HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 - Santa Ana-Delhi Diversion Project AgreementJune 14, 2016 Agenda Item No. 12 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: David A. Webb, Public Works Director - 949-644-3311, dawebb@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Bob Stein, Assistant City Engineer, rstein@newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3322 TITLE: Santa Ana -Delhi Diversion Project Agreement ABSTRACT: Staff has been working for several years to develop a regional project within the Santa Ana -Delhi County flood control channel to remove trash and other pollutants prior to entering the Newport Bay. The City of Newport Beach as well as five other local agencies would now like to enter into a Channel Diversion Project Agreement that would serve as the partnership framework and allow for the construction of a $9.3 million regional water quality facility to reduce the amount of pollutants and trash entering Newport Bay by diverting flows from the Santa Ana -Delhi Channel into the sanitary sewer and capturing trash within the flood water flows. RECOMMENDATIONS: a) Determine that the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Santa Ana -Delhi Diversion Project is adequate to address the potential environmental effects of the Council's action; and b) Approve Santa Ana -Delhi Channel Diversion Project Agreement D15-013 ("Project Agreement"), and authorize the City Manager to sign the Project Agreement. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: The current adopted budget includes $1,500,000 for the City's portion of the proposed project. It will be expensed from Contributions account No. 13501-980000-15X16 within the Public Works Department budget. DISCUSSION: To address a major source of pollutant loading to Newport Bay, the cities of Newport Beach and Santa Ana in 2012 initiated planning for a flow diversion project for the Santa 12-1 Santa Ana -Delhi Diversion Project Agreement June 14, 2016 Page 2 Ana -Delhi Channel. Construction of the proposed diversion facility, to be located within the Newport Beach Golf Course adjacent to the east side of the Santa Ana -Delhi Channel approximately 900 feet upstream of Irvine Avenue (see Attachment, Exhibit A- 1), would provide compliance with water quality standards implemented under Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) programs for metals, bacteria, toxics and nutrients, as well as address new State trash reduction requirements that are anticipated to be promulgated later this year. Construction of the proposed diversion project would prevent dry -weather flows from the 17 square mile tributary watershed (see Attachment, Exhibit A-2) from entering Newport Bay by diverting three million gallons per day (4.6 cubic feet per second) of dry -weather runoff from the channel into the sanitary sewer system for treatment prior to discharge to the ocean. Alternatively, the diverted flows could also be utilized as source water for the regional Ground Water Recharge System. The diversion facility also collects trash carried within the diverted flow including trash transported within the first flush portion of a storm event with a maximum treatment flow capacity of 100 cubic feet per second (45,000 gallons per minute). The proposed diversion facility consists of an in -channel, break -away boom with trash curtain to divert flow and trash into the diversion structure; intake and bypass outlet structures; a 3 -stage treatment facility including coarse screen, gravity sedimentation and fine screen; and a lift station and 8 -inch force main to convey the diverted flow from the discharge storage chamber to an existing Orange County Sanitation District trunk sewer located in Baker Street. The proposed force main primarily runs within the City of Costa Mesa with a short portion falling within County right-of-way. To kick off the preliminary engineering and preparation of design drawings for the proposed project, the City of Santa Ana, with support from the City of Newport Beach, applied for a Measure M2 grant from the Measure M, Orange County's half -cent transportation sales tax program, a program administered by Orange County Transit Authority. The grant application was successful and the City of Santa Ana was awarded $2,572,875.00 for the diversion project. In fall 2014, discussions began among the potential project partners to prepare a Project Agreement defining roles and responsibilities for implementation of the project and begin negotiations for funding commitments. The agencies that have resolved to participate as project partners are the cities of Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and Santa Ana; County of Orange (which includes Orange County Flood Control District, OC Public Works, and John Wayne Airport), Irvine Ranch Water District and Orange County Water District. Under the proposed Project Agreement, the City of Santa Ana is the lead for managing the project design and construction, Orange County Flood Control District would operate and maintain the constructed diversion facility as well as the pipeline within its right-of-way, and the City of Costa Mesa would take responsibility for maintenance of that portion of the force main that falls within its right-of-way. The project is estimated to cost $9,367,875.00 which includes a 20 percent contingency. Of this amount, $8,367,875.00 is slated for design and construction and $1 million for operation and maintenance. Table 1 shows the proposed funding commitments by the project partners. The City of Newport Beach's funding share of 12-2 Santa Ana -Delhi Diversion Project Agreement June 14, 2016 Page 3 $1.5 million, funded under the Defend the Bay Water Quality Improvement Projects Agreement executed on January 14, 2015 by the City of Newport Beach, the Irvine Company LLC and Defend the Bay, Inc., is earmarked for construction purposes only. Under the provisions of the Project Agreement (Attachment A, Section 2.6.5), after construction of the project is completed, the City of Newport Beach would be reimbursed 25.88 percent of project savings. Table 1: Funding Commitments by the Project Partners. Project Partners Funding Commitments Measure M2 Grant $2,572,875 City of Newport Beach $1,500,000 City of Santa Ana $1,900,000 City of Costa Mesa $600,000 County of Orange $1,600,000 I RW D $195,000 Orange County Water District $1,000,000 Funding Total $9,367,875 As noted, the total project cost includes a line item of $1,000,000.00 for operation and maintenance (O&M) of the diversion facility and force main. While there is uncertainty on what annual O&M costs will be, it is anticipated that this budgeted amount would be sufficient for the first 20 to 40 years of operation. Under the Project Agreement, the County of Orange and the cities of Santa Ana and Costa Mesa would provide the initial O&M funding. After the initial $1,000,000.00 is depleted, the City of Newport Beach would contribute 26.79 percent to future O&M costs (see Attachment A, Exhibit C2a). With approval of the Project Agreement by each project partner, the City of Santa Ana plans to advertise the project in July 2016. Construction on the force main is projected to commence in Fall 2016 with work on the diversion facility beginning in Spring 2017. Anticipated project completion is Fall 2018. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: An Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) have been prepared by the City of Santa Ana in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State CEQA Guidelines. The MND concluded that the proposed development would have a less than significant impact to the environment with the inclusion of mitigation measures and the application of standard regulations. The City of Santa Ana approved the MND on May 3, 2016 and the Notice of Determination was filed with the County Clerk on May 9, 2016. As the responsible agency as defined by CEQA, the City of Newport Beach may rely on the findings of the City of Santa Ana, as the lead agency, for compliance with CEQA. 12-3 Santa Ana -Delhi Diversion Project Agreement June 14, 2016 Page 4 NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENT: Attachment A - Santa Ana -Delhi Channel Diversion Project Agreement D15-013 12-4 ATTACHMENT A Santa Ana -Delhi Channel Diversion Project Agreement DI15-013 City cif Slaintlai Ana OYiange County Flood Untlrcil Elistlrictl Cciuntly of OYiange City of Newport Beach City of Usha Mesa OYiange County Water Distiiict li vine Ranch W aglei District 12-5 AGREEMENT This Santai Anai-ClelHi Channel Divarsicin Flrieiject Agreement (''Aglreemerii isi maide as cf thi<i day of 12C 1_, (""Effective Daille'') by and among The City of Santai Ana, a Cailifomia chartercily ("`SIANTA ANA"], The Crangle County Flood Ceinttol Clistricl, a body ccitporaite zine pplitic ("OCFCU" ), The County of Crangle, a pcilitical subdivisicin cif the Staita cf Cailifcmia ("C0UNTM" ), The City of Newport Beach, a Cailiforniai munieipail and charier city ("NEWPORRI BEACH"), The City of Costai Mesai, ai California muniicipaI c orplciraition ("COSTA MESA"), The Crzingle County Water District, zi subdivision cif the State of California organized under Chapter 51214 of the Statutes of IS33, ais amended ("OCWD"), and The Irmina Ranch Water District, ai California waiter d istrict cirganiaed under Section 34000 et seal. cif the CaIiferniei Water Code ("IRM/D"); whicH are somieitimeis individually rieFen ac to as `°Party,' cit col IeictiveiIy referred to as `'Plairtiles." DEFINITIIONSI The foilIowingl deifiniticin s shall here inafter apply: Additional Annual 0&M Ccstsi - ai Funding Haily's propartionate share m specified in Exhibit C2 to cciveir annual C&M expenses upcin exhaustion of the Initial C&M Depcis it (as de fined be low). Additional Participant - a third party poinl sourcie dischargler ini the Watershed Area em other Prciject beneificiariy that has eintered intci an eiglreemeint sighed by ail] Parlieis committing its contributicn toward the O&M costs in order to receive regulaitcny compliance, offsets or credits offered by the Pro'ecit. Simla Ana -Delhi Chanrial Diversion Project Agraamew Dl <-01?I Rade 2 of 69 12-6 Airport Dlirectcsr — thiel Direictor cif Joshri Wayne A irporl ApproNed Plains - 1hc!se Pro 'escit plas,is, specifications, and engineering estimates ("PSI&©" see eefnitlicn beleiw) wrhicih have been appreimed through the County Propenyl Plermil prociess. Appromed Plans ,Hall also include those PS&B revisions and/cir contract changerorc ears approved in writing by 1 he Pre dict Rep reisentail i veil (as e e fineid in Sleciticin 1). Rcind - llhei faithEll perfat-mance bond, payment bond, c!r wtairraintyl bond required 1ci be proviciccl by the Ccintraictor pursuant to this Aglresesment. ((iollectiiuelyl "Bands) CP P - the process tel eibtaiin a County PnoperiM Permit from the Countyl of Crainge. CEQA — the California Dnvircirrmeinlal Quality Acil (Califoirniai Aublics Rlesourees Ccidei § 21000 et scgl.). Channel - the elainta Anai-Delhi Diveirsion CHainncl designated CCFCDI Facility No. RG 1. Cities - refers tcs SANTA ANA, NDWPCRIT BRACH, and CC STA MRSA col esctimely Claims - liabilities, actions, suits, claims, desmanes, losses, costes, tortious, ecntractual, cordemnailicn, inverse condemnation, judgmlents, anibitrailicin aiwiairds, seitillements, damages, demainds, orders, penailties, anc expenses including legal costs and attlomey feels; including) these arising from injuries to or death cif peirscros, for damages tc! property cir liability of any kind cir naitures. Conciesptual Repent — thait Diversion Struciture Waiter Capture and Meuse Structure Ccneept Feasibility Study darted July 8, 2013 which reviewed the technical and ecoinomics feasibility) of reducing pcllutasnts inflows aind trash to the Channel. Contlrasete r - than contractor aind its ,uticontrzicitcirs that halves entered into a cainstructiein ecsntrasctl with SANTA ANA fern the PraCciest. flays — unless crtHenwises specified tc the contrary{, "days" iri this Asreemant siHaill mean business days as defined by the City of Slanta Anai. Director— the Director elf CC Public Wcirksi cm designee. D iversiein Structure — ars ur-Hain discharge diversion sylslem as may bei csonslructed near the intersection of Messas Dlrivc and Ii -vines Avenues as shown cin the attached Elxhibil B (hereinafter resfesrreid to ais the "Preliminary Plains"), which sHasll include feiaituress that Sarna Ana-DeIE i Channel Divensien Project Agreement CI15-013 Pa0c 3 of E19 12-7 extend acrass a segment cif Channel designed to diveirt Irash and debris into a containment area, while ecinveyingl law -flows where pcllutants will be captuneld, alnd fulrlher discharged into an Cnange County S'alnitation District trvink line for canveyance to its sanitary sewer Ineatment plant and thereeifier tci the OCWID Grciundwaltar Replenishment System. The Diversion Structure will modify thea eixistingl Channeil with ai concrete weiir crossing the channel belttom and alter alpprclximiately ICC feet cif the Chaln.nel's north wall tc1 accelmmcldate fixture of al cebnis baclm, ir,lel and bypass outleit structures. Estimated Cost - the itcmiaed estimalel of Pro"ect Capital Costs and O&M expenses listed cn Exhibit C3 from an Opinion of Hnobalble Constructicln Ccst referenced as ""Erglineer's Bstimaite 1545V by AECOM caled July{ 214, 21C 115 based upon 600/a Design Mars. Faciilityl (sometimes also referred to as the "Facilities" air "Projeict Flaicilities") — final Pre j eic t (as de final be 1 aw) improvements constructed in arc cord aince 4th the Appraved Mains, which shall] include the Diversion Sltructurei, rellaited pumps, pipelines and feiatures neicessaryl for cipeiraltions. Flood Control Ael - Orange Courtly Hlcicid Ccintrcil Act seat forth in Calif mia unccidifed Water Code, Act 5682, section 21, ailsci referned to as Whiter Code App. Sections Y-1 et seg], Mac; referred to ais Chapter 1213 of the State clfCalifcirnial Statutes of 11 S1217, ais amended. Fcirce Majeure Event - those events specified in Section 21.5.4 that materially and adversely intaifene with or increase) IHe costs cif perforrr ing SANTA ANA's obligations hereunder, provided That such evenl (cIr the effects of such event) cauld nicit have beicin aivoided by SANTA ANA 19 use cif reasonable affort. Runding Partner — SAMBA ANA, NBWIPOR"I BEACH, COSTA MBSA, OCHCD, CCUN"IYI or IRIWD as shown on Exhibit C21(ccllleictiuelyl the "Funding Pantnens"). Golf Lessee — Public gollf course operator, Newpclrl Beach Golf Courses, LLC, its suecesscars em assigns, which leasieis a portion of County lalnd, under the purview of Jchri Wayne Airport than may be impacted Hy the Hroject. Granil •. that Meiasurei M2 Envircinmental Cleanup Program Graint froim the Orangci Cciuntyl 1lnanspciilatiein AutHelrilyl awanded to SANTA ANA in the amount elf WC MILLIICN, FIVB-HUNDRED SEMENT11-TWIC THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDRED. aind SEMENTYI-FIVE DOLLIARISI (521,5121,815) for Pro. 'ect Capila] Cclsts. Santa Ana -Delhi Charinel Mcirsion Project Agreerriant D154113 Page 41 of E19 12-8 HM -1 - hazardous material (including, but ncit limited to, Ha21ardous waisle) that may require removal and disposal punsuart to federal of slate lain emisting prior tc the Fhojecl and not disturbed by the Prcject. HM -2 - Hazardous maleriad (including, but ncit limited to, hazandaius waste) that may require removal and disposal pursuant to 11'esdetal or staite law cinly if disturbed by IHe Hreject cir as a result ei11-the Project. HIM Management) Actlivitlies - managemenl activities related to eiithet HM -1 or HM -2 includingl, withoiul limitation, aryl necessary mainifest requirements, clean-up and disposal facility desiglnastieins. lnitiail 0&M Deposit) - a Ireirsfer cif ONH MILIIJICN DOLLARS ($1,000,000) frcim SANTA ANA tci the C&M Accciunt maintainec by OCFCD it acccirdarce with the terms here in John Wayne A i rpo rl("J W A" or `Arp c rtl") — ain airport established b y ord inain ce cif IHe Cciunty{ cif Orainge Bciard cifl Supervi.cirs pursuant to the laws of the State cif Californias and the federal government, which is operated cin an einlerprise bai:is ait no ccist to the taxpaiyet. Although JWA is ai department cif the Counlyl cif Crangle, the Flairties aigree JIWIA is not ai Funding) Partner tc this Agreement, and as such is not required lei financially ccsntriibute to the Aregect, associated C&M or Reserve Fund, but retains rights under this Agreemenl ais ai Pro. .ta Representative and as otherwise provided Herein. NPIDES — National Pcillutasnt Discharge Hliminaticn System slarmwater pennit program aluthciri2led by Slectiein 4021 of the Clear Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 Ec aEg. csf 1912, as aimended, also refereed Ici as a MuniaipaJ Sepasraite Stone Sewer System ("MS4") Petmsit. OCSID - IHe Crange CcuniN Slanitation District. OCIND Flrojecll Contributicin - a one-time, lump -sum payment from Crange Ccunlyl Waiter District (OCWD) of CNEI MILILIION DOLLARS and M100 ($1,000,000.00) loward the Aroject construction costs. C &M — c pe ration and maintenance. O&M Ccnt'rasetai- — as contractor urder contract with OCFCD air COSIZIA MESA Ici pesrfoirm opeeation and maintenance or the Facility or parlicir thereof. Sana Ana -Delhi flannel Di%aisiion Projekt Aguaeimeni D15-01 _11 Hage 5 of 69 12-9 C&M Fund - monies deposited into the C&M Accciurtt in amounts paid in aieccindaince with the leirms herein, to be used by CCFCD cin CC STA MESA for Facility operail ion, maintenance, and repair cin replacement requited due Ici a ciaitastrciphic event. C&M Account) - a separates aiccciunt for the initial O&M Deposit aind CCFCD C&M Fund established by CCFCD and maintained consistent with ail] applicable OCFCDICOUNW or other gleivernmentail laws, rules aind regullaiticins pertaining thereilo, to receive freim MANTA ANA a transfbr of g I,CCICI,CCCI froim the Brejeict Fund (e.g. the Initial C&M Deposit], Additional Annual O&M Ccists and either monies consist ent with th ei purge ses of the 0 & M Fund. C&M Maruail - the Operation and Maintertaince Mainual for the Facility and components themec f. Oversight) lnspectloir - ai qualified CC Public Works inspector cu representatives assigned threugh the CPP process by CCFCD/County Io veirifly that ccrostructicin cif the Diversion Slructurei and cilher Facililieis cin CCFCD aind CCUNTY right-of4ayl airei accomplished in ai good, wonkman-like manner and in accordance with the Approved Filers per CCFCD and CCUNTYI staindard. NEPA - National Envii oinmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.0 § 42= 1 et seq. Plrc jecitl — the Slanta Ana-Deilhi Channel Diversion Pro'ect is a riegional waiter qualilyl pro'ect intended Ici protect Upper Newporl Bary from pollutant loaidings geinenated by discharges flows, debris, aind trash from the Channel and its watershed, and includes ail] right--cif-way necessary) for its impleimeintaiticin. T1Hei Project will reimovei dry-weaitheir chainnel flows frcim the Channel waitershed with thea Diversion Structure, ais furlheir defined in Recital B. The Project shaill includes wcirk wilhin thea limits indicated cin Exhibil A performed conceirriinti design, construction, and C&M of the Pro'ect and Facilities. Projleet Capital Costs — those Pro'eicit costs referenced in Exhirlit C3 including, but not limited tci, design engineering, permits, right -of -wary, eiasenrents, pro 'eict aidministriaticin, conisultanit costs, einvircinimental reports, costs aissciciiatad with CEQA, NBPA, Resource Agency or Reigulatciry compliances, surveying, inveistiaaition, lesting, mciniloringl, construction, equipment, materials, contracts, warranties, attorney feces, Neiwport Beach Cc4f Course lost revenue, ecists for deifensei of CBQA/NEPA lawsuit and ccists for hazardous material m:anaglement aictimitieis reilailed to HM -2 as defined in Seclicn 8 (Hazardous Material',. C&M calsis area r.ot a part cif the Project Capital Costs. Santa Ara-Deilhi Channel Dkemsior Projekt Agrearrienl DI �I-013 Pap EI of E19 12-10 Plreijeetl Ceists — those actual costs as estimated and referenced in Exhibit Cl and Exhibit C31 coveiring all ccists associated with thea Breject. Plrojectl Fund - a separate acccunt estaibli<.iheid by SIANTIA ANA and maintained ccnsislent with sill applicable SANTA ANA cir otheir gamernmental laws, rulers and regal➢aticins perlaiining Iherelci, wherein SANTA ANA shall deposit amounts paid by the Aarlies kin Hreject Coists. PIS&D - Project plains, specif caticins, and engineering ci.itimates agreeable to the Prci'cct Representatives las defincd in 5eclion 1) which have been appreived throughthe County Prop eily Permil process. Rleglicinal Bc,aird — thei Sla,ntai Anai Rlegionel Waiter Quail ity Coinircil Board. Regulations — these federail aind state regulations air requirements applicable to pciint source discharges, as meme particularly deiscribed in Rlcicitail A, which airei prciscribed by the Santa Anai Regional Water Quality Cciri Board, Cadiforniai Staite Waiter Resources Contrcil Hoard, aind/cr United Slates Bnvinoinmental Protection Agency that haive jurisdiction within the Sar.taiAnai-Deilhi drainage system depicited on Exhibit A. Reseinme Fund - Aftleri exhaustion cif the Initial] 0&M Depcisit, mcinies deposited into the C&M Runds which airei desitniated for reserve fund purplcses ais specified in Section 11.7.9. tci bid used by OCRCD and/or COSTA MBSIA Ic reipaiir air replacci thea Facilities, Project-reilateid Channel imprciveiments and/or appurtenances, em perlions therecif deimaigled due to a catastrophic eive nit Resource Agleincy(ieis) — ciach one cif the follciwing entities em collec tivc ly, all cif them: U.S. Army Coups cif Briglineeirs, U.S. Fish wind Wildlife Service, Aedenail Bmergency Menaigemenl Agency, Califcirniiai Dcpartment of Fish and Wildlife, Santai Arai Regional Water Quality Ccntrcl Board, and C ciaslal Commission. Spcinscir - OCFCD, the COUN'ZIYI, CCSITA MESA, NEWACRff BEACH, or SANTA ANA (ccillecitivaly the `'Sponseirs') and which shall include IRIWD in accordance with Bxhibit C 21b. Spanscirship Slhare - a Slpcnscn's share cif participation in funding, credits and offsets pursuant this Aglreement and/or the Anoject, baseid upcin the percentaiges denoted on Bxhibit C 21ai a nd C21b. Stade Board — the California State Waiter Resources Con'tnol] Board. Sania Ana -Delhi Clarnel 11karsion Pnojcctl Agreemeni01 `I-01] Rage 7 of 69 12-11 110E - temporary construction easemernl. Herm - unless citherwise terminated or emteinded,, This Agreement shaill be effecilivei for ain initial term of twlenly-fine years eommeincsing cin the Effective Daite, and sheill automaiticsally renew fen len year terms thereaften. 