HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/06/1984 - PB&R CommissionMotion Second Ayes Absent Motion Second Ayes Absent Item No. 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission N %L G MARCH 6, 1984 2���9� City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Call to Order Roll Call Minutes/ 2/74184 Agenda/ Adoption Beach Closure Times Ex- Officio Member Present: Ronald Whitley, Director Staff Present: Tom Line, Recreation Superinten- dent Joanne Baade, Secretary to the Mayor /Administration I. PROCEDURAL MATTERS Item No. 1 The meeting of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Item No. 2 Roll Call was taken. Commissioners Capretz, Cohen, Ae Boom, Hopkins and King were present. Commissioners Springer and Stuart were absent and deemed excused. Item No. 3 x On a motion by Commissioner King, duly seconded and carried, x the minutes of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission x x x x x meeting of February 7., 1984 were approved as written. X x Item No. 4 x On a motion by Commissioner de Boom, duly seconded and x carried, the agenda was adopted as amended. x x x x x x II. ACTION ITEMS Item No. 5 - Proposed Modification of Beach Closure Times Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director Whitley reviewed the background of this agenda item, advising that at its last meeting, the Commission directed that a Beach Closure Commit- tee be formed to study the issue of possibly modifying the beach closure time and /or the necessity for additional enforcement.efforts. Commissioner Cohen reported that the Beach Closure Committee met on February 28th. Participants at the subject,meeting included Mr. Bauman, Mr..and Mrs. Mitghell (Wedge area residents), representatives from the Peninsula Point Call to Order Roll Call Minutes/ 2/74184 Agenda/ Adoption Beach Closure Times CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission NG MARCH 6, 1984 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Association, Balboa Improvement Association, West Newport Association, Balboa Merchants Association, as well as Commissioner Hopkins and herself. Commissioner Cohen reported that after considerable deliberation, the Committee agreed that a recommendation should be submitted to the City Council suggesting that it consider two alternatives: 1) That the beaches be open until midnight as the present law allows, with the provision of additional police enforcement to•carry out the vacation of the beaches;-or 2) That the beaches be closed at 10:00 p.m. throughout the City to con- form with the present closing time of the Corona del Mar beach. It was noted that the Balboa Merchants Association repre- sentative opposed closing the beaches at 10:00 p.m. inasmuch as beach visitors are potential customers for the area merchants. In addition, the West Newport Community Associa- tion opposes a time change as they feel a 10:00 p.m. closing would be a burden to those residents desiring to use the beach until midnight. Lieut. Don Chandler of the Police Department appeared before the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission to discuss the procedures currently utilized by the Department in its attempts to enforce the beach closure times. During the course of his presentation, Lieut. Chandler commented that the beach area of the City is divided into three beats for which three officers are responsible. As time and circum- stances permit, these officers try to enforce the beach closure times. Often this enforcement is aided by the police helicopter which alerts appropriate police units to illegal beach activity. In, answer to a question by the Commission, Lieut. Chandler explained the difficulty of estimating what the additional cost to the City would be to effectively secure the beach at 10:00 p.m., and also commented on the present freeze on hiring additional police officers. In answer to a Commission inquiry, Lieut. Chandler opined that it would be easier to enforce a midnight beach closure time, rather than a 10:00 p.m, closure time,,since fewer people would likely be on the beach. When advised that Sgt. Fletcher previously commented that it would probably be easi- er to enforce a 10:00 p.m. closure in light of the 12:00 a.m. f shift changes, Lieut. Chandler reported that overlap units are available so that all officers are not taken off duty at the same time. -2- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH N Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission O MARCH 6, 1984 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Buddy Belshe of the Marine Department addressed the Commis- sion and speculated.that if the Department were to try to enforce the beach closure from E Street to the Wedge, it would take one more unit working from 9:45 p:m. to midnight. If they were to try to enforce the beach closure times for the City's entire 6.1 miles of