HomeMy WebLinkAbout3605 - Santa Ana Avenue & Other Improvements33 RESOLUTION OF 11M74TION N0. 36 O,5 RESOLUTION OF T'E CITY COUNCIL OF TIM CITY OF Nr,�itORT MACH, CALIrkJRNIA, DECLARING ITS INTF.NTICN TO ORDER THE GRADING, PAVING AND OTHP2WISE. IMPROV- ING SANTA ANA AVE:ARIS AND OT11M STREETS, ALLEYS AND FASESiE,NTS IN MPORT HEIGHTS, IN SAID CITY; DECLARING THE NCFiK TO BE OF MCRis THAN LOCAL OH (RtDINART PUBLIC L'I NEFIT Ah'D DESCRIBING THE DISTRICT TO BPS BENWITED 13Y SAID WiCHtK AND TO PAY TM COSTS AND EXPENSES AND FIXING A TILE AND PLACK FOR HFARINO OBJECTIONS TO SAID WORK. The City Council of the City of Newport Heach, pursuant to the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 191111, being Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, does resolve as follows# SUCTION 1. That the public interact and conveniettos require, and it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, to order the following work to be done, to -trig DESCRIPTION OF S(AK FIRST: The grading, paving with plant mixed surfacing material, construction of cement concrete combination curb and gutter, cement concrete curb, cement concrete gutter, cement concrete cross ,gutters and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the following streets, to wits In that Dortion of IttVIT:S AV?11UTs lying within the city limits of Newport Roach, between Fifteenth Street and Cliff Drive, as shown on Sheets Nos. 3 and b of the plans hereinafter referred to; and in RIVtSIDE AVOUE between Fifteenth Street and Cliff Drive, an shown on Sheets Nos. 13 and 14 of said plans; and in SAN LE'RNARDINO AVENUE between Fifteenth Street and Deacon Street, as shown on Shasta Nos. 17, 18 and 39 of said plates; atM in that portion of -1- 2 Ll <Mr;Tx sra • lyin; within the city limits of 'Newport :each, between the Southeasterly city limits of said city and the 11ortheaaterly prolongation of the Southeasterly line of iiestninistcr Avcnuo, as shown on Sheets Nos. 245 25, 26, 27, and 23 or said plans; and in that portion of CLL:'P DRIVE bet €eon the Southeastcrly line of S:mltwr Avenno and 'deacon Street, as ahovwn on Sheets Nos. 38 an<> 39 of said plans* SECum), The Zrading, pavinn with plant m wd surfacing, construction of cement concrete combisaation curb and gutter, cement concrete curb, cement concrete Luttcro ce�:ent conereto cross gutters, drainage manhole, co,aent concrete pipe culverts and a_aPurtenant work in connection therewith; 0 bot;een Fifteenth : atreet and Cliff Drive, ac shown on Sheets Nos. 5 and 6 of said plane. THBOt The grading, pavini, with plant mixed surfacing, eomtruction of cement concrete co;nbination curb and gattor, ce:aent concrete curb, cement concrete orocs gutters anti appurtenant work in oonnection therewith; 0 ALTSO AT W= between Fifteenth Street and Cliff C)rivo, as shown on Sheets Nus. 7 and 8 of said plans; and in LL MUDENA A l .11U, •between Fifteenth Street and Cliff Lrive, av shown on Sheets Nos. 9 AINk and 10 of said plane; and in TQBTM AV's,= bety=een Fifteenth treat and Cli,rf' Trivt:, as shown on Sheets 'tics. 11 and 12 or said pltns; and in — 2 — 35 RMLANAS AVENUE • between Fifteenth Street and Beacon Street, as shown on Sheets • Nos. 15, 36 and 40 of said plans; and in ,SANTA AtIA AYE*= between Fifteenth Street and Cliff !•rive, as shown on Sheets Noe. l9, 20 and 21 of said plans; and in .',`FLT Ea F+ OWF' between Fifteenth Street and t!ld Ca=ty %,ead at i :road 5trectg and between Beacon Street and the ;iortluccterly prolongation of the 5vathwestcrly line of Cuff Drive, au shmm on Sheets Nos, 22, 37 and 33 of said plans. FCLLTfia The _rading, D. xlnU with giant mired surfacing. constraetion of cu;iunt cone -cte cmbinat :Eon curb and Zatter, catch basin and arched ccrrugatee tletal pipe calvurt and aj ;purtenant mark in connection thor aithl in t rat -portion of T IN1,;TIM ;.U.'.M Lying; Wt'tin the city limits of Cru City of Newport .;auch, Imtween the -:ortheasterly city limits of said City in Fifteenth itreet and the Northmtesterly prolcn it ion of the center line of Ulay Street, as shown on Sheet No. 23 of said plans. r'I'r'TH% Tiro Son ,;, patving with plant ml--ed surfacing, constructlon of wraont concrete cos_bimUtun carb and nutter, ce :ieut ccnorete curb, cerient concrete !