HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/13/2014 - City Arts Commission - 01 Draft MinutesDRAFT Newport Beach City Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Thursday, February 13, 2014 – 5:00pm Central Library- Staff Conference Room Convened at 5:00pm 1) Call Meeting to Order Chair Goldberg called the meeting to order. 2) Roll Call Commissioners Present: Rita Goldberg, Chair Arlene Greer, Vice Chair Caroline Logan, Secretary Judy Chang Michaell Magrutsche Robert Smith Commissioners Absent: Charles Ware Council Present: Nancy Gardner, Council Member Staff Present: Tim Hetherton, Library Services Director Elaine McMillion, Administrative Assistant 3) Public Comments Jim Mosher stated that the item regarding Mark Hilbert, with attached motion and second on the last meeting minutes, on page seven of the January meeting should also be discussed further, but it is not on the current agenda. Additionally, on the bottom of page five, the committee report reflects a motion to change the date of the Newport Beach Arts Exhibition. In the future, the Committee should notify the public that issues such as these would be discussed and voted on, thus giving the public notice and an opportunity to attend the City Arts Commission meetings. 4) Approval of Minutes Vice-Chair Greer asked that in the description under Museum Tour Ad Hoc Committee, the words “Levitated Mass” be added. Commissioner Smith noted that page 4 under items for review and action it should be Items I and F and not 5. He further noted that on page 5 the CaFE website, that the letter ‘e’ should be reflected as CaFÉ. Motion made by Vice Chair Greer and seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried (6 – 1) to approve the minutes of January 9, 2014, as corrected. AYES: Goldberg, Greer, Logan, Magrutsche, Chang, and Smith NOES: None ABSTENTIONS: None ABSENT: Ware 1 DRAFT 5) Current Business A. Consent Calendar - Jim Mosher discussed the Cultural Arts activities, noting that there is not a staff member available to manage any related issues or concerns. Chair Goldberg responded that the position has been subcontracted out to manage activities on a case-by-case basis. Commissioner Magrutsche stated that while there was a dedicated staff member, there was always someone available to manage activities. Chair Goldberg noted that there is now an individual on retainer that handles everything related to the Cultural Arts activities. 1. Correspondence and Press - Noted 2. Financial Report - Noted 3. Cultural Arts Activities - Noted Approval of Consent Calendar Motion made by Vice Chair Greer and seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried (6 – 1) to approve the consent calendar items as submitted. AYES: Goldberg, Greer, Magrutsche, Logan, Chang, and Smith NOES: None ABSTENTIONS: None ABSENT: Ware B. Items for Review and Possible Action – 1. Review of Council Policy I-11 Revisions Chair Goldberg explained the background for establishing the necessary criteria and specifications for accepting art within the City. In regard to the item concerning photographic property rights, modifications were created to settle the issue. Commissioner Magrutsche noted that it is difficult for individuals to obtain publishing rights for visual arts, to do things such as printing shirts. Library Services Director Tim Hetherton added that it is protection for the City Arts Commission, should the images of City art ever be used in future publications or promotions by the City. Chair Goldberg noted that the intent is to find art, promote art, and display art throughout the City. 2 DRAFT Commissioner Smith spoke on item I, regarding concern over the City’s rights to photograph art for City publications. He is concerned and finds it limiting for what the City is able to receive. Commissioner Nancy Gardner responded that the City Council has the purview over specific language and that this document is a general guideline, leaving the City Council with the option of waiving or amending it. Chair Goldberg related the topic to the City Centennial celebration and the photographs that were used. This document protects the City from liability issues, as supported by the City Attorney. Approval of Review of Council Policy I-11 Motion made by Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissioner Logan and carried (6 – 1) to approve the Council Policy I-11 revisions as submitted. AYES: Goldberg, Greer, Logan, Magrutsche, Chang, and Smith NOES: None ABSTENTIONS: None ABSENT: Ware Jim Mosher asked for public comment, noting that in regard to the photography issue, there is no role for the Arts Commission to review proposals. There should be a policy for donations, however the wording has changed to a policy of acquisitions, with no piece for a policy of purchasing art. Before the document is forwarded to City Council, he would recommend the addition of the word “purchase.” Chair Goldberg thanked Mr. Mosher for his suggestion, but as the item has already been voted on, it will have to be reviewed at a later date. C. Monthly Reports - 1. Newport Beach Sculpture Garden Ad Hoc Committee Commissioner Smith asked Richard Stein to provide an update on the contract used to manage the process of acquiring sculptures. Two weeks remain on the RFP and the Commission should be aware of the current process. Richard Stein provided an update on the process, noting that there are 51 submitted works of art at this early stage and that they represent 35 individual artists. There is a wide variety of styles and subject matter presented, with a significant number being of high quality. The jury panel will meet on March 28th, with a presentation to the City Arts Commission on April 17th. Chair Goldberg thanked Mr. Stein and his team for their dedication and the Committee looks forward to the results. Commissioner Smith noted the April date be changed, and asked that a good portion of the meeting be devoted to reviewing the results. Tim Hetherton found no conflict with a date change, making sure the meeting room will be available, and noting that it is Easter week. 3 DRAFT Jim Mosher commented that because this item is not on the agenda, it should be discussed at the March meeting. Motion made by Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissioner Logan and carried (6 – 1) to put this item on the March