HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-1991 - AgendaI` ! CITY,OF NEWPORT BEACH PARKS, BEACHES AND RECREATION COMMISSION • REGULAR MEETING TO BE HELD TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1991 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 P.M. I. PROCEDURAL MATTERS 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Adoption of Agenda II. INFORMATIONAL AND COMMITTEE REPORTS 5. Park and Street Tree Division (Report Attached) 6. Recreation Division (Report Attached) 7. Tree Committee - Chair Herberts 8. Recreation Program Committee - Chair Grant • 9. Park and Open Space Committee - Chair Compton 10. Beach Committee - Chair Glasgow 11. Budget Committee - Chair Konwiser 12. Oasis Liaison - Commissioner Demmer III. PUBLIC COMMENTS IV. ACTION ITEMS 13. Upper Newport Bay Regional Park Project - Presentation by County of Orange 14. Review of Cliff Drive Park Project (Report Attached) 15. Tree Removal Appeal - 1026 White Sails Way (Report Attached) 16. CdM State Beach Volleyball Rules (Report Attached) V. DISCUSSION ITEMS 17. Capital Improvement Projects (Report Attached) . I 18. Goals and Objectives VI. SPECIAL, URGENT OR LAST'MINUTE ITEMS VII. • 0 Motion Ayes x Item No. 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission July 2, 1991 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Call to Order Roll Call Approval of Minutes Adoption of Agenda Ex- Officio Member Present: Ronald A. Whitley Staff Present: Jack Brooks, Park and Tree Mainten- ance Superintend- ent Dottie Flohr, Secretary I. PROCEDURAL MATTERS Item #1 - Call to Order The meeting of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Item 42 - Roll Call Roll call was taken. Commissioners Compton, Demmer, Grant, Herberts, Konwiser, Taft and Vandervort were present. Item #3 - Approval of Minutes - Meeting of June 4, 1991 Commissioner Herberts corrected Item #17, 3rd paragraph, to read... in the Westcliff area were removed. "When a response is received from the Association, the General Services Director will proceed with the work plan for the Baycrest area." Commissioner Compton moved the minutes be adopted x x x x as corrected. Unanimous. Item #4 - Adoption of Agenda The agenda was adopted as presented with the addition of Superior and Coast Highway to be addressed under Item #7 and Surfing Regulations and Special Meeting as Items #21 and #22 respectively. II. ACTION ITEMS Call to Order Roll Call Approval of Minutes Adoption of Agenda CITY 'OF NEWPORT BEACH sm a Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 2 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Seating of New Commissioner Election of Officers Item #5 - Seating of New Commissioner - Mr. Phillip Glasgow Chair Grant announced that Commissioner Taft is leaving after serving 7 years on the Commission. On behalf of the Commission he presented Commissioner Taft with a signed volleyball in commemoration of his fine work on the Commission and with particular appreciation for his service on the Beach Committee. Commissioner Taft thanked the Commission and stated it was a pleasure working with them. He also congratulated Chair Grant for his leadership as Chair over the past year. Chair Grant then welcomed Phillip Glasgow, newly . appointed Commissioner. Commissioner Glasgow gave a brief history of his background and responsibilities in the community over the past 20 years. He further stated he is looking forward to the challenges ahead and working on various projects with the Commission. Director Whitley then gave a brief description of the responsibilities under his jurisdiction, which include administration, recreation and park and street tree divisions. Item 46 - Election of Officers for Fiscal Year 1991 -92 Chair Grant opened the meeting to nominations for Motion x Chair. Commissioner Herberts nominated Ayes x x x x x x x Commissioner Vandervort. Hearing no further nominations, nominations for Chair were closed. Unanimous. Commissioner Grant thanked the Commission for their guidance over the past year and stated it had been a pleasure working with them. Chair Vandervort thanked Commissioner Grant for • the direction he provided and presented him with a commemorative plexiglas sailboat. Chair Vandervort opened the meeting to I nominations for Vice Chair. Commissioner Seating of New Commissioner Election of Officers CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 3 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Motion x Konwiser nominated Commissioner Compton for Vice Ayes x x x x x x x, Chair. Hearing no further nominations, nominations for Vice Chair were closed. Unanimous. III. INFORMATIONAL AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Item #7 - Park and Street Tree Division Park and Street Jack Brooks reported his Division is currently Tree updating an inventory of all vacant sites and is Division asking residents in areas in which he is working if they would like a parkway tree planted free of charge. A copy of his letter which addresses the