HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/1924 - Regular Meeting200 s City Hall, Newport Beach, JuD * 21, 19244. The Board of Trustees of the City of r'ewport Beach, met in reg- ular session on j-,he above date, at 7:30, P. 11. The meeting was called to ��•' by President Geo: P. CIilson. The roll was called, showing the full board present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and Approved. The com- munications were read and referred. to the proper order of business. Trustee Sloan introduced an ordinance ordering an improvement mad, in the city of Newport Beach, directing an action to be brought by the city attorney in the Superior Court of Orange County in the name of the city of Newport Beach for condemnation of the property necessary and conven- ient to be taken for such an improvement, describing,the improvement and referring to Ordinance of Intention No. 256; the ordinance was ordered filed, read, considered, designated Ordinance ldo. 260 and referred to the city attorney. ORDII ?ALICE TIO. 259, came on for Final passage. The ordinance was read, considered, the roll was called and Ordinance Ido. 259 passed by the vote of the following named members of the Board of Trustees. Ayes: Trustees 17ilson, Sloan, Young, Richter and '.lilkinson. !does: Trustees None. Absent: Trustees !,Tone. The ordinance was then signed by the president of the Board of Trustees and ordered published. A corvaunication was received from C. C1. Stra -er, 640 ! ?o, I,iain St., Los Angeles, Calif., calling attention to a discrepancy in the width of an alley in Block 21;', Section B., Newport Beach. The matter was re- ferred to the Street Superintendant. U:FIl;ISITED 'US1'.'ESS. Trustee Richter stated to the Board that trucks were being driven across the sidecralks, in the vicinity of the !Fulkerson Oil :fells, thereby greatly damaging same. On notion of Trustee Richter, seconded by Trustee Sloan, and carried, City Earshall, J. A. Porter was instructed to havi.r. Fulkerson put in ade0uate crossings, as required by city ' Ordinance, immediately. On motion of Trustee Sloan, seconded by Trustee Younf; and carried, Ordinance 1'o. 260 was passed to second reading.- In the natter of limitation of the oil district, in the City of Newport Beach, a communication cias received from the Plannin; Commission reccormnending that the oil district be confined to the industrial Zone. On motion of Trustee Sloan, seconded by Trustee V!ilkinson and carried, City Attorney B.shop was requested to amend Ordinance !'o. to in- clude and limit drilling for oil in the industrial zone, as ou lined by said Ordinance Uo. I,r. 0. ]:'(;under, representing a committee, Orange Co. Chamber of Commerce, sub- mitted a plan for st,raightenin!�, out of certain lines alons the bay, in order to facilitate matters in the coming bond election. On r.iotiol. of Sloan, seconded by Trustee Aichter and carried, the City En ineer wl.s instructed to place a description of the )roposed line in the City Attorney's hands. Comrvznications mere received fom L. J. ruler and the Consolid- ated Plast r and ':;allboard Co r ., protesti.ny t' e action of I ^'ire Chief Jack- son in condemninE; their various plast-r aoards in the construction of dwell.*_n ;s. .t great deal of discussion followed, and i4r. hi ler offered to test his product und-o any fire condition that mi_;ht be set forth by the Board. A demonstration followed, and it was proven to tLe satis- faction of the Board and fire Chief Jackson that the matorial gas not a I fire hazard, but practically fire- proof. T1e committee named to investigate water conditions for the city submitted a written report to the Board. They vrere corr.iended on the manner in �;t,!ich t-he report was submitted, Included in tl.e report was a reccommendation t)iat a second reservoir, be constructed at the present site, crest of t'l.e p:.•. sent reserv(bir, of one million, five hundred thou- sand allons, with a filtration system bet::een the two reservoirs. `!'here being no dissension, the matter was referred to the City _,ngineer for estimate of cost of the proposed improvement and r�)ort. in the natter of purchase of Lot 21, Block 50, :'.ee! port Beach Tact for the sum of t,:ro thousand dollars, said lot to be used for street purposes, on motion of Trustee '_;ilkinson, seconded by ':'rustee :Zichter and carried, 'te nat' ;er was referred to the Plannin_; Commission and Street Sun - rintendent. ^,onplaints were receiv :d from various persons, t'tat ;:eavy 2 ®1 trucks were haulinc; large loads of dirt at an excessive rate of speed over the four -inch pavi i, at _;ast 1- etino-ilt. City Attorney Bishop stated that a limit of speed of trac'.;s and limit of weight should be :wade. On motion of Trustee Sloan, seconded by Trustee Young and carried, the Street Superintendant was requested to instruct the persons responsible for the hauling that trucks should stay on Central Avenue till Alvarado, thence down Alvarado to Bay. 