�,atter, cm ent concreto croon ;;utters, reconstruction os cx -st:n„ sewer manholes tc ;,rade anti appurtenant wcr!c in connection tbarcr l'thg betacen Irvine :.venue and . :estmi nister e.venue, as shown on Sheets 7os. 2j, 30 31 and 32 of said plume _3_ ';DIAL The grading, paving with plant mixed • surfacing, construction of cement concrete ccn,bination curb and 6-utter, cement concrete cross gutters and appurtenant work in connection therewith; UM irdUAP S'DiELT botrsen Redlands Avenue and the center l=ine of nld County Road, as shown on Sheet No. 33 of said pluis. : V:S^alit iTsu ;xa,thigs pay.n; with plant mixed surfacing, construction of cerient concre=te caWnation curb and ;.,'•utter, avTant concrete curb, ee ant cono mto ;;utter, cea -ent concrete cross -,uttors, catch basins, corru; + Ad metal pipe calvurts ard' appurtenant work in connection thercrrith; in betcaeen Irvine Avenue anu Tustin Avenue; and between .tiversids Avenue and the lorthoastorly prolon ae on of the Northwesterly line of that portion of SZleltzer Avenue lyln�, iSoathwestexly of ieacon Street, all ac shown on Sheats '.cs. i4 34s 35, 36, 39 and 4tj of said plans. rluHUt The grading, d,avint; with plant mined surfacing, construction of oement concrete ooi.bInaticn curb and gutter, cemient concrete curb, c:ewent concrete cross iuttors, catch basins, corrugated matal pipe culvert, reinforced concrete pipe atom drain, drainage =anhole and appurtenant work in connect =ion thLrewith; in = between the Southoaster3y city ILWvs of said City at Irvine , Avenue and the Southwesterly prolcnE-�atlon of the; Soathoauterla ling of i2iverside Avenue, as shown on She €.ts trios. 41, 42 and 43 of wait; puns, 4M NINTHt The construction of corrugated metal • pipe storm drain and appurtenant work In connection therewith; • In that certain public i'ASTMNT over and across portions of Lots A and r of Tract 919, as per map recorded in �Ascsllac:eous : -.ap 0 ok 2a, ia;es 31 to 34 inclusive, racoras of Orange County, anc c=c;sJn; t.tato Highway, said culvert oatending i'rc�: a pobit on Lh SoLrare-riisturly line of Gliff Drive, L ;.stunt thereon annro;+imately 165 s'eest lqorLhwesiurly iron the - Toduced center Vne of i'uMrtm :,vonus, scuthaesterly over and across said ti,ot ;, the :tats iiiglvmy and saki Lot 'I to tip U. S. i alkhead Line oi' Newport 1day, aJ &%Lmn Cn Shcet We. 44 of said ielans• TENTH: The grading, paving with plant Yai' ed surfac»n�,, construction of =,.art concrete: combination curb and gutter, eenent concrete aarh, co,7ent concrete cross gutters anc appurtenant ;i,rrt i7 connection ther;.t ith; in GiT: C:Yu::Tl i cktl' *m4.men :!rrcad �trevt =1 the :astarly lams of Howport 3aach Boulevard, as shotm on Sheets !7 iind 4.5 of said ;:1anso i.L ;V w;Tfit The fradizi, paving with sealed coat surfacin , reconstruction of cxLstini; sever manholcc to grade and xpnartenant work in connection thcri:- ith, in the Xolloxing alleys, to -wits La the. i irst l yin; Scatheasterly of 1%;Ucrton :;v =ac hetieen i'LUenth Street and • the first alley l;rin; P orthsactcxly oi' Cliff Drive, as shown on Chest :o. 47 of said planaj and in the first Ai.L Y lying; Southeasterly of iliso Avenue butxoen Fifteenth Street and the first alley lying Northeasterly of Cliff wive, as shown on Shoot No* 48 of said plans; and in the first ..5_ 3- aLtLlt • lying Southeasterly of 11 S'odens Avenue between Fifteenth Street and • the first alley lying Northeasterly of Cliff Drive, as shown on Shoot tio. 49 of said plans; and in the first ALLEY lying Northeasterly of ClUx l,rivo bottieen Irvine Avenue and cl .,odena Avenue, as shown on Fheots Nos. 47 and 40 and 49 of said plans; and in the first A'ra EY lying Southeasterly of Tastin Avenue tutNeen Fifteenth Street and Beacon :.'treat, as shown on Sheet F'o. 50 of said plane; and in the first I,aY lying Southeasterly oi° itiv�xside <+ venuo Wt -peen yiXtuenth Street and Clay Ftreet,, as shown on shoat Ito. 50 or avid plans; and in the first ALizy 1.7in5 Southeasterly of Badlands Avenue betvicen Fifteenth Street and the first alley lying Southwesterly of Clay ;'street, as shown on Sheet No.. 51 of said plans; and in the first AL= lying; Southeasterly of San 4ernardino Avonuo betwoon Fifteenth Street and the first alley lying Southwesterly I'rcr Clay V'treet; and between the first alley lying Southwesterly of 3road Street and the first alley lying northeasterly of Beaeon Street, as shown on Sheets :dots. 51 and 52 of said plans; and in the first ALLEY lying Southwesterly of 'road Street between 