beach, Mr. Belshe esti- mated that three additional units would be required. Chairman Hopkins.invited public testimony and Charles Bauman, 2150 Miramar Drive, appeared before the Commission to urge that additional beach signs be posted advising of the beach closure time. Motion x Following review, motion was made that the Parks, Beaches and Second x Recreation Commission recommend to the City Council that it Ayes x x x x examine two alternatives: 1) That the beach from E Street Nays x to the Wedge be open until midnight with the provision of Ab(' \t x x additional police enforcement; or 2) Consider closing the beach at 10:00 p.m. to conform with the closing of the Corona del Mar Beach. In addition, that signs be posted on the beach in the area of E Street to the Wedge notifying people of the beach closure time. Motion carried. Commissioner King requested,that, the record.show that he opposed the motion inasmuch as he was in favor of the second portion of the motion, but opposed the first part. Item No. 6 - Theatre'Arts Center Marquee TAC Marquee Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director Whitley reviewed the background of this agenda item. During,the course of his presentation, Mr. Whitley reported that a marquee has been displayed at the Theatre Arts Center for a number of years. In June of 1981, a petition was circulated in the neighbor - hood, which was signed by eighteen residents, opposing the degree of sign illumination. Mr. Whitley went on to state that during renovation of the,Theatre Arts Center, the sign was removed for a six -month period. The sign has been reinstalled and consequently a letter has been received from Barbara J. Winston, along with a copy of the original peti- tion, again opposing the subject marquee. Citing the respect that staff has for both the Theatre Arts Center and neighbor- ing residents, staff has elected to �$Aey, neutral on this issue and to leave the decision to the _Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. -3- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission N 2 G MARCH 6, 1984 ��tn,�� City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Mr. Whitley then reviewed specifics relating to the sign, focusing on staff's efforts to reduce the wattage of the sign, the ,purpose of the marquee, size of the sign, as well as the problems associated with relocating the sign to other locations on the property. Chairman Hopkins invited public testimony and Mr, and Mrs. Winston, 2500 Cliff Drive, appeared before the Commission and spoke in opposition to the marquee as they felt such a sign is inappropriate in a residential neighborhood. In addition, Mr. and Mrs. Winston commented that the enjoyment of their home is diminished due to the light cast into their home by the subject sign. Mr. Winston also alleged that a traffic hazard is caused by the marquee since it is not visible to Cliff Drive travelers until they are directly opposite the sign. Mr. Winston deemed such a situation to be dangerous inasmuch as cars often travel at a high rate of speed around the curve on Cliff Drive and then suddenly are distracted by the marquee. It was therefore suggested by Mr. Winston that a new two -sided sign, angled at such a way as to be visible to travelers on Cliff Drive, should be erected. In addition to solving the alleged traffic hazard, Mr. Winston doubted that such a sign would be offensive to any of the area residents. James Slack appeared before the Commission on behalf of Jerry Hastings, President of the Theatre Arts,Center, and voiced his opinion that the sign is inoffensive and neces- sary for the continued operation of the Center. In rebuttal to Mr. Winston's allegation that the sign creates a traffic hazard, Mr. Slack opined that the sign is amply visible to Cliff Drive travelers. Greg Jessop, 2420 Cliff Drive, appeared before the Commis- sion and spoke in opposition to a lighted sign at the sub- ject location as he felt same to be contrary to the sur- rounding residential area. Discussion of this issue was deferred to the next meeting of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission to enable Commissioners to view the subject marquee and to allow staff time to prepare a list of alternatives for the Commission's consideration. -4- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH N Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission (P MARCH 6, 1984 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Item No. 7 - Request for Use of North Star Beach by Imua North Star Canoe Club Beach /Imua Canoe Club Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director Whitley advised that there are two separate requests before the Commission this evening for use of North Star Beach -- one request is from the Imua Canoe Club, and the other request is from the Girl Scouts. Mr. Whitley reviewed that the North Star Beach area went