HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/3/1998 - Agenda PacketIWO COMMISSION Meetings November 3,1998 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Tuesday, November 3. 1998 — 7:00pm City Council Chambers AGENDA 1. ORDER AND ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Enclosed) • October 6, 1998 • October 8, 1998 • October 15, 1998 Ill. PUBLIC COMMENTS Members of the public are invited to comment on non - agenda items of public interest. Speakers are limited to three minutes. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar (1 -5) are considered by the Commission to be routine and will all be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. The commission members have received detailed staff reports on each of the items recommending approval. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the commission votes on the motion unless members of the commission, staff, or the public request a specific item to be discussed and /or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Members of the public who wish to discuss a Consent Calendar item should come forward to the lectern upon invitation by the Chair, state their name and Consent Calendar item number, and complete the sign -in card provided at the podium. Speakers are limited to five minutes on agenda items. 1. Correspondence (Item IV -1) ,• From: Harvey Holste, October 9, 1998 To: Barbara Davis, October 21, 1998 2. Park and Tree Division (Item IV -2) Report of Park and Tree Division during October and upcoming projects in November. 3. Recreation Services (Item IV -3) Report activities during October. 4. Senior Services (Item IV-4) Report activities during October. 5. Donation from the Newport Heights Community Association (Item IV -5) Donation for a Cliff Drive Park beautification project. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS 6. Bonita Canyon Park Verbal report of status of conceptual and financial plans. 7. Bayside Park Renovation (Item V -7) Report of current status of the park. 8. Bayside Drive Beautification — Phase I '(Item V -8) Discussion /approval of conceptual plan. 9. Bayside Drive Street Tree Redesignation (Item V -9) Discussion of change of street tree on Bayside Drive between jamboree Road and El Paseo Drive. 10. Santiago Drive Parkway Street Tree Redesignation (Item V -10) Discussion of request to change City parkway street tree. 11. Tree Removal Appeal (Item V -11) Discussion of appeal to remove one parkway street tree at 708 Fernleaf Avenue. _./- Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission - Agenda - November 3, 1998 Page 2 • 12. Tree Removal Appeal (Item V -12) Discussion of appeal to remove one parkway street tree -at 427 Marigold Avenue 13. Tree Removal Request (Item V -13) Discussion of request to remove five City parking lot trees adjacent to 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. 14. Preliminary Review of FY 1999/00 Capital Improvement Projects (Item V -14) Discussion of initial list presented by Parks Division of General Services Department. 15. Subcommittee Reports • Budget • Community Services Award • Liaison • Naming of Parks • Oasis Liaison • Park & Open Space • Skateboard • Tree VI. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Matters which Commissioners may wish to place on a future agenda or raise for discussion. VII. ADIOURNMENT • • Ell CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission • Regular Meeting October 6, 1998 — 7pm • CONVENED AT 7pm I. ROLL CALL Present: Beek, Franklin, Glasgow, Pfaff, Sinclair, Skoro, Tobin Staff Present: Steve Hunt, Senior Recreation Marcelino Lomeli, Park & Tree Teri Craig, Executive Secretary II. III.. F0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Manager Maintenance Superintendent Motion by Commissioner Franklin to approve the minutes of September 1, 1998. Motion carried by acclamation. Motion by Commissioner Franklin to approve the minutes of September 22, 1998. Motion carried by acclamation. PUBLIC COMMENTS None CONSENT CALENDAR 2. Park and Tree Division 4. Senior Services Items removed from Consent Calendar 1. Correspondence — Correspondence from Yvonne Houssels, September 15; MaryAnn Weber, September 15; Virgil Robinson, September 18; Kate and Brian Corrigan, September 18; Eugene and Pat Neely, September 21; and Barbara Davis, September 24, was acknowledged. Letter from Trish Swenson, October 6, 1998, was added. Commissioner Skoro stated that he also had heard the same comments as stated in Ms. Davis' letter from members of the public. Commissioner Glasgow stated that the aesthetics of the park is attributable to Counciimember Glover and SPON, and noted that he would agree with most of the statements of the letter. Chair Beek directed staff to respond to the letter from Ms. Davis. Possibly a history of the Castaways could be done for the new members of the Commission at a future meeting. • Jan Vandersloot noted that he had been a part of the planning for Castaways Park for the last 10 years. He also stated that the public needs to be educated on what exactly is natural California growth is versus a weed. 3 Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting October 6, 1998 • Page 2 3. Recreation Services - Senior Recreation Manager Hunt asked the Commission who would be able to attend the Joint Meeting on Thursday, October 8. All commissioners will be able to attend except for Commissioner Franklin. Motion by Commissioner Glasgow to accept items 1 — 4 on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Beek, Franklin, Glasgow, Pfaff, Sinclair, Skoro, Tobin Noes: None Absent: None Abstain: None V. DISCUSSION ITEMS 5. Change of Designated Tree — Superintendent Lomeli stated that this report was deferred from last month. Chair Beek opened the public hearing. Yvonne Housseis, 1307 Outrigger Drive, President, Harbor View Hills South Homeowners Association, thanked City staff, and noted that all homeowners have been notified of the • request. Ms. Houssels stated that the Landscape Committee failed to make the deadline and that the Association met September 16 and after discussion recommended adding two additional trees to the list. Larry Weeshoff, 1407 Outrigger Drive, stated that lower Sandcastle needs to be reforested now, although he does question the choice of the New Zealand Christmas Tree as it could potentially grow to 70 feet and could pose a view problem. Superintendent Lomeli stated that 70 feet growth of the tree is the optimum but in this climate to reach 25 feet would take approximately 20 -30 years. He also stated that this type of tree is trainable. Jan Vandersloot thanked the Commission for listening to not only the Association but also the homeowners at the last meeting. Cathy Choate, 3900 Sandune, thanked the Commission for deferring action at the last meeting; this allowed time for a compromise to be reached with the Association. Jim Dickson, 1415 Outrigger, stated that the Association has been very open and responsive to the Homeowners. He noted that the only thing the homeowners want is to have the trees replaced. Chair Beek closed the public hearing. • Motion by Commissioner Glasgow to approve the request for a change of the designated parkway street tree within the Harbor View Hill South'Homeowners Association area from the Little Gem Magnolia to St. Mary Magnolia, Hong Kong Orchid and New Zealand Christmas Tree. Motion carried by the following voter M Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Noes: October 6, 1998 Absent: • Page 3 Abstain: Ayes: Beek, Franklin, Glasgow, Pfaff, Sinclair, Skoro, Tobin Noes: None Absent: None Abstain: None 6. Request for Initiation of 2d Phase of City Street Tree Reforestation — Superintendent Lomeli stated that this is a continuation from last month and that staff has no additional comments. Director Kienitz arrived at 7:40om Chair Beek opened the public hearing, Yvonne Houssels, 1307 Outrigger Drive, stated that she had received correspondence from 3401 Seabreeze Lane. This property was left off the reforestation list and Ms. Houssels stated that property owner will cover costs and would like to be added to the 2d phase of the reforestation project. Jan Vandersloot thanked staff for listing the tree prices in the report, which clearly shows that the City is losing money by replacing beautiful trees with smaller inexpensive trees, and that he believes homeowners are requesting reforestation for reasons not listed in the • G -1 policy. Chair Beek closed the public hearing. Motion by Commissioner Pfaff to initiate the second phase of a City street tree reforestation program that will be funded by the requesting property owners and the Harbor View Hills Homeowners Association and that 3401 Seabreeze Lane be added to the list pending modification of the list. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Beek, Franklin, Glasgow, Pfaff, Sinclair, Skoro, Tobin Noes: None Absent: None Abstain: None 7. Bayside Park Renovation — Senior Recreation Manager Hunt stated that this item had been placed on the agenda due to letters received' from residents around the area. Mr. Hunt stated that there are no additional funds allocated for this park. Staff recommends that the park remain as is. ,Chair Beek opened the public hearing; Janet Rappaport, 400 Iris, stated that Bayside Park was well used before the renovation. Ms. Rappaport stated that she knows of no one in the entire neighborhood that is happy • with the park. She stated that since the renovation the noise level has become unbearable, that a green hedge is needed for protection of the children. Ms. Rappaport also noted that the bench looks right into her bedroom and that this has become a privacy issue and recommends that this bench be moved right away. 1 R Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting October 6, 1998 • Page 4 Shirley Conger, 3033 Bayside Drive, stated that her properly faces the park. Ms. Conger stated that since the so- called improvements have been made to the park her view has diminished. She stated that the trees have been replaced with much smaller trees and so the noise level has increased. Ms. Conger stated that transients were a problem when there was a lot of foliage on the hill, but that has been alleviated since the planting of the bougainvillea. She stated that more greenery needs to be added to the park and submitted a map with her suggestion for where additional greenery would be added. Eric Parker, 400 Iris, distributed before and after pictures of the park and discussed several items from the staff report and commented on transients in the park. He stated that the benches must be moved so that people other than parents can utilize them. He stated that the general mass of the park has moved closer to his home. Chair Beek closed the public hearing. Commissioner Sinclair stated that as far as the growth of the trees that the public should be patient as they are young trees and will grow into larger trees. Commissioner Glasgow stated that if there is a privacy issue that the bench should be moved ,and asked staff to look into this immediately. He also questioned the discrepancy of noticing homeowners and would like a report on how this was done. • Chair Beek stated that she feels that this park was done with safety issues in mind and that trees do need time to grow. Motion by Commissioner Glasgow to have staff look into moving the bench that looks directly into homeowner at 400 Iris and costs of adding additional foliage for privacy issues. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Beek, Franklin, Glasgow, Pfaff, Sinclair, Skoro, Tobin Noes: None Absent: None Abstain: None 8. Grant Howald Park Renovation — Senior Recreation Manager Hunt discussed rehabilitation of the project. Manager Hunt introduced Chuck Foley of Hirsch & Associates Landscape Architects who discussed the highlights of the project and presented a video on lighting configuration. Manager Hunt stated that staff is looking at a late April /May construction period. Chair Beek opened the public hearing. Travis Grant, member of a Rugby Club, stated that he just wanted the Commission to know that rugby is being played. • Chair Beek asked him if he knew how to become a co- sponsored group with the City. Manager Hunt commented that they had talked about the possibility of this and would continue to do so. 9 Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting October 6, 1998 is Page 5 Chair Beek closed the public hearing. Commissioner Pfaff left at 9:15pm. Motion by Commissioner Glasgow to accept the proposed renovation design for Grant Howald Park and direct staff to proceed with the modification. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Beek, Franklin, Glasgow, Sinclair, Skoro, Tobin Noes: None Absent: Pfaff, Abstain: None 10. Tree Removal Appeal — Superintendent Lomeli discussed that the appeal from homeowner at 1212 Devon Lane does not meet the G -1 policy criteria for removal. Chairman Beek opened the public hearing Patricia Kinglsey, 1212 Devon Lane, stated that the sidewalk around the tree has been replaced three times in the past 14 years, and that currently the sidewalk has raised an inch and is now a liability and will need to be replaced again. Ms. Kingsley stated that she • is concerned that the roots will cause problems to water and gas lines and should that happen would. the City be liable? Superintendent Lomeli stated that the sidewalk was replaced in 1994, and will again in this fiscal year; he also stated that the tree was trimmed in 1997, and will be next trimmed in 2000. Mr. Lomeli stated that there is a supplemental trimming policy where residents can pay $39 for trimming outside of the present three year cycle. Commissioner Pfaff returned at 9:30pm. ]an Vandersloot reminded the Commission that City trees should be kept whenever possible and that the Commission should follow staffs recommendation. Chairman Beek closed the public hearing. Motion by Commissioner Skoro to deny the removal request of one City parkway Sweet Gum street tree at 1212 Devon Lane, but requested staff to contact the Gas Company regarding any damage. If Gas Company suggests problems, item will be returned to Commission next month. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Beek, Franklin, Glasgow, Pfaff, Sinclair, Skoro, Tobin Noes: None Absent: None Abstain: None • 11. Schock Lease — Senior Recreation Manager Hunt reviewed the reasons for the lease renewal with Schock Boats and stated that the City has had an agreement since with them since 1968. Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting October 6, 1998 • Page 6 Chair Beek opened the Public Hearing. Hearing no comments, the Public Hearing was closed. Motion by Commissioner Sinclair to forward the Schock Lease to City Council for their approval. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Beek, Franklin, Glasgow, Pfaff, Sinclair, Skoro, Tobin Noes: None Absent: None Abstain: None 11. Subcommittee Reports Liaison Committee - Director Kienitz shared with the Commission that at the last meeting of October 1, the Tri Lateral Committee voted to disband. Open Space Committee - no information. Budget — no information Liaison with Oasis - Commissioner Skoro stated members of the Committee had gone for a tour and stated how impressed they were with Seniors Manager Jardine -Haug and the rest of the staff. • Naming of Parks - no information Community Services Award - no information. Skateboard — Commissioner Franklin stated that they had met with Steve Rose to discuss skateboard parks and that Commissioner Sinclair would be able to discuss skateboard parks at the Joint Meeting with Costa Mesa on Thursday. VI. