HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 - Division of Oil - Gas - Geothermal Resources• CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 3 February 13, 2007 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Utilities Pete Antista, Utilities Director 949 -718 -3400 or pantista @city.newport- beach.ca.us SUBJECT: DESIGNATION OF LIAISON AGENT FOR THE DIVISION OF OIL, GAS, AND GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt Resolution No. appointing a City agent for the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources. • 2. Authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute a "Designation of Agent" form, naming the Utilities Manager, Ed Burt, to serve as the City of Newport Beach's Liaison Agent regarding matters pertaining to the operation and maintenance of the City's oil and gas facilities, as regulated by the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources. DISCUSSION: The Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources is requesting that the City update their designation of agent information. Eldon Davidson is currently listed as the City's designated agent. It is recommended that the Mayor and the City Clerk execute the attached "Designation of Agent" form appointing Ed Burt, Utilities Department Division Manager, as the City's agent. The City's agent will receive all official notices and correspondence, coordinate monthly or annual reports, and act as liaison for operational concerns. The Utilities Department is responsible for managing the operation and maintenance of the City's oil and gas facilities. Designating Ed Burt as the City's agent will provide direct communication between the Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources and the City's staff that are in responsible charge of the day - to-day oil well operations. • Environmental Review: This action requires no environmental review. Funding Availability: Not Applicable Prepared by: Cindy A. A6her Administrative Manager Designation of Liaison Agent for Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources February 13, 2007 Page 2 Submitted by: Pete Antista Utilities Director • Attachments: Designation of Agent Form • Resolution • • • STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION DMSION OF OIL, GAS, AND GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES DESIGNATION OF AGENT (For Corporations Only) In compliance with Section 3200 of the Public Resources Code, notice is hereby given and we hereby certify that City of Newport Beach (Nance of Opera" a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California by resolution of its board of directors, has appointed, authorized, and empowered (Name of mtlividuag whoseaddress( where legalpapersmaybeserved )is3300 Newport B1vd.r. P.O. Box 1768 ' - (Saeetaddrees artdP.a Sox) City of Newport Beach California 92658 -8915 ( 949 ) 655 -3011 ,as its (City) (Zip Code) (Telephone NamDO agent for the State of California' upon whom all orders, notices, and processes of the Supervisor or any court of law may be served. This notice revokes all former appointments made for this purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the corporation has caused this certificate to be signed by its P96�00 "and attested by its Ppl;t9W on (Date) (Year) Attest: (SW8ft *cr"e jr City Clerk La yos.na Harkless (Hinted or Typed Name) CORPORATESEAL NOTE: An operator may appoint himself or herself as agent. By Mayor (Slgnawre of me City Clerk Mayor Steven ROsankkV (Primed or Typed Name) City of Newport Beach (Printed or typed Name of openutO Acceptance of Appointment as Agent Accepted (Signature) (Data) Sec. 3200. Every owner or operator of any well shall designate an agent, giving his or her address, who resides In this state, to receive and accept service of all orders, notices, and processes of the supervisor or any court of law. Every person so appointing an agent shall, within five days after the termination of the agency, notify the supervisor, In writing, of the termination, and unless operations are discontinued, shall appoint a new agent ! Should the owner or operator filing this loin choose to appoint more than one agent, the phrase "the State of California" should be deleted and the exact area for which the agent is to be appointed should be Inserted in the blank If more space is needed, please use the reverse side. A separate forth must be filed for each agent appointed. OG134A (7/98) RESOLUTION NO. 2007- A. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DESIGNATING AN AGENT FOR THE DIVISION OF OIL, GAS, AND THERMAL RESOURCES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY RESOLVES, DETERMINES, AND ORDERS AS FOLLOWS: THAT the Utilities Operations Manager, Ed Burt, be appointed as the City of Newport Beach's agent to the Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources • for the State of California, Department of Conservation. THAT the City of Newport Beach, a public entity established under the laws of the State of California, hereby authorizes its agent to receive all orders, notices, and processes of the Supervisor or any court of law. Adopted this day of 2007. Mayor ATTEST: CITY CLERK • y� STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION DIVISION OF OIL, GAS, AND GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES DESIGNATION OF AGENT (For Corporations Only) In compliance with Section 3200 of the Public Resources Code, notice is hereby given and we hereby certify Citv of Newport Beach (Name of operator) a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Ca 1 i f o rn i a by resolution of its board of directors, has appointed, authorized, and empowered Ed Burl: (Name oflndlviduag whose address (where legal papers may be served) is 3 3 00 Newport Blyd.r P.O. Box 1768 (Sheet Address and P.O. Box) City of Newport Beach California 92658 -8915 ( 949 ) 655 -3011 ,assts (City) (Zip Code) (Telephone Number) agent for the State of California* upon whom all orders, notices, and processes of the Supervisor or any court of law may be served. This notice revokes all former appointments made for this purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the corporation has caused this certificate to be signed by its Fools firYand attested by its $g'c/ gf?'r)/on February 13 2007 City Clerk I yapae_ iiarkIle Q (Printed or Typed Name) SEA[ NOTE: An operator may appoint himself or herself as agent. By (Pentad or Typed Name) City of Newport Beach (Printed or Typed Name of Operator) Acceptance of Appointment as Agent: Accepted (Signature) (Date) Sec. 3200. Every owner or operator of any well shall designate an agent, giving his or her address, who resides in this state, to receive and accept service of all orders, notices, and processes of the supervisor or any court of law. Every person so appointing an agent shall, within five days after the termination of the agency, notify the supervisor, in writing, of the termination, and unless operations are discontinued, shall appoint a new agent. * Should the owner or operator filing this forth choose to appoint more than one agent, the phrase "the State of Cal'Ifomia" should be deleted and the exact area for which the agent is to be appointed should be inserted in the blank. If more space is needed, please use the reverse side. A separate forth must be filed for each agent appointed. OG134A (7/85)