HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/01/1990 - PB&R CommissionCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH C) U, Item No. 3 arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission May 1, 1990 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Ex- Officio Member Present: Ronald A. Whitley Staff Present: Nancy Beard, Recreation Super- intendent Jack Brooks, Park and Tree Main- tenance Superintendent Dottie Flohr, Secretary I. PROCEDURAL MATTERS Item #1 - Call to Order Call to Order' The meeting of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Item #2 - Roll Call Roll Call Roll cali was taken. Commissioners Compton, Demmer, Grant, Herberts, Taft, Konwiser and Vandervort were present. Item #3 - Approval of Minutes - Meeting of April 3, 1990 Approval of Minutes Commissioner Compton moved the minutes of the April 3, 1990 meeting be approved. Unanimous. Item #4 - Adoption of Agenda Adoption of Agenda The agenda was adopted as presented with the addition of American Legion Building to be addressed under Item #19 and Corona del Mar Restrooms and Memorial Day Picnic to be addressed under Item #23. II. ACTION ITEMS Item #5 - Trees on 200 Block.of Larkspur Trees on 200 Block o' Chair Taft explained that this item was discussed at the Larkspur Commission's last meeting and agendized as an action item for the May meeting. He then turned the meeting over to Director Whitley who presented three more letters urging that the trees be removed. These letters were from E.M. Mueller, 222 Larkspur; Marlene Goren, 212 Larkspur; and Helenann Clarke, 219 Larkspur. Director Whitley reviewed the two recommendations which are to either remove the trees or allow them to remain. He pointed out the dilemma that occurs in interpretation of the Ordinances which can be used to support either recom- mendation. He explained Council Policy I -12, Obstruction CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 2 City Council Chambers . 7 p.m. INDEX of Views by Trees, which encourages homeowners and public agencies to comply with their CC &R's in order to maintain views and property values. Ordinances, however, are stronger than policies and should be carefully reviewed in this particular matter. Referring to Ordinance•13.08.030, Removal or Relocation of Plants by City, he pointed out the City can remove trees determined-to be in the interest of general welfare as is the case of the disturbed residents on Larkspu . However, Ordinance 13 :09.010,,Parkway Trees Required, supports the recommendation that the parkway trees be retained. Chair Taft agreed this is a difficult situation wherein thos whose views are obstructed are in direct opposition to those who feel trees should be planted in parkways. Chair-Taft opened the meeting to'Public Testimony and Mrs. 'Betty Bottorf, 221 Larkspur, addressed the Commission. Mrs. Bottorf urged removal of the trees that block the views of �i six homes and would also severely decrease the value of their homes. She stated she'did not understand why the trees were allowed to be planted when the City knew they would obstruct views and that the 72 hour notification process was not followed. She asked the Commission to consider those who live in the area and the subsequent consequences. ' Jack Brooks explained that City view policy was followed in that it pertains to trimming and not to planting trees. In addition, request was made a year ago to plant parkway trees and it was granted with the stipulation that the trees might have to be removed. Mr. Brooks added that City policy is to encourage planting of parkway trees and he felt every policy was followed in this case. Mr. Keith Burnett, 215 Larkspur, addressed the Commission and circulated photographs showing impacted views from his home. He felt that common sense and courtesy-could have prevented the problem and that the homeowners in question are uncommunicative with a disregard for their neighbors' sensibilities. Although he is sympathetic to the homeowners enhancing the appearance of their home for personal pleasure, he felt it is against the will of all the neighbors and, since the trees are on public property, the City should respond to majority view and have the trees removed. He stated he would agree to relocation where they can be en- joyed by all. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 3 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Mrs. Jill Bayer, 3128 Ocean Blvd., addressed the Commission. Mrs. Bayer congratulated the City as recently being named Tree City USA and stated this would never have occurred if trees had been prevented from being planted. She felt the Corona del-Mar area's beauty is due to the trees and that they built there because they did not want any- restrictions. They did not know that planting the trees would cause such an uprising. Mrs. Bayer reported they received permission to plant the trees and pointed out that their home is on two lots; if two houses had been built, views would have been blocked. She further stated the trees give their courtyard privacy and people-have commented upon them. Chair Taft asked Mrs. Bayer how she would feel if the trees were transferred from Larkspur to Ocean Blvd. She replied they had considered this, however, the idea was denied by the City. Director Whitley explained there is