11MfDL-1lcatail Maximum Daily Lciads. Wallenshed Dnainaigle Area - the impacted walershed airear wilhin Flrc ect limits shown cin Bmhibit A. RDCITA LS A. The Partiesa are su>'ect tc negulladicins cir requirements applicable to paint sources discharges ficin bacteria, mietals, nutrients, trash, selenium and other constituents; including but not limited tic , TMIIIJ, applicable prc visions of dewatering perm its wind time schedule orders the Municipal Separate Storm Slerwen System (" MSI4 Flermit, aindkm either discrhargle permits, waste discharge requirements, cir disc ha.rgerreIate sd cinders. In a collaborative effcirl SANTA ANA, NDWPORIT BEACH, and COSTA MESA (collectively, "Ciders"I punsiued sailisfNing current and future NPDES requitremcnts and proposed trash amendment to MSI4 Permit requirements (see Recital Q) tWouglh the deivelopmenl cif ai watershed regional diversion prefect. 11he Pnojecl nequiress 0CFCD and CCUNTY cicseiperaticin in order for the Diversiein Structures croimpcin ent Iei He cermstruacteid, operated and maintained in and about the Channel; ai pcirlicn of the land is under the purvicsw cif JWA. B. The Flairties, other than CCWD and IRW1D, caused the Diversion Structures Waiter Capture and Reuse Structures Concept Feasibility StdciN dated July FI, 210131 to Her ccinducsted in circlet to review the technical and eccinomic feaisibilityl cif neduciing pollutaints inf ciws and traish tcs the Channell ("'Cosncesptlual Rllepontf'). Based upon the Conceptual Report findings, peissible lociations for the ❑ivesnsicin Structure syslesm aind the Pro .eret limits shown cin Exhibits A-1 and A-21 within the impacted watershed area r (i.e., the Watershed Drainage Areia) were proposed and alternative Facsility cscimponesnlsi were discussed. C. The proposed Pro 'ect is to be deoigneid for the benefil of the Aasrties, who ciccupy{ em ciperate within as region cif aipproximate]N 11,120 acres, Hy diverting) dry-wesatheir flows and trash from the Slaintai Ana -Delhi drainage system shown in Fmhibit A. D. It is ccintemplaited that the Divensiein Structure will be constructed upon land clowned icy{ CC UN11Y1, under the purview of JWIA. Part of this Ccunty-land i:i leased to IHe "Geilf Ulesisee," and other parts airer utili2iec for OCACD's Channel aind flood csointred purposes in accordance with the Fllood Control Acl. D. OCFCDI, CC UNTYI and JWIA are amenable Ici accommodating) the Diversion Structure and aippurtenant components upon their night -of wary in acccindancres with the teirms Herein, providec that Ihes Arcfeict: (1) will not vicilaile thea COLNTY's vesting deed restrictions cm Santa A r a -Cal I i Chan rit I Dliverwie ri Plrc jact A greerriant 015-013 Hage 8 of 69 12-12 creiatle a nuisance, (2) will not inlerfene wish flooc control en Aiipeu-I operations cin ofereiticnal requirements, (3) will minimize its effect cn Golf Lessee, and (4) mitigates aind ccmpensates AIWA and/or Gcilf Lessee fcin any regaitive impact due tc the Prc:ect. F. The Prc icll's prepeised plain as shcivrn cin Exhibit) E (Preilimineiryi Plain) is Llai insllaill, ciperatei, and maintain pipelines within public strcel niglhl-of-way The Cilies airei amenable to aiccommcidailingl pipelinesi and cthen necessary) Prci'ect Facilities within their respective public streetl right) -of -way in furlhenancei cif the Pro-ecl. C. SANTA ANA will bei thea leiaid aigeincyl for the Prcreict unden CBQA, and if applicable NEPA, as well as being responsible for the PS&B, acquisition of prcpeirty rights, reilocailions, necessaDl permitis and easeimenlls, aind ccinstlruicticin aidminislnation necessairy fcm the Projecl . H The IHairties anticipates thea Hrc ect costs to be about $9,367,875 ("Esilimaled Ceisf') based upon the illemi21cd estimated expenses listed cin Exhibit C:. I. The Bslimailed Ccisl amount includes ain estlimaile of long-term O&M eixpense;i prcjeictled civem twenty }{cans in Ihei aimciuntl cif ONE! MU-LICN DOLLARS ($1,000,0C1Q. J. SANTA ANA hers been awarded a Measure M2 Envircinmentail Cleainup Pnograim Gra.ntl from thea Cna.ngei County Train spcirlation AutHcrity in the aimciunt cif TIWC MILUICN, FIVE -HUNDRED SEVENTIY-TIWC THCUSANDI, DIGHT HUNDRED, and SEVENTY-FIVE DICLILARISI ($2,5-12,EZ) (""Grant":, which shall be used fcm thea capital acnstructlicn costs eisscciaited witlh the Pro'ect. K. The Pro 'ect proposes toi diver) trash and deibris into ai containment area while cicinveyingl dry-weatheir flows into an Oraingle CourIN Slainitaition District trunk main which serves an CCSDI sanitar)) seweir treatment plaint aind thereafter Ica thea OCWD Groundwaiter Replenishment) Slystem. In furtheranice cif the Project, CCW1D Has offered to paiyl a one-tlimei sum of CND MILILIICN DOLLARS ($1,00CI,CICICI) toward the ceinstruietiein coasts pursuainl tc the terms and conditions provided herein. SANTA ANA will accept aind exapend saiid funds frcim OCWD for the ccinstlrucI icni cif the PROJBCTI. LJ. SANTA ANA is committing its resources aind is aigreeable to contribute to air the Frojecl design, ccnstruclicn, ainc C&M. SANTIA ANA aiglrees to make cine lump sum payment for thein fnoipotlicinate share in the costs for the design, construction long-term C&M costs in ain aiggregaite aimounit not tc exceed of CND MILILIION, NINB-HUNDRED THCUSIAND DCLLIARS ($1,91010,01010), as denoted in Exhibit C 1. M. OCHCD and COUNTY arae agreeiable to contribute towaird Prefect design, constructicin, and C&M. Her the terms cif IHis Agreement, OCFCDI and CCUNTYI aiglneies to maike cine lump sum paiNment of their 'oinl prcipcirtionaite share in the costs for the design and construction, and lcingl-term O&M in ain aiggregaitei aimieiunt noir tc exiceed CNE MILLION, SIX- HUNDIRBDI, THCUSIAND DCLLIARSI ($1,600,000), ais denciled in Bxhibit Cl. OCFCDI is aigreeable to aiccept cerleiin awnership, 0&M responsibilities, in aicccrdance wish the terms Herein, fon the porlicin cif the Haciilities locaitec upein OCFCDI, COUNT1Y aind/en JWIA right--cif- way. Santa Aria -Delhi Channel Diversion Flroject Aareerr nt D15-013 Pagel 9 of 651 12-13 N. N13WPORT BEACH is aagreieable, to contribute toiweird the Froject construction aind make a lumip sum payment in the aimciunl cif ONE MILLION, RIVE -HUNDRED '11HOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,300,000), ass denciled in Bxhibit Cl. C. CC STA MESA is aglreeiable to contribute tcwaird Flroi design, construction, and 0 & M. CO SITA MEISA agrleeis to makes cines 1 u mp sum p ayment for it prcip cirl icinaite share in the ccsts for the desigln, ceinstrueticin, aind long-term C&M ccists in an aiggreglate amount not to exceed SIX-HUNDRBD THOUSAND DCLLARS (WC,000), as denciteid in Exhibit Cl. CCSTA MESA agreeis tci accept ceirlain ownership, 0&M respeinsibililies, in accordance %1h thea teirms heniein, for the Facility pipelines located outside cif OCFCD, COUNTY aindreir JW1A right -cif -way. P. IRIWI) discharges pumped graiundwater tai the Channel from wells pursuant tai certain permitls issued by CCUNTYI. In considerailicin cif thea effect cif thea quantity of such discharges upon the design aind capacity of the Pro .ect, IRWO is willing to contribute cine lump sum payment in the amount cif ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-FIVE THOUSAND UCLLAMSI (3195,(ICIC), ais dencstead in Exhibit C1 as its shairea cif Prejeict design aind construction. 1RWD shaill not contlribuile to C&M coasts. Q. The Pairties contemplated statleawidei trash aamendmeints by the State Board currently aspproved "'Amendment to the Wailer Quality Control Plan for thea Ocean Waiters cif Cailiforniai to Ccintrol Traish amd Part 1 Trash Provisions cif the Waiter Quality Cornlrol Plain for Inlaand Surfaicea Waiters, Enclosed Bays, and Esluaries of Caalifornia," which in thea future wouild be reaflected in stormwater M94 Permits. It is intent of the Parties tc cullaabairate eafforls in girder for thei Flrojeictl to quads fy as an impleimentation plain, or pc;r1icni thereof, under such requirements. R. Aflear the Diversion Structure aind the Faac lilies become eiperaiticinad aind at any point ecitlaiblish an aidditicnail regulastcsry benefit eir credit which may be adleicatead aimong the Aau-ties, and/or traded or sold clog an outsides Ihlyd party aat market-•baiseid raiteis, the Baarlies desire tc clarify hereini hciw ai Party might receive its fair shares cif thea eccancimic valuei generated and reialiaed. S. The Paarlies furthear deishe that the Agreement address hcw the Paarlies many amend their respective financial commitments as specified in Exhibit C2aa aind CA by revisingl the perceintaiglas representing their proportionate shairei to include requiring the comlribution froim futures, additicinad point scsurae dischargers who benefit ficin the Projekt Flacilities. T. Therefoine, thea Parlieas mutuallyl desires to eintlear intci this Agreaemeint to set fcarlh their respective rights and obligations with respect to thea Pro. 'ect developmeint, aind thea passible constrvcticsn, amd lonel-term C&M cif the Racili ties. Saida Ana -Delhi Channel Dkemsiion Project Agreement DI 5-013 Page 110 of E19 12-14 AGRE EME NI NOW, THIEREFIORH, in cansidenation cif the faregloing Definitions and Recitals, which are inecirpelrateid herein by refeireincey and the mutual ecivenants and promises arrong the Parties hereinafter set forth, the Parties agree as follows: SE C`11 ION I PROJECT REPRESIENTATIMESI 1.1 SANTA ANA Project Reipreisentative. Thei City] Manager of the City of Santa Anai cin his da,iignee shall be authorized to perform ail] actions required to impleimeint this Agreement on behalf of SIAN'hA ANA and serve a -s the Prcject Represenlaitime for SIANTA ANA for all purposes releteid to This Agreement. 1.21 COUNTY and OCFCD Proiect Reiyrei,lentative. The Director shall be authorized to perform all actions requireid to implement this Agreement and tc serve as the Flrcject Representative, jointly and indiuicuailIN, Ri OCFCD and the COUNTY ais Parties and prcipeirty right owners; as Weill ais, for thea CCUNTY a,1 to unincorporated areals of the watershed within its jurisdicition than airei nioit pain of JW1A operations. 1.3 Johd Wayne Airport Project Representalive. The Airperl Eirector cir. designee shall bei aiuthoiri2led tci perform aill actions reiquinad to impleament this Agreieimeint and to serve as the Pro,ect Representative en behalf elf JWA for all purposes related tci this Agreement. 1.4 NEWPORT BEACH Prciject Representative. The City Manager of IHe Cityl of Nevwpeirl Beach or designee shaill be authorized Iei perform all aicticins required to implement this Agreement on. behalf cif NEWPORT BEACH aind serve as NEWPORT BEACH's Pro'ect Representaitiwei for NEWIPCRIT BEACH for all purposes related to this Aglreement. 1.5 COSTA MESA Pnoiecl Repreisentativei. The City] Manager cif the City cif Costa Mesei or designee shaill be authorized to perform all actions required tci implement this Agneement cn behalflof COSTIA MESA and serve ais COSTA N1ESA's Frojeict Representative for all purpcises related tci this Aoreiemeint. 1.6 IRWDI Areject Representative. The Ceneral Manager of the Irvine Ranch Water District or designee shaill be authorized to performi all actions required Iei implemient this Agreement cin behailf of IRWD and serve as 1IRW1D's Flreject Mapiresentatime for all purposes related to this Agreement. 1.71 Whenever reference is made herein to ein action cir appreimal to be underlaken by ai Party, the Prcject Representative shall He authoirized to acct on behalf of its respective Parlyl unless specifically provided otherwise cir the context nagluires eilherwise. Any determination cif chaince: which iflimplemented may materially alleir the terms and financial obliglations of the Parties shall nagluire an amendment cif this Aglneemeant apprcvled in wniting by each Party's bciamd, council, on glciverning body. 1.8 The Flrcject Repneseinilaitiues shall haiva authority to send invoices, maitre and receime Sarna Ana -Delhi Channel Divelrsion Project A arciamernl E 15-0113 Page ] 1 of 69 12-15 paymqenls, and perform all clHer acitivilies required to satisfy the financial responsibilities of their respeclive Harly in accordaince with IHe terms hierein. 1.9 Each Harty and their respecitive Prcjecit Rlepreseintalive acknowledge that the Prc[ect is made possible by virtue of cerlain Grants and aiglrees tci make every effort tci assist and cooperate with SANTA ANA, the Grant Administraileir, for the Hrojeet tci remain in full cieirrpliance wilH the terms) cif IHe Grant. 1.10 The Parties aiglree IHait JWA and/or Geilf Llessee wil be ccimFlensated fcir any unmitiglatee neglalive impacts tci the Golf Cciursca andieir Golf Lessee ciplerations caused by the Pro'ect constructicn or opearaticin only if actual losses or damagles are incurred aind substantiated. Ceisls asscicialed with this cibligaition are Prcfect Cosl estimates in Exhibit C3. SECTION 2 RESPONSIBILITIES OF SANTA ANA 2.1 General Responsibilities SANTA ANA shall be responsible for thea design, environmentail review, obtaining) ail] required Resource Agency apprcivals, CPH, permits aind easements, and ciciristlruefion cif the Facilities developed fcir the: Pro 'eet under the terrnis cif this Agrleement. SIANTA ANA shall deposit amounts paid by the Pairlies fcr Hrojecit designl and/or construction intci a sepairate account designated for such funds as the Hroject Hu rid. Within forty (40; day; of 1He executicin cif this Aglreement, SANTA ANA shall deposit a lump sum aimounl for design, ccinstruc.lion, and the annual C&M coasts as estaiHished per Exhibit C3, intci the Pro 'eact Fund Account. The Graint funds shall be paid to the Froject Func cin a reimbursemeint basis pursuant the to ms and conditieins cif said grant. 21.2 Environmentail Rev iew I Permill inQ 21.21.1 SAN RA ANA shall be the lead agency{ for purposes of CEQA, prepare the necessary environmentail documents and secure all necessary resciurice agency permits for the Prefect. SAN11A ANA shall secure the rights -cif -way) for the Hrojeet, including any needed for thea O&M cif IHe Diversion Structure and aill Facilities. 21.21.21 SANTA ANA shaill obtain the pror written approval from the Projecl Representative(s) cif any Party with : urisdiction ain&cir prioperlyl rights tci any permit concerning said prciperty which potentially includes post-ccinslrucition agrecamenls, obligations cir conditions le.g., mitigation reaquirements, imposead by{ any gcivernmental cin regulatory agency. 21.21.3 SAN -HA ANA sahall apply for permits and maintain Hrojecit ccimpliance wiles all penrits, regulations aind laws. As referenced in Recital Q, the develcipment cif the Project contemplated statewide traish aimendmenis by the State of Califcirnia Water Contrcil Lciard currently) approved "Amercrrent Ici the Water Quality Ceintrol Man fcr the Clceeir Wailers cif California to Control Trash and Hart 1 11rasH Provisicins of the Water Quality) Cciritrcal Alain for Inlaric Surface Waters, Hncicised Bays, and Estuaries of Califoimia." SANTA ANA shall, if the Hrojeiat Represerital ives mutually) deteirmina it is neiciessaryl, change IHe Prci'ect prcacedureis as Iei ils implementation, Samoa Ana -Delhi Crannel CMirsiiion Anojeoa Agreemeru DI 5-011I Hale 1I2 oll 69 12-16 meinitaring, aind reporting to assist wish a Harty'se respective stormwaiter discharge pearm it acimpliance. 21.3 Design 21.3.1 The Partiei9 ackneiwleicge SANTA ANA haec thea ' Sainta Arai-Deilhi CHainnel Diversiean Prcjeiat (Technical Memorandum '1", tailed July 2101-1 and revised in October 201-1, pneipared which provides a deiscriptiean of IHe Flrojeect cperaticir,s and laind requirements for alternate cesigln plains. Amaongl the alteirnail ives presented in that memorandum, the Parties wish Ica implement Scenariei l where the Facilities will halve direct discliargle to the Orainge County Slanilatiean District Regional Sewer System as depicted in the "Brealimiraryl Main" shown on Exhibit B., aitlaehed. The Facilities are to be constructed in accordance wiles Approvec Blains that specify its componeants which may include, among other things and it addition to the tra6filcatioans to the existing channel section, e iveersioen structures, submersible pumps, floating boom, weirs, scneeningl bairs, and debris containment area. 21.3.21 SANTA ANA shall requires and ensure Ihaet al] consultaints, engineers and miliglaalion aglents working on the Pnojecl einvironmental, design and construction abide by the insuraince and bond requirements as specified in Bxhibit G (Insurance, Bonds and Warranties). SANTA ANA aglrees Ica bei responsible for the preparation cif the PS&E, which shaill be consistent with the staindards of SANTA ANA and IHe Party or Baarlies with:urisdiction or ownership of the right-of- way where coanstruaction is to be performed. In case of conflict between such standards, IHe meant stringent staindairc sahall prevail. With regaird to the Diversion Structure aind any other Faecilitiesl appurlenanl, in, on or aehout the Channel or right-of-way held by CCFCD car CCLNTY, the BS&E shall be consistenl with CCFCD standards, criteriai, customs and praclices and receive Director's aind JWA's apprcival prior to commearecerrent oflccnstnuactiean through OC FC D's CPB prcicess. 2.3.3 SANTA ANA shall provide the Prce'ect Representatives capportunities tca review the PS&D at the 6M, aind SICM submittal levels and tci preivide tirreilyl comments prior to submittail cif the PSI&E to the: relevant resource aglencies that must issue permits for conslructiein cif the Prci'ect car C&M oflthe Facilities. The PrcCect Rlepresentaitives shall review the revised BS&E in a timaelyl manneir and indicate their aeppreival car disapproval cif the same Iei SANIIA ANA. SANTA ANA shaill address the comments in the draifts. SANTA ANA shall preamptlyl preavide each Project apre!sentative with a reproducible copy cif IHe PS&B ais well as ai copy cif aill Prcject-related cocumerts. SIANIIA ANA shall ba responsible for reataiming aill consultants recessairy to prepaire the BS&E eind Approved Plains in aicccindaince with applicable laiw. 21.4 Right -cif -Way 2.4.1 Pricer Ick commencing construction MANTA ANA shall caHtaiir aill recessaary permits. easemeents, and airy right of way necessary from lancowners in order to use (Heir respective properties fon the ceansatruclion aind C&M ofl thea Facilities. The terms and conditioans of the permits shall be consislent with this Aglreeeement, and in IHe caisee of as conflict, IHe terms and conditiors cif this Aglreemeent shall contrail. SANTA ANA shaell dee nesponsiHle fcir providing the legal descriplions reequineed fcu right -cif -way transaelieans needed for the Breject, subject to the Santa Ana -Delhi 0anneI Diversion Flrojeai Agreemtint El 15-013 Page 13 of 69 12-17 review and appreival cif Ihie Parties which arc to participate in the prciposed right-of-way ar,d/cin interest transaction. 21.4.2 Prior to ceimrriencing Brojecl ccinstructicin, SIANTA ANA shall work wi¶H CCFCD and JWIA to obtain freim the Irvine Company wnitter, ccincurrence that the proposed Areject will not unreaseinablyl inteirfere with thein respecli me rights cr interest in the subject property. 21.4.3 Me Fauhies acknowledge the primary purpose cif the OCl10EVCOUNIIYI right -cif --stay fcir the propcised Clivcrsicr Structure is for flcicd control purposes and eiperaticin cif the Channel. If future circumstances necessitate rcicication cif the Diversiein Structure, or if design requires additional righl-of-way for the Frejecl beyond (Hail anticipated to be provided, the Panics shall meet and ceinfer in gcicid faith Ici identify a preferred location or other alternatives which would ncit impede flood control operations. Costs of relocation sHall be the responsibility of the Paries and shall be allocated aimcirgl the Pairlies, othen thar, OCWD ainc IRWI1, based cm Slponscirship shares as specified in Exhibit C2ai altaiched herein. 2.5 Construction 2.5.1 SIANTA ANA shaill be respcirsillk for bidding, awaircing, and administering the eemstructiein contract(s) cif the Pnojecl in accordance with the terms cif this Agreements. 2.5.2 Upcin ccimpliaince with CEQA, (and NEF1A if applicable), certification and appreiv+al of ad] necessary envircinmentail dcicuments, approval by ail] cif the Flrcject Representatives of assciciateid mitigation neigluirements, receipt of all reglulaileiry aigency approvals, final approval cif the PSI&B aind Approved Plains, and acquisilicin cif right-of-way necessary] for all work necessary fair the Frejeet, thein SANTA ANA shaill adverise ai contract for construction cif the Prci eiet for formal bids per applicable secticir,s of the Cailifamiai Public Ceinlnacl Code. The Prcpect Reipresentatives shall Have the opportunity to review all bids. If the lowest responsive and responsible Hid would cause IHe Estimated Cost shown in Exhibil C3 (which includes the 21(1% continglency amciurt) to be exceeded, thein the Pro 'cct Representatives shall meet and confer aind mutuailly agree by unanimous vole whether (i) SAN11A ANA should award a contraicl for construction cif the Prcreet tai the lowest respcirsive aind responsible bidder, (ii) SAN HA ANA should re'ect all Hies and re -bid the Project, cir (iii) the Paries shall terminate cir amend this Agreement. If all condilicns preceideint to construction of the Prcject set forth in this Agreement have beein satisfied, SIANTA ANA shad] award a construction ccirtract to IHe lowest reisporsive, responsible bidder aind einler inlci that ccintraet wiles the Conlraictor. SIANTA ANA shall obtain adviaince written approval froim Parries Representatives for ainy construction contract cliaingle orders aind thea irrpleireinlatiein Ihereicif. 