HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/02/2003 - PB&R CommissionCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches ft Recreation Commission • Regular Meeting December 2, 2003- 7pm Convened 7:04pm ROLL CALL Present: Debra Allen Bill Garrett Greg Ruzicka Val Skoro Absent: Roy Englebrecht Tom Tobin Staff: Marie Knight, Recreation Et Senior Services Director David Niederhaus, General Services Director Andrea McGuire, Recreation Superintendent Teri Craig, Administrative Assistant DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS Director Knight introduced the new Recreation Manager Matthew Lohr. She stated that he had been with us for 3 weeks and comes from the City of Riverside and has an extensive background in programs, aquatics and special events. She stated that there had been some • internal reorganization and that we had pooled all the responsibilities for special events so that Matt will oversee that as well. Director Knight stated that a Marketing Specialist had been hired and will also report to Matt. Matt Lohr stated that he looked forward to bringing some new ideas and programs to the City. He reminded the Commission that the Winter Wonderland is December 7 and urged their attendance. Director Knight commented that Winter Wonderland would be a big event with a special snow ball throwing area and with special guest Santa Claus. She stated that Park Patrol Officers Craig and Sam are doing an awesome job and staff is really pleased with the job that they are doing. She went on to say that she had wanted them to come this meeting but decided to wait until January when the new commissioner has begun. She stated that since their start that there has been an increase in rentals and special event permit requests. Also they have been catching people doing graffiti, running private businesses from the parks and non - permitted youth sports groups utilizing the parks. Director Niederhaus stated that the Park Patrol had discovered major graffiti in Arroyo Park on Sunday morning, which will cost almost $2000 to remove. Just a reminder that a few months ago we had experienced major damage there from skate boarders. In addition, he noted that there are a number of major landscape projects going on most notably at MacArthur and Jamboree which when finished, the northern most portion will be turned over • to the City of Irvine. He reminded the Commission to attend the Council meeting on December 9 as Castaways re- vegetation will be up for the award of the contract. He stated that since it had such a short timeline that once approved, activity will be moving forward in a quick manner. Parks, Beaches £t Recreation Commission Regular Meeting December 2, 2003 • Page 2 Commissioner Ruzicka discussed the landscaping at Santa Ana Avenue and commented that staff had done a great job. PUBLIC COMMENTS None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the October 5. 2003 study session and regular meeting. Waive reading of subject minutes, approve as written and order filed. 2. Parks it Trees Activity Report. Receive and file monthly Activity Report for activities and upcoming projects. 3. Recreation & Senior Services Activity Report. Receive and file monthly Activity Report for activities and upcoming projects. 4. Item pulled by Commissioner Ruzicka 5. Bench £t Tree Donation. Accept tree and bench donation for installation near the tot lot at Bayview Park from the Schwandt Family. 6. Item pulled by Commissioner Skoro 4. Bench Donation. Commissioner Ruzicka asked if the bench would be installed on the inside of the pathway. • Director Niederhaus stated yes that it would not impede the walkway. Commissioner Skoro asked if the bench is really needed as we could have the whole City encumbered in benches and its really great that people want to contribute benches but they should be located in locations where they are needed and not where they inhibit the beauty in the area; so are we just placing a bench there for the sake that someone wants to donate it or is there a need there and I am not convinced that a bench is needed there. Director Niederhaus stated that this area is part of his jogging trail and he finds that the benches near the proposed bench location is regularly used and this new bench actually will have a much better view than the others, which is why the Parks Maintenance staff selected the location. Director Niederhaus stated that he believes the bench is needed. Staff has received one email from Dr. Cassidy stating his opposition to the bench proposal. Commissioner Garrett stated that he is tending to agree with Commissioner Skoro after looking at the site plane up there and believes that area would be better without a bench; however is willing to go along with staff's input if they feel that it is needed. Discussion ensued regarding alternative donations. 