HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/10/2012 - Study SessionCity Council Minutes City Council Study Session April 10, 2012 — 4:00 p.m. I. ROLL CALL - 4:00 p.m. Present: Council Member Hill, Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tern Curry, Mayor Gardner, Council Member Selich, Council Member Henn, Council Member Daigle II. CURRENT BUSINESS 1. CLARIFICATION OF ITEMS ON THE CONSENT CALENDAR. In response to Council Member Daigle's question regarding Item 7 (FY2011 -12 Traffic Signal Rehabilitation Project - Award of Contract No. 4841), Deputy Public Works Director Webb reported that this is the second phase of the Jamboree project, stated that this phase includes improvements to the intersection of MacArthur and Jamboree up to Fairchild, and noted that properties will be purchased on the east side of the road in the City of Irvine to widen the street to allow a fourth lane through the intersection and provide a third turn lane. He affirmed that applicable property owners are cooperating with the City to make the improvements. Council Member Hill noted that the Consent Calendar has fifteen (15) items on it, not fourteen (14) as printed on the Agenda. 2. EARLY LOOK AT THE PROPOSED 2012 -13 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP). [100 -2012] Deputy Public Works Director Webb introduced the item, noted that the information that he will present is only a proposal, stated that the next presentation will consider the entire program, addressed components and limitations. He presented a PowerPoint that included the Critical General Fund CIP goal; facilities; streets and drainage; traffic; Parks, Harbors and Beaches; Water Quality and Environmental; water system; wastewater system; General Fund projects beyond the $3.6 million allocated, and other projects. Council Member Rosansky expressed concerns with turning the current City Hall site into a paid parking area and believed that the matter should be further discussed. In response to Council Member Selich's question regarding improvements to the Balboa Yacht Basin, Harbor Resources Manager Miller explained that bids are being received for repairing the beach restrooms, noted that funds were allocated from the current fiscal budget, and stated that the dinghy racks are not being addressed at this time. In response to Council questions, Deputy Public Works Director Webb discussed the Lifeguard Headquarters Building Rehabilitation which will allow for all relevant programs to be in one location, provided the breakdown of funds within the overall CIP, addressed competitive grant moneys expected, reported that the Public Works department works closely with the City's Volume 60 - Page 421 City of Newport Beach City Council Study Session April 10, 2012 Arborist and place effort on saving trees, provided the status of relinquishment funds, discussed Phase 8 of the Traffic Signal Modernization project, and noted that there will be new street striping for cyclists. Regarding environmental awareness signage, Mayor Gardner believed that there are enough signs at the beach and hoped that most funds will be used for education. In response to Council questions, Deputy Public Works Director Webb stated that the $4 million for a new cover for Big Canyon Reservoir is consistent with estimates for cover replacements, stated that staff is buying material only, and expressed confidence that the numbers are accurate. In addition he addressed the procurement process for new covers, stated that there will be a competitive bid for the contract, and noted that the number of cover manufacturers is limited. In response to Council Member Henn's question, Harbor Resources Manager Miller stated that dredging in the lower bay will take care of some of the mooring fields in the Harbor realignment and hoped to wrap up the rest of the fields in accordance with the Harbor Commission's recommendation. Council Member Rosansky stated that Old Newport Boulevard has had significant developments added and requested that staff include the area for rehabilitation in next year's budget. In response to Council questions, Deputy Public Works Director Webb stated that the China Cove Slope is currently in the budget and set for construction after summer. City Manager Kiff reported that staff is working on completing the Local Coastal Implementation Plan (LCP). Discussion followed regarding the need to work closely with the Coastal Commission to take care of key outstanding issues prior to devoting significant time or money to the Implementation Plan. Mayor Gardner and Council Member Selich addressed the use of different styles of signs and believed that all sign styles should match in the City. Council Member Curry stated that he would like Council to see the designs first to make sure they are consistent and appropriate for the neighborhood. In response to Mayor Pro Tern Curry's question, City Manager Kiff stated that the City is not reducing the CIP, noted that he is providing an early look to the public, stated it is too early to determine whether the CIP will go up or down. Council Member Daigle reported that she has received a series of complaints from Newport Coast residents regarding the pavement giving way to tree roots, particularly in the bicycle lanes. Deputy Public Works Director Webb reported that staff is getting ready to replace the pavement, explained the Bayside Cove public walkway, addressed challenges with Americans with Disability Act (ADA), and discussed the Balboa Boulevard Landscaping Design and Bristol Street South Median Landscaping projects. In