an informal City policy not to plant trees on Ocean Blvd. Jack Brooks explained the City regrets what has happened as a result of the trees being planted, however, by policy he could see no reason to deny the planting of these parkway trees. There being no further Public Testimony, discussion by the Commission ensued. Commissioner Compton noted the street trees are now 12' high and 5' in diameter and asked if they could be kept at this height. Jack Brooks advised they block views now and they normally mature tb 35 -50' in height with a 20' spread. He also ex- plained the City has the right to prune and could keep them trimmed to obtain as much view as possible. Commissioner Vandervort agreed this is a serious problem but feels that views are the primary enhancement of the City. She recommended consideration of Ordinance 13.09.040, Waiver Procedure, wherein the petition could serve as written application, thereby requesting the homeowners be released from their requirement to.put in street trees. In addition, due to conflicting information, the homeowners should be reimbursed their costs for the three trees that the City takes out. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 4 City Council Chambers 7 D.M. INDFX Commissioner Grant voiced his concern that there are other streets that have partial views and he would not like to see a precedent set. As to those on Larkspur with no trees, this is by choice and not a requirement. He recommended the trees remain and'be aggressively pruned. Commissioner Konwiser felt this is an area where the views are unique and should be preserved over parkway trees. He pointed out the spirit of cooperation that has existed for years on Larkspur and he did not think the trees add a great deal to the home where they are planted. In addition, Commissioner Konwiser did not feel it would be realistic to think the trees could be kept as they are now. For these reasons he recommended the trees be removed at City expense and the Bayers receive some type of reimbursement. ,Commissioner Herberts reported she was very concerned over a precedent being set and pointed out her view and those of many in the City have been blocked. Referring to Ordinance 13.09.010, Parkway Trees Required, she recommended the trees remain and be kept severely .trimmed to open up views. Jack Brooks concurred-with Commissioner Konwiser that the trees cannot be kept at their present height. However, since they are City property and should the Commission choose to retain them, staff can keep them open by trimming them 1 -2 times a year. Commissioner Demmer noted there are many streets throughout the City that do not have parkway trees so that the resi- dents can enjoy an expansive or limited ocean view. Trees that are trimmed too severely look unnatural and somewhat grotesque. She further stated the home at 3128.Ocean Bldd. is a magnificent addition to the area and she felt their quality of life can be maintained without the trees. Chair Taft reported he has a similar situation where he lives and he favors both trees and views. He pointed out the Commission's action is a recommendation which.can•be appealed to the City Council. Motion x Commissioner Compton motioned to retain the trees and that Ayes x x x they be kept open and trimmed at the same or lower height. N D x x x As they mature and if they become a problem, they can be Ai i x removed by the City. Motion fails. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 5 City Council Chambers , 7 p.m. INDEX Commissioner Herberts asked Mrs. Bayer if she would accept having the trees removed at City expense to be replaced with low growing shrubs. Mrs. Bayer agreed to this suggestion. Jack Brooks advised staff would recommend Palm Trees in this situation since they can be kept trimmed and won't totally block views. Motion, x Commissioner Herberts motioned to remove the trees at City Nays x x x x x x x. expense to be replaced with shrubs or a low growing tree agreeable to the City which looks nice in the parkway and will not obstruct views. Motion fails. Motion x Commissioner Vandervort motioned to recommend to the City Ayes x x x x Council that the subject trees be removed upon proper Nays x x x notification based on the loss of general welfare that has occurred. Motion passes. 0 Item #6 - Tree Removal Appeal - 1849 Seadrift Drive Tree Removal Appeal Chair Taft turned the meeting over to Commissioner Herberts, Chair of the Street Tree Committee, who reported they voted to retain the subject trees since the roots seem to be coming from.other shrubs and Pines. The committee felt these are'nice trees and need root pruning along with sidewalk repair. Chair Taft then opened the meeting to Public Testimony and Ms. Judy Lo, 1849 Seadrift Drive, addressed the Commission. Ms. Lo presented pictures of the tree area and•reported that in 1981 she had asked for the'trees to be removed and the sidewalk repaired. Her tree request was denied al- though the sidewalk was revamped. Now, however, the side- walk is getting worse due to the tree roots and she feels the problem wilt not be solved by fixing the sidewalk again. There are many pedestrians and children in the area where the lighting is dim and she is worried about the hazardous condition that exists. In addition, the sprinkling system is disrupted due to the roots and the berry droppings are a nuisance. Since these are on -going problems, she asked if she could replace the trees with those where the roots go down and not across. UMr. Jim Pickett, friend and attorney for Ms. Low, addressed the Commission and reported the sidewalk keeps rising and is dangerous even when repaired" He stated the Lo's would be happy to replace the two trees at their expense with more suitable trees to avoid future problems. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 6 City Council Chambers . 7 p.m. INDEX Commissioner Konwiser pointed out that the Lo's home is not unique and the street is lined with the same variety of trees. The value of this street scene which has no view is dependent upon the parkway trees. He recommended the trees be retained and root pruned and the sidewalk repoured to eliminate the ramp." Commissioner Compton agreed the trees add to the street scape i and he would recommend prgper -root pruning with tree barriers. Commissioner Vandervort suggested removing the tree causing the most problems. Commissioner Demmer felt that Seadrift Drive has a limited number of trees in the parkways. She also noted that the side street of Ms. Lo's corner lot has no trees whatsoever. She asked the Commission and Ms. Lo if removal of the two mature front trees and replacing them with two new trees, including three new trees on the side parkway, would be a reasonable compromise in mitigating Ms. Lo's request and yet enhance the neighborhood with five new trees. Commissioner Grant suggested consideration be given to taking one tree out and adding three to the frontage with no trees. Motion, x Commissioner Konwiser motioned the two trees be retained. Ayes x x K x x x Commissioner Compton amended the motion to include that the Abstai x 'trees�be.properly root pruned where the sidewalk is raised; root barriers put in; and the sidewalk replaced. Motion passes. Jack Brooks advised he will contact General Services con- cerning the sidewalk. Chair Taft advised Ms. Lo to discuss the berry situation with Mr. Brooks and that she can appeal the Commission's decision to the City Council. Item #7 - Corona del Mar High School Olympic Pool Policy Corona del Mar High Chair Taft turned the meeting over to Nancy Beard who briefly School summarized the report submitted. Olympic Poo' Policy Uback Commissioner Grant requested the policy presented be brought to the Recreation Program Committee to be compared with the one they reviewed and approved before i•t is finalized. Director Whitley explained that City Council Policy I -5, Use Priorities and Fees for Facilities and Equipment, is for all CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 7 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX City owned facilities. The same policy cannot be used for the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center since it is not owned by the City. Commissioner Compton suggested the policy be approved as pre- sented and corrections made later. Commissioner Grant recommended the policy be temporarily adopted and brought back to the Recreation Program Committee i for corrections. He also suggested that the word, "exlusive,' be deleted for City use under Pool Use Criteria. Director Whitley explained this schedule is in the School District =City Agreement and cannot be changed. Motion x Commissioner Compton made an interim motion to approve the Ayes x x K x x x x fee schedule and tentative scheduling of the pool and that the Recreation Program Committee meet with staff to complete Othe body of the policy. Unanimous. Item #8 - Removal of Volleyball Court Removal of Volleyball Chair Taft turned the meeting over to Commissioner Vandervort,Court Chair of the Beach and Oceanfront Committee,'who reported that they met and reviewed the volleyball court located approximately,100' east of 43rd Street. The committee recom- mended removal, since the court is located in the middle of the block, which is not an optimum location and there are other courts in the vicinity. Chair Taft opened the meeting to Public Testimony and Mr. Mike Roland addressed the Commission. Mr. Roland reported the Commission authorized this location a year and a half ago since there is safe access for lifeguard vehicles and the court is far enough away from homes. He'just saw the notice for removal and did not understand why request has been made to remove it. Should the reason be noise and trash he felt it was minimal if due to the players. The majority of the residents are renters who are much more noisy and disrespectful than the-players. He felt those opposed to the court should first talk to the players. Commissioner Vandervort reviewed the existing volleyball court locations in this area and pointed out there is one �) unauthorized court between 42nd -43rd Streets and one between 40th -41st Streets. Two years ago all unauthorized courts (� were posted. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX •Chair Taft pointed out to•Mr. Roland that when the Commission approved the subject court, there was not as much opposition as there is now. Mr. Scott Smith addressed the Commission concerning removing the authorized court that was previously approved. He disagreed that it be removed because a new homeowner moved in. Chair Taft explained the policy for removal and installation of volleyball courts which the Commission reviews when applications are received. The Commission tries to satisfy as many as possible and petitions can be obtained and reli viewed at any time. Mr. Bill Schonlau, 4207 Seashore, addressed the Commission. He reviewed his study of the volleyball court locations on the Peninsula, pointing out there are five courts at the subject location, two being tandem of which one is unauth- orized. The subject court is in the center of the five whi is one of the narrowest locations on the beach. He stated this area has the most dense concentration of volleyball courts in-the City and the absence of public parking exag- gerates the problems of parking and direct access for volleyball players. He urged the center court be relocated to an area that is not as dense in order that there be more even distribution of courts which would also ease the parking situation. Mike Roland addressed the Commission stating that the other authorized courts are closer to home; that there are four courts in the area, not five; and that there is a wide path- way for vehicles and pedestrians in the subject area. Commissioners Konwiser and Compton recommended only removing the unauthorized courts and retaining the authorized courts. Commissioner Herberts stated she felt that if all the courts in the area are being used, they should be retained since the beach is a public recreational facility. Chair Taft stated the majority opinion two years ago was to retain the court. Although he would prefer the court be moved to the end of 42nd Street, he would support retention. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Motion Ayes Nays Motion Ayes Nay U arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 9 City Council Chambers , 7 p.m. INDEX x Commissioner Konwiser moved the court be retained and un- x x x x x authorized courts be promptly removed in this vicinity. x x Should staff feel the court can be moved towards the ocean, then this should be done. Motion passes. Item #9 - Oasis Conceptual Plan Oasis Con- ceptual Chair Taft turned the meeting over to Director Whitley who Plan reported the Oasis expansion has been funded and proposed for next fiscal year. Public Works has selected The Blurock Partnership as the architect for the project, and with the Commission's approval, plans-and specs can proceed. Director Whitley then reviewed the conceptual plan and the reasons for the additions and changes. Commissioner Konwiser questioned the proposed parking plan and recommended it be redone as there needs to'be more space allowed for access and turning. Commissioner Grant agreed that the parking plan needs to be redone. He'also questioned if the extra space allocated to the administrative area is needed and requested a personnel assessment and needs study. Commissioner Demmer explained that the growth and needs assessment in the area of Human Services requires accommoda- tions for counselors and badly needed service areas. She explained two human service programs that were-being intro- duced to the Oasis facility and expansion to accommodate these and other programs. The rooms will be built to be flexible so easy modifications can be made to allow for maximum utilization. x Commissioner Konwiser moved the plan be approved and that x x x x x x staff instruct the architect to review the parking plan. x Motion passes. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS Item #10 - Lights at Lincoln Lights at Lincoln Nancy Beard gave a brief update on the'current status of the timers and field lights at Lincoln which have been shielded \ and corrected. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH � ^1 U arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission -Page 10 City Council Chambers 7 n_m_ iNnl=x Commissioner Grant explained the soccer lighting and compli- mented Ms. Beard on a job well done. There has, however, been a complaint from one homeowner, Dr. Pike. Director Whitley recommended the consultant, staff and one Commissioner take readings at Dr. Pike's home. The Commis- sion agreed this was a good suggestion and Commissioner Compton requested he attend. Item #11 - Status of Capital Projects Status of ' Capital Director Whitley advised the contract for the upper portion Projects of Inspiration Point will be awarded in June. Commissioner Herberts questioned the water issue and Director Whitley reported a water plan to reduce watering is being studied. Commissioner Grant asked to see the balance of the CYC plan before it goes to bid Director Whitley will provide this. Item #12 - Park and Street Tree Division Park and Street Tree Report received and filed. Division Item #13 ­Recreation Division Recreation Division Nancy Beard reported 800 children attended the Easter Egg Hunt which was very successful. Both the Pee Wee Tennis Camp and Gymnastics Camp held during spring break were sold out. The Oasis Health Fair will be held May 5 and Ms. Beard en- couraged the Commissioners to attend. The Corona del Mar 5K will be held June 9 and is limited to 1.500 men and 1500 women. There will probably be about 300 -500 walkers, after which the participants will enjoy "Restaurant Row." Commissioner Vandervort pointed out the summer slow pitch programs accommodate 3400 players. Nancy-Beard explained that 50 teams had to be