HomeMy WebLinkAboutXR2022-1949 - PermitLU W F- LU ¢ U Z Z 0)o J J O _Z = � U Z 0¢ 0o¢ OZ LL N cn Qo } Y M 0 z QO �Z W Z ¢ ¢ J Q Z X F (y¢ m r Z 0 OW F- ❑ Uo a- in 2 2 Z > Z ND N J 0 � O O } W Z� ¢¢ 7 U)IV) U) Z O W U) QO Z YLU Qw o� w w wZ O x W0 (O= F- co gZ W0 aU O Z O 0 0 a M N Y J m rn 0 O Z Q G U W N W m w ¢ ul Z a W Z m 0 M O 111 ® n z s 0 ® M W Z O o .y J M cr- M F m rnm a W 0 2 M = .03 a * O Q O1 LLIt 10 . ' @ N (n bCO M C ` ` N, •• .. .. .. O Vai '� � y U •• •• Zya3i 0 ZOZ 00 Y La o; 'rn m •a m o c a w 'O m M,,, c ¢¢a(n W at ma s Qa 0-Q a oa_a UQ¢¢ 00 a a O N F- Z O O J LL a U N U) 3 J Q N c C9 C W O W J O : J N — z Z w m • m Q t1 L E ` C .. 'X C 0 Q `:: d G m J C N U Y N T W J m a N .7 (n S w- Q C a O C W N N = U _fN r- 0 0 ` y L LL U Q M L) J m m U i L l L l l. Z Z U ¢ 'U N ¢ m 2 o U w n o Z m U ¢ (if m W w m M c 2 Z K � -Oa (D Y U a 0 g Y v rn a w < w a _ Z <n 0 O U F 0-Iv a w > rn o~ c w _ _ W m O m¢: aaU) N 0 D:N ~NZ ON r ❑Z In zZ) O N» c? LL X d' J W Y 0 ¢ ¢ Z U 0 w w W r Q 'V LL F- F- Z M. ¢ a 00 N U W I, > <ON OV' ..M ZyN ` .. N� •• o_ c .. w . c .. .. C N .. Co w V chi a C U) y OI O C 0.N .. .. .. •� 3= v N c a 0 as o c m o y a a u 61 v o d m 3a:c as z 3as o �,u� o a Cl O Q a ¢ Q a O¢ a 0 F- O m m LL o no4• �wa.en w en n 4 w 4Ee4 n 94fr: v. e nn�4 s 4 ;n 440d o amwmm� n v v m m m v a m n �mY 0 K O • a'aYmi.. ...... • R.'� Yg d�j2!. • ••. 2 Cro . Yµ•.a Y � `3 t �.Pt • 4Ny m D � O m N m g ¢ v m � a . O R 0 N CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newoortbeachca.gov ] (949) 644-3200 IIIs] zI NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER X�2uaa�- �w4 Dear Property Owner: An application for a building permit has been submitted in your name listing yourself as the builder of the property improvements specified at 5306 Neptune Ave., Newoprt Beach, CA 92663 We are providing you with an Owner -Builder Acknowledgment and Information Verification Form to make you aware of your responsibilities and possible risk you may incur by having this permit issued in your name as the Owner -Builder. We will not issue a building permit until you have read, initialed your understanding of each provision, signed, and returned this form to us at our official address indicated. An agent of the owner cannot execute this notice unless you, the property owner, obtain the prior approval of the permitting authority. OWNER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND VERIFICATION OF INFORMATION DIRECTIONS: Read and initial each statement below to signify you understand or verify this information. \[_1. 1 understand a frequent practice of unlicensed persons is to have the property owner obtain an "Owner -Builder" building permit that erroneously implies that the property owner is providing his or her own labor and material personally. I, as an Owner -Builder, may be held liable and subject to serious financial risk for any injuries sustained by an unlicensed person and his or her employees while working on my property. My homeowner's insurance may not provide coverage for those injuries. I am willfully acting as an Owner -Builder and am aware of the limits of my insurance coverage for injuries to workers on my property. ✓ 2. 1 understand building permits are not required to be signed by property owners unless they are responsible for the construction and are not hiring a licensed Contractor to assume this responsibility. s,/ 3. 1 understand as an "Owner -Builder" I am the responsible party of record on the permit. I understand that I may protect myself from potential financial risk by hiring a licensed Contractor and having the permit filed in his or her name instead of my own. 4. 