HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-04-10_BVAC_AgendaCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BALBOA VILLAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA ExplorOcean 600 East Bay Avenue Wednesday, April 10, 2013 - 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Committee Members: Michael Henn, Council Member (Chair) Tony Petros, Council Member Gloria Oakes — Balboa Peninsula Point Association Ralph Rodheim — Balboa Village BID Board Member Laura Keane — Central Newport Beach Community Association Tom Pollack — ExplorOcean Representative Jim Stratton — At -Large Representative Staff Members: Kimberly Brandt, Community Development Director Brenda Wisneski, Deputy Community Development Director Tony Brine, City Traffic Engineer Fern Nueno, Associate Planner I. Call Meeting to Order II. Public Comment on Non - Agendized Items (comments limited to 3 minutes) III. Approval of Minutes (Attachment 1) Recommended Action: Approve March 13, 2013 Minutes IV. Balboa Village Maintenance Schedule (Attachment 2) Recommended Action: Finalize and Approve Maintenance Action Plan & Schedule V. ULI Technical Assistance Panel - Tentative Date: September 11, 2013 (Attachment 3) Recommended Action: Informational Item. No action required. VI. Parking Field Work Update Recommended Action: Informational Item. No action required. VII. Subcommittee Updates i. Commercial Fagade Subcommittee ii. Parking Program Subcommittee VIII. Public Comment IX. Adjournment Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, May 8, 2013 4:00 p.m.to 5:30 p.m. Please refer to the City Website, httD:// www .newr)ortbeachca.00v /index.asi)x ?Dane =2196, for additional information regarding the Balboa Village Advisory Committee. AN AGENDA FOR THIS MEETING HAS BEEN POSTED AT LEAST 72 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING AND THE PUBLIC IS ALLOWED TO COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS. IT IS THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO COMPLY WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) IN ALL RESPECTS. IF, AS AN ATTENDEE OR A PARTICIPANT AT THIS MEETING, YOU WILL NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE BEYOND WHAT IS NORMALLY PROVIDED, THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH WILL ATTEMPT TO ACCOMMODATE YOU IN EVERY REASONABLE MANNER. PLEASE CONTACT LEILANI BROWN, CITY CLERK, AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING TO INFORM US OF YOUR PARTICULAR NEEDS AND TO DETERMINE IF ACCOMMODATION IS FEASIBLE (949 - 644 -3005 OR CITYCLERK@NEWPORTBEACHCA.GOVl. 1 ,6,43, 6, 2 Attachment 1 Draft March 13, 2013 Minutes 3 ,6,43, 6, w CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BALBOA VILLAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Location: ExplorOcean, 600 East Bay Avenue Wednesday, March 13, 2013 -4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Call Meeting to Order Council Member Henn called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. The following persons were in attendance: Committee Members: Michael Henn, Council Member (Chair) Tony Petros, Council Member Gloria Oakes — Balboa Peninsula Point Association Ralph Rodheim — Balboa Village BID Board Member Tom Pollack — ExplorOcean Representative Jim Stratton — At -Large Representative Absent: Laura Keane — Central Newport Beach Community Association Staff Members: %13. Kimberly Brandt, Community Development Director Brenda Wisneski, Deputy Community Development Director Tony Brine, City Traffic Engineer Fern Nueno, Associate Planner II. Public Comment on Non - Agendized Items (comments limited to 3 minutes) Interested parties were invited to address the Committee on Non - Agendized Items. There being no response, Chair Henn closed the Public Comments portion of the meeting. III. Approval of Minutes Recommended Action: Approve February 13, 2013 Minutes (Attachment 1) Committee Member Petros moved to approve the minutes of the February 13, 2013 meeting as amended, and Committee Member Oakes seconded the motion; and the motion carried with Committee Member Rodheim, abstaining. IV. Balboa Village Maintenance Action Plan (Attachment 2) 1. Review proposed modifications presented by BVAC members and Public Recommended Action: Approve Maintenance Action Plan Deputy Community Development Director Wisneski noted distribution of additional information regarding the Action Plan. Associate Planner Nueno presented details of the report including previous discussions regarding sidewalks relative to assuming maintenance of the Fun Zone Boardwalk area, implementing additional heavy -duty cleaning, and increasing steam cleaning from two per month to one or two times per week during summer. Additionally, 07 Balboa Village Advisory Committee 2 Meeting Minutes of March 13, 2013 discussions pertained