HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/06/2003 - PB&R CommissionMAY 6, 2003 APPROVED PB &R COMMISSION MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • Parks, Beaches !t Recreation Commission Regular Meeting May 6, 2003- 7pm CONVENED AT 7pm ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Allen, Beek, Englebrecht, Garrett, Skoro, Tobin Absent: Ruzicka Staff: Marie Knight, Recreation 8 Senior Services Director Marcelino Lomeli, Park Ft Tree Superintendent Andrea McGuire, Recreation Superintendent Teri Craig, Administrative Assistant PRESENTATION OF PLAQUE FOR BILL FUNDENBERG Recreation Coordinator Scott Williamson presented a plaque to the family of Bill Fundenberg for his years of support to youth programs and the Special Olympics. Chair Allen commented that Bill Fundenberg had been a dear friend and will be truly missed. • PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES TO AYSO 97 TRI- SECTION CHAMPIONS Chair Allen presented certificates to the soccer champions. Coach Phill Miller thanked the Commission for this presentation to the children. DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS Director Knight noted that the summer Navigator had been mailed to residents and that the front office had been extremely busy with registrations. She stated that the revision to the Park Naming Policy had been approved by Council and thanked Commissioners Beek and Skoro for their work on the policy. Director Knight commented that Arbor Day went well and thanked Commissioners Beek and Garrett for their attendance and also thanked Chair Allen for beginning the Easter Egg Hunt. She congratulated the Recreation staff for their support to the Relay for Life in support of cancer awareness. Director Knight stated that the Council would begin to look at the budget at the meeting of May 27 and would be contacting Commissioners Skoro and Garrett to set up a meeting. She also stated that she would be making a presentation at the Speak Up Newport on May 14 at the Newport Beach Tennis Club. Director Knight also noted that the Park Patrol was tentatively scheduled for the Council Study Session on May 27 and recommended that Commissioners attend; staff will confirm that date and let the Commissioners know. Superintendent Lomeli noted that Arbor Day had once again been a hit with the children and also thanked Commissioners Beek and Garrett. is PUBLIC COMMENTS Yvonne Houssells asked the Commission if the Council G -1 Policy would be discussed tonight. Chair Allen stated no but reminded her that the next Tree Committee was scheduled for May 15, 2003. Parks, Beaches Et Recreation Commission Regular Meeting May 6, 2003 • Page 2 CHAIR ALLEN ANNOUNCED THAT ITEM 5 — REFORESTATION REQUEST WOULD BE TABLED. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of April 1, 2003. 2. Item pulled by Commissioner Skoro 3. Recreation Et Senior Services Activity Report 2. Parks Et Tree Division Activity Report - Chair Skoro asked staff to comment on the trimming of the Liquidambar trees on the San Miguel Drive median. Superintendent Lomeli stated that there had been a miscommunication between the City and the Contractor and the trees were severely trimmed. The trees should grow back in the next several months since they are very vigorous growers and will be closely monitored. Further, the City tree trimming contractor has promised that they will fertilize the trees and if needed replace any trees that do not respond with new growth; any costs for this will be borne by the Contractor. Chair Allen opened the public discussion Jan Vandersloot, BAS, commented that the similar situation had occurred at Cliff Drive, that the trimming and brutalization done to those trees are still visible today after 3 -4 • years. He commented that he has had to show the workers how to trim the tree correctly. Mr. Vandersloot stated that WCA should know better and asked how are they permitted to do it again. He commented that there must be a much larger picture here. We need a better explanation and we need to know that this will never happen again. Chair Allen stated that if Mr. Vandersloot witnesses a problem with the trimming that he should be calling City staff and not interfering with the workers. Commissioner Beek stated that she believes that this was just a rare occurrence by WCA and accept that it was just a communication problem and nothing more. Yvonne Houssells read letter from Mary Dorian stating that their HOA had not been responsible for the trimming of the Liquidambar trees. Superintendent Lomeli stated again that it had been a miscommunication between staff and WCA. Chair Allen closed the public discussion Motion by Commissioner Beek to accept items 1 through 3 of the Consent calendar. Motion carried by acclamation. • NEW BUSINESS 4. Exclusive Beverage Agreement - Director Knight stated that staff had been discussing this prospect for the past several years as a way of increasing revenue and supporting more programs. She stated that Pepsi and Coke had been approached, but only Coke had responded. Director Knight stated that the contract would be for 10 years and that Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting • May 