HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/02/1991 - PB&R CommissionCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH C� Motion Ayes Item #3 arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission April 2, 1991 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Ex- Offioio Member Present: Ronald A. Whitley Staff Present: Jack Brooks, Park and Tree Mainten- ance superintend- ent Nancy Beard, Recreation Superintendent Dottie Flohr, Secretary I. PROCEDURAL MATTERS Item 01 - Call to order Call to Orde The meeting of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Item 22 - Roll Call Roll Call Roll call was taken. commissioners Compton, Demmer, Herberts, Konwiser, Taft and Vandervort were present. Chair Grant arrived at 7:15 P.M. Item #3 - Approval of Minutes - Meeting of March Approval of 5. 1991 Minutes x Commissioner Herberts moved the minutes be x x x x x adopted as presented. Unanimous. Item 94 - Adoption of Agenda Adoption of The agenda was adopted as presented with the Agenda addition of Playing Fields to be addressed under Item #6 and Park and Recreation Conference to be addressed under Item VI. II. INFORMATIONAL AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Item 45 - Park and Street Tree Division Park and Commissioner Herberts questioned why no root Street Tree Division barriers were installed following sidewalk repair in the vicinity of Larkspur, Marigold and Heliotrope in Corona del Mar. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 2 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Jack Brooks explained this has also been a problem in the past since the work is authorized by contract and is not under the Department's control. Director Whitley advised he will transmit a memorandum to Public Works and General Services requesting root barriers be included when tree planting is part of a contract for sidewalk, curb and gutter repair. Commissioner Vandervort pointed out that Mr. Brooks' report showed six times as many trees were planted compared to those removed. Item 06 - Recreation Division Recreation Nancy Beard announced the Youth Track and Field Division Meet will take place at Harbor High School on t� April 5 at 5:00 P.M. Commissioner Compton p questioned why there is, no open basketball for youth at the West Newport Community Center. Nancy Beard explained that not only would this require a staff person to oversee the program, but that the drop -in program initiated at this site was not drawing enough children and consequently was moved to Newport Heights. Director Whitley explained that West Newport is not in close proximity to elementary schools and Commissioner Compton suggested advertising be Pursued. Nancy Beard advised this was done but can be tried again if there is a need. Commissioner Demmer inquired about Arbor Day and Nancy Beard reported the ceremony will take place at approximately 11:00 A.M. at Andersen School on April 26. Item #7 - Tree Committee ree Commissioner Herberts reported the committee met ommittee on March 12 and reviewed 6 trees. Referring to r the Eucalyptus on 3rd Avenue in Corona del Mar, J which the committee voted to retain, she reported the tree will have to be removed since it is dangerous and a potential liability to vehicles. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 3 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Item #8 - Recreation Program Committee Recreation Commissioner Compton reported the committee did Program Committee not meet, however, he met with Ken Gilmore, President of Little League, who informed him they have been locked out with no access to the fields at Newport Heights. Fortunately, they located diamonds at Mariners Park which the Principal told them they could use until May 20. Commissioner Compton further reported that the soccer field at Ensign is also unavailable due to complaints from neighbors. Due to a present shortage of fields and restrictions, losing three more fields will create more scheduling problems. In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer, Director Whitley explained the City and {� School District have a Joint Powers Agreement which has worked out very well for using facilities. The problem is that youth groups, such as Little League and AYSO, are not City sponsored programs and are not covered under the Agreement. Director Whitley reported Nancy Beard and he will be meeting with the School District next week and hope to resolve the facility problems. Nancy Beard requested that any youth groups expressing complaints contact the Department directly. Item #9 - Parks and Open Space Committee Parks and Commissioner Vandervort reported the committee Open Space Committee did not meet. Director Whitley reported the City Council has appointed a committee to study the Circulation and Open Space Agreement and he will keep the Commission informed on this matter. �) Chair Grant advised he spoke with Tom Redwitz of The Irvine Company who told him they are in the process of working on the Environmental Impact Report. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 4 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Chair Grant announced Commissioner Vandervort and he met with some members of the Newport Conservancy who had concerns about the Commission's comments on Newporter North. The Conservancy also requested an official designee from this Commission attend their meetings, however, Chair Grant pointed out an "official" representative would be inappropriate since it might set a precedent. It would be more appropriate if a Commissioner volunteered on an individual basis making an individual decision. In response to a question from Commissioner Herberts, Director Whitley advised that a Commissioner who attends Conservancy meetings would still be allowed to vote on their issues. He further explained that no more than 3 Commissioners could participate at their meetings (�) in accordance with the Brown Act. In response to a question from