HomeMy WebLinkAbout1653 - Declaring Its Intention to Order the Closing Up and Abandonment of a Portion of a Certain Street, and Portions of Certain Alleys, in the City of Newport Beach, as Follows: a Portion of Carnation Avenue: a Portion of Alley in Block "B" Tract 470: AnMu 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Kta 32 LAW OFFICES OF ?OLqAND THOMPSON 1��`^!ry �GEON BUILDING 2 �N.\. CALIFORNIA RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE CLOSING UP AND ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF A CERTAIN STREET, AND PORTIONS OF CERTAIN ALLEYS, AND CERTAIN ALLEYS, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, AS FOLLOT13: A PORTION OF CARL TION AVENUE: A PORTION OF ALLEY IN BLOCK "B" TRACT 470: AN ALLEY IN BLOCK R, TRACT 323; AN ALLEY IN BLOCK V, TRACT 323; DECLARING IT T4 BE FOR THE Pt1BLI0 INTEREST AND CONVENIENCE, AND FIXING THE TIME A14D i LACE FOR NEARING 013 . CTTON,3 TO SAID PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT, AND SPECIFYING THE EXTERIOR BOZINDAR- IES OF THZ DISTRICT OF LANDS TO BE AFFECTED OR BENEFITED BY SAID WORK OR I14'ROVEMENT AND TO SP AS'`ESSED TO PAY THE DAI�AGEC, COST AND EXPENSES THEREOF. J �4 The City Council of the City, of Newport Beach, pur- suant to the provisions of an act of Legislature of the State of California. known as "Street Opening Act of 1889," approved March 6, 1839, and amendments thereto, does resolve and deolare as follows: :SECTION 1. That the public interest and oonvenienoe requires the closing up and abandonment of a portion of a oer- tain street, and portions of certain alleys, and certain alleys in the City of Newport Beach, and it is the intention of the City Counoil of the City of Newport Beach. to order the follow- ing deeoribed portion of a certain street, and the following portions of certain alleys and oertain alleys in said City to be closed up and abandoned, to -wit: STREET Carnation Avenue That portion of Carnation Avenue, FO feet wide, adjoining Lot 1 in Blook "C" of Tract No. 470, as per reap recorded in Book 17, page 28 -of Miscellaneous Maps, reoords of Orange County, California, deeoribed as follows: Beginning at an angle point in the northwester- ly line of said Lot 1, said angle point being the northeasterly terminus of that certain oourse,' -1- 1' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 LAW OFFICES OF ROLAND THOMPSON 21 SPURGEON BUILDING % iNTA ANA. CALIFORNIA 3'18, shown on paid map as having a bearing of North ast, and a length of 60.85 feet; thenoe. ,.A/.o P-4 390 .401 300 East along the northeasterly prolon- gation of said oourse, a distance of 48.53 feet;' thenoe northeasterly, easterly and southeasterly along a tangent ourre, concave southeasterly, southerly and southwesterly and having a radius of 10 feet, thru an aro angle of 1120 001 161 an arc distance of 19.55 feet to a point of oom- pound curve, said paint of compound curve being on the southwesterly line of the 100 foot State Highway right of Way; thenoe southeasterly along said southwesterly right of way line, along a curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 1550 feet, thru an angle of 00 491 410 an aro distance of 22.40 feet to a point on the norther- ly line of said Lot 1, distant thereon, South 740 381.300 West, 26.79 feet from the northeaster- ly corner of said Lot 1; thenoe South 740 381 300 West, along said northerly line 60.11 feet to the point of beginning. ALLEYS PORTION Or ALLEY IV BLOOK_"B". TRACT 470 All that portion of that certain alley, 14 feet in width, in Block 730, as laid out and shorn upon a map of Oorona Del 'Mar, recorded in Book 30 pages 41 and 42 of Miscellaneous Maps, re- cords of Orange County, Oalifornia, lying between the southeasterly prolongation of the northeaster- ly line of Lot 10 in said Block 730, and a line parallel to and 16 feet southwesterly of said southeasterly Prolongation of the northeasterly line of said Lot 10, and all of that certain alley, 14 feet in width, lying southwesterly of and ad- jaoent to Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block "B", as laid out and shorn upon a map of Tract No. 4700 re- oorded in Book 17, page 28 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California. ALLEY XN BLOCK "R". TRAOT 323 All of that oertain alley, 14 feet in width, lying northeasterly of and adjaoent to Lots 3, '&. and ,5 in Block "R'' , as laid out and shown upon a map of Tract No. 323, reoorded in Book 14, pages 40,'8.nd 41 of Miscellaneous Maps, . reoords of Orange Countyy, California, and extending..between then nort,h�esterly line of Marguerite Avenue and the southeasterly line of Lot 2 in said Block OR", and all.that portion of that certain alley, 14 feet in width, in Block 438, as laid•out,and shown upon said map of Corona Del -Mar, reoord" in Book 3, pages 41 and 42, of Hisoelloneous.Mape, reoords of Orange County, California, extending between the =northwesterly prolongation of the southwesterly line of Lot 5 in said Block 438 and a line 16 feet northeasterly of and parallel to the northwesterly prolongation of the W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 LAw OFFICE9 OF ROLAND TMOMPSON 210 SPURGE014 BUILDING SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA southwesterly line of