HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/12/2013 - City Arts Commission - Approved Minutes 1 Newport Beach City Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Thursday, December 12, 2013 – 5:00pm Central Library Friends Meeting Room Convened at 5:00pm 1) Call Meeting to Order Chair Goldberg called the meeting to order. 2) Roll Call Commissioners Present: Rita Goldberg, Chair Arlene Greer, Vice Chair Caroline Logan, Secretary Michaell Magrutsche Charles Ware Robert Smith Judy Chang Staff Present: Tim Hetherton, Acting Library Services Director Elaine McMillion, Administrative Assistant Tara Finnigan, Public Information Manager Council Present: Nancy Gardner, Council Member Public Present: Jill Johnson-Tucker, Board of Library Trustees Chair Jim Mosher, Resident Nicole Shine, Orange County Register Reporter Richard Stein, Arts Orange County Executive Director 3) Public Comments Jim Mosher thanked the City Arts Commissioners and commented on the Sculpture Exhibition in the Park. If the plan is to have ten sculptures he thought it would be nice if the City had thirty proposals and the ten finalists were selected by some kind of a public contest. He felt this would give more publicity and public involvement, and that the public should get to choose what they want to see, instead of someone more sophisticated telling the public what he or she should like. 4) Approval of Minutes Commissioner Magrutsche noted that at the November meeting, there had been discussion about attaining a description of the Ad Hoc Committees. Page 5 of the minutes states the Master Public Art Site Plan Ad Hoc Committee, and it should be noted as Art Site Suitability Ad Hoc Committee. Chair Goldberg noted that at the November 14th meeting, it was called Master Public Art Site Plan Ad Hoc Committee and corrected on this meeting agenda and noted correctly as Art Site Suitability Ad Hoc Committee. The minutes are correct and no revisions are necessary, due to it being noted correctly on the agenda for this meeting. Commissioner Ware noted that he did not second any motion submitting Cultural Arts Grants 2 as he was unclear on the objectives and criteria for making decisions on the grants. Where he is noted as seconding a motion, this should be omitted and the record should reflect the fact that he abstained from voting. He noted that the selection process should be improved on the scoring system as they utilize taxpayer dollars. Chair Goldberg noted that the directives had been used in the past and could form a subcommittee in moving forward on this subject. On the Council Policy I-11 discussion, Commissioner Ware noted that he had suggested that the idea of donating art to the City and storing it for potential use should be evaluated as an idea and would like to see his comments reflected in the minutes. He further noted that the storage costs and the donation process may not result in high quality work. Commissioner Greer noted that with respect to Commissioner Ware’s comments, she had noted the criteria in the application process and stated this in each and every question. This matter is evaluated every year for additional comments to the application and a committee had met again, concluding that this was sufficient. However next year it will be reevaluated and she looks forward to Commissioner Ware’s comments at that time, and this should be noted as well. It was moved and seconded (Commissioner Greer/Commissioner Ware) to approve the November 14, 2013 minutes as submitted with the changes stated. Motion carried by all Commissioners in attendance. It was moved and seconded (Commissioner Greer/Commissioner Ware) to approve the November 25, 2013 minutes as submitted. Motion carried by all Commissioners in attendance.. Chair Goldberg noted all of the City Arts Grants. Staff noted that grant checks will be given to The Grants award recipients at the January 14, 2014 City Council meeting 5) Current Business A. Consent Calendar - 1. Cultural Arts Activities - Monthly review of cultural arts activities from the Library Administrative Office for upcoming Library and City arts events and services. 2. Correspondence and Press - Review of Arts Commission correspondence and/or marketing materials. 3. Financial Report - Review of attached financial information. Chair Goldberg asked staff for clarification regarding the procedure for the Consent Calendar items, as the monthly reports tend to overlap these items. Library Services Director (Acting) Tim Hetherton explained that this portion of the agenda is used to pull any items pertaining to the Cultural Arts activities and financial report for further discussion as needed. Chair Goldberg opened for any discussion on the Consent Calendar items. There were none. B. Items for Review and Possible Action – 3 1. Newport Beach Sculpture Exhibition Project update from Richard Stein of Arts Orange County Richard Stein of Arts Orange County gave an update on the progress of this project. The first orientation meeting will be held in the upcoming weekend. He wanted to introduce himself and meet the commissioners. From their point of view, this a very exciting project and he noted that the City Arts Commission should be applauded in their efforts on this project. He opened the floor for any questions and noted that after the orientation meeting they will start moving forward. Commissioner Ware asked how public comment and engagement will take place. Chair Goldberg asked Council Member Gardner if the City Arts Commission (CAC) will be allowed comment at this juncture. Council Member Gardner stated they may and that some commissions have allowed public comment after each item is presented. Commissioner Ware noted that there are three members on the Newport Beach Civic Center Sculpture Garden Ad Hoc Committee, and asked if they will need to have public engagement at those meetings. Chair Goldberg noted that from her understanding, the City has obtained the team of Arts Orange County and their authorities to outreach to all artists for sculpture submissions. Then there is a vetting process by Arts Orange County, curators, and other experts that will be brought on board as part of the team. Once that process is complete it will come to the CAC for the final review. She then asked how many sculptures will be brought to the table when the project comes back to the CAC. Mr. Stein noted that they expect that there will be ten sculptures plus three alternates, all of which will have been voted on by the jury that will be comprised of experts and the above noted Ad Hoc Committee. Commissioner Ware asked about the upfront objectives and storyline that is supposed to go into establishing this or if it is formed by public comment. Commissioner Smith noted that as Chair of Ad Hoc Committee that he envisions Commissioners Ware and Goldberg and himself will work through the details and that Arts Orange County would come and report back to this committee. Commissioner Ware stated he is asking a third time about the public involvement. Council Member Gardner answered that this would be up to the Ad Hoc Committee and that they would work with Mr. Stein. Commissioner Smith noted that they could look into this further at the kick-off meeting. Commissioner Ware noted that since it is not answered at this point, it will later be addressed. Chair Goldberg thanked Mr. Stein for his presentations and the Arts Commissioners are looking forward to this exciting process. 