through a tentative agreement with a non- profit corporation that proposed to build an aquatics facility on the site that went to a vote of the citizens of Newport Beach and was overwhelmingly passed. To update the Commission on the status of the aquatics center, Mr. Whitley advised that Bill Whitford "has been invited to the meeting. Bill Whitford, a member of the non - profit corporation that is building the aquatics center, presented a slide presen- f tation which depicts the plans for the aquatics facility. Chairman Hopkins invited public testimony and Dennis Campbell, Coach of the Imua Outrigger Canoe Club, appeared before the Commission. Mr. Campbell advised that the Imua Outrigger Canoe Club formerly used the Newport Dunes for its operations; however, since the Dunes has received approval to start construction of a hotel and additional boat docks, they were asked to leave. Mr. Campbell advised that the Club has considered numerous locations for their operations, but feel that North Star Beach is their only viable alternative. Since North Star Beach does not have a parking lot, Mr. Campbell advised that the Club members could utilize the parking area in West Cliff Park (at Polaris) and then walk the 3110's of a mile to the beach. It was noted that the parking lot has space for 30 -40 cars which would accommodate most of their vehicles. During the course of his presentation, Mr. Campbell commented on their desire to not upset the adjacent residents, especially in light of the planned aquatics center which will be.taking up full residence at the Beach. Mr. Campbell then reviewed the operations of the Club, focusing on hours of operation and their need for a boat storage location. Edwin Amiss, Vice - President of the Dover Shores Community Association, appeared before the Commission on behalf of the Dover Shores Board. Mr. Amiss commented that the Board .� does not have a detailed plan before them and hence are requesting that they be provided with such a plan prior to Commission action. During his presentation, Mr. Amies remarked on the significant foot traffic that would be -5- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission 9 N-A �^ MARCH 6, 1984 5 7a City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX generated by the Club members parking so far away. Addi- tionally, Mr. Amies voiced concern with the Imua Canoe Club utilizing the North Star Beach inasmuch as it is polluted and posted unsafe for swimming. Bob Caminetti, 112 -36th Street, addressed the Commission and urged that the Imua Outrigger Canoe Club be permitted to utilize the North Star Beach. Tom Hynes, 19th Street and Bay Avenue, appeared before the Commission and spoke on.behalf of the Imua Canoe Club, advising that he has lived in the immediate area of the Club and has found them to be generally good neighbors. In answer to a question by the Commission as to his feelings on the Imua Canoe Club utilizing the North Star Beach, Bill Whitford commented that he is somewhat concerned about the problems that might arise which may possibly cause a disruption of the aquatics center's progress. A general discussion ensued with the Commission deciding to continue this issue to enable the Imua Canoe Club to prepare a specific proposal in re their request. Chairman Hopkins urged that some effort be made by the Club to work with the Dover Shores Community Association and Bill Whit- ford in an attempt to remedy or alleviate concerns by the involved parties. "This issue will be placed on the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission agenda for April 3, 1984. Item No. 7(a) - Request for Use of North Star Beach by North Stai Beach /Girl Girl Scouts Scouts Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director Whitley reviewed the letter dated February 16, 1984 from the Girl Scout Council of Orange County, which requests permission to utilize North Star Beach for the weekend.of May 18 -20, 1984. ,Mr. Whitley explained that the City Council had originally transmitted this request to the Tidelands Affairs Committee. Consequently, the Tidelands Affairs Committee felt that input from the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission would be appropriate. Mr. Whitley pointed out that the North Star Beach closes at midnight and a waiver to permit overnight camping would ultimately require City Council approval. -6- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission NG MARCH 6, 1984 �50��� City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Margaret Crawford, Volunteer with the Girl Scout Council of Orange County, addressed the Commission to elaborate on the Girl Scouts' request. During her presentation, Ms. Crawford explained the reasons the Girl Scouts are request- ing use of the site, and stated that the Girl Scouts will be providing their own water, toilet facilities, and cooking apparatus. In addition, she