type of tree to be planted and maintenance responsibility will be provided to the Commission for their information. • Commissioner Compton referred to the area at Superior and Coast Highway where Cal Trans is planting and asked if Public Works is the proper department to monitor planting since it does not look very good. Jack Brooks explained the area was hydroseeded and perhaps overwatered and agreed that some areas did not turn out well. When the project is completed, it will be turned over to this department at which time there will be a walk through and punch list. Mr. Brooks pointed out that due to the content of the soil, i.e., boron, some areas will have no growth. However, he will investigate the areas and particularly the site adjacent to the new parking lot. Commissioner Konwiser reported some Palms in front of the Fun Zone are dead which create an eyesore and liability problems. Jack Brooks advised these were done by contract, however, he will pursue to see what can be done. • Item 08 - Recreation Division Recreation Division Director Whitley reported that the Recreation Division is particularly busy at this time of CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 4 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX year and the programs are going very well. It also appears the recession has helped this department since many people are staying closer to home to pursue their recreation activities. In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer, Director Whitley explained that the 4th of July celebration at Mariners Park is non- profit with some small outside donations and that the City pays for the one day insurance. Chair Vandervort pointed out that the hot dogs and soda pop are provided by the Scouts and the raffle money pays for Barnaby the Clown for the following year. She reported the program starts at 9:00 A.M. and invited the Commissioners to attend this delightful event. • Item #9 - Tree Committee Tree Committee Commissioner Herberts reported the committee met and made recommendations on 8 tree removal requests. She asked the Commission to look at the light pole framed by a Pine Tree at 1728 Santiago which makes a beautiful setting. Commissioner Herberts also reported she received a Potential Tree Hazard Report by an arborist which is for the Commission's information. In addition, a request was received from the Utilities Department to trim over a floodlight at Lookout Point and the committee agreed this should be done. Item 010 - Recreation Program Committee Recreation Program Items #10 - #14 were addressed following Item Committee #16. Commissioner Compton reported the committee will meet in August with the coaches to discuss scheduling and programs. Item 411 - Parks and Open Space Committee Parks and • Open Space Chair Vandervort reported she met with Dr. Jan Committee Vandersloot who is proposing a revised plan for the west side of Cliff Drive Park to be used as a pilot project utilizing native and water CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 5 Citv Council Chambers 7 n_m_ INDEX conserving landscaping. The park will be posted, notices will be sent to nearby residents and a public hearing held at the Commission's August 6 meeting. Commissioner Grant noted that Dr. Vandersloot has spent a large amount of effort on this proposed plan and that he felt the concept of water conservation plants may be the direction the department will be taking in the future. Since Newport Heights is a non - mandatory homeowners association, he pointed out the revised plan must go through the public input process with proper notification to the public at large. Director Whitley advised this will be done. Commissioner Demmer requested Jack Brooks . evaluate the "pilot project" before it is implemented elsewhere. In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer concerning the rails at Cliff Drive Park, Director Whitley explained the installer has been contacted. Item #12 - Beach Committee Beach Committee Commissioner Compton reported the committee will be pursuing realignment and new poles for the beach volleyball courts. Item #13 - Oasis Liaison Oasis Commissioner Demmer reported Norma Gilchrist, Liaison President of the: Oasis Board, is stepping down and that Meyer Bloom will be the new President. ,She added that Commissioner Vandervort and she enjoyed the Garden Festival on June 23. Item #14 - Theatre Arts Center Liaison Theatre Arts Center No report from Commissioner Compton. Liaison • IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS V. ACTION ITEMS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission July 2, 1991 Page 6 City Council, Chambers 7 P.M. INDEX Item 015 - Basketball Court - Bayview Park Basketball Court - Director Whitley passed out a hand delivered Bayview letter opposing the court from Mrs. Cox who lives Park adjacent to the subject basketball court and a petition just received from over 100 residents in the area supporting the retention of the court. The petition was