HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-02-12_Approved_MinutesCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BALBOA VILLAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Location: ExplorOcean 600 East Bay Avenue Wednesday, February 12, 2014 - 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Call Meeting to Order Council Member /Chair Henn called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. He introduced and thanked those in attendance participating in the process. The following persons were in attendance: Balboa Village Advisory Committee Members: Michael Henn, Council Member (Chair) Tony Petros, Council Member Gloria Oakes, Balboa Peninsula Point Association Ralph Rodheim, Balboa Village Merchant Association Member Grace Dove, Central Newport Beach Community Association Tom Pollack, ExplorOcean Representative Jim Stratton, At -Large Representative Staff Members: Kimberly Brandt, Community Development Director Fern Nueno, Associate Planner IL Public Comment on Non - Agendized Items Interested parties were invited to address the Committee on Non - Agendized Items. Jim Mosher shared details of the prior night's City Council meeting, noting amendments to the code concerning the Balboa Village parking program. Chair Henn stated that he was aware of these amendments. Chair Henn noted Michael Toerge's attendance at the meeting and thanked him for his presence. Mr. Toerge is running for City Council in Nancy Gardner's district and has served on the Planning Commission. There being no others wishing to address the Committee, Chair Henn closed the Public Comment on Non - Agenda Items portion of the meeting. III. Approval of Minutes Recommended Action: Approve January 8, 2014 Minutes Jim Mosher stated that his comments on the bottom of page three should be clarified to say, "Land Use Element Amendment Advisory Committee." Action: Committee Member Rodheim moved to approve the minutes of the January 8, 2014 meeting as amended, Committee Member Pollock seconded the motion; which carried with Council Member Petros abstaining, as he was absent at the January 8`h meeting (6 ayes, 1 abstain, 0 noes). IV. Review 2014 Work Program Recommended Action: Finalize 2014 Work Program Chair Henn introduced the item and deferred to staff for a presentation Associate Planner Fern Nueno discussed the background of the Work Program, completed and ongoing tasks, and how it continues to evolve and develop. Community Development Director Kimberly Brandt stated that City Council approved the initiation of the amendments last night and it includes the comprehensive parking strategy, zoning code, and residential parking. Staff may now begin to study it with Jim Campbell as the project manager. Public workshops will be held, as well as public hearings, appearances at the Planning Commission, and review from the Balboa Village Advisory Committee. Once all the amendments and programs have been approved by Council, the Coastal Commission Application can be completed and submitted. In regards to the Special Events Initiative and the Urban Land Institute report, Committee Member Rodheim thanked the City for the Christmas event, noting that the Spring event will take place on April 13th. The process for immediate approval of location of certain special events at the Palm Street parking lot is in progress, and he noted that City assistance is greatly appreciated. Kimberly Brandt noted that it requires a special permit, which is already in progress. Ms. Nueno highlighted the different improvement programs, with recommendations to hire outside consultants for certain programs that require more expertise. Chair Henn noted that he would like to not wait until July 1, the beginning of the financial year, to contract outside consultants. He would like to move more quickly with these items and will explore the financial options with the City Manager. Council Member Petros added that with the momentum gained from last night's City Council meeting, he concurs that we should not wait until July 1 s` to retain a consultant. He mentioned that the Bicycle Master Plan (BMP) Oversight Committee is reviewing draft bikeways plan, and that this is an opportunity to integrate the recommendations within the Balboa Village Master Plan into the BMP. It was determined that the BVAC would invite the BMP bicycle consultant and staff to the March meeting to provide Committee Members an opportunity to hear about the BMP and submit comments. Committee Member Stratton noted his hesitation in hiring another outside consultant. The City has paid the consulting firms of Walker, Nelson \Nygaard, and Cindy Nelson with the Citizen Advisory Panel, which have recommended multiple things that are all the same regarding the development and revitalization of Balboa Village. If we were to hire another consultant, he would like to see very specific recommendations instead of general thoughts and ideas. Kimberly Brandt stated that there are some consulting firms they have in mind, and once the funding is available, they can look into further options. Discussion carried regarding which items would be appropriate for future agendas, as well as public streetscapes. Grace Dove urged that all details be discussed, including specific pros and cons, such as impacts of bike storage lockers and bike share. In response to public comment, the remaining budget and funding for BVAC were discussed. Chair Henn noted that he is anxious to move through this rapidly and complete the planning effort. Discussion followed regarding the role of the Committee and staff. Kimberly Brandt explained the process of approvals and amendments and when it will return to this Committee, and provided recommendation on the public involvement portion. Council Member Petros stated that he hopes the findings from the outside consultants provide useful recommendations for getting people around the City. He suggested that wayfinding is more than just signage and should include directing people with landscaping, colors, pavement, etc. Action: Chair Henn moved to finalize the work program and request funds for an outside consultant at an accelerated rate, Committee Member Rodheim seconded the motion; which carried unanimously. V. Urban Land Institute Report Recommended Action: Recommend strategies to include in 2014 Work Program Fern Nueno presented the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Report, going through the booklet to review and describe each of the components in the report and requested feedback on specific recommendations. The theme under the public realm included alternative transportation and restaurant attraction. In form based code recommendations, issues of parking and new developments were outlined. A slideshow was presented that highlighted each component of the report. Discussion carried regarding alternative transportation such as a trolley and water taxi. Committee Member Dove noted that alternative transportation ideas have failed in the past and the committee should analyze why that has happened and if the conditions are similar now, prior to implementing any changes. It was stated that this item can be agendized for future meetings and does not have to be solved in one meeting. The committee stated a desire to delete the form based codes and the Central Plaza from the recommendations. It was determined that the ideas behind the form based codes would be used when reviewing and implementing the design guidelines. Attracting more quality restaurants is a topic that could be tabled until further notice. Signage and outdoor dining is still on the forefront of the discussions, as they will encourage Balboa Village to be successful. Signage and streetscape were focal points of interest amongst the Committee. Ms. Nueno presented the public events and ideas that would bring residents together, such as art shows, farmers market, craft beer festival, and Taste of Balboa. Committee Member Rodheim stated that the spring event in April will include a vintage car element. Staff will include all the discussed recommendations in the 2014 schedule and present it to the Committee at the next meeting. Action: The committee concurred in supporting the recommendations within the ULI Technical Assistance Panel report, with the exception of form based codes and the Central Plaza. VI. Public Comment — None. VII. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Balboa Village Advisory Committee, Chair Henn adjourned the meeting at 5:24 p.m. Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.