HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/19/1921 - Adjourned Regular Meeting3 CNZA 453 City Hall, Newport Beach, Sept. 19, 1921. The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in adjourned session at 7:30 o'clock P. IT. on above date. The meeting was called to order by President J. P. Greeley. The roll was called as follows: Present Trustees J.P.Greeley, J. J. Schnitker, Conrad Richter, L. S. Wilkinson. Absent Trustee Geo. P. Wilson. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The communications were read and referred to the proper order business. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Trustee Wilkinson reported for the Fire Committee that they ould advise putting on heavier tires on the fire truck , and on .otion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee J. J. Schnitker nd carried, heavier tires were to be put on the rear wheels of the ire truck and the old tires disposed of to the best advantage ossible. on-motion of Trustee Conrad Richter seconded by Trustee L. S. ilkinson and carried, the request of C. A. Lasher and Frank Gribes or a permit to build a pier 70 feet from the bulkhead line between ots 17 and 18 of Section_ 5 Balboa Island was granted on condition hat it would have to be removed any time the Board so ordered as it as beyond the pierhead line. RESOLUTION NO. 145. "A Resolution_ of the Board of Trustees of the City of ' Newport Beach adopting certain plan and profile for the improvement of the alley between Alvarado Place and Coronado Street in said City. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee J. J. Schnitker, the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the following ote, to -wit: Ayes, Trustees J. P. Greeley, J. J. Schnitker, Conrad Richter, L. S. Wilkinson. Noes, Trustees None. Absent, Trustee Geo. P. Wilson. RESOLUTION NO. 146. "A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of wport Beach declaring their intention to improve certain portions the alley situated betweenAlvarado Place and Coronado Street and nning parallel with said Streets within said City, forming an eessrient district of lands to be benefitted by and to pay the costs d expenses of said proposed improvement." The Resolution was read and considered, and on motion of ustee J. J. Schnitker seconded by Trustee L. S. Wilkinson, Resoluti . 146 was adopted by the follmwing vote, to -wit: Ayes, Trustees J. P. Greeley, J. J. Schnitker, Conrad Richter, L. S. Wilkinson. Noes, Trustees None. Absent, Trustee Geo. P. Wilson. RESOLUTIOD? NO. 1449 being a Resolution entitled as followrs: "A Resolution by the Board of Trustees of the City of iewrport Beach as the legislative branch thereof, determining that the public interest and necessity demands the completion of the municipal rater works of the City of Newport Beach, and that the same is iecessary and convenient to carry out the objects, purposes and power rf said City, the cost of wrhich will be too great to be paid out of ,he ordinary annual income and revenue of the City of Newport Beach." was taken up for final consideration; the roll was called and esolution No. 144 was passed by the affirmative vote of the followir. .arced members of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach: H Ayes, Trustees J. P. L. S. Noes, Trustees None. Absent, Trustee Geo. RESOLUTION NO. 147. Greeley, J. J. Schnitker, Conrad Richter, Wilkinson. P. Wilson. "A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach declaring their intention to vacate, close up and abandon for public street purposes a certain portion of 24th Street within said City." On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker seconded. by Trustee L.S. Wilkinson, the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: Ayes, Trustees J. P. Greeley, J. J. Schnitker, Conrad Richter, L. S. Wilkinson. Noes, Trustees None. Absent Trustee. Geo. P. Wilson. On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker seconded by Trustee L.S. Wilkinson and carried, the application of Edgar W. Crowther for a permit to build a pier in front of his property at Balboa, was referred to the City Engineer for his approval. On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker seconded by Trustee L.S, Wilkinson and carried, the Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Duvall of Claremont that the matters spoken of in his letter were being taken care of by the City. Two petitions signed by 100 residents of Newport Beach and Balboa asking the Board to pass an Ordinance enabling the Police Department to enforee the liquor laws in the City, were read and called forth a lengthy and heated discussion of the matter. I ?o action was taken however at this time as Chairman Greeley stated the Board had the matter under consideration, and it was the intention to put on a new Police Officer for Balboa which they thought would clear up the situation very materially. Chairman Greeley referred back to unfinished business to to up the matter of the appointment of a Police Officer for Balboa whi had been overlooked. City Marshal Porter made the recommendation that Joel Wilson be appointed Police Officer, and on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinsa seconded by Trustee J. J. Schnitker and carried, the recommendation Was accepted and appointment made of Mr. Wilson as Police Officer at Balboa for one month. Mr. V1. GJ. Middleton of Newport Heights was present and state they were getting out a relief map of the Heights, Newport Beach and Newport Bay for advertising purposes at the Huntington Beach Fair and asked if the City would not help some on the expense of same. On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker seconded by Trustee L.S, Wilkinson and carried, X50.00 was to be set aside out of the adverti( fund for that purpose. Treasurer Wallace stated that Congressman Osborns was out hei and the Chamber of Commerce desired to take him, Frank Flint together with some of the County Officers and Harbor Commissioners as well as the City Trustees for an inspection of the Bay and to a luncheon aft( wards, in an effort to interest Representative Swing, through Cong. Osborne, in the harbor project. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee J.J. Schnitker and carried, X35.00 was transferred from the advertising fund to the Chamber of Commerce for publicity purposes. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee J.J. Schnitker and carried, the meeting adjourned to 7:30 o'clock P.L.. on Monday, September 26, 1921. ATTEST: P_ t Boar o T stees. City C er .