sent in lieu of the fact that the Bayview Community Association has their quarterly Board meeting tonight and residents would be unable to provide public testimony. He pointed out that the court was duly posted that a public hearing would be held this evening on the subject. Director Whitley pointed out that this is the second time the Commission has reviewed this • matter and that their previous action was to retain the court and adopt proper signage and enforcement. The same recommendations still apply in addition to another alternative of taking one backboard down to make it a half court. Commissioner Herberts noted that 6 new trees have been planted between the complainant's home and the court. In response to a question from Commissioner Compton, Director Whitley advised the approved signs were immediately posted; however, the department does not have staff for enforcement purposes. Should the department receive a call, a staff member is sent or the Police Department is asked to go to the site. In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer, Director Whitley advised it would cost a minimum of $35,000 to relocate the court. Director Whitley further reviewed Bayview Park which was developed under County guidelines before being incorporated into Newport Beach. At the time the County had numerous public meetings on the park plan which residents attended. Chair Vandervort opened the meeting to Public Testimony and Norma Glover, 450 Santa Ana, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH s� o Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission a �mG Page 7 Citv Council Chambers 7 D.M. INDEX addressed the Commission. Mrs. Glover reported her sons and grandchildren use and enjoy the court on Sunday mornings. Her grandson intended to speak before the Commission, however, when he heard the complainant took videos, he felt this might start an altercation. Mrs. Glover suggested that either a wall or hedges be implemented for the ,purpose of noise abatement. She also urged the Commission to support young people and their activities and to support this park and all parks for everyone to enjoy. Mr. Buddy Cox, 2613 Mesa Drive, Santa Ana, addressed the Commission. In response to his questions, Director Whitley explained the County was responsible for the layout of the park which • included the basketball court, and that this item was addressed at public hearings. Mr. Cox stated he felt the County made a mistake putting the court in at its current location since it is not conducive to residential living. He stated this is a competitive atmosphere which will get more use with time as density increases and, therefore, he requests the court be relocated. Commissioner Demmer asked Mr. Cox for his recommendation for an alternate site and he recommended recreation parks across the bay which are planned for competitive recreation. Mr. Bob Nichols, 2321 Mesa Drive„ Santa Ana, addressed the Commission. He reported he goes by the subject court several times a day and observes too many people and profanity at the court in addition to parking problems. He requested the court be moved. Patricia Cox, 2612 Mesa Drive, addressed the Commission. She recommended a full court be implemented at Bonita Creek Park since homes would not be impacted and there is plenty of parking space. She urged the court be moved due to the noise impact to her home and the players' bad language. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX There being no further public testimony, Chair Vandervort closed the meeting to public hearing. During discussion Commissioner Grant pointed out the Bayview Park project went through the public hearing process and owners bought their homes knowing a court would be there and, therefore, he favors retaining its present location. Commissioner Herberts agreed with Norma Glover's recommendation that a sound wall or shrubbery be considered. She further stated that although she sympathizes with the parking problem, she has observed the court being well used by young people in the immediate area and would favor retention of the court. Chair Vandervort reported she spoke to neighbors in the area who told her cars also park there to use the Back Bay. In addition, she was told that when older people use the court, the youngsters are accommodated on the other half court. Chair Vandervort also informed the Commission that there used to be a school .here which had such facilities and this has also created a need for the court. She suggested the bench near Mr. Cox's home be relocated to help mitigate his problem. Commissioner Compton noted that it is unusual to receive over 100 signatures on a petition which were in favor of retaining the court. Since the park is well used he would favor retaining the court. He did, however, acknowledge the parking problem which should be enforced and he also agreed that a wall or hedge be considered for noise abatement. Commissioner Demmer pointed out there are 14 parks in the City with basketball