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS VII. ADJOURNMENT - IOPm SUBMITTED BY: • TERI CRAIG, COMMUNITY SERVICES EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 4 Joint Meeting of the City of Newport Beach Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission and the City of Costa Mesa Parks, Recreation Facilities and Parkways Commission October 8, 1998 — 6pm • CONVENED AT 7pm I. ROLL CALL Present: Newport Beach — Beek, Glasgow, Pfaff, Sinclair, Skoro, Tobin Costa Mesa — Harris, Johnston, Mehren, Pinkerton, Sarris, Scheafer, Stiller, Zich Absent: Newport Beach — Franklin Staff Present: LaDonna Kienitz, City of Newport Beach Community Services Director /City Librarian Keith Von Holt, City of Costa Mesa, Community Services Director Steve Hunt, City of Newport Beach, Senior Recreation Manager Marcelino Lomeli, City of Newport Beach, Park &Tree Maint Superintendent Teri Craig, Executive Secretary II. IRVINE AVENUE MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS Discussion ensued regarding the condition of Irvine Avenue media. Photos were also presented. Superintendent Lomeli stated that this would be a future item on the City of Newport Beach City Council agenda. City of Costa Mesa asked that Newport Beach forward a copy of the City Council report so that it could be discussed at their next meeting on October 28. III. COSTA MESA FARM SPORTS COMPLEX Director Von Holt discussed the 18.3 acre complex that will house 6 soccer fields, 2 that are • lighted. The fields will open to the public sometime next sping. IV. COSTA MESA NEW DOWNTOWN RECREATION FACILITY DESIGN Director Von Holt reviewed the designs for the upgrade of the facility at Lions Park, including a new pool. The project was funded by CBDG funds. Director Von Holt stated that there has been discussion of moving the Historical Society and expanding the library, depending on availability of funds. V. SKATEBOARD PARKS Discussion ensued regarding the need for a skateboard park in Newport Beach and the difficulty in finding a site. The Costa Mesa Commission discussed'their views on skateboard parks and promised to forward to Newport Beach a list of people involved in the planning of skateboard parks. VI. SPECIAL EVENTS Discussion ensued regarding Costa Mesa events. Director Von Holt stated that based on budget constraints, Costa Mesa had eliminated four holiday events, but the Rose Parade excursions and Day Camps still remain. Newport Beach shared with them the events that the City undertake, i.e. Winter Wonderland, Halloween, etc. VII. FUTURE PARK DEVELOPMENT Discussion ensued regarding, park development in Costa Mesa, such as the joint River Park development. Discussion continued regarding policies for trees in neighborhood and street • trees. Superintendent Lomeli will send a copy of the City Tree and View tree policies to Costa Mesa. Adjourned — 8:15pm SUBMITTED BY: TERI CRAIG, COMMUNITY SERVICES EXECUTIVE SECRETARY q CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Special Meeting October 15, 1998 — 4:30pm CONVENED AT 7pm I. ROLL CALL Present: Beek, Franklin, Glasgow, Pfaff, Sinclair, Skoro, Tobin Staff Present: LaDonna Kienitz, Community Services Director Don Webb, Public Works Director Steve Hunt, Senior Recreation Manager Marcelino Lomeli, Park & Tree Maintenance Superintendent Mike Sinacori, Utilities Manager Teri Craig, Executive Secretary II. PUBLIC COMMENTS None IV. GRANT HOWALD PARK Senior Recreation Manager Hunt stated that the construction plans are ongoing and that staff • has not received any communication from the community surrounding the park. III. BONITA CANYON PARK SITE PLANNING Rick Vanderwood, EPT Landscape Architects, stated that corrections had been made to Options B4 and B -5 of the preliminary cost estimates. Discussion ensued regarding the park. Director Webb stated that bare dirt will not be left, there will be natural grass, but no irrigation on the mid and west sports parks. Chair Beek opened the Public Hearing John Della Grotta, President, Newport Beach Little League, 1939 Port Bishop Place, stated that using Option B -5 ($4,502,998) and C -1 ($866,346) was a reasonable compromise. Carol Hoffman, The Irvine Company, distributed a comparison between Irvine Unified School District and Newport -Mesa Unified School District mitigation agreements for the Commissions review. Ms. Hoffman also reiterated that The Irvine Company has done their part and The Irvine Company believes that City Council should be willing to find and augment any funds that are needed to complete the park. Ms. Hoffman also stated that after talking with the attorneys at The Irvine Company, the $3.250,000 can also be used on the Mid Sports Area. • Director Webb questioned Ms. Hoffman if homeowners around the Arroyo Park had: been properly informed regarding the lighted park. Ms. Hoffman stated that it was included in the disclosure documents to the new homeowners, but noted that most of the new homeowners were Irvine Company employees. She Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Special Meeting October 15, 1998 • Page 2 commented that possibly one of the questions that should be asked is why a restroom would cost $465,000. Director Webb stated that the restrooms must be completely vandal and graffiti proof and yet look attractive, and for that reason there are high costs involved. Chair Beek asked Ms. Hoffman how long The Irvine Company would be willing to pay the fees of EPT Landscape Architects. Ms. Hoffman stated that they would continue to pay their fees until the working drawings begin. Discussion ensued regarding the solicitation of proposals for the working drawings. Scott Anderson, 1730 Port Margate, stated that having the berms are critical for sound attenuation and that the trees should be kept in the final proposal, as it takes so long for maturity. Mike Wayde, AYSO, 33, Belcourt Drive, stated that he believes that the community will come forward to support the park. • Chip Green, 1701 Port Abbey, distributed a draft letter that will be forwarded to City Council from'the Harbor View Hills Homeowners Associations regarding noise mitigation. • Chair Beek closed the public hearing Discussion continued regarding the Bonita Canyon Park - Options Summary provided' by EPT. Motion by Chair Beek to have EPT return with the following costs and options. Yes on: Option A -1 and C -1 (new C -1— West Sports Park with all amenities) Option B -4 and C -2 (old C -1) Option B -5 and C -2 (old C -1) Option B -5 No on: Option B -1 Option B -2 Option B -3 Option B -4 Option B -6 Motion passed by acclamation. VII. AD30URNMENT - 6:30pm SUBMITTED BY: TERI CRAIG, COMMUNITY SERVICES EXECUTIVE SECRETARY • 0 is Harvey L. Holste, D.D 400 Iris Ave. Corona Del Mar, Ca. 10 92625 Oct. 9, 1998 (949) 675 -0889 Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commissioner: (34m ►U ->> ,�C��,,,W - 3, 161 Id RECEP "" A OCT 16 1998 COMMUNITY StriVICES I wish to express my thanks for the renovation of the city park at Bayside and Iris. We live next to the park and are thankful for the removal of the overgrown coral tree which I periodically trimmed in an affort to avoid damage to the roof tiles of our condo- minium structure. I know there have been a number of complaints regarding various aspects of the park as it was being redone, and in its completed state. I've heard via the local grapevine that "no one is happy about the new park "; this view having been recently expressed at the city council meeting onTuesday, Oct. 6th. Please be aware that this is not my opinion, nor is it the opinion of the majority of the neighborhood. My wife and I returned from vacation early Monday morning, jet - lagged and with the "Community Cold ". We didn't check our mail until after the city council meeting and consequently were not there to voice our opinions regarding the park. Personally, I believe you folks have done a very good job on the park renewal. I think your choice of materials has been made with a long -term view on both the use of the concrete walkways and park benches as well as the use of contemporary materials and design of the playground equipment enhancing child safety, and minimizing the need for maintenance. Opening the area for a clear visual corridor was a wise decision considering the past history of vagrants living in the previously over -grown bushes. It now looks so much more appropriate to the area. I do have one area of concern, that is about the possibility of a small child chasing a ball or what have you , running out into traffic on Bayside Drive. I would feel more secure with a.fence or a restraining -wall to prevent that possibility. Once again, thanks for a job well done. ,�- YL J 12' CT +em IV-1) jJovember 3, Iqq$ •Cigof Newport Beach P.0 BOX 1'63. ii0o NE +1'P0RT PHONE "14- 644.3191 COMMUNITY SERVICES NBWPORr BEACH. CA • +:6i9•,yvi FAX 714- 644.3155 October 21, 1998 Barbara Davis 1501 Ruth Lane Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Ms. Davis: We are in receipt of your letter of September 24, 1998, regarding Castaways Park, and appreciate your comments. As you are aware, the final design of the park was the result of a long series of planning meetings, held over several years, which included special community meetings, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission, and ultimately the City Council. The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission originally recommended that the park • include open spaces of grass which could be utilized for picnicking and informal recreational activities. The final approved design incorporates natural California vegetation, as approved by the final decision makers. It is traditional in all City facilities and parks to commemorate the opening of the facility with a dedication plaque, indicating the appointed officials, the architect and organizations responsible for the new civic facility. The plaque at Castaways Parks provided an excellent opportunity to commemorate the importance of the site in the City's history. Thus the historical information became the important component of that plaque. The current chain link fence is a temporary construction fence to protect the growing plant life. It will be removed when the maintenance period is completed and the City formally accepts the dedication of that portion of the park site. Cortl ally, "Pat Beek, Chairman Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission . Cc: Dennis Danner, Acting City Manager ij,-�-A 0 Agenda Item No._ L—CY November 3, 1998 General Services Department Parks and Trees Divisions October 1998 Activities Report Park Division Activities 1. Staff continued coordinating construction projects regarding Bonita Canyon, Arroyo Park, Bonita Creek Park Sewer Project, Peninsula Park Field Renovation Project, and the Harbor View Pool Expansion Project with the Public Works Department. 2. Staff continued coordinating Phase 11 of the Green Acres Reclaimed Water Project, with the Public Works Department. The Project will route reclaimed water to irrigate Bonita Creek and Eastbluff Parks and several of the Jamboree Road medians. • 3. Staff completed irrigation renovation and plant replacements at various sites. 4. The turfgrass areas at Corona del Mar State Beach were renovated. This required substantial removal of beach sand from the turfgrass areas, irrigation repair, and hydroseeding. 5. Phase I removal of non - native plants in the undeveloped portion of Castaways Park was completed. Staff is preparing an estimate for the additions of more native plants at the site. 6. The Operations Support Division of the General Services Department completed major renovation of the Gazebo located at Peninsula Park. (Attachment A, Photo) The Field Maintenance Division of the General Services Department installed the White Marlin sculpture at Rhine Wharf Park. Staff will have photos at the Commission meeting. A dedication ceremony is tentatively planned for later this year. 8. The Commission at the October 6, 1998 meeting requested that staff provide the current Bench Policy with selected styles for the November 3 meeting '(Attachment B). • /3 • Upcoming Activities for November 1. The planting of replacement shrubs and ground covers will continue Citywide. 2. Staff will continue to monitor the Fletcher Jones Mitigation Site in the Big Canyon area. 3. Staff will continue coordinating the annual control of rodents by contract services. Tree Division Activities During the month of October, 820 trees were trimmed, 25 trees were planted, three (3) illegal tree removals, 6 emergency calls were responded to regarding trees and the Urban Forester received 204 tree maintenance requests. 1. The City tree - trimming contractor, West Coast Arborists, completed work at several locations within the Spyglass, Fashion Island, Balboa Peninsula, and Shorecliff areas. This included the annual trimming of coral and palm trees in selected areas. 2. The Urban Forester coordinated the Citywide Sidewalk Replacement Program with the General Services Department Concrete Supervisor. This involved the Urban • Forester inspecting City street trees as related to sidewalk repairs. 3. Informationally, the illegal tree removal of three City Magnolia parkway street trees occurred at 2118 Serrano Avenue per the attached correspondence to the Deputy City Attorney. (Attachment C) The total value of the trees lost was $868. 4. Staff contacted a Gas Company representative to inspect the gas vaulted meter at 1212 Devon Lane for any damage as per Commission directive. No damage was found per the attached letter (Attachment D) to Ms. Patricia E. Kingsley, therefore the tree appeal was denied. 5. The Corona del Mar Business Improvement District (BID) has offered to contribute $35,000 towards the phase H of reforestation on East Coast Highway. Staff is preparing a budget amendment to the City Council requesting $35,000 to match the offer by BID. The $70,000 would significantly accelerate the Ficus tree replacement program in Corona del Mar. fully, li Park and Trees Maintenance Superintendent • MGL /pw I'f 4111 0 0 17 G -5 • PARK AND STREET IMPROVEMENT DONATIONS The City Council recognizes the need to provide residents with the opportunity to donate trees, benches, drinking fountains or related park and street improvement items. This policy establishes criteria for donations to assure attractiveness, usefulness and the capability to be maintained. Tree Donations The tree -lined walkway at Oasis Passive Park beginning at 5th Avenue and Marguerite in Corona del Mar shall be identified as one area where a tree with a bronze plaque can be installed. Other trees with plaques can be donated and installed at locations recommended by the General Services Director and approved by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. Bench Donations It shall be the responsibility of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission to designate the type, style, design, and placement of City -owned benches on City property. Areas of placement may be parks, streets, along the beachfront, within villages, commercial districts, and neighborhoods, on a specific island, etc. Once an area has been designated with a certain style or • type of bench, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission may require that the designation be changed only by a formal request for a redesignation. The factors to be addressed in preparing the list of approved benches for the City as well as the final design for a specific site will include at a minimum: size, usage, vandalism, traffic, security, view obstructions, location, style reflective of neighborhood and cost. The Arts Commission will provide design review assistance as required. Donation requests will be submitted to the General Services Department and meet the following requirements. a. Bench donations along a City street or beach front will require the approval of the General Services Director and the Traffic Engineer. b. Bench donations within a commercial district will require notification of, and an endorsement from, the local business association. c. Bench donations for parks within a residential community will require notification of residents within 300 feet of placement and an endorsement from the homeowners association, when applicable. • /Y G -5 • Park and Street Amenities Items such as benches, drinking fountains, tables, etc., can be donated to be - included in the public park system. Recognition on the item shall be a 2" x 6" . plaque and limited to Donated by (Name) or Donated for (Name) as a means of identifying the donation. Donors of major park improvement gifts may elect to provide a dedicatory plaque not exceeding 5" x 7" with name, date and appropriate text not exceeding 25 words. All donations must be approved by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. The cost of a donated item, including identification plaque, shall be borne totally by private funds. The City will assume ownership and maintenance if accepted and placed in a public park or on a sidewalk unless other arrangements have been agreed upon. The City will not assume responsibility for replacement due to vandalism or theft. Adopted - July 22,1992 • Amended - January 24,1994 Amended - June 27,1994 Amended - June 24,1996 Formerly I -15 • 2 19 OFFICIAL BENCH LIST Agenda Item No. 6 U �. (Backless) Newport Quick Crete Precast 248. 72" Concrete r/ (Backless) I Victoria Quick Crete Precast 295. 96" Concrete Medway BritishAmerican Kiln -dried 650. 72" Teak (Balboa Island Improvement Association bench, with the Association assuming all future maintenance for the teak benches.) There may be additional benches added to this list. .. -, Bench Sub - Committee recommendation that: The following list of park benches be designated as the Official Bench List for the City of Newport Beach. All area designations would thus be made from this list. Design Manufacturer Material Cost Size �. Brooks Brooks /Quick Precast Crete Concrete & recycled plastic slats Huntington Quick Crete Precast $587. 84" Beach Concrete 3. Columbia Timberform Steel & 895. 76" Cascade Craftsmen Purpleheart hardwood „slats �1 4. Bench #10 DUMOR Steel & 436. 72” Recycled 498. 96" Plastic 5- Infinity Recycle Durawood 6.23. 60" Design (Recycled 676. 70" plastic), • cast aluminum & cast concrete U �. (Backless) Newport Quick Crete Precast 248. 72" Concrete r/ (Backless) I Victoria Quick Crete Precast 295. 96" Concrete Medway BritishAmerican Kiln -dried 650. 72" Teak (Balboa Island Improvement Association bench, with the Association assuming all future maintenance for the teak benches.) There may be additional benches added to this list. .. -, n L'A i ; 0 72" 36" Q4- SM -72Bt SANTA MONICA Q4- SM -9613t SANTA MONICA (Wood Slats) or" 19" 0 0 • G NS 6 1 NC��o7� 13 eo,�aL H yG 74 - . IA - or '3 � •• �I t ♦ �. w 'F S AT �f�Y�l � •� O' 1� .yam• i F W M1 CM'r ?' t�YyW1`•.�� � y r rn 1 1. •.r ..1 Nola :1i.48.MA1Gl+A7.T(55:67i� 1; 41 6.561 .�'.. ��yy /ntJivl `.Jn�.iT]CiA.TC ` •gl1'1'. /(.T '�HSfICR4.•.•. { 1 r w � ROOM � i4: 11 . . p"'"i Wl'�.iTLynvM�ieiS�it�fK+�.L .. f \y 5 � 1 :i' y.r t �Q�.".. r � �, It � i � � r{ '�: �r �„ . r.�an •� r_ 0 0 0 0 v lC- �CDv'LC.F� al 0 0 0 t1 • Date: October 15, 1998 To: Deputy City Attorney From: General Services Director Subject: Illegal Tree Removals The Urban Forester was notified on September 29, 1998 that three City Magnolia parkway trees were being removed (photos attached) at 2118 Serrano Avenue. The Police Department also responded to the location (Police Report DR No. 98- 10114) to investigate the incident. Additionally, staff confirmed with the Public Works Department that there was no Encroachment Permit issued to allow the removal of the three trees. is The value of the Magnolia trees that were removed is $868.64 per the attached Tree Appraisal Report. Mr. Jack Flowers, the property owner, had been advised by 'the attached letter dated May 22, 1998 not to remove any City Trees. Further, his representative called me the day of the tree removal to inquire of the probable circumstance should Mr. Flowers decide to remove the trees. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact John Conway, Urban Forester at extension 3083. David E. Niederhaus DEN /JC /pw Attachment L J VE E 0 i■ �I �� W Z U- O H U • Z W a W cl U) w U N> IWI^ v/ J w Z W Q � O C �p O N aD U) rn m * N to L N p a N Q d U m a a 0. Q NW 1.1. N W N , N J LD N rn � A ZO LO (D N +�tl+ U \° � F- OD � � 00 J 2 O N n N F_ fn c rNU) Q O 61T r W Z U m v3 » O U Z mrnN O room ~ It w 0) W �o W U o W !J O 64 r ca J U W n ro m w0)03 fF1 r O m� �61) F (o Z C w � w u) � U O J U a w moo U en O M n ?mw U C! co Y W h n Z I- n ~ o m 0 U) C (6 r w fp O yNM E5 m m m U) C N m (0 N � aml NE1V1'OIYr BEACH POt.lcr DEI'AR'I'MrNT ) D TrUN IONIC ❑ BRIEFING Preliminary Investigation of: DR No. MCPI �VNI o GSU UNAUTHORIZED TREE REMOVAL 98 -10114 (Location of Occurrence RD Dale & Time Reported to PD Connected Reports -Type & DR 21 1JI&ERANO 11 9/29/98 1600 NONE Occ On Mo /dy /yr Day Time Mo /dy /yr Day Time Stolen /lost Recovered t Digm �r onNdlsm Or Between: 9/29/98 Tue 1600 & $ $ CiS $ 1; 600.80 990 Last Name (Firm name if business) First Name Middle Dob Age Sex Desc Hgt ' rWgt'r° .H,air Eyes CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH �L. Residence Address City Slate Zip Res. Phone 3300 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 644 -3083 V I Business Address City Slate Zip Bus. Phone C T I Victim's Occupation Victim's Condition Veh. Lic. No. State Year Make Model Color(s) M Notifications- Persons & Division Victim Advised of Confidentiality Provisions Per 293 PC? O Yes O No CITY OF N.B. URBAN FORESTER J. CONWAY Victim Desires Confidentiality? O Yes O No Domestic Violence Related? O Yes O No Gang Related? O Yes 0 N Hate Crime? O Yes O No Alcohol Related? Weapon Involved? O Yes O No I Weapon Involved? O Yes O No Weapon Involved? O Yes O No O Yes O No Name If Known - Booking No. & Charge If Arrested (List Additional Suspects In Narrative) Dob Age Sex Desc Hgt. Wgt. Hair Eyes FLOWERS, JACK 7 -21 -37 61 M Address City State Zip Res. Phone Bus. Phone S 2118 SERANO NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 673 -8035 (310) 830 -5910 U Personal Oddities (Unusual Features, Scars, Tattoos, Etc) Type Of Weapon (Threals,Force;Simultd Gun, Etc) It Knife or Gun, Describe: S F, E J&Ing - Additional Descriptors Additional Suspects? O Yes C (Liston Page 2) O No T VeIT. Lic. No. State Year Make Model Type Color(s) Inside Color(s) Modifications Damage - Additional Desc. vDitil Persond Codes; V•Vmem R-Reporling Person WW1lness DAiscovedn Person P•Parent :ode Name Residence Address City Stale Zip R Conway, John 3300 NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 )ob Age Sex Business Address (include Zip Code) Bus.'Phone Res. Phone 644 -3083 :ode Name Residence Address City Slate Zip )ob Age Sex' Business Address (include Zip Code) Bus. Phone Res. Phone 1,0. • SPECIFIC OR UNUSUAL ACTIONS THAT MAY TEND TO IDENTIFY THIS SUSP. (Use reverse side for adddlonal narrative.) Burg: ❑ Force ❑ No Force iuspect hires tree removal firm to remove (2) city trees from the parkway in front of his residence, without city authorization. -OSS: I. (2) 20' -25' SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA TREES EST. VALUE $800.00 EACH, TOTAL LOSS $1,600:00 • u rvis oving ID No. Investigating Officers) ID No. R. STEPHENS 205 Signature of Reporting Person, e & eproduced Clerk 10 Form 7.1 (Rev. S -9T) �J� NEwi,owr BEAC11 POLICE DEPAwrMEN't' Page No. Type of Investigation DR No. 2� UNAUTHORIZED TREE REMOVAL 98 -10114 (1) dilional suspects, victims, involved persons. (2) List stolen /recovered property. (3) Reconstruct the occurrence: Include all elements of the Quan. Article Brand SMOdel Serial No. " "' " " ""' " " "" `- -, Dollar Value No. Inscriptions, Caliber, Etc.) I was contacted by the City of Newport Beach Urban Forester, John Conway, who reported this incident. Conway reported that Susp. Flowers had placed an application with the city requesting removal of two magnolia trees from the parkway in front of his residence. Conway told me that the removal request was denied. On 9/29/98 at approx. 1530 his. Conway received a complaint that the trees were being removed without permission. Conway responded to the scene and discovered that the two trees had been removed. The tree removal service was just completing the job and was unaware that a city permit was needed to remove the trees. Susp. Flowers was not at home, however his wife, Roxanne Flowers, told me that she thought her husband had received city approval for the tree removal. Tree removal service info. Chano Camarillo Tree Removal Service, Orange Ca. Ph. 568 -7866 Job Foreman: Estaban Ramirez CDL# A6564561 Veh. 1971 Ford stake bed truck Cal. Lic. 51-167604. This report was taken at the request of N.B. Urban Forester John Conway • • - �a 1 ervisorApproving ID No. Reporting Officer(, R. STEPHENS (Rey. ✓GEN SERVICES DIR — Y-- C•��''� DEPUTY DIRECTOR ADMIN ANALYST EQUIP,MAINT SUFI REFUSE SUPT FIELD OPERS SUPT - BEACH MAINT SUPYR CONQ / S D SUPVR OPERATIONS SUPPORT SUPYR S1 MAINT PERIN PARKS SUPERINTENDENT PARKS SUPERVISOR STREET TREE SUPERVISOR BUILDING MAINT SUPVR EXECUTIVE SECRETARY OTHER ASc f "� �I� al ) r ttl • r _ • �, w..�.�,.wNrc,� , a= Rp ° - , , ° ly.yr.+cj..n da' � m y �'f° f.0 M1 ♦1h ,C�i.r L' �. .1 ..��jy,�U1 .i I ./�41�?�r) M .nj •?Yi'. �� -...,y .r �� . °;n ♦ a'hr 2 +r n..� �'`�i,11 �1,i. I IX, IJ ,ate•'^'"' �x a,_.« -- * �`. k` L, =s �� 14 �L.__... �✓ 1 Ufa F �`. Mi^.� 9.�y F� r j. J O • -------------- f� o N N N N \ 1 ogdwr -ar__ __ ro1K 5NA ]- - - -r -- 421 411 m.7- 45 p 7 3 m am 10 i / \ i / 7 / / , I � / / / , / / �VI 6/ I I o o 445 'n. 433 429 '425 ry �k 15 42.1 �e;ry� 409 J qA� *D "„ v.&�""r1•2 �22 11 F05' J •rv:� 'o n " �' 22p1 1 N ti O C J o o ti� L ..2213 S 2234 ' 1 Nv 2217, 2238 1 o. h FG yI N L .2219, •2242 1 2250 1 N 254 1 .r 2 O, 1 N �a- ..o-- e-P-r" 2256 - 1 tl 2270 1 CV .ry N 'N N 0 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 -8915 October 13, 1998 Ms. Patricia E. Kingsley 1212 Devon Lane Newport Beach, California 92660 Dear Ms. Kingsley, The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission at the October 6, 1998 meeting denied your appeal for a tree removal. The Commission did stipulate that an on site inspection of the gas vaulted meter be conducted by City staff and a Gas Company representative. The inspection was completed on October 9, 1998 and determined that there is presently no damage evident and further reconsideration of your tree removal request is not warranted. If you have any questions please contact Marcelino G. Lomeli, Park and Trees Maintenance Superintendent at 644 -3069. Sincerely, David E. Niederhaus, Director General Services Department DEN /MGL /pw Cc: Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach � Ip 0 p28 1130 \ ' ° <7 7J 722 `o o + 1408 1321 1) 12iS ✓ 'I � � _ 23 wJ 7724 / 46 12/6 / / - + u,• 'M` �O 777> :4 120j ✓ 1118 1210 1201 k✓ 1@ m N °° 1112 120 4 Er ` P G gGe0 1106 It, l I � ✓ % l 1378 0 o AA AN .p _ ^ O -� t h° ^o ✓ re o 7700 1"' 1' � lyryry ✓ 9 7312 1N 1 O ., ✓ ,{ // 130 J 1h °m ✓ ✓ 6 16ry1 RL G ry h ✓ O S 01h / 10 °O 4p ILA, '/ fi ✓ ✓ C �o O Ay 11 /D 100 / 1h0 10 1 >` ✓✓ 7 8 J 122J � Ng `�%� /• °1 ��ti 1g0 ✓ 7 ✓ 1230 ✓ /' •.� 1w ✓ 272 1227 ✓ 7 'r., ' 1g ^ ` 00 , 7 24 2 i , C 10 w, 208 i_ J yQ ✓ 1 ° 106 •A.�aE i�ey,, arA. ��. S '.h °° p�, J i' 72j8 Si, 22S s 'y aot�D� ��a "c ?� 1•�, 2p0 i J20j 121 gi J2j9 2W 24 • i $yB•e y o �`� 4'0 ` ni boot c �•p� 1.) H,q 12oJ i 72 21 / \J �' bb''° • �° c �.•�5 4 JJJ2 04�, J20s ' JS � bbs• n\`�/� ��/ Q• G9 121 s 1J7> �� JZ 7206 170 • 7j18 • 07 1/ .'qv,... :a:�� ✓ o a7 A >4y? ¢�; .s/ �> ' / 1 ✓� 0'9 pw 7 ,, 7JJ 772 ,� J 1 s 4 �.• '. i'" , • ; 1 1008 1, 7707 ✓ 1� JJ7S '771 ��/ U�3b,•. 1Z�,i. . ' ` - i JJO • s 172 O ' 1 Op" 770 JJ �` 06 �` 1�1 • a�� 1701 w5 7/0 • 1 �° �� 1y ° 6 � 7j18 J 2`js X00 1ti1y 101 0w " 1706 • m� ti1 e 3q (ITEM IV -3) NOVEMBER 3, 1998 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT • Arts & Cultural — Library - Recreation — Seniors To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From: Steve Hunt, Senior Recreation Manager Re: Monthly Activities Report Flag Football —The Youth Flag Football League is wrapping up its season the week of November 16 with the City Championships. All teams are eligible to play in the playoffs with the winning team, "the City Champion," going on to the Orange County ( OCMAA) Tournament. The OCMAA tournament will be held the week of November 30 in Garden Grove. Recreation Coordinator, Scott Williamson is coordinating the tournament for OCMAA. New OCMAA President — Recreation Coordinator, Scott Williamson will be installed as the Orange County Municipal Athletic Association's President on Thursday, November 5. Scott had previously held the office of Treasurer from 1996/97. Youth 'Basketball League — The 1999 winter basketball league practices begin on Tuesday, December 1, at the six elementary schools in Newport Beach. The league teaches the children the fundamental skills of basketball. The first league game will be held on Saturday, January 9, • at both West Newport Community Center gym and the Eastbluff Boys and Girls Club gym. Last year the league was comprised of 21 teams. Classes /Instruction — Fall classes are progressing, as the season is half over. As of October 21, 1998 there were 1,889 people registered in fall classes. The winter Navigator will be delivered the first week of December. Aquatics - from September 21— October 21 is as follows: NBAC Water Polo= NBAC Swim Team = Lap Swim Fees= Annual Pass — Punch, Pass= Total Revenue= $12,000 80 participants $5,700 38 participants $2,040 1,020 participants $415 4 passes sold $180 6 passes sold $20,335 Total Participants— 1,138 Staff is currently working with the school district to replace several underwater lights at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center (MBAC) that have burned out, completion date should be the 2nd week of November. '32 Monthly Activities Report Page 2 • The NCAA Waterpolo Tournament will be held at MBAC, December 3 -6. Staff is working with the booster club at Corona del Mar High School to insure all the proper regulations are enforced — primarily noise and parking issues as well as issuing the proper permits and rental agreements. Rent -A -Santa — Applications for Rent -A -Santa are starting to trickle in. Currently, three reservations are on the books totaling $330. This year, Santa can be reserved for $40 for the first half -hour and $35 for each additional half -hour. Santa will be visiting the Newport Beach area December 1 -23; and anticipates another successful season. Facilities — The Tennis Courts at West Newport were resurfaced the week of October 26`h. The basketball court at San Miguel Park is being resurfaced the first week in November. Light bulbs were replaced at Las Arenas Park Tennis Courts as a routine maintenance. • 0 3q • (item 1V-4) COMMUNITY'SERVICES DEPARTMENT November 3,1998 Arts & Cultural - Library � Recreation - Seniors To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From: Celeste Jardine -Haug, Senior Services Manager Re: Monthly Activities Report Oktoberfest Celebrated — OASIS held an Oktoberfest Event on Wednesday, October 7. The program included a traditional German meal and entertainment from an Oom -pah Band. The cost of the event was $8.00. 180 people enjoyed the day. Jazz Concert— The Night Blooming Jazzmen performed at OASIS once again on Sunday, October 11. Attendees were jumping to the Dixieland beat of one of the top Dixieland bands of the country. They played the traditional Dixieland style, a truly American musical art form. A sell out crowd of 400 people enjoyed this event. Flu Shot Clinic /Health insurance and Housing Expo — OASIS held the annual Flu Shot Clinic on October 16. The County Health Department provided the flu vaccine and Volunteer RN's gave the injections. This year, the clinic was combined with an Expo, which provided information on Health Insurance and Housing. These are the two areas of most concern to seniors. The staff • at OASIS receives at least 20 calls a day on these topics. The event had 756 people attending. The exhibitors were very happy with the turn out. Planning for the Holidays — Staff is busy planning for the many holiday activities to be offered at the center. Holiday times are often difficult for many seniors. Keeping active and involved can be helpful. Rummage Sale Summary — The Friends of OASIS rummage sale raised over $10,000. These funds will be used to help pay for many of the activities and events at the center. This sale required many long hours on the part of volunteers. Upcoming Events Radio Show of Yester Years — Russ Butler will present original audio excerpts by all of the great entertainers who brought laughter to everyone's 'living rooms before television. He has produced radio programs for more than forty years in broadcasting. This production will take place on Friday, November 6 at 11am. Thanksgiving_Luncheon — A Thanksgiving Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, November 25 h. Dinner with all the trimmings will be offered in addition to a musical performance by Norma Roberts. The event will begin at 11am. • *D 0 OASIS SENIOR CENTER Utilization Report SeDtember 1998 PARTICIPANTS ATTENDING 6,821 CUSTOMERS RECREATIONAL CLASSES 2,626 CUSTOMERS PERSONALIZED SERVICES PROVIDED 1,627 CUSTOMERS Includes: Another Passage 4 Blood Pressure 78 Housing counseling 67 Braille 36 Information /Referral 877 Counseling 80 Legal Assistance 12 Eldercare 8 Senior Assessment(hrs) 70 Employment 26 Telephone Reassurance 267 HICAP 4 Visual Screening 10 SENIORS RECEIVING TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Care -A -Van 643 Shuttle 312 955 CUSTOMERS CUSTOMERS RECEIVING NOON MEALS AT THE CENTER 1,418 CUSTOMERS • VOLUNTEER HRS. OF SERVICES PROVIDED AT THE CENTER 2,306.76 HOURS Includes: ( "equiv. to 14 full -time employees) Front Office Kitchen & Home Delivered Meals Gift Shop Travel Office Instructors Library Treasurer Pancake Breakfast Rumage Sale PARTICIPANTS IN FRIENDS OF OASIS TRAVEL PROGRAMS 211 CUSTOMERS pay Trios Del Mar Races 25 Long Trios Laughlin, Golden Nugget 44 Lake Arrowhead 27 Pacific Coast By Land & Sea 10 Lawrence Welk 36 OC Performing Arts Ctr 25 Venice, Santa Monica 44 ATTENDEES TO MEETINGS AT OASIS Board of Directors 18 Newsletter Collating 10 84 PERSONS General Membership 66 PARTICIPANTS AT SP CIAL EVENTS •Rummage Sale 700 880 PERSONS Pancake Breakfast 180 4-I n LJ Agenda Item No. IV-5 November 3, 1998 'To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From: General Services Director Subject: Cliff Drive Park Beautification Donation Recommendation To approve the donation of $5,103 from the Newport Heights Community Association for a Cliff Drive Park beautification project. Discussion Staff received the attached letter dated September 20, 1998 (Attachment A) from previous members of the Board of Newport Heights Community Association requesting the -City accept their donation of $5,103 for Cliff Drive Park beautification. • Specifically, the Association is requesting that the money be used to enhance the slope immediately adjacent to the tot lot area of the park. The project proposes planting bougainvilleas and flowering trees to beautify the area. Additionally, staff proposes to modify the irrigation system in this area, as part of this project. Ms. Janine Allen of the Newport Heights Community Association has received a copy of this report and a notice of the November 3 Commission meeting. Very respectfully, David E. Niederhaus DEN/MGL /pw Attachment • qa 1b. Janine Allen 406 San Bernardino Newport Beach, CA 52553 September 20, 1558 Mr. Marcy Lomeli Park and Tree Superintendent 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 52553 Dear Marcy, The past members of the Board of Newport Heights Community Association would like to donate the sum of to the City of Newport Heights for park beautification. We would like the money to be used to enhance the slope immediately adjacent to the tot lot facing westward in the interior rapine of the Cliff Drive Park. The project would • involve planting bougainviiiea across the Pace of the slope and planting the appropriate trees along the stream bed that will beautify the park without interfering with harbor and ocean views. After a meeting with John Conway, he stated that the city would grind the two stumps near the tot lot and plant five to seven small flowering trees. We understand that planting would occur during the appropriate weather and moisture conditions. We are looking forward to seeing the beautification of the park, and we thank you for your participation and cooperation. Respectfully, IM F-1 L J (Item V -n November 3, 1998 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Arts & Cultural - Library - Recreation - Seniors To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From: Steve Hunt, Senior Recreation Manager Marcelino Lomeli, Park & Tree Maintenance Superintendent Re: Bayside Park Resident Concerns RECOMMENDATIONS 1. To adjust the park bench on the east end of the tot lot so that it faces Iris Avenue. 