will cut N!!1 wpe, - gettmg the answers and acoon you ...,. n eed to solve inequities in government and business. Mail your questions ' to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, CosCJJ Mesa, ~CA. 9l626. 44 Fashion Island· Newport Beach• 714/644-5070 1001 Westwood Blvd.· Westwood Village· 213/208-3273 d he Robinsons Gift TNE GREAT AMERICAN -CLASSlC-5. FIRST IN JWR JR'S. Waterville. the new name 1n American fashion. has some very old ideas about quality worksmansh1p They believe style should endure remain classic year afler year So each piece is made to last. with an emphasis on 'quality fabrics and line tailoring Designed for the fashion purist. w1lh some fresh new details for the so:s We're proud of this collec11on - Come. see why Here. we show a few reasons. left cotton trousers 3· 11 S38 Polyester/cotton polo shirt. S·M L $28 Polyester/cotton bomber 1acket. 5-13. $60 Right striped royal or red Skirt $29 Top. $23 Crew neck cotton sweater. $32 All S·M L JWA JR'S. 154 Newpori only ' I j .rn~ . .. .... •.· '·""-., . ' ·' ,, '• .. •j . ·,~ !f : •• i' ~· ~ . \ '· . ... ,. • . • j .- ~ . -.. •:<. . . . ':.: -·. '· ':· .. ····· . .. , ., I~• !': ·r J ". • ,· '~ ,1 , ... .... ~ t; I! . . ., • ~{-. I ~le' .IJ ! 1f, :,i J:"' ·! .,. .. r ~,! . :.,.! ;.if; \ I I I Olli l>Atl Y Wt tli tHI ·. -- # ' ,. ) · Talk about timing ... Mervyn's opens at 9:30 a.m.-this Friday, December 17, with a storeful of gift ideas, plus a weekend of .. , ..... . ' .,.. ' clearance values, reduced from 1/3 to 1/2 off original prices! -· sa·ve on .. clothes fo(y·o-ur ramlty. A·nd thtngs to make your · home a nicer place to live in. Find hundreds of items, and each one priced just right. It's a great time to wrap up your holiday shopping, so hurry in! Clearance quantltlee llmlted. Intermediate markdowns may have been taken MERVYN~ ··--·· .llllfllllll THUAIOAY, 0 CIMI A 18. 1082 CAVALCADE SOCIAL WHIRL · 62 . 83,4 A ,~en1l111Jly doo111f'tl brJdsc COIJlrBCI CQIJ b ulvas d. SPr ·Gore11, 82. · -. - D ~ 0 Car safety seats for· children It's a law now 8y PAT HOROWITZ 0.-thel)elr ......... How about buylng your infant or pre&ehooler a car aalety 11eat for Christ.mas? This-u_ggesUon ia not typical gift fare. but Its uae can lncreue by 90 pen:ent your child's chance of surviving death or eerloua injury ln a car accident. according to safety experts. Laa.t year 121 children under the age of 4 were killed in California car crashes and another 7,409 were injured, many pennanenlly crippled or dilligured. Nationwide, car accidents are the leading preventable cause of death of children. In an effort to reduce theee needless deaths and Injuries, the California Legislature has signed into law Senate Bill ~37, the Chi.Id Pas11enger Safety Act. Thia law, effective Jan. l , 1983, makes it unawful for parents or legal guardians to transport their children ('P.lder age 4 or weighing less than 40 pounds) on a California public highway ln a pa11enpr car, plckup, van or other vehicle without a federally approved, cruh-ie.ted child reetraint device. Further, any )'OUn8 child beinl trana~ by eomeone other than a parent or legal guardian muat be secured ln an approved child aafety aeat. or uae an available .-t belt. The new legialatlon doea not apply to IChool buses, out-of-state vehicles and youngac.en exempted by the court due to aiz.e, medical condition or phyaidll unfitne9a. Failure to comply with the provisions of th1a law may result in a motorist being stopped and issued a notice to appear ln court for violation of California Vehicle c.ode Section 27360. Violators will face a $50 fine unle. they can abow proof to the court that they have poaesalon of a restraint. Under an existing law, police officers may issue oral hazard warnings to drivers if, after they've ~n stopped. police observe a child passenger 4 to 14 yean old unrestrained by Theae ufety ~•U all requitt a lop anchor strap to perform well in 30 mile-per-hour cruh t~1t11 for childttn in the forward racing ~ition. avaJlable eeat belta. Lut year, lM children under aae l~ were killed and 19.028 lnjured 81 pauenaen ln Califomlll automobile aotidenta. A er ..... rooi. campaicn conducted principally by women volunettn throughout the 1tate on behalf of the 1. 7 million pre9Choolen ln Calilornla (7 percent of the population) played a major role In passage of this legislation. The California Children's Lobby, the California Child Pueenger Safety AMocladon and Robert Vtneu.._M.O., a Los Anplet area pediatrician, led the effaft to call the public's auentlon to the cauae. The child restraint law movement hu gained wldetpread momentum l.n recent years, with 17 atatee currently requirl.ng children to be protected by restraint devices when riding in a motor vehicle. Similar legislaUon la pending in another five· states and four others already have laws on the books for public information and education prog:rama regarding U8e of 1eat belta or l'f!lltralnt devicea for children. Cra»t\·teeted car ufety aeai. pnced from $lf> to $100 are avail.able at retail outlet., di.toount, toy, juvenile fumlture and baby needs stores. Some 00.pital '1ft shopt, auto partl and major depal"lrnent 1tores ai.o ltOCk them. Seat. for ln.fanta, ~ fol' childttn '. weighing up to 20 pound.a, and .some of the booster seats, for youngaten we1gh.ins 20 to 65-plus pounds, are on the lower end of the 'price sca le. Convertible seat., for youngsters up to 40-plua pounds, can be purchued for $3!S to $50. M with other a>naumer products, prices vary from one it.ore to another. Plastic baby carrien, papoome boards, kiddie and padded seats are inadequate for safe transportation of young children. The new child restraint law prohibit& the tale or installation of any restraint system not conformin& to.federal dynamic crash-test standards. Merchandiae meeting the.e criteria are marked "FMVSS 213-81." Booster Seat These 1eau protect children (rom about 20 to o•er 65 pound.. Car crashes are leading preventable· cau8e of chil.dren'e death. Crash-test rules must be met 'by safety s·eats By PAT HOROWITZ 0.-theO.., ......... Car safety seat.a made after Jan. 1, 1981. must meet new government dynamic crash-test standards. The date of manufacture is marked on each teat. Many car seats made before Jan. l, 1981, alao give good crash protection. The following deacriptions and U.tinga of approved car saf4l!tY teata were provided by the public 1afety department of the Automobile Club of Southern California. Convertible safety seats for lnfanta, t.oddlera and pl'e!Chool- en have the advantage of protect- lng children from birth (about 7 pounds) to around 4 years old (about 40 pounds). They do not require a top anchor strap to pass 30 mph cnafi tests. These safe!)' teata can be converted from the backward-facing infant position to a forward-facing position for toddler and preschooler children. When this type of seat is u8ed in -· 'he forward-f.aclng J>09itlon, it 1hould be in the fully upright letting. Some approved convertible car lafety eeats are:- -Bob.'>y-Mac Champion and Deluxe II manufactured by Collier-Keyworth. -Century No. 100, No. 200 and No. 300 Safety Car Seats made by Century. -Hi-Rider Travel Seat by Kolcraft. -Kantwet Care Seat No . 989-74 manufactured by Questor. -Kantwet One-Step No. 401 made by Quest.or. Seata of this model made before Jan. l, 1982, need a top anchor strap to meet 30 mph crash test S1andards. -Redi-Rider by Kolcraft. -Safe & F.asy No~313 made by C09Co/Peteraon. -'-Safe & Snug made by C.oeco/Peteraon. -Safe-T-Seat No. 78A and No. l 78A manufactured by C.oeco/Peten110n. • -Safe-T-Shield by Cosco/ Peterson. · -Teddy Tot Aatroseat No. 9100's Series manufactured by International. -Travel Tot by Welsh. Infant only car safety seats protect children from birth to about e or 12monthaofage (17 to 20 pounds). Another car safety aeat would have to be purchaaed to last until a child la about 4 yean old. All of the infant only seats must face backward for proper pro~on. No top anchor strap Lt required. Among approved infant only car safety .eats are: -Dyn-0-Mite No. 441 (to 17 e o und s ) manufactured by Questor. -Infant Love Seat (to 20 pounds) made by Century, Ford. Toddler. presc hooler and s chool-age car Hfety seats protect children from about 20 pounds to more than 65 pounds. The boolter eeats must be U8ed with either a car'1 shoulder/lap belt or with a special harness/top anchor strap. The anchor strap muat be fastened to a apecfal anchor plate Installed to the rear, or clipped io a aet of rear..aeat lap belta. The strap must be pulled These urety 1eau protect children from birth to about 9 to 12 montlu old or 17 to 20 .poundt. tight. lilt ii used properly, It gives an extra margin o f protection. Anyone who cannot, or is not willing to do all of thia, abould con1ider other seat• which do not require a top anchor 1trap. · Some of the appf'9Ved car .eats for toddler, preschooler and echool-age children are: -Toddler' Seat No. 595A (20 to 40 pounds) manufactured by Strolee. . -Tot-Guard (20 to 50 pounds) made by Ford. In the bo<»ter seat category are: -Sate-T-ltlder (20 to 65 pound•) manufactured by Century. -Tot-Rider (20 to 65 pounds) made by K.olcraft. -Wee Care Boo.ter Seat (20 to 70 pounds) by Strolee. Some approved car safety seats require a top anchor strap to perform well in 30 mph crash t e sts for children in the forward-facing position . The anchor strap usually requires extra effort and/or expense to install and use properly. It is especially difficult in hatchbacks. station wagons, vans, recreational vehicles and in car pool situationa. Most are convertible from infant to toddler position. Some seats requiring a top anchor atrap are: -Bobby-Mac Super No. 814 manufac tured by C o llie r - Keyworth. -Child Love Seat made by Century. '-Wee Care Car Seat No. 597A and No. 599 by Strolee. While aome car safety aeats are no longer manufactured, 'they still may be available in •tores or can be purchased aecond-h.and. All perform adequately in dynamic cnah tests, but they do not ne<:euarily meet all other elements of \'he· new 1981" government standards. Some of these r ecen ti y di8contlnued car seatl are: -Bobby-Mac 2-ln-l. -Bobby-Mac Deluxe No. 812. -Bobby Mac Super (requires top anchor strap). -K antwet Care Seat No. 987-74 and-No. 988 74. -Kantwet One-Step No. 400 (requires top anchor strap). -Mopar Child Shield. -~tenon Safe-T-Seat No. 78 (requires top anchor strap). -Peterson Safety Shell. -Safe N' F.asy No. 13-313 and No. 13-314. -Safe N' Easy No. 13-203 (requires top anchor strap). .:..... Strolee Toddler Seat No. 595. -Teddy Tot Astroeeat VI. -Trav-L-Ette. -Trav-L-Guard. -Wee Care No . 597S (requires top anchor strap). Whicheve r car safety seat you choose. uae it at all times when driving, even on very short trips, Tl¥e Auto mobile Club ol Southern California emphuhe9 that ln a cruh or sudden at.op, a child can become a flying rnillile and may be smashed face first into windows, duhboard knobs, aome other parts '6f the dlr, or into another passenger. The crushing forces on a child's brain a nd body In a 30 mph cra1b would be the same u lf the child fell from a three--st.ory building. New heater could be a killer unless used prQperly -By LOUISE COOlt .......... ,,_....., WARNING: The heater you ~ to save money on your fuel thia winter could kill you if you're not careful about tbe way )'CK1 UM it. Mllllon1 of Americana have tumed to auxiUary heaters to .upplement. or parUally replace central h•tina •)'Items u the pno. ot tradlt.lon.11 fuelt like oU and netural pt haa n.en. And oUAdal9 MY tmproper me of the devlcea It responsible for a pvwina number of lira, deaths and lnjwia. Durlnl the late 19701, for example, the populatJty of wood-burnln1 etovH aoared. nswes from the .Federal Trade CommlHlon ahow aalea ·went from 200,000 In 1972 to 1.2 mlDon In 1979/ At the aame time, ~to .. Huwoocl ot the ~ Pn>duct Sal~ eomrm..on. the number of flrH lncre11ed .. dnmldcall .'' almol\ doubllna llnce 1978. ~ eUd thal ln 1986; the JatHt year for .. which comp'Mt.e flsur-.,.. avaUable, r ''I would expect that duriq this coming heating season and perhaps the next one we would see an increase in the number of firee and pouibly deaths." there were -1l2;.000 flrea cau.ed by hea~n uttnc eolld fuel like wood; there were 31M> dMtha and 2,800 injurles. Wllllam Overby of the U.S. Fire Admlnlatratlon aald the number of firH In one-and two-famUy dweUln11 wo~Jd have declined ln recent ;years 11hld tb.re not *' an trnn 211 ln Use number of flra that an cauHd by aoUd-tuel hHtln1 devlcea auch u wood·burnln1 ltovet and fireplace "*"' and ~·· ICeroeene b .. wn now have Jotned the "°"" on the Uat of bett-•lMn; the produe\ Mfet1 oonrleefcn •)'I ..... ,,.. frcm 3,400 In 1814 to·I n:alWon In 1981. OYwby aald \tw IDtffsstd &.- -or mt1u1e -of keroMn• heater• probably wJll lead to more firH. "l would expect that dwina thil com1n8 heatlna 11Uon and per~ the next one we would .. an lncreele In the num~r of flree and poulbly ·dffthl," he tafd. Many'atatea and .omt local eovemmen• .-ct to ban the Ult of Qrc.erMt Maten becaUM of aafety probltma wlth early modeb, OvU'by aald. Mott of thcee bani haw been rw:inded •...,... haw lmprOYtd. "The CUl'ftftt .. .,.rauon (Of kel"oetne ..,_ ..... ) ••. are up to tiendard and the ltandarda .... IOO(I," OY9rby .-id. "lt'1 not 10 much the way the devk:el an manul.actured • iM way people \189 them.". Before you Mlect a heatu, make aunt lt meets the standards set by one of t&e national testing organizatJona like Underwriters Labora.tory; ,If it doesn't have a label Indicating it has been approved, don't buy It. There -are aeveraJ bask rules .,.for the 1afe use of kerosene heat.era: -U1e 1he l>f'Oper fuel. "Don't do dumb thin11 llke uain1 auoJlne 11 1 aubltttute," aald Overby. Stan Worth, ,a houa.lne technolo1y a~laUat for the Cornell Univetalty Exi.naton Service, Mid conaumen ehould look for tr.eh, water-dear, hJ1h- quallty keroaene Identified u A8TM l·K; do not uae kermene lnMnded for other putpoeee Uke dielelt~ -RefU.l the --P'OIMll'~· Follow tb• manufacturer a ~ c.r.b&D..J. Slift ~ ~ outllde in a pnvtOutly unUlld contatnv, karoeene and other µqulde don't mix. -Make eure ~()U have lldequat.e ventilaUon. Worth MYll -th.• atr flow throu1h crtcka around windows and doora generaJly provide• eQou1b ventilation. People whcr have sealed up all the craclca ln I*(& energy-corwervaUon effor1a wQ1 have to open a window to Ii' enough air, however. That mtUI kerosene heaters may not b9 practical in well-sealed, well- insulated horne9 since the h-' .t they procfuce rney be bit tn ibl ~ effort to 8'( PfQI*' vmtllatictl. Similar vendladon problem9 Clift occur wtth ~-bwnlna •~ -Keep beaten -of all kJnd. -awa;y from thlnp that qa catch fire Hke furniture OI' drapea. ln general, the beatel' 1hould be at leMt u.r.. t..t frCllD anythlnc that wW bum and lt • ahould t. •t up '° that ~ and peta are unllkely to bwftp Into It. Do not u .. keroee .. beaten tn l'OOlnl or .,.. white Y°" Men ~ UqWda. Overby hu 1 tlnaJ word ot Mlvke foe~ buytna a aPlft heater: ''Buy a amob ...... , .. The exua few sloUan oaUI _. your life. -i"r*L _~r l'I AJUEI (March 21-April UJ): Get thouahta on paper, create format, make 1ugestlon lf1t and tubmlt to 1Uperlor. You get ualgnment whleh LI chaJlench'I, ladftaUna, provocative and tape your ~tive enerpee. Gemlni, Virgo, ~ttarlua native. playkeyn»ea. TAURUS (April ~O..May 20): Familr member communicates from d11tance -trave becomff ~ 1Ubject of conversatJon. Focua al.lo on home repalr, beautifytna aurroundlngs and possible ~ purcbMe of art Object °' luxury ltem. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Define terms, . ®''t co-sip, protect aaeeta and keep guard up in emotional c:linchee. See places, people aa they are, not merely as you wmh-they..might exilt. Good neW. received oonceming pma:tble lundlng. CANCER (June 21-Jwy 22): Ue low, go alow, utilize leaona learned in recent past. You have addition al responsibilities· -legal negotiations could be part of scenario. Focus on Jtossible partnerabipe, legal papers, public relationa and marital 1tatus. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Wide r audience eagerly receives your presentation. C.Oncentrate on specialties, unique services and abilitr to interest peen In c urrent project. You'l be rld of unnecemery burden. Aries, l.Jbna and another Leo play ml&nifbnt roles. VDlGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Ernphaaia on direct approech , aettlna to heart of matters, 8ainin« greater independence of thouaht. action. Favorable lunar upect highllghts adventure, apecu.lation, crea=lvlt and romance. Leo, Arie1, Aquarius natives ~Y key roles. RA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): lmtallation of alann l)'ltem could eue mind, relieve tensions. Spotlight oo family, lleC'Urity, property and pc.aible lon.g- ranae lnvestment program. You'll receive offer which includes royalties and possible mineral rights. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Empbaaia on movement, change, flexibility and diaplay of intellectuaJ curiosity. You could win conteet which centers around trivia questions. Spotlight alao on lncreued IOCiaJ activity, tra"J opportunity and• dealino with liv.!}y Gemini, Sagittarius individuala. s.lGl1TAJUUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Empham on money prospects. bargain rat.el, nererery purchaaes and location of material that bad been miming. It may be neceeaery to tear down for"Ultimate purpoee of rebuiJdinill on more llOlid hue. CAPRlroRN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Favorable chana-occur; restrictiona are removed, invitations. are received, and happinem will replace gloom. Be ready al.lo for romantic interlude, travel, and clliliiCe to ~tArln creative project. - AQUARIUS-(Jan. 20-Feb. 18): -Gain indicated through meditation. Rest, recoup strength. realize that beina alone ii not same aa beina lonely. Family reuniOn ii on aaenda, hannony willbe restored and good newa will be received concerning medical testl. . PISCES (Feb. 19-March 29): You get what you want, but private meeting ii necesury. Special friend or UIOCia~ la involved -clandeatine 1 arrangen)ent orcun and material that had been tied up ia relealed. Virgo, c.ancer and another Pisces figure prominently. NAMES! NAMES! NAMES! ..... elAllSIET ellWl&TTUI •Ill•• .,..um e Em YILEITI eNUllUCll eWUREI • .mm., •IMl11D elltllCll eTIUll el.OIS ... ... ·- '115Jltlll SPiil CllTS .. '110 • 00111 011 llllJOI .... BY CHARLES H OOR N AND OMAA tARIF Doth vuln.,rablt . Huul h 11 .. 11111 NORTH •U ~ ... 0 K Q IOt +nu WEST EAST •8 •UH ~ J 10t1 3 <;1 Q • 0 84 0 J1&632 •AK 1084 • .U SOUTH •AKQJIOS 'V AKU O A . •QS The bidding has procoede\J South Weit North Eut 2 + P ... 2 NT Pue 3 + p.,. 4 + Pan PaH Pa11 Opening lead: King of +. W•lrh lilt• rllri.la your .,,. iwnthta vl•~· 'J'he alor1 thtty I ••II ran ofU•n •lllV•l(I' a 1t•1•nt 1nicly ll1H111'l1•d cunt ra<'t North Smf\h bid 4\ormally "1 four <1J1Udt11. OI palllOl( in l•ir1•11 waa North'11 dl'cl1lon lo ""'"' lo ruur 11p1det rather than rl'h1d no trump Houth had shown an unb11lanct-d hand with ht• "l'lldti rebid. so thf'r.. wu no roai.on fof North lo prefer no trump 141th all ht.!i valut-~ in on1• 11utt only. We11t l<'d the king of c:lubs. on which 1-:ut started an echo with I he jack After cashing the ace of rlubs u well, Wet1l shifted to tht-jack of hl!arll!, Declarer noted with interest thal East followt1rl to th11 trltk With tht> fJU""" It rull('ht "t'1·m that dt• rlar .. r '• rh1nn11 for icamf 111>1·rn nnl 11vt1rly Hnl(uinl' lht• only hnpo for • a :1 ht!arl di1tribut1on had 1111 but van11h1•d becauH of thu way the play had developed. II seemt'd th•t declarer would have to loee two heart tricks in addition lo the two club trick• already banked by thl' defenders. Declarer won the king of hearts and •tarted to draw trumps. tlis prospects brightttned when Wut •how· ed out on lhe sttond trump. If the defenders had carded honestly, and there waa no reason to suppose otherwise, th• c<ontracl wai flOW a 1urt b•t. Houlh r11hed th11 acu of diamond• and ono mure hl1h trump. then led the ace or hearu in ra•fJ f;Ht had bf-en unblocking with a doublflton (jUHn. Had J.o;a1t rurtod lhf' IC:fJ or hearts. he would havtt been furced to return a d11mond. th.ireby alluwinl( South lo ditcard hl1 twu heart losers on dummy's high diamonds. So East slufft•d a diamond. but he was merely poslpon mg the inevitable. Declarer uited with hla low trump, and now there was no way for East to escape his rate. Declarer sacrificed a trump trick he did not have lo lose, and gained in exchange two _, di• mood. !rJrktt that h" •11 per•nlly had no way to r11h a ...... , .,,,41• t1111t1 ... ,........, UMt , ... "' ... u..r. • ...-~ ...... ,. 0. t .. y -· .... diJlis , .. de•'t? Cltarl•• GerH'• .. , •• ,.0 .. 1 .,....... •Ill &each you the etrateaih aa4 &actk• •• tW• fut....-ci M · ti... .. ... daat _ P[•vW .. LIMt eure ,.,. ......... ,.,..._,, For •. eopy u4 a acore ..... MM '1.75 to "Gerea·Fov De al," eare of U1l1 aew1papar, P.O. Boa l5t, Norw.-1, N.J. 07648. Make elaedut pa1abla to New .. paperboob. POT SHOTS DEAR ANN LANDERS: My huaband. "Mr. Macho,'' insista on driving home from a party or a wedding no matter how drunk he is. I have told him repeatedly that I will not attend any more functions where alcohol ie served unless he promiles to let me drive home. Hla standard reply: "I haven't killed you yet, have I?" "Yet" la the key word. On two occasions when he was dead drunk, he refWled to let me driv~. Last night eomething funny came acroaa on the car radio. He let go of the wheel, threw h1a head back and laughed ur.controllably. I had to pry his feet off the pedala, steer the car from the paaenger aide and work the clutch and the brake. We were damn lucky to get home alive. I have threatened to aik friends to take me home when he gell drunk at parties, but I'm afraid he'll kill himlelf -oc worse yet, aomeone elae. What ahould I do? -FUTURE STATISTIC IN SAGINAW DEAR F .S.: Go to tile a.Olt or lao1re11 and . lulat cut die 1troqeat mu .. die place wreat die car ke,1 frem JM.I' laubUd, evea lf It meau a flpt. Or, yoa cu call die poUce ad uk diem to come oat at oDce ud arre.t yo.r a.Hbud tbe m1Hte a.e ata.111 to clrlve away from die ~oue.- U Wt ,...., Jike a drutic meaHre, let me aaaare yo. lt'1 betier daaD letdD& It.Im kill lllmteU ud a car fall of laaoceat vlctima. BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT MY CONDITION HAS N O KNOWN CAUSE ANO N O K N OWN CURE, BOT FOA.TUNATEL'<, ALSO NO KNOWN SYMPTOMS back two and three times only to get slammed down on again. Of courae, this makes me angry and the stuttering becomes worse. - I have never seen a letter like this ln your column. and rm sure millions of fellow stutterers would appreciate seeing mine in print. - BUFFALO READER DEAR READER: Here'• yo11· letter. And aow, a Utde more compaa1loa, pleaae, from y oa fol.kl oat tMre wlaee yoa eacoater people OD "e pboae wldl apeeda dlfflC11ltlea -not only atatterera, bat r_,1k1 wllo bave tro.ble expre11lag tbemaeJvea t>eeaaae of lupa1e barrlen. nu.k yoa. flMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S Ef"D I overheard an inter esting conversation between two airline stewardesees the other day. "So, how did you find out he was married?'' asked the first one. ''Look " she said "when a guy uses a phone- booth to ~hange cloihea i.natead of going home, you've got"'to figure he's either Superman or he's married." "And?" "He was no Superman," she said dryly. With the entire world planning a divorce, getting over one, living with someone or having a t.rial separation, l figured it must take a real pro to figure out who's a matched set and who is open stock . l couldn't help butting in. "Don't tell me you can't tell when a guy is married. There are a lot of ways." "Name one," they said. "Okay, when you 80 out to a romantic dinner by candlelight and he clears the plates and starts to take out the garbage, he's married." "Not necesaa.rily," said one . "Sometimes old habits are hard to break." "All tight, if he drives a car with 120,000 miles on it and a coloring book replacing a broken window and a car seat in the back. no doubt about it, he's l'})Mrled." I wa. eveq ...atak..iD die. ulu JfOJlld. make die peuattea for d.rak clrlvla& 10 ttlff tlaat It woald • scare die tod.I off every penoa wlao ao macla aa amella Ute cork at a party. DEAR ANN ~ERS: Is my younger sister (as e 14) a kleptomaniac or a thief? She takes whatever she wan"' and never returns anything. For ex.ample, Dad's cassettes, MomTs cosmetics, my clothes. Whenever anyt.bing of mine ia missing, I go to her room and there it Is. 1 have asked her a den.en Umes why she does this. She aays, "I don't know," In such an innocent way that lt makes me feel ashamed for asking. "Sometbnes," said the other stewardess, "that's all he got from the divorce." "What il he brings 1ii8 luncn to work met · carries hia coffee in a Donny Osmond thermo1? U that isn't married, I don't know what ia." DEAR ANN LANDERS: I,• like millions of other normal people. have a minor affliction that would bf: much easier to live with if telephone operators, reaeivatlona clerks and others who handle phonea would be more patient. I am a stutterer. You can't imagine bow frustrating it is to try to say something and get hung up on. I have called 121ARIOW llllT SlmTS . . . . 516. L£¥1S ACTION SUCIS . . . . . 524 •VELOUR WARMUP SUITS . . . '47 ae POL Y/WOCl CAROIUNS. . 532 .. WW. UIUll s .. lH tlO COTTON f~l 111S1111D1U1m smrs. •11 • SMSA8El T SLACIS .. '42 ~ "Have you 11eer1 what you get with a one-room furnished apartment lately?" Please, tell me: la she aick or crooked? - BA TON ROUGE QUESTIONER "Look." I said. "Suppoee you met thia t.en1fic guy on the plane and you made arrangements to meet him for a drink that evening and you aaked him to bring a friend for your roommate ... and he brought bia wife." DE~ BAT: Probably ueltber. Sbe 1oud1 like aa lrre1pon1lble, dlomptlelt, laiy prl wbo needs to be dllclpliDed by ber pareata. They both looked at me. "Now THAT'S Married!" old fOBliioned l$T1Il]1$ ·""-="=-"esf cliff f?hzo Thll holiday MUOI\, jOln the Westclttf Plaza fa1111ty. Select your gifts from more than twenty shops. wl1hou1 cr<>wdl Of endlea parl(lng Iota ... with the J)et'IOnel toucl'I !NII WettcNtt Plaza hU become known 10<. This Saturday afternoon. and fYtlft('f eY9lllng next wee+t. an)oy Chrtltmet caroltn end n.ve t~kldl meet Mrs. Sante -who wlll be fllllng her 1toclclng with gifts for Toys for Toti and gMng oot Christmas goodies ot her ownll i th and Irv ne ·_ Newport Beach OPEN TIL I P.M. WERN1QHT8 MOST STORE8 OPEN NOON TO 5 P.M. 9UNDAY,DECEMllER19 ,t.. - I J The Gjlanos host ~00 friends Carole Ollano Wont• ba...•k auwo with bNdtic$ bodlc9 wb.n the and h\Mband Michael entert.aintd 200 frimda tn their 1M1 Cany_on home ln Newport a.ch. 81'dc WM the C:OJor Worn b)' mc.t Of tN women and fOC' the mtn It wu black tie. Mu1lc WH provided uy the Herb La•k•r qulntot an'd !rm• Montano&• WH kept bu1y l'Ndtna pelml. ·Meanwhile, other au•ta were IOlna down the wlndJf'll •t.alrl to the Wine cellar wnere Oary Tracy waa conducUn1 ta1t1na o f award wlnnJna C.Ufomla wlnet. Later they dined on ~vtar, pt\e, NnOked aalmon, oyaters, prawn1 and ~nd rloln of beef. Among thoee attendJna were atn,er Kay Starr, Pilar Way11e. who wu talkJna about her new cookbook, Ray Handy, Galen Colwell·, Blll and Eliz.tbeth Foote. Bruce and Bonnie Lambert and Kathryn Thompeon. SNOW FOR CHRISTMAS?: Bunny Pero knows how to makf "C&llfomia 111\0W." When 1he and Jeff entertained ln their~ Be.ch home, the courtyard wu full of 1paickllng anow for the antique sleigh made ln 1900. Greenery wu ~ed around th.la focal polnt of her courtyard decorationa and the surrounding tables were covered ln white and centered with white mum arrangementa. • et.orb FR.l D~ Y, DEc.. 11 ~ ,., ~.,. ~ fo'tll>,,. ~Ve !f 2,5%...,50% ~d. tw@.£ aJ ALL FAL-L * HOLi DAY M£R~ANOIH.! .......- -Gc>Me. lilAA'-V ,.,. 8&~1' ~L.e.cT'\ON-°"'d. eNS'oV! 5illi1 vtA UDO N.~ The dln.lng area was decorated in a country 'motif (Bunny WU IJ\lplred by a trip to Will.lams· t----------------------------- burg) with red candles and greenery with bukets ~ ................. Carole and Michael Gilano, right, with Jo hn and Jean King 3 'I•• tall -......:;;:;;;;-;iii'"..... 5 oz. 6 'lo· CEREAL ~ 1.69 BOWL 1.89 WON~RFUL ORN~NTS LACQUERED -·RED APPLES From Taiwan -... ...i . ,I (See Comic, Page 84) LADIES 100% RAYON PAINT HANTEN From Japan Classlc kimono styllng In multicolor· ed prints on light or dark back· grounds. ----One Roomy Size M 14.99 T Ito • Countless colors and prints In elegant hand hemmed sllk squares. Approx_ .2 ftj\ 21·)(21 • ..... 34· ><3"" 8.79 10 oz. box 2.44 ALL BUTIER SHORTBREAD From Scotland Delectable ahon· bread In full color aasorted clan plald tine. 10.e ot. ~Ins 4.99 each 10 IOTILE WALNUT FINISH WOOD WINI RACK ...... From Hoag Kong ~ Proper atorage for your laYorlta .. Rad, - White or Roae. VllA•~O AW\& ,,.. 'AMUNCI NO~I .OftllM .... A N~wport Holiday Tradition The Second Annual ORAllGE COUllTY CALEllDAR 1983 A lovely, useful, inexpensive Christmas Gift: A 13'months appointment calendar with 13 original color photographs by Rene Laursen ls now available In many local bookstores, stationery stores, pharmacies and gift shops at $5 .. ~5 . Jan: Peartree~ in blossom in Newport Beach Feb: Mission V1e10 lake March: Rogers Gardens in bloom, Corona del Mar ' Apr~; Newport-Ensenada Yacht Race May: Irvine lake/Mountains June~ Jacaranda Tree in old Tustin neighborhood July: Windsurfing in Dana Point Harbor Aug: The Cannery·Restaurant in Newport Beach Sept: Fishina off the Huntington Beach Pier Oct: Playin1 Golt Nov: Inside the old Country store in Irvine Dec: Horsebackridina on the Beach towards Laguna • Jan: The Railroad Depot · in Capistrano Look Forward To The Orange County Calendar Every Year From Now Ont .. · Publl1her: P-ICTURESQUE INC • . . • . • . 2'14 8outh Bro.dwar==----==--~=·• lanta Ana, CA ll7CJr Tel: 714-517·4088 I' I I' I I t.:h1111 (rrem P111 II> '° hold the food tncludtn1 111food mouMCNI ind pate. Juel Valdivia. aultartll\, and Michelle Andrew•, tluUlt, entertained and kep' lbe 120 panyprs on the dance IJoor (• con1• Une?). T erry Spreen del~I h\ed the other ifUei1a when 1he jOlrMKf the duo to 11Av1 Marla.r. · · · -. r pl't!illlnt for the f•llvllle. wt,.. Terry'• huaband Bob, Dkk and Germayne Cumby, Lowell and Andy Martindale, Jury and Barbara • Boudreau, nm and Sheila CoWnt, Dan and Nancy Hatria, Roberta and Lee Smith, Donnie and Walt Ly1e>n and ~v and J ohn ThJelen. RUTH DING conducted a comic atft exchanae when the Dlrecton Emeritua of OCPAC held ft1 recent Chriatmu party ln the Foxfire Restaurant ln Anaheim Hllla. James Nagamallu, former president and chairman of the board pre9ently a tn.aatee for The Center 1pdke briefly about the PJ'Oirel' of the fadllty. Ground will be broken In the spring with completion planned for 198~. TOWN AND GOWN. Chapman College, held a holiday membership high tea at Casa en 1aa Rocaa, the Three Arch Bay home of Billie and Bud Hanlen. Chriatmaa trees, poilllettiaa, antique dolls and miniature houaes and furniture dilplays lent a holiday atmoephere to the oocaaion attended by 150 members and guesll. The Chapman Quartet entertain e d with barbershop numben and guetta were welcomed by T and G p'resident Libby Pankey. The program continued with a talk by Chapman president G. T. "BucJc" Smith and a aeuonal d.laeertation on the tradition of Christmas by Professor Jim Miller. ' f .lfXEDO SALE CLEARANCE of new end uMd tuxedot and a~. Hundreds of it.,,,. onc9d ridiculously low. tf you haW ... OOrllider9d buying formal attire don t miU thtt uJe. Muter ~ and Viu welcome. (Alterations nc t inctuded.) COATS • $9.95 and up PANTS • $4.95 and up SHIRTS • $2.95 and up • Huntington Beach Store Only: 16901 Beach Blvd. . (a.di 11t W.mer) (714) 842·1155 DECDal 17 & 11 • FRl>AY 10 to I PM, SAT\llDAY 10 to 6 PM VRIJ.IR rux SHOP ' ~ ' Dlllr ......... "'-Jeff and Danny Perf left, with guests Mary and ACtending were committee rnemben Larrie Parka,· Sue Lamoureux, Ana Draper, Joyce F.dwards, Mary Pittinger and Mary Crane and Sun ny Larson, Valerie Scudder, Dr. Mildred Caldwell, Helen McCianahan, Mary ~y Lloyd, Twyla Reed, Ruby Peelle, Lynn Dowty, Evangeline Stillwell and Ruth Belville. Tom Reill -J . Elegant oiganizers for home or office! . Tbe.e all-in-one organizers are distinctin deluxe ponf olao. in any of three U8efu1 combination •tylea -addreu book with notebook, addreu book with appointment calendar and appointment calendar with ooeebook. '18.QO lO 122.00. C t92 ...__ CMI~ I~ Chrfsbnas Store Holn Starti'lc November 28 D 10·1 Smda I 11-4 PAPER UMLIMlTED 11 J.all" ... A .... Newport ~ W I ( 541-7921 VISA' ~ . --------------·-..., rwl LLDt'D•S M oord~•"' s111111 Lost Minute Gift Giving Ideas From· Lloyd 's You muat aee our beautlf ul selection · of poin98ttias. indoor plenla, Christmas greens, wreaths, garland, plus o"r lllrge Mlection ofCtvistmM ornaments r"ll--=and gifts. - - BARE ROOT ROSES HAVE ARRIVED . Open Mon-Frt 7·10 Sat 8:30-10 Sun 8--10 Uoyd11 Nunery and LcmdscaDe Cq., Inc. .... ,. .... ,...., .... c .......... c C7141 646-7441° NI--.. -=:,'::*..:' H9flcl Stay In the black not In the dark 'l. with 'I~ .• -,.~ ... The Dally Piiot's year-end business review and forecast. Coming Dec. 29 ~=-!'lntHe ~~~ If all the benefits of an Individual Retirement Account have suddenly become very im- portant to you, but you thought you couldn't afford them, think again. Bank of America offers an IRA PLUS account that lets you earn high rates y.rith a deposit as . low as $50, to which you can .make additional deposits. So even with all the other expenses you have to worry about, you can still enjoy the benefits of IRA PLUS. BANH OFAMERJCA*S 8 MONTHS "1la and oubol&ntial pmaltla b .. ,1, withdnw.L "'10 mlJ\hnwn C\lnuu raw lt'l\lbleco .,~bu• lofl.uda1Umco(11CCDW1t~. br tho ltnn ol the l""91Jnml • What's more, IRA PLUS gives you a variety of plans to choose from .. You can choose an investment which locks-in a 'fixed rate, or you ca.n choose a variable rate invest-' ment for more flexibility. With IRA PLUS, you pick the plan that best suits your individual needs. THE SAFE.TY YOU WANT Of course while earning high ratefo with IRA PLUS, you are also getting all the resources of ''I like the high rates plus the $50 minimum." California's leading bank. Bank of America's $12D billion in assets provides you with just the margin of safety you need for a long-term investment such as this. A WELCOME TAX SHELTER When you invest in IRA PLUS, you are also investing in a healthy tax shelter. You and · your spouse can set aside up to $400) (S2aXl per working indi- vidual) each year. The money you invest is deductible from the gross income on your Federal income tax return and the interest earned is tax deferred as well. You'll find both features to be valu· able benefits at tax time. · NO FEES At many institutions, you'll pay a fee for setting up an IRA. But at Bank of America, no matter which'IRA PLUS account you choose,1you won't pay a penny in set-up or maintenance fees. _ On top of this, you can count on all the expertise that Cali- fornia's leading bank can offer. So if you want an IRA that's more than just another IRA, stop into your nearest Bank of America branch soon. Look into IRA PLUS -California's leading IRA from California's leading bank. !• . ' DAI Y Jtt ornrwr ~. '" , tt; t , 11 A new way : to do your Christmas . , Shopping..... ~ Everything under the sun ••• t. · b ·with bikes bright & ~~~~ Shiny, & jeans -by ~ designers, toys for · ~ the girls and also for ~ boys, watches, j~ . pillows and tons of joy. Things tnade by hand for wotnen, for : men, plants for your · ~ house, a .lovely new ~ blouse, new chairs to ~ill J • • r •:.~ j Orange County Fairgrounds Swap Meet sit on, tables to eat ~~~ ,: presents a p · 1 k .::: ' . Christmas s~ on. lCtures to tl>O :::; M da ~L-gh. flt'~daverv specialDece) be ZOth Z4th at, a ball, a hat, a : . on y uirou Fn y -Ill r · -· b ----· -~~-·-·~-·-···--tn1tt & a.. at, and so _ tnuch-more ..... It's all .. there .... : at the . Orange Coun~y ·Fairgrounds Svvap Meet Christnias Special, Monday through Friday, ·Deceniber 20th to December 24th frotn 7 :00 a.tn. to 4:00 p.tn. Have fun vvith the '\Vhole · family~ ~csave ... t~ ' -.... "' ' ,, ~..... • .... ,,..,, IM!llllifjjj! .c.'='~ =• ' =n:lif -* c8iu-If " t( ,~: ~~ "=DI Qllfj 1':'~ /#!'! ...._. ... " • M 141'9 A "'91.JO o11111 ..,.,. " f •utlH 11nd11 th"'"'"'"'• •N-t•"•*'•m•~·fMf ,U • "'' • '"'II "' Alffll" J.._ ..... aAM,CAfflW IALI ." 10U Ill K" "I.AO OJr It "'O•I 'I 1 llwl ell11•IWllL.lfl.l .. l AOI O' llD ,..011,f: ::/Mffl• fl •a• Ue.fA4M.G'I' ~-°' IUUl•.ATICNI cw.,... lllATu-1 A•11111111 ,. ... ,. 0111 .. IOU A' 'VI I IC AUL llOH tO 'Hf A•lfttllltlt•ll•n 011111 too I 01r IHbAN' 'AU"A JIAN "'"'IONIR1 IUUtOll • °' , ... NO.,=l.OM AUMT °'..,,. ~ ~...,. HIOHUt ft lODrR ron (;AIP4 er...-L .... HuntlnttClft ~ DI,.. " Tl ...... •ttO•I HALOW NIMOOU I ttwoup 10, .... ·~LYOU COflrTACT" ,,,OJIOT IDINTlttOATION toar•bte ., ·~(II .... In'••'"' ""0Jl0t IDINTl,,64'fii::IN ... OOH~..,... .......... lnGllMlw ~Nl1 1C10n J.MID. UWTI"· NAMI O•Uf•• '"•Oll•Oi mone y ol Ille Un1teo l t1t111I ell NAMI ~of,._...,.,.,. 1*WC*1 ~ IUWOtt1 l'AllM.Y LAW) Notice te llef•ll)' Ot"9fl 11111 Ofl H11nllnoton 1 .. ch Clll' 111100 rtoM 111i. en0 lllifl"I wn¥9Y'ld lo HllnllnQton IHOll c11., 1011001 ct---CA• i--:; .. c-... oa...-, "'cl•l'· "" ''" d•r ot Janyarr,. DllMttal ~ 1-1"'41by 11 wnll• NICf o..i ~ HTICIJ , .. ....,. -.. ..-MOTtee , .. ..,. ...-. '9011Cll \'n ltft• """' eve4. IHI, at I 00 A M 1.~ IOI CU 't PLACI PLANI ARI ON l'ILI. of Trutl In 1119 1>'111*11 1..-ellwlft• PLAOI PL.AHi A"I OH ,ILi. Tiie MWI IMP ..... s;:(IJ 11= n. MWt ... ..... • ,_ Tiie .... ,.,., dKldl ....... ,.. ,., ... ~ w .... 11111• -1n "'City ... ~ o..>et11Mn1, 170 11111 fft(;lli..cl ...... ~ °"'*1,,.,. 110. ''"' .... ,_ ... ~ ......,. ,.., ....... ....,.. .... .....,. )'CMfl bflnt ..... tlfllM9 Of Ofeno-. County of Of.,.., ....... ,. ••• Hununoton IHCh, CA TRUlfOR DIANA CAl'fli. .••• , •••• Hunllnoton IHch. CA ,.. ,..,..._............ ,.., ,....... ........ ...... ,_ ~ wlttlln. to •r•· "9fd of C11110tnla, Ctw\ttOl)Mt A. Ode. tte41. mt1tled wOM••l •• '"' tole anO tff4e, t11e .....,.,.llA ~1 .._ ...._wd1n ..... . .. ............. ....... ,,..,...._ -tlOM addr .. i. IOt Cfly HOTICt II HIMIY OtVlH !Ml 1141p11at1 f)lope<ly NOTICI ti HIRllY OIVl!H thll "~ wten 10 ... -10w1Cie of It Y°" """ '° .... U. IOVICe OI " ~ wlll'I 10 .... '"' .OY~ OI '1111•~··· lull• 900. Ot .... Ille~ '°"°°' Oltt~ Of I I N., I c I A .. y ct N' "AL IN~'*"*' ICflOOI DltlrlGt ot .,, •llOtn•Y In '"'• llltU•r. you •n •t10111ay In thl• lllAllfl. you All lllorney In thla m•ll.,, you 0. .. ta . end 'WfloN I~ Ofall09 County, Callfomla, ectlnQ, l'l!DU•AL IAVIHGI AND LOAN Of'ene-COIHlly, CelltOtl\ie, tOll"O 1f1ou4c1 do .o Pf~.IO tMt )'Oil( llhoulcl do to promptly to Ill.ti yow thout<I do to P.01n111ty to INll your """'°" • (7141 i7e.HH. Wll 1111 by end th1ough 111 Governlnf A880CIAtlON, • COtpotatlOn. o~ llld 111rouoh 110 Gov•fnlno ,.rlll.,. 1M4)onM, If 111y, Mt't be wrlllftl 1MponH, If 1ny, may bf ""9C)nM 0t 4>1t11<11ng. 11 •ny. may be 11 publlc 1uct1on 10 the hlQhell lk>atcl, hffflnafter reterrfcl lo u Recorded Marah 211. 1981 •• loatd. lletemaft., ,...,,M 1o 11 lllfd on tlmf . lllfCI on lllM llled on llm• l>lddft '°' CUii. In ltwtlil Money ot "DISTRICT,'' wlll lllOl!Ne up lo. but ln111 Ho 3112116 In book 13998, "OltTtlllOT", will rtoOllNe up to. but Av I I 0 I u ..... " •• , • • "y 110 I u ••• d h •• I ... A YI Io I U a a• d ti • • 1 a• the Unltfcl $1•1•· Ill CMl;.ole tt the noJ lalet than nwt abov•·llatecl pllOf IOU of Ofllolat Roea4•d• 111 tM nof 111., 1han the ebov .. •l•l•d delftendad•. 11 w•111111 ,..,,411, d•111111t1ade. II trl•11111I p11e4ll• fl•111andado. I I trlbunal pu1d1 llmt of Hl9, 111 thll certain r .. I tlmt, ....., b6da tor Ille -d o4 • otfloe ol 1"-R.CPtdlf of Ortno-"""· Miiied bide fOt u... 11W11fO of 1 dMtflt ""tra Ud. 1111 MdllMla a ........, -•• U4. • Mt•• llllle a ..._ contre Ud. lln elHllfMI• • t>toe>«1Y lltualed In 11\f County ot oontract lat tllf =:cr.oteot· CounJo!~ dMd ol trutl a..«IOM oonlrllOl IOt Ille ebcMI proleol. .,,..... .,_ Ud. ,.._.,. 411ffttra ~ .,. Ulf, ~ .._.,. ...-.. 41" Ud rHponCS. dfflt,. O,.ng•. Stet• ol Ca111ornl•. H Bide "'9111>9 r lrl Ille OIMit the f Df'Ol*tY' llcl• 111111.,. reoatYed In t11e 111-de ao dlae. LN It "''°'-*'.,. cl9 IO 4111te. LN ta~.-••din LH I• lnfe<meolon llW clflellbfcl 11 lollowe: ldentllled •bove . tnd thtll I>• l.ot 41 of f1ee1 Ho 103•0. In lcl•l,.lfl•d 1oova, a11d th1lt b• a1gw. •la-.,._, Th• lllH I 1ddreH or other ooerl9d Wld l)\lblloty •..cl llOlld 11 1119 Clly ol lrYlnf. Couoty ot Otange. ooerl9d end l)\lbllely ,.... lloud et lat Utltd d•H• eollctt•• et ~1 Ualtd onea 1otlc;ll., 11 ~· Ulle<I 110.u eo11c11a1 t i common de1lgn1t1on of lh• IH I the ~tel.cl tlll'le end pi.., 8 tete ol Calllornla. H per MIP t11e •~tfcl tJme end~ conHJo de un ebog•do en tale conHJO <I• un 1bop1do en H I• OOnH)O de un "bogoch> en Hit P'OCl«'Y le 3176& CoMt HIQhWa,,. Tiier• Wlll.M no dfpotil raqutr.41 lfGOtdfcl In IOOk 472. Pag91 •II to Th«•wtl.,. no clapoelt reqvtrfcl ••wn l o . deb•••• hac;e rlo 1eun10. d ebt r 1 hec;.,lo • • 11 n 1 o • d e ll 1 1 1 o tr • c •, 1 o Unit 402, SOuth Laouna. Ctillfornla. tor MC:fl ... of blcl dooumfnu to !iO lnclutl'tf of Mltwll~• Map•. fat eecti ... of blcl doclumenl• 10 lml'llfdlatamente. o. "'' ,.,.,_,, INTlfdl1t1men1e. o. Mia men«a. tmmed111am.o10. <l• ••I• mClflfl'a, The leoal delcrlOtloll ot "" real ou.,1nl•• lh•lr return In oood In lhf omc. ol llMt County Afcorcl« gwiren••• their re1urn In good eu '"l>Vf'I• "°'"'· ti hey a1gun9. eu r~11 MCrll•. ti hey algunf. IU rHPUHI• Ol1L11•tlo11 ,1 h•Y pr09«1Y •• oondllloll within "0" d•YI .,. .. Int ol uld County oondlllOn wlthlrl "O" cl•)'I '"" Ille pilfde -rfQlttrlcl• • tlempO l)UfCI• .., ltgll lllCSI • tltrl\pO. •IQunt, PUtcle •Tf rtglat11da a Leguna Lido I 402. 31756 bid OC*1ino dal•. "\'OU AM IN o.l'A~T ~tll b1c1 apening.d&... t TO TH( 04!F!NDANT· A c1MI 1 TO THE OEFEHOAHT A CIVIi I~ CoHI Hlghw1y, South l agun•. t:.IOI bid mutt oonl0tm end b9 A DllD 01' TltUIT DATIO (.adi l)ld"'muet oontotm end be oomplalnf hH bM11 lllecl Cly the compl1ln1 hH b<Mtll lllea by 111• 1. TO THf RESPONDENr Th• Call1omlt. Apfr1tnenl 1402 on the ru pontlVI l o lh• cont1101 MA"CH n.I. 1MJ,. UNL.911 YOU ,..pontlv• 10 the conlteCI plalnUN agatn•I you II )'OU wllll to platnltlf egainll yov II you wllh 10 petlllOo•r hH rited a p11l1ton fou1lh floor OI Butldlng A and Oociulnfnle.. TAK I AO TION TO '"OTICT dooutnef'lte. • dfffnd lhll l~t. you mutl, within o.ffnd Ihle ltwtull, yau Mull, wttnln concwn1ng )O•" morrlage ti yau 11.M ll"IO' 130, llluatfcl on Iott Pend Each blddfr ehell eubfnlt, on thf YOUlt ,.,O,lltTY, IT MAY II Eacll b6dOtr lhell WOmll. on t11e JO <11y1 1f111 Ihle 1ummon1 11 H d•y• 1111r '"'' aummone 11 to fllf a rMpon111 .. 1111tn 30 d•r. of 10 ot 1119 Thr .. AtllhM Pll!Ndet lorm llltnllhfd wllh the contrllOC IOLD AT A ttUe&.JC IAlL W' YOU form turnllhfd with tllf cont,.ct Mfved on yov, n11 wUh tin CIOUf1 a -""' on you. rote with 11\11 COUf1 a Ille d•t• that 11111 summon• a « Ho 2, M lllOWfl on~ ffOOtdfd In ~ ... I Mat of lhe prQ9C)Md NCaD AN IX~NATlOM fW THI doounlen\I. a 1191 ot IN Pf090Md wrhttn r~ 10 1111 compielnl. wrilltn reeponae lo lllt compielnl .-WCI on you, your O.ltutl mty be book S, PIO" 18 end 17 ol A9oofd tubc:on1ractor. on !Illa Pf0)9c;t II NATU,_I 01' THI ,tllOCllDINQ tuboonlrac:tor. on tllla PfOjllct 11 Unlfla you do eo, yout def.ult wt11 U...... yau do IO, YOU1 o.lfUl1 wtll entwfcl ancl tlMt cou11 mey enttr • ..-..ye, In IN°"'°' of the County 1-ciulr9d Cly th• 8ubfelllng end AOAINIT YOU. \'OU IHOULD requllfd by the 8ublfttlng end bf ent«ed on 1pplle1t1on of lhf bf enltrfd on apptlc;a Uon ol 11\f Jlldtment con111n1ng ln)unctl•• Of Rfcxlrder ol the County o4 OrllnQf. &IOoonlNIGUng fllr Prac11we Acit CONTACT A LAWYltll." 9uboontrac11ng l'ttlr "8ctloM Act. plalntlN, end Ihle COUf1 ~enter a )laltlllfl. end IN• QOUl1 may tnltr • other O<Offt conc9fntng dl"'91oo 01 Slatf ot Calllotl'lla. Govt. Code a.ci 4100 ft eeq. 11 10 Wlldbrooll, llVlne. Catll«nla GcM. Coc1f Seo. 4 100 .t eeq. ludo,.,.,., ~11 you IOI' '"' 1aliel udQmfnl eoaine1 l'OU IOI 11\f 1....,. ptQS>erty, apouaat 1upp0<t. chlld Said Nie wtll be medf without Eich blddff muet 11Ubm11 with hi. 92714 Eich bidder~ eubmtt with 1111 o.mendfd Iii 1ne oomp1a1n1. whldl ~ In tllf c;omptWnl. wt>leh cuetOdy, c111t<1 support. ablorn•y ~• 0t watTtnty ,.gardlng 11111 bid ca rtltlecl or 011hler'1 oheok "(If • '""' eddr"' 0t c;ommon bid certified or c11lller'1 ch~k could •Hull tn g1tnl1hm1n1 ol ;ould •H ull tn oarnlthmant ol ...., coe1a end such olh« rellfl u poHH llon of encwml)rancff lo ~llblt to Ille DISTRICT « a bid dH lgntllon It 111own above, no peyabll to the 048TRIC'T Of 1 bid wegee, liking of money Of prQCl«ty #eQM. talllng ol mon.y 0t prop«ty may be grtntad by Ille c;ou<l Tire Mlllfy thf obllgatlonl MCUrfd by boncl In tllf fOfm Mt f0f1h In the wlrrt nly It g ive n •• 10 Ill bond In thf form Mt ronh In the 01 olhtr r•fltl 1equHlld In th• ,, otht1 Iffier 11quHl•d In lh• garnl1hman1 ol wngH, tellfng or end purMlll1t to the ~ of Mlf contr~ dooulntr'lta In an -• COfllpltt_.. 01 CO<rec:IOMa)" contrllOI doc:um9ftlt In an amount comptalnt ;omplaln1 '"<>nfY 0t propetly, 0t other c:ouft conffr,.O In tllel cwtllrl DMd of not Ifft then 10 1>9rc•n• of 1111 Tiit btnellctary undet ttld OMd not IHt then 10 perc•nt of th• D•lfd Jaouwy 11. 19112 DATEO: Februtry 17. 1982 1uthorlzad ptooet<!lnge m1y 91.o TN91 dllt9d MAY 1, 1N1. e>eeeutfcl mulmunl 1mount of bid H • ol Trull. by reaeon or • brNCtl Of ma ximum 1moun1 of bid ae 1 L .. A Branotl. Cterll J. PETERSON, rfllUlt bl' ARTHUR EVANS AHO GLORIA guanint• that IN bidder wlM .mer dffaull In tllf obllgallont MOUrfd guarani .. thal 1M bidder w111 tnl« SuHl'I L Cot0ta.n. Df9uty Cterll Oiied Novembef 211. 11182 J, EVANS H Tru1tor to FABER into the PfopoMCI contrac1 II Ille lheNby, fWtlolort·••KultO end lnlo 1119 ptopoMCI cont1act If 1119 HANUI a DONOVAN By. 81.11111 MoMt, Lee A. Brerioh, Clerk FINANCIAl INCORPORATED H 1am1 11 •warded to him. ~n thl dell11e11d 10 lht underalgntd a aim• 11 1w.,dfd to fllm. In thl 4000 MMAr1twr 9fYd. 1750 °'9111)' Herma E Botlkik. Otpull' Trutt• fat ROBERT P. KUTZ II 41Wnl of ltllure lo enter lnlo Mid wrltlen O.Ct111llon ol Otla"'I and _, of ltllure to 1t1ttr lnlo uld Newpon BHch, CA 112800 MARCUS DANI«\. Ml,_CHA'* WltMam H. Knobfl, IOl1 ll111ton benellcillary, -dfd MAY 11, 18111 contttct, euch Hcurlly wlll b• arul Dtmand for Sate. and wrltttn oontrtol, 1uch H ourlty wlll b• (71411151-2229 '101 Ow-ltl •-- Avenue, 8ullt I OI, lu•n• ,.,II, In book t4053, P•g• 1291, H lorlel1. " . notice of bleach •nd ot eltctlon to forlett. Publl•h•d Orenoe Coaet Dellv Tfllth F'- CaltlOfnta toe20, (714) 1214700. document number 18720, Of the DISTRICT r_.... 1119 right to oauM Illa und«tlgned lo Mii Mid DISTRICT 1_.,,.. the rlgtll to Piiot, O.C. 18, 23, SO, 1"2, Jen. 8, Woo«end ..... CA t1"7 Publl1hed Oronge CoHI Di lly Olflcitl Record• of 11\f County of ~ 11'1'/ «tit bldt Of to wtlw "lY prOP41flY to Mtllly "'0 01>1Jgatlon1. ,~ 1ny or 1111 bid• 0t to wtlW lfl't 1983 5514-112 (2U) 117·tl00 Piiot. Dec 9, 1!1. 23, 30, 1982 Orange, State o4 Clilltomla. lrrf0u&#1llM Of lnl0tmallt1'9 In ll'IY end 111trtaller the undarelgned lrf9gUlarlU. Ot lnlonnelltlM In '"l' Publtehed 011og• CoH I Delly 539!1·112 Nofloe ot DefMllt Ind Elfc110n to bid• OI' In'"' bidding. OIUMd .. ,Cl nollcf Of l>rtech a.nd of bide or In thf bidding. rueuc NOTICE Piiot, Dec. i , 18. 23. 30.· 1982 ------------Sell th• dHcrlbfd rH I prOP9rty Purtuant lo th• l>rovl1lon1 of tlfllllon lo be rec:Otd.0 Augual II. Pureuant 1o lht ~•lone of 5399·82 PUBllC NOTICE under H id DHcl of T11111 w11 Section 1773 of Ille Labor Codf o4 1982 H ln1tr. No. 112-276823 tn Sec:11on 1773 o4 the eoo. ol OAANGI COUNTY recorded 8eptM1ber 10, 11182 In lh• Ste le of Calllorn11. lh• bOOlt of Mid o n1o111 RfCOrda. th• S lit• o f Celllornle. the l~RK>A CCllURT P\lll.IC NOTICE · IUt>IAtOfl CO\MT Of' bOOI! nla. page nla, II docurMnt DISTRICT hu obtalnfd lrom 1119 S aid u l1 will be mtdl, but DISTRICT hH obtained from the 700 CMo Ctt.Dr. w .. t CALIFORNIA numb« 112-318117 In tllf Ofllc:lal Dlrac;tor ol lh• D•p.,tmenl of without covtntnl or w1rran1y. Olrtctor of th• Depufmenl or l4lftte AM. CA 127111 COUNTYOf'OflANOI Rfc;Ofda of "" Coullty ot er.ng.. tnduatrlt l R•l•tlon• th• gener•I IXpl-or lmplifd, lfgafdlng 11111. lndu11r111 Retellon• lh• gentrll .. LAINTIPr: IYCAMORI 700 Civic Ctr. Dr. WM1 Stale of Celllomla. pt911alllng rate ol Pf' diem WIQM potM&tlon. or encumbrancet, 10 Pfevallng llM ot Pf' diem W1IGfl 0 A AD IN & H 01110 W NI It & lanta Ant, CA 92101 Thie Nodoe i. ~In~ and tM 01f1W11 ptfllllllng rate lof pay 111t rtamalnlng Pflncit>al aum of end Ille Olf'IWll prevalllng 111, tor AllOCIATION.. , L A I N T I F F : " Ai H c H 0 wllh IN wrll'len ~tlon rnao. to holld•y and OY«tllM wOttl In tllf the llOll(S) MCUlfd bl' uld OMd of holid•l' Ind OY"111M wOttl lo Iha OE'INDANT: NTllt ... &ARO, WI IT W 0 0 D V I l LA 0 I thf Truet .. bl' Ille Ilk! 8eneflc:lary. loc:allty In which thil wor1I i. to b9 Truat, with lnlftNI u In uld note 1oc11tty In which thll wor1I i. to be AND DOI I 1 TH"OUQH XV , MOltEOWHEltl AllOCIATIOH. On l**llber 18, 1982. whlcll i. perlomlfd lat ~ cnfl Of IY1>f ol proYldfd, tdvt!"C'•· 11 any. undf< pertOtlMd IOI' MCf1 a.n 0t 1Y1>f of INCt.UlrVI. DIFINDANT: DONALD J . the dell of Ille tnlt ... publlcatlon Of worker need•d to uecull th• thf tetmt of .. Id OMd of Tnnl, worke r needed to u ecull the IUWOtd ... A u T I 0 A " • n d J I w I L 11111 Nollet Of Sale, the fOllowtng contrect. n-,.,.. .,. on Ne .. ..... CharQM end ••Plf'llN of '"' oontfect. n-tl lN -on "" et CA .. NO ..... e RAU TI 0 AN • C A II 0 L T • amountt ,._,Ille loi.I amount the DISTRICT ottlct loc1t9d at TrwttM and of 11\f lruttt crMl.0 by the DISTRICT ottlc• loc;el•d 11 NOTa I YIMI "9ft ._.... Wiid. .-..vMAH. encl 00«1 1 ttwouell ot 'th• unpaid t>elanc• of the 20•51 Cral,,,., Lan•. Hunt:;: MIO o..d of Tiual. 20451 c111m., Lallf, Hunt1~1:; Thi_. lftel' daoWI .....-)'IMI 11. lncluet¥'au..MOHI = -«I bl' the •~ e..dl, CA. Cop6ee "':bf ot>f Sfl<I Mii w\M be lle6d on Monday, Bwti, CA. Cop6ee may be obl ~ ::::..~ :-:;.. "'::: c-No S708M rMI P'°'*1Y to be on~ A copy "-rat .. Dectmt>tr 27, 1ta2 at 2:00 p.m 11 on~ A copy ot ti-rat• ....... ..._=--, .........._, • and rMtOnebfl' N llmatfd cot1a, at111 b9 poetfcl It the lob lflf, the Chapman A--tntranc:e. lo at111.,. poeted 11 the lob Ille. .... ..._.._ - IK>TICll You hlH ...... ....cl .•• p. n .... • n Cl • d y. n c... " ehtll be mandatory upon IM Iha CMc: Cfnltr Bulldlng. 300 Eat " lhall .,. mandefory upon the II )'OU with IO ... '"' ~ of n. -rt mer dfcldt .....,_, l'fll ~ CONTRAC TOR to whom t he Chtpmtn Avenue. In 11141 Clly of CONTRACTOR to who m lhl t n 11101n•y In Ihle m1t1.,, l'OU wtacMlt ,_ belnt llMrd llftlfM Unpelcl b1l1nct of obllglllon oontrect la -dfd. end upon fll"J Orange. Cllll0<nla oontrec1 11 -dfd. and upon an)' 9"ould do t0 P'OtnPl'Y eo that your ,.. rffPOl'HI wtthln IO., ........ 1110.022 31 tubcontrec10t undft him. to.,... ll01 NOllCE Al '"'"""of ..... bid• llUbOOnlleclOt \Hid« him. to PllY not wrllten IMPOf\M, II a.ny. m•y bf tlw '"1onnatlon bflow. ~ 11,000 00 .... tMn lllt Mid ~ retM 10 may bf rn•O• tn c .. 11 endto• 111e .... than thf Mid llP9Clllecl ,.t• to llltd on lime. lf youwillhlOIMll l"-ld\llof ol TotllAnlounllttt,022.31 .. wor11.,.~bylllemln1M cnh1era 01 ct rl llled c11eck1 .. wor11.,.~bl'them ln the AY llOI Utlld ha •Id• en 1ttornay In 11111 rn1t111. you Thf beneftc:lll "'""" undfr Ihle .. eQ.ltlon o4 Ille oontnic:t. epec;lllt d In CIYll Code section IXfOUllOn ot the contract. d•Mand•do. II trlbun•I p11fda ~ do 80 JHO<nplly 80 lhtl your Deed of Tl\dl end the obllgaUOnt No bldcl« ~ wlthdr-hit bid 292'11 No blddfr may wttlldf'lw 1111 bid ..... -It• Ud. *' ., .. , ... • wr11ten rNpOnH. If 1ny, m1y bf MOUrfcl therfby ..... ~ to IOI' • l*tod Of tlllrty (30) Nye aner A I I 11 e I Im. 0 I I h . In 11I11 for • l*'k>d Of llllrty (30) cs.ye .,.., -... Ud. ,......... ..... .,. llled on lime JOHN W. BAER bl' en ...ior-it the dat• Ml IOI' IN op«\lng ot blda. ;:>ubliCatton of Ihle notlee. the total m. data Mt for thf apen1ng Of bide. de•..._ LM le"*"-"".,. AV I 8 0 I U • I • d II 1 • Id o dalfd JUllf 15, 10&2. end NOOl'dfd A pay m • n I b on d • n d • 1moun1 ol tllf unpaid b•l•nG• ot the A pay m • n 1 b o n d 1 n d a ....,.. d•Mandado. l!I trlbuntl p111d• """' 111. 11142. In I><><* n/a, pege perlormanof boncl wilt b9 requlrfd ot>tlglllon SfCurtd by Ille above per10tmlll0f bOt)Q wlll be NqUirfd &t Utled duH t ollc1t1r a l deotdlr contre Ud. •In tlldtfncle • n I • • 1 d o cu m • n t n 11 m b • r pttor to .. fCUtlon of the contraci d •a c, 1 bed I'• 1 d o 1 1rus1 a nd prior 10 .. eQ.ltloll ot lhf oontrlCI conNjOf d• un abogldo en ••• -que Ud. ieaponde dffltro 82·210005, In Ille Ofllcltl Recordt Ind thalt be In the form Mt fonh In H tlmllt d COlll. upa ntta. 1nd and 11\111 be In IM form Mt forth 1r1 I I Un I 0 · d I b • 1 I I h I Cl •' I 0 de• cltaa. LM la lnlonneclon.,. ot thf County of Orwlge, Stall of IN contrect dOCWMntt. advancM la "1.a•0.93. 1119 contract ~ta. lmtnfdl1t11Mnte, <If Mt• manera, ......_ CtlllomlL Purtuant to Section '690 of the To dttermlne the ope ning bid, Punuanl 10 S.Ctlon 4590 of thf IU INC>UMI• HCt1t•. ti hey tlguna, -l»-U•led d•tH aottolt., ·•I 'fhr•undallgiNd· -appol111ed Oorit•iilWlt Cod9· ot 1f19•9t ... 'Ot-·9ou mlY e•q {H4)~8333 ••· ····-. ·~ f C--odf"of the Stlifli ~wNQ!etradl'a tlempo;- c;onHjo de un abogedo tn tale and 111b1thutfcl u Tn.;11 .. under Cllllomla, t11e oontrK1 wll contain Dall· NoYffTlbef 23. 1982 C.itfomla. the 'Xlnlrw;t wtl oontlin t. TO TH( DEFENDANT: A cMI I I Un IO . d I t> e 1 I 8 h IC I r IO 0..0 of Trutl by a 1ubttltutlon Of'OYllionl permlttlnO Ille IUOCeMflll C E HT RA L CA p ITAL PfOYltloM l*'fllllllng tlle -II.II complt lnt hH bffn flled by lhe lmmedl111mento, de "" man«•, datfcl .iun. 15, 1982. end NOOl'dfd blddfl' 10 1Ubetltute eeourttlM for CORP blddft 10 tube1l1ul• -'!lee fat ptllntlll IQalntl you, II )'OU wllh to "'tflC)Utl9ta ..ct11a • ., hey lligline, Junf 111, 1882, In boOk nla. PIO' I ll)' mon•Y• wlthh•ld by the aa uJd TruatM 1ny money• wllhheld by the defend 11111 ...._,.,, l'OU mutt. within ~ -reglllradt • lltmpo. n / 1 a a doc um ant num b., DISTRICT 10 en111te Pfrlor~ 8 y T O S E RV IC E DISTRICT to eneure perl0trnat1Cf tO day1 11111 thl1 eummont It 1. TO THE DEFENDANT A cMI 112·210049. In thf Olftdel Recordt undft 1119 conlract. COMP4NY, ur>dtr Ille contrllCt. Mtved on )'OU. Ille with 11111 c;our1 a comp111n1 hea b11n tll•d by 111e ot the Coullty o4 er.nge, State Of Gowmtng loef'CI IO"'' o-n1ng Boerd wntten r~ to 1111 oom9'111nt. p!Mnlltl again II you If )'OU wttfl 10 Cllllomk. 8"erry 8erlow. Cl«tt LO<rle WomlCk. at.'ry Bartow. a.ti Vnlotu )'OU do IO, )'04lf def IUll wlll ~ lllle lawtull, you mutt, w1W11 Dlllfcl. Dllotmbft 14, 1982 PwblllMd Ot-ang• CoHt Dally AUlsttnl Sfct411•'Y Publl•hed Oi'enge Coaet Delly be entered on ~lcatlon ot Ille M clayt titer !Illa aummon1 11 CHRISTOPHER A. COLE Piiot Ole. i . 18. 1982 3833 Ct mlf'O 011 Rio Piiot. O.C. i . 111, 1882 p4alntllt, lll'ld W. ooun lnliY '°"' • ..,wc:r on you, Ille with 11119 oourt • Tf\MM IW()t..82 South. • 5404-9? ~I IQllntt )'OU for the r..., wrtltfn reaponM lo IN oomplllnt. 506 Qty ,..,..,,,,.,. Wflt Su11f 204 d«Mnded rn the oomplllrrt, wtllcl'I ~you do eo, )'Cl"' defeult • ._ IOo San Dltoo. CA 9210840« P\aJC NOTICE could rH utt In garnlt hm1nt ol bf 9"tered on 1ppllca11on ol 1119 OrW1Q1. ca. t2ee8 "8.JC NOTICE (11 li) 584-821111 WIQN. tlklng ol f110MY Ot P'oe>«1Y J*lnllff, Ind 11119 COUf1 may.,,._• Pulllllhed t>rang41 Coul Dally ··--c--_ Publlaf\ecl O•tnge Coest Dally NOTICl,!!!C~U!!!.!'I IAU or oth., rffla f lfQUHtad In the Jlldorntn• agllln11 you for 1tl9 rtiltf Pilot, OfG 18. :n. 30, 1982 ...__ ..,_., .... Piiot o.c: 2 9 16 1982 .... --complalnl denllt>dfd In '"' comcfalnl, wNd1 ~2 c~ . . . . YOU AM IN O«FAUl T U*>ER ,. Ottfcl Oc!ob« ti. 1882. could niault In g11nl111m1nt of COUNTY Off' ~ 5273-!12 DEED Of' TtllUIT DATED AUQUIT L• A Brandl, C1ettc •1Qf9. taklr>g ol money or P<opft1y PUlJC NOTIC( 719 a.to CtJ. Or. w.t rtllJC M)TIC( U . 1t7t. UNLI II YOU TAKE Herma E. BotUc*. D1prtr o• olhet relfet r1que1lad In th• ...... AM, CWJ't1 ACTION TO .. ftOTICT YOUlt UNDQMM MID~ oompleinl NOTIClfWTMllTal'&IALI "LAINT!Pr: NILLll OAIL "'OP£11TY,IT MA\'MIOL.DATA 1nt1'"'-...... Dlltfcl· Januaty 20. 1982 T.a ..... 1• l\AMCH ~ AaeoaATIOk t"Uel.IC IALI. •\'OU •to AN T ...... CA.- Laa A Branch, Clf(I( NOTICE YOU ARE 1H DEFAl.JU DIPIMOANT1 JAM•I ALLIN (S-. t101-e107 U.C.C.) UP\'.ANATIOH OF TI4m NATUM ('M4).....,. C.Wegll.,,Oeputy UHDERAOE.EDOf'TI'IUST.DATED andDOIE•1 ........ tl,............ Notice la hereby given to OF Tifl PfllOCl£DIHO AOA'"IT PubHthfd Ot'ang• CoHt De ity HAltRtt. DOHOVAH AP.RIL 21, 111112. UNLESS YOU . ~-CtfclllOll ol '"' wllllln n•m•d YOU. YOU •MOULD CONTACT A Pilot.°"°· 18. 23, 30. 111U, Jen. a. 4000 MKArthuf 8"rd. •7SO TAKE ACTlOtl TO PROTECT YOUR c-.... rr.-.zr "-*""' lhll • ~ ,,.,,..., .. LAWYl.ll 1813 6512-82 K-42112 OAANOI COUNTY MUMC•AL COUfn - HAMOft JUDICIAL DllTIIK:T ..,~ ....... d. .... ,_.9Mott,CAl2701 .. LAtN'rll'f': DIHTAL CAf>ITA.L LCAltNO. • tubtldlMy ol DIJfT AL CAJ'tTAL. CON'OftATIOM. Dlf'INDANT1 DOUOLAI MUM'ttV, D.D.I . Ilka OOUOLA& llllUN'Wf; 00.1 1·100, IMMM t\IMllDNI c.. ....... NOTICll Yev heft Meft ~ The -1 lftel' deGWf l!llllNI ,__ '""-' ,_ -..,. ........... rov,._.,...wltNll • ..,......., ... llllonudofl ........ II l'OU w1th lo IMll 11\f 9dllQ of an. atlorn•y tn lhla mall.,. you ahoutd do t0 promplty ao thal YOA.K wrlllen 1HpooN. If 1ny. m1y bf flied on Ume. AVl&OI Uat•d au t l do d•m1ncl1eo. II lrlb11nel p11•d• dMtlllr -tta Ud. .... ~ • -... Ud. ........... .,,," df IO ..... L" la Ill""-"" ... .... "'81 Ua"9d--4••••··~11aU•~· ~ conH jo 'd• un aboo•do t n H I• 11un10 , d•b•rl t h 1 c 1rlo lmmfdltl.,...,,t•. 0. Ntl l'llAl>ftl. tu rt1PUNIA NC:tlta, ti ha)' llgunl. Pl*" -rfglttrade • tlem90. 1. TO TH£ DEFENDANT: A CMI compt1tnl hH been fll•d by th• ptetntrfl egllMI )'OU. II ~ will\ to deMnd Ihle .._,,,, you mutt, with ao dl)'I '"" 1111• IUmfT\.Onl ,, lft\lfd on )'OU. fllt with lhlt bour1 • wnt1en tMf)onM to lhf c;omp1e1n1. tJnlMa )'OU do IO. youl' defelllt ww4I bf «11.,fd on applleetton ot thf Dltlnllfl. end Ihle oour1 nwy entft a ludgmtnt agtlntt )'OU lat thf relllol dfman6ed In "" comfllalnl, ~ coulcl reaull In g1rnl1hm•nl ot W119". talclnO ot ~ « Df'oe>«1Y or olh•r r•ll•r reqwHled In th• complllnt Oettd· Ocl()()fr 27. 1982 ~ • Ut, • 1111 1 . ,. ::•~=" •1 ,.....IV, llO'ncelY• ....... .,..~. =:: ._:.1: = ................... 111,.•m 111-...w. It )'Oii wllfl IO ... W. lllf'llot -' e n 11101n9Y in 11111 "'"!..,1 rou ~ do to pt~ IO llW l'O'# wrlllen rMl>OnM. II tny, ~ M • lltfd on um.. AYtlOI UeC•fl 91• 1lfl• '-......... ,. ...... ~ ........... w.... • .......... w..~-­.............. .... Tiu1t1d d• .. • eo11011•1 et conMfO d• un •bOCltdo en MC• 11111110 . d•b •rf1 h•O•r lo tmmedlll-141. -.... ,,_ .. tu IMPl*tl fllCl1la. II hl't llguNI. puede -......,. ... Uempo. 1 TO TH• DU£HOAHT. A oM1 c;ompfalnl h•• llfffl ftlfd bl' tM pllllltllf agalnet ~ •• )'OU .... to dflencl Ihle lawNt. )'OU muet. ~ 18 d1y1 11ter 11111 1um111on• 11 lft\lfd on ~. ,.. wlttl tNI oour1 a wr111en ~ to the OOlftC*llnt. UnlMe you do IO, )'OI" cMifaM .. be enter.a on applleallon of tl'le plllntltt. and thlt ooun ,,.,.,, .,..., a ludgmenl fOllr\lt you tor ht ,...., demlf'6fd {n "" ~. "'*" coulO r1111lt In garnlehm•nt of wagaa. tell.Ing ot money or property or othtr 1•fl•I requ .. tfcl In the oomplttlrlt. Oe1ed: JuM iJ..19'.12. Laa A. 8rencll, VllWtl C.K ...... ~ U MID..U 17'1111n1M ..... T .... CA- {n.)MM719 Publl•h•d 0 1ano• COHI Dally PMol, O.C. 18, 23, 30, 1N 2, Jlf\. 8. 1983 6617-ea ACTITIOUe.,._11 N.AmlTA......,, The following .,..._,. -doing bUtllMM aa: (1) 3D DEVELOPMENT; (b) RIVtRVIEW CENTER, 1072 8.E. 8tltlol. Ste. 102, Santa A-. CA 92707 Joeepl\ p. o.utacn. 172 , K.'"'91 Rel .• Neowpol1 ewti. CA 92MS. . Joeeptl A. OeutaCfi. 225 a.nta An1 Ava , Newport Beech, CA 92883 &ther B Dllutach, 225 8enla Ana Ava., Newport 8 11ch , CA t2e8S Ray P. Otmac:tlfkS, 1072 S.E. Bnstot, lkAtf 102, Santa Ana. CA 92707 Thia ~ It oonducled by • ~~. Joeeptl p. Dtutactl Thia ...,_,. -fllfd wlCl'I "" Col.wlfl' CleC-tc ot Orang. County on o.c:. 10, ti82. ~ Publlt hfd Oreng• Cou t Dally PllOt. Dao. 18, 23. 30. 1882, Jen 11. 1883 .• ~? NM.Jc-NOTtCE -- '.C:TnM>UI Wll N.Am aTAT'DmNT '"" tOllOwlng ,,.,_,. -doing ~-PLAYTIME RECORDS, 2421 NfwpOt1 81¥c1 •• Ho. 3. Cotta ....... CA. 92927 Multl Lin• Inc: .• • Callfo11ll• oorporatlon. 2'21 Neowpol1 ........ Ho. 3. Costa MMe. CA. 92$27, Thia bllW-" conduc14lcl by • oorpOtl lkln M\1111 Lint Inc; • p P1"1la PrMidfm Thia .. .,.,.,,.,,t ... flltd wtttl the Counfl' ctettl ol er.ng. County on Diie 10. 11182. ...... Pwbtll llecl Orang• CoH1 Oally Piiot. Dllc 18, 2S. 30. 1882. Jan .•• 1M3 (71•) 851-22211 PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A NOTICll ... ..... ..... ebout to II• m•d• on P•r1on11 On OfGfmC>ef 22. 19112 ., 100 Publlthed O••nge Coeat Oall PUBLIC SALE. IF" YOU NEED AN TIM -' _, ........... ,_ propsty ,_..,,.,... dMcribed. P m . PEEL l E F I HAN CI 4 l Piiot, Dec 111. 23. 30. 11182. Jtn. . !XPLANATIOH Of THE NATUllE ......... ,_ ....... ....... .... The n11M1 and~ IOctr-CORPORATION U duty appolnlfcl • J P9t--.~ 0 . Crotfy. Otputy ........ oOM>ON 1 taoueeo, 11e10 YflllW• IMM., ..... 111111, llldM, CA t14ll, (111) 1t1..- Publl1hed O"i:r: ¢oaet Dally l"ICTTTIOUe • H•ll Pilot, Diie. e. 18, • 20, 198~ Tllf ==~ clolng 19&3 OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST l'fll ~ .-.i •...,.. .._. ol the lntendfd l11n1f9rot1 llf: TrualH under and put1u1n1 10 5518-e2 YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A tllf ............... ........ DAVI D POGGI end SUELLEN OMd of Tn"t 19CO'dfd AUOUll 21, ------------•LAWYER. If )'OU wlllll to IMk the lclvtoe of POOGI, 26S21 81r•nl1, Laguna 1879, u Intl. No. 211787 In bOOk PUBl.IC NOTIC( On fr1dey, Januery 14, 1te3, at en attorn91 In 11111 Mlll9f, ,ou Hiiia, CA. 13277 pa ge 1211 1. or Olflolat ------------9 : H A.M .. !oonomy E1c row thould do eo promptly eo llllt )'OIN The kloatlon In Callotnll ot IN Record• In 1"9 off~ ol Ille County "~a:a__,_n--" Corpo11llon 11 duly 1ppolnted wrlllen reeponM, If eny, may bf oHef -~ otftce Of ~ Recorder ot O rang• County. _... " _,,., T1utlff under and put1111nt to flltd on time. b111ln•11 ollloe of lhf lntencl.cl c.Hlornlt. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC TM tonowtno l*"Ol'I• .,. doing DHd of Toit) r.cordfd Mey 4, Av I. 0 I u. t. d .... I ... ttanetarore ,. 26321 l•renll. AUCTION 'TO HIOH!ST BIODER ~ M : 1982 u lnttr No 112·152410. ot 4il•111a11dad•. •I trl•unal .-H• Leouna Hiiia, CA. FOR CASH, CASHIER'S CHECK OR COTTAGE COff'EE SHOP, M2 ~ A.coot~ In ihf oflloa olttie deddlr...,. U& • llll81 1111a e All otn.r bulln ... n&mM and CtATIFIED CHECK, (P•l'lble at :'is~'" S UMI. Cot11 M .... CA County Afcordft ot °'AllO' County, -... Ufl. ,.......... .... ICldt.-d UMd bl' '"' lntfnded lime of .... In lawful ITIOl"Y of '"' PfUI Ng 10052 Kulcul Dr1Y9 Stll• of Calllornla. EJc.cvlfd I>)' de•..._ LM la......_,'" tranlfwOt wtthln tfvfe Y9"$ IMt Unllfd Sttl•l •I'"-North ent•anc. ...,_ • ...,.. ,."}~~ c a .....,... • PHILIP W. KLINKEAT. I~ man ....... p eat 10 ler at known to th• lo the coun1y courthouM, 700 Civic ........ -.... on ........... "' ... .._ Ill flvor of K " B ENGIN(ERING, llf Ull•d d•H• 1ollclt1t •I lntenclfcl tralleMI .. -HONE. Centat Dr!Yf West. Sanll Ana. CA Mey Ngan, 10052 KUkul °""9, INC a C1111om1a ~atton WILL con .. Jo cl• un abogado •n Nie Thi -end ~ ~ Ill tight. 1111' end lnler•I convf)'fd Hl#lttngton Belctl, CA 92&t8 SELi\. AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO t I u n Io, d e b • r 1 t II I C e r Io of thl lntend9d tranafer•, I•: lO and now helct bl' II und4r UICI Thia bu..,_ le conductfcl bl' a HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH ~If. <If mtl INIMrl, 8 AA0£UN Iv. 911 f,_-. Aw .. DHd ot Ttual In lhe ptope rly general P9M""9hlp. lpeyablt 11 tlrM of Nie In lawful eu ~· -'la. al 11.ty llgun&, ~· II. Long a.en. CA ~. allualed In aald County and Stell PAUL NGAN mone o4 the United 8181•) ., IN ~ -reQll1fada • tlempO. That Ill• propfrty P•rlln•n• de9Ct1bed •• Thlt llaleinenl wu !!led wtth .,_ tron1 enl,.nelf to tlMt Old OrlflO' 1 TO THE" 0£F'EHDANT: A oMI -..011dlaol'lbfd1r1---' e1; M f ife rH I propa<iy In Ille Ory ol ~ty10Clet1t1.,,,.20f OrAllOf ~ on Counw CourthouH. 1oc1tte1 on c;omplalnt hll t>..n nlecl by I of th• 1tocll·l1Hracfe. turnllutt, Coal• MtH. County of 0 ,.1\Qf, ._.. • ..., -.. S e nta An1 Blvcl .• b •t we•n plelntllt 1Q11net you." )'OU wWI lbmll'fl, 9qlliomfftt, goodwtl and Stell ol Callfornla. PARCEL 1: IJnlt r-8yoamorf 81. & ltotdw9)', s.nta dfMrld l"'9 lewlUlt. )'OU ""*. lraOe '*'"' of a~ donut af'°P 1 u allown end derlllfd on lh•I Publl1hed Orang• Coell 0.lly ,.,..._ CA ,. 11g11t. 11111 end lnt-t H c1ay1 '"" thl• 1ummon1 I lbuelfllll .tnd i. loctd.o et 24111 _,..,,condominium pllll 1-6ed Plot. Dec. 18. 23. 30. 1982. Jan. t. con~ lo anc1 now held bl' II ~on you, fllf w'1h INI ooun t Allolt ,..,kway. L1011n1 Hiiie. Ffb<wary 211. 1979 In 800ll 13060. tM3 5427~ wncl• Mid OMd of Tru1t In the wrtt1wi nttpOnM to the ~ OelfomM. p1g9 126• of OtllOlel Aecofd1 of FICTmOU...,..... ...-tTAft._..,. ~~Uoltowln~ p!fton I~ ~o . --u: PREPS "R" US, I 14 Agile, 8lllboe llllnd, CA 92982 Mar°" E11tn WMtherholl. 415 E~atft, BIJt>oa, CA 82te 1 fhM ~ •• c;onductfcl by lft tndMdull. Mwelt 1'-W"1Mrholl Thia ... ,_, -llled with tM CQunty Cl«IC of Orano-Coynty on Oec. 10. 19112. "*101 Publl1h•d 011nge CoHt Diii)' Plot, o.c. 18. 23. 30. 11182. Jen. e. pr()9ffty lffultfd In Mid County UnlfM l'OU do IO, 'fOIJI _.,.... TM~'*"' ueed by tht Orange County. Calltomla. PARC€L and Stl1f deeortbed M: bf enl.red on appllGftlon of lM lllld t1••or1 11 Mid tooatlon 11 2. An undMdfCI 50 Pf'CltrYt Int-I PAROE\. t: Lot tll ot T1aat No. P411nttft, end ltlll COIKI "'«Y ff1'lr ftOYAL 00HVT8. Ill and lo LOI 1 of Trac1 Ho. 10411, 7800, In IN dlty ol NfwpOt1 e.oti. JudCltNnt IQllnlt ~ for.,. That H lcl Clulk 1ran 1fer It aa 1howo oo • m99 r9Cora.d In 11 '* mec> -dfd 111 800ll 804, Clffl*ldfd fn the oomplalnt. wflll:lfl tnWndld to be ooneummat.o 11 IN e ooll •48, P•O• 22 end zi of P•O'l'f' ff 1~HH litetu•W. 'O eoutd·•nu+t lft ~-·--"'Utftgraf 8unow ea-eump.n,. ·--·Mepe. _... .. M..........._ ~. In Ille ofllol ol wagat, tailing o4 moMY « 11'°'*11 1879 !!mt Unoofll A__., Orenoe. Oranoe County, Calffornla. loOfl'*' 11\f oc.iril)' Rfo«der ot lllld Ol'Afl09 or ot11•r rell•I r•queated In the CA HeN on or aft• DeoembfJ 11, wllh ell 1mp10••m..,I• lhar•oll, County, CeflfomlL oompialnl. 1912. e1109Pllng tllttflrOll'I COnclominium PARCEL 2: Hon .. c1u1111e Dalfcl M.y 1a, 1882. Ttlll bulk tran1fef II eublfc;'t to nlll 1 and 2 tocll•d thereon. ~_. -"11 IOt' lllgr.-Lfe A. ltWICll, Ctartc Calllornl1 Unllor111 Comm.,alel PARCEL 3: Ao axelull\09 MMmtnt and .--ptlyl1• ttr..te • Halen M. °""'· Dac>ulY CoM lectlOtl etoe. eppurt9"a.nt lo MC:fl unll for thf UN aet torlh In th• d•ct1r1tlon of M.-& DCMbVAN The n~ •nd 1ddr"' of the end °""pency of thOM ponlon1 of 00111n1n11. c;ondtttona a nd 4000 .._.,.._ '"'-1150 l)WIOfl wltll wtlom'cllk'nl tnll' be the l\Htrlc;tad Common A1H rmtl'IGtlonll lllOwn hfreln. ~~.CA t2MO llled It IU,.tllOW 1!8CAOW dMlgneted In Ille 0.Cluallon ol Th• etr"t adcllf•• and oth•r (7141 N1·222t OOMPAH'I' 1879 I. t.tnooln Ave., RHl1lollon1 end shown on the oommon Clflllgnauon. If fll"J, ol IN Pwbll•hfcl Orang• Co111 Diiiy Ofenee. QA t2tN lf1d the i.t o.y condominium plan IOI aach unit. '"I pr()9ffty d"orlbfd 1bove 11 Ptlol, 090. 11. U . '°· tH2. Jan. I . for filing clMnl bl' lnJ Of9dll« INlt Tru11or or record owner I• R C. ponfcl 10 bf. No. i Rue VlllaA. 18113 bf Daoambar ao. '*· ..... II"" EA VEHSWORTtt •• lllno .. men. BMdl. CA 82fMIO &at~ bu at n a a 1 d 1 y b • 1 or• t tie Th • llrHt addrH• end other 542442 under•lon•d T1u111• oon1ulftlftallon d•t• 1peolfled comn1on ~llOfl. II '"Y· of the ------------d ll Clalmt 1ny ll1blllty for •nt ------------•bolle. H I prOl)frly dHC•lbfd lbO~ •• 1N3 PU8l.lC NOTIC£ FICTmOUI """'911 llAm aTATIMIMT The toltowlno pereon I• ctofng ~-8PlAICER8 BUREAU OF OAA~Gl COUNTY, 27tll Shell, Corona dfl Mer. CA 12826; P.O. ._ 0188, 8'lboa laland. CA nell J~ftf Anne Cl*'k, 2111 lhll. Corone <Ml Mar, CA t2t28 nw ~ "conducifd bl' .,.. lndMOllll. Jeoquellrlf AIWWI Clll'll T'hll etat-t -llltd lliflh the OcullY Cltrtl. Of OfWlgl Coun1y on De. 1'3. 11182. ..... ,ut>~.O Or•no• Clout Deity Plot. Dteo. 1t. 23. 30, 18112. Jen. f , ~ ot IN w.et ~ rtllJC M)TIC£ o.t.d: Nowrnber Q, 19'2. purp0rled to be 26' 15th SI • Unll encl other common dfe!OMtlon, If laroeun!Y A. Cotti Mtat. CA 12827. rr;.lllOWnhertln. •Mlrl lftWndldTr..,...,... Th• und•retiined Trutl•• Sllcl H ie wlll bf m•d•. 1>111 NOT1CI °',...Me •uClllOlltd Or•l!Jif Clout Dalty 011cl1lm1 1ny tf1blllly for t ny without coven1nt or warrtnty. IM.S~-:.C,':'°.,. Piiot. Oeo. tt, 1tlt lnOOrrectnHt ot IN •ll'Ml .Odrtu ~=.:..'":*'mr:::.. ~o NMOU&. "'°"!."..!!.. -..~ ~· . =. ~ ~·ion. " P''t ht rfftlllnlng PftnolpW eum of NOTICE 18 HtM8Y -•..,. ...., 1ld U lt wlll be made, but Ille noMCal -.a by Ilk! o.cl ot Ctw1• Equtpmant IAelll'lt Clor'D.. without co11•n1111. 01 w1tral\ty, Tiull. wllh Int""' thareoo. •• wlll hold a publlo HI• ot the ~ °' im911fd, reo-Otno ,.,,., r~cMded· .-.!'!.~~II.of. ~ IOllO!llrlno duorll>•d r•rtonal ~"°"· or ~brano... 10 .,......, ,,,. _,,_ -._. ~ ft the 110UJ of 1:00 Lift. • ... "'1 Ille UllPlld l>lllnc. of the not• ol ruet. feH. ohergH e nd 01\ o .. _,,l>•r 10, 111~ Tiit to1fo wl11g p•tton flH aec:urfcl bl'Hlcl DMd ofTNlt, Ml. ~Of'"' Truat .. end o4 IN ~, .... °'vo.ty Mlml1 •_. ..,.1do111ed ttie _.Of .. ~ ohergH. 111d upenu1 of th• tru111 cr .. ted by M id 0..d of at 1 ,_ Mowen tr-,, bullrlell IWM: Tn..t• lftCI Of Ille trultl cnat.a bl' Truitt. ltoll)MICMI, CA t1eot. II~ Of THI HOMI ~ 1tT1 ... Deed Of Truet. The totll _. ot,,.. ~ IN"'*"""" .. beglft M lO:IO ~111 L ..... ~QA ..AJ 1ll Ulll.t Q.f lht lnlllJ I ~ of thf ~I eeQnd Ul'l. It .S......... pljbitca1t0ft Oltllit notlce, ihf !Olaf by th• Pf'op«'tY to M IOld 11nd 'TM...,,. to be lllMI 11; AIWIV N. Hl"IHKOWITZ, amounl Of the~ btlence 01 the rH1onabl1 1tlllftat•d ooet 1, ~. CL too ComtltltHn, HOO l llepl..,_ LW, OIMlond obllglllon ..wr.o 117 the above ,. ..,... end ldWrloal IC .. tllM ..,. .. Ho. HO~~ ... CA,,,.. dHCt lbld dted 0 trull •110 OI Ille lnltllf publloatlon ot the (Our-.,OJ With .....,.. """· Tit• 'lotltloul lhelMN N9M9 "t11111tecl coell. ••'9nM• •M &441~ ,,..... of .... 1e tn1.no.11. ~ l>Ulli...,, ti IC. t Diiaiia ,_..,, •• to nove ... mee 1n edYlllOlt" 1u.M1.a . Tiit belllllldolrY under Mid Deed -·~ ~ OOunty Oii .., .. ,..,., 1', Tiie ~lery und• Hid Diec! P\llJC M)JIC( Of Tt\Mll '*-tofore •eolMd MCI laid ~llpment .. M .... Ill lfl ,.. Of fMI lletelofM IJC9CUl911 and , 1 dell,,.,.d 10 111• unct•t•lontd • .. ,. I•' oondltton. Ollarttr Hiney N. H.-owtta, HOO d•l!v•r•d 10 tiw und~l911ec1 t ~.~· =nc1~.':. :n~tt= =~~~~ tt:1' ... LW. DlefnOncl ..,, ~~~n!:':':!:. :'nd .-: .. m ~ to"Crirlno '*'"" I• dOll)O NotlOf of o.iut 111c1 Ei!!Otlon to Tfl• proo9'«1• ol 111a .... ,... Tllll '"""-• ~ ~ Nolie. of o.teun .net lltCllOfl to ~~'fWATI" IYITIMI -=lo.~ '=::r:'c.-e='ion-:: ~~~:. ':: =::.:= "'--~ft~ t:ic!n:t ~ned:i'=~Mlct ttOWI QINOV, t17H ~ ... •A ..._ ,_..._.. ,_ ----.. Pfot>el1Y efter ....._ ..._ •111 -..... 1· 1 w ,1 --.... ....,. ...._ W t• .. _ ---............ - Cllde. . A.lrv~llw CAtl1fl ...;,,;-.--~ie-;-"• Ill,." ... Of r•t•lc!tlt ltotl~j a· ... ~·· ... ~~ .. ~ ~.t,;,~~·-f ... ~ tC(lfl H • 1IO Dete: ~· 11, ''911 ........ , fer ... ..,.,....... ~ oonM ..... ltdeWleoo •. CA IOOHOMV 110,.0W •etllng aid per•o11el P(~ty, ' ,CtlLI fl AHOIAL tMlrleM It oondurofed ~ lft O<>f'P 111oluGlln'-, tiu1 not llmlt•~_!!1 A La C()fWI. . M Mid TNNle aUOf'"9Y ' feel IM Oltltlf ..... ,.. .......... -ett c.mit1o Dt U "9Me, ~I< Howe IN bat Third 8t,..t. ...,__. ....... ..... CA-"'"9 #400 • o.;.,~·~"-:..~': ~~'UJ.•'~ GWflf&~o• ,__ =oieoo CAntoe ·-----..w rrW. ~~::= ,.,.....,. Ofllftl9 c..t OtillY lt1 i .... ~1'0 -.---:, .. ---...._ 0.. If. II, ID. ~ ~. t. v-. ....,,..,., .._ ~It Ot~ a..t ~·..,,.. -,.. • l'ocn1 1 r..., .-,."""'~ ~'"''*' OfllNe eo.e ~ ""' Dee. ... ---lcAcit l. w o.i:. -Ml o.ect ---, •• , ... :t o.o. te.·~ fl. 1 ... JM I,' •• ~... _._, W•'Aa Hllllll? ~ .... .._ f'.,.._ C..et ~ ........ .... Idle ll9fM t.U-M11 .... ..,. Dteo. •• ... "" ------------1 bullr..a -NEWPORT HILLS TRAVEL. HM S.. MIOWI DrM, ~ OU.. COUNTY ...... CA t2llO &ul'INOR COURT .....,.... JoMI Dm1. 117 V-. 791 C"'8 ctr. Dr..... Bonita, Neowpol1 BMdl. CA t2l90 ..... AM, CA..,.., Tl*~ II oondudad by en "LAINTlf',t WOODllD• ~. VILLAO• CO•DO••••u• E.llDblth JoMI Dall AleoctA T10lf. Tllll ltet.,,.,,. -Ned with tfle DVINOANT: M>V A. 8TAMCM, County a.11 ot OrlflGI Coumy on lltlllfl A. ITANICH, MICMAU NOY. 29. 1te2. ~ Pullllahfd Ora11ge CoHt Dally Piiot, DIG. 11. 2S, IO, 1112. Jan. t , 11 •WDN9 IT AMCM. AND DOet 1 """'"9fl cw-.... xv.~, .... NOTICE v .. tleft Meft ewd. CAM ....... .... ,._ _..., ........... ,.. MOnCSI .............. .... .......,. ,_ ..... ._.. ....... ""-' ..... ........ 1113 ,. 55C)9.G ----...... .,.. "8e4ll .., --,.. .~ •.....--...... ,...,, .... ....... .... "8JC M>11C[ tM.....,,. 1•1A ....... ,.. ,....... wlNll .......... -""""".===~~~=~-",OU wW110 .... IN advtoe of .. _,aia•H ...... . an 11tornf)' In thl• lftllter. l'OU II yOll wltfl to ..... .ovtoe of ..... 8TA~ =°:..-:on~.:.":.:: en lttOffl•Y In 11111 !Miter, Yo\! The lonowtftO ~ le dOlng fllfd on tlmt ~ do IO prornptfy IO Viet 'f04' ~ -.. VI IO I U • t • ..... a 11 ... 0 written tf190t!M, II any, IMY bf ROOEf'l'S 8f'l.YWALI.. 19tt .. • " • m.a on Umei A111ll•lm It., olle Me11, CA de•911fl.i•. ti lrttl•it .. pwfde A V f I 0 I U 1 t • 41 II a e 1 tf e ""27 .... _....~=· a..::.: .._alHflfl•. 11 t1llt.11el p..e. "ooer I •• ~clere. 11lt -.. I .._.. ....,_ U& • ft I a An1h.,"' St., Cotta w ... , CA ... ._.._.. .in.--.. w,,...........,.1M11 Trv.1.a er .... aorraftar i r -.!...._'-,. .,._,'" .-. ..A.~•.oor * • 11.-.. conH fO d• un •boO•do '" HI• lll U•t•d d•H• 1ollalf1r •I Aooer L Alldarw •• u n I 0 . d. b ., f. 'h . 0. r I 0 tonMJO d• un tbogtdO .,, "'' "* .....,,,.,.,. .. Mad ........ lmmedlet-t•. de N II manara. 1111n10 . d •b•rf• h1oe rlo ~ aMI "'Or-.~ en IU ,_.,..,. eecrll&. II Ny aioun-. lmmfdlllM*lle, di •II -a. Dao. fO, 1912. ~ -reQIW1idt • ttlm90. "' ~· -1'1. .. 1111)' ...-. --t TO THl OU!HDA~ A cMI ~ .. reg11tl'9de a t1lm90 Publl1hfd Orange OoMt Delly ~ompttlnt .... b.en flied by ,.,.. t. TO THE" OEfENOANT: A CMI Pilot. o.c. , •. n . so. 1112. '*'· .. ptlllnlllf ~ you. 11 )'Oii wllfl to oornp111"1 ha• 11-.n llled I>)' tht 1N3 ' d•f9nd ttlit '-"'• )'Oii muet. within p1a1n1tf1 aotfMt you. 11 you with to ~ 10 d•Y• '"" Ihle \Ummon1 I• ~ thlt ia-iit. you mue1, """4n lftYfd on you. Ille with t111t oourt • 18 clay• altar thl• 1ummon1 11 Wl'ltt.n rMPOl'I• to "" oomptatnt. ~ on you, 111e with INI ooun • uni.. you do ao, ~ def• w111 Wl1tlerl ,...,.,_ to '"' comp1a1nt. be .,.,.,eel on Af'l)Hoatton ot 1119 unie-~ do to your dlhuft w11 =:;,end thil court :-r,..ent• • be entwfd on 1pplloat1on of tllf ~ ~ =::..~ . .:= pllltl\lff, ~ thlt ooun :i,:=.: 0011td , .. ..,11 In 01rnlehlftent of ~i,at:: ~. wNoll ••OH. lllllnO ol lftOn•y Or Of oould ,.,., Q4Wl\lllMlllll °' WIOM- P"OC*IY « otller rltW ~ In telllng of 11'101\t y or prop.,t)' or ""0e1~ 22• 1M2 other rfllll rtqwHted In Ille J ~ -.plain1. o MlllOolt Oetecl: "'-tt, ittt. MDIAA, ---& • . A.I. ~cMOI.!-· ~ 1•1t .,...._. --. ..._ _,: LJ4111-I MID -.Z ...... CA.,_ (n1)......... tnl1 lr'ltllie llN. "'OlleflfO 0t1"°9 Oout DtHl' '=== l'llol, .0.0. t , 1f. t.J. 90, 1"2 llut>nllllecl Oflftl9 00H1 Oalty ,. 531M42 Not. Dec. 11. at. IO, Itta, Jan. t. 1ta Heather Ziegler, 4, stands in front ol her homeless family. f I .. , om 1 I amif y' · holJ.davsbr1~ahtene4 ~~·r~--rrd/ =na~ J ' ~· ~~·• nM!tm. •*·•,... · .. . -n ........................ AN OU'.00 (AP) A few th m money for food and mtld ____-• ,...,...., d.)'I -.o the 7Maler famUy had at Jan three Job often. ~ nl~i.a no horne, no fe>o<1. no Joba, no O.ve Zlealer M)'• hi• family -r~S\ 1"~ ,.11oA hol)e for I happy \;fiNlmM. hlt bottom IGV taJ monlbf aao, ,. ....ad"~ e 1111""'1" ---- 'they carried their belonatnp after he WU flred from hJa W t ~~~~@J ,.ti,. (,,.