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CITY 0 il...'.. ?G. i lliadiC:i '..IMMEAS, Division I part 6 Chapter 8 Articlo 2 of the Rovonuo and 'i'av,ct'ion Coro of the StOGO of California n3'ovidos, a:onf; otho thin g, that L!honovor any property has been deodod for delinquent ta;.os any: /or aocossmonts to the Scato of C ^7.3forn'ia, a. d said pronorty ;-ias also beon deeded for delinquont- tc os c Id /or also- monents to o.-=� :;unicipalit-, the L-ovornin-- body of' said mni- cipsity Yw ontor .nto an a,;r ooriont with tho Isoarci of SIZ.porvisors in the Co?:r'c :111 rr', is ? said property i3 situated, sub jots: to U apy)roval of the 51ai:- Controller, for the purchaso of, or for the option to pur,cliaso t;.ro nropert;; so hard by -U';.ie State, or any onrt or parts tno: cof ; an , r,_:'Ql "AS, all of tho thirty -seven (37) lots or 'parcols hem oinafter• ncntionou. and describod in an a "reonont of Salo and Tarehaso, dated ` ..)`cnber 1941, (I; ;:hibit "B ") ;ioi-oto attached, are *,holly ?:ithin the city linits of the Ci'Cy of Iteurport ;leach, 4_r_ t'.-ic County of Oranf.o, ;;S:vto of California, and c.'. o no; 6.eli<2qucnt fop City tares avid for Gornty ta::es, wn(:k. for Public Irra): ovCno.nt A -o- assents of the City of Ifoi: por'o Eeach, and furt2?cr, all of -aid lots heroaftcr d.oucribod in said a .-roo- nent, havo boon doodo(I to the Stato of California for non- naynont of County ta7,os, cmd have been deeded to is City of Fexport Ecach for non- pa7,ruo11t of City tares wnd /or also snonts. :11 of said ta.r_oo, City anti County, as :roll as said assossr�onts, are past due for more taan five (5) roars; and C'T ".'RLAS, there has t ? -ds day been pr osortod to the City Council of the City* of i- `eimort reach a plan datod Soptenber 1941, ()-- ad "A "I under Ilhieh it is o ;cpoetod to return to the City Tax Rolls and to the County Tax Rolls all that certain roil property situato& in the City of i?eunort Boach, County of O,:a-?r ;e, Stato of California, and being moro parti c, %laily descr ibod ant set forth i:i said af;reerloilt date(: Septombor 1941, (rslribi't ('?3 ") heroto attac'iod and race r, part her cof; and !'/?^u l:MS, thorc h," also boen proaentod to the City Council of tiro City o" I?ovrpoz,t poach, and "A; ;reenent of Sale gild Purchase" dated Sopto iber 19 1, (Le`Iibit "B") wAoroin UIio Boars: of Superviso).'s of tirc County of Oran,;c, State of California, actiiZ ull(Iel' t to a11i._o_ity rr;;, -rtr:d to it by ;):-,vision I Pcri: 6 Chapter 8 Articlo ? oi` t}ra .tcvonuo and ` wcation Code of the State of California, ultra of clo i %rratod as the S^llor, and 'tho City Council of the City o" 1.`01 _9ort ;,oach, actin ' Undo, tho authority t,rantod to it by Division I Part 6 Chanter 8 Artlulo 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Coio of the State. of California, is c[ocir.,ated as the aayor, w,iorein trio said nuyor avroos, arion,. other thin ;e, to purchase said felinquent tar. lots acrotofore nontimaod an(', -.ioro particularly described in said aG.reenont, _'or the sun of 'I:hreo fund, ed and Sevonty Dollars (,,370.00) cash, lawful r,oney of tho United Ststos o Psleriea, laic. a,roouov:u :.o': Ivor, -co be sub jeet to i:ho approval of the State Controller- of said `tats, and subjoct and pursuant in all i-o;3pccts to Division I Part 6 Chapter 8 Article 2 of the Revenue anc.Taxation Code of the Stato of California. Z(OI7, ThlID- 110RI:, BE I12 RESOLVED: That the City Council of the City of ilerrport Beach approves the Plan IIo. 8, dated Septerbor 1941, (I�xhibit "A ") submitted to it for the -1- T purpose of placin,; --aid dclinnuont t= property back on t .o tam rolls of th£ City of ?o:70: 1 ii-rid orders thu, solo to fie attached to this resolution mC. fi_lec' as a permanent record. Tit;i the City Clork of the City o.-- i "esniort poach; and !` BE IT FUR^t -�I!R tL'SOLUl That tlic Ci- y CouncU of t}ie City of TTowport Beac:.: o-Y roforonco t.Acreto, iT:ca paid plan and the 7711010 th;.-_OO_', .a y)fv, t of tl?is reoolu'41on to trio same extent and purpose as if the smio were 'ierein act out in full;and }�L Ii 'TUi_1'JZ-21 11.'1?at the a,'r0£'_:i£nt T10i °CtOf'OTO montionCd iUli!Jil: t `' }1£, an C! i:'te sauo is u_- :otA)��" ao-orovod as urritton, and thu - !ufov O ?. 'i'le CJ.-i;y Of Vcr:nort :,Ouch, LU-IL, t ".10 City Cleric of raid (,:(t f la-c: Ii: mby d:i -:•: octod and au-c:aorizod to si�,x and oaocuto the aam- on uolialf of tho Oit4y of ., ,)ort Boae'liv al-id t)io Clork is directed anti ?nstructed to dolive_c a duly c :ociv.cO copy thereon" to the Sollcr tlicroin nemod. h.orebl co tify t iat the above and fore -o:l ti ttesolution *gas duly and rormlaply passed mid ado *itod by tho City Council of. the Citir of 13- -::-poet i3oucli at a i °or;ular soo-i4,1n� th.cr"oo 32.016 on the day of 3optc;,fbor, 184- - -1, by t.io folloui;iL, veto, to- ,:-its AT-T ZT, 8 ti.I`?',3, COV7CI'L: 1Taap _lq; 70I;3, cOtr.Csr : 1,i. COkfj CILid:i; ,ayor of the C:i_ty of Botmort Beach 3f i:CVport 130Ach