6. Tree Donation. Commissioner Skoro stated that he pulled this one as he is quite concerned • about all the other trees in the parks as it looks as if none of them are doing very well. Director Niederhaus stated that some of the trees are deciduous however, the donation of the tree is a replacement for a tree that has died. He also stated that he had visits the Castaways Park regularly and that most of the trees look healthy. Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting December 2, 2003 • Page 3 Commissioner Skoro stated that he would like to see these trees grow a little faster. Chair Allen opened the public discussion Jan Vandersloot stated that he believed that we should be only planting Oak trees with more than one trunk as lollipop trees or ones with only one trunk do not do well. He also commented that he is concerned with the watering program, it is something of a work in progress. He commented that more watering is needed but that the problem is drainage. Mr. Vandersloot stated that he agrees with Director Niederhaus that the trees are doing better there as the City becomes more educated on how to grow that type of tree. Motion by Commissioner Skoro to accept items 1 through 6 of the Consent calendar. Motion carried by acclamation. NEW BUSINESS 7. Community Services Award - Commissioner Garrett stated that the subcommittee had met about 60 days ago and staff had brought Mr. Ray Zartler before them as a nomination. He stated that Mr. Zartler has been very instrumental in the CdM 5K Race for the last 13 • years or so as a volunteer and the Committee has received nothing but praise regarding his donation of his time. Chair Allen stated that she was not on the subcommittee and had no idea of the person chosen until receiving the packet but she has known Mr. Zartler from many community service projects throughout the City and could not think of a better choice. Motion by Commissioner Ruzicka to award the Community Service Award to Mr. Ray Zartler for his many years of selfless community service. Motion carried by acclamation. Director Knight stated that she would ask Mr. Zartler to attend the next meeting for the presentation of the award. 8. Proposed Castaways Park Wetlands Reforestation Director Niederhaus stated the title of the report should read Proposed Castaways Park Wetlands Restoration and commented that his mind must have been on trees and thanked Dr. Vandersloot for letting him know. He stated that the report was to consider conditional approval of Castaways Park restoration project of the northwest corner. He stated that this project was initiated by a letter from Stephanie Barger, Earth Resources Foundation, who will make a presentation tonight. Ms. Barger made a presentation to the Commission. • Commissioner Skoro stated that the current City budget has an item for the preparation of an environmental document and plans for a sidewalk along Dover Drive connecting the two ends to come up with an environmentally sensitive sidewalk and until that is completed, he feels that there should be conditions placed on the approval of this project that would require that nothing be done that would deter the ability of the City to construct a Parks, Beaches l3 Recreation Commission Regular Meeting December 2, 2003 • Page 4 sidewalk along Dover Drive within the existing 10 foot wide setback; because that is programmed as part of the City budget and he thinks that we should allow that to proceed and see what develops with the study and the environmental impact report; so he would like to see that as another condition that should be placed on approval. He stated that he believed it to be a good program and but thinks that it is necessary to place this condition on approving it. Commissioner Skoro stated that he would like to make a motion with that particular condition as part of the approval. Motion by Commissioner Skoro to conditionally approve the Castaways Park wetlands restoration project as stated with the condition that nothing would be done that would deter the ability of the City to construct a sidewalk along Dover Drive within the existing 10 foot wide setback. Director Niederhaus stated that he is aware of the Dover sidewalk project, but Public Works is not sure when it will exactly start, but he will be talking with staff and making them aware that we might possibly dovetail that that with Phase II of the project. He stated that when we have heavy equipment there that maybe it would be a good time to coordinate that with the Conservation Corps but all this will happen after the first of the year - so that the next time we get together we will be able to tell you when that will happen. He stated that he would rather it not be a condition because in Phase I nothing . will happen that will obstruct that construction