4 C. Monthly Reports - 1. Newport Beach Civic Center Sculpture Garden Ad Hoc Committee Commissioner Smith noted that they have a contract signed with Arts Orange County (AOC) and that AOC have some very distinguished personnel involved in this process to select the sculpture. 2. Fine Arts Ad Hoc Committee Sub Committee Chair Arlene Greer made a request to add Commissioner Chang to this committee, which would include Commissioners Greer and Magrutsche. It was moved and seconded (Commissioner Greer/Commissioner Smith) to add Commissioner Judy Chang to the Fine Arts Ad Hoc Committee. Motion carried. The Hilbert Exhibition has been well received. The second installation of this exhibit, California Scene Paintings by Millard Sheets is currently on exhibit at the City Central Library, and the wireless art has been re-installed in the Central Library display cabinets. Information on this exhibit is available in the Central Library lobby, the City Winter Navigator, and the City website. The last installation of this exhibit will be displayed in February 2014 and end in May 2014. Artist’s applications have been submitted for requests to exhibit their art at the Library in 2015-2016. The committee will review these applications and provide the final report of selections after the New Year. The 2014 Newport Beach Art Exhibition and Sale will be held in the Civic Center Community Room on Saturday, June 7, 2014. This committee will report the planning details for this event at subsequent meetings, and has been publicized in the Winter Navigator and on the City of Newport Beach website. 3. Museum Tour Ad Hoc Committee The LACMA / Los Angeles County Museum of Art /Arts Commission Tour is scheduled on Tuesday, March 4, 2014. The tour group will check in at the City Central Library and at 9:30am will depart by luxury coach to LACMA. Cost is $75.00 per person. The participants will meet their appointed docent at LACMA and view James Turrell, A Retrospective, Alexander Calder, from Abstraction to Iconic, fifty Calder works curated by Architect, Frank Gehry, Metropolis and the outdoor exhibit, Levitated Mass. Additional information can be referenced in the Winter Navigator. 4. Arts Foundation Liaison Ad Hoc Committee Commissioner Smith discussed that Art in the Park had approximately 70 artists participating and the Arts Foundation grossed about $5,000. They would like to donate a piece of glass art to the Civic Center with the money earned. November 20th is Night at the Gallery, and all Commissioners are invited to attend the tour, wine, and cheese night, held in Santa Ana at 7pm. 5. Cultural Arts Grants Ad Hoc Committee Commissioner Magrutsche had a meeting with Commissioner Logan, at which time she handed over all information and documents. The vision of the committee was clarified and a seven step 5 process was established, which is always open to suggestions. Commissioner Ware came up with a new name, Art Site Suitability Ad-Hoc Committee, which will be placed on the next Consent Calendar for discussion and voting. Vice Chair Greer noted that there is a more proactive effort to place art in the Civic Center and that this committee will be able to evaluate suitability. 6. Art Site Suitability Ad Hoc Committee Commissioner Magrutsche noted that he had a meeting with Commissioner Ware and they are ready to present the document to Library Services Director (Acting) Tim Hetherton , where the Commission can then work in unison. Commissioner Ware added that a written request has been submitted through the City and that the project relies on assistance in order to conduct the necessary inventories to define site suitability. Chair Goldberg noted that she hopes that after this is completed, there will no longer be bare walls. Commissioner Ware added that more is not necessarily better. 7. Civic Center Art Placement Ad Hoc Committee Chair Goldberg noted there is nothing to report. 8. Art Owned by the City of Newport Beach Ad Hoc Committee Vice Chair Greer explained that at the advice of Acting Library Director Hetherton, they were advised to wait. Acting Library Director Hetherton added that the information is in from the City Attorney but there was not enough time to prepare a presentation for this meeting. Vice Chair Greer noted that they will meet again after the first of the year to discuss the Master Site Plan and match what they have been presented with. 6) City Arts Commission Announcements or Matters Which Members Would Like Placed on a Future Agenda for Discussion, Action or Report (Non-Discussion Item) Commissioner Ware noted that at the last meeting, he had requested that the CAC meet with the City to revisit the by-laws, and commissioner responsibility. He noted that there is a need to clarify the by-laws. He would like a copy of the by-laws to discuss at the next meeting. Chair Goldberg asked that a copy of the by-laws be available at the next meeting to review and discuss. Commissioner Greer noted that all of this information is available on the City website and added that Elaine McMillion, Administrative Assistant, can help navigate the site. Commissioner Ware noted that while this is available, there is conflicting information. 6 Council Member Gardner added that there is a new development agreement and there will be TBID money available for and this review would be timely. 7) Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items Jim Mosher asked about the plans to extract money from development for a permanent art installation in the City and how the program would work. Since 2009, the City has participated in the Tourism Bid and through taxing the hotel guests, the money is collected and goes back to the company that books rooms. This program needs to be renewed and the CAC should discuss how the money is spent, with a claim of putting $150,000 a year towards cultural arts. Also, the Board of Library Trustees is hiring a new Library Services Director and at the last meeting, there was an update on the process. There are 74 applications, and on December 16, there will be an all-day assessment to screen candidates. 8) Adjournment – 5:37 p.m. Submitted by: Rita Goldberg Chair Approval of Minutes