1�anta Ana Avenue and Redlands ,.venue, as shown on Sheets Tics. 52 and 53 of said plans; and 0 in the first MW ALLEY lying Southeasterly of :'Meltzer avenue botymen Fifteenth Streot and the first alley lying Southwesterly fro,t, Clay htreet, as sham on Sheet No. 54 of said plans; and in the first —b- h 7 ALU'y • lying outhea`terly of :estminister Avoruo betweon Fifteenth Street • and Clay Street, as shown on Sheet no. 55 of said plans. TF+B:jk'THr The grad;ngl paving with sealed coat surfacing and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the following allags, to Witt In the i'9rst t.IUY lying Southwesterly, of Clay 5trei >t octv:een ":riverside Ave:ar:1e and Redlands iivenuo, as shown on Sheet IrTc. 51 of said plans; and in the first ALLPY 17'In; Southwesterly of Clay Street betsioon Hadlands Avenue and Qmeltzer Avenue, as shown on Shoots Kos. 51, 53 and 54 of sand plans; and in the first IkTI ;Y lying 'Northeasterly of Beacon Street be'vneen Redlands Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue, a- shown or_ � hest 'ic. 52 of said Mans l and in the first lying Southeasterly of Santa tna „venue bet.raen Boston :street and the first a.Lley lyLrie Southwesterly of : roaa :>treet, as saowtn on Sheet No. 53 of said plans; and in the first ALLEY lying Southwesterly of Beacon Str"t beti.,een Santa Ana Avenue and the first alley lying Northerly of Cliff ;:rive, as shown on ;sheet No. 53 of said flans; aad in the first • tlL T in lying Northeasterly of Cliff Drive octween 6anLa l.na :,venue and f'reltzss :=venue, as shown on :'sheet Lo. 55 of said plans. There is specifically excepted fro:a ariy anti all of the above described items of improvement any portion of the said work already constructed andeaisting to line and grade within the streets heroinabove described. —7— HiM$ IROFIIEZ, LUWTNOS IT1L L'e :ClMATIONS • S&GTICK 2. tall of the said vrork and improve=nt to be done, shall. be constructed upon the ;ruc?ss0 al(;nZ the lines, between the points, of the dimensions, at the ^iic,o and in tso aaanner shown on the plane, profiles and drawings for tho consi;ruuticn o2 uaid i^.pprovements in anta Ana :venue and other streets. trlloym an=' ease=ents in Newport Heightex '')cing flan Va. 420, consist"_r« of 55 shuts, and Standard Hans uos. low: loo3, 1o60 and 1ct63, on file is the office 04' the City kngiraecr, of said City, and except as otherwise provided on said plane in further accordance with the Specifimitiaw for the construction of eaid improvurient., said specifications Laing on file In the office of the City Clerk of sold City, and to which plans, profiles, drawings and specifications heretofore a7proved by the City Council of the said City, reference is hurebV made for a further, full am racre particular description of the said work, and by raorenco thereto the same are incorporated herein and rude a part hereof. L i SCRIPTION OF ;1: ,' ;:: ' u'IT 1:1.6 i.ICT SECTION 3. That the saki oortt;Mpluted work and improvement, in the opinion of the said C-ity Ov -=c1l0 i , of *acre than local or ordinary public br;nefit, and the said City Council herairy rr,kes the expenses of the said :cork .and ixprove.:aent chargeable upon a district, which said district the said City Council hereby declares to ire the district benefited by said work and improvement and to oe assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, and which district is uescri7wd as follows: :ill that certain territory c." the City of rawl+ort Beach, • California, exclasive of streets and allays, Included within the extcc -rior boundary line shown upon ti • Ct~aets and Highways Code, heretofore anmrtved by the city Council 0 of said City on the 12th day of April) 1948, indicatin.g by said boundary lane the extent of the territory inel *zded within the proposed assessment district, any ,Wji3ch map or plat jc on i,'..le In the cCfioe of the City Clerk, of the said City. reference is hereby made to said map or plat for a further, f-al and more partimalr >r descrist on of the said assessment di =strict, and the said map or .plat so on falta shall ;overn for all details as to ties extent of the said easubsrtett district. DESSCRIPTIM UT 9i7k7i:S SECTION 4. That serial bont'.s bearing interest at the rate of six per cent (6 -.0 per ann= shall t,e iv -sued to represent each assess - .cent of Tvronty- -five Dollars (.;25.00) or more, remaining unpaid for thirty (30) days aftsar the data of the warrant. Iiaid serial bonds shall extend over a period ending nine (9) years fro~. the eeccnd day of January next sueceedin7 the next October fifteenth Rvll.owi.ng their date. PaYments on the principal of unpaid assessr, ants a,nci interest thereon shall be made by 7Toperty owners to the City ' reasurer, am, the saute shall be disbursed by said City Treasurer, all ac provided it the "Improvement Act of 1911 ", hereinafter referred to. TL=. AN;) 411AC , CI ' TV c..T% NJ SF,CTTON 5. KUM!] IS I- 13Y IWEIi, that on the day of 9US _, 1948, at the hoer of seven - thirty (7:30) o'clock, P.if. in the Council Chamber of the City Council, in the City Hall of said City of F vmort Heach, any onci all parsons hav:'nT any objections to the - roposed work or improvement, or to the extent of the asnesse-ent district, or to the °- roposed ;grades, may appear anc: chow cause why :said worn should not be done or curried out .5-naceorrance with this kesalution of Intention. Protests must be in wr ;tin;; and aunt be uelivored to the City Clerk prior to the tim: scat for the hoar'.ng. - 9 - • • Z':':7ROVZ' iT ACT 8E'CTION 6. That all of the —ork herein proposed shall be done and carried throt;gh in pursuainco of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, designated the "Improvezaent Act of 1911 ", being P'Nsclon 7 of the Streets an:1 tiighwaye code of the O.t:.te of California. ILIUIC-,TItNi Gr' '::COL 'fiC;i OF INT.NTION ui LTT(AV 7. The "?7E_4o r I- rr �.r Y , a. �� newspaper, printed,published . anc of ;Lmral circulation in tho City of Newport Beach, California, is hereby Cczi;;nated av the newspaper in wh.ieh t19is Iles olutiun of Intinti;,n shall be Dnblished by the city Clerk, in the ;:tanner and fors provided by lay!, and for ;taking all other publications in the proceedings under this :'.esa1ut1cn or int, ntion. The City Clerk is tUrected to ::ail notices of the acoption of this Resolution of intention to all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed whose names anti adciresses appear on the last equalized a:ssoss1;13nt roll for City lazes, all ir, the :==cr and form provided for tinder t.ections 5070, h191� and 5145 of the said "Improvement Act of 1911" of said street and Highways Code. BECTICNI 8• The Superint.:ndont of Streets Oi the City of Ne-mort :each shall c auso to be ccrwpicuousli posted alon„ tits= line of said contemplated w(rk or improvemant and Mono; all open streets within the district liable to bl: a :aes ed for aaid work, notices of the passage of this iesolut on of lntartio% in thu t1mj, form and :manner ;provided by eat id Code. 517_CT.LQI 9. That tha ::r:itt m report of the City = :n;ixieer of tiro City of 414,v wt i ?each on the pro; osed improvunents herein oesoribed arm p¢rpared pursuant to tic, provisions of the ":peoinl assessment Invest% e.atien, Limitation and i.ajority i otzct lot of 1931 ", being Division 4 - 10 - a of the Street and Highways Code of the State of California, is on • file in the office of the City Clem of said Gi4P<ana is open to • public inspection. PASSED AND AII011L 11 by t:mu City Council of the City of Eaaport !�eaeh, California, at a raZ�i ]- r ix ctln- thereof held thi$ *A clay of v , 1943, by tb: following vote, :T("'111 Councilman =YeKS Coancil:aer. �frr e 5 �.L!�_�JL��_, T ' ITTt Cosacil:sen n_e ieycr or t city of Newport Beach, Cali3ornia. T RUREBY CEEMY that the above ami foregoing ;.esolution a31a paased and adopted by the City Council Of the City of ifewpo,: c, rwch, 0U—. iornia, at they time and by the vote abaTi st tted. City Clark of the City of Newport 3each, California. .11– • 4 '� STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ) SS I, MARGERY SCHROUDER, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that according to the records of the City of Newport Beach filed and maintained in my office, the foregoing Resolution No. 3605 was duly and regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the City Council of the-City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held at the regular meeting place thereof, on the 26th day of July 9 19489 by the following vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell, Blue, Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Dated this 8th day of December , 1958, City Clelk &nd Ex- Officio Clerk of the City Council, City of Newport Beach, State of California.