21.5.3 Me Parties aigree to eciciperale in good faith and exeirciise best eflforts in ordeir to meet grant(s) requirements se¶ forh in Exhibit F, to the Hest cif 11l,ieiu knowledge, aind to assisl the Project in complying; with a proje:et schecLiel established by SIANTA ANA to meet the requirements cif Project pexmits aind apprieiv+als. In aeeitiein, certain activities necessary) Iei complele thea Prci'ecl mays result in deilays, such ais securing envtinonmertal ciertific;atieins)aipprcivals, permitting], securing) rigHts-cif-way, Force Ma'eure Events, and/or obtaining necessary approve s ofltlkiei Flarties relative to design and ccr,structicin cif IHe Frejecl. Santa Aria -Delhi Channel Eli vers ion Puojcwi Agreemeri DI 5-013 Hage 14 of 69 12-18 21.5.4 Her purposes of this Secftin, a "Face Majeure Evert" shall mean ani{ of the follciwingl events than mater ally and adversely inlerferes wish cir increiasesi the costs of performing SANTA ANA's obligations hetcuncer, provided IHat such event (cin the eiffecls ofl such event) could nol Have been avoided by SIANTA ANA's use of reasonable effcirts: nalunallyl occurring evients (such as landslides, undeirglnound mcivement, earthquakes, finers, tcimadeies, hiurnicanes, flcicids, lightning), epidemics and other acts ofl Ccid), Hazardous Material Managemeant Acclivities (see Section 91), emplosion, sabcitaige cir eilher acct of wan• cin public enemy. 21.5.5 'SANIIA ANA shall require and ensure That the Contractor selected purcuaint tei this Section and each cif thea Ccrtraclon's subcontractors abide Hyl the insurance requirements as specified in Exhibit C (Insurance, Bonds and Warranties), and name each Hairty and JIWA as an additional insured, aind IHait such Conlnacton's and subcontractors' indemnity), defense, hold hairmless, aind insurance cibligations under SANTA ANA's agreement wiles the Contraictem expressly benefil eaich dither Pairty and JWA in the same i manner and to the saime extent as SANTA ANA. 2.5.6 SANTA ANA shall recuire aird ensure than IHe Ceinlractieir, prior to commencemient of construicticin, furnish ai faiithful penformaince bond, paylnient bond, and vuairranty bcind in ain amciurt equal to the estimated corstruictiein cost of the Flacilities (including) labcir aind maiteriadsa) and to perform ccirtraict obligations. These bcinds shall, at a minimum, comply %mith IHe requirements specified in Exhibit G. Each bond shaill name the Pairlies and JWA as beneficiaries and grants each Prci`ect Representative the right to enforce the bond to complete the Facilities in ccimplianee vuith all ccnstrueticin cibliglatieins including) but not limited to (hose for wairrainties. SANTA ANA and the Prcgect Representaitives aglree to not release the Contractor from its bond(s) without the first obtaining mutual written approval by the Prefect Mepresentail ives. 2.5.71 During ceinstruction, SANTA ANA shaill preivide access for purposes of inspection HN ainy Pro 'ect Representative to ensure that the Hroject %m mk is beiing, performed in aiccorcaince with the Appnovaead Plans. Any Hairty's ertry during construction upon COUNTY land shaill require prior notice to JIWA. 21.5.8 After construction, SIAI\11A ANA :iHa'l submit to OCHCEl Director for written approval a Notice of Completion of the Diversicin Structure and any{ cithen Facilities cin OCFCD and/or CCUNTY right -cif -way, which apprcvail shaill ncit be unreasonably delayed, and only after receiving) approval, file)reccind the approved Notice of Completion aind furnish OCFCD twci copies of the Notice cif Ccimp lotion aind cine (1) set of Mylar (reversed fixed — line photo Mylain) copies and electreinic files in ai formail acceptable lci OCFCD cif the appreivaed "Record Drawings" for IHe Haicililies within OCHCD aind/or COUNTIY richt-of-way. Approval shall be withheld only for work ricit ceimpleted per the Approved Hlans. 2.5.5 SANHA ANA aarees to ncit release the Conlraiclein from its performance bond on irrevocable letter cif credit cibliglaitieins prion Io receipt cif written approval fkom JIWA aind the Director to the Notice cif Corrpleticn. 2.5.10 SANTA ANA shall be respersible to maiinlain the CHainneV and aill OCFCD and COUNTY imprcvaements impacted by the Prc'ect and/or withlin Hroject ceinstruction areas, acccmdingl lci OCFCD/COUNflY and JWA standards and critedai, until OCFCD/COUNTY and Santa Ana -Cent i Channell Diveriion Hroleiea Agreemcint D1 `I-013 Page 15 0169 12-19 JWA acceptance of the portian cf the Facility within CCFCD, CCUNTYI. and/cni JIWA righl-ef- way in accordance with the terms hereiin. 21.6 Plrojecitl Fund zine Grainit Administration 21.6.1 Within fairly days c the Bffective Date, SAN BA ANA shall have established the Ellect Fund aicicaunt in accordance with the terms herein anc deposited into it any Grant funds and amounts pane by the Flairties for Prcject in its pcissessicn. SA.NTIA ANA shall be the Grant administrator and hold Cnantl funds and amounts paiid Hy the Pairties for Anoject Capital Costs in this separate Pro'ect Fund. SANTA ANA shall implement di:ibunaiementls fneim the Project Fund to pay such Prc sect costs as they become due and in accerdaince with the terms of the Graint and this Agree me nt. 21,(.21 SANTA ANA shall accept) and use the OCWEl's contribution cif CNE MIIJIJICN DCULARIS and OO/ICO (11,000 COO OC), maide pursuant to Panagraiph 21.6.4 below, for the Prom c cin struction cost. The fu n d s shal I be mac a avaii 11 ab 1 e thrlough an escrc w aiec eiu n t a r d paid whe n carstruiction is completed. 2.6.3 SAN HA ANA shall keep appropriate records and accounts of all costs. Slaid reccads and accounts shall be subject to reasonable inspection by Project Rlepreisentaliues at their cmpense and by any Craint fundingl authorities. Said accounts and records may be audited annually by an independent certified public accounting firm appointed by SANTA ANA punsuanl to geneirailly accepted audilingl slaindards. Ccsts incurred due tc this section are tci bei paid by Ilhe Flairty or Parties initiatingl the inspectlicln or audit. SAN11A ANA agrees to remaiini at all timers in cc mpli ainc a with the terms e f the C raint. 21.6.4 SIANTA ANA shall f1cirward to OCWDI ai copy c the Notice cif Completion approved by the Director with written request ficin paymenl cif the CND MILLION DCIJIJARISI and 001100 ($1,000,000.00) pursuaint to this Agieerrent. CCWD's centlributicr will be deposited into the Prcject Fund and used prior to SIAN-HA ANA invoicing, the remaining Parties as parl of the final recon iliaticn of the Prc; ect Fund. 21.(.5 SIANTA ANA shall proivide Areject Fund accclurt statements with updaited accciuntingl reeomciliatiein, provided upon written request from a Prcject Representative. Any interest accrued cn the Pro 'ect Fund shall be for the benefit of the Aroject Fund. A final reconciliation and detailed accounllingl repcin will be provided by SANTA ANA upon completion of the Pro'ect to eaich Pahl}. Within farly-five (45; calenclair days of Prcject completion, any excess funds remaining in llhe Pro 'ecll Hund, minus any unexpended Graint funds, shall be distributed to the Harties per the proiportionate shares specified in Exhibit C21. 2.71 Cyeraition and Maintenance (0&M) 21.71.1 SANTA ANA shall be responsible for the preparation cif the C&M Manual fca the Facility and coimipenents thereof as part cif the construction contract and its distribution to the Perlies fcln review and appromal by the Pnojeel Representatives. The Ncitice of Completion for the Facilities shaill note be prepared until the C&M Manual has beer approved. SIANTA ANA agrees Sarila Ana -Delhi Charinel Diversion Projekt Aglmarrent D15-013 Page 116 of E19 12-20 the Facilities shall be exclusively for 1He mutual uses and benefit cif all thea Parties and thcise addillicinail parties allcmed pursuant Sectiein 8 below. 21.'1.21 Within fcirty (40) daiys cif the Effectiuei Dale, SANTA ANA shall Flay the amount cif ON8 MILLICN DCLILARSI and 00j 101C (51,CC0,CIC10.i tci OCFCD as the initial deposit cif C&M funds into the 0&M Accciunt ("Initial O&M Deposit"). 2.')1.3 After eaahaustion of the Initial C&M Depeisits, SANTA ANA agrees tci ceintribute to long-term 0&M ccstls per its proporticinate shave as specified in Exhibit C21. 2.E Proiecit Ccists 2.8.1 SANTA ANA shaill hei neimburtied for its actual Fhc ecit Coats aind actuail design aind aonstlructiein aidministrations costs not to txiaed the eslimaited amounts shown on Exhibit) C3. SANTA ANA shaill prepare invoices aicicor6ngly and shaP be reimbursed from the Pro'ect Fund after sending its inv+oice(s) with dcicumentation substaintiaiting ils actual deists to the Fneject Representative within 301 daiys of reimbursement. SECTION 2 RE18FIC NSIBILITIESI OF OCIHCD AND COUNTY 3.1 General Respansibilities 3.1.1 OCFICD and C C UNTY ("O CFC D/CO UNITYI") shall review the Flre ject plans and financiailly contribute Ieiward the Prci'ect Fund as shown in Exhlbitl C21. Within fcirly (4C1) days of the execution cif this Agreeimentl, Ci aind CCUNTY shall) deliver to SANTA ANA a lump sum amount for design, constructliein, and the annual C&M; not exceed ONH MILIMCN, SIX- HUNIDRED THC USIA ND 01,ECICI,CICI01) as establisheid per Ewhibit C21, which wi11 be deposited intro the Iireject Fund Acaciunt. Upon sign -off cif all redaitled CPP at completion of Fire it construction according to the Approved Plain, CCFCD shall take ownership, eingeiing longl term C&M fern the portion of the Facility located upein OCFCD CC UNTY aind/or JWIA right -of -wary. 3.2 Envircinmenial Review) Peirmittin 3.2.1 C CFC D/ C C UNITYI and JW A shall ceiri with aill ofl the commitments and conditions set forth in the envircinmental documentation, environmental permits, appreiaals, wind applicable agr eeim anis obtained for the Anoj ect provided those commii tlments aind cern d i t ions have been aippreived by the OCACDiCCUNZIY llrejecit Representalive and. applied to eiach Party's neapcinsiHilities under this Agreement. 3.21.21 OCACLU COUNTYI Avoject Repreaentlative s prior reiview and approval of permit conditions and other reisciunce agency aipprovads shall be required far any tlhatl aiffeict or could impaiat the constructlion cin C&M cif the Diverikin Structure within CCIFCD cir COUNTY right- of-way or facilities, or other OCFCU/ COUNTY C&M activities. 3.3 Desi n Santa Ana -Delhi UarineI Mursiicn Arojfiai Agreemerq D15-0'I_'I Hage 17 till 69 12-21 -1.3.1 CCFCD, COUNTIYI and . WA sHall raview all draft anc finail desigr reports, calculations, and PSI&E submitted by SANTA ANA flvir Broject thrciugH the CPP process. Such CCFCD. CCUNTYI, JWA review and approval will be limited lei review of thea proposed Facilities on OCFCD, COUNTY cir JIWA right-cif-r&ayl for conformance wiles CCFCD, COUNTY or JWA staindards, criteria customs, and practices; tci review impliealicins upas IHe Golf IJessee and proposed remedies, and Iei ensune the proposed will not irterfl re with the flood contrail function of the Channel. Subsequent loi the OCFCD, CCUNTYI, JWIA final BS&E approval thait becomes the Approved Plains upon mutual acceptaincei by all Broject Rapresentatives, any material design chargee variance shalll regluire mutual approval by all PrcJAny Representatives. ny design change which if imiplementec would materially ailter the lermis and financial obligations of IHe Pairlies sHaill reqs ire an amendment cif this Agreement appnovred in woitingl Uy each Flairty's board cir council. 3.4 Right of Way 3.4.1 3lemporary Ccirstruction Basement N inety (9101) daiys prior to IHe commenciement of airy construction activ ities for the Pro 'ect, JWA shall deliver to SAN HA ANA a 'lempcirairy Construction Easement (WE), substantially in the fcirmi of Exhibit D aittaiched, signed and ackdoiwledged by the Airport Dlinector and approved by The Irvine Comipany in aicccirdaince witH CCUNTY's mesting ccicument cibligations. If requested by JIWA, SANTA ANA shall provide a leglal descripticin in accordance with Section 21.4.1 above for this TCB in ai farm arc cc p tab I e to The Irvine Company, CC UN flY and C CFIC D. 3.4.2 Ease mie nl Prior to the commencement cif any construction activities Rit the Bro'eet, if deemed necessary, JWA shalll deliver la the OCACD's ❑irectcir air easement deed substaintially in thea form cif Exhibit E, with ai leglail description provided by SANTA ANA in aiccordarce with Secticir 2.4.1 aibovc that has been approved by Me )Irvine Company in accordance with the terms of COUNTY's vesting deed. 11ha easement would convey) rights to OCFCD needed far C&M of the pcirlian of IHe Facilities located on CCUNTY land. CCFCD)CCUN'MJWA legall aind administrative ccists associated with This easement ane ai Flrojacl cost in Exhibill C3. SANTA ANA shalll receive invoices accordingly frcim JIWA and COUN31Y1 fcir payment cif said cases. SANTA ANA shall pay invoiccs ais they became due from the Prcpcct Bund. JWA aind COUNW shall )deep aipprapriata records and aiccaunls supparlingl amounts invaiced. Said records and accounts shall be sub'ect to reasctnaible inspection by Project Rleprescntatiives at thein expense and by ainyl Grant funding autheril ieis. 3.5 Construction 3.5.1 In eirder to reduce Pro'ect cases, OCFCEI, COUN3IY and JWA shall waive any costs or fees with respect to the pennits issued by either cif lhem in furlheraincei cif the Breject. The ten -ns and condilieins cif the pennits shall be ctansistert wilH this Agneeiment, and in the caise ofl a conflict, the teirms and canditions of this Aglreement shall cantral. Sarna Ana -Delhi CFarnel Divarsiori Projekt Aguaeimient lal5-013 Pagel 118 cif E19 12-22 3.`.2 During construction OCFICE, COUN 111Y and JIW1A, their agents, eimplcyees and ccntlraictcns, 0ail l haivei aid equate access 1c Pro'eict areas, 1 c peirfeirm Meir reispan sib i I itieis pursuaint 1ci any issued CAP, this Agreement, and aictliuitica aiuthari2ied under IHei Orainge County Flccd Ccintrcl Act. CCFCD and CCUNTY shiaill assign tlhei Oversight Inspecicm to verify that constlructicin of lhei Diversion Structure and eilheir Baicilities cin OCFCD aind COUNIIY right -cif• way acre accomplished in ai gocid, wcrkrdain-like manneri and in aiccordance wi1H 1Hei Appneiveid Plana per OCFCD and CCUNTYI standaird. The Oversight Inspector shall nolifyl JWA and SANTA ANA's Pro'ect inspector cif any issue with construction per the terms cif the CPP. 3,53 Upon receipt of notificaitlion by SANTA ANA that the Faicilities (including) the Diversion Structure) halve been substantially ccimpleteid, the CPB Inspecicm shaill conduct) a wailk-thrciugh to proivide ai list of outstanding items, if any, needed to close ciut the ecinstlruclicin peirmit. The Cmersight Inspector shall communicate his/hem concerns on all maitlers relaited to construction of Facilities within, cir aiffeicting CCFCD aind/cin CCUNTY's righl-of-way thrciugH SANTA ANA's Pro'ect inspectori. Upem completion cif the construictien and satisfaction cif all outstanding items, the Director shall prcivide SANTA ANA with writlen approval thait construction of the Diversion Structure has been cicimpleted pear the Appricived Plans aind the related CPA shall be signled ciff. Upcm sign -tiff cif ail] related CPA at completion cif Prq.ect construction according to the Approved Plan, CCFCD)CCUNTYI shall Hake ownership and ]ting -Herm C&M. 3.5.4 CCFCD)CCUNTY ceists associaited with the Ovensighl llnspectot, CPP, and airy cithen independent inspecition cif the Brc ect construction area ai Prci'eictl cost) in Exhibit) C3. SAN BA ANA shall rec eiive i n v+oi cies ac cord i nga y through CPP for payment of said costs. SIANTA ANA shall pay invoices as they become due fnoimi the Project Fund. CCFCD)CCUNTY sheill keep appnopriatei receinds and acceiunts supporting airri invoiced. Slaiid records aind alcceiunis shall be sub'ect tc reiasenaible inspection by Bnojeict Rlepneseintativ�es at their expense and Hyl any Grant funding aiutHorities. 3.6 C rant 3.6.1 OCFCD/COUNflY ackriowledges the Prcjeict is mallei possible by virtue of certaiin Graints and aiglrees tai makes every effort tci aissist and cccperaplei with SANTA ANA, the Grant Administrator, for the Project tci remain in full ceimpliaincei with the teirms of the Graint. 3.1 Openaition aind M aii n teinanc e 3.1.1 Upon CCFCD/COUN3IY aicoeptaince of Facilities within OCFCD/COUNIIY and/cit TWIA right -of -wary, OCFCD shall either perform Facility) C&M or ailleirnailively, OCFCD shaill antler irto a ccntraict for a third part}] ("O&M Contractoir"; Iei perform the Faicilities C&M. The Facilities shall bei cpeiraiteid and maintaiinec in ecccirdaince with tlhe tleirmis apprcived by the Directcir as set fcithh in tlhe 0&M Manuail. An appraued C&M Manual pursuant) to Slectiein 2.7 above and 0&M contracts covering the entire Bacilities shall He provided to OCFCD/COUNTY, JWA and CC STA MESA by SANTA ANA pricer tc completion cif Broject construction to ensures Icing -term Facility C&M. In the case wherei CCFCD cin CC STA MRSA has chosen tc perform their respective C&M duties without the acid cif an indepeindent cantraictca, an 0&M contraicil may ncit He required. Santa Ana-❑edhiCtarinelOi%arsiionNojual Agreemerii D15-01?I Pagel 719 of 69 12-23 3.7.2 CCFCD and COSTA MESA shalll ensure (heir C&AM Ccintractcu anc those perfeumingl C&M abice by IHe Insurance Requirements as specified in Exhibit C (Insurance, Eonds, and Warranties), and naime each Parly and '' WA as an addilicinal insured, and Malt such Contractor's and subccint►aicitcins' indemnity, defense, hold harmleiss, and insurance obliglaiticins under their respective C&M ccintraict with the Contractor and Iliait it expressly benefit each ether Par N and JWA in the saime manner and to the saime extent as if they were the ciriglinail signaitciries oflsaiic contract. OCFCEI and CCSTA MESA shalll furlHer ensure workers inclluding third party ecintraictcirs follow the C&M Manual and othe► maiintenanee manuals cir gluides for IHe Aacilities. 3.7.]I Within fifteen (15) days of written notice fioam a Prefect Representaitiv+e cif a reicessairy repair and/on nepllacement cr either remedial) action for ceimpliance with the C&M Manual or this Agreement, the O&M Contractor, CCFCD aind/cir CCSTA MESA depending upon the location in need cif said work shall prcimptly talde aetie;n tci perfbirm the necessary work. Shciuld than party net commience or diligently work toward ccmpleticin cif the repairs, replacement, aind/or remedy] required, the Arefect Represenlative may perfeann con caiuse the repairs, replacement, and/or remedy tci He ccimpleted, and the ceist.i thereof may Hes reimHurseic from an C&M Fund. 3.7.4 Ifl in the course c:f ncirmail C&M Facility operations, CCFCDiCCUNTYI notice unusual types and quantities cif debris and trash collected ail the Faicilily, the Direcleir will]. so notify the Parties whci may discuss what upstrearni debris and trash reduction meaisures should He implemented in thea tributary system to resolve this issue which would He addressed in a separate agreement, not included within cibliglations herein. Coasts to implement theses nneiaisures, ais possible, will not be assessed againsl ain 0&M Fund unless agreed tci by the Parties. Each Rally shall maintain its infrastructure, as needed, lei minimize the conveyance cif any debris and traish to the Diversion Aacility. If unusual aimcunts cif debris are fciund in the Facility, IHei Rallies will discuss what upstream debris and Iraish reduction measures should He implememled in thei tributary system los resolve this issue. 3.7.5 Coeraticinail aind Maintenance Coasts Within 4(1 days cif the Elffective Date, SANTA ANA shall disburse an upfront, lump -sum initial S 1,000,000 payment intci thea 0&M Fund cif CCFCD ais the Initial C&M Depcisit. A Party's proportionate share obliglaticn tci fund Additional Annual C&M Cosl: are Ica He paid ais indicated cin Dxhibit C2 on, or before January I" of each year, cr as otherwise established in writing] by the Parties. OC WD and IRWD shalll not hauei any eibligaiticin tci fund Additional C&M Ccists. Amounts paid by the Parlies fear Additicinal Annual O&M may be deposited intei separate O&M Fund accounts Held by either OCFICD or COSTIA MESIA desiiglnatec fcir C&M of the Facilities. CCFCD and CCSITA MSIA shall pay coasts out cif thein respective O&M Funds as they become cue and in accordance with the terms cif this Agreement. COSTA MRSA O&M Fund and charges are addressee in Section 5. 3.7.E Overhead 3.7.(.1 All C&M coasts f6 Areject Facilities allocated to the Aairties in accordance with the terms herein sHaill include the ccist ofICCPCD/CCUNTY labor, services and equipment, determined on a time and maateriaal basis, using the actual numHer of mean -hours eind equipment -hours required Sania Ana-Deilhi C[arnel Divursior Projeicn Agreement DIj-013 Pap ao oll 69 12-24 (including travel time Ic arc from Ilieir respective facilities), multiplied by the apflicable rates for the c►ew members and equipment deployed. After -Hours services (cefined as Helween 5:00 p.m. on a working day) and 71:00 a.m. cin the ne?al, fcllowing work -day; ai "work day" shall exclude Saturcay, Sundays and cesigluated holidays for OCFCD)COUNBd unless otherwise appreeiv+ed by the respective Fnojecl Representative for OCFCD/COUN'lY1) will bei charged at time and a half. Equipmient and material raites shall be approved by the Project Representatives for CCFCD/COUNW anc in accordance wills CCFCDICOUNW's respective standards anc practices. The laibeir raites are comprised of direct anc indirect components. 31He direct labcir raite component is adjusted periodically by the authorized representatives cif OCFCDiCCUNTYI as salairy adjustments, which may include cost cif living, competitive wage, benefit and enrual hourly -rate schedule increases. The incirect component cif the labor rale reflects the general and aedministratiive cost, which shall include burden rates as c:itaiblishcd by CCFCD/COUN11Y1 covcringl costs associated wiles cverhead, contract management eind ether scrviices provided ("Burcen Rate"). As of the Dffeciive Date, the Burcen Rale for CCFCD/COUNTi1 is Seventy Four Point Three Sipa Percent (714.2I61/ci). The Parties acknowledge said Burden Rate is subject to change, aind agree tci pay the Burden Rate in effect when labcir, seer-Mices cr equipmenl are prciv+id ed. 3.7.7 Nuisaince Prevention Measures. The Parties acknowledge the Diversion Structure is situated en CCUNTY laird with certain reiccirded deed restrictieins and conditions prohibitingl use cif the land for any purpose which would ccinstitute ai nuisance or be offensive to the senses, health cr saifety of persons occupying, the land eir adjoining land. 11he Fairlies further agree CCFCD)CCUNTYI, the Direcicin, an O&M Ceintracicr eir any party upholding the 0&M duties cif IHeise portions cif the Aaicilities on COUNWO land maty take any reasonable action wind incorplcnate cleaning) and mainlenaince measures desiglned to reduce em eliminate odors or dithers aspects of IHei Facilities eir Prc('ect at the site which might violates the aiforementicned r saince deed nestricticns or to remedy{ ai maitteir cif particular concern they have been alerted tc by persein ciccufying the land or adjoining lane. Costs associated with any such action, measure, and communications concerning these matters shall be reimbursed from the C&M Fund er Resenei Fund. TIHe schedule for reglulair occurring maiinlenance, removal and hauling cif trash and debris may be adjusled ait the Director's sola discretion. The C&M Manual shall net limit the ability tc aidapt maintenance prcicedures or nestricl implementail ion of alternate preventive measures Ie avoid the presence cif ai nuisance. 