\. In cardboard boxH and, like Job M I janitor becau.e h WM -~ .,,. ... ,,. ------ thou1&nd1 of,other de1perale cauaht lleallna • package of • ~'"t~it. ------~ • people, they landed atthe door of luncheon meat for hl1 three • eV" ------.-- the Salvation ArrQy. children. t1f '-o>Ht" --------Now they have a roof oyer Since then, Ziegler, 41, hl1 c;,\J ____--• '\C2 u ~· their head1, and within a few wlfe, Ann, and their children ------ce(\\ \ h o u ra afte r a ne w1pape r have been carry log their -----_ __... G' t.\ G~ s10\ plight, generous donors ave (See HOMELESS, Pa1e 88) , A\$ 'f>\.p.7..1' • • publ11hed a atory about their belonglng1 In a few cardboard ,.,.~-~ . e \ \ "'\.\.p. ,.oo"'' \.-\ aJ' u co"s"t .. ~ -... rie{C'' sou1'"" ~· ,.~ou \'I, ~ p.\.\.. Gooo' « . • 39 95e --~ Each Save s5 Great Sound . They Can Carry Around! $ 2495 ~:t~~.~~~ wide'' tuning dial, tone switch, built-in AFC on FM, Rea. AM and tetescopk: FM anten- 29.95 nas. AC/battery operation. #12· 711 S.n.nes extra Save •40 • VHF HI and Lo •UHF• FM• AM • AU-Band Fln.-Tunlng • CB Squelch Control Receives all 40 CB channels, all three police bands. aircraft, VHF weather stations, more. Dual an- tennas, dial light button, head- phone jack. AC/battery operation. #12-766 Blllt«IM •.tra 17995 •Edge-lit Tuning Dlal • Two 18"-Hlgh sp .. kera _ ~~ • Removable Quat ~ver Records directty from radio, 3-speed changer or "live" with optional mikes. Auto-Stop, Aut~. pause and tape counter. Tuner has AFC on FM. FM-stereo indicatof'. Tone control a~ headphone jack. Walnut vlnyt veneer finish. #1~~199 CB With Channel 9 & 19 Priority TRC422A by Realistic Save•42es -· '-) ) '· '-~ $ 77 Give the fun and safety of mobile Reg. 2-way radio. Switch for Instant 119 95 aoCes8 to Emergency Ch. 9 and • Highway lntormation Ch. 19. #21-1503 With hetdw8te TENNIS PRO SHOP CELEBRATES 10th year In Corona del Mar 10o/o OFF ALL RACKETS AND CLOTHING REGULAR SALE 13500 20000 PRINCE PRO 10000 (All Rackets Are Unstrung) W[[SON TENNIS BALLS (4 Can Umlt) 11999 150°0 8991 220 ~- If you respect a w inning sea- son. leather bound master- pieces, and cus- tom Quality. Sebago·s are a natural. A victory celebration after the game. or alone with a good · book ... Sebago'sarethere. Thisgreat fashion available In a w ide range of sizes. Priced at 182.00. Cordovan:e1ack. 6'A-14 M 's to EEE's #M 'AIHION ISJ,.AND, NIWPOlT llACH (714) 644-4223 , ~ i 'D MAIN ITllht, AlHAMH'A f ... ..;...., ~ (2 U) 212-3611 ,. ' -. . . I OAtlY J1U O fl tftUt ty, DWlm'* ti tNI HOMELE FAMILY' HOLIDAY B l'rom Pege 17 --end •-u.h bM They Ml th•J 1feyed wllh f riendi In CJ c.ntro until th• lrlend1 were evicted lut S.twdty. The Zietlera \Mn took ,..cu1e et the SalvaUon Army .._ltet ln downtown San Dt•. "TM kJda tell me, 'Mommy. l'm huncry,' " Ann, 28, told the 8-D D6ejo Union. "I tell them 111 .. what l can do. They forget •bout It for awhile, but then they come beck. 1 have nothing for ~.·· "I'm IC8l"ed 1tiff," said Ziegler, an ~ed laborer -and Navy veteran. "l don't need much to live on," he MJd' "All I .. II I root 0\11' I.NJ hMdl of my wit• Md lddl 1qd food on tf\t t.ble. Wt'r• happy with the UUJe thlnp In lift. Uqfof\un1tely, we don't even hav the Uule thlnaa rljht now." The now1paper ran a 1tory Monday on the tam.Uy'• plt.lht alona with a plcture of fhe children, a1ed 2, 4 ind 8. By afternoon, thtnp were look.lna up. The Salvation Army hu found the family a tiny hotel room. Money and job offena have been pourinaln. "I've aeen three $100 check.a and a couple for $60," aaid I -HAMMOllD l'IAllO Aild OllGAMI None 'finer 12% financing on new Baldwlns Dec. only (sale items excluded) ORGAN & PIANO CINTIR 270 E. 17th St., Cotta Me1a 645-2471 f'UBl.IC NOTICE NOTICI OI' TIIUtTH'I IA.La NOTICI 0. TRUITlrl ~ l-No. 70IOl12/0UNHAM L ..... No.. 1• T I No. F-«11064 T.& Ne. C.e7m SKO -FED M ORTOAOE VAL BAN CORP. 11 duly Wal"" Kay, a~ '°' Ow Salvation Army 0 A 1u1 Ju11 ~1lked In 20 mlnu• .ao and wrow out a check for flOO. If we l•t enou1h rooney perhapa we ~1n 1•t them 1 two-bedroom place. "They were ·hun1ry wh•n they 1ot here," he aald, "but they're aetUna food donatloru now. They're a tocked tor thla week." '"'-9salvaUon Army la t.r)1na to permanently 1olve the Zleitl.ert' pllaht .. ••We've had • couple of job often, one la drivinl a venclin8 t.Nck, and another Ii a job at a reetaurant. One woman aaid AN DIEGO. • • lhe'd lJke to ,.,.,,,..,, hlm lhruu1h iNdMltMf\I ahool IO tt. un 1M htl IWrm." Mad Kay. A rouple otpeopw •n.d In lb Mf they needed yardwork done. 'Thl1 111 happened thll mornln1," Key Mld Mond1y. ZAecJer i. "con(Uled wh.h all the help that'• ~na offered . . . Ke never expected anythlna like thJa." Kay Mid the ZieaJet"I are Juat one of the thouaancJa of famlliee who have turned up on the · doontepe ot local charldet during the hofiday leUOl'l becauae they have nowhere el.e to 10. ~· uld many of the urban refuceet are blue collar workers wtw ~Y• bHn &hrown out of wort& &he rec •on and flnd thttNI vet havtna to k help ao pt091dw far th* lamUt.l "We're overflowlna. ll th• fadlltJ• In town ~LI " 11ld K.y. ·•we•rw &O pe~l ov r lut year -and IJ'OWl.na· Ono of the aadd"t thlnp about ll lt that eome of theee people contributed to U1 in put r.e.ra. The family 1 dJflicuJtiea began when Ziealer wu laid off from a job he had held for five yean - preparing raw •tock at a Wuh.lngton paper mill. He wu unable to find work ln the area, 10 the family moved to San Diego, where Ziegler had been 1L1UoMd ln &he Htvy. ... found I Jlnjtanal )A> ln II Ce"'ro, but th• mo~u1l wmn't combw In f..t to tflld hll tarniry. "W• didn't have much money,'' ~ Mid. ··w. didn't hive enou11' tor food for the ~-So 1 went to the poetry •tore and stole eome lunchmeat, and I w• caught." The c.harpa were dropped, but ~r'• ham asked him to quJt. He couldn't find another job and had no money to move or learn a trade. · "I'd work two jobt lf I could; I'm not afraid to work," he laid. HAROWAltE <::>< Where Friendly Service Famil}I Tradition CORPORATION .. duly ~led appointed Truataa under the Trull•• under the following IOllowlng deeerlbad dead of ltuet daacrlbacl dead ol trust Will SELL Will SELL AT PU8UC AUCTION Al PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE TO THE HIGHEST BIOOER FOR HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH CASH (payable at time of Mia In ANOI OR THE CASHIERS OR i.wtlJI money of t"9 United atat.) ~TIFIED CHECKS SPECIFIEO IN al right. lttla and liln«W( ~ IL CODE SECTION 2924h to and now held by h under Dead of 1bla 11 the time or Mia In lawt\11 Truat In Iha PfOparty ll«alnafter money ol the United StatH) all OMcrlbad: HOUS...,., DYNAM"" right. lltla and lntarest oon119)'1d to TllUSTOR; .-..v "" and now held by It under Mid Dead INCORPORA llO. a C•lllornl1 of T ruat In Iha property herelnaltar C0t1)0ratlon. 8-oz. Spray 411 !14' ALL CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE ~11:1.o: BENEFICIARY: VALENCIA BANK. ' T R U S T 0 R : R I C H A R D G 1 Cellfol'nla corporation. DUNHAM. Aeco<ded .Ai'/ 30. 1NO • in.tr BENEFIC IARY S K O ·FEO No. 332'1 In bOOk 1se12. Paoe MORTGAGE CORPORATION 21& of Offldal AecorOI 111 tn. on- -Recorded Auguat 25, 1981 H of tn. Recor<* of Ofanga"County: lnatr. No 318&2 In BOOlt 14193, llld deed of truat deac:tlbM IM 'page 1873 ol OftlClal Recorda In IM lolowtng ptoperty: offte. ol th• Recorder ol Orange Lot 2&. 8lock F of TrK1 527, County: Mid deed ol tnJ1t dncrlbea Cypreu AcrH Number Two. •• the followlna ptopeny.· etlOWl'1 on map r-ded In Book 11. olEIC~ Page II of Ml1c1lla1'1eou1 Map1, PARCEL 1: An undivided 111• record• o r Orange County, lntlt•t In and to lot t of Tract No. CalltofnlL 1odl>5. In tM City ol Colla MMe. YOU ARE. IN DEFAULT UHDEA A County of Orange. State ol OEEO Of TRUST OAT£D JULY 23, Cell!Ofnia, 11 per map ,_.did In 1MO. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTIC>f'I Oook 46 4 pag•• & and 7 TOPROT£CTYOURPROPERTY.n .._..aneouS Maps, In tM oftlQe of MAY BE SOLO AT A PU8UC SALE. ""county r-dtw of Mid county. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION EXCEPTING THEREFROM OF THE NATURE OF THE Ul'llll t to 14 lnl;lulMt, u etlOWl'1 on PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU ht Condominium Plan raco<dld In SHOULD CONT.-,CT A LAWYER. book 13828. page 1339. Olllclal M32 La 8alla A--.ue, ~. Record~ CA ·A L S 0 E X C E P T I N G "(tt I 9llWI ~ Of ClOfnmOfl THEREFROM the exduelve rlgnl 10 dMlgnatlol\ 11 allown abo¥e, no poneatlon ol all tho•• 11111 warranty I 1 g Iv• n t o 11 • daelgneted .. baloonlll. gllrllgll. ~-« ~)." patio and dec:I! .,._ a ttiown on n.. benllfldary unOer llld Deed Mid Condominium Plan of Trutt, by ,._, of I ~ Of PARCEL 2: Ul\lt 7 u llhown on default In the obllgatlone --.0 th• Condominium Pl1n 1bov1 1'-lt>y. '-etofOfe axecu1ed and referred to. delivered to tha underelgnad • -· ,..A111Ct!l 3: The~ rtgnt Wl11teftr0eolaraclon of Oeleult-and 10 poe...ion ol thoaa por1k>n1 of Demand I« Sala, and wrtttan not1o1 Lot 1 delcrlbad In PVC* 1 at>d'e, of bfMCh and of election to~ dlligNtecl uG-7. CP-7 and P-7 on the underalgned to 1111 aald 11ld Condominium Pl1n and u property to 11tlety Mid C)t)llgattcM•. appurtenant to Parcel• 1 and 2 end thereafter the under1lgnad abcMI. CllUMd Mid notlol of ~ and ol 2157 •B-102 Peclllc A'Wenue. alectlon to be Recorded Mollt 30: Coat•~ Cellfomla 92$29 1882 .. lnlff. No. 12-aock>17 of "(tt I RIMI add,,_ Of Oflldal ~di. deelgnatlon of property 11 lllOWI\ Said 1111 wlll be made, but abolle. no werranty le~• to tta without oovel'lal'lt or warranty, COfllPlet-or c:ouec:t-)." The aiqirw or .,,......, '90l'dlnGI we. beneficiary under 11ld Deed of p111111IOft, °" ~ to Trutt, by ,.._ or a brMCtl °' .,_ IN •emM*'O pttndp.i -ol default In tlll obllgatJone ~ .,. !\OM(•) ~ by ..... Died ol thereby, heretofore ••1C11ted and Trwt, wlttl 1ntereet • 11'1 Mid note dell'Wlred to tha underelgned a provtded. edv9nOel. " wry, under wnnan Oedaration of Oefautt and tn. twme of Mid Deed of Truet, Demand 10< Sale. and wnttll\ notice '-• Cflargee and aper.-of IN of breadl and of elletlon to cau81 TruatM and of IN tnl9tl c:reeted by tM undlralgned to NII notice of Mid Dead of Truat. breach and ol electlon 10 be Sa6d .... wt1 119 held on Frtclay. rec:otded Augus1 111. 1982 .. lnltr. January 7, 1N3 at 2:00 p.m., at the No 82-211182.C of Otflclal Recx>td1 In C"-11an A-antr-. to the 11'11 office ol IM Recorder o1 Ofenge CM<: Cel\tef lkllldl119. 300 Eat Coul'lty. Chapman A¥llWI. In the City 01 Said ule wlll bl made. but ~CA. without covenant or "l•rrant)'. NOTICE: AT TIME Of SALE 8I08 npr ... Of Implied reglfdlng !Illa MAY 8E MADE IN CASH AHO/Oft poueaaion, °' aneum~anc.e. to THE CASHIERS OR CERTIFlEO pay tM rema!Nng pt1"dpal tum of CHECKS SPECIFIED IN CIVIL ~ notl(a) eecurld by Mid dead of CODE SECTION 2924". Trull, wtth 1nter11t .. In Mid note At tha 11me ot tne 1ntt1a1 provided, advanc:ea. II any, under publlcatlon of ttlla notiel, ttle total the t1m1• of 111d Dead ol Trvet, lllnOUnl of the UflC)eld ~of the '-· cnargaa and npenaea of tn. obllgatlol'I MCured bY the abow TruttM llld of t!W tn.1•tt crea1ec1 by d11crlb1d deed ol trutt al'ld Mid Deed of Trust. ntlmatao coet1. ••!>«'-· and Seid nl• wlll b• held on: 1d'Wanc11 la 1131.&47.IO. To T""d•y. Oec:embl< 21. 11182. at !Nt11n•11 the Ol**'O bid, you WW1 2:00 pm at Ille Chipman A--=--(714) 973-0IMll. - entrance to the Civic Center 0.: l>9oernber I. 1982 Building, 300 Eal Chapman Aw.. VAJ.. ~ q<)RP. Orenge. Califomla. •Mid T,,.._, At th• time ol the lnltlal 8yT.O.HRVICE publlutlon ol thla notice, IM total ~~ :" _,,., or tM unpaid balance of t"9 .. , --• ~-. obllgatlon eecurad b7 the ab«WI "811at81rt Sec:retery dHcrlbad deed o tru1t and One City Blvd .. Weat. Htlmatad co11a. ••e>enM•. a"d °"T•~1-4CA1 .= .. advll\CM 11 S '46.049.43. I.: {7' The opening bid may be obtalNd PubllaMd Of~ Coaat Dally by caltlrlQ (7141 1131-oeee 1111 cSay Plot. 0ec. 1e. n. ao. 1112 befOf• the ..... 5§27-13 • O.t•. Nowmo F11arED23M' 1o98R2To oE NI.JC NOT1CE SK -A CORP .. Mid Trut1M, By: TD SERVICE COMPANY, ~\c'krJ:'HOi*ln9~ . ....... 19"1 Secretary One City Bl¥d Wiit. Ofenge. CA 92M8 714-835-3298 Publlah•d Orange Coaat Dally .f'lot.Oec 2.1. 18. 1982 • 5274-82 Notice .. ~ glwl\ by 8"* of Amertce NT & SA. NelwPOt' a-ti 9'Mcll. ~ Via Udo. Newpot1 leectl. Callfomla ·92513, that - ..... by putllc auction. "" '*"' on Monday the 20th day of Deoember 1N2 at 11:00 o 'ctoc:k L"'· et SdMldl 8oet ...... 2tOO Lafayetl•. Nawporl leach, Cellfomla a 1HO CalttOfnla 42' Offehoro Crul11r, l erlal N o. JCM421UM818, named the ~fh.W... Ol'lltilll(fllb. azJ'fl JllUI twin S20I CaterpttW OteMI ~ T.,_ of 21 .,.,_,. Oowt1 QMfl, CMNer Of C.-.0 Cheoll. JtOn•ttNndal>le with 71 8:.:: ...... CMll. c.... °" Oll•Ok to be paid to lank or Mwtc:a NT & SA ""'*' -WMll °' the d8'e of ..... ,ublleMCS Or~ Cout Dally ...... Pee.,,,_ 14.-la, 11. 1Jy 1• &4eO-U 16-oz. Spray Gallon Ref ill 2111 New BIOX f IRE GARD Prevents fires Before They Start IJy flameproofing Household -f umishings~ Prevents fire • Carpeting Near Fireplace • Curtains •Wall Coverings •Potholders, Apro_ns, etc. -· ···-sofas; Chairs -I Ounct Spra, fireproofs Appror. s· ft. Tree orona ty eroaene hea era ere herel Don't be caught out In the cold. Buy now and avoid the ruth. Five model• to choose from. 12-0K ... reg. 259.95 ....... Sate 114.H 17-DK ... reg. 259.95 ....... 8ete 224.11 22-0K ... reg. 349.95 ....... 8ete 282.H SX-2 ... reg. 299.95 ......... Sate 224.H SX-3 ... reg. 349.95 ......... 8ete 212.H tote •1• T.I .... unx 12" Bleok & white T.V. -'883132 ~allon water heater with energy 11vlng temperature 1hut~off. ..... 12611 40 gel ................... 111.tl 5Q. gal ................... , ... . wlll 11111 open , .... clOor? Sehl9Qe 91ngle cy11nd• dMdboH. Eaay to lnstaH. 81 e pv x eo5 Sl'llny br... or 818 pv x 809 Antique br ... 1299 Famoua letex flat well pa.Int from Gllddef'I. . B•utff~I Rll.fl.ol•tl, ~rul?I ~n 9tay1_c,.o1~ orfut. &• .... 11.11 tttll ~ .... Fyrefreme expending flreplece ecr .. n. Flta 38" to 42" wide. 28" to 311..t" high. Bleck or antlQue brua. s: 326-C. 11•• Perfeci for dlrtualng harah tight. Heavy gauge panel• ere ahattet'proof 5·pc. black and t>rau ••I with •hovel. tonoa. bruth. pct{er and 1t1nd. •070<M85 _.3991 40°k0Ff ... f --- S111Ham lla1d •lxer C.Onvenlent 3 1peed hand mfxer. Almond or Gold #3-86, 13-83. Kryton apray paint Indoor/outdoor helpe avoid run• & drip•. tut dry, prewnta ruat . Saw horH leg1. Buy one Pa.It at ~., price. get eecond pair tot 1# at time of purchaM. THU"IDAV, D C I , 1112 COMICS . ce IJn lu•tball leamtJ ufler bad nl11h1 i11 toq,rney . C2. Boes' Tucker not ready to walk plank One wonde rs If Dick Tuc ke r , pe rhaps di8couraied at the direction Orange Coast College football has taken, might be look.lna for a change of dnery -particularly during the fall on Saturday niahts. For the past 21 seuona, Tucker has guided the Pirate football team through a 1eriee of highs and lows, and a glance at his won-IOM record over those yean would show the hJiha deflnitely outweigh the lows. But over the wt four years, OCC hu compiled aeuonal records of 2-8, 2-8. 3-7 and 2-8. Tucker's laat winning season was 1978 when his team fin.lahed with a 7-3 record. Three years earlier, he guided OCC to an 11-0 mark. You might call that period the good 01' days. You might wonder if the lack of good oJ' days is 'taking its toll on Tucker. "If I didn't believe that we could win a , championship, I would not be coaching," Tucker says. "U I thought someone could do It better, then I would probably step down." But Tucker believes that there ia no better p1.a.ce to be than on the sidelines during thoae chilly COMMUNITY COlLEGES CURT SEmEN Autwnn nigh'-, and there la no one elae he'd rather have alonpide him than the group of Uliatants which hu remained with him during the curnmt tailspin. "I don't thin.k the reaaon we haven 't won InanY games la becauae of our coaching staff," Tucker insists. "I think one of the problems hete ia that we're primarily a local college and we don't recruit outside tpe area." It should be noted that Tucker had just one player from Costa Mesa High School (situated across the street from OCC) on hia 1982 squad. "Heck, Costa Mesa High la about 3~ peroent Vietnameae now. And I don't think I've ever seen a Estancia's Gavin Warlawnont (left) and Jon Johnston had to deal with swarmin~ Senite defense Wednesday night. Vletnameee footbaJI player, unleu maybe he'• a place-kicker," Tucker aaya. there'• a proportion of football players that ahrinka, too. Still, Golden Wn t College. which la In the same community college district as OCC, haa rnanased to find playen from wlth1n the dlatrict and has alto man.aged to avoid a string of losing aeuona. "It's dt.oour.,tng to loee," Tucker confe11a. "It's tou~h to accept especlally ~ we've been atrons for ao many yean. But I'm the eternal optlmiat and I really believe lt'a )at part of a cycle and we're golne to tw'h it around. Noia Tucker: "I think playen want to attend a community coll~e where they know they'll be able to play . And they want to play with a good program." Tucker contends that OCC does have a good program. He believes he was juat one or two players away from a winning rttord. Injuries to key peraonnel dJdn't help. The absence of the "one or two key players" meant lack of depth, and Tucker paid the price. "For yea.rs, San Diego~ wasn't any good and they've got It tu.med around. Gl"09IDOl\t U9eCi to be real strong and now they're down. Santa Ana went from 7-3 years to 3-7 years. It'• just the way trends go," he says. Like many community colleee ooeches, Tucker isn't thrilled with the computeriz.ed method of choosing non-conference opponen'-currently in effect in the at.ate system. "I don't want to g_et Into the Taft syndrome. I don't want to have to drive to Texas to recruit football players," he aaya. ~ ~But getting people to play here 'is tough. Houiing iB a problem and enrollment at our closest (high) schools ia shrink.Ing. When that happens, Every year, the Pirates face both Pasadena and El Camino. Thia year , they also tangled with Saddleback. The result: OCC had three early losses and then entered a conference which bouts' teams like Fullerton , San Diego Mesa and the revitalized Mt. 'San Antonio Mounties. lt dJdn't do (See TUCKER, Page C%) Bear's act ..vill be to·ugh one to f ollo..v for Tide's Perkins TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (AP) - P.W.:.'Bear" Bryant, admits he'll be a hard act to follow after 25 yean aa footb8:ll coach at the University of Alabama. Bryant, who picked up five national titles and a record for career victories before calling it quits, said the climate of college football has changed, and it may no longer be possible for another coach to match his auocesa. And, he said, his successor ahoilldhTbe ~. - "I don't think anyone will be that fortunate to d ominate college football agai n ," said Bryant Wednesd ay in announcing he would retire after the Dec.~ Liberty Bowl game. ''There are t oo many good pla .. ~ 69-year-old coach wm nmain u athletic director at the Southeutem Conlerenoe achoo! indefinit.ely -"six months, six years, 10 years," but b ia departure from the ooaching~post ia the end of a rich era in college football history. Friends and foes in the football fraternity praised Bryant as news of the coach's planned retire spread. "Paul Bryant had more effect on the game of football than any man ever to coach or play the game," said Miami Coach Howard Schnellenberger, who ' played for Bryant and coached .both under and against him . "The American football 1ctme will not be the same without hhn on the sidelines." Added Bum Phillipe, coach of the New Orleans Saints, "There's a lot ol good football c:oaches, but only one Bear Bryant." Ray Perkins, coach of the National Football League's New York Giants and another of ~ ,... ,...._" '--...,,. Bryant'• former stars., was chosen u hi.a IUOCeSllOr, a role the old coach said would be difficult. Bear's record The )'9W·by·)'9W ,_ coed*'G -d oC Peut .. Beer · Brr•nl, wllo Wedn .. d•r announced Ill• rellremenl (a-denol•• netloNI cNmplooehlpr 1tM5-Mlll')4end 1 IMe-KentUClly 1tM7 :-Kenluc:ky 19 .. -Kentudly 11149-Ken\udly 11150-Kentudly l951-Kentuc:ky 1952-Kentuacy 11153-Kentudly 1964-T-A&M 19M-TeaM A&M )9ff-:;TeaM MM 111!'1-Tea .. M.M 1168-Alel>etM 1Kll-Alebarna 1tll0-Alebeme , .. 1 -AleDema (•) 11162-Alebenle 1"3-AlebwM 1"4-~(•I 1916-Alebenle (al 1M$-AlebM'la 1117-~ llM-AIMe!M 1 .. -AMlb9M 1170-MllMme 1171-Alltleltie 1172-AllOMle 19TS-~ 1914-Allitleme 117&-AlllllMw 1871-AletMlme 11n -A1Me1M 1871-Almema l•l 1819-AIMletne (•l 1HO-Alebeme 1N 1-Alebeme 1882-AIMletne Tot ... &-2·1 1..$.-0 ~ ~2 ~ 11-1-0 1-4-.() 5--4-2 7•2·1 1.....0 7-2·1 ~- &-4-1 1·2-2 t-1-2 11-0-0 14).1.() t-2-0 14).1.() -..1.1 11-0-0 t-2-1 ..w 9+0 ... , 1'-1.0 ~.o 1 ,_ ''° 11-MI 11· 1-0 ..w 1'-1.0 11·1-0 12-0-0 14).2.() t-2·1 7-4-0 122~11 "I think h e 'll have some problems following me." Bryant said. "But he's a capable penon. And the first thing la, he's one ol ua." Perkina, an All-American wide receiver on the undefeated 1966 Alabama team that ia uaually 'ii regarded aa Bryant'• beet, said be i8 not afraid of the task. "I realize that (it w on't be easy)," Perkins said in a telephone interview from Eut Rutherford, N.J. "But I didn't have any heaitation to follow Coach BcyanL Nobody la going to replace the man. Nobody can fill hia ahoes. lb.at'• just IOIDethJng that can't be done. Estancia impressive in tourne-y loss to Servile "But l have confidence in myaelf and in my ability, and 1 have confidence in the tradition of the university luelf." IRVINE, CdM MEET IN SEMIS Smaller Eagles throw scare into Friars before yielding in Anaheim semifinals, 68-60 , BJ ROGER CARLSON °' ... .,.., ......... -Eatancta Hi.gh '• Eaglet have been opening some eyea with their early season huatle and aucceu ln baaketball, starting with a runner-up f1n1ah at the Laguna Beach Invitational and after an tmpnmtve, but losing effort .,.m.t Servit.e, a berth in tonlaht'• third place pme (8:30) a1alnat Weatminater at the Anahetm Tournament. But. -Eltanda Coech LuTy Sunderman said followifta b1a · team'• 68-60 1011 to Servile Wecfneed~y ~t. "The bottom line la we lost. TliAt. tioW'eYe', hardly tellll the atiary of a band of ........ on the ,.. delPte the lack of a II.Dile ~ ........ bun a year•· ,.. The i:a,1-bad Servtte on the ropm In the final quaner, pul11JW to within 61·60 with 2:!8 left .tw valJlna by a H-44 count ....... In the period. S.tancla forced 24 Servlt• twnoven, ind\ldlf'I 11 in the I birth--'-' and SiMte c.o.ch j-ury 'Walker tald It wHn't llmply • matter of not enouc}l 1llW9 -..rWn ln the •tt.ck. ·~ (l'.lt&ncla) :u~layed m," the 8-vtte • who .~and~ quintet extended ID!X'W'IL I 'ltii qiddl md hUllJinl -- had four playera in d ouble figures, led by 5-10 junior Jlm CUrtia. who ICOired 22 po(nts to ralae hia alx-game average to 19.5. Doug Pinc kney added 16 polnu and !'on Joh~ton and Gavin WarlaWDOOt each netted 10 points to dllltinue their hot pace. Pinckney'• norm at thh point la 13.8, Johnaton la at 12.0 and Warlaumonl ia at 10.1. "It WU one of our better pmea ln 1treak1," continued the Eatanda coach. "But. we 1till have ao m\X:h tnexperience." The .r..,1ea limited $.a Steve Krallman to 15 pcm• (2 ln the f:tnt half) and -Beuerletn. in foul trouble early and ,.xitlnS with 1:40 left after aeeln1 .Juat 17 mlnutet of .cdon. w• hefd to atx potnta. "We cut oU tbe two we wanted to,'' Pid Sunderman. "We probably emphaalsed too much deteriile on Krallman but that WU out pme plan. They have a Uve-aan temn." Batancla never led, fallln.1 behind 8-0 at the outeet and 33--28 lm la the ............. With s.Mte llttinl CID a 07-40 .IMd with 1'il ttwl llx mlnu*-.......,.,,. tht .......... their nan. Cw1ll hit • pair of fne throw9 and -up ~· ebot from liWlde eo cui 1t toe .ao. • Adam Lockwood stole the ball and convefted it into a layup, then Curtlt did lJkewile with 5:06 left and the Frian h~edly called time out to get Beuerlein, a playmaking and tempo setting 1uard, back in the lineup. Beuerlein had just one game and one pnctice under hia belt after ~rterbacking Servlte to the \Varlaumont, then another Servtte turnover was converted into a layup by Curtis to.cloee the gap to 61-60. . was pleaaed with what we-tried to do." It was Curtia' third 20-polnt plua game of tbe young 1euon. The aurpriatna Irvine High Vaquef08 and Corona del M.r Sea K.lnga aquare off tooiaht at 8 in the champl.onahip tem1llna1a ol the Irvine baakeiball tournament. Big Five Conference football champkinahip. But the run ended at that point u · the Friars went back to the bread 'n butter which kept them atop throughout the game -6-5, 206-pound Joe Peraok, who 8COl"ed 22 pointa for the winners with hia mUICle shots t.nslde. "rve never let anyone shoot as much (Curtis), but rm going to let him go. u be goes oDld we'll go to llOmeOne elae .•• The F.asiea connected on 21 of 54 from th& field against Servlte'a unyielding zone (38.8 percent), while Servtte'a inside attack netted 28 of 46 (60.8 percent). The nto Sea View i...ea,ue to. tangle at Woodbridge Htah, while Laguna Hilla and ArteU will meet at the aame time at Unlveraity lo the oth•r champl.onahip eemW.nal. Woodbridp and Mt.Ion Viejo will play at 6:30 at Woodbridet In the oomolation aemfflnak But the Eaglee continued their nm -tint a bucket by Curtis, a pair of fr ee throws b y "We could never get over the hump," said Sundennan. "But I CdM's Lawrence is volleyball cO-:MVP Pam La9'rence, Corona del Mar HJah'• talented outside hitter, hM been named ClF . 4-A women'• volleyball co-player of the ~-=·with Barwa Fontana of Mira Lawrence, a team lltader for Coach Harold Noriep'• CO' runnier-up S.. K1np tn th• 4-A playoff1, moved up from a eeoohd teem bm1h a year aao. She la ~ of tWo CdM• playen to maie the IJJ-CU' team. llirooU He~ a aophomon ouillde hitter who ~ well in the Cir flnala aobwt Mtn WAI ai.o p6dutd trom dies..~ Onl1 champjon Mtra ea.ta had mon than two p1a.,... on the two,..._~ Mira Coa\a hi.cl one adcllUonal player on the flnt team and another on the MCODd unit in addition to Fontana. La1una Buch, Eetancl~port HU'bot, Dana Hilla and San te all placed two pla;yen on 0. two lqWlda. MoUy Merchant pined 1 ttm teNn lpOl and P1W. JJernq WU named to &he MCand unit from ~ Belch. Boqi .,. eenton. Mandy x.nn.)' WU peckld Qt._ the ftnt team from NewpGtt Harbor and.'frelbman Laura A.aper wu chaela .on-the MCOnd .. uad. Mil' - - E1tancla had two era -. Amy Hathcock and Shanna -tei.:.d to the ~ tieun. Hatbcock II an outlide tdtW and Neden • m6dd)e blcdcs. Eal.na Oden. a mphomore at IMne mp and the allO youncer mt.er of Stanfold fte1hman 1tar IC.Jn;), wu picked on the MCOnd teem. • Weatmtnater had aJ1ten DJane an4 c.onnte Wataon on the t1nt ...m. · Lori Luhnow wu named to the tl.rit tMl1) and Tney Millen to the ...,... .at. from Ian Clemente. Dana Hllll pi.c.t Dorothy Pankhard and. ~ Moormw on the~tMm . In tr.. lftlAll echool dJvllion. N•~ Chr1IUan had 8..U. Berbb&le and ~ Yearly on the flnt team wtth Debale (lee AUAD, .... C.> s Morton retires . after 18 years From AP dtapatcbee DENVER -Craig Morton, the [i] National Football League's elder c. • 1tateman whoae bittersweet career apanned 18 aeuons, announced hla retirement Wedne.day effective at the end of th1a aeuon. Morton, who quarterbacked the Denver Broncoe into the Super Bowl at the end of the 1977 teMOn, recently was demoted to third-string duties. He emerged from a hospital Wednesday to make the announcement at a news conference, accompanied by hi.a wlfe, and 3-year-old son, Michael. "I've come out of the hospital to play in games before, and I even had to get ou t o f th e hos pital to announce my retirement," llOllT~ said Morton, who is being treated th.la week for a knee infection. A week ago, he underwent arthroecopic surgery on ~th of hi.a knees. Joking that he and team owner Edsar F. Kaiser Jr. "have agreed to a new five-year contract," the 3Y-year-old Morton said this was "both a happy and a sad day in my life, but it's time to lay aside something that has been so dear to me." ~ote of the day BW Fitcb, coach of the Boston Celtics, on Philadelphia 76ers guard Andrew Toney: . "Wh~ he's got It going, It's like Liberace at the paano. It doesn't make any difference whether the candles are lit. He can play it · in the dark." 'Kings now winless in last six games Nick Foti• acored twice and Don "1 Maloaey got his lOOth National ' Hockey League goal Wednesday nieht. ~ the New York Rangers pMt tile Loe Angeles Kings. 7-1. Loe Angeles is M-2 in ita last six games . . . Elsewhere in the NHL, Doq Wlckealtelser tallied on a power play at 8:~ of the third period as Montreal edged Vancouver, 3-2 . . . Tim Hl111D1 igniteO a five-goal explosion in the first period to lead ... red--bot Chicago to a lopsided 10-3. triwnpb over Winnipeg . . . St. Louie forwards Perry Tvab9lt and Bernie Federko converted power-. olay goal.a on deflections and the Blues tied 'forcnto, 4-4 . . . Mark Osborne'• aecond goal of the game on a three-on-one break helped Detroit salvage a 4-4 tie with Pittsburgh. Ml.IC NOTICE l'ICTIT10UlllUllMEH MAim ITATEMINT The foloWlng pereon• we doing ~-TOTAL DESIGN SERVICES, 215 11•1 Street, Newpor1 BMctt, callfomle 92tea Jeffrey Giibert HolmH. 215 61•t Street. Newport Beach. C.ittomla 92ee3 J-Rob9t1 Campbell, 13&et Ida Way, WHtmlneter, Celllornla 929113 TI* ~ .. conduct.cl by a general per1nerlhip. _,.,,~ G. Hoim. Thll ttat-t -flied with the COunty Cler1I of OfW>Q4I County on NoWmber 22, 1H2. F2IDl714 Publlthed Or1nge CoHt Dally Piiot.Nov. 25. Dec. 2.9. 11. 1912 514S-S2 NII.IC NOTICE PICTTT'IOU8W .. ..,.._ ITA-....wf 11 The lolowlnG penooe -doing ~a.: IAVlf'E RANCH REAL TY, 4920 ..,.,.,_ ltwd .. INIM, CA 92715 WoooeAIOOE REALTY, INC., a Cellfornla corporation, 4920 &arr.-ltwd .. !MM. CA 92715. _,. TflW ~ .. conducted by • • oorpor8tl0n WOOdbridge Realty, Inc: Honnen A. Zahler. Prea. Thia st••-' ... ftled with .,,. County Cllf'll of OfW>Q4I County on '?-!!''* !.z. !!!L... PIOIDI WY a IMITM. C-._111re al 1..-... ....,.,.. ............ .. ....,.. ..... c,. ..... "'bit•'*' Orang• CoHt Dally Plot. Dee. •• 11. 23. 30. 1912 5391-82 u r.d r•llr tu he,., I troll CHrkt MHWtll '"' l•rr) '"'' -l J 1 l too if t . k that 1 nahl lhfl t'tthl ·1 to uv•rumltl • llHt11 n\ ha11Um. dlltlch incl • rn • 108°104 vtcwry ov r hOl1 O.tmlt WeJ11 y nllhl In lh National Ouk•tbell Auoctatlu11 Ellewh ,.., .,...rve Mike WoodlM unk " rn throw wllh one ..wrw.l Jdl IU &Jv• ~'ll)' • t l 9-l l8 lr1umph ovl·r Nt•w Jttno~ Adrlaa Dull•) -.wed 4i pulnta In 1-Sln, Utah put San Dl ao. 119 113 . Alex Ea1ll1ll had 33 polnta, lncludlOQ el&ht 1traltiht ln a 1:21 apan late In th • 1econd quarter, lo1adlna Dt-nvor pHt MUw1ukee. 113-98 .. Dao Roudfleld ecored 25 polnta and lf•bbed l f rebounda while Eddie JobD1on had 14 of hi• 23 polnta In the final quarter to 1park Atlanta t.o u 107-101 win over Indiana ... Moaea Maloae llCOl"t'd 23 pointa and grabbed 20 rebounds to lead Philadelphia ~t Cleveland. 99-93 ... The Cavallon, rneanw~e. traded guard Ron Brewer to Golden St.ate ln e><cha.nl<e for guard, ~rid B. Free. Georgetown stunMd by American Gordon Auatln scored seven m pointa in the final four minute• Wedneaday night. leadlng American University to a 62-61 upeet of filth- ranked Georgetown. Austin's effort helped tum back a furious Georgetown rally which had aeen the Hoyaa trail 49-32 wllh 9:44 to play and cut the margin to 51-50 with 5:02 remaininl(_ ... Elsewhere in college basketball, David RaneU scored 21 point.a to lead ninth-ranked St. John's past Fordham, 74-66 . . . Charles Jones netted 15 point.a and grabbed 15 rebounds to lead No. 12 Louisville to a 94-77 verdict over Alabama -. . . Top-ranked Virginia, playing without All- American cente r Ralph Sampson who was sidelined with a stomach ailment, came away with a 72-63 victory today over 14th-ranked Houston in the Saturday Ball classic in Tokyo. Richardson s igns to play with USC Former F.ciison High punter Troy • Rlcbardaon, who led the st.ate in that department this season at Golden West C.Ollege, has signed a letter of intent to play at use. Richardson. who earned All-America honorable m ention and was a second-team All-South Coast Conference selection th.is year, averaged 43.3 yarda per pWlt for lhe Rustlers in his freehman year . . . BW ParceUJ, defensive coordinator of the New York Giant.a, WfS named Wednetlday to succeed the departing Ray Perk1D1 as the Giants' head coach . . . More than .even million tlcketa for the 1984 Olympic Games wW go on tale next spring, Jolla Fruaen, apo~esman for the Loe Angeles Olympic Committee said Wednesday. TiCketa will be sold directly to individuals in the United Stat.es by direct mail, WM obmputer ticketing and nationwide outlets of a majot' retailer ... Soulh Carolin4 basketball coach Blll Foater was "doing very well" at Providence Hoepital in Columbia, S.C. Wednesday after underjtoinjt surgery to bypass four heart vessels earlier in the day, a university spokesman said. Foster, 52, suffered a heart attack Saturday during the Gamecocks' upset victory over nationally-ranked - Purdue. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: No events scheduled. INITIATION FEE UNLIMITED RACQUETBALL, NAUTILUS & POOL 50% Off Couple and Family Rates Offer &ood Throulh Dec. 31, 11.82 Southern Callfornla's Largest Famlly Sports Center. Call or come by for a free visit! ~ FACUTtS NCLWE: • 44 T emls eo..ts • 20 Raoquetbal Colns.• 50 Meter Olympic Pool • Tramg Pool • 2 Basketbal Col#ts • 2 Voleybal Ccuts • NautlJs FitneSS Center • Aerobic Program • T cunaments •RW'ld Robils • Chalenge Ladders• Clinics and Lessons • Profes8'onal Instructors • Pro Shop • Advanced Reservations • Snack Bar • Social Activities • LKecycle Progam • OUtdoof Co· ed Jacuztl • Jacuzzi Lounge • Saooa • Steam. SpaciouS Looker Rooms. TV Loooge . Babyslffing FOR FREE TRIAL VISIT CALL ~JLSJPI 546-8560 ' • • t J(; ,.rom P g c, 1 worM.lttr .. for t iam ntuntlo Thi.I y•·ur, fur th-. 111,•l p11rt, 1'Ut·kc•r lt•arm~ hll warn hod 11 tcmdrn...y IA1 pluy to tl\tt lt•ve> of I.he opputlllun llt•'a.4uk:k l'1 point out lhM hl• tL'am Iott to FullCor\On h)' om Point. That'• th ume Jt'uUenon that won th" 1u cullt<cl Ouna&t' County ch1mplon1hlp with a cunvlnc111a victory-uver Saddlel>IK'k (Co.lit lo•t to Saddlebat·k. 21-0). He 1al10 point• tu hi• team'• purf1,1rmanc• &&&(alnat Mt.•tropolHan (.;(.inference pow •r El Camino (the Warrlon M.'Orf'd u coml'·from-behlnd 31 -24 vicU>ry) a.a proof that hla team wasn't u bad aa Ill 2-8 re<.'Ord. "l J<now that wlnnlnH •• the bottum line, thouah," Tucker adda. I I I tl ft•tn1, Tuduir rll>i I I lh.ralM'nlld. H UMrr. twv bHn any rwnbllnp from iMCX.~ h~y Tucur hMn't h ard lhcm ' Thcrnt..,. oUwtl Who thouaiht. WIMJnt ~ or no wlnnlnc tt'Ubtl, lhl\ 1h•1 OCC coech mlaht llep tJown &(Wr tw hJ>d II dumC..'l' l.u t'<*Ch hla IOn Cloy ' Cl41y h1&11 ~'tlmph.!t.ed hla wnur. at OCC, but euch 111 nut the• cate for the elder Tucker "I th ink there-ware 1 lot of people who thouibt that," Tucker admit.a ubou. t thouahta of retlri~ on<.oe Clay, the Plrate quarterback the pMt two M!UOJll, had t'Omplet.ed hla 1tay at OCC. Unlike his professional counterpurt who guldes Tourney losses _ for OV, Edison "I don't know what makes a guy finally give It all up. Maybe he just get.a tlr~ or fru1traiecl But I'm the eternal optimist." He based that optimism this ae~n on the number of retumen he had to work with, Including ~ hla starting quarterback But Clay broke hi.a ankle a few weeks before the start of the 11euon. And lhen It became.evident that OCC just didn't have any real capable running back.s. The result.a were predict.able. Ocean View, F.dison and Capistrano Valley fell by the wayside in high achool men's basketball tournament action Wednesday night, while HWlungt.on Beach with.stood early delaying tactics and turned back l...oe Amigos in a non-league fracas. Here's how it went: " Creuabaw 70, Ocean View 60 The Seahawks were ousted from the Tournament of Champions at Cal Poly Pomp na despite a game effort. Four players -Mike Judge, Dimitri Antonopoulos, Byron Ball and Keith Mu1lally - played the entire game for the Seahawk.s, now 4-3 overall. Ball had 12 of his game-high 20 points in the aeoond quarter, as Ocean View built a seven-point lead. Ball also contributed 18 rebound , as the Seahawk.s outboarded Crenshaw overall, -28. Foollilll 58, Edlaon 5% Edison meets El Modena tonight (5: 5) in the La Quinta tourney consolation aem.ia afte falllng..to P'oothill, despite winning the reboun ing war, 40-16. Foothill took advantage of 29 Edison era (11 in the final period) and aoored 11even 'ght point.a to map a 41-all game. Tim Wer er led Edi.aon with 23 point.a and 11 rebounds .. Haatlngton Beadl II, Los Amt101 5t The hoet Lobol stayed cloee in the first half with a patient, spread offense, but Huntington lew the game open in the third quarter with as · · full-court press. The Thompaon brothen accounted for 21 Oilers' 25 third-quarter points with Billy sco · 11 in the period and Danny 10. The Oilers, no · 6-0, expanded a three-point lead into a 20-oint advantage in about four minutes. • SA Valley 75, Capo Valley 7Z --The. Cougars were puahed inlO the cooao bracket again.at El Dorado today after letf five-point lead ln lhe final quarter evaporate Senior cent.er Dan Mulder tallied 22. ts to lead the Cougars, while Santa Ana Valle 's Pat Drake hit nine of his game-high 29 points in the fourth quarter to spark the winners. ... OCC finished dead last In total offense. Pirate running backs carried the ball 331 times lhia teaaOn and picked up 237 yards. Defensively, it was a different story. The Pirates ranked fourth In the conference in that category. Not great, but compared to the rest of the season. it wwi a definite bright spot. "I think our linebackers and our defensive backs were as good as anybody's," Tucker i.naiata. "Actually. I'm pretty optimiatic about next season. We have some good down linemen back and some very good returning linebackers. We have, in my opinion, a good quarterback returning in (Greg) Denham. In spite of our short.comings, it wouldn't take a lot to turn things around and into a winning season," Tucker says. Being the eternal optimist he is, Tucker will be the one on the sidelines supervising the projected turnaround. And you can bet he's already started looking for those one or two more players who were milBing this season. "The thinf that really bothen me about that season is not juSt all the loeaes. We had a great ~up of sophomores and they didn't get to enjoy their last aeason here," Tucker aaya. "They're outstanding kids and they always played hard. It bothers me more than our record." OCC holds off Comets Orange Coast Coi')ege held off a furious Palomar nUly in the waning momenta and w1111t on to defeat the Comets, 74-65, Wedneeday night in a non-conference community college basketball game on the Pirates' floor. OCC led by as many as 11 points (56-45) with 9:07 to play and appeared to be breezing its 'Way to its fifth win in nine outinp. But the visitors pulled to within three pointa, 68-65, with 1:04 to go when Leland Bruce rebounded a mia8ed free throw for two po.i}l~ and the Pira,tes convertA;d four straight free throws to clinch the victory. 