'ieq_uest of Fire Chief Jackson for additional salary and help at the Fire IT all, and purchase of 400 feet of 1', in. fire hose, was referred to the Fire Conu.iittee for reccorunendation and report. Fire Chief Jackson 'also brought u -o the natter of the use of umbrellas for covers over con- cessions. The natter was discussed and referred to the Fire Commit ;tee and lire Chief Jackson. i' e c.nmmunication of ','Ialter K. i-itchell, Public accountant, was read and ordered filed. The California Construction Co., in a communication to the Board, requested a sixty -day extension of time on their contract with the City of hecrport Peach. On motion of Trustee Sloan, seconded by Trustee Richter, and carried, the California Construction Co. was granted a sixty -day e..- tension of ti e on their contract viith the City of ',?eeport Beach, provided hortev r, that they nut in all sidewalks and curbs wherever same have been damaged and ',ept in that condition. The Clerk was instructed to notify them to : ;iis effect. In the matter of a petition signed by various property owners of tBa'boa Island protesting to havi -,g the public toilet put on the City lot located on _y.;ate Street, Balboa Island, J. A. Beek, harbor Laster, stated that oain:r to changed conditions at the present site, that the matter should be allowed to stand at present. The petition was ordered filed and no action taken at t'.e present time. On motion of '_'•ustee Sloan seconded by Trustee young and carried, petitions for piers on Lot 6, Block 26, Lastsido Addition to Balboa Tract, were granted, subject to the will. of the board, Then ap,)roved in writin by City -,n ,yineer Kressly. City Advertising I,= anager, Harry t:elch, outlined in detail the proposed boat races and anusement.s for the duration of the sunnier season, '.and stated that approximately three hundred and fifty dollars mould cover costs instead of t]e ori,;inal estimate o five hundred dollars. It was decided tl•.at all bills should be c.arged direct to the City of i!ew -oort Beach. In the ;latter of dredging the channel, where damage has been done by the dredger in nakin,� fills for pri-rate interests, it was stated that the dredgar ,iould clean the channel if a convenient place could be located for disposal of the dred ed iaaterial. President ' -- o. P. 'm.ilson . sta,ted that lie had been informed t*•,at there "aas a conveniently located place o: "it Island, and sug;ested the entire matter be left in the hands of the Chair. On notion of S'rustoo ':iilkinson, seconded by Trustee Voung and carrie, +, City angi.neer Paul El I:ressly was instructed to file application for construcrioi of a bridge to tale the place of the proposed culvert at t'r.e State ' ighway and Santa Ana River. City i..arsl: all, J. A. Porter stated that so. ie co; iplaint had been made t;•at no license erns paid for the operation of slot- machines, and stated furtl ,r that complaint had also been i•iade that as long as no license was paid, it ryas unfair competition to ti.ose who paid i.icense for the operatio',. of concessions known as --an.es of skill. T}lereupon a great deal of discussion arose as to tl:e ::grits and dangers of said slot machines. Trustee ' ill- .inson sta' „(,d that tl,e cor.iplaint was justifiable and that in !:is opinion a two hundred a xl fifty dollar license si�ould be demanded for 'tl,e operation of aach slot !,achi.ne. It wa brought out in the discussion that 'the above mentioned - aci,i.nes were an incentive for `;arnblin,; among minor childron. the le-al- status of the riatter l.ras warmly discussed betti:,eon City Attorney Clyde ,Bishop and Judge L. A. '.iest. on :otion of Trustee Sloan, seconded •)v 2= 'ustee Yount; and carried the ratter was r :feared to the co.enittee 'is 113 v7hole for ir:vesti;;ation and r:nort. On motion of '2rust)e Sloan, seconded by '11rustee 'riill,inson, the office of C:.t;r 3ecorder, C:.tv of I'eeiport Ts ach Sias d•,cJ.ared vacant on account of the r�si,;ratio, of = ,yron ,'all. The -roll was called and :notion pas::ed in tl:e folloiin.; i:anner; es: D ustaes '. ilson, Sloan, young, Richter, and '.!ilkinson. oes; '_'rustees i•'one. ,bsent; '_'rustees hone. n motion of Trustee Sloan, seconded by Trustee Yount, t,, Re- corder's office 1•avinr; peen declared vacant, this 21st day of July, nndrori 1'. •!ilson war elected to tl.e office of City Recorder, City of I ewpoi�t Dee.ch, by the followin; -rote. 2 ®2 - - A;-es: :toes ' ?ilson, Sloan, Youn , Hici, ter and ' '.lkinson. roes: "''us;ees "one. A)s -rit: ' •ust�os F:one. 'Chereupon, ,ndrow H. Nilson was sworn in to the duties of City ecordar, City of ''ewport Beach, by the City Clerk. !As bond was then submitted, to the Doard. On motion of Trustee Sloan, seconded by Trustee "Alkinson, and ca.•ried, the bond of C -.ty recorder Andrelx F. 'Filson was ordered approved and filed with the City Clerk. '�'rustee Voun in- iuired into the matter of the amount of city license paid by organ- grinders, stating that they were a nuisance, and the city would be as well off without them. upon being informed that they paid a daily license, it was dacided that in the event of any further appearance of org.'.n- grinders in the city, the City F.arshall should be ' instructed to inform them to leave town. There be no further business, on motion of Trustee Sloan, seconded by Trustee Young and carried, the meeting was adjourned sine die. Approved _ z ATT7,;ST : Cl- y erk