HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/22/1926 - Regular Meeting327 City Hall, Newport Beach; February 22, 1926 An ordinance of the city of'F.ew*oort Beach de- claring that the :rater srpply o -med btr said ci.t,r ;.s in excess of the amount of ;rater required to sbpply'the'i•;ater required by the inhabitants of the city of ;'ecroort ,each: That the Board of Tr,i.stees propose to contract for the sale ^f such ex- cess of irater, but for not lon;,er than one year, and further, providing that rich e3 :cess of ,;titer shall be sold only at the 1 : rate fixod for consumers inside the corporate limits of tre city of i'eyro ort Beach, came on for final consideration, where uuon the roll. wqs called and Ordinance `o. 292 t•ras passed by the follocrin;;, to--.-:it: :yes, Trustees '.'ilson, Sloan, Young, Richter, '--ilkinson goes, Trustees none absent, Trustees, none In connection with the above City Attorney Bishop submitted a contract in brief which was drawn bet,,-:esn the city of ;'ewport Beach and the "titer District of La.-una °,each for -rater which contract having been reed r,as left in the hands. of the city attorney for final drafting. The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in regular session on the above date at 7 :30 P. h. The meeting was called to order by the President, ;eorge P. l':!ilson. The roll was called showing the whole board present. The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Com- muniedtions of previous meeting were read and referred.to the ' proper order of business. The president of the Board of Tru- stees reported for the committee as a whole that 'in the.matter of a floating barge hotel as proposed by Idr. George Varnur, of Anaheim, the committee recommended that the request be held un- til 'Yr. Varnum was heard from more fully. That: In the matter of the bids for pipe for the construction of water mains on New - nort Heights, that the nipe be purchased and that the city eng- ineer be as,:ed his opinion in the matter. That: In the matter of the resignation of the city clerk that the resignation be ac- cepted and that H. ''.. Nickerson of Newport Heights be apoointed to serve in the capacity of city clerk, beginning larch 1 and to serve until the general election. ' A communication was read from the clerk in which he reported that in the Stone matter that the refund would be ranted Fr. B. K. Stone on his nronert, was a,�pro- xiinately .,1200.00. The Board of Trustees nroceeded to converse the rates of the votes cast at the electic- held in approvement District ;'o. 5 of t',e city of i'ewnort Beach on the 16th dal' r of February 1926 and from said converse find: That there were cast bonds: Aye 89votes, that there were cast bonds No. 142 votes that the .total votes cast eve %'e 231 votes and that the issuance of the bonds are not authorized. Trustee Sloan moved the adaption of the follow- ' ing: 3eso=ution '.io. 366 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE BOaRD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF 1- .27FORT BEACH VACATIN-J ABOI,.DO ::II', ,:'D CLOSI'� r UP T' :IO CE'RTAIK iLLL'YS AED ONE STRUT IN S.= CITY which motion was seconded by Trustee Richter and passed b-- the follow- ing vote. Ayes, Trustees, Gilson, Sloan, Young, Richt ^r, ,-!ilkinson 170e3, Truste �s None .?bsont', Trustees, none There upon the clerk was ordered to record Resolution 'To. 366 and when returned to attach it to the deed from the ''al- isa.des Club and the waiver of notice of special meeting, of the �.' Board of Directors of the Palisades Club. ORDINANCE NO. 292 An ordinance of the city of'F.ew*oort Beach de- claring that the :rater srpply o -med btr said ci.t,r ;.s in excess of the amount of ;rater required to sbpply'the'i•;ater required by the inhabitants of the city of ;'ecroort ,each: That the Board of Tr,i.stees propose to contract for the sale ^f such ex- cess of irater, but for not lon;,er than one year, and further, providing that rich e3 :cess of ,;titer shall be sold only at the 1 : rate fixod for consumers inside the corporate limits of tre city of i'eyro ort Beach, came on for final consideration, where uuon the roll. wqs called and Ordinance `o. 292 t•ras passed by the follocrin;;, to--.-:it: :yes, Trustees '.'ilson, Sloan, Young, Richter, '--ilkinson goes, Trustees none absent, Trustees, none In connection with the above City Attorney Bishop submitted a contract in brief which was drawn bet,,-:esn the city of ;'ewport Beach and the "titer District of La.-una °,each for -rater which contract having been reed r,as left in the hands. of the city attorney for final drafting. 328 y .,n ;.