project. Commissioner Skoro stated that if that is the case then if that condition is placed there then it should not have an impact but believes that the knowledge should be there so that if something is going to happen, everybody would be aware of it, and stated that we would be remiss if it were not included and so he asked that the condition be retained as part of the motion. Director Niederhaus stated that he would be glad to put that in the letter to the Earth Resources Foundation. Chair Allen stated that it seems like that the monitoring phase does not really have anything to do with construction anyway. Commissioner Ruzicka stated that instead of making it a condition it could be a caveat that will come back before the Commission to discuss prior to granting Phase II. Commissioner Skoro stated that it is basically for awareness; as everyone should be aware of it because it is part of the City plans and budget. Amended Motion by Commission Ruzicka to approve Phase I with the caveat of the City's Liability waiver; the water quality testing; the full -time adult supervision and with • Commissioner Skoro's condition of nothing be done that would deter the ability of the City to construct a sidewalk along Dover Drive within the existing 10 foot wide setback. Commissioner Skoro stated that he would accept this motion. Motion carried. Parks, Beaches ft Recreation Commission Regular Meeting December 2, 2003 • Page 5 9. Newport Riptides Request for Use of Field Liehts - Director Knight stated that this is the third year for this request to approve the use of field lights by Newport Riptides 18 Et under Girls Fast Pitch Softball Team utilizing Arroyo, Bonita Creek and Grant Howald Parks for the Triple Crown Tournament. They have requested the use of lights until 10pm on Saturday, January 31 and 8pm on Sunday, February 1. She stated that this request is the third year and that the only recommendation that staff has is that the lights only be allowed until 9pm on Saturday in deference to the neighboring community. She stated that this is a special request for this 2 day tournament. Chair Allen opened the public discussion; seeing no one the public discussion was closed. Motion by Commissioner Garrett to approve the use of field lights field lights by Newport Riptides 18 & under Girls Fast Pitch Softball Team utilizing Arroyo, Bonita Creek and Grant Howald Parks for the Triple Crown Tournament until 9pm on Saturday, January 31 and 8pm on Sunday, February 1 as recommended by staff. Chair Allen asked if the neighborhood had been notified. Director Knight stated that the neighborhood of both parks had been notified. • Director Knight stated that the Park Patrol will be able to help should any problems arise. Motion carried by acclamation. 10. AYSO Region 97 Request for Use of Temporary Field Lights - Director Knight stated that AYSO Region 97 had requested and was granted the use temporary lights for practice during the 2002/03 season by the Commission. The temporary lights at Mariners Field operated from September 1 to November 30 to 9pm, Monday through Friday. She also commented that AYSO Region 97 was very responsive to neighborhood input on the position of the lights. Director Knight stated that staff recommends approval for temporary lighting from December 3 to January 31: • At Mariners Park Monday through Thursday until 8pm • At Bob Henry Park, Tuesday through Thursday until 7 pm Chair Allen opened the public discussion Chris Sarris, AYSO 97 stated that he hoped that the Commission would approve this request as it was needed to afford the children time to practice. He also commented that should staff receive complaints from residents that they will be more than happy to try to adjust the lights to fit their request. He stated that the reason they were asking for Bob Henry was for the overflow. • Kevin Shelanta, AYSO 97 Board member, stated as a resident of the Mariners Park area that he had only heard positive comments on any response to lighting movements and urged the Commission to approve this request for the children to practice. Chair Allen closed the public discussion Parks, Beaches 8 Recreation Commission Regular Meeting December 2, 2003 • Page 6 Chair Allen stated that she is sorry that Mr. McKay was not here and that she had trepidation last year in approving this request. The only reason she is inclined to approve Bob Henry is the fact of how well this organization worked with the residents. Motion by Chair Allen to approve AYSO 97 request to use temporary lights from December 3, 2003 to January 31, 2004 at Mariners Park, Monday through Thursday until 8pm and at Bob Henry Park, Tuesday through Thursday until 7 pm. Motion carried by acclamation. 