HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 - Appendix J Part 1APPENDIX J CULTURAL AND PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCES GI0[ _ C O N S U L T I N O , ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT NEWPORT BANNING RANCH NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Prepared for City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 Prepared by BonTerra Consulting 151 Kalmus Drive, Suite E -200 Costa Mesa, California 92626 T: (714) 444 -9199 F: (714) 444 -9599 February 16, 2010 Ranch TESTING AND EVALUATION OF THE CULTURAL RESOURCES OF NEWPORT BANNING RANCH NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Prepared for City of Newport Beach Prepared by: BonTerra Consulting 151 Kalmus Drive, Suite E -200 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Authors: Christopher Drover, Ph.D., RPA Patrick Maxon, M.A., RPA Mark Roeder Tony Kuhner Ranch TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Ranch Page 1.0 Management Summary ..................................................................... ..............................1 1.1 Purpose and Scope ..................................................... ..............................1 1.2 Dates of Investigation .................................................. ..............................1 1.3 Findings of the Investigation ........................................ ..............................1 1.4 Investigation Constraints ............................................. ..............................2 1.5 Recommendations ....................................................... ..............................2 1.5.1 CA -ORA- 839 .................................................... ..............................3 1.5.2 CA -ORA -844 Locus B ...................................... ..............................3 1.5.3 CA -ORA- 906 .................................................... ..............................4 1.5.4 Cultural Resources Monitoring ......................... ..............................4 1.5.5 Human Remains .............................................. ..............................5 2.0 Undertaking Information / Introduction ............................................. ..............................5 2.1 Contracting Data .......................................................... ..............................5 2.2 Regulatory Setting ....................................................... ..............................5 2.2.1 State ................................................................. ..............................6 2.2.2 Federal ............................................................. ..............................5 2.2.3 City of Newport Beach .................................... ............................... 8 2.3 Undertaking ................................................................ .............................10 2.4 Project Site ................................................................. .............................10 Project Site Map ....................................... ............................... (Follows) 10 2.5 Project Personnel ....................................................... .............................11 3.0 Physical Setting ............................................................................... .............................11 3.1 Cultural Setting ........................................................... .............................11 3.1.1 Prehistory ........................................................ .............................11 3.1.2 Ethnohistory .................................................... .............................14 4.0 Research Design .............................................................................. .............................15 4.1 Theoretical Orientation ............................................... .............................15 4.2 History of Research .................................................... .............................16 4.3 Hypotheses, Test Implications, Data Requirements ... .............................18 4.3.1 Chronology ...................................................... .............................19 4.3.2 SettlementlSubsistence Systems ................... .............................22 4.3.3 Trade and Exchange ....................................... .............................25 4.3.4 Lithic Technology ............................................ .............................27 4.3.5 Site Structure ................................................ ............................... 28 5.0 Methods ............................................................................................ .............................28 5.1 Field Methods and Procedures ................................... .............................28 5.1.1 Site Boundaries ............................................... .............................29 5.1.2 Data Sampling and Excavation Procedures ... .............................29 5.1.3 Screening, Washing and Laboratory Methods and Procedures.. 30 5.1.4 Cataloging ....................................................... .............................30 R \Projects \Newport \J015 \Technical Repotls \CulturaMrchaec Tech Rpt (pub) - 021610 doe I Table of Contents 6.0 Results .................. Ranch ......................... ............................... 31 6.1 Prehistoric Sites .......................................................... .............................31 6.1.1 CA -ORA- 148 ................................................... .............................31 6.1.2 CA -ORA- 839 ................................................... .............................34 6.1.3 CA -ORA- 843 ................................................... .............................42 6.1.4 CA -ORA -844 (Locus A + 8) .......................... ............................... 44 6.1.5 CA -ORA- 845 ................................................... .............................47 6.1.6 CA -ORA- 906 ................................................... .............................48 6.1.7 CA -ORA- 1599 ................................................. .............................51 6.1.8 CA -ORA- 1600 ................................................. .............................53 6.2 Historic Sites ............................................................... .............................54 6.2.1 CA- ORA- 1601H .............................................. .............................54 6.2.2 CA- ORA- 1602H .............................................. .............................56 6.2.3 CA- ORA- 1610H .............................................. .............................57 7.0 Discussion ........................................................................................ 8.3 Human Remains ......................................................... .............................68 .............................60 7.1 Eligibility Determinations ............................................. .............................60 8.0 Management Considerations .......................................................... .............................60 R: \Projects \NewpoOIJ015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc II Table of Contents 8.1 Recommendations /Mitigation ..................................... .............................60 8.1.1 CA -ORA- 148 ................................................... .............................60 8.1.2 CA -ORA- 839 ................................................... .............................61 8.1.3 CA -ORA- 843 ................................................... .............................62 8.1.4 CA -ORA- 844 ................................................... .............................63 8.1.5 CA -ORA- 845 ................................................... .............................65 8.1.6 CA -ORA- 906 ................................................... .............................65 8.1.7 CA -ORA- 1599 ................................................. .............................66 8.1.8 CA -ORA- 1600 ................................................. .............................67 8.1.9 CA- ORA- 1601H .............................................. .............................67 8.1.10 CA- ORA- 1602H .............................................. .............................67 8.1.11 CA- ORA- 1610H .............................................. .............................67 8.2 Cultural Resources Monitoring ................................... .............................67 8.3 Human Remains ......................................................... .............................68 9.0 References ........................................................................................ .............................69 LIST OF TABLES Table Pa e 1 Results and Recommendations of the Study for Each Archaeological Site ......................2 2 Cultural Sequence for Orange County ............................................... .............................13 R: \Projects \NewpoOIJ015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc II Table of Contents Figure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 LIST OF FIGURES Ranch Page ORA -148; Van Horn's Test Unit Locations ......................................... .............................32 ORA -148 Recorded Site Location ...................................................... .............................33 ORA -839 Aerial View; Note Surface Disturbance and Barrow Pit North of Locus C.......35 New Test Units ORA -839 Locus B ..................................................... .............................37 ORA -839 Locus B Van Horn ( 1980: 56) .............................................. .............................38 Feature 1 Locus C ORA -839; 14C ..................................................... .............................39 CA -ORA -843 Remnant Midden Areas ............................................... .............................43 ORA -844 Locus A and B — Remnant Middens ................................... .............................45 ORA -906 Sidewall Profile ................................................................... .............................49 ORA -1599 and ORA -1600 ................................................................. .............................52 Site Locations ORA -1601, 1602, and 1610 ........................................ .............................55 Costa Mesa Battery; Note Omega Shaped Concrete Anchor ............ .............................58 ORA -1610; Note Omega- Shaped Concrete Anchor in the Center Right ........................59 LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit Location Overview....................................................................................... ............................... Appendix C 1 -6 Cultural Sites ..................................................................... ............................... Appendix C LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Personnel Qualifications B Fishbone and Faunal Analyses C Cultural Sites: Unit Excavation Locations D Catalog R: \Projects \NewpoOIJ015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc111 Table of Contents Ranch This page intentionally left blank R: \Projects \NewpoOIJ015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloclV Table of Contents Ranch SECTION 1.0 MANAGEMENT SUMMARY 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE BonTerra Consulting completed a Phase II test excavation and evaluation of archaeological sites CA -ORA -148, CA -ORA -839, CA -ORA -843, CA -ORA -844, CA -ORA -845, CA -ORA -906, CA -ORA -1599, CA -ORA -1600, CA -ORA -1601 H, CA- ORA- 1602H, and CA- ORA -1610H for the proposed Newport Banning Ranch Project located in the City of Newport Beach and unincorporated Orange County, California, within the City of Newport Beach's Sphere of Influence. All work was completed under the cultural resources provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City of Newport Beach. This study would be a technical appendix to the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) being developed by BonTerra Consulting for the Project. The study was also done to federal level standards (Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act [NHPAj) because of the possibility of a future federal nexus. This Phase II report addresses the disposition and significance of the 11 unevaluated archaeological sites on the Project site. They are being evaluated for their eligibility for listing on the California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR), and by extension, on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Eligible sites warrant further consideration in the planning process. The format of this report follows Archaeological Resource Management Reports (ARMR): Recommended Contents and Format (Office of Historic Preservation 1990). Data collected through survey, controlled excavation, and archival research was analyzed and used to evaluate the significance of each site. Pursuant to Section 15064.5(a)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines, a site is considered historically significant if it meets one of the four criteria for listing on the California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR) (see "Regulatory Setting" below). Archaeological sites are typically evaluated under Criterion D, which assesses the potential of each site to yield information important in the State's prehistory. Therefore, the primary goal of site testing at Newport Banning Ranch is to establish the dimensions, chronology, density, diversity, and integrity of the archaeological sites and to compare them to other local and regional sites in order to determine whether any meet the statutory requirements of significance under CEQA. 1.2 DATES OF INVESTIGATION BonTerra Consulting Archaeologists Patrick Maxon and Christopher Drover, PhD, both Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA), completed an initial site walk to formulate excavation plans on May 13, 2009. Site excavations were conducted under the direct supervision and direction of Dr. Drover from May 27, 2009 through June 26, 2009. This report was completed in August 2009. 1.3 FINDINGS OF THE INVESTIGATION Hand excavation of a varying number of Shovel Test Pits (STPs) and 1 x 1 meter units at 10 of the 11 archaeological sites on the Newport Banning Ranch Project site resulted in cultural material recovery and permitted significance evaluations. Table 1 summarizes the results and recommendations of the study for each archaeological site. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc 1 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch TABLE 1 RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE STUDY FOR EACH ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE 1.4 INVESTIGATION CONSTRAINTS Much disturbance has occurred throughout the property. The Newport Oil Company has developed and drilled on the property for many years. These activities have heavily disturbed all of the recorded cultural resources on the Project site. Disturbances that have affected cultural resources include road building; quarrying; maintenance; preparation, closure, and rehabilitation of drilling pads; and other activities. Fill soil /sediment, acquired over time from numerous locations on the property, was often used to create roads and pad sites in the lower wetlands. In some cases, these disturbances have resulted in isolated cultural loci within sites as consequences of grading rather than cultural activities. 1.5 RECOMMENDATIONS BonTerra Consulting recommends that CA -ORA -839; CA -ORA -844, Locus B; and CA -ORA -906 be deemed eligible for listing in the CRHR or NRHP. Locus A of CA -ORA -844 and the remaining eight archaeological sites on the Project site are recommended not eligible for listing and require no further study aside from observation during grading. The CEQA Guidelines ( §15126.4[b][3]) directs public agencies, wherever feasible, to avoid damaging historical resources of an archaeological nature, preferably by preserving the resource(s) in place. Several possibilities suggested by the CEQA Guidelines include (1) planning construction to avoid the site; (2) incorporating the site into open space; (3) capping the site with a chemically stable soil; and /or (4) deeding the site into a permanent conservation easement. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc2 Archaeological Resources Assessment CEQA/Section 106 Eligibility Site CA- Description Condition Prior Testing Current Testing Recommendation ORA -148 Shell scatter Destroyed Van Horn None Not eligible (1982) ORA -839 Minor residential Good Van Horn 8 Control Units Eligible base (1980) ORA -843 Shell scatter Poor Van Horn 8 STPs Not eligible (1982) Minor residential Locus A: 1 Control Unit; ORA -844 base Satisfactory No 10 STPs Eligible (Locus B) Locus B: Poor ORA -845 Shell scatter Poor Van Horn (1982) 10 STPs Not eligible ORA -906 Major residential Good No 1 Control Unit Eligible base ORA- 1599 Lithic scatter Poor No 6 STPs Not eligible ORA -1600 Lithic scatter Poor No 7 STPs Not eligible ORA -1601 H Trash scatter Poor No 2 STPs Not eligible ORA -1602H Trash scatter Poor No 1 STP Not eligible ORA -1610H emplacement I Destroyed No None Not eligible STP: Shovel Test Pits. An approximately 40 -cm by 40 -cm hand - excavated unit used to detect presence /absence of resources. 1.4 INVESTIGATION CONSTRAINTS Much disturbance has occurred throughout the property. The Newport Oil Company has developed and drilled on the property for many years. These activities have heavily disturbed all of the recorded cultural resources on the Project site. Disturbances that have affected cultural resources include road building; quarrying; maintenance; preparation, closure, and rehabilitation of drilling pads; and other activities. Fill soil /sediment, acquired over time from numerous locations on the property, was often used to create roads and pad sites in the lower wetlands. In some cases, these disturbances have resulted in isolated cultural loci within sites as consequences of grading rather than cultural activities. 1.5 RECOMMENDATIONS BonTerra Consulting recommends that CA -ORA -839; CA -ORA -844, Locus B; and CA -ORA -906 be deemed eligible for listing in the CRHR or NRHP. Locus A of CA -ORA -844 and the remaining eight archaeological sites on the Project site are recommended not eligible for listing and require no further study aside from observation during grading. The CEQA Guidelines ( §15126.4[b][3]) directs public agencies, wherever feasible, to avoid damaging historical resources of an archaeological nature, preferably by preserving the resource(s) in place. Several possibilities suggested by the CEQA Guidelines include (1) planning construction to avoid the site; (2) incorporating the site into open space; (3) capping the site with a chemically stable soil; and /or (4) deeding the site into a permanent conservation easement. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc2 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch In this analysis, the location and nature of each identified eligible archaeological site was compared to the proposed Newport Banning Ranch development plans. Mitigation measures were developed for all the sites' resources, but particular attention is given to those sites that could potentially suffer substantial adverse change or adverse impacts as a result of the proposed Project. The following is applicable for the three sites deemed eligible for listing on the CRHR or the NRHP as historical resources. Only CA -ORA -839 is also considered a unique archaeological resource. Mitigation is the same for both types of resources. 1.5.1 CA -ORA -839 It appears that CA -ORA -839 would suffer no direct impacts as a result of the proposed development (Figure 4). Although the construction of Bluff Road to 19`h Street would extend north into the vicinity of the site, the road would be constructed along the bottom and to the west of the bluffs, while the site lies on the bluff top to the east. In the event that Bluff Road is not constructed, no direct impacts to CA -ORA -839 are anticipated. Direct impacts from the removal of oil field infrastructure, however, could impact the site, and the increased population on the site as a result of future development, could cause further damage to the site over time. With respect to site development, it should be possible to preserve the vast majority of the site in place in perpetuity to avoid further disturbance to it. It should be possible to preserve the vast majority of the site in place in perpetuity to avoid further disturbance to it. However, it appears that the planned removal of oil field infrastructure may impact portions of the site. In that event, the site shall undergo a data recovery excavation of those areas that will be impacted. Data recovery shall be sufficient to collect a representative sample of site constituents, including organic materials, to permit additional absolute dating of the deposit. In addition, secondary impacts (e.g., increased foot traffic, erosion) could occur at the site after the Project has been constructed; therefore, the site shall be capped with chemically stable soil to preserve it in perpetuity. During grading operations, excess dirt shall be placed on the site to a sufficient depth to protect the deposit, but not cause unintended damage to it. Shallow- rooted vegetation (such as native coastal sage scrub) may be planted on the new surface. To ensure the integrity of the archaeological deposit, the current ground surface shall initially be covered with some form of horizon marker (e.g., by Mirafi, a polypropylene geotextile) to prevent the deposit from mixing with the covering material and to serve as a marker of the site if the covering is ever removed. The capping methodology relies on guidance provided by the National Park Service's Brief #5 Intentional Site Burial: A Technique to Protect Against Natural or Mechanical Loss (NPS 1989, revised 1991). Refer to Recommendation /Mitigation Measure 8.1.2. CA -ORA -8448 is located on a hillside transected by two erosional cuts exceeding six feet in depth. The western side of the site is absent due to oil pad construction. These factors have left little midden from the original site intact at this location, but a surprisingly robust sample was recovered through the test excavation. CA -ORA -8448 is not expected to be directly impacted by development (Figure 9). Oil infrastructure removal activities that would occur prior to grading are expected to adversely impact portions of the site. Indirect impacts from additional erosion of the unstable surface and increased population in the vicinity of the site as a result of the future development could cause further damage over time. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc3 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch Both capping and data recovery excavation are viable options for treating the site; however, because it has been disturbed by erosion and oil extraction activities, capping the deposit would be difficult and possibly more expensive and time consuming with less desirable results, than data recovery excavation. Considering these circumstances, two options are provided: (1) successful capping of the site, while likely difficult to accomplish, would be designed to protect the site in perpetuity or, preferably, (2) data recovery shall be undertaken prior to grading to collect the scientifically consequential data that is present in the site since it appears that only a small, yet important, portion of the site remains. Because of the limited size of this site, this option would be able to remove and analyze the site in its entirety. Refer to Recommendation /Mitigation Measure 8.1.4. 1.5.3 CA -ORA -906 CA -ORA -906 would be directly impacted as a result of development as well as oil infrastructure removal. The site would likely be completely destroyed by construction of Bluff Road. Data recovery excavation at the site shall be completed prior to Project grading and shall be designed to recover the consequential data present in the site and to remove the site constituents. Mitigation shall be in the form of data recovery excavation to collect the scientifically consequential data that the site retains prior to its destruction by Project grading. Refer to Recommendation /Mitigation Measure 8.1.6. 1.5.4 Cultural Resources Monitoring Section 21083.2(i) of the CEQA Statutes and Section 15064.5(f) of the CEQA Guidelines provide for the accidental discovery of historical resources during construction. Based on the fact that prehistoric, historic and modern peoples made use of the property, it is clear that cultural resources still exist within sites on Newport Banning Ranch, and it is not unlikely that previously undetected cultural material and unknown archaeological sites could remain in the subsurface of the Project site. Therefore, it is recommended that a qualified Archaeologist who meets the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Archaeologists (NIPS 1983) and Native American Tribal Monitor(s) of the local Juaneno and /or Gabrielino tribal groups (identified by the Native American Heritage Commission [NAHCj), who have historical ties to the Project area monitor mass grading for the Newport Banning Ranch Project. In the event that cultural resources are exposed during construction, the monitor must be empowered to temporarily halt construction in the immediate vicinity of the discovery while it is evaluated for significance; construction activities could continue in other areas. If the discovery proves to be significant, additional work (such as data recovery excavation) may be warranted. A Registered Professional Archaeologist should, at minimum, supervise any monitoring activities. Prior to the issuance of the firest grading permit and /or action that would permit Project site disturbance, the Contractor shall provide written evidence to the City of Newport Beach Planning Director that the Contractor has retained a qualified Archaeologist to observe grading /site disturbance activities and to salvage and catalogue archaeological resources, as necessary. The Archaeologist shall be present at the pre -grade conference; shall establish procedures for archaeological resource surveillance; and shall establish, in cooperation with the Contractor, procedures for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit the sampling, identification, and evaluation of the artifacts, as appropriate. If the archaeological resources are found to be significant, the Archaeologist shall determine appropriate actions in cooperation with the City and Contractor for exploration and /or salvage. These actions, as well as final mitigation and disposition of the resources, shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Director. Based on their interest and concern about the discovery of cultural resources and human R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc4 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch remains during Project grading, a Native American Monitor shall be retained to observe some or all grading activities. 1.5.5 Human Remains In accordance with Section 7050.5 of the California Health and Safety Code, if human remains are found, the County Coroner shall be notified within 24 hours of the discovery. No further excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent remains shall occur until the County Coroner has determined, within two working days of notification of the discovery, the appropriate treatment and disposition of the human remains. If the County Coroner determines that the remains are or believed to be Native American, s /he shall notify the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) in Sacramento within 48 hours. In accordance with Section 5097.98 of the California Public Resources Code, the NAHC must immediately notify those persons it believes to be the most likely descended from the deceased Native American. The descendents shall complete their inspection within 48 hours of being granted access to the site. The designated Native American representative would then determine, in consultation with the property owner, the disposition of the human remains. With implementation of the mitigation program summarized above, potential impacts to archaeological resources would be reduced to a level considered less than significant. Disposition of Data This report would be filed with the City of Newport Beach, the Project Applicant, BonTerra Consulting, and at the South Central Coastal Information Center (SCCIC) at the California State University, Fullerton. All field notes and other documentation related to the study are on file at BonTerra Consulting. SECTION 2.0 UNDERTAKING INFORMATION /INTRODUCTION 2.1 CONTRACTING DATA The City of Newport Beach contracted BonTerra Consulting to conduct a cultural resources Phase II Evaluation of 11 sites on the Newport Banning Ranch Project site, and to complete a technical report that details the findings of the investigation and provides management recommendations. 2.2 REGULATORY SETTING This section contains a discussion of the applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and standards that govern cultural resources and that must be adhered to prior to and during construction of the proposed Newport Banning Ranch development Project. Federal and State regulations are included, as it is possible that both CEQA and NHPA regulations would apply. The report is intended to satisfy the requirements of (1) State CEQA regulations (14 California Code of Regulations [CCR] §15064.5 and PRC §21083.2); (2) Section 106 of the NHPA (36 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] 800); and (3) a review by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) relative to a possible Clean Water Act (CWA) 404 Permit for the proposed Project. 2.2.1 Federal Cultural resources are considered during federal undertakings chiefly under Section 106 of the NHPA of 1966 (as amended) through one of its implementing regulations (36 CFR 800, R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc5 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch Protection of Historic Properties) and under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Properties of traditional religious and cultural importance to Native Americans are considered under Section 101(d)(6)(A) of the NHPA. Other federal laws include the Archaeological Data Preservation Act of 1974, the American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA) of 1978, the Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979, and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1989, among others. Section 106 of the NHPA (16 United States Code [USC] 470f) requires federal agencies to (1) take into account the effects of their undertakings on any district, site, building, structure, or object that is included in or eligible for inclusion in the NRHP and (2) afford the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) a reasonable opportunity to comment on such undertakings (36 CFR 800.1). Under Section 106 of the NHPA, the significance of any adverse effect on cultural resource is assessed, and mitigation measures are proposed to reduce the impacts to an acceptable level. Significant cultural resources are those resources that are listed in or are eligible for listing in the NRHP per the criteria listed at 36 CFR 60.4 below. The quality of significance in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering, and culture is present in districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects that possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association and that: (a) Are associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history; or (b) Are associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; or (c) Embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of installation, or that represent the work of a master, or that possess high artistic values, or that represent a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or (d) Have yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. 2.2.2 State CEQA requires a lead agency to determine whether a project may have a significant effect on one or more historical resources. A "historical resource' is defined as a resource listed in, or determined to be eligible for listing in, the CRHR ( §21084.1); a resource included in a local register of historical resources ( §15064.5[a][2]); or any object, building, structure, site, area, place, record, or manuscript which a lead agency determines to be historically significant ( §15064.5[a][3]). Section 5024.1 of the PRC Section 15064.5 of the CEQA Guidelines, and Sections 21083.2 and 21084.1 of the CEQA Statutes were used as the basic guidelines for the cultural resources study. PRC 5024.1 requires evaluation of historical resources to determine their eligibility for listing on the CRHR. The purposes of the CRHR are to maintain listings of the State's historical resources and to indicate which properties are to be protected from substantial adverse change. The criteria for listing resources on the California Register were expressly developed to be in accordance with previously established criteria developed for listing on the NRHP. Section 15064.5(a)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines states that "[g]enerally, a resource shall be considered by the Lead Agency to be 'historically significant' if the resource meets the criteria R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc6 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch for listing on the California Register of Historical Resources' (PRC §5024.1; 14 CCR §4852), including if the resource: A. Is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of California's history and cultural heritage; B. Is associated with lives of persons important in our past; C. Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or represents the work of an important creative individual, or possesses high artistic values; or D. Has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. The lead agency shall concurrently determine whether a project will cause damage to a unique archaeological resource (as defined in PRC §21083.2[b]) and, if so, must make reasonable efforts to permit the resources to be preserved in place or left undisturbed. Section 21083.2(g) of the California Public Resources Code defines a unique archaeological resource as an archaeological artifact, object or site about which it can be demonstrated that without merely adding to the existing body of archaeological knowledge, there is a high probability that it meets any of the following criteria: 1. Contains information needed to answer important scientific research questions and that there is a demonstrable public interest in that information. 2. Has a special and particular quality such as being the oldest of its type or the best available example of its type. 3. Is directly associated with a scientifically recognized important prehistoric or historic event or person. To the extent that unique archaeological resources are not preserved in place, mitigation measures shall be required (PRC §21083.2[c]). Using the information outlined above, the first level of evaluation is to determine whether a resource on a site is a historical resource and /or a unique archaeological resource that would be considered eligible for the CRHR and, therefore, significant. Impacts to significant cultural resources that affect those characteristics of the resource that qualify it for the CRHR or adversely alter the significance of a resource listed on or eligible for listing on the CRHR are considered a significant effect on the environment. Impacts to cultural resources are considered significant if a project (1) physically destroys or damages all or part of a resource; (2) changes the character of the use of the resource or physical feature within the setting of the resource that contributes to its significance; and /or (3) introduces visual, atmospheric, or audible elements that diminish the integrity of significant features of the resource. The purpose of the current study is to evaluate the eligibility of 11 sites on Newport Banning Ranch for listing on the CRHR and the NRHP. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc7 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch California Coastal Act The California Coastal Act of 1976 (California Public Resources Code § §30000 et seq.) establishes policies guiding development and conservation along the California coast. Consistent with Section 30001 and the basic goals of Section 30001.5, and except as may be otherwise specifically noted in the Coastal Act, the policies of Section 30200 of the Coastal Act constitute the standards by which the adequacy of local coastal programs and, the permissibility of proposed developments subject to these provisions are determined. 