response to Council Member Daigle's question, Deputy Public Works Director Webb provided a brief update on the status of Bristol Street North landscaping, addressed the Corona del Mar Entry Improvements, and briefly discussed the West Coast Highway Concept Plan. Council Member Henn believed it would be worthwhile to look at the prioritization of the West Coast Highway landscaping projects that are beyond the base of the CIP General Fund Budget. He indicated that he would like to have better visibility of each as they are presented for Volume 60 - Page 422 City of Newport Beach City Council Study Session April 10, 2012 approval. City Manager Kiff reported that staff will soon take the Facilities Finance Plan back to Council to look at what should be included as to road work. Council Member Daigle agreed that it would be a good idea to review it for consistency. Deputy Public Works Director Webb addressed specific construction costs for other projects beyond what is included in the $3.6 million base CIP budget including the Eastbluff Bike Lane Addition at Jamboree Road, and other bike safety improvements. Council Member Hill suggested that "Prioritize Revitalization Projects" be added to the goals under Critical General Fund CIP. Council Member Henn agreed, stated he would like to keep Revitalization projects moving forward, and addressed the importance of completing design plans to be ready for opportunities as they develop. Mayor Pro Tem Curry addressed the monument sign at Newport Coast stating that he is confident that a design will be developed that everyone will agree on. Council Member Selich agreed with moving other projects along and doubted the ability to complete the LCP Implementation project. In response to an inquiry from Council Member Daigle, City Manager Kiff affirmed that more funds are being spent in the Harbor including the City's contributions. Council Member Rosansky questioned the installation of parking meters at the current City Hall site. City Manager Kiff reported that staff will continue updating this item and will return to Council in the near future for consideration. Council Member Henn requested that projects be organized by district. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to not divide the projects by district and indicated that he will be requesting help from staff to determine which projects will be in his district. Council Member Hill reiterated the importance of moving forward with Revitalization projects. Deputy Public Works Director Webb requested further direction regarding parking meters at the current City Hall facility. Council Member Rosansky indicated he would rather pay a security guard than make the current City Hall facility look like a fenced -in compound. Mayor Pro Tern Curry suggested that staff develop a plan that includes paid parking meters to be presented to Council at a later time, stated that he did not think that installing parking meters would preclude Council from redeveloping the property, and believed that discussion should also take place regarding how the property will impact surrounding businesses. Council Member Selich stated agreement with Council Members Hill and Rosansky. Council Member Henn stated that additional discussion is necessary. Ron Hendrickson corrected the total for Streets and Drainage in the Council report, believed that Council priorities need to be reconsidered, stated that the design of the new entry signs should be consistent with existing signs, and indicated that the public should be involved in the Corona del Mar entry improvements. Volume 60 - Page 423 City of Newport Beach City Council Study Session April 10, 2012 Bernie Svalstad, Chairman of the Corona del Mar Business Improvement District, agreed with Council Member Hill regarding prioritizing Revitalization projects, referenced an email from the BID Board that requested that Council proceed as soon as possible on installing and monitoring test traffic cones and/or restriping, stated that the BID will participate financially on the project, and requested that it be expedited. Laura Curran stated that she is interested to see what the funding for the lifeguard project will cover, asked for more information regarding the Water Main Master Plan Program and the Waste Water Master Plan Study, believed that projects separated by districts would be helpful because it would help the public determine where the various projects are located, suggested bringing back the car show that was previously held at Crystal Cove to the existing City Hall property. Novell Hendrickson inquired about the bank in Corona del Mar that has been under construction for a long time and asked staff to disclose the amount of money that the City has given to the BID since their inception. In response to questions, City Manager Kiff stated that staff will provide the information requested by Mrs. Hendrickson and regarding Ms. Curran s inquiry, he stated that a map is provided with the final CIP that indicates the location of each project. Deputy Public Works Director Webb provided information regarding the CIP Water Plan Main Replacement and an update of the rate fees. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS Jim Mosher asked why Closed Session Item 2A is being discussed in private and provided Brown Act requirements. He believed that the issue will be better handled by diplomacy rather than litigation. IV. ADJOURNMENT - 5:33 p.m. The agenda for the Study Session was posted on April 5, 2012, at 4:00 p.m, on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. vw-- Recording Mayor