'Bruce led OCC'a scoring parade with 19 point.a, while Brad Guess tallied 18. Garinn Morton supplied the Pirates with a spark in the second half with aeven of ~ nine point. and all of his nine rebounds in the final 20 minutes. Your participating Lincoln·Mercury Oeoler con arrange low 10.75% fi"anc1ng through participating financial institutions for qualified retail buyers of any new 1987 Lincoln or Mercury. Actual savings depend upon amount financed, duration of financing, and state law. Dealer participation may aH.ct ~savings. . --.. -- ' MERCURY ... -LINCOLN . . . - Mu tang wonien, Edison pair d in lina1 Cole. M-and I'd*"' have ldVllK'ed &o "'"' ·•n lh• ch81ftptonahtp of tit •vanna Townament, whU. eon.... ct.I Mar and 11\andti bt •lld and Newport Harbor lou In the Oarden Orove Tournam•nt WednHda~ nt1ht In wom1n'1 hiCh trhool bvh-t JI actioft. c.o.ta M .. •, 8belly Neel hit a free throw with .ven eecorMll left to cap a furiOWI fourth-q~ rally and brtn& the M ....... I U·•• ~ oYfl' halt levW11;--lillln h.lnd1~ o.c.-.t Vew •• flnt km of &h9 ..-on. 81·&0&, •&Anda routed Rancho AJamUoa, 70·1'1; CotoM dtl Mar blut.id Banu.,o, 07-~&; and Newport Harbor l•U to Mapo11a 64-02. The Mu1tan11 (4·2) wilt play unbnten ldlton (6-0) at 7:80 J'r1day nl1ht after rallytn1 from • 10-polnt defictt ln the ftna1 period. Coa1a M .. "The Tradttlonel Tie" .. A gemi.man·a cluekl thoe for the holldaya Ind all V•ar round. . Marina kickers stop CdM Marina and Capistrano Valley hold matching 4-0 records after poef.ina victories Wed.day, while the Estancia worpeil"a team blanke~ Weatmlnater Ln hlgh 1Chool aocx:er .ction. ' The Vtldnp won a wide--open ~-3 declaion from Corona del Mar, u Shawn KiN>y and Kenny Gunn each tallied twice and Dean Paculba added a goal. Dan Phlawn had a pair of goala and Scott McCrimmon netted another for the Sea Kings. Marina held a 3· l halftime le.cl and erich team ICOred twice in the 9eCOfld half. In its 2-1 win over Mater Dei, C.apci Basketball scores c:r Wa1hlngton 78. We1tern WllNnglon 58 ......... Co•ia• of Idaho 75, UC San Dlloo ....... AatOA IO, Edinboro St. M Clndnnetl ae. lndl9na St. 83 DePIUI 88, N. mrdl 45 DrW!e 102, Mankato St. 82 ........ Atk-108, A1ebema St. 86 Geofgll 78, T-64 ..... SW Loultlan1 87, UC Sanll 8erbera 84 Qernaon 78, Cempbel 58 Geof9'a Tech llO, Alabame A&M 88 Loulelan1 Tecih 85, NW Loulllena 55 . ~tM.s.~n tU I IJ? 48, Merow 40 ..... Vermont 7'. ~ M 8t. Jofln'• 7 4, fordMm • ~ 82, o-a.town 81 Long 111anct u. 18, WIOMr 75 Nleger9 71, °"'° u. elr (ot) ~ MMttlme 75, Army 57 TW_,,,.8 .. -.... ~~11t:..~· - V"9lnl• 72, HOUiton 83 ~·· ....... ........... Contta Colla ee, LA V~ 53 Snow (Uteh) 70, CC San F.....-OOb ...... 87, OW9ltll 42 a.ma ... 93, Long 9-:t'I cc 70 Coeumb6a 74, s.n ....._.a Modello t7, 8lt"8 AM 87 , ... C* I *•la aa Fuller1ofl 40, Mt. Sen Antonio 38 PeMdlna 13. &oorpeftt 71 C1111ta•u lu ..... Cenyon ... Alo Hondo .. ' LA &outhWeet 14, Cerro C- 81 ........ ............ College of o.-181, aro-nont eo LA ~ 52, OlO'Wfd 61 Loa AngelM cc 78. Ml. San .lm*fto 74 ~ AnWiope v~ a1. eypr-ee "-11 ..... Orange CClelt 74, ~ 86 • r:.=w-=:. MIMtlll Cti .... 1111 .................. ... 8enllle ... &Uncle to KM11e 83, WWb•*"*' 5t Cart 11 .,, I M Ilk Meyf8lr 17. v ... 5t Sentteoo eo. """*"" ao .Cti ,,~ ••• Loi NiM'itOe .. ~ 48 Corone 81. ~el C.•111•1 I F 11& T«Tt 83, fl TOfO 5t 8eddleb1ck 84, Rancho Alemltol 87 (ot) T.-..-aM el ct $I I Cb 911 hlll GllwM&till Vert>um Oii IO. LA ~-79 c ......... Qwwtlttl ... ~ 10. 0oean vi.w eo Compton ~· = 45 ........... a.me AM v~ 78, ~ .-Y~ SI.~ A -- La <MiM 74, e MocMna 53 .... , .• ~1:/ton Beach 18, Lot aunn, ... 81, Q""1¥ • \¥-............ .,.....,_,_ ... Carone dee ..... 17, 8erltlligo 28 ...... &4, Newporttwtlor 82 EltilnClle 70, ~ Alenltoe 37 ...... ,..,.. -EdlllClt'I 11. Ooean View 80 Colla ...... 12. a.w-11 Balboa YC event set Balboa Yacht Club winds up the year'• conipetltlve sailing activity in Orange County Saturday and Sunday with the aeoond liiifiDmenr oT rt• "fOW'· month 8unlWt Serles. The Mrlet 11 used by many~• a warm· up for the Southern C.llfornla Midwinter Reotta in February. rn odMf' .,..., 0e1 aey Yacht Club of Marina del .., riJ conduct die Santa Mank» Bay ..O· off far the~ Cup ... ~ Beech next M&rdl. CompeUdon will be laturd•1 and ....,. Marlna Yacht Club wJll 1ta1• a Hollda7 ~ ............. . Bandiap RednC ,,... -~· Sunday. . Valley built a 2-0 lMd on a penalty kick 1oal by Bob M•IYU midway throu8h the tint half, and a .cond· half 8COre by Dave Smith, with an uliat by Manuel Ontiveros. Cougar goalie Mike Ber1eraen played well, allowfnl one Mater ~ ioal late ln the aame: Capo Valley plays ~aln Wedrielday afternoon at V alenoa. , 1 The &tand.a women'• 1quad eaaedi put Weatminater, 3-0, behind aoala.bYJ Lori Harsrove (penalty kick), l>atty For bath and ~etay Gazda. Mia' Moreno uaisted on the laat two pla. After a match today ag ainat Fountain Valley, Elltancia will open its league 8ea80ll after Chrtatmaa. Wlth the purcha .. of a Uaed Cer, Truci(""or Van tbi• rri ., Sat., Sun. or Hon. Chooee frOl9 our $500,000 Inventory. Al l eal• prlced for i.,..dlate diepoaal. Sing How·does Now menthol stack up? 7nig 51ng , ' 41ng At the bottom. r . ( M A B .. c. 0 .. E ... Waroing: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigatette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Compet1tlV8 ~tar levols reftect the lower of either FTC method or Dec '81 FTC Report SOFT PACK IOO's FILTER. MENTHOL: 2 mg. "tar". 0 2 mg. nicotine av per cigarette by FTC method. 8llaCk Of brown calf .. ...., .... , ..... "", ..... ' f , { I \ l I _J. .. , .. J . . ' .. M •• t . .· .. I' . ~ " •t, rl ....... ... ,...,,u ~:.. . ... r••• -: ' '# 1•, ~ .. =· .1""1\' • v..r I . •&: .... • r '""'II Loe~ ..._.,,.r• •""-Tl ....... 91111M ................ , ~ 9'M:9. :iao yetd9 ..,,.,,. (C«douJ a 20 I.tel ..... LAe ... A111o 1o.rci.i u.eo ,. eo ''"""¥ Wiid! (Ware!) a ao Alilo ~he~. 8uMr Ho6d °"· "9d ~ "-*, Jel ,,..,.. Kell.O, WlrWnO EdDe. ,.,.... .... n....1uo. • DACTA 11""1peld 129UO. MCOMD UC&. 650 Y9f'd9. Luc*y MooNIQlll• (Ad9itl t40 4.20 3 20 ~ W1M Clel'°8t (Broolc1J 8 00 4 20 Oieb&er Ludly Win {T,_) 3.80 Nitto raced: P~ 8fo6t•, Dux An Aoel, AoQlf Young, NoconM Chlrollae n....aue. n.> RAC&. 400 ywda. "-°"' ~) $5.00 8.80 5 20 ~ El ( I 3.20 2.90 Wedge (Het1 ' 40 Alilo ...S: L8dy UM Two, DMdly Witch., Wlfy Lump Lumc>. Bo Huna, HIQll Oaeer1 RoH . EHy RaquHt Thtee, a.111 Ezy Tomedo ""* 20 ..... • DACT A (~I paid $ t21 00 ~ RACL 400 ywda. 0o 0oe Choice tvaldul 4.90 3 80 3.20 Ootoh Awtul (CfeeQwl 11.40 e 80 GI09 {Tonk•) 5.00 Aleo t-4: Cambk> De Oto, Snac>C>Y Topy, 8.,donlc. Smooth Running \Ilk, Cold Aaquaet, Polley Tlrna, Venture Folta. Time: to. 14. • lllACTA (M) paid '53.00. """ U CL 350 ywda. Cal ... Nlc:lt (Harli 7.40 4 40 3.80 8-1 ...,,_ (Mltc:NI} &.40 3 80 ~ Juo {T,_..) 5.20 Alto raced. O..ltoyer, 8oy v-.tl<M. Plenly ol NotNOQ. The Dulll•. Tiny Trip, s-N Tn.oa, Nnro ~. Time: "· 18. • DACTA (1-6) paid 137.80. aomt uca. 910 ywo.. 8ttghl Polley {T,_.I 23.80 8.40 8.IO Hooked 0..0 (Ton1t1I 1.40 5.20 Anibtd (Pauline) 8.80 Aleo ,_i; Aaa KJno, p-Etn Up Didi. P!Mdy9 Truckle. Roeket Mood, My f.M)' hoon. T1me: 4e.30. 8n'llmf llACI. 3&0 ywda. Tiny o.. .i.. IAdaltl 1.ao 4.20 a.80 ~{TClfQI l.CIO :1.80 "'"*" Motl (Zullftl 1.20 Aleo raced. Tllat*t to CIM 88', ~ "90, Turn ol the Moon. 8'*' P Ja. 00.£89V ""'King. DO-Flnllhed 11111, dl1qualllled i nd plec9d ""1. Tim« 17.M. • DACTA (7-1) peld 181-80. • f'ICC -(tr~7) pllld 13.111.40 with 10 winning ttcaela (llw heir.-). 12 Pk* 8bl CONO!etlon paid 149.40 with 215 W>nlng tle*eta (lout ~). IJQHTM U CL 350 yarde. Cera1ot (Cardoza) 3.IO 3.00 2 IO T .... oT-(Werdl UIO 3.00 Pertllng 9ug (My!M) 3.10 Nllo ...S: Town Rodi ... ~. 11ny c.., ~. Hempena Hop9, Among The Stan, JuetWw E99Y Slit. T1IM: 17. 71. II DACTA (10-41 peld $1S ao. .-TM RAC&. :150 ywda. .._.,~) 2UO 7_.,, 4.40 ..,. 8lllulno tc.rdGral 1.ao uo Domdlel Im ~{T-) 7.80 Nllo tlCICt. ~-.,.. ,91\t..,., .Mt~ Btuce. ency legend, Nlode ...... Eddye F11Mr. Devit John. T1me: 11.35. • UACTA (7-9) oeld $111.80. ·~•.911. _ ,_ ~ ...... (If ...... ,.,,_,, , .. ........,, 11. U OOll ._ uttiL tue>TA It 1) ..... 9104 00 ~"AC&.•u-.. ~~(fw9J . lllO HO 1 00 ~-=-J. ....... ..:L,., ••• 10 00 (Y I IOIO Mio t-.d W~. -. .. I 11 ...... NII ,., .... ltlay '°' "-· Ol'fMPll 1Clftf1 ~ Oolll. "-'-Ot--. W'"9 8' ~l.!0 411 ..nt AACa. OM mite on Wff v ... 1Tot0I • oo a.ao l ao "'-" T\lrO~) • tO '° °"'*'( 300 Nitto rliDld; • V.-W, Wttl'n on .... WIM. ...... lroil•, ,l'WIOll .......... loll of • Cell , ...... 1;$44/,, • UACTA (M ) pllld U7.00. earntMCa. 11111 ....... ~=) uo uo 2to """s-uo 280 '9nt Ate I Ho AllO r...a: Wllo'• Oot • Midi•. Oecllde Wine. L•l•y•ll• La••. Ttuet Th• Men. En.--nn. 1:44 115. ln'DfT'M UCL I futtono-, ==-ralcMdll :t.3.00 7 20 4.20 'SCllGllil (\I---) 2.40 2.20 EltcllleM Kid ·~-1 3.00 AMo raced: Mt NeQto, No Hotde 88rre0. RIYeta Fector. s--Bey. Time: l:Oll :116. • DACTA (4-5) pllld 1111.00. SI l'tCK 8'X (4· 1 ... ·t ·3_.I palCI 8 131,· 270.40 wlll'I -""*'G "'* .. , ... '*-> aa ""* Sia _ _.._,,, t>.id 11•'1 .80 --. 5., wW*'ll tic* ... (llw ~). DOHrH uca. 5 111r1onga on twt 8-llllul a... (Mcearron)4.40 :1.80 3 oo Wld*Q Ao.-(~) I 80 4 00 £rl Tu (Sll>llel • 5.80 Aleo raceCI: Bare La ... Star \lelefttl<M. 0.-ol Cornwell. Imperial I.Me Time: 55 4/6. • DACTA (1·7) peid te7.l50. '9tTM UCL 5 IUt1onga on turl. Mtoole'• tn'9nt~Slbllel e.ao 4.80 3.40 Fllomene a.. lllaicli) 1.40 4 00 ~· Nlglll ...,_., 4.00 Aleo taceo: 8 1l9hl Lady, Famou1 Pwformer, Ora.Ing Reoerd, Flemme, AMI Torq119. Time: 66 4/5. • DACTA (4-2) paid I 150 00 ·~18,Me. , NtL C....a.L COWWNC& ...,....,....... EdmonlOfl Winnipeg ic-.. v--Calgety Cl*'9gO Mlnnaeota St LcMI o.trok Toronto W L T OP GA "'9. 14 11 7 149 136 N 14 t3 ' 131 132 31 13 13 5 110 11• 31 12 14 • t22 111 30 1 t 17 • 134' I... 21 ...,,.. °""'6a9 20 5 I 140 87 ... 19 • 5 143 111 43 11 20 ' 115 131 25 1 17 1 92 128 21 6 11 ... 134 te •11&.a•~ ...... OfwtllM NY tlllanden 17 13 5 127 109 3t ~ 11 11 4 120 101 341 NY ""'°"9 II 13 2 130 111 34 Wuhlngt.on 13 8 I 114 109 34 Plttal>utVh 9 11 • 106 t 40 24 M9w Jerwey I 21 1 ... 141 18 ,,...... DtwllitM 19 7 8 152 110 44 17 II 8 138 t03 tO t5 12 4 147 141 34 » 12 • 124 104 32 9 17 • I04 143 22 .... ,,...__ NY RMgen 1. °'9t 1 DattOll ... ~ 4 81. U:.. 4, Tor onto 2 C111C9gO 10. W1rw11peg a ""°".....,a. v.-2 T.......,....,_ 8uflll0 .. ea.on o.trollll~ w~at M.,,,_. y.,_ at C9llgwy NJ!L standings AMERICAN CONFERENCE NATIONAL CONFERENCE W L Pet. PF PA W L Pot. PF PA t ... ~. W L .... -., . ,,, ,, . ,., ti IO .. ' . ... • • Ill II ... 2 10 14 411 4 II 114 '"" ................ ... An\OfllO ,. • l40 ~Qfr 11 t MO g::, It 10 I~ 10 " ~ Utllh • 14 "' ... • • • Hoo.19ton :I ti . IN ""' 1118,..... O<*f'W.1 ,.........,...... ,, 4 '" . ti It ti t t 7 11 ~DtwWea tH .m U2 ., eoo .,., ICM 11 M........... 11 • 121 Oeuott 13 I I IM2 2 Atlanta ti 11 600 :I lndiaN ,, I 14 .Ml ,,_. ~ . ,, ,... '"' c~ 3 18 1:1e 11 Wt91U'tr't 9oetae Plllla<Mll>hle ... C...and 93 Alllllta 107, tndlane 101 8o9ton IOI. O.UOll t04 Oen,.., 113, Mh.Mlltae ea 1( ........ CltY '19. New Jetwy 118 Utah 119. 88'1 OleQo 1 t 3 T~GMtae ~ 11 Atlanta 8oe\on 11 .... YOl'k S.... Antonio al 0.- 00ldM s-ll "'-• Portletld II .., OleQo o.lla at Seetae co~cou..• e>r..... c:...e 74, hlcMMr. "ALOlllJlll -t(lam8tW> 4, Woode t7, Maki 20, Houeloft 8, 8. Oo6et'I 8, Schuetet 7, M Ogderl 2. TOI•. ~'1·14 15. ~ co..-r -KtaMfelclt 1. 8'uo9 19, 8ertlan9'<19, ~ 11, Wlllta 7. Mof1on 8, StepheN 4. Tot•. 31 12·18 74. H.ittltn« 0.11n91 Coeel, $4-29. Total foute: Ptllotn8t ti, Otenge eo.tt 18. HIQH8C~ ................. lllRYITW -Marultdl 9, Joaltf\ I , Ktalman 15, Beuetteln I , Oartech 7, O.Ca1u 3, Pw90k 22. T otelll: 21 12·22 N llTAMCIA -Pinckney 1e. Muatalt o. Wwt.umont 10, J6tln11on 10, Curll• 22. Loc:lnolood 2, ~ 0. Toe.le: 21 11-23 ao .... .. ~ 8eMle 12 21 19 11-4Sa E-.cle • 22 12 11-eo Total fOUle: SeMte 11. Eltatll:le 15.i, F~ CM: 8-laln (Setvltel. OaNcll (Servne~ T~ toul: CCMldl 8undetmen (E.\anc:M~ c....-..10, OoMn vtew eo CllllNIMAW -Wiik~ e. &Clot\, 10, L.ouglw1dge 10, llflOQ 11, W .. er 1, H_, •• Wll8anie 15, EdWarda 2. Tot•: 29 12-21 70. OCaM ,,... -Judot 12, .M1ooopouloa 11, Mc»« 7. Mullelty }, Ball 20, f1tle e. T-24 12-1190. .... ..,a-.. c-.i-• 20 20 21-70 0-, View t4 20 13 1~ Totm lou6a; er.-11, 0-, V... 17 foothm -. EdlMft a rOOTMLL -OW1aac 11, M ...... 9, J. Lllltd 15, R. Lwd e. 0«• •. Schmid e. Toe.Ill: 21 11-25 II. -IDWON -Wittner 23. WUl\lngton e. HM!lton 7. ~ 2. M~ I , Hachtan 2, Thoma I, SlncMlf 1, Olbbt 2. TO\al8: 18 11-25 52 .• .... .,a-we FootNll 11 12 10 tlt-51 Edleon 13 13 1 t 1&-52 Total 1ou1a: Foothlll 11, Edleon 23; Fouled out: Wllllhlng1on (Edleon), Glbbt (Edteon~ Tadlnlc:el fOul• Olbo. (Edleon~ 8.A Y.-.W 11. C..-o Y..., 12 aANTA AIU."\111&.UY -Oetll 12. ~ 12, WWlelN 4, W_,t 12, Oralle 21, Smit~ Tot*utfTiW15. c ¥AU.SY -""°9r90n 10, Mulder 22. S. Cal 12, N. Cal 2, 0.C-11, T,...,_, 0, /loAlll 0. TOlale: 31 10-1& 72.. .... ..,~ a.... -v..., ,. 17 " 22-75 c..tr-• .., 12 24 22 14-72 fotat foul•: l •nt• An• Valley 11, Cllplstt-V.., H . ,ouled °"': Mulder (CepletrMO Val!IV). O.C-(Capletrano Valley). T~ Oe c-. Caplettano \l...,ooedl. Hunt. ...,.. .. Loe Amlaoe 14 ~OM91ACM -Mlle f. 0-0-- •• Thompaon 25, D. T1-lolon 21, Alverc 4, 81ug11:I,ONva4, 0..... i , Fn. o. Cerml 0. CfoeOy 0. '°'* 2$ 16-22 ... ~ ~ -Pomo-I, McMulan 8, Hui.on a, a1rvcti1MY« It. 81mpeon 1. ~ 4, T..-..go I TcMla! It 11-22 64 .... ..,a..w. HuntlnGIOn Beed\ II 10 2S 1&-ee Lot MllDoe 1' 10 I 20-54 Tatel l°'* Hufttlftotelf' 8Mdl tt, Loa MllgOa 16. HIQH 8CHOOL Wo.N lllUnoM 10, RMaho ,., llflAMCtll -c.i.iw 11, Vatc:her 5, He9ttw:odl I . 8cll04M 14. Ctlrlalm .. 10 , CorM9y 2. 8t'alll I , 8lmpaon 4. T otal9 · 30 10-11 to. RANCHO ALMllTOI -Stoddard I, 8ollori 14, P~ 2. OltcltlV I. Aoeryuc 5, Aognlon •. l'OIMI: ,. &-19 37 .... ..,o..i.w. EelMclle 11 22 22 15-70 RMdlo AIMllloe 10 u • 10--37 Total looa &&Wide 1a, ~ A1am1toe 17. FcMed out 8toddard {AMdlo Allmtoe). OIOey '"9ncho ANmlloe~ Raiden 5 1 .833 155 1~ Dallu 5 1 .833 158 83 <lndnnati 5 1 :831 139 '90 W-.hington ~ T .833 120 104 NY Jeta 5 l .833 171 95 AtlaQt.a 4 2 .667 U53 119 Buffalo 4 2 .667 98 73 oreei\ Bay 4 2 .e67 144 115 Miami 4 2 .667 117 95 Detroit 3 3 .500 102 95 "J>tttaburgh 4 2 .667 121 101 Minneeota 3 3 .500 109 98 San ~ 4 2 .667 160 120 New Orlelnl3 3 .!W>O 77 106 New f.nild. 3 3 .500 83 98 NY Gianta 3 3 .500 103 97 Seattle 3 3 .500 104 96 SL Louis 3 3 .500 101 114 Cleveland 2 4 .333 89 122 Chlcaao 2 4 .333 77 112 Denver 2 4 .333 111 149 Sln..li"an 2 f .333 1~ 155 Houa10n 1 5 ~67 Sl 165 Tampa Bay 2 4 .333 86 111 Kanlas City 1 5 .167 89 129 Ram• 1 5 .167 122 159 Baltimott 0 6 .000 60 138 Pbiladelph.i& 1 5 .187 108 1~ I Non!: The top ei&ht tams in each oonf~ will qua!Jfy for the playoffs. '626 H•rltor llvtl., Ce1t• M••• ...... A:PA'""""== f1MCM AVAl.Mlf -~ 01112'• ..... Pllll" JOHNSON & SON presents .. NFL Pitb ,; ....... _ Sat., o.c. 11 lot Angeles Rolden over Ra mt Sun., Dec. 19 San fnlndKO er.er Atlanta * Phlloclelphkl over Hout ton * Mlnneeota ..,., DotrOlt Mett., Doc: '20 ---Sin 01ep- . O:noti-· v.:.:•11-r. ~2" """' "ir1·J.·~ ,.,..,. .... ., ..... ., ..... =:r .. -~ '~ ,, .: .~ r, '"" '°'* ..... 10, C..Ollll • ..., ti ~---.,...~_ ...... , =•:-....... jJllM • ... r h -Altl!IH .. Wllll•Mfl H , ~ '.1 ~ I LKltll\ '*· Cwt., I . LrMI! ir. T ..... ff f.IJJ M •-.r ~ -• .,.. 11, ..... •· o.i •· .....,. ••o~·· """* t,Orllfll4.~o. 11 r..-tt ... ea ...... ~ ........ ti -' II ti M ......,, ...,. 10 .. " I0--11 TOie! ......_......._I~ Hetbof t 'ouie.t Ml MllGOonlld ( Hwllol'I ....... ,,O.....vtewlO --T,.. 12, Melnlwdl H, ThO«M 11. tM1Nr I,~ 4.._~o. Oer>Oton o. OttllllM o. , ....... 21 ,_ ,, It OCllMt ... -Webb II, Ch ... 10 . ~ ........... DoulY 4, .. .,.OWlkJ 2, Oemwl 0, Git 0, TlklCIO b. TOIMK HI-ti IO. ....... o..i.w. ldl9orl II I 20 14-8 1 0--. Ylew 14 10 14 12-60 Total '°'*· fdl9on 1a. OcieM vi.w 13 'Olll9d CM' ~ (C)oeeft Ylewl CO~ e~n&~ I), NM1 11. Ow«M 7, Sc:rhumMier &. Mnon 2, i..tt 2 Tot•· 111 14-21 62. 811\IANNA -Wiiiiama I, 8ell01 2, Cflelolaro e. Ttenwy 28. RecSMe 14. Total•: 18 16·22 51 ._...,~ Colt• .... 5 9 10 25-52 SevllnM 14 11 12 14-51 Total toulec eo.ta .._ 17. 8avenna 1&. fouled out: 08tcU (eo.t• .....,, Wwtame (S.--). • .... aoocer .HMIM aCHOOl. Merlnal,C_ .. .._a M.,lna eoortng· Kltb)' 2. Gunn 2, P-.lba I .., ~d~I Mar 1co1lng. Plllaum 2, c..-tr-v...., 2......, o.1 1 Capl1treno \lellay aco<lng. Magyar 1, Smith 1 HIGH acHOOI. WomJI blMdaJ,W ........ I . Eltanda ICOring Hargrow 1, Forbalh I. Oazda 1 Wed~,:.~ ,.,,,..._. Leaaile CLEVELAND INDIANS -TreOad R•Y S-age pltchet, to the San Diego PIOIW l0t e p1a...., to be named tatet. Signed Aidt Manning, outlleldet. 10 t ~_,tract NEW YORK YANKEES -Signed Bob Srwi.y Dew Rlghelll and Sh-Rtwley. pltcllet• NMloftal l-.ua ST LOUIS CARDINALS -Signed cri.- Hlllet. Hub Kiltie. Hal l.al>ler. Dew Rldc .. t • and Aed Sclloendlen11. co~. 10 one- year eontrec11 "aclftc c-1 League LAS \IEG-'S STARS -Named Herry Ountop man9Qer UaKITaAU Natton.i ... ..._.Au ulalleft CLEVELAND CAVALIERS -Ttldecl Aon 8•-gvwd. lo Ille GOiden Stete Wllf110r9 IOt World 8 F,.., ~d rooTaAU. .........., ........... "TLAHTA "ALCOHS -Cul David Smlgellky. pun le<, end OevlCI Toloumu. 1unnln9 l>eclt Addad Oeorga Rol>etle, e>unler. ano Cley a.own. light end, 10 11'e ,.,., .. BALTIMORE COLTS -Cut Milla Wood, pl-lcll•. •ncl •ec>laoed him with DMny MMlar. pl-klCk• DENVER 8RONCOS -Announc.cl the rellr-1 ol Ctalg M«ton, quatt..-t>acll. NEW YORK GIANTS -Hamad 8111 Parcell• head eoacll. reptedng Ray ~ wt>O rMIQned Uftlt..i ltalae 'oottiaa ...... ARIZONA WRANGLERS -Signed Cttllg PenroH , querl ••b•ck, D••• Rollet. .,...... .. tacllle. IMaC OotdOn, 0.... Otey. Joe Petwe ancl Tony Lola, .......... S......, H'*'-Wld Mn Tolbert, wlda r---.: St9"• Howett and Ooneld King, fVlll>eck; Tom 89adel0te pun ... ; AdnW1I 0...,, Larry. delenat¥e becll HOC Kn LQS A~~=~ 8oO G1eoney, delen..net1. from me Hew .._ NIO'llhewllt ol the A..-icen Hodtey i..e.gue. • ALABAMA -IM,twt.,_.,, c= ol Paul "llaer" 8ry , footbell ooedl. and named "9y Pet1<1ne 10 repleoe him. GEORGIA T~H -Announced 11 .. 1 8arry Wiiton, Nlillant coec:11 ,_ Nllgned lo )olrl tne T M1P9 8ey 8en<llte ol the United StatM Footbell LMQue MESA COMMUNITY COLLEGE -HetMd Roger Schmuc-Interim h••d l>-Ntl - ALL· IF • • Prom Page q 1 Mohler t1fl the ..a:mcJ wdt. AU.C.2-A l'tntT- • Mln'M Gan~ (L.811.-od).,..... T-.. (La Habf•), Hugueot1e P....-(JordM). Jll W ... (Lakewood), ~cy Whlet* (La Wlllon). MVP --. LAfffle Semon (Uk.wood). hoeR4T- Kelly Addy (L• H•bt•I ... .,>' O•n (St. Lucy'•), B1end• M.,tln (Roy•ll, RenH Pankopt (LB Wllaon), Martin• UrtHun IGllldttonel. AU~ t-A ,.,...._ S'-tl Glbeon (Sant• PlllM). OlllM Denton (Slllll• Pautal. Ellubeth HM1 (Rim of tlM World). Dofothy Hert (Rim of the Wortd). Ttny Genne (Rim of IM World). a.nlta 8ogWI (29 Plllme). MVP -Wendt Ruell (Rim of the Wortd). a.o.ftdT-Eva M«eno (SWlta Pll&M), Olal ev-(Rim or the W•tld), Oreteti.n DeWitt• (lndto). Stephanie Moone (CtllnO), Gina Holrntttom (LA Bllc>llat). Jennine FeNkl (CelRHM). A1L e• IMAU. ICHOOU l'lntT-Maggle Aiton (Boron), 8J .. I• Berkebtte (Hewpor1 cnr.tlanl, JeM1 Cllild9 (M~ c.lta H9Y91 (Un!Mld Chrtetllln). H4lldl Henkle (8'en1w0od). M«I Jo Hick• (Trone). TlffMY Rochelle (Br•ntwood), 8to•n Turn•r (M•mmolhl. LIH Y•nd•r'•" (Llnfteld ChrWtlain, Ctwl9 Yewty (~ Chtietlan). MVP -Tnca O'Mwe (Alntt1dge 8ecr.d H-1). ._....T_ Deidre aw.-(FtlntftdOe a.creci H9W1). • Julie Bennett (Ctlnlpb9I H9I). Jedlte a.tt (Ramona Convent/• M•l•nte Oe tte n (Crot11oada), Del>b • Mohler (Newport CMetten). .-,., Mcwgst (Mwnmotl\). ~ oi.-tlkt (L.lnf191d ~), u. P98'1111 ~ (Holy Famll)'). .-..-,.,.,. (Heyftilld), ~ WhltM¥ (8'9ntwood). Softball teams to compete The Orange County Bat Busters' second annual Christmaa softball tournament will be staged Friday throu1b Wednellday at two Westminster fields. Four divisions (32 teams) will be oontesled with action taking place at McFadden Park and Park West. The divisiona include minors (12 years of age and under), majors (15 and under), seniors (20 and under) and wome n's open. Three garnet will be played Friday n ight at each aite , beginning at 5 p.m. The entries: Mlnort -Cyp<-No. 1. Getden Orow Oo6d Rueh. Ptnmount. Gordon"• (~) • ._ Pwti, awtw OM, a.it ....... M•Jore -B•t Bu1ter1, Fullerton. Huntington Be•ch Out11w1, w .. 1mtn1ler RangMn, GenMn ~ ~ u Mlr..S. ~~No.2. ~ -llltt eu.ter.. ...._.. .......... WMlmtnatw Ill.id.,., W .. t CovlM CIMK> Kida. P9llm Sptlngl, a.den Otow ,,..,,_, CypteH O•mbter1, L.Mlewood Penlhen. ANflelm ,.,..... f\lller\on ,,.,.... Open -W• CoWl9 ....... Allllirton Sundown.re. San Otego 8outllt•nder•, ~ Slwtte. ~ --8treMa, u HMlnl Rmiger et1-. Mens Juniors GlnQft Parka . . from 4850 Poppy 8 . Bib .. from J 550 S908 Slz~ 2-16; Asst. Color.t. ~- ~,- ; I ·-a a G U 0 % MoveOutof --...ur Uninsured Money Fund. ovelnto 1st Nationwide Savings New ·Insured Mon~y Market Account Pays High Rates Like the Money Funds! Your Insured Money Market Account pays like the uninsured money funds. And your account at 1st Nationwide Savings is federally insured for absolute safety. You can open your account at any 1st Nationwide Savings office for as little as $2,500. Fully Insured to $100,000 ... Plus Total Liquidity (". No more risk! No more worry! Unlike the uninsured money funds, every dollar in your Insured Money Market Account is insured to $100,000 by the FSLIC, an agency of the United States Government. You can make deposits or withdra_wals to your account without penalty any time you stop by one of our offices for total liquid- ity. In addition , you will have limited check writing and automatic transfer options. Move Out of Your No-Interest Bank Checking Account. Move Into 1st Nationwide Savings -InSured Market Rate Checking Un like the money funds. our account gives you honest-to-good- ness interest checking, daily access to your money. You can write as many checks as you want, when you want, for any amount you wa nt. And your money is insured to $100,000. Now you can have a 1st Nationwide Savings Insured Money 'Market Account with limited checking privileges and you can have an Insured Market Rate Checking Account with 1.Jn/imited check writing privileges. Both accounts are federally insured. VISA, With No Fee! Why should you pay a bank for a VI SA Credit Card when 1st Nationwide Savings gives you one free? It's true. When you open either an Insured Money Market lil'tzJl"m+ l J •5'1 , q Account or Market Reserve Checking we'll give you a VISA Card with no annual fee?" Does your bank or money fund make the same offer? •v1SA subject to credit approval B ' Wa. .on t 1t ... Don't wait ... sign up now. We'll put your funds in a Market Reserve Plan* until January 5 when we will automatically transfer your funds into an Insured Market Rate Checking Account. If you already have Market Reserve Checking arid want our new account. just tell us. We'll automatically move you to 1st Nationwide Savings Insured Market Rate Checking January 5. 'Your daily account balance up 10 S2.000 earns 5','t interest and is msured by the FSLIC The balance 1s secur~ by nore~ and obligations ol the U S Govern-men1 or governmenl agencies Don t settle for an old-lash1oned bank checking aooount Income Tax Preparation at Special Discounts! Every year, qualified cus- tomers have enjoyed substantial discounts on income tax prepa- ration . This year, you can, too! It's easy to qualify: discounts as high as 60% are based on your savings account balance with 1st Nationwide Savings. Call today to get all the facts and schedule your private appointment. NEWPORT BEACH: 3300 We1t Cout HIQhWIY nut Newport Blvd •• 63 J ·9205. ,, • . . . .. ..: .. . , • ·.) . ... . . .. . . . . . . f • • . . . . . . . . . ~ /1 ID ftDTS TlllDIY IO DUIJ31 111.a I ALLTRADE 40 PC. GEllE V3 BP SOCKET SET DELUXSCREW DRIVE I Did we juat feature thi• ••t or am I getting aenlle? Don't an•l"•r that. just buy the aet. yea. MlllYILLE 90 LB. ROLLED ROOFDIG 9••.u Mineral 1wface. (I don't know what kind of lwnb.r they uMd lD my bouH. but the term.UH are dylDg from anemia.) OREGO.lf SPLIT-KWIK FIREWOOD SPU I I ER Juet whack the wedge with a 1ledge and 1pllt any log up to 24" long. BLACK .• DECKER ' ¥." YIRWILE SPEED REYERSIRG DRILL 2497 #71• PWla double duty cu a drill or ectewdriHr. lock• at du1red 1peed. Black• O.Cker wUl mall you a 15 REBATE on tb11 one. BECK 25 n. 16/3 CORD CADDY 977#C&DS IWOn . DURACELL ILIWJllE · . .--.. •• --.1c Bl Tl'EBIES UTWlllPU 94!. C • ITWDIPU nn 119 •t ftLT 1111&£ PU ~ PU Cot I .-olt lantern battert ... too. #Mlf908 • #NJflll. ARMOR ILL 4 DZ. 87• I II. PNeenea plaatlce mad nahb.r. Good llhaff tc. tM daahboard and ot.MrriDyl. Will FULLVIEW lllllOBS •• > 4 •ua. IPlla. liAIUlGE DOOR OPEIER I :i:~~thla I 39a_a l'~ coupon and get 110 off our - lutallatlon price. ,. .. m11, llSTILLITm 5900 ., an um •c. ..... -,. ... In' llSTILLlml ., ....................... 111 RISllUSSEI FROSTED OAK LOG SET 79!!i Deal lDdude111Cmdpcm. bullt-lD burner. whit• .Ulca eand and connector. (Froeted oak? How do you light it?) HIRSH S'l'QRIGE SHEL YllG FOUR sm.r 1J111T 31" • • 51" 1 • 1r· 1 6!!. nn: SBELF 1JlllT 1497 ~..._~ 31" • I 71" I i IZ" D #TWiii ~~~.~22 9!.z. Get that me11 off the gmag• Door and JDCrt_be you can n.a park the car lD there. GAYLll 011 Tiii COVERS RAISED PllEL OR 1~!~~ CUE llSERT Tall • ll&T ClftU D'TU 7777 Golly. eome 1plffr terlet thete. Clfd-. Nuthi.n like '.a~ back In MOOMfaw, DO alree. EllERSOI BUli m.r.£RS IS Win zsw1n 44!.~ 59~! SOLID BUSS PEICOCK 1111ESCREEI ··-··~·3•97 Thie braa1 beauty la no relatloo to Cheap Chkbsa. but IM'• a thrifty blrd, too. AUSSIE WOOLIE GEIUllE SBEEPSlll SEITCOVEBS 43"" .. Ci.AD 33 GILLOI TRASH BAGS 2 9 7 21 ClllT #Diii How mcmy ply? Don't ply me lor detall1. theM guy. are tough enough tor the taak at band • Sldney. CRITEMITES 1/5 CUTE 21• nncmz ~mmnn• 319 YEITICIL CUTE FUU CUTE s•• Choice of colon with tbeM atackable 1torag• unit•. 1'uff aald. SOllEDI PBOPDE llDEPEIDEITLY COllROl.t.ED DOIL BURIER Wft'B FREE RmsSERIE I 3997 nm Good tluw to buy the barbecue. Who carea lf It . looh funny under the Chrtatmaa u..? -··--··- ELMER'S GLUE ILL 4 II. .................. 39• I OZ. .................. 59• "· .................... I" lY. II. ................ 19• 2211. .................. 1•• DOllE 31" IUD SWIVEL SEIT UI STm. 2477 ftlW Aireodf put t6getMr. 'but tllintc or paint I• up to you cieatlft geDluea out there. ;ITILilll- . ~-· wmE .. DESIGRER . CHAIR e llttle chair to k youraelf in. · lt coat• about .-much aa a nice tollcqi dinner . 99 .__.......-.--.. ........ CLEAR DRY AYE REDWOOD DI I', 10', 12' lXZ Liii. "· 1110 87• I 3 274 Lii. n . Lii n . l I 12 117 14 37• Lll.n . 47tLll. n . 2 I 2 374 Lii. n . 1& Ul·n . 214 67• Lll.n . I I 674Lll. n . 2 I' 97• UI. n . Makes me thinlcof camping in the . redwooda. Freeh air, nice scenery. poison oak;-beara carrying off the kids. FOREMOST T.Y. CART WITH SHELF t 1977 ~ MICROWAVE SERVDIG CART 2977 #tl5 VERTICAL EITERTADIMENT CENTER WJTB CUSS DOOi 5977 #1"5 They've got the Waverly Walnut flnlsh and even I can ut them together. Really. DOllE EllL' lllEllCll I IDDEB llCI CUii Sam. old 1tory here. folb. MURBIY BllES BOYS' 20'' TEAM MURBIY BMI 5988 ..... MEI'S 26" NOITEBEY CBUISEI 6aaa ... BllD TRUCK 81 DOLLY Well hello dolly. (Carol Channing'• got nothln' on me.) Nlce llttle number for haulln' the good a. 44 SURBEAM \ l•" DELUIE TWiil ILIDE IJ!OWEB ~-·:Jil 11988 · 11 -,. t" #311tD Like the barb.cue. lt' 1 a good tlm• to buy one. More torque than a 3 HP ga1 engine. eaay height adju1tment. SCOTT'S BOIUS 1 ·1!?.n. TURF BUILDER PLUS HILTS IO!.~·"· ·-~ijj mu BEATERS ......~ -~ . ' \ •. . .. COMPACT BEITER 1250 Win WOODTOIE 18 Win 13!! 17!!. Bonue gt••• th• boot to oxall1and8 other w..c:t1. th• Good for 1pot beating. (1 wa1 kicked out of the other •luff •lop• crobgrcu1 1ubmarine M"lc• for •l .. ping wlth th• window cmd It feech your lawn. open.) __________________ ... __ I almost paid twice a1 much foraw .. plngflg. You won't sh'td any tean o .. r th•M deala. either. TATUllG COLOR TELEVISIONS 6 19" 288!.!a ar· wm IEMm399aa UD IUDll can #CFI 5 PC. DURANGO DDfETrE SET ·&•·· 31..x '8 Du.nmgo table and 4 fawn colored upholltered chain .... for yowv'1l:" \ AlfllOAL RYEGRASS SEED 1 97 11u. ln th• Spring. you'll be glad you got out there and 1tomped mound. WEEDEATER 10" ELECTRIC STRING TRIMMER 2488 # •• .. .. 'J!!llll!if'. ·,. . . (~~;, .1 .. BENTWOOD ROCKER t •• ';. • ,,. I ~ 4~7~ '-·, Got the laminated oak flnlah and caM Mat and bock. good lookiog chair for the MISS JONES ,r;CALL THE I S.P.C .c .. (SOCllTY FOR PREVENTION OF CRUELTY T)O CHICkENS ~., CAROL CABLE ~: ~ 15 n . llEJIOTE COITIOL coo:~ 197 Brown or white. Now you won't haT• to drag yoWMU out of that wann bed to tum the light off. G.E. son WHITE LICllT BUUS '" I &8, 75 OR IM WAn' "' PID I !.!4.ILIS You could pay lot1 more in the grocery 1tore for 1 that "eoh plea.sng lli;iht". but why indeed? . . arou.nd while you chatter. Llmlted qwmtlty. -~----CEITll ·1 ~ -OIE PIECE ~ cam 1388 : ~ fuat lay It down to hang It u • u that mak .. cmr --MDM to you. ··--• 7 PC. BOIBILL DllEllE SET 128~· bucb. ONLY 9 ·MORE DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS/ Count head1 cmd ... U you need the blg~r one. with 1lx Sand Latino upbol1terecl chaJn. f.P D.LUMllATED BIKE I ~ : : SAFETY WDD ,, 'j 597 L IJgbt1 up with 2 AA batterlM (extra), • aleo hen NG.di" tape. n., ca't alee ,.... (Wice Well to ...... ..,., . '· Tiit: t'i\MILt' CllCl'I by 811 Keane .'1t.. Aunt Nancy I've got oil tho clothes ';',~ need." , . .. . , ·~ "··· ·" . by Brad Anderson \ llU" e1-. by Virg il Ptftch f VIP) l' I J ~ r ~--L..&--s=--~~~ " M • "Okay, Sllm, time to move on." DE~:\IS TH . Mt:Ni\CE l •/.:) ll>IJ CN<1 TILL "°"'' TMI W«IATM Wf'lE /Mllf F~ TMI F-0«&8T5 OI LHAMOH~ll4AT'S LYIN6! -y 'I ~ Tt:MBLl1'EID8 L.IMPIV L.ltARt7, -me CHISF WAN1S VOO 10 ACCOMPANY HIM ON A PANiH~~ HUl\rf. SHOE -------You WOULDN'T, WOULO YOU? AHO I CAH'1 #It I 91.AM! VOU ! -y by Cn1tt11 M. lc1tul1 6H 7VQM WW OOCWT WOlk,llfMU! (( - by Tom K. Ryan by Jeff MacNelly \ by Ernie Bushm1ller ! :\r\NC\' WATCH ME PERFORM A HEROIC ACT WHAT DO YOU EATING THIS HERO SANDWICH ,· . .. "While I'm bird watching, he's cat watching!" clerk says he's takln' a coffee breakl An ' all these years on Christmas Eve I've been leavln' him a glass ·,-. ______________ _._ _____ __;o;.;'m.;.;.:.l:.;;;lkl:..."------ .·~a;OGE PARKER ,_ -,~ -by Harold Le Ooux DID THE CAPTAIN (;oET IT OVER 1 DION'T HEAR IT! I ~0 THE AADIO ? WHEN'O YOU IT. COUN~ eov'1 ...--...-.-.............,~ HEAP. IT, JEANNIE 7 by Jim Davis VOO Kt..IOW VOO'Rf. ON A DIET WHEN EVEN TME POO FOOC7 COMME~CIALS LOOK vOOC7 50T ..... 5o4 Petting 57 Mr.-: WIDNHOArl PUmllOlVED Mender 58 Tl'MI 59U.K.atrMm eos1enrc1 81 leftoo..t 82 F1Mwff• t3 Property DOWN t Bluff 2 Ponder 3 U8 t*IY· wrtght 4 Feee:Slq 6 Enclngfof dtt Ott dllc • 'OllOw 7 ~ 28 Trlclllt ·~ 2to..t • a.m . ..,,.,. haUrdt: to o.m111te 2 WOJdt CALL A ALL BY MYSELF ~E~ '"" OIJ tfl~ ~ MUL."TI-CORP ~I!~ ~ cam:szr 1~-10 HEROIC ACT? .,l .:\k l ' "INkt:RBEt\N I'M ~RQ I N1R5. BUDD ' &JT HOU.Cf HA5 10 WEAR "™E ~ l.)'.llFORM Af, me ~ER 61Rl.£> AT ~E R06€ ffiRAOE. ! WE CAA'I CHANG£ Ii ! RED AND WHITT: H'APPEN 10 8t • . W ~L COLOR$.' *>, t'~ Mo'f ~HIM ._ l.£1rt~ ilM ~. 1. ~'11141~1( It~ M\CE ro ~1'1E ~ 1f.U. HIM 'fME. 0 11111¥6 i .i.IMIT! ~·~1'00 ~'f 10 ~O ALL 1.au.£ u.1r~~! PE.oM ~o ~ "'ORf C()l~Q£.AA1f.~ (hYJ FOi 'iOO! by Tom Bat1uk t~1 ~IM A (~ft'f. fA~. ~ l I j I ' by George Lemont Recovery tied to m 11 r deficit LOI ANGIL~:/_ -L1tt1n1 9CIUiiilWNill Nall. on "1tructural d~lte • In th•~ bud1•t, J'•dtral A•Hrv•· Boatd ~Paul Volck« 1111. VolcMr Mid he th.lob Wt nation'• eaanamy ta pln1nc lltnfWth but ..:ide<I that the NODWl'Y will nof ellmlnaa. the budMt deftdl. "Ii 18 :nu.nc to 1ua-t that the 'budlel • CU\ be ae.lt with ... Pfillfve byproduct of r.cowry . . . but it la wt.ahtu1 thinJdn8," Voll!ker told the Loi Anaelel Owpler of the A.merlcan Jewlah Committee Tue.Say. Althouah lncreaaed tax revenue• whk:h eccompeny an eoonomic ttloovery UIUally _..,,. 10 reduce budeet deficit.a, Volcbr eald bullt-1.n budpt l.mbalancel will rwnain thia time. "Tbe hard fact ll that, u thino now , a1and, the detictt will remain cloae to current levels even u the receuion ~ >.. the 'cynical' portion of the defk:it 1-ecedee, we will face a growing '1tructural • deficit -that la the imbalance that would remain even when the economy ia operating at a high level, with aeduced inflation," h e said. "The \mderlying atructura1 defidt is growing. Left unattended, it will retard our econom.tc ~in 1984, in 1985, a;Mf 1n lh«t 'I blyund." bl...,-1haN of our •vtnp' •nd pa.re Voeller Mid lbit nallon'• .conomy oxlia ~on flnandaJ marlleaa,11 tMt 1hould ·pick up In I 883, a It h uuteh utd, eddln1· lha~ •lf0f'8 to puah t liowly r.deraJ Ralfrve lnlO an ..... mone&ary "I 1hare lh• 1•n•ral view that pol~)' w.ould not 1UndN&e th• defltft ,OMCLO~ GAU , r«avery in th• U'nlted 8t.atee will b9 problem A". • I it • I. 0 u .. Oii w~. DUI ...... tta, Oft om ...... IO , .. , ... , •• evlcS.nt throu1h 1913, ahhou1h at a "No retoJutlo1' ln Conareu about •••••••~ = ~ .. too o'..._ 1-"' o1NII,...1rt 1.M . WHT COAIT fANK, ' l moderate rat of ,-... -probablv ln...,_t ralee, no different 1ar,.11 for wmtOUT c 111e 100111 ... llldl lof oondl!Mlnt 01111011111 to1potot1on. •• d1111 .,...... " h h l h AM .,ow """hew tllO ..... """ Truetee'• ..... wllllitl e110 OfflOle of eplolntod Tt1i1"00 11111101 11111 tlower than durln1 pre v loua po•l· monetary 1ro wl , no c an1• n t t 10 brlnt yowr Moovn1 111 tooct 1u:AL Ill ATI HOUll'ITlll .,.,,._,.'°a..•""*~ ~ yeen," he Mid. • atructurt of the Federal Relerve can Nn4lnl..., ~ 11 tlfytNr,... au1v1<:1. 1ooo1o4 ., tott NOf•h """"'10. ""· • .....,No , . • VI k Id h ,. d Ill •• rv. a a .u ... _tltu•-to 1 1 M~pM'*'"'"'"OOlll 11roac1wor.tuttotot,1n 1NC11Yof o1'h0fllcilf"9ootllflnlfl0 I o c er H t • e w f\o t 10 • 119 .., r aav n I or 1111e1 ....,_ ......,. ..,.. ""°""" lollto w . County of Otengo. ttoto '"° ~ ,..._. of Or overboard 10 t UMWate the econom~. reduce the lt.ructural buqet defldta," "Olll 1N dlll .. nottoe of dlfillM ol Collfornll, tAN MAi.INO Co11nly, 81110 of C111to1 , ....... _ ·-p•·tton ,_ to ...... t th he Mid. ,,. llOOldOd. Thi• omo11nt I• a A v I N 0 a A N D L 0 A N ~ "" l.dwln M. Qr~ u• ..... UI .. .. ..,...... OU ., 11.21 ... of t2/0Hta. end Wiii ASSOCIATION, • .Celllornl• WILL llU AT PU9UO It.ope ln an effort 10 huten the recovery Stampina out inflation ahould alwaya lnoroou 11nlll your 000011nt corporellon, .. duly opporntod TO HIOHUT 91004U• ,Oft 0 I r.roceu. But -contrarfi t o the have b•en viewed aa • lon~term boOOmllOUfNtlt.V'0111N1Ynot"-Tru•ioeun0otllndpureuen110111o<poyOD1e1t1._of .... 1n l f •h th ~blem Vo'-k---'d addlno t • h e to pay IN onttro unpold portion of power ol •olo contoftod In 11111 m<lnl¥ of IN Unltod St.._)• "le I rnpre11 on1 O tome -n e • e r e • ~ ..,. ~ • ... • your ecoount, ovon though tull e«totn 0004 ol Trutt ,._,,., 1>y front entrenoo io the old Otonte Federal ~r any other policy lieved the nation'• economy ult.Unately poymont w• ctonlendld, bu1 YOIJ Juo1111 A Jordon, .,, unmorrlod county courthO\IM, 1ocotod 011 I bodvcanbylt.ae f!JVethat-uJt" will recover without renewed price muotpoy1t1ooinowM...-.i.o-. WOl'Nllllll10EctwwdF f.lconO,on a onu Ano Blvd., bot••• o1. •..,. ' Attor UW. monfll from the ,... 11nmorrlod man. H Joint tenon••. SycMIC)f• St., & S<oodwoy. Eff0111 by the na\U>n'I oel)tnl tpitab. of t-dotlon of tfllo clOOU!Mlot, roc;ordod J-*Y 23. 1N 1, In 8ooil Ano. Co111om1a, ... ngM. ttUe i IUbdue inflation have been undenntned "W _..__uld .... ti 1 •-' wtllclh dtM of reCIOl•llllon ...,_. 13128 of Ottlcllll Aoc;orcto of Mid 1n1«• oon~ to Md now b tin• .1 .... budg t def'-'•· V ,_ .... _ ~ e NIU never , .. ve an c PA1oeU horoon YNme tho ~ bOlllO County, •t pogo 3114, Aooo<dor'• bit h under Mid Oood o1Truot1n Y con ......... e aa-. 0~r t dea.llng with ingrained inflation, lorodcMed llPOfl '*'"'1•• • IOngOt lnot~• No. 261311, by reuon ot IH'opotly ottuotod 1n Mid aid. rebuilding a bMe for growth and '*1od, you,_ only_~~~ • 1>rooe11 or o.twi 1n ~· or tnd a .... dmm1bod •a.. "No inflation can be atopped without productivity, would be fut and •Aini," he lo etop tho torodooute~ portormanco or lho ob lgeuon• "A" lttadwd ,_... end mode• appropria•-_..._., .. t on the arnwth of -., IN tnllto omounl by tooureO lhoroby, lncludlt1g 11101 pen horool. """" • '"""... ...... .... -said. ~ creditor. broech or Olhlvt, Nolloe of whlc:tt DH*f "A" money and credit -and in the lut To find out tno -"" .,ow ""* w11 r-dod ~ M. tN2. • Ttlet pcwtlcNI of Lot 1 or tho • anal · that · tin"'"'n job .. h "I am convinced that 1n the end the poy. or to etrOl'IO tor~ to Rooordor'1 lnttrumont Ho. ~ Cor'9dA oo LAii Mlo9, 111 ya&a la our con ~.. • e llOP tllo lotocl091ffO, or " y04lr 82-302038, Will SEU AT PU8LIC IM County of Ofango, St••• of uid. current strains and pain will 800D give . property .. In tor.doour• for ony AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST c.itfomle. .. per mop _..If\ ''But it ia a1ao true that job haa been way 10 renewed growth and prosperity othor , .. eon. oontact: Loon A. 8100£R FOR CASH, l8wful money eootit 3 Peoeo :rto ond 2t1~of mad e m o r e d if f l cu 1 t be ca use -if we only have the wit, the wbdom, "**tleY .,_, Vltglnlo E. Hadular. of tN United Stet•. or • CMhlor'• ~ a o • "-O.. 1n the ofllo. 