turned down due to the loss of the Lincoln facility. V. COMMISSION COMMITTEES Item #14 - Capital Improvements Capital No report from ;Committee Chair Konwiser. Improvements CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH C) arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 11 City Council Chambers . , 7 p.m. INDEX Item #15 - Street Tree Street Tree Committee Chair Herberts reported the committee met and re- viewed 14 tree requests. The residents are happy with the recent plantings at Plaza del Nord and Plaza del Sur on the Peninsula. Commissioner'Demmer thanked Commissioner Herberts for her outstanding job as Chair of the Street Tree Committee and for representing the Commission at Arbor Day and at the City Council honoring the City for being named Tree City USA. Commissioner'Demmer recommended staff and the maintenance personnel also'be acknowledged by the Comihission for their contributions'to Tree City USA. Director Whitley concurred and will write a letter to be signed by each Commissioner. Item #16 - Recreation Program Recreation Program Committee Chair Compton reported the committee met and discussed the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center policy. They will be meeting with the Youth'Sports Commissioners the end of May. Item #17 - Oceanfront and Beach Oceanfront and Beach Chair Vandervort reported they have asked for data and inform a- tion in order-to replace -the volleyball poles but have not had a reply. Item #18 --Budget Budget Committee Chair Taft reported the City Council will be re- viewing the budget at their Study Session on Tuesday, May 29, at 2 :00 P.M. Item #19 - Parks and Open Space Acquisition Parks and Open Space Chair Grant reported they will be meeting before the 13th and Acquisition at that time will review Commissioner Demmer's letter con- cerning the American Legion. Concerning North Star Beach, nothing can be determined re- garding-use of the site until such time as the soils analysis is received and the financial impacts are known. Upon re- ceiving this information, there will be a meeting with Dover Shores for their input. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 12 City Council Chambers 7 o.m. INDEX Big Canyon is on 'hold-due to on -going negotiations. The inspection slips will also be reviewed at their next meeting. Commissioner Demmer questioned the I -5 Policy, Use, Prioriti s and Fees for Facilities and Equipment, as it• pertains to the American-Legion. Director Whitley explained this policy refers to City owned facilities, therefore, the Girl Scout House and American Legion building are not under this policy. They are operated under a lease agreement with the City.. Commissioner Demmer asked that the 15th Street Park which the American Legion uses for parking be-reviewed at the Commission level. She also asked what is public and what is leased in this area. Director Whitley explained that the American Legion lease includes everything within their fences, the marina, beach and parking lot. The public area ( } is the grass between the building and the alley. Commissioner Grant reported Commissioner Demmer's letter and questions will be addressed at their next meeting and Chair Taft stated this will be a discussion item at the Commission's June meeting. Item #20 - Newport Shores Park Newport Shores Park Chair Compton reported preliminary sketches are complex and the project is on hold until the budget is approved. Commissioner Konwiser reported the Encroachment Committee met and submitted their final report to the-City Council which was published by John Wolter and will be referred to the Planning Commission and then to the Coastal Commission. Item #21 - Chair's Report Chair's Report No report from Chair Taft. Item #22 - Commission Liaison Assignments Commission Liaison (a) Commissioner Demmer, Liaison to Friends of Oasis, ex- Assignments plained the Elder Care program offered. The upcoming ( ' Health Fair is sponsored by Hoag Hospital. (b) No report from Liaison Compton on the Friends of the Theatre Arts Center. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH t r arks, ,Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 13 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX VI. SPECIAL, URGENT OR LAST MINUTE ITEMS Commissioner Vandervort report she received a"call that the Corona del Mar restrooms during the July-4th weekend are a mess; there are long lines; the doors are sometimes off, etc. Director Whitley - explained this is a General Services responsibility; however, he will contact the Director to determine if temporaries can be brought in. Commissioner Herberts reported a request was made for the bushes to be trimmed at the Girl Scout House. Director Whitley advised this area will be relandscaped. Commissioner Demmer -reported the Memorial Day Picnic at Cliff Drive Park will be held May 28 from Noon to 4:00 P.M. at no charge. The theme will be hometown western and the event, co- sponsored by the City, is always outstanding and successful. Director Whitley reported the Corona del Mar Pool dedication will be May 6 at 4:00 P.M. `VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission adjourned at 10:50 P.M. The agenda for this meeting was posted on April 24, 1990 at 9:35 P.M,. outside the'City Hall Administration Building. i Dottie Flohr, Secretary