to the area that is part of the Balboa Village boundary but not within the steam cleaning maintenance area along the eastern side on A Street and related costs. She noted that since the last meeting, it was requested to consider amending the schedule to address additional steam cleaning during special events. Ms Nueno addressed discussions related to trash receptacles and related costs for the various options. Discussion followed regarding the durability of painting the trash receptacles, the costs for new containers versus painting them, and their color. Chair Henn indicated he would accept leaving it up to the Municipal Operations Department to paint receptacles as needed and noting that when the Street Landscape Plan is reviewed consideration be given to replacing all of the lids in a manner consistent with the adopted design. Ms. Nueno addressed replacing twelve of the existing plastic receptacles with designer concrete receptacles, replacing all of them, and related costs. Discussion followed regarding the aesthetics of the proposed designer concrete receptacles and the possibility of considering the issue later when the Street Landscape Plan is discussed. The Committee directed staff to proceed with the replacement of twelve of the existing plastic containers but holding off on replacing the remainder until discussion of the Street Landscape Plan. Ms. Nueno addressed a map of "hot spots" of overflowing trash. She noted that the concrete receptacles are larger than those they are replacing which should alleviate the problem of overflowing trash. Staff was directed to work in cooperation with applicable organizations /individuals to address the issue of overflowing trash, at its discretion. Ensuing discussion pertained to encouraging business owners to maintain their trash receptacles and challenges communicating with and involving business owners. Ms. Nueno addressed plants and hanging pots and costs of painting and replacing and including the matter in the Street Landscape Plan. Staff was directed to maintain the hanging pots by replacing the plant material and consider replacement when the Street Landscape Plan is considered. Ms. Nueno reported that street sweeping occurs five times per week in the area, so the schedule would not need to be amended for special events. She announced an upcoming chalk drawing event and a request to slurry seal the streets (Washington Street) prior to that event but noted there is no time to get it done before the event. Discussion followed regarding the specific subject area and it was noted that if possible, staff will see to it that the project is done before the event. Discussion followed regarding the possibility of adding the item to the slurry cycle but it was noted that is usually done on a seven -year cycle. It was noted that the subject area is not very large and staff was directed to return with a calculation on the costs of slurry sealing the area on an annual basis. Ms. Nueno addressed a request to add electric outlets for decorations and reported that it is not possible to install them on the existing concrete poles and noted the increased costs to replace the poles and install outlets and circuits. Staff was directed to see if the matter can be addressed in the future by identifying the poles and getting an exact count and related costs. 0 Balboa Village Advisory Committee 3 Meeting Minutes of March 13, 2013 Committee Member Rodheim indicated that the BID can provide a map identifying the poles as well as a list of priorities. Discussion followed regarding action items from the last meeting and Ms. Nueno reported that staff was directed to place the item on the present agenda for additional comments and final action. Staff will confirm which action items need to be deferred to the next fiscal budget. Chair Henn felt that it would be beneficial to proceed with items that could be completed before this year's summer season. Staff was directed to confirm the specifics on this year's work plan. He clarified that the action item at this time would be to direct Mr. Harmon to finalize the plan based on discussions and confirm what can be done under this year's budget. Discussion followed regarding existing poles where there are opportunities to promote community events (i.e., banners). Staff noted there is a Council policy that specifies provision regarding the use of banners. It was noted that this would raise the visibility of Balboa Village and that the matter should be incorporated into the Street Landscape Plan for next year. Ensuing discussion pertained to making sure that business signs are not obscured and possible placement of the banners. Committee Member Rodheim moved to approve the Maintenance Action Plan as presented and discussed for execution by the Municipal Operation Department and