HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/03/1991 - PB&R Commission1 : ; 1 COMMISSION Minutes December 3, 1991 Item No. 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Motion Ayes Motion Ayes arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission December 3, 1991 City Council Chambers 7 D.m. INDEX Z _ Ex- Officio Member Present: Ronald A. Whitley Staff Present: Jack Brooks, Park and Tree Main- tenance Super- intendent Dottie Flohr, Secretary I. PROCEDURAL MATTERS Item 01 - Call to order Call to Orde The meeting of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission was called to order at 4:00 P.M. Item #2 -. Roll Call Roll Call Roll call was taken. Commissioners Compton, Demmer, Glasgow, Grant, Herberts, Konwiser and Vandervort were present. Item 43 - Approval of Minutes - Meeting of Approval of November 5, 1991 Minutes• X Commissioner Demmer motioned the minutes be X X X X X X approved as presented. Unanimous. Item #4 - Adoption of Agenda Adoption of Agenda X Commissioner Compton motioned to adopt the agenda X X X X X X X as presented. Unanimous. II. PUBLIC COMMENTS III. INTRODUCTION OF NEW RECREATION SUPERVISOR - STEVE HUNT Director Whitley introduced Steve Hunt, the newly appointed Recreation Supervisor responsible for sports and aquatics programs. Mr. Hunt gave a brief summary of his background and stated, he is enjoying his new job and is excited about the opportunities to learn more. Commissioner Glasgow commended Mr. Hunt on the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 2 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX outstanding job he did when they met to discuss scheduling programs at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center. Chair Vandervort also congratulated Mr. Hunt and welcomed him to the Department. IV. INFORMATIONAL AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Item #5 - Recreation Division Recreation, Division Director Whitley passed out the new winter recreation brochure and informed the Commission that classes will start January 13, 1992. Commissioner Grant recommended the appropriate person(s) be contacted concerning lights being on at Bonita Creek Park when no one is there. Director Whitley explained that the lights are on a timer to go on at 5:30 P.M. in preparation for the softball games that begin at 6:00 P.M. He will, however, pursue the light issue. In response to a question from Commissioner Glasgow, Director Whitley advised there are security lights at the site. Commissioner Grant pointed out that, although there are emergency access lights on the softball field, there are none on the football field. Director Whitley stated he will research this point. Item #6 - Park and Street Tree Division Park and Referring to the Park and Tree Division report Street Tree Division Commissioner Demmer questioned why two different species of trees were planted on Begonia and questioned the designated tree for this street. Jack Brooks explained that if there are existing trees on a street which the owner prefers, the Department does not object to them being planted provided the street scape does not change. Chair Vandervort expressed her concern about planting trees other than the designated street tree. Commissioner Grant concurred, stating he felt the approved street tree list should be followed with no exceptions. If the approved list is wrong, it needs to be changed. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 3 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX ti �. - Jack Brooks reported the Department attempts to stay with the designated tree list, however, they also try to please the owner who is responsible for maintenance of the tree. Chair Vandervort suggested this matter be referred to the Tree Committee and that their recommendations be presented to the Commission. Item #7 - Tree Committee Tree Committee Commissioner Herberts reviewed the situation of Mr. Stuart Williams, 1748 Bayport Way, wherein the Commission had previously approved planting of four Brisbane Box trees. However, when the Tree Division recently tried to plant the trees, Mrs. Williams would not allow them to do so. Director Whitley further clarified the matter and pointed out that Mr. Williams originally requested the trees be removed which was denied by the Tree Committee. Following Mr. Williams' appeal to the Commission, the Commission voted to remove the 4 trees and replace them with Brisbane Box. Mr. Williams was present at the meeting and indicated his acceptance of the Brisbane Box. The situation has now changed and Mr. Williams wants to determine what kind of tree will be planted: Director Whitley then presented a letter just received from Mr. Williams appealing the selection of the tree to be planted. In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer, Chair Vandervort explained that Mr. Williams wants -the Liquid Amber planted. Commissioners Grant and Compton agreed that the designated tree, Brisbane Box, should be planted in accordance with the Commission's process and policy. Commissioner Konwiser suggested a letter be transmitted to Mr. Williams stating the Commission's original decision was reaffirmed and the date the trees will be planted. Motion Commissioner Compton motioned the 4 Brisbane Box CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH tim 2� Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 4 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX trees be planted as determined by the Ayes x x x x x x x Commission's