3.1.8 HaulingDisposal and Discharge Costs. Facilities 0&M requires the Handling, extraction, haiulingl and disposal of seilids and the discharges of diverted flows; theriefcrei, thea Flarties, with exception cif OCWD and IRWD, aeg)reiei to ;ointly share in IHe respcirsibility for airy{ such costs and chargees associated therewith. Bach Party shall pay its respective properlicnate sheiro of these costs a;i an C&M cosi oblibaetieen. Ncitwithstancing the foregoing. the Parties aeglree to abide the terms in Seclion 91 (Hlazardeius Material) conceerning the presence cif a hazardous cr Ieimic substances, mailerial or waste and thaet this section shaill neit be interpreted as restricting. or limiting a Party's hazardous material responsibilities Herein or under federal cer statte law. sani'a Ana-Dedh i C harmed C eversion Prgie<d Ag reemanii D 15-0 J Huge 21 0169 12-25 -3.7.9 Reserve Fund. After eixhaustion of the Initial 0&M Despcisit, as portion of the O&M fund may be deposited and designated as the Reseirvei Pund which is tci be used to repair eir replace Ihes Facilities, Pro _'ect-• related Channel improvements and/or aippurlenaincesi, or portions thereof, damaged due tot as caitaistlrciphici event (ei.g. a seivere stcirm, seismic aclivityl air fire). . COS 11A MESA may utili21e Reserve Funds for the portions cif the Facilities it shall own and maintain by Having their Fbcjecil Repreisentaitive send a written request with supporting documentaiticin tloi the Director that specifies use cif funds consistent witH Resseirve Fund purposes. The Director Oaill provides Reserve Fund account statements with IHe annual O&M Fund resporling. Additional Annual 0&M Costs ccintributions from the Aairhies, in acsciclydance with the leirms herein, acre to be used tci replenish the C&M Fund and Rleserve Fund. . 3.71.1Q Additional A.nnuail C&M Costs A Party's proportionate share cibliglailior to fund Additlicinal Arrual O&M Costs are Iei bei paid as indicated on Exhibit C2 to OCFCD on, cm beiRine January I" cif each year, ori as otherwises established in writing by the Pairl ies. C CW D and INW O shall not have any clbliglation tai fund Additional C&M Costs. OCFCD shall pay ciosts out ofl its C&M Fund as they become due and in aicicordaincei wills the terms of this Agreement. 3.-).11 Afteri exhaustion of thea Iniltial 0&M Delposil, CCFCD)CCUNITYI agrees tial contributes tci Icing term C &M costs pep its oint proportionate shamie as specified in Exhibit Q. 3.7.121 Rec ands OCFCD shall maintain ai csompletle sell of recomds and accounts cif all 0&M Casts, maintenance aicitivillieis and schedules in accordance with gesnenallyl accepted acciaunting principles. Upor reaisanable notice, OCFC D shall permit a llairty o- Pairlies' Proeatl ' Representatives to inspecit and audit all world; mateirials, payrloll, boaks, aciciounts, and other dailai wind records of OCFCD. Pro'e!ct Repnesentativeis shall also haivei the riglhl to reproduce ainy such batiks, records, and aiccioiunts. The above provisions with respect to audits shall eixteind to and/or be included in contracts with CCFCD'9 ccintracstcros, Costs incurred pursuant) to this secilion area t'oi be paid by the Aairly or Parties initiating any inspection or audit. 3.7.13 0&M Ccist Annual Report CCFCD shall provide Spoinscirs am annual report of O&M Acciciunl tnansaicticros; than includes, C&M Costs), the C&M Fund of OCFCD and ainyl Reserves Fund mainlainesd by OCFCDI. Should the Initial 0&M Despositl be: deiplesled to less than 14CC,0CC by the end c f thea fifth year of Facility operaitlions, OCFCD shall so natifyl all Projecst Representatives wha may meeit and confer tlo evaluate if changes in C&M and fiscal strategies should be implesmenlesd, aind to ensure esnauglh fulnds by thea Spcinscirs amen available far OCFCD and CCEITA MESA to saitisfy thesis respescstive C &M responsibilities. Santa Ana-Dlalhi CIarinel Dkarsiori Plocjeal Agreement DI 4-011I Page 22 of E9 12-26 SIECTION 4 RESPONSIEILITIES OF NEWIPORT BEACH 4.1 Gencreil Reisponsibilitics NEWPORT BEACH shall review the Floeject's plans airs financially coinlribute toward the Projecl Fund as indicated in Exhibit C2. 4.2 Enviicinmentli Review; Permitting NEWPORT BEACH shaill comply] with all oftha acmmilmenls and conditions set fbilh in the enviionmenteil dcicumientaticin, envircnmeintail peirnnits, approvals, and aipplicatle agrecirri obtained fair the Prci'ecentsl t ais those commilmand conditions apply{ to their responsibilities under this Agreement. Nctwillhslanding the foregoing), NEWF10RT BEACH lhriough its designated Prci'ect Representailivei sheill reiview and aipprcime sill permit conditicins and cillieir resource agency{ apprcivals that affect IHe cc;nstruetlion and 0&M cif the Facilities, cir anyporlic:n thereoflwithin ilsjurisdiction air,d in, on, cir about its right -cif -way as tlo its respective compliance with apg lic aible Reglulat icins. 4.? Design NE WFIC RT BEA CH shall review ail] draft air final Project desigln reglcrts, and PSI&E ciuHmitted fair llheir approval and shall Have ills Projecil Rlepriesentaillivei respcind in writing tci SANTIA ANA as to a submittal's review for approval in ai tlimely manner. SuHsequent tial approval of the f]nad design, any material design chainge variance shall require mutual apprcivail by the Prcject Repreisental ive s. 4.4 Riaht of Way As indicatled in thei Preliminary) Plan Bx:hibit B) no pipelines for IHe Plregect are proposed to He iwitadled within tlhe public right -cif -wary cif NEWPGRT BEACH. However, in the event the final design necessilaticls the use of public riglhl-of-way and in alydeir tci reduce Prci'ect costs, Fiicivided tHaitl a request is in compliance wiles all permits and reglulaitory approvals, NBWIPORTI BEACH shail] allow the Pro'ect FaKililies or portiom thereofl(including the aforementioned pipelines) to be constructed, oglereited, and mainllain&, sifter an apprcpriiate review, within its respective right cif way. Any aidditicinad project costs shall be shared by the Parties other tlhan CCWD and IRWII I. 4.5 Construction NEWPCRT BEACH shall waive ainy casts or fees wilh reslglectl to the permits issued by ill in furtherance of the Prci'ect. The terms and conditions of the peinniis shall be consistleint with this Agreement, and in tlhe case cif ai conflict, the fermis and conditlicins of tHis Agreierri shall control. Prior to SANTA ANA's construction completion cif tlhe Diversion Structure and other Faiailitiies, NEWPORT BEACH shall have its respective Projecl Rlepnesentaitivei conduct a walk-through tai preirrptly review the improiveirni and provide arM commends. Upon satlisfacticin cif any aind all Sarna Ana -Delhi Chanrie I Diversion Hroject Agreerrieint D154113 Rap 33 of 69 12-27 IHe eoimmenls cit items, NEWPOMT BEACH shall have its Hreject Refresentalive prcivide written apprcival to SIANTA ANA that the Faaililies have Heen constructed in accordance wish the AE frovec Plans or are cithenvisc accertable. 4.6 Ccntribution 4.6.1 Within forty (4() days cif the executicin cif This Agreement, NEWBORT BEACH shall deposil a lump sum amount of CNE MILLION, FIVE -HUNDRED THCUSIAND DCLIIJARISI and 001100 (Q 1,5CIC,CCI0.C(), as establisheid per Exhibit C3, inloi IHe Projecl Func Accciunt. 4.6.21 After exhaustion cif the Initial 0&M Deposil, NEWPORT BEACH aglrees to contribute to long term 0&M costs per itsjciint prcpcirlieinate share as specifled in Exhibit C2. SECTIO N 9 RESPONSIBILITIES OF COSTA MESA 5.1 General Respcinsibilities C09DA MESA shall review IHe Projecl plans anc f nanciallly cointribuie toward the Projecl Fund as shown in Exhibit C21. In furtherance) ofl IHe Broject, Costa Mesal may include the installation of a segment) ofl the Project's force main in con'unction witlh cines ofl thein City's current construction contracts. In this cases, costs to ccinstruct this portion shall ciff-sel its financial ccntribution shown in Exhibit C21. Upon ceimpleticin cif the Pro --'eat, COS111A MESA shall lakeownership, ongoing long-urm O&M responsibilities fair thea Projecl force matin cir plipchne, excluding) Ihaise pcirtions which area part ofl the Facilities locatad on CCFCD, COUNI'RYl and/cit JIWIA riglhl-ofl-way. 5.21 Environmental Review / Bennilting. CCSTA MESA shall comply) with all cif the commitments and ccinditieins set forth in the environmenlal documentation, einvireinmental permits, approvals, and applicable agreements obtained fot the Project as those commitmeinls and condilicins aipplly lei its responsibilities under this Aglreement. Ncimithstanding thea foregloingl, COSMA MBISA Ihilough its designated Bnioject Representative shall review and appnovei ail] permit ccinciticins and other resource agency approvals thail affect the constnclicin and C&M of those portions of the Facilities ncit on CCFCD, COUNTY and)eir JWIA right -cif -way as to ils respective compliance W th applicable Regulalicins. 5.3 Design COSRIA MESA shall review all dnafl and final Hreject design nepcirls, and PS&E submitted for its approval and halve its Prcjeict Repnesenlalive respond in writing) to SIANTA ANA in a timely) mainner. Subseicuent to approval cif IHe final design, any material design chaingei variance shall require mutuail aipprcival by the Hreject Repneseinlatives. Saida Ana-Clelt i Clhanrieil Divers icin Rrcject Agroeirrent El 15-013 Rale 24 of 69 12-28 f.4 Right c f W aiy As indicatec in the Preliminary) Plan Exhibit EI) pipeilires for the Project are prcpcised lei be installed within the public night -cif -way of CCSTA MESA. In carder to reduce Areject cosl:i. provided that a tequesl is in caimplianca with all permits and regulatory appravals, CCSITA MESA shall allow the Prcijeict Pac,ilities or portion thercicif (including the aifeireimenlioned pipelines) lei be ecinstru'c;teid., ciperaled, and maintained within its respective right cif way at net acditicnal cash. 5.5 Construction In orceir to reduce Areject ccsts, CCS11A MESA shall waive any costs or flees with respect to the permits issued by it in furtheirancei of the Projecl. Thei terms and conditicins oflthei permits shall bei ccnsistent with this Agreement, and in the cmei cif a conflict, the terms ani cainditiens cif this Agreement shall control. Ulpen receipt cif notification than The Facilities or separately ccmitructeid parlieins thereof have been substain l ial ly com p le ted, CO S111A MESA shall have its Pro 'e ct Rleip resc n tative conduct a walk-through to promptly review the imipnevements and provide any carnmenls as tc any pcirlien c the Fa6lities nct en CCFCD, CCUNTY and/cr JWA righl-of-way. Upon satisfaeticn of any and all the comments or items, CCSTA MRSA shall have its Projekt Represenlative prcvidc written approval to SIANTA ANA that saiid Aacilityl components have been constructed in accairdance with the Approved Plans or etheirwiise acceptable. Said notice shall be deemed CCSTA MESA SI acceptance cif ownership arc mairtenarce respansibility for the Forlicins cif the Facilities ncit cin CCFCD, COUNTY and/or JIW1A right -cif -way. 5.6 Contribution 5.6.1 Within forty (4) days cif the execulicin of this Agreement, CCSTA MESA shall deipeisit a lump sum auric u n i of SIX -HUN DRE D 11HOUS A N D DOLLIA RS AND Clu i cCI (g 6 CICI, CICICI.OICI), as indicated in llmhibit C21, into the Project Fund Account. CCSTA MESA has the ciplion to, construct a segmenl of the farce matin in con' *unction with cine of their construction contracts; in this easel, costs expended to construct this poirtioin shall tiff set their financial ecintrbution as established herein; in which their pertien cf the 46(10,00101 shall be used. SANTA ANA shall advance COSTA MESA, under ;iepamatei agreement, the 4600,CICICI anc any additional funds requirec for the carstruicticin of ai pcihicn cf the force main with cines of (heir construction contracts. COSTA MESA shall reimburse SANTA ANA as stipulaleid per theiir agreement. 5.71 Operation wind Maiinlenancc 5.7.1 Upon COSTA MESA acceptance cif carlaiin Facility pipelines and aippurlenant ccimpaincints. COSTA MESA eir ils contractor shall perform the O&M for said imiprovemenls with all expenses and costs vaimbursed frcim an C&M Fund, as specified in Seclicin 3.7.3 or Rleserve Fund. The Facilities shall be operated and maintained in accordancei with the terms as set ferth in the 0&M Manual. CCSIIIA MESA shall crimie any of its centractcirs perfcrrriing 0&M cn the Facilities abide by the Insurance Requirements ais specified in Exhibit G (Insurance, Elcirds, and Warranties), and name each Party and JWA as an addilicinal insured, and Sana Arial-Delhi Dairinel Diversiori Pucijeicit Agreemant D15-013 Hage 29 of 69 12-29 that such contractor's and subecinlnacleirs' indemnity, deflense, lieilcl liarnless, aind insurance obligations under their respective contract expressly benefit each either Flairty and JWIA in lhle same manner and to the same exlent as if they were the crigiral signatories oft said conlract. COSTA MESA shall further ensure workers includingl third parry ceintractcros follow the C&M Manual and other maintenance manuals or guides for thea Hacililies. 5.71.2 Within twenty (21() days cif %witten notice fralm a Prci'eat Representative of a necessary repair and/cin replacement olr cilhler remedial action f6 -compliance with the C &M Manual or this Agreement within those pcirlicins of the Hacilities owned and maintained Hy CCSTA MESIA, CCSTA MESA shall prcimptly take tHei remedial action to perform or have its conlract perfdinm the necessary work. Should it not commence or diligerlly work toward ciamplelion of the repairs, replacement, and/cm remedy required, CCFCD may perform air cause the repairs, repVacerrent, and/or remedy tai be completed, and the costs thereof may be reimbursed by invciicingl the either Partics acccindingl tci their proportionate share as shciwn in Exhibit C2 and the terms herein. 5.81 Additional Arcual C&M Coasts 5.81.1 A Flarty's proipcirliemate share cit ligatior to furl Additiora] Annual O&M Ccists are to be paid as indicated on Bmhibiit C21 on, air before Jlanuary I" of each year, or as otherwise established in writing by the Parties. OCWD and IRWD shall not have any obliglaticin tcl fund Additional 0&M Costs. COSTA MESIA shall pay ccisls out cif its O&M Funds by callabalrating with OCFCD tar acquire said funds for Hacility 0&M Costs in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 5.9 C&M or Reservei Hund Ulilizalicn 5.9.1 In addition to reimbursement for payment cif expenses, CCSTA MHSIA may receiver as 0&M coasts allocated to the Parliies in accordance witH the terms herein its labor, services and equipment costs determined air a time and maternal basis, using the actual. number of man-hours and equipment -hours required (including travel limes to and from their respective falcilities), multiplied by the applicable rates for the crew members and equipment deployed. After-hours services (defined as betw+eien 5:CC p.m. on al working day and 11:00 a.m. on the next, following work -day; ai "woirk day" sliall excluce Slaturcay, Sunday<I and designated holidays for C0911A MHSIA unless otherwise approved by IHe respective Project Represenlative for COSIIIA MESA) will be charged at time and a half. Bgluipment and material rates shall be appraived by the Pro'eet Representaitime for CCSTA MRSA, as the case may be, and in accordance with it<i respective standards and practices. f.9.21 The latch rates are ecimprisee orf direct and .indirect components. 11h1e direct lalbcir rate ccrrpcnent is adjusted pericd:ically by the autheriaecl represenlaitivms of CCSTA MESA as salary adjustments, whicH may include cost cif living, ccimpetiliive wagle, benefit and annual Hounly-rate schedule increases. 'He indirect component of the labor rate reiflecls the general and administraitivei cosi, which shall include COSTA MESA Burden (late. As ofthe Effective Date, the Burden Rates fair CCSITA MESA is 891/a. The Paries aicknowledge said Burden Plates is subject to change, and aglree Iel pay IHe Burden Rales in effect when labor, services cr equipment are provided. Sarila Ara-CcilHi Chan rial Diversion Hroject Algrciarrent D15411 Pap 36 o169 12-30 5.S.3 CCSTA MBSA may utilize Reserve Funds to repair or replaice the Facilities air particins therecif, daimaged due to a catastrophic even) 11e.gl. a severe storm, seismic activity, cin finie) by sending) a written request with supporlingl documentation to the Director that specifies a use cif fulnds consistent wiles Reserve Hund purposes. Upon acimpletion cif work paid with Reserve Hunds, COSTA MESA shall send CCFCD an accounting) of expendec funds aind return any unused funds for depoisit Hack inlai Ilse Reserve Acccourt. 5.9.4 Afler exhaustion of the Initial 0&M Depcisr't CCSITA MESA aigrees lei ccinlniibule to leing term C&M costs per its:oint proporiionaite shaire ais specified in Hxhibil C21. 5.10 Rlecords COSITIA MESA shall maintain a cicimplele set cif records aind accounts of adll C&M costs, maintenance activities aind schck u l e s in accordance with gen erail 1 y accepted accoiunti n g principles. Upon reasonable notice, COSIZIA MHSIA shalll peirm't ai Parly, or Fairties' Pro'ect Representatives to inspect aind audit all world, mailerials, paiyrlcill, books, accounts, and ether daitai aind records of CCSITA MBSIA. Hnejecl Rlepresentailives shalll also have the right to repreiducei any such books, records, and accounts. '11he above provisions with respect to aiu6ts shall extend to and/or be included in ccntraicts with CC STA MBSIA'S contractors. Costs incurred duel to lHis section are to be paiid by lHe Harty cr Harlies initiaiting ainy inspection or audit. SBCTION 6 RE'SFICNSIBILITIESI CF IRWD 6.1 Geineral Responsibilities llRW1D shall review the Project's plains anc frainciailly contribcte toward the Pro_'ccl Hund as shown cin Exhibit C 1. 6.2 Envirormertail Review; Permitting IRWD shall comply with alll cif the commitments and condilicns set forth in the einvironmenlail docume n tail icin, environmental permits, approvals, wind applliciable eigreemenls obtained fon the Hreject ais thcise commitments wind conditions aipply to its responsibilities under this Agreement. E.3 Deis' n IRWD shalll review aill draft and final Hrojecat design reports, and PSI&E submilted for its aipprcimail. 1RWD's Pro 'ect Representatimei shall respond :in whiting) to SANTA ANA as le a subrn illllal's review for approvail in a lirrely mainner. Subsequent to aipprovalll of the final design, ainy material desigln change uaniaince shall require mutual aipproval by the Hrc ect Reip nesen l ati v+e s. 6.4 Righl cif Way - lmtenticnaliv deletes Santa Arial-Cleill'i Clhannal Diver�iion Pro:eo Ailreemam DIj-0Ill Halle 37 of 69 12-31 6.5 Construclicr IRIWD shaill waive any casts em feels with respect ter the permits issued by IRWD in furtherance of the Pre'ect. 'flue terms and conditions of the permits shall he acinaistent with this Agreemeint, and in the aaise of a conflict, the teinns and conditions of this Agreemeint shall contrcil. Prior to SANTA ANA's ceinstruction compleitiein cif the Diversion Structures and other Facilities, IRIWD shall have its Prci'ect Rleipresenlaitivie conduct a walk-through to promptly reviews thea improvements and provide any comments. Upesn satisfaction cif any and all the ecimments or items, 1RWTI shall have its Hroject Reipneiseinlativ+e prcviidei written approval to SANTA ANA that the Facilities heimei been constructed in accordance w ith the Appreiueid Alans our are otherwise acceplable. 6.6 CcntriUuticin 6.6.1 Within forty (40) days of the later of (i) execution cif this Agreement cir (ii) the expiration cif the applicable challenges peiriods fat thea Project envireinmeintal documentation em (iii) thle resolution cif all court actions challenging such environmental documentation, IRWD ,ihaill maitre a cine -brei lump sum payment Of ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY! -FIVE THCUSANDI DOLLARS (a IS5,12001), ass denoted per Exhibit Cl., into the ProC ct Fund Account. 6.6.3 IRWD shall ncit be, eshligaited Ies paiy cit ceintriUutei tci C&M casts or required tc cesntributei to the Reserve Fund for the Aacsility. Prcuisicns in this Agreemenl stalirgl IPMD's nicn- responsibility fan particular casts or contribulicins shall ncit limit the glenenality esf thlis Slection. 6.71 Dischargas During the Term 6.51.1 IRWD shall have the right tci continue to apply far permils consistent withl the terms and conditions of IRWD's existing) CPP issued permits Ncis. 2015-004315, 201f -101101442, 2019-CC444, 2015-CI01445, 2C]5-00461, 20115-00439, 2015-00440 and 2015-CC44 ] allowing far their dischargei(s) info 9ainla Anai Gardens Channel (which further dischargers to the Channel) from its Well Nas. IRWD-1, IRWD-.11, IRWID-C-E, aind IRWD-C-9, and directly into the Channel fram its Well Nos. IRWEI-2, IRWD-4, IRIWD-5 and IFJWlD-6, ar any replacements Ic these weill,t in kind, with similar discharge release, quantities and firming. 6.71.2 COUNTIY shaill not unreasonably cainceil or withhcild renewail cif any{ such dischairgei permits Ies IRWD, which area in full cesmpliaince and effect ern the Effective Date, an suhstantiailly the same terms and condilicna, provided IRIWID abideis by COUNTY'S permit appJcalicini and renew ail proc eiss with payment of applicable standard fees. SIECTION 7 ORANGE COUNTY! WATIER DISTRICT II Generasl Responsibilities The Presject proposers to divieil dry-weiathar flows an Oranges County Slanitailicn District ("OCSD") trunk line for conveyance to its sanitary sewer treatment p ant and thereafter ter the Santa Ana -Delhi Channie I Diversion Projew Ague errient Ell 5-Ol 3 Pap 38 of 69 12-32 CCWD Groundwater Replenishment Slystem. In furtherance oflthe Arojecl, CCWD will make a one-time, lump -sum payment cif ONIH MIIJIJICN DOLMARSI 15.I,G!CICI,CICICI) towaird the Pro 'eict aonsiruction ciosts ("OCYM Project Cointributiion") pursuant to the termis and acrtditicins prciuiced herein. CCWD shall have not responsibility for Ihie design, conslructiicin operation, mairtenarce or repair cf the Prcpeet. OCW1D's sole respcirsibiEty uncer This Agreement shall be payment of the OCWD Prci'ect Coninibuliicin in accordance with the terms herein. 