2.2.3 City of Newport Beach The City of Newport Beach has adopted archaeological guidelines that govern the identification and evaluation of cultural resources and are used to guide the development or redevelopment of lands within the City. The discussion below is adapted from the City Council Policy Manual Guidelines. The archaeological guidelines, Policy # K -5, adopted on January 13, 1975, amended on January 24, 1994, and corrected on March 22, 1999, are summarized below: A. The City shall, through its planning policies and permit conditions, insure the preservation of significant archaeological resources and require that the impact caused by any development be mitigated in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. B. The City shall prepare and maintain sources of information regarding archaeological sites and the names and addresses of responsible organizations and qualified individuals who can analyze, classify, record, and preserve archaeological findings. C. If determined to be necessary by the Planning Director, it shall be the responsibility of a landowner or developer prior to the commencement of land development to cause the proposed site to be examined to determine the existence and extent of archaeological resources. The examination shall be by qualified observers, approved by the City. The observers shall prepare and submit to the City a written report describing findings and making recommendations for further action. The report shall discuss both positive and negative aspects of the effects of the proposed development on archaeological resources. The report shall be considered as part of the CEQA review process and, if appropriate, the recommendations shall be included as mitigation measures and conditions of approval for the project. D. Based on the report and recommendations of the observers, the City shall take such steps as are necessary to assure that any findings or sites are recorded, preserved and protected. These steps may include requiring the landowner or developers to incur reasonable expenditures of time or money, encouraging the involvement of appropriate volunteer or non - profit organizations or acquisition of the sites by public or private agencies. Provision shall be made for the deposit of scientifically valuable archaeological materials which are removed from the site with responsible public or private institutions. In all cases, the City shall seek responsible scientific advice and make the necessary decisions consistent with the public interest. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc8 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch Procedures The following procedures shall be used in examining and reporting on possible archaeological sites. If determined to be necessary by the Planning Director, there shall be a walk -over site survey and, if warranted, a pregrading conference prior to the commencement of any land alterations. A. Procedures and Findings. 1. Records. Demonstration shall be made that a records check was completed and the results stated in the text of the final report. 2. Background. Background information shall be provided summarizing the significance of scientific, cultural and historical perspectives to the project area. Sources must be referenced. 3. On -Site Survey. The following descriptions shall be made in sufficient detail to allow verification of work: a. Methods of reconnaissance: i. surface ii. sub - surface b. A list of personnel and affiliation c. Date and location of research d. d. Condition of area surveyed which may have effect on archaeological findings e. Observations and data - description of archaeological resources found f. Location of material and data collected g. Notification of professionals in related disciplines where necessary, such as historians and paleontologists 4. Evaluation of impact (direct and indirect): a. Description of impacts b. Significance of impacts B. Development Alternatives. 1. Methods to achieve site preservation. a. Revision of construction or development plans in the event of exceptional site, worthy of preservation and /or nomination to the National Registry (Historic Preservation Act of 1966). b. In the event that development ensues in areas adjoining the site that would involve potential impact by virtue of this proximity, steps should be taken to: i. protect the site by adequate means, such as fencing or other approved measures ii. stabilize where indicated R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc9 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch iii. restore damage occurring as a result of proximity of the source of impact c. Restoration where applicable 2. Archaeological excavation. a. Full- scale, research - oriented excavation, properly planned and organized, adequately funded, and with sufficient time, is the preferred method of partial mitigation. The consultant's proposal to the City, included in the EIR, should contain, in detail, costs, procedures, time required and a statement of the importance of the work to be performed. This proposal may then be included in a conditional permit or be required prior to the issuance of a permit. b. Emergency salvage excavation is the least preferred method of partial mitigation. The result of poor planning, salvage techniques of excavation constitute an adverse impact or archaeological resources and represent the irreplaceable loss of a site. 3. Qualification of Consultants. Provisional to professional licensing, minimum qualifications for consulting archaeologists shall be satisfied by their listing in the Directory of Archaeological Consultants, available from the Society for California Archaeology, or the list of certified archaeologists maintained by the County of Orange. Verification regarding qualifications shall be made by the Planning Director. 2.3 UNDERTAKING The proposed Newport Banning Ranch Project would allow for the development of the 401 -acre site with residential, commercial, hotel, and recreational uses. The Project includes open space, parks, and infrastructure to support proposed land uses and future residents. Approximately 252 acres (approximately 63 percent) of the 401 -acre site are proposed for natural resources protection in the form of open space and third -party habitat restoration. Of these 252 acres, approximately 20 acres would be used for interim oil operations until this area converts to open space use. Approximately 52 acres are proposed for active and passive park uses. The Project proposes up to 1,375 dwelling units (du). Of the 1,375 du, up to 730 du and up to 75,000 square feet (sf) of commercial uses would be constructed on approximately 21 acres of the site as a part of a mixed -used component of the Project. Up to 558 du would occur on approximately 65 acres of the site. Additionally, a 75 -room resort and up to 87 du are proposed on approximately 11 acres. Roadways and infrastructure would be constructed. As an active oil field, remediation of the site is required. 2.4 PROJECT SITE The Project Site Map shows a portion of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5- minute Newport Beach, CA quadrangle, which depicts the specific location of the Project site with an inset map showing the general vicinity of the study area. A majority of the site is located in unincorporated Orange County within the City of Newport Beach's Sphere of Influence. As a part of the Project, these unincorporated areas would be annexed to the City of Newport Beach. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tlociO Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch 2.5 PROJECT PERSONNEL The cultural resources study was managed and directed by Mr. Maxon, who meets the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology (NIPS 1983) for prehistoric archaeology and is an Orange County - certified Archaeologist. Dr. Drover functioned as the Field Director and Principal Investigator for the study and was the principal author of this report. Tony Kuhner analyzed the material from the historic sites and provided analysis for the report. Mark Roeder analyzed the faunal material. The excavation crew consisted of Dr. Drover, Mark Roeder, Tony Kuhner, Dave Alexander, and Bill Dochnahl. A representative of the Juaneno Band of Mission Indians, Acjachemen Nation, Dennis Sommers, monitored all field work. Dr. Drover and Mr. Maxon completed this report with input from Mr. Kuhner. See Appendix B, Personnel Qualifications, for resumes. SECTION 3.0 PHYSICAL SETTING The Project site is located west of the current Newport Bay at the northwestern edge of the San Joaquin Hills, approximately one mile southeast of the mouth of the Santa Ana River. The Newport Banning Ranch Project site sits on the uplifted coastal bluffs surrounding the bay. The Project site is located on the northern end of the Peninsular Range Geomorphic Province. These rocks are composed of pre- Cretaceous (more than 65- million— year -old) igneous and metamorphic rock with limited exposures of post- Cretaceous sedimentary deposits. However, these sedimentary deposits in coastal Orange County are considered to be some of the most important fossil - producing formations in the world (Strudwick & Goodwin 2008). Surface deposits on the Project site consist of exposures of marine Quaternary terrace deposits with a mixture of terrestrial components. Underlying this, and exposed in the cliffs below the terraces, are the marine Late Miocene Capistrano and Monterey Formations. All have produced fossils in the Project vicinity (McLeod 2009). The Project site has been heavily disturbed by oil and natural gas extraction operations since the 1940s, which continue today. The mesas that surround the Project site were, at one time, more extensive than they are today. Several mesas that previously extended nearly to West Coast Highway have been largely removed, leaving evidence of quarrying and remnants of the mesa (uplands) on the site. It is unknown if these removals were solely a result of oil operations. 3.1 CULTURAL SETTING 3.1.1 Prehistory Archaeologists and ethnologists have long pondered over the cultural sequences that occurred before Spanish contact. The two most currently accepted schemes are those proposed by Wallace (1955), who interpreted the prehistory of coastal Southern California through temporal horizons, and Warren (1968), who viewed cultural differences not as temporal distinctions, but as local traditions. Wallace (1955) saw four temporal horizons along the Southern California coast: Early Man, Milling Stone, Intermediate, and Late Prehistoric. Early Man Horizon Spanning the period from the end of the Pleistocene to approximately 8,000 years before present (YBP),' archaeological assemblages attributed to this horizon are characterized by large projectile points and scrapers. The limited data available suggests that prehistoric ' "Years Before Present" assumes that 1950 is "present," so in this case 8,000 YBP would be 6,050 BCE. R:\ Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports \CUlturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.doct 1 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch populations focused on hunting and gathering and moved about the region in small nomadic groups. Milling Stone Horizon Characterized by the appearance of handstones and millingstones, this horizon tentatively dates to between 8,000 YBP and 3,000 YBP. Assemblages in the early Milling Stone Horizon reflect an emphasis on plant foods and foraging subsistence systems. For inland locales, it has been assumed that grass seed exploitation formed a primary subsistence activity. Artifact assemblages include choppers and scraper planes, but generally lack projectile points. The appearance of large projectile points in the latter portion of the Milling Stone Horizon suggests a more diverse economy. The distribution of Milling Stone sites reflects the theory that aboriginal groups may have followed a modified, centrally based wandering settlement pattern. In this semi - sedentary pattern, a base camp would have been occupied for a portion of the year, but a small population group seasonally occupied subsidiary camps in order to exploit resources not generally available near the base camp. Sedentism apparently increased in areas possessing an abundance of resources available for longer periods of time. More and inland regions would have provided a seasonally dispersed resource base, restricting sedentary occupation. Intermediate Horizon Dated to between 3,000YBP and 1,350 YBP, the Intermediate Horizon represents a transitional period. Little is known about the people of this period, especially those of inland Southern California. Sites assemblages retain many attributes of the Milling Stone Horizon. Additionally, Intermediate Horizon sites contain large stemmed or notched projectile points and portable mortars and pestles. The mortars and pestles suggest that the aboriginal populations may have harvested, processed, and consumed acorns. Neither the settlement- subsistence system nor the cultural evolution of this period has been well understood due to a general lack of data. It has been proposed that sedentism increased with the exploitation of storable food resources (acorns); the duration and intensity of base camp occupation increased, especially toward the latter part of this horizon. Late Prehistoric Horizon Extending from the year 750 to Spanish contact in 1763, the Late Prehistoric Horizon reflects an increased sophistication and diversity in technology. This is characterized by the presence of small projectile points that simplified the use of the bow and arrow. In addition, assemblages include steatite bowls, asphaltum, grave goods, and elaborate shell ornaments. Use of bedrock milling stations was widespread during this horizon. Increased hunting efficiency and widespread exploitation on acorns provided reliable and storable food resources. These innovations apparently promoted greater sedentism. By contrast, Warren's (1968) cultural traditions were more restricted spatially. Warren's scheme accounted for the cultural variability particularly evident within Wallace's late Prehistoric Horizon. Warren's traditions include the San Dieguito, Encinitas, Campbell, Chumash, Shoshonean, and Yuman. The San Dieguito tradition occurs within Wallace's Early Man Horizon, but is restricted to San Diego County. The Encinitas equated to Wallace's Milling Stone, but was longer in time, encompassing Wallace's Intermediate Horizon. Warren saw no new tradition developing in northern San Diego and Orange Counties during this time period. The Campbell and Chumash traditions are farther north in Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties. In Los Angeles, Orange, and North San Diego Counties, the Shoshonean Tradition began about R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloci2 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch 1300 YBP and represents the intrusion of Shoshonean speakers from the interior (Warren 1968). In contrast, the Yuman Tradition in southern San Diego County, just as the Chumash Tradition to the north, is thought to have developed from previous local traditions, whereas the Shoshonean Tradition is the result of intrusion into a previous tradition (Mason 1991:95). Koerper (1981) and Koerper and Drover (1983) have taken the horizon system proposed by Wallace and have applied it more specifically to the prehistory of Orange County. Koerper (1981) and Koerper and Drover (1983) adapted Wallace's four horizons using artifacts and associated radiocarbon dates from two Orange County sites: CA- ORA -64 and CA -ORA- 119-A. The authors argued that the transition between the Milling Stone and Intermediate Horizons was marked by the appearance of the mortar and pestle. The primary projectile point type changed from the Milling Stone "Pinto Basin" to the stemmed and side- notched forms. The beginning of the Late Prehistoric Period occurred roughly with the appearance of the smaller "Cottonwood" points, suggesting the introduction of the bow and arrow, and also with the abundance of shell beads and ornaments, use of steatite for pipes, bowls, and ornaments and arrow shaft straighteners. Pottery may or may not appear at the end of the late Prehistoric Period or the Historic period ( Koerper and Drover 1983). Mason and Peterson (1994) have proposed subdividing Wallace's Milling Stone Horizon into three subdivisions, and the Intermediate, and the late Prehistoric into two. These temporal subdivisions are based entirely on radiocarbon age determinations that correspond to some degree with changes in settlement (Mason and Peterson 1994:58). In contrast, they note that temporal subdivisions traditionally have been defined on supposed differences in cultural content or traits as presented by Wiley and Phillips (1958:22). Mason and Peterson found little difference in the cultural content of their three Milling Stone subdivisions (Table 2). TABLE 2 CULTURAL SEQUENCE FOR ORANGE COUNTY Cultural Period Radiocarbon Dates Paleo - Coastal Period PC Prior to 8000 YBP Milling Stone Period MS1 8000 to 5800 YBP MS2 5800 to 4650 YBP MS3 4650 to 3000 YBP Intermediate Period INT1 3000 to 2300 YBP INT2 2300 to 1350 YBP Late Prehistoric Period LP1 1350 to 650 YBP LP2 650 to 200 YBP Source: Mason and Peterson 1994 and Drover 2001a:17. During the Newport Coast Archaeological Project, the Intermediate Horizon was not subdivided because only ten radiocarbon dates were available. They were confident that the Intermediate Horizon could also be subdivided once calibrated dates were available from a wider region of the Newport Coast (Mason and Peterson 1994:58), and for that matter, all of Orange County or Southern California. The authors argue that although their temporary subdivisions do not correspond with changes in stylistically defined artifact types, they may correspond with changes in settlement systems (Mason and Peterson 1994:58). The Intermediate Horizon was R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc13 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch subdivided in Roger Mason's report on CA -ORA -225 (Mason 1997b). Mason defined 3 periods based on 18 radiocarbon dates. These three divisions are Late Intermediate (1700 -1350 YBP), Middle Intermediate (2300 -1700 YBP) and Early Intermediate (3100 -2300 YBP). Due to the small sample of radiocarbon dates, Mason notes that the Intermediate subdivisions could only be applied to CA -ORA -225 and not regionally. As a result of the Bonita Mesa Archaeological Project (document in progress), the Intermediate Period was redefined. A total of 72 radiocarbon dates from 6 sites were used to redefine the Intermediate. The Intermediate was divided into two periods: the late part of the Intermediate or INT2 (1350 -2300 YBP) and the early part of the Intermediate or INT1 (2300 -3000 YBP). 3.1.2 Ethnohistory At the time of European contact in 1769, the Santa Ana plain was occupied by the Gabrielino Native Americans, so called by the Spanish after the nearby Mission San Gabriel Archangel. According to Bean and Smith (1978:538), the Gabrielino are, in many ways, one of the least known groups of California native inhabitants. In addition to much of the Los Angeles Basin, they occupied the offshore islands of Santa Catalina, San Nicolas, and San Clemente. Gabrielino populations are difficult to reconstruct; however, at any one time, as many as 50 to 100 villages were simultaneously occupied. Like the prehistoric culture before them, the Gabrielino were a hunter /gatherer group who lived in small sedentary or semi - sedentary groups, termed Rancherias, of 50 to 100 persons. These Rancherias were occupied by at least some people all of the time. Location of the encampment was determined by water availability. Within each village, houses were circular in form and constructed of sticks covered with thatch or mats. Each village had a sweat lodge as well as a sacred enclosure (Bean and Smith 1978). Their subsistence relied heavily on plant foods, but was supplemented with a variety of meat, especially from marine resources. Food procurement consisted of hunting and fishing carried out by men, and gathering of plant foods and shellfish by women. Hunting technology included bow and arrow use for deer and smaller game, in addition to stick - throwing, snares, traps, and slings. Fishing was conducted with the use of shell fishhooks, bone harpoons, and nets. Seeds were gathered with beaters and baskets. Food was stored in baskets. It was prepared with manos and metates, and mortars and pestles. Food was cooked in baskets coated with asphaltum, in stone pots, on steatite frying pans, and by roasting in earthen ovens (Bean and Smith 1978). Although the earliest description of the Gabrielino dates back to the Cabrillo expedition of 1542, the most important and extensive accounts were those written by Father Geronimo Boscana circa 1822 and Hugo Reid in 1852. Major Gabrielino villages south of the City of Long Beach apparently included Lukpa and Kengaa, also known as Gengara. Moyoonga is another place name cited by Kroeber (1907), but it is unclear if this was a community or a geographical designation (McCawley 1996:72). According to mission records, Kengaa may have been occupied as late as 1828 or 1829 (Merriam 1968). The place name was still used as late as 1853 identifying Newport Bay as "bolsa de gengara". Archaeological evidence suggests that CA- ORA -119A or CA -ORA -111 may be the remains of this important village. The other village, Lukpa, was, according to one of Kroeber's Native American informants, located in the City of Huntington Beach. One possibility is the Newland Site excavated by Winterbourne in the 1930s and more recently by other investigators. During the early 1900s, important ethnographic studies were conducted by several researchers including Alfred L. Kroeber, John P Harrington, C. Hart Merriam, W. D. Strong, and J.W. Hudson. Each of these men was able to interview members of the Gabrielino who had living experience with the Mission period when the group was in transition. Central Orange County was shared by both the Juaneno (another Native American tribal group so named because of its association with Missin San Juan Capistrano) and Gabrielino. The three place R: \Projects \NewportU015\TechnimI Reports \CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc14 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch names associated with central Orange County are Genga, Pasbengna, and Hutuknga. Genga was located at CA- ORA -58 in what today is Fairview Park in the City of Costa Mesa. Pasbengna was located along the Santa Ana River approximately where the City of Santa Ana is today, and appears on the 1846 map drafted by Alexander Taylor. The third site, Hutuknga, is located where the City of Yorba Linda exists today (Earle and O'Neil 1994). The Gabrielino are frequently thought to have been the dominant ethnohistoric group in Orange County (e.g., Kroeber 1925). Earle and O'Neil have determined that sites along the Santa Ana River afforded pivotal political exchange and social interaction between the Gabrielino and Juaneno (1994). Based on Mission marriage records, the villages along the Santa Ana River apparently consisted of multi- ethnic populations (Earle and O'Neil 1994). Among the more significant sites along the northern coast of Orange County was the complex of sites surrounding Bolsa Chica, including CA- ORA -83, known as the "Cog Stone" site or the "Griset Site ". As with Bolsa Chica, Newport Bay also is surrounded by a number of prehistoric sites. The sites along the southern Orange County coast in the San Joaquin Hills include the multi- component complexes at Bonita Mesa, Pelican Hill, and Shady Canyon. SECTION 4.0 RESEARCH DESIGN The research design consists of three sections. The first, Theoretical Orientation, provides an overview of anthropological hunter /gatherer theory and focuses on what have been the most appropriate avenues of current theory motivating modern North American archaeology. The next section, History of Research, informs the reader of the general approaches scholars have taken in this region to define cultural prehistory. The final section here is entitled Hypotheses, Test Implications, Data Requirements. This section contains summary data for five archaeological research domains: chronology, settlement/subsistence, trade and exchange, lithic technology, and site structure. Within each of those domains, current local issues are discussed and pertinent research questions posed, followed by a brief discussion of the data necessary to address the questions. 4.1 THEORETICAL ORIENTATION The study of archaeology is comprised of three basic paradigms: culture history, cultural reconstruction, and processual archaeology (Dunnell 1978). At a gross level, one can view the study of past cultures in terms of three basic components: time -space systematics (i.e., the situation of past cultures in time and space); reconstruction of past human behavioral patterns (lifeways); and the explanation of the culture process or culture change (see Bettinger 1982, 1989, 1991; Thomas 1979, 1983, 1989). Time -space systematics, especially chronology building, is a critical component of the study of more complex questions, especially ones of culture process. Unfortunately, much of Southern California archaeology suffers from an inadequate chronological framework. However, reconstructing chronology for an area is basically atheoretical, and stating that one is interested in prehistoric lifeways and culture change expresses only a very vague theoretical perspective. The specific field of interest here involves two contact period populations in Southern California: the Gabrielino and Juaneno. The antecedents of both groups conform to the "boundary" region that has been identified for the hunter - gatherer populations that comprise the Late Prehistoric and Ethnohistoric time period(s), and is reflected in the cultural activities of these groups. It has been understood through analysis of the regional ecology and possible changes in both the patterns and trends associated with human adaptation over time based in the archaeological record. Key elements in characterizing settlement- subsistence systems that were operative during the different periods of human occupation can be modeled based upon the expectations and data matches in the archaeological record. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloci5 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch The history of Orange County archaeology has largely been concerned with the role of social organization. Evolution in the development of the past settlement systems, begun at the turn of the 20th Century with Kroeber (1907), has formed the core of such research. Yet the beginnings of cultural reconstruction in California archaeology started with Julian Steward (preceded by Kroeber), giving impetus to the field commonly known as either cultural ecology or ecological anthropology (i.e., Moran 1982). Steward (1938, 1955, and 1977) emphasized very basic relationships between technology and environment and other aspects of culture. The level of technology and the nature of the physical and biological environment helped determine the organization and scheduling of work in basic resource procurement and processing tasks. These factors, in turn, affected the general nature of overall social, political, and religious aspects of society. These factors formed what he termed the "culture core ". Steward's approach is most useful for understanding and explaining relatively simple cultures with relatively limited cultural history. Later cultural ecologists, such as Roy Rappaport, have approached societies from the perspective of systems theory standpoint, which views cultural subsystems as central and interactive (Rappaport 1968; Vayda and Rappaport 1976). Equilibrium between various cultural subsystems is viewed as the primary research goal, and was achieved through negative feedback between subsystems. The basic problem with the model is that it assumed that societies are basically adaptive, shifting the burden of culture change to external forces and minimizing the potential importance of competition, conflict, and technological innovation within a society. Marvin Harris (1968, 1979) developed a more dynamic cultural ecological model. Drawing from Materialist concepts, Harris emphasizes the importance of societal infrastructure, which he describes in terms of modes of production and reproduction. Production deals with the relationships between technology, the environment, and the organization of work and reproduction focuses on demography and population control. This principle asserts that the infrastructure is the basic foundation of sociocultural life and that cultural selection favors societies' structure (politics, class structure, and other factors). Then the structure asserts a strong influence on the nature of the societies' superstructure (religion, philosophy, ideal, and other features). Harris' cultural materialistic approach states that domestic and political economies as well as the ideological superstructure associated with them are directly derived from a society's infrastructure. Unfortunately, the archaeological record is a material one, and while inferences regarding social organization can certainly be made from this record, archaeology has been strongly influenced by Harris. It is the only approach that has been proven to be successful, as demonstrated by such important works by Steward (1938), Binford (1978), and Bettinger (1980). This is not to say that ideological and historical factors are not important, but there is generally no way to test for their effects using the archaeological data from hunter - gatherer sites. These can be considered, however, when predictions or expectations based on the adaptive ecological model are not met. One could then entertain the possibility that the unexpected results are due to the influence of unknown ideological and /or historical factors. Maladaptive behavior appears to some extent in all cultures but may not explain general, long -term human behavior. 4.2 HISTORY OF RESEARCH The study of Orange County prehistory was started well before the advent of radiocarbon dating, obsidian hydration, effective tree -ring studies, and most forms of absolute dating techniques. Nevertheless, a large number of major advances were made between the original participation on behalf of the Work Projects Administration (WPA) (Winterborne 1938) and the more formalized period of academic work initially associated with Wallace (1955). A set of well R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc16 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch defined cultural sequences pertaining to different cultural areas within Southern California were developed in the ensuing years, such as Malcolm Rogers' San Dieguito and Yuman chronologies (1939; 1945); those defined by D. L. True (1966) regarding the surrounding San Luis Rey River valley; the prehistoric La Jollan cultural phases (Moriarty 1966 1969); and subsequent ecological models defining demographic relationships existing between the coastal and inland desert regions of Southern California (i.e., Warren 1964). Although these proposed relationships continue to be improved in view of the more recent Carbon 14 (14C) dates and regional studies that have since been conducted, most of the early models for human settlement shifts and migration to the coastal areas of San Diego and Orange Counties were developed during a time when radiometric chronology was limited. Unlike more recent research efforts (i.e., Koerper, Mason, and Peterson 2000), the kinds of large -scale radiocarbon data sets that exceed between 500 and over 1,000 individual, calibrated 14 dates (see Peterson 2000) did not exist when such cross - regional comparisons of human occupation were originally hypothesized. The application of more accurate and robust radiocarbon dating of sites, as part of an a priori database on which to formulate working hypotheses, is only one element that is new to archaeological endeavors following the late 1980s to the present. Current techniques, pollen cores, and advanced environmental reconstruction studies are now seemingly commonplace elements that go into the advancement of any given set of theoretical relationships and that were simply not available during the earlier investigations of Orange County history. Due to radiocarbon upwelling calibration, a number of hypothetical relationships can now be tested based on the correlation between variables (such as sea level versus social diversity, or total range of Holocene - Pleistocene occupation as a function of cultural uniformity, compounded by geographic restrictions). Most recent archaeological developments in Orange County have to do with either solving for a set of causal agents that have included settlement and subsistence over time at a macro - scale, or the application of archaeological science techniques used to better illuminate the intricate structure of individual archaeological sites at the micro -scale (Grenda et al. 1998). Nearly all developments in Method and Theory have been influenced by the paradigmatic shifts from culture history to cultural reconstruction that originated along with the entire Ecological Paradigm (see Catalano 1986). The apparent split in the application of cultural reconstruction is most evident when examining the work produced by C. W. Warren (1964; Warren et al. 1991) as a larger and more systemized view of understanding the archaeological record through reconstructing past cultural systems on the basis of prehistoric settlement- subsistence systems. There was a strong movement towards understanding the past environment (as cause, not determinism) on the basis of the paleo - climatological and biotic changes likely to have changed past human settlement (as illustrated by Drover 1979, Drover et al. 1979, and Drover et al. 1983); the focus also shifted towards the more integrated socio - ecological constructs that likely influenced culture, such as was modeled by H. Koerper (1981). Many of these ideas regarding settlement analysis, including optimal foraging theory, predictive modeling (i.e., Bettinger 1980), catchment, carrying capacity, and locational analyses indirectly stemmed from the original work of Julian Steward (1938, c.f. 1977). Additional work evolved from the theoretical roots associated with the eventual third paradigm, or Processual Archaeology (see Binford 1983), or with the notion of Formation Processes (see Schiffer 1972), both of which further impacted local -area research designs and work. The complexity of the different influences of advanced methods and impacts from these various theoretical influences are reflected by most of the recent work that has taken place since the Newport Coast Archaeological Project (Mason and Peterson 1994). Each project incorporated more comparable and internally consistent means to quantify functional and stylistic artifacts R: \Projects \NewpoOIJ015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloci7 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch within discrete units of analysis that are subject to standards of temporal classification. Measurement scales were defined that fit logically within item -class variable definitions (an a priori definition of the variables and how each is to be operationalized), along with sampling criteria that fit within the hierarchy of the archaeological record. All of these analytic requirements are comprised of defining an intrasite structure based on the application of advancements in archaeological science in addition to the capacity to use the various spatio- temporal units to distinguish how a given set of data have been operative as site components within a larger settlement- subsistence system. Only three comprehensive models of past settlement- subsistence system(s) are known to have been hypothesized for the Newport Bay /San Joaquin Hills region within the past 20 years. The work conducted by Warren (1964; 1968; Warren at aI. 1991) and the notion of a settlement- subsistence focus was a fundamental precept regarding all past coastal and littoral regions of the Southern California and Orange County regions following the 1980s. However, few investigations to date followed the broader regional model proposed by Warren (1964). Starting with Hank Koerper (see Koerper 1981), the notion of cultural materialism and resource intensification became a primary focus within the Orange County region due to changes in the past environment. Through a blend of both approaches to the archaeological record expressed through culture history and cultural reconstruction, Koerper (1981) set out to explain how different resource zones would have been exploited as part of a seasonal round within the Newport Bay /San Joaquin Hills Region during prehistory in relationship to changes within the outer and emergent inner bay. The settlement model proposed by Koerper (1981) suggested that changes in substratum and salinity as the back bay and fresh water marsh developed over time was related to an increased use of the San Joaquin Hills (during the Intermediate Period) following a general pattern of intensification. The general habitation and settlement- subsistence model is one wherein changes in Newport Bay, combined with population pressure, forced local area inhabitants to seek resources located farther up into the San Joaquin Hills for the purpose of obtaining Quercus agrifolia (coast live oak), Quercus chiysolepis (canyon or maul oak), and /or Quercus wislizenii (interior live oak) resources. The latter is limited to a fall harvest only, although summer and fall exploitation were possible for the former two oak species. The Quercus engelmanii (Engelman oak) was also available during the summer and fall months. The model proposed by Koerper was based on a combination of protein dynamics and the general constructs associated with cultural materialism (i.e., Harris, 1968; 1979). Later work conducted by Mason and Peterson (1994) set out to define more closely how change was related to differences in specialization according to site type on the basis of functional variations in the proportion of artifact types using proportional differences in tool types. The later work was aided by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) study regarding how to apply a marine calibration correction curve to terrestrial versus marine organics to form a larger and more complex set of 14C age determinations. 