14171 WlloOn 8t .• Mldwer City, Co. chectc orewn on • llol• 0t notk>nol of LAii Mgolol County, ~ complementary 'approaches are weak or and the p e Niatence neceuary to t2W, (1141 "2·170I. bonll, • aato °',.,.,.,er.Sit un1or. bollndod eouthwH1orty l)yr.;; lacking. Inatead o f declining, budget capit.aliz.e on the opportunitiea before " '°" ,_ _,, ~. '°" °' • •••t• °' l.o.t•t .. vino• llnd northH1to11y lln• of 1110 lend ...... et1011ld contoc:t a lowror or 111• loan ueoc:tellon domlellod In tl'lll !5"' tno Dead to the:3 '! deficita have risen. They now at.orb a .._ QOllWN••" ogonc:y....., ln9Y llaW •tal•. e11 poya.bll •• ,.,. time of Mio, • ~ 1n ~ q , r-:;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Nnd '1CA" loon. Ill rlOlll. title end lntorlll hold by II, Peoo 8 Oflldll "-de; t Rl!MEMBl!R, YOU MAY LOSE u 'fru•teo. In 11111 rHI property by tho -IOfly lln. of tllo lend 1 LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU DO MOT lltuato In Hid County end Stoll, dHcrlbod In tllo Dood to ii• TAKE PROMPT ACTION. de1Crlbed u lollOwt. &out horn Colltornll Edi 1 • NOTICE 18 HEAEltY OtV£N: A LEASEHOLD INlEREST IN ANO Competly, r-dod In 8ooll 731 , I T II. I w •• t. I n Mu I II • I TO LOI 7 In BloC* 5 Of Troct No. Pooe 313, OfflCllal "-d•; ~ • M~ttel doesn 't toy around CorJ)orotlOfl. II now 04i'I ~'*' 772. In 1"9 City of NowpOtt Booch. northOliy Md "°'1"•-•Jiy bY ._. : HA'"'THORNE (AP) Mat•-} 1,714,28 .. shar-Tru1tM under o Dood of Tr.1.111 •• 111-n on• mop recorded In eouthorly ond eouthwoote.rtf I " . closely related to its ..... u ..... dated 04/18tt2 ·•xooutod by: Book 23 . Pogot 5 ond 8 01 boundary of tho Mod_. Hc:lmo Mattel Inc bu ~ exilting buainea l.n the of it.a common 1tock at $7 LUTER DALE wooo & VALAREE Mlecelloneou• Mepo, In Ille oflloo ol Tract ... --on .... "D'' on • : to b u y co.ntrol of toy and entertainment a s hare. In addition, ~A~~~ ... ~u=~': g::,n~y~unty Recorder 01 Hid ~~~~~~oei:.!!; 1 a e m i c o n d u c t o r ~. Solid State's principal tovor of: LEON A. HACKNEY & EXCEPT o11 cruoo o11. petroleum, Aooordl of Mid Oranoo County. manufacturer Solid Solid State Scientific, ahareholder, VDO Adolf VIRGINIA E. HACKNEY, hulOond ~u. bru, up1111tum ond •II• More oorrec1lr dalll 111.s •: Sta·-Sden .. "'-Inc. for e Pay encl ....... 91.,ndal1 Aoootdod on J<l ndrtd •ubtloncH and other Th•t portion of Lot I of IN """" """"' a leadil\g maker of S c hundhng of Weit ~~~~~~-'lro 04/27112 •f\Documont no. min••••• under ond 1n 11Jd tend Rondlo Con.do 0o LOe Allloe. 1n aboUt $12 million, Mattel integrafed circuita for Germany. agreed to aell Top u .s . Dollars 82-143126 of Oflcllll AloOrda"' tho ... ~.tho rlgllt 10 UM ll'f'I portion tllo Co11nly 61 Orono•. Slot• of --~_,._.., di i I h d ._ __ all f th 232 000 otfloo of tho "-dor of Orengo of tho turl-of tho land IOI Ot1llng Colllomla. .. por mop -dod In m&&UUUIMa .. ~-t wLl...L --'d ,_.... 8 ta wale ea an .a f;HICA 0 e • For s•ate of Israel Bonds County, c.llfoml• doocttblno the 090rotJon. mining or qu.rrytng of all Book 3. PooOI uo •nd 211f'of ·-iuu1 ... ...,,. p rod u c e r o l s e m i -shares of oonunon stock ' lend lhlr9ln: 1t1n<11 Including t>u1 '"°' olCciutlw ol M......,_ Aooord9. 1n the ~ w ~ e k it expect. a c 0 n duct 0 r devices it owns at $6.11 a share. Before Matu rlty Lot .. of Tract 1717 In tho City oil wen Orllllng. oil develwment, ol Orengo County, Collfor S h d 1 i ol Oudon Oro••· Co11nty of rn1n1f1o oporellont together wl1h the bounded t outhwHtorly by fourth-quarter loaa for au lo motive c in n i . an Or•no•. Stet• of Colllornl•. •• uM ot .. 10 eurloce '°' o11 ..,,,,. nonhoHtorly lln• 01 tit. 1 Ml becau•e of marketing 1natrumenu and other automotive industry H L WOLF a CO .,_on • ...., rooordod '".,. tanU. tunnett. ~ oacavatlono o-tbodlnthoDoadtolho~ and prunotion costa for industrial and ocnsumer a U pp} i er th a t b Uy s • • • 66, Pago• II to 11 lncl111lvo, of or 1/'tafla. provided 110-ve<. Ille of Orange. rooordod In eootr 1241, ita I ntelliviaion video product&, already makes products from Solid INVESTMENT IANKDS ::!cs-'~• M•P•· record• 01 :,:;:bl:~."~1111~ ~n~~,: ~eo:.:~ ~ltlo~ ! game 1y1tem aaid the computer c hips for State, will retain its 120 WAU STREET, SUITE 1044 1ncM1r1a 1 note for the-..m of opor111onawNctt1nno-yuto01tn tlHcrlbod In tllo OHd to tllo ' kU r Ch a I e ' Of the convertible subordinated 117,140.cJo. Thol tllo benollclol ony W1Y effoc:t Ille turf-rlgl'ttt of Soutllorn C1llfornl1 Edi eon j Mattel products. NEW YORK, N. Y. 10005 1nt.,... under Mid deed of tNll Mid land, end wNctt 0o not .,..,. eomoonv ,__, 1n eootr ""· r on t g o mer y vi 11 e • Under the ~t, debenture8 worth about end tho obllgatlot• w:iurect tharobr Mid land 11 • po1n1 .... 111an 500 Pogo 313. Offlclal Rec:CM'dt: ~ : Pa.-baaed firm waa Solid State will iaaue p .5 million.. (212) 473-3504 oro pro10nt1y 1101d by tho teot 10 Mid turf-. u r--i 1n nottt.ty .,_,~by 111o , _________ ___;;.........;;;..;;..;;;;..;;_.;;_.;._;......_...;____;___;_.:_ ___ __:___; ____ -L-____________________ ., .._.._,_ The! • broect1 of, end d..:I from John H. Hornor Md Joon •outherly ond 1outhwet11rly ; Here Is what a $2,500 minimum deposit can Nm for )40CJ with a Sank of Newport ULTRAM~ Money Marlcet Account: • Potential for earnings above money market rates •FDIC insurance up.to $100,000 for each account you open • Te~phone transfer privileges to your other Bank of Newport accounts • ln&aent liquidity via checi< writing or 2.4-~r Automatic lefler Machines • Personalized face-to-face service • Convenience of clo6e to home banking and knowing that your investment will help stimulate ~ local economy rather than benefiting New 'fbrl< or other flnan- clal eente~ • Consolidation of funds Into one easy to · manage account --+--• Free personaliZech:hecksfor one year • Many other banks and savings organizations are also offering slmilar money market plans . . but you can be assared that at Bank of Newport anything they can do we can do better with our ULTRAMAX Money Market Account. You may even bring us Bank of Amenca·s. Security Pacific's or other financial institution's newspaper coupons and we will honor them with the same bonus to open your Bank of Newport ULTRAMAX Money Market Account. For detailed information 6n Banf( o1 Newport's ULTRAMAX Money Mar1<et Account. call 714/760-6000 extension 337. MAIN OFFICE Coaat HlghWly at Ati.<oeldo .. 714/760·6000 LIOO OFFICE Thirty·~ SttMl •t l.alaytlte 71.\/7ec>-1233 Newp0r1 Betel'!, Cellbmla .# ~fOte default In. 1he o0ll09tlon for wtlkift L Homer. r-ded Jutf 3, 11157 In boundoty of the Mod .... .._ 1 Mid deed of truel II -.tty hll Book 3981. Page 371, 01110111 TIK1 11 .,_,on ltlMt "D" on• • oooun'Od In thOt lho P9V'IWll hM Records IMC>~ In eootr 9, PllQlll 41, ; not ~ medo .,_ Feiur9 to mak9 , Tiie atroot oddren or othor 42 end 43 of ~ ...,._ 1 tho 11116112 poyment of prtndpel common dotlgnotlon of Ille rH I Aocord9 of Mid <>tango County. • Md/or In.-end el •ltloeQllOnt property llofeinabove dlocrlbed It TM 1trMt oddru1 end othOf' : poymonll. togothor with l•t• purport.a to be 235 Wolnut SlrMt, common dollgl..tton. K eny. of Jt10 • cllergot, Impound•. odvoncoo, NowpOtt Beooll, Calll0tnlo. roal pr~ deecrtbod ebow lo : taxoe. dollnquont poymonto on Tiie under1lgneo noroby purported to be: • wllor llonl. or ti I; JI •••ta K ony. dltclalmt •II lltblllty tor eny · V'ACANT LANO: Direction• to • That by roHon thorool, tho lncorroctnna In lllld e1reot odd•-IUblOCI property moy bo obtained : cent 8on•llclory under euch 0t otllof common dollgnotlon. by wntton ~ fUbrnltted wtll*I • of TNOt, 1111 Oltecutod and SolO Mio wlll be mode wOlloul 10 c1ay9 of 1he ftr9t ~of,: ~to llltcl Truotoo. o wr1tt9'1 worranty, upreu or lmplloO. thlt no lie• to tho c11rr1nt • Dedlll&tion of DoflUft end Demand regordlng 1111•. poHenton, or b-llclory; Horman 8-oncl • tor ..... oncl hu depoeltod with e ncumbrencH. 10 utltly Ill• ROii aonon. 11 L.Mllhore. ~ : Mid TNOt ... IUdl Deed of Trwt prlnclpol b1l1nc. ot Ille Note or Colllornla 112714. • ~ • end .. the doc&-* .,.. .. 'II otller obllOellon MC11rod by tolO Tho 11ndortlgnod Tr:3t : tho obllgollono MCllfed "*90y, Oood of 'frutl, wltll lnlorotl end dl1ololm1 eny 1rablllty for • Md hM cleollnd end doot hereby otllor tum• u IH'CNIOod therein. ~of 1t1o ..,_ • dodar'O II ..,. lleUf'od 1flor9by plu1 odvanca. It eny, 11ndor tho Md ottw __, dollfOI...,..., .. 1 lrM\odllllll) duo end ~ end 1erme tllofoof llnd lntorM1 on 9'ICll .,.,., "-' ._...,.., ' • , • heo Moel.CS onc1 d-Mffby to odvonooe, end '*" •-. c:Mr Sold 101e wlll bJ made, ~ f -._ tr\1111 ~to bo ldd end •ICJ)efWM of IN TNl1ot ol without co•onent or warr~ • .I to .-..y .,. ~ --lho ltUatl crwitod by Nkl Oood of ~ "' ~ ...........,,. •• ..,..,,. • ..... , ...... -· .. NOd ... " .... M -t I OM: 11/IOIU . .obllO•tlon, lllcludll'IO ,_ably .par -,.,.. • ., ..,.,..... f l.on A. ~ ••llmated toot, cllorgH or1d ihe ~ _,.... 1i¥ llfd Vlrdilll L ~ upoNM of tllO TNMOO, at tfll llmo o1 TNlll. wW1 .,,..,... Pllbll...a Orongo Cout o.ity Ol lntlt ... publlca11on of t11tt NoUco It pro.tdlod 1n Mid noM(~ ' Plot. 0oo. 1a. 23, ao. 1112. JM. '· 164.465.2e. 11 .,.,.,. uno.r tno ..,_of .-s I !!13 ~ Doted ~tier 30. 1112 of Tr1111. loH, cllero•• I SAN MARINO SAVINGS ~of lho TNMoo ond "8JC ll)TIC( LOAN ASSOCIATION. tru•ll croato4 by •oHS ~ , -a ___ 1 Corp.. Trull: ' .• -·-_. ·-·-. • .. T • Thi toCal _. ~ the ~ I '-.... -.tB.19"11Jt REAL ESTATE SECUAITIES ba11or109 of IN otJIOldjorl ~ T.& No.....,_ ~RVICE. o Callfotnll by tN Pf'~Y to bo told : T.D. SERVICE COMPANY .. 04i'I corp., It• AQenl roHonobl• ••tlmotod co • ' oppolntod Trutl•• under tho o J Mor~ Preo. aw-.......... ~ e1-... ' foflow'St dolCc10od deed f lruet . ' ' ---• .., --v,. I MU s LL AT PV81.IC A&TION 2020 N. oodWey •20e of tho Initial publleatlon o1 I Senta Ana. CA 11~7oe Mot1oo of Solo 11 MOt.640.93. • TO THE HIGHEST BIOOER FOR (714) 11~10 The bolllftc:llary under 11kf a.lo I CASH AHO/OR THI CASHIERS OR Publlallod Ortngo Cont Delly of True! ~of-uoc:utod • t CERTIFIED CHECKS SPECIFIED IN PllOI, Oec. 2, II, 11. 11182 dollYOf'Od tf> th• undorelollff • CIVIL CODE SEClfON 21124h 5295-82 Mtttan Dodotatlon of ~ d (poyet>IO et IN tllne of .... In lawful Demand '°' Sale and Ii wrttt• ~ money of the United 811101) •II l'tlllJC NOT1C£ NoUoo of 09f0111t 'onc1 EJectkJn tit ' rtofll, tltlo llnd Int.wt:= to Soll The 11odolel011ed c:a..t ... : ~= ~ ~= ,_....= lt-tHH Notio. of Dofoutt oncs £Jeotton w : deecrlbod' NOTICE OF DEATH OF Soll 10 be ~ to the _,,. • T R u 8 T 0 R : M I c H A E L MALEN JACOBS AND OF .,,.,. ~ops1y .. locatodi I THORNTON p E T 1 T 1 o N T o o.1e: WEBT co!:a~':.. J I BENE FICIARY: RALPH H. ADMINISTER ~ATE NO. a c.-tom1o ~allol • LYTTON end OEOROIA M. LYTTON •Mid Tr\llMIO ' , Rooordod Merdl 8, t91111 lnelr. A-111111. 19311 Ventura 9f¥d.. ,.,; •, -. -r-' ~ .-,. • -4111 • • r I ~ . ' ·1•. .l. ·-... ' • Pftttnttd Dy DALTON, DAL TON, COQ,... I ,,_.NKLIN, INC . -. ?691 AIChltr Avt Sit HJ? Irvine Nur J1mt>otM/40~ °"' Slall of AllOtlllyl and Accou1111nts Wiil l>t av11l1blt 9 AM 10 PM SEVlN OAYS A , WEEK FOR A IAIVATE NO fEE INITIAL APPOINTMENl .. RIVP:·CALL NOW 14 841 ·3711 FOR llMINAR . you'll Get an out~nding hedge against declining interest rates. LOCK IN 11.500°/cr ANNUAL YIELD based on a RATE OF 10.738°/o~ FOR 3tfz to 10 YEARS With a Home Federal insured no·minimum Money Market Ceniflcatez or IRA/Keogh} ac- count, you can invest now -by phone - and earn a high, fa.xed rate for yo ur cho ice of terms from 3-1/2 up to 10 years. A guaranteed investment suitable for rein- vesting proceeds from Tax·Free Savings Cer- tificates. And funding IRA and Keogh accounts for additional year-end tax benefits. When you call, ask about other long-term, guaranteed accounts -'which pay hefty cash bonuses upon maturity! The account of the future is here with liquidity, safety and bonus interest. Home Federal's new Insured Money- Market Plan~ offers a better return on your inveslment than many mo ney market funds. Plus the freedom to use your moneJ: jusl by transfe rring funds to your Chextra interest checking account by phone. With -an unlimited number .of deposit trans- actions. And ii:w;ured afety no money market fund can match. 1-1/2% more lhan the ave"}ge yield of money market funds for 30 days (accord-, ing to a leading index), renewable at our o ption for up to six months. Anytime your balance falls below $2,500, you'll earn the interest checking rate of 5-1/4%. In additio n, your checking account is free . Including 200 free personalized checks. The same interest checking ac- mum of $2,500 and maintain at least that balance -and we guarantee you'll earn r H me Fedec- al's new quality discount brokerage ar- rangement. Save up ·to 100{ on stock brokerage services. By spe~ arrangement with Fidelity Bro- kerage Services, Inc. (member New York Stock Exchange), you can now make stock market investments - quickly and more conveniently. And aft up to 70%, or more, on bro- . kense comm••looa. In addition, you c.in save precious time during this active trading period by having Call 1011.free now 1-800-862-0539 LIM.s arc open any hour, any <by. your trades with Fidelity Brokerage Services, Incorporated settled automatically through your Chextra interest checking account. Open your brokerage accoum today, .it any Home Federal office. • ••For ~rly wllhdmwl of 1erm Keouncs, Pedertl Rqulaeloos ~ultt sublUntAI forfchurcs.. lndudlna loes of wi~ aacus un amounca wkJldnwn from UVf Keolh accounu. No add11 lonal dqx>slti. •Attordlfll IO a 1982 telephone surwy. lmponanc: Home fled. eral IJ not a rql91ered dater/broker and may not hl.ndl~ atturlllrs lratWICtloN • Ch~k yellow pasea for office narc• ~ o I Some gift A Boeing 767, a huge ribbon wrapped around its midsection, has bee n presented a& a Christma& gilt to Dave Garrett, president of Delta airlines. Some 70 percent of the firm's employees pledged a portion of their salary to assist the company in paring for the $30 million aircraft. The presentation was made Wednesday at Hartsfield International Airport in Atlanta. Stock buy upsets . Smith tools boss By ne A..aoclated Prest Whittaker Corp. officlala say they have no plans to take over Smith International Inc .. but Whittaker'• .recent pure.hate of 8.3 percent of Smith stock doesn't &it well with Smith's chalnnan. "I have worked hard to build a quality company with a good reputation. We have a lot of good people with a lot of integrity," Jerry W. Neely aa.td. "Frankly, I ........_ r esent any other companr, producta," Neely said. "I don't owning part of that e ffort, ' aee any common ground at all. Smith ls based in Newport We have no symbiotic product Beach. lines of services, or' financial Neely, who is alao Smith's president and chief executive. added. that be would fi.qht any r.ropoeed merger with Whittaker 'abeolutely tooth and nail." "I don't Re them giving ua any help in the marketing of our atrengtha we can lend to each other." Whittaker, a Los Angeles- b a a e d health services conglomerate, apent $49 million ~ acquire ita interest in Smith, an oilfield eervices company. .o.i. +JO . ~ + ... + "" + 'Ill + ... + \It + "' ..... . -. + \lo + 'Ill +>-1• + "" + 1 ..... + .... + "' + .... + "" + I\'> + \'> + 1\0> + "' • 114 PU. Up ... Ult ""' Up 1U Up ISA Up u.J Up u.J VII IU Up 1U Up lU VII 1U Up 11.S Up 19.7 Up ,.., "" t.7 Up t.S Up 1.1 Up U Up u Up U Up U Up 1.1 Up 1.s Up 1.J Up U ~ ~ 1 -114 °" tu ·~ -1 Off IU !~ = ~ g:: :H :t~ = m s:: :H HL HL HL '"" Mii 10..ft 11.D ~· Ffl 11.11 HL Ta Fre LoU HL ._ ,.,.,., I OS Ta I.it I.JI' _,. 8eft IL• U.40 l"T'O Sefvlcei: AM IM l.11 HL l"v Ml! It.a JD... WllGwt 10A HL Metil IUI NL ~ .'5 NL '""' Set 1.11 1-15 ~uel Of OrNl\9: P'-1.10 HL 1-1 • OUJ:LOOK '83 Th• Orange Coat 11 a prim• flnanclal center marked by ~Id growth and a healthy economy. The December edition of Current magazine wlll feature Outlook '83 -an e1t1l'Qlnat1on of the timely lllUH In· butlneet -acrdrentng tucti topltt • •.• • -_ · • ~trlbutlone and progren made by Orange Coast but n ... In 1082. • Economic trend• to expect In 1983 -·with a focu1 On local employment. ,.., ett1te. con1truotlon, r•all and nnence. · • Looal forecat1 and projections from k9Y butlne11 flgure1. • An Ovtr'Vtew of l~ttry In eaoh of the Orange Co.91 cm .. I ... • arn1n drop 4 percent '1uur Coro . lrvhM, hM ,.por"Wd nroc rnJnp of tl6i b mllUun tor tta fa._,.J y t endi"I Ort 31, • ~rnml below Uw •t58 9 mJlUon earri«t durlJll tho pttvioul 12 monlha . s I I ' I F.mlnJP prr atw. for lh4.' year weN t I IM '°"""puod tu $2 82 prr 1hare tor th previous year whJl.t-fOW'th quart.ctr no l ~r~lna• were t32.3 mllllon, down •9.6 percent, compUect to '64 million dwina the u.me quarwr of 1981 .••• The e~rtn,a and connructJon company reported OONO.lldated revenue. toe fl8cal 1982 Weft • record t7 billion compared to S8 billion for 1981 . ~ Company ·chairman Robert Fluor aatd that despite the~ r~e11lon. FJudr'1 major 1ub1ldlarle1 -Including the~ recently tiequired St. loe Mlnerala Corp. -had record ~ revenue. and eam1n11 before taxn during the 12·month i ~riod. ~ WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOfll( CAP) 09< U Advenceo TOO.,/, De<llned l:IU Uncl\Anpa ,,. Total I-19SI N.wlllQM ,, H_I.._ • I/WM.ti I AUt . lllO NEW YORK CAPI 0ec u MY•llC.-1 '~h o.cu .... !Of Vnc"-nooo '" Total 11,._ .., Ne• 111911> u New IOWI s ,.,.., ":I. '" "' ,,11 II s Prn o;r. m lit t!O 40 ' I\·--t•Oecllled 01 peld in Pf'9(:9dlng 11 mont"9 P'U9 1100< 01~ t.Peld on acoa. "' p<ec.dlnQ n mon111e. ..,.,...,.., c:eJll v-on ••-<IMOenO o< u -cllettlbullOt\ am 1-b-<1-01 °' ••~1911" r·h-<IM09r'IO eno Mlel on Iv~ z-s-In Ml 41! ~-Gellea wO·W'*' Olalflbullld Wl•Wllel\ IH ueO -·Wiii\ w1rr1nll IW•WllllOlll fl ... ,,.,,,. 101a-E.a-cllel•lt1Utton ' P E •lllO Tiii pric. o4 I atoell u .. "'"'"'pie of pe<·91111• _nlnQl-O«t.,., OtVIOlnQ 1111 lllMC 12·me>n111 -nlf\01 llQll<• .,,,0 , .. , .... P<ICa You can't afford to min this opportunity to communicate your outatandlng belieflta to over 96,000 adult reedere -rffldeott vltelly concwned about the uncert&lntlel and progr ... of their coastal region. Outlook '83 la a feature aure to be ••* for tutu,. r•terenoe by amptoyMt, cuttotnwa and bu1f,,..... lnter .. ted In lead1nQ area lnd\atry. To,....,.,,. your edverUelng epeoe 10d1Y. oom8Ct Deity Pltot edvertt.fng .. &42·4321 . J ,.,, ... .. I r TM ' .llZ5% C4S11r--~~~ ~MIZER SIGN UP FOR IDGH RATES TODAY. ~~NT UP TO $100 INTEREST BONUS ~~-e~a~enrei~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~UGHDECE~ER310N~ ~-in~restC~hMaximizerKoountishere. ~~---~p=o~~=n=y=o=ur=a=~=.=un=t=n=~=,=an=~w=e~'~p=~~an~~-~- .... Now yolt can get the high interest rates of a interest bpnus of up to $100. That's a deal money market fund and a combination of that's hard to beat. And it's a deal that's too safety and oonvenience that no fund can top. is accessible at any of Bank of Ame.rica's 1000 good to last. Coupons will be honored only With a Cash Maximizer a~unt you can branches and 400 VERSATELLER* automated through December 31, 1982.,So, don't wait. Top write checkst and make withdrawals. You can teller machines. Your investment is insured up the money market funds, and get an interest get a monthly unified Timesaver Statement~ to $100,000 by the FDIC and backed by the bonus on top of that. LOOk below for our This provides you w-ith a-eonsolidatedstatement . safety of California.'.s leading bank. And ~hat's .. extended hours locations. Come into any for certain of your Bank of America investment a oombination no fund, no broker, no savings Bank of America branch soon.--sefore the year acoounts. Plus your Cash Maximizer account and loan or bank ~ywhere can offer. ends and your interest bonus goes away. I I CASH MAXIMllER.ACCOIJNT-~I CASH MAXIMIZER'"ACCOUNT 1 1 -CASH MAXIMIZER'"ACCOUNT 1 1 C ASH MAXIMIZER. ACCOUNT 1 1 I "'Ti~ for a SlO intcreat bonua I it 1ood for a SlS Interest bonu1 I is 1ood for a SSO interest bonus I i1 ~ fW • SIOO interest bonus I wfien I open a Cub Maximizer when I open a Cuh Mulmiur when I open a Cuh Maximizer wlicn I open a Cash Maximizer $10 Thl1couponfromBankofA.merlca '25 Thucouponfrom&nkofAmenca •so Thl1couponfromBankofAmenca •100Thi•oouponfromBanltofAmcrica I account with a ~h ol Sl,500-I account with a d~lt of SS,()()(). I account with a deposit of S 10,()()(). I account with a deposit of Sl0,000 I •• $4,999.99. Only one bonus per $9,999.99. Only one bonus per $19,99999 Only one bonus per or mott. OnJ7 one boous J>Cf · I cwtomer, and not more dun one per ac:c:ount. Bonus offer only I castomcr, and not more than one per account. Bonus offer only I customer, -.nd not more than one per account. Bonus offer only I customer, and not more than one~ account. Bonus offer ooly I •• 1•1ilable on penooal accounta, arid expire• December 31, 1982. avaUable on penonal accounts, and expires Dttember 31, 1982. available on peuonal ac:c:ount1. arid expires !Acember 31, 1982. available on penonal accounta, arid expires Dece.mber J I, 1982 • I Thia interctt bonut will be credited to my ac:count and appear I Thia Interest bonut wllJ be credited to my account and appear I Thl1 lntcreat booua will be credited to my account and appear I Thl1 lntercat bonus will be credited to my account and appur I oo the first monthly statement. on the lint monthly statement on the first monthly statement on the lint monthly 1tatemcnt. I Namir: I Namr ""' I Name· I Name I . I Addreu: I Addrca1: I Address: I Ac:ldrca: I :· L~~urlty~----------~~r1,,-_:_ __________ :J~~Sc~11y•_= _________ :l ~~~ty•= ___________ J • rnrri A I c· A rH .... A VI .... 17'1l:.'/l E~VTll:.AllJ'r'D Hl"it1n5 You can open a Cash ~aximizer account at all of our branch~s during regular bapking ~ours. ~rr;;.&.1,...., H:/6i lrll'IAllrlU.:;;J A I .:;;n1 &;j U ft, : for your added convenience, you can open our Cash Maxim1z~r account at the 1ollowmg branches in your area until 8 p.m., Monday:fhursday, December 14·30 (except December 2 ). Come in or call for an appointment. Please note: 'We will not be open late for other banking transactions. t • ftJunlabl Val.lier 8rancb 17430 Brookhunt St. 962.·Wl • Nswpmt Beach Brimc.h 3444 Via Udo . 759-3690 • Newpon Center lranch S00 N(wport Center 0t 759-4404 • 'lltl Uft Plw ..._.. 1016 lrrine 'Ave. Newport 8'acb • 759-45.16 •. ,, r I BANlf ON THE LEADER~ ..,, I ' ' SCH stages third annual • Charles Dickens classic By TOM TITUS or .. .._ ........ Play lt .,.in. Ebenezer. 'Tla tb._e aeaaon once again for decking the halla with boughs of holly, railing a tout to the yuletide aeuon and watching "A Chri.stmu Carol" at South Coast Repertory. J!)apedally the latter, and especially lf you mlaled lt the tint two years. Some thing• never change, and SCR'a third annual staging of the Charles Dickens claaa.ic, adapted by Jerry Patch and directed by John- 0.vid Keller, appears to be one of them. Not that there la any reaon to draatlcally alter auch a glowing tribute to the spirit of the aeaaon after lta firat two eno01\9usly successful outlnp. - No fewer than 11 members from the 1981 ca.at are back to repriae their rols, the lone newcomer among the rinci 1 being Anni Long as childhood sweetheart. But ty of the ahow has not been loat with overfamiliarity. If anything. the production ii smoother and more oobellive, both dramatically and technically. The centerpiece of this holiday feut la, of coune, Hal Landon Jr. as the world claaa skinflint Ebenezer Scrooge. Landon appears to have added a dash of humor and hwnanity, ever so subtly, thia time around, und1>9pering off the Simon Legree edaea of bia character. He draws a hearty respome when, for instance, he comments, "I like the dark. It's ~p." Landon'• virtuoeo perfonnance la complimented by some aplendld interpretations of the varloua Londoner& with whom Scrooce oomea ln contact dwina the coww of hil aeemln8lY mi.raculoua tranafonnation. Among them are John Elllnaton u the downtrodden clerk Bob <htcbit. Don Tuche as the om1noua aN-t of Scroole'1 old buslne11 partner, Richard Doyle and Ron MlchaeWon aa the spirit.a of Chrla~ put and present, respectively, and Wayne Alexander as the miser'• poor but merry nephew. Art Kouatik, Martha McFarland, Noreen ltenne11y and Howard Shangraw provide 80.lid support ln a variety ot roles, with Charlie Cummina partk:ularly appeallna ln a return engagement u Tiny Tim.• Director Keller haa, for the moat part, reconatructed a highly 8\JCICle9Bful entity, but there are one or two surprises for regular "Christmas Carol" watchen. One ia the entrance of Tuche ln hil incarnation of the spirit of Christmaa future, as startling aa hia Jacob Marley arrival was two years ago. SCR'a traditional yuietide package will be opened nightly except Mondays at 8 and weekend afternoons at 2 :30 (excluding Christmas Eve and Cb.ristmaa Day) through Dec. 26 at the Fourth Step Theater, 655 Town Center Drive, Coata Mesa. Call .957•4033 f6r reeervations, 'which may not be eaay to obtain. -so RT-·--- REYNOLDS GOLOlc- HAWN A QM/Ill PIS(JI llUI UT 1£T!O.~ (Dal !Wiii '!lST fR100S" Sls!M'C lSSICA WI!\' 8ARJWll fUXS MDI>. LllOIY Kl llWI WY• ROii SllVCR !MIC by lllClll U~ l yncs by Al.AA -" llARll.Yll lllOWI leoArit Pnldlar .ll WllNI W!1!1e1 by WlAll !mlll & IWa!'I UWISOI Pnxlal by UllM PIS1JI ..t ~ PAOlR ~ by ~ f'#ISOI PG:._,,, .. _,_,"ttC> •••-• -::':-::'c...~ ..._ ---·... . . -.... --~ . . . . - STARTS FRIDAY ~!~liif~· WCI Ull Gf ca• ~nn. "' i. L....:=.::::.....:1'S.:..;l~;::: ... ;:....,J -551.tea ....!!!!!!"_.. ·- 1, ... ,, .•.•. _-· ·· -. -·~ '~•-=4 ~ · 1r.--=im Cla-Open -RMgleter Now Beglnnera of all agee welcome w~ether you have skated before or not, one Of theee cl ..... It for you. r·•;:c;oo;;·1 MISA VllDI l ftz~~--11~·="5- •• lll&J;ll.'9 •• YliA or MllterCwd AOolpted .PlBJC IKATING EVf.RYDAV. ONLY A llUS RIDE AWAYl THU"8DAY,OIC. tt, 1112 Clllllf Ill -· ~ T!L!Vl810N 83 Hal Landon Jr.., as Scl"001'e (center) is an unseen guest at a party with (frdm left) Wayne Al~xander, Ron Michaelson and Rian Rasmuuen in "A Christmas Carol" at South Coast Repertory. S'l'.480 F81D.4 J' 'I'••• Ceater I• 7..,_ 4 Traek D•llly L.M. Boyd in~~r~! DITJ Pilat · ., -~ ' win w kly iielsen-r~Jings ' • : L0e ANOJ:U'.8 (A9) -CB8, iaklfll •v.n of th_4f Top 10, Hally won the we kly Ntel11n t«liYWoin ratJf\111 tor the put w k. CB8 finilhed the wak ended Dec. 12 th.Ne rat&na polnta ln front of MCOnd·r18Clt ABC. The W:Rk blfol-9 CBS w• 8.5 ahead o ABC. NBC w• ln third pl.ce. I The No. l ahow of \he week ln the A.C. Nlel8en Co. raUnp wu the CBS maaaitne ahow ••eo Minu•." "The tint llx lhow1 were all from CBS. "0.llu" W&I 1econd, "M·A-8 -H" wa1 third, "~um, P.11," wu fourth, and "The Jeffer80N" and 'One Day at a Tlme" tied for fifth. Seventh place went to the NBC Monday Night Movie, "Remembrance of Love." Kirk Doug1u played a Nast camp 1urvlvor who hu a brief reunion ln Iarae1 with h1a sweet.heart from before •the Holocaust. ABC's "Dynasty," the prtme-Ume eoap opera rlval to "Dallas," was ln eighth place. ABC's ''Three's Company" was ninth, and CBS' "Falcon Crest" was tenth. H'allt .. 1r " ...... .... ~ ......................... ........ .... ........ _.,.._ .... .... LUXURY THEATRES 111 •M1ti1ttSllewi111sOMLY$2JQUeltuOtlltnriu1We4 S lliG14ij•Xull616J.4 2553/t=~,) * FOR FOOi EXCJTEmEllTI V1sitOur... * ARCADE of GAMES• ;"~. -.-:.:: !-18 HRS .• ·-~ i~8cr&,~01i:IB ft,~80 ',' ... • _.. -- • ""' s...-ma11 II (PO) JAN llU•INI v1n1m 'l11t1101t1 11flrom Pop• to C/a11/ca " I,. -PIHDAY, D•C~ t? Tlolf•t• 14.00 Adv•no•. I& 00 •f Oou1 TH• NUT~RACK•A Clv/o Delltt ot Se>. Celllomltt 8AT a IUN DIC. 18/18 · 2 P.M. M;tlnff Perform•noee Ticket• S4 00 Adv net .$'; 00 ot 0001 SrOO Oiscov111 IOI Ct111d10n U11<1111 12 ORANG• COAST COLLllG• 'ROB•RT MOORB TH•ATRE 2701 Fairview Road, Coate Meia TICK•TS/Vlee·llC -558·5527 In Six Weeks. you can find meplOries to last a lifetime. A l ~1\ ~ RtlfA.11 O"°'J1,,..-tc,,_......,..,. --- ---·-- '~ ... ~ ..... ntt.•,101 ',,.. ..... .--··-WIUIMW..1'44 • 1 xlii+riflllll ... .__....,..,.,......._. The newest and funniest 'Panrher' of them all. . •• r LAl<E WOOO CE NTER lNAlll IN l AKfWOOO C ENTER SOUTH "'Al• "' "TN• TOY" .-1a--D' .. ,. .. IT 9l000""" •U..•-a.•.a.. ....... focwlly at Condtewoa41 211/IJ1•tll0 --·-·-"f.:::== ACC~~ .. I --,.oe&Ymc..•-.......... "CfllEIEP IHOW" 1•1 ---·~r ....... BIG• BIG• DRIVE-IN BARGAIN $2 MRY WEDNESDAY • THURSDAY Chlklrtn Under 1 a Always f REE ,.. .USOll 11-a. a,...., M '" r• ._Mn u~ ,. 111,0tnA•n MOTICI! CMILDIUlt UllOUt 12 fflUI .. lcinir ... --.. O!lu ~ ...... --....... ., ... ·c.fl-·-MltM-·--,, ... tM_ llll'I __ _ ....... -.Ll •llUmMI ___ .. _ A1>4•••t M ANAHEIM OlllV( IN ,_ .... la_ ... 179-9110 \. .... "' ...... ,.......,~..., L~"'1 L ..... u.at-.UO-Oll _ .. _ !" '•A Ill.• t BUENA PARK 01mt 1N IJ~OlftA .. WMf .. C(llOfl HM070 .. ' ........ . LINCOLN O lllV E IN ltftC~ A" W.V Of l"Ofl 121-4070 I ·~ A •t FOUNTAIN VALUY OlllVE IN •41 HOUfll"tOI "114AMIY'I MAC-" 101 Cllll ,._ I. -CLAH Of' .,... fOI I. "W~I" CO) a. -.ouLIVAllO NIGHTI" 11'1 ._.... TH9•oun.·-· -•.-.cvu a lfVIMI •.• ,_ 0...0 fJ!'f. el -(5o) TOM'fMBI AUIN" 11111 ft2·2~1 CNll "IOUllO "THE !2Y" -~ ·• HOUlll" 001 '"HANKY PANKY"-•lffAMm MA~""'' C:.. H-C-.H-. , .. ,.., .. LA HABRA· ORIV! IN "MOllliT TOMI MAW' {PO) ,.,,. ---·--·--~X-(PO) 17HM2 . ---_, ""'.. .. . ORANGE OlllVf IN . " MISSION OlliVl IN -.· .-- . . . 0t1; 11, .... ... o more ad!.IibhinS f9r Marty Ingels,. voice of Pac-Man I r.r, NIW YORK -Th nHt UJN eome rrttk •WW h&rPnl that NtlWOtk tAtJevlalon e.xecuUvee ~ '" newr-t'Ml'Y9l' aana, "'"""'but" uu. .iory tran liffty tftteb, the vo&c. .41('" c --14an ,~.ABC't Saturday momlna canoon ahow. "We were taptnc one day, and 1 ad-libbed the phraM 'pac1pac1woowoo'," lna•la uld. "ll wu really an t.nocuoua lhinc. but the director •topped everythtn1 end •tked me to repeat It. I aald, 'Pacapacawoowoo,' and before I knew It, the di.rector and tome other people were huddllna ln the comer. '4Then they were caWna New York to check out 'pacapacawoowoo.' The executlvee there did allne heayy t.hink1na bef<>tt they threw it out." Tonlaht. when Pac-Man oomes to prime time in ABC's "Chrl.atmaa eome. to Pacla.nd," (Channel 7 at 8) the popular vtdeoo game character won't aay anything urucrtpted. Nor wW he 90und Uke he does in the arcades. The Federal Communications Commi11ion forbids commercial sounds on TV programs. .,_ rtJmel'dh111 whu llOW tw.da e11 lntbrrwtJfJNJ i.t1t1ty broktre " •I•~)'. wu looklnt1 fur work fur hlJ cll11nl, ~tor Robert Culp "I w11 callln1 Univ.rial Plr ture1, •nd I r.-1ladlalttd by two number• and aot Hanna-Bubw•," lnpll •Id "l uked (or ruUnc and Oordun Hunt If• .. Id th•ro w., •n uptmtn• lot' Pac·Man. I thouaht he wu talkin1 about • Juaaae company But I llld Culp would be perfect lor lt anyway. Hunt •Id no, that I wu the one with the crazy voice." lngela, who wu ln t~c tit,'OM, "I'm Otckena - He's Fenster," In the early 19601, '-'<>mes by hla sravelly voice naturally. "lt'a alwaya been peculiar.'' he aaJd. "When l waa a kld, doctor1 were alwa11 lookina for growths on my throat." They didn't flnd anythlng, and lngela found that hla diatincttveneea had 90me fringe beneflta. "It turned women on, fucln.ated babies, and infuriated animals," he aaid. "When I had a cold, though, I sound like Onion Welles." 1ngeb, who suffered a nervous breakdown after the concellatlon of "I'm Dickens -He's Fenster.'' enjoyed returning to the limelight. Tl1• comlr'• 11tu-11u I• 1 rombln1Uon ot Popeye (power peU.11 ~ hJm chomptnf f\lmC), C.p1ain Marv•I, WtUlaln B.mdix, rred "1n&at.one and hill hJJnMlf. "ABC wanted Hahl, uncornpllcat.ed, tot.el Hc:ep•," he Hid. The network alto w1nted animated oompe\JUon apln1t "The Smurf1" on NBC. "P.:-Man" hu oven.ken ''The 8murt." in lhe 30 ml.nu._ th• lhowa ant head to head, but KBC ~ the top--ratAld network on Saturday morni-na. inaell aaid ABC won't ldenUly hlm aa Pac-Man ln. the c:rediw, for fear that he'll aet too big and become lndlaperwable to the pl"OIJ'am. U he had more power ov•r the character and the 1how. Ingell would make ch.anaee. "My tight LI with the writ.en.'' he aaid. "I wa.nt to build the family relaUonah.ips, rather than have Pac-M4n always ftahtin& ghoeta. The Chrt.tmaa speclal has more emotional momenta than the Saturday show." The mentality of Saturday morning programming mltl.ratea a"alnst anything real, creative or terloua. When the talent-hunters at Hanna-Barbera were casting the voices behJnd Pacland's dots and dashes, they couldn't find Pac-Man. Ingels, a "I love to be well known," he aaid. "I have to all the money I want. It'• love that I need." "It's 'Tom and Jerry' violence," aaid Ingels. ''There's no death, and the ghosta alwa)'I come back. What do you expect,·~ Street'?" Marty Ingels 1111 KSIH Y EVINIHO e.-oo 8 0 U NEWS e CHARLIE'S ANGELS Kl19 get1 a cflanc41 to con a con ertltl wn.n • i.. detreudt two l(>lne1an of their Inherit-. ~ G SGHT II ENOUGH Abby c;au.-probleml IOf Tommy whet\ ahe ~ a eu~tltU1a t..char at hll ICtlool 81 M"A"S"H F.U-Muic.hy Mlt• '\ ~•tmu latter hOlna to hi• lister. ., HAWAII RVE-4 The wftnMI to a moo mur· dar II hunted by a hl1 man and tamp1ad by. $10,000 r-atd. 8D OVE"eASY ·au.ta: linger John Raltt and hit wtt9 RoMmary c;l G HutJA.Nmu THROUGH THE ARTS "An:Ntactura: From Earth To Sky" Christopher Lloyd stars as "Reverend" Jim lgnatowski, a burned -out ex-hippie, in "Taxi," the Emmy Award-winning comedy tonight on KNBC ( 4) at 9:30. ([) C88NEWI 9 MCNEWIQ 8NKNIW8 I:;:,. '1fCtl. RIGHT * * * ''The Aunnar Stum-.,._.. (t979) Otc:* Van C¥t•. ~ Quinlan. A Cathollc Pf*! .. lt1ad for the mutdar of • llUll wltti whom ha h.d ~ - peeled of hlMng 1n aff e.lr. 'PO' e:ao• AUCE • DICKCAWTI Ouall: Arganllna poet JorQI Lull 8otgae (R) fl!) GROWINO YUM "Ctllldf9n In Famlllae" ([)QINIWI 9 8AANEY t.tlU.D Lug« llU"9rl a ~1>69 hMtt •tied! wtllta .,gu1ng wflh • longtlma tugltl\la radical. G WON..D CW PEOPLE CH)~.1t27 Hoat Olcll Cavett guldaa lll9wef9 beck to 1927. tha ~ Charlal UnObargh made ti-. ftrlt lr-.Atlan- tlc flight, llquOf tlowad In IC)llllMllM and l>Olh the economy and Job opponu- .... -.--;;"' .. 11M -• ~ MOVIE * * * "Oay9 OI Wine And "'-" ( 1"3) Jedi Lam· mon, L• Aamldi. A bu• neaaman and hi• wife bacoma alcoflollca, but only Iha husband le able 10 find reflabllltatlon Cl> sex: T&NAOE STYL.e Thi my11'11 and rae1u .. m 1-.ga '°"'9. ~ ll'M- --and cMnQllno lnO'all era Haml!MMf through Int..._ with --. P'ff- anta and IMCtlers. .,. 8 <=-NIEWI I N9CNIWI ~DAY8NJA/JH Form. .,.,angaa lor Gtand· ma~mtomow Into a ratlr-t home ·~NEWI Q On tllal< 11r11 data, Biiiy and hl9 taectlar enooumar a.Ina with • ,._ man and Chaatar with another - an. i=-.oowNIY Jedi al'9da hie "Mr, Nloa Guy'' lmllga with the help Of IOtne aa-tl-H ttmlnlng. 11=:.r-o IW"ORf Cl)l'.M.~ • INT'IRTANmfT ~ Nt ............ with Robby ler)90fl CZ>~ *•* "U.. My F.tNr Told Ma" ( ltTI) Jflfff9"I L~. Yoaal Yadln. A ~ Jllwllfl boy "°"' MP ........ to mae1C* . talaa told lo him by IM gr•ndlather whom M ldOl- 11•. 'PG' _ 1:30 8 2 OH THE TOWN FMturad. a IOolc 11 IM roc:tt group The Who; • fanl••Y wadding; en ••arclaa atudlo lor ~ welgrlt woman DTHECHN8TMAS "AOCOONI Animated. nww r.ccoons and • dog help .. ,,., and protatt CMstma , .... from • crazed lumb41r baron D LAVERNE & IHtAl.EY &COMPIM'f snltWy'a vagabond tati- lhowl U9 In M"--M. D ~OHL.A. FMtur«I· a P.ollla ot Harb Albert, the hlatory of ti-. l>lk lnl; a report on • high rolllng g1mblar who apandt .. much .. $30 mllllon • Yo'*. 1J MADAME'S PlACE • w•A•a•H While Nttllng down 10 lis- ten lo Iha Army·N.avy gema, ti.. '40771h .. bom· barded and left with an unaxplodad b omb to dafu ... ., ([) TIC TAC DOUOH • MANi!IFll 1 LEM8E8_ "90RT Ci) WM..D AME.RICA "Wiid BablH " Marty Stouffer IOolca at how baby anlmall. lneludlng akunka. racx:oona. owtl and bears. learn Important ~·MV!ng 11<1111 and hew lun al Iha -•Ima. 9 YOU ASKED FOR IT Featut9d: "OW-Bley· c::laa Thal Climb Wah'' and ''The Monlley Who Thln6ca Ha'1A8oy." 81~Ym.tQ G ,AT IOOHE 8PECW. CHMTMA8 SHOW Oltt1 wtM ba given to ~= prevlaw9 of ,_ lhowa; and -al well known Orange County par- tonaltlaa. CJD .... THENfl Hoatl Len DawlOn and llllek Buonlcontl r•11llw highlight• ot ti-. previous __. .• NFL~ and tntlf'Ylaw lcey pl•}'I'"• and coeicNa. (J)AMOeeCM G9t In llhepe. IOolc good. and tMI grMI wtth thlt phy9lcal '"-progr.,,, L-001 1,,~· ,,I. AeardOtl'• fWOftta •tuOent ~lll9abllttlaaaa1 ·~. and -"Illa la !Mltad by -,_ dU6- --from Otand ~ • MCWm * * * "Wa6ooma Sttano-er'' ,, .. 7) 8lrlQ ~oaby. Jomn Cel.iilnalcl. A OOC1or'1 -19P111C1ment , ... In low with -of ltla Mlell tOMl'I ldloofl~ -, ...... __________________________ ..... .__ ______ ~ CHANNEL LISTINGS : e IOOCT (C8SI e KNIC ,iNllCI e 1<TLA ttncs.) .l(A•C CA8C> e tCflMI CCIII e l(HJ.'N CIRd I e 1<CST IAKI e ICTTV (INtl e ICCC>f'·TV1 .J e KUl (P8 e lCOCI C,.8SI (5e) KOOC (Ind.) 10 1 On TV CJ1 Z·TV IMl H9.0 IC CClntMllal <f> cwo.-1 Nv .. ,., v fb CWT8SI Il l CHPNI ct r 111owt 1nw 1 -• ICI04119'11 • Cc.i. N-t N•t-11 U ®) CHRISTMAS COME.I TO PACI.ANO AnlmlllO Pac-M1n, Ma Pac: and Pac-Baby ,,_, Santi C1au1 when hi• a1e1gt1 craallM In Paeland on Chnalrnaa Eva 1J CONWAY TWITTY OH 1"E........,PPI C-y Twttty hoata thla rnu11ea1 apac1a1 of country· -tam hit• (I)'°"" Jodi• m1k11 one 1u1 attempt lo mwry CatOI 8» P.M. MAGAZINE A prOflla of Brltleh roctt group TM Who. wt>O .,, gMng tllalr , .. , American concart thll evanlng. • braaat reconstruction tacflnlqua that I~ a tummy tudl 8) THEWAYTHEY MM Ann-Margtat, Nancy Dul· ..ult. Charlton H•ton, P1trtc1a Na11. Pat•• Str-. Clofl• L..chman and many oti..rt at• taa. turad In • banoalll perf0tm- 1noa dedlcattno • !Maire compla'I at North-tarn Unlvar1Jly fZl) U.8. CHAONICLE "Nuraaa· Praacrlpllon" ~olaoltM Amanc.n nuraa la atudlad ~ 8NfN< PAEVIEWI NM1 Gabler and .i.rt.-y l yona ho91 an lnl<>rmaUWI IO<* " what'• ,_ .. ,,,. "'°'"* (C)UOV1£ * * "lmp<opar Channel•" (1118 I) Alan Artlln, M.,latla Hat11ey A _... of mltun· d1<1tano1nga cau1.. a aoctal WO<llar to aua4)eCf tM S-yeet-old daughter Of a aapatatad couple la Iha vtc11m ot c:hMd abuM 'PO' ©J'MOW *·~"TM Bord«" ( 198 I) Jed< Nlcholaon. Vala<la Perrine A TUN border guatd'• valuM coma In conlllct with thOM of hi• corrupt c;o-WOtkar• and hi• matarlaltatlc wtfa 'R' (SlMOVll * * * "Thi Franch U.U- ten11nt'1 Woman" (11111 t) Maryl StrHp. Jeramy tron1. An affair bit- two IJCfort II par~ In Iha romantic l*'IOd lllm In which the two .,, perform· a-~ ***'A "Barry Lyndon" (11175) Ry*1 O'Nael, MW1- NS.