2. To keep the landscape area along north wall as designed and planted. BACKGROUND At the Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission meeting on October 6, 1998, staff was • directed to evaluate and report back on two items regarding the Bayside Park renovation, the ,location of the bench at the tot lot and the resident request for additional foliage. The Park Bench — General Services staff are able to adjust the park bench in question so that it will face Iris Avenue instead of the adjacent residence. Additional Foliage — Staff also reviewed the possible installation and cost of adding plant materials along the north wall staff met on site and conferred with the landscape architect. The General Services staff believes that if Podocarpus shrubs were planted along the wall on the northside of the park, it would conflict with the existing planting plan. The Podocarpus would impede growth of the Creeping Fig vine that are planted adjacent to the wall by shading it, by interfering with the growth pattern of the existing Sweet Shade/Wedding trees, and by requiring that the irrigation system would need to be modified. The natural growth of the three Sweet Shade trees will provide a measure of screening and privacy in the vicinity of the adjacent resident's entryway where there was none provided before the renovation. • A14 • Agenda Item No. %- November 3, 1998 To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From: General Services Director Subject: Bayside Drive Beautification Phase 1 Recommendation To approve the conceptual plan for Bayside Drive Beautification Phase I. Discussion The City Council approved $35,000 for the Bayside Drive Beautification, Phase I Project. Additionally, the Mai Kai Community Association has contributed $2,500 and the Irvine Terrace Community Association has contributed $1000 toward the project. The consultant design fees are $2,500 therefore allowing $36,000 for construction. • Phase I of this project will include planters, landscaping, irrigation and a wall at the northeast corner of Jamboree Road and Bayside Drive. Staff and the consultant will present the conceptual plan at the November 3 Commission meeting. Informationally, subsequent phases along the north side of Bayside Drive, easterly towards El Paseo Drive will include additional street trees, landscape, and irrigation in the parkway. Staff has coordinated the development of the conceptual plan with the Presidents of both the Mai Kai and Irvine Terrace Community Associations who, endorse the plan (Attachments A and B). Additionally, staff has sent copies of this report and a notice of the November 3 meeting to the President of the Balboa Island Improvement Association and property owners adjacent to Bayside Drive between Jamboree Road and E1 Paseo Drive. Upon approval of the conceptual plan, staff will forward the proposal to the Public Works Department for an engineering review and the preparation of a formal bid request for subsequent Council approval. Very respectfully David E. Niederhaus • DEN/MGL /pw 4s- Transpacific Management Service October 19, 1998 SERVING COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS SINCE 1966 City of Newport Beach David E. Neiderhaus, General Services Director P. 0. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 RE: MAI KAI COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Dear'Mr. Neiderhaus: Please be advised the Board of Director of Mai- Kai Community Association have viewed, and approved, the latest plans for the Bayside Drive Beautification Program. On a related matter, this Association respectfully requests the assistance of your office in • persuading the owners of slopes opposite the Mai Kai Complex to remove plastic debris, weeds, and other miscellaneous unsightly items from that hillside. • Sincerely, MAI KAI COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION by direction of the Board of Directors Edward L. Barrel, Administrator TRANSPACIFIC MANAGEMENT SERVICE cc: Board of Directors 2112 E. FOURTH STREET, STE. 200, SANTA ANA,. CALIFORNIA 92705.31316 PHONE, 7141286.2628 800/872 -7800 FAX, 7141847.9393 CERRITOS562/926.3372 • CORONA 9091971.2727 • SAN CLEMENTE 7141248 -2822 0 • October 15, 1998 Mr. David E. Niederhaus General Services Director City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 Dear Mr. Niederhaus IRVINE This is to advise you that the Irvine Terrace Community Association concurs with and supports the plan for the beautification of Jamboree and Bayside Drive as presented on the preliminary • plan prepared by Pedersen & Associates dated October 12, 1998. Sincerely, ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS IRVINE TMLPACUOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Barbara Peters Senior Manager cc: Marcelino G. Lomeli Park & Tree Maintenance Superintendent City of Newport Beach P.O. Box 19530 • Irvine, California 92713 • (714) 752 -2225 W • Agenda Item No. V— C1 November 3, 1998 To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From: General Services Director Subject: Bayside Drive Street Tree Redesignation Recommendation To approve the change of designated street tree from Eucalyptus sideroxylon (Red Ironbark) to Cassia leptophylla (Gold Medallion Tree) on Bayside Drive between Jamboree Road and El Pasco Drive. Discussion The current designated parkway street tree on the northside of Bayside Drive between . Jamboree Road and El Paseo Drive is the Red Ironbark The Red Ironbark tree is too tall a species for this location and would constantly be in need of trimming due to the tree limbs growing into the electrical wires. The conceptual plan for the corner of Bayside Drive and Jamboree Road includes the planting of five Gold Medallion Trees, which has a yellow flower and grows only to a height of 20 to 25 feet. Staff feels that as future phases develop to improve Bayside Drive the Gold Medallion trees could be planted in between the Red Ironbark trees to complement the street. As the Gold Medallion trees mature, the Red Ironbark trees would be removed. The Irvine Terrace Community Association and Mai Kai Community Association concur with this change of designated street tree. The property owners on Bayside Drive between Jamboree Road and El Paseo have received a copy of the staff report and a notice of the November 3 Commission meeting. Very respectfully, David E. Niederhaus DEN/MGL /pw n LJ Cccssict leptophyllcs. (Gold Medallion Tree) Fabaceae (Legtoninosae) (Legume family) origin: Brazil KASS -ee -uh lep- toe - FILL -uh Species characteristics: Form - Nearly evergreen. Fast growing to 20 - 25'. A shapely, graceful, open - headed, low- spreading tree with a bushy spreading crown and slightly pendent branch tips. Trunk - Slightly furrowed reddish brown bark occasionally marked with verti- cal streaks. Foliage - Pinnately compound, green leaves 12 - 18" long with up to 12 pairs of narrow leaflets 1 1/211- 2 112" long and 1/2" - 3/4" wide. Flowers /fruit - Deep yellow flowers 2 - 3" wide in 6 - 8" rounded terminal clus- ters through July and August, with occasional blooms later. Straight green woody pods turn dark brown and twisting with maturity, reaching 16" long and 1/2" thick. The pods are 4- sided, almost square in cross section, and very hard. No significant pest problems. Site suitability: Sunset zones - 21- 24. Clearances - Suitable for 5 - 6' parkways or 5 x 5' cutouts and under utility lines. Corresponds to class B on STS chart. Good for streetsides, medians, parks and lawns. Culture considerations: Prune after flowering. Full sun. Comments, notes: 41 t51 Agenda Item No. V— 10 November 3, 1998 To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From: General Services Director Subject: Tree Redesignation for Santiago Drive Recommendation To deny the request to change the designated City parkway street tree, from the Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) to the Bradford Pear (Pyrus calleryana `Bradford') tree. Discussion A letter was sent to Mr. Chris A. Welsh on August 27, 1998 (Attachment A) informing him that two (2) trees had been planted in the parkway adjacent to his residence without City approval. Subsequently, correspondence between Mr. Welsh and the City continued relative • to the removal of the two Pear trees (Attachments B, C, and D). Mr. Welsh then sent a letter dated October 5, 1998 asking for a variance for the two trees. (Attachment E) Mr. Welsh is requesting that the designated street tree be changed on Santiago Drive to the Bradford Pear tree and that the trees remain. Staff has informed Mr. Welsh that based on City Council Policy G -6 (Addendum to Attachment E) in that only one tree can be planted in the parkway. Additionally, staff has offered to plant a fifteen (15) gallon Magnolia tree or 24" boxed tree, if Mr. Welsh removes the two (2) pear trees. Mr. Welsh has received a copy of this report and a notice of the November 3 Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission meeting. Very respectfully, David E. Niederhaus DEN/MGL /pw • .9a • Attachments: A. City letter to Mr. Welsh dated August 27, 1998 B. Letter from Mr. Welsh dated September 3, 1998 C. City letter to Mr. Welsh dated September 18, 1998 D. City letter to Mr. Welsh dated October 1, 1998 E. Letter from Mr. Welsh, dated October 5, 1998 Addendum to E, City Council Policy G -6 �J • 53 • • L CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 -8915 August 27, 1998 Mr. Chris A. Welsh 2130 Santiago Drive Newport Beach, Ca. 92660 Subject: First Notice, Illegal'kree planting Dear Mr. and Mrs, This letter is to inform you that the Evergreen pear trees located in the parkway of your property at 2130 Santiago Drive, Newport Beach were not approved by the City of Newport Beach, The G -6 policy (copy attached) states the City has the responsibility to: 1. Approve type, location and spacing of the tree planting proposed,: 2. Furnish, install, stake and initially fertilize new trees. 3. Prune and spray as required. Therefore, in compliance with the City's G -6 policy, you must remove the recently planted Evergreen pear trees in the parkway within 15 days. Additionally, if you desire trees planted, the City will install the approved designated street tree, Magnolia at no expense to you. However, if this matter is not taken care of within 15 days, the City shall complete the removal and you will be sent an invoice for the cost of.the work. If you have any questions regarding this matter and desire tree planting, please contact John Conway, Urban Forester, at 644 -3083. Sincerely, David E. Niederhaus General Services Director DEN /MGL Attachment 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach 5� Chris A. Welsh 2130 Santiago, Newport Beach, CA 92660 • (949) 574 -8080 Fax (949) 574 -8081 September 3, 1998 Mr. David E. Nicderhaus General Services Director City of Newport Beach P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 Re: First Notice, Illegal Tree Planting Dear Mr. Niederhaus: I would like to request the Evergreen Pear Trees remain at my house. Every street tree visible from my house is the same Evergreen Pear; the neighbors non - street trees are also Evergreen Pears. I do not want a magnolia installed. In the event this can not be done at an administrative level I would like to review it with the city council. I trust you will delay the 15 day removal pending the outcome of this review Sincerely yours, kris A.� sh • 515— .j CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658.8915 September 18, 1998 Mr. Clods A. Welsh 2130 Santiago Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: First Notice, Illegal tree planting Dear Mr. Welsh, This letter is in response to correspondence dated September 3, 1998 regarding your request to allow the Evergreen Pear trees located in the City parkway adjacent to your residence to remain and be approved by the City. John Conway, Urban Forester has called you and left messages so we may discuss some options relative to this issue. The attached City Council Policy G -6 states that the City has the responsibility to: . 1. Approve type, location and spacing of the tree planting proposed. 2. Furnish, install, stake and initially fertilize new trees. 3. Prune and spray as required. A site inspection by me confirmed that only one tree could be planted in the parkway per the spacing requirements listed in the policy. The current Pear trees•do not meet this requirement. Additionally, the only tree that can be planted in the parkway is the current City designated street tree, which is,the Magnolia tree. Please contact Marcelino Lomeli, Park and Tree Superintendent at 644 -3069 so we can resolve this matter. Since David E. Nied hr�Director General Services Department DEN /MGL /kr Attachment • 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach S4 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658.8915 October 1, 1998 Mr. Chris A. Welsh 2130 Santiago Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Mr. Welsh, This letter is a follow -up to the correspondence sent September 18, as per the attached copy, regarding the first notice of illegal tree planting. Due to your failure to respond to our request this letter is to advise that if you have not removed the two Pear trees and completed the work by October 11, 1998, the City will complete the work and you will be sent an invoice for the expenses incurred. If the City • has to remove the trees, they will be replanted in another public location. If you have any questions please give Marcelino G. Lomeli, Park and- Trees Maintenance Superintendent a call at 644 -3069. Sincerely, David E. Niederhaus, Director General Services Department DEN/MGL /pw Attachment E 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach 97 9 • • L1'a �x. .. Zyy��,, r 41, +� ,.1.��,.y�? "'��'„ its .. �wa..r. <,+"24 +F... +4'^ '..- i..,�'Re'bn��'..�r....� .. ,y -.. 1+"t�. �':�. •'. - ✓ 4 3 w Chris A. Welsh 2130 Santiago, Newport Beach, CA 92660 • (949) 574 -8080 Fax (949) 574 -8081 • October 5, 1998 Mr. David E. Niederhaus General Services Director City of Newport Beach P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 Re: First Notice, Illegal Tree Planting Dear Mr. Niederhaus: REG'1VE'D 'OCT 061998 GS R,gIIKS ?neeS First, your use of certified mail for each communication is infuriating. I have had to make a trip to the post office each time to pick up the mail for this issue. It is a waste of city time and both parties' effort to send every post by certified mail, return receipt requested, especially when the contents has no deadline, enforcement action, etc. Revise this stupid policy. Second, your letter alleges John Conway called and left messages. To my knowledge, there was one, and no more, which I immediately returned. He has not left a message since. I have now left a message for Marceline Lomeli, which he did return; I have not spoken to him yet. I reiterate my request that this,matter either be administratively approved, or referred to the City Council for a variance. In either case the trees have taken hold and I strenuosly object to any action to remove the trees prior to a city council review of a variance. Si erely yours, 4 hris A. el cc: Tom Edwards w /enclosures • • MAINTENANCE AND PLANTING OF PARKWAY TREES The City Council is vitally interested in cooperation in helping to develop and encouraged. G -6 beautification of City parkways. Public maintain healthy and attractive trees is MAINTENANCE OF PARKWAY TREES' The General Services Department will trim the parkway trees on a rotation schedule. An effort will be made to trim the parkway trees on less than a three year cycle. If the rotation trimming is completed in less than three years, more frequent trimming will be dene• performed on certain trees and in view are Public safety such as low branches and heavy foliage will be given priority over view trimming. An effort will be made to trim parkway trees located in heavy summer traffic areas during the fall and winter months. The trimming schedule will be altered to avoid trimming streets with flowering street trees during their blooming time. This will apply to streets having a large number of flowering trees, not to one or two trees on a street. TREE LIST The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission has adopted an official tree list which will be used by the General Services Department to determine species for planning purposes in all new subdivisions and replacement in established parkways. The list will be reviewed on an annual basis by the General Services Department staff with any recommendations forwarded to the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLANTING PARKWAY TREES General Requirements A. 72 -hour notification shall .be given the General Services .Department prior to the initial installation of parkway trees for approval of species, material quality and planting supervision. 24 -hour notice shall be given prior to all subsequent inspections as required. 59 • G-6 B. Relative position of parkway trees is subject to approval by the General Services Department; and any tree not properly placed will be relocated at no cost to the City. In the interest of public safety, trees shall be kept not less than: (a) 25 feet back of beginning of curb returns at intersections. (b) 10 feet from lamp standards. (c) 10 feet from fire hydrants. (d) 10 feet from service walks or driveways. (e) 10 feet from meters and sewers. (f) 25 feet from stop signs. C. Trees shall be a minimum container size of 15 gallons. 1. Condition : Plants shall be symmetrical, typical for variety and • species, healthy, vigorous, free from plant disease, insect pests and shall have healthy, normal root system free from being root bound. Trees shall not be pruned or topped prior to delivery. ' 2. Inspection: All plant material shall be subject to inspection and approval by the General Services Department prior to planting. The City has the.right to reject any item offered. D. Soil Analysis Requirement for Land Developers Developer may be required to have a composite soil analysis made by a bona fide soil testing laboratory of soil to receive, parkway trees at no cost to the City. The location and number of soil samples shall be determined by the City. Analysis shall include fertility level and organic content of the samples take. A copy of the test results shall be forwarded directly to the General Services Department a minimum of 60 days prior to scheduled planting of parkway trees. PARKWAY TREE PLANTING A. All pits shall be dug with the bottom level, width equal to two times the • diameter of the ball, and the depth 11/2 times the height of the container from which the tree is planted. 