6, 2003 Page 3 the City could receive $100,000 for the first 2 years and up to $96,000 for the remaining years. In addition to supporting increased recreation programs the funds could be used to support water quality, scholarships and parks refurbishment. She stated that other cities have contracted with them with positive results and that staff is mainly asking that the Commission for their input, any questions they might have and comment on locations and what the funds could be used for. She also displayed some covers for the machines that could be used integrating the City's name into the front of the machine. Chair Allen asked if the Balboa Merchants Association and the beach area business groups had been approached. Director Knight stated that meetings are just now being set up but that staff and the Representatives from Coke will be meeting and working with the businesses in the City. Commissioner Englebrecht asked if the funds from this contract will go to this department or into the General Fund and will other departments of the City share. Director Knight stated that this contract will specifically fund our department but other departments have expressed an interest. These machines will only be situated at the 65 • locations listed at first but could grow as time goes by. Commissioner Beek stated that signage is the most important and wanted to know if General Services would be involved. Superintendent Lomeli stated that they have been in discussions with Recreation and that placement for safety and maintenance are key issues. Director Knight stated that staff does not view this as an additional burden but as a opportunity. Discussion ensued regarding the use for the funds once received. Commissioner Tobin stated that he believed this was a wonderful idea and stated that staff should contact other organizations. Commissioner Garrett stated that he supports the ideas but was concerned with vandalism and wanted to know the timeframe of repair and or pick up of machine. Director Knight stated that Coke did have some input on what they would like to fund, water quality being one of high importance. • Director Knight introduced Bryan Keene, District Regional Manager for Coke to answer any questions they might have. Mr. Keene stated that Commissioner Garrett's concern regarding vandalized machines was a good one and stated that vandalized machines are picked up immediately as it becomes a safety issue and replaced when fixed. He stated that his company is looking Parks, Beaches it Recreation Commission Regular Meeting • May 6, 2003 Page 4 for a long -term partnership and wants to make it the right kind of commitment for both sides. Director Knight thanked the Commission for their comments and that staff would be setting up meetings with City businesses in the near future. 5. Reforestation Request - Tabled 6. Back Bay Rugby Club - Director Knight reviewed the request with the Commission commenting that staff's initial reaction is to deny it as the Rugby Tournament will be sponsored by a alcohol company contrary to City Policy. She stated if it was approved then either a modification would need to be done to B -8 and B -14 or an exception would need to be granted from Council. Commissioner Englebrecht commended the Back Bay Rugby Club for even asking. Commissioner Tobin stated that a sample was needed of the size of the signs and where they would be located. • Chair Allen opened the public discussion John Abbott, Back Bay Rugby Club Manager stated that the tournament has been held for approximately the last 15 years. As the sport has developed, there has been a need for sponsorship to help with costs. Discussion ensued regarding the policies and other types of events with banners. Superintendent McGuire stated that if it is a sports event, then it is not allowed under those policies. Chair Allen closed the public discussion Motion by Commissioner Beek to recommend to the City Council that they approve an exception to the policy for the Back Bay Rugby Club to display banners and allow the Back Bay Rugby Tournament to take place with an alcoholic beverage company as their sponsor. Prior to submitting the request to the Council however, the Back Bay Rugby Club needs to submit to staff a more detailed plan outlining the number of banners, size of banners and the location of all banners. Motion carried by the following vote: Aye: Beek, Englebrecht, Garrett, Skoro, Tobin Nay: Allen 7. Committee Appointments and Reports • Finance - Commissioners Skoro and Garret will meet with Director Knight at the end of June. Park Development - May meeting cancelled. Commissioner Skoro stated that Upper Bayview is on the fast track. City is working with a consultant and hopes to go to Coastal Commission by June 19. Recreation Et Open Space Element - Nothing to report. Parks, Beaches ft Recreation Commission Regular Meeting IS May 6, 2003 Page 5 Recreation Activities - Nothing new to report Seniors - Nothing new to report. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Status of Grants /Bonds for Park Development — June /July Fence Gates at Marina Park - Tobin ADJOURNMENT - 8::57pm Submitted by: A Teri Craig, Admin sista t • n f.J