meeting agenda. AYES: Goldberg, Greer, Magrutsche, Ware, Chang and Smith NOES: None ABSTENTIONS: None ABSENT: Ware 2. Fine Arts Ad Hoc Committee Sub Committee Chair Arlene Greer presented the Newport Beach Arts Exposition brochure. The last segment Hilbert exhibition will be installed this month and will be coming down at the end of May. It will be a representation of all the California scene artists. All artist applications for exhibitions in the future have been reviewed , but no confirmation has been sent or received as of yet. The marketing for Newport Beach Arts Exhibition is live on the City website, providing information and a Call to Artists. All details are listed in the Navigator, with the new issue being released in the Spring. The event specialist has designed banners for the event, as well as the preparation of entry brochures and press releases. The awards ceremony, and cash awards, were outlined and described. Rochelle McReynolds, a Newport Beach resident, noted that she was a part of the executive team that produced art history in the City and it will be available at the Exposition. 3. Museum Tour Ad Hoc Committee The LACMA Museum Bus Tour is scheduled for Tuesday, March 4, 2014. The tour group will check in at the City Central Library and at 9:15 AM will depart by luxury coach to LACMA. Cost is $75.00 per person. The participants will meet their appointed docent at LACMA and view James Turrell, A Retrospective, Alexander Calder, From Abstraction to Iconic, and fifty Calder works curated by the architect Frank Gehry. Due to time constraints, the viewing of the Metropolis exhibit has been eliminated. Additional information and registration can be referenced through the Library. Publicity will be in the Winter Navigator and the flyer registration is available throughout the City. Tim Hetherton will provide information on the Turrell and Calder exhibits. The tour includes lunch, a snack, and coffee. The tour was sold out within 2 weeks and there is a great amount of excitement. Commissioner Magrutsche shared an upcoming event on February 27th from 11:00 to 2:00 at the Huntington Beach Arts Center. He stated that the Committee’s job is to alert the public of opportunities to explore art and this is an excellent opportunity. 4. Arts Foundation Liaison Ad Hoc Committee 4 DRAFT Commissioner Smith shared a report of the Art in the Park sale, to be held on October 11th, 2014, on the Civic Center green. More underwriters are needed. Publicity for the event will be posted in September. 5. Cultural Arts Grants Ad Hoc Committee Chair Goldberg noted that the checks for these grants have been dispersed. 6. Art Site Suitability Ad Hoc Committee Commissioner Magrutsche stated that a meeting was held to clarify what art will be displayed at which locations, noting that the library remains the primary site. Library staff are actively integrating art within the library before selecting other locations for art site suitability. Council Member Gardner stated that all the libraries throughout the City would be receiving art pieces. 7. Civic Center Art Placement Ad Hoc Committee Vice Chair Greer noted that they are looking into a mural that has been donated, and they continue to meet with the donor. 8. Art Owned by the City of Newport Beach Ad Hoc Committee Chair Goldberg explained that the committee is waiting on the final I-11 document to be approved and then they can proceed with evaluating the art. The Master Plan will also aid in the distribution of art pieces. Commissioner Smith noted the importance of art maintenance and the role it plays in keeping art within the City. At 5:57pm, Council Member Gardner left the meeting. Commissioner Magrutsche added that it would be a good idea to create a treasure chest for this purpose, with a budget of $20,000. Chair Goldberg noted that when the budget is submitted, it must be a very exact number. 6) City Arts Commission Announcements or Matters Which Members Would Like Placed on a Future Agenda for Discussion, Action or Report (Non-Discussion Item) Tim Hetherton noted that the artist Sarah A. Wilkinson was present, and that the Uprooted II sculpture needs to be considered for purchase by the City or if it should be returned to the artist. Chair Goldberg stated that it would be on the March agenda. Commissioner Logan noted the “Sister City” event will be in April, and she will be attending in representation of the City. If there is any interest in Japanese art, she will take everything into consideration. 5 DRAFT Tim Hetherton noted the City Arts Commission By-Laws and provided recommendations, including changes to the Parks and Recreation Department wording, as well as wording modifications under articles 3, 5, and 7. 7) Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items Rick Stein, representing Arts Orange County, outlined the work within the City and noted current events and news regarding the arts and the creative economy. There is a 156-page report available through Otis College. Also, the joint art committee was held in Sacramento last week, with the introduction of a bill to increase the state art funding to $25 million. Additionally, the President nominated Dr. Jane Schue to the National Endowment of the Arts yesterday and is awaiting Senate confirmation. At 6:04 Commissioner Chang left the meeting. Commissioner Magrutsche thanked Mr. Stein for staying on the cutting edge of art topics and looks forward to a lecture from him. Jim Mosher stated that he enjoyed hearing the committee reports and noted the young guests present at this meeting that have an interest in careers in the arts. The new Civic Center has centralized events, and Mr. Mosher stated that he would like to see concerts at all parks and encouraged the Commission to keep the vision of exposing arts at all locations. Also, he made a comment at the last meeting about $150,000 coming to the City from the Tourism Bid but it has since fallen through. Chair Goldberg thanked the Boy Scouts for attending the meeting. 8) Adjournment – 6:10 p.m. Motion made by Commissioner Smith and seconded by Vice Chair Greer and carried (5 – 2) to adjourn the meeting. AYES: Goldberg, Greer, Magrutsche, Ware, and Smith NOES: None ABSTENTIONS: None ABSENT: Ware, Chang Submitted by: _________________________________________________ Chair Approval of Minutes 6