2 ,A n LJ G-6 B. Where land developers are required to provide soil analysis, the prepared soil backfill shall be based on test results. C. When soil analysis is not a requirement, native soil with a commercial fertilizer approved by the General Services Department shall be used for backfill. D. Set plants in center of pit, in vertical position, so that crown of ball' will be level with finish grad and shall bear the same relationship to finish grade after allowing for watering and settling)and shall bear the same relationship to finish grade that it did to soil surface in its container. E. Prepare a depressed water basin capable of holding 10 gallons of water. Water shall be applied in that quantity at time of planting in a fashion that insures wetting the entire root ball and that all air pockets are removed. F. If houses are not occupied, trees shall be watered one week later. Thereafter, watering shall be done at week intervals by the developer for • a period of one year or until homes are occupied. G. Each tree must be properly supported by two Lodgepole pine stakes or other material approved by the General Services DepartmenL *Stakes shall be a minimum of eight feet in length Stake all trees at time of planting by placing stake in prepared hole and driving stake a minimum of 30 inches to soil. 0 H. All trees shall be secured to stakes with a cinch tie. 1. Eight penny duplex nails shall be used to secure the brace to the stakes — two per side. L A root barrier approved by the General Services Department shall be installed. GUARANTEES A. 15 -gallon tree shall be guaranteed as to growth and health for a period of ninety (90) days after final acceptance by the General Services Department. 3 N f �3�•l • G-6 B. Trees that fail to grow or are injured or damaged during planting operations shall be replaced within 15 days after notification. Replacement material. shall be guaranteed as specified as original guaranteed material. ESTABLISHED PARKWAYS APPLICANT MUST: 1. Applicant must accept responsibility for watering and fertilizing new trees. 2 If an applicant has questions regarding the street tree program they should contact the Park & Street Tree Superintendent at (714) 644- 3162 or send a written request for one or more parkway trees to: Attn: Park & Street Tree Superintendent, P. O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, California 92659 -1768. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH WILL: • 1. Approve type, location and spacing of tree planting proposed. 2. Furnish, install, stake and initially fertilize new trees. 3. Prune and spray tree as required. Adopted 11/22/82 Amended 11/14/83 Amended 10/22/92 Amended 1/24/1994 Formerly I -19 r- -I LJ El Hd Dry / •\ _ �� ryy ^ �f ryh ��� 22 y O O 2277 .2p2 \� \\ rVyO S9� arVa rp`\ �'±M:. / 7 y0 O o 9 ry d y\b / s °pj�x 0 b hp \, $h ff c �' 2115 Ax` "Cr rya +c f__aa` a b ry ry° ��' 2aprwm _= � / C14 1 79 ry \ a \v / 23 ✓ �Py ryh 2317 . •y �, 222 ry S r \ 6 ^9 ygco rya0 ', r . N •\ �h ^ a.,, 2218 2210 ? �P 2024\ ryryry '�� `Vaa \ \ -,v /, 009 `q i ^ rypry ah \ ryv 07 rl�V rVaaM 1 ry ryah0 \ 1, a + tr�� 2008 •\ ary a0 �D 20 6 a\ + + a0 ap1 v \ry \ ryh \\ h\ 2007 — — �.! 1862 ��a ry m \ w 01 Zvy\ ry,�0 •+, < `VryrV \ 792 j \rya, \ yc CVap 7 .P� 1862 \` \ VS ^ 936 O 76 rV\ ry 0 ryn7 ^\ ryhp P y \` ryry 7 793 S @ 862 p v + 97 � ' " v /�`\ ryh0^ \� �pq� SSS \ \, ✓972 2) ' 7n ry ^rya N'. 0 863, / rVh00 • �^ O ry 70 ^ ry �' + 9 ' ryry\ 766 O V,Vb �` ryry\ G� Oh J ' a 79y6 790)\ ry ^ry . ry \Oro a e ryy �` ry ryry 76 R 7y a \ ry \ \h ryry^h ryry00 d 2 0! ry \ry� O^ ` 411 PJrns ealleryaua* PYE -rus OK kah- ler- ee- AR-nuh (Ornamental Pear, Callery Pear) Chart: C56 & C57 Rosaceae (Rose family) Origin: China, 1908 ot Species characteristics: g Form - thoms, fruit color, summer and fall foliage and resistance to freblight;ltdepend- ing on individual cultivar. Trunk -Dark brown or gray, smooth when young to rough at maturity. Foliage - Variable, very glossy, leathery dark green, 1 - 3" -long, broadly oval, scalloped leaves. Flowers /fruit — Clustered, white, 3/4 - 1" wide, early blooming flowers, may be destroyed by late freeze. Fruit is small, round, russet colored, attracting many birds. Cultivars "Aristocrat" (upper and dower left pictures) is thornless, broadly based, pyramidal, with upcurving branches, medium growth rate to 30' with a 40' spread. Leaves pointed at the tip, mar ins are entire and not wavy. Bril- liant yellow to maroon fall color. Freblight resistant. Tolerant of heat, alka- line and heavy soils. 'Bradford' (upper right and lower center pictures) has strongly vertical mul- tileader branches and included bark. Grows rapidly to 50' with a 30' spread, and oval silhouette. Leaves are rounded at tip, margins wavy with slight sena- tions at apex. Yellow to orange, red, and/or maroon in fall. Dense narrow an- gled upright branching habit creates poor branch structure with age. With slightly different characteristics are 'Autumn Blaze', 'Capital', 'Chanti- cleer', edspire', 'Trinity' and 'Whitehouse', and others. (I Significant pest problems are purple leaf spot and fireblight. Site suitability: Sunset zones - 2 - 9 and 14 - 21. Chill deepens fall color. Clearances - Suitable for 2 - 3' parkways or 3 x 3' cutouts. EGood for streetsides, medians, parks, lawns and accents. rj Culture considerations: No more than moderate summer watering when established. • Comments, notes: 2, *NOTE: Only cultivars are recommended. 130 r 1 0 Agenda Item No. u— I, November 3, 1998 To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From: General Services Director Subject: Tree Removal Appeal Recommendation To deny the removal request of one Red Flowering Gum (Eucalyptus ficifolia) parkway street tree at 708 Fernleaf Avenue. Discussion Mr. William Hays, who owns the property at 708 Fernleaf Avenue, requested the removal of • one parkway street tree per his letter dated September 4, 1998 (Attachment A). The Urban Forester and Park Superintendent reviewed the request on site in September per the Tree Inspection Report and Tree Appraisal Report (Attachment B). There was no significant damage that was apparent and the tree was moderately healthy. Subsequently, the Urban Forester sent a fetter dated September 16, 1998 (Attachment C) to Mr. Hays denying the tree removal and stating his recourse for appeal. Mr. Hays submitted the attached letter dated September 28, 1998 requesting an appeal (Attachment D). The General Services Director informed Mr. Hays by letter dated October 8, 1998 that his appeal would be placed on the Commission agenda for the November 3, 1998 meeting (Attachment E). Mr. Hays has received a copy of this report and a notice of the November 3 Commission meeting. Very respectful David 'E. Niederhaus DEN/MGL /pw E • Attachments: A. Mr. Hays's fax dated September 4, 1998 B. Tree Inspection Report and Tree Appraisal Report C. Urban Forester's letter dated September 16, 1998 D. Mr. Hays's letter dated September 28, 1998 E. General Services Director's letter dated October 8, 1998 r1 U • W . • 0 0 �afw Garvwa�- /q1gB AV , , �i IJm.. S�o�Ja W""SrhdpkLt! Peel 6*9 . CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT TREE INSPECTION REPORT Name: Mr. William Hays Address: 708 Fernleaf Avenue Phone Number: 650 -5643 Request: Remove unsightly tree, willing to share cost for removal and replacement. Botanical Name: Eucalyptus ficifolia Common Name: Red Flowering Gum Designated Street Tree: Magnolia grandiflora (Southern magnolia) Estimated Tree Value: 6" DBH x 1 trees = 28.27. 100% species value, Total Value = $366.38 (see attached appraisal report) • Damage: Maintenance records indicate last trimming was completed May 1996. Parkway: Concrete Brick Turf Other Comments: A field inspection determined tree was moderately .healthy with no apparent property damage. Gas and water are in the rear of the property. Inspected by: Date: September 10, 1998 t� Recommendation: 4etain tree, it is moderately healthy and may recover. i Reviewed by: WNU Date: September 10, 1998 • 6-2 0 v Q w m t- • a w z LL. O mi t&j • z w a w 0 W C.) w U) W z W 0 Q E m m � E li m CL IDD o� I� G N0 O d �Ix a� ON a U) 9 a. a w w W M M a (0 Cl) � 0 y M ro O F y �g o 0� J z ON n q P o a z� 0 U z N wa LU M to w LL o y U LU M N on m> z w 2�- awy 0 5 U IL w LU N CIO N U N z W d U y N � W z � H m ~ O W m � � E U W Q v U e 3 N N a y �� W o F K 176 L CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 -8915 September 16, 1998 Mr. William Hays Post Office Box 7354 Newport Beach, California 92658 Dear Mr. Hays, Your request for the removal of a City Brisbane Box (Tristania conferta) parkway street tree located at 708 Fernleaf Avenue has been reviewed and examined on site. Since staff currently recommends the retention of the tree in accordance with the attached City Council Policy G -1, your request is denied. The field inspection determined the tree was moderately healthy with no apparent, property damage evident. If you disagree with this decision, your recourse is to appeal the decision to the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission for further review. Do not remove any trees. If you remove any City trees, the City will pursue restitution for the value of the tree as • established by the City Urban Forester. If you wish to appeal the decision for retention, please send a letter within 15 days to David E. Niederhaus, General Services Director, Post Office Box 1768, Newport Beach, California 92658 -8915 in order that your appeal can be included on a future Commission agenda. Please contact me at 644 -3083 if you have any questions. Si er ly, Jo Conway Urban Forester ', J JC/kr Attachment 11 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach �7� David E. Niederhaus General Services Director P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 Dear Mr. Niederhaus: WILLIAM HAYS P.O.Box 7354 Newport Beach, CA 92658 September 28, 1998 RECEIVED SEP 3 0 1998 GS PARKS/TREES I was given the impression from John Conway that because I agreed to bear the price he quoted, it was likely the tree at 708 Fernleaf, Corona del Mar, would be replaced. My neighbors on either side have had their trees replaced with Little Gem Magnolias. The existing tree, though alive, leans lopsidedly into the street, and according to the tree trimmer, "because of lack of proper pruning" is beyond help. • I own four properties in Corona del Mar, and Tm only trying to improve the appearance of my property and the street. Since Pm willing to bear the cost, I was very surprised my request was declined. Citizens should be encouraged to improve their community, not rejected! I'm looking forward to your response. Sincerely, William Hays P. S. There is a large dead tree in the parkway between my property and Coast Highway. u 7X • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 -8915 October 8, 1998 Mr. William Hays Post Office Box 7354 Newport Beach, California 92658 Dear Mr. Hays, This letter is in response to your correspondence dated September 28, 1998 regarding your request to remove one City parkway street tree located at 708 Fernleaf Avenue. The procedure to appeal staffs decision is to take the matter before the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission. Your appeal will be placed on the next Commission meeting agenda scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 1998. A copy of the staff report • and an agenda for this meeting will be mailed to you prior to the meeting. Additionally, the dead tree that you mention in your letter will be removed next week. If you have any questions please contact Marcelino G. Lomeli, Park and Trees Superintendent at (949) 644 -3069. Sinceereellyy, Pavid E. Niederhaus, Director General Services Department DEN/MGL /pw • 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach 75 r of , • >a ¢ >o � •a O \a r r .``P a/ 'PARK \ ¢\ aQ' Fp CITY PROP V� 9� 7 r% J� Ql,•� A 9 l sa> y1P SHER AN CITY ✓Y -' ✓ 17 60 f 1020 ,p2j ✓� 1p. ✓ 32 a 1018 7p2j� 7026 - - 1006 701, 1020 1000 700, ✓✓ ✓ 1074 100, � 1027 1p06 1 7000 700 / Xl� ro ✓ . \ by \O L � ✓ I o' nls stloncs I, ' P A \ / . A2 APMTNENTS\ � / A /\ L O IN 0 r'Ny > > S GRANT HOWALO F� >oA OLl a• • >4 t >i> e ✓ `g� PARK ,.�. �` > . � > � BOA• '� >�? > �ry0 r V , e O L> r > )> • Agenda Item No. V— 12r November 3, 1998 To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From: General Services Director Subject: Tree Removal Appeal Recommendation To deny the removal request of one Indian Laurel Fig (Ficus microcarpa `nitida') parkway street tree at 427 Marigold Avenue. Discussion Ms. Dorothy Linkey requested the removal of one parkway street tree adjacent to her residence by letter dated August 29, 1998' (Attachment A). • The Urban Forester and Park Superintendent reviewed the request on site in September per the Tree Inspection, and Tree Appraisal Reports (Attachment B). There was significant curb and gutter damage that was reported to the Field Services Division of the General Services Department for repairing. Root pruning to accommodate the curb and gutter replacement would occur at the time of these repairs. Additionally, Ms. Linkey was advised of the City's claim process regarding property damage. Subsequently, the Urban Forester sent a letter dated September 15, 1998 (Attachment C) to Ms. Linkey denying her tree removal request and her recourse for appeal. Ms. Linkey responded per letter to the General Services Director dated September 26, 1998 requesting an appeal (Attachment D). Ms. Linkey has received a copy of this report and a notice of the November 3 Commission meeting. Very res ectiully, David E. Niederhaus DEN/MGL /pw • 77S D /LC � � le 9 p • "114L 0 6 3 - �14>7 -77 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT TREE INSPECTION REPORT • Name: Mrs. Cecil Linkey Address: 427 Marigold Avenue Phone Number: 673 -4167 Request: Remove Ficus tree causing curb and gutter damage, and damage to the property foundation. Botanical Name: Ficus microcarpa `nitida' Common Name: Indian laurel fig Designated Street Tree: Magnolia grandiflora (Southern magnolia) Estimated Tree Value: 18" DBH x 1 trees = 254.5. 100% species value, Total Value = $4397.76 (see attached appraisal report) Damage: Maintenance records indicate last trimming was completed May 1996. Parkway: Concrete Brick Turf Other Comments: A field inspection determined tree was healthy with apparent curb and gutter damage, which was reported, to the General Services Department Field Services Division for scheduled repairs and root pruning. Property foundation damage was not verified, but property owner was informed of the City's Claim Form and procedure to process claim. Inspected by: Date: September 10, 1998 -V Recommendatio Retain tree, trim and root prune tree as required to accommodate curb and gutter r a' as scheduled. Reviewed by: Date: September 10, 1998 79 0 X, • a W z LL O wi tiI _.I Z W a W N w U w N J W Z W C9 ON: 02 t0 � 0] CL v2 N '- O O CL 1 Q v M" J Q N 9 IL a w w w w M M U3 M p y r 0 0 I- N �g c M F- O U J O N pg o v Z U O oo Ld U Z O o Lq F `- � U U w 4: o o C.0 U) V) r U U w 0 Lq a� m > Oct Z w LF wy go U w Iq sU)o N tO N _ U Z 0 U O V w N Z H F G f0 � w w N 4k LLI U IL IL U LL e W N m o 10 C V 79 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658.8915 September 15, 1998 Mrs. Cecil W. Linkey 427 Marigold Avenue Corona Del Mar, California 92625 Dear Mrs. Linkey, Your request for the removal of a City Indian Laurel Fig (Ficus microcarpa `nitida') parkway street tree located at 427 Marigold Avenue has been reviewed and examined on site. Since staff currently recommends the retention of the tree in accordance with the attached City Council Policy G -1, your request is denied. The field inspection determined the tree was healthy with,some apparent property damage evident. However, root pruning will be scheduled once the damaged concrete has been removed for repairs and the roots can be trimmed. Additionally, the tree will be trimmed prior to the root pruning and concrete repairs. Please call Larry Kolbo, Maintenance • Supervisor at 718 -3461 if you have questions regarding the concrete repair schedule. • If you disagree with this decision, your recourse is to appeal the decision to the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission for further review. Do not remove ally trees. If you remove any City trees, the City will pursue restitution for the value of the tree as established by the City Urban Forester. If you wish to appeal the decision for retention, please send a letter within 15 days to David E. Niederhaus, General Services Director, Post Office Box 1768, Newport Beach, California 92658 -8915 in order that your appeal can be included on a future Commission agenda. Please contact me at 644 -3083 if you have any questions. S e ely, J Conway Urban Forester JC /kr 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach • 0 • 74- wpwg-,m F/ %j E t 41 ' r� k,,/ -e 0, A, w:low;,m 71.1 "doll" en p, r ''a;'.;: a6 b sl qfC -, t IA .11 ...... .. pe 61cl Utilcl,elonbta 'gas 4 1 w el -known, Radtke said since th• 'next'three y6ars Vi M Ficu�tr6es­bein'g� "d lq� %ei�. oi' C:orft- th'125 id'us k merde, Startibj.,­ri6xt ,Week,. Worls• started Wednesday, h, trees to. e.. _04loved on EdSt,dbdst� Oacefty,king�pWRIS -d t- �,,altdrQidg mai lfe,'Idn'g-.palms; • has'go6n,,,ine6y, 'phone qq on 00lds"and-ginew' 1 - ;af,&!kdriq7,kol qr, oicfiid: trees frdiAlresid;i;WU"i sing idntqd ds thei (rrlg tlon.SySte Piace-of, -thei, coneem_dboiyi it., ed,'t V acb The.c st, to,, C 160.,Onri, will I I ;; .. 1 'llanlAwt_a9%lsofi*v',to se( �li. p 09T S, bi'�, conceived these fre6i 166v&as.4nyofi6 is, l�"',!,,AbotA,Al*ee ye ago; h t ii,,the en ' " 'la '3n , r� e -,the, chain-:, is no b,e,sqjti§_p 6'*'thai on t "We, �h&Vd t( 7� ".1h m and ID I , , � :, I 0 e ct 7'lobk,,dtit,16gicdfly,'�ncicto, th "1 4 f A. ime best.for, e community and-,ffiE 0 y".business, dis i t des inr4,n 6 'Sip hdi idr 6 19 StilLibe.shl(fiierinle rrenprAl h ,ht r can b6'4ort&6ij§,. )f free iqyei§,,'espedii , '' Fi( iey don�t-krid* the', ii'eds'-. /ibe q@i4 Run-, ars. T 0. _bjo6yj::yq S 0 ,,<Wayl ink pro: I can d,r'GPPk6 od repainted ;',Jh tYteaf be r e sifi- bl=§§,di9tA ,tiat'npt t&fi tepIaced; : :s6� lFj ajtolr6m6V6 their ling,,.. eni.` t ' , side,, effect t6 - the -xaclt cl CMUM, qs di e" e lbi "e'ssl: 4" T-, , • . ..,, I. � , - .,, igip�qv ev s t is. as g,. ,people to , he e, Osl e -1 tc oroha v �#dt be,m 4y, e- o he re I • • • I' I L 1 �� foy ' 4' fi2JR B,x r - sOf x s o °4T R• ''.\l` aPo�. sox, %e� ✓oos, f 7 ` •`s sBO, ✓` -soa sps kRv sx %, s •. \ JpJ ,l� 20 � ✓ � , � °oi Syb fir, ✓ ?'" ,% ✓ '� °°J �yQ' L U /r sq F f/J s,2 f2J •� ssp�� q,y x /,sos ,= s s , +'4s oo2p. , 699 B of fop ✓ s /r, f'(r �: ✓' s � � so /+ 06 °os .' 