Commissioner Herberts, Chair Grant reported the Conservancy recommends that the design for Newporter North be sensitive to the natural habitat of coyotes, gnat catchers, etc. The Conservancy also suggested studying the enhancement of habitat at Mouth of Big Canyon and increasing the quality of habitat at John Wayne Gulch. Chair Grant urged the Conservancy be involved during the design process for Newporter North. Commissioner Compton inquired about the proposed park at University and Irvine. Director Whitley explained the plan has been under review by the County for 1 -1/2 years and will subsequently be reviewed by this Commission. The site will be a County regional park, of which approximately 7- 1/2 acres are City owned. The County's public meetings take place at the Dunes and the Commissioners are welcome to attend. Director Whitley reported he has been periodically attending and monitoring the meetings. L Discussion ensued concerning preserving bicycle �V} and walking paths and vistas and Commissioner Compton pointed out there are no official City representatives present during the County's design phase. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 5 City Council Chambers , 7 p.m. INDEX' Chair Grant suggested this item be brought back to the Commission as an action item at their May 7 meeting to determine who should attend these meetings. Commissioners Demmer and Herberts both agreed that more facts need to be known during the planning stages and, upon Commissioner Demmer's suggestion, Director Whitley will pursue inviting a representative from the County to address the Commission on this matter. Commissioner Compton also suggested the Park and Open Space Committee become involved to follow up and keep the Commission informed. Item #10 - Beach Committee Beach Committee Item #10 was addressed following Item #15. Commissioner Compton reported the volleyball poles have been delivered and are being painted. In response to a question from Chair Grant, Director Whitley reported alcohol and tobacco companies are prohibited from sponsoring special events. Item 211 - Oasis Liaison Oasis Liaison No report from Commissioner Demmer. Item #12 - Theatre Arts Center Liaison Theatre Arts Center Liais Commissioner Compton reported the Theatre Arts Center recently elected their new Board. Their annual membership meeting will be held April 7 to be followed by the play, "Born Yesterday." III. PUBLIC COMMENTS Dr. Jan Vandersloot, 2221 16th Street, addressed the / Commission. Dr. Vandersloot presented and / explained a proposed conceptual plan for Cliff Drive Park which was privately commissioned. He asked if it would be feasible to pursue this alternate plan and what funds would be available for planting. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 6 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Director Whitley explained this Commission reviewed the landscape plan in cooperation with the homeowners association. That plan and the plan proposed should be thoroughly reviewed by the association and a recommendation made to this Commission. Following a decision by the commission, the project could begin after July 1, 1991 when funds which were budgeted would be available. Commissioner Vandervort recommended this be an action item on the June agenda after there has been proper notification. Commissioner •Herberts agreed, urging that the association present their recommendations for the park to this Commission. -.� IV. ACTION ITEMS Item #13 - Petition re Street Trees in Bavcrest Petition re. Director Whitley reported there was a meeting Street Trees in Baycrest last week with members of the Baycrest community, staff and a Commissioner. The Department agrees with the petition to retain the Eucalyptus Citradoras as the designated tree, and that when removals are necessary, the trees be replanted with root barriers. The only exception would be when sidewalk, curb and gutter are removed, in which case staff would decide if the tree should be removed for liability purposes. Commissioner Herberts urged that such decisions be made by the Street Tree Division and not the General Services Department. Chair Grant opened the meeting to Public Testimony and Mr. Tom Williams, 1708 Starlight, addressed the Commission. As a member of the Board of Trustees for the (� School District and former President of AYSO and 1 Junior All American Football, he first addressed the issue of field scheduling. He reported he was not aware that some schools had closed their fields and would be happy to take these concerns CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 7 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX back to the School District. He agreed more fields are needed and felt that a compromise could be reached with those neighbors who are unhappy. Addressing the trees in Baycrest, he reported he specifically moved there because the neighborhood was so enhanced by the Eucalyptus Citradoras. He stated about a month ago he was told some of them would be removed to be replaced by the Brisbane Box Trees. An Arborist was consulted who felt the•Brisbane Box would create more problems. On behalf of the Baycrest community, Mr. Williams urged the Eucalyptus Citradoras remain as the designated street tree and be maintained by root pruning, etc. Mr. Williams urged that should the City decide to change the designated tree that public notice first be given for public input. He also asked about the City's replacement policy and Jack Brooks advised this depends on the tree species and the homeowners involved. In some cases trees cannot be immediately replaced because they are not in stock. Mr. Williams presented a book by Deep Root Corporation on root pruning and root barriers for the Department and Commission's information. Chair Grant summarized the Commission's discussion which was to give assurance that the Eucalyptus Citradoras will remain as the designated street tree; that every attempt will be made