advised that the Girl Scouts would remove their own trash, and that the only water con- tact would be for boating purposes. Ms. Crawford also reported that the Girl Scouts plan to have a campfire on Saturday evening which would take place in a large bucket and hence not cause any area damage. With respect to parking, Ms. Crawford stated that there would be a total of 150 participants at the event and they would prefer to park their vehicles on -site rather than on the street. Motion x Motion was made that the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Secgn_d x Commission endorse the Girl Scouts' usage of the North Ayt x x x x Star Beach from May 18 to 20, 1984 with conditions speci- Nays x fied, which motion carried. Absent x x Item No. 8 - Commercial Use of Public Facilities Public Facilities Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director Whitley reported that Commercial the City Council approved the Commission's recommendation Use with respect to Council Policy I -5, which relates to the use of public facilities by religious and political groups. During Council deliberation, it was questioned whether the City's facilities should perhaps be available for use by commercial groups for a profit- making situation. Council Policy I -5 currently does not allow private gain to occur on a public facility. Consequently, the Council referred this issue to the Parks, Beaches acid Recreation 'Commission and Department for consideration and report back. In light of the results of a survey conducted by Tom, Line, Mr. Whitley advised that staff is recommending, so as to be consistent with other cities, that Council Policy I -5 be revised so as to permit the City's facilities to be made available for commercial use with the stipulation that said use be permitted as a last priority, and that the fee for said commercial use be competitive with those fees charged �1 by other cities. Discussion ensued relative to the revenue which may be generated by such a revision of Council Policy I -5. -7- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH N Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission �� NG MARCH 6, 1984 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Motion x Motion was made that the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Second x Commission approve staff's recommendation, which.motion Ayes x x x x x carried. Absent x x Item No. 9 - Dedicated Tree Proposal'(Benihana'6f T6k'o) Tree Proposal/ Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director Whitley reported Benihana o that Mayor Hart received a letter from Benihana of Tokyo Tokyo indicating that they would like to donate flowering cherry trees, or a similar variety of flowering trees, to the City in celebration of their 20th anniversary. In addition Benihana of Tokyo is requesting that a permanent plaque be erected noting the occasion and that a City proclamatio be issued commemorating "Benihana Day." Mayor Hart conse- quently referred this issue to the Parks, Beaches and Rec- reation Commission.since all dedicated trees must gain the Commission's approval. Motion x Motion was made that the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Second x Commission accept the offer of trees from Benihana of Ayes x x x x x Tokyo; however, in accepting the trees,•the Commission is Absent x x not proclaiming "Benihana Day." Motion carried. '(Note: This action was rescinded later in the meeting. See Page 9 of these minutes.) Item No. 9(a) - Dedicated Tree Proposal _ (Richard and Tree Proposal/ Gail Demmer) Richard ar Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director Whitley advised Gail Demme that Gail•Demmer, who was instrumental in the refurbishment of the Riverside Drive Scout House, has requested' that a tree be planted, accompanied by a plaque, in memory of Dick Demmer's father. It was noted that City guidelines require that persons requesting trees and plaques be responsible for the total cost,therefor. Discussion ensued relative to the propriety of approving such a request as well as a review of past similar requests. Motion x Motion was made that the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Sec -nd x Commission accept the offer to purchase a tree, along with !