�reement between the city of i'ewTort Beach and t'•e N•.cific :lectric Land Comoany for right of way to lay pine alon_ the holdings of the :acific lectric, was sr'­mitted and upon motion of Trustee Young seconded by Trustee Sloan and c ^.cried.. The Contract was accented and the president and clerk r;ere authorized to sign the contract in behalf of the Citir of "^wport Beach where upon the clerk r:as instruted to send bot5 coties of the contract to "r. .,lsnach of the Pacific -lectric for the approval of the proper Officials. In the matter of the anoending,of certain st- t reets on Corona Del ?'ar the matter was left in the hands of the- cit., engineer. Trustee : :'ilson su:;-este,� to the Board of Tr- ustees that a three cent special tax for library purposes be out unon the ballot in the coming general election. Trustee Young suggested that a or000sition to increase the sa'ary of the City Trustees from twent,* -five to fifty* dollars be placed uoon the ballot at the next general election, where upon the city attorne7, was instructed to prepare the propositions and submit t' -.em to t.e Board of Trustees at their next regular meeting. In the matter of the condemnation of certain portion of the Central Avenue beion in; to ;•r. C. C. T'enry. The clerk was inst -ucted 'to.writo i "r. 2'ai,.rice Cnmbes informing; him that if he were not present at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees with a de to the )ronorty that the sit mould proceed with the conde :nnation proceedings. i "otion of Trustee '7ilkinson seconded blr Tra- stee Sloan and carried. The'annlic ^tion of :'ick liuttora to cnN- ry on the business of a fish market on Lot 6 Block "B" of I:.- boa Ba_,,side '"tact, was granted .and the nermit was ordered is- sued. The a,)-ilic,tion of J. --ishof for the co -�- struetion of'.a pier in front of Tot 19, Block 14; section 4, Bal':oa Island having leid over for two ­�eoks and b(,.inz approved. by the city engineer was granted, subject to the rill of the board. The application of Ben Cone for the construction bf the nier for ^eoia;e T). and ?'ellie n Hoffn.an in front of Lot 10, Tract 756 City of ;'errnort Beach, having laid over for two creeks and having been anpro•.�ei w the ci`.* en °ineer eras r,­ted subject to the will of the board. The application of 73en Cope for the const­ uction of a pier for J. E. Bauer in front of ;lots 1 -2 in dock 24 of the Balboa Fastside Tract having been laid over for two wee;,' s and bein; aoprovod by the cite en.;ineer %.aas ,;r =.ntod, sub- iect to the w ll of the board. In the matter of the icquisiti of the ten foot strip from 'r. B. K. Stone in Lot 19 Blook 21 of e port Reach Tract, the president of the board was authorized to notify ?-r. Stone that the city of ­:,:sport Beach stands re- d -r '. to donate him "1201.28 uoon receint from '..r. Stone of the doed to the ten foot strin under consideration. In the ;Natter of the construction of a ouD11c landin3 at the end of Fernando Street, on motion of Trustee Sloan seconded b-- Trustee Richter and carried. The proposition as outlined in the petition submitted to J'e board, bras apnroved The contract accented and the nier ordered constructed under the advice of t:e city en;ineer. Lr. err E. '7allace re'•)orted his findings in the matter of t'-e curchgse of the nresent reservoir sit:) and stated t,,at 1,o ,:wd interviewed 57r. -cFlrath and that he ;anted 329 '?5,300.00 an acre or a.total of `16,500.00 for five acmes which leas in iir. ':'all ce's opinion very unreasonable. -r. •- allace stated that he had offcrod 6 ;5,000.00 for three acres and that the offer had been refused, there upon, on motion of Ytuste-- '.'ilkinson seconded by Trustee Sloan and carried. The city attorney was instructed to start condemnation for the land necessary to be tal-en. President : "'ilson brought to the boards at- tention the matter of the present n;enance of bill boards in ' the city and stated that he believed an ordinance should e massed regulating the height and location of bill boards in the city. There upon, on motion duly made, seconded and cir- ried. Trustee Sloan introduced the followi ^r: ORDINANCE :0. 294 An ordinance describing the size and desig:, -.ting the location of bi'.1 boards withing the cite= of NewDort Reach. The ordin- ance was ordered filed, red, considered, designated ^rdinance 7o. 204 and refer°ed to the city; att -)rne,* motion of Trustee Sloan seconded by Trustee Richter and car-,ied.. The resignation of City Cleric was 'accented to take affect '.: =rch 1, 1926 on motion of Trustee i:Tilkinson seconded b* Tru,;te-) Young and carried. The recommendation Of the committee as a r:hole was accented and ;.'.r. Ti. ' . t'icL- erson was aupointod to the office of city clerk to serve until t ?:o next ;oreral election. In the matter of letting of the bids for pipe and certain anourtenance^ for :'ec;port Feilhts. The matter C7as discussed and upon motion of Trustee Sloan seconded by Trustee Richter. The bid of the Tinied States Cast Iron PiD-� Company of 2918.00 was accented by the follor;inS vote to- „Iit. Ayes, Trustees, ” :ilson, Sloan, Richter, ''ilkinson, 'oes Truste^ °oun- absent, Trustees, none The matter, of renumeration for "r. F. A. Dale- water suaerintendent, for t'-e use of his car for official bus- iness, was discussed to great length, -:;here upon, on motion of Trustee Voun- seconded by Trustee :Richter, Freeman Daley, crater suDerintendent, r :as allowed an additional fifty dollars Der month for the use of his car until suc'- a time as the city of Ne:rport Beach should decide to purchase a car for him by the following vote, to-,.-.,it: 17,es, Trustees ..ilson, Sloan, Young, Richter Noes, Trustees ':'ilkinson ',bsent, Trustees, none There being no further business on motion of Tr_istee "'ilson seconded by Truste Sloc -n and carried, the meetinS was adjourned, Sine Die. PR SIDEFT OF TF.E B0.',RD OF TRUST-_,'.7..Q :tPPROV7D '.TT_. T-D _ CL, i{ OF °' T;? CITY OF "PORT B --,.:CT'