4.3 HYPOTHESES, TEST IMPLICATIONS, DATA REQUIREMENTS The purpose of the Newport Banning Ranch test investigations is to determine whether any of the 11 archaeological sites present on the property are eligible for listing on the CRHR or the NRHP, and if they would thus warrant further consideration in the planning process. To achieve this goal, the data collected through survey, controlled excavation, and archival research is analyzed and used to evaluate the significance of each site. Pursuant to Section 15064.5(a)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines, a site is considered historically significant if it meets one of the four criteria for listing on the CRHR. Archaeological sites are typically evaluated under Criterion D, which assesses the potential of each site to yield information important in the State's prehistory. Therefore, the primary goal of site testing at Newport Banning Ranch is to establish the dimensions, chronology, density, diversity, and integrity of the archaeological sites and to R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc18 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch compare them to other local and regional sites in order to determine whether any meet the statutory requirements of Criterion D. Beyond basic chronological and other physical data regarding the sites, the testing makes no attempt to answer broad - ranging research questions, but merely demonstrates that each site does or does not possess sufficient diversity, density, and integrity of cultural deposits to warrant additional investigation. Therefore, this research design is focused on evaluating the Newport Banning Ranch sites' potential to address local and regional research questions. Within each of the five research domains presented in this section, general overviews of current archaeological progress within the region have been provided. While the important research issues in coastal Orange County prehistory revolve around reconstruction of settlement- subsistence systems and change in these systems over time, the Project site is relatively unknown chronologically and culturally, and was focused on its own riverine- estuary unrelated to Newport Bay. Given the scarcity of knowledge of west Newport cultural resources, the Newport Banning Ranch Project site is in need of basic chronological sequencing and description. Especially important is the comparative shift to sedentism and territoriality that appear to be associated with increasing population density during the late Intermediate -Early Late Prehistoric Periods in areas surrounding Newport Bay. The related topics include chronology, the effects of environmental changes in Newport Bay, and trade and exchange. The following research themes, questions, and data needs are generated from the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor (SJHTC) Treatment Plan approved by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) (Mason 1994) and the Bonita Mesa Archaeological Project (BMAP) (Drover et al. [in progress]). While these questions are not intended to be comprehensive, they do provide a structure for the general research orientation. The following discussions provide general information regarding the research domains for the region and specific information related to the study area. 4.3.1 Chronoloov Radiocarbon Radiocarbon dates are necessary to determine the time periods and subperiods during which the sites were occupied in order to address the settlement- subsistence research questions discussed below. Where possible, charcoal or samples from single shells would be submitted for dating. Sampling would prefer features while "aggregate" samples would be avoided. As a result of a study performed in conjunction with the Newport Coast Archaeological Project, local correction factor (Delta -R) has been derived for the effects of upwelling on marine shell dates (Mason and Peterson 1994) and would be incorporated into the analyses. Radiocarbon dating can also be used to address questions dealing with the age of particular artifact types and materials, especially projectile points, beads, and obsidian. Prior to a discussion of specific research questions and problems, it is important to summarize the temporally sensitive artifacts that have been found in Orange County prehistoric sites Projectile Points Projectile points have been considered as especially important time markers in Orange County. Koerper and Drover (1983), using desert types and types of their own creation, hypothesized a sequence of styles that emphasized when a particular kind of projectile might have flourished in Orange County. However, their data were from only one site, CA -ORA- 119 -A. More recently, Koerper, Schroth, and Mason (1994) have determined that most dart points, formerly thought to be chronological indicators with fairly narrow time ranges, co -occur during the Milling Stone R:\ Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloci9 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch period. This study was based on 8 Newport Coast Archaeological Project Milling Stone Period sites with 79 radiocarbon dates. The most common arrow points in coastal Orange County belong to the Cottonwood series. The majority of Cottonwood points in Orange County fall into what Eberhardt (see Marshall 1979:24) termed the Coast Cottonwood series (Koerper 1991: 1 83). Koerper and Drover (1983: 15 -19, Figures 1, 5, 7 -8, Appendices A —B) reviewed this point series for coastal Southern California. They suggest that `large" (greater than 3.5 grams) Cottonwood triangular and Cottonwood leaf - shaped points are generally more common at an earlier time (750 Common Era [CE] or 1200 YBP or even 500 CE or 1450 YBP) than are "small' (1.0- to 3.5 -gram) points of the same types (Koerper and Drover 1983:11; Koerper et al. 1988). More recently, Koerper (1991: 184) has suggested that leaf- shaped Cottonwood points had their fluorescence prior to the Cottonwood triangular points (Finnerty et al. 1970:15). Koerper and Drover (1983) also suggested that "extremely small' (less than 1.0 gram) Cottonwood specimens were in vogue toward the termination of the Late Prehistoric Period. What Koerper and Drover (1983) call Sonoran projectiles shows affinities with Hohokam points of a later date, and thus they regard them as very late, Late Prehistoric Period time markers in Orange County, perhaps related to Lake Cahuilla desiccation and the subsequent population dispersion. Although Koerper and Drover (1983) placed Elko -eared and Elko corner - notched points in the Intermediate Period, the Newport Coast Archaeological Project data showed that these point types also occur in the Milling Stone Period. The transition from dart points to arrow points is thought to have occurred by the end of the Intermediate Period. If single- component, late Intermediate sites are discovered, it should be possible to determine when the transition from darts to arrows occurred. Obsidian Hydration Rates Coso and Obsidian Butte are the principal sources of obsidian found in Orange County. Calibrated hydration curves have not yet been fully developed for the County. Koerper et al. (1986) proposed a logarithmic hydration curve for Coso obsidian found in Orange County. Further evaluation of the hydration rate depends on obtaining more hydration measurements from samples associated with radiocarbon dates. Although obsidian does not occur in great quantities at Orange County sites, past experience suggests that some specimens of Coso obsidian would be available to test the logarithmic curve. In addition, late sites may contain both Obsidian Butte and reused Coso specimens that could help elucidate the poorly understood lower micron range of any hydration curve. Locally, the Coso obsidian hydration rate suggested by Koerper et al. (1986) is a logarithmic function whose curve is described by the equation y= a +(b)(In X), where a is -13.69 and b is 2.6. Alternatively, better fits of the data might be found in the works of Ericson (1977), Meighan (1978), Friedman and Obradovich (1981), or Drews and Elston (1983). It is important to note that there is a proliferation of hydration rates, a fact highlighted in Koerper et al. (1986). For Coso material, Ericson et al. (1989) noted that at least 11 published rates exist (Koerper et al. 1986; Gilreath et al. 1987; Erlandson et al. 1987). Although researchers have attempted to control their data in terms of association and several variables, there has been a proliferation of rates, not an improvement in the accuracy of hydration rates, for Coso volcanic glass. The problem is linked to attempts to create a universal hydration rate for Coso obsidian. What are needed are regionally specific rates that are tied to regional ambient temperature regimes. Obsidian hydration data from a given locale frequently indicate that areal - specific hydration rates do have a certain stability (cf. Wallace et al. 1989; Langenwalter et al. 1989). Obsidian Butte specimens are expected to be more abundant, and they might be used to build a R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Rep rNkGulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc2O Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch hydration rate for that material. Koerper et al. (1986:52) proposed a very tentative 110 years /micron rate for Obsidian Butte volcanic glass from CA -ORA -855 that should be tested with additional data. Shell Beads and Ornaments Shell beads recovered from Orange County sites are thought to follow King's (1990) shell bead chronology for the Santa Barbara Channel area, but this remains unverified. It is likely that shell beads used by the Gabrielino were made on Santa Cruz Island where Arnold (1987) found evidence for the manufacture of shell bead money; to date, no definitive evidence has been found of their manufacture locally. It is likely then that the Gabrielino obtained their shell beads from the Chumash. If so, then one would suppose that King's (1990) Chumash bead chronology would also be accurate for Orange County. However, trade relationships may not be constant over the years, and the Gabrielino may have preferred only certain types of shell beads. As a result, there may not be a direct correlation between bead temporal frequencies in Orange County and King's (1990) shell bead chronology. Evidence exists that early Milling Stone bead manufacture occurs at CA- ORA -64 (Macko 1998). The results of the Newport Coast Archaeological Project showed a good correlation between bead types indicative of various time periods in Santa Barbara County and radiocarbon dates (Gibson and King 1994). However, beads front time periods not represented by radiocarbon dates were often present in small quantities. Chronology Questions and Data Requirements Are there several means to determine the age and duration of occupation of the sites? Can the various Cottonwood series projectile forms be used as temporal indicators in the Intermediate and Late Prehistoric Periods? Are there dart point forms that can be used as temporal indicators for the intermediate Period or subperiods within the Intermediate Period? Does obsidian exist in enough quantity and in a short time span of occupation to contribute to hydration rate research? Are shell or stone beads present at the sites? Do the types fit the existing bead chronologies? Are features available where scrutiny of shell detritus may indicate bead production activities? Cottonwood series projectiles are frequently found in Late Prehistoric sites. If these projectiles are found during the Newport Banning Ranch Phase II investigation, then the question can be addressed for the Late Prehistoric Horizon. Large samples of dart points from single- component sites in association with radiocarbon dates — preferably from charcoal or single shell dates —are also required. Should dart points be discovered during the Phase II test at the site, the question can then be addressed. This Phase II test evaluation would determine whether obsidian is present at the sites. Although the testing may not yield sufficient quantities of obsidian for all tests, it would demonstrate the presence of the material at the site. The Phase II would likely result in insufficient quantities of obsidian for hydration and source analyses that, when correlated to radiocarbon dates, would R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc2l Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch provide adequate data for advanced studies regarding temporal placement and source of obsidian trade through time. 4.3.2 Settlement /Subsistence Systems Ethnohistoric and archaeological evidence suggests the intense occupation of the San Joaquin Hills began no later than the Milling Stone Period and extended into the Late Prehistoric Period through to initial contact with Europeans. Among the primary explanations for this long -lived concentration of settlement was the diverse and abundant supply of natural resources available in the local environment. Archaeologically, differential site preservation may also be an important factor. By comparing archaeological, ethnohistoric, topographical, and biological data from the Newport Coast, it is possible to reconstruct the biotic habitats that once existed on and near the San Joaquin Hills. This would have included not only the terrestrial habitats of the mesa and San Joaquin Hills, but also the rich and diverse marine habitats of Newport Bay and the outer coast. Fluctuations of the resource base and physiographic changes during the middle to upper Holocene may have directly contributed to some past interpretations (e.g., Mason) of Intermediate Period "abandonment' (Mason et al. 1992:332). The Late Prehistoric Period sites investigated as part of the Newport Coast Archaeological Project were all approximately the same distance from Newport Bay (5 to 7 kilometers [km]), and there were no Intermediate Period sites present. The Bonita Mesa Archaeological Project provided the opportunity to investigate 7 sites, several of which are placed in the Intermediate Period along Bonita Creek within 15 km of Newport Bay. The Newport Banning Ranch archaeological sites allow for a different perspective on resource procurement and settlement as the sites are farther from the upper Newport Bay, the freshwater marsh at the University of California, Irvine, the interior San Joaquin Hills, and the rocky open coast of Corona del Mar and Crystal Cove. Intermediate Period As a result of the Newport Coast Archaeological Project, progress has been made toward understanding the Late Prehistoric Period settlement system in the San Joaquin Hills and its relationship to the wider system that includes the village of Gengara. However, very little is known about the Intermediate Period when (as previously discussed) major settlement shifts from a more mobile seasonal round system to a more sedentary territorial system is believed to have occurred. Various scenarios have been suggested as to whether the Intermediate Period represents abandonment, retooling or intensification, or whether it is simply part of an existing period. Sites that appear to be residential bases were located near water sources within three km of Newport Bay by the end of the Horizon. Until the recent work related to the Bonita Mesa Archaeological Project project (Drover et al. [in progress]), very little was known about this transition because material from few sites in the Newport Bay area had an Intermediate Period component. Only CA -ORA -119 -A and CA -ORA -116 had been comprehensively analyzed and reported (Koerper 1981; Grenda et al. 1998). The analysis and interpretation of the Intermediate Period component of CA -ORA -119 -A suggest that it was a multi- season (possibly year- round) major residential base (Koerper 1981). However, 11 of the 13 radiocarbon dates are from after 2000YBP, indicating that the transition to increased sedentism may not have occurred until the later part of the Intermediate Period. Interpretation of the CA -ORA -119 -A Intermediate Period component is complicated by the fact that the site also has Milling Stone and Late Prehistoric Period components. These are somewhat segregated vertically and horizontally, but it is not certain that any individual artifact can be assigned to the Intermediate Period component. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc22 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch Due to recent research, the Intermediate Period sites in the San Joaquin Hills now include two subperiods: Intermediate I and Intermediate II (Drover 2001:45). It might be assumed that a shift from single- season residential bases prior to 2000 YBP to multiple season or year -round major residential bases after 2000 YBP took place. Specialized activity loci may also appear after 2000 YBP In order to test this model, all Intermediate Period sites discovered need to undergo the same kind of analysis as the Newport Coast Archaeological Project and Bonita Mesa Archaeological Project sites. Site type should be determined, seasonality indicators should be obtained, internal site structure should be investigated, and it should be determined whether evidence for subsistence intensification is present. In addition, chronological data are required to determine when multiple- season residential bases first appear. However, new data resulting from research efforts associated with CA -ORA -116 (Grenda et al. 1998) and the Bonita Mesa Archaeological Project (Drover et al. [in progress]) allow for clearer insights into Intermediate Period settlement patterns. While yet to be published, the findings of the Bonita Mesa Archaeological Project may be further tested depending on the chronological age of the subject sites. Environmental Changes in Newport Bay There may be a link between the relative lack of habitation sites during the early Intermediate Period and environmental change in the Newport Bay region. Radiocarbon data in Schroth (1983:79) show a near absence of radiocarbon dates for the period between 3000 to 2500 YBP More recent data in California Radiocarbon Dates (Breschini et al. 1990:98 -99) show 10 radiocarbon dates for this period. Most of those dates are from CA -ORA -378 (Christ College Site in the City of Irvine) located southeast of the upper end of Newport Bay. As discussed previously, a settlement shift may have occurred during the Intermediate Period. However, the small number of sites during the early part of the Intermediate Period may also be related to an environmental change in the San Joaquin Marsh at the head of Newport Bay. In addition, results of the BMAP research further indicate distinct cultural /biological changes at the onset of the Intermediate Period (Drover at al. 2001). Information on changes in the marsh comes from the study of a 687- centimeter (cm) pollen core extracted from an undisturbed area of the marsh (Davis 1992). The pollen core was dated with five radiocarbon dates. The findings are summarized as follows: From circa 7000 to 4500 YBP, the site was a freshwater marsh, trees were more abundant than today, and grassland was the regional vegetation. As the sea level rose, salt marsh gradually invaded the site. Brief periods of freshwater marsh (3800, 2800, 2300, and after 560 YBP) correlate with episodes of global cooling during the Neoglacial (Davis 1992:89). The post -560 YBP period correlates with the Little Ice Age and with reduced sea - surface temperatures in the Santa Barbara basin (Pisias 1978). The freshwater events (2800 and 2300 YBP) match two Recess Peak advances (Scuderi 1984), and these events appear to be very rapid, large -scale climatic fluctuations. Many sites in Western North America appear to record cold -wet climate at this time (Davis 1992:97). Davis also shows that while these freshwater intervals peaked for relatively brief periods, the duration of the freshwater phases was relatively prolonged during the overall saltwater phase (i.e., from circa 4000 to 3500 YBP, 3000 to 2,500 YBP, and 2400 to 2300 YBP). After 2300 YBP, there are no further freshwater phases prior to the Little Ice Age (post -560 YBP). In short, during most of the Early Intermediate Period (circa 3000 to 2300 YBP), the San Joaquin Marsh was dominated by fresh water, whereas during the Late Intermediate and most of the Late Prehistoric Periods, the marsh was dominated by salt water. If one assumes that Upper R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Rep rNkGulturalWcbaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc23 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch Newport Bay, which once extended northward to include the San Joaquin Marsh, was not suitable for brackish (salt water) shellfish during these freshwater periods, its attractiveness as a place for settlement would have greatly diminished. This might explain the relative lack of settlement during the early and middle part of the Intermediate Period. Conversely, the return of saltwater marsh conditions would clearly indicate brackish conditions in Upper Newport Bay suitable for brackish water shellfish. There is a concomitant increase in settlement during the Late Intermediate and Late Prehistoric Periods. Questions and Data Requirements What site types are represented by the sites? Are these sites similar in type and function to other sites in this part of the San Joaquin Hills? Were the local marine resources exploited similarly to sites closer to the coast? Did these sites rely more on terrestrial faunal and floral resources than marine resources? With refined radiocarbon studies from the data recovery at this site, can contemporaneous occupation be demonstrated between these and other sites in the area? During which season(s) was the site occupied? Is there a correlation between this and other sites in the region with respect to seasonality? Can these sites address the question of intensified occupation during the Late Prehistoric? What were the local subsistence procurement strategies by habitat? Is there a correlation between changes from predominantly freshwater to saltwater conditions in the San Joaquin Marsh during the site(s) occupation? The Newport Coast Archaeological Project and Bonita Mesa Archaeological Project results show that site type is best determined by multivariate analysis of the proportions of functional artifact types. Therefore, the tools must be classified functionally along with other artifacts, such as beads and ornaments, to address this question. Also, variations in the proportion of artifacts at different depths in different horizontal locations at a site may, when dated chronologically, indicate that the site type has changed with time. An analysis of the subsistence remains and tool types may indicate specific environmental factors responsible for the changes in the functional use of the site. A comparison of specific classes of data between sites must be conducted. Data classes that may be compared include chipped stone, shellfish, animal bone, and functional artifact types. Additionally, methods for establishing site type have not been standardized in this region; therefore, analyses specific to this question may not have been conducted uniformly at other sites. Additional radiocarbon analyses at the archaeological sites would refine the chronology of the site. Comparisons of established site chronologies could be made to establish whether rock shelters in the region were occupied contemporaneously. Time - sensitive artifacts such as R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc24 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch projectiles and beads, both of which were found during the test, may also facilitate temporal comparisons between sites. Seasonality indicators available in this area include identified charred seeds, faunal remains, and fish otoliths (inner -ear bones). Most of the plants whose seeds have been found in area sites produce seeds in known seasons. Recovery of these seeds can therefore be used to obtain seasonality determinations. It should be noted that there are few, if any, plants in the area that produce seeds in the winter and early spring. Charred seeds are recovered from flotation of soil collected from around fire - affected rock features and column samples. Analysis of faunal remains may indicate what species of animal were procured, and, in the instance of some migratory birds or certain juvenile specimens, the season of procurement. By sectioning the otolith (which have annual growth rings), it is possible to determine the degree of development of the last growth ring, and thereby the season during which the fish died. Use of otoliths to determine seasonality has limitations. Most otoliths recovered from previous investigations are those of near -shore ocean fish. However, the most numerous fish used for food by the prehistoric inhabitants of the area come from the ocean kelp bed zone and from Newport Bay. Kelp bed fish are not represented because they have small, fragile otoliths. Cartilaginous fishes from the Newport Bay, such as bat rays and shovelnose guitarfish, are not represented because they do not have ear bones. Therefore, most otoliths recovered from archaeological sites only provide information on the seasonality of near -shore ocean fishing. Visual analysis of shellfish growth bands to determine seasonality has been determined not to be a reliable method in this area ( Cerreto 1992; Koerper, Cerreto, and Reitz 1984). Oxygen isotope analysis of shellfish growth rings appears to be a valid seasonality technique (Killingley 1981), but is not cost effective because of the large number of samples required from each individual shell to produce a reliable result. Ample numbers of bird and terrestrial fauna and otoliths could be required for the site(s) to be able to address this question. Additional studies of the diversity and abundance of subsistence remains may yield data specific to the question of intensification during this period. Additional radiocarbon analyses may indicate the presence of earlier occupational periods as well. Floral, faunal, and shellfish remains and lithic debitage may each contribute to the identification specific exploited habitats. Different species populate the various habitats local to the site, and a quantitative analysis of the remains may indicate procurement strategies by habitat. Lithic manufacturing debris, groundstone implements, and chipped stone implements may suggest modes of procurement and preparation specific to one or more habitats. The data recovery would provide adequate data regarding artifactual and ecofactual materials to suggest procurement strategies. 4.3.3 Trade and Exchange Archaeological information about trade and exchange comes mostly from exotic lithic materials. These are materials with no known local source that must have been obtained from elsewhere through trade or exchange. One of the most studied exotic materials is obsidian. Sources of Obsidian It is only recently that regional patterns of obsidian exchange have received systematic study in Orange County. Koerper et al. (1986) offered the hypothesis that most obsidian in Orange County came from the Coso source in Inyo County until the beginning of the Late Prehistoric Period. A hiatus in the availability of obsidian from any source was followed by an influx of R:\ Projects \NewpoOIJ015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc25 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch obsidian from the Obsidian Butte source on the southeastern shore of the Salton Sea in Imperial County. It is suggested that the water level in Lake Cahuilla (now the Salton Sea) receded at this time, exposing the Obsidian Butte source that previously had been submerged and inaccessible. Thus, the end of the Late Prehistoric Period was dominated by material from the Obsidian Butte source. Ericson et al. (1989) suggested that if the hypothesis is correct, hydration measurements of obsidian from Obsidian Butte should be less than 2.5 microns and hydration measurements of Coso obsidian should be greater than 4.5 microns. Sourcing and hydration measurements of Newport Coast Archaeological Project obsidian samples showed that the situation is more complex. Obsidian Butte specimens with hydration measurements between 6.0 and 7.8 microns were found in Milling Stone Period sites. It was also found that obsidian from Coso and Obsidian Butte co- occurred during the Late Prehistoric Period with no hiatus separating the availability of obsidian from the two sources. Late Prehistoric Obsidian Butte hydration readings ranged from 1.0 to 4.2 microns, while Coso obsidian hydration measurements ranged from 1.0 to 9.7 microns. Additional samples are necessary to verify these trends in obsidian exchange. Obsidian Exchange The amount of obsidian at Orange County sites is generally small, even at village sites. It is not clear how this obsidian got into Orange County. Was it through formal exchange mechanisms such as the use of trade partners? Was it the result of occasional forays into other territories by Gabrielino and /or Juaneno /Luiseno individuals? Was it the result of curating or husbanding tools that were transported by incoming peoples? Was it a form of "down- the -line exchange" (Ericson 1981)? Whatever the mechanism, knowledge of the form in which obsidian arrived in Orange County may provide some clues. Study of obsidian specimens recovered from Newport Coast Archaeological Project sites (Mason and Peterson 1994:296) showed that obsidian comprised only 0.2 percent of the analyzed debitage from Milling Stone Period sites and 0.4 percent of the analyzed debitage from Late Prehistoric Period sites. Tertiary (cortex [original surface] flaked away) flakes comprised up to 90 percent of the Milling Stone Period obsidian specimens, and there were very few decortication flakes and no cores. The absence of cores suggests that all obsidian pieces of sufficient size were used for tools; none were wasted. During the Late Prehistoric Period, the proportion of bifaces and biface thinning flakes increased compared to the Milling Stone Period. There is a slightly higher proportion of decortication flakes, and one core is present that indicates obsidian in larger, less reduced pieces was somewhat easier to obtain. The greater number of obsidian flake tools also indicates this. Questions and Data Requirements What types (sources) of obsidian were traded into the Project area and when? Does the obsidian at these sites enhance our current understanding of hydration? In what form did obsidian arrive in Orange County? Do the obsidian specimens provide any evidence for secondary use? The test must demonstrate that obsidian is present at the archeological sites before a complete analysis can be anticipated following a data recovery phase. If sufficient quantities are recovered during data recovery excavations, sourcing, hydration, and transported forms can be addressed. An analysis of the kinds of obsidian debitage and cores or core fragments recovered from sites may indicate the initial form in which obsidian arrived at the San Joaquin Hills sites. R:\ Projects \NewpoOIJ015\TechnimI Reports\CUlturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.doc26 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch Samples of obsidian large enough to provide good surfaces for hydration measurements may provide data regarding obsidian as a temporal indicator. Radiocarbon dates would also be required to date the deposits from which the obsidian was recovered. It should be noted that the gradual acquisition of data from a number of sites may be necessary to address hydration calibration and reduction /transport strategy. Because the amount of obsidian from any one site would be small, the results from one site would not answer the research question but would contribute to the regional database. 4.3.4 Lithic Technology Lithic analyses provide data regarding site function and settlement- subsistence patterns primarily through the temporal identification of technology and technological changes, and trade and exchange of materials used in prehistoric lithic technology. The classes of Iithics that may be recovered include chipped stone artifacts, battered tools, milling implements, and ground tools. The appearance of these classes of lithics at any given site is temporally defined from comparisons with lithic assemblages from known contexts that have been validated through radiocarbon dating. The classes of tools we would expect to find would correlate strongly with the Newport Coast Archaeological Project conclusions regarding classes of functional tool types versus site type. Major residential sites in the vicinity, such as CA- ORA -64, CA -ORA -106, CA- ORA -119a, CA -ORA -220, and CA -ORA -223, would yield a wider range of all classes of tools since more activities occurred there. Smaller extractive or seasonal sites would yield proportionally fewer classes since the activities conducted there required fewer tools. An analysis of lithic debitage, by kind and material, if sufficiently large enough, could provide information on reduction strategies and the degree of preparation of materials prior to transport from the source to the site. Preferences for material types and reduction techniques or other manufacturing techniques may be defined from a larger data recovery sample. Milling implements, where present, suggest subsistence procurement strategies and may be useful for defining site type. Questions and Data Requirements What classes of Iithics are at the sites and can the site types be demonstrated from them? Are there exotic lithic materials present at the sites, and, if so, can the sources be identified? Can subsistence practices, such as seed milling, be demonstrated from milling implements found at the sites? Are there any temporally sensitive projectile points at the site? If so, can that be supported through radiocarbon or obsidian hydration analyses. The test and evaluation sample should be sufficiently large to provide adequate data regarding each class of Iithics present at the sites. Data should indicate the presence or absence of materials and provide a representative sample of the kinds and types of Iithics used through time. Some rare items such as obsidian, projectile points, or shaped objects may not be recovered from the test. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc27 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch 4.3.5 Site Structure The horizontal placement of various classes of cultural materials within a site may indicate the kinds of activities that were conducted there. Discreet loci of food preparation, lithic reduction, refuse, house pits, or other kinds of activities may be represented at the sites. These features may vary in complexity, kind, and depth as well, suggesting potential variations in site type through time. However, the degree of bioturbation, both from recent plowing and from the presence of rodents at the site, needs to be considered when feature -like materials are encountered. Hearth clean -outs or other secondary depositional events such as refuse piles, sub - midden caches, and human reburials can complicate the archaeological record and hamper a final interpretation of the event. Every feature investigated is considered a discreet unit of analysis or synchronic event, and analyzed accordingly. Questions and Data Requirements Are features present at the sites? If features are not found during the test, are there materials present at the sites that are typically associated with features? Is the site stratified temporally and are there variations in materials through time suggesting different activities occurred there or that the site type has changed through time? If features are not found during the test, their presence may be suggested through careful scrutiny of the cultural materials contained in the sample. Sufficient quantities of burned and unburned bone, shellfish, beads, burned rocks, and Iithic implements may indicate the presence of an intact or disturbed feature at the site. If features are encountered, the possibility of an extant living floor or house pit should be considered when implementing the feature excavation procedures. SECTION 5.0 METHODS The results of the field and laboratory investigations of the Newport Banning Ranch archaeological sites are summarized in this section. Each site is treated separately with the same categories of information, where applicable. The heading Field Methods and Procedures and Data Sampling and Excavation Procedures contains (1) a detailed description of each site's excavation layout; (2) unit and posthole excavation procedures; (3) field preparations of excavated sediments; and (4) maps and photographs of the site. The section entitled Laboratory Methods and Procedures describes how the matrices were treated in the Laboratory. The Results section begins with a table indicating the artifact classes, kinds, and types recovered from the soil matrix of each site. The section Unit Profiles has a brief description of the sediment stratigraphy. The last section, Site Integrity, is a description of the general integrity of the site. This section also contains site photographs. 5.1 FIELD METHODS AND PROCEDURES This section reports on the field preparations and data recovery methodology that were implemented during the fieldwork at sites CA -ORA -839, CA -ORA -843, CA -ORA -844, CA -ORA- 845, CA -ORA -906, CA -ORA -1599, CA -ORA -1600, CA -ORA -1601, CA -ORA -1602 and CA- ORA -1610; CA -ORA -148 was not subjected to excavation. The preliminary fieldwork consisted of site relocation; site boundary delineation; brush clearing; construction of a data sampling grid R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc28 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch at each site; the excavation of postholes and /or one meter - square units; matrix screening and washing; surface collections; unit profiles; and site photographs. 5.1.1 Site Boundaries The site boundaries for several sites were very difficult to delineate based on the observable surface distribution of cultural materials and topographic limitations. The most salient materials at the sites were shellfish remains. While site boundaries were identified primarily from the surface distribution of shellfish remains, all other possible cultural materials such as bone, debitage, and fire - affected rocks were also considered when the boundaries were identified. Pin flags were used to demark the furthest extent of the surface artifacts and initial unit locations (shovel test pits or control units). 5.1.2 Data Sampling and Excavation Procedures Shovel Test Pits (STPs) STPs were excavated with a circumference of 40 cm in 20 cm increments, then the matrix from each level was dry screened through '/ -inch mesh for specific classes of material, including stone tools, debitage, groundstone tools, miscellaneous lithics (e.g., ochre, asphaltum), non -fish and fish bone, bone tools, charcoal, fire - affected rock, or historic material. Shell hinges and apices were collected, counted, weighed, and speciated. Aside from the historic sites, historic materials in STPs provide evidence of recent disruptive activities that occurred at the sites, such as pot hunting, and contribute to the general understanding of bioturbation processes at the sites. Based on the results of the STPs, sub - surface control units would be implemented to recover comparative, quantified data. Control Units Archaeological sites where surface manifestation may have appeared to be sparse but where STPs showed significant subsurface data warranted the excavation of control units for purposes of eligibility determination (cf. CA -ORA -844 Locus B). Easily definable archaeological sites such CA -ORA -839 were subject only to control test units to determine eligibility. Control units 1 x 1 meter in size were primarily utilized to generate cubic density data for comparison with the Newport Coast Archaeological Project site type criteria (Mason and Peterson 1994). Control Units were excavated in 10 -cm increments and each level was wet screened and sorted through 1/8 -inch mesh for specific classes of materials, including flaked stone tools; debitage; groundstone tools; miscellaneous lithics (e.g., ochre, asphaltum); bone tools; otoliths; shell; shell beads and ornaments; charcoal; fire - affected rock; historic material; and non -fish and fish bone. The shellfish sample from each 1 x 1 meter unit was sorted from the matrix and identified by the lab technicians. Shellfish identification consisted of determining the genus (and species, where possible) of all non - repetitive shell elements (hinges and apices). Non - repetitive elements were then counted. If non- repetitive elements for a particular taxon were not found, the sample was referred to as "sp. ", but not given a count. The shellfish from the postholes were speciated, and the count of fragments was taken. All stone tools; groundstone tools; miscellaneous lithics (e.g., ochre, asphaltum); bone tools; otoliths; and beads /ornaments were separated from the matrix and weighed, bagged, and labeled individually. The weight and count of fire- affected rocks was collectively recorded for each unit level by material type and discarded. Charcoal was collectively weighed, bagged, and labeled for each unit level. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc29 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch Some archaeological sites received only STPs. Archaeological investigations had been unable to relocate several archaeological sites on the property subsequent to Van Horn's work in 1974. Such sites (e.g., CA -ORA -843, and CA -ORA -906) had been subsequently recommended for STPs to determine whether the site still existed and, if warranted, control pits to evaluate the deposit (Drover and Smith 1999 and LSA 2008). Because of the extended effort and access to Van Horn's original research document of (cf. 1982), the present effort was able to relocate all original site locations. While original site locations could be verified due to photographs and accurate descriptions, several sites, such as those noted above, had been heavily impacted, often scraped by earth- moving equipment into nonexistence. In such sites, STPs alone were sufficient to determine insignificance. Archaeological sites where surface manifestation may have appeared to be sparse but where STPs showed significant subsurface data warranted the excavation of control units for purposes of eligibility determination (cf. CA -ORA -844 Locus B). Easily definable archaeological sites such CA -ORA -839 were subject only to control test units to determine eligibility. 5.1.3 Screening, Washing and Laboratory Methods and Procedures After the matrix recovered from each level of each posthole and unit was water - screened through' /6 -inch mesh in the field, the washed matrix remaining in the screen was dried, bagged, labeled, and brought to the laboratory for sorting and identification. In the lab, each unit level was screened through ' /o-inch mesh screen, effectively separating the larger matrix fraction that was greater than 1/4 inch in size from the smaller matrix fraction that was less than 1/4 inch in size. The % -inch mesh was used only to separate the larger items from the smaller items to facilitate the sorting process. Laboratory sorters then sorted all cultural materials from the screened matrices by separating items by class. The remaining non - cultural material was discarded. 5.1.4 Cataloging All artifacts (chipped -stone tools, groundstone tools, shell artifacts, bone tools, obsidian, otoliths, beads, and ornaments) were identified in the laboratory and assigned individual catalog numbers. The remaining cultural materials were separated into classes consisting of fish bone, non -fish bone, speciated shell elements (shell was not speciated for the postholes), fire - affected rock by material type, lithic debitage by material type, and charcoal. Catalog entries for tools included provenience, identification of artifact type, material, weight, and count. Catalog entries for fish bone, non -fish bone, and speciated non - repetitive shell elements include provenience, weight, and number of specimens by unit level. Entries for debitage included material type and type of break. All bags of catalogued material contain this coded information on paper labels. All fish bone and non -fish bone were identified and cataloged by Mark Roeder (using the catalog numbers from the initial database). All bone was identified by species, bone element, and symmetry. The catalog sheets were then entered into an Excel database. Mr. Roeder analyzed the data for all vertebrate remains and produced a report (see Appendix B). Mr. Kuhner investigated and evaluated the historic materials described in archaeological sites CA -ORA -1601 and CA -ORA -1610. All cataloging was recorded on 11- by 27 -inch cataloging sheets using codes from the TKCI cataloging codebook. Coding was derived from the University of California, Santa Barbara coding system. The cataloguing sheet had 26 column categories and 42 rows for individual catalog entries. The column categories included catalog number; lot number; unit number; northing; easting; feature number; feature item number; unit type; sample type; level start and R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Rep rNkGulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc30 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch end; screen type; quantity; weight; material; class; objects 1 and 2; modifications 1 through 4; element; cortex; symmetry; and comments. The data from the catalog sheets were entered into a Microsoft Excel 7.0 database for sorting capability. SECTION 6.0 RESULTS Project cultural resources and testing activities and results would be described in this section. The oil lease activities on Newport Banning Ranch have in some ways protected some resources from potential impacts that may have occurred through the years. However, earth- moving activities associated with oil lease production have greatly disturbed all of the recorded cultural resources on the Project site. Disturbances that have affected cultural resources include road building, quarrying and preparation, closure, and rehabilitation of drilling pads. Fill, acquired from numerous locations on the property through time, was often utilized to create roads and pad sites in the lower wetlands. In some cases, these disturbances have resulted in isolated cultural loci within sites as consequences of grading rather than cultural activities (see CA -ORA -839, Figure 5). The fact that disturbances have occurred to most sites does not diminish their scientific value in light of the general lack of knowledge regarding the prehistoric occupation of the Santa Ana River mouth estuary. 6.1 PREHISTORIC SITES 6.1.1 CA -ORA -148 The site was first recorded in the SCCIC in 1964 by McKinney; however, according to Van Horn, the site was claimed to have been first noted or recorded by Strand in 1935 (Van Horn 1982:25). Hall revisited the site in 1979 and, aside from noting fossil shell on the surface mixed with an occasional historic shell, did not find any evidence of a midden or subsurface deposit (1975:1). Van Horn tested the site in 1982 and excavated 19 postholes between 15 and 100 cm deep, which were analyzed for artifacts, pH tested, and examined for soil color (Figure 1). While pH testing suggested a one -time midden deposit, the general results warranted neither avoidance nor further mitigation (LSA 2008:55). Drover and Smith (1999) found no evidence of shellfish or midden and believed the site had been severely impacted both by oil pads and later by closure of the pads and cleaning of the area. Drover and Smith further contended the surface topsoil consisted of exposed bedrock formations and recommended no further work at the site. (See Appendix C, Exhibit: Overview.) The site was visited during the current study, and conditions are the same as reported by LSA (2008) and Drover and Smith (1999). No work was undertaken. The site area is depicted on Figure 2. It is difficult to determine what depth any original cultural deposit may have had. Most of the "soil" on the site actually consists of Qtm or Quaternary Marine Terrace, with grading having disturbed the past top soil or potential cultural deposits (cf. GMU 2080). The poor physical integrity of this site and resulting lack of cultural data available renders it impossible to provide any of the data requirements to address questions presented in the Research Design section above. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc3l Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch FIGURE 1 ORA -148; VAN HORN'S TEST UNIT LOCATIONS FIGURE NOT INCLUDED FOR REASONS OF CONFIDENTIALITY RiFrojects \Newport\IO15ďż˝TechnicaI Roponsďż˝cuimreiwrchaoo Tech Rpt (pub)- 02161Ilboc32 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch FIGURE 2 ORA -148 RECORDED SITE LOCATION FIGURE NOT INCLUDED FOR REASONS OF CONFIDENTIALITY RiFrojects \Newport\IO15ďż˝TechnicaI Roponsďż˝cuimreiwrchaoo Tech Rpt (pub)- 02161Ilboc33 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch 6.1.2 CA -ORA -839 SITE SUMMARY: CA -ORA -839 (LOCI A —E) Site Summary: CA -ORA -839 (Loci A -E) Beads 1 spire - lopped Olivella; 1 spire - lopped Conus (same Unit, Locus A); shark centrum vertebra (Locus B) Bone See Appendix B Debitage 196 specimens (30/m3); 170 gm. Fire - affected Rock Fishbone See Appendix B Obsidian 4 pieces tertiary thinning flakes Projectiles Possible fragments Radiocarbon 1 shellfish date -3960 +/- 80 BP; 3040 cm.; MS3 Period Shellfish 2645 non- repetitive elements (NRE) (4061m') ; representing 3 habitats Tools 0.61/m3 Control Units 8 excavation units Elevation 40 ft Shovel Test Pits 0 Site Area Ca. 3,500 m2 existing: originally 4.3 acres Site Depth 60 -120 cm Time Period Paleocoastal ( ?) (see Van Horn 1980); MS3 Late Millingstone -early Intermediate Surface Collection NA Volume Excavated 6.5 m3 (eight 1x1 m units) cm= centimeter ft =feet gm =grams m =meter M2-square meters m3 =cubic meters (see Appendix C, Exhibit 1) One of the earliest archaeological sites recorded for the property, CA -ORA -839, has been subject to the most archaeological investigation (Hall 1975; Van Horn 1980, 1982). This site, originally recorded by Hall (1975), was considered in 1980 because a new well location was planned. The proposed well site coincided with Locus B of CA -ORA -839 (see Figure 4), requiring investigation by Van Horn (1980:1). Van Horn's investigations were not an archaeological test of the entire site (CA -ORA -839), but of a single "locus" of the site resulting from prior grading activities. In spite of apparent surface grading disturbances, Van Horn's efforts included approximately 23 square meters of excavation. These excavations included 1 x 1 meter units and expanded units utilized to expose larger cultural features; however, it is not clear why so many excavation units were completed. Van Horn's work not only verified subsurface materials, but resulted in the discovery of multiple stratigraphic components to the site (discussed below). These observations warranted his recommendation for further evaluation (Van Horn 1980:4). Van Horn's recommendations included the avoidance of Locus B as well as the other site loci, enforced by fencing each location. While Van Horn's 1980 effort focused his work on Locus B, he later conducted an assessment for cultural resources on the property, including survey and testing activities (Van Horn 1982). Van Horn's results, including prior survey attempts, recognized six archaeological sites: CA- R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc34 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch ORA -148, CA -ORA -839, CA -ORA -843, CA -ORA -844, CA -ORA -845, and CA -ORA -906. In summary, Van Horn concluded that: Ora -148 and 845 have been tested in recent years and are no longer regarded as significant. Ora -839 and 843 have been tested and are regarded as very significant. Ora -844 and 906 have not been tested and their significance is presently uncertain. FIGURE 3 ORA -839 AERIAL VIEW; NOTE SURFACE DISTURBANCE AND BARROW PIT NORTH OF LOCUS C FIGURE NOT INCLUDED FOR REASONS OF CONFIDENTIALITY Since the work of Van Horn, various cultural resource investigators (Drover and Smith 1999, and LSA 2008) have been unable to acquire certain documents initially recorded by Van Horn, resulting in the inability to relocate several archaeological sites (e.g., CA -ORA -839 Locus E, CA- ORA -148, CA -ORA -843, and CA -ORA -906). The present effort has acquired several of Van Horn's unpublished documents, which have greatly served to support his earlier finds. The present approach is a combination of recommendations compiled through the years, including those by Van Horn (1982); Drover and Smith (1999) and LSA (2008). Van Horn's determination of "significance" for CA -ORA -839 was based on his excavations of 1980 (noted above), which were solely focused at Locus B. The present effort to evaluate the NRHP eligibility of Newport Banning Ranch's cultural resources has chosen to conduct limited testing at each loci of CA -ORA -839. The geographic extent of CA -ORA -839 is apparent due to the distinct topography of the site. The focus was to provide quantitative data for comparison. Van Horn's results did not produce quantitative data regarding the comparative density of R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc35 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch cultural materials from different loci. Density data would allow the comparison of CA- ORA -839to larger projects such as the Newport Coast Archaeological Project and to further evaluate its ability to "contribute to science ". Such comparisons would allow for the estimation of site type (function), as well as the site's ability to address certain environmental research questions, all of which would contribute to determining eligibility for listing in the NRHR. To provide these data, BonTerra Consulting excavated two 1 X 1 meter control excavation units for Loci A, B, and C, while Loci D and E were limited to one 1 X 1 meter control unit each (due to topographical constraints). Locus E had not been mentioned in Van Horn's work (1980), nor relocated by Drover and Smith (1999) or LSA (2008). Van Horn does note "Locus F in his 1982 document, which indicates it was recorded as a result of his later survey work (1982:39). A loose map in materials received from Archaeological Associates indicated the location of "Locus F at the base of the mesa upon which CA -ORA -839 exists. This locus was not tested, and its relationship to CA -ORA -839 (other than proximity) was not clear (1982:39). As noted above, each locus is a remnant of the grading for oil well pads and access. The soil removed was taken into the wetlands for road fill. The least disturbed locus (approximately 1,400 square meters [m2] in size), based on topography and plant growth, is the northernmost Locus C. The remaining upper Loci A, B, and D are likely missing some of the upper levels of the midden. Locus D appears to have been disturbed to the point of the exhaustion of any cultural integrity. Locus E at the base of the bluff has been spatially disturbed by quarrying activities, but still has some vertical integrity. Van Horn suggested that as much as 70 cm. (Period 1) was missing topographically from the top of Locus B, yet the remaining "Period 2" consisted of three phases, including a potential pre - Millingstone Horizon phase. Van Horn acknowledges that the interpretation of a Phase 2 and 3 of Period 2 is based solely on one unit, 19B (1980:43). R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc36 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch FIGURE 4 NEW TEST UNITS ORA -839 LOCUS B (AFTER VAN HORN 1980:55) FIGURE NOT INCLUDED FOR REASONS OF CONFIDENTIALITY R \Projects \Newport\ID15 \Technical Reponsďż˝cufturaMrchaec Tech Rpt (pub) - 021610 boc37 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch FIGURE 5 ORA -839 LOCUS B VAN HORN (1980:56) In many ways the present, limited test results agree with Van Horn's general findings of 1980. A feature was encountered in the 30 -40 -cm level of Unit 1, Locus C of CA -ORA -839. The feature contained well associated shell with a 14C date of 3960 +/- 80 YBP; Beta - 261339, (MS3 -late Millingstone Horizon /early Intermediate), from a unit which extended to the depth of 70 -80 cm. R: \Projects \NewponU015\Technical Rep ns\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.doc38 Archaeological Resources Assessment 15,07 vctEJ _ L q i_91 i Pik /0D I sp 60 Jo 5er _2 0 1 s rďż˝ 70 90 /OO 0 G30 O O pďż˝ ynr Oo X00 /SOOďż˝wo Sďż˝bMf 'ďż˝.'O %hAY '. L ďż˝/O OIHO /.4YM t Are I" f ďż˝ 7 PElR10D T 4-9, avA 140 /ďż˝ To /d0 oe /00 AW,45c G sp /90 200 i10 ZO nLo I I ® P£R, le P -r Ir wďż˝. was iw1 <nef1 rigure 3• Top: Recmutmu ted section of Ore -839 looking mat. Rattan: hypothetical prehistoric periods represented at 0ra -639. In many ways the present, limited test results agree with Van Horn's general findings of 1980. A feature was encountered in the 30 -40 -cm level of Unit 1, Locus C of CA -ORA -839. The feature contained well associated shell with a 14C date of 3960 +/- 80 YBP; Beta - 261339, (MS3 -late Millingstone Horizon /early Intermediate), from a unit which extended to the depth of 70 -80 cm. R: \Projects \NewponU015\Technical Rep ns\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.doc38 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch FIGURE 6 FEATURE 1 LOCUS C ORA -839; 14C FIGURE NOT INCLUDED FOR REASONS OF CONFIDENTIALITY Aside from site function, many of the general characteristics of CA -ORA -839 reflect pre - Intermediate or Milling Stone Horizon occupation. Shell and lithic density is comparatively low at the site similar to other sites of similar age. The cubic meter (m3) density for shellfish non- R:\ Projects \Newpcn'JD15\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc39 Archaeological Resources Assessment NRE Percent Habitat Chione spp. 1,030 40 B/E Argopectin 584 23 B/E Ostrea lurida 504 20 B /OC Neverita reclusianus 113 4 Crepidula 83 3 Astraea unclose 72 3 Psuedochama 64 2 Cerithidea californica 37 1 Gastropoda 36 1 Mytilus 11 0 Ca/yptrea 10 0 Saxidomus 10 0 Bursa 5 0 Tegula 4 0 Hinnites 3 0 Laevicardium 3 0 2,569 Aside from site function, many of the general characteristics of CA -ORA -839 reflect pre - Intermediate or Milling Stone Horizon occupation. Shell and lithic density is comparatively low at the site similar to other sites of similar age. The cubic meter (m3) density for shellfish non- R:\ Projects \Newpcn'JD15\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc39 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch repeating elements (NRE) is 404/m3. Chione spp. represents 40 percent of the NRE count, with Argopectin at 23 percent and Ostrea lurida at 20 percent. The dominating habitats are Bay /Estuary and Bay /Outer Coast, which are in keeping with the immediate river mouth estuary. Van Horn's shellfish recovery results (solely from Locus B) reflect the same three prominent species; however, scallops (Plagioctenium circularis [sic]; cf. Argopectin) are the most abundant instead of Chione spp. The Newport Coast Archaeological Project summarized shellfish Taxa chronologically to compare the Milling Stone Period to the Late Prehistoric Period (Mason and Peterson 1994:267). A distinct difference was noted between the Newport Coast Archaeological Project Milling Stone and Late Prehistoric Periods. In descending frequency, the 3 dominant Millingstone Period Taxa are Mytilus sp. (78 percent), Pollicipes polymerus (5 percent), and Amaea sp. (3 percent), indicating rocky shore habitat exploitation. The Late Prehistoric Period dominant Taxa are represented in order by Argopecten sp. (39 percent), Ostrea lurida (19 percent), and Crepidula sp. (14 percent). At CA -ORA -839, the aggregate shellfish Taxa strongly reflect the Newport Coast Archaeological Project's Late Prehistoric Period (1994:267). The high frequency of Chione spp. at CA -ORA -839 is likely due to the geographic proximity of the limited shellfish habitats provided by the Santa Ana River mouth estuary. In addition, however, Chione spp. is the most dominant species at Newport Coast Archaeological Project sites, which are Minor Residential Bases (Mason and Peterson 1994:270). Lithic material was poorly represented at CA -ORA -839 at a cubic meter density of 30/m3, (196 specimens -170 grams), which likely reflects site function (see below). Metavolcanic rock represents 31 percent of the sample with Monterey chert at 23 percent and quartzite at 27 percent. Very few actual flakes were recovered with distinctive bulbs of percussion. Instead, the vast majority of material represented cubic shatter or very small finishing flakes. Stone tools were also limited in the sample. One bifacial mano fragment and two undetermined groundstone fragments were all that represented groundstone material. Two quartz cores (one fragmentary) and one fragmentary core with secondary use as a scraper were also recovered. The poor representation of Lithic categories provided poor quantitative comparative data. Debitage consisting heavily of cubical shatter make up the vast majority of "debitage" for a density of 30/m3. When compared to the Newport Coast Archaeological Project's determination R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Rep rNkGulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc40 Archaeological Resources Assessment Count Percent metavolcanic 56 31 Monterey chert 42 23 quartzite 27 15 chert 21 12 quartz 10 6 rosy quartz 9 5 andesite 8 4 obsidian 4 2 diorite 1 1 galucophane schist 1 1 jasper 1 1 180 Cubic Shatter 109 83 Primary 4 3 Secondary 3 2 Tertiary 15 11 Metavolcanic rock represents 31 percent of the sample with Monterey chert at 23 percent and quartzite at 27 percent. Very few actual flakes were recovered with distinctive bulbs of percussion. Instead, the vast majority of material represented cubic shatter or very small finishing flakes. Stone tools were also limited in the sample. One bifacial mano fragment and two undetermined groundstone fragments were all that represented groundstone material. Two quartz cores (one fragmentary) and one fragmentary core with secondary use as a scraper were also recovered. The poor representation of Lithic categories provided poor quantitative comparative data. Debitage consisting heavily of cubical shatter make up the vast majority of "debitage" for a density of 30/m3. When compared to the Newport Coast Archaeological Project's determination R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Rep rNkGulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc40 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch of Mean Densities by Site Type, CA -ORA -839 would compare best with a Minor Residential Base (Mason and Peterson 1994:248). Tool density at CA -ORA -839 of 0.65/m3 best compares to a Specialized Activity Site (Mason and Peterson 1994:267). While Van Horn's lithic data was not determined by density (m3), he too reports limited lithic material (1980:35). As for flaked tools recovered by Van Horn, three cores, two projectile point fragments, six scrapers, and one notched blade are all that are noted (1980:35). Based on the excavation of 22 units (of different depths), this density might approximate 0.70 /m3. In addition to the lack of finished tools, the amount of small shatter and very small flakes may indicate limited resharpening of existing tools. Van Horn may not have quantified the category of "cubic shatter" analyzed herein. Van Horn's recovery of milling stone amounted to six specimens, all manos, and only one was complete (1980:38). Van Horn noted that no ground stone specimens were found below 60 cm in depth, and due to several trends, suggested that the lower parts of the site may pre -date the onset of the Milling Stone Horizon(i.e. prior to 6,000 YBC) (1980:38). Faunal specimens from the site include fishes, migratory birds, and limited mammal material (see Appendix B). The majority of fishes indicate shallow water, in shore, and estuary species. Only one specimen of California Sheephead represents a separate habitat. While Van Horn does not provide species identification in his faunal analysis, he does separate fish vertebra from other bone material and suggests that bone is more common in the lower levels. While the present investigation sample size does not compare with Van Horn's sample size, there is no indication of bone being more common in lower levels. According to bone count in 7 control units of the present investigation, 121 specimens occur between 0 and 50 cm, and 94 occur between 50 and 100 cm. With results primarily from Locus B and limited excavations at Locus A, Van Horn suggested two major Periods of occupation. Period 1 the mostly destroyed upper levels (0 -90 cm), represents the Late Prehistoric Horizon, consisting of dark soil with an emphasis on shellfish and underlain by "Period 2" (Van Horn 1980:41 -45; 56). Period 2 consists of three phases, which include light soil color, a shift toward the exploitation of scallops, and diminishing groundstone. Period 2 consisted of a shift from the Milling Stone Period to a pre - Milling Stone (cf. Paleocoastal) Period. Van Horn notes that his assumptions regarding Period 2 at CA -ORA- 839 were based primarily upon the findings from one 1 X 1 meter unit at Locus B (1980:43). Based upon the excavation of seven 1 X 1 meter control units distributed throughout all five site loci, the following conclusions can be made. Based on observation made at CA -ORA -839 based on topography, soil color and 14C dates, it is quite possible the site has multiple chronological components (vertical and spatial). The existing 14C date from the site indicates the likelihood for an Intermediate Period and Milling Stone Period occupation. While the existence of a "pre - Milling Stone Period" is unknown, the likelihood of an upper, Late Prehistoric occupation is possible. Local sites with two or three occupation components are relatively rare and certainly significant. Enough of CA -ORA -839 is physically intact to address these chronological issues with 14C analysis of marine shell. A remaining pertinent issue is whether Locus E at the base of the bluff is truly a contemporary component of CA -ORA -839 or an individual site unto itself. Given the topographic location and faunal and lithic material obtained in this sample, by comparison to the results of the Newport Coast Archaeological Project, CA -ORA -839 appears to be a Minor Residential Base (Mason and Peterson 1994:270). To a limited degree, male and female activities, food procurement, and food - processing activities all seem to have occurred at the site. While trade items (obsidian) and socio - ideological items (beads) are represented at the site, their limited quantities may reflect a limited duration of occupation. Given the limited regional knowledge of the occupation and habitat of the area, CA -ORA -839 can provide unique R:\ Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWcbaeo Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc4i Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch chronological and subsistence information and change about two or possibly three prehistoric cultural periods. The site does possess the integrity and distinction to warrant listing in the NRHP or CRHR as a historical and /or unique resource. 6.1.3 CA -ORA -843 Site Summary: CA -ORA -843 Beads none Bone none Debitage none Fire - affected Rock none Fishbone none Obsidian none Projectiles none Radiocarbon NA Shellfish 15 NRE; 12 Chione spp.; 2 Argopecten; 1 Astrea undosa Tools none Control Units none Elevation 40 ft Shovel Test Pits 8 Site Area Ca. 15 m` existing disturbed area: originally 3 acres Site Depth 40 cm Time Period unknown Surface Collection NA cavated Eight Shovel Test Pits —ca. 4m' er L eters ters ix C, Exhibit 2) CA -ORA -843 was once likely a large site (approximately three acres) on a prominent point on the bluff overlooking the Newport Shores Community. Due to the degree to which the site has been impacted by grading and oil field activities, the exact location and integrity of the site has been difficult to ascertain. The site was first recorded by Hall (1975), independently by Murray in 1979, and updated by Drover and Smith in 1999 (LSA 2008). The lack of specific records information regarding the location of the prior testing by Van Horn (1982) at the SCCIC, combined with a paucity of observable midden or artifacts, hampered the understanding of the status of the site (LSA 2008:56). CA -ORA -843 was tested with postholes by Van Horn and found to be significant (1982:20; 25). The present investigation chose to retest CA -ORA -843 due to the lack of information about the location of the prior test areas and the criteria of the significance determination. A photograph and description of the site in Van Horn's test report recovered from Archaeological Associates, was able to focus the present test activities. Van Horn's test was conducted on a remaining portion of the site only 40 feet in diameter. Only one of an unknown number of postholes recovered any midden materials (1982:33). The information from this single post -hole indicated a ... midden rich in marine shell, exhibited positive midden soil chemistry (high phosphate content) and extended to a depth that exceed one meter (the maximum depth of the auger bit)" (1982:33). R: \Projects \NewpoOIJ015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.doc42 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch This information was the basis for the significance determination. A welded fence also indicates an area of Van Horn's concern. The remaining area tested by Van Horn is highly disturbed with historic debris mixed into the soil and is completely covered with ice plant. The area remained undisturbed from prior grading due to a large electric transformer that stood in this location. As can be seen in Appendix C, Exhibit 2, Drover and Smith stated that the site "no longer exists' and did not recommend testing (1999:18). However, STP testing was recommended by LSA (2008:66). The present test activities consisted of eight STPs, six of which were focused in the area fenced by Van Horn and two others in potential areas where brush inhibited a view of the surface. Of the 6 units within the 40- foot - diameter fenced area, only 2 produced any cultural material. One was closed for the lack of further data at 40 cm. and the other closed at 60 cm. FIGURE 7 CA -ORA -843 REMNANT MIDDEN AREAS FIGURE NOT INCLUDED FOR REASONS OF CONFIDENTIALITY The only cultural data recovered from the 6 STPs were 15 pieces of shell: 7 from 0 to 20 cm, 5 from 20 to 40 cm, and 3 from 40 to 60 cm. The NRE of 15 shells included 1 Chione californiensis, 2 Chione undatella, 9 Chione spp., 2 Argopecten, and 1 Astrea undosa. The small area that produced these few specimens was highly disturbed by grading, intrusive phone poles, trash, and erosion. Based on present observations, it is difficult to understand Van Horn's estimation of the site's significance. CA -ORA -843 lacks any vertical or horizontal integrity as well as representative data to address relevant research questions. The site does not possess the integrity or distinction to warrant listing in the NRHP or CRHR as a historical resource, nor does it meet the criteria for a unique archaeological resource. R: \Projects \NewpoOIJ015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc43 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch 6.1.4 CA -ORA -844 (Locus A + B) Site Summary: CA -ORA -844 (Locus A + B) Beads none Bone 9 -Locus B small mammal Debitage 7 -Locus B Fire - affected Rock 1 -Locus A Fishbone 1 shark centrum Obsidian none Projectiles none Radiocarbon None— recommended Shellfish Control Unit 1: NRE of 443/m3 Tools none Control Units 1 Elevation 35 ft Shovel Test Pits Locus A 7 Shovel Test Pit (ca. 0.5m3); Locus B 3 Shovel Test Pits (ca, 0.3m3) Site Area Locus A ca. 15 m` existing disturbed area: Locus B 15m Site Depth 60 cm Time Period unknown Surface Collection NA Volume Excavated Locus A 7 Shovel Test Pit (ca. 3m3); Locus B 3 Shovel Test Pits (ca, 1.5m3) and 1 Control Unit (ca. 0.7m3) ft =feet cm= centimeter m'= square meters m3 =cubic meters (see Appendix C, Exhibit 3) Similar to several sites, CA -ORA -844 was originally identified by Hall (1975), but formally recorded in the SCCIC by Murray in 1979. CA -ORA -844 was not tested by Van Horn in 1982, but was determined to be worthy of testing (1982:33 -35). Locus A, described as being 40 by 60 feet in size, was completely covered by ice plant and had undulating topography suggestive of disturbance (Van Horn 1982:33). The site was noted to have a locus on either side of a road (the main thoroughfare from the bluff top to the oil fields), but subsequent archaeological surveys did not mention nor relocate Locus B (Drover and Smith 1999:19; LSA 2008:67). However, with consideration primarily for Locus A, both Drover and Smith (1999) and LSA (2008) recommended testing. Initial testing undertaken at both loci consisted of STPs. Those excavated at Locus A consisted of seven units laid out on the compass axes, three oriented north -south and four oriented on the longer east -west axis. Only three STPs were laid out on a north -south axis at Locus B due to the limited amount of undisturbed (not eroded) terrain. Locus B is located approximately 80 meters north of Locus A on a slightly elevated hillside with severe erosional cuts. While Van Horn speculated that the two loci may have at one time been connected or contemporary components of one another (1982:35), no evidence was observed to substantiate the idea. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.doc44 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch FIGURE 8 ORA -844 LOCUS A AND B — REMNANT MIDDENS FIGURE NOT INCLUDED FOR REASONS OF CONFIDENTIALITY Locus A produced a limited amount of shell, primarily from STPs 3, 4, 5, and 6 in the western half of the grid nearest the road intersection (see Appendix C, Exhibit 3). Of the four STPs noted above, all produced limited shell in the 40 -60 cm level; however, 2 STPs (5 and 6) produce shell in the 60 -80 cm level. In all. the NRE shell count from all STPs was 36. The shell recovery was sparse, and no other prehistoric cultural materials were recovered with the exception of a single, fire - cracked rock. Given the undulating surface of this portion of the site ( +/- 3 to 4 feet), the recovery of historic material, size of the deposit and sparse shell, the ability of Locus A to address the proposed research questions is highly doubtful. Since it is recommended that Locus B qualifies in its ability to fulfill eligibility criteria (see below), a control unit excavated at Locus A may provide an adequate radiocarbon sample to determine the contemporanaeity of Loci A and B. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.doc45 Archaeological Resources Assessment 0 -20cm 20 -40cm 40.60cm 60 -80cm Chione spp. 3 6 3 Chione californiensis 1 Argopectin sp. 3 2 6 2 Ostrea lurida 1 2 3 1 Hinnites sp. 1 Mytilis sp. 1 The shell recovery was sparse, and no other prehistoric cultural materials were recovered with the exception of a single, fire - cracked rock. Given the undulating surface of this portion of the site ( +/- 3 to 4 feet), the recovery of historic material, size of the deposit and sparse shell, the ability of Locus A to address the proposed research questions is highly doubtful. Since it is recommended that Locus B qualifies in its ability to fulfill eligibility criteria (see below), a control unit excavated at Locus A may provide an adequate radiocarbon sample to determine the contemporanaeity of Loci A and B. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.doc45 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch Locus B, as noted above, is located on a hillside transacted by two erosional cuts in excess of six feet in depth. The western side of the site is absent due to the construction of an oil pad. Very little midden is intact at this site that is not disturbed (approximately 10 -15 m2). Of the three STPs excavated at Locus B, STP 1 produced cultural materials and soil integrity to a depth of 60 cm, suggesting the need for the excavation of a Control Unit. The control produced three data classes: shell, lithics and bone, with shell being the largest. Shell represented from Control Unit 1 consisted of an NRE of 443, a surprising density giving the unit was only excavated to the depth of 60 cm. (The cubic meter density for shellfish NRE) is 404/m3.) The diversity of Taxa ('richness ") in such a small sample is also promising in the reconstruction of the habitat and food procurement strategies. The lithic material in the unit amounted to seven specimens of debitage, all of which were shatter. Faunal material from the unit included six small mammal bones and one shark centrum. Radiocarbon dating was not conducted. Taxa NRE Percent Chione californiensis 134 31 Chione spp. 99 23 Crepidula sp. 93 21 Astrea undosa 25 6 Ostrea lurida 20 5 Cerithidea sp. 18 4 Argopectin sp. 12 3 Saxidomus nuttali 12 3 Neverita reclusianus 11 3 Chione undatella 8 2 Acanthina spirata 2 0 Calyptraea sp. 2 0 Chione f/uctifraga 1 0 Nassarius mendicus 1 0 Based on the data retrieved from one unit, it is impossible to reconstruct site type; however, the cubic meter shell density and species frequency is favorable to the Minor Residential Base pattern suggested by Mason and Peterson (994:270). The remaining portion of the site has the capability to at least address the temporal setting of the site and its subsistence patterns. It is possible that other recovered data classes may contribute to other questions proposed in the research design. Given the limited regional knowledge of the occupation and habitat of the area, CA -ORA -844, Locus B may yet yield information important in prehistory; therefore, the site does possess the integrity and distinction to warrant listing in the NRHP or CRHR as a historical resource. It does not meet the standards of a unique archaeological resource. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc46 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch 6.1.5 CA -ORA -845 Site Summary: CA -ORA -845 Beads None Bone None Debitage None Fire - affected Rock None Fishbone None Obsidian None Projectiles None Radiocarbon None Shellfish NRE 25 Chione califomiensis; Ostrea lurida and Chione spp.- sparse distribution Tools None Control Units None Elevation ca. 20 ft Shovel Test Pits 10 Site Area Unknown; destroyed Site Depth 220 cm Time Period Unknown Surface Collection NA Volume Excavated 10 STP's = ca. 5m3 ft =feet cm= centimeter m2= square meters m3 =cubic meters STP= shovel test pit YBP =years before present (see Appendix C, Exhibit 4) Similar to several sites noted above, CA -ORA -844 was originally identified by Hall (1975) but formally first recorded in the SCCIC by Murray in 1979. Hall originally described the site as consisting of dark soil, fire - cracked rock and shellfish, covering an area of 50 meters by 150 meters, and noted that only 20 percent of the site remained intact. Van Horn conducted an archaeological test at this site in 1981 consisting of four Control Units and a series of postholes on the compass axis (Van Horn 1982:29). Van Horn's results stated that "...no significant deposit is present at this site' (1982:29). Van Horn also noted that the site area had been heavily impacted by quarrying activities. No subsequent archaeological survey has been unable to relocate the site (Boxt and Barretta 1992, Drover and Smith 1999, and LSA 2008). Since occasional shell appeared on the surface of one of the two loci shown on the site record, ten STP's were distributed and excavated in areas where either soil color or topography indicated non - sterile (less disturbed) soil conditions. It appeared topographically that the once "top" of the site may have, as in many other areas, been graded and soil removed. Of the ten STPs (eight on the lower, larger mapped locus and two on the upper, smaller locus), the only material recovered was shell from the lower locus. The deepest STP went to 60 cm. The total NRE for shell recovered from all of the 8 lower STPs was 25 (8 Chione californiensis; 12 Ostrea lurida; and 5 Chione spp.). No other cultural material was recovered. Due to the impact to this area, findings are in agreement with Van Horn (1982) that the site no longer exists and lacks any physical integrity. Therefore, the site does not possess the integrity or distinction to warrant listing in the NRHP or CRHR as a historical resource, nor does it meet the criteria for a unique archaeological resource. R: \Projects \Newpcn'JD15\Techniwl Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc47 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch 6.1.6 CA -ORA -906 Site Summary: CA -ORA -906 Beads none Bone See Appendix B Debitage none Fire - affected Rock none Fishbone See Appendix B Obsidian none Projectiles none Radiocarbon 1330 +/- 70 YBP; (Beta 261340 -- LP1 Late Prehistoric) and 2340 + /- 80 YBP; (Beta 261341 —LP1 Late Prehistoric). Shellfish Control Unit 1: NRE 447 Tools none Control Units 1 Elevation Ca. 20 ft Shovel Test Pits 0 Site Area Unknown; buried Site Depth 220 -240 cm Time Period unknown Surface Collection NA Volume Excavated Unit 1 – ca. 2m' ft =feet cm= centimeter M2 =square meters m3 =cubic meters YBP =years before present (see Appendix C, Exhibit 1) CA -ORA -906 was recorded by Van Horn and Murray in 1980. The site was discovered during their work on CA -ORA -839 and was exposed in a road cut (see photograph Van Horn 1982:21). The site is located at the base of the bluff below CA -ORA -839 Locus D. This site could not be relocated by Drover and Smith (1999) or LSA (2008). Drover and Smith recommended that the site be relocated (1999:4), and LSA recommended that the site undergo STP /Unit testing (2008:68). While the existence of the site was in doubt (possibly confused with a fossil shell outcrop in the immediate area), CA -ORA -906 was able to be relocated with the aid of a photograph taken by Van Horn (1982:21). The road cut shell exposure photographed by Van Horn was extremely dense and was described as being partially buried by slump from the bluff just below CA -ORA -839 Locus D. The site was finally located in dense foliage under slump in the road cut running north -south at the base of the bluff below CA -ORA -839. (The road is also known as "Industrial Park Way ".) Upon clearing brush, a meter -side profile of the cut was cleared for purposes of observing the stratigraphy of the road cut. No shell or cultural material appeared in this profile. A similar effort seven meters to the north indicated cultural shell that did not belong to the Qsp (Quaternary San Pedro Formation: Palos Verdes Sand member) (GMU 2008: Plate 7). A 1 X 1 meter control unit was opened into the profile. Excavated in 10 -cm levels, the first 80 to 90 cm (above the present road level) were sterile. At approximately 100 cm in depth (at the present road level or standing surface), dense shell began to appear and continued to a depth of approximately 200 cm. The overlying soil burying the midden, as suggested by Van Horn, is referred to as a Qls (Quaternary land slide) in the Project Geotechnical Report (GMU 2008: Plate 7). The site has been heavily disturbed by both road building and burial. It is impossible to estimate how much of the site remains intact. R: \Projects \NewpoOIJ015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.doc48 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch FIGURE 9 ORA -906 SIDEWALL PROFILE FIGURE NOT INCLUDED FOR REASONS OF CONFIDENTIALITY The excavation of the control unit in this site presented a unique combination of observations. The depth of the site, density of shellfish remains, unweathered appearance of the shell, lack of fire - cracked rock and lithics, and the procurement species focus of shellfish was noticed by many observers. In addition, the lack of soil and presence of a matrix comprised of small gravel is unusual, and may indicate the proximity of the site to a riverine channel. Radiocarbon samples were submitted for the upper level (100 -110 cm) and the lowest level (180 -200 cm) of the dense deposit. The dates respectively are 1330 +/- 70 YBP (Beta 261340 -LP1 Late Prehistoric), with a basal date of 2340 + /- 80 YBP (Beta 261341 -LP1 Late Prehistoric). R: \Projects \NewpoOIJ015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tlocO Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch The density of shellfish and depth of the unit precluded comďż˝lete sorting; however, a sample projection for shellfish density is a cubic meter NRE of 4470/m . Such a density is ten times that of CA -ORA -839. The focus on two primary species, Ostrea sp. and Argopecten sp., given the density of the shell and the size of shell specimens in the midden is interesting. Aside from CA- ORA -906's proximity to the Santa Ana River mouth estuary, dominance of Argopecten sp., and Ostrea lurida are also common to Late Prehistoric Newport Coast Archaeological Project sites. While it is speculative to estimate site function from a single control excavation unit, the density of shell at CA -ORA -906 does not seem to match the lack of other data classes at the site. To some extent, seasonal use of the site may also be indicated by the number of winter migration waterfowl seen in the faunal collection (see Appendix B). Only three artifacts recovered from the midden indicate Native American presence. A small shell fragment (possibly Haliotis) caked with asphaltum was recovered ( #906 -84), as was a small, circular shell bead ( #906 -29) and a utilized mammalian bone (possibly a shellfish pry) ( #906 -48). The lack of any lithics or diagnostic fire - affected rock is also unusual given the shellfish density of the midden, which approaches that of a Major Residential site (Mason and Peterson 1994:270). Regardless of the partial destruction of this site from road building and the difficulty of access given the land slide overlay, the site represents a third chronological period on the property, the Late Prehistoric. The data from this site could easily contribute to the research design categories of chronology and subsistence and settlement patterns. Again, little is known about the prehistoric use of the mouth of the Santa Ana River and its estuary; therefore, the data from this site could easily contribute to research questions regarding chronology and subsistence and settlement patterns; therefore, the site does possess the integrity and distinction to warrant listing in the NRHP or CRHR as a historical resource, nor does it meet the criteria for a unique archaeological resource. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc50 Archaeological Resources Assessment Count Percent Ostrea lurida 257 57 Argopecten sp. 147 33 Crepidula sp. 26 6 Chione undatella 6 1 Chione spa. 3 1 Chione californiensis 3 1 Calyptraea sp. 3 1 Chione fluctifraga 2 0 447 (sample projection) Aside from CA- ORA -906's proximity to the Santa Ana River mouth estuary, dominance of Argopecten sp., and Ostrea lurida are also common to Late Prehistoric Newport Coast Archaeological Project sites. While it is speculative to estimate site function from a single control excavation unit, the density of shell at CA -ORA -906 does not seem to match the lack of other data classes at the site. To some extent, seasonal use of the site may also be indicated by the number of winter migration waterfowl seen in the faunal collection (see Appendix B). Only three artifacts recovered from the midden indicate Native American presence. A small shell fragment (possibly Haliotis) caked with asphaltum was recovered ( #906 -84), as was a small, circular shell bead ( #906 -29) and a utilized mammalian bone (possibly a shellfish pry) ( #906 -48). The lack of any lithics or diagnostic fire - affected rock is also unusual given the shellfish density of the midden, which approaches that of a Major Residential site (Mason and Peterson 1994:270). Regardless of the partial destruction of this site from road building and the difficulty of access given the land slide overlay, the site represents a third chronological period on the property, the Late Prehistoric. The data from this site could easily contribute to the research design categories of chronology and subsistence and settlement patterns. Again, little is known about the prehistoric use of the mouth of the Santa Ana River and its estuary; therefore, the data from this site could easily contribute to research questions regarding chronology and subsistence and settlement patterns; therefore, the site does possess the integrity and distinction to warrant listing in the NRHP or CRHR as a historical resource, nor does it meet the criteria for a unique archaeological resource. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc50 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch 6.1.7 CA -ORA -1599 Site Summary: CA -ORA -1599 Beads none Bone none Debitage none Fire - affected Rock none Fishbone none Obsidian none Projectiles none Radiocarbon None Shellfish NRE 10 Tools None Control Units None Elevation Ca. 40 ft Shovel Test Pits 6 Site Area Original Unknown; Site Depth unknown Time Period unknown Surface Collection NA Volume Excavated 6 STPs — ca. 3m' ft =feet m3 =cubic meters (see Appendix C Exhibit 5) This site was recorded in 1990 by Smith et al, as part of the fieldwork associated with Phase I survey activities associated with Banning Ranch (Drover Smith 1999). The site (Br -4) was recorded as a widely scattered, sparse Iithic scatter with two pieces of quartz shatter, one quartz flake, one quartz thinning flake, four chert thinning flakes, and one retouched /utilized chert scraper or core within an area measuring 50 meters by 10 meters. The site was located along a north -south oiled road (leading to pump No. 340), paralleling the western side of the old road cut at the southern end of the Ranch. Upon revisiting the site, LSA found no prehistoric Iithics but identified some historic glass and transfer ware porcelain (2008:60). The present test efforts did also observe the historic glass and several shell fragments in the area intended for STPs; however, no Iithic specimens were observed. Aside from a few areas with remnant topsoil, the area in question has been both graded and disked. It is difficult to determine the depth of any original cultural deposit. Most of the "soil' on the site actually consists of Qtm or Quaternary Marine Terrace, with grading having disturbed the past top soil or potential cultural deposits (cf. GMU 2080). R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc5l Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch FIGURE 10 ORA -1599 AND ORA -1600 FIGURE NOT INCLUDED FOR REASONS OF CONFIDENTIALITY Very limited cultural material was derived from three STPs (numbers 2, 5 and 6) at CA -ORA- 1599. STP 2 yielded an NRE of five shell: two Chione spp., one Cerithidea californica, one Chione undatella, and one Crepidula sp. at 20-40 cm. While these specimens are not fossil shell, a fragment of metal was found in the same level, indicating disturbance. STP 5 (0 -20 cm) yielded an NRE of four shells: Chione spp., numerous small fragments of Argopecten, and a fragment of Ostrea sp. and Crepidila sp. Three metal fragments were also found in STP 5 in the 0- to 20 -cm level. In the 20- to 40 -cm level, STP 5 produced only an NRE of 2 shell Mytilus sp. and Chione spp. with fragmentary evidence of Argopecten. No further cultural materials were found in STP 5. STP 6 produced material only from the 0- to 20 -cm level. Only fragmentary evidence existed for Chione spp. and Mytilus sp. and two small pieces of quartz shatter. The lack of cultural material, evidence of mixing with historic material, and obvious topographic disturbance leaves little to no value in these specimens. The poor physical integrity of this site and resulting lack of cultural data available renders it impossible to provide any of the data requirements to address questions presented in the Research Design section above. The site, therefore, does not possess the integrity or distinction to warrant listing in the NRHP or CRHR as a historical resource, nor does it meet the criteria for a unique archaeological resource. R: \Projects \NewpoOIJ015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc52 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch 6.1.8 CA -ORA -1600 Site Summary: CA -ORA -1600 Beads None Bone None Debitage None Fire - affected Rock None Fishbone None Obsidian None Projectiles None Radiocarbon None Shellfish None Tools None Control Units 7 Elevation Ca. 40 ft Shovel Test Pits 0 Site Area Original Unknown Site Depth None Time Period Unknown Surface Collection NA Volume Excavated 7 STPs — ca. 3.5m3 ft =feet m3 =cubic meters STP= shovel test pit (see Appendix C, Exhibit 5) This site was recorded in 1990 by Smith et al. as part of the fieldwork associated with Phase I survey activities associated with Banning Ranch (Drover and Smith 1999). The site, directly east of CA -ORA -1599, was recorded as (Br -3), and consisted of a diffuse Iithic scatter containing two pieces of quartz shatter, one quartz flake, two quartz thinning flakes, three chert flakes, and one retouched utilized chert core /scraper within an area of 25 meters by 10 meters. LSA's revisit to the site in 2008 noted one small milky quartz flake and one large (4- to 5 -cm thick) secondary core reduction flake made of a brownish quartzite. Some shell was also observed in small quantities (LSA 2008:60). The distribution of materials recorded lie roughly on a north -south axis paralleling the eastern boundary of the property and bordered by an existing apartment complex. Just west of the apartments is an old fence line which more recent grading activities have avoided. The fence line has created a small berm of soil, slightly higher and less disturbed than the surrounding soils. The present testing efforts noticed small amounts of shell eroding out rodent burrows along this fence line. The two northernmost STPs of the seven excavated were placed along this fence berm. The fence alignment can be seen in Appendix C, Exhibit 5. It is obvious that the area in question has been both graded and disked. It is difficult to determine what depth any original cultural deposit may have had. Most of the "soil" on the site actually consists of Qtm or Quaternary Marine Terrace, with grading having disturbed the past top soil or potential cultural deposits (cf. GMU 2080). All of the STPs excavated in the mapped location of this site returned negative cultural material. The lack of cultural material, evidence of surface historic material, and obvious appearance of topographic disturbance leaves little to no value in these specimens. The site, therefore, does not possess the integrity or distinction to warrant listing in the NRHP or CRHR as a historical resource, nor does it meet the criteria for a unique archaeological resource. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc53 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch The poor physical integrity of this site and resulting lack of cultural data available renders it impossible to provide any of the data requirements to address questions presented in the Research Design section above. 6.2 HISTORIC SITES 6.2.1 CA- ORA -1601H Site Summary: CA- ORA -1601H Beads none Bone none Debitage none Fire - affected Rock none Fishbone none Obsidian none Projectiles none Radiocarbon none Shellfish none Tools none Control Units none Elevation 70 ft above msl Shovel Test Pits 2 Site Area 3x3 meters Site Depth unknown Time Period Early 20`h Century Surface Collection Yes Volume Excavated 2 STPs — ca. .5m3 ft =feet m3 =cubic meters msl =mean sea level (see Appendix C, Exhibit 6) This site was recorded in 1990 by Smith et al. as part of the fieldwork associated with Phase I survey activities associated with Newport Banning Ranch (Drover and Smith 1999). The site was initially recorded as Br -2, and consists of historic trash eroding out of the inside curve of a dirt road as it crests atop a small mesa in the southeasternmost corner of the property. The site was initially recorded as a 2 meter by 2 meter area of historic trash. The site was relocated as described. CA -ORA -1601 H is approximately 0.4 km east of the West Coast Highway entrance to the West Newport Oil field (Armstrong Oil), also known as Newport Banning Ranch, on the eastern bank of a broad drainage that runs beneath Coast Highway (Appendix C, Exhibit 6). This site lies on the edge of a highly eroded, graded upland terrace, which upon surface inspection yielded 4 artifacts associated with the early 20th Century. In addition to surface inspection, shovel test pits (n =2) were excavated at a three -meter interval resulting in no positive tests or evidence of subsurface deposits within an area measuring approximately ten meters in diameter. No intact cultural lenses or structural remains were present. Materials recovered include one milk glass cold cream jar, two amethyst glass bottle finish, and one aqua glass bottle base. The age of this site (early 20th Century) indicates that there is no temporal relationship with CA- ORA- 1610H, the Costa Mesa Gun Battery noted below. While the remains of the Battery foundations are within 100 meters, no cultural relationship exists. The location of the site along R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610A.64 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch an open bluff exposure facing south suggests that the exposure may have served as an occasional dump at the turn of the century. This site does not possess the integrity or distinction to warrant listing in the NRHP or CRHR as a historical resource, nor does it meet the criteria for a unique archaeological resource. No further work is recommended. The testing activities exhausted the data available from this site. FIGURE 11 SITE LOCATIONS ORA -1601, 1602, AND 1610 FIGURE NOT INCLUDED FOR REASONS OF CONFIDENTIALITY R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610A.C55 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch 6.2.2 CA- ORA -1602H Site Summary: CA- ORA -1602H Beads none Bone none Debitage none Fire - affected Rock none Fishbone none Obsidian none Projectiles none Radiocarbon none Shellfish none Tools none Control Units none Elevation 65 ft above msl Shovel Test Pits 1 Site Area 2x4 meters Site Depth unknown Time Period Late 19th /Early 201h Centuries Surface Collection Yes Volume Excavated 1 STP —ca. .2m3 ft =feet ms =cubic meters msl =mean sea level STP = shovel test pit (see Appendix C, Exhibit 6) This site was recorded in 1990 by Smith et al. as part of the fieldwork associated with Phase I survey activities associated with Newport Banning Ranch (Drover and Smith 1999). The site was initially recorded as Br -1, a historic trash dump located along the northern side of a dirt road leading eastward to the top of the mesa in the southeasternmost corner of the property. The site is immediately adjacent (10 meters south) of CA- ORA- 1610H, the World War II gun emplacement remnants. The proximity of the two sites has no bearing on their relationship. The deposits occurred at different times (see below), and the remnant concrete portions of the gun emplacement are not in their primary location. CA- ORA -1602H is approximately 0.4 km east of the West Coast Highway entrance to the West Newport Oil field (Armstrong Oil), also known as Newport Banning Ranch, on the eastern bank of a broad drainage that runs beneath Coast Highway (Appendix C, Exhibit 6). This site lies on the slope of a highly eroded, graded upland flat, which upon surface inspection yielded 49 artifacts associated with the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. In addition to surface inspection, a shovel test pit (n =1) was dug, resulting in 1 positive test and the recovery of 274 historic artifacts. Subsurface artifacts were encountered at 0 -80 cm below the surface. Two dark amber ( "black glass ") bottle bases with pontil scars represent the middle to late 19th Century, while the remainder of the assemblage is dominated by ceramic and glass bottle fragments from the early 20th Century. Building materials, including nails, brick fragments and window glass, were recovered. Charcoal, ash, and fire- affected artifacts were present at 60 -80 cm, representing a discrete cultural lens within the site. No other area proved to be culturally intact. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc56 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch Materials recovered include 11 amethyst glass shards, 14 aqua glass shards, 21 amber glass shards, 66 clear glass shards, 2 milk glass shards, 1 cobalt glass shard, 2 green glass shards, 8 olive glass shards, 35 white ware /ironstone sherds, 10 porcelain sherds, 6 salt glazed stoneware sherds, 1 earthenware sherd, 10 mammal bones, 31 miscellaneous building materials, 55 miscellaneous metals, and 1 glass faux pearl hatpin mount. The age of this site, CA- ORA- 1602H, (Late 191h /Early 20`h Century) (described above), shares no temporal relationship with CA- ORA- 1610H, the Costa Mesa Gun Battery (described below). While the remains of the Battery foundations are within 10 meters, no cultural relationship exists. The location of the site along an open bluff exposure facing south suggests that the exposure may have served as an occasional dump at the turn of the century. This site does not possess the integrity or distinction to warrant listing in the NRHP or CRHR as a historical resource, nor does it meet the criteria for a unique archaeological resource. No further work is recommended. The testing activities have exhausted the data available from this site. 6.2.3 CA- ORA -1610H This site was first identified by Van Horn (1982), but was not officially recorded as site CA -ORA- 1610H (BR -5) until Smith et al. recorded the site during the Phase I survey activities of Drover and Smith (1999) (see LSA 2008). Based on an actual design plan recovered from the MacArthur Museum, the location was known to have had a `Panama Mount' comprising the "Costa Mesa Battery" (Drover and Smith 1999). These coastal defense batteries were built along the Southern California coast in a variety of locations. Large portions of broken concrete, which had been pushed into an arroyo possibly for erosion control, were assumed to be remnant parts of the original battery and were deemed the location of CA- ORA- 1610H. Later observations by LSA (2008:25) positively demonstrated from the plan drawing that an omega- shaped concrete anchor noted on the plan and observed embedded in a concrete fragment verified the anchor as part of the gun mount. A 'Panama Mount' normally consisted of three guns; however, Costa Mesa only completed the installation of two. (See Appendix C, Exhibit 6) LSA provided an excellent summary of the Costa Mesa Battery (see 2008:23 -27). The only physical remains of the gunnery emplacement consisted of the broken concrete slabs recognized in the combined survey activities of Drover and Smith (1999) and LSA (2008). The slab fragments, verified as part of the gun emplacement, are clearly not in their original location. Atop the bluff and above the slab fragments is the remnant of a mesa which intuitively would seem to be the location of the gun emplacement. Oilfield drill pads were operated on this bluff, decommissioned, and the soils "cleaned" by surface grading. Mass grading related to road construction has also significantly altered the mesa on both the northern and southern sides of West Coast Highway. While the small remaining portion of the bluff is near its original elevation, no topsoil remains, suggesting the absence of a foot of soil. Areas impacted by mass grading indicate a topographic absence of as much as 15 to 20 feet of soil. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc57 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch FIGURE 12 COSTA MESA BATTERY; NOTE OMEGA SHAPED CONCRETE ANCHOR (AFTER LSA 2008) aeuno / . NAaeoa oerENxs or Los ANCCLea CALIF. ,ha ;f:a•ewn:ďż˝ COSTA MESA ďż˝j PANAMA MOUNTS I I ILLINOINCER OrrICC, LOS ANOncs,u ur. rt lIIi ISe .11 7 {I WW /seora• a:ďż˝ as/Mrea/ •nird.:.l L ďż˝r1 SECTION A -A 61 ďż˝ f /aJS _ GUN NO3 PLATFOgM GUN NO I GUN NO2 GUN N0.3 2ďż˝3? GUN 2 GUN 1ďż˝ ae GUN _ -ďż˝ `Tench lďż˝1ďż˝-* "p== ����►1 .I/fa7747 /lira. JIO7Hy6 0 • ST MGC rOďż˝A.aCf rei/ .4en %aced Centre . /J 7 C4M Al— cw a y „wd . _ IGee. cea, a "ďż˝ HALF PLAN PoOu/w Mae/ 4.6,6//0 • ďż˝ JIb• G eplperfj 6%4,roi/ ďż˝' ` EUWgCplrpi Of flgptc Io rllht u \'' +ďż˝ /[ďż˝ llll���showing A -ship oet -i1I _ _ canneoeof taror. Mount No l and '1 17TI ;i e/o/ CerMtn /a No 2 ) li' {y 'i SECTION H RU PLA FORM L S ^ FIGURE3 Bonn tg Ranch Selected Portion[ of US Engineer Office Plan for Paauma Mount, at the Costa Me” . . • ... .. ..., - nr hâś“. M Y Wn Tactical Batter' (Srnith at id. 1998) R \Projects \Newport \J015 \Technical Repotls \CulturaMrchaec Tech Rpt (pub) - 021610 boc58 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch FIGURE 13 ORA -1610; NOTE OMEGA - SHAPED CONCRETE ANCHOR IN THE CENTER RIGHT FIGURE NOT INCLUDED FOR REASONS OF CONFIDENTIALITY The exact, original location of the gun emplacement is unknown, primarily due to mass grading disturbances related to road construction in the 1960s. The restricted western view (potential visual shooting range) at the present position of the remnant concrete slabs would not seem to be a suitable location for the emplacement. It is possible that the original location of the gun emplacement would have been closer to West Coast Highway, thereby extending the visual range. Earthmoving disturbances appear to have removed the "front' or ocean front of the bluff, probably destroying the original gun emplacement location as a result. Drover and Smith (1999) suggested the potential for subsurface data possibly intact in trenches or ammunition storage structures, and recommended monitoring for future development (1999:6). Based on the same possibility, LSA (2008:65) recommended backhoe testing. Given the degree of disturbance to the area, the likelihood of recovering further physical data beyond the fragmentary concrete slabs is unlikely. Monitoring of any grading activities in the area is recommended. The limited likelihood of further physical data and exhaustive archival efforts strongly suggest this physical site has little or no remaining importance. Therefore, this site is not eligible for inclusion on the NRHP or CRHR as a historical resource, nor does it meet the criteria for a unique archaeological resource. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc59 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch SECTION 7.0 DISCUSSION The fact that the Newport Banning Ranch Project site is located in this coastal, lagoonal habitat, most of which has been destroyed and developed throughout most of Southern California, and that little to no archaeological investigation has taken place here, creates its own "data gap" in Southern California coastal archaeology. This makes any relevant information gathered as a result of the study that much more important. 7.1 ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATIONS The goal of the evaluation was to determine the sites' eligibility for listing in the CRHR under the criteria outlined in Section 15064.5 of the CEQA Guidelines (PRC §5024.1), and for listing in the NRHP under Section 106 of the NHPA (36 CFR 60.4). Criterion "D" of both Section 15064.5 of the CEQA Guidelines and 36 CFR 60.4 of the NRHP have been applied to each site during this test, and the conclusions are indicated below. The primary objective of the evaluation was to evaluate whether each site has sufficient integrity, density, and diversity to yield information important to prehistory or history. To demonstrate this, a methodical approach was used to determine the integrity, density, and diversity of data classes within each site. Through a combination of STPs and intuitively positioned Control Units, the investigation resulted in a representative sample with which to empirically measure each site's cultural constituents. SECTION 8.0 MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS Of the 11 archaeological sites recorded on the Newport Banning Ranch Project site, BonTerra Consulting recommends that 3 sites (CA -ORA -839, CA -ORA -8448, and CA -ORA -906) be deemed eligible for listing on the CRHR and the NRHP. Therefore, the following recommendations are focused on the three significant sites, with additional mitigation measures that apply to the site as a whole. Data recovery work at these sites would be designed to collect relevant information on the research domains presented above. In particular, subsistence and settlement questions, food procurement strategies, habitat reconstruction, and change through time should be able to be addressed through data recovery. However, underpinning most of these questions is an assumption of understanding each site chronologically. Little to nothing is now known of the cultural chronology of sites in Newport Banning Ranch. Such data is critical in being able to address other research topics, especially those regarding change through time. Therefore, it is critical that any data recovery excavations include sufficiently robust radiocarbon data at each site to form a baseline that could in turn be compared to nearby sites for which a chronology has been established (e.g., the Newport Coast Archaeological Project). 