71.2 Elnmircinmental Review; Illermittins;.1ntenil.*cncllydeleted 71.-.I Desi, .lrteriConallydeJeted 14 Right ofWaiy.Intcrrtioriellydelated 1.5 Construction. lrtendcincillydeletcd 'A.6 Ccmtributicr.. Within fifleen days of receipt frcm SIANTA ANA of ai cepM of the issued Notice of Completion, CCWD shall pay SIANTA ANA the CCWD Aroject Contribution. OCWD shaill not be responsible for shar7ing the 0&M Costs to operate and maintain the Facility or regluiined to contribute to the Maserve Fund for the Facility. 7.i1 Waiter Recipient. OCWD aigriees to rcceive water generated by the Aroject by allowing flows which are diverhed by the Project into ain OCSID trunk line and sanitary treatment plaint to be conveyed vial train smission pipelines into OC WD's Cnoiundwaiter Replenishment System. 'Ihe Plairties mutually agree that neither the Aroject nor cipleration of the Facilitics shall require CCWD to pay for its receipt of the Prciject'sl waiter (othcn than OCWD's payrrenl of thea OCWD Prci'ect Cortritution]. Ncthing contained in this Agreement or in any{ document related hereto shaill be construed to imply any rupnesentail icin or wairrainty, either express or implied, by ainy Alarty ais tci the quantity, quality, nature or ccindition of watch cr flcws civerlec by, virtua oflthe Aroject or a guarantee with regard to water rights or any interest therein. SECTIO N 8 INDEMNIFICATION 8.1 In ccintemplaticn of the proivisicins of Slectien 895.21 of thea California Government Cciee imposing certain torah liaibiliiy'ciintly upon public entities solely{ by reason of such entitias being pairlies to air agrecment as defined by Section 895 of the Government Cciee, etacill Party, pursuant to the authorization contaiined in Sections 8915.4 and 8915.6 of the Goveimment Code, Hereby agree to and shall indemnify and heild Harmlcss thet cithen Barties as provided in this Section. 8.2 SANTA ANA shall assumes the defense of, indemnify and Heilc1 Harmless the either Parties and JWIA, and each of their elected on appointed offrcera, employees, ciffrcials, volunteers, wind Santa Ansi-Delhi Chairinel Dimausion Projekt Agueurrent Dl 5-0111 Rage 29 oil 69 12-33 agents frcm aind aigaiinst any and all actions, camages, liability cir claims for death, injury, kiss, damaige or expense to persons or properly airising ftlorn or relatec Ici, or claimed Ici have arisein fhom air be related tci, the Diversion Sltructune, the Aacilities and/or the Areject or implementation oflthis Agreement, including claims c:r liaHility assciciatcd with SANTA ANA's responsibilities herein, including) Hut nol limitec tci, envircinmental compliance, design, construction, replacement, use, cperattion, maintenance, and/ or repair, cif the segmlent of CHannel impacted by the Project, the Diversion Structure, and/cin the Facililies, cir resulting from SANTA ANA's breach of its cibligailicins under the Agreement, execpt to the extent such actions, damages, claims, losses, expenses cm IiaHililies have arisen from cu re aite Ici the willful misccinduct cir negligent acts cif the indcmnifiec Parlyl, cir result from such Party's breach of its cibligation(s) undue the Agreements. 81.3 Each cif the Ilarties, tither than SANTA ANA and CCWIDI, shall assume the defense of, indemnify and Hold heirmless the eilHer Parties aincl JWA, and each cif their elected cir appciintecl cifflcers, employees, officials, volunteers aind aiglents frcim aind aiglainst any and all eicticins, damages, liability cu claims for death, injury, loess, damage or expeinsei to perscins cir properly airising frcim cir ralailed tci, or claimed to Have arisen from or He relatec to, the willful misconduct or negliglent acts air cimissicins of, or result frcim the breach cif this Agrleement Hy, such Party in connection with its participaticin in the Pro'ect air use cif the Diversion Sltructure em other component of tlhc Facilities, except tici the emtent such acticins, camages, claiims, losses, eNpenses or liabilities have arisen frcim the willful misconduct or negligent accts air eimissicins of, or result fiom the Hneach oflthlis Agreement by, the indemnified Party. If "udgment is entered against all the Aairtias by a court cif competent jurisdiction because cif the ecineurrent active negligence cir imprciper acts cif one cir more Pairties, the Parlies agree that liability will be apportioned as determined by the court. No Parlyl sHall request aj ury appcirticinment. 8.4 To thea fullest extent permitted by law, each oflthe Aarties tither than IRWD, shaill defend, indemnifly, prcitect, and hold harmless CC WD, its otfficers, aglentls, empleiyees, and independent ccintractcros (CCWD lAdemnitees) from and against any and all liabilities, actions, suills, claims, demands, losses, ccism, tortious, contractual, ceindemnation, inverse condemnation, judgments, arbitrailion award,i, settlements damagles, demands, orders, penailties, and expenses including legal ccists anc aittorriey fees (collectively "`Cllaimsi"), including but not limited to Claims airising frcim injuries to or death cif persons., for damage to ptoip,my, or liability cif any kind cir nature which OCWID Indemnities mayl sustaiir or incur upon them or any cif them as ai result of, arising cut of, cit in any waiyl connected with this Aggeemeint, use, ciperallion, maintlenence, replacement, and/ or repair of improvements, the segment of Chainnel in association with the Ancjcct, the Diversion Structure, aind Aacilitties on portions thereofi from any violation of any feeerel, state, an local law or cirdinaince, except to the extent such Claiims are alleged to be proximately caused Hy the negliglent acts, omissicins or willful misconduct) cif OCWU Indemnities in conncction witih or arising out of this Aglreement, or the performaince or breach cif Ibis Agreemeint cm the C&M Manual. SECTION 9 HAZARDO USI MATERIAL "HM -1" is defined ais ha2rardclUs materiail (inclucirg, Hut rcl limitlec tci, ha21arcciwi waste) that may regluire removal and dispatsial pursuanl to federal or staite law existing prior to the Pro act Santa Aria -Delhi Channel 1]iver�iion Project A.warnent 0154113 Pa®e 30 of 69 12-34 anc not disturbed by the Pro'eat. "HM -2" i<i defired as haaardolus material (including, but nclt limited tci, hiaaardaus waste) thail may require removal and disposail pursuaint to fedetaa air staile law clrly ifIcisturbed by the Frej act air as a resiuIt ofltHe Hnojecl. ''HM Mar aiglement Activities" is defined as rrainagerreint activities related tci either HM -1 cin HM -21 includingl, without limilation, ainy neceissairy manifest regluinements. clean-up acne dispcisail facility cesignalicins. If HM -I em HM -2 is found during) Hnojecl impleimeintation, SANTIA ANA will immediately notify the Halrtieis. The Parties are responsible far ainy HM -1 found within properly they own to the exurit provided by applicable law, anc cony irtci this Agreement shall nclt cause than liability to be aissurreid by cir transfen-ed to ainy other Party. If HM -1 is ciscovered, the Parlies will meet to deitermine the mci.it cclst-ciffective solution to deal with the HM -1 includingl, but reit limited to, chaing,es to the Projekt. Lnless otherwise mutually aglrced by the Parties, other Pairties shall not be responsible fclr the cost of HM Management Activities relaileid to HM -1 cin ancither Parly's paciperty, if ainy. If HM -2 is Riurd within Pro 'ecl lirrits, SIANTIA ANA will be respclnsible for HM Mainaglement Activities telated to HM -2 within the Pro _'ect limits. HM -21 relaled HM Mainalgeiment Aclivities during constructiclr shall be paid as ai Pro'ect ccinstruclion cost. HM -2 reilaited HM Management Activities aifter construction shall be paid from an C&M Fund it a icclydairce with the tenns herein. SECTIION la R©GULATORY CREDITS & OFFSIETSI If Ihei Prci'ect is considered a glualifleid offset proglraim by the Rleglicirail Board, such than load reducticins create rcqulalclry credils or offseits that may be Inaded aimongl the Hairties or cclllectiveily Iraced air sold to clthers by actions taken by ai Hairly's Hnoject Representative, IHei Harlies aglree that IHe credits will accrue Ick the Sponsors in proporlicin to their Sponsorship Sham cin Bxhibit C2a or C2b whichever is then in effect. Hrior to offering ils regulatory credits em clffscils for traide or sale to others, ai Sponsor thrlouglh its associated Project Representative shaill first present such offer to the clther Sponsors' Prci'ect Represertaitiveis wHei shall Have a first right of reifusal, to acquiree according to their Spcinsonship Share. SIECTICN 14 ADDITIONAL POINT SOURC Ell PARTI C1PANTS 11.1 Al any time the Pro _.ect Facililies becomingl operational, addilicmad parlies may wish to participaite in the Prci'ect. Parties may initiate negotiations with others than mc1Ne into the Waiturshed Area, such that they could enter into an aglreement as1 an Additional Pairticiparil tci receive regulailclry compliance, offsets on credits offered by the Hnoject, provideic Ihait the party approprialelyl contributes towairc the 0&M costs. 11.2 Additional Hairticipainls shall enter into an aglneeiment with a term cciincidinol with this Agreement than is signed by all Parries. '11He Additional Participant shall aigree tci comply with the terms and conditions heneir (eucluding tHcise periaining solely Io the Prejecit's cesign ainc constructicm) and to pay invoices Ric their Cost Shaue cif C&M costs within forty (40) days cif race ipt of an inveiice. Each Additional Participant shall indemnify Bind hock the Pairlies aind JW1A and each cif thein elected or appointed eifflrers, employees, officials, volunleens, aind agents from aind against ainy aind all actions caimaigeis, liability or claims far death, injury loss, damage eir Sairila Ana-Dlelhi Channi d Divansion Prajeci Agreerriont U15-013 Hale 31 of E19 12-35 eNpense to persons cir prciperty arising from cr related to, or claimed to Have arisen from cr He related to, the willful rrisccinduet our neiglligenl acts or omi:isicins ef, or result from thea breach of this Agreement Hy, such Pany in connection with its pairticipalicin in the Projecl eiri use ofl the Diversion Structure or olHer component cif the Facilities. Addiliona] Participants shall not halve ai Pnojecl Repreiseintailive fair IHis Agreement, unless such party later Heicomes an assignee or successor of a Parry. 113 After entarirgl inlo an Additional Harlicipeinl agreeirrent the Parties may amend the Ccst Share percentages, with any material alteration it the financial cibl'gations cif 1He Harries requiring an aimencirnent to this Agreement to be approNed in writing) by the Pairly's beard ciouriciil, or governing) bcdy. Adc iticinal Participants' Cost Shout shall include a premium above whait is atlribulable to them by virtue of their Walershed acreage percentage, percentaigle of discharge or acknowledged Hencfit. An additional One Point Five Pcrcenl (1.5%) premium shall be paid by the Addilional Parlicipant iniei an 0&M Fund. The amount cif premiumi mai}{ be revised by wrilten approival cif the Hro'cct Representatives. SECTION 1121 SUCCESSORS AND ASISIGNS This Aglreemcrt shall inures to and be for the benefit of the successcirs and assiglns of the Hairties hereto. A Hairty shall not assign cin do legates its reapcnsibilitlics or performance uricer this Agrecrrent, nor any pail 11herccf, wilhoutl the prior written ccinsent of the non -assigning Harties. Wor to any such assignmeint or ccinveyance, Marl Party shaill preivide IHe Prajeict Representatlives with the proposed assignee's wr'tten assumption of sill of the respective Party's responsibilities and obligations pursuanl tc this Agreement. SucH consent shall not be unreasonably wilhheld. Any purported assigjnmeint, ecnveyeince or encumbrance of any of the Facilities without such ur.ainimeius wrilten ccrsent shall be null and void. In tlHe evert cif airy assignment, ceinveyanae, andioir encumbraince of a Hairty's respectlive interestls in the Watershed Draiirage Area right-of-way, that Harty shall proivicie 1He other Pairlies ait least three (3) meintHs writicin notice cif any sucH proposec transaiction or event. SECTION ll? ATTOMNEY'S EIEDS Unless ctherwiise specified herein, in any action cir prcceedingl to enforce cir interpretl any provisicin of this Agreement, or where ainy provision Herecif is validly) ,asserted as a defense, the Parlieis shall each bear Their ciwn attorney's flea, costs aind emrenses. SECTION 114 ENTIRIE AGREEMENT, GOVERNING LAW; A MENDMENTI; CC UNTERPART; AVIIAILIAHI LITV 0 B FL NDS 14.1 Entire Agreement. This Aglreeimcnt including the Exhibila and eill applicable permits and CPP constitutes the entire aglrcement betwieer the Pairlies heirete and supersedes all prior agreements and uncerstandirg;s, both writlen and oral, among the Harties wish respect tci the subject maitler herecif. Notwithslandina the fciregleiinj, this provision shall nol neleasc any Harty Sarnia Ana -Delhi 0aincil Diversion Prajco Agreemcrn DI 5-01:1 PaOG 33 of E19 12-36 from any obliigationa under any prieir agreements lei be perfcirmed Illrough the 13ffective Dale or from any obligations of indemnification based upon events ciccuning prior to the Efheclive Date. This Agreement shall be construed as if prepaired UN aill Harties hereto. 14.21 Geiverring Law. California law .hall govern the interprelaiticn cif this Aglreement. Any aictiein or prucieedingl brought to enforce the Agreement, or related tci the Agreement, shall be brought in Crargle Counly, California, notwithstanding the provisicim cif Californiai Code of Civil Procedure Section 394. 14.3 Amendment. Any aimendment to this Agreement shalll be made in wrilinul and signed by sill of the Parties heretci. 14.4 Counterpart. The A glre emant and any ame n d m enl heire I ei may be e N ecu ted in one or mole ccunterparls, each of which shall be deemed an cirigpinad, but all cif which together shall ceinsiiitute cine and the same instrument. 14.5 Availability of Funds. All obligations of the Parties, including those exercised thriough the Pro'ect Representatives, under the terms of this Agreement acre sub'ect to the availability of funds appropriated fot This purpei,ie, aind noilhingl Herein sHaill be construied as obligating any Pairty tci eexpend or as invcilvingl any Party in any other ceinlract cir eibligaiticin kin the future paiyrrlent cif mciney in excess cif appropriations authors zed by law. SECTIC N 15 NOTICES Any notices given pursuant to the Agreement or reglarding matters contained within this Aglreeimeint shall be deemed delivered upon personal delivery or five (5) days after depcisit it the United Sltaites Maid, first class, postage prepaid, addressed to the Project Rleipresentaitive cif each Party ail the aiddress included in IHe signature section. Notice under this Agreemenl shall be giver tci each Party aind JWA using the folloiwingl contact information, unless any Project Rlepresertail ivei gliveis ncitice of ai changes in Prci'ect Represeinlative eir contact information pursuainl to this Election, in nhich case the new infcirrnatiein shall be substituted fcir the information sel forth in this Section. Santa Ana-qulhi Oarinel Divansion Project Agnuarrient C 15-Ol3 Hage'13 of 69 12-37 City of Santa Ana Tyrc n a Cl:lesanek, P. E. Brincigal Civil Engineer Bublic Wcrks AglencN - Conslruicticn 210 Civic Center Plaza M-2121 Sawa Ana, CA S 217C!2 PHcne: (714) 647-`IC14J Email: ticheaaneW@santa-aina.ctgl City of Nawport BlcaoH Dave Miff City Managet IN Civiic Center Drive FC Bom 1768 Newpert EleacH, CA 912658 Rhone: (S49) (44-3COI Email: dkiffCnewportbeaohca.glcm City cif Ccsicai Mesa Baltazar Majia Aving Cily Engineer Pub I is Services 77 Fair Dlrive, 4`t' Fir Costa Mesa, C A . 926216 Bhc ne:11714) 754 -521221 Email: NAE IL.TOMA@cestamesaoa.elc v OCWD Jlchn Kennedy Executive Clirecter eflEnglireering and Water Resources Orarig,ei Ccuntyl Wlalcm Distrial 1870C Ward Street Hcuntain Valley CA 9127018 Bhc ne: (714) 378-33014 Email: jkennedyCoc"d.com Cou n ty of Orangle/ Orange County Flood Control Uktricit S Bane L. Ali Isby OC Hublici Works Direcleir OC Publia Works 300 North AIc%%er Street Santa Ana, CA 92703-5010C Haasimile: (714) 834.2395 RE: D 15-013 FC 1 Diversion Breject wiles corlyl to: JoHn Wayric Airportl Airpert Directcr Barry A. Rcncincilla 31601 Ainvay Avenue Ccsta Mesa, CA 9216216 Facsimile: (54S) 252-5044 RE: Slainta Ana-DelHi Diversicn Priojecl IRWU General Manager Irvine Ranch Water District 1560C Stand Can y1c n A vie Irvine, CA 92716 Hhorie: (94S; 453-53C01 Bacsirr, le: (94 9) 453-1228 Email: ccck a invd.ccm Santa Ana -Delhi Chanriel Diversion Projeai Agreerreint Il154113 Rage 34 of 69 12-38 SECTION 16 STEN"ERA H I LITY If ainy covenant, term, condilicin, or precision of this Agreement shaill, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder cf this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable tci 1He fullest extent permitted by law unless that covenanl, term, condition, or pravisicin declared to be invalid is so material than its invailidily deprives any Aarly of the basic benefit cif its bairgaiir or renders the remainder cif IHis Aglrcement meaningless. SECTION 171 NO THIRD PIART11 BENEIIIC IARIE S No custcimer, other person or entity tither than the Pairlies and JWA shall be deemed to be a tHird party beneficiary Hereof and ncithing in this Aglreementt, either express ce implied, is intended to ccinfet upcin any oliher person or entity, other than the Parlies and JWA and their respectivc successor.i and assigns, any riglhls, remedies, obligations cir liabilities under cir by reason oflthis Agreement. SECTION 118 DISPIUTE RIES OL UTIO N T1He Parties desire to resolve as quickly and ais amicably as possible any disputes as to the meaining cif any porhion cif this Agreement, the validity of ainy determination or calculation, or the riglhls or cibligailicins oflthe Bevies pursuant Heretci. Tlherefcire, prior Iei initiation by ai Harty of aryl litiglatiein cir either proceeding in connection with IHis Agreement. the Parties shall meet) and make good -faith efforts to resolve any such disputes on an informal baisis. The Party IHat firsl raises ai claim against amyl tither Party in connection with ai dispute shall be responsible for providing written noticei to such olher Parlyl em Parties and initiating the informal dispute resolulicn efforts. Such informal eff6is may include mediation of the dispute if aglreed by the Hartics involved in the dispute. Ncit sooner than thirty {:10; days after diligent efforts tci rescilve a dispute halve been initiated, if the Harries Have been unable to resolve the dispute cin such informal basis, any Party inveilved in the dispulle may, in its discretion and alften providing writlen ncitice to the other Parties that 11he infeirmal dispute- resolution efforts are being terminated, proceed to ttaike ainy and all such acticin to enforce cir protect its rigHts ais permilltted by law and/or this Agreement. If ai Party initiales informal dispute resolution with respecll to a dispute, ainy statutory limitaitiein for filing cif a court action cir commencement of any other proceeding shall be tolled for a period of days equal to Ihle number cif days that elapsed between delivery of IHe notice iniliaiting informal dispule nesolutien and the neilice terminating infcrmal dispute-reisc 1 u tl i on. SIECTION 1S TERMINATIO N AN D E XMIRATIO N In the event that) Hrojeet construction is red inilialed within llwo (21) years of the execution date oflthis Agreement, this Agreiemcnt shall automatically expire, unless sooner tenminaited by a Hroject Represertailive written notice to all othan Hartics, cir extended in writing by mutual agreement oflthe Hroject Reipnesentativeis. Santa Ana-Clelhi Channel Cliversicn Piojeai Agreemeril CII 5-0 J Paige 39 of 69 12-39 Once ccinstructicin has begun, unless otherwise mutttailly{ agreed by all Pro'ecit Repnesentativ�es, a Harty may nol unilaterailly terminale its cibliglaticins under IHis Agreement. Notwithstanding any terminaticin cif this Agreement, each cif the Paries must ceimplM wilh all terms aind condilicins of IHe Grants. In thea eivent cif a Termination of Ibis Agreement, each cif tic Panics shaill be responsible fdir finding and anianging an alternale means of discharging its respective duties cir either Repulalcryl obligations, and for payment of any fines, penalties or costs incurred by than Party as the result of a suspensicin cin lenninaition. Unless citherwise tenninated cir extended, this Agreement shaill be effective for an initial term cif twenty-five (215) yeairs commencing on the Elffective Daile, and shaill autcimatically renenr for ai one time ten yeair term (hereafter (the initial term and renewal terms shall collectively be referred tci as the "Term"). Prcject Representatives may meet and confer la determine ccintiinued use, terminailicin cif this Agreement, transfer, closure, removail and/or abandonment of the Facilities or compcinents thereof. The Hreject Representalives shall ailso meet aind confer upon the fifteenth (15`h) ainniversary cif Project completion to assess O&M for the Pro'ect including IHe paiyment of the Parties' farr shaire of O&M casts. Prior to ainyl termination of this Agreement, the Prcject Represenlaitives acre Ici aigree upon derrabiliaaaticin cir trainsfer cif the Haicilities aind whether to sell any part of it, the proceeds of such saile and ciutstandine Areject debts aind obliglaiticirs shaill be aillocaited aimeing the Parries in acecirdainciei with their nespective prciponicnaite share peirceintagles in Exhibit C2. Upcin termination of this Agreciment or aibeirclorment cif the Areject, the Hairtics shaill, within 1210 days fieim written demaind from JWA, remove the Diversion Structurei and restore IHe Prcject Area as nearly as possible to IHe saime ecindition ais the Hroject Areia wars in prieir tci the execution of this Agreemeint. All costs of removail cir restorailicir shaill Hei borne by the Aarties, in aicccirdancia with their reispeictivie propeirlieinaite share percentages in Elxhibit C21. SANTA ANA shall be responsible aind ensure that the Dliveirsion Sltruciture and appurtenant imprcivemeints are removed