Committee Member Pollack seconded the motion. Interested parties were invited to address the Committee on this item. Mr. Dildine addressed the plastic receptacle noting that they are often knocked over and need a better method of securing them. Chair Henn reported that the plastic receptacles are all going to be replaced. There being no others wishing to address the Committee, Chair Henn closed public comments for this item. The motion carried, unanimously. V. Commercial Facade Subcommittee Work Program (Attachment 3) Recommended Action: Review & Finalize Commercial Facade Work Program Committee Member Rodheim reported on recent meetings regarding the subject matter, that it is challenging and that the City has done a great job with the work program thus far. He reported that a local architectural firm, 1ZMK, developed (pro bono) a presentation of possibilities and concepts in order to facilitate the creation of architectural guidelines. It was noted that the intent is to keep Balboa Village with a historic look. He addressed the general area, existing buildings, parking, and the need for upgrading specific buildings to revitalize the building characters. The two cornerstones of the project will be the Balboa Theater and ExplorOcean. Committee Member Rodheim addressed existing conditions, predominant looks within the Village and keeping within those architectural styles. He reported that the fagade program is feasible and it was suggested that the next step would be to have the Urban Land Institute do a study. Chair Henn reported there is a resident who would be willing to underwrite the ULI process and addressed details of the process including a community outreach process. Staff has indicated a willingness to help with the process in order to develop the scope of the project. He noted that it could take place as early as May. Committee Member Rodheim addressed efforts of the subcommittee to learn about other cities that have gone IN Balboa Village Advisory Committee 4 Meeting Minutes of March 13, 2013 through similar renovations and that a report will be presented to the Committee in the near future. Discussion followed regarding other projects developed by ULI for the City. Council Member Petros reported that he is a Member of ULI and presented details of the process. He felt that the process is beneficial and that for the cost, it would build momentum and provide direction for the next tier and phasing of the plan. He offered to review and help with the matter. It was noted that representatives from 1ZMK have offered to help as well and a suggestion was made to schedule a special meeting of the BVAC to allow for a presentation from ULI representatives or have a small working group to spend the day with ULI and put together a construct. It was noted that the Urban Planning Department at USC has expressed interest in considering the Balboa Fun Zone and taking it on as a project for students. Community Development Director Brandt noted that the Facade Subcommittee has been established and suggested staff work with 1ZMK to initiate the project and present to the Subcommittee as well as work with ULI to develop a schedule. She reported that a defined scope can then be presented to the BVAC at its meeting in April. Staff will finalize the Commercial Facade Work Program. Discussion followed regarding inviting other agencies to observe the final presentation. Members of the Committee commended the Subcommittee and staff on the Work Program. Committee Member Rodheim moved to accept the Commercial Facade Work Program as amended and discussed and Committee Member Stratton seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. VI. Parking Program Subcommittee Work Program (Attachment 4) Recommended Action: Review & Finalize Parking Program Work Program Deputy Community Development Director Wisneski presented details of the report noting that the parameters of the Subcommittee have not yet been established. Council Member Petros felt that the plan presented in the agenda packet has been well put together. He felt that the best role of the Subcommittee would be to provide perspective at the onset from residents and owner /operators in the Village for context, to monitor the progress of the data collection, and to report back to the Committee, making sure that the points are congruent with the Master Plan and other objectives. Committee Member Stratton stated he agrees with the implementation and focus and responsibilities, especially with the opportunity to work with City staff and consultants on program details and return with recommendations to the BVAC. He indicated that his views have been expanded and stated that he is encouraged with the plan and especially working with staff. He indicated that he has some reservations regarding the Nelson /Nygaard contract