4 °U b s a spo s s sps a, 'O '+ ✓ s s2' �'` ' sOO . �� ✓+ sOj %� e r oy. B `S9 e ✓ S.0 fq `9 � \R �a f °0s i1 sp9 ' a fox, 9r ' -,t ✓ s, s ✓ f2p B -'� ' ✓ �a fo f0O ✓� 2 fU,' ✓ .ss, S� �_ 'y` 20 �JS fq> > s ✓ ' go' . �t 7j 42 O rJ9 v<'� x fO, is S, J Q.i fJ0 fit �� f/ e � zJ ANT HOWALO' ``�a� °33 ftY ° PARK `�\ - y / "'COMMUNITY '8 %%• ✓+ YOUTH /� - •C ,$Z a/ / O9-I j 1 JJS BO �,I..'. ,CENTER p1�i� \•\ la $159 SOS ✓ \ v / >9 1b � 2 ✓ J,J �? J t�•` _ PASSIVE PARK > 0 •> SS >Jf � O? x l Y � >pJ y 4 / / • � / ,f 9 f2p rf C 6® 0 +� J� � Jp JJO ✓ >,J J2 '�� 't >QT 4Q' Jp 0 JOB L2 ✓ >/S 't >/9 ' Y, f s/ /2 , , f/R $ '0 . ✓,B � ✓ 2J Jp/ /'' >px S Lt 4/ >/J L2 >jJ � + J \° >p / It J t. ., ✓` 2p Po >/s JiJ ` 9Fp = ✓`/ sU' _ ' °2j ✓Rx,' y ✓ !t J > � L 6„ fJ 2p r ✓ JO � J 2 r � -/ I' I L 1 �� foy ' 4' fi2JR B,x r - sOf x s o °4T R• ''.\l` aPo�. sox, %e� ✓oos, f 7 ` •`s sBO, ✓` -soa sps kRv sx %, s •. \ JpJ ,l� 20 � ✓ � , � °oi Syb fir, ✓ ?'" ,% ✓ '� °°J �yQ' L U /r sq F f/J s,2 f2J •� ssp�� q,y x /,sos ,= s s , +'4s oo2p. , 699 B of fop ✓ s /r, f'(r �: ✓' s � � so /+ 06 °os .' 4 °U b s a spo s s sps a, 'O '+ ✓ s s2' �'` ' sOO . �� ✓+ sOj %� e r oy. B `S9 e ✓ S.0 fq `9 � \R �a f °0s i1 sp9 ' a fox, 9r ' -,t ✓ s, s ✓ f2p B -'� ' ✓ �a fo f0O ✓� 2 fU,' ✓ .ss, S� �_ 'y` 20 �JS fq> > s ✓ ' go' . �t 7j 42 O rJ9 v<'� x fO, is S, J Q.i fJ0 fit �� f/ e � zJ �J Agenda Item No. V-- 13 November 3, 1998 To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From: General Services Director Subject: Tree Removal Request Recommendation To deny the removal request of five City parking lot Indian Laurel Fig trees ( Ficus microcarpa `nitida') adjacent to 2025 West Balboa Boulevard. Discussion Mr. Russ Fluter requested the removal of five City parking lot trees adjacent to his property per his letter dated September 24, 1998 (Attachment A). • The Urban Forester and Parks Superintendent reviewed the request on site in September per the Tree Inspection and Tree Appraisal Reports (Attachment B). The trees are healthy and not causing any public nor private property damage. Subsequently, the General Services Director sent a letter dated October 1, 1998 (Attachment C) to Mr. Fluter that any decision to remove the trees must be approved by the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission. Staff feels that removal of these trees would have an impact on the area since there are 20 Ficus trees in the immediate area of the McFadden Square (Newport Pier Plaza). Staff suggests that Mr. Fluter work with the Newport Pier Association to determine if the removal of these trees would have an impact on the original design. Mr. Fluter has received a copy of this report and a notice of the November 3 Commission meeting. Veg respectfully, David E. Niederhaus DEN/MGL /pw • 4 Mr. Dave Neiderhaus Director, General Services City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 September 24, 1998 Dear Mr. Neiderhaus, I am the owner of property in McFadden Square at 2025 West Balboa Blvd., and the owner of the real estate sales business located in the offices on the ground floor at that address. I am writing you at the suggestion of persons on your staff, with whom we have had telephone conversations and at least one meeting. My business is seriously obscured by trees in the public park areas to the West of my building. More than fifty percent of my business results from visibility to the public and walk -in customers. These trees were planted following the recent assessment of property owners and refurbishing of McFadden Square. My assessment, paid immediately and in full, was $12,000. I am not asking the City to bear the expense of correcting the situation described here. I am willing to pay for that myself. It is important that you recognize the magnitude of the impact that a bad decision has had on my business, and allow the correction to proceed at reasonable cost. Photos of the area in front of my building illustrate the problem. During the many discussions which led to my support for assessment and redesign of McFadden Square, it was never indicated that, within a few years, my business would be totally hidden from eastbound Peninsula traffic, behind five ficus trees. On the contrary, I recall that palm trees were planned at the north end of the Square. I am offering to pay to restore the visibility of my business property, my business, and the signage of the businesses of my second floor tenants, so to, correct a decision which your staff now understand to have been unwise. I have been offered three choices; the first is undesirable, the second totally unacceptable, but the third is acceptable as to cost and result. These are: 1. Trim each of the five ficus trees twice per Year, at a cost tome of $390 per year, in perpetuity, You will pay for one trimming every three years. (Undesirable) 2. Remove five ficus trees to some other park location, purchase and plant five 24" boxed replacement palm trees at a cost to me of $2,500 for each of the five sites, or a total of $12,500. (More than my original total assessment, and totally unacceptable) CANNERY VILLAGE REALTY INC. 2025 W. BALBOA BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92663 (714) 673-3777 i 3. Remove each of the five ficus trees without salvaging them, and replacing the five with 24" boxed palms at a cost to me of $500 for each of the five sites, or a total of $2,500. (Acceptable) I do not believe I should have to pursue this request in a public forum, hat in hand, in order to correct an action by the City which is producing significant and worsening adverse results to my business and the businesses of my tenants. I will rely on your staff to advise the appropriate Commission or other public entity as to the merit of my request. As was suggested to me, I am providing the Newport Pier Association with a copy of this letter in order to solicit that organization's support. There appears to be no nominal leader of the NPA at the moment, so I am sending the copy to Rush Hill, hoping that IYfr. Hill will support my very reasonable request. As a consideration for my paying for the new trees, I ask for the opportunity to approve the selection and placement of the trees. Sincerely: Russ Fluter Cannery Village Realty, Inc. XC: Newport Pier Association c/o Rush Hill The Hill Partnership 115 22,d Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 r� u 0 • Eastbound on Newport Blvd O Balboa Blvd Merger McFadden Square is to the right- Cannery Village is visible (slate roof) center Eastbound on Newport Blvd cr, 22i0 St Cannery Village Realty is still hidden .I rs dx v r ; � 3k I , W-x�m� 1 { Y `off ' a W! ALL '1kk J�y r; cl A 'tom. h. ALL '1kk J�y r; cl A 'tom. m ls� I r �i w • 1 •,,�y- r pl All I . Sol y. v �1 st. Sharkee's on the right; Cannery ees K; • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT TREE INSPECTION REPORT E • Name: Mr. Russ Fluter Address: Cannery Village Reality Inc. 2025 West Balboa Boulevard Phone Number: 673 -3777 Request: Remove five Ficus trees causing view obstruction to business Botanical Name: Ficus microcarpa `nitida' Common Name: Indian Laurel Fig Designated Street Tree: Parking Lot Tree Estimated Tree Value: 5 trees = $4343.32 ($868.66 each) (see attached appraisal report), Damage: Maintenance records indicate last trimming was completed 1997. Parkway: Concrete Brick Turf Other Comments: A field inspection determined trees were healthy. Trees are scheduled for trimming this winter. Inspected by: " ""t/ Date: September 30, 1998 Recommendat' n: Ret in trees, supplemental tree trimming is an option to Mr. Fluter Reviewed by: Date: September 30, 1998 �r q+ n u U a w m H O • a W z U. O Wig MEM I- z w a w w U w U) J 9 w z w m m O m m N CN a N N d a` a c� C .40. m a ! c 0 O CL m U_ O a a 9 a a w w H TS a) a)'o LU CD (D C6 J Op 00 Cl) > m 0 LO X 0 N 0 1g 00 J Z 0 N co cq H N 05 o O to o z V 00 O » U z O m N r LO U o w u- L o U) r U V rn N a LO m' 1 z w LUU) wU) 00 U a w LLI U) N 0 LD ? w W d U N N Y W z F ~ O is v 0 (A w _c M LLI V U) U E- i* CL LL 3 - m W o (ca G OI TS 0 'CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658.8915 October 1, 1998 Mr. Russ Fluter Cannery Village Reality Incorporated 2025 West Balboa Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 Dear Mr. Fluter, This letter is a response to your correspondence dated September 24, 1998 regarding the removal of five Ficus trees adjacent to your property at 2025 West Balboa Boulevard. Your letter mentions that the trees were planted as part of the redesign of the McFadden Square (Newport Pier Plaza) project in 1992. This project required the involvement of the business community and the City relative to the final landscape design and placement of the Ficus trees. The removal of these five trees would' have an impact on the entire area. • The decision to remove the trees must be approved by the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission. Their next meeting will be on November 3, 1998 and staff will prepare your request to be on the agenda as you requested in your letter. You will receive a copy of the staff report prior to the November meeting. Please contact Marcelino Lomeli, Park and Tree Superintendent at 644 -3069 if you have any questions. Sincerely, n,1-4,/ David E. Niederhaus, Director General Services Department DEN/MGL /pw Cc: Rush Hill, Newport Pier Association The Hill Partnership, 115 22 "d Street Newport Beach, California 92663 • 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach W 0 • 'r • �n� V Le 664 \ Dy�IP -6rtP \ � 2b1A N \ 1 1 a ti � ° S 1\ 1 1 22 Z a �4e SNNII . v\ 2J� 229 '�7 2: 213 / . l �'-� .0 97 Agenda Item \I— I q November 3, 1998 To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From: General Services Director Subject: Preliminary Review of FY99 -00 Capital Improvement Projects Recommendation Approve in concept the initial list of Capital Improvement Projects. Background The General Services Department staff has begun the preparation of the FY 99 -00 Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). CIP projects are due in January 1999 to the Public Works Department. There is adequate opportunity to include input from the Commission on the current proposed projects as well as any additional projects that the Commission may want to propose. Staff intends to submit a reduced number of projects this year that meet • higher priority requirements. Discussion The following preliminary Capital Improvement Projects are being submitted for your review and comments. A final list will be submitted to the Commission at the December 1, 1998 meeting. The projects are categorized and ranked as requested by the attached Public Works Department guidelines. Preliminary budget guidance directs us to anticipate normal levels of spending in Fiscal Year 1999 -2000. Major projects requiring extensive funding have been segmented into several phases due to budgetary constraints. We anticipate City Council approval of only Category A (High Priority) projects and possibly some Category B items. The building improvement projects that effect,parks or recreational facilities are being individually evaluated by the General Services and Community Services Departments. Staff is prepared to respond- to any interest by the Commission in additional projects. Very respectfully, M. Niederhaus . DEN/MGL /pw Attachments r � 0 • • Capital Improvement Projects (1999 -2000) Project 1. Park Facility Improvement Fund 2. Street Tree Reforestation 3. Big Canyon Park Mitigation (Phase H) 4. Big Canyon Exotic Weed Removal, (Phase II) 5. Central Irrigation Computer System (Phase I) 6. Eastbluff Park Walkway (Phase In 7. Bayside Drive Beautification (Phase II) 8. San Miguel Park Irrigation Renovation 9, Park Asphalt Walls Replacements * Possible "A" status with contributions Category Amount A $165,000 A $100,000 A $25,000 A $12,500 A $45,000 A $40,000 B* $35,000 B $20,000 B $40,000 Total: $482,500 qq • • E Capital Improvement Project Descriptions 1999 -2000 PROJECT 1. Park Facility Improvement Fund BUDGET $165,000 Projects for the improvement of parks and associated facilities generated by the, public, Commissioners, staff, and the City Council. These projects, do not.include any capital improvement to athletic fields, which is a separate fund. 2. Street Tree Reforestation $1005000 Removal and replacement of problem trees Citywide in conjunction with the Sidewalk Replacement Program. 3. Big Canyon Park Mitigation (Phase II) $25,000 Removal of weeds and undesirable seedlings per a preapproved mitigation plan with the State. 4. Big Canyon Exotic Weed Removal, (Phase ID $12,500 Removal of undesirable trees and shrubs per a preapproved mitigation plan with the State. 5. Central Irrigation Computer System (Phase I) $45,000 Installation of one central computer to increase the efficiency of the irrigation distribution system throughout City parks systems. The eventual goal is to convert entire system over the next 5 years. Substantial water cost savings are anticipated. 6. Eastbluff Park Walkway (Phase ID $40,000 Replacement of existing deteriorated asphalt walkways with concrete walkways. 7. Bayside Drive Beautification (Phase In $35,000 The continuation of a project initiated in 1998. The second phase of design and construction of improvements between Jamboree Road and El Paseo Drive. 8. San Miguel Park Irrigation Renovation $20,000 The renovation of the existing irrigation system to improve the distribution of water. 9. Asphalt Walk Replacement $40,000 The replacement of existing asphalt walkways with concrete throughout the City parks system to enhance safety and maintenance. /bb Tis Holste Wona del Mar Bono Resident 402 1/2 Iris Avenue Corona del Mar, CA Keith & Susan Dean 403 Iris Corona del Mar, CA Resident Tara Perkins 405 Iris Avenue 404 Iris Avenue Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Shirley Conger Eric Parker 3033 Bayside Drive 400 1/2 Iris 92625 Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Janet Rappaport Alexander & Gala Zubatov 400 1/2 Iris 412 1/2 Iris Avenue 92625 Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Corona del Mar, CA 92625 David & Barbara Parks 408 Heliotrope Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Tom & Candi Steff 322 Larkspur Corona del Mar, CA Trish Swenson 417 Dahlia 92625 Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Se Lamb Susie Lamb Susie Lamb Paul Malkemus Paul Malkemus Paul Malkemus Julie Ryan Julie Ryan Julie Ryan CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission • Tuesday, November 3. 1998 — 7:00om City Council Chambers AGENDA 1. ORDER AND ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Enclosed) • October 6, 1998 • October 8, 1998 • October 15, 1998 111. PUBLIC COMMENTS Members of the public are invited to comment on non- agenda items of public interest. Speakers are limited to three minutes. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar (1 -5) are considered by the Commission to be routine and will all be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. The commission members have received detailed staff reports on each of the items recommending approval. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the commission votes on the motion unless members of the commission, staff, or the public request a specific item to be discussed and /or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Members of the public who wish to discuss a Consent Calendar item should come forward to the lectern upon invitation by the Chair, state their name and Consent Calendar item number, and complete the sign -in card provided at the podium. Speakers are limited to five minutes on agenda items. • 1. Correspondence (Item IV -1) From: Harvey Holste, October 9, 1998 To: Barbara Davis, October 21, 1998 2. Park and Tree Division (Item IV -2) Report of Park and Tree Division during October and upcoming projects in November. 3. Recreation Services (Item IV -3) Report activities during October. 4. Senior Services (Item IV -4) Report activities during October. 5. Donation from the Newport Heights Community Association (Item IV -5) Donation for a Cliff Drive Park beautification project. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS 6. Bonita Canyon Park Verbal report of status of conceptual and financial plans. 7. Bayside Park Renovation (Item V -7) Report of current status of the park. 8. Bayside Drive Beautification — Phase I (Item V -8) Discussion /approval of conceptual'plan. 9. Bayside Drive Street Tree Redesignation (Item V -9) Discussion of change of street tree on Bayside Drive between jamboree Road • and El Paseo Drive. 10. Santiago Drive Parkway Street Tree Redesignation (Item V -10) Discussion of request to change City parkway street tree. 11. Tree Removal Appeal (Item V -11) Discussion of appeal to remove one parkway street tree at 708 Fernleaf Avenue I 'arks, Beaches and Recreation Commission - Agenda - November 3, 1998 .411"Page 2 12. Tree Removal Appeal (Item V -12) Discussion of appeal to remove one parkway street tree at 427 Marigold Avenue 13. Tree Removal Request (Item V -13) Discussion of request toxemove five City parking lot trees adjacent to 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. 14. Preliminary Review of FY 1999/00 Capital Improvement Projects (Item V -14) Discussion of initial list presented by Parks Division of General Services Department. 15. Subcommittee Reports • Budget • Community Services Award • Liaison • Naming of Parks • Oasis Liaison • Park & Open Space • Skateboard • Tree VI. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Matters which Commissioners may wish to place on a future agenda or raise for discussion. VII. ADJOURNMENT Is • a rl' (Item V -7) November 3, 1998 COiNIMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Arts & Cultural ' Library - Recreation - Seniors To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From: Steve Hunt, Senior Recreation Manager Marcelino Lomeli, Park & Tree Maintenance Superintendent Re: Bayside Park Resident Concerns RECOMMENDATIONS 1. To adjust the park bench on the east end of the tot lot so that it faces Iris Avenue. 