-. A hand- aoldlar """' action and rom.-In Iha llth-oan- tury arttWI ermy 'PO' a:ao D a JONM Lovea atAOHI Al'I _,. IOI' a parlet;t Clwtltmaa era dlaNptad whet\ ha Olll• ~ 1trand9d In Iha MOW In 1119 CtowcMdYM. ID OHMUl'I AH111U On• of tll• An9011 ~ t!IO letget Of ""' ......,,. • OOOOOUfU WMtl 0.0. cfelm1 the apartment lot an anwnoon poller gtime, '4111• la fMoacl to tall• hie dqf\tar'• blt111C1ey plt'ty ......... ·INIAK~ tfMI Q@tor #14 ~ .. ~--"'~ loot! ti '#Nit'• ,_ •t ... movtea.. ·-OMNM ~: . ..~ ~~ .......... Oot" /11 .. 0)~er-t. lenj • • Whlla lnlleatltiatlnf • .-.... cail -acMldlll 111 lMdclft, • private datacttva 11 mur· dared and reincarnated u a .aulfy dog 'PO' 1:48 ( l) CHARLES CHAM PUN OH THE FIUot ICfHE 9:00 1J ([) SIMON & SIMON TUii TDP'-IRI A toolball taam'a maacot hlr" A J and Rick to llnd out who ta lh,...tenfno • vetar1n gridiron a11r O Q!CHEEM A man with I haavy Brllllh ecoant coma• to Chears and •"''• drOOPlno hint• lhal ha'a a apy. KNBC (4) 8:00 -"Fame." Reardon's favorite student challenges his abilities as a teacher, and Julie is visited by some former classmates frol"f\ Grand Rapids, Mich . U 0 TOO Cl08E FOR COMFORT II) MERV OAIFFIN G~ta: C1111 Can danoan from Iha Moulin Rouge, Paul Anka, Mateal Mar. caau, Mlrellle Mathieu, Huban da Glvanchy (lrom P1rla) KABC (7) 9:30 -"It Takes Two." 'Molly suspects that Sam is having an affair with a sexy patient who is hungry for affection. fJl) THE GOlDEN AGE OF T£LEV18IOH KNXT (2) 10:00 -"Knots Landing." Abby faces an agonizing decision when she is asked to donate her kidney to give Diana a chance for a nonnal life. "A 0041'• HOUM" A woman (Julia Hamal .-ts ,_ own ldarlllly 1ttar coo- trontlng her huaband'a Pittl Smith (Ch•lato phe• Plummer) D IH IEAACH cw ... lmmorallty In • tataplay "Troy" buad on Iha play by Hen-II) AU 1H THE FAUil Y rllc lbaan Arc:Ne'• p1agueo by his Qlll MASTE1'PIECt! economic plight _,..., M THEATRE c.n't go to work hllnM41 "To Serva Thim Alt My and ha can't atand thl tact Oay1" P J 'a laud with IN that Edith t. workfnO. (Pan haadmHlar con>M to • 4) hNd at ti.. 8o1rd of Gov-a> HAARY-0 arnot1 "'Hllng when QD 8U8IH£88 REPORT Alcock damandl hla realQ· ~ DOCTOR tH THE nation. (P.,1 10) o ~ el) BOU> OfEI "Thi OeY11 You Know" \f. ~-.. _Clar .. ( 11181) CC) MOVIE "" ,.,.. ...,. * * 1ft "Strlpaa" ( 1981) BIN Jack NlchOlaon. Valafla ~ml A Perrine. A Tew bore!« Murray, Harold • New YOfk cabbla IOOlcfnO guard'• val~ coma In '°' ax.Cl,_, convlnCM conftlct with lhoaa of hi• hi• ballt Irland 10 loln him COC'Nj)t co-workan and hie 1n anlltttno In Iha U S matarlallatlc wife 'R' Army 'R' .. _., D 8 TAXI CJ) LOST IATfil.ITE Ala• tall• hll wadly ••· NE1WONC wffa 10 Latka and Slmka'• (%)WOY-. "trlldltlonal" CMatmu *"'"Up In Smotta" (197S) ~ Ohaectl and Ct>ong. Edie D O ITTAKUTWO Adami. Two drifter• MOiiy autpeet• that Sam II amberk on a uou-country Nvlng an enalr wtth I Ml<)' trip, m.ttattno IN law and patient wtlO II hungry tOf IMetlnQ an odd _... 1nact1or" mant o1 d\aract•• a1ong (I) MOVIE Iha way. 'R' * * * "The OtMt Waldo I l:al> 8 ([) OUNCY Pac>91'' · ( 11175) Robert The IC>C*Wlt murder of an AadtOfd. Bo s...,_. A aldarty man by a )'OUnQ lru1tralad Amanc:.n fighter dallnquar\I lhraat-tN pllol ~ • barn· ax.lstenc» ol • ~ cltl· 11c>m11ng 11\H'lt man In hi• -Juwnlla projae1. (R) thlrat fOI' action during 1J Qt TOMOKT WOl'td Wat I Hoat: Johnny Caraon CCJ MOVIE 0..-1: Dudley Moor• • ** "A Chrletmu D O NEWS CarOl"(lll51)AlutalfSlm. ~ Kathleen Harmon. llaMd D YOU A8KED FOR IT on ti-. atory by ChettM F•lurad: "Ch"-Bley· Olckena. A col0-'-1.ad CIM That Cllmb Wllllt" and mt-learnt tM value of "The Monkey Who Thlnk1 compuaton through Ha'• A Boy." ghostly adventure• on a» OOOOC>Uf"l.E CMatm" Eva. Bobby Rlgge hu•llM a.car tO:OO 1J ([) KNOTS LAHOINO In ptngpong and managaa ~1~11Q11114.~IQOIJQ!..,..,~,..,.,~+-~--tcc1ri ............. '1tlll'O:"-lrlc"°'6--i daclllon whet\ Illa la aalclO to donate her kidney 10 gt,,. Olene a Ch.-lor • normal ltfa U Q!HtuSTMET llUU The Chrlllmll E,,. leatM- tlM .,. lmam.ptad by • deatrUC11Ya gang, Wlllh- lngton ra-11"*1 • put lhOotout, and Hiii'• vaga- bond latt-.r unupec:tadly lhow9 Uj!_ for Iha~ eowe NrMt ·~ "Oadfl Family" A portrait of a tatmlng farnlty In tnc:lla toc:u-on Iha grw>dmoth- ar. whoa, ability 10 m.tn- taln tN family unit la being thraatanad by IOdal and aconc>mlc ChMQM. (R) 0 el) THE VIRGINIAN A m)'ltarlou• bounty hunt· er la In -rCh of • IJel'O that hu robbed the 11ata of gold. but more lmPOf1• •nl to Shiloh tolk1 la thl 1tolarl vaccine naadacl to atam • di-tr.r.atanlng looal c:attta. (D) l\l'PYlltNa GOU (I) A NIW DAY IN IDIH A ~ !amity turN • ernall town Into a modal r-iwanatlon profOCt. (Pan ti) to: 11 Cft) MOW ••. *' "On Ooldei\ Pond" ( 1H t) Hanr1 Forida, Kathar1na ~. Old lalnlly lenMlnl '99Utf9CO .. an aldarty couple ~urn '°' • toll IUfl'llMt .. tNlr .... lf'IOl*'CI ,..,... _, .,. vMltM bf •• dluOt"" tar. '* -.... and Illa'_,, 'l'O' '!!ii Iha ~mant taua 811 AlfTMMJHO ~ "Rotaa W• Play" m PU LAT!NIOHT Hoat: Dannie Wholey !~ewe "New Yor1l Baball" ( 1HO) OIOria Leonard. Marlana WlllouQflby OMOVll * * "BoatdWalk" ( 1979) Auth Gordon, Lea Slraa- M'Q. Mold --,._ to ... .,. the Mtgllt>OrhoOd they hllWI IP'"' mc»t d "*" ....... In delplt• urt>en crime and poOf llvtng con- dition•. tl:OO • IDfTEJn AIHMENT TONCIHT An ll'tlarvlew with Robby ean.on. ·~LMTWON> '* * * "Higher And High-er" (11M31 Mlclhala Mor· -. gen, Frank Sinatra. A man davlaH an lngantoua ldlarna 10 oompanaata hie ~a.vent•. i= **~ "ICI" T-row ~ .. (1115'>) "- CaoneY. Ward 9ond A oonvtotad murderer aaoapaa and ........... • wea1111y young women, bllt la tat• COftlrontad by 1119 v1c11m•1•1•. • LOVI. AWJlllCAN I'm.I .. ~ Ar4T'-,~ l'lllnoaa" Cl)~ **** "TMI" (1t1t) .......... Klnlltl. ,._.., Firth TM daughter of • p o or Engll•h termer blCOmM IM Ylc:11m of har I amity' a al(>lr at Iona and "-own beauty 'PG' 12: to (HJ ST AHOIHG ROOM ONL.Y "Country Rock '82" TM Ou Ridge Boye. II-. Chat· lie Oanl•I• Bind and Aoaanne c..n partOfm their lat•I hlla In lhla ~ afll concert taped 1t the Pina Btun Convention Can- ter 12:30 o a LATE NIGHT wrTH DAVID LETTUIMAN GUMll: lea e<aam mag- nala Tom Carvel. actr- Mll)' Bath Hurt, comedi- enne EJayna 8ooalar (Rl II TOM COTTU: UP ct.OM GUMt' Jamie Fatr. (I) TOM OOTTU: UP ct.OM 0~: Oldt Cewtt. (Pat1 1) • l.OV£. AMENCAN 8TYl.E "Low And The 0-allon Gap" (%)MOVIE • * * * "Outcut Of TM .. 111an01" (11152) Robin M()ftay, Ralph Rlehatd9on. 8aaad on IM nova! by Joaaph Conrad A man'• moral ftber la deelr0)'9d whet\ '--bacomM involVed In a Malayan tmuggllng ~llon. t2:40 U ()) MOCLOUO A woman convince• McCloud that 10m10M la trying to drive i..r crazy (R) 12!llO (C)~ • • "GllmM Glrlt Pity" (11173) Chrlattna Harl, Jane Anthony. Soma boarding achoOI 91rta compete t0t the hlgt-.at-ranktno dlplo- t:OOG MOVIE ••'AP "Aaelgnmant To Kiii" ( lllell) Patrlelr. O'Haal, Joan Hadlatt Corpo<lle fraud 11 1n-11oa1ac1 by • prtvaia aye In 'SwttnNnd II MOVIE * * ~ "Stand Up And Ba Counted" ( 11172) J~ line 819Mt, Stalta 51- Tha actlona of • woman'• Nbbar create problame In _.i relatlonlhlpe. (I) MOYIE llt 14 "Fronllat Hodz.on" ( 11131) John Wayne. Jan.. nlt.r ~ A promoter acharnM to llwlndla r 111Ch- .,. out of their 18"<1 In Ofdar to bulld • dam for • --..oir. II» MOYICE **°""Tl-. Cion." (1974) MlchMI Or_,., Gragoty Sierra, An avtl aclentlat Ct'MI• a c;IOna 10 rapl- an unauepactlng doctor, only to haw Iha CIOna l<Kn ~·thlm. «I EHTIRTAINMIHT TONIQKT An lntarYlaw With RobCly ..,..eon (O)MOVta • ••• "CltlHn ~ .. ( 1114 t I Ora on WallH, Joaaph CotMn. ~ racall IM .. of a waialTtly, powwfUI and owtr~· ly ..... lndulgierl1 ,.,,,... par magnm ... ~­ -dl9 fw the ---' CMIOI of Illa INl''I orypllc ... ,....,, t:tO (ff) CAYllTT _.., n4I ~ An ~ wltll Wllltet Mltthlll Obout Illa IMcwy on acttnO ... .... w .,.,.NIWI • Tn'ANIO .. A Tu. TMI CjlCM.Ollf Miii ti# T<ttlOATI JOHN .DARLING ,... Harrlaofl non•... a IOOlc " "'° pojMllMt, o4 t~ bMtt In tflO 1IUI °""' lllfY, ~.,..... ,... ~Of OONn llft,. ••• ba.ttllafllpt -M-IMl'IML (D) "-AWJoot ONTH9 AM ()) Wo'NCll .... '" TMllMCllO ~·1 ,, •••• (1) •• .... eM~T~ ....,,......,_,._ -------------------... 1:30 IJ QI Hee NEWS OVEANGHT @MOVIE * * *'h "81rry Lynd0<1" ( 1975) Ryan O 'Neal, Mlrl· aa e.raoaon A 11anc1aoma aOlc:ltar find• action and rommnce In the 18th-can· lury Brltlllh army 'PG' t:-40 lHJ HENRY FONDA: THE MAN AHO HIS MOVIES Tha on-1nd oll·tcr*"1 lite of one ol America's lavor- 11• aclOI'• la tracacl with lllm clip• ol aoma of hi• bas t mOlllal including "On Golden Pond" which won him 1nOeear 2:00 0 (J) Cll8,NEW8 NIOHTWATCH (fl SEAGEANT BIU<O "Lova That Guarc:lhOuM" II) HEWS 2:10 (ZJ CHAALE.8 CHAMPLIN OH THE FILM ICENE 2:25 (C MOVIE • • • 'h "Woodlloc;k" ( 11170) Oocumenll.ry Meny of the top mualeal group• of ti.. late 'llOI perform 11 ti.. tamou1 roek concert held In BetMI, New York. In tllCl9 • 2".30 U CB NEWS (fl OH08T TOWN II) MOVIE • • "Oaatlnatlon Big HouM" ( 11150) Oorolhy Patrick, Robarl ROCkwall An Innocent and attractive young t•echl< tlnda ha<Mlf In trouble wflan aha lnad· V9f1antly fand8 fflllfanoe to• mobal«. Cl)MOVIE ** "Spattara" (1111111 Hin• Vtn Tonoa<en. Toon Agl«barg. Thr• lrlaoda from a amaH town bac:ome lnvotv.ci in tha motorcroaa racing Circuit 2:40 (H) IN8tOE THE NFL Holla Len OeWIOn and Nlek Buonlc:onll ra- hlghllghla ol Iha pr~ ....... NFL~ and lnlaMaw lcay player• and coecNI. S:OOD MOVIE * y, "Cola Younger, Oun- llghler" ( 111581 Fr-Lo,,.. toy, Abby Oallon In Iha tata 1870., a tone T .... guntlghlar challangn • MW type ol lawman caltad "Bluaballlaa .. Cf) IEAHUNT (O)MOVIE **'h"TM Border" P lllll) Jacll Ntcholaon. Vala<i. Perrine. A r.xu border guard'• valuaa coma In conn1c1 with thOM of hie corrupt co-worker• and hi• ~~11::;Hltlc wife. 'R' • • · nee 01 Tlla Nor1h" ) Ellen Bur-. tyn. T arrltt. In 19111. • •n's marriage 10 a tr lead• har lo • Illa of dahlp In ti-. wtt- da. 'PG' l :llO (I) FAITH 20 3:40 (ff) MOVIE ** ''This la Ef\111 ' (1981) Oocumantll)' Fllro footage and dramatic ~ .. tlorl• .,, ulad 10 tell ti-. atO<Y ol &tit Praalay'I Illa and ~ S."16 ... MOVE * * °" "Daya OI Glory" ( tg«) T.,,,.,. T~ va, Gregory Pack. TM Wll· ant Ruallen Rae11tanoa du<lng Wor1d Wat 11 trlaa to hdO badt Iha ln11adfng Nula. ~:00 (I) TOP 0 ' THE . MOflHINO • 4:309 IPY ~~WINKLE **~"TM Border" (t118t) Jack HlchollOn, Vatarla Parrl"9. A T axu border gvard'a valuu ooma In conlllct with tho• of hta OOfNPI oo-workan and hla matar'lallatlc wlla. 'R' t:3e C!l oome war: SNQAL DEUV'ERY Kamy Rogara and Dave Aowland & Sugar join Dot· Ila In lier fhl ma)Or TV apeclat. laaturing 1uc;h oountry hll• .. "When TWo FOOll Collkla" and "Claa- atoa." Frfdat1'• Da••l•r ,9fo11lr• ol bedlwooda Cajune. 'R' •• * "Love & Money'' ( 1980) R.y Sharkey, Ornat- la Mull. A Loa Angalaa ban« ~·· Ufa la tumid ~ wnan he mMt• and baoomM romantlcllly lnvor..d with lhe .... of. WMlthy Ger- man entrepreneur. 'R' 5:30 Ct) •• "Improper Chan- nel•" (19111) Alan Anlln, Marlana Hartley. A .., ... of mtaund•ratandtnga ctu-• llOcial worker to au1pac1 Iha 5-)'Mr-old daughter of • MPW•tad couple la the llk:ttm of CNld abuM 'PG' 8:.30 (%) * * "Chanel Solltalra" (11191) Francol11 Fabian. Oayta Haddon. 7:00 CD * • ~ "Blue Sklae" (!IMS) Fred Allllra, Bing Croaby. Two tong·and- d1no1 man l'lnO romanea and a.-. (0) * * * "Tha Hldaa· waya" Ct1173) lngr1d Berg- man. Johnny Doran. Two Chlldran "'" ~ from home and hide In ... Yortc Clty'a Matropolltan Mu-Of Art, wtlara !hay .,. belriandad by • apirtt- ad recluaa. ·o· (I) •••• "011 ...... ( 19fl8) Ron Moody, OltWlr Raad. A young orphen le kid~ lrCWTI 1119 ,_ hOMI by 1119 old gang, but managea to MCllPI and •atum to hll banafactOf. • *** "Dak.ion" ( 1g91) P1trlcl• Pearcy, Joaaph Cotten. A prtvata- duty nuraa lalla In love with her patient'• handeoma young grandaon. 'R' l:CIO Ct) * * "The legend 01 The Lona RMgk' (1980) Kllnton~.~ pt,., Lloyd. The Lona RMolr and Tonto pur-. their ~. lutch e.~ who,_~ ~IM~ol tnoU.8. 'PG' ~ CID • "Modern Probiarnie" (tNll C'-Y a-, P9n1 O'Atb9'NWa. A ~ '* traffic controller with numaroua paraona1 proC>- lam• la endowed with ..... lnatlc l>C*lr1I after being douaad with nuclear wuta. 'PG' t:oo. * * ''Collage~ danllal" ( tHO) Stave Allan, Jayna Maadow9. A collage profeaaor rllttlal hi• atudenl• wllan M dacldea to lurWy ttlalr -habltl. cm * "Modem ~obllml" ( 1ga 11 CM'ty er-. Patti O'Arbanvllla. A~ air traffic; controUor with nurnarou1 ~ prob- lem• la endowed wflll talalclnetk: ~ ....., being dOUMd with nudMr WM! "-Cl * * "The Hazing" ( t977) Jeff E.Mt. Brad 09¥- .. The IMmban of. prw. llgk>ul oohga fraternity attempt to hide Iha death of • pledge dUr1ng haDng. 'PO' .. .30 ••• ~ "Ride The Wlct Surf" (1"4) Fabian. 8'*- ley F abaraa. Four alglblo bedlalors, wtto -mor. lntar•tad In ~ than glr1a, bacoffta mllled 141 with lour~ aeloua young ladlaa. 10:00(t) **** "T-"(lt79) Naataaala IClnaltl. Petar FWth The daughter d a poor Enoll•h farmer ~ Iha 'lltetlm of her temtty'a uc>lf•llOnl and her own baluty. 'PO' CH) * * * "II To 5" (tNO) :o J-Fonda, Doll)' Panon Thr" working woman rat* agalntt their eut>)lr gallon by • male ClllUWlllt bosl. 'PO' (I) * * ~ "A UM OI Har Own" (1960) Lana Tl#nar, Aly Mlllencl. A man mwt ChOOM ~ '* .... andhla~ 10: 11 CZ> * .. "Upttgflt" ( 1 ... ) Julian Maytlald, ~ St. J .... Aft• tM 1CMo stt nalnatlon, a gtoup ct .,.. mlltantl ~ ~ an llfMNI d ~ In ptepataffotl fOt • roci. -.,. .,..,.,., ~ OM ct t;OO(a> * • * ''loutham c-thelt own,...,... '"' ton" (IN!) Ka1t11 Carra-10-M. **• . ..,.,.~., Cllna, ,._. 8ootM. A 1.'-"tonMI" (tMI) Jin\ O'CIUP of NatlOMI ~ HvttOfl, ,__ ,.,.... A mat1 on wo•lltnd tlunQlne l+nr<1 offtoot, flll INlflOWar9 In • ~ ... end • .....,, lllne ~ ..,.,_ • "'*' 91*· trllClll cs-rt a .,...... ,.. .., .n11 • oommunfty outlllw • . by Armstrong a B•tluk :fMNfU.:. lit ~94fll6ct:tr Ct4~ :..: :: ·: •. •. :! ·:: .•: .. .. ... ... :: •' ... . :·.: .•. .•. !'": :!: .. ... ;:: ,• r ~ Greet T.-tlng H~ ~ { rrl&f.5 Nutty-Chocolate Chip/ -Oatmeal Cookl••· 11lrtm~ $2.26/lb, 3 lb min. Dall· -;.} r•r wnd. 556-31131. M THING ARE - •arrangement•. 811 Plante & Trffa. Han orafted glfta. 1590 s. Hwy, LIO llctl. 48-4-1204 CLASSIFIED INDEX T1 ... Y•M.Cal &42-5678 llllSES flt SAU a-.. _.._. _.._. c-r-·-ow-....... LI Chlo Plqua·Nlqua, gourmet F'*1Ch ealanng & party traya. Cul rat• price&. 78()..8844 llUT ........ Y" Bo<ly wrapa-t1elal kit• gift peckaga 644-5289 '1'11<1 mar#' •Ip/cwt• cm llu: <Jruraue Coolfl , . 642-5678 011111¥11111 OllllTllAI SILE MICROWAVE. New Sharp •llTllAI CarouMI, proti.. 12211. u•-llllm Or ehooaa trcm Aman•. ..... $69 ovw lnvoloa on all Litton, Magk: Chef, Tap-All ChoootatH In on•. pan, O'K-.JMentt. Pata and Caviar In ~ '82 Audi'• 640-!710 another. Pemap. Gour· .82 Rabbit 8edlll1il ALLIED LIGHTING mat Soup1 & Braad? •82 SdrOOC09 222 VletOf'la.Coeta Meaa Fruit, Cheaaa & Wine + P....__ do not.__.. ..... In-846-3737 &46-8194 many more. Hand Dall-'..,.. '""""""' W• .. __ Sout'---,.._.. var ad In th• Newport atallad ~.Ext ...... ,_,,..,.... -·...,.... torn11·1 moat -A-...i...ta Araa Call R.8 .V.P ., SalMnta, or FM:t""" ,. "'"''t"""' -' Mlec11on of llghtlng at ·~S73-3820--------t>at•. If Wf'/. eompatltlve pncaa. .- "5 E. Cat Hwy N.B. ---'--------873-0900 Famn Roofing Co. Otfat end 12/24/82 ~.Repair, SNngte (714) &42-8233 Our New Year'• ew Patt) MINIATURES with Batta Mldler or Lana FOR CHRISTMAS? Homa. ~ Limited ... wtry Notl Call :~?'le COAST Come -what -haw BOX OFFICE At: Mini 8uul' 5-40-3689 538-88211 400 W•tmlnstar NB Gltta tor l4er 0421 845-32e1 89arkla tor CllrWtmaa ~& year 'round). Linda • Qeer'l'g Serv. eee-03 111 The Video Station 1471G~LIG·8c:h rtllllC NOTICE Hollday """"'• 0446 LEE'S FLOWERS See ua for your Chrlat· maa Bouqueta. 8111-25e9 FLOWERS BY MORRI 4411 E. 17th Sttwt, Cost• ....... 84Wt44 P\llUC NOTICE llYE I lln OF UFEI mnl PU1111 Lge Miectlon of unusual apeotmen size p~anta at Incredibly low _!!.rices. -•-for am111 anlm1ls: Free pets for good homes & good homee for free peta. 2110 IEWNllT ILYI., O.M. . Open Dally 10-5 A mm1u pco11ltf lo'1kl"fl /or tJ rtW l«I, 70'; r ff n rl rrrl I t' 1It1I11 t• I 11 ""I/ I,.,, ntl11 -· 01VE DANCE LES80H8 YWI ~e sat Heed-FOR CHRISTMAS ~. Selel, ,.,.-. Dorothy Jo Denoe StudlO Clothlng, Ski Aamp. 2515 E. Cat Hwy. Boarding & grooming NEWPORT 81<1 CO .. _Cd_M_~ __ e_13-3-4 __ 20_ -A.,.k_C_O_L'""o--'E-N_O_L--1s""'H-1 2700 w. Co••t Hwy. MUSIC FOR YOUR AF· SHEEPDOG PUPPIES _83;.._t..a_zeo __ -..,,..,.""'="- FAIR, any 1tyle. Plano, FOR CHRISTMAS WINOSORFlNO iALE guitar, vlolln, vooa11. 1350. 11711-14711 M6atral 1850. HIF'ly S750. 545-3722 or 1131-3275 UP 8"of'U (714)13t-410I Cocker Spanlel pupplea ••ilieieli for Chr1atmu. AKC reg .. WHIRLIGIG 801 W. Baker, Coat• Meaa 11711-11670 - blond. 642-3341 Roler Skate ~ ,, CANARIES -&nglrlg 8111 •at 11: ~. I of Red Faathara for • ~ 1 Cllrtatmu . (red-«11\98) '8-IO~ 13S, 946-e 132 .,, I Auet. Shep. pupa, 8 wka, All akalH In 110011, Inc( adorable, all color•, no Riedel & Suregripl • paper9, '46. 131-1832 ..... ""' AMUIU ...... WllHlwert• • KITTENS 642.a520 l&LllA ll .... 11! ...................... CNmplon RandlO ,line. a wttd9. """ umu Must -· Red rnalee w/ G:. ~-z,:r: rad UlllLIU Whh ~ 8Y98 '600/ti.t PreHrv• your Holld1y ofr. Xtfl 1g boned, ltlnt MamorlH on a Video tamp. Sholl/wormed .. Tape. Drake Video Wiit hold t.111 Ctw1atmaa. S)'IWm, pref ••~Ill end 63CM3l5 oompettttw. 487~28 Codi• Span Pupa. a wtta. AKC, Bufl, Champ lirad, Show Qual, Metia, $200. Wiii k~ tor CMatmae. call ld\er 7 PM 751~ .,. .......... Cfociped, F-./b4k mlllk 14$-2380 F1CTITIOUI llU..... OfAC« 0# ntm ~ ~:1' °" K..f!tS7 I.ftlH .,J r._1 STA~ 1 c~~<:::. ~_:' ~ 1AU COUNTY°" OMMGa NOTICE OF o• •TH OF NOTICE OP DEATH OF ~o:::w ng panon ' dong NOTICI Of IAU UNDClt YOU AM• DIP-W Ulallt A In Iha Metler of Iha ApplicatlOn of T 8 E L M A L VE L L A CBAJlLES W. p AJlMENT· WEST8AR LEASING, 18332 DECRU Of 'OM~o.-DllD OP T•UIT DATID MURRAY MONAHAN CLUFF For JACOBS aka THELMA L ER AND OF PBTlnON TO WMtlat L~. Hunt1119lon Beach, PLAINTIFF. CULVEADALE HPft-R tt, -Ula.Ill ~of~ ' MINISTER a,'ATE NO Calttoml• 1121147 COMMUNITY A880CIATION, ate. YOU TAD ACnOM TO ON>CR TO IHOW JACOBS, aka TBBLMA 111115 • John P Bartle, 111332 Wl\lttler v•. DEFENDANT: JOSEPH H. YOUR PROPt•TY, IT MAY a C .. ~..A!.M-'!f!... J A C 0 8 S A ND 0 p -To all:.._-'-benetidarlel, t..na, Hun11ng1on Beldl, Celltomi. CAMP8El.L. ..... No. 378251 ICll.o AT A~ Ul&. • ,_ .,.,. -P B T I T I 0 N T 0 •K'M-. 112847 1. 1t1e ~llgoad, at.o Oat• • ._,Mt llDlAllA'nOM Ofll THI c.. Mo. A1'"'1 reditora and contln1ent This bu91nMe I• condUC1eO by.,, Shartff..cotoner. County of~. MAT\N Of' THI NOCll~ MURRAY MONAHAH Cl.UFF 11a1 ADMINISTER ~ATE NO. redttora of Charle. W. lnOMOull 81•1• of c.llomla. oo '-aby certify AOA'l .. aT YOU, YOU INOULD 111eO • patllllon In Ihle QOl.art tor.,, A-11111!. • L Parmenter and penon1 who JoM p 8atlle 111a1 by vlreue of Da e r•• of CONTACT A L.AWV.. on:ter allowtno padtlonat lo~ To all hdn, t>enefidariea, be otberwWe lnterested c.i. .... Thia 1111-1 wu tiled wtth the Fo reclotu.-. 1nd S•I• In lh• On~ 7 1NS • t:16 Lm h 11 'n • m • Ir 0 m MU A A A Y crediton and contingent may ~t-1a.::.-H'!l .... -~ot'&i•'OI Gouftt) Oh Cowl o• lhe Count11 ·~.....e,~ FF I MARK ·-oj~~~m:-bt1~afin=-jther.;will;ffii~and/=Jiiiorheltaiii~t.e:~·fnii!a---i Nowmber 19, 1ff2 ,_... Orange, Siiia of Celllom4A, entered ~. u duly appotnlad Tru•tM HAPPY CLUFF tors'. Put>llallad Orange CoHI Delly on October t2. tN2. and r-oact under end :;rauant to DMd of II I• llaraby ordered 11111 all J1fl•obs, aka Thelma L . b~ Gertrude G Willi.Ima in s I F I . .,. E -- "91 D ,.. rm .,. r111 "" "1C fTll fTX "11 6 rlJI wm '7Jt ,,. 4 • - .. ..,, 1 ..... ,, October 12 1t12 In the above Truat lllllde "°8ERT R. AACfT\ paraon1 lntarHlad In Iha mauar J~ aka Thelma J~ S ' C f Piiot oac:. 2. II. Iv,'"" ..... · • • 111 __ ,....., man u ""' _ _. ___ ..; et0t9Uld ~ t>atora !Na eoun -.uuoe.d h t e uperlor ourt o . 5287-82 ~~1~~1;:Da,.~1~o~o:~"ur:11t"v _,_, , --_ .... In Oec>wt t No 3 a1 700 CMc an peraona w o may Orange County requestiq ~ !'\Ill.IC NOTICE ASSOCIATION. 1 ce11forn1e Nc>ft. :c=c:;..~ C:: ~ Cen1ar D~ we1t. San•• Ana. otherwae int.ere.~ ln the that Gertrude G. Wil.U.ama Prolll Corporallon. lh• above BANK, a Callfornl• corporation Celllomla on Oaciamber 29, 1982, •1 will and/or at.ate: be appointed u penoa.I FtCTmOUI .,..... nemed pl1lnllll. obtained • now ownact end held by COAST t0:30 o'clodt a.m .. and than and A petition h.a ~ filed tad CID~ NAMI ITATIMINT judgment Ind claclrM of toraololura 8ANt< reocwdeel Oc:totler 1, 1NO, -Illar• lhow CllUM, II any lMy have. by Malen Wesley Jacobi in repreeen ve Th• lollowlng paraon Ir doing ilncl u ·1e agalnll JOSEPH H. lnlt. No. t t864, In l>ook t3n9, why Hid P•tlllon for change ol the Su~rlor Court of the estate of Charles W. bull-u: CAMPBELL end SUE ANN peige704cfOfflcMl'Wordllntfle namaehoulclnotbagrantad Parmenter, Coata Mesa, RON'S CAA STEREO REPAIR. CAMPBELL. delendent1, tor tll• oMoa of Ille COvnty'"Aeeofdar of "la luf1har ordered lhat. oopy of Orange unty requesting c • 1 1 f . ( u n d e r \ h e 1797 Orange Avenue. eo.ta Moia.. tum of a!Qhl hundred -''>'-al• Or.,. County, Stat. cf c.tllomla. Ihle order 10 1how cauH b• that Malen Weeley .facot. be lnde__._t Admlnlatratiaft Callfornte02827 and2011000ollarl.lewfulrnoneycf WllMlltpubllOauoUonto....,.. publl•llad In Ora119• Coul Dally appointed as personal ,_....... Ronald Jerome Breughlon, Iha Untied Stet•. and by virtue of a bidder tor Olllfl ~ at tllM of Piiot. • naw1p1per ol generel repre.entaUve to administer of Estates Ad). The peUtkln t 7117 Ofange A1191'1Ua. Coat• Mau, M1t ot 11111oroemen1 In Mid ac11or1 ... In lllwfljiJ mon.y Of ,,_ unMecl c:lrculatlon. pubhhad In thla county is eet for ~ ln Dept. Calfornle 92827 . i-iacS Oil Howmbar t, 1"2_. I -~)ft the lfOftt ~to the al lent once • •Hk tor lour the estate o f 1belma ~ No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Thia~ i. conducted by an convnandad lo ... all the P'°'*1Y old Orange C®nty CowtllouM, con-=utM ..... prtor to .... dey Jacobs. Coeta Mea. • Dnv w t s nta Ana- lhOMduel 1n Iha County of OrllnQ8. 8ta1a of located on Santi An1 Bh,d .. of~ '-lnQ. 17 1_2 (under the Independent Calif e927M1 ~ J!n. 1., iii"S Aone10 .>aroma Bf8UQtllon Celllomla. deecrlbad • ro1ows; ~Sycamore et. & lroedwey, .,.,ad Howmt>« • .., Admlnlatratlon of Estates • .,. This''-'-' ... filed wtln the Loi 12. of Tract No. 1852, • Senta Ane. C4lllfornla. al ltgtlt, tltll frenlc Oornenc:Nnl Act) ....__ tltJon 11 -t for at 9:30 a.m. Courlty C1et11 or Orange County on record.a In Book 2e3, Pagea 39 to and ..,..,.... oon...-to and"°" Judge ot the Superior Cout1 · rnc pet '""' IF. YOU OBJECT to the NoYemt>ar 22. 1982 '11C7'74 42, lnclualva ol Ml•cellaneou1 lllld by" un0ar Mid Deed of TNlt Put>llallad Orange Co111 Dally hearin8 in Dept.. No. 3 at 700 grantinc of the peUtioo. you Publlallad Orenge coett Dally Mtip9. In Illa Olftce of IN Ofange In the property altveted In Mkl Pllol. Nov 26, Dae:. 2. 9. 111. HMI~., Civic "Center Drlve West, lhould either •..,_,. at the Pllol, Nov 26, Dae: 2, 9, 18. 1982 County Recorder. Calllomla. Oowlty and 8tMI dlllarllled • ~202 ...... Santa Ana. CA 92702 on Jan. rr-Properly la more oommonly The Nof111eaMq one.Nllf of Lot 12 1983 at 9.30 a.m hearing and 1tate your J HA .. 0. LAWK-MT. OLIVE Morcuarv • Cemelfll'\' Cremalorv 1625 Gisler Ave Cos1a Mesa !>'0.5554 PIHCI UOTHHS HU UOADWAY MOITUAa'f 110 Broadway Cosca Mesa 642·9150 IALTl It IH•llO .. SMJTH 6 TVTHtU. WISTCLIH CHAl'I&. 427 E 1711'1 St Cost• Mua 84&-0311 known ... 3H2 Cleramoflt. INlne, • In.,.~ of the Harper Treat, -"'8JC fl)TlCE iF YOU OBJECT to th obeUona or tile written Calllomla. per map recorded In 1ioo1t a. Paoe .,_ e ob Uons with the court Tcoettiar wtth all end llnQul• ~11eall1neou1 1111p1, In tfl• granting of the pe~ltJon, you be ore the hearlnc. Your lti• lanamenle, haradlt-\1, end of the County Aeoordar of Notice 11 hereby 9lvan 1hll lhould either appear at the be ln appunanancee thereunto belonglr'lg Mid Or.,. OIMltY. punuant 10 e«:tlon tHI of the CMI h 1 d appearance may penoo or 1n anyw1ae llPl*'talnlng. Th• etr"t •ddra11 and other Code. Stal• ot Calllornla, cha ear ng an elate your or by your attorney. PUBLIC NOflCE 18 HEREBY oommon 6lalgNttcn, " eny, of the uncMralgnad ,.. ... •• putllle Mia objectlona or file written I F y 0 U A R E A GIVEN n..1 on l'?lctay. Jeouery 11 reel prOf*tY daeclf1bad ab<We 1a by oompe11tlve blddlna on the 23td objection• with the court CREDrI'OR eonttnemt 11113. at 10-00 o'docll, Lm. of tt1a1 purported to be: tHO. 1N2 & day of '**"''*· 1te2. at 10:00 before tbe hearlne. Your __. .. _ ,J ..... "!d• d dey at .Main L~bby. Coul'UlouH, t~ NlwpOr1 lllYd., eo.ta Mw, o'olodl a.m .. °" Iha~ where may be in penon ...._..._ "" --•~.!..'" "tb' ~ 100 CMc c.m. Of"'9 w..c. ~cf Celtomll. Mid property hell "-' .. orac1. Ind ~ mUlt file JOA1r ~ wt w.. San•• Ana. I Wiii NII the uov• lald HI• wlll b• lll•d•. but wtllOll -loca'9CI at P\lbllc atonp. Ol'I b 'VY your VOW'y o•tu'°'1\ey.R E court or reMDt It to lhe ~bad pr°'*1)', under Mid""' wlthou1 covenant ot •urranty, ~-· 1324,.!_~ ~In~~ F . A A pera.o r• reeentatlve and oecr.e, or eo lllUOh theNof • _,,,... or ~. ~ tMI, "' IMne. ........,.ty cf .... ange • .,.._Of CREDrI'OR or a conUncent b may be nacaeaary 10 MtlafY MJd p llQrit. or ~. to Calltomla. the 1bendoned OOoda. cndJ of the Mceued appoln t e court ~ wttll 1nt.,...1• and COit&. ~ the rwna6i•uo P'1nOIPlt Nn o4 e11a111 .. Q' pereone1 prop•''Y '°" • you wtU\in four I.rem 0. to tlll hlQMtt blddaf, fOf ONtt 1n "'8ncM<•I__,11y lllkl o-t cf ~bed""'°"·"' the met-. of: must file your claim with the date ol flrat luuance of lawful mon.y ot 1t1e United 1ta1e1. ~with 1ntar .. t thereon, 11 ~1crAIL AOll 2 tibiae, 2 court or present it t.o the krl1en .. providid In 8ec:don Dated at ltnta Ana. Celltornl•. In lllkl note(a).--= a. aoel)faM11:;t1· ~ 4 pereonal representative 700 ol the Probate Code of OeoMltier~":!ru. or'fr:t"t'::~~= '"d ~J:=rcioNoo'-~. :J:&~~~~~t~~~~ Callfornia. The lltM for 8hetllfo0orotW ..,..... o4 INT.,,..... Ch•••. t1 boH• 111l1G., 2 wicker fWni dabftl wUl not _.... County°' Ofange, CA Tiie ..,.. tmOunt °' ttle """'6d t111>lt•. 11111p, Wlctcar atand, aleo. date of first S11u1nce of ~ to four monU.. tiam ey: K. arown. .ballnoe of tit cllfj91Uoft MOUNCt by broOM. CCUCll. 2 epeek-. phone>, 2 letters u provided in Section d • h h a .... lerOeMi 111• property to ba IOld and ~bed 700 of Uw Probai. Code of ht •t• Oa: t • eaJ'._... ""'°::'~•YIM~ e•ao'l•"e Hlhuted cost•. AMT'HONY .... ~.::.. ~ California The time for nodced abow. tef? DIM .,. ..._ • .. .,,._ e bO••· ootf -~· -· flllnl cla1m9 wW not ~ YOU MA~ aXAMIN• ==......, OA _. _:: :: r:=::r..:' tt1e cNlrc.:.t ~KUI -o., 1? ptiol' to tour montha from the m. 1111P* b1 tbe oourt. 11 .......... ........, Tiie w,:::tfoc....., ... Oald boua tnlao., ohHt, dirt •Illa. the date of the hHrln1 JOU ..,. ill~ ill the ,t;."8::. ~-a-1~" 0•"Y "v~ac1 to~ ... ~~:f.-M ~i1Ai':."iNO. -elwlf D04bd .~. ~i:·.c'!:t~·:'I&": _ Ntt-ta rteten Notloe of O.fou' and cliMMr. 7 ~ •• 7 11>011• 1111ec.. YOU MAY IXAMINI apeclal noUae of tlla• 10 L nie "=9:• llM "*""-• ...,.., • dlalr'a, the fl.le kept by the court. U illvatorJ of _..... .._.. ...... o1 ,_..~ '~rwfionQMlobld you ue lnwreeted ln the andoflM.....,f4• • c ..... • ..,,: _.,.tor:,.. ~ •t tlla ..... ll'vfotla ... ...,., be •law, you may fll• • requ.i and ,.po,_ ..-:n._. la ...._ ,,_.....,. Olllll ~MCI'*' ror at with the «>'4rl to recelvt s l 11 o o t h o.i• .., 11, ttM. ttwllmeotpwdlw.M..,,..... 1peclal n otice of the tct on ° t • =. L--. toodle .,. add• 19. 9'ld muat be I f cautarnAa ....... 0... A M &..-NmOWd" .. .._el~ nventory o t1tatt .... ti S . OIU rl•I F•r••• ."::\,_.. '* ..,..._ to prlOf • u1 '*'"' and of the petSUou. accounta A*"'""ll ... Clo.....,, 1. _... •tie ..,.,_. ot •••181•t ~ and reportl deeerlbed l11 1111 miill ..... l..:' · ~ llndlofdlftd......,~.o.. Section 1100 of th• ..... -~ r-DrM "* 9'ti lftd tM -ol 0111 .... California ........ Ood9. • CA ~SI .:!2:. • '"' l'UM.IO ITOMGI. INC.. 8 er• a r • A . A 11 t •, ~ .... er.t A. tcll\jlf.Mll LAndWd • .....,. et Law. lM .... r, 'SJ ... °'9111 ~ l"lllltleMC °'.,.. c..t Dei1r Grits ti lllla Cle•11•. CA ..., o.. -. "'a .:.. ,_ o. ...... .a ('fl~;,,.. n. · .......... Oetll ~ -·~ .... .wi.-. .o.. .... ·-~ ~=-~ ..... Ole. ... "· ·~ ......... I ............ 1'1111 I. du Noni t.1frool D bilnt1. 1)1'\ t111lh Le L.. H 1o1lr mmJ 2 t.a..l all1• f I ,IWJCl,Udll PllllllU-1 O.•Nm & Jt'UY vl•w• Marirwt room, 4 bdrm, 3 hnth, 3700 .q ft $1.336.000 Ol•nfrunl LlllA llll IAYFlllllT Lagoun vlrw from 6 bdrm, 6 balh, playroom, durk 1 m, dun Buol •lip. Nuw .U00.000 llYSIH PUOE Spc.-t'wl·ulw bayfront dplJt 2 br. ~ bn up; 2 br, 2 bu dn 2 boat apaces. ltC'd~~-$1 ,500.000 BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR J .1 ' 5' l y'. d. 0 I .. -. M 0 ') .., I 0 I THE REAL ESTATERS COLDWC!LL BANl(C!RO ... . ..... R*IUe.d f35,500. Low..t primd Monaco In Bta Canyon. t BR~ eMhldn1 oelU·~ tr.hly palnlilCI Ii MW Jandaca~ lArtt pdvate lot. Owner wlll help tlnanc•. A.umable, ~ term. ftnt uwt Mid. WoWd tnde. ,,, llnll!Olfr c.,,,.,. I 644-9060 • (;f <llH ,l l l l>.IN '> I() -- ' ' -WtJlkP.r 1; t::e ... Bechelor• $395 1 Bdrm ~ 131 E. 18th. &4e-6818 181 E. 18th. 842-0858 3 Bdrm 2 Ba 1&45 151 E. 21st. 548-2408 J tl.14 Per Daf l:a1 t All you U '°'. 30 cs._1y ad In lhe UIU PUT • ---------------------- ~--~----~-~------ ~ ••••••••••••• IJIJp!IJl!w •••••••••••• ~"""·············· ~-"""-········· tllr/111.............. 1ftM ........ . IU.OTIUOIAH. 1rlo•d GUAUTY WUOWG HAUUHCI a CUAN•UN IUllHUIMAN WILL •• ,..... 'LAITP ,,UOHIHCI r'9fll, ,, .. Mt1ma11 on .-w11io 1n ..,~ CM.I. MJHAM> HOOIUJT. -ldllClae.d tlot:".,d llnor Uc .-.11ucoot tnrtf'•t. SO ..,.. Ot em.II toM. ..... ''"" ,..Ot. ""'ICINol, ff7 .. 111. & ~ f47-3t24 , 14 W'9 Of~ ,... ..... , ......... 77 uo. M1t21. t7J.OSH flon: Ne* 4M-02U a,.~,,1 1ooe1 OUft.OINn. NON> l'\MTPINO IL&OTNCIAH .__.,,.,.,... ,,_.,_ ;.r.;;;xl'ff.......... Tilri you, _,1....,.10 Int/ext. "-".:,"2 lrnl ~~ Uo. ~-... ~ll'lUuo•u ~~ .............. eu.tom 0.C... MMOfllY ,AINTM NUDe llcJQll .... 23$1()1.C.10 . ..,_1203 NIGHT ITAA 8KY Mk D ~ ... JIH & 'etlo Oo-M1. "9M. WOfU<I IO W'9 ~ Inti 1-------- TOP bvAUTY WOAK on your celllno, lxactl) ""'~··* ""' F1-.. ,. Gene ~71 n t. Aooueelo ~ Uo t/f'lfH#. .......... .. ~--·········· ·~·ii AATUM ,,.. t /rMtOY, oliMtt "'"· ~ .... 7011 ~ .......•..... .._.,..., l<-14 o.tlwe M & •121tw. ..,, Morgen 146-6171 • IHYl.01 llllOTHY AT A!AI. MTH p~llnl~dti:: d~ore that Mctlonlo lgn ...-.to. To&lllj19'MrV, i.ndlOllpl He780. F,.. •lmetel. I•.~ Ml-lift UC'd. Joel 147-4420 ~ oemen1 m• o.Yll Ptllntlng M7-14H 40 .... wet~ U25 .,,.,,._ --· 1 r..,~.11 .,,. 111 do 01her ·~•111~ ..,, CUt 1-nlH tonty. 25 yre. 636-0t14 -""rnrz:. -! !f. ~ 00 IT NOWI lit ftr la11ir1 Yc>ut Dally PllOt Setvlce Directory Marine Woodwof'll, Int I e1c, + ce1m oeblnel1, r• model kit , Wall) &4~1588 :~.mJ· •• :~~......... RESIO/COMM'UIHO. lob• • e4eot .. plumblna, •••••••••••••••••••••• =a.ir1 ....... P.llln71""ri d•i •-.U-1~ • ..wi·wM;;w.NOoWa·· ITIYI .. nLE 20 ~·Do my own wottc pelnllng, etc. M1·2f1J WNI catl fOf 'lfNf Mlbule. .......... " _.....,, • Pr uo. 27I041 AJ '4N129 lory elder whll9 you wor11 •••••••••••••••••••••• mat.,._, 97 837 •••••••••• ••••••••••• r' ... • ~ Expect 1 n11.. 993-3283 ~ or 111oat1on, my c .M s::rn~;=~! =~=~ LowHt ,., .. 1 Prompt, A~~ki=:' k~•. =~= Aeptctt1t11JUY1 QIU~ !~/.TJ!!......... •••••••••••• home. IM&-4158 1111ll1bl1 . P1lnt1ng n111 profeHlonalt . 15 fine pelntlng. 04&-0M4 ---------Cu In •••••••••••••••••••••• 'ormloa Top• • or 111 Pain~ ·T~ry plumbing, rooting, oon· ~ •· e:M-7149. 14!·1111, eJt. HJ ... '/!!-.·, ...... •• ..... Child C-. my home, "" klnde. Promc>1 • ~ C. . ..._ Uc'd & • .....,,...,,. C1et1 Remodellno. etc eu ---•-"- Rlmod./Rtc>M't. lo r•t• or pVtlme. Nwp1 snor. 1bl1 cott. 942·912&, Bonded. &44-4794 t\199 ............ a........ R••• rel••· 146-77&7 _... .• ~·-:-:;-:::"I' .............. . --------·1 Deckt, patio•. fenCH -. Alfe. IM&-t104 042·2741 HOME CA~·f\EPAIR, ROBIN'S CL!AHINO AM only. &Q.4471 PM I.ow rel• lkl. 536-Ntl Hu=.~~ --Free Mt. St-7112·85&f Chlldcere In low & tota tlli/,.,. IJlill,I paint. y1rd. Fr .. tuwl s.rvtoe . 1 lhoroughly M081LE HOMES , .... l "ll802. ..... ,,. .... bf.A•JI EXPER t d ecceptenc. FT/PT m) •••••••••••••••••••••• Fr .. •t. 7151~ c:liMili houll. ~&7 ~ 30 ~-·Free 9'1. e>yt ...,.. '" _..,,... •• ••••••••••••••••••• • . carpen er ()If c u .. ~ .: .... '"1..,; CUSTOM REFINISHING •••WIND "'" .. '"OE" HOUSECLEANING: Oooc ••••••• •••••••••••••• 971-0ll24, 1111 831-694) ·-PlllLmt Orlll9Waya. ParldnQ lot add nt, remod, d.ckt. .., ,...,., ... .,........, -F l Kit C.blnltt ....,..,,.. , BRICKWORK: Smell Jobi -r•••a- Repllrt, Soatcoettng. Skytlghlt a repelrt. Fre1 SrEvE &l5-234S3 Aepairt/Remod. No Job ~· Tranaponatlon. Ex· Newport, CO.ta Mlle, Don't r1-1oof, ,..,.., • a1 S&S A1phlt 631-4199llo aet. Oen, &4 1-45112 ,. __ ,,,.,. ..... _ 1t •••• &• 100 trN11L ,_ Ml'Vlcl. Pl' d. 979.975f. Irvine. Rett. 875-31715 l1..n.1t• rrectlon of ... 167-2880 .... _ ..... , .. ... l!IAJ-1-•• re-.· • .,. ••••••••••••• Doore lnt l•ll•d. 1111ry· ••••••••••• •••••••••• _._..., Free Mt. ~040-4072 Hou1eol11nlng, r1ll1bl1 Cvttom lklok-Stone Fllthlng lnlenor OMIQn AOOANO REPAIRS Alt11Hn thing In bldg a rec*r. 3~ NFonerom2 .. blG10• znone-d2otmelllt -•.'. ••••••••fl•1•1•1••••••••• l!Jq>'d In JI! -..... ~ tef. OWn trenap. ""8. Blo<*-Concret.-Stuooo HANGING/STRIPPlllO Sm1ll fobt OK. Fr11 •••••••1••••••••u••.. yrt 1xp•r R1f1. Jerr~ " -..... No ~·t-oo me11 YOLANDA 042.o.40! Aefl. Fr .. Mt. 1549-9492 VIM·MC Scott &46-83211 HtlmatM. Clll TOf'll or Incorporation, bu11ne1• 5 71H7S-t<l38 lie 4215781 Tops>«l/l"9ITIO\'ed CINll "-• ,.,.. ---------ad\lloo RMton11ble ,_ 4 .,.13 up .....,. l'lnOV. 151~7~ Btlln eeo-3099.,.. IPAllU Pl.Im Expert w111cov1rlng In· _ChuOk __ ._04_2_..a_n_. __ 752·1962 A---... 1_ ' C1Mn1no ServlOI. C~ #nlaf. 11 ... llon. AMII. Conaul-.... I.Nb ......... . fer..1.l!ffl!! ........ '!!':'f ..... 1.~I......... ~1~_!~1 ~'!¥.!f.............. ~ .~2 ~.l to Oodll· 0 •;i;.·1·iiiftii.;... 111n1 Altlgnmt. 581-8590 1~7\1~711e A•l•••t1r1 5t11mpoo & eteem c1eer1 Suc>P4Yllntl&ll/Alpelr ,~w•-•"p"'~'n ........ F"'r•···-1,no1 .• DUMP J0a8 ·-""" .......,.. T QUlllty 211 ·::·NEWPOATWEST•;:• Color br1ghl•n•r•, wht Lg• H tectron + h1td· 37 111 & lmell Moving JObe HOUSECLEAHINO ~hi¥. r::.P· l•t# C.... tENRY Oataun to Rolls Cualom crptt • 10 min. bi..ch were. Bob 846-2923 wt IMtel. S7 Oii MIKE 046-1391 HOOM1 l Olpendlbll Ho OWltlml 730-1315:! ••••••••••••••~•••••• • 111Ni'1/llltw wax a dotull 65G-1132 Hiii, IN/din. rmt l15;avg DOOR INSTALUREPAIR JAPUlil U•m HAULING-ORAOING Brende M2·29t0 --.ABC--M-~-V-ING----C~~~ ~~I: U.. •11111 room 17.50; oouctl llO Locke ln1t1ll1d. ffrH 839-5035 d•molltlon, cl11n-up let Shelley cleen-up IOI ~lck. Ceretul s.rvtoe. t1ne11. Rendy &41~22 ''---"=~-~ __ 2_1_3 _ _,1 IHll, #aial111Ht1/ chr 15. Ouar ... Im. pe1 ettlmatee. Biii tea-8739 ~Yd C1nuol Concrete & tree remove! the Holldaye. Rella.bl•. We do PIC*lng 552-041( .- IH'f'ite ::.· ~=',:,,~!::: Tr• 111m/l'9ITIOV-~ ~lck MN. 042·7638 exp'd, own trana STARVING COLLEGE •••••••••••••••••••••• Rehl. 554-0123 n.-iJJ lnigallon Jim 161.0121 HAULINO·tludenl w/I,... _04_&-_11&_83______ STUDENTS MOVING Flbergt1 boat repair ---------~:/.~'•••••••••••••••'• -:----------•· Varnish, paint & malnt No SIMm/No ShM\poo DRYWALL TAPING 0.denlng-lndacpe ""6nt, truck, 11m1 lo rllH. Dirty houH? C1ll M11n CO. Uc. T12"""3e Prof, fHI, 661-6767 a Stein SpecA.ii.t. FMt All T•xtur• & Acouallo ,,.. WOl1I commflncillt, Thank you 7159-1978 JMll "I Hll• Olr1". lnturld. 041·&427 6pm. dry. Free Mt. 839-1582 Fl'M eet. ~ 850-toee Chuck Nowlin &42-lf73 John 8415-teaa _.... WATCH US OROWI !~!!!'/.~ .••.... ED'S PLASTERING Meet petchll. lnVelCt. RlttUOCOI. &45-8258 .... '-':• TNc .. °""" wtlo perfofm wOftl 0... l200 lnoludlng l1bor ind meterlela mu11 be II· QIMed. U.llolllMd oon- trec:tort tholM IO tllate In lhlfr ldwr1Mlng. eon. tl'llC!Of9 Ind ~ oontec:t MetY Orond6I • (714)6~ with ~ qu•tlona. Cont.r8Ct0t'• Stai. ua... loerd, 21 Cl11lc Cenler Pleu. Room HO, 8enl1 An1, CA 92701. A,ulae1111 A,ut• .. tl A,.11a1•I• A,.11•1•~! .. H '-~!'1!.!!.f~!.~ .. !'f!!':'..~!!!~ .•.. M!f Pf!'.~.~!~!~ .... !.~!f ~!9r/"/ flai•tailAH Uaiani1AH U•la111i1iH U•l•t•I• Shr lrg home or condo. 400-900 PLUS 1400 aq. ft. Stw N.8. fl.Kn. exec. omo.. ,._.,. IMI I 1HM l•INUJI f'H •..••.••.....•••.•.... ··•···•·•·•·•········• ie• __ ••••y•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••· ••••••• •:•••;,;•••••••••··,,···~ 11t ta1t depoalt utlta. PenthouM Bayfront SuJ... nr afrport, pvt outalde "''' lnM _,,, ,.,,, 3114 C..11 •~ 3114 Bu"-'-• .... ,,_,. 1• te&-&479 llf2·2«9. 11, perking, pellot. ent ••c'I 11r11. 1v111 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ...} 1141 2·a~·2·i::~~·s~~·c.~ f 873-1003 1100 mo. 8.57..e.363 • '--...,.. .. ,. 1111 Found: lrl1h Setter vie WANTED • French con- Wllaon & Herb«. Mele vertallon with fluent 730-7207 8:30.AM-5 penon 10 ec:Nwe nu... cy. Cell Berry,~. 2 8r 1 Ba, Ill nr, Patio, Spec. uptlrt tludlo nr •••••••••••••••••••••• , t H p pallo Beaut. very lrg oceen w •••••••••••••••••••••• Found: Siiky TlnW, crpt, drapes, stove & OCC. refrlg, g1r. 1350 WALK TO BEACH Been & = ~ aler l homl, L11G Bch. Prof. to Mii IP&Of -Ofllcl ~. Cennery Vfl.. sen au.ms lltc. COMt tt.y, HB, EXOTIC DANCERS 0 I W $ 4 7 5 I mo . mo. Art. 2, S..6-7214. 1 Sr Stove & 'relrlge d 14 e' ";1m 0 thr 1350 Incl utll. 111, lut Attractl11t1 ruttlo • ..-16,.. lag•, N.B .. 1500 eq ft, """' 173-955~ Bechltor/~ 566-9650. 7 16 ShaUmar. NEW 1 BDRM. CONDO eome° utlla ~. S375/up: 1:1~ 1~ •' a MC. '694-t294 ._. I 4 7 5 m o . Rho n d a . l*1Y enllrtainmlnt A. S~ upttllrl condo, 536-4637. tettlnQ, W• euppty del6c. 873-8522 ANSWERS Found. Pit 8u4I Dog, mea., 7~538 566-e538 AYAIL IOW $635/mo. vaulted cell· 1 Sr. wm1 appllanc•• & llUlflllT ~i>hone~s:ripr "':; ~M ~2~ Newport, Larg1 I Br. rotrlgo, lnga,lrplc,dblg1t,pool, ln'-i ,,H frptc,1er~trom11,.oc.an2 · ~~~=.