8.1 RECOMMENDATIONS /MITIGATION 8.1.1 CA -ORA -148 Most of the "soil" on the site actually consists of Qtm or Quaternary Marine Terrace, with grading having disturbed the past top soil or potential cultural deposits (cf. GMU 2080). The terrace has been graded flat as a result of oil field operations. Therefore, it is difficult to determine what depth any original cultural deposit may have had. The poor to nonexistent physical integrity of this site and resulting lack of cultural data available renders it impossible to provide any of the data requirements to address questions presented in the Research Design section above. Therefore, BonTerra Consulting recommends that CA -ORA -148 be deemed not eligible for listing on the CRHR and the NRHP. R:\ Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc6O Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch 8.1.2 CA -ORA -839 Given the topographic location and faunal and lithic material obtained in this sample and by comparison to the results of the Newport Coast Archaeological Project, CA -ORA -839 appears to be a Minor Residential Base (Mason and Peterson 1994:270). To a limited degree male and female activities, food procurement, and food - processing activities all seem to have occurred at the site. While trade items (obsidian) and socio - ideological items (bead) are represented at the site, their limited quantities may reflect a limited duration of occupation. Given the limited regional knowledge of the occupation and habitat of the area, CA -ORA -839 can certainly provide unique chronological, subsistence, and change information about two or possibly three prehistoric cultural periods. Therefore, BonTerra Consulting recommends that CA -ORA -839 be deemed eligible for listing on the CRHR and the NRHP. The following mitigation is recommended. The CEQA Guidelines (14 CCR §15126.4[b][3]) direct public agencies, wherever feasible, to avoid damaging historical resources of an archaeological nature, preferably by preserving the resource(s) in place. Several possibilities suggested by the CEQA Guidelines include (1) planning construction to avoid the site; (2) incorporating the site into open space; (3) capping the site with a chemically stable soil; and /or (4) deeding the site into a permanent conservation easement. The following is applicable for CA -ORA -839 deemed eligible for listing on the CRHR or the NRHP as historical resources. CA -ORA -839 is also considered a unique archaeological resource. Mitigation is the same for both types of resources. CA -ORA -839 It should be possible to preserve the vast majority of the site in place in perpetuity to avoid further disturbance to it. However, it appears that the planned removal of oil field infrastructure may impact portions of the site. In that event, the site shall undergo a data recovery excavation of those areas that will be impacted. Data recovery shall be sufficient to collect a representative sample of site constituents, including organic materials, to permit additional absolute dating of the deposit. Data Recovery Data recovery excavation shall be completed prior to Project grading and shall be designed to recover the consequential data present on the site. The study shall include: Development of a Research Design /Treatment And Mitigation Plan to explicitly lay out the methods to be used in the excavation and the scientifically consequential questions that the study will hope to answer; • Excavation of a sufficient number of Control Units and shovel test pits (STPs) to recover a representative sample of site constituents; Laboratory analysis of all recovered materials and creation of a computerized database of artifacts recovered; R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc6i Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch • Completion of a Data Recovery Excavation /Mitigation Report detailing the results of the study; and • Curation of excavated cultural material in a museum or other scientifically accredited institution that would make the collections available to future researchers. Capping In addition, secondary impacts (e.g., increased foot traffic, erosion) could occur at the site after the Project has been constructed; therefore, the site shall be capped with chemically stable soil to preserve it in perpetuity. During grading operations, excess dirt shall be placed on the site to a sufficient depth to protect the deposit, but not cause unintended damage to it. Shallow- rooted vegetation (such as native coastal sage scrub) may be planted on the new surface. To ensure the integrity of the archaeological deposit, the current ground surface shall initially be covered with some form of horizon marker (e.g., by Mirafi, a polypropylene geotextile) to prevent the deposit from mixing with the covering material and to serve as a marker of the site if the covering is ever removed. The following relies on guidance provided by the National Park Service's Brief #5 Intentional Site Burial: A Technique to Protect Against Natural or Mechanical Loss (NPS 1989, revised 1991). The capping program must include submittal to the City of Newport Beach Planning Department of a Site Capping Plan that includes: • An evaluation by a qualified Archaeologist of the classes of archaeological components to be preserved and their suitability for preservation; • An analysis by a qualified Soils Scientist of the pH levels, compression strength, and permeability of the horizon marker and capping material to be used to ensure they fit the preservation needs of the site's constituents; • Formulation of a plan by a qualified Civil /Structural Engineer that details how the cap will be physically constructed to ensure that (1) hydraulic changes over time, (2) erosion, and (3) the physical placement of the cap itself do not adversely impact the deposit; • Archaeological monitoring during placement of the capping material; • A Revegetation Plan, prepared by a qualified Biologist/Restoration Specialist, that is designed to help stabilize the new land surface and to prevent future erosion at the surface of the cap; • A plan of future monitoring of the site to ensure the long -term success of the capping program; and • A report detailing the results of the capping effort. 8.1.3 CA -ORA -843 At one time this site was probably quite large and located on a prominent point on the bluff overlooking the wetland. Due to the degree to which the site has been impacted by grading and R: \Projects \NewportU015\TechnimI Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc62 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch oil field activities, the exact location and integrity of the site has been difficult to ascertain. Evaluation of the site produced limited cultural material. The small area that produced these few specimens was highly disturbed by grading, intrusive phone poles, trash, and erosion. Based on the present observations it is difficult to understand Van Horn's estimation of the site's "significance ". It is clear that CA -ORA -843 lacks any vertical or horizontal integrity or representative data to address relevant research questions. Therefore, BonTerra Consulting recommends that CA -ORA -843 be deemed not eligible for listing on the CRHR and the NRHP as a historical and /or unique resource. 8.1.4 CA -ORA -844 Excavation at Locus A failed to produce a substantial deposit. It appears that its integrity has been destroyed. Therefore, the ability of Locus A to address the proposed research questions is highly doubtful; however, since it is recommended that Locus B qualifies in its ability to fulfill eligibility (see below), a Control Unit excavated at Locus A may provide an adequate radiocarbon sample to determine the contemporanaeity of Loci A and B. The three STPs and one Control Unit excavated at Locus B produced shell, lithics and animal bone, with shell being the most plentiful. The diversity of species in such a small sample is also promising in the reconstruction of the habitat and food - procurement strategies. The shell density and species frequency is favorable to the Minor Residential Base pattern suggested by Mason and Peterson (994:270). The remaining portion of the site has the capability to at least address the temporal setting of the site and its subsistence patterns. It is possible that other recovered data classes may contribute to other questions proposed in the research design. Therefore, BonTerra Consulting recommends that CA -ORA -844, Locus B be deemed eligible for listing on the CRHR and the NRHP. Locus B of the site is located on a hillside transected by two erosional cuts in excess of six feet in depth. The western side of the site is absent due to the construction of an oil pad. These factors have left little midden from the original site intact at this location, but a surprisingly robust sample was recovered through the test excavation. The following mitigation is recommended The CEQA Guidelines (14 CCR §15126.4[b][3]) direct public agencies, wherever feasible, to avoid damaging historical resources of an archaeological nature, preferably by preserving the resource(s) in place. Several possibilities suggested by the CEQA Guidelines include (1) planning construction to avoid the site; (2) incorporating the site into open space; (3) capping the site with a chemically stable soil; and /or (4) deeding the site into a permanent conservation easement. The following is applicable for CA -ORA -844, Locuse B, deemed eligible for listing on the CRHR or the NRHP as historical resources. CA -ORA -844 Locus B CA- ORA -844B is not expected to be directly impacted by development. Oil infrastructure removal activities that would occur prior to grading are expected to adversely impact portions of the site. Indirect impacts from additional erosion of the unstable surface and increased population in the vicinity of the site as a result of the future development could cause further damage over time. R: \Projects \NewpoOIJ015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc63 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch Both capping and data recovery excavation are viable options for treating the site; however, because it has been disturbed by erosion and oil extraction activities, capping the deposit would be difficult and possibly more expensive and time consuming with less desirable results, than data recovery excavation. Considering these circumstances, two options are provided: (1) successful capping of the site, while likely difficult to accomplish, would be designed to protect the site in perpetuity or, preferably, (2) data recovery shall be undertaken prior to grading to collect the scientifically consequential data that is present in the site since it appears that only a small, yet important, portion of the site remains. Because of the limited size of this site, this option would be able to remove and analyze the site in its entirety. Capping If option 1 is chosen, the site shall be capped with chemically stable soil to preserve it in perpetuity. During grading operations, excess dirt shall be placed on the site to a sufficient depth to protect the deposit, but not cause unintended damage to it. Shallow- rooted vegetation (such as native coastal sage scrub) may be planted on the new surface. To ensure the integrity of the archaeological deposit, the current ground surface shall initially be covered with some form of horizon marker (e.g., by Mirafi, a polypropylene geotextile) to prevent the deposit from mixing with the covering material and to serve as a marker of the site if the covering is ever removed. The following relies on guidance provided by the National Park Service's Brief #5 Intentional Site Burial: A Technique to Protect Against Natural or Mechanical Loss (NPS 1989, revised 1991). The capping program must include submittal to the Community Development Department of a Site Capping Plan that includes: • An evaluation by a qualified Archaeologist of the classes of archaeological components to be preserved and their suitability for preservation; • An analysis by a qualified Soils Scientist of the pH levels, compression strength, and permeability of the horizon marker and capping material to be used to ensure they fit the preservation needs of the site's constituents; • Formulation of a plan by a qualified Civil /Structural Engineer that details how the cap would be physically constructed to ensure that (1) hydraulic changes over time, (2) erosion, and (3) the physical placement of the cap itself do not adversely impact the deposit; • Archaeological monitoring during placement of the capping material; • A Revegetation Plan, prepared by a qualified Biologist/Restoration Specialist, that is designed to help stabilize the new land surface and to prevent future erosion at the cap surface; • A plan of future monitoring of the site to ensure the long -term success of the capping program; and • A report detailing the results of the capping effort R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc64 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch Data Recovery If option 2 is selected, data recovery excavation at CA- ORA -844B shall be completed prior to Project grading and shall be designed to recover the consequential data present in the site and to remove site constituents. The study shall include: • Development of a Research Design/Treatment And Mitigation Plan to explicitly lay out the methods to be used in the excavation and the scientifically consequential questions that the study will hope to answer; • Excavation of a sufficient number of Control Units and STPs to recover a representative sample of site constituents; Controlled demolition /removal of the site by a small scraper under the direction of a qualified Archaeologist to ensure the removal of all midden and other cultural constituents of the site. Controlled demolition permits the discovery and recovery of larger features not typically found during hand excavation and reduces the number of hand - excavated control units necessary; • Laboratory analysis of all recovered materials and creation of a computerized database of artifacts recovered; Completion of a Data Recovery Excavation /Mitigation Report detailing the results of the study; and • Curation of excavated cultural material in a museum or other scientifically accredited institution that would make the collections available to future researchers. 8.1.5 CA -ORA -845 Ten STPs were excavated at CA -ORA -845. Only a minimal amount of material was recovered. The deepest STP went from 4 to 60 cm. The total NRE for shell recovered from all of the 8 lower STPs was 25 (8 Chione californiensis, 12 Ostrea lurida, and 5 Chione spp.). No other cultural material was recovered. Due to the impact to this area, our findings are in agreement with Van Horn (1982) that the site no longer exists and lacks any physical integrity. Van Horn's results stated that "...no significant deposit is present at this site" (1982:29). Therefore, BonTerra Consulting recommends that CA -ORA -845 be deemed not eligible for listing on the CRHR and the NRHP as a historical and /or unique resource. 8.1.6 CA -ORA -906 Regardless of the partial destruction of this site from road building and the difficulty of access given the land slide overlay, the site represents a third chronological period on the property, the Late Prehistoric. The data from this site could easily contribute to the research design categories of chronology and subsistence and settlement patterns. Again, little is known about the prehistoric use of the mouth of the Santa Ana River and its estuary. The lack of any lithics or diagnostic fire- affected rock is also unusual given the shellfish density of the midden that approaches that of a Major Residential site (Mason and Peterson 1994:270). Therefore, BonTerra Consulting recommends that CA -ORA -906 be deemed eligible for listing on the CRHR and the NRHP. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc65 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch The following mitigation is recommended. The CEQA Guidelines (14 CCR §15126.4[b][3]) direct public agencies, wherever feasible, to avoid damaging historical resources of an archaeological nature, preferably by preserving the resource(s) in place. Several possibilities suggested by the CEQA Guidelines include (1) planning construction to avoid the site; (2) incorporating the site into open space; (3) capping the site with a chemically stable soil; and /or (4) deeding the site into a permanent conservation easement. The following is applicable for CA -ORA -906 deemed eligible for listing on the CRHR or the NRHP as historical resources. a •Ca '0. CA -ORA -906 shall be directly impacted as a result of development as well as oil infrastructure removal. Data recovery excavation at the site shall be completed prior to Project grading and shall be designed to recover the consequential data present in the site and to remove the site constituents. Mitigation shall be in the form of data recovery excavation to collect the scientifically consequential data that the site retains prior to its destruction by Project grading. The study shall include: Development of a Research Design /Treatment And Mitigation Plan to explicitly lay out the methods to be used in the excavation and the scientifically consequential questions that the study will hope to answer; Excavation of a sufficient number of Control Units and STPs to recover a representative sample of site constituents; Controlled demolition /removal of the site by a small scraper under the direction of a qualified Archaeologist to ensure the removal of all midden and other cultural constituents of the site. Controlled demolition permits the discovery and recovery of larger features not typically found during hand excavation and reduces the number of hand - excavated control units necessary; • Laboratory analysis of all recovered materials and creation of a computerized database of artifacts recovered; Completion of a data recovery excavation /mitigation report detailing the results of the study; and Curation of excavated cultural material in a museum or other scientifically accredited institution that would make the collections available to future researchers. 8.1.7 CA -ORA -1599 The lack of cultural material, evidence of mixing with historic material, and obvious appearance of topographic disturbance leaves little to no value in these specimens. The poor physical integrity of this site and resulting lack of cultural data renders it impossible to provide any of the data requirements to address questions presented in the Research Design R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc66 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch section above. Therefore, BonTerra Consulting recommends that CA -ORA -1599 be deemed not eligible for listing on the CRHR and the NRHP as a historical and /or unique resource. 8.1.8 CA -ORA -1600 All of the STPs excavated in the mapped location of this site returned negative cultural material. The lack of cultural material, evidence of surface historic material, and obvious appearance of topographic disturbance leaves little to no value in these specimens. The poor physical integrity of this site and resulting lack of cultural data renders it impossible to provide any of the data requirements to address questions presented in the Research Design section above. Therefore, BonTerra Consulting recommends that CA -ORA -1600 be deemed not eligible for listing on the CRHR and the NRHP as a historical and /or unique resource. 8.1.9 CA -ORA -1601 H The location of the site along an open bluff exposure facing south suggests that the exposure may have served as an occasional dump at the turn of the century. This site does not possess the integrity or distinction to warrant listing in the NRHP. No further work is recommended. The testing activities exhausted the data available from this site. Therefore, BonTerra Consulting recommends that CA- ORA -1601H be deemed not eligible for listing on the CRHR and the NRHP as a historical and /or unique resource. 8.1.10 CA- ORA -1602H The location of the site along an open bluff exposure facing south suggests that the exposure may have served as an occasional dump at the turn of the century. This site does not possess the integrity or distinction to warrant listing in the NRHP. No further work is recommended. The testing activities exhausted the data available from this site. Therefore, BonTerra Consulting recommends that CA- ORA -1602H be deemed not eligible for listing on the CRHR and the NRHP as a historical and /or unique resource. 8.1.11 CA- ORA -1610H The exact, original location of the gun emplacement is unknown, primarily due to mass grading disturbances related to road construction in the 1960s. Drover and Smith in 1999 suggested the potential for subsurface data possibly intact in trenches or ammunition storage structures, and recommended monitoring for future development (1999:6). Based on the same possibility, LSA (2008:65) recommended backhoe testing. Given the degree of disturbance to the area, the likelihood of recovering further physical data beyond the fragmentary concrete slabs is unlikely. Monitoring of any grading activities in the area is recommended. The limited likelihood of further physical data in addition to exhaustive archival efforts strongly suggests this site has little important data remaining. Therefore, BonTerra Consulting recommends that CA- ORA -1610H be deemed not eligible for listing on the CRHR and the NRHP as a historical and /or unique resource. 8.2 CULTURAL RESOURCES MONITORING The following mitigation is recommended. Prior to the issuance of the first grading permit and /or action that would permit Project site disturbance, the Contractor shall provide written evidence to the City R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc67 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch of Newport Beach Planning Department that the Contractor has retained a qualified Archaeologist to observe grading activities and to salvage and catalogue archaeological resources, as necessary. The Archaeologist shall be present at the pre -grade conference; shall establish procedures for archaeological resource surveillance; and shall establish, in cooperation with the Contractor, procedures for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit the sampling, identification, and evaluation of the artifacts, as appropriate. If archaeological resources are found to be significant, the Archaeologist shall determine appropriate actions, in cooperation with the City and Contractor, for exploration and /or salvage. These actions, as well as final mitigation and disposition of the resources, shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Director. Based on their interest and concern about the discovery of cultural resources and human remains during Project grading, a Native American Monitor shall be retained to observe some or all grading activities. Nothing in this mitigation measure precludes the retention of a single cross - trained observer who is qualified to monitor for both archaeological and paleontological resources. 8.3 HUMAN REMAINS The following mitigation is required. In accordance with Section 7050.5 of the California Health and Safety Code, if human remains are found, the County Coroner shall be notified within 24 hours of the discovery. No further excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent remains shall occur until the County Coroner has determined, within two working days of notification of the discovery, the appropriate treatment and disposition of the human remains. If the County Coroner determines that the remains are or believed to be Native American, s /he shall notify the NAHC in Sacramento within 24 hours. In accordance with Section 5097.98 of the California Public Resources Code, the NAHC must immediately notify those persons it believes to be the most likely descended from the deceased Native American. The descendents shall complete their inspection within 48 hours of being granted access to the site. The designated Native American representative would then determine, in consultation with the property owner, the disposition of the human remains. With implementation of the mitigation program listed above, potential impacts to archaeological resources would be reduced to a level considered less than significant. R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc68 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch SECTION 9.0 REFERENCES Antos, J. 1969 Archaeological Site Record, CA -ORA -270. On file at South Central Coastal Information Center, University of California, Los Angeles, California. Arnold, J.E. 1987 Craft Specialization in the Prehistoric Channel Islands, Ga4fornia, University ofCalifornia Publications in Anthropology No. 18. University of California Press., Berkeley. Bean, L.J. and CR. Smith 1978 Gabrielino. In Handbook of North American Indians. Edited by R.F. Heizer,California. 8:530 -549. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Bettinger, R.L. 1980 Explanatory/Predictive Models of Hunter - Gatherer Adaptation. Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory 3:189 -255. New York: Academic Press. 1982 Aboriginal Exchange and Territoriality in Owens Valley In Contexts for Prehistoric Exchange, J.E. Ericson and J.K. Earle, eds., pp. 103 -127. New York: Academic Press. 1989 The Archaeology of Pinyon House, Two Eagles, and Crater Middens: Three Residential Sites in Owens Valley, Eastern California. Anthropology Papers of the American Museum of Natural History 67. American Museum of Natural History, New York. 1991 Hunter - Gatherers: Archaeological and Evolutionary Theory. Plenum Press, New York Binford, L.R. 1978 Nunamiut Ethnoarchaeology. New York: Academic Press. 1983 Working at Archaeology. New York: Academic Press. Breschini, G.S., T. Haversat, and J. Erlandson 1990 California Radiocarbon Dates, 6th Edition. Coyote Press, Salinas, California. Boxt, Matthew A. and Christine M. Barreta 1992 Archaeological and Paleontological Assessment Surveys for the Proposed Costa Mesa /Newport Beach Pipeline Route Orange County, California. Scientific Resource Surveys, Inc. Ms. On file at the South Central Coastal Archaeological Information Center, California State University, Fullerton. Catalano, Ralph 1986 Health, Behavior and the Community, An Ecological Perspective. Pergamon Press,New York. Cerreto, R. 1992 Non - Periodic Growth in Bivalves and the Implications for Three Seasonality Methods Used by Southern California Archaeologists. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 14(2):216 -233 R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc69 Archaeological Resources Assessment Ranch Chace, P.O. 1995 A Cultural /Scientific Resources Survey for the Irvine Planning Area 26, Bonita Canyon - Coyote Canyon, Zone Change 1 8903 -ZC In the City of Irvine, Orange County, California. Prepared for Irvine Community Builders, Newport Beach, California, for submission to the City of Irvine. Prepared by The Keith Companies, Costa Mesa, California. Conkling, S., B. Sturm, and D. Taylor 1995 Cultural Resources Assessment, Planning Area 22, City of Irvine, Orange County, California. Prepared for The Irvine Company. Prepared by LSA Associates, Inc., Irvine, California. Cooley, T. 1974 Preliminary Report — Bonita Mesa [Archaeological Assessment]. Report prepared by Archaeological Research Inc., Costa Mesa, California. 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R: \Projects \NewportU015\Technical Reports\CUlturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.tloc77 Archaeological Resources Assessment APPENDIX A PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS J%ev,707T01 CHRISTOPHER E. DROVER PH.D. C O N S U L T I N G REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ARCHAEOLOGIST EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy, Anthropology, University of California, Riverside, CA, 1979 (Ph.D. Dissertation: Late Prehistoric Human Ecology of the Northern Mohave Sink, San Bernardino County, CA) Master of Arts, Anthropology, California State University, Fullerton, CA, 1972 Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology, California State University, Fullerton, CA, 1970 SPECIALIZED TRAINING NAHC Compliance Course ACHP Section 106 Essentials Training Riverside County Cultural Sensitivity Training, 2007 AREAS OF EXPERTISE Management Archaeology and Paleontology CEQA and Section 106 Projects Survey, Data Recovery and Monitoring California, Great Basin, Southwest PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Christopher E. Drover, Ph.D., RPA offers over 30 years of experience in conducting cultural resources assessments for environmental impact statements. He graduated from the University of California, Riverside in Anthropology - Archaeology in 1979, has been a tenured professor of this discipline at Golden West College in Huntington Beach since 1973, and is a visiting professor of anthropology at the University of California, Irvine. As a Principal Investigator, he has published extensive research regarding the archaeology of San Bernardino, Riverside, and Orange Counties. Dr. Drover has conducted numerous consulting projects in the California Counties of Riverside, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Kern, Ventura, and Inyo; in the states of Arizona, Nevada, and Alaska; and internationally in Mexico and Argentina. Some of the clients he has provided evaluations for over the years include the Museum of Northern Arizona; the Kaiser Corporation; St. Joe America Corporation; Fluor Corporation; Kinder Morgan; the Department of Defense; the Bureau of Reclamation; the Bureau of Indian Affairs; the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE); the State Lands Commission; U.S. Forest Service (USFS); Arco; Chevron; and the Texaco Oil Corporation. REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE Nellis Air Force Base. Dr. Drover was the principal investigator responsible for overseeing the production of The Dry Lake Hydrological Disturbance Evaluation Model. A New Method for Assessing Archaeological Integrity in Dry Lake Environments at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. Prepared for Nellis Air Force Base. Ca /trans. Dr. Drover was the principle investigator responsible for overseeing the survey and report preparation Archaeological Survey Report. Harbor Boulevard North Off -Ramp Project. Costa Mesa, California. Submitted to Caltrans District 12. Flagstaff, Arizona. Dr. Drover was the principle investigator responsible for overseeing the survey and report preparation of the Archaeological Survey of the Presidio West Development, PAGE 1 CHRISTOPHER E. DROVER PH.D. C o N s U L T I N G REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ARCHAEOLOGIST Flagstaff, Arizona. Arizona Antiquities Act Blanket Permit No. 2005- 075bl. Manuscript on File at the Arizona State Museum. Tucson, Arizona. Dr. Drover was the principle investigator responsible for overseeing the survey and report preparation of the Transwestern Pipeline Anomaly and SCC Repair Dig Sites, Final County, Arizona. Arizona Antiquities Act Blanket Permit No. 2005 -075bl Kinder Morgan. Manuscript on File at the Arizona State Museum. Fort Bragg. Dr. Drover was the principle Investigator for the decommissioning of a 460 -acre lumber mill in Fort Bragg, California. This facility was the third largest redwood mill in the world and was a former Native American reservation. Dr. Drover was responsible for historic and prehistoric evaluation of the resources on the site. Newport Coast Community Park, Newport Coast. Dr. Drover was the archaeologist responsible for overseeing the grading monitoring services for the Newport Coast Community Park, located in Newport Beach, California. The archaeological and paleontological aspects of this area have been determined as sensitive and relatively high and will require monitoring of active cuts during the grading process. In addition to providing this service, the scope of work for this project encompassed the review of excavation and construction plans; coordination of responsibilities with project contractors; development of a safety plan for the monitoring of grading operations; observation and evaluation of the salvage to identify any cultural resources uncovered by grading or trenching; shovel probing to determine whether a discovery is isolated or part of a potential site; coordination of the transfer of any collected archaeological resources; and the preparation of a full report on the archaeological program with the discoveries described and interpreted for the City. Bonita Mesa Paleontological Excavation (Planning Area 26), Irvine. Dr. Drover was the archaeologist responsible for overseeing the excavation of the largest fossil whale bed found on the continental United States. The recovery required 10,000 Ibs of plaster of paris and 1,000 yards of burlap to remove the fossils from the site. The Keith Companies excavated the site in approximately six weeks, all the while maintaining a large field crew at the Bonita Mesa archaeological project located in the county of Orange, California. Dr. Drover followed CEQA guidelines as well as working with local Native American on site consultation. Paseo Del Sol, Temecula. Dr. Drover was the archaeologist responsible for overseeing the archaeology, paleontology, and grading monitoring for this 829 -acre project located in Temecula, California. There were five archaeological sites mitigated during the early phase of work. Three of the sites were prehistoric, while the other two were early Pala Valley historic adobe sites. Excavations included systematic data recovery, testing, and the complete excavation of a three -room adobe. The Pala Formation, rich in pleistocene mammal fossils, formed the geologic base of the property. The Keith Companies' archaeologists and paleontologists were active throughout the initial pre - grading and mass - grading phases on the site. Also at the site were found five Mastodons; they were excavated and prepared for analysis. There were numerous other specimens of extinct animals found as well, including a saber - toothed cat claw. In addition, the archaeological and paleontological sensitivity of this area was high and required the active monitoring of active cuts. Dr. Drover worked through consultation and assistance with local Native Americans, as well pursuant to CEQA guidelines. Planning Area 18, Irvine. Dr. Drover was the archaeologist responsible for overseeing the archaeology for this 800 -acre Planning Area 18 located in Irvine, California. The Keith Companies did a Phase I Cultural Resources Inventory including paleontology. Two prehistoric PAGE 2 CHRISTOPHER E. DROVER PH.D. C o N s U L r I N G REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ARCHAEOLOGIST sites were re- recorded, while two new sites were discovered and recorded. No paleontological areas were found but a report for paleo- sensitivity was generated. All work was pursuant to CEQA guidelines. Planning Area 5A — 9C EIR Feasibility, Irvine. Dr. Drover was the archaeologist responsible for overseeing the archaeological services for Planning Area 5A through 9C located in Irvine, California. Phase I work was done on sites 5, 6, 8, and 9. The Keith Companies found 22 sites, 12 of which were previously recorded. One site, Lambert Reservoir, had been tested for advanced preliminary land use. CEQA guidelines were followed. Planning Area 17 & 18 — Cultural Resources, Irvine. Dr. Drover was the archaeologist responsible for overseeing the Phase I cultural resource inventory, survey, and record search for an 1,800 -acre site located in the city of Irvine. The property yielded eleven sites found to be prehistoric. Seven of these sites were re- recorded and four of them newly recorded. Dr. Drover recommended a Phase II test/excavation to eliminate problems further down the line in the development process. All work conducted pursuant to CEQA guidelines. Shady Canyon Archaeology, Irvine. Dr. Drover was the archaeologist responsible for overseeing the Phase II archaeological testing and excavation for a 1,046 -acre residential project located in Irvine, California. Twenty sites studied to see whether or not these archaeological sites were deemed significant enough to alter the communities' design. One site was determined to not be an archaeological site. Of the remaining 19, seven were preserved in entirety through the cooperative land planning, and 12 were fully excavated. All work was done pursuant to CEQA requirements. Dr. Drover worked closely with local Native Americans on the project. Trilogy at Glen Ivy, Corona. Dr. Drover was the archaeologist responsible for overseeing the archaeological services for Trilogy, a 820 -acre senior residential community with golf course located in Corona, California. Dr. Drover's scope of services included reviewing archaeological and paleontological literature; performing archaeological and paleontological field work; and preparing archaeological and paleontological reports. The Retreat at The Quarry — Cultural Resources, La Quinta. Dr. Drover was the archaeologist responsible for overseeing the cultural resources survey for this mixed -use, residential /commercial development. The seven -acre site, located in La Quinta, underwent Phase I environmental assessment and cultural resource monitoring during the grading process. TKC was pursuant to CEQA guidelines. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1995 — ongoing, University of California, Irvine, Visiting Professor 1973— ongoing, Golden West College, California, full -time, tenured, professor 2003 -2007 Director of Archaeology TRC 1997 -2003 Director of Archaeology TKC, Keith Companies 1984 -1986, University of California, Irvine, Visiting Professor 1985 -1989, Director of Archaeology, Chambers Consultants and Planners 1975, University of California, Riverside, Lecturer 1973, Chapman College, Orange, Instructor, part-time 1973, Santa Ana College, Santa Ana, Instructor, part-time 1973, University of California, Irvine, Instructor, extension 1971 -1972, California State University, Fullerton, Instructor, part-time 1970 — ongoing Archaeological Consultant PACE 3 C O N S U L r l N G EDUCATION • M.A. Anthropology California State University, Fullerton, 1994 • B.A. Psychology/ Sociology Towson State University, Maryland, 1987 PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS PATRICK O. MAXON, RPA DIRECTOR, CULTURAL RESOURCES • Registered Professional Archaeologist (National), 1999 • Certified Archaeologist — Riverside County TLMA, 2008 -2009 • Cultural Resources Specialist— California Energy Commission, 2004 • Certified Archaeologist — Orange County Environmental Management Agency, 1998 PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Patrick Maxon has 15 years of experience in cultural resources management. A Registered Professional Archaeologist, he has expertise in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA), and the Clean Water Act, among others. Mr. Maxon has been certified as an archaeologist by the City of San Diego, and is also certified by the County of Orange Environmental Management Agency and the Riverside County Transportation and Land Management Agency. Mr. Maxon has completed hundreds of cultural resource projects that have involved agency, client, Native American, and subcontractor coordination; treatment plans and research design development; archival research; field reconnaissance; site testing; data recovery excavation; construction monitoring; site recordation; site protection /preservation; mapping /cartography; laboratory analysis; and report production. He has managed a number of projects within the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Bureau of Reclamation, and other federal agencies that require compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA. He has also completed projects throughout Southern California under CEQA for State and local governments and municipalities. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECT EXPERIENCE Centennial Corridor Environmental Impact Report, Cultural Resources Surveys, Kern County. BonTerra Consulting is preparing the environmental documentation for the Centennial Corridor, Thomas Roads Improvement Project, in the City of Bakersfield. Mr. Maxon is managing the review, evaluation and mitigation of cultural resources for the project. He conducted background research, coordinated with Caltrans and other agency personnel, accomplished a field survey of the Area of Potential Effects, including several alternatives, and is currently analyzing and documenting the results of the survey. Centennial New Town Environmental Impact Report, Cultural and Biological Resources Surveys, Los Angeles County. BonTerra Consulting is preparing the environmental documentation for the Centennial New Town that involves a new community consisting of residential, commercial, business park, and cultural and civic /institutional uses and encompassing approximately 11,680 acres. Mr. Maxon is managing the review, evaluation and mitigation of cultural resources for the project. To consider the current status of the project PAGE ] PATRICK O. MAXON, RPA C o N s u L r I N G DIRECTOR, CULTURAL RESOURCES area's cultural and paleontological resources in the environmental analysis, the entire — 12,000 acre project area, as well as small offsite areas, initially underwent a Phase I cultural resources study including a records search at the South Central Coastal Information Center, California State University, Fullerton, a paleontological records search at the Los Angeles County Museum and an intensive pedestrian survey to evaluate the project area for the presence of cultural and paleontological resources. Numerous cultural resources sites were discovered, some were evaluated for significance. Those that were determined eligible and were in the development area were preserved in place. As the project evolves and expands beyond the Phase One area, additional sites must be evaluated for significance, some may need to undergo data recovery excavations, while one structure must be recorded and evaluated; consultations with regulatory agencies, County staff, Native American tribes, the interested public, and clients must be completed and their comments considered; and monitoring of disturbances around the known sites will be undertaken when construction activities commence. Archaeological and Paleontological Investigations, Talega Associates, San Clemente, Orange County. Mr. Maxon was the Project Manager for the archaeological and paleontological compliance monitoring of the Talega Development in Orange County. He was responsible for coordinating this decade -long project with the USACE by ensuring compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA; performing monitoring; evaluating archaeological sites according to the NHPA and CEQA; completing data recovery excavations; completing laboratory work; and preparing reports. Mr. Maxon managed the excavation of one large archaeological site (CA- LAN-907A and B) and several smaller sites during the course of this project. Mr. Maxon was also involved in the development and installation of a display of artifacts and fossils at the Talega school site. Cultural Resources Surveys, Union Pacific Railroad Double -Track Project, Thermal, CA to Yuma, AZ. Mr. Maxon was the Cultural Resources Project Manager for the UPRR Double -Track project from Thermal to Yuma. The project began by consulting and coordinating with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO); the Union Pacific Railroad; and other relevant agencies to develop a Programmatic Memorandum of Agreement to consider the cultural resources associated with the project. Mr. Maxon and his crew conducted an intensive, 100 percent - pedestrian, cultural resources survey of the area of potential effect (APE). Initial Native American consultation and bridge and culvert recordation were provided. There are hundreds of structures (bridges and culverts) in the project area, most built between 1903 and 1960 and are considered historic. An Architectural Historian, under Mr. Maxon's direction, visited each structure and produced a Primary Record (DPR 523A) and a Location Map (DPR523J). Riverside Energy Resource Center Archaeological, Paleontological, and Biological Services, Riverside County. Mr. Maxon served as the Program Director for the archaeological, paleontological, and biological services at the Riverside Energy Resource Center. He managed all aspects of surveys and monitoring of the power plant site and its associated transmission lines and pipelines. Mr. Maxon maintained client contacts; coordinated with the CEC; and communicated with the Riverside public utilities. In addition, he conducted cultural resources surveys and monitoring; completed the cultural resources survey report; and wrote monthly cultural resources monitoring reports and a final project report. Orange County Great Park, Irvine. Mr. Maxon was the Cultural Resources Manager for the CEQA Professional Program Management, Regulatory Approval /Permitting, Paleontology Discoveries, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Services in Irvine. He provided expertise in the area of cultural resources conservation, which included developing all required monitoring and mitigation plans. He also reviewed the proposed Orange County Great Park PAGE 2 PATRICK O. MAXON, RPA C o N s U L r I N G DIRECTOR, CULTURAL RESOURCES Master Plan to determine environmental and engineering constraints related to cultural resources. Once a formidable military base in Orange County, the former Marine Corps Air Station El Toro will be transformed into the 1,347 -acre Orange County Great Park. Saddleback Meadows Development Archaeological Test Excavations, Orange County. Mr. Maxon was the Program Director of archaeological investigations for the Saddleback Meadows Development Project over a period of ten years. He performed test excavations of twelve archaeological sites and developed a treatment plan and research design in compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA for two of the sites. Mr. Maxon conducted a data recovery excavation of one site, and laboratory and report preparation. Additionally, he later developed a testing plan to evaluate two additional prehistoric sites; managed their excavation; and maintained budgets and relations with the client (TPG Management) and the USACE. Dayton Canyon Estates Development Archaeological Data Recovery, Los Angeles County. Mr. Maxon was the Project Manager for the Dayton Canyon Estates Development Project data recovery excavation of CA -LAN -254. He was responsible for coordinating with the USACE and the Los Angeles County Coroner regarding (1) compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA; (2) the development of a treatment plan and research design; (3) the conducting of data recovery excavations; (4) the recovery of human remains; (5) the performance of laboratory analysis; and (6) assistance with report preparation. PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATION "The Circle of Life in Dayton Canyon: Excavations at CA -LAN -254, Los Angeles County, California." 68th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 2003. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE • BonTerra Consulting — 2008 • Chambers Group — 2006 to 2008 • SWCA — 2001 to 2006 • RMW Paleo Associates — 1994 to 2001 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS • Pacific Coast Archaeological Society • Society for California Archaeology • Society for American Archaeology • American Cultural Resources Association • Association of Environmental Professionals (Board of Directors, 2005 - present) PAGE 3 Resume of MARK A. ROEDER, B.A. Paleontologist EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Extensive paleontologic resource management experience conducting and managing paleontologic resource /impact assessments and impact mitigation programs for large construction projects in California. Projects include municipal solid waste landfills; aggregate quarries; flood control facilities; oil refineries; natural gas pipelines; freeways and other roadways; subways; waste water treatment facilities; housing developments; planned communities; office buildings /complexes; shopping centers; hospitals and medical centers; industrial complexes; parking lots /structures; land exchanges; and conditional use permit and specific plan revisions. Clients include private industry, public utilities, conservancies, and federal, state, county, city, and regional agencies. Paleontologic resource assessments entailed data searches (literature reviews, archival searches, field surveys, consultation with other paleontologists) to develop baseline inventories, evaluation of scientific importance of resources and potential for disturbance by adverse project - related impacts, and formulation of mitigation measures to reduce these impacts to an acceptable level. Paleontologic resource impact mitigation programs required monitoring of earth- moving activities, recovery of fossil remains, supervision of field personnel, and preparation of progress and final reports. Projects involved extensive coordination and consultation with project proponents, other consulting Finns, and permitting agencies; adherence to strict delivery schedules; and completion within specified budget limits. Approximately 28 years of experience as a paleontologist and paleontologic consultant involved in NEPA and CEQA compliance. Extensive paleontologic research background in fish faunas of Cenozoic marine and lacustrine formations of southern California. Research entailed literature reviews, archival searches, field surveys, and consultation with other paleontologists. 2006 -to date TRC, Inc., Irvine, California. Field Supervisor. Participated in paleontologic resource assessments for major construction projects in Orange, Kern and Los Angeles Counties. 2006 -to date SWCA, Inc., Mission Viejo, California. Field Supervisor. Participated in a paleontologic resource assessment for major construction project in Kem County. Supervised paleological resource impact mitigation programs for projects in Los Angeles and Orange Counties. 2005 -to date Chambers Group, Inc., Irvine, California. Field Supervisor. Participated in paleontologic resource assessments for major construction projects in Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. Supervised paleological resource impact mitigation programs for County of Orange Integrated Waste Management, SunCal Homes, and other clients. 1997 -to date L & L Environmental, Inc., Corona, California. Field Supervisor. Participated in paleontologic resource assessments far major construction projects in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. Supervised paleontologic resource impact mitigation programs for Empire Homes, Forecast Homes, Lennar Homes, Palle Homes, and Inland Empire Utilities Agency. Recently (2005) participated in Riverside County Lamb Canyon Landfill Expansion Study. 1988 -to date Palen Environmental Associates, Inc., Costa Mesa, California. Field Supervisor /Owner. Participated in paleontologic resource assessments for major construction projects in southern and central California. Supervised paleontologic resource impact mitigation programs for major construction projects in southern California, including Simi Valley, Puente Hills, Santiago Canyon, and Brea/Olinda, Prima Deschecha and Coyote Canyon Landfills, Metro Rail Red Line Segments 1, 2, and 3, Foothill Ranch. 1988 Heritage Resource Consultants, La Mirada, California. Paleontologic Consultant Participated in paleontologic resource impact assessments for major construction projects in Riverside County, California. 1987 -1988 Engineering- Science, Inc., Pasadena, California. Paleontologist Supervised paleontologic resource impact mitigation program for Simi Valley Landfill expansion in Ventura County, California, 1985 -1986 Archaeological Advisory Group, Newport Beach, California. Paleontologic Consultant. Managed paleontologic resource impact mitigation program for Coyote Canyon Landfill in Orange County, California. 1982 -1987 San Bernardino County Museum, Redlands, California. Museum Assistant /Technician. Participated in paleontologic resource assessments and impact mitigation programs for major construction projects in southern California. 1983 -to date Paleontological Services,. Inc., (San Diego Natural History Museum) San Diego, California. Paleontologic Consultant. Participated in paleontologic resource assessments and impact mitigation programs for major construction projects in San Diego County, California. 1978 -1983 Scientific Resource Surveys, Inc., Huntington Beach, California. Paleontologist. Conducted paleontologic resource assessments and impact mitigation programs for major construction projects in Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, and San Diego Counties, California. 1969 -1976 Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, California. Student Professional Worker/Field Associate. EDUCATION B.A., Anthropology, 1977, San Diego State University PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION Registered Paleontologic Consultant, County of Orange, California Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Western Association of Vertebrate Paleontologists Southern California Academy of Sciences INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATIONS Field Associate, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County PUBLICATIONS Roeder, M.A., 1978, Fish remains from Ven -294, in Clewlow, C.W., Jr., Wells, H.F., and Pasnon, A.G., editors, The archaeology of Oak Park, Ventura County, California: University of California, Los Angeles, Institute of Archaeology Monograph 5(2). 1979, Fish remains, primarily centra, from an inland Chumash site (Von-261), in Prichett, J., and McIntyre, A., editors, The Running Springs Ranch site: University of California, Los Angeles, Institute of Archaeology Monograph 12. Demote, T.A., Roeder, M.A., Chandler R.M., and Minch, 1.A, 1984, Paleontology of the middle Miocene Los Indies Member of the Rosarito Beach Formation, northwestern Baja California, Mexico, in Minch, J.A., and Ashby, J.R., Jr, editors, Miocene and Cretaceous depositional environments, northwestern Baja California, Mexico: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Pacific Section, Guidebook 54:47 -56. Roeder, M.A., 1985, Late Wisconsin records of Gasterosteus aculeatus (threespine sticleback) and Gila bicolor (Mojave ti i chub) from unnamed Mojave River sediments near Daggett, San Bernardino County, California, pp. 171 -174, in Reynolds, R.E., compiler, Geological Investigations Along Interstate 15, Cajon Pass to Manix Lake: San Bernardino County Museum. Kelly, T.S., Lander, E.B., Roeder, M.A., Whistler, D.P., and Reynolds, R.E., 1991, Preliminary report on a paleontologic investigation of the lower and middle members, Sespe Formation, Simi Valley Landfill, Ventura County, California: PaleoBios. Whistler, D.P., Lander, E.B., and Roeder, M.A., 1995, First diverse record of small vertebrates from late Holocene sediments of Lake Cahuilla, Riverside County, California, in Reynolds, 1., compiler, Abstracts from proceedings, The 1995 Desert Research Symposium: San Bernardino County Museum Association Quarterly 42(2):46. Whistler, D.P., Lander, E.B., and Roeder, M.A., 1995, A diverse record of microfossils and fossil plants, invertebrates, and small vertebrates from the late Holocene Lake Cahuilla Beds, Riverside County, Califomia, in Remeika, P, and Sturtz, A.editors, Paleontology and geology of the western Salton trough detachment, Anza- Borrego Desert State Park, California: San Diego Association of Geologist's field trip to Anza- Borrego Desert State Park, field trip guidebook and volume. Roeder, M. A. 2004, Fossil Marine Fish Fauna from a late Pleistocene Site on Mission Bay, San Diego County, California. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, Abstract No. 21. Roeder, M. A. 2005, Fossil Fishes of the Anza- Borrego Region, Fossil Treasures of the Anza - Borrego Desert, A Symposium Exploring North America's Richest Continuous. Fossil Record for the Last Seven Million Years. November 19 -20, 2005 Borego Springs, California. Gensler, P, Roeder, M. A., and Jefferson, G. T, 2006, The Fossil Lower Vertebrates: Fish, Amphibians, and Reptiles in Jefferson, G. T. and Lindsay, L. editors, Fossil Treasures of the Anza Borrego Desert, Sunbelt Publications, San Diego. J%ev,707T01 ARTHUR A. KUHNER C O N S U L T I N G REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ARCHAEOLOGIST EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology, California State University, CA, 1988 Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, California State University, CA, 1988 PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Arthur Kuhner has 15 years experience in Southern California archaeology, as well as two years of experience in the Midwest and nine years in the Southeast (Florida, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, and South Carolina). He has spent the last nine years employed by Environmental Services, Inc. in Jacksonville, Florida. In his position as an archaeological crew chief, he was able to add to his prior urban and desert environs of Southern California working knowledge of historic and prehistoric buildings, structures, objects, artifacts, and cemeteries. His positions over the last 26 years as an archaeologist in the Southeast, Southwest, and the Midwest have given him an excellent working knowledge of geology, botany and zoology as well as history and prehistoric and historic archaeology. He has also gained significant familiarity with any number of different prehistoric culture groups. Additionally, while working in Southern California, he had the opportunity to perform the duties of a paleontological monitor in the Chino Hills area. This entailed discovery, removal, preparation, and cataloging of Pleistocene and Miocene specimens. RESPONSIBILITIES WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. While working for Environmental Services, Inc., Mr. Kuhner was responsible for Cell Tower Assessment, Reconnaissance Surveys, the responsibilities of Crew Chief on Phase I, Phase II and Phase III Archaeological fieldwork, writing field reports; and the identification and processing of Historic Architecture, historic and prehistoric artifacts. Mr. Kuhner is also familiar with the Lieka and Trimbel GPS systems and the associated software. Mr. Kuhner has also been intensively cross - trained within E.S.I. in Wetland Mitigation, Water Quality, Forestry, Endangered Species surveys, Wetland Creation and Site Assessment and Remediation. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECT EXPERIENCE Phase 11 Testing at Banning Ranch, Costa Mesa. Employer: BonTerra Consulting Date: 2009 Phase I Survey, Phase 11 Testing and Phase Ill Mitigation at Vincent Lugo Adobe, Bell Gardens. Employer: Archaeological Consulting Services Date: 1992 Phase I Survey and Phase 11 Testing; and Paleontological monitoring at Yorba Slaughter Adobe. Employer: Archaeological Consulting Services Date: 1994 PAGE 1 ARTHUR A. KUHNER C o N S u L T I N G REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ARCHAEOLOGIST Phase I Survey and H Testing at the Tuscan Landing Tract, Camden County, GA. Employer: Environmental Services Inc Date: 2005 Phase I Survey, Phase II Testing and 111 Mitigation at Site 8NA921 (The Brady Point Site), Nassau County, FL. Employer: Environmental Services Inc Date: 2004 Phase 1 Survey, Phase Il Testing and Phase 111 Mitigation at the Jacksonville Baseball Park and EntertainmenUSports Arena, Duval County, FL. Employer: Environmental Services Inc Date: 2003 Phase I Survey, Phase Il Testing and Phase 111 Mitigation at the Nocotee Tract, St. Johns County, FL. Employer: Environmental Services Inc Date: 2000 -2008 Phase I Survey at the Oakleaf Tract, Clay and Duval County, FL. Employer: Environmental Services Inc Date: 2002 SELECTED PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS Kuhner, Arthur A., 1988. Coyote: Myth and the California Indian. Anthrologue II. California State University, Long Beach, Ca. including graphics. Alexanderowicz, J. Stephen. A.Q Duffield - Stoll, S.R. Alexanderowicz, A. A Kuhner, et al. 1992. Historical Archaeology at the Vicente Lugo Adobe, City of Bell Gardens, County of Los Angeles, California. ACS Technical Series No. 6. Kuhner; Arthur A. and Marsha A. Chance. 2006. A Cultural Resource Assessment Survey and Site Excavation at 8DUI7801 at The Shangri La Subdivision, Duval County, Florida Report of Investigations No. 957. Kuhner, Arthur A., Greg S. Hendryx, and Jennifer L.F. Nash. 2004. An Archaeological and Historical Assessment for the Existing St. Johns - Flagler Line Cellular Tower, St. Johns County, Florida. Report of Investigations No. 517. Thompson, Sharyn, Marsha A. Chance, contributions by Arthur A. Kuhner. 2004. A Survey of Forty -five Historical Cemeteries in St. Johns County, Florida. Report of Investigations No. 572. Kuhner, Arthur A. and Greg S. Hendryx. 2004. Intensive Cultural Resource Assessment Survey of the Tuscan Landing Tract Camden County, Georgia. Report of Investigation No. 665. Kuhner; Arthur A. and Greg S. Hendryx. 2005. An Intensive Cultural Resource Assessment Survey of The Proposed Jessup Boardwalk and Park Tracts Wayne County, Georgia Report of Investigations No. 823. PAGE 2 J%CV1707T01 ARTHUR A. KUHNER C O N S U L 7 1 N G REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ARCHAEOLOGIST PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE BonTerra Consulting, 2009 Environmental Services Inc.. 1999 -2008 Wisconsin State Historical Society; Archaeological Consulting Services, Verona, WI, 1998 Archaeological Consulting Services, Verona, WI, 1997 Archaeological Consulting Services, San Bernardino, CA, 1991 -1996 Chambers Group Inc., Santa Anna, CA, 1990 -1991 Various C.R.M projects in Southern California, 1989 -1990 California State University, Fullerton, CA, 1988 Various C.R.M. projects in Southern California, 1983 -1987 Student Teacher, Los Angeles Board of Education, PAGE 3 r_rrrATkFsT M. FISHBONE AND FAUNAL ANALYSES Ranch FISHBONE AND FAUNAL ANALYSES .Family I Genus Species Common Count Remarks CA -ORA 839 VERTEBRATES on rocky bottom and in kelp beds; in tidal to 150 Myliobatis californica bat stringray 55 feet sand or mud bottom in shallow coastal waters, Rhinobatos productus shovelnose guitarfish 8 bays, sloughs, and estuaries Triakididae 4 smoothhounds, leopard shark, soup fin shark usually in schools over rocky bottom and in kelp Atractoscion nobilis white seabass 1 beds also in surf zone Cynoscion parvipinnus shortfin corvina 1 shallow inshore sandy areas rocky and soft bottom, common in bays, spawns late spring or summer, eggs underside of rocks, Porichthys mynaster specklefin midshipman 1 male guards two species found on sandy and muddy bottoms Porichthys midshipman 5 of bays sandy shores and bays, mostly in shallow surf Roncador stearnsii spotfin croaker 3 zone Semicossyphus pulcher California sheephead 1 prefers rocky bottom, in kelp beds CA -ORA -906 VERTEBRATES Clupeidae sardines and herrings 1 probably a sardine Hypsopsetta guttulata diamond turbot 5 mud to sand bottom, often in bays and sloughs found in water depths 5 -150 feet very common in sandy and muddy and sloughs, Myliobatis califfornica bat stringray 5 also on rocky bottom and in kelp beds, In tidal to 150 feet Paralabrax basses 1 three species off Southern California Paralichthys californicus Calif. Halibut 7 common on san bottom beyond the surfzone, and in bay and estuaries Porichthys midshipman fish 7 two species found on sandy and muddy bottoms of bays Platyrhinoides triseriata thornback 5 sometimes abundant on mudflats of coastal bays Rhinobatos productus shovelnose guita fsh 26 sand or mud bottom in shallow coastal waters, bays, sloughs, and estuaries R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub )­021610.doc B -1 Appendix B Ranch FISHBONE AND FAUNAL ANALYSES (Continued) Family Genus I Species Common count Remarks CA -ORA -906 VERTEBRATES (Continued) Triakididae 25 smoothhounds, leopard shark, soupfin shark abundant, widespread, common in marshes, Anas cf. A. acuta northern pintail 4 open areas with ponds, lakes, year -round resident Anas cf. A. crecca green- winged teal 6 winter range in Southern California Anas cf. A. clypeata northern schoveler 1 found in marshes, ponds, lake in open country winter range in Southern California Anas cf. A. cyanoptere cinnamon teal 1 common in marshes, ponds, and lakes year - round resident Brenta cf. B. canadensis Canada goose 4 winter range in Southern California Chen cf. C cerulescens snow goose 1 winter range in Southern California common to abundant, nests in freshwater Fulica americans American coot 1 marshes, wetlands, or near lakes and ponds, year -round resident Melanitta perspicilata surf scoter 2 winters on coastal water in southern California Oxyura cf. O. jamaicensis ruddy duck 1 year -round resident, large lakes, shallow bays, salt marshes Pelecanus occidentalis brown pelican 1 prefers saltwater habitats year -round double - crested common, widespread rocky coast, beaches, Phalacrocorax auritus cormorant 1 inland lakes and rivers, winters in Southern California Rallus longirostris clapper rail 2 year -round resident, inhabits coastal salt marshes Enhydra lutris sea otter 1 locally extinct since 1860s R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc B -2 Appendix B APPENDIX C CULTURAL SITES: UNIT EXCAVATION LOCATIONS (Figures not included for reasons of confidentiality) APPENDIX D CATALOG Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 1 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 shell Neverita reclusians B /OC 4 2 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 shell Argopecten sp. WE 1 3 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 shell Chione spp. B/E 12 4 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 shell Chione californiensis B /OC 4 5 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 shell Chione undatella B/E 1 6 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 shell Astraea unclose B/E 2 7 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 shell Psuedochama sp. RS /OC 1 8 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 shell Oystrea B /OC 1 9 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 shell Gastropod B /OC columella 1 10 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 shell Gastropod B /OC 1 11 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 shell Gastropod B /OC 3 12 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 Faunal Chondricthyes centrum 1 13 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 Faunal mammal burnt 1 14 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 Faunal rodent long bone 1 15 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 lithic groundstone fragment metavolcanic 1 11.1g 16 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 lithic core /scraper spent retouched Monterey 1 12.1g 17 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 lithic debitage quartz 1 13.1g 18 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 lithic debitage cubic shatter chert 2 3.1g 19 Ora -839 A 1 0 -10 lithic debitage cubic shatter metavolcanic 1 0.1g 20 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c shell Chione californiensis B /OC 8 21 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c shell Chione undatella WE 1 22 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c shell Chione spp. WE 15 23 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c shell Argopecten sp. WE 2 24 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c shell Saxidomus B/E 1 25 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c shell Astraea undosa WE 5 26 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c shell Ostrea B/E 5 27 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c shell Crepidula sp. WE RS /OC 1 28 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c shell Neverita reclusians B /OC 1 29 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c shell Gastropod B /OC 2 30 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c faunal Roncador stearnsii sp. otolith left 1 31 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c faunal Myliobatis californica teeth 3 32 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c faunal fish vertebra 1 33 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c faunal shark centrum 1 R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.doc D -1 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 34 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c faunal Rhinobatus productus centrum 1 35 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c faunal Porichthys vertebrae 1 36 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c faunal mammal bone frag 1 37 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c lithic debitage tertiary Monterey 1 1.2g 38 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c lithic debitage cubic shatter quartzite 1 0.4g 39 Ora -839 A 1 10 -20c lithic debitage cubic shatter quartzite 2 0.3g 40 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c shell Chione undatella B/E 2 41 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c shell Chione sp. B/E 14 42 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c shell Chione californiensis B /OC 21 43 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c shell Foreria belched 1 44 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c shell Astraea unclose 5 45 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c shell Saxodomus nuttali B/E 1 46 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c shell Macoma nasuta S/B 1 47 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c shell Pseudochama exogyra B /OC 6 48 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c shell Neverita reclusians B /OC 13 49 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c shell I Argopecten sp. B/E 13 50 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c shell Acanthina spirata 1 51 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c shell Ostrea B /OC 6 52 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c shell Bursa califomica. B /OC 2 53 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c shell Crepidula sp. RS /OC 2 54 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c faunal Roncador steamsii otolith left 1 55 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c faunal bony fish vertebra 1 56 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c faunal bony fish fin spine 1 57 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c faunal shark calcified card. 1 58 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c faunal shark centrum 1 59 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c faunal Myliobatis californica tooth 1 60 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c faunal Myliobatis californica centrum 1 61 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c faunal shark centrum burnt 1 62 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c faunal shark centrum 1 63 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c faunal Rhinobatus productus centrum 1 64 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c faunal shark centrum 1 R: \Projects \Newport1JD15 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -2 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 65 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c faunal small mammal femur fragment 2 66 Ora -839 A 1 20 -30c lithic flakes tertiary jasper /r. quartz 2 0.5 67 Ora -839 A 1 30-40 shell Chione undatella B/E 16 68 Ora -839 A 1 30-40 shell Chione californiensis B /OC 16 69 Ora -839 A 1 30-40 shell Chione sp. B/E 16 70 Ora -839 A 1 30-40 shell Argopecten sp. WE 17 71 Ora -839 A 1 30-40 shell Pseudochama exogyra B /OC 4 72 Ora -839 A 1 30-40 shell Cerithidea califomica 1 73 Ora -839 A 1 30-40 shell Neverita reclusians 4 74 Ora -839 A 1 30-40 shell Kellia suborbicularis RS 1 75 Ora -839 A 1 30-40 shell Crepidula sp. RS /OC 3 76 Ora -839 A 1 30-40 shell Astraea undosa RS /OC 1 77 Ora -839 A 1 30-40 shell Calyptrea sp. RS /OC 1 78 Ora -839 A 1 30-40 shell Ostrea B /OC 4 79 Ora -839 A 1 30-40 faunal Myliobatis califorica teeth 3 80 Ora -839 A 1 30-40 faunal mammal bone frag. 1 81 Ora -839 A 1 30-40 lithic debitage cubic shatter 1 1.0g 82 Ora -839 A 1 30-40 shell Saxidomus nuttali B/E 1 83 Ora -839 A 1 30-40 lithic debitage flake (cf. felsite) metavolcanic 1 4.3g 84 Ora -839 A 1 30 -40f shell Astraea unclose Feature 1. 