2. To keep the landscape area along north wall as designed and planted. BACKGROUND At the Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission meeting on October 6, 1998, staff was . directed to evaluate and report back on two items regarding the Bayside Park renovation, the location of the bench at the tot lot and the resident request for additional foliage. The Park Bench — General Services staff are able to adjust the park bench in question so that it will face Iris Avenue instead of the adjacent residence. Additional Additional Foliage — Staff also reviewed' the possible installation and cost of adding plant materials along the north wall staff met on site and conferred with the landscape architect. The General Services staff believes that if Podocarpus shrubs were planted along the wall on the northside of the park, it would conflict with the existing planting plan. The Podocarpus would impede growth of the Creeping Fig vine that are planted adjacent to the wall. by shading it, by interfering with the growth pattern of the existing Sweet Shade/Wedding trees, and by requiring that the irrigation system would need to be modified. The natural growth of the three Sweet Shade trees will provide a measure of screening and privacy in the vicinity of the adjacent resident's entryway where there was none provided before the renovation. • qq 1, Harbor View Community Home Owner's Association Board of Director's C/O Villageway Management 1 Corporate park, Suite 200 Irvine, Ca 92606 October 30, 1998 Newport Beach City Council C/O The City Clerk 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, Ca 92663 -3884 To: All City Council Members Re: Noise Mitigation Request Related to MacArthur Blvd. Widening Project Dear City Council Members: The Board Members of the Harbor View Homeowner's Association are submitting this letter request for your review and consideration at the next City Council meeting. The Board Members of the Harbor View Community's Home Owner's Association are asking for your assistance to help minimize the negative impact of a major street widening project • affecting our neighborhood. As you are aware, MacArthur Boulevard is being widened adjacent to the Harbor View Community between San Joaquin Hills Road and Ford Road. A portion of the land alongside MacArthur to the east has yet to be graded. This ungraded section is indicated on the attached Exhibit A: Ungraded Section. It is this ungraded section of land that we would like to bring to your attention. We are requesting that the City Council approve the use of available city funds, such as Transportation funds, to allow the contractor to provide final grading and necessary noise mitigation efforts on,this portion of land. This stretch of MacArthur Boulevard is going to have a negative impact on the adjacent residents in two ways. First, the widening of MacArthur along this stretch has brought traffic lanes significantly closer to the homes. Secondly, with it's additional capacity, MacArthur will become a much busier and louder traffic artery. Several factors are going to contribute to a continued increase in traffic along this stretch of MacArthur. These factors include the following: • The SJC Transportation Corridor now attracts many new visitors to our city from the South County area. As new communities continue to develop along the SIC Transportation Corridor, the increase in traffic along MacArthur will continue. • The new Bonita Canyon development will add an increase to the daily traffic as it's residents travel down MacArthur to access the city's many amenities such as Fashion Island, the library, the beaches, the new CDM Plaza as well as just traveling to and from work and • meetings with friends. • The future residents of the new One Ford Road development will frequently chose their Ford • Road entrance to enter and exit their development. They will then choose to use this stretch of MacArthur to access many of the same local destinations described above. These homes and the community wall surrounding them, built nearly 30 years ago, were not designed to comfortably withstand the increasing level of noise and•traffic activity that will take place on the newly renovated MacArthur Boulevard. The homes were built with minimal insulation, single paned windows, and no air conditioning. The lack of air conditioning often requires that the windows be open for comfortable living exposing those residents to excessive noise levels from the traffic. Behind some of these homes the low height of the wall allows for a direct view of the cars on MacArthur by an adult standing in the backyard. These walls will provide no protection from the noise on the second floor of these homes and only a small level of protection on the ground floor. We believe that the MacArthur widening project will have a significant negative impact on the residents of our community unless sufficient noise mitigation measures are undertaken. Based on the factors outlined above, we believe the best noise mitigation action would be to build an earthen berm along this stretch of MacArthur. We would like to propose that the city request a recommendation from it's engineer and architect as to the most effective technique or design for this noise mitigating berm and grading plan. It is worth noting that a conceptual plan for this stretch of land has already been created by EPT Architects for the benefit of the City's Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department. See attached Exhibit B: Conceptual Grading Elevations This plan was to be,used for the development.of the • park that was intended to occupy this area along MacArthur. The plan was presented by the PB &R Commission to the City Council but has not been approved by the City Council and currently there are no funds available to build this park. It appears that the architect developed the grading plan with the idea of incorporating sufficient noise mitigation along MacArthur. We would encourage the city to evaluate using this grading plan developed by EPT. It looks as though it would satisfy our residents concerns about the increased noise. It may also help the ' city to save money later on if the planned park is eventually approved. This would seem to make smart planning sense. We want to thank you in advance for your evaluation of our request. However,.time is of the essence due to the fact that the contractor will be completing this widening project in the next 3 -4 months. If you agree with our concerns and should chose to move forward with a plan, it would be cost effective to do so now while the grading equipment is still on site. We would also look forward to providing the Council Members with any additional input you may need to help in coming to a•determination on this issue. Respectfully submitted, Pat Digiacomo President Harbor View Homeowner's Association • cc: All Parks, Beaches & Recreation Dept. Commissioners 0 0 .U- ' r -•- 1 uoi}oag papelbun :y }iq!gx3 l.,.tea .l n5- 0 • H y n O I N Y � Iq+ �yZ tII K 09 a 0 w nnm H O z 0 M Minn] Qn VV s a 0 a� R A m 'a -�i C -a >G. TA 2 Y ti a, r. k�, n n -o m v x (a s CD n n O N N (ND O ID — 7 N Q 7 m CD 0 N T • • • I F 0 Y ! 1 m �c m N C3 � W o n 0 7 � -fin d N� N a N A � o m O� 7 N • • 0 OCT -06 -95 TUE 02:16 PM SWENSON "COMMUNICATION 714 673 7697 P.02 / ..� . iJ 1 id h� r� 0 s �'1. C �f/ ia aca�s • �V" • cry .ALLEN & LICHAIAN rip t Attorruys at tail, Commercial I.nica wn • Aviation Law & Lai,:ni"n • Environmental Law & Lingntion op ACT ? ? r! 17 October 27, 1993 Thomas C. Edwards, Mayor City Council City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 t _ 1 Date Copies Sent To: ❑ Mayor ❑ Council Member ❑ Manager ❑ Attorney . a''• -1 ❑ •.i ❑ Re: Bonita Creek Park - Request by Newport North Villas Homeowners Association for an Amendment to the City's General Plan to Redesignate Bonita Creek Park for use as a neighborhood park, consistent with the Newport Beach Park Dedication Ordinance Dear Mayor Edwards and City Council Members: Gary \l. Anc John Chevnh Rour P. Free Berne C. Hat Barbara E. L; Frederick C. 'Reined - Admitted to i\ 3 Park Plaza, Irvine, Cal(fi Telephone (7 Facsimile (71 Email CA& 23430 Haw& Skypark 3, S Torrance, C. Telephone ( Facsimile (3 Email Aem We represent the Newport North Villas Homeowners Association ( "Association "). This letter constitutes a request by the Association for a change in the use of Bonita Creek Park, a/k/a "North Ford Community Park" (`Bonita Creek Park "), a.park contiguous to and surrounded by the homes of Association Members, from an active sports facility, including floodlit, noisy, day and nighttime use by sports leagues from other sections of the City of Newport Beach ( "the City"), as well as outside the City; constant movement of vehicular traffic in and out of the parking areas directly adjacent to Association members' homes, and last, but certainly not least, preemption by non - residents of virtually all of the park facilities, leaving residents with no usable park space for such activities as dog - walking and casual games and sports that would normally take place in back yards which Association members have sacrificed in order to live in a development with available park facilities. Specifically, the Association requests that Bonita Creek Park be redesignated in the Newport Beach General Plan( "General Plan") as a neighborhood park to serve the unique needs of the Association, the principal purpose for Bonita Creek Park in the first instance. The Association's request is made on the grounds that: 1) a conflict exists between Bonita Creek Park's use as a Community Park in the General Plan, and the express language and intent of the City's Park Dedication Ordinance ( "Ordinance "); and 2) the use of Bonita Creek Park as an active park hosting daytime and nighttime County-wide spore activities constitutes a nuisance to the residents of neighboring Newport North Villas. Understanding the City's continuing need for additional sports facilities to serve its growing population, brought about principally by new development within the City, the Association also offers proposed alternatives that would allow the City to amend its General Plan without Mayor'Edwards City Council Members October 27, 1998 Page 2 reducing or in any way degrading the availability and access by City and community residents to City parks and, recreational facilities. 1. Bonita Creek Park was created by dedication as a condition to the development of Newport North Villas, as part of the• entire "North Ford" planned community which includes Belcourt (four separate neighborhoods), Bayridge, and Newport North (three separate neighborhoods), and pursuant to the provisions of the Ordinance [Newport Beach Municipal Code, Chapter 19.501. The problem is that the mandates of the City's Ordinance are inconsistent with the requirements of the City's General Plan. On the one hand, the Ordinance requires, among other things: "As a condition of approval of a tentative subdivision map ..., the • subdivider shall dedicate land, pay a fee in lieu thereof, or both, at the option, of the City, for the purpose of developing new, or rehabilitating existing neighborhood and community parks and recreational facilities, to serve the subdivision ..:" [Newport Beach Municipal Code, § 19.50.020] [Emphasis added.] Thus, the Ordinance allows for a community,park, defined in the General Plan as serving "the entire city and ... easily accessible [by] major roads. They are generally 8 to 20 acres in size and include a variety of improvements such as parking, picnic facilities, community buildings, active sports facilities, swimming facilities, and other facilities that serve a larger 1opulation ..." [General Plan, page 26], [emphasis added]. On the other hand, however, the Ordinance mandates that the parks dedicated pursuant to it "serve the• subdivision" [Newport Beach Municipal Code, § 19.50:0201, and "the immediate and future needs. of the residents of the subdivision" [Newport Beach Municipal Code § 19.50.040 -0501. These mandates appear internally inconsistent, because, the provision of services to the community as a whole may be, as here, incompatible with meeting the needs of the subdivision residents for a quiet, peaceful, recreational area available for them and their children. However, this internal inconsistency is resolved by later provisions of the Ordinance. They require that priority be given to the development of neighborhood parks [Newport Beach Municipal Code § 19.50.110], clearly calling for the development of parks under the aegis of the • • • Mayor Edwards City Council Members October 27, 1993 Page 3 Ordinance which more clearly fit the description of the General Plan's alternative to community parks, i.e., neighborhood parks which serve "all ages in one to eight acre facilities ... Neighborhood parks contain a wide variety of improvements which can include turf areas, active sports fields and courts, community buildings, play apparatus and picnic facilities ..." [General Plan, page 26], and which are aimed at serving the immediate subdivision and surrounding community. Finally, the Planned Community Regulations ( "P.C. Regs. ") which govern the District as a whole, and the park subarea in particular, conclusively establish that it is the mandates of the Ordinance which must be followed. "Park dedication as required for residential uses shall be in accordance with the Park Dedication Ordinance." (P.C. Regs., page 3). Thus, insofar as Bonita Creek Park's designation as a Community Park in the General Plan is inconsistent with the mandates of the Ordinance, i.e., that parks be developed to serve the needs of the subdivision's residents, and that the parks which are mandated to serve those needs, i.e., neighborhood parks, be given priority in development, there is a resulting irreconcilable conflict between the Ordinance and General Plan which must be resolved. California Government Code Section 65359 requires that all relevant City Ordinances and the City's General Plan be consistent. Given the express words of the Ordinance giving priority to neighborhood parks; its obvious intent to serve the residents of developments for which park lands are dedicated; and the fact that the dedication of Bonita Creek Park pursuant to and reliant upon the Ordinance has long since been completed, it is irrational to retain a provision in the General Plan that contravenes the language of the Ordinance. Moreover, the conflict between the Ordinance, which gives a priority to the development of neighborhood parks, and the City's General Plan, which allows Bonita Creek Park to be operated as a community park, with nighttime, floodlit County wide competitive sports and recreational activities, is not simply a matter of two inconsistent City documents. The current use of Bonita Creek Park allows, and indeed encourages not only "serving the entire City", but also the entire County and even the region, a level of use nowhere accommodated in either the General Plan or Ordinance. Because of nighttime baseball, football, and soccer league play, along with attendant floodlights, parking, vehicles and pedestrians, traffic and noise, as well as all day Saturday and Sunday use by football leagues during football season, residents for whose use Bonita Creek Park land was dedicated, cannot walk with children or with pets, or play or picnic or bicycle in Bonita Creek Park during the evening hours. They cannot even use the ballfields during the day because the ballfields are reserved off limits so as not to interfere with their condition for nighttime league play. They cannot sit and enjoy the quiet environs of Bonita Creek Park, as they had envisioned when they purchased homes in Newport North Villas. Given that Association members sacrificed the size of their lots to purchase homes in the Association on the assumption that Bonita Creek Park would serve as a substitute, their inability to use f Mayor'Edwards City Council Members October 27, 1998 Page 4 Bonita. Creek Park because it'has been taken over by people from outside the Association, and even outside the City is particularly insupportable. As a consequence, land that was initially dedicated to the -City to "`serve the subdivision is in fact being used to serve not only the community at large, but also the County at large, all to the ,detriment of both residents of the subdivision for whose use the land was dedicated, and of the City as a whole. 