11. Newport Harbor Lacrosse Clinics at Peninsula Park - Superintendent McGuire stated that Newport Harbor Lacrosse had been granted the use of the park to practice Lacrosse prior to this request. Staff had received some complaints from residents regarding balls hitting their automobiles. So staff denied their request to use the field any further, they have since come back to us in an appeal to say that they would use a system of nets to stop the balls from leaving the field. They are requesting to use the field to hold Lacrosse Clinics for ages 8 to 17 and attached are diagrams of the field with their plan for the fields and nets. Also attached is a diagram of what the nets will look like. She stated that she had talked to Parks Division and there concern was the stakes going into the ground so it was thought that the nets could be put in buckets of sand for easy removal and movement. Superintendent McGuire stated that Newport Harbor Lacrosse is a non - profit organization • who is hiring someone to teach these clinics in January and February. Chair Allen asked why the request was denied by staff but that now they are recommending approval with conditions. Superintendent McGuire stated that something like this would normally not come to the commission but since it had been denied they are appealing it to the commission. The reason that staff is now recommending approval is because of the conditions that they have added to mitigate the damage. Commissioner Garrett stated that this park is under utilized and that it would be nice to see it being used. Discussion ensued regarding adult sports groups using Peninsula Park and rental fees Director Knight stated that should complaints be received that the permit would be revoked. Don Hoover, Peninsula Park area resident stated that the balls will not be hit as hard as it would be with adults and urged the commission to approve the request. He stated that they do not want to cause any problems with the residents and are willing to work with them. Motion by Commissioner Ruzicka to approve the request by Newport Harbor Lacrosse to conduct clinics at Peninsula Park during January and February. Motion carried by acclamation. n LJ Parks, Beaches Et Recreation Commission Regular Meeting December 2, 2003 Page 7 CONTINUING BUSINESS 12. Committee Reports • Finance - Commissioner Garrett stated that he has nothing to report but that in the upcoming months he will be working on something regarding the water quality issue and doggie nuisance bags and will be requesting funding to have them installed on the ocean front. • Park Development - Commissioner Skoro stated that they had met last month and the Coastal Commission did approve the development of 120 homes at Upper Bayview and that at the next meeting the committee will receive more definitive information. He also stated that Newport Village is being discussed and that there are some funds to come up with some plans for the park so at the meeting in December a timeline will be introduced. Sunset View Park will also be discussed and stated the Council Member Rosansky is very interested in that property. • Rec Et Open Space Element - None. • Recreation Activities - None • Seniors - Director Knight stated that the City Council established an Ad Hoc Committee to work with the Friends of OASIS to work on establishing a cooperative agreement and Commissioners Allen, Skoro and Tobin have also joined that • committee. She went on that they have met with the Board on one occasion to hear from their Board members any issues or concerns that they might have. The next step is that they have elected a committee to represent the Friends Board to discuss the cooperative agreement that really outlines for the first time roles and responsibilities of both the City and the Friends when it comes to the operation of the OASIS Senior Center. Director Knight stated that a meeting will be scheduled sometime in December and hopes that by the beginning of next year that this will all be wrapped up so that everyone can move forward. • Ad Hoc - Community Service Award - None - Tree Committee - Director Knight stated that the City has hired a Duke Et Associates to conduct a partial EIR and project timeline. - Youth Sports Liaison - Superintendent McGuire stated that a meeting has been called for December 4 for the spring allocation meeting. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Limiting of Bench Donations, identify areas where they are needed • Memorial /Gift Tribute Report — Director Knight reminded the commission that staff had given them a preliminary report earlier and that they are contacting other cities for their ideas. • Irvine Terrace Park Encroachment • Review of Council Policy G -5 possibly requiring approval of HOA where bench will be installed or gage number of benches in parks. • Liability Aspects at MarinaPark to• Introduction of Park Patrol ADJOURNMENT - 8:36pm n i Submitted by: Teri Craig, Admin Assist