HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/27/2001 - Regular MeetingCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Minutes Regular Meeting November 27, 2001 - 7:00 p.m. STUDY SESSION — 4:00 p.m. CLOSED SESSION — 6:00 p.m. RECEPTION FOR SENATOR ROSS JOHNSON - 6:30 p.m. A. RECESSED AND RECONVENED AT 7:00 P.M. FOR REGULAR MEETING B. ROLL CALL Present: Heffernan, O'Neil, Ridgeway, Glover, Bromberg, Proctor Absent: Mayor Adams C. CLOSED SESSION REPORT — Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway announced that in Closed Session, by a unanimous vote, the City Council authorized the City's participation in litigation filed in the Orange County Superior Court, bearing Case No. 01CC15077. D. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Heffernan. E. INVOCATION — Reverend Lloyd H. Sellers, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian. F. Presentations to Senator Ross Johnson and Louise Greeley. Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway noted the reception that was held earlier, and welcomed and thanked Senator Ross Johnson and Ms. Louise Greeley for their hard work with Sunset Ridge Park. He noted that Ms. Greeley showed that persistence pays, as she stayed focus on her dream of a park at Sunset Ridge. Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway stated that Senator Johnson represents Newport Beach in the California State Senate and serves on at least six standing committees. He stated that Senator Johnson is being honored for sponsoring Senate Bill 124 (SB124), which is the bill that helped the City acquire the land for Sunset Ridge Park from Caltrans. He acknowledged some of the other work done by Senator Johnson and noted bow well he represents Newport Beach. Mr. Ken Emanuels, the City's lobbyist in Sacramento, additionally stated that Senator Johnson is a great orator and knows how to legislate. Mr. Emanuels complimented Senator Johnson on his success in securing more than $20 million for the back bay dredging project over the past five years. Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway noted that SB124 allowed the City to purchase the land for Sunset Ridge Park from Caltrans for the same price that they paid for it. He Volume 54 - Page 588 INDEX City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 27, 2001 INDEX noted that this is approximately a $2.85 million savings to the City. Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway then presented awards to both Senator Johnson and Ms. Greeley recognizing their efforts in completing the acquisition of the land for Sunset Ridge Park. Senator Johnson stated that it is a pleasure to work with the City. Ms. Greeley stated that she was proud to be the recipient of such an award and thanked those who supported her efforts. Council Member O'Neil also recognized former Senator Marion Bergeson, in attendance at the meeting. Council Member Proctor additionally acknowledged the efforts of former Council Member Debay, Assistant City Manager Mff and the many other people involved. Council Member Glover expressed her appreciation for the intelligent and attentive representation that Senator Johnson provides the City. She stated that the citizens in Orange County should be proud to have him as their senator. Presentation of Wastewater Collection System of the Year Award. Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway stated that Utilities Superintendent Ed Burt would be receiving the award on behalf of the Wastewater Division that operates and maintains the City's wastewater system. Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway stated that the California Water Environment Association (CWEA) is comprised of wastewater professionals throughout the State dedicated to enhancing quality of service provided by wastewater agencies. He presented the 2001 Collection System of the Year Award from CWEA to Superintendent Burt. Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway complimented Superintendent Burt on his efforts. Superintendent Burt acknowledged the award and, noting his degree from California State University at Long Beach, thanked the City Council for the tuition reimbursement program offered to City employees. Visioning Festival Announcement. City Manager Bludau announced that the General Plan Update Committee, which has met since October 2000, has set January 12, 2002, at Hoag Hospital for the kickoff of the general plan update process. He stated that there would be two sessions, one from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and another from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., and that the sessions would include an explanation of the general plan, how the public can participate in the update process and what the process would entail. He stated that the public is invited and encouraged to attend. Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway noted that there are 74,000 residents in Newport Beach and, again, urged everyone to attend. Council Member O'Neil noted that the festival would be taking place at the lower campus facility of the hospital, which is accessed off of Coast Highway. Council Member Heffernan thanked Hoag Hospital for hosting the event. G. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC H. CITY COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH COUNCIL MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION ACTION OR REPORT (NON- DISCUSSION ITEM): In regards to Measure G, Council Member Heffernan stated that he was the only Greenlight candidate and one of three council members who voted against the Koll project. The other two were Council Members Proctor and Bromberg. He announced that the Koll project was defeated and it is hoped that the elected officials will take a more Volume 54 - Page 589 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 27, 2001 constrained view on growth in the community and deal with the traffic issues, so that future votes are minimized. Council Member Heffernan indicated the importance of the general plan update, which many feel should be done prior to approving any new projects. He urged the community to get involved with the general plan update process. Council Member Bromberg announced that a Home Tour on Balboa Island would be taking place on December 9, 2001, at 12:00 p.m. He stated that it's a special event and that tickets are on sale for $15.00 at stores on Marine Avenue. Council Member Proctor reminded staff of his request to receive a report on the feasibility of the Police Department patrolling the harbor, as discussed at the Study Session of November 13, 2001, during Item No. 4, Contracting Out for City Services. Council Member Glover asked about her request to have the issue of ficus trees discussed during a Study Session. City Manager Bludau stated that the item would be agendized for the Closed Session of December 11, 2001, due to the liability issues. I. CONSENT CALENDAR READING OF MINUTES /ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Item removed from the Consent Calendar by a member of the audience. 2. READING OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. Waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions under consideration, and direct City Clerk to read by title only. ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION 3. Item removed from the Consent Calendar by Council Member Heffernan. ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION 4. AMENDMENTS TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE REQUIRING USE OF FRANCHISED HAULERS FOR DEMOLITION ACTIVITIES, AND AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL SERVICES DIRECTOR TO ENFORCE THE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE. Adopt Ordinance No. 2001 -22 adding Section 15.02.035 to Chapter 15.02 pertaining to Uniform Administrative Code and amending Section 1.12.020 of Title 1 pertaining to enforcement of Chapter 12.63 of Title 12. CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS 5. BALBOA ISLAND BRIDGE BEAUTIFICATION (C -3375) — REJECT ALL BIDS. 1) Reject all bids; and 2) direct staff to modify Volume 54 - Page 590 INDEX Ord 2001 -22 Demolition Activities (42/44) C -3375 Balboa Island City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 27, 2001 INDEX the plans and specifications as needed and put the project out to bid Bridge again. 1 (38) MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS 6. BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR FY 2001 -02 NPDES PROGRAM. Approve Budget Amendment (BA -021) increasing the City's contribution to the County of Orange's NPDES administration by $16,291.14 from $20,000 to $36,291.14. 7. CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY FOR KEY AND MANAGEMENT POSITIONS. 1) Approve a 2.5% cost of living adjustment effective July 1, 2001 for all employees currently classified in a Key & Management position (cost = $138,173); 2) adopt the list of classifications and salary ranges as the new Key & Management group; and 3) approve placement of Key & Management employees into the new salary ranges (cost = $56,271). Motion by Council Member O'Neil to approve the Consent Calendar, except for those items removed (1 and 3). The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Heffernan, O'Neil, Ridgeway, Glover, Bromberg, Proctor Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Mayor Adams J. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR 1. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR AND REGULAR MEETINGS OF NOVEMBER 13, 2001 AND SPECIAL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 16, 2001. Jim Hildreth, 120 The Grand Canal, stated that on Page 560 of the Regular Meeting minutes, it is stated that he read a statement by the Mayor. Mr. Hildreth requested that what he read be included in those minutes. Additionally, on Page 563, he stated that he asked if the Coastal Commission approved the ladder, and requested that this be corrected in the minutes also. Motion by Council Member O'Neil to waive reading of subject minutes, approve as written and order filed. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Heffernan, O'Neil, Ridgeway, Glover, Bromberg, Proctor Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Mayor Adams Volume 54 - Page 591 BA -021 NPDES Program (40/51) Classification & Compensation Study/Key & Management Positions (66) I City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 27, 2001 ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION 3. ORDINANCE EXTENDING NON - EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISES WITH ADELPHIA & COX CABLE COMMUNICATIONS. Council Member Heffernan explained that there is very little the City can do in regards to the franchise agreements with the cable companies because of heavy federal preemption. He reported, however, that the City has hired a consultant to do a needs assessment with the residents. He stated that the needs assessment will find out what the residents want and how they feel about the current job done by the cable companies. He stated that the consultant will also conduct a comparative view of other communities to find out what the cable companies can provide to the City in exchange for the franchise agreement, what fees are charged, etc. Council Member Heffernan stated that the contracts on being extended to January 2003, while this information is gathered and negotiations are conducted. Jim Hildreth, 120 The Grand Canal, stated that he recently had difficulty in contacting someone at Adelphia who could provide him with a tape that he was requesting. Motion by Council Member O'Neil to introduce Ordinance No. 2001 -23 and pass to second reading on December 11, 2001. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Heffernan, O'Neil, Ridgeway, Glover, Bromberg, Proctor Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Mayor Adams K. PUBLIC COMMENTS • Jim Hildreth, 120 The Grand Canal, presented a letter to Mayor Adams, dated November 16, 2001, and another letter to the Daily Pilot, dated November 19, 2001. He requested that these letters be entered into public record. Mr. Hildreth stated that The Grand Canal has two "platform and steps" structures that are legitimate. He noted that the two styles are shown in Standard Drawing Nos. 602 and 603. He agreed that a structure that does not meet the current codes should not be constructed, and added that he and his family are willing to purchase a permit. He noted some of the structures that have been removed and some of those that are allowed to remain in The Grand Canal. • Curt Herberts, 2290 Channel Road, reported on the conditions that currently exist in the Balboa Village area. He stated that Balboa Boulevard has been reduced to one lane and the parking is gone on both sides of a four -block area. He predicted that of the 25 to 30 businesses in that four -block area, only half of them will exist by January. He explained that they can't do any business without Volume 54 - Page 592 INDEX Ord 2001 -23 Cable TV Franchises (42) City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 27, 2001 INDEX available parking in front of their establishments. Mr. Herberts also reported that the contractor of the project could get the job done faster by using more people on the job. Mayor Pro Tern Ridgeway stated that the City Manager and the Public Works Director are looking into the situation. He requested that a report be provided at the City Council meeting of December 11, 2001. Mayor Pro Tern Ridgeway announced that by the start of the boat parade, 100 of the 300 lost parking spaces should be made available. Virginia Herberts, 2290 Channel Road, stated that her heart breaks for the business owners because they work so hard and they currently have no clients. Additionally, she stated that she thought the mature trees would remain but that, just the other day, she saw some of the mature eucalyptus being cut down. She again stated that the parking that has been removed is going to hurt the businesses and that parking has to be made available in front of the businesses, like on Balboa Island. Richard Esposito, 609 Larkspur, stated that his car was recently cited and towed, he received the paperwork from the Police Department and discussed the fee with G & W Towing. Mr. Esposito stated that he felt he was overcharged for the storage fee. He expressed his dissatisfaction with not being able to meet with the Chief of Police regarding the issue. He stated that he was able to meet with Revenue Manager Everroad, who looked up the contract with G & W Towing and discovered that they did indeed overcharge him. Mr. Esposito complimented Revenue Manager Everroad's efforts and added that he went on to audit G & W Towing, which resulted in 366 other people receiving reimbursements totaling $8,248.75. Charles Griffin, 732 Bison Avenue, stated that he is promoting an initiative for the V -Plan layout for the proposed El Toro Airport, which is also intended to extend the limits at John Wayne Airport. He stated that information can be obtained at www.ocxeltoro.com. He announced that the appeals court ruled in favor of putting the park initiative on the ballot, and that current polls show that the park initiative would pass. He stated that this would put pressure on John Wayne Airport to expand. Mr. Griffin stated that the City is working with the County on an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that would allow the extension of the runway. He requested that the City support the residents in the area. Yaron Telem, 502 River Avenue, Balboa Performing Arts Theater Board Member, announced that this year's holiday performance will be A Christmas Pudding. He stated that it would be performed on December 150i at 8:00 p.m. at the St. Mark Presbyterian Church, and that tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children under 16. He stated that additional information could be obtained by calling 673 -0895. Russell