from the Channel aind OCHCD cir COUNBY right-of- way as specified by the Dinectar, Wegulaiticins, and all applicable laws. SECT ION 2101 SURMIMAIJ CUAUSD The obligaitieins regarding: environmental commitments (asi set fcinh hereiin); indemnificiation (ais seat forth in Seciticin F); ciperailicir, maiintenarce, cost ailleication and eiwnership (as set forth Hereiin); aind specific performance (as set fcinh in Section 211) shaill survive tenminaiticin of the Agreement, as applicaHlei, and shall remaiin it effact until termiinailed cu modified in writingl by mutual aigreemert ofl all Hairtieis and JWA or the applicable statute of limitations is reiached. SECTIC N 211 SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE The Parties aicknontledgle that rmeinetary damages would bei an inadequaitei remedy for breach cif this Agneement, and thal aHarty's breach will resull in immeasurable and irreiparable Santa Ana -Delhi Clanral lliverslan Piojocl Agreemerl D1.1 -013I PagEi 3E oil6S1 12-40 harm tci the other Parlies. Theref re, in aeeiticin tci any tither remeey toi which it may he entitled Hy realsein cif aricither Harty's hreauh c.f this clause, the moving Manly shall he enlitlec to seek temporary, preliminary and permalnient injurictNc reliaf from any court oflcclmfetentjurisdictieln restraining the other Palrlies freim committing or ccintinuing any breach. Ilhis clause shall suniive any termination of this Agreement. SEC TIC N 2121 EXHIB ITSI Tiflis Agreement contains the feilllclwing exhibits which are attached hereto: E]Nhibit A -I — Iccaiiica Mcp Hxh:ibit A-21-, Samia Ana Lei hi Drainage System BNhibit H - Freliminaryl Fdau Hxhibit C- Funaing 76111e, FGrticipcnt S1 arcs & Estimailed Cosni Exhibit D - 7brnper4ry Construction Easement ie the City cf Scrlta Arlc Exhibit El - Easeancazt CG UNTYI tc GCFCE Exhibit F- Grnnt Aeyt, remEnts Exhibit G - Insurcnce, £lends ana II[tirreirties Santa Aria -Delhi Channel Diversion PnojocI Agnieimenl Dl f-01 21 Page 31 c f 69 12-41 IN WITNESSI WHERECH, the Barlies hercitc have executed this Agr=Tlent on the Effective Dane wiritilen above. AP BRC V E D AS TC FC RM: Sciniai R. Cairvalha C ity Attorney Ely: Josef Slandovail Chieif Assisitani City Attlorr ey C ITY C F SANTA ANA, ai Municipal ecirporation cif the State cif California ❑avid Caivaiacis City Mainaige n ATTE ST: Maria D. Hluizar CkA of the CounciiI ORANGE COUNTII FILO OD CONTROL DISTRICT, a body corporate and politic SIGNED AIN' D C ER11IBIEIEI THAT A COPY OR TIHIS AGREHMEINT HAS 813EN DEUIVERE D TO THE CHAIR OF THEI By. CHa BOARD BERG C. Sea 25103, Resc 715-1535 iirwamain of the I?oaird of Supervisors County cif Oraingle, Califarnia Attest: Rcidin Stieler Interim Clerk of the Board County ofCreingle. Cailifcimia ABPRCVED ASI TC FCRM C fficie of the County Counse 1 County of Cnaingei, Cailiforn:iai Depuly Dail ei: Santa A r a-DeilI i Clhannal Elivcrsiiori Projact A-weirrieni E 151-013 Hage 38 of 651 12-42 APPROVED AS TO FORM: CQt.y of Newport Beach � ' � YvV Aaron C. Harp 1ki bjj City Attorney COUNTY OF ORANGE, a political subdivision of the state of California By: Chairwoman of the Board of Supervisors County of Orange, California APPROVED AS TO FORM Office of the County Counsel County of Orange, California Deputy Date: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a California municipal corporation and charter city Dave Kiff City Manager ATTEST: City of Newport Beach Leilani I. Brown City Clerk Santa .ala -Delhi Channel Diversion Project Agreement D 15-013 Page 39 of 69 12-43 A.PARC V I3D AS TC FORM: Tom Duarte City Attorney APPROVED ASI TIO FORM Dale: By:_ APPROVE D AS TIO AORM CITY OF COSTA MESIA. a California municipal corporation Torn Hal cls CHief ENecutive Officer ATTEST: Brand a Green City, Clerk ORANGE CC UNTY WATE R DISTRICT1, asubdivi�ion ofthe State ofCaliforria orglanized undet Chapter 51214 c f IHe Slatutes of: 1933. N ame: Tille: IRIVIINE WATERT RANCH DISTRICT, a Califarnia waler distric t, By: Name: Date: Title:_ By: Manta A ria -C cilh i 0 anneI C iven ion Projcc i Agroe meril D 15-013 Page 40 of 69 12-44 EXHIBI'H A4 Location Map I PA ULARIN CI A\, Proposec Ripeline/:ewer Corinecdic n O � BAKER SIT fit•■I!<ef�!<�Iti[ ^—z z, FAULIARiWO CHANAIL3LI (F(IS)LU '2 ; �•� g�� u■unnnu■■u nuuu ■un■■n� Qv � : ♦'r �I 4p 41 .0 �•♦ �Gi� �O �4�i.■ �♦•COQ` � •. ��I. ♦• 1• G NI CC s TA , , a••'�eQ t MIESA •'� I /• 0 500 1,000 Fast r O�O 2y /. ARLINGTON DR ;/• y / OQ •/ �• ��0 y JCIHA WAYNE �` •/ SAATAAAA 'A <s� /�� / FIPCIFIT CCIUNTFIY ccue �•� �� % < '•' /' Unircorp. •� Lrincclrperclted Cctlrlty p�`• Ccurity G/ •v PROPOSED •'Q=� / Legend DIV ERISI C N / Proposeic Diversion PiFledirc •� S TRIUC TURE ��/ .� r,1 J MEN bisling5swerline ��'♦♦ a / ■■■� ■� OCRCID L7rainage flaciilities /• •� ��p �. �' co sp• —•— Ci4 E3curdar'es ���'`.. NEWPORT BEACH ��QG CICIU N TY CIF CIRA N G 0 EIXHBIT A-1 CICI PL BLICI WORKS CIC IN E RASTRUCTURE PRO( PAM'. LCC All I O N MAP AFCIJEICT:SIANIIAANA-DEILHICHANNELDIVE R31ONSTRUCTUPE SCALE:AsShowrt AG RE[ MEN11D15013 Santa Arzi-Dclti Charnel Dlivension Projeci Aglreemelrl Dl! -01 31 Pagel 41 of E9 12-45 Legend ® COSIAMESA ® IR%INE ® NEWRCRTEIEAICIH ® SANTAANA Unir car poi ales Walushed Chair i Sle Ai eas C CACCI ❑miriade Rac ibex (I (1A 1 2 N iles DXIHI BIT A -2I Sar to Anel -De 1hi Di alinagel System m lk_J2 I 17TH ST. \T9 w 4 Cl a a C PPEIR 'ORT & } COUNTY OF OW C EI EXHIBIT A -2I OC RL E LIC WORK -1 CIC INF!"STRUCTL RE RBOC RAIM 9 DI RAII N A C E A R EA S RRO.EICT:9ANTAANA-CIEILHICHANNEIIICNGF19IONSTRUCTLREI SCP LEI: AsShoKr ACREIEMIINT C1119•(A` Sarna Ana -Delhi Chai Diver�liarl Plnojcol Agr(clmerl DI 5-C H Page 43 oil 69 12-46 VON f MEMO! VIA 01 PAO :W: -.q .� ..:. sk PPEIR 'ORT & } COUNTY OF OW C EI EXHIBIT A -2I OC RL E LIC WORK -1 CIC INF!"STRUCTL RE RBOC RAIM 9 DI RAII N A C E A R EA S RRO.EICT:9ANTAANA-CIEILHICHANNEIIICNGF19IONSTRUCTLREI SCP LEI: AsShoKr ACREIEMIINT C1119•(A` Sarna Ana -Delhi Chai Diver�liarl Plnojcol Agr(clmerl DI 5-C H Page 43 oil 69 12-46 EXHIBIT B Preliminary Project Plans Santa Ana -Delhi Channel Diversion Project Agreement D1-013 Page 43 of 69 12-47 EXHIBIT Cl PRC JECT FU NDING CC MMITMENTS N 2 Clrant $ 2,5712,8719.00 City of Santa Ana! $ 1,900,0001.001 C CRCD & C ourrty oifl C rainge $ 1,6001,0001.0101 Cit} c f Newport Beach $ 1,SOOI,OIOIOLOIC OCWC $ 1,00101,0101CI.CICI City of Closta Mesa $ 600,000.00 IRWO $ 195,000.00 Funding Tctal 5,ECC,C'CIC'.(ICI 91,36�i,8151.CICl F.XIHTHIT Mai PROJECT IRUND1NG PARITNFIR SFIC)NSORSHIP PROJECT PERCENTAGE Fundin g Bamtlneln Funding) Cclmmitmelnt Sponsorship 5hlanel* City of San Ila Ara $ 1,9001,occ.CC 313.93% OCFCD & County of Cnange $ 1,60CI,OIoc.CIC1 218.57% Cilly of Newport Beach $ 1,90101,000.0C 26.79% Citly of Costla Meisa $ 600,,000.00 10.711% Notal $ 5,ECC,C'CIC'.(ICI 100.00% F11X1H1F IT C21h PROJECT FUNDING AARTNERI SPCNSORSHIE1 CRE DIT/CJRFSET PIERICENTAGE Funding Partner Funding Commitment SlFonsorship Shares City cii Santa Ana $ 1,,500,,000.00 32.Z%c CICRCD & County cif Oriange $ 1,,600,,000.00 21TE1% City of Newport HE ad $ 1,500,,000.00 29.88% Citly of Clcistla Meda 6co'00c.C101 1CI.35% IRWD $ 1915I,CICC.CICI 3.3 -AIA Total 5,71951'000.CIC1 I cicl.00`Y * Aft1er the initial 0&M Oepo!sit Iasi been exhausted, the SporisicrsHp Shane percentages in E)hibit C2a shall be usEld tc! detenminei: 1. The funding partriersi respective participation percentages,, 2. Crecit/Cffls!ets percentlage% 3. Distributicin of p re,jecit savings„ and 4. C&M aeist share it eraess cif 11he Initlial O&M Depc!sill in acccirdance with tf a ilerms f ereir! ** The Slpensors!hip Sfare in Exhibit Cl2b sihall be usiec to cetermine 1. 31hei funcingl partriersP resipeicllivei garticipallior peuaerllagwi except tf al fe!r IRW D, thea pencenllage and dollai ani carreispcind to IFIWCI's cine -time lump sum payment, 2. Credil/Off sets percenllages, anc 3. 13istributicn cif project savings during that pMerie!d of time aornmeincing wfen the funding parinen paid ills financial contritutiein per this Aglreerr ent until theexf austic n o1 the Ir ilial C& M Deplosit. Santa Ana -Delhi Chanrfd Divendon Hroieci! Abreemeint D 15-013 Pa@Ie 44 of E19 12-48 ENRIBIT C3 DSTIMATED PIROJECT CCSTIS' Itlerr Dlescripllicln Unill Quantity Unill RIicEl Amcitnt C PlrojectJAdrrinistraticir (CCSA) °Y 3% n/a $ D21,,5140.00 1 QesiEr Ergireelring LS 1.0101 t 300,000.00 $ 300,,000.00 2 Perm its/RC W/EaslElrnents LS 1 $ 40,000.00 4C1,,000.00 3 Envirc nmental REIp oral LS 1.00 $ 50,000.00 510,,000.00 4 Survey LS 1.00 $ 60,000.001 E0,,000.00 9 Patlhcle IS 1.00 $ 20,00101.001 210,000.00 E Sitle W c r k A 1.001 t 950,000.00 $ S 510,000.00 a (Harr el\Aclrk is 1.010 $ 1,101,00(1.0(1 r 1,,010,000.00 El Egluipment/DislcharEjEl EA 71.0101 $ 140,12CGCICI t 580,000.00 S 14"' PVC Sewer Force Main IF 81,419 $ 240.00 $ 2,034,000.00 10 Prcijelcil Ccntlirgeircy % 20% rI/a $ 1,024,8100.010 11 Construction Malragleimleinll I1COSA; �YI 8�y r/ai 44091,9201.0101 12 Irspectlion & TestirEj IjCCSA) % 1% n/al 358,68101.12101 13 Inspection QCounty) WI 1.510W r/a $ 716,8601.0101 14 Survey/Construction Staking o 31y� r/al $ 153,7201.(1(1 15 Attorney FEIEisa LS 1 $ 1(1(1,000.00 $ 100,000.00 16 O&M 1121CIyrj &1 Admiristra111icirl LS 1 t 1,,(1(0,000.00 $ 1,001CI,CIOICLCIC 171 Site 5EICL rity/Cameras LS 1 $ 121E,,? 5 5. 00 $ 126,3515.(1(1 181 E OR C OUSE Irr pacts (Estimaille) LS 1 $ 400,,000.00 $ 4121(1„000.00 TOTAL t 5,,3 E 7, ElAEl. 00 Amourts at ova arca eisilimate!i from an Opinion of Rrot able CowitrLclion Cast neferenaec as "Ungineers E!itirriate 113.05E” t AIECOM dal ed ) 24/30113 based Lpan 60% Design Mini,- inaludira 30 year O&M costs, anc was used as a t wii<-i to eslirniate tF a prajeat cost< -i zinc w ere revisec accordingly to reflect ad,ju!1tmeint!i amenat le to thea FL ndirEl Rartnen9. 5AN11A AINA shall charge Parl ies it9 aah al Rrojeat Casts in aacerdarice with tf a Ierrrs hereiri. 8stimate inalude!i pay ing 9eation 3.4 in%oiaeil si fon co!its amiacial ed w ith c btairiir g cresemerit rigF U and title aaaeFltable tci ilF a Irvinel C orripany, OCFC a/C ounty, JWA and tF a Parties. Y, Bid Item 0 was aalculateid cin the eritire project aasis,, Bid Item!i 1I-18. Bid Iterrs M, 111, 13, 13, & 14 were aalculatec on the construaticn aa5il9 only; Bid Item< -i 6, a, 8, 5, & ]la. Saila Ana -Delhi Clhanrial Eliveniion Flro'eui Aglreerriant D 15-013 Pa0a 45 of 69 12-49 EXH ]BIT C4 ESTIMATIED 21x1-YEARI O&M COSTS BREAKDOWN21 3 Amountsi above are esitirraiteisi frerr air Clpinion of Probable Con<itrLal ion Cast nefenenoec as "EnElirieen"si Bsliimate 19-05EI" by ASCOM dated 7/241/a0]I° Lased upon 60% Design Plans. Estirriates include .5% allowance for All Risk Insurance and Wage Ratesi twed urlon prevailing wa®e rates for Onan®e Cocnty, California. Total wage rate inch des haLrly wa®e plus erafli fningasi arid 321% t unc eri with a t) pieal work week of 1 eight h cc r sihift per day/ fi%Ei days per week. The Paitl ies acknowledge OC FICD and CONTIA M9SAI t wideri ratEls as indioatec in Seal ions 3.7 ar d 5.9 exceed thal c siEid to forme lal e I he estimate above, and mL tually aglree CIC FCD anc COSTA M ESAI shall be IL Ily torr pensatEic baaed upon 1 heir respeative t urden rates per tt a teams of tf is Agreement. Santa Aria-Eell i Channel Dlivansion Hroject Agreemenl D115-01:3 Rage 416 of E19 12-50 Untiact Administration 5101C.000 2 Inspecticin (monthly) S24,00C -1 'Sc lids Handlirgl aind Disposal (monthly) S43C,GCC 4 l3cieim Rk set (2-yleair cyc Ic) 53C,C C C s Repair cif Equillmelnt 515C,C1CIC3 6 Divers cin Ulilityl Costs 55C,CICC Totail 51,CICICI,ccc O&M tests will be eivaluailed ainnuail ly in acecirdance with the terms hici ein. 3 Amountsi above are esitirraiteisi frerr air Clpinion of Probable Con<itrLal ion Cast nefenenoec as "EnElirieen"si Bsliimate 19-05EI" by ASCOM dated 7/241/a0]I° Lased upon 60% Design Plans. Estirriates include .5% allowance for All Risk Insurance and Wage Ratesi twed urlon prevailing wa®e rates for Onan®e Cocnty, California. Total wage rate inch des haLrly wa®e plus erafli fningasi arid 321% t unc eri with a t) pieal work week of 1 eight h cc r sihift per day/ fi%Ei days per week. The Paitl ies acknowledge OC FICD and CONTIA M9SAI t wideri ratEls as indioatec in Seal ions 3.7 ar d 5.9 exceed thal c siEid to forme lal e I he estimate above, and mL tually aglree CIC FCD anc COSTA M ESAI shall be IL Ily torr pensatEic baaed upon 1 heir respeative t urden rates per tt a teams of tf is Agreement. Santa Aria-Eell i Channel Dlivansion Hroject Agreemenl D115-01:3 Rage 416 of E19 12-50 EINHI13IT D Temporary{ Constructicln Hasemenl Deed Comy to City) oflSanta Ana R HCOR131M AT TFlh REQUIUST O F A1N71 Ill RECIORDED tF1,411,1I0: City of 9alnta Anal 30 Clivia Center Rlaza M-22 Santa Ana, C:diformia 927(121 Attnr City Manager falil )lar Suienierlts as shown above Bvliibill D THIM SPACG FCR RECCPoDIOR'S U90 ONLY ANN: UIOC UNl lj Rl' TR,LN! FOIR TAX S Cdrrrj:juI& ou d e considemationai icipertycot veHec Oxempt poi Rlavencm R Twatioi Code Sdcl 1.1921 _ IWIMI from Record'nIg pees peri Code Sdcb(n 27783 By. I:0 RAr",u +.f nacu , .'P. Aa Er: BETE SM.1 !, W TAX nkm NAut{ Unmcclrpgra CC arca E Ii arporal cd 11 Parcel Nos Ph f- (001-209, 215] Projacl. Santa Aii 1hi Chanel Divisicn TEMPCRARY CONSITRUCTION EASEMENT DEET I For :duah Ici conslideratian. receipt of ivF ieh is f oreby aakr env Iced ged, COUYIIV' OF ORANGE. a Flotilical subs [vision of the Statti of Ca lif irnia, (hereinaftler refbrred to .3 "CO Li does) f aroby gra rill I o tliei CQ'OY OF SANTA ANA. a C alil'orrli: clharta oily, (herair of ar rcferned to m ".K RANfI-101 and its, sucaassor amld assiFlrs, anon -esedusivcutemporaryaansltrucllionclasement "TumporaiEasemei u4 on. over.uljar an( acrossthal celrt: in ueal property (Irerr inaiftet ueferreid to. s "Ensameril Area",cescii in Fuf [hill A and illustraled in N s h i h it B, wh'ah eth R its are all ct ed heel a anc mad e a l part he mea f. COUNTY ar d GR•\\'rU. may sometimes heinelinafic u to int ividua i) redenc d to asl "Aa ri y" an jointly as the "P2 rtics." llui righlt herein area grlamlaxl for the purFlase of allowing alcthrities ncdailad to lie S:bila Arra-Delhi Channlcl Divclsian Prajacl I"Anajecl" J Enavidec, howevc u, that tic asercise afl said righbi will not inlerldre or impleda lhcl oElmiliciri and maintenance of Ilw 9anta Ansi-Eelh i Diversion Cha ii (hc uein. ftell "thee Ch :irir el"]. COUNIFY's puf lie golflcourso lessee) business opcualions, ar ul ilization of the flrollcn N for Jalin VI'a,-nc Airporl Flurpasea. GR—A."EBS riglts shall ilialudc right tel GRANTER ith offiem, icer Is, e:mployces, contl:ictar, and subcantlaclonl.Iocur dtatconstruelior activities, incducinacuveavaicm and grading assoeiatac with the construction of a Divcnian Strualuru requiring mad ifcalions to tliei csistinlgl Ch., iii and ins I: llatian of subsurfhce purri wet 1cedl. ripalincr : nd a sew•tr flarce main i "F: dlily') wit Iir1 a partion oil lthe Ea'Icmenl Ssnfa Ana- i Onersum Pralat IF0111111;1: I 1 1191916 Santa A ra-hail[ i Channel Diversion Ilro.jcic l Agreemelr l D I °-013 Pa@le 417 of E19 12-51 EsltlUil U Arta; and activilieis assoaiailed with re alignln emt a fl ani aclaeas maid. GRA,NTE B'S r ghts shall also ine It d e tl e rig ii to (lark or placie vabicilets, eaqui pmcnl c it stor: ne conivinelrsi and to slam or stackl1ile corn trucdi an mateni ails, toab , implermenits wind atb eri constructiar rcilaited cqt ipmcinl at d m:lerials, in the Ed: (it ens Areal a! the case m y ba. Tlsc Phil ie . talee the ercerciise ofIth a rights grlamted herein shaill bei iri cianlarni ty with thea terms of that certaivi9ania An:rEleUti Chantel Diveniion Projecil Agrectnaenl D15-012 dated ("AgrcerterV). h is undersilocld and igtried by tf ei flail iei 11 mdo anid t iciir succlessor avid assiptui ii I Cita rights gslanlec in this 7 emporary Easement shaill 11a subjecl to the fbllowir g terms, conditions, and r<aervations: 1. TFH;).1 THis 1 erniporary Easement shall b e offeal iv a for :i maxim u in period of lwecity-faur (241 months II"Te rri csommenaimq an GR4Iv'TE U'S written nalice to the Airport Duiealar airid the Director OC Public Works, an I. ltoir c eisignee, of animi emend of f assessior, at d shall lerrr nkale uplcin reeiordatian of :i Noliae ofCompletiori, at at thea enc of the 11crm, whiciheven Final acaurs. 21. K-47OHNSIONS The 1 erns n ay be eii ed by m u to al a iglrectri of the i GRANTEE, the Airport Dirt G at anc Du ea tc r of Put 1 is Works ar thei r designees. Any, uotluest far caxtcr ion must bie'`in ivriliripl'ehal states thei re..,qt lesuid odemiion period. and to forwarded to the Airport Du ecica a nd the Elireclalr of Public NV arks vial Ex4*6ss at Certified U.S. Postal Ser% icie, nersor al c alivory, b y aor vier cm _t y, civernighl d eliveq ser% ice anc adc ressed ass plrovid ed herein bellow it Section 11 (Va cit; r o k ler thar I b i4y (30) da ys' rFian to tha esaf ua ti cn of Arc Terms of tl is TemporaryEasement. Alppravad oilsucli rcquesitshall be deeri conic d unleis both Dirtialars air dicir dcs i gr leers prcn idci C IR AIv"MEI H•ith ,.mitten : pplrova l of the requ ested extemiioni w ithin Ffttlen (1.I', days of rtecipl aflthercglucsl lontcrid,miticihapfroval shrill not Ueunit asorably withbcld. In na civet I sb all this ltamngrary Ea semens b ei ext tmdec bdlfond 3. GkrknIEE RESPIOiiN 9IDI111111E9 GRANTEE1 Hereby ackiiowlledglles tial d1 a Easement Area 1 its in, on acrd about thea Cha nncf, ai regional f aad cc ntral fa ciili l: GIRANTCEE'shall.perfo mi sill wark in suet a manner that will allow for unabstruated flood aantral aperiations and maintcncince afluti Channeil HN CCUNIY artteaChangle Courity Flood Corston Districal ("Disirio'). GRANTEE snap love gill construe tiori fllam and s pecific ations approved in wriling by the iVrporl Elirecior anid the Dlreclou of Pu blic Warks or thetir'desii�rreies pr lair to aammerrcensenl of any work in, on air ataut d e Edlscmenl Area;,.aind of ori eomiplation oflany sua11 work, CIPULN fEEI shall immed'ately nu fy bath 134cctors ar d iii dtisigil6eiin Hriting$f such completion. Any aharige ori ers to 4e : pproved plans and f eaificaiticns that alter tb ei design shall be submitted for Aire art Dinecator and the Director oflPdblic \Mark's written apFlravad through VheCciuntyPraflerty Hermit flsaaess plriorla impllenaentatiori of the design ahangle. A.pprcival afIGRANTEEI'9 aonstrueliun and'or n aair lenar ere plar s shall ncil be dee ri approval ffom the standpoint of structural saRly, suitability fbsr nurpasc au aonfcmraance wits budding or others code! or other goveirnmen to I re qlu irem c mics. COUNIIy' is nal nesf can sible for Nirmil ting cif any cianstruel is it andlor maiirttmarcts, de igri, assumptions i or auciumay of GIRWN :'9 construcdiar and or ma'ntenanati plans. Director annroval will be based ani tits f raftssi anal wi f ert isti of i Ice Hrigineeii c f Record wlic n apnraving GRANTEE'S carrstruation ar&uii maim i enar iae Alar s. GRAN, =- sp all, oat nio cost to COUNTY, mai rata it die Vasiemtiml Asea and C11anr el in good rtipzi r ane in s afe concition, and flratecl in place, tyslopei features, truai aridlar Iarcbcinpluglsvidiin diel Easement Asea i ant, Aria.0 l ti rli,*m cm PRojec 1F011'arE sl 05192096 Sarda Ana -Delhi Charinel Diversion Frojaal A9reernant C 154113 P aae 48 of E19 12-52 Exhibit 1) t irou silioul the 'Dorm. including any a el ensign per'ad, cif Vs Templorasry Ealsemc nil. Nc Iw it lista riding I it fbregair fl, said Riziluress =N De nemoved or relowlud it aF flrowd by the Alrpcia Director ant the Ilirtxdor e1 Put 1 is Warks tfuc u g i 111e i Clc unl y Prc nerty Pem it prelecs s. GIRIANI'L1-shall. al ncscosttc COLTftY,clencaelall acltivilies,italudincibutnal limiItd aIhestcnal;ticf materials, in. on cis aboul tta Edlserrienll :Vca in a safc, hood and varkrrarilike rnanncli anc in eomplliaricts with alll applicable building, 1uti, and sasnitln laws, crdinanoes, and iegullations and shalll mainlalin all cquipinientl ust d in on or aD ou t the Fasem enl Aa as in poc d repair and in sa Fe can ditic ni. Airf art Direcll or n ay, at his so e discre an, direr GRANTS E, to remrn'e ilcros from the Eascmenl Acca, if t eenied to bci a hazard or nuisance. GRI."iNITEaaknmvlecgesthe Easemert Arca is situ ala cn1CICILRJ71Yproplerlywith certain rccardeddead rerlrictions or cant itions plrohibiling wei of Utc land Ic r any purflase'ym' ah would corislitatei a niuisance as tei of crssive to the senses.. hcalth er saltty of pernorui occu gl-ing the I irld, pr adjoining land. GRIANCEF agglcies to maka avury effort to acc emmc d al a for the aforemenilior ed nuisar ae c diec res trieticsn in the euraraise c f its righ tk herein. CCNIPMANCE WITLI REGUILATORY AUTHCIRl11FS GRAYME ! tall, at iu owni aril amc Lxpense, prc nspply and vi all l imes otserva, comply wlith ant. carry ou r all plrt i eni and futu re orc ers, regu hilk ns, directions, rudas, laws, ci ininci cs, pemvitk and reglu rterrlenL of ill govemme nil.1 authorities, including but neat limited i a enviror mental regal al ary at Ihollilies, with ju risc ed ion 4l, on, aver:md abcuI the EaslerrentAlea,% charieelfrym.GRANTEE'9 useicif cusfpcfcmanae cif any nctiviI esi permililed to bel cor c ucltic int on , c vcr, an acsross It a Ealscrinical A Ilea. In at d ilion, GIRH,KTEE shalll ensiurel tbal all aativiti cs in, orcl aver or aboul Ihtii Ea semen) Adua are plcrfarmcd in ac clordaricle with anv' NPDHS (Nation:ll Pa, lutanl 17isclbarge Ellinninal is ri fl)'slem) pemlit requ iren ents or other wall trquaFtystaIules,regul:ilians.ardinarces,orFletmits, ,rlrllicablellc sucdiactlivitie;i,inuludingbulnicsllinited to use of; pppoplriala best nu naplemenl praeticles, so as to cni se dial pc It tants are not discharged ini a the G liarrn el riar int o tha fllooc contr al s7stm . Priortc theslatt of any cow, tructianacitVly.. GRANTEH:Iball provide Airpofl I]ineciamand DirwtlrofPdblia Warks a coppl of thviii WPatcr (It ialilp Nlanagananl Plari IIWQNfl1) for approval. Na aippresv:ils an consents given heneunder Dy CiC.UNi'Vl, as a party lat ris Ter parary ElasemerI. an conciurrence by Distr ct shad) De dleesried all as to eomplianae or canformaniccr with agpliwble uovernmcntal cot cs, laws, rt. Its or reigullations. a CCNDITION0R EAISEIMEM AREA UPON TERM11NATION Prior to the fllinal c f thti Yol ice of Compl el is n c n to the expired ion of this Tc mf nn:iry Eagemenil, whiclbtver frsl oaeurl, GRANTEE agrtus al its erflrnsa to seslore Iha Edsencnl Arca la the Aiirporl Qlinacilcii satisfhcuian. Said I est eirai an stall