Lot 7 in said Block 438. ALLEY IN BLOOK "V", TRACT -323 All of that certain alley, 14 feet in' width,`' lying northeasterly of and adjacent'to Blook HVII. as laid out and shown upon a .map of Tract No. 3230 reoorded in Book -14, pages 40 and 41 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of'Orange County; California, ettending between the northese6*01 lffe: line of Pansy Avenue and the southeasterly line of Orohid Avenue, as said Pansy Avenue and Orchid Avenue are laid out and shown.upon said map of Traot No. 323, and all that portion of that certain alley, 14 feet in Width, in Blook 4429 as laid out and shorn upon a map of Corona Del Har, reoorded in Book 3, pages .41 and 42 of Misoellaneous Maps, reoords of Orange Oounty, California, ettending between the northwesterly prolongation of the southwesterly line of Lot 1 in said Block 442 and a line 16 feet northeasterly of and parallel to the said northwesterly prolong- ation of the southwesterly line of said Lot 1. All portions of streets and alleys to be closed up, and abandoned aremore clearly shown on a certain map approved - and adopted by the City Council of the pity of Newport Beach for said closing up and abandonment, by Resolution dated the I3th.� day.of Maroh, 1939, and designated Resolution No. 1578 .� SECTION 2. ' That the exterior boundaries of the district or Iandi3 to be affeoted or benefited by Raid work or improvement and to be assessed to pay the damages, cost and A'xpenses thereof, are - partioularly desoribed as follows, to -wit: .''Beginning at the most easterly oorner of Block "AA", as shown upon a map of Traot •No." -323', re- corded in Book 14, pages 40 and 41 of Uisoel- laneous Maps, reoords of Orange County, Calif- ornia; Running thenoe northwesterly and northerly along the southwesterly and wdsterly line of�Ooast Boulevard,.as said Coast Boulevard is laid out ;Y and shown upon said map of Tract No. 323 to the most easterly oorner of Block "O'�, as shown upon 4,;"i a map of'Traot No. 470, reoorded in Book - 17, page 28 of Misoellaneous Maps, reoords of Orange -3- .w southwesterly line of Lot 7 in said Block 438. ALLEY IN BLOOK "V", TRACT -323 All of that certain alley, 14 feet in' width,`' lying northeasterly of and adjacent'to Blook HVII. as laid out and shown upon a .map of Tract No. 3230 reoorded in Book -14, pages 40 and 41 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of'Orange County; California, ettending between the northese6*01 lffe: line of Pansy Avenue and the southeasterly line of Orohid Avenue, as said Pansy Avenue and Orchid Avenue are laid out and shown.upon said map of Traot No. 323, and all that portion of that certain alley, 14 feet in Width, in Blook 4429 as laid out and shorn upon a map of Corona Del Har, reoorded in Book 3, pages .41 and 42 of Misoellaneous Maps, reoords of Orange Oounty, California, ettending between the northwesterly prolongation of the southwesterly line of Lot 1 in said Block 442 and a line 16 feet northeasterly of and parallel to the said northwesterly prolong- ation of the southwesterly line of said Lot 1. All portions of streets and alleys to be closed up, and abandoned aremore clearly shown on a certain map approved - and adopted by the City Council of the pity of Newport Beach for said closing up and abandonment, by Resolution dated the I3th.� day.of Maroh, 1939, and designated Resolution No. 1578 .� SECTION 2. ' That the exterior boundaries of the district or Iandi3 to be affeoted or benefited by Raid work or improvement and to be assessed to pay the damages, cost and A'xpenses thereof, are - partioularly desoribed as follows, to -wit: .''Beginning at the most easterly oorner of Block "AA", as shown upon a map of Traot •No." -323', re- corded in Book 14, pages 40 and 41 of Uisoel- laneous Maps, reoords of Orange County, Calif- ornia; Running thenoe northwesterly and northerly along the southwesterly and wdsterly line of�Ooast Boulevard,.as said Coast Boulevard is laid out ;Y and shown upon said map of Tract No. 323 to the most easterly oorner of Block "O'�, as shown upon 4,;"i a map of'Traot No. 470, reoorded in Book - 17, page 28 of Misoellaneous Maps, reoords of Orange -3- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 LAw OFFICES of ROLAND THOMPSON 210 SPUAGEON BUILDING SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA Oounty, California; thenoe westerly along the northerly line of Dahlia Avenue (formerly 31et Avenue), as laid out and ehown upon said map of Traot No. 323 to an intereeotion with the northeasterly line of Fourth Avenue (formerly 56th Place) , ae shown on eaid map of Traot No. 470; thence northweeterly along the eaid northeasterly line of Fourth Avenue,to an intereeotion with the eoutheaeterly line of Begonia Avenue (formerly 29th Avenue), as laid out and shown upon eaid map of Tract No. 470; thence northeasterly along the said eoutheaeterly line of Begonia Avenue to the moot northerly oor— ner of Blook "B", as shown upon eaid map of Traot No. 470; thence eoutheaeterly in a direct line.to the most weeterly corner of Block OKII1 as shown upon said map of Tract No. 470; thence southerly along the easterly line of said Coast Boulevard, as laid out and ehown upon eaid map of Tract No. 470 and said map of Traot No. 