but that further discussions will occur on the matter. Ms. Wisneski indicated that she will email the Subcommittee to schedule a kick -off meeting along with a list of expectations shortly as it relates to the field survey. Council Member Petros indicated that in terms of the overall work plan, the Subcommittee has captured what needs to be done in order to state that there is movement to achieve the goals and objectives of the Master Plan. Ms. Brandt noted that the Subcommittee can act independent of staff as well as engaging staff. Ms. Wisneski reported that the Subcommittee is not subject to the Brown Act and addressed the criteria related to f7 Balboa Village Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of March 13, 2013 Subcommittees. The Subcommittee is able to email each other as long as a fourth Committee Member is not included. She suggested directly all correspondence through staff and let staff distribute same. If information needs to be sent to the broader committee, staff will do so. Committee Member Petros moved to approve the Finalize Parking Program Work Program as presented and Committee Member Stratton seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. VII. Overview of Parking Field Work (Attachment 5) Ms. Wisneski reviewed the Parking Field Work that will be done by Nelson /Nygaard noting that it is a very important part of the parking strategy and leading to clear documentation of existing conditions and existing supply and demand. She addressed the purposes of the item and reported that Nelson /Nygaard will document existing supply in commercial and residential districts and occupancy turnover. Ms. Wisneski addressed the dates for conducting the initial survey. It was noted that one of the dates is Easter weekend, but she indicated that Nelson /Nygaard did not think that would have a significant impact since there are no special events planned. Brief discussion followed regarding Spring break impacts. 5 Council Member Petros expressed concerns with data collection relative to arriving at a conclusion of spill over from the duration of stay and license plates. He stated that a determination could be made regarding how long someone stays in a particular parking spot, but that classifying whether they are a resident or non - resident may involve more art than science. He felt that it wasn't clearly defined within the scope and that they may not be able to achieve that goal. He asked that Nelson /Nygaard be advised that one of the most important parts of the data collection is to obtain information regarding the spillover effect that is currently occurring. Discussion followed regarding clarification of specific survey questions and challenges with identifying who is parking in the RP3 (Residential Permit Parking Program) areas. Staff will schedule a meeting of the Subcommittee and it was requested that Nelson /Nygaard attend or teleconference in order to work through pending issues. VIII. Subcommittee Updates There were no further updates. IX. Public Comments Interested parties were invited to address the Committee. There was no response and Chair Henn closed the public comments portion of the meeting. X. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Committee, Chair Henn adjourned the meeting at 5:28 p.m. The next meeting date: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 0 ,6,43, 6, 10 Attachment 2 Balboa Village Maintenance Schedule 11 ,6,43, 6, 12 Balboa Village Maintenance Action Plan April 10, 2013 Action Current Budget Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Streetscape Plan Update 2014/2015 Steam Cleaning Assume Maintenance of Fun Zone boardwalk area Adams Street to A Street X Existing Balboa Village maintenance area X Additional area within Balboa Village boundary Main Street to A Street X Trash Receptacles Paint designer receptacle lids X Replace designer receptacle lids To be done at the discretion of MOD Repair receptacles as needed To be done at the discretion of MOD Replace plastic receptacles with stenciled kelp designer concrete receptacles X Replace all remaining non - designer receptacles with stenciled kelp designer concrete receptacles X Provide new or relocated receptacles in "hot spot' locations along the Bay Front To be done at the boardwalk and East Bay Avenue from Adams Street to Main Street discretion of MOD Plants and Containers Install new plant material X Paint ceramic planters that need to be touched up X Replace black ceramic planters with terra cotta X Plant material maintenance as needed To be done at the discretion of MOD -s ,6,43, 6, 14 Attachment 3 ULI Technical Assistance Panel 15 ,6,43, 6, 10 ABOUT THE URBAN LAND INSTITUTE The Urban Land Institute (ULI) was founded in 1936 as a non - profit organiza ion to conduct research, provide information and share