~seox.c. prdetlc.Clll&<W-7211. l•U.n1a.atal 44H ~-_:o:_ Fo.un.dJoung .mal-'S•·r...._,,_AI Ull apa. • •••••• • •••••• •• •••••• '400/rno. Qllg 1"' • ~ •••••••••••••••••••• •• BEL.IEVE • r1ng11, laundry, pool. ad 73" Wal t Sq Condo 2 ... 2 1Um•1L "'-"•'I llore et 2•'"" Avon. move \lie CM High carp 0 , t N 0 p e 11 . 886 W. 18th "'"""'2 " nu · • .., luU Au "" Shr lu11 mobile home, 'Ji '-8e5 tt """ Thlno.• have~t1en out • • •••••••••••••••••••••• 1425/mo. 931 W. 19th PEPPERWOOO APTS Be, den, ger, AIC. patio, ...................... b1k lo ooe&n. Pool. rec. llWPllT 1111111 1 aq. . plua 8 car of hand. A 111 told School. 54'"7111· l••------- St.546-0492 t er w/pa llo Quiet 1700· ~9 So. Ct1 Vllegl, nr So. Cl1 evelt. Own room a beth. glrllge. &41~777· me he hed II d end I Found mele Afghen dog _ llll• · · Plue, 2Br, 1Ba.. end unit, Furn or unf\lm. $250/mo With uM of reception, ...,I -•• didn't BELIEVE him L.eguna H .. .,..._ Maui. -·-*MESA VERDE 2 Sr. 1 S385Jmo. 310 c Mont• W1f.UI ,._j Jiff nr pool. Sec get• 1575 111 a IMI. A11lll Jan 1. cont. room, kltch, phone, _., ._.. · ton Pkwy, btwn Ridge Pwlonai, qulllfled drill· Ba. Newly decor. S495. \llala SI, •• ••••••••••••••••••• mo. 7151-tSeO Raft. pl11M. Cell 1fter aecretarlal & word pre>-300 aq. rt. to 2&00 aq. ft. "''I TnM f,,. Roule & Lex• Foreit. .., el ~ met. On, No pets. 833-8974 Lrg 2 Bd Beem oelllnga. Lltge Studio with kllc:hen. epm 9e0-6e44 Oltllng. Miii a n-.ge 75$ per aq. ft. a up, Cell •••••••••••••••••••••• Contac:t Leure Meno & epptt, thopplng, 1lr· 1011 ol ·wood thruout neer beech, th09plno. i..IA ,__.., "" • _.,, evlll Mparet,ey " Realonomlct , Corp. ~ 714n a-3337 portt, etc. By hour or Lo11ely 2 Br twnhae on b •480 2259 1385/mo lnddt utMe. 111 ••••••:;;ill•••••••••••• M/F to lht lot 3 bf, 3 bl -Id ca.· J-1175-8700. .._ E.llde, nu crpl1/dr9')9$, Hrv 11• • · mo.+ S500 MC:. to mow CONDO. 2 Br, 3 Ba. condo. wafk to b11ch, 7 ' neo.o oO t---------fNIU\ Ins -•· frplc. patio I lrg sun-Maple. 873•8803 or In. Hotel Cel"omle ~. Oc11n 11l1w. CloH to N.B. $350/mo. 04$-0209 14 1 "'---•nl·' UU11U NI htNtub UN 494-6867 deck, gar $525/mO. lit, 548-7358 l e I 11 e m It I I g I hwy & llhopa. 4~1480. m""" llRIS ~-,,_,_~ .... ,, •••••••••••••••••••••• 715i-1731 IHt & d•P No pe11. 494-2797 M/F to thr 3 br • 2 ba -.u '" ARE fRE£ a.Tl .... !~~~~~~~~~ 6"46-3420 · A,u,.ull 1.mdM b11chrront apt, Nwpt Full M<Vlce. Keep your ·-~··•••••••••••• expr orly 842-4780 R1l1tlon1hlp Reco11•ry. ---------D1111 let.I Ulf Cute, cozy & qui.t 1 br 11 Dahn ,,,, Beh. nontmkr. 1310/mo. OWfhMd low & prof .... Shir• lll'Outlrlal tpac• LMrn,how to ttop the Westfield lPAJITIIHTS BHulllul garden 1pt1. Pallot/dec:tlt . Spa.. heal paid. No pel1. 2 Bdrm. 2 Ba. $585 3915 W. Wll30n 631-5583 Etl-ld•. 2 bd. 1 ba Du- plex. Cll'd gar, Prill yrd. S4t5. No P•ff."7e Santo Toma. &42-«388 ········.;;;;.········ ept, waeher a dl')'9t. pa-•••••••••••••••••••••• 1548-4148 lk>n•I lmaoe high. Pr• 6./or office. nr Blectl & Cal·. pain or not being lo"9d & llo. $450 + u111a. A11lll. IUWlll •tlgloul W1tlcllff.,.. of 8111411', H.B. Rett. Price LmA I Ymrt to bulld new reletlon-Exoeptlonel 2 Br. 2 Bl, Jan 1 c 1 11 d y 1 Shr w/cple: beeut. lrg 2 N•wport BHch. 111 neg. &42--0100, 969-1221 141·1111 PHOTO MOOELS ahlpt when old one• only for the dlecrlmlnat· 720-1:.o,.:9119497~90 "'WIE lk.CdM1Pt abo11t1Chlna Dover or. Ste . 14,t--'--------1 ESCORTS/OAHCEAS hllll broken down. Ing. 11550/mo. Agent ' n Co v •. 0 a r a v a I I · 831-3551 •• IMI LIGJ I~~~~~~~~~ OUTCAU 24 HRS 714/4~. ._, ,,_. 1111 He;. ~2 bdrm. ti:,.x ... ury 1395/ITl,O. 87&-42ee 1"' 12 t .f. at only eotll 1111:L-a1· Golden R--rleuer _. -1 Ofoupe are now forming. •• -...... •••••••••••••••• IP1' In 14 pl-1 ...,rm IELIJE SIRE " ..... •• • -• ~ NO FEEi Apt. a Condo from '540, 2 bdrm from CMstlln F lo lhf big fum. ftoor of 474 E. 17th St. vie. Brookhurtt & Bu: ~~~~~~~~~;:=:;-----;:;;; BuflasM renteta. \1111 Aentlla. 15915. TownhouM from houM In H.B. 127! Ind. Wafer fre91 ... CM. A;t. P1tr1<* Tenore lhard, Fl/. S50 Rewwd. 1-frnW HM ..,. Jl4f . 875-4912 Bro61•. le8t~ ... !.,i>oopon11.d1e1nonl•1· uort-=id~-"° pet• 11.11011q fl . LHH. aa1-12ee 968-1&ee ltt.llfi**, *...., HELt:;.i1i";;;;d•;;;•;; ••••••••••••••••• ••• •• 1rom *"'2• w• _ ,., '· • a ..._.........., &42-4844, M·F, a-11 -a T~ Nr Bch. lg 3 bdrm, 2'A ba 2 Br. 2 Ba. .., "· No for cook!~ A n.stmg p uahl ~--..--.,.. OI •-· -home. LR .. fpe, O.R. 81t pets. Actoee from .._. paid. From San Dl~o 4:i:·l::!,:,'1"':;5,:~: For Le .... Offloe 3 rm•. IM loll tam bird. btl & Do6d Open 24 tn • dlly leeW'8 121lM. MO-t172 In kltch. lg lemlly rm. port 8-:tl Goff CourM. Frwy drive Nor1h on 1!3l-4208 1200 aq ~.Good trafftc, .. ,.., 41# m1c1w perrot, vicinity 7 ~ e ..-Europe 4 ...... 8 ~ W/O '9ook up. F•nced 1545-4355 a..cn to McFedden 10 good 11gn & expoaure. ...................... Hunt 8Mch 5"40·01'681 Jacuul, kuM. Loc:e6I trtee .. ...,. ... '2350 2 Bd. 1 Ba. gar. pool. yd, 9nCI gw. Oerdener. nm IDTILI s •• w I nd v 111 • g. •HOUSEMATES'-... 1&423 8Mdl BIYd, H.B. 1:~ ~p~,01~'1o~n~ _55_7_-3_9_n_. -----.. well .. Tourleh . ~IOed ...,.,, ~ Chlld OK. No pell. *850. C.. 536-0921 3 & 4 8'. CloM to water. (114)9$3-5198. ROOMMATES* Cell 131·7900, Aft 8 & dondo Clrcle, p & T 1 ~-•""Tm BankAmwlcard, Alnef· June 23 (714) 494-8110 $550/mo. 1399 A Beket. &tlbllehecl 12 yeerat w!tnde 531·9309 _., -lcln Ellpreet. Olnlrl. All .,.._ · 841-4763 2bdrm,1'Abe.Nrbch.Blt furn a unfurn, r111on-,_, 4"' •Allref'tc:hec:luid• Huntington, Beach. F emale , wh ite and welcome 714/M$-lM33.1 ________ _ ---------ln1, cptt, dr1pes, encl 1bl1, 111 am1nltl11. •••••••••••••••••••••• •Photot telten• Full ..vlcll 41119CUllw tul-·842-2113". brown. 12/ll weet New-21 12 Harbor et CM R6de n9eded to Sen Lula 1 lk. 1vo11 now Weter a ger. 1595. lkokw 875--4912. ~ llAll •Service tor 8 Mo• t• with llw llbf~· 1000 t 1..-...... ~-lkown leather cot-1-,.-,_.-_-F,,.~--......,Pfl,,...IOl--.. --1 OtMlipo or PllO Rob191, h t t t No ..-, ,._,. "'"'" ""'21 i-(.,_. 1977) '· ' IPllOI w ""''''" .....,.,....,.. ~ 11 19 20 Wiii o wt• urn. ,...... · ..._..,......,.. ..,... • Spedll 'A off to Ill wtlO .....-"""'" on W. 181'9 St, C.M. Rewwd eon~ a.ti.I ..._. • °' · 1375/mo. 96'4 Minion u•r•n IPTI Wkly r•nt•I• 195 up. need • piece. IVelllble mo. to mo. Of 846-9907 54M1&4 MC/VISA 24 tn buy 0-· M;-4715 Orille. 6"46-3627 Color TV, frM coffM. 1•1 .. 1... ..._ • .-l•H•. 1 1915-15415 mo . ~ A LOVELY PLACE • --·--· Word proc•Hlng, con-1100 aq ft. office & -· Loet: F. &H1noer Spenlll, Cal 83f.C101 I 3 Br. M7s. 1"" Ba TO LIVE Meted pool & 1199' to Rmml• to atv 4 bf, 3 ba ter1nc1 rooma, Telex. hovel, ldnt loc, So. SA 7 mo9. Bel. Penln . .,..., SPIRITUAL READINGS •• • ••••••••••••••• 2 Sr, "425· 1 Be .•HP~ape//Pvtbbq1 & 2 8r COUNTRY CLUB U'H...,., ocean. Kltctl'I 9¥91. .......~. ,...,,.,..._ p--.., fr· c._ .. ..._ ............ •-. 3""'1 1•"'• Mlnn61 81. Cloel to Subal 1nll1I rewerdl J• rraW fl'ff Pool. No pet• 546-9556 .,.,., v1""' te5 N Coeat tt.y ,,..._ ........_.. ... ~ .................. ""' .., ,,_ ....,. eeG-1020 Ad11lc• In •II m1U•r•. •••••••••••••••••••••• T BEAC Lagune B..cti. 414-&294 111ne. S280/mo. + utllt. MecArthUr Blvd, 211 (•I 515/4015 frwyt . RHt. 8~11..... love, merr1age & bull· Young men1ed men wtM IElfftttT YIU.Alf •5 ecr• of belutltuly IN NEWPO& R2 ,. ... _ H 167-18N en. 5 JamborH Bl11d). NB.. 846-75 12 Found: LQ Germen ~ n .... Aleo c;QUn..Ung. do r:: ~ wen., landtceped iurround-Slnglea. 1 ......... On the b•ach holll 1 '7112 7f70 B I I b 111• So B ,.~ ...__. C d Bllutltul/~ lngs• , F-& ............... a~!!. room. kltchenetl• & M/F ~ 215 to ltw' ,Br. · 3200 aq ft lnd1u1r111 Ph•rd, vie r 110 'I " . ._._..,,_, el 11111 & w •n t , O.a. wller peld. PatlOI, • Nf . -·· -.............. t°" beth. ,,,,nlahld 1250 & l320 Ind utll. On CMll PRIME LOCATION: new apece, tutOf'llOtlve OK. Cale . CM. No collar. Sen Clem. 4t2·72M 972-41625. -tor 811. pool. 1acuul, Hunn. • ()\Mt.. From sseo up + de p . 2308 w. 850-3770 ~Of Jenlt btdg, 1100 aq ft or can Randolph St., C.M. Roe>-_540-__ 14_7_1 __ ,,,..........,. __ , f•Unl~ CICUS Prectlcel ,_.., oompe- •tennl• court•. 11olleyball • No pe(e; Nm. On JemboNe Rd. et 0 c •an fron t• N. 8 . F i. h 2b 1b be dMd1d. On PCH. •°'Gordon, 1546-1153'. Lot t: Golden R11rl111er NllUU'1 ~-i:.r-... ~ .,.,., courtl. rec r'tom. 2 Br (11•) e.ay. I Sen Joecpn Hiit Ad. 1.,... "l"'"'. • lml ,...~ t8crh .r2•50 +• ~ 9Mdl. Slop by mix. IVs..-&rot C M ,,._. ......-2MO unf\lrn. 1 Ba. $525. Cell el>8 • -144-1M ·-""" dbl, .....,,.. • • & ••• 2438 W. Coaat ,,_... 4111 ...._90~ ' · · Ua • 557-0075 "'.J' 1 Hc*lncl Cf, HB N. B. DOVER SHORES. u I 11 . 0 a Y I t Ir o k • tt.y NB Ag18'1·1400. •••• ... •••••••••••h••• ---------1 NllflS Need help with your 2 et. 2 BL condo Mar sc Btwn :n-::::Ji.,.,_ 8Mu1lful Jara-4 Br. en-Full Ba. bed, mlcrowewe, llfl-3838 ' Stcwaee ~ 12' 11 ti' UWMI Muue• Parlor. Gor· Ctwte11nM Pwty, Attrlet. Pt121. 1v11ll J an t. ---------i cl~ patio, tt•P• to frig. Sep ent. 1350/mo. Fem roommlt• to thr 31k WllTWTB ..... -doOr. S'TO/mo. Pklll Lot1· u.cMiM cnarm bf.. ~fl"' to WW }'OU. ••getlc, ool. ,_,n.dl $550/mo.751-3191 Wlll0 @I beecti.Ywty.975-4419. 111/llt. Cell Ginger oondo, 281, non-tmkr, 0.IUH offlc• or ttore S70 uc. depotll. celet Bullock't Sanle from10~111'1C14 rnoneytorlC:lflooC.Wlldo Spic. 1 & 2 br, 1011ely With 40· doCk IOt power 041-eee4Mon-frll:30-5 no~ S220 mo.+~ llPIOI· 142'0/tOOaqft. 873•41 54· Newport unitmental va lue '. -,.e..-.Ff'ee anyttq...,.,.....c.11 .. , $675/mo. 2 Br. 2,Ba. plnn & a1r11m1, aec. bolt. 3 BR 2'1\ be. con-.... 8 . 2 r--...__,pool, utll. 850-3239 . 1430411200 lq n. Beac:tl Beac:tl. 1n14-731·1321 IMlff9t. 719 No. Hll'bof enawer •d no. 594, townhouae, lrplc, patio, ~ -·-. ,_"' l!ltvd Btwn 2 fWys CMc Bhd Fulllr1Cn 142-4300, i 4 iw.. c:er port, lavndry rm, .. get•. entry by phone, do. $1200/mo w/doc:tl, t..W., 9'>I '~;~~~~~~~~Cen~~ier~~~~~ci.nter=:.·~luhHa~~~(J~~(_-f~~~;~~~~lA~·~~~~~Lr~i~~~~=~E--1 b1r-l'nl';'Smd-pett*:~-t-.1g1149!10....11LmLlnd 9~. 56G-11JO IHO MO UI 113 J14-tlM11f Beb tltll TSL Mgmt &42·1603 pool & epa. Free ceble Mrs. long llcwY tpt In ~nt. Beac:tl cx.eeo.c>14' lnitall 2 tr ee mo• Kitchen p rlvll•p••. (nr bch) mo p4ut utll. d• · 142'°'741 or 1rt 5, 642-6221 646-t61·1 . OCEANFRONT-Cuatom 1250/mo , utl pd ,..7_1IOI, _ 1 ... ,.,.10 .... ........ •d-Pound, CdM, 1 9*I w ~ fl# 2 bdrm, 1 ba. oomp. r• •----------1 Decor. 3 br, 2 ba, up, 54().7917. Nr OCC col· "" •• ~~ !IC-.... • ....,,.., "" Bring match, and )'OU ~ ••- dee Patio Oar. L1rg1 1 1,_I W&LI tmentt•. yrt; ll200/mo l90I. aft I PM ~ Mrn.~on'r::: ... ;,w;::.:::!f........ mey M\ol. 975-1331 da. ·~a;;.;.;.;0.••1;~.·.·.·••• unit. S525 mo. 551~130 UV 2 & 3 BR lo.rnhoule ~ ~J400 W. Fum rm a bath, llt5 mo. Rmmle wamect: M lo thr 4 kit .. mall hindlg. R .... F~ Mlf1Ung/ M"~lnt.er-165-e451 WI ... , • RI 2 Br. H~ Ba tmall com-aptt, encl gar, frplc. Neer Clffn ybu~ me11 Im· br on Penlnaula. c:teen, ponllw 10 your butlfllM ,,_,.expending. Loet Mell Neut Cit Wht " you -1 highly mOO· ... Hunt. Hrt>r. from 15415. DUPLEX 2 8', 1 Be, dfw, ...__..Alfa. 4ts-t837 quMt, S220. 3-1408 ,,...,._ Adi 406 ~ In Mled In 1erlou• Hlr• s..:n red..,. l..Mi Men Hiedi ptOJIOt ortentld plex, ~75/mo. No peta. Children OK. l40-&807 tndry. WALK TO BEACH. ....,.....,.. ' Mb/i. Income cal 843-1331 tor • · lndl11 dual with tolld 54&-'4506 M•"""'x '"PTS·. 1 '2 ..... *725/mo. 982-4914, M/F 18·211 to •h•r• CM F.V. lndlv. ofot. /mo. appt Ho rlltlal 12-1, Mlle dll Mer..... ~ .................. _ ... _______ , ,..,.,., ... ... • 1275 lnol "'" ... ...,. •llTD from 13211. t83-6645. • ward. 546--4389 oom• -·-.. llY HI TO • , , Nice, qua.t 1Urroundlnga. ~ ~30 72·07 da'749 709,4 p,_, ~ 40a50 yra. ,_...,. t-.....__ 710 TRAVEL AGENCY F-_...·, ,............_ .........__, ~· 1~ •• ~ YM 3 1!11ge bdrm S4150-Sl550. 142·8781. OCEANFRONT . 38', 288 ~ • to ~ apacloua. ..... 'ft'.'75~:'° Ut"ii:'"9pe1c:t, 25-715% ownerehfc> IVllll. " ... M.~~~ llllEU -a .--• .. .,, Y• .. trptc. patio B9t t-5. upper unit, frplc. g1r, fumllhed 9')ertment In u~ ftocw. 1066 E 720.ont 22J8ente Ana M&-1100 I ~.::.,-::-00:: Y1t. .garage, pool 2B I S S1250 mo Yl'1Y 175-2'725 Studio, furn, nr bch lor Coeta M .. Iller CMc Df. C.M. 3 btkl E S4t MAKES YOU A *'l .. 11 In IN llltll ldolllll Y11. · se7s. No pell. l~l~en ,r cro::rto ~~~: dye. 873-4W·....._ =:p~ :;;•~ ~ Cen11r. WHher/dryer, of Falr11l1w & Ad1m1. YUt'llca fOod dlstrlbulOf Found: Fem.~= ~~&;;Off ~1 •7Me48 14915/mo H 4·4811, N9wpOl1 Hllghtl. 1 bdml, utll. Poot, 111, tennla. ::!:'°p.~~~4 Cl::: 154-t040. Mr: Tracy. MlflY...... 5S4-IS2., ~·~ 'M2~ ,...... • ,_,,,., ~ _... Mtaa Verde 2Bd/grge, 536-7330 1 be. cerport, Gd IOf». fW't req'd. 4~ brook. Apt. A. Ben SUBLEASE OFFICE ...... Z.... Nlf . c..ico Eaat 8-ltlfUI mocW1 for the ~r9e1ulremenla, et: ~ ~~~· 2 bdrm 1'~ be twnhM tlon. 1'625. Clll Jane P9'1lnlUll. PtlV 5415·4H2 (1·10em or SPACE ANO/OR WARE-•••••••••••••••••••••• '"=0o.t. ~·c.11 1 • ~ wfM) lo'l9 300, Tm Center S415 + 1375 d•P· Hr . ...._7800 S:~anc•. IHI!. ~t: 1:30-t: HOUSESPACE.IS"*'tlo R.E. LOAHS. 1at-3rd, Identity 546-67115 o tM "goldentouoh". ::.~~ Eat-Ide loc , Prlv entry, fl'1 & , ... door, quilt. no kh. '2315 pd 11111 631-5478 Beach Blvd 11 McFad· lBr apl w/ltow, l'9fl'tg a imoklng or cooking. O.C. Airport, 4 offio.t 90%. comm'I, contlr. · Im lldle..,, • RMI den. <Met, older per.on p rklng. $'600 mo. 17~f : ooeanfmt 31k 2ba. Pklll 1100 a.f. -~ FMI ~ 143--1&45 Found: Blk M . Lib, Optrl 1o.yt1W.-C~~ .... 1 • ptef'd, no P9tt. 893.-4894 81 12 lift 15PM W/O ...,.,. & utl wtgar191 door. A.rrt pert -• .... " 8roollhuret l \llctorle, 111-.a 1Acot1 p•7•.bl• pereo,n, • Comp furn 11m811 1-rm ' ' --• or all. Sq. footlQI II be-llSM"IWH Red bendenl. c.11 lift 3, 1185 PARK. C.M. aper, w IOMI blckp g, l _1 r g 1 1 bdrm apt , 2 Bdrm, 1 be, 450, lux ry 1 Br penthouM, ~ciet.111.N.B. 1444 low goi n g r ate . la on thl wey for your M4-e887 VISA MC Lumber & d•le proo.- $400/mo ~sno :•• :., ~g;,..:;.u po , 1p1, overlooklng Lt oook, QUiit met. M/F 6157-2900. money prot>tema. lDwelt alng ...,. helpful. Hunt 9157-2740 after 5:30 an. cou lyerd. 1tl, IHI I 13aO.lncf u1.&45-2M3 a.aim ffulftl fJU OFFICE SPACE FOR t1tea. lntereet and co.1. Found: L.ebrador. vie. Boh arH. 141-8221, 2 Br, lrplc, wood 1>11m 1445 2 Br 2 Ba. pool, MC. Imo. 931.o300 • ,1 ............. ,. fllf •••••••••••••••••••••• LEASE 700 fl It 111, 2nd, 3rd to·1. Cell "'=-~=--*" ---19!~ 10AM-3PM O.lllng. E .Id. very ....,.lo· .. , ... _ OK NO __,_ B -11--••a1 -Working married cpl• · aq · •ll on our .xperlt 11 no 2,. .... ,,,,.....,. ..... •1 1---------cor y, no p·eu. '1595, 64&.• eeo:1414.,.. ... 1 r, Y 0tJ ng, •••••• ••••••••••••••• tMk hM "' 1P1 to *· Newport loc. MS.7721 0091. ~ Found bleoll tert & .. '" ~14' ~ T...- 631--0921 · ::'~078 1 •5 ;.49 ~::. •11• llTB. NB/CM ar11. '300 or fem.9pm 467-1422 whit• merttrn:r.'6ib re. •K-... -..... '"'* TOO yftlllll' fnD 1 Ilk & 2 8' rllMg, bull· 17i.;211 Wkly flnllll now IVlll. .... mo. &41.e488 H.B. office In lndullrlal ••-Vk: ~ & A'*Y. .,... ""'""'~ UUl1U UI\ 2 bdrm. t•Ji be, nr.ptec:e, Ina. dl'ap91 & C8rl)lt. No '105 l up. Color TV. _ __.. oeni.r rw 8leoll l 8181· .__ rrulN ,._ 131 ·1122 In.,._... Miil CIC'• lml ~ 11 7 dlltlWaah«. private .,.,_ Pete. M0-29715 1550/mo. Blldletor P9n-P'9onel In room. 2274 ce w/2 ohlldren ,,.... ' tt'ff';'l•••••••••••••••• • .....13, -..12 ~ llo, gar. Nor'·· S540 2 ... 1 ... v ....... thOuM. \1 ........ pool ~ 8l¥d CM bf"°'* W/Olf., CM ~2~1001'911t ....... 1221 "*'-wlll 1'9tufn '39.000 Found blllwhft• km.n w/ I mo. ~3-6"7 . 634 H• j • -. :'Ts ..... upe-llP• aeeurtty gate all Me-74"5 · lo Dan• Pt, Hrly Jan. -""' ...-In 1 yr for '30.000. a.. b ig luuy 1111 1110 T .... n <11 I"") mlllon t1r1 unit. Ike from -.:............ no....,.•,....,. (8111)274-3271.n. &pm. • .... _ -c ured b y 111 TD . OtenOlfbll':'7oetlltc. oo-Oo glrta (to g o) tmmea. _...._tor yo ---------1 Oc•en. encl ger. _,_ .. ._, ..-.-...,_ R -•r-• -r-~90 1 ,,.. 1 1 ....--..-E.Mt*9 tuwty In • pWie '550/mo. Agt 536-14315 for tppt. E I C H I E A 270 1q II In Npt 8c'9. Un1vet1 ty .,. rv ne. ..,....14 I 1t*P -~ "-'° toreal. L1rg1 1 bdrm. 0t eeo.84tl TSL Mgmt 142·1803 ft ft a. • .,...'-... t41N tmm1dl1t1 oooug:ncy. "':"., •.-. C.M. 541 •toe ClAalY LAOtE8 I trw1t al U.I . $84/wk :T:eA-.-.::z........... 1 d I t S" 1 •-• ttM l .,.._ ln-1'9frtg, dlltlWUIMW. BBQ. C1.0SE TO SHOPS. 2 8' BEACON BAY: L.rg llY rm l!/Slde O.M. Clean egl on 11 en u · '" gf_ Mff Get OAffN OMfl Elllm oludllng NV Cb. Mi.11t ' a.. Included. Mas mo. 1 Ba. Leund ftic Nr bot\• wt pine pnlg, o_orn., pvt 119V, long i.rm ltor· mo. 714/176 -90 7, •••• .. •••••••••••~· for WHIT!lllC>Mnll I ~ N9W onier-.. i .,, .. 141 No Pita. ._.&Oimo, 11t w!ncf/11, ~ oe11, 1 bf, Alfl1ln.=~=.,.oo1 •·Malmo. e1weoo 2131493-3729 U. IATTLD wtth • ClaMlfJed M DANCIM/MO()ti.8 ~ ._.ne:. =~~:.:;!5~ ;::,~.:1;.. ~~TJOJ:: ~j =7:--M* :-90:.: ·~~:7~::ll•, =:l.=:~r::: ~~~rnd ,..,.:; 142~71 hfrfl':-47• I ~~= ------....,......,....--Ind unit. Pool,,.., room, 2 B 2 ea bltn• die Hwy NI lt•P• to turn/ unfur'h, lu1111rlou1 Aotlt aa.... NH/CM ~ aw ,.,,,.. nuae• earnlnoa & .. .._ ••• ::i,::_,oourU. :_•:::J. ~ ,.,.,,· dloOr. 'vw: ocean. vtkty r1t1a. etmoep11er1ti!':~ et•'· lilt. 8roec. ecs ,._on ... • ...... mt .................... trw. pd. 1ti1 11111•a•• Anrectl¥9 1 Bi & 8ac:tl9-te75. ,1;,1:"'1 !eat mo'. 1y. ' 1•10440 ~Af!Jf/........ ted, OUMcMn • 94a4171 146-0111 •ult •• 11 or Offr. :':O:'Pci~:::. rant '*-dwlno dlpo-en-2111 .. I PUlll ••WWW ..... Cal ,..... HAI '°'TO'• ~6~~ ~ manaa6mml ~::;:·.:"::::.·:...~ ,-llltl\IJP. """4411. -.... te2-4H1 a br IOW«. frpl!i._D/W, fteeeoneble , .... 1<11-NI........... 'f,\~/1~m~·:.A:::: M ..... 10k Up, No 1'L1.~ ,-........... ,., ....... -~-------1•,=·=~·r:rkr:::: c:A=.·~1.'t:.: =-~=:..":: LI!!:!! Xlr!!t ..... , nell. ~o:= ro....=: /?,,..u . "· "1, ... f"' <"1'. /? =:.ltlleMorlw:':-;: ....... ~ bMctl.utlllnot ... 25. 0...tl,*'"'11M1i. 11lll.8AND,IP1f,MO-All)'OUMedfarOM .. ,._., ..,,_7'11 '.::Jwrr, oL6o V•" .,L}.{.... 111Mto'IPlllONl'tt ~oe,.: :,! Indy~ te0 14•• ..... ,_,. hehll0t AJit, lt bftl to Ta!-. 1M7 ...,,, ltwl. ":t~ ~ ,_ Lo.a IU.l1• IM ll Si&ll$ for Stress Include: · Ho.,...... ln'"*1 Ocoup ~ mo. Incl utll. CM ....... ,..,. - -... _. ... 1f0 .,... I.I. AVll. DUI.,..... Homeon N ...,,.,·1410 ,~,._ L.a.d. •W *--'"""9d. Onf)' IOt pr .. r. lot. IGlc100. ~ on 1 Bdrm '450 81udlO penlloUM. CMtd-• ..-.-.-:n:.nnnnl':.T 1 ~.,,.. 474 1. 17" et. CM. Ao'-Wllor'I A.,.. o..,..... SI bdf'tTI U40. ed oomm •H er.on, ~ VIJJ.!! 2 t room lo HOO eq. ft. !,..~ t r IO It l •ft Cl .. U , ~ .... u1 "•wlarlno. Tar fll.M00° f10.U1I ~a llOfy, a... ,,rori, 11.11 a,. ft, ActJ. _,.,... ftWft•1tl4 ~~1uld!m.1 -: ::-.~~ .. ,,,;,,_,, 11.U :t.::·,~·.tc:.~'t?i ~-~"f'rWfS; ~r·L.e•ounct"' m 1,..,.. -..--• 1 a 2 -,...... ..... fm .. t'!.'!.~ •••••• ••• M1·1M4. ....---... _;ell •......_.._ tl0,000 =-~ "°'9 & .... .,..,.., plltO lllOt· .., ... .._ I If', .,._, $MW 1117 w.tdlff, N.I . tM ...-.-... ,__.... ._ TD 171,.000 -'°°"'· ~·...... • a.t• ~ ..., ,..,, "' I ........ --nM '° 4000 ~· ft. , .. ftocw. *"· 'VLI. llfllVm. I fl", .. Oft •• , ..... 1~ oulet, no pita. • o..,....,.,. • •• tN&. N. .-.. r.r. .... u."r::r.r.;r.;t A9lr" Mt..a Nr 00 Altport, ......., weo••'-" llOIM '" ,~ ..-...uttY.146-7114 • ~le ..... U•• I K 1\t .... Ml to 1111111, 1,:: 2 N.~-=: .. • lw. Mo (114t711·ztl.4 T:.-r..--~11· ·.:-==:::: n·~t·i.\.'.·~:r0:; ~~.r:·::t :-::=:: ~g.::~.,: '~---.....,... tf+.181 ... ..-.. ..... Cel 111·1010 .... ·-,.,.,...... ...,. I ~ -- I ) ' ,.,.. ....... ,....., ... DOLLAR DAV DOUGH IAVIRI 3 UT. • ... , ~our no·IOnoet neecs.d lftml '°' caen.,, It doetn'f aN··· AVI Mfl, we'll run It another 0 dlyl 'A! . One ttem per 1d. mu1t be prleed. Sorry. no r••I •t•t• or commttclat lld1. 0111 t0d1y ror full dtt1ll1 c•··.a.lllPtaDl842-5878 , .... ~ "" ••• c.ift ..... ,.., .... IA'lllft!l. ........ llM &nl!P11. ....... ll!lf !'JJ!Hff!!'!K ... 11.ff r!ft!!.~.f'P.e. .... ~ ....... Trr.!.'. .......... l!M ~.".'!.~l!'.t!!!!'! ...... . Antlclue....... Dflll!IAR Peno turnltur•. MW. •1111 New I WOIO t.lpflght, w ... ......,...,, ,,,.... '"f Toyota .,. AM"M It• ~,, • .__ ,.,,. .......... unlqlle Youd\~ 9en4o1...-~ tlo, OU1ootncl lduft. Poet- tlq_!\ requirH • good phone voice, pleeHnt manner1 and leglbl• handwriting. Fle11lble houre 4 -10pm. Cell 142-"321 (between the hours of 2pm-6'>fn) ext. •tOO or be9I ofter t-4tMWW, I.rte lftWror In wttHlllQt. yettow & nut, w/benc'I\ Atlllng ~tr:7.nnn.u.1 r•o CUHt le. lrntll -m-:.'1::1111 •••••• u.; •• ~lt MS. I.,..... t7i.tl57 wtllt• •lumbtef4a. uoo t::~ wlll flnenoe 'eb~=:•:· oemper ehell U 111 LUii i 1111 Mttque. ~ c.n-DHK a ~Alf' 1120 U 1..e10J Nt..t678 17..,.16 ILIA IMI lfllll •d upholeter~ chaltt Ot'Mt Condition'. Mrwr CHA,.MO&.OW 110 lu-All-I We're I 1 In the WMt 111'8,mlJI end lov• Het. (Mah.) I~. t7i.1H7 lane, double bwl'l8f _.. r.::':'t'•••••••••••••• .. Yam•h• Rive 80, brend tor Mew & uMd Jeep IZ11 1750 080 84&o0311 Ignited 1150. ~81-1seo7 Dvn•llt boo1t, a 12, uMd new. 1700. 8tUee There'• • ~ 80UD OAK. Con• . .id t -.on M5. a.o.13CM 8734217 at1 7PM • PrtOt a hleetton 11 & 51~ '811 ,,_month ~,.. tl>IM, wall unite. Com-F"ther plltowt cleaMd, Iv mtg. o 000 000 · ' · ..-lapNf •11 temp tole/love IHI unitized. N•• Down· enertl 5 Star Moped. • Inventory tor 4 montll• on •P· : 47•••••••••••••••• S800. 0 1111 w~-di proof tic king lnc:l'd lfA*ll'I-.... ..., 1200 ml. Xlnt t300 Flfm proved oredl1 Ca p HA.AB<>f' ARIA Mt 5 ,.,,, oM •• ~· 542..teYO .r::tt:r•••••••••T;'. .... ; 75g..9320 ~ co t t -• 12 , 1 0 0 . 0 0 . 3441. e.O.E. •................. APPLIANCE SERVICE ' ,.... tn ....,.,, , Q) rMldual-'4872.00. totel Weeellreoond.,guer. Elejen1 eo le bed . Full Family M.,,,befthlp ... 19 I 78 P UC ~ maxi luu )\ fatnge ......... of peymentl . 1 13 A ,._.._ . ..,,. 1 • & CFI' "1M 1'lall 'C..11.... appllencee. 541-30n 972 895 John Wavne Tennlt .. "''fll moped . 1200 obo . C'oust -=• 617.71;tottertlMN (1et ·-'"""'· ....., • • · ••••••••••••••••••••••1•••••••••••••••••••••• cnb/ycuth bed, new matt, Club. BocM11VlllUe 12000. 973-eate or t17M 788. month peyment & "°9f1.. ••citing new lleld 01 ~ room ecaulo .. brue Owaoe a. Fn-8et M I Ill ~ bum~ pad• 6 mobll• 8acrlflce for 1950 wtllctl ........ 103 SP Peuneot, runt m:,i:~· ,,.~, .'!.. •,,"'" M) -1549.17. (15887) aviation. Writ• Of .nd bed, 10 •pcf glrte bike, 334 e. 1ett1 St ~· Lee 19741&3 Mother ehort of cHh • -· s. NO r-.me to: PO. Box 282, lnlletable boet, out-VW ...... , buMr hw • t.oy 100. _!42-2964 lnoludH tr antler IH. Mede ..._ 10 -··' ..n. a250. ue WI .. e.i ... ,.._ 8 ...... "' boerd etc s t & s -·. _.... w .... "--.135.... ..._t NII fMtl ,.~ ...... --p I•... c •I I It--" ... ~ !'!'-' '2 552-7398 '70 Oeteun P.U., camper ........... ,. • ..,.. ,_ • • • un. Dleh;'. ,100 '"'v• ..,....,..,_, 7t4/821-1503 •• ,_ v-p.'"""" IOl'I On •he 11 , c: • r p • t k It ~ • 111""111 =· 81' e7WOM !~!!-A~.~.... 'FWJ1g. S200 546-684& ~T~!i. t=~~·d=:~; er ... oe111ng ten w14 tullp ~·,o~us~t~ :;,•;:::. N•IT .nt HooioBo . 542~9 N=P= gt.,~H NMd Infant cw-. In my ., ,,., 1&1111 l&Lll REFRJOERATOR l much muc:tl men. &Mt llghU, "new" 1100 . under the 'trH. Cell =new, 1260 or bMI '72 Chevy Luv PU. Good Jll .... H.B. home, Mon.·Frl. POTTERv••t_;;;;;:r;;,;t 18 "of collectlnlt. My U.• ""· fl-oet tree. ortw tall-. 566-0177 7SC>-Oeee an• w • r • d I 5 7 a ' . 979.0351 '"•·lo ml Refa req. 63&-9715 aft. 3 .,., ..,«t~ equip. ... Junk-your treature. In-I !56. '83-ICMIO J ...... = UttMlh ..,.. ... 542-4300 24 tn. ~~H C~~ORTAS M010np. S 1350. 419-3270 j8'J lfn BABYSITTER WANTED "'Oyn•tt•r . OmHolt CIUdH Jewelry, blk• Fl L~ b ...u1-~ ED tf!...... .... ....... . .................... . For 2-yr.old boy. Part/ 110cm "K2 710 comp P8rtt. too61. book•, train ~ pictl-up .,,.,... ...,. --lndoor/ou1door. • per· w• M •-..u ... y....1..- full time. ~encee r• .,815". ·Miao. ltemt. N~ board end c:rett ltemt. 1110.00 per cord queftty, ~htonet, eon, comp. w/bltnket, 11111111 Ollm LIKE NEW, ~50/obo. • Kint CON!, $3200 ---quired. Cell 845-0587 Junk. Set/Sun. 820"' Sat/Sun 10-3PM. 9001 M0-0517 en. 790.()328 vac:. COYef. 11000. ==:, 545-3078 an. 5 or beet. 840-5521 29,000 mllee, fully loecs.d • A RhocMala Dr Hun.._. -y••• • eunroof, gd cond. Like efter" p.m. voc:edo. 8eactl 162_9757 -,..on .. -. -Bar 1toole. ThrM 28 In .._ -......... ..lflqlln/ •Jt llLYlllll new. 1 13 ,400 OBO. 11&11'..a C.,u.... c.I Galy, 548-jiee wrought Iron. Peralmlnon ~~:·~.~~tc:r.:n/~m: ..... 11I11 ,,.,,,.,. llfl Al t , 350, P S, P V. 9 4 5 -8 2 1 1 Eve 1 , .lnter•ted In ...... _ ....... ___ •••••••••••••••••••••• ~· • ___ .. .. •• m -t•. Xlnt c:ond. •100. 111.,,. ....... 70 ,,_ ·-..... • ••••••••••••••••••••• ChromewtlNt, blgtltM, 8S7·9e84 daya. ----· ~ --IMOM81 ---1 -·73 K kl M .. Ill .. n ~ ~·ooo ml -·· with good following for lllllT•AI IWA •• ••••••••••••••••••• •5 •w••• e o.. " ,_,, ..... • -'75 Audi Fox. Need• little n•w l>eeuty Hlon In p Furniture. clothlllQ & mlec:. Hardly uMd. 54~7388 BAKER'S RACK. to Autumn Hue Mink Stole 500. New eng. & Cflamb-ttlockt, rlllMCI, camper work. 11000 or beet of- Nwpt Bch. Comm, Of mt 128 Mc:Auley, Vlotorl•. M .... .. guellt)', epprox 7•Ai It. 800, or .. t ChrlttmH llY-1111-TIAll • r •. I 5 0 0 I 0 b 0 . •h•ll. In new c:ond. le(. 857..t187 rent. Call Joyce dye Orenge CoHt College Dec: 18-19. Call Galy, 54g..7sae a150, 142-6492 ewe. Gift. 8'2-6492 ..,.., Featuring~ of 1111 ~50. 542-5049 16,580/080. 8e1-2212 542.()082; eva 552-8075. eudltorlum parking lo1. --Mettr ... Seta· twin S80 WHEEL Chelr. H&R good eru: Sword•. oolne. ww "78 Cen-Am 250c:c: dirt tf.o. '81 Ford Iona bed 1 '81 50008, wht/belge Int., A/C, AM/FM c:ue.. lull pvrr option, auto. alloya, tnrl. 27K ml. S 11,500. 1-529-7H9 BREAKFAST COOK Felrvlew & Arlington, .__,, .... 14 CU ft refrigerator, NW full 156 queen a 105• condition '75. ~~i :;t~ and1...... bike, good c:ond, muit ton. w/utll. bed i racka. XI b C.M. Every dey Dec: 19th ··-·•""•••••••••••• .. • rubber •round door klnn 1125. 7." ..... 2 • • 873-2864 .. ..,....... ""'-" ..,_ Mii l300 873-1'408 dUal whit. dual fuel nt enellt1. Apply In thru o.c: 24th. 8am...sprn Geteci-Nie. Dae 18, 19. 1125. 597-3139 . .,. uv-._. ltema. · • 1ank1. "•rec>, ale. etc:. S*.ofl ONLY. Jolly Rog-Ad~,..._ For Info · 10 AM to 5 PM Appll-llFl IO/ .. -•-WHEEL CHAIR. motorized ORANGE COUNTY '79 Yemehe XS 1100. 1 1 t,000 or teke over u RHteurent, 2300 S56-6880 · encei and other mite: Muet NII full Coldapot ""' "AMIGO" elmott new FAIRGROUNDS, COSTA dr-kit. lo ml, $2500 or pymti. 546-2696 Herbor Blvd, Coat• Item• 505 Vitt• Flore lrMrnra75.RefrlQ.1100. ~fd~~h2't'~a°ri 1971,.0!twu 113 55. MESA:Entergete 3Aott tredeforauto,49'-7754 lllW 1111 MeeL Newp(,n 8eec:tl · Wtllrlpool/dryer l15 .. .,.,...,. Mlngton St 7 '74 Ford Courier. good •••••••••••'•••••••••• I m New Flth Roda, Tackle, . 1176/both. O.E. ....,., 545-2518 an 3 PM. . . I Honda 760K. 13,000 c:ond. Mua1 .... lmrned. • Ell IPllllLn P lc:turH/ FramH & dryer IHH or 1175 ant ftrm IWln bed Ree-BMutlful Hammond Cord Surt bOlld, 5 It 8 In twin ml. Kefker. Mu1t Se ll. 11200/otr. 545-&174 2 yre expr. In Mandarin more. Fri/Set ~. 2515 ,.,,. ~ both. Beet offer tuea. aonable & clean · Organ. Beat otter. nn. Gd c:ond. $75 C1w11. 11500 obo. 842-1384. t-.ur.nt. AbM to cook 15th. •••••••• ............ 56e-01n ..... ..,,..,;. 497-2528 54~1964 Honda XL250, '73, v•i '73 Chev. 'Ai T, rune grMt, Mendwln Cant~ & Geraci-.... Fr1-Sat ___, look• g/Mt. $1500/obo. ~· styte. l7 50 hr NICE CHRISTMAS GIFTS 9 AM. 31801 Clrde Or. Montgomery Wwd wean-Maternity c:lothM, llze 10 l'J. WJt1 good cond. 1385/0 B 85S-IM80 40 hr• Cott• Men• Lota ol Ol'* etun. 221 (ec:roH from hoapltel Ing ~. Wor1t• w.11 r: lrw al\d 12, Peoe Boy and kiji ,,.,., "" 546-01'77....... =----------4 s.nd thl• •d •nd you; SlerU-Frti s iaun ~ South UigunaJ. •120• tMe-0079 :!!!-:~ •••••••••• II!~ ~1~:! ':.. 135· •••••• :1............... 'II MIU ODM ·~94;rs~ ~~i~r H'!r ~; reeume to Job #1314082 Emerelde. Rubi•• Sa-· 25" Color Coneole, new Xlnt c:ond. water cooled, 33 81Yd. , Treller Par11. Sp-1 P.O. Boll 15102, Loe 1"-Jn II# phlr•, etc. et whoi.ai. Baby Item• for H ie or pile tube, wlnt c:eb. xlnt lh•lt drive. AnQtllM, 90015 by Jan ••I• Wultfl 111f ••I• rfuW 11# ::;i:n••••••••••••••• pr I c • 1 or b •I 0 w1 tr•d• all Ilk• new. oond. 1150· 162-1623 11500 N8-3&30 1-----------l 24th, 1183 •• ,,.. .................. u•l"•••n••••••••••••• .... llT 1AL1 ll4Q..M88 550-0185, 54~28 AC/DC PORTABLE . '77 Chevy El Camino. Xlntl i====-==~=~LAoel Seaetary wttti eub-Sewetary, Experienced .. ... RADIO S20 Bobble 1880 Sui:ukl JR. 60. P«f running c:ond. camper elanu.I 8'1ge.Uon expen.. nAded to ualtt buay [ ... --1en, hits Maolc ltland, Lido Penln. 7 5 • 0 · • llrt1 motorcycle. Gd ahell. $3500/ob o . 2~.~ Pkwy H•UID 8"U111 Met reqWr9d for grow--••ecuttve. Kint tttllle a. 1182 et.test. C.M. ._.,1 Prlvet1000•. ~2· ~. atllp 2~ 4 0 0 c:ond. l200. 931-3029 939-3801 ..,,_,.,, • ....,.., Mini c:cmpu1ltr -or Ing Newpor1 area law Ael'e req. good pey. 142-o309 -•• "" ._n .... 97154&-3979 I (Avery Exit oft i-5) ed for 1 _,...._.. ti C 7 50 ••••••••• •••••••••••• '11 ..... 111 P I Oet9Un pk* up •70 Need Open &Jndays n••d•d or • Hrvlc• rm. •II for Appotnt-1~ Boy'• Sdlwtnn Vlnlty 10 able uw 10.. Roc:ilwell. 8'Aitt ettlftcllll tree, uMCI Brand "" 19'' ACA ColOr Hf wonc '450 or t>e9t • ---------= ~ ~ =~~922, •1ten-lll'f /IDI IC>d. 115. Xlnt cond. Never uaed. 1250 del. once, eleQant red ome-~2.o'7:d tac:rlnc:.. Call ~00~~~1~~59new. eu.0282 I 6'r naJ111ft • Ing at eo wpm and ~'1o Flnanc:lal ime.tment firm ........ 71 Prtv pty 541-3152 _:"'*"=:.::tt~lf~f=SO:._:. 54~2_:-64=:92~.J---------1...::.:,..:::..:.::::..:::::::::::__j-------~ ~ y~ by by touc:tl le '9Qlllred. LOW OH SKILLS/ HIGH for educatora. Per9olw191 Sc:h•lnn boye Stingray, Atetl w/4 gamee, herdly .. g I 1fu1.a 'll ~ Hin , .. , lf'/i For lnformetlon, cell ~ ~V~:'~N. " ... you ·~·dept red, 20" whHll, MX •ta-"--~-"" uted 1100. Alt &PM 1 STREET LEGAL. "50 •••••••••••••••••••••• TIES.,_05;;;.LAMing1 7141891.0253 .,,,.... n, pr • MC y. Xlnt typ. & S/H hendlebera ••It cond -973-te!SO L.1-nl 84$-4119 946-4203 'll 11111 YU IUll Ill ~~~~~~~~~ drive, & want to grow r~'d. Exec:. eec:fetarial le6 5151..t13t · •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ~':".15tt•••••••••••• -;;;; with our Co. Contect ... ,,.,. • mu1t ... _ _... • · ntlque mahogany *llllC* "'-" Hll 11.Um 111nl 1111 Clptd, panelled. $3500 1 o..t8I Lynn aft 5ody157-2500. ~ ,.....;. '::'..~r 21 .. OIRL'S BIKE c:ablnet-175: bathroom ............................. ;r.............. obo. 141-5H2, 5'49-8079 IAYI mlYDI ~lenc:ed R.O.A. CM~ only. ,.. · ._. -· s..ci-cs. '26 "merbee ~" ** In 1 MAGIC ISL.AHO .... fllL.. 12' Cemper Shell, fair Mu~t Hll ·73 VW Ven. A HANDFUL OF 1182 for Orthodontic: • ................ Servera, 5 yra nper., ~102 att. e p.rn. door & 2 drawer cabinet Chentr Mernberlhll> FOR SALE c:ond. ~Ike offer. Cell Good ooncS New bfak• MODELS REMAIN AT ~In Mleelor'I Vi.to -MtWll --between $-5PM In per-, plut matching 2 door '940 W.7570 942~. M-<F, ~5 145-348111 15 eft 8, Uk for <*be, trW and '*'1...: S UBSTAIHIAL SAV· NM. IS0-3703 Fabuloua wortilng QOndl-aon. Bob Buma ~ Boy• Schwinn Stre~ht-..ii cabinet & .. mat,_ AIUm 8o9l Valeo U1•C · FM. 20.000 ml on new ~I ..,..D .... ES"'"K_C_L:_·E-A-K-for-,----~ Uona. No exper nee:. W• rant 37 FuNon laland, bet, Good Cond. 11 . iype•: WSlll ehelf, .. for Ml~_!!*· EmN pattel R d . h Id•' I kl A•• •---'---...... mtr. l3300 090 * 78 3201: auto., eun ...,. ' trlliln, -eotlool. CIRCUS NB~ In perwon. 648-1097 1100; tempered glHt ;;'50•2.:_~53 Ilk• ,_, o o re, oc: ng ~, r .. ,. &4&-3433 roof. (7009) =· Exp req. Stan Im-MAXIMUS. 719 No. Har· Shipping c.tt needed tor Boy'e Sc:hwtnn 3 IC>d llght .,._ door9, llke new, · comp. M2&. 54&-e381 I Aftt•lrMr Hlf * "70 320!: 4 19d., tun pryir;~~'t; bor, Fullerton. 87M192 wlllw di.tr1butor UPS weight. f\.-eooct' 165. only aso for both. Cell ., __ ,,___ .,16• -.n.. PA°iNT•A·-·:.=,·~· • r-.1-roof. (0321) • Cout C ~· 12 and 5 eq>. req'd. AW'/ th per-646-1097 842.0138. ,.._._., w..;,1 H# .,.,..7 • •• ,. ~· * ·79 5281: auto. tun lkllh. ~.aplatrano · See KailtY eon 2813 ~ 81, NB • -1111 llD ,, .. ,. IMI ••• ~:'~!••••••••• :i. ~~00~22*f" ••••••••••• ......... r""!. (045ZCF). ....... 111111 ._,...,,_ .. .,., -· • ••••tt.•••••••••0 •••• Satetth• navigation unit * 79 7331; auto. io.dad. DISTRIBUTORS m,.,_ IAL.D ~ Bouquete of 30 Helium H"''Plll 1~~3 or --Shlpmete R~ 5000 wi II llt9 dPllll (7*3~80H3~201· t FOR YUKAIKA FOOOS, Can m.k• 113 -S1Cl/1w W• .. .,..., No ----..w. "" Belloone. Perlec:1 for... ~ ·-......... opt hMdlng lnt«f-1 •na. ·EPUI ' Lii-, -. •u o .. aun ORANGE CO. IJ54.8527 •tarting pay. Full/Pert-· --~ •••••••••••••••••••••• oc:c:eelone & 'holldaye. FOSTORIA NAVARRE yr "old a 1oso ~l3000 a •"' root. (4099) . -liMiift;;iiiiiiiiiiii•--1 time •vall In our pub. ~ oecr Y· ~ ~ glwdooB, ...oft D•llver•d anytime Wine Goble11. Wiii P•Y new) Plue 1~ 0 flux FOREIGN & DOMESTIC ear.. Truc:ltt, v-. Lee-U ... 1111 •tbl 111111 Cell to.day 44r eppt. ~orll. V•ry Hay .. 1r. of 7 to 8' high, tinted 9'73-<W1t · up to '26 ·~ . .. ~ Minor wort! or cornplftt H or buy. NMD Prog. 208 w .,~ No Experience R q 537·2880 KIHO ...._ • ~hourly wege gi._ In enod&ed alum Cal •d 4 u ,._ g9te, compeee tnt .... aoe 0\'9ttlaula 'Beat prlcee OAC. . let, ._.,.a Ana Meke up to 1131t1;•------"'"......;;;."'--+ bOnUs r:eaoca1 M<. -fra"'e7 But off.er PootT .... Z:..JMcteTop «Mi1IH•"";;.•. C>P'-t73-1093dya. • ten1oe~worf' LODWotff Ht 1884, -eeo.tdSurRSay Starting P•Y· Full/Pert 04~~ Spencer 7 1. 97S-7fr17. . ~ee I;;)~ Q ... 161 ,... "" guerantMd. Towing & ' ~OICE INVENTORY time evall. In our pub. Ol'fltlore t1ga. No exp« Tow truck drl.,.,., PIT, ,,___ a •••••••••••••••••••••• roed ~. f VOLUME SALES Cell todey for eppt. nee: SU r t Im med AM •JIP«., twtng •OMV _, .. • IMne Coet1 Country Club El DIP I 24 ft SKIPJACI< .. NIT 11111 A•,., rfuMI HH . & 537-2880 KING chg 136 cioo+ a yr For lnrO pnnt~. 300 E. 17th St. L.J .... I "" Memberthlp for Hie. ... lff TIE Twin VoNoa 115•000 2121 8r1e1ol (ll'Wle) •••••••••••••••••••••• £neroetlc: outgoing femele c:a11' (312) m1314 Ext CM •• ~':"~.............. 11500/ofter. 97s-ae&1 or -te:MMn NB 556-40711557..t713 WE PIY to deliver balloon bou-22318 F-. Typing 40-90 -Pte.-AE1• !iOMarcro, .., 91115458-4722 llmll I I I I L 11 E • -...... tube, zoom, wtde enole. S"" Mother a~o t I h TIP NWI I I quet telegremt. Mutt "nt, neat, entry level fl•th, Ilk• new. S5&0. El .. NHOWER Comm•-" r 0 C:H heve own cw 790-8788 leh•etrlt lfltt poeltlon , negotlable 5491380 moratlve Coln , 110. need• 1129 10 wetault to Claulc 18' Lepitr•k•,A•,., I« i.» Fii llD •••s ID 19-~ per wtl. Mutt be --0-. ~ Heod writ-Bobble, ttart her 9-yr.-old eon off ~tu~= boett • ayt, 1...................... _. s .... s..-vtc.L.eeelng ~ Trect Loen nMt. outgoing,~ lo ten reiume to: Leurle POLAROID INSTANT 7 5 2 . 4 O O O In hit turfing c:erHr. rey. · 17M15l. IMPORTANT NOTICE a1 •• ••llll ..... So E·......., Proc:enor. Mutt h•v• '-"" Huntington a-:tl CAMERA. 126 Bobbte X387 Need for Santa to ....,.. TO READE.RS AND ---·-·· • <>«V • -Ave. e1tpertlH In FHA/VA ~ . LH, P. o. Box 272• . • /548-3'79 d ADVERTISERS "'1111/111111 F~on PfCCFFllllQ. Xlnt benefit•. ~~~ngton Beach, CA 7 6 2x39~~~~179 Voice ec:llvtted Phone ~~ ,•;.1~·.~·:·5 ~~I~ Th9 price of Item• ed.-2480 Hert>or Blvd. (714)1111111 ~ c":li ~; Evea ~or~enda. TYl)let. 80 wpm ac:c:ume, Rot! ... y bed. very good ~~ ~::.·~:~~'m: 842-4300, 24 hn. ; ~11eby.:.=-o1: COSTA MESA Open Sunday 714f730.()971. R•pooelt>M acl!Jtg, OYer Call Frenlde. condition. • •• k In 0 f Ir M I 7 5 . tied adWrtlelng c:olumn• ... 4111 TWiii ... , ,Al r•w TIE•-21, wttti outetandlng e1-752.0107 EO£. M/F 5o4W309 831-1752 #•lkll ' doee not lnducJe any ep-141-1411 .... ... IT'eet!w per90na!IU. to w••u11SE ,,.. ,. ,,. ,,,, CARS 1 1001 TRUCKS ,.,,,....,, "" I ptlc:able tu ... llc:enH, WE "' W• need your tr~nl Wor1t and play In Palm work with youth (age• an •••••••••••••••••••••• 1751 Avellable et local •••••••u••••••••••••• trentler feet. flnenc:e Cell or -W our "-' CM 9prlnge, J.aa Vega end 10-14). C•ll 2-5PM, No Experience Req. '1ov' t nlu. C a II Yamaha Sauphone ' ct\argae.,.... for air pol-II.Ill 1111 ~~~I Jun. IWQft.,.... demonltr•t· 9E.402.E.·4321 , axt. 345. Mak• up 10112/hr atart-Lftlll.I UI m (relundebl•) 1 (3121 Exc ellent Condition lutton c ontrol device •-TllOll Ing exdttna MWPfoduct. Ing P•r,· Full/Pat1-lllM Aflectlonsfe, playful, F 931.5337 ext 22398 for S200.00. 648-8716 certification• or d••l•r .... Liii IUOI ... Trevef with chaperoned Pllm FWY even. n our pub. Call puppy needll good boma. Y'Olif directory on how to DLllU II-UT 1l ...,..., ... ,.., documentary prepare-~LMatng oroup, tTanaportatlon todey for liPPt ~ 2880 842-0100 tae--1221 purd\ue 24 hra. 8 c:yt with 270 outdrtve tlon chergH unlHI 34S70 N. Cherry Ave. furnleh~. return gua-Pert time.. JU1 arrande. KJNO · • . Crmbele, Snare Drum, Full canopy end boet othenwlM apec:llled by LONG BEA~ rant..cl, peld training Ill•. Ill• typing. Muat Kl chg. __ , BEAUTIFUL Mink c:oet. •I new for 11 3 0 . cover. Twtn fuel tenk• the~. (71.a) .... IJH .__.-.11.JJUJ~...Mufl heve own car. Airport -WI ,., .. ,.,. "" knee length, xln1 847-3491 wtth trailer .. int c:ond • ...- be we I groomed end 75~2191". •••••••••••••••••••••• .A COO~bnm I Sell or trede .. 999-8324 Aaljpn/ ff.II ~-iiiii.5iiiiiij~ ttart lmmedletety. For ~ lnter1or _.. ci. E11perlenc:ed people **'BUY*~ 11. 11150. 846-3838 ": n:.,~3 -K• -ClalJn _ .... llllH'I ir.vtew, call 4146-3337, __. pit _ _._. ,,__ malit• up to 117/tv. ~ llf w 1775<1. --" •• ;.. •••••••••••••••••••••• 11 AM 4 PM Mk for ..--. ,._,, ....... -.. per1-tlme poetttone..,.. Good UMd Fvmtture & or1t bench. hatdWood 31 • ._, -..-8090 ' Electric: Boat, 1981, Kint 1111 .... -llYll 'I' June Pndeen· ' ~~ 1•n1 •KP· In our pub. Cal todtly for Applaoo.-OA I .. ... ~0·.J .. d .. ~~· .~!>7ttom OllJ,n l'lnlllrln I cond. S3115. 545-9015 Speedater replica. The Top dollar• fOf Sport• A ~t. 537-2890 KlNO Ot 8IU. fOr You · .-. ............. I -· moet :r.1: convwtlbte Cart, ~u 1, ~mpera. General Houtekeeplng • ·-_... ••-•-.. I k s ,.. "-1.... -.. ,, •-1 114'a, '• ~looking for moll-r.-1 .. ---·-...,,_ .., n troller. "'°'geous •• ::1':"'.15tttt•••••••••• 1 -ever but I (2019). WM ..... d It .... 1 Operator for mixing ,... 1• --.. I-Mii neturel renc:h w/Sebl• _, ••--ea.,,., Hf1 149.500-• Aak lor U/C MGR va.