courts and 6 are without planned parking facilities. She further reported that the Recreation Element of the General Plan does not have criteria that • parking be provided for public parks. As a result, there are many heavily used parks where parking is not provided. She also stated that those parks identified as view parks in the General Plan are not to be confused as passive CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 9 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX view parks. It is important to note that they can incorporate multi usage including active recreation. Although the court is for a planned recreation activity, she stated she would favor removing one backboard which is closest to the complainant's house. Motion Commissioner Compton motioned to retain the court; that Jack Brooks meet with Mr. Cox to discuss suitable planting to mitigate the noise; that the bench be moved to the southerly backboard; and that parking enforcement be pursued. Motion x Commissioner Demmer made a substitute motion to Aye x remove the backstop closest to the complainant on Nays x x x x x x a trial basis in order to mitigate the noise. Ayes Motion fails. Vote taken x x x x x was on the original motion. Unanimous. Commissioner Grant requested Director Whitley to contact the Police Department concerning enforcement of signage at the park. Item #16 - Request to Add Trees in Baycrest to Request to Special Trees List Add Trees in Baycrest* Director Whitley referred to the petition from to Special the Baycrest Community, which is a part of the Trees List Mariners Community Association, requesting certain street trees be added to the list of special neighborhood trees as found in Policy I- 9. Director Whitley pointed out that when public works projects and curb, sidewalk and gutter work are done, the addition of these trees to the list will give special attention to this area. Chair Vandervort opened the meeting to public testimony and Mr. Tom Williams, 1708 Starlight Circle, addressed the Commission as a member of the Baycrest Community Association. Mr. Williams • commended staff for their fine work and requested that the Citradora Eucalyptus be the designated street tree on Commodore, Starlight, Glenwood, Candlestick and Sandlewood. These are majestic trees by nature which take 30 years to grow, and CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 10 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX he requested they be maintained and not removed. Mr. Williams further requested the Commission review the street tree policy in terms of consistency and cohesiveness, consistency meaning each house has a street tree in front of it and cohesiveness meaning every given street has a designated tree with no mixing of trees. He urged such a policy be adopted so there are no other options. Mr. Williams then presented slides of tree lined streets in Beverly Hills showing examples of consistency and cohesiveness, the result of which each street looks like a park rather than a high density area. • Commissioner Compton pointed out Newport Beach is rather unique in that there are view impacts to be considered and that the salt air off the ocean is abrasive to certain trees. Commissioner Grant pointed out the City's policy is to retain trees and he would support Mr. Williams' concept except for certain areas. Director Whitley advised that Councilman Cox has asked the department to provide a report on view trimming. He recommended that when the tree inventory is complete on the computer that their total program be presented to the City Council at their Study Session. Commissioner Herberts agreed and recommended Mr. Williams present his slides of Beverly Hills along with some of Newport Beach at the Study session. There being no further public testimony, Chair Vandervort closed the meeting to public hearing. During discussion Commissioner Glasgow asked if it is City policy that each home be required to have a street tree. Director Whitley explained • that if an owner objects, no tree is planted, however, remodels and new homes require a street tree. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 11 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Commissioner Glasgow urged that the City start a consistent program as soon as possible. Director Whitley concurred with Commissioner Glasgow and explained the department is in the process of inputting every street tree into the computer which will help implement such a program. Director Whitley stated he will also contact other cities that have good street tree programs and will forward the data to the Tree Committee. Motion •x Commissioner Herberts moved to add Commodore, Ayes x x x x x x Starlight, Glenwood, Candlestick and Sandlewood to the list of special neighborhood trees; that the replacement tree be Citradora Eucalyptus; and that the designated tree list be modified to • reflect the same. Unanimous. Chair Vandervort reported the street tree policy will be addressed at the Commission's