1 understand Contractors are required by law to be licensed and bonded in California and to list their license numbers on permits and contracts. _,_/_5. 1 understand if I employ or otherwise engage any persons, other than California licensed Contractors, and the total value of my construction is at least five hundred dollars ($500), including labor and materials, I may be considered an "employer" understate and federal law. 6. 1 understand if I am considered an "employer' under state and federal law, I must register with the state and federal government, withhold payroll taxes, provide workers' compensation disability insurance, and contribute to unemployment compensation for each "employee." I also understand my failure to abide by these jaws may subject me to serious financial risk. V 7. 1 understand under California Contractors' State License Law, an Owner -Builder who builds single-family residential structures cannot legally build them with the intent to offer them for sale, unless all work is performed by licensed subcontractors and the number of structures does not exceed four within any calendar year, or all of the work is performed under contract with a licensed general building Contractor. V 8. I understand as an Owner -Builder if I sell the property for which this permit is issued, I may be held liable for any financial or personal injuries sustained by any subsequent owner(s) that result from any latent construction defects in the workmanship or materials. Forms\oe er builder verifdoc 08/12/16 1 of Z3o Z 91/Zl/g0 aop;iian aplmq aumo suuo� ,aJnleu6ls s aaumo AlJadoJd aq; AluaA of panssl si 1pied eql uagm pe;uasaJd aq of pannbaJ s1 uoyezlJe;ou wJol JO G./JSU901}!-!'qs�,-Jan—up s Jaumo eq;;o Adoo y :a;oN ZZOZ-6-6 'a;eCl /1 :ajn;eu6!g s?aump (�adad aun;euBis s,Jaumo ApadoJd ay} Aluan of panssl si yLujad ayl uaym poluesaid aq of pe4nbei si Aoue5e eyl of ajge;daooe uogeoguan Jaylo Jo 'uoflezue;ou uuol 'asuaog s,Janup s,Jaumo ay; jo Adoo y :aloN 'Amnooe s;1 AlllJao pue uoyewJo;ul anoge aq; ;no pally AlleuosJad I pue anoge pals!l ssaJppe eql Jol jeumo AlJadoad aq; we 1 legl AJnfJad to Alleued Japun aJeloop I 499Z6 b'o 'goeag eun6e-1 '06£ 6# 'Aemg6!H lseoo gIJoN 999 :lua6y paz!Joq;ny to ssaJppy LE9L-4L£-6b6 ON lal a!ggoa allaA k qua6y pezuoglny to aweN £99Z6 VO 'goea8 lJodmaN `any aunldaN 90£9 :ssaJppy Jo uoyeoo];oafoJd :(>IJoAA to uoyduosa(j Jo) loafoJd uoyonJlsuoo to adoos -loefoJd Aw Jol;!wjed Japling-Jaumo ue u!elgo of AJessaoau s;uawnoop aql aly pue 'u6!s 'Jol Aldde of (s)lua6e Aw se ;oe of (s)uosJad 6u!mollo; aql azuoglne AgaJaq 1 'Al!pq!suodsaJ leuosJad Aw s1 pue;sJapun I golgm to uoynoaxe eql 'Jaumo AlJadoJd of 0011ON aq; bu!pnlox3 3TdH39 S,U3NMO A-MdOMd NO 13V Ol 1N30V 30 NOI1tlZRIOHj-nv •jap#m8-.laumo ay; Jo} ;iwaad uot;ona;suoo e Joj Aldde o; aaumo Apadoid ay; jo ;ue5o ue Bui;euB'isap uaym Jfluo aaumo Apedoid au} l(q pa;aidwoo eq o; pWinbe./ si wJo� ugilezuoy}ny Buimopo} ayl :a;oN ZZOZ-L-6 'a3eQ sd!1!gd JapuexaIV - oil ' 6ZOZ :aJnleu6!s s,Jaumo AlJadoJd Jaumo AlJadad;o aweu ;upd -aan;euBls saaumo Auadojd ay; Jtjjaan o; panssl sl ;rlwaad ay; uegm pa;uasaud aq o; pegnbaa sl uoyezuelou waol ao osuaall suanup saaumo Apadoad aya jo Adoo y :e;oN ;lwJad aq; 6ulnssi Jo;'uolslA,a 6ulpling 'goeog podmaN;o A;Io aql o; pouJn;aJ pue Jaumo ApadoJd aql Aq pou6ls pue pa;aldwoo aq lsnw wao; slgl 'panssl aq ueo;!waad 6ulpl!nq a aaolog -96eJ8no0 eouemsw uollesuedwoo ,sJaAjom J!agl to snlels aq; pue pasueo!1 ApedoJd cue sJopeJluoo asoq; lou Jo Jaglagm 6wA;!J9n Jol apsuodsaJ aq ll!m noA 'sao;oeJluoo aJ!q of gslm pue Jappo-Jaumo se l!waad a u!e;qo noA 11 'sa6ewep Jol ape!l pleq aq Aew noA 'AlJadoJd JnoA uo bu!