best pra ices on all aspects of real estat development and land use policy... Today, ULI has ver 30,000 public and private sect members com- prised of profession in all as- pects of real estate =eve pment, ___�- policy, and regulation. It has 65 district councils in The Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, a worldwide staff of over 140, and a $38.7 - million annual operating budget. The ULI Orange County /Inland Em- pire is one of the 10 largest Dis- trict Councils worldwide with near- ly 1,000 members. Members are community builders. The activities of the ULI Orange County /Inland Empire are geared specifically to- wards local land use issues, but also towards issues that affect Southern California and California statewide. u hn, -,I 4 'y 4 d. , Orange County /Inland Empire SSUES: Bvelopment, Placemaking, relopment, Smart Growth, Development, Sustainability, tnerships, Workforce Housing, �ortation, Financing. For more information, please contactthe following ULI Orange County /Inland Empire member or staff: Vice Chair, Technical Assistance Panels John Shumway, The Concord Group (949) 717 -6450 Executive Director, ULI Orange County/ Inland Empire Phyllis Alzamora, 949-973 -0041 2082 Business Center Dr., Ste. 280 Irvine, CA 92612 Phone: 949913-0041 E mall: phyllis.alzamora @uli.org Website: http: / /orangecounty.uli.org TAPS PROVIDE OBJECTIVE, INDEPENDENT,AND PRAGMATIC ADVICE ON COMPLEX LAND USE ISSUES Orange County /Inland Empire 17 Y r z OW TECHNICAL w1 ASSISTANCE z PANELS z w W ao 0z oa J �z TAPS PROVIDE OBJECTIVE, INDEPENDENT,AND PRAGMATIC ADVICE ON COMPLEX LAND USE ISSUES Orange County /Inland Empire 17 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OVERVIEW PANELS Since 1947, the Urban Land Insti- tute's Advisory Services Program has been assisting communities by bringing together panels of sea- soned real estate, planning, financ- ing, marketing, and development specialists to provide unbiased, pragmatic advice on complex land use and development issues. Panels are organized as one -day, two-day, three -day or five -day pro- jects, depending on the complexity of the scope of work. Panels consist of 4-8 specialists, who are ULI members volun- teering their time to provide this community out- reach service to help make our (L to R) Roger Mobley, Jim Uai, communities Ray Silver, Jennifer LeFurgy and Dave Gilmour, working on the city better places. of San Juan Capistrano TAP. A fee is paid by the Sponsor to the ULI to cover ad- ministrative costs of the panel prep- aration and to support and encour- age the Institute's research and edu- cational programs. The ULI Orange County /Inland Em- pire organizes Technical Assistance Panels (TAPS) comprised of local ULI members, who collectively have var- ied and broad experience and knowledge applicable to particular problems to be considered. Panelists have experience in the planning, de- velopment and redevelopment of land and the ownership, manage- ment and financing of real property, specifically related to the designated study area. TAP panelists are screened to avoid potential conflicts of interest. FINAL REPORTS Panelists visit the study area and consult with stakeholders, represent- atives of relevant organizations, and /or other individuals familiar with the problems involved. At the con- clusion of a TAP, the panelists pre- sent their findings and recommenda- tions in a PowerPoint presentation and at the conclusion of the assign- ment, provide a written report of the study. The Sponsor requesting the TAP may make such use of the re- port as is deemed desirable. Karen Gulley, The Plan- ning Center, and Paul Martin, RBF Consulting, co- chaired the Ontario TOD TAP in October 2009. The panelists focused on TOD at the 250 -acre Meredith site. FEEDBACK AND RESULTS FROM RECENT PANELS: County of Orange (April 2011) "The TAP process was successful in engag- ing elected officials, community members, business owners and stakeholders to col- laborate on a study of the possibilities for a significant County asset. Talented profes- sionals offered an analysis to support com- prehensive development scenarios and a wide range of creative recommendations within a limited timeframe. Impressivel' Joseph Edwards, Div. Mgr, OC Facilities & Real Estate, OC Public Works City of Ontario (Sept 2009) "The ULI TAP helped the City reach out to stakeholders and the community on a large parcel of land strategically located within a high - growth area. TAPs are an excellent way to initiate the community outreach as- pect of good land use planning," —Jerry Blum, Planning Director City of Anaheim (Sept 2008 /Feb. 2009) "ULI provided the City with high - quality ad- visory services from a diverse team of ex- perts that could not be obtained through a single consultant," — Natalie Meeks, Public Works Director WA