special meeting on goals and objectives. VI. DISCUSSION ITEMS Item 417 - Committee Assignments Committee Assignments Chair Vandervort recommended adding a Budget Committee as was done in the past. The Commission then turned in their committee preferences to Director Whitley upon which assignments will-be made. Item 418 - Capital Improvement Projects Capital Improvement Director Whitley announced that all projects for Projects FY 1990 -91 are on line and the format for this report will change in August. In response to a question from Commissioner Grant, Director Whitley reported that the City Council added $25,000 for the Newport Harbor High pool project. The bid amendment has been • prepared for the City Council's meeting on July 8. Commissioner Grant requested the design for the Harbor High pool project be brought back to this CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH m y Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 12 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Commission for review. Director Whitley explained the Booster Club wants to move as fast as possible and Chair Vandervort pointed out the subcommittee could review the plan at any time so as not to delay the project. In response to a question from Commissioner Konwiser, Director Whitley explained the contract for the CYC restrooms has been awarded. In response to a question from Commissioner Glasgow, Director Whitley explained appropriations for each project are based upon approvals and can be extended to the following fiscal year. Commissioner Grant inquired if the joint agreement at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center is satisfactory and Director Whitley advised it is and that a similar agreement will be implemented at Harbor High School. Item #19 - Park Maintenance Park Maintenance Director Whitley explained the Maintenance Progress Report done by the Parks Division and pointed out many scheduled items have been completed as a result of the Commission's inspection program. Commissioner Grant inquired about requests for tree plantings, such as Buffalo Hills, which Director Whitley will pursue. Commissioner Herberts inquired about the status of the park at the American Legion building and Director Whitley explained there are problems with the infrastructure and that until this is resolved the project is on hold. Commissioner Herberts recommended the area again be reviewed and it was decided to address this item during the Commission's special meeting on goals and objectives. • In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer, Director Whitley reported he has contacted the State concerning the barb wire fence on the Galaxy View Park bluff area. if CITY, OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 13 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX necessary, a recommendation can be made to City Council that they contact the State on this matter. Commissioner Grant recommended contacting Frank Robinson or the Newport Conservancy to help remedy the problem. Commissioner Glasgow pointed out the small building at San Miguel Park is in need of repair and that the shingles are coming off. Director Whitley reported this is Little League's equipment shed and he will notify them it is in need of repair. VII. SPECIAL. URGENT OR LAST MINUTE ITEMS • Item #20- Surfing Regulations Surfing Regulations Director Whitley reported the City Council referred a letter from the McFadden Square Improvement Association requesting additional surfing locations be reviewed by this Commission and the Marine Department for reply. The proposed reply is for the Commission's consideration and, upon approval, will be transmitted. Director Whitley explained beach enforcement is under the jurisdiction of the Marine Department and they recommend the hours and locations "remain the same due to enforcement and safety problems. Commissioner Demmer referred to the letter from the McFadden Square Improvement Association and felt extensive redevelopment in the McFadden area and the recession were the underlying causes of economic decline and questioned if compromising safety regulations for surfers is appropriate. Director Whitley advised the Commission has the option of (1) Bringing this item back to the August meeting for a presentation by the Marine • Department, or (2) Sending the letter, or (3) Having a public hearing on the subject. Chair Vandervort opened the meeting to public testimony and Councilman John Hedges addressed CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 14 Citv Council Chambers 7 D.m. INDEX the Commission. He reported he attended the Association's meeting and, although many are not surfers, they backed the two surfers urging the beach from 17th to 19th and 22nd to 24th Streets be open to surfers. Councilman Hedges stated that, although he 'had no opinion, the 17th to 19th Street location appears to be less congested and the Commission might want to consider opening this location to surfers. Commissioner Konwiser stated he felt the main concerns should be safety and liability which is what the current regulations address and, therefore, he would support sending the reply as written. Motion Commissioner Compton motioned the letter be Ay x x x x x mailed as written to the President of the N x McFadden Square Improvement Association. Motion passes. Item #21 - Special Meeting Special Meeting Chair Vandervort announced a special meeting of the Commission will be held July 30 at 4:00 P.M. to review goals and objectives. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission adjourned at 10:02 P.M. The agenda for this meeting was posted on June 25, 1991 at 2:30 P.M. outside the City Hall Administration Building. ,C �4QiY_ Dottie F1ohr, Secretary �f y PARK AND TREE DIVISION Item No. 5 JULY, 1991 PROGRESS REPORT • Our park crews performed the following tasks in addition to normal maintenance during the month of July. West Newport Dug out, transported, and planted' thirty -seven (37) palms. Thirty -three (33) in West Newport Park and four (4) at the Orange Street street end near Seashore. City Hall Installed a drain for the turf area by the Council Chambers. San Miguel Drive Median North East of San Joaquin Hills Road We removed the irrigation, turf, and dirt, in preparation for Bominite that was installed by contract. Our Street Tree Division performed the following: Trimmed 559 trees. Planted 8 trees. Removed 19 trees. Root pruned 26 trees. Completed 23 work requests. Areas being trimmed this month: Westcliff Trees were removed at the following locations: 627 Irvine Sewer 1 -Elm 1034 Sandcastle Dead i- Eucalyptus 1650 Galaxy Dead i -Pear 1339 Hampshire Dead 1 -Pear Vista Del Oro Dead 2 -Ficus Rubiginosa Mar Vista Dead 1- Willow 815 Amigos Dead 1- Willow 2800 Carob Sewer 1- Pepper 1614 Ruth Dead 1- Jacaranda 2108 Arbutus Dead 1- Liquidambar 2900 Paper Lane Sewer 1- Pepper 4515 Surrey Dead 1- Pepper - 2000 Port Ramsgate Owner 1 -Pear 1978 Port Edwards Dead 1 -Pear 1711 Plaza Del Sur Dead 1- Magnolia 1752 Plaza Del Norte Dead 1- Magnolia 457 Tustin Ave. Dead 1- Eucalyptus . 1527 Seacrest Dead 1- Cupania I� 2 _ .y Trees were planted at the following locations: 721 Iris 1- Loquat 515 Jasmine 1- Loquat 604 Orchid 1- Eucalyptus 613 Poinsettia 1- Magnolia 1339 Hampshire 1- Melaleuca 254 Poppy 1- Eucalyptus 221 Poppy 'i- Eucalyptus 620 Jasmine 1- Eucalyptus Jack Brooks • 0 • RECREATION DIVISION JULY, 1991 PROGRESS REPORT Contract Classes Item No. 6 Summer classes are continuing in a typical manner; children's offerings are booming and adult course takers are vacationing. Our Pirates Cove Beach Camp is very popular. Each of the 10 sessions have averaged 30 children. The Tennis and Sailing Camp is proving, once again, its popularity, particularly with the 6 to 8 year olds. Co- sponsored courses with the Newport Harbor Art Museum are also much in demand. We finally offered a successful Saturday class, exploring art, and the reading classes have so far registered 115 participants. Our new Visa /Mastercard capabilities have definitely been a plus as we ran $27,000 through the machine this month. The fall brochure will be out August 20. Acuatics Aquatics is going well although the weather is not cooperating at all, forcing low recreation swim numbers. Our swim team is still averaging 35 to 40 participants and doing well in competitive meets. Our private and semi private lessons are "booming." The aquatics users semi - annual facility scheduling meeting is slated for the month of August. This meeting will deal with the school year uses. Tennis We are having an outstanding summer for tennis. Of 60 classes offered this quarter, only 8 classes have been cancelled. 52 of the classes are sold out and the remaining 8 classes have only 16 openings between them. Special Events The November Craft Fair will be changing locations this year due to its ever growing size and the impact on the Mariners area. The Lincoln Athletic facility will be its new home. As you know, this facility will provide a much improved parking area. Crafters will be utilizing the field area within the running track. This will allow the large field area to remain available to the soccer groups. Adult Sports /Aquatics Our summer aquatics program is going very well. Thus far, 159 participants have taken sailing lessons; 77 kids have learned, to • surf and 30 adults have become sailboarding afficionados. We have currently 3500 softball participants and 627 basketball fanatics. Our grass and beach volleyball tournaments are very popular with 270 teams (540 participants). Youth summer drop -in programs continue to be popular at all three sites, as well as a very successful game wagon program. The 4th of July Celebration was well attended. The event ran very smoothly, and Barnaby the Clown was, once again, a huge hit with everyone. The U.S. Air Force Academy Band, based in Colorado Springs, will perform at Peninsula Park on Sunday, August 11, at 1:00 P.M. as part of a national