previous vote. Unanimous. Commissioner Grant suggested the letter to Mr. Williams include the fact that he can address the Commission at any meeting during Public Comments. Item 48 - Recreation Program Committee Recreation Program Director Whitley passed out a letter received Committee from Clarence Turner addressed to the City Manager concerning noise and usage at Bonita Creek Park. Commissioner Demmer asked-if a Winter Wonderland event similar to the one being held at CYC on December 14 could be offered in another area, such as Mariners Park, in January or February. ( Director Whitley advised he will ask Nancy Beard to contact Commissioner Demmer regarding this idea. Item #9 - Park and Open Space Committee Park and Open Space Director Whitley passed out a memorandum from the Committee City Manager accompanied by a report from the Planning Department requesting the Commission study the development, usage and maintenance of the Castaways and Newporter North properties. The Commission's report is to be submitted to the City Council by February 10, 1992. Director Whitley suggested this be referred to the Park and Open Space Committee for their review in December to be followed by the Commission's review at their January meeting. Director Whitley will forward all informational data pertaining to this subject prior to the committee meeting. He recommended all the Commissioners read the Planning Department's report and give their comments to Commissioner Compton. Commissioner Compton announced the Park and Open Space Committee will meet December 18 at 4:00 P.M. to discuss this matter. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 5 City Council Chambers 7 p.m INDEX Item 410 - Beach Committee Beach Committee No report from Commissioner Glasgow. Item #11 - Budget Committee Budget Committee Commissioner Konwiser reported the committee met to review capital improvement projects and that their proposed list is provided in the report submitted. The Commission will review the proposed projects in January for final prioritization at their February meeting. Director Whitley stated that due to requests, Item #8, North Star Beach, has been added to the list. Commissioner Demmer questioned Item #71 Bonita Creek Park Sound Wall, and Commissioner Grant explained this was a result of continued complaints about noise at the park which might resolve the problem. The proposed wall would cover eight lots on the park side of the street. Referring to Item #6, Peninsula Park Community Center, Commissioner Herberts pointed out there is no community center in this area and there would be no view impact. Director Whitley reported the Marine Department was excited about the prospect of joint use of the center which could be done in partnership with them. A small building would be added to the existing restrooms. In response to a question from Commissioner Compton, Director Whitley advised the batting cages at the Lincoln facility have been put on hold pending re- negotiation of the School District lease. In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer as to why the American Legion Park was not on the list, Commissioner Konwiser explained this is not a capital improvement. Commissioners l Grant and Herberts agreed the park should be beautified by planting more trees. Commissioner Demmer suggested a list be compiled CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 6 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX 1. Al _ of projects and costs that will be considered part of the Park Facility Improvement Fund. Director Whitley advised that Jack Brooks determines these following his review of the Commission's Facility Inspection Reports. Item #12 - Oasis Liaison Oasis Liaison No report from Commissioner Demmer. Item #13 - Chair's Report Chair's Report Commissioner Vandervort summarized her meetings and workshops at the League of California Cities Conference held in October. She presented a comprehensive notebook which is available for the Commission's information. She further stated she felt the conference had excellent programs and ( 1 pointed out this is the only training mechanism for public service. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS Item 014 - Status of Capital Improvement Protects Status of Capital Director Whitley referred to the Commission Improvement Hearing in January on the Bolsa Avenue Mini Park Projects Design and requested the Commission review the location before their meeting. There will be proper notification and posting before the Hearing. Director Whitley explained that the Hearing has been set to determine if the project should proceed. Commissioner Herberts presented street tree inventory samples done by computer for the Commission's information. Commissioner Herberts requested the No Fishing sign at West Jetty View Park be moved to preserve the view the sign impacts. Jack Brooks advised the Department will relocate the sign. In response to a question from Commissioner Grant on trees and remodels, Director Whitley advised the Planning Director is preparing a report on this subject. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH G` Parks, Beaches & Recrea,tion Commission Page 7 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX VI. SPECIAL. URGENT OR LAST MINUTE ITEMS VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission adjourned at 5:30 P.M. The agenda for this meeting was posted on November 26, 1991 at 9:00 A.M. outside the City Hall Administration Building. Dottie Flohr, Secretary