Niewiarowski, Santa Ana Heights, stated that the Santa Ana Heights community is still waiting for a meeting with Newport Beach regarding the future of the John Wayne Airport. He announced that on Volume 54 - Page 593 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 27, 2001 L. ul N. December 4, 2001, Supervisor Silva would be attending a community meeting at the Eddie Martin Building. Mr. Niewiarowski invited the City to attend. Mr. Niewiarowski stated that the residents of Newport Beach are looking for a responsible airport to be built at the El Toro site and that the V -Plan is that responsible plan. He stated that many support the V -Plan and he felt that the City should also. He added that the V -Plan will protect everyone's quality of life, since planes would be flying over open space. He encouraged everyone to look at the V -Plan initiative on the website. ORAL REPORTS FROM CITY COUNCIL ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES Council Member Heffernan requested a report on how the annexation issue and the Councilmanic Redistricting Committee were tied together, and what the timing of the redistricting would be. As Chair of the John Wayne Airport Settlement Agreement Extension Committee, Council Member Glover reported that the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the extension, DEIR 582, had been completed and the public comment period was now open. She acknowledged those involved with producing the DEIR. Additionally, Council Member Glover announced that the corridor cities mail program had been a huge success, with more than 7,000 responses. She stated that a second letter would be mailed in the next few days. She thanked those that took the time to respond to the first letter. Lastly, Council Member Glover stated that the Committee was meeting with each of the County supervisors, encouraging their support of Scenario No. 1 in the DEIR. Council Member Bromberg stated that he and Council Members Heffernan and Proctor serve on the Councilmanic Redistricting Committee. He announced that the item would be discussed, with a recommendation from the Committee, at the Study Session of December 11, 2001. He added that he spoke with the City Manager and the timing of the redistricting should be fine. Council Member Proctor also acknowledged those involved with the DEIR for the extension of the John Wayne Airport Settlement Agreement. City Manager Bludau requested that the Study Session of December 11, 2001, begin at 3:30 p.m. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA AND ORAL STATUS REPORT 8. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA FOR NOVEMBER 22, 2001. [MEETING CANCELLED]. PUBLIC HEARING 9. CARMELO'S RISTORANTE — USE PERMIT NO. 1908 AMENDED — 3520 EAST COAST HIGHWAY. Volume 54 - Page 594 INDEX Planning Commission (68) Use Permit No. 1908 Carmelo's Ristorante City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 27, 2001 City Manager Bludau stated that staff is requesting that the item be continued to the City Council meeting of December 11, 2001. Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway opened the public hearing Motion by Council Member O'Neil to continue the hearing to December 11, 2001. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Heffernan, O'Neil, Ridgeway, Glover, Bromberg, Proctor Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Mayor Adams O. CURRENT BUSINESS 10. APPOINTMENT OF COUNCIL SUBCOMMITTEE REGARDING AMERICAN LEGION LEASE NEGOTIATIONS. City Manager Bludau stated that the leadership at the American Legion is very interested in pursuing a long -term lease with the City. He recommended that a subcommittee be formed to begin the negotiations. Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway stated that Mayor Adams requested that Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway and Council Member Bromberg be appointed to the subcommittee. Shirley Phillips, 1420 W. Oceanfront, American Legion Auxiliary Post member, stated that a question in everyone's mind is who at the American Legion would approve the Sutherland -Talla proposal, as mentioned at earlier City Council meetings. She stated that it has been indicated that the City will not move forward with a project unless the American Legion supports it. Additionally, she asked if it had been determined if the American Legion is on tidelands. Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway stated that the land is tidelands. Ms. Phillips read from a letter written by an American Legion member to Assemblyman Campbell, which was responding to a letter from Assemblyman Campbell. The letter informed Assemblyman Campbell that he was incorrect in saying that the American Legion Post and the Girl Scout facility would be relocated to new facilities on the property. Ms. Phillips stated that the reply from Assemblyman Campbell indicated that his staff spoke with an Assistant City Manager for the City and that the City intends to redevelop the property, but have provided assurances that the American Legion Post and the Girl Scout facility would be relocated to new facilities on the property. She asked where new facilities could be built. She also asked, again, who the person at the American Legion would be that would approve the Volume 54 - Page 595 INDEX 3520 East Coast Hwy. (88) Res 2001 -93 American Legion Lease Negotiations Subcommittee (24) City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 27, 2001 Ila proposed project or if all of the members would vote. Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway stated that it would be important to put the subcommittee together, and that he has already requested that the City Manager set up a meeting as soon as possible. He added that the City is committed to a long -term lease with the American Legion. Motion by Council Member O'Neil to adopt Resolution No. 2001 -93 creating an American Legion Lease Council Subcommittee; and to appoint Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway and Council Member Bromberg to the subcommittee. Council Member Heffernan asked how the subcommittee would dovetail with the review of the Sutherland -Talla proposal. City Manager Bludau stated that he sees them as two distinct and separate issues. Council Member Heffernan stated that the Sutherland -Talla proposal will show where the facilities would be on the property. He questioned how the two could be looked at separately. Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway stated that the first issue would be to discuss the long -term lease with the American Legion. He felt that a meeting with the American Legion would resolve the issue. The motion carried by the following roll call vote Ayes: Heffernan, O'Neil, Ridgeway, Glover, Bromberg, Proctor Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Mayor Adams 11. APPOINTMENTS TO ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (contd. from 11/13/01). Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway announced that the council members would be voting on Gus Chabre or Richard Ting as a community association member for the Environmental Quality Affairs Committee (EQAC), and on Ray Halowski or John von Szeliski as a member with environmental expertise. City Manager Bludau confirmed with Council Member Glover that she had her question from the Study Session answered. Council Member Glover stated that the date that the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements were added was October 24, 2000. She stated that she would speak to the issue at another meeting. John von Szeliski, 9 Summerwind Court, introduced himself as one of the candidates. He stated that he had heard that there was a concern about his background and the perception that he had an agenda. He stated that he did not have an agenda, although he had attended Banning Ranch meetings in the past. Mr. von Szeliski explained that Volume 54 - Page 596 INDEX EQAC Appointments (24) City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 27, 2001 Q he has not seen or formed an opinion on the Taylor Woodrow proposal. He stated that as an architect and a community member, he would address every issue on its own merits based on an objective review. City Clerk Harkless read the votes, as follows: Council Member Proctor — Chabre and Halowski Mayor Pro Tern Ridgeway — Chabre and Halowski Council Member Heffernan — Ting and Halowski Council Member O'Neil — Chabre and Halowski Council Member Glover — Ting and Halowksi Council Member Bromberg — Chabre and Halowski City Clerk Harkless announced the appointment of Gus Chabre as a community association member on EQAC and Ray Halowski as a member with environmental expertise on EQAC. Council Member Bromberg noted that Mayor Pro Tern Ridgeway and Council Member Heffernan both have member -at -large vacancies that could be filled, and possibly Mr. Ting or Mr. von Szeliski could be considered for those appointments. Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway requested that the City Clerk provide him with the eligible applications. Council Member Heffernan requested that his nomination of Mr. Ting be agendized for a future City Council meeting. CURRENT BUSINESS (cont.) 512. NEWPORT COAST ANNEXATION BUDGET. City Manager Bludau stated that the item was added to the agenda on November 21, 2001, upon hearing the news that the number of protests fell short of what was needed to require a vote of the residents in Newport Coast regarding the annexation. He stated that the City filed its annexation application in March 2001, and that the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) approved the annexation pending a determination of a required vote. City Manager Bludau stated that the proposed budget amendment shows revenue projections for the January 1, 2002 to June 30, 2002, period as being $18,579,720. He stated that $15 million of this total would come from a first -time payment from the Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD). City Manager Bludau stated that the budget amendment also authorizes additional expenditures totaling $5,274,294 for the same period. He noted that there is a net impact of a negative $260,085 on the 2001.2002 fiscal year budget. City Manager Bludau stated that he directed the department directors to prepare their budgets to provide the same level of service to the Newport Coast area that is already provided in Newport Beach and Volume 54 - Page 597 INDEX BA -023 Newport Coast Annexation Budget (21/40) City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 27, 2001 INDEX that all additions should strictly be for the Newport Coast area. City Manager Bludau noted that approximately 91% of the proposed expenditures are for Police, Fire and General Services. He, additionally, noted that of the $2,328,052 for maintenance and operations, $1.2 million is for a payment to the Newport Coast residents toward their assessments. Council Member Heffernan asked for an explanation of how the sequencing of events would occur, specifically referring to the start date of the annexation and when the first property tax payment is received. City Manager Bludau stated that the first property tax prepayment from the County would be made on December 1st. He noted that the City is not currently on the tax assessor's roll, but that there are agreements with the special districts and the County to split the annual property tax. Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway asked for a clarification of when the tax payments for this year would be received by the City. Assistant City Manager Kiff stated that a certification of the annexation by November 30th would allow the City to collect property tax revenues in the 2002 -2003 fiscal year. He noted that the payments would not be received until July, but that the agreements with the agencies require them to split the January to June period. Council Member O'Neil asked when the annexation would become cost neutral. He stated that the City Council decided not to annex areas that did not pay their own way. City Manager Bludau stated that there are some onetime startup costs and equipment purchases. Assistant City Manager Kiff stated that the breakeven period would begin with the City's 2002 -2003 fiscal year. Council Member Glover recalled that it was already known that the annexation would operate in the negative for the first fiscal year. Assistant City Manager Kiff confirmed that the initial years are expected to show a deficit. Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway stated that he's excited about the annexation. Motion by Council Member Glover to adopt a pre- annexation budget for the Newport Coast; and approve Budget Amendment (BA -023) increasing revenue estimates and expenditure appropriations related to annexation activities. Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway stated that he believes that the I.AFCO certification will occur later in the current week. He stated that the agreement with Newport Coast is fair. Council Member Glover noted that much of the funding is due to an agreement with IRWD that was put together by Council Member O'Neil when he was the City Attorney. Volume 54 - Page 598 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 27, 2001 Mayor Pro Tem Ridgeway noted that the 1972 agreement with IRWD gave the City the right to serve water to the downcoast area. Council Member O'Neil welcomed the citizens of Newport Coast to the City of Newport Beach. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Heffernan, O'Neil, Ridgeway, Glover, Bromberg, Proctor Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Mayor Adams S13. NEWPORT COAST ANNEXATION ACTION ITEMS: COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR PLANNING SERVICES IN THE NEWPORT COAST BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE COUNTY OF ORANGE; RESOLUTION NO. 2001 -94 ADOPTING THE COUNTY OF ORANGE'S MASTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE FOR THE NEWPORT COAST COMMUNITY. Assistant City Manager Kiff stated that the first item authorizes the Mayor to execute a cooperative agreement for planning services in the Newport Coast area. He noted that the City Council had previously authorized the City Manager to execute the cooperative agreement. He added that the agreement authorizes the County to continue providing planning services until each planning area is built out. Secondly, Assistant City Manager Kiff stated that the resolution adopts the County's master plan of drainage for the Newport Coast community. He stated that this is a requirement of LAFCO, and that the City will require the County to make sure that all the storm drains are in good shape before the City takes them over. Motion by Council Member O'Neil to authorize the Mayor to sign the Cooperative Agreement for planning services between the County of Orange and the City of Newport Beach; and adopt Resolution No. 2001 -94 adopting the County of Orange's Master Plan of Drainage for the Newport Coast Community. The motion carried by the following roll call vote Ayes: Heffernan, O'Neil, Ridgeway, Glover, Bromberg, Proctor Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Mayor Adams Q. MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION — None. R. ADJOURNMENT — at 8:40 p.m. to a 3:30 p.m. Study Session on December 11, 2001. � * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *►x,� xtteeeieeir Volume 54 - Page 599 INDEX Res 2001 -94 C -3478 Newport Coast Cooperative Agreement for Planning Services (21/38) City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 27, 2001 The agenda for the Regular Meeting was posted on November 21, 2001, at 11:20 a.m. on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. The supplemental agenda for the Regular Meeting was posted on November 21, 2001, at 4:35 p.m. on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. O�' hw -fi?, 4,&, City Clerk Recording Secre'tfiry Mayor Volume 54 - Page 600 INDEX