tour. The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department is co- sponsoring this free, open to the public event. The Newport Beach City Golf Championship will be held on Monday, August 26, at the Newport Beach Country Club. Maximum number of participants is 144. The Newport- Balboa Rotary Club, is co- sponsoring this year's event with all proceeds going towards the Club's College Scholarship Fund. Older Adults The new Board of Directors was installed this month with three old members leaving and three brand new members joining. The new President is Meyer Bloom who should make an excellent leader. He is very involved in the everyday activities and programs at Oasis. . The Friends are gearing up for their annual fund drive. They are in the .process of composing a letter to be sent out to a specific list of people. We are anxiously awaiting the beginning of construction. The Friends are already working on raising money to purchase furniture for the lobby area and their offices. If all goes well, we should be looking coordinated at last! West Newport is continuing to expand its services. We now offer line dancing and two summer mature driving courses. As public funds become tighter and we are losing some of our Coastline classes, we have begun to offer the same classes as a contract with the City. This is a trend that all senior centers have had to move toward in order to have quality classes. We have not found any real problems with these changes as yet. We're sure there are those who cannot afford the fee classes, however, we still have many clases to offer that are taught by volunteers. For your information, the Recreation Division reached its first million dollars in revenue for the Fiscal Year 1990 -91. 0 11 OASIS SENIOR CENTER JUNE 1991 MONTHLY ACTIVITIES /UTILIZATION REPORT CLASSES/GROUPS 2654 LONG TR I PS HUMAN,SERVICES Rail & Sail 23, Another Passage 37 MEETINGS Blood Pressure 187 Braille 80 Board of Directors 24 Care -A -Van 338 Executive Committee 12 Case Management (hrs.) 15 Long Range Planning 12 Chair Exercises 50 Human Services Comm. 8 Counseling 4 Fundraising 34 Employment 120 Newsletter Collating 29 Information /Referral 785 Newsletter Comm. 27 Legal Assistance 8 General Membership 202 Medicare Assistance 9 OASIS Singles 104 Shared -Housing 56 DAYTRIPS Telephone Reasurance 216 • Visual Screening 2 Old Town Music Hall 18 Nixon Library 21 VOLUNTEER HOURS 2152 Sea World 15 Lake Arrowhead 24 San Diego Harbor /Seaport 24 Village VAN TRANSPORTATION 300 Walkers not Rockers 14 li•llj�. • ► :.: SPECIAL EVENTS Garden Festival 425 Legal' Lecture 29 55 Alive 30 • 1 • 11 Item No. 14 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH' Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department DATE: July 29, 1991 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: CLIFF DRIVE PARK - WEST END REFURBISHMEN' After reviewing the plans for Cliff Drive Park and hearing testimony from those concerned, the Commission should provide direction to the staff on the implementation of the Cliff Drive project. Al / Ii% / 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PARKS, BEACHES AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 -1768 (714)644 -311 TO THOSE CONCERNED: The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission will be holding a public hearing on the landscape development and refurbishment of the west side of Cliff Drive Park. This hearing will be held at the Commission's meeting of Tuesday, August 6, 1991, to be held in the City Council Chambers, 3300 Newport Boulevard, at 7:30 P.M. The purpose of this hearing is to review and determine the type of landscaping for this area. Two plans have previously been reviewed: one a traditional planting and another using native, • drought resistant plant material indigenous to the California coast. Public input is encouraged on this matter to assist the Commission in making a decision on this matter. If there are questions, please feel free to call the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department at 644 -3151. 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD, NEWPORT BEACH Item No. 15 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH is Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department • DATE: July 29, 1991 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: STREET TREE REMOVAL APPEAL The attached represents an appeal of the decision by the Street Tree Committee denying the request to remove the street trees at 1026 White Sails Way. The staff inspection report is included for Commission information. It is urged that the Commission visit the site to enable a decision to be made on this matter. If there are questions, please call. 23 iionald A. _ , t L� r1 �J July 3, 1991 City of Newport Beach Parks, Beaches & Recreation Dept. PO Box 1768 Newport Beach, Ca. 92659 -1768 ATTN: JACK BROOKS 2 wish to appeal the attached'denial regarding the street trees in front of my property at 1026 White Sails Way, Corona Del Mar. These trees are mature and unsightly not only blocking the view but not befitting the neighborhood. Before long there will be interference with sewers, electrical lines, sidewalks and the like. For these reasons they should be removed and replaced with trees • similar to those that were replaced just down the street which was done for the same reasons as stated above. ncerel�.