�j x x a tree dedication, and that the tree be planted in front Nays x x of the Scout House at Cliff Drive Park, which motion Abstain x failed. Absent x x -8- Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Motion Second Ay( Nay Abstain Absent CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission N 2 G MARCH 6, 1984 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Tree Proposal/ Benihana o Tokyo 1984 -85 Budget Proposal Lincoln School Item No. 9 - Dedicated Tree Proposal (Benihana of Tokyo) Discussion ensued relative to the action taken by the Commission as part of Agenda Item No. 9, i.e., the request from Benihana of Tokyo. Inasmuch as there was some ques- tion as to whether the action included acceptance of a plaque along with the trees, the Commission rescinded its action and agreed to re -vote thereon. x Motion was made that the Parks, Beaches and Recreation x Commission accept Benihana of Tokyo's offer of flowering x x cherry trees, with a permanent plaque, to.be placed in x x x Mariner's Park. Further, that the Commission not comment • x on proclaiming May 4th as Benihana Day. Motion failed. x Motion was made that the Parks, Beaches and Recreation x Commission accept the trees from Benihana of Tokyo, with - x x out a plaque, and with no mention of "Benihana Day" in x x the community, which motion failed. x • x It was agreed that the Commission will discuss the possi- ble institution of a tree dedication policy at its next meeting. III. DISCUSSION ITEMS Item No. 10 - 1984 -85 Budget Proposal Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director Whitley reported on the result of the Department's budget session with the City Manager. Mr. Whitley reported that the City Manager concurred with most of the Department's requests with respect to equipment. The City Manager also concurred with the Department's requests for a Community Youth Center and ,a maintenance fund. This proposed budget will be submitted to the City Council for consideration. Item No. 11 - Closure of Lincoln Intermediate School Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director Whitley reported that Lincoln School is scheduled for closure in June of this year. The School Board desires to retain the property, but is interested in leasing same on a year -to- year basis. Mr. Whitley then reported on the possibility of utilizing the school facility for the City's Community -9- Tree Proposal/ Benihana o Tokyo 1984 -85 Budget Proposal Lincoln School CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission --AG MARCH 6, 1984 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Youth Center. He noted that the facility has a gymnasium and lighted athletic field. The lease.cost would be approximately $120,000 per year, in addition to an annual maintenance cost of $30,000 to $40,000, and an annual utilities cost of $15,000 to $20,000. A member of the Commission voiced concern with the possi- bility of the School Board reopening the school after the Community Youth Center was established in the facility. Mr. Whitley apprised the Commission of another alternative they may wish to consider, i.e., recommending that the School Board adopt a policy requiring that lessees allow continued public utilization of the facility. Mr. Whitley agreed to keep the Commission informed on this issue. I IV. INFORMATION REPORTS Item.No. 12 - Recreation Division Recreatior Division Tom Line reported that a track and field program, which is scheduled to begin on March 12th, will include a presentation by former Olympian, Dallas Long. Tom Line also mentioned that Nancy Beard from the City of Cerritos has been selected to fill the Recreation Super- visor position vacated by Nancy Lerner. Ms. Beard will start work on March 19, 1984 and will be invited to a future Commission meeting to meet the Commissioners. Item No. 13 - Park and Street Tree Division Park and Street Tr( For informational purposes, the Parks, Beaches and Recrea- Division tion Commission received copies of the Park and Street Tree Division's February progress report. V. SPECIAL, URGENT OR LAST MINUTE ITEMS Commissioner Capretz voiced concern with a communication Fund Soli tation that was sent to the residents of Harbor View, Seaview and Spyglass Hill. This communication solicited funds Letter -10- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission NG MARCH 6, 1984 '2 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX to be used for renovation of Anderson School and contained the Commission's endorsement. Commissioner Capretz ques- tioned the appropriateness of the City's name being used on this communication. Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director Whitley replied that the City's name was used without authorization. it was agreed that Mr. Whitley will contact Bruce Harrington to express the City's concern in this matter. San Miguel Park San Miguel Park Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director Whitley advised that the facility at San Miguel Park will likely be availa- ble for use by mid - April. He, therefore, suggested that a dedication ceremony for the facility be scheduled. ( Mr. Whitley also commented that James Roosevelt has offered to speak at the dedication. Following discussion, the Commission authorized Mr. Whitley to select a date for the dedication and to proceed with plans for the ceremony. VI. ADJOURNMENT Adjournmer. There being no further business, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, J nne M. Baade Recording Secretary -11-