i na lud e, b u t nor t a I irn ted to the rr mavad of construalie n materials (ir alt d'u ig slockplil ec material;, esyuip ricrrl, orlc Irish and detI is. GRkNITL- agmioi under no c iraurr star ca shall if a Clhanncil, Faciilil y and other inlplsavrenlvnts arndlon faai itiai within Use la semlenl Alca be kill Ir relurncd to COUNTY in a shit oflparlial complel ion or &.4ict air. L pori stsrr'ct1 of n'rii len ( em: r d foam Ibe A'rplort Direc I or, or c esigree GRADiS©st all deliver to O )UN W, :d 111000111 to COU ITY, al Qt iilcilaim Deed to GRf\N7TLi's right title and inilere� I b eraurod er. Santa Ana -Delhi DiVemm PlojwI IFA 1)'OCE 3 A e 19'_016 Santa A r a -C elhi Channel Diversion Prc ject A Velelrr ant Dl 5-013 Palle 419 cf 69 12-53 C. ) IFCHae\'ICS IRENS OR STOP-NOIIICES C RANI'EL shall al a I limas indemnity, dt lentil Nidi couru al allprovcd in wrilinip Ey COUNTY, and save COUNIT and Disilrial harmless from all claims, lossmi, demands, c aimacicis, ca) t- experres, or liabilities in connocilic ni tuith the us c, conslruial'eni, repair, altmal iaru or insla Ilation of ariy portion oflthc F anility wit line upan,orurcenthe EdsemieriI Anea, and from Ilia cast of cefanding against suall alaims, inalucingreasonab a :it arrcy foes air d cost . In the event a lien er!lop-retice is implostid spar tha Easenent Are: ass a nst11 of suull comlrucliar, repair, alteraCaint or iruitallai an, GR4,N E,L slu11 aiilhen: A. ReccIdaivalidRleImseiafllJicn,or Prociura and recon ai licind it aceorc ansa with Section 314 31 ill 3196 of the Clivil Cad c, which from the FAserricnl Area fnem the alaim of Lf ei lien or stof1-notice and fiiam any acdien Hou¢Id to foreclose tf ci lien. HOOD HARMLIJIMS GRANTEE ackriow( eidrles thci Hasem eril Al ea is in, c nl and civet the C Mali nal and may be subjevl Ici all hazards associated with flood ccndiiicinn and COUN Y's plublic ple flcoirrselessee Easiness (Herat'ens. GIRANUE agn etas la asst me all risks, f-mincial au cillherwu ei, associated tharewith. GRANIEEI hereby ieleasti and waives all chums and rtoot ric against CObrVTY:md Mistrial includ'n ul Cici rigl(I cif conWbution for ass of or damaga to prc plterty, al injury tc or death o1 ar N person :irisincl from, ¢tpe(•'r g aui of or v amv way aciinnected with or n failed to this Terripprairy Easemc nil incdu c inp any dalmage to or loss of CIR A-VTE E'9 cq u ipmcnt a r d ma teirial, th el Faci it v e i inteirupl i oni oil th a Pi ojecd e r use of l the Elie mand Areai eaius ed by erc sion, flood, or fload overflow condil anis of the ChanmclI or causal h y the aperati an, maim erianc ei, rapaiir,reconstruction,replaicerrcnt,enlargerrenl crimprovamemil of the Channel au 11% DisVcil's fleodcortrcd aperations, et:iaepl claims arising fr[Im th© grass nugligenee cf CCIUNfY and/or Dislriat, tt cis officers, auicnts, emip103 am gird eanttaai ars. GRANTEE heiellyagraes tc indemnily, dtifertd ant hald tarn lass, CCIUNPfY ane Dismal, tteu and alacted appointed ofliiciaH, ofi icmis, aaler Is a mi la)lees ;, amtracl oars ant (hose spe tial c isl ricul an d agent ius w i ic,h C C IUN IIY"s Ho: Id c f 9u plervisors : icl s : s l E e gck erninicl Haard against n ny and all claims, to rt iaw , car tractusdl csrndemr al is n, int erste cont emnal icm it dgments, arbitradien at( ards, stilllemeieds, losses, dem at d , d amades, cost, aider., per all imi, amdcxper sts inciluc incl Iccal costs and atlomey fees c n Gabiliti, for injury' to or death csfl any pa sc ns, or lops e f ar d:lmaige la any property, in camnex titin ividi c n as isin g cut of the Pilajeet an tha use afl an ople:raitons cr actitsitiai ec rducaed ir, en, car avers Ihti Ealsemsenl .Areas, arid'or the tixercist of the rights under this Ttmllelrarm Easanerd by CIRANTEfi, iu agcmts, of ecis crt plloyeua, invitees or liatmsmis cixat:pt for liah iliilN arising out c flthe concuinamt:scliva. on sole neiuligcnl aou oflCOUIM', and'au Distr'at, (hair elected and appc inlec: offlai ads, officers, agt nvl , empl ayeies or cc n tractors i ncdt d it g the aril of d efensc ofl any Id lvsuit amising t wi afrom. If CCIUNIIIY ar d ur Di rtri el isr'arc nantcc :is co-dtifeindanl(s) in a lawsu it, GPJkN EB sha It r c I if3 CIOUNTY of suet faial rind shad represent ❑IISTRICII/CC UNTY in such lagal talion unless cilllcritvisci cont iclec of 1. Ill d gm crit is enilarcid apaimil COUNTY/District and GRA.NPEH b y a cou ti of comptiler l ju r'sdicti on or ju ryl because of tI le I ort nus car d ual of C OUNt l YiDistnl c l : r d G R A` IT F , C OUN-rY ant GRAY 1 EH agree that I iabilily n ill be :ipporl is need as d elcrn tin ec by the court or jt ry. as sip plicablc. CIRA.NTEE aal:nc % lec ides that it is fbmiliar lvith Illei languaaia and provisicros c fl Califon is Civil Cade St cil ion 1512 avhich provkcs as fbllows: Sails Ana-Ddhi r. n-crion Projm (FIJI) 110E 4 9 } 19'-"16 Santa Aria -Deft i Chanricil Diversion Pro'eal Agreemeril D15-013 Palle 90 of E 9 12-54 Exhibit 1) generlal relleculeidoe s not P-wond tc claims uhlicI? itte crc&llcrdoes A cIA-row cr scepecil to e:iiri in his or ler favonat fire lime ofe:recs.u,'ng Me tic It care, which, iflboun llvhiirr, cr her, must kai e n e Ie riahIv er feu u d kis or,ber selttlevnenl +rich the deb1101L GRINN-FT-E, being amara aflanc under.W rdir g the terms of Sualic.n 1542, hcreilly iv. lees all bcnellit of 'ts nlnovisions to the exlent described in this seichor. 8. GRaNTEIE'S UTAHIUITY FOIZ H ZIARDOU OR 'TOXIC NLATERI,05 (PNIESS.all CIRAN-M or GRANTS E',II emnlloyces, agent , incept ml canilraulors at it vitals ("GRA>N-IEB Plr rties" J she II r cd cause or permit any" D13mlic c us Ntateii al," as licimr after dell'uied to Ee brat et upmm, kclplt, sloreid, used, gancnl: ited re ilc iaset inlc lilt criviroomciril or d'spc sal of on, u ri., frc m, int ani c r ah oull Us a E. sc inlcnll Area. Natrvithslanding Uiel fbrogoing, CIRA-VrEE or GR AN]T-E'Parties may riot un keell small quantities of 11lazardc us N•fatcirials on the Easemeint Area that are used in ii' customary, anc lawful eonstruafem opleraticns coriducied ani dic Eaicnreni Area. If GRANTEE, or GRANTEE IkIrt ies breach the of lit atiorw stated hellein, (ii if cor Lamin. lice of tho Easernenl Ai eat E N F azaidous Material oft crwis a occurs for whict GRA.NM- E is Ie2vi Ily li ah It to COLIN"II`f fcm dam., E e rest I tinj there from, I h er G'RAr'I-ME 11 all u c em n'f;r, defend and E old harmless, COUNTY an dlan Distrietl and their cdeclad or allnainled c f iciiats, c fusers, a.entl, and err ployees filom any and all alaims, judgments, dalmaigcs, nanadtiesi, flock, costs, lintililies, cis losses (including, without limitation, diminution in value ollthe Edsemenl Aran, sums paid in scttlemcnl of ckiims, attume} fccls, conte Itanl fea, and cxilcrt witness feclsl %mWuh arise'du6ng or afteu GRIA, ITE's use oflthe Easement Area as a reach cif such eortamituCcn. Mal indeminificaliian includes, vitt out limitations cosh incurred by COUNTY' in eonnoclion with it) invelstigat'en cif silt conditions er any cleanup, ramed'al, remcval, or re: iorafen work required ty any federal, stile, or facia I ilm•ennrrlanial entity cr agpnay because of Ilazame aus Material t av-ing been intrclduced, placad or raleasc d t y GRANTEE, and th enc force, bcingl fluesent in thesoil orgreunc waltis urderithc Haservenl Area. GRANTEF shall nlrcmlltN Iakelall aclforti at itr soleeclll and expense. as is n eeew ry tc ak an, remove, and railore the Easerment Area tc its condition nrie r to the irtrloduction c flsuch Dlazardous Material ty GRKNTEE, prcvic ed CVRANT6H shall fust have oll taint id Croctor's ivvitterl aill piov-ad and Ihei approrral of any necessaryrloverrurentaI entities er agenaics for any such a me d ial aclil ion. As us cd h c reirli the l ermi "flair. ardau s ) It l er,i r I" moan s ar A h azardow or ilnxic at t sla n ccl; material, or wale m-liiah is or shall teuome rclgulalc<.bg amy glovarnmental entity or acicticp, including, withnu I limitation, the County. Ihcl state of Callffemi: , or die Uniiled States 9lovernmLr I. SI. RESERIVATIOISIS COUNTS' hericlby re! cr-M for itscdf wind District at c their nesAlaclive successors ant wisigrtsil, such surface, t 1� surface and aerial rights in tha Edson cut Area as,,; ill not unre: sunabl!- int erfere m ith or prah it it th a use by CIR A:NTCH of the r ghts and easemenl here'ri gilar lou. In Ilic errenl C OLTT ' uxemist-N such right to utilizu thti Eiiemcnt Area which use its t ith iri the dislurtar ce ofl ireEasamcir .area,COLN-117"s only res p1ensitititystallteiicEacylIwiilhcomp. cited eartl Ictheggaccieflhel sunioundinl 11rciFerlyfol lowinguamplletiunefstell alctivity. 10. CIONWID'ANCE SUBJECT TO EXISTING I^'TIfRIBST S This T emporary E. se me nt is subject I a exisl it gl son i ractk, lc ass s, licenses, easamenm ensu ml: lances, arid claims whiaE max affect Ilio E:scrrlenl .Allam emd the use of thio ward "grant" her6ri stall nut be consllruc d as a cov-enanl against the exislence aflan.I trcreofl Seg n An: -De I i Dig•errlac Pd m eFn I11KT•. :I 0915 N15 Sarva Arlai-CaN Channel Dkeirsiorl Project .Alguoutrent 0154113 Rage 511 oll 651 12-55 Faltibit D Nothing aanlaired he rein, al in any c cicumenit rc laded h erelto, shall be construed to imp IN tic c cnvclyarcel I e GIRAMU ofIrigns it tic Easement Ar'earvhiah ereetic Ilboseov•nedbyCOLNM, or. it) uapresentatior cm warranty, either est Hess at impicd, rcllalir g to the na lura ar aor d iliorl of Ibe Pasemant Arta or COLWrY`s inllaresl Ihcrt in. 11. NOVICES Al I Hoff eis, d oeu mems, correspond cr eel and commu r icatior 1s wan ferning this Temllararyl Ba : crrlenl shall b e addressed as set fclrth ir1 Ihis Section, ai as tluei Partial may heicafter cic sigrlalta by written notice, and shall be sentUuai theLMiled Stales mail withpaslqtlprepaid. .Amy suuhrrail'rslsball bedclemioc served or c elivcllec tiventl•-ftiu s Q241 hours aiflc r mail k fl. Each Palrty may charlgts'tb e. c dress for nolices by giving do al.hen early at least I er 1(10) aadendar days' prior written nol iae of 11 61 ri ad dress. IN atwi t i stanc in, th a ab avc , either Party may a leo provi do rlatce 1, documents coatsl andanc,i ,.aii 91 other ce mmu nieations to the other by llelrsor al citllivery and sa gliven shall ba c ee rrled to Havo been. f.livvn upon recelilll. 11iii eatas c f OCI PubGa Works Sb ane Silsby 3(10 Narth F:lawer Strew Santa Ari, Cle\ 927(1340011 Facsimile: (714] 834.2199 RE: D19-013 Santa Ana-Elelh Diversion (F a1) . Jlohd Wayne Airport Airporl Dircuou Barry A. Randineffa 31 EIO Airway Avenue C ao to tildsa. CA 92(36 Facsimile: 11949) 252-9174 RE: Santa Aviv -Dela Mweisicml Projecl 11CIB ill. VENUE (WIlES 13. IN) C ity oflSanta Ana CAN Afanalgea 3( C Mic Center Alma M-32 Sainta Ani ; C A 92702 11111 one: Fax: Br il: THe Bart els f ereto ameethal this'llerrillarar1l Barelmerl has been nogotialed and tlaecuted in the stalltl aflCalliforrlia alrid sh all b e gaveuned b y un 1 construed undeli t ici laws of Califarnlia. UI th isevenl aflany lagan aalian to enfaroc or inllcuplrel Ihis'lemparary Hasenent, tlici.solel and eralu-,ivrei venue sll.dl be a court of aomllellenit jurisdiclion:lacated irI the Cou rty ofl1 as A.ne a las C,alifcinnie, and tliei Parl itis hereto agilea to and da Herlelby submit a lhcl jitesdiclian of suchaourl. Furlhermlora, absent [load causeshowr, the Pari its lia(lospecificlallyaglleelowaiTtllaryand 311righls to requail Ihat an nation bel Irail sfenec fan Irian to anolliclr counly. 113. WAIVER OF RIGHITE 11MIES14.19) The1 fhi It rel at• COLiNTY to .insist u l an ! tri e1 llerfkinr alnec of ar 9 of IIhel lerms, aovenanls, or c andil icrosl ofl this Tamllarory Ba: errlenl shall) Hat btl dtxn ed a waliven al'any right or remedy Thal COUTNTY may have, and shall not btl deemed a waiver of thei i ighl to requil a strial ler) armanee ofl.11l the terms, ca enants, ar dl cion itions of Iht Turriflelrmy Easement thea eafled, nan a ivaiver of alny remadl• flar the substicucml breach an c efaull aflany tarn, covenant, on condition of this 3lerrlparary Lasemunt. San Ia,U3-N1WDiversini Pnljcc WOUTCF. V (1719iclei Santa Arai -Valhi Cl•alnnel Eiversiian Flrojelal Agreemerll D15-01-' Pagel 52 of 651 12-56 Esliihit D 14. 9EIV'ERUILITY (PNI I9I51.I9; Ill anyierm, covenarit oandiliam or I ravrision oftfis TerriRorary Easement is held by a acurt of con pletenl Jurisdiction to bei invallid, void, on unenfaraeable4 tici remainidea cif the pravisians hereof Ishad remain 'rr full) force aril at%ial and shall in no way be ail lead, imppinec ar invadidalac thereby. 15. ATTICI IEY9' FEES (PNIE916.IS) In ang aclion or proceeding hrau ght I a enforce an inilerlpiel any pravis icn cf this Tlen unary Bast iiii clr wbero any provision heiciafl is validly assert ec: as a defense, each Parly steal l belar its envoi al lorr eys' fees and c aam. 16. SUCCESSC R9 AND A 99116 N S QPNIES I fl. 191 Tho I erms, aovenar its, alnid ca rid it ion, aanta'rr ed 'Iteircin shal'I aiplpl} to and bind the I rc irs, s u ccessclrs, c ivcou tears , adminiistratclri and assigns ofItheilkirl'esi bcreta. 17. AUTHCRIT'1f (PMES20.ISI T hic Plairties to this Tempary Baser icnl represenl ar d n airpalnl tf al this Tlemporary Basement has beer duly a utf oriaeld and eaiaau u d and aonstitu I a d e lelslal ly b end u rej ab )e get(an aft the it rc pec live orsla ni zait an ar elnl it einfarcsaH le iri aaaardancel m ith i'ts Iernla . 161. LIRA CC ND1 "ll .A -NEI RE: ERVIATION9 A CCI helico} resclrvvi unta itself arid Is.oreraton John Wayne Arport_ and their respecliva successors and assigns, fdlr the cue air c beneifll elf tle puijlue,'a right oft flight kir dw pas9agc of aircraft in tha alirspaae above) the surface of thcl all decseribcid neat pipplerty, lot eller with Ilii) right to eauscl in said airsplaee such realise as may ba in ieneril in the) opleratian of aircraft, rove )crown or limea Her te ed for navigaC an al' or flighl in the said airspace, and for use oflsaaid airspace for 'landing um.lalrJng of lfiam or ciiating on Jahn Waynci .klrgort B. CIR YFEE by entering into this easement, eipre:Isly agil=, far itlelfl its successors and assigns), that it will not erect nar permit die apc:cition of any streclutfi or building rear plermil of jcict of nattluall grawth en ove other obstruction ori the all desuiribeid roal prdflerty abcrue a hcii¢Id w detetmincid by the appllicalion of the raquiwmenits of 14 C1.11.R1, Plan 77 (FAR Bart 11).'In the evens the aforesaid cover ant is trea;cheld. COUNTY reserves tf a rig) I to erten cin the all dciscir'll real prclperty ane to remove Il aei afI'erid incl structure cr objeel and tocuIIII aflencinE1natural gaawilh, all ofwhiahshailIIII aatthe e:lpeniaoftbeCRAN—ME. C. CR4NTEE by enlcring iri the: eiaisamtinil, mr.rciss'ly agcleeis, fin itself, its successors and assigni thal it wil riot mafeuscl of t1a above descirited read praneaty in any manner which might inlerfice witli the landing and taldne afflof aincnaft a1 the Jahrl W-alynei Airlplort., an otherlvise caruititute an airport hazard. In them cii the afdncsaid coveriant is brcaclhed, Ilic1 CCItNTY neserva )bei rigbl to erileil or the sand real properly and clause the abailemenl cflsuch inlerfeclerrce al lhcl elxpenseaf!'GRANTEIE. El. CR4NDEG c.Nprcnrlyagrmia, fou itseilf.iUsuaccmurs and assiens,thal ifrequircc,itwill file Feteral Aviation Aklministiaitian (FAA) Farm 1460-1, Nctce aflProposed Construaticn or Alleration (or such otfer official form as desiggaled), for llie purpasc afl aiirspai"i evaluation For any amid all anent and fulure construalican c mac if ail ion plroppex or tbel aUavel deisariUcd ical pr(iperty. Sigr an nus F1ng1er• to Fa 11611, 9� nia .Irma -De I i Diversion Nd im (FO a Tan 7 Of 197016 Santa Ana -Delhi Channel ❑iver�iian Projaat Agreement D1 fl -013 Page 53 of E19 12-57 Af rpow d as I o Fclrm Office of Ihel C CIL Illy Clouns(ll Orange CtII Cal ifamia EI}: Blau I NL Albarian, Sanian Depuly Date: EINhihit 1) CG MINTY CCUT'1'Y OF OR-A-N'GE, a plaliticail t uhdivisicln of & a State) cif Calikimia Dy,: BarryA. Roncinalla, Airporl Di; ecilcm Datci: Acer Nlinulei Ordandaled A r oar)l public or other ofLcai completing this certificate verifies ant) theidentit) oftheindividualwhc aignei the dcat=[It I( which thLe certif ease is atu shed, and not tt a Inst firina•sl accuraoY, ar ma id't) ofthal docur am. \CHNOWLE DG iiEN'f ST,NTE C FI CAL IFIOF:PIIA COUN-I Y OF ) On „0 .' tl n forei ne, (Insert nurse olNo" aublic S Iitla) Pall sonal ly 2ppeareld Thai psovedl c ma &i th e k a is of sal isfci(AoryeUidemei lai be the Fetscm(s) whose namlells) is+are sut scrip& tc the vritt it insintmerianc acknowledgedlomethal he,^shejthcv aseautcc the same)inhid'hcnth6i audlcriuld uapaeirj� ier). and that by hjslherhheirsignhne(s)cmtheintrunienithe pejrsfn(i crrlhklentityulenitlahelfcllwHohthepelrsan(s aoulc,execimudl the irstrumml. acatiF[ under PENALTY OF PER JIUR Y unt an the laws of the Stale all Clalifomia that the foic®oing paragqplh is tnu and coned. WITNHSS my kind am cfTicial seal. .cligrrrl�'ue (Scall) Sula Alna•liahi linins PaojatMI)IICr• F Sarna Ana -Del hi Charinel Diveirsionl F roject Agreemorit D `-1-013 019206 Flage 54 oll 69 12-58 F a hibill h GRANT F,E A Ulf roved a!• i u Farm CITY O F 9;1 NTIA A a`I A, a Calf fa rni a ah ari or oily By: _ -- EV: - -Dile: Datc : A tic tary public cir other officer completing this certificate ver' hes on y it a is en i ty of de in clividual wil a siggad it a dx ument to whf ah th's a rtif e e is attached amd no the truth fulness acct raM cnivaliditl-oftfa docurmrL ACKNC 1NLIE1lG,ti1'EI'I'T STAIEOFCALJCR..NII? ) CCIUNTM CIA j On 20 before me (lnsen name of h4 tary Public a tido) perscnal} apf eared ivha paaved to me anthe basis of satisfscteuyl ev ideiscci la tie the person(s) whose narne(s is act subscribed io tH a within insrumelnl and aakr.iowledgcd to mo ihai )ie%sHotheyeacearaed the vimie in hisfierltheviaudlarizdd capack)Iliesj, anc that tc his/her their sigrralureo) ori the instrumertthe perscrifs), er the em'1) upon beHalf of Khich the pensort(s) acted, enecti do it instrument. I clertifv undo o FIENALT d C A RIIRJURYI.urider the laws cd the Smi d ctf t:alifcimia that the foregoing prpiagraplh is to a amc CCIrrect. WIIT1,QI S my hand and official seE 1. Signature —•-, -- (Seal; SumAt a -De t i Diversion Prdjeo f FOI t TICE 9 Santa Ana-0ledhi CHannel Elivarsion Plnajaal Agroomem 0115-013 O"W atd Page 59 of EIS 12-59 filrhibit Il COINIONT'r0 GRAYr OF TERrPORART CON9TRUCTIC,JN EA: Dy 1FIN7 DIED THE 1R VM CCINIPANY, al earplaradi aln, c aci heiiat A consent to the foreigaing grant of t1i is Tomplorary Construcl ion EMeff enl Deec; provided, howeverl. Thal such consent stall apply tc said TetrinarorN Cons trucl ian G.iseRient Deec er, elw ivelly, and that such consent shall nc t h e de emed d or lie Id tel ivah ci, radeasa, allcu, ctange, impair or in any manner affect any, of thel cow -chants and.aoni it ions provided in the deed dal cc Juale 30, 1558 by which tf a undelrsigrec conveyed to th a Cot nlly of Orange the pranerty described irl said 'IIenll caanl Clonstruction Basement Deed. U -E IRS M, COMM ANY Hy: Santa Arta -De Iii Divesion Pra,ice IF(II 17K19 I (I Santa Ana-11alti Channel Uiversicln Projacll Aglreemelrll loll -`1-01:1 9719'-OI6 Pa@le 16 of 69 12-60 Exhibit D C ERTIFICATbI OA ACCIII RUNCH THIS IS TO CIHRTIIIY, tluil ttel interest conveyk t y this Teimporary Canstrucitian Hasemeril Deed fham The Counly aflOrange4 a palitieall s ubdivision oilthc 31. le of Claliforniv, to die Clity of Santa Ana, v Cailiforni: crarteroily, fisher: hyaccepted pursumIloa:udiorita gamed tathciunder..ipcidltyamdemafltheSanta AnaClity{ Council on 20_, subjacl Io dietelms, condilions:nd reser,atians sel Flcirdi theilain., and GRANTF E eonserlL to the raaordal iar oils: id TeimpararyCc r i Iructian Eirsemc nl I]eed. GRIINIIHIL CICY OPI14IAMA.MA By: Dater ATTEST: SuI2 Aria-[ d hi Divmii� a Plq ccl (701) 7CI9 I 9arlia Ana -Delhi Channel 0iversion Project Agreement D154113 0919^016 Hage 57 of 69 12-61 RECC RUBD AT THE` REQ UB,5 T WT DN RE CORE rc `L•Vl U TO: County cif ChLingc CLCl/Real Estala 700 Nak t Flower Santa Ana, Califarnia 9-2 1103 Mail Ta. -4 Sltalerrierts as shown abcivci ❑ Unincosporatcd,Vtaa E Incarporalcd, CityaifNewTorl Beach EXHI®1T E Ealsemert Deed EXHIBIiI E Th•s is Iocerfrythttflfsdoaenrenl isexen ftrroin rt cart inig fees pqe Govl. (lade Sec. 27383 mind is exec mpil frum Daicu m c r Ic ry Tlr. n: kr Tlax Mjr Rev. & Tlaxail la n Cc d @ Sec. 1197111. ey: itch � Twits us oi an n c imi cii 575 5 uvx Hamel No.: Flii F(II Pitajecl: ;lar to Anil -Delhi ❑iverticn Clhanrel EASEMENT AMENDMENT DEED FOR A VALUABLIE CONSIDERATION, seaeipt of whiah is herety aalalowlec' led, tfis amendrrcint ("Ani mant"J la that certain Hascini Deed dalcd and retarded an August 8, 1961 in Book 58(3, Bagc "11 of the OPfiaiail Records aflOr.wiae Courily., Califorria (" Dmscn cril'):ittaclted hereto asi ELA fait C. is entered inia by and Ecbveeni COUNTY C f I ORANCIU, ai plalitic al s u E d ivis ion of the State elf CH itarr i a, its suaccssani a nd assigns Ilhereir after referred to as "GRANTOR"), and Ihei OR INGD COUN,"IT ALOOD CONITRIOU DU TRIIICT, Ila boc3 corplar.de aind pahlia, heueinafter rciferreK to as "DISTIIRICITI"JIGR.ANTCIRI anc DISTRICT may somelin i hareina0itn to indiv'cually rcfencd to as "1'nrly"cm jairlly as "f mn ies";. RIE IC I TALS 1. Pursuant la Ut Harerienl, UIISTRICT Nalds a nelifleluail ewemeru anc cglht of way for flo& ciantrcd purnlases iri, oven ai ill amass than cerla'ri real noapcirly idendificd airxf descriked in tliail caciurnent cis the eascri it aueat within Parcal F(I1-215. Pulrsusint to tltcse Gaiscmenl riglin, DISTRICT anerales and maintains iu flcod oorlrol faei liti- laraw n as t u Santa Ara-Deilhi Divcirsiori Chanrteil, Facility No. F(I1 (thea :'Facility"). hate 1 ci l I Sarila Ana-Celhi Chanriel Diversion Projac:t Agralelment 0115-013 Pap 38 of 69 12-62 BYI[BIT E 2. Tllei County afl Change, Board of Slvnervisors an approved Slanta Ansi-Delhi Charonal Ellivensian Project Agneiemenl D1.i-C 1- amoncl Gl2rL,lrOlt, El9'I'RJCI', Cih• of Sanu Anal, Cityof Nuri fort Beach, City oflCc slai Masa, Oranga Cour ly 1b aler District an d C w Iry it a Ranch `.Maier Distric l in furl hmance of a rcpianal watershed pnaieel to divert dry-weadl ren a ubar d iset arch flaws and trlarh from the Santa Ansi-DelhiDiversican Chamntltasalisfywata!cualitylcampliaincerequirewent ("Tinojeol). ImplemanilationoflgiciPik).icciler[uilscEr:tncition of la I criion Struetureroquiringmodllion atothe existing Baci lily and in tal lalion of subsurface plumps, vrd well, plipt li ros and a sewer taunt main within a Iieini (if It is Easement Arca; and m lignrnt nd oil an access road. 3. By this Amer do enq Ui c Partitz intand to moc ify the arisfng Casement to add an ac d it Ionia I easement artia, referenced as Parcal II(I1 - immc.dialely adjaclent la Ilaircal F0I.