� .\ Thomas A. Terry Enc. A p;r 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PARKS, BEACHES AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 -1768 (714) 644 -3162 DATE: May 1, 1991 TO: Mr. Thomas A. Terry 1026,-White Sails Lane Corona del Mar, Ca., 92625 Your request for tree removal has been reviewed by the Street Tree Committee and has been denied Sincerely, Jack Brooks Park and Street Tree Superintendent Comments: If you wish to appeal the Street Tree Committee decision please send a letter to the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. Attention: Jack Brooks City Ordinance 13.08.040 - Tampering With Planting Prohibited No person shall trim, cut down, damage', remove or destroy any tree growing upon any public park, beach or playground, or the grounds of any public building, or a public street right -of -way, without written permission of the City Manager. 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach N r c � 'O V1 fDS m h in O d s_ V 1 o a 0 v (D E � s i M to 0. vii .� .: y y .. w .. DDS 0 m p co Q Co CD I Q n v a z j G w m N .. Q � ; n r n 4 n 1 o a 0 v (D E � s i M to 0. vii .� .: y y .. w .. DDS 0 m p co Q Co CD I Q n v a z j G w m N .. Q � ; • 9 Item No. 16 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department DATE: July 29, 1991 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: CORONA DEL MAR STATE BEACH VOLLEYBALL PROPOSED COURT RULES For your approval, attached are proposed rules and regulations for the 10 volleyball courts located at Corona del Mar State Beach. The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission Volleyball Subcommittee met along with Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department staff to study and review the current rules. The purpose of revising the rules is to mitigate on -going conflicts between the court users, thereby eliminating the daily annoyances dealt with by the on -site lifeguards. CORONA DEL MAR STATE BEACH VOLLEYBALL COURT RULES • All courts will operate on a "Challenge Court System." 1. Games will be played to 11 points, unless there are two or less challengers waiting. If all the waiting challenge teams agree, then the games may be played to 15 points. Teams must win by a two -point margin. 2. Challenges may be made by individuals or teams. If made by an individual, that player must have a full team by the start of play. 3. Practice time will be limited to 5 minutes between matches. 4., Challengers may not play on another court while waiting. 5. The format of play is determined by the teams on the court; that is, 2- person, 4- person, or 6- person. 6. Players should make challenges on courts where their ability level matches the existing play. Courts: The eight courts near the fire rings are numbered one through eight, one being on the southeast end near the lifeguard stand, and eight being next to the fire rings. Courts numbered seven (7) and eight (8) are designated for six or more persons for family and large groups. Courts numbered five (5) through eight (8) may be reserved for private groups under the jurisdiction of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department in accordance with the following specifications: 1. Tournaments shall not involve individual gain or be in the nature of commercial enterprise. 2. All tournaments or leagues must be open to the public. 3. Parks, Beaches and Recreation tournaments will have priority over all other groups. Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department tournaments will be limited to seven tournaments per calendar year. All eight courts will be used on the first day of the tournaments. 4. Renters must have their rental contract on site.at all times during their rental in order for the rental to be valid. Reservations: All courts must be posted one week prior to the event with a Parks, Beaches and Recreation official court reservation sign. Procedure: Any person(s) desiring to reserve said facility shall submit an application to the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department at least 14 days prior to the event. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PARKS, BEACHES AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT (714) 644 -3151 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department DATE: July 29, 1991 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS, 1991 -92 CARRY OVER PROJECTS Restrooms - CYC - Eastbluff Newport Shores Oasis Expansion 1991 -92 Cliff Drive Park Theatre Arts Center Refurbishment Bolsa Avenue Mini Park 0 Item No. 17 - Construction contract awarded. - Project being bid. - Construction contract awarded. - Being reviewed by Commission. VA