2. Use of the Park as a Communitv Park and an Active Sports Facility Deprives Newport North Villas Residents of the Use and Enjoyment of Bonita Creek Park and ofthe O'uiet Enjoyment of Their:Homes and.Propea, Thereby Creating a Nuisance. The use of Bonita Creek Park in the above described manner is not merely an annoyance. It has, instead risen to the level of a legally defined Nuisance. The California Legislature has defined a Nuisance to include "...:anything that is injurious to health, including ... an obstruction to the free use of property, so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of fife or property, or that unlawfully obstructs the free passage or use, in the customary manner, of... any public park ..." [California Civil Code, Section 3479] The Newport Beach Municipal Code is in agreement. It defines the impacts of a public nuisance as, among other things: "I. A reduction in property value; 2. An obstruction to or interference with comfortable enjoyment of adjacentproperty; ..." (Newport Beach Municipal Code § 10: U05) The City's use of Bonita Creek Park as a community park and active sports facility that serves the entire community and deprives Association Members of its use and enjoyment also constitutes a nuisance to Newport North Villas residents. Not only are Association Members deprived of the use and enjoyment of Bonita Creek Park during significant periods of the day and at night, but the nighttime activities also interfere with their quiet enjoyment of their homes and property. Bonita Creek Park hosts nighttime baseball, football and soccer league play until and, at times, after 1'0:00 p.m. The noise created by participants and spectators, along with the parking and bright lights and the sounds of vehicle and pedestrian traffic, make it impossible for residents to sleep or to otherwise enjoy their property during the evening and early nighttime hours. Of special mention are the whistles, often blown by three or four men at once, every thirty seconds or so. Whistles are designed by intent to jolt a human's attention, and produce the maximum physiologic reaction with the minimum sound energy. They do so in Bonita Creek Park. Nor can residents in any way be construed as having "come to the nuisance ". While purchasers of homes inNewport North Villas were given notice that Bonita Creek Park would • include "night lighted facilities ", this notice was by no means adequate to inform them of the . Mayor Edwards City Council Members October 27, 1993 Page 5 actual uses, or sufficient to constitute consent to those uses, of which they were not notified or informed. In the first instance, the notice on sale revealed only the ossibili that facilities "could include: two (2) softball fields, one (1) adult soccer field; concession area and parking facilities." [Emphasis added.] This is far less than the eventual compliment of activities which included football. Second, neither the written disclosure nor the posted notice on the premises mentioned active recreational facilities. The reference to a "night lighted facility" could easily be, and was, in fact, construed by the potential buyers to mean lamp posts containing lighting of Bonita Creek Park itself for night use by residents, rather than pole lighting for athletic events. Finally, Bonita Creek Park was not even begun when the first residents began moving into Newport North, and was not completed for two years thereafter. Thus, there was no opportunity for confirmation of the facts in the notice, or any kind of reality check until it was far too late to alter the situation. Given the purpose for which the land was dedicated, and the is language of the Ordinance and the General Plan with respect to "neighborhood" parks, prospective residents of Newport North Villas had legitimate and reasonable expectations that Bonita Creek Park would be lighted at night for thuir safe use and enjoyment as a neighborhood park that would serve their needs as residents of Newport North Villas. Instead, property that was intended by the developer and anticipated by purchasers of homes in Newport North Villas to be a quiet pastoral setting for their use and enjoyment has taken on the character of a major league ballpark. The City hould Amend its General Plan to Redesignate Bonita Creek Park for Use as a Neighborhood Park to Eliminate the Nuisance Created by Operating it as an Active Park. So long as Bonita Creek Park continues to be operated as a community park and nighttime sports facility, the inconsistency between the Ordinance and the General Plan will continue, as will the disturbing effects on Newport North Villas homeowners. The City could .solve both of these problems by amending its General Plan to redesignate Bonita Creek Park as a neighborhood park. By such an amendment, the City could convert it from an active sports facility to a passive recreational facility to be used primarily by residents of the subdivision in which Bonita Creek Park is located. The Association is not asking the City to restrict the use of Bonita Creek Park to its Members only. All city parks are open and available to any person at all times. The Association • only wants to ensure that its Members, the intended beneficiaries of the dedication, have the facilities which serve the needs of the residents of the subdivision and have reasonable access to and enjoyment of Bonita Creek Park, as well as the quite enjoyment of their homes and property Mayor Edwards City Council Members October 27, 1998 Page 6 in Newport North Villas. In the spirit of cooperation with the City, the Association has caused to be prepared , at its own and sole expense, an alternate plan for the use of Bonita Creek Park which it will provide the City so as to:(1) aid in the specification of intended uses; and (2) minimize to, the extent possible the cost to the City of the requested conversion to a Neighborhood park. 4. Alternatives Exist That Will Permit the City to Amend its General Plan and at the Same Time Make Parks and Recreational Facilities Available to City and Community Residents. Fortunately, there ,are now alternatives available that will permit the,City to amend its General 'Plan to be consistent with the Ordinance and at the same time enable the City to satisfy its goals of making parks and recreational facilities available to City residents and participating in community and County athletic activities. Currently, there are �other parks and residential projects undergoing development within the City, including Bonita Canyon Park (also referred to as "Banana Belt Park"), and Arroyo�Park. However, unlike Bonita Creek Park which was originally dedicated for use by neighborhood residents but used instead for community activities after Newport North Villas was substantially completed', these parks are still in the planning stages, and can be designed from the outset to minimize or buffer the impacts, of noise associated with nighttime sports activities in the park on nearby residences. The nighttime activities now taking place in Bonita Creek Park could then be shifted to those newer park's without burdening nearby residents with the effects of bright lights and noise that are currently being experienced by Newport North Villas residents. Further, residential developments planned to be located near Arroyo Park can be designed and built to better accommodate the noise and lighting from activities in the parks. The Combination, ofparks,designed to minimize the effects of nighttime activities on nearby residents and residential developments designed to better accommodate nighttime activities in nearby parks would avoid recurrences of the conditions that presently exist at Newport North Villas. It would also reduce the potential for future complaints by City residents or, more importantly, the potential for future legal actions by City residents to abate a nuisance. The Association is aware that objections to the use of new parks for active uses, and the reversion of Bonita Creek Park to "neighborhood park" status will be raised based on cost. Such objections are, however, ill founded. First, whatever equipment is needed for the active uses in other parks can be•obtained, at least partially, from equipment now existing in Bonita Creek Park. Second, even if, for argument sake, new equipment must be purchased, its cost is certainly far, Tess than the fees the City has collected over the years from leagues, frorrr outside Newport Beach, for use of Bonita Creek Park. Use of City fees is particularly appropriate because the •�jnl` • • r a . Mayor Edwards City Council Members October 27, 1998 Page 7 • • owners in Newport North have already collectively "paid" a considerable amount, subsumed in the prices of their homes, which includes the cost of the land dedicated by the developer for Bonita Creek Park and fees in lieu of land. The Association has an interest in how those funds were, and are used, because as part of a mortgage, or even as lost interest on capital, that amount per house constitutes a monthly "payment" for the use of Bonita Creek Park which was promised, but never made available. In short, equity dictates payment by the City of the price necessary to set right a situation that is'both inconsistent with the law and with the needs of the residents of Newport North. For all of the reasons set forth above, the Association hereby requests that the City amend its General Plan to redesignate Bonita Creek Park for use as a neighborhood park, consistent with the City's Ordinance, and that the nighttime community sports activities currently being conducted in Bonita Creek Park be transferred to newly developed community parks better designed and suited for such activity, so that Bonita Creek Park can serve the purpose for which it was originally dedicated and created, use by neighborhood residents of the park upon which they relied when they purchased their properties. The Association further requests a meeting with designated representatives of the City to discuss this issue further no later than November 9, 1998. Thank you in advance for your response to our letter and request by November 4, 1998. cc: Robert Burnham Sincerely, CHEVALIER, ALLEN & LICHMAN, LLP Barbara E. Lichman, Ph.D. VN I I- 0 E • gs 0 Q. LLLu' 3� =6 U m tM 0 Z3 o m 0 11/03/1998 14:55 1 -818 -448 -5219 Bay Aral Municipal Athletic Association Channel Cities Municipal Athletic Association inland Valleys Municipal Athletic Association • Orange County Municipal Athletic Association �J San Diego County Municipal Athletic Association San Gabriel Valley Municipal Athletic Association Southeast Municipal Athletic Association Southern San Joaquin Municipal Athletic Association Sf jCAL MUNI ATH FED Southern California Municipal Athletic, Federation AP040 Spade FXVM SpOMmd AnO AdministW 11Y "'CAWm1tion "dS November 3, 1998 a La'DonnNKicmtz ra t Community Services Director i i ; City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 Deer La Donna, PAGE 02 SCMAF OFFICERS —1998 PRESID VMMLLOYD GARDENA PRESIOENTELECT THERESA ERUNE SAN OANAS Flit; PRESITDRUDY NUZUM COSrA MESA On behalf of the Southern California'Municipal Athletic Federation ( SCMAF) Citation and Awards Committee, I am pleased to inform you of the selection of the City of Newport Beach for the SCMAF Golden Shield Award. This prestigious award will be presented at the Annual SCMAF Awards and Installation Banquet in Dana Point on December 4, 1998. The City of Newport Beach was selected; based upon the outstanding contribution to the Federation through committee work and leadership throughout the Federation. _ I have enclosed several invitations for you to distribute to appropriate persons who might wish to attend in order to accept the award. Please do not hesitate to can me if you have any questions with regards to the SC" Awards and Installation Banquet or if you need more invitations. Thank you for your continued commitment towards the Federation and congratulations) Sincerely, Grog mgham Executive Director GB:' d . enclosures �hAP 2w�ou =� w•V, Aaau if "5+46a (t (d4sk.fba 11 d- �•c•r71 Cev- C•�aey��ah 6d,:14 Qirec aSrs ' �l i. n � n5$owa`f aaH 4j5tra6 c PIGr SCMAF • P.O. BOX 3605, SOUTH EL MONTE, CA 911733.0605 - (626) 498.0853 - FAX (626) 448 -5219 0 4 i 11/03/1998 16:30 1- 818- 448 -5219 SdiCAL MUNI ATH FED PAGE 02 SOUTHERN CALIFORMA MUNICIPAL ATHLETIC FEDERATION 1999 BOARD OkDYRECTORS PRESIDENT Theresa Bruns — 909 = 394 -6234' Recreation Services Manager, San Dimas PRESIDENT -ELECT Trudy Nuzum — 714 -754 -5653 Recreation Supervisor; Costa Mesa VICE PRESIDENT Ross Moodie — '949- 424.6615 Community Services SNpervisor, Irvine , PAST PRESIDENT Deryl Lloyds- 310 -217 -9540 , Recreation Services ManagerGardena ,Kelly FuJlo — 310 - 217 -9541, Community Services Coordinator, Gardena Bay Area Association Eric Barton - 805- 658 -4738 Recreation Specialist, Adult Sports, Ventura Channel Cities Association JOnatitan Marshall — 909 -364 -2701 Recreation Supervisor, Chino Hills Inland valleys Association Jose Perez — 714 - 5714284 Senior Recreation Center Director, Santa Ana Orange County Association Teri Stein 818 -238 -5318 Recreation Supervisor Burbank San Diego County Assoclat'on Cesar Monsalve- 626- 357 - 7931 x203 Recreation Supervisor, Duarte Sa ,Gabi iel Valley Association Anthony Martinez -- 323 -773 -5143 x 318 Recreation Coordinator, Cudahy Southeast Association ,Donna Christy — 805 -845 -0757 Recreation Supervisor, Bear Mountain Southern San Joaquin Association SCMAF OFFICE STAFF Executive Director DIREC TOR S =AT -LARGE Dale Sumersiile Steve Hunt .Jeff Van Sickle 818 -597 -7323 949.644 -3164 714 -741 -5200 Recreation Supervisor Recreation Division Manager 'Sports Coordinator Agoura Hills Newport Beach Garden Grove ASSOCIATION' DIRECTORS ,Kelly FuJlo — 310 - 217 -9541, Community Services Coordinator, Gardena Bay Area Association Eric Barton - 805- 658 -4738 Recreation Specialist, Adult Sports, Ventura Channel Cities Association JOnatitan Marshall — 909 -364 -2701 Recreation Supervisor, Chino Hills Inland valleys Association Jose Perez — 714 - 5714284 Senior Recreation Center Director, Santa Ana Orange County Association Teri Stein 818 -238 -5318 Recreation Supervisor Burbank San Diego County Assoclat'on Cesar Monsalve- 626- 357 - 7931 x203 Recreation Supervisor, Duarte Sa ,Gabi iel Valley Association Anthony Martinez -- 323 -773 -5143 x 318 Recreation Coordinator, Cudahy Southeast Association ,Donna Christy — 805 -845 -0757 Recreation Supervisor, Bear Mountain Southern San Joaquin Association SCMAF OFFICE STAFF Executive Director Program Mahager GregBinghoM Tim Inner Administrative Assistant Finance Coordinator Laura'Day Jennifer.Cao, . General' Qi?fice Terry Medrano ' Finance Manager Wendy Lu General Clerk 11/03/1998 16:30 1- 818 - 448 -5219 S� 'CAL MUNI i ATH FED PAGE 03 DATES FOR 1999 FEDERATION ACTIVITIES TES o LO ATI N • ACTIVITY -1, Softball Summit January M' ; Cerritos Park East " Adult Flag Football January 23-24 Santa Fe Springs CPRSISCMAF Reception Ftbruary'18 ' Santa Clara CPRS / SCMAF Educational Sesslon February 19-21 Santa Clara Clippers Day February 19 Track & Field Workshop Febru a' 25 Men's Winter Softball Divisional March 13 -14 Orange County Hey.You work Iipre;Don't yqul )yorkshop March 2 1 i Boys & Girl's Basketball (Blue Classification) March 27.28 Boy's & Girl's Basketball (Gold Classi£ & AA) March 26.28.; SCMAF Day at the Ram = April " F; ' I Santa Anita Sports for the Playground's Workshop 50'" Anniversary Luncheon Mays 12 -' I: lArAtiilcdc•Club Youth Sports Forum May.20 _; Youth Track &Field+ i May 29 I �Veterdn's,Smdium, -Long Beach Men's Spring Softbau'bivisiorial• Tune 26 -27' ' TBA • SCMAF Day at Dodger Stadium July'29' " Dodger Studium Swimming �; Iuly`3'x' " Irvine Coed Softball Suminef-Divisionai August 1 ' Fottntaia Valley/NeWort Beach How to be a Trainer' Wotkshopr ' August l5 •, Youth Basketball'Suhimer'Taunimnent August 21 29 ! Men's Basketball `: TBA" r Las Vegas Youth Rolter'Hockey (Frbid Classification) TBA- School of Sports Md49dne>)t`•'` "° Sep4ember 13 -14 Men's Summer SoftbBU`Divisional Septetirbei,18 -19 ' Ceiriios; Santa Fe Springs SCMAF Institute ' Octoliec 14 Buena Park Men's Fall' Sof Ball Divisional October z3 -24 dimge County Coed Toumainotit of champions November 6 -7 Hdntington Beach Men's Slow Pitch Todhiahtent ofChampions November 13 -14 ''pab+s'SpringsMig League Drcarns SCMAF Awards & Listallation &ciimber 3 " ` Women's Winter Claiiic'' '` Dectiiitber4 °pahrtSprings Youth Volleyball ' '= ' December 11 Vista Cross Country ' ' Deeei»b'r 11 Bakersfield •` Youth Flag Football Deicember 11 -12 ;Carson J /ryr` i Y J CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: APPLICANTS FOR REMOVAL ORS OF BEACH VOLLEYBALL COURTS FROM: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUBJ: PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING FOR VOLLEYBALL COURT REMOVAL OR RELOCATION The Community Services Department is required to enforce regulations controlling the removal or relocation of volleyball playing areas on City beaches. The regulations include the following procedures: 1. Formal notification of all property owners within 200' of the court. Notification must be documented by completion of the attached form, with postal service receipts verifying notification and response of absentee property owners. Responses are not needed from renters. 2. A detailed description of the existing court, if a removal, • including the nearest street end, residential address or lifeguard tower. 3. A detailed description of the proposed location, if a relocation, including the nearest street end, residential address or lifeguard tower. • The applicant agrees that the location will be posted for notice of the proposed removal, by the City, including the date and time, for consideration by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. Completed applications will be reviewed by the General Services Department and the Marine Department for their recommendations. The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission will then make a ruling on the issue at a regularly scheduled, monthly meeting. Citizens are encouraged to. attend these meetings and provide input to the commission. The applicant will be notified of the date that the commission will be making a ruling. For mdk6 'information phone the Community Services Department at 644 -3151. P.O. Box 1768, 3300 Newport Boulevard • Newport Beach, CA 92659 -1768 • (714)644.3151 Fax (714)6443155 U • 0 The aforementioned person has applied to have a volleyball court 'r placed in the location listed above. The City requests your inut on ,this issue. Once the city has received all of the necessary documentation, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission will ''determine whether or not to approve the request. If you have any questions, please phone the Community Services Department at 649- 3151. 1) PRINTED NAME B� D (�! AOR . a /, n PxoNE 7i�/. G � -Z3 ztL ADDRESS '� s/D io• �' SIGMA""" APPROVE: YES NO 2)' PRINTED � Jr� — - • �aC�fil 3) PRINTED NAME /�i1r� S GL A 4) PRINTED yzp 4 f 'h1t I-- rve�e '044y► e g zC4_ ROVE: YES NO y- K Y n: r L 5) PRINTED NAME • L r LJ 11 APPROVE: YES NO 6) PRINTED NAME ADDRESS ZIP SIGNATURE APPROVE: YES NO COMMENTS 7) PRINTED NAME PHONE ADDRESS ZIP SIGNATURE APPROVE: YES NO COMMENTS 8) PRINTED NAME PHONE ADDRESS ZIP SIGNATURE APPROVE: COMMENTS 9) PRINTED NAME PHONE YES NO ADDRESS ZIP SIGNATURE APPROVE: YES NO COOMMENTS * Please make photocopies if additional signatures are required. ------------ ----------------------------------------------------- * CITY USE-ONLY * APPROVE: YES NO MARINE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DATE COMMENTS GENERAL SERVICES DIRECTOR APPROVE: YES NO COMMENTS • • le N, �o N X11 G