to retain the trees subject to Jack Brooks making safety decisions; and that replacement decisions will be made in cooperation with the home owner. In addition, staff will coordinate with the Public Works and General Services Departments on those projects involving tree removal /replacement. r � Commissioner Herberts suggested Mr. Williams present his petition with a cover letter to the �) City Council to include a statement that there is community support for the City's tree program. CITY OF NEWPORT .BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Em- City Council Chambers 7 n.m. INnFX Item #14 - Proposed Policy - Co- Sponsored Events Proposed Policy - Director Whitley briefly summarized and explained Co- Sponsorec the need for the proposed policy on co- sponsored Events events. One recent outstanding event was the Orange County Special Olympics Basketball Tournament in which the City solicited the Rotary Club, result of which there was no cost to the City. Commissioner Demmer announced the annual and very successful Memorial Day Picnic in Newport Heights will not be held this year due to lack of leadership and monetary support from merchants. commissioner Demmer further stated that, although she would not object to sharing profits, in the past any profit made went back into the picnic. r^ l� Chair Grant recommended adding that priority would be given to those events that have City wide participation to Item 03 of the proposed policy. Commissioner Herberts pointed out that, although locally organized, both the Memorial Day Picnic at Cliff Drive Park and the 4th of July celebration at Mariners Park are City wide events rather than neighborhood events. Motion x Commissioner Vandervort motioned to approve the Ayes x x x x x x x proposed policy as presented with two amendments: (1) That Item #2 include a statement that if there is a problem with the ,profit sharing concept, it be brought before this Commission; and (2) That Item #3 include the statement that these events have City wide participation. Unanimous. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS Item 015 - Goals and Objectives Review Goals and Chair Grant led the discussion and comments on Objectives. Review goals and objectives for the Commission, UDepartment and Commission Committees. With few exceptions, the goals and objectives of each were on target. Item #7 concerning fees collected under Commission Objectives has been accomplished CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH' arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 9 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX and can be deleted from the report. During discussion Chair Grant recommended those who have received the Arborist Certification Training be recognized by the Commission and that others in the Park and Tree Divisions be invited to Commission meetings. Chair Grant recommended staff prepare a summary of the progress made on the Recreation and Open Space Element. Director Whitley advised this analysis is presently being prepared by City Council District, rather than Service Area, and he will present his findings to the Commission at their May meeting. The Commission unanimously endorsed the proposed wave machine and recommended the Beach Committee approve all wave requests and pursue lighting at the Pier for surfers. Item #16 - Capital Improvement Projects Capital Item #16 was addressed following Item #12. Projectsent Director Whitley announced the bids for restrooms at the Community Youth Center and'Eastbluff Park were too high and will be rebid. Chair Grant pointed out that the restrooms in Woodbridge, Irvine, use reclaimed water and asked if the same could be done in Newport Beach. Director Whitley advised certain sections of the City will receive reclaimed water and, although it is best used for irrigation, he will discuss the matter with the architect. In response to a question from Commissioner Vandervort, Director Whitley advised the Preliminary Budget will be presented to the City Council on April 8 and he will transmit the results to the Commission. VI. SPECIAL URGENT OR LAST MINUTE ITEMS Director Whitley referred to the report submitted which was received after the agenda was prepared CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 10 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX wherein the City Council has asked this Commission to review a proposed program by the General Services Director which would require residents to pay for damages to public sidewalks caused by private trees. Commissioner Herberts reported she had requested the Commission review the matter before it went to City Council. She referred to the Ordinance that states those who remove City trees illegally can be fined. She noted there are some trees that have a special value to the City and asked the Commission to consider the idea of sharing these expenses. In addition, she felt root barriers should be included in the repairs. Commissioner Vandervort stated she does not like to see a government entity become involved in ( ) anything private. Chair Grant suggested the letter from the General Services Director to the respective resident should include a statement encouraging retention of trees and implementation of root barriers. Commissioner Konwiser pointed out root barriers are not fail safe and, therefore, the City should pay for these. Chair Grant agreed, stating the letter should encourage homeowners to retain trees and that root barriers be installed at City expense. Commissioner Compton moved to recommend the proposed program be adopted and that the letter from the General Services Director be reworded to encourage homeowners to retain their trees and use root barriers. Unanimous. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Parks, \ Beaches and Recreation Commission adjourned at t ) 10:03 P.M. \' The agenda for this meeting was posted on March 26, 1991 at 10:.00 A.M. outside the City Hall Administration Building.