323, to the moot westerly oorner of Blook "R", as shown upon said map of Traot No. 323; east thence easterly and nortVerly along the souther— ly and the eoutheaeterly line of Larkepur Avenue (formerly 37th Avenue) to the intereeotion with the southwesterly line of Seoond Avenue (formerly .54th plaoe), ae said 54th Flaoe is laid out and shown upon a map of Corona Del Mar, reoorded in Book 3, pagee 41 and 42 of Ifisoellaneous Mape, records of Orange County, California; ihenoe eoutheaeterly along the said southwesterly line of Seoond Avenue to an intereeotion with the southeasterly line of Marguerite Avenue, formerly Fier Avenue, ae said pier Avenue is laid out and shown upon said map of Corona Del Mar; thenoe eouthweaterly along the said southeasterly line of Marguerite Avenue to the moot weeterly oorner of Blook 'IS", as shown upon eaid map of Tract No. 323; thenoe eoutheaeterly along the northeasterly line of said Coast Boulevard to the most southerly oorner of Blook "U", as shown upon eaid map of Traot No. 323; thenoe north eaeterly along the northwesterly line of Orchid Avenue (formerly 41st Avenue), ae said Orohid Avenue is laid out and shown upon-eaid map of Tract Xo. 323 to an intersection with the south- weeterly line of said Second Avenue; thenoe eoutheaeterly along the said southweeterly line of Second Avenue to an interseotion with the —4— L_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 LAW OFFICES OR ROLAND THOMPSON SID SPURGEON BUILDING SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA r northweeterly line of Paney Avenue, formerly 42nd Avenue, as said 42nd Avenue is laid out and shown upon said map of Corona lel Mar; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly line of eaid Panay Avenue to the point of beginning. SEQTION 3. That eaid proposed work or improvement is for the closing up and vacating of e, portion of a certain street, portions of certain Walleye and certain alleys hereinabove more particularly described, and it appears to the eaid City Council of the City of Newport Beach, that no assessment is, necessary. SECTION 4. Thnt the proceedings for the olosing up of the of oreeaid portions of streets and alleye, shall be had and taken under and in accordance with an act of the Legielature of the State of California, designmted and known as "An Act to. Provide for Laying Out, opening, extending, widening, etraighten- ing or closing up in whole or in part any etreet, square, lane, alley, court or plaoe within municipalities, and to condemn and acquire any and all land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose,o approved March S. 1889, and amendments thereto. SE0MIQK b. The Street Superintendent of the City of . Newport' Beach ehall oauee to be conspicuously posted along the - line of eaid contemplated work and improvement and at not more than three hundred (300) feet in distance apart, but not lees than three (3) in all, notices of the paesag+e of thio reeolution', in the fQrm and manner ae required by law; and he ehall also oause a .notioe similar in substance, to be published: by., nser'�ing' in the r datd,notice'"for .four successi lve titee/"Newport Balboa Newe-Times0" semi a/weekly newepaper published and circulated and of general oir- oulation ,in the City of Nevrport Beach, California, which said newspaper is hereby deeignated for that purpose by, the said City Council of the City of Newport Peach, oontaining a statement 5w . I 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 of the faot of the passage of this resolution of intention, the date hereof, and briefly describing the work, or improvement pro- posed and referring to this Resolution for further particulars. SECTION 0. That any person interested, objecting to said work or improvement or to the extent of the district or lands to be affected or benefited by said work or improvement , . and to be assessed to pay the cost and, expenses thereof, may make written objections to the same, within ten (10) days after the expiration of the time of the publioation of said notice mentioned in 8eotion 5 hereof, which objections shall be delivered to the Clerk of the City Council, who shall endorse thereon the date of its reoeption by hila, and at the next meeting of the City Council, after the expiration of said ten (10) days, lay said objections before said City Council who shall Pix a time for hearing said objeotions, not less than one (1) geek thereafter. The City Clerk shall thereupon notify the persons making such objections of the time and place of the hearing; of said objeotione by the City Oounoil and notice of said hearings shall be given by de- positing a notice thereof in the post office of said City of Newport Beaoh, postage prepaid thereon, addressed to said objector. T hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduoed, passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Newport Beech, at i regular meeting thereof, held on the day of September, 1939, by the followinir vote. to -wit; y —A ` ,• 28 29'- '30 31 32 LAW OFFICES OF ROLAND THOMPSON 210 SPURGEON BUILDING SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA Oity Clerl r, ;S, C.CT11dCIi,PAr:1dt �L.`�r�l NOES, COUNGIL?WN: e.. AB 3 'To CO�1.? L' 'N . • his ayo of the My o ewpor Baan —6—