-• u •· • .,. lime. Ina. coton.. --collar. Velu• S5.ooo ... _ ... ~ •••••••••••••••0 •••0 ~· 1Rotlfll1~Ford ' M ...... M-F S.2, $4 per hr. dur-Fonner P... WOMAN • Campualo-I .-J PIFI• tillklng 12400. 540-4910 ,..,..., ~:';';....~"-· RESERVE NOWI 90' Ing tnllneng. Trana req. ~r blik1ng mixing Ot<. nate. llmQ *"'* In N.B -~ Schooner. ChrlatmH YILllWAlll ~CARVER Co•t• Meu re1ldent1 1 Monrollta. ~ •rN, w/ex1ra bdrm to Lee 1574133 Waterford Crystal St«n----Pared•. Wh•I• watch. 2090 Hartlof 81., C.M. 11711 a-:tl Btvd. l'k./I ptflf.157-6431. Bdl bob•!'•!-~ ~.n•dflorc:ep~ UUU ,...,. ware (new) A!ene Pat· r_..,..._.. fU Peru.., etc. 94t 4005 142.0010 5o4()4211 HUHTINGTON BEA~ Rl.J..5-f(XC·BMW ,/T ••• 11 ...... n _.. tern . 139.50 ••·New, •Ingle drewu, 142~ 'llC>,.....,.....,NW<...,<•'<~• ... IL lfflll ec:hool girt, 3 nlghte per Megnlllclent Louie XV 552..aMe Frtnk blaek, 1115. 145-0971. ..16 i.Jl W ........ ltt4H • ...-..iivao ''"•-.-J- N E Ambltloue couple/ ma.-Wk non-<emolcer a..-. Olnl1~ M«. velue •••••'•••n•••••••••u 1"~9 F d W d w W 0 •P•rtenca Req. 1ur~ ~le: mkt/mgm1. to 0Ad 1031, Box '15iif. a11. • Uklng ta.000 ,..,. ~ !Ur oepe. Br•itd new ... c dHk, 84lbOt w/M/A & oers. bit ~ or 00 Y •· llTEI! . Mab up to t11/hr etert• h ~ b U t 11"1 e U . OeilY PIOt. Costa ....... 080. 110. lhould,r lengttl mull HC:rlflce Cell c:ond, nu peln1. MoYlllQ OOfl, a1).0QO. Late model Toyo tH, ::.r.T:n:U:.,~,r·r,;t= 14 8 c.. l2t29 Sold OM '75. e.u-eeea -~122 :."" ..... USO ObO fl~ Ford MoClel A TO'lllfl Yotwoe. Plckupe. v .... , pub. 537-2190 KING chg REAL. ESTATE Cof9M + tble, well unit.. Ventura 1.uggege, Mane IBM CorrectlllQ Selec:trtc: fol2-3109 •It 6'>fn. Atlk S • d • n , a 10.000 . Cal~ tocM!yt Gift Wrep~r Needed. SaleerMn. Need 1 expe-Wn PrMe= a... •• Contemp eoft/lovneat Two Sultar, uMd once. 11. Under Hrvlce con• Jo 97M151. rtenced r:: In --p I .__ ._... '""""" n....-.. ..... ~ din M5. e.u-tl18 trect. S750. 5'48-4090 •alH~...11. !!11-------1 AOClfy In , BA.Cl< ___._. ,_,.,_,,....., "':" ... r ...._9!il. tml,. ...:....-Id typlngr• !::""5° :=-:...:::• •~"". --.,,}!'! WJ.= ~ -..iWMlli 8T'MET Faehlon llland ,,__ ,,_.,_" _..,. ,,_ .. 8efld rfi. _. ...,. ..,_ _,.,, State Bumper Poot Teblll Aeolnlng m9t.r ct..-dl.ir ••••• ••••••••••••••• .--.... ... ,,...._. ., N.8. ' . C":....._for.!_~l tume to: PBR, 19012 8E71!gent toll bed . wlttlred...,_llkeneww/ with padd~ ... , SU. ............ 8ullt to IHtng e1en--m. Sllypettc C.n:te. lrvtne, .-"4186. tioC*.l350.~or Rolodex w/1000 c:erdt Good oond. 652-4Ma ""...,._..,.. Qlrte Wliftted fol MUMU-I NWOfitlng oondltlona CA 82714, Attention: • ooudl & ..__1 bm/ 780-8538 115. 117-31M .. ,.. ftl-dardi. (H02, 1042). c .... .._ ... & HottHMa. Xlnt n e~e~rt Beach. p.,,,... Alctl9rdton. ..,.._ • _, _,,,. PrlcM from 11750 to "u .. Ul>•H .. '4'7 Pey, Febuloue working 714/ 1 gold, 1275. Bobble , Tlffany Blllerd llgh~, hfl W!1 ..._..., .,.... a10,NO, ~....... ' 7 5 2 -• 0 0 0 x 8 9 7 . ........._.. ... Ill\ •• • -,,... nieocsor. AAMfta "'-d '""'•et the Atlatrtle •-""·-~'..... 1 • ~...,. _.:gy. ?w ••• ••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• ... ~--r..,,_ Pe lor. 2112 Herbor IAl,ll. ~ 549-3I 9 or 7eo-e538 ""C Oodter Spaniel pup.; IOAT 8&.IPI AVAILABlE: 2090 H*°b0!.1!'·1..5>·M· • I d ""-11 •••••••••••••••••••••• piee, Buff. t1 wkt old. ..--~ ,..., -· 942.0010 040-8211 v • C . M . ~ce •nt potentlal In ,.._ W EAVTifUL 8' •tenrecton Franoltc:an '"Mlldelra" 8 femar. a275 n*e 1250 ,_........' -... . ..., ' ~· J l~-..,.---....----71....._S4S3. Af1PfY 12 ~Income tood W"'°9 ... ":7.H.ee•eHuuH• 8Nelcfrom • 8' mW'rcwed ptw MttlnQ w/wv d9-"40-6 ' W , U '1 ..o', & 45'. CM '95 Unootn Con.'"'1 Yeftllt>'e noontoSP.M. lnduttry. No~ AHTIQUENIOHT =~:.~ hee. •150. t33-<>83e or 130 ••2-ou from 1 ·5. ee~ f'tllklred. Mu.t .... : Good .ettt !wide? Need nee .. _. train. )'OU're STAND, tao.~. -....::""..::!9 .. 1~11..,. 7eo...a5SI ..... WMi Mon-f'rt. l3000 080. Ml-7500. I! outg()lng, ,,..,. cer, .. 1 & 2 • 4 0 0 0 -·-~ ... ---W--... -· It _ __,, 8UP8 •v•11 .,.._...._._ ' ngrevere, wlll treln. loolclng· for P IT work, X1t7/IMl4879 LK>NEl ELECTAtC.fAAIN -tter. e l)Vt>t. " "' ... ·:-· ... ,..,.-. 1111 Mo<IM. "A'' Super H • w po r t Trophy, ...,_ caM Y20.o3el5. SETS. New. •leo uMd 9oth perenta et home. H • r b o u r 8 •.t.1. 0 a 8pon '"tored 11,IJOO. 111-4415 MUSICAL CYUNOEA I fop ltnl)Ottt. Wtenereu ~ .... f.-'776G, I-it 142.1745 19t. R-S pm • . ., J8ED CARS I TAUCK8 COMI! IN Ofll CAU FOR ........ COnnlet-DeUlo ....... 11211IMACti81..VD. HUNTINOTOH KA~ ... , ... .,, ........ ..... W..eM a... TOY, '215. lotlble. ~no~ ... care. traok, lr .. dlno. Sire 8 oh 3 P M ~ 4 o • • o I 7. tlM T...,... ,._, ..... FITNE88 OAIENm> 7 5 2 • • O O q ,~:. t::'~io~~~e:d (VA). Oram hand .-cted 71A/ 7875 ,..._ I r::: , Hop-ting'• now '*Ina., to dletrlbut• th• new X397/~79 Amtlloan Flyer Train• by Wetter M"'11n. ~ Bolt $llp ~ for 40 141 114t ~ · Top n..11-~ ~and ctrf:: EuropHn •fforUHt ~D EDGI! PAPER from 1120'• end 1m··· tF'=~::~ ~ to es· bO•t. Nwpt 8~ • a-a pm. P..,...id ........... '77 930C81 81lt ~ 'lt S20I Stk. ( IXUI) '71320! Stk. (Q.3XTV) ·71 320I Al. (053XVN) ·eo 320! Sttt. (2.HZUS) '80 320I At. (OltlZYA) '11 320I At. (091085) LllllUll-(114) 93&-5790 (213) 427-6484 T~Welcofne 1111_1_ 4 1J>Mc1 Irani., ell th• factory option•. Fjord .wtor"Wlttl ~ ~ Interior & runa end loc*• .. •• dlarml (344UKA). u.---(714) 8M-87IO (t1S)42744M TradMna We1oorM '72 1MW 4 ..,cS. ~. reblt eng" new clutch. "4600. 971>-78S7 11\19 ,.._. tor hencl Iron-=.~Com-CUTTER. 830. 1<>6bte, '4MIH plut. P!Mte Party '31·1771 4 llMl .,.._ HU -"Cell 7 I 2 • 4 0 0 0 .... • •"'~TH -1 ....... . -~ fw.. '1!f •••••••••':rfr.eel"~ Fi-Your,....,. .... 91Ma-» ...... f Jt1tJ/IUA.._-r--. ....,_, .... --'715 ~ --lft kit, Vo ..,_, .,,.. ,,,. ••• .o44 -". • ·~·-~COAT, 8180 OOLOl.N ~IVEW ...... _ .... • .,... -~.Ar CW, H•H• a -................... .-;: ~oe1now111t1no2L OOldtnO.roltopct..-, orbeet.etrw 145-21M PUP8 -AKCl200 MYSTnDl/tl: tftOO. 1 • ._....... ~·= aaeemDly people tor .... ... lat• 1800'•· One of• ice Y9IOw I' e«duroy IUN'IOARO Born 1~. Ma-t040 Uft IUl\ftQ(. ual --::Z ·-a...AM Fedlty. Muet NMCf• peopl• for Or. kind. t1HS. optlontl. oouoll, •llghtly UHd s· Aoc*ln Fla thNtter. ,._._ = ·-Montt)ly boat ••or•o•. '71 OMC IWWben ..... ~~MA MIO ._. ~ tOOI ...,.,... Qy. Good JI!, 11rr1. be-1wt¥e1 oM6r. 1290 del. 1100. N•w furniture • =t ondltlon No....,.... .. _I WU. ""'1 ella, M tw "'°"'"1• l:°'el wftaeW & tlrM. ..._ 4 tPMd "911t., ~/Ale .... AM1tt MOt w..t ,..._ & , ..... It. W11 141-S111. peovee • IMlpe. **'Cl 40 0t belt 0-, AKO, • CtlMlp ..,._,, ll'e! ~ _..,.,_, Good HIOHllT CAIH '"'"'•• ...,_ ~~ wtttl ,.., ..... ...._AM. tr9n. • •• IH1.1utu1 oak trHdl• 0°""· Mt -alt below or M0-2111: 8tlOW OuaA........, UGO. lllWllT-oond. 0•..::.-·~~ dlllWy far~-.., ~ ...!. CIUlltOfn IAlU PPllOH _....,... NWtng meotllne. 1 po wholeHI• coet. Mu•t ... fol 1<1111 Wll k• tor awtnNa. 1111 ... r&" • ..., ..,.,. · 1ome1t1c or fore1a11 -.,.._ Hardware,""' pref. ....,.,. ...-.-. ftOOt Hiii Call aft SPM Oall efter 1 PM,, '40-tllt ,.1..,... _., .... lleMMe. Dana _..., ....... 71 _.for Linda CH 7f t...... 1~·11~eMOii(M\t~'9(t~PPfe* ...... iiiaiiMiiiiiiiiii a.Ml ~:;-.... ~·~rr .. ~ .......... Com-GWT~ ~~ "°" Pwrot ~ ,., •• p/brakH, HJ& 111.nllf 2Anf....,Or,CM. pt .... OOlf~ltlWlllla ........... NrtC1 oeinlad .ittl oowr, ~.,.CS. ~n.~:· ~~.::· •• • • · -4 end ....._ UK1 oerW'illO ..,,_ Sle. Ne-24 .. cla • 40" ..._.. Sii. ""-. ... t• T1'fnt, """1Mnd, lfte .. -• ..__ HtlW ~ clr*'I rm t9t MY ... 871. lfMll Mr. .-1m. !-:~~~~;;;;~~~!!!~~~ ==-=----___.,...,; lllOOt'*'*" & DaYroll ..,. --e1t1. 11 o.f. lrHHr & Mn...,,.. SIOO, Lo.,_~ II '11~1'°-...,.. ... d NotlllF..-. ...... ............ YI. I• 8171, Coffee ttblte, t . Mr. & Mrt. a.nl. ucr. 'llfftteA•f!fRl.11/lf AM/ff!' ltet90, 111100 •v••o1.::n1. •l•ry ~ ............. a '*f113 eM 8ent9 ~ ontv Olk """"" ~ """°' no.o44I .,... ,.._... to 1111 1a111 DtlOOUNT-•·......,....., L.cM. m•nt••••· •••oo. ::. 1 1:: = ::a ID.~. • WIMl11 ............. t.m 't&:,.11 n&. -- ...-.. w -" AAA I "'"· ,renoh ..... _,, ........ ~ -Oelr ~----llf.1&'· . ~JJjj" -,.~.~~~'!. -~~··! .... !!!~~~=~~·:~:'4'.~'~'''~o~oo~ .. ~0~1•f J11rrl•• • ..... atoo:Jtfti w ..... ....,...;;;: • '"' ,: .. ,..., ·"· ... ,. .... ... ... 1111 .. , a,O lllMl::w 'A .... ~ .. ..,... llMl11 [;n;;.iii"fti•iii•imuiiit;;.,_:.;a;;m;;j:;:::--:::===:::=~=~ A< 7 II ....... _., ... ~ .. =~ho_~ ATMllP!="_. I ller• .. :.d~&.= ,...._ __ .....,. __ __.._1 ~·~rr. ... :~: ~71M07?, f'M. "'8•L!1lau";r.'; &;di hn:l1 !':• ::~.9' ... ;.~ ~.-V.-• ...,tWt!.'&~~.,. -·-111'·~ .. ---· ,_, ..... ,... ...... _.. v_._ ... ··-...... ~ ...... 7 • •. \ - Ollnfl OAK..\' OT lffMHtllr, °"""'" ' 'A'MMMttt....... ~ • ""' "WM · 0 A TLA5 CHRYSLIR..ftLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. S4&-19:M. 3 blocils south of San Otego Freeway off Harb« Blvd. Complete body 1hop. Sales. Service. Parts. Service Dept open Monday thru Friday 7:30 A.M to 5:30 P.M. and 8 A.M. to 5 P M. on Saturday HACH IMl'OH5 848 Dove Street. Newport Beec:h. Tel. 752--0900. Cell ua, we're the 1pecl11ists for All• Romeo, Peugeot. Saab & MHe<atl. THIODOH IOllNS PORD Modern salft, aervloe, part•. body. paint 6 tire depta. Competitive r•tn on leue & dally rent•. 2080 H•bof Blvd .. Costa Mesa. 641 -0010 or 540-8211. JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MIRCUIY 2928 HarbOf Blvd .. Coeta M .... Tel. 540-5&30. 57 Years Of rrtendly famlly service -Orange County's oldHt Llnc»ln.-Mercury dealerlhli>. DAVID J. l'HIL&.ll'S aUICK..ftONTIAC•MADA Sate. • hrvlce • leulng 24888 Allele Patkway ' 1.AQUna Hiiia ~7-2400 • . . !ltr!tlf ••••• : ••• l)!ff .... ... ,. 4.....,.., __ , • ...,.. radio wlttl OHHUe. (MrtZA). d~lt=. 2IOCI ...,_ .... COITAMDA ..... NIWl'OH DATSUN MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE IOXES • 838 Dove Str•t, Newport BMch. Tel 833-1300. At the triangle of Jambof'M. MllCArthur & Bri.tol betilnd Vk:1orla Statton. Sai.t. s.rvtce. Leaalng l Pana. We make great deals! • NAHl5 CADILLAC 2eoo Harbor Blvd .. COS1• M .... Tel. 54'0-9100. Orange County's Largest Cadillac dealer. Salet. Servtoe .. Leutng. • SADDLHACK IMW /SUIARU 28402 Marguerite Pkwy., Avery Pkwy. exit We offer what no berik or IMM company can: 1. Expertly stiffed. most modern· MfVlce l pert• dee>t.: 2. One or the Southland'• most experienced ...._ l !wing staff: 3. Ellmlnatlon of the mlddleman by leulng dealer dlrect. 831-204'0 Mluton Viejo 485-..948 • .. CH'ICK IVHSON 'OllCHl·AUDl-VW 415 E, Cout Hwy .. .lfeWport BMch. 873-0800. The only de•ler9htp In Orang.il"County with theM thr .. grut makat under one roof! ALAN MAONON ,ONTIAC.IUIAIU 2480 H•rbor 81vd.. Coeta M..._ Tel. &49.,.300. 8ale1, kvlee, lffllnQ, "Mr. Goodwrenctl.'.' CLA AUT MOtllLll 795 tMwton Wty, Cotta MMe. Tf!. 131• 1393 "JAGUARS OVA SPECIALTY" XK 120'1/140'11180'1/XJ'tl!·~ Salee -8r.1oe -,_.«1110nt Off Ptecentle aoa LONGl'H 'ONTIAC 13600 Beech Blvd .• Wettmln11er. Tel. 892-6651. Orange County'• oldest and lar~t Pontiac dealarthlp. Salas. s.Moe. Parts. DICK MILLll FIAT/LANCIA "Probably the loweat priced Fleta In Southern Celifornla" (loca1ed 1 mite north of South Cont Plaza near Mein St. and Wamflf AYe. In Senta Ana) 120 W. Warner, ,.nta Ana 557-2132 • • S·ANTA ANA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street, Santa Ana. Tel. 558-7811 Your Original Dedicated Oat~n Oealef MllACLI MAZDA we· .... moved! Our MW location 111425 Baker Street. Coeta MeA. Tel 545-3334. Stop by 6 Ylalt our modern showroom •nd '" why we're ttle t 1 M•d• dHl•r In Southern Calllomla. s ..... Servloe, Parts and Leaalng. COIMlll hLILLO CHIVIOLO (FONMf1y Groth CMwotetl 1aa11 8eectl tMt .. Huntington a..cti N.-w • UMd • ..... • L~ • Parts • 8-Ylce Come by end ... our Huoe trwentoryt 1471'0'7 549-3331 • OIANOI COAIT AMC/lllP/HNAULT 2624 Hetbcw llYd .. Coeta ~ 54t-I02S 646-7710 , 1 ~ o.Mlt In"-w .. u a.."' t~ '°' ...... ~ l IHtlng. Ttlere .,. ret110M wf'Y • we , 1 ..• Price and -.ctlonl AM. the .....,.., f'tn""1 All!Mol It tlerel COSTA MISA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 540-6410. Serving Orange County for 16 years. 1 Mlle So 405. 5UNSIT FORD, INC. (Home ol Wtllle the Whale) S440 Garden GroYe Blvd., Westminster Tel. 636-4010 • ORANGI COUNn VOLVO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Oro .... Tel. 530-9190. Excluslvely Volvo to cover all your Volvo fequlrement1. New<>Used•Sales•Laulng•Part••~Body Shop Freeway clote In the hMrt of Orange County at Garden GroYe BIVd. & Broollhurl1 . CONNILL CHIVIOLIT 2828 Harbor Blvd., Cotta M.... Over 22 yeera Ml'Ylng Oraoga County Selea, IHalng. service. Call 548-1200: 1peclal parts llne; 541-9400; body shop line: 754-0400 0 IOY CARVll 10&.LI IOYCl.aMW 1540 Jambor .. Road, Nhpor1 BMch. 840-$444. Sain, 8-rvlce, Pert• And L••'!"O· • LONG HACH IMW Large Mleotlon of new I quellty uMd IMW't Md other ttne cenl Sales, wvtoe & ....ino Tr~•~ Tlllke 405 Freeway to North Cherry off.fttnp1 tum rlQtlt I go e b60dla nof1h to 3170 N Chtfry A~. Long leecii. 11 1 .. 1 SM-6780 <11S) 411·14M --------·----------------------------------- • ' THI DIAlll.CIAIT ClllT 110111 TltURSUAV . UE C l-MBI H th l'Hll •111/\N•.1 '1111r~1, , Iii II 11t1 NI /\ /')Ct NI ~ • Public views sought on airport alternatives By STEVE TRIPOLI o<ttieomf, .......... The public will get a chance to oommenl on 12 altemaUvee for the future uae of John Wayne Airport aa part of a pl'OC'ea that alao appe ars headed toward diacussion of other airport Sites. Oran1e County superviaora have authorized the preparation of a detailed study of the alternativee, which range from a shutdown of the airport to an expansio n to accommodat..e several times the number of I Police recover \ art, loot By STEVE MARBLE • O( ... DmlJ ....... N ewpo.rt Bead\ po lice. untangling a string of sophisticated re sidential burglaries, have recovered $750, 000 ln rare art objects and other valuables and are continuing to 9eU'Ch for an equal amount of unrecovered loot. Detectives alleged they have . tied the 9erles of 13 burglarie., which date back to early 1981 and include the horns of eeveral prominent citizens in Newport, to a pair of C.OSta Mesa brothers. lUch.ard Pagnlni, 28, and David Pagnini, 24, were arrested Nov. 27 at a Keel Drive residence in Newport Beach, where officen said the two were obeerved by police breaking into a borne. The older brother, police aaid, ia being held in lieu of $1 million ball at o..nae County Jail. The younger brother had hie ban • redua!d.trom ~.000 to $100.- 000 during a Wedneeday court prooeedina. - The brothers, former Bost.on relidente, ueenedly med ~ted care in the crimes, ~ting a $10,000 bill at one local car agency, said Detective Mike Deladurantey. The collection of recovered loot, displaye d in a police . conference room Wednesday, includes a $65,000 carved ivory Shiva, an ornately carved tuM. an 18th century $6,500 pocket watch, a briefcue filled with 90 (See LOOT, Paie AZ) .. Cold· morning _t_emperatures to continue ll might have fel\ like it was freezing this morning, but weather forecuten say it never dipped below· 37 degree• in Orange County. A spokesman for the National Weather Se:rvk:e said the bone-- chilling temperatures were the · result of a mmbination of clear aides and little or~ wind. Southern California Gu Co. spokeswoman Deniae Dilday said compan)' figures ahow an increue of nafural gas uaaae by customen this December over 1Mt. Figures for the flnt 15 days of December this year ahow custocnera In Southern Ca.Ufomia med 23.1 billion cubic feet of oaturalz. compared to 20.8 bOlioo feet for the tint half of December Jut year. She aaid the 11.3 percent i,naeue by n!lddil!ntlal and aome non-realdential cuatomera indlcatel ru,ht. a.re a bit colder dais year aW!r 1Mt. - And the forecast or three- lllanket IDQl'Dino la expected to continue, witlt low• Friday ~ foe between 38 and 48 lowest temperature for .. camty waa recorded at the UC Irvine a1rlcultural 1leld ..... .._ -.r the Marine Carpi )\tr a..--. :a Toro. . A apokeawoman at tbt -.acre farm ltatlon .i..'9id the ~dipped to., depw ;.tJIOiay. :!We 4a1l•t panic unUl lt pa 4own to Soi de1reH,'' the .,-P'CllDlft llld. "Tbat11 when we llibt UM Im~ and twn .. the wind " ~op1 at the f ltld tt•tlon lrhNh~dtnalind -..... .._ ... ttrawbmtla. ""Oiliof lhit a II ... Jman &hli*idupto ....... IBd =··~1f .... " '· r: puaefllen lt now .erves. The study, to be completed in 90 days, includes provialon fot at leut one publlc: he&rinl on the alternatives before the county Airport Comm.lsalon. ln-depth examination. Supervt.on1 ln authorbt.na the 1tudy Wednesday, diaplay•d aome of the dUferenc•• of opinion over the airport that have characterized their debelel ln recent yeera. rou1hly 2.8 million puMfllert tbe alrpott will MndJe this yeer. Clark .. Id he bel1eve1 that Joint J1Ulitary-dvUJan U11 of the tl Toro Marine Corp1 Air Station la the best answer to the problem. That aolution runa contrary to• recent board reaolull~ which plllMd on a 3-2 vote, declarina that no other feulble airport lites exist ln the county. • plan 1araely becauae tt had not adequate ly addres1ed alternatlva. • Not look,lng at alternatives u part of thia'1tudy, even ln liaht of th• reeoluUon, "le not gol.nc io change the aviation needa of the county in the j~dge'• view or anyone elae'a,'' Cl.ark said. projected environmental impaci of any ex~on. Boara Chairmen Bruce Nestande, who had sponaored the Jocal-1lte resolution, aald he wun't 1ure he wu prepared io back a atudy which looked al other local airport aites. Comments gathered at the hearing or hearinga, for which no date has yet been eet. would be Incorporated Into the study. Supervisors will uae the atudy to narrow down future airport options to at lea~~ one, and perhaps several a1ternatlvea which then would be the focua of Supervisor Ral.ph Clarlt uid the study ahould include a look at other airport sites beau.-John Wayne probably cannot be expanded io meet the county'• full projected a1r tn.neportatlon need. n..t need bu been peaed at aa much aa 10 Ume1the Clark reminded 1upervt.or1 that Oran1e County Superior Court Judie Bruce Sumner threw out one airport expamloo Supervieor Thomas Riley said the new 1tudy la "intended io fully comply" with both Sumner 's w i1 he1 and requirementa to report the When NeatAnde uked county le1al advlsera for advice on whether the atudy could extend tnio other mt.es, Robert Nuttman, a11l1tant county counael, aaid aome of the altematlvee under -(See AIRPORT, Pqe A!) Triplets (from left) Maria Lupe, Marl• Nina and Maria Delora Rodriguez ~heck out dresses at Sean in Costa Mesa on a shopping spree for needy families. A merrier Christmas for the needy Five county I smilies get shopping spree I rom savings and loan firm By KAREN E. KLEIN o< ... Delr ........ Sharon Wilaon looked down at the identical triplets, each wearing blue corduroy pant. and white flowered shirts and sporting Jong brown pon~ -ded up4Yer-their....eara..- "What' 1 your :iame"?-1he asked the fint 9 -year-o ld. "Maria," came the reply. "And what'• yours? .. she uid to the next. "Maria." The third? "Maria." Wihon looked up ln amazement. How was she auppoaed to tell these three apart? Then the first Maria piped up; "We all have different middle l'WDe9, •• she said. The three Marta ~. ahlo known at Lupe, Nina and Delores. were at the Seen st«e in South Coast Plua Wedneeday morning to take part ln a 1hoppin1 apree for needy families which were selected managers taking part in the famlllea 1pon1ored by the repre9e11ted the moet needy. All proaram, was having some Imperial Savfhge and Loan were from the Santa Ana and difficulty eorting through the A9odation.. . Tultln areas, the aaid. girla' clot.bing. He WU helping a For the fourth year in a row, "One father WOl'ka foe $3.3~ an lamlly of four ldda try to pick out Imperial hM taken the money it hour, one makee $eOO a m6oth coordinated clothes and stay normally would u1e for anti P•)'• $43& rent and one within their budget limit. ~trees tu decoraie--tta-makert'100·a month-and ]J8ys-r a w •never branch omc. and put it toward ~ for rent -and he hal 10 any kids of. hia own. this ia kind the aboppng procram. people to atpport," lhe aid. of hard " be said 1mi1Jng. "I Sean opened lte O.ta Mesa -"lf they're hungry, they're gueu tbi1 ia a g~od time to ltor'e an hour early for the 27 hungry," lhe uid. learn" children and their parentl On Wedneeday, aome of the wll.on, ICOUring the nda 111 targeted aa needy by the INnlJW' needs were being met. the girl'• department with Lupe, Salvation /\rmy. Branch ~ from the eiaht Nlna and Deiore.. bad deWed a ln the Southern California lmperial offlcea around the foolproof syat to kee th area, 16 Sean 1torea and 400 county ellCb 1Upervi8ed three or tripl t. ~t. ~ Jr children participated in four children H they raced havee dit;:;:.t colored pan~ Wednesday'• earl}' Chrialmu around the clothee departmenta holders" lhe aald. indicaUnc the ~to aid Bea ~ the *kiN out outfits. .-11• ~ --ti. ... _ :.._ .. b'""" .... _ direct« of f.amll.y aervicea for the -Each child had a $6& limit,,~ ~. ""IU""' auu """"' lwu..I" Salvation Army. llvlni hJm or her an opportunity omamenta. Mon than 530 families 1n the to take borne items ranclnc from The tripleta aelected hot pink Oran1e County area were aboa to underwear to s-Jama wind.tree.ken and boota • i.rt interviewed to take part 1n the In the toddler'~ department, of their outflta. MAlwaya alilie," program, abe added. The five Stephen Nutt. one of the' branch (See SBOPliING, Pa1e A!) · # - Nine d 'ie B-52 • ID crash SACRAMENTO (AP) -All nine crew members of an Air Force B-52 bomber were killed today when their plane plunged into a muddy field near MalM- Air Force Bue, spewina smoke and flames hund.rede of feet into the air. The cause of the 8:45 a.m. crash was not immediately known. The plane did not cany nuclear weapons, an Air Force apokeaman said. Simllar aircraft at Mather reportedly do carry nuclear annament1. The plane went down in an area of 9Cattered homes, fanm and buaines.e., but craabed in the largest open area near the bue. Barbara Tucker, a local re.ldent, aald, "I grabbed my.an and said to my father-in-law, 'the plane la PD8 to cralh .• It hil the field with a bi& expio.Mn .. AutboriU.. laid the plane took off almost amultaneotMly with anoth•r alrcraf&-ln a routi.ne . maneuver, but that then W89 DO .... m .. .., Ftreflahtera and reacue workera wen kept at bey by ~ .5()..c:alJber unn-mition wbJch raked the area after the craab In aunny weather. A.aid smoke d.rtfted oft!' the cruh aite, and \he 1tench of aviation fuel penneeted the area- Cl a re nce Fagan, a public information otflcer at Mather, aaid the plane, loaded with fuel, carried "tailgunner" ammunition, but said "I know there were no atra .. (nuclear) weapons lnvolve4. •• He confirmed that nine crew memben were killed. He aaid the plane had heft stationed at Mather for two we.ek .. on.e of five alrcra_tt recently transferred from c.tle Air Force Bue near Merced. "It'• out In the middle of the field," Fapn eaicl, adding \hat the marsh-like ground hampered ti.ref:tabting efforta. . Fa1an aaid piecea of the wre<:kage were acattered for several hundred yarda and the debria WU bu.mine aD hour after the craeh. lie aaid the plane crubed ln an open muddy field dampened by recent ram.. The area la a mixed reddential-comrnerdal-tndmtrial suburb about 10 mne. eut of the; 1tate.Capltol. Fapn aid the plane took off. from Mather, c:ni•ed wt-welt Highw~ 50, then cralhed about· (See NINE DIE, Pqe A!) • I .Fi-eeway through Mesa would oust 2,407 :BY JODTCADENJIEAD w .. .., ....... About 783 home• and tulnemls in a.ta Yea would .,_ knocked down and 2,407 people leh homeleaa or une~loyed lf a $159 million exteuton of the Co.ta Meea neew.y ti built, aocordlnl to a repcn by c.ai-. A d•l'J•••d t .... way alona Newpo:rt Boulevard ta one of eiebt alwnatlw. ._,, •• 11 tn a lona-awatted draf\ tllvlaetimen'-1 ~ ......... , OIQ .... a.tie 06. 'n'9 = .. apected to be offldelly ~d IWJCt month. State tfamponaUon and dty offlclah have d~cllned to ~· on the npon or the altemaUve1 contained ln tbe 1tudy unUl \he document 11 ·r ~dmaladon. flm1 dee .. expecWd '° b• 1Dad1 next year on tbe frw•'rl ... bjec:t of ltUdJ ~ atate pway offidab 1lnc9 lMt. Tbe ahemadv. ..... from -4elra1 ao&l:iln1 on JfewpOft 4 ln with 900,000 cubic yarda of material and eo&d. WIDEN ·NEWPORT -Add one lane ln 9'Ch direction from Bay Street to lnduatrial Way. Co.t estimate, ~ million. No homm oc bwU.-~ GRADE SBPARA ONS - Widen Newpon BoWewrd from Bri1to1 Screet to lndultria1 Way. c.ould .n'Y ll&,000 whiclll per- day. Colt ..umaie, t48 mWlcn. - ADOPTED ALIGNMENT -· A four to elaht lane depnmed · freeway from lnd\Wial Way to Mesa Drive with 17 bric1&9e. 1\oute would 1wtn1 WHt at. Industrial and rejoln Ne~ ...., ~~ ..umaie at '151 JiiWJon. 807 ~ l,· 118 rtllcimte, 1 b111b 11 aDd 1 1,219 •IQ.Ploy .... Could carry 180,000 Yehldll -daJ. (IMMDA, .... .U) ---lllDEX---........ Continued 8forl•• yarda from HJahway 1e, • dary thorouahfare which Secnmento with the Sierra da. Sacramento Sheriff'• ~_Jpartment apokeaman Bill Mlller Mid the plane went down n'ar Jackaon Ro•d and Btadahaw Avenue, a major lntenection in Rancho Cordova. a ~of s.cramento. • • :Al,r Force officials aaid the a.iCrift carried a crew of nine Qd WM Oft a tralni.ng flight. Air Fbrce Jamea Bickel of the :£~Air Command at Offutt· Force Bue In Omaha, Neb., • d there were no civilian rd~ A witnftl Mid lhe plane barely mi.8led a residence and~ a mobile home. ; '11 looked out there and the plane wu barely clearina the highway, it wu Ultln1 to the rl1ht and It hit the around. One of the worker• aalCI he heard aomechlng that aounded like they cut the et\ilne. When lt hJt lhe ground, It skidded," aald Fred KuniakJ. who owns the Watah Station Automotive Service. .. ' "I heard a small exploalori. very small," he aaJd. ·•u It wu very big it would have knocked the glass out of my ahop. We're only about 1,000 feet from it." 4.IRPORT STUDY ... ~~ c:Onaideration. auch as closing Jdhn Wayne. implied by their n•ture that other altea would hCve to be conaldered. .... Nestande, who has said aites outalde the county should be considered for another regional airport, eventually voted with other supervisors to authorize the study. Among the 12 alternative• moat likely to be considered, aocordlng to 90\.IJ'cet cloee to the supervison, are expanaiona of the airport that would l..nc:reue the present 41 dally outgoina jet fllghta to 55. Several sUj>UVl8on are reported ready to back at least that number. SHOPPING SPREE ... '• ·their mother aaid quietly an Splllliah. Although all the families were Spanlah-ape_ aking, language buriera did not poee a problem. The children, who pick uf. Eligliah quickly enough in achoo , acted u interpreters for their peftrit. when questions came up. 'l!he aboppetf tried hard to keep the clothes as practical as polllble: platd ah.irta, jeans, aocks and· underwear for lhe boys and pullover aweatera, corduroy pant. and jacketa for the girls. .. "They need everything. You name it, they need it," aaid Edel Adam, a Coata Mesa branch manager who has been involved in the program for three years. l;vlryone feels very positive abdut what Imperial la doing, ahe aafd. ..... ''If customers ask why we don't have a Ch.rimnas tree, we tell them," she said. "We a!ao have posters up explaining why not. Most people Utink it's greal." After each child had filled his or her shopping bag to the limit, everyone trooped down the escalalora to • room In the peraonnel office where a Chri8tmaa party, complete wtlh milk and oookies and toys under a tree, was being held. Helpers dlatrlbuted the wrapped toys to the children, who clung tightly to the pack.ages. their eyes wide with excitement. . "You can go ahead and oj>en· them now," said Freeman. But the children es>ntinued to sit there, content to j\dt stare at the boxes they clutched on their laps. "They want to wait for Cbriatmaa.'' one of the bran.ch managers said. "They don't get v~ much el8e." -from 111119111 Dau. tee CNOm l"°PPe Sou"' Coaot C>OalQ lJJJ_.,.S_ COllO -.a CA~ 114-154-11~ 15' So °""' -logv-o flea:" CA <ntll!>• 11•~1~1 L OVERED • • • l'rorn fl'ege A1 potll•l walqhH H w•IJ .. O.lldurani.ey Mid In llllCh CMI dtamondl, told ban, pelntln1t th• bur1t1r1 took no I• ttwl and ateno equipment. U00,000 In veluablH. The Deladuran'4ty HJd Hveral 1rutHt 1011 w11 In 81n HfH w,,. taken durln1< the Clemtnte where t7~o.ooo 10. bur1l1rt••· lncludtn1 one he ~ w ,.. hauled oft. :.......de1Ctlbld-1&..Jlillua.tl~"u.... .... ~1LJL-~ refriprator." '"'-.1 .. bave not• been recovered. .• ..... ........... .., llloMN ....... Newport Beach detective Mike Deladurantey examines an artistic-looking haul, part of burglary loot valuea at S750,000 recovered after the arrest of two Costa Mesa brothers. Moet of the buralattea wero commltl•d In Newport Beach. VtcUma Included car dealer Albert Mardlklan and Joae Rolan, an owner of a Newport boat and enalneer1na flrm. Deladurant.ey waln two cue. the buralara dlaarmed •ophl1t1cated alarm 1y1tem~ cuttlnJ electrical wires, telephone ll.nee and oonnectlona to alarm pada hidden under carpettna. He aald the burglaries were aiaged during holidays when realdenta were out of town. Intruders were very selective in what wu taken. Heads panel _ Harry 1tttbelt, a seven-year Laguna Beach Unified School District tr11.1tee, lVill preside over the board for 1983: The real estate off ice manager served as president in 1977. Included 1 valu1bl• Hl of • Lennox china and a pair of 0')'9\al 1Want, w re turned up at art and andque lhope ln ~ .... t.01 An1elea and San Dleao countle1. Some ltema, Deladurantey alle1ed, were found ln the Cmta Meta ~ rented by the brothen. PoUce uld moat of the recovered Item• have been' : ldentifl~ and will be reie-d to ownen today. A vtewtng foe the unclaimed property will be arranaect later um month. Deladurantey aaid while aome victims have been able to recover many of the Items atolen from their howls, aome have not been eo fortunate. Fire laws rapped in Valley gems robbery Fountain Valley police are searching throughout South- ern California for a holdup man who escaped with more than $500,000 in jewei. and cash at a gold and diamond atore. Detective Steve Williama ta.id today, however, that leach are slim following the robbery Tuesday night of the International Gold and Diamond Exchange, 18956 Brookhunt St. He IMUd the holdup man waa deierlbed by victim• ai a ~-8 Cauculan. He was wearlng a gray hat and a dark-color-id bandana and WU armed with a .4~ber automatic. Williama aaJd the holdup WU believed to be one of the largest in the city'a histoey. Store owner Werchen Maldjian claimed Wedneaday that the Fountain Valley Fire Department contributed to the robbery. Car-cloufer caught? A silver-haired Long Beach 75 others in the city during the man, alleged to be responsible for laat three years and hundreds in hundreda of l)!X\U')' automobile the county. burg1ariea on aolf oow.e tn the Diagulaed a• a aoller Kane county, h~a 6een _arreated by allegedly stole aolf clubs, ca.ah, Coeta Meu police. jewelry and camer11 from Harry Frank Kane, 50, was (',adO!ws parked at golf OOW'9es arraigned today in Harbor by using a device he lnaerted into Municipal Court following his the luxury car'a cigarette lighters arrest Tuesday afternoon by that popped open the trunks, investigators at the Costa Mesa police aaid. Gou c.our.e. ~ returning to their cars Costa Mesa police Sgt. Bill were batln!d by the theft from Bechtel aaid Kane, who waa the trunk.a they believed they arrested in connection with two had left locked, said Becht.el. thefts, is believed responsible for The dapper Long Beach man Maldjian, 39, said that the gunman entered the front door and passed through a second, unlocked interior door shortly after 8 p.m. Maldjian said the inner door prevtouaiy baa a dead-bolt lock that prevented cuatomen from entering the store after hours. He said cuuomera were "buized in" by himself or his employees. djian claimed Wednes<iay, h ever, that the fire d rtment-had Ot"dered the dead-bolt lock removed aeverai months qo aa a safety measure. M a oor\aequenoe, the interior door remained unlocked, be ukb Fire Chief B1cbard Jol-Jemen sa!d today he wasn't aware of Yie specific case but that commercial establishments are required to have unimpeded access for customers and employees. Jorgensen aaid dead-bolt doors can be dangerous becauae people can't leave in a hurry in case of fire. Maldjian said he and his employee, Diane Craft, were handcuffed by the gunman and locked in a bathroom. But the store owner said he was first forced to open the sale by the funrpan who emptied abput • 500,000 in gold and jewelry into a black duffel bag. The exchange, located in the . vicinity of Brookhurst Street and , Garfield Avenue, bought and aold gold and jewelry, authorities • said. CHILLY WEATHER • • • From Page A1 degrees. we're all called out," ahe aaJd, laughing. Veteran weather watcher J . temperatures recorded in Orange County were two nights in the laat week of January 1933. , waa arrested by Lonf. Beach __ .;..:.:,;...;;_ _____________ ---:-----~ po~ in January and facing bW'g1ary cbargea in Cht.noi police. Sherman Denny said the temperature dropped to 4-3 in Hµntingt.on Beach. "It has been getting oolder at night," Denny said. ':But January ia usually the coldest month." "It got down to 24 degrees ,and • It wu ao cold even the pepper tree leaVe9 froze,,, he aaid. Meanwhile, weather forecutera said the hight Friday will r~~ from 62 to 70 With variable high clouda. as a , . .,... .Mi~ hlgfl doude tonlllliM ttwouah Frtdly. o-night IGWj N to 48. Cflanoe cf a.'1 momtng too along lti. cout. todl!r Ind ~In.,_ ... ewt\are. from Point 1pt1on 10 1111 Mealcen end °"' eo ll'lleec UQtll wtrldl ton!1i1M end F~ ng, t1e1oinln9 mo1tly ly to t2 knol• Friday • ~noon •Ith 1moolh ..... we11er1r •••II• a 10 a 1e11. O:c ·u ... .-of.....,..&tol 1"1 on weel-leoll\Q be1oti.1. """ .,..._ "'""""' • 110 ..... 41 cNncle ol fog end Atdey '"°"*"· Fog f o recast aai:~ ii being held in Co.ta.Mesa. ,, city jail in lleu of $10,000 bail. He aatd the coldest mountalN. with the con8lderably atronoet OUll:I nMI Mammoth Lek,. on Rlday. th• -•ll1ar ~Ilk'. Mountllft hlgha -.... •111• 111-tN ICla ............... could llnlc to 20. Hight In 0-. VrlJtrf lflOIAd range from 66 lo 54 11 1111 .-end_... wtttt '°"" rrom 1a 10 25. Htgfle In n«1tlem .,_,. may lluc1\lltil from 55 to 63 wtth IOwe fl-om 25 to 34. HlaN In thl IOw ~ "'°'*' r..d! Into thl eo. -"I\ IOw9 from 35 to 43. ............ llunMadl of_... took to the weter Wedlleedey to r1dl large --on w.t.fadng ~ Colinty llleQuard Clf>t. It-V~ Mid' tlla CNIU -.. the .,... --...... hid In • ,.... out tlete." . HI -rwMrr1ng to bftieker'l 11 --------------------high u five f-' at South BC)' bMctlel. kk*ad up by • .corm front tlll t 1Xt911ded 800 mllll Watt of tll• cantnl6 Callfornl• oo.I, Mid 8oott Mentmr of thl w.tllerMMcle. ~ IRI! =-· '::' 'f .... 4 IW 11 a • wew 11 I 4 WIW ti 4 • w . 54 46 1 61 12 I 21 oe 4t a1 71 • 33 13 41 37 IO M 39 21 ; 112 37 112 30 63 ... 411 " ' I .. La I UN 111 .. 67 ,.. • 70 IO .. 63 f7 ..,. a to MM II 41 • 44 .. 47• 67 II n• r, e· 1 11 I\ .. " .... an .... f7 40 I .... • •• 17 .... . t warm. friendly. comfortable. Stores with courteous. knowl- cdgable salesPCQple, where the customer is our priority. Stores that off er a complete selection of traditional sportswear for men, women & boys. SPEC~~ CHRISTMAS HOURS Mon. f'ri. 10:00-9:00 PM Sat. J0:00-6:00PM Swlday 11:00-5: M ... ~ I CLASSIFIED INDEX T1PllCIYMM,Cll 642·5678 .USFllSAI.£ a-.. ... ==-· ~·Mii C.0-.. _ 'l'lie nmrkt•lplace u11 tlw Orange Coalft ... 642 -5678 ( Among ptmpl• loo#t1nu /or a rttnlal. 11J'., r11ad r al ~•lalt' rlaul/1 d ud• • The Orange Coa1t 111 prime flnanclal center marked by IOltd.Qtowth and • healthy economy. -- The December' ed"k>n of Current m.agutoe wtll fMtUre OuttoQk '83 -an examln"lon of th• tlmety 1..,.. '" ~ -tddrelling IOCh topkla u .•. Contributlonl and progr .. made by Orange Coat bullMm In 1eu. loonomlc tr.nda to expect In 1983 -whh a focua on loo9' .,,,ptO)'men1.,.., •tate, conetrubilon, ,.... . ..,... • LOC8t ~ Ind protecttone from k~ ~""' flgUttt. e An ~ or°lndutery In Mch of UM OrMQe Oot1t afflft. ........... Dow Jones ·Final DOWN 2.38 CLOllNQ ll0.29 • ' . I ' . ' I 1 • • -------------------------------------------------------rio -I EmoOE 1118 1 unlw J IMllCO pfl. 4 ... .,..., ... 2.J7pf S Kidde l,Mpr • "#' -· 1 P Ind t Tit 4-'0l>f • ...i.m1 0ro 100"11-t II Harl ScMx 12 World l.lrw IJ Go\lkt pl 14 IMllCO C«1> 1S Ml.COM 16 Wlelloldl Sir 11 1.tlltdl Jpl It UMET P¥'CIP It CartH-1 pl io Varco 21 A-1 n Haull.ab n Ulmp(.lll.m 24 S.llo i...tr JS DeSoto tnc SYMBOLS Pct. Up 10,S UP lg S Up 10,0 Up '·' Up U Up I.• Up 1.t Up 7.t Up 1.1 Up 7.S UP I.I Up '·' Up M Up M Up •.S Up •.S Up 6.S ~g t! UP S.6 Up S .. Up U Up S.• Up S.4 Up S.J Pel. Ott 10.S Oii 10.S Oii 10.4 Ott 10.1 Ott ,,s Oii 9.4 Ott t,J Ott t .l Ott 1.2 Ott '·' Off 1.t Ott 7.7 Off 7.4 Ott 7.J Ott , ' Ott 7.0 Ott • ' Off •• , Ott •. s Ott • s Off u Off •.J Oii ,,, Ott •.> Oii 1 1 O·--,.aily """ ... -~It hlQh U<>leH 01,.,..,,., .. 1>otad ·~tH 01 a1v1ae r><1• ~ire annual 011bur..,,,.nt11>llM<I on tne taS1 ruanerly or temi·ennual oectaration lpec;1a1 a• ••tr• d•••Oe1>a1 O• oaymentt no1 1e11gnateO •• r911u1ar ••• 1dent1!..0 1n tne ot1ow1ng lootnotes l ·AllO .. Ira OI e•trlll !>·Annual tat• l)iul .toe-. atvidend c·L•qu1d111no dl¥1dend ~l~OI palO in p<ec.edlf>9 12 m()ntl'll -Dec OI p..O aflat 11oc:i ihVICMncl Of IOlo• .. 1-Pa.o 1n.1 .,... dlYldeno om<tteO le!llf•eO 0t no a<;Oon t.llken al 1u 1 o...,,.,_ -ng k·09Clllle0 Of ,..., ,.... .,.., .,, '""""'tatrve ,_ w11n Olvldenclt in .,,..,, METALS SILVER A ltGtW.+~ ... -... ~ . ~. ~ 2t ~ •••. JU--"" eEPw IM 7 1"9 1J -. al!P ..-.. •. IDO .. •1 eEI"" MO 110 '71'> • eEP pft.1S . rM 7~ • 1-. aEP ..n.• I »-"" •E flfl'1.n .. rtoo' ~ • ''• •E P pf7.JO •. 1UO 54""-2 alP ~AS . dO 56 -2"' ornacl 271 u1' • h ulc lt>< AO U e.-1 "" ulcftM ,_ .. "' ... u -.,,, Yoo can't afford to m111 thla opportunity, to communtcate )IOut auiatandlng t>enenta to over 98,000 adult readera -rMktenta "'tally conC9rned •bout tht uncertalntlee and prog,... of '"-'' c:outat tegton. outtO<* '83 le• feetute aure to be aaYed tor Mure r.,.rence by empeoy.11, ~omera and bu9ln11111 lnleteeted "'IMdlng WM lndUttry. J