>IJom apm paJnfw s1 way Jo lenpinlpul leyl to aaAoldwe Jo JoloeJ;uoo pasueo!1un ue l!;eq; puelsaapun of noA Jol luelJodwi osle s! 11 'lnoo I!n!o ul aq Aew sJoloeJluoo pesueopun ;su!ebe ApawaJ Aluo Jno k ';u!eldwoo e to llnsaJ a se u!elsns Aew noA ssol laouewl Aue q;!m noA;s!sse of elgeun aq Aew pJeoB asuaolq ale;B ,SJOIOBJ;uoo ag;'asuaoll a aneq;ou saop ogM auoauJos q;!m loeJluoo noA;l 'oilgnd eq; laaloJd o; pau6lsap smel Aq pa;eln6aJ aae saoloeJluoo pasuao!q •wJol slgl uo pap!noJd aneq I uogewaolui eq; to Aue of sa6uego Jo 'suoyalep 'suoylppe Aue to Ale;e!pewwi wJo; s!ql;o Janss! aql A;!;ou o; aaJ6e 1 'Zl ,sJaAoldwe se llam se sJaplln8-Jaumo uJ9no6 legl s;uawaambaJ pue smel algeo!ldde lie Aq ap!ge ll!m I 'AI!nlloe uol;onJlsuoo pesodoJd s!ql Jol apsuodsoi Ape!oueuy pue Alle6al AlJed aql se 'leq; 99J6e I lL £99Z6 Ho '4oeag lJodmaN '-any oun;daN 90£9 :ssaJppe 6wmopol aq;;e A;!n!loe uoyonJ;suoo posodoid Jo; alglsuodsaJ Allmoueuy pue Allebal Ailed eql we I legl puelsJapun pue 'aweu Aw u! Jol pa!ldde l!waad 6u!pl!nq Japp q-Jaumo ue of luesuoo pue to aaeme we I '0L--,"- -sJoloeJluoo pasueoll;noge uoyewJolw aaow Jol A06-eo-glso•mmM Jo (ZgLZ) 9-jso-6ZE-0o8-L le (9-1so) pJeoB asueo!l alels Sjojoejluoo eluJopeo egl;oe;uoo Aew I puelsJapun osle I •sluappoy lep;snpul;o uolsln!l] elwo;peo aq; pue 'sluauJAed;yaua8 to luawlJeda4 e!uaol!leo aql 'uolleJls!u!wpy ssau!sno Ilews sa;els pa;!un aq; 'ao!naas anuanaa lewalul ayl woJl ,JaAoldwa„ ue se suoye611go Aw 6u!pJe6ei uollewjolui aJouJ u!elgo Aew I pue;sJapun 1 '6 X) ao24 ►g CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 SMOKE DETECTOR AND CARBON MONOXIDE SELF -CERTIFICATION (this certification is to be filled out by the permittee or homeowner) Project Address: k-c o4LA. _ _ zLb& Permit Number: C - Property Owner - Licensed Contractor: Lic #: The State of California now requires that smoke and carbon monoxide detectors must be installed in all residential buildings California Residential Code (CRC) Section R314.1, CRC R315.2 states in part that existing dwellings be "retrofitted with smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. CRC Section R314.3, CRC R315.3 defines required locations. Both boxes below must be checked. Carbon Monoxide Alarm: On the ceiling or wall outside of each separate / sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of bedrooms or in each hallway outside of the rooms, and each level of the dwelling. Detectors are also required in bed s with gas fired appliances ❑ Smoke Alarms: Installed in each room used for sleeping purpose15, outside each sleeping area, and on each level of the dwelling unit. Retrofitted detectors may be battery operated for buildings where no alterations are performed on the interior. Multiple -purpose alarms (carbon monoxide and smoke alarms) shall comply with all applicable standards and must be approved by the State Fire Marshall. The devices must be installed per manufacturer's specifications. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the permittee or homeowner of the project. I .tber—ce i moke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms are prese nd to o be in tional in II the following locations: Signat I Date: t 30 !1623 NOTE: This se -certification s-o or projects to the exterior of the structure where access to the interior of the dwelling by the City of Newport Beach Building Inspector is not achieved during the course of construction. Forms\SmokeDetectorandCarbonMonoxideSelfCert 08/12/16