- 215 Ey this Amendment. Aarccls P01-2 15 an( Aarcicl FC 1- 4. "ll Parlies unc'erstanc and amlet to comply with the i erms, ocndil'crosl wind obligations aflihal certain Grant Dtied recorded ]lune Al, 19'IFI in Book 4?3321 Paige.2108 in thti Ofiieiad Il ofiOraingci County, California whicll all rielhk title, and inti nest in I hci Ba!ieunanl Ailea Ilas d efmcid Herein Eall with GRANTOR. 1Tle Paarties intend to and tarns 9a the exislinci Bwernienl to flxslet aallabaraticm in thein joiirt Use of ttc sut jecd progerty. C. Olierttan the) terms henciin, this Arrencnient shall nol utrercvisc .affect, alter), or changes the Fasemierit As tla ary irconsiisterlcy existing Eeriveen with (to terms aflthis Arrlendment anu the, tenni in tie Edserrient, Ill agniei the lermi of tt is Amendment shall certrol. ill. For the above! td Iti l re:san!, tlha Partie;a amleca to amersl the Easerriant with d a ler, and conidi f arui herein Ic apply to the Usenieni A!ea. NOW, 1-11EBlEf011 fan vaI able considtratior, receint aflwhiah is henetJl acdcnawlecaled, the Parties agree to the fapoµ ing leans, conditions, and resenrahions: ,V RECI ll Eaah of the above I;eciti b is incarponted her ein ainc is true a rd carred. B. INSEM BARCIEL Ill) l- LEGAII DESCRIPTION' AND E EPICITOY GRATTOR hereby eanve" to EIISTRIC11 ilio ability) to caernise its riou pursuant la Ihci Basemeril in, on, under ar d aver land immec iately adjacent to the er islinsl ]p:natil I CI I-2111 aasarrioni area, ugam land rtifenied a heir6n as Parcel FOl- as definac iri Est ill arc dep'docl in Hshibil B. caeh aittacted hereto and incarporated henain. C. ADD SECTION The 161laiving isi htireEy added to Ute Easement ar Section 1: Section 1. The all legal description for Pascal Fal -2115 and tic attaabed Icgad descruiplion in Er1tJEit AI feu Iia rctil F(1- _ as depicted in Hshill it B, which exh it ll are atlacill lierda and EN rtuferoncia n ade a part herleofl shall ccllectiwily dtifint thti "Easana cul Arlen" For Uta rights carwt ylec herein. Paige ] of 7 Slarta Ana -Delhi Charnel Divtarslion Project Agrtacimlertt Ell 54113 Pagel 59 of E19 12-63 EXH 111311 E D. ADD SECTION 2 Tha iF owing is lievet y adc ed to the Fasen eni as Seicl ion 2: 9ealicn 2. AA notices. doaumerb, correspondence, ant communicatfcrost cancernine the plerFelu:I emerrtend shall lia adtnessed as sel forth in thio flaragraHh au as thea parties may hereaftef desiggada ty written nal'ce, and shad he sant t1maugh the United Staters mail, duly ra&tercid or aertiffec with postage prep aid. Anly suc 1 m. iling shall ha deemed sarvad or deil iveneid tWerily-fbiur (1241 hours :Tier mailing. Hach plarly may ahangef Ilia acdreas for niatices by Hiving the other Ilam, al Iciast len (10) ca endal days plriar written notice afl thci ri address. Nohvilhstanding the above, a party map also pravidc r ices, doauments, coniespardenice, or such other aammuricatiors to the Ohm plarty Hy person it dfiveo or rcgulhar r ii1 and, so given, shall be cecrred tc have been givein uplon neceipl if praviced by flnrlcln.il dciUvery or ftirty-eigit (4f1; hours after mailing if praviced by regullar mail. mo, GRAINTOR: Cc c my of Orange c/o Jlahn Rtayge Airport Airport Director I f Cl Aimny , Uveniva Costa Nleia, CA 9,216126 F. cs ini ile : II949; 2,113-.'l 174 RE: Fanta Anal Dalhi Diversion Project fir to P, iSTRJ C T: Oranflei Cour tv Flccid Conhlo'I Distiliat do Direclar, OC Voll 1'o Wort, A. O. Hax 404181 RE: Dl -I-013 Samla Arla-Delhi Diversion (FO1; Santa Ana, CAI 921702-40 41, E. AE D MECTION The fallowinu is hereby oddest to the Easement as Seal ran 3: aacl ion ',I. GRAINTORI agilues thlait it ! hall not gflanl any surfhcey subsurfaaa or aeuia I rich is in t1 ei Easement Area as will u nneasoniably interfere wii h an i iohitlit the usei by DIISTRICTI cif the right! and easemienl herein gganted. GRANTORrasena all rights eompatible 1vitlt afnd nol goejudiaiail to DISTRICT exefcisei of Ihei riglls and easemerit heirein gr:nlW- proviced, no imflrovemserrLt shall ba constructed, fllaceid or plermitted within, upon, uaderf an above the Dascment Arra until suah constnatian and'or maiintenarm plams have flyd been appra,,ec in writirig by the Airport Mimi and the Defector ofl Pulllfa Warta of Caunlf• aftOranfle orf their designees. I]irefetar ap1movzI cflGR.-VZOR's fllans sh:ll nol bo decimesl apflravail from the slandflainl of strudtwaI safbty, suitability fhn purpose ar aclnformarlea ailb bui cing or othef aoc cis on other e1overnmental requirenrenrts. FI. AC D SECTION 4 The fallowing is hereby added to tho Edscri as Saciliar d: Seelicr a, FAACON'DIIMON'S AND RUSERVA'DIONS A. COUNTY hereby reserver unto itselfl.ind ils apefalar Jlohn Waynci Airport. ' ir ort. anc (lieu respcictive suacensars and afssigrsy for thei m a arc beincifit ofl the fluff Iia, a right of flight for the flassagci of aircraft in thei aimflacc above the surfacei of thu abo+•e deuscnibed veal praflerly, together lrilH the right to cause in laid Page 3 ofl7 Santa Ana -Delhi Charinel Diveirslion Projeal Agreement Dl 5-013 Hage 60 oil 69 12-64 BXF Ill B airsflaaei stch nnisci as ma) lk iniererl in the ape7atrin of aircraft. nova• Brown ar lieruadier used for rinvigalian oil or flight in the said airspace; anc for use all said airsflace for kirdinisl on, Laking offl fhom or aflerading on ]lohn 1Y'ayp Airport. B. DISTRIC T d'v enteririgl into IHis casen ent, explrussly agrlees, (lar it: elf, its suacessairs alyd assigns, tial it will not creta nor permit tle enaction aflany structure nrbuilding nor plermil al l aflralunil growth ar olher aUstructian an tie all c escribed teal ppupemt}l altovei a Iciight at detemnincd ty tie alppllioatior of the requirements ofl 14 C.Il Part 71 (PAR Part 717). lln tie even) ilei afbre-aid ca-enanl is treacheidl, COLTS liY nesenes foci rig/ l to eriler ar the ahova descsibcd nail flraplerty and to remove the offcnd'r el sincture or object :incl la cut IIl offending natural graced, all of ihiclh sllalll to al the explertsei cr the DISMCT. CI. DISTRICiI by entering it Io ill easement. eivpresa y agncis, fas 'Itself, its sucieuascrs and arsigns, that it vvi'll rat make usa of the abova desciill real phoil in arty manner which might interferei wilh tit larding anc takirg off oflaircnall at the lkhri VI"ayne Airflort or eltlierrvisa aansliluta sn airport hazard. llni the event th i afore a'd covenant iii t seacill ttel COUNI T renierves the right to eirten an it a said real flrap" and carnal the A.ite:ment of! uch intorfercncci ad the ax[lenti of DISTIL CT. D. 11131l eacgressl) agiees, for iLadf, its sueciessors and assignls, tial if required, it kill file Federal Aviadiar Administiator (FAA; Fane 7460-I, \ghee/ cf Ploposed Corstrulctiari or Mtematan Qor such other official farm as designated), fir the purflosci of airspace evaluation far any and all current .mid filtUrci con: trtlatiani an mad ifical'clni plropa: cid an fociat cn,c dclscnbed read Hroplerl ). G. ADD SBCTION S Thofhllowrigsecdori sheucd)addecitotheGasetrtcrdamScci 5: Section J. ACCESS 710 EASfl MU A DISTRICT agrees to nalify GRANTOR's Airport Ilimcclor an daiigreie plrian ila DISTRICII's ciammestaerrierd of, replair or relocatani work in lle Baserrent .area. GRk:iNTOR shall have the right tcl deisi¢rrate the access to the Easeiment Area d1raugf GRAN-IIOR":I prat l�f t) written nctliaTR e to DISICT. This designated access mule shall reasa ly accommal:de DISTRICT'S maintenance vahicdeis. Ir the evert of a meal for thei CRANTC14 to ehanigei Citi access lucadianl GRANT014 shall atlerrplt to give len (10; days written ric icei. Said nalico sliall be guar by Airport Directan ar des'gnec. ll. AL 111 SECTION( TI ei following s ccitior is lien Il acted to tie Ehscimc nt aro Seictiani 6: Sectiari 6. REMOVAL A\D�CR AE:LNDONME\T DITIRIC' agpieas that in the event thei sen•icci for whicih said faciillitic i w•eic construuted is orcereid discorliriued and DIS'll is riot required Ey lav, rule, ar. sagulatari oflany governmental aullicmil) to fill irh said servicie as in the/ avert the ase of the fhcilitie! eeasels Ian a per ad of morei Than ona illi yaain v+ itl aul written noticefrc m DISTRIC71 10 C RANiIClln afllhe airoumstancies aifFe al ing such susplension and oflElISTRICT'S iris ion to resuma usage of tie fhiciliticr, DISTRICT, at Dinclar's recuest, aril at na cost to GRANTOR sliall Hramil remove and/or allandan any gamier of said faciditias owned, aperaled, and n airilaincid by C11SMC1, aficn reicuipt of written rat ce from Airplorl Tlinalar to rernovu ardlor abandon. Im ilea event cd such rcmoval and/or aibardonmemit, IDSTR]Cf shall execute and seaard it the Offlcial Reicands of Orange Clounly, Calilaria, a Quitclaim Daad a u fficie:nt to rcrnavel the er at tall rar ce of tris easemdct 1 (tom I it It I a Ilit: i Edsem enl ?o e:. Null 4 of 1 9arral Anal -Delhi Channel Divelrsicri Hroject Agruein enl El15-01.1 Hage 611 of 69 12-65 EXh[BIT E I. ADDSEC]ION7 The lbllcvvingsection isHerctyat(odilathe E senianiz! Stoion 7: Section 1. COMM IJ:AXCE WTfH REGULIATORY Ali CHICIRMI]IS OhT'RIICT shall, at its own cicsl and esplenriet pjnomptly and al all fnest abscrve, comply, with anc aarry aut all present and future ander, rcigulatioris, diraalans, rules, laws, ardinancei, rpmits anc requirements of all govurnmenuil auttarilim, incdudincl but nal limned tc envaanmentzl neclulaiton auttarites, with jwisdiction in, an, overand aboul I is Easement Area, wilich airisti from EIIS'iRjc ' wei aflor performance of anv .iativil'es plermilted to be ccnmdc aged in, ar , aver, an acres! the Easement Areci. M acditiom 13II9TRICIT shall ensure Ibal all activil'es in, ani aver an aboul da Edsernew Areal arca plerfarmad in accor6rct Willi any NTEIES National PcIIULant Discharge Elimination Splem) pleirmii requirements or other Water grraliLN sLIUIICs, replitians, ordinances, or plarmit9, aplplliaahlo to such aalivities, inedudincl but nict limilec to use of affliopr'sle Hest mainaclement llracit'ees, so as to crsuro Ihet plollulant9 ane nol c ischarged into dre Channt 1 nor into tte flaad control system. Prior to tha sta rl of any eanstruction aati0y, U197TUM' shall provide Airplort Du acilar and Diraal ar afl Pdbtic Walks a ooply afltheu Watt o Quality 1 fanagemenl Plan (19 QMA) for approval. Na approvals ar aansents given herecnder by COL N1 1"i, as a parIN tc ibis Easement stall be ceemeid apprawil as to eomplliance or eonfarmance wd aplpliaatle clavcmtrental cotes, laws, rudesi cr nagullatf c ru . signantre Plage FOJV(X"a Page S od' 7 Santa Ana -Delhi Channel Diversion Project Agmainem DI5-0131 Hage 62 of E9 12-66 Af maimed as I a Farm OfTae (If tht Counity Caurise I Orautge C CIL nty, Cad ifflrnia El v: Pau I \vL A]barian, Sc nior llcrptj Darla: EXF MIT 6 CRA N17 'OR County of Oranip, a flalilicail suliLivirior of Iltc Shit (ifCallikimia Jahn Wayne Alrflor By: Barry A. Randinclla, AirTlart Dinecdor Daic: Her Motu lc Ot del d al ec : A natanj public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity ofthe l cbvidua whd rigrled dvl docwrxnl to %hlah t tis cert 6aate is attached and nal IN trutf folies i, accuracy, os validity e f tha t doc torten t. AC h1P'0%VL EDGMENT Slate of C all ktrniti Couni v of On nge or :'CI_hefora ale, persarctlly appclat ad ivho pptoved la it e on the basis al satisktctary evide nec to to the person(s) whose name(s) is -are subsc tihc d to d e within invtrum ent ant aalriou ledged to n c that h cIsl eithey a Stec uled the sante in hisber d eir autharized cegsacityl its), and It I by his'hledtheir signgture(s; an the im trun enf the pgest n(s;, os the eriti ty upon bt he If of wl icF the persen(e; acii ed exec uu J the imlUunent. I aer if • under PENALTY Of PERDU Y tuvfert}vl hllms edthe State alCalifornia lhai Elle faregaing pgagQlpfl is Inx at d carred W TNESIS n r hand and offlowl seal. SigrvIure _ (9ea1; Page C of 71 Santa Anai-Delhi 0annal Diversion Project Agreemcru D13-01:1 Hage 63 oll 69 12-67 BY E ISIT E CER111F1CIATEOFACCEITIAN E THis is tc certify that tN inlemasl it read property conveyec by the wilt in teed om cpianl iei tte OR NCIF CCIIJNIY FLCICD C CNTROL DISTRICI, a body ecirpcintc a nc nal ilia, is Nemeby aeeentcdl Ny order of thlt Board of Su plervisars of the Camlyl ed Oilanga. Cadiforriia, acting as the g(raming board cd the CIAANGII CICIUMI)' FLOOD CCMRCIL IIISTRICI, anc We ORMIGIE COUNTY FLOCID C CN rPIOL D1 S IRICI consents to rcctolid sit ion IH aseaf N!- its do Iv au a orizad a fiiecr. Ila ted: Alnpraved asi to Fcrn Office all the Cduntv Counsel Charge Cciur ly, C afifornia Ely: Elaguly Dale: CRAINCE COUNIIT FLOOD CONWROL DIS'IRICI' By: Shane U. Sibby, E ireclor OC Put I'a WcirLll FL ]I Minim Oken donee NEIL a Cif 7 Santa Ana -Delhi Chan nal E iver!iiori Nojcial AgIreemarlu D15-01 _I Pag ei EK of 69 12-68 EXHIBIT IR OCTA Tier 21 Guidelines aim aivaiilable at OCTA's wedsile; at tlhei follcmingl I irik: htt p://wvvwi.c cta. r eit/pc f/CIIPPIGL ide Iines, Of Santa Ana -Delhi Channel Divemiion Pluo:cal Apeemant 1715-013 Rage 65 of 69 12-69 ENHIBIT G Insurances, He n d s and Warranties I. Design and Construction Insurance Requieementsi All consultants, englineer,i, milliglaiticm aigents, the Ccntractcr and each subcontractor to perform work cin the Prc ecit enminommelntal, design and construction em satisfy clbligations in this Agreement shall maintain and provide CCFCDI, or CC STA MESA if applicable, with proof c f insurance far coverage as set forth below pricer tlo ccimmencement ofwark: Cove nage/Limits Ccverage Minimum Limits Ccimmercial General Lialbilillylwith 51,0001,010101 limit pen occurrence products and completed eiperaliclns aind 121,0001,010101 aglglreglatle contractual liab ililly Au1'oimiobilei Uiabilityl including coveralglei 11,0001,010101 limitl per occurrence for ciwmied, nein-olwned and hired vehicles Workers' Ccm ensatlian Statutory Em Icl er's Uiability Insurance) 11,0001,010101 limit per occurrence Prcifessional Liability Insurance 51,0001,010101 limitl per claims made or clec u rre n ce 11,CICICI,010101 aggre aite Reguirled Cove nage Fainmsi The Cemmenaial General Liability ccmerage shall be written an Insunanae Elervices Office (ISIO) Farm CG 001011, cm a substitute farm providing liability camerage at least as brclad. "Ilhe Business Aula L'iabililyl coveragle stlall to wrillen cn ISICI fclrmi CA OCI 011, CA 00 U CA CO 121, CA CO 20, ar a substitule fcrm previcing liatilityl cauenage as trciac. Ouailified Insunen the policy or policies of insurance must) be issued by an insurer licensed to do business in tlhe state of California (California Admitted Carriet) or have al minimum raltlinn cif A (Slecute A.M. Best's rating] aind VIII (Finarlciall Slizle Category) as determinec by the most current edilicin cif the Best's Key Rating Guide/Property-CasualltvVUnited Sltaltles or amblesltl.ec m Reguireid End orsementls The Uirnmercial Garcral IJiability policy shall contain the fcllowting endorsements, which shall accompany] the Cerlifrceite of Insurance: Santa Ara-Etedhi Charinel Eikarsion Nojcial Ae;reememil DI15-013 Pap E16 of 69 12-70 1) An Addilicinal Insured emccisement using ]SIC faun CG 2010 or CG 21033 or a form ait least as broad naming each Parlyl aind J WA and its elected aind appciinted eifficiails, officers, employees, and agents as Additiciral lnsuneds. 21) A primary nein-(cintriiHutirig endorserrenl eN idencing thait the contnaelem's insurance is prirnairy aind any insurance maintained by any Harlyl shall be exicess and non-contrib u 1 i ng. 3') A Products anc Completed Operatieins enccrsemert using ISIC Form CG201371 (ed. 1 CVCII) cir ai fcinn at least ais brciaid, or ain acceptaillk alternative is the ISO frcm CG2010 (ed. 1 1185). AIII insurance policies requirec herein shall waive all rights cif subrciglaitieir against the Parties aind thein respeclive elceted and aippoirled officials, officers, agents and empley{ees when aciling, within the sccipe cif IMP appointment or emplciyrrlent. If ai Hroifessic nail Lhaibility policy isi a "claims made" pc )icy, theft contractor shaill aigrce to maiirtaiir pnoflessicinail liability coverage for thiiee years fcllciwingl completion of ccnstructiem and acceptance cif wcrk. The Products and Completed Cperaliiors coverage shall ailso be maintained for three years following completion cif ceinstructiein anc acceptance cif work. The procuring c f such required pc licy{ or policies of insurance shaill r.cit He construed to limit the Contractor and/or its subcontractor's liability, nor to fulfill air indemnification provisions and requirements, nor in any wary to reduce the policy coverage and ] imits available fneim the insurer. RegjNired Bonds Ccir ttactor shall provide a: faithful performance bcnc, paiyment bond, and warnairIy bond (individuaillyl "Bernd" cit collectively) "Blonds") subject to f]irectcir prior approval and the terms herein. Each Bloird shaill raime the Pairlies ais Heneficiaries and glrant each Fropect Represcntaitive the right to enforce the bond to complete the Facilities in compliance with ail] construction cbligalicns including but not limited to those for wairranties. Slureties providingl these Bonds shall be ai Treaisury Listed Surety Admitted in California (Hedereil Reglisten) with ai current minimum Best's Kley Rating of A- and a Financial Size Category (FSC) of VIII cir better. Contractor shaill pail all premiums aind costs thereof and incidental thereto. SIANTA ANA and the Prci'eict Representatives agree to not release the Contractor frcim its Bcind(s) without the first eibtaiinirg mutuail written apprcivail by the Project Representatives. Reileaisle ofl a wairrainty{ bond(sl) shall ciccuir nci earlier than 1he third ainniversairy cf1He sign-ciffdate on the a,pplicablc CPP(s). Corttactor tei provide failhful performance bond(s) in an aimount to cover I CIO% cif IHe eslimaiied construction ccist for the Hacilides (inc hiding laiHeir and maiterials) Iei insure the Contracton's faiilHful perfarmainee cif all world under the ccimitructiein contract and the replaciing of, cr masking acceptable, any defective materials or faullty workmanship. Nci ailleraitions, time exlensions, aidditional wank cir other changes aulhcinized by the Agreement or the contract may He made without securiing ccrsent of the surety or sureties cn the Bcirds. Sarna Ana -Del IiChan rel Diversion Urejcc Agieierrent❑15-Q11 Hage 67 oil 69 12-71 Contracteir to provide payment bond(s) in an amount deemed the by Llregecft Refresentailives as sufficient to guanantae lHe Conlractor's faithful performance cif contract obligations, including Ihcfse required ficin warranlies anc any performed pafsl-construction. Required ftrnaiwies Contractor to wamlranl that malerials afnd ecl firtent fumishefd be new cm good quality afrcl carry all amaiIable manufaclurer's arc iinstaIkit's warranties arc tHaft construcftion be cif good zine workmanlike quality in accoreancfe with IHe terns cif lHis Aglreement fern a period cif three years from completion of Pro'ect construction and the sign -off dafte en applicable CPFi(s). Any wcirk ncit conforming to Ihefsef requirements shall be ccirsicered defective work. The construclicfn contract shall rct limit the time that owner of improvemenls Has to pursue any acticin for defective wcrk for a lime period less than the applicable statute of limfitaftions. 11. 0peratialn and Maintenalnce An 0&M contractor(s) shall mfainlafin arc preivide CCFCD aind/orCCSTA MESA, with pnoofcf insurafnce for covenafge, at mi r imum, as set forth bel c wl: C cimeraige,2 i mites Coverage Minimum Lim its Commercial Ceneral Uiability with products and completed operations aind contractual' liability sl,CCC,CCC limit per occurrence 11,CCC,000 aggrefgate AutomobileLliabiIityincludingccuefraigle for ciwaned, non -owned and hired vehicles I1,CICC,CCC limit per occurrence Workers' C c m emaitic n Statutory Bm Ice er's Lliability lrsurance I1,000,CICICI Iimil pereccurrence Required Cove ragef F airms The Ccrrimercial General Liabilily coverage sbalI be written en Insurance Services Cfflce (I SIO) form CGI CC C 1, efr a substitule form provicing liability coverage ai least as brefad. The Business Aulel Liability) coverage sHall be written on ISIC fame CA CC C 1 CA CC C5, CA CC 12 CA 00 20, efr a substitule forma provicing liabilily coverage as broac. Oualified Insurer THe policy em policies of insurance) must be issued by sin insurer :licensed to do business in The Slaite cif California (Cali f miai Admitted Carrier) cin have a minimum raitinof A- C(Slecure A.M. Best's rafting) and V III (Airarcial Size Category) as determined by the moist current edition of the Best's Kev Rating Guide/Propertly-Casuaflty/Unitled Stlades air ambefst com Sar Ial Ana-Milti Chanrel Divension Project Agnearnent D15-013 Page E18 of E19 12-72 Required Endorsements 11he Ceimmerciail General LiaiHiIityl policy sha(11 ccintaiin the followingl endcinsements, which shailI accompainy the Certificate cif Insurance: 4) An Addilicinail Insured endcirsemcint using lK form CG 21010 cir CG 21CI33 cir ai form et leaist as brciad naiming eacH Pa,ilyl and its elected and appointed officials, ciffrcers, employees, and agents ais Additicinal Insureds. 5) A primary rcin-ccintributing endorsement eNiidencing IHat We ccintraictor's insurance is prima!-}{ and any insurance maintained by any Party shall be excess and non-contribulingl. E) A Flreiducts aind Completed Openatieins endcirsement using ISO Feirm CG21C31 (ed. 1(I/01) air ai fonn at least as brciad, or an acceptable ailtemailive is the ISIO frcim CG2010 (ed. I D81). All insurance policies regluincid Herein shad] waive ad] rights cif subrcigalicin against the Flarties and their respective elected eind appointed officials, cifficers, eiglents and employees when acting within the scope cif thein appeiintment cir employment. The procuring cif such regluine l policy air policies of insurance sihadl not be construed to limit the contractor and/cir subcontractor liability], nor to fulfill an indemnificaition provision and requirement, nor in any way to reduce the pcilicy covenagle and limits available from thea insurer. Santa Arizi-Ctedti Chan ria l Diversion Fro'eci Aeineemiant ❑I 54113 Pagei 651 oll 69 12-73