1 85 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 shell Chione undatella B/E 9 86 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 shell Chione sp. B/E 12 87 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 shell Chione fluctifraga B/E 3 88 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 shell Chione californiensis B /OC 56 89 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 shell Argopecten sp. RS /OC 56 90 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 shell Neverita reclusians B /OC 12 91 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 shell Hinnites 1 92 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 shell Ostrea lurida B /OC 23 93 Ora -839 1 40 -50 shell Astraea undosa operculi 6 94 Ora -839 1 40 -50 shell Mytilus spp. RS /OC 2 95 Ora -839 flA 1 40 -50 shell Pseudochama exogyre RS /OC 1 96 Ora -839 1 40 - 50 shell Bursa califorica RS /OC 1 R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -3 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 97 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 shell Cerithidea californica 1 98 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 shell Crepidula sp. RS /OC 6 99 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 shell Calyptrea sp. RS /OC 1 100 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 shell Anomia peruviana 1 101 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 shell Acanthina spirata 1 102 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 faunal Cynoscion parvipinnus otolith right 1 103 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 faunal Rhinobatus productus centrum 1 104 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 faunal Triakidae centrum frags. 2 105 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 faunal shark centrum 1 106 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 faunal shark centrum frag 1 107 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 faunal Semicossyphus pulcher pharangeal frag 1 108 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 faunal mammal long bone distal 1 109 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 faunal bony fish quarate frag 1 110 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 faunal mammal bone (rags. 3 111 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 shell Conus californicus bead spire - lopped 1 112 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 debitage flake tertiary chert 1 0.1g 113 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 debitage flake primary chert 1 0.3g 114 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 debitage core tertiary fragment Monterey 1 6.4g 115 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 debitage flake cubic shatter quartzite 1 1.2g 116 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 debitage flake cubic shatter quartzite 1 0.5g 117 Ora -839 A 1 40 -50 shell Gastropod 1 118 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 shell Chione undatella B/E 13 119 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 shell Chione sp. B/E 23 120 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 shell Chione californiensis B /OC 28 121 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 shell Argopecten sp. B/E 40 122 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 shell Mytilus spp. RS/0G 4 123 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 shell Cerithidea califomica 2 125 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 shell Littorina scutulata 1 126 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 shell Conus californicus RS /OC 1 127 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 shell Ocenebra japonica RS /OC 1 128 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 shell Neverita reclusians B /OC 4 R: \Projects \NewporAJ015 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D-4 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 129 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 shell Astraea undosa 2 130 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 shell Crepidula sp. RS /OC 7 131 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 shell Ostrea laurida B /OC 14 132 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 shell Calyptrea sp. RS /OC 1 133 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 shell Psuedochama sp. RS /OC 10 134 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 faunal Atractoscion noblis right 1 135 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 faunal Myliobatis californica teeth burned 3 136 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 faunal Myliobatis californica centrum 1 137 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 faunal Myliobatis californica centrum 1 138 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 faunal shark centrum burned fragment 1 139 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 faunal shark centrum 1 140 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 faunal Myliobatis californica centrum fragment 1 141 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 faunal shark centrum fragment 1 142 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 faunal bony fish burned fragment 1 143 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 faunal snake vertebra 1 144 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 faunal shark centrum 1 145 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 faunal mammal burned fragments 4 146 Ora -839 A 1 50 -60 faunal mammal fragments 5 147 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 shell Chione undatella 7 148 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 shell Chione californiensis 8 149 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 shell Chione sp. B/E 19 150 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 shell Neverita reclusians B /OC 3 151 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 shell Tegula sp. 1 152 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 shell Cerithidea californica 1 153 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 shell Argopecten sp. B/E 20 154 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 shell Crepidula sp. RS /OC 3 155 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 shell Calyptrea sp. RS /OC 1 156 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 shell gastropod RS /OC 1 157 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 shell Anovia peruviana RS /OC 1 158 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 shell Ostrea lurida B /OC 10 159 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 shell Donax gouldi S/B 1 160 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 shell Pseudochama exogyra RS /OC 2 R: \Projects \Newport1JD15 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -5 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 161 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 shell Mytilus spp. RS /OC tr. 162 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 shell Anomia peruviana 3 163 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 shell Astraea undosa RS /OC 2 164 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 faunal Myliobatis californica tooth burned 1 165 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 faunal bony fish quadrate 1 166 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 faunal Porichthys vertebra precaudal 1 167 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 faunal bony fish vertebra fragment 1 168 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 faunal Porichthys vertebra precaudal burned 1 169 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 faunal Myliobatis californica centrum 1 170 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 faunal Myliobatis californica centrum 1 171 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 faunal shark centrum 1 172 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 faunal Rhinobatus productus centrum 1 173 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 faunal shark centrum fragment 1 174 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 faunal Triakidae centrum fragment 1 175 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 faunal mammal fragment 2 burned 3 176 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 faunal snake vertebra 1 177 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 lithic debitage shatter quartz 1 0.1g 178 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 lithic debitage shatter metavolcanic 1 0.1g 179 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 lithic debitage shatter Monterey 1 <0.1g 180 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 lithic debitage tertiary Quartzite 1 1.5g 181 Ora -839 A 1 60 -70 lithic groundstone fragment glaucophane schist 1 28.4g 182 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 shell Chione undatella B/E 6 183 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 shell Chione sp. B/E 9 184 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 shell Chione californiensis B /OC 2 185 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 shell Argopecten sp. B/E 13 186 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 shell Astraea undosa RS /OC 2 187 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 shell Neverita reclusians B /OC 1 188 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 shell Tegula sp. 1 189 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 shell Crepidula sp. RS /OC 5 190 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 shell Chiton sp. RS /OC plate 1 191 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 shell Anomia peruviana 3 R: \Projects \NewporAJ015 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -6 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 192 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 shell Gastropod 1 193 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 shell Ostrea lurida B /OC 3 194 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 faunal Rhinobatus productus centrum 1 195 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 faunal Porichthys vertebra precaudal 1 196 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 faunal bony fish vertebra fragment 1 197 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 faunal shark centrum 1 198 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 faunal Rhinobatus productus centrum fragment 1 199 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 faunal Myliobatis californica tooth burned 1 200 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 faunal Triakidae centrum fragment 1 201 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 faunal rabbit bone proximal 1 202 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 faunal mammal bone fragment 7 203 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 faunal mammal bone fragment burned 4 204 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 faunal snake vertebra 1 205 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 shell Mytilus spp. RS /OC tr. 206 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 lithic debitage debitage flake -bulb obsidian 1 <0.1g 207 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 lithic debitage shatter 1 0.2g 208 Ora -839 A 1 70 -80 lithic debitage shatter primary 1 <0.1g 209 Ora -839 A 2 0 -10 shell Chione spp. 1 210 Ora -839 A 2 0 -10 faunal mammal bone fragment 2 211 Ora -839 A 2 0 -10 lithic debitage cubic shatter 3 quartzite; 1 chart; 1 metavolcanic 5 2.9g 212 Ora -839 A 2 10 -20c shell Chione californiensis B /OC 4 213 Ora -839 A 2 10 -20c shell Chione spp. B/E 12 214 Ora -839 A 2 10 -20c shell Neverita reclusianus B /OC 6 215 Ora -839 A 2 10 -20c shell Astrea undosa RS /OC 6 216 Ora -839 A 2 10 -20c faunal Myliobatis californica tooth 1 217 Ora -839 A 2 10 -20c lithic debitage shatter quartz 1 0.3g 218 Ora -839 A 2 10 -20c lithic debitage shatter burnt chart 1 0.7g 219 Ora -839 A 2 10 -20c lithic debitage flake bulb Monterey chart 1 <0.1g 220 Ora -839 A 2 10 -20C lithic flake fragment base retouched quartz 1 1.4g 221 Ora -839 A 2 20 -30 shell Chione undatella 1 R: \Projects \NewporAJ015 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -7 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 222 Ora -839 A 2 20 -30 shell Chione californiensis 3 223 Ora -839 A 2 20 -30 shell Chione spp. 7 224 Ora -839 A 2 20 -30 shell Ostrea lurida 1 225 Ora -839 A 2 20 -30 shell Argopecten sp. 1 226 Ora -839 A 2 20 -30 shell Psuedochama sp. 1 227 Ora -839 A 2 20 -30 shell Neverita reclusianus 2 228 Ora -839 A 2 20 -30 shell Astraea undosa tr. 229 Ora -839 A 2 20 -30 faunal Myliobatis californica tooth burnt 1 230 Ora -839 A 2 20 -30 faunal shark centrum fragment 1 231 Ora -839 A 2 20 -30 faunal mammal bone fragment 1 232 Ora -839 A 2 20 -30 faunal mammal bone fragment burnt 1 233 Ora -839 A 2 20 -30 lithic debitage cubic shatter metavolcanic 3 1.4g 234 Ora -839 A 2 20 -30 lithic debitage shatter Monterey chart 1 0.2g 235 Ora -839 A 2 30-40 shell Chione spp. 2 236 Ora -839 A 2 30-40 shell Chione californiensis 1 237 Ora -839 A 2 30-40 shell Neverita reclusianus 2 238 Ora -839 A 2 30-40 shell Ostrea lurida 1 239 Ora -839 A 2 30 -40 shell Pseudochama exogyra tr. 240 Ora -839 A 2 30-40 shell Gastropod 1 241 Ora -839 A 2 30-40 faunal Myliobatis californica tooth burnt 1 242 Ora -839 A 2 30-40 faunal shark clasper cartilage calcified 1 243 Ora -839 A 2 30-40 lithic debitage flake pressure? rosy quartz 2 0.1g 244 Ora -839 A 2 30-40 lithic debitage shatter Monterey chart 2 4.3g 245 Ora -839 A 2 30-40 lithic debitage shatter I metavolcanic 4 1.5g 246 Ora -839 A 2 40 -50 shell Chione californiensis 3 247 Ora -839 A 2 40 -50 shell Chione spp. 11 248 Ora -839 A 2 40 -50 shell Argopecten sp. 2 249 Ora -839 A 2 40 -50 shell Saxidomus nuttali 1 250 Ora -839 A 2 40 -50 shell Neverita reclusianus 1 251 Ora -839 A 2 40 -50 shell Astraea undosa tr. 252 Ora -839 A 2 40 -50 faunal shark tantrum 1 253 Ora -839 A 2 40 -50 faunal mammal bone I fragments 5 R: \Projects \Newport1JD15 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -8 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 254 Ora -839 A 2 40 -50 lithic flake bulb +shatter quartzite 2 6.2g 255 Ora -839 A 2 40 -50 lithic flake shatter quartzite 1 0.2g 256 Ora -839 A 2 50 -60 shell Chione californiensis 10 257 Ora -839 A 2 50 -60 shell Chione spp. 7 258 Ora -839 A 2 50 -60 shell Argopecten sp. 10 259 Ora -839 A 2 50 -60 shell Neverita reclusianus 1 260 Ora -839 A 2 50 -60 shell Pseudochama exogyra 4 261 Ora -839 A 2 50 -60 shell Astraea unclose tr. 262 Ora -839 A 2 50 -60 shell Tivela stultorum 1 263 Ora -839 A 2 50 -60 faunal Myliobatis californica centrum 1 264 Ora -839 A 2 50 -60 faunal mammal bone calcined 1 265 Ora -839 A 2 50 -60 faunal mammal bone fragment 1 266 Ora -839 A 2 50 -60 lithic utilized flake utilized edge quartzite 1 75.3g 267 Ora -839 A 2 50 -60 lithic primary flake shatter Monterey chert 1 7.8g 268 Ora -839 A 2 50 -60 lithic tertiary flakes shatter Monterey chert 3 3.8g 269 Ora -839 A 2 60 -70 shell Chione spp. 2 270 Ora -839 A 2 60 -70 shell Chione californiensis 2 271 Ora -839 A 2 60 -70 shell Chione undatella 1 272 Ora -839 A 2 60 -70 shell Argopecten sp. 2 273 Ora -839 A 2 60 -70 shell Pseudochama exogyra 1 274 Ora -839 A 2 60 -70 shell Ostrea lurida tr. 275 Ora -839 A 2 60 -70 shell Neverita reclusianus tr. 276 Ora -839 A 2 60 -70 faunal Myliobatis californica tooth burnt 1 277 Ora -839 A 2 60 -70 faunal shark centrum fragment 278 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 shell Chione spp. 14 279 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 shell Chione undatella 2 280 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 shell Chione californiensis 9 281 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 shell Argopecten sp. 14 282 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 shell Neverita reclusianus 5 283 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 shell Pseudochama exogyra 5 284 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 shell Astraea unclose 1 285 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 shell Ostrea lurida 3 R: \Projects \Newport1JD15 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -9 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 286 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 shell Crepidula sp. 1 287 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 shell Ocenebra lurida 1 288 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 shell bivalve 1 289 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 faunal shark centrum burnt 1 290 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 faunal Myliobatis califomica tooth 1 291 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 faunal mammal bone fragment 8 292 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 faunal mammal sm. bone fragment 1 293 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 faunal Porichthys vertebra precaudal fragment 1 294 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 lithic core battered quartz 1 50.Og 295 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 lithic debitage shatter Monterey chert 1 0.2g 296 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 lithic debitage shatter 1 pressure rosy quartz 2 0.6g 297 Ora -839 A 2 70 -80 lithic debitage shatter quartz 1 0.2g 298 Ora -839 A 2 80 -90 shell Chione spp. 8 299 Ora -839 A 2 80 -90 shell Chione undatella 9 300 Ora -839 A 2 80 -90 shell Chione californiensis 9 301 Ora -839 A 2 80 -90 shell Pseudochama exogyra 5 302 Ora -839 A 2 80 -90 shell Hinnites sp. 1 303 Ora -839 A 2 80 -90 shell Argopecten sp. 21 304 Ora -839 A 2 80 -90 shell Neverita reclusianus 3 305 Ora -839 A 2 80 -90 shell Bursa californica 1 306 Ora -839 A 2 80 -90 shell Crepidula sp. 1 307 Ora -839 A 2 80 -90 shell Astraea undosa 1 308 Ora -839 A 2 80 -90 shell Ostrea lurida 8 309 Ora -839 A 2 80 -90 shell Mytilus sp. 1 310 Ora -839 A 2 80 -90 faunal shark centrum 1 311 Ora -839 A 2 80 -90 faunal mammal bone fragment 1 312 Ora -839 A 2 80 -90 lithic debitage shatter Monterey chert 1 0.1 313 Ora -839 A 2 80 -90 lithic debitage shatter quartzite 2 1.4 314 Ora -839 A 2 80 -90 lithic debitage shatter chart 0.2 315 Ora -839 A 2 90- sterile shell Chione spp. 6 316 Ora -839 A 2 90- sterile shell Chione californiensis 8 317 Ora -839 A 2 90- sterile shell Chione undatella 4 R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \CUlturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -10 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 318 Ora -839 A 2 90- sterile shell Argopecten sp. 6 319 Ora -839 A 2 90- sterile shell Astraea undosa 3 320 Ora -839 A 2 90- sterile shell Neverita reclusianus 2 321 Ora -839 A 2 90- sterile shell Ostrea lurida 2 322 Ora -839 A 2 90- sterile shell Crepidula sp. 2 323 Ora -839 A 2 90- sterile shell Mollusca sp. 1 324 Ora -839 A 2 90- sterile shell Mytilus sp. tr. 325 Ora -839 A 2 90- sterile faunal shark centrum 1 326 Ora -839 A 2 90- sterile lithic manuport crystaline faces quartz 1 8.5g 327 Ora -839 B 1 0 -10 shell Chione californiensis 3 328 Ora -839 B 1 0 -10 shell Chione spp. 13 329 Ora -839 B 1 0 -10 shell Argopecten sp. 1 330 Ora -839 B 1 0 -10 shell Neverita reclusianus 3 331 Ora -839 B 1 0 -10 shell Laevicardium sp. 1 332 Ora -839 B 1 0 -10 shell Astraea undosa 1 333 Ora -839 B 1 0 -10 shell Bursa californica 1 334 Ora -839 B 1 0 -10 shell Cerithidea californica 1 335 Ora -839 B 1 0 -10 shell Ostrea lurida 2 336 Ora -839 B 1 0 -10 shell Mytilus sp. 1 337 Ora -839 B 1 0 -10 lithic flake shatter quartzite 1 0.6g 338 Ora -839 B 1 10 -20c shell Chione spp. 10 339 Ora -839 B 1 10 -20c shell Neverita reclusianus 1 340 Ora -839 B 1 10 -20c shell Argopecten sp. 2 341 Ora -839 B 1 10 -20c shell Psuedochama exogyra 3 342 Ora -839 B 1 10 -20c shell Astraea undosa 1 343 Ora -839 B 1 10 -20c shell Ostrea lurida 3 344 Ora -839 B 1 10 -20c shell Crepidula sp. 1 345 Ora -839 B 1 10 -20c faunal mammal bone fragment burnt 3 346 Ora -839 1 10 -20c shell Gastropod 2 347 Ora -839 1 20 -30 shell Chione spp. 6 348 Ora -839 flB 1 20 -30 shell Argopecten sp. 4 349 Ora -839 1 20 -3 0 shell Astraea undosa tr. R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -11 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 350 Ora -839 B 1 20 -30 shell Gastropod columella 1 351 Ora -839 B 1 20 -30 faunal Rhinobatus productus centrum 1 352 Ora -839 B 1 20 -30 lithic flake bulb /shatter Monterey chart 1 0.9g 353 Ora -839 B 1 20 -30 lithic flake shatter quartzite 2 0.7g 354 Ora -839 B 1 30-40 shell Chione californiensis 1 355 Ora -839 B 1 30-40 faunal mammal bone small 1 356 Ora -839 B 1 30-40 lithic debitage flake +shatter 1 bulb Monterey chart 3 1.8g 357 Ora -839 B 1 30-40 lithic debitage shatter chart 4 1.2g 358 Ora -839 B 1 30-40 lithic debitage flake +shatter quartzite 2 4.1g 359 Ora -839 B 1 40 -50 shell Neverita reclusianus 1 360 Ora -839 B 1 40 -50 lithic flake tertiary rosy quartz 1 1.Og 361 Ora -839 B 1 40 -50 lithic mano bifacial fragment diorite 1 157.98 362 Ora -839 B 1 50 -60 faunal shark centrum bead 1 363 Ora -839 B 1 50 -60 faunal Myliobatis californica centrum 1 364 Ora -839 B 1 50 -60 faunal mammal bone fragments 4 365 Ora -839 B 1 50 -60 lithic flake bulb pressure obsidian 1 0.1g 366 Ora -839 B 1 50 -60 lithic flake shatter rosy quartz 1 0.2g 367 Ora -839 B 1 60 -70 shell Chione californiensis 1 368 Ora -839 B 1 60 -70 shell Argopecten sp. 1 369 Ora -839 B 1 60 -70 faunal Myliobatis californica bone calcined 1 370 Ora -839 B 1 60 -70 lithic flake tertiary large quartz 1 15.5g 371 Ora -839 B 1 60 -70 lithic debitage shatter Monterey chart 2 1.6g 372 Ora -839 B 1 60 -70 lithic debitage shatter burnt chert 1 0.8g 373 Ora -839 B 1 60 -70 lithic debitage flake bulb metavolcanic 1 0.7g 374 Ora -839 B 1 60 -70 lithic debitage core retouch flake 1 5.Og 375 Ora -839 B 2 0 -10 shell Psuedochama sp. 2 376 Ora -839 B 2 0 -10 shell Neverita reclusianus 1 377 Ora -839 B 2 0 -10 shell Chione spp. 4 378 Ora -839 B 2 0 -10 shell Astraea undosa 1 379 Ora -839 B 2 0 -10 shell Ostrea lurida 3 380 Ora -839 B 2 6_ -10 shell Molluscs 1 381 Ora -839 B 2 0 -10 faunal mammal bone fragments 2 R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \CUlturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -12 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 382 Ora -839 B 2 0 -10 lithic debitage shatter Monterey chert 2 0.5g 383 Ora -839 B 2 0 -10 lithic debitage shatter rosy quartz 2 0.5g 384 Ora -839 B 2 0 -10 lithic debitage flake metavolcanic 1 0.3g 385 Ora -839 B 2 10 -20c shell Chione californiensis 2 386 Ora -839 B 2 10 -20c shell Chione spp. 4 387 Ora -839 B 2 10 -20c shell Argopecten sp. 1 388 Ora -839 B 2 10 -20c shell Neverita reclusianus 1 389 Ora -839 B 2 10 -20c shell Astraea unclose tr. 390 Ora -839 B 2 10 -20c shell Ostrea lurida 3 391 Ora -839 B 2 10 -20c shell Psuedochama sp. 1 392 Ora -839 B 2 10 -20c shell gastropod columella 1 393 Ora -839 B 2 10 -20c faunal Roncadorstearnsii otolith 1 394 Ora -839 B 2 10 -20c faunal mammal bone fragment 1 395 Ora -839 B 2 10 -20c faunal mammal bone 3 396 Ora -839 B 2 10 -20c historic glass opalized 1 397 Ora -839 B 2 10 -20c lithic debitage quartzite 1 0.3g 398 Ora -839 B 2 10 -20c lithic debitage metavolcanic 1 2.6g 399 Ora -839 B 2 20 -30 lithic debitage shatter Monterey chert 1 0.9g 400 Ora -839 B 2 20 -30 lithic debitage shatter metavolcanic 1 0.3g 401 Ora -839 B 2 20 -30 shell Argopecten sp. tr. 402 Ora -839 B 2 20 -30 faunal mammal 1 403 Ora -839 B 2 30-40 shell Molluscs 1 404 Ora -839 B 2 30-40 lithic debitage 1 flake 1 shatter andesite 2 1.5g 405 Ora -839 B 2 30 -40 lithic debitage flakes primary metavolcanic 2 29.2g 406 Ora -839 B 2 30 -40 lithic debitage flake tertiary rosy quartz 1 0.3g 407 Ora -839 B 2 30-40 lithic debitage flake tertiary chert 1 1.1g 408 Ora -839 B 2 40 -50 shell Chione californiensis tr. 409 Ora -839 B 2 40 -50 lithic debitage flake tertiary Monterey chert 1 8.1g 410 Ora -839 B 2 40 -50 lithic debitage shatter chert 2 0.9g 411 Ora -839 B 2 40 -50 lithic debitage shatter andesite 2 0.8g 412 Ora -839 B 2 50 -60 shell Leptopectin sp. fossil 413 Ora -839 B 2 50 -60 faunal mammal bone fragment 2 R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -13 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 414 Ora -839 B 2 50 -60 lithic debitage flake tertiary Monterey chert 1 0.3g 415 Ora -839 B 2 50 -60 lithic debitage flakes tertiary quartzite 2 0.7g 416 Ora -839 B 2 50 -60 lithic debitage shatter quartzite 1 417 Ora -839 B 2 60 -70 shell Argopecten sp. tr. 418 Ora -839 B 2 60 -70 lithic debitage shatter Monterey chart 1 0.3g 419 Ora -839 B 2 60 -70 lithic debitage shatter quartzite 1 0.2g 420 Ora -839 B 2 60 -70 lithic debitage shatter 1 flake andesite 3 1.3g 421 Ora -839 B 2 70 -80 shell Chione undatella 3 422 Ora -839 B 2 70 -80 shell Chione spp. 4 423 Ora -839 B 2 70 -80 faunal Myliobatis californica tooth burnt 1 424 Ora -839 B 2 70 -80 faunal mammal bone fragment burnt 1 425 Ora -839 B 2 80 -90 shell Chione sp. 3 426 Ora -839 B 2 80 -90 shell Argopecten sp. tr. 427 Ora -839 C 1 0 -10 shell Chione undatella 1 428 Ora -839 C 1 0 -10 shell Chione spp. 13 429 Ora -839 C 1 0 -10 shell Chione californiensis 9 430 Ora -839 C 1 0 -10 shell Chione fluctifraga 2 431 Ora -839 C 1 0 -10 shell Neverita reclusianus 2 432 Ora -839 C 1 0 -10 shell Laevicardium sp. 1 433 Ora -839 C 1 0 -10 faunal Myliobatis californica tooth burnt 1 434 Ora -839 C 1 0 -10 shell Astraea undosa tr. 435 Ora -839 C 1 0 -10 shell Psuedochama exogyra 1 436 Ora -839 C 1 0 -10 shell Gastropod 2 437 Ora -839 C 1 0 -10 shell Ostrea lurida 1 438 Ora -839 C 1 0 -10 faunal mammal bone 2 burnt 4 439 Ora -839 C 1 0 -10 shell Argopecten sp. 9 440 Ora -839 C 1 0 -10 lithic debitage flake primary andesite 1 8.8g 441 Ora -839 C 1 0 -10 lithic debitage shatter quartz 1 0.2g 442 Ora -839 C 1 0 -10 lithic debitage shatter tertiary metavolcanic 2 13.5g 443 Ora -839 C 1 0 -10 lithic debitage shatter Monterey chert 2 2.1g 444 Ora -839 C 1 10 -20c shell Chione spp. 19 445 Ora -839 C 1 10 -20c shell Chione californiensis 11 R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -14 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 446 Ora -839 C 1 10 -20c shell Chione undatella 6 447 Ora -839 C 1 10 -20c shell Neverita reclusianus 7 448 Ora -839 C 1 10 -20c shell Argopecten sp. 2 449 Ora -839 C 1 10 -20c shell Astraea undosa 3 450 Ora -839 C 1 10 -20c shell Psuedochama sp. 2 451 Ora -839 C 1 10 -20c faunal shark calcified cartilage 1 452 Ora -839 C 1 10 -20c lithic debitage shatter same? quartzite 4 11.9g 453 Ora -839 C 1 20 -30 shell Chione californiensis 6 454 Ora -839 C 1 20 -30 shell Chione undatella 7 455 Ora -839 C 1 20 -30 shell Chione spp. 11 456 Ora -839 C 1 20 -30 shell Neverita reclusianus 4 457 Ora -839 C 1 20 -30 shell Pseudochama exogyra 5 458 Ora -839 C 1 20 -30 shell Argopecten sp. 3 459 Ora -839 C 1 20 -30 shell Astraea undosa 1 460 Ora -839 C 1 20 -30 faunal mammal bone fragment 2 461 Ora -839 C 1 20 -30 lithic debitage secondary flake; shatter battered metavolcanic 2 17.9g 462 Ora -839 C 1 20 -30 lithic debitage secondary flake; shatter battered metavolcanic 2 23.2g 463 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 shell Chione californiensis 10 464 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 shell Chione undatella 5 465 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 Chione spp. 25 466 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 shell Argopecten sp. 24 467 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 shell Neverita reclusianus 2 468 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 shell Psuedochama sp. 2 469 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 shell Astraea undosa 3 470 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 shell Crepidula sp. 2 471 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 shell Gastropod 1 472 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 faunal Myliobatis californica tooth 2 473 Ora -839 C I 1 30-40 faunal I shark I centrum 1 474 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 faunal shark centrum 1 475 Ora -839 C 1 30 -40 faunal Porichthys myriaster otolith 1 R: \Projects \NewporAJ015 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -1$ Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 476 Ora -839 C 1 30 -40 faunal mammal bone 3 burnt 4 477 Ora -839 C 1 30 -40 lithic debitage flake primary metavolcanic 3 36.2g 478 Ora -839 C 1 30 -40 lithic debitage secondary flake; shatter Monterey chart 1 3.Og 479 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 lithic debitage flake tertiary metavolcanic 4 1.9g 480 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 shell Chione californiensis feature 1 1 481 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 shell Chione spp. feature 1 1 482 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 shell Mytilus sp. feature 1 trace 483 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 shell Argopecten sp. feature 1 1 484 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 shell Gastropod feature 1 1 485 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 shell Ostrea lurida feature 1 1 486 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 shell Chione spp. c -14 date feature 1 1 487 Ora -839 C 1 30-40 shell Astraea undosa c -14 date feature 1 1 488 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 shell Chione californiensis 15 489 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 shell Chione fluctifraga 1 490 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 shell Chione undatella 6 491 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 shell Chione spp. 15 492 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 shell Psuedochama sp. 6 493 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 shell Saxidomus nuttali 2 494 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 shell Crepidula sp. 3 495 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 shell Anomia peruviana 1 496 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 shell Mytilus sp. trace 497 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 shell Ostrea lurida 9 498 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 shell Argopecten sp. 28 499 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 shell Neverita reclusianus 6 500 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 shell Astraea undosa 3 501 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 shell Gastropod columella 1 502 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 faunal Myliobatis californica tooth 1 503 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 faunal Myliobatis californica centrum Fragment 1 504 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 faunal Triakidae centrum Fragment 1 505 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 faunal Myliobatis californica centrum fragment 1 506 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 faunal Myliobatis californica centrum 1 R: \Projects \NewporAJ015 \Technical Reports \CUlturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -16 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 507 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 faunal small mammal longbone fragment 1 508 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 lithic flake tertiary obsidian 1 1.0g 509 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 lithic debitage secondary metavolcanic 1 14.6g 510 Ora -839 C 1 40 -50 lithic debitage secondary flake; shatter quartzite 1 17.1g 511 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 shell Chione californiensis 3 512 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 shell Chione spp. 6 513 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 shell Argopecten sp. 19 514 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 shell Psuedochama sp. 4 515 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 shell Cerithidea sp. 1 516 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 shell Neverita reclusianus 1 517 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 shell Mytilus sp. 1 518 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 shell Crepidula sp. 1 519 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 shell I Calyptraea sp. 1 520 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 shell Buccindae 1 521 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 shell Astraea undosa 2 522 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 shell Ostrea lurida 1 523 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 shell Gastropod 1 524 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 shell Anomia peruviana 1 525 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 faunal Myliobatis californica teeth burned 2 526 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 faunal Myliobatis californica centrum 1 527 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 faunal Myliobatis californica centrum 1 528 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 faunal I Myliobatis californica centrum 1 529 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 faunal bone 1 530 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 faunal mammal bone frag 1 burned 3 531 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 lithic debitage shatter quartzite 1 0.4g 532 Ora -839 C 1 50 -60 lithic debitage shatter granitic 1 2.3g 533 Ora -839 C 1 60 -70 shell Chione undatella 3 534 Ora -839 C 1 60 -70 shell Chione spp. 4 535 Ora -839 C 1 60 -70 shell Calyptraea sp. 2 536 Ora -839 C 1 60 -70 shell Argopecten sp. 9 537 Ora -839 C 1 60 -70 shell Neverita reclusianus 1 R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -17 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count wt. 538 Ora -839 C 1 60 -70 shell Mytilus sp. trace 539 Ora -839 C 1 60 -70 shell Psuedochama sp. 1 540 Ora -839 C 1 60 -70 shell Ostrea lurida 1 541 Ora -839 C 1 60 -70 shell shark centrum 1 542 Ora -839 C 1 60 -70 shell Crepidula sp. 1 543 Ora -839 C 1 60 -70 shell Astraea undosa trace 544 Ora -839 C 2 0 -10 shell Chione fluctifraga 1 545 Ora -839 C 2 0 -10 shell Chione spp. 8 546 Ora -839 C 2 0 -10 shell Argopecten sp. 3 547 Ora -839 C 2 0 -10 shell Astraea undosa 1 548 Ora -839 C 2 0 -10 shell Gastropod columella 1 549 Ora -839 C 2 0 -10 shell Crepidula sp. 1 550 Ora -839 C 2 0 -10 faunal Myliobatis californica centrum 1 551 Ora -839 C 2 0 -10 faunal bone fragments 1 552 Ora -839 C 2 0 -10 lithic flake obsidian 1 >0.1g 553 Ora -839 C 2 0 -10 lithic debitage shatter Monterey chart 2 13.5g 554 Ora -839 C 2 0 -10 lithic debitage shatter Quartz 1 8.8g 555 Ora -839 C 2 0 -10 lithic debitage shatter metavolcanic 1 0.7g 556 Ora -839 C 2 10 -20c shell Chione spp. 15 557 Ora -839 C 2 10 -20c shell Chione californiensis 4 558 Ora -839 C 2 10 -20c shell Chione fluctifraga 3 559 Ora -839 C 2 10 -20c shell Argopecten sp. 5 560 Ora -839 C 2 10 -20c shell Neverita redusianus 2 561 Ora -839 C 2 10 -20c shell Ostrea lurida 3 562 Ora -839 C 2 10 -20c shell Gastropod ? columella 1 563 Ora -839 C 2 10 -20c faunal Myliobatis californica tooth 1 564 Ora -839 C 2 10 -20c faunal Myliobatis californica centrum 1 565 Ora -839 C 2 10 -20c faunal mammal bone 1 566 Ora -839 C 2 10 -20c glass bottle clear fragment w /bubbles 1 567 Ora -839 C 2 10 -20c shell Gastropod 1 568 Ora -839 C 2 10 -20c lithic debitage shatter Monterey chert 1 1.2g 569 Ora -839 C 2 10 -20c shell Astraea unclose 1 R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -18 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 570 Ora -839 C 2 10 -20c lithic debitage shatter metavolcanic 2 2.2g 571 Ora -839 C 2 10 -20c lithic debitage flake secondary metavolcanic 1 4.7g 572 Ora -839 C 2 20 -30c shell Chione fluctifraga 1 573 Ora -839 C 2 20 -30c shell Chione spp. 21 574 Ora -839 C 2 20 -30c shell Chione undatella 4 575 Ora -839 C 2 20 -30c shell Argopecten sp. 6 576 Ora -839 C 2 20 -30c shell Saxodomus nuttali 1 577 Ora -839 C 2 20 -30c shell Neverita reclusjanus 2 578 Ora -839 C 2 20 -30c shell Pseudochama exogyra 2 579 Ora -839 C 2 20 -30c shell Astraea unclose 3 580 Ora -839 C 2 20 -30c faunal Myliobatis californica centrum 1 581 Ora -839 C 2 20 -30c faunal Myliobatis californica centrum 1 582 Ora -839 C 2 20 -30c faunal Mammal bone 1 burned 2 583 Ora -839 C 2 20 -30c lithic bi -face scraper core monteray chart 1 243.Og 584 Ora -839 C 2 20 -30c lithic debitage flake tertiary montery chart 1 0.3g 585 Ora -839 C 2 20 -30c lithic debitage flake secondary montery chert 1 0.3g 586 Ora -839 C 2 20 -30c lithic debitage flake tertiary quartz 1 0.2g 587 Ora -839 C 2 20 -30c lithic debitage shatter montery chart 1 0.6g 588 Ora -839 C 2 20 -30c lithic debitage shatter metavolcanic 1 4.Og 589 Ora -839 C 2 30-40c shell Chione spp. 24 590 Ora -839 C 2 30 -40c shell Chione fluctifraga 2 591 Ora -839 C 2 30-40c shell Chione undatella 9 592 Ora -839 C 2 30-40c shell Chione californiensis 8 593 Ora -839 C 2 30-40c shell Argopecten sp. 16 594 Ora -839 C 2 30-40c shell Hinnites sp. 1 595 Ora -839 C 2 30-40c shell Astraea undosa 2 596 Ora -839 C 2 30-40c shell Neverita reclusianus 6 597 Ora -839 C 2 30-40c shell Tegula sp. 1 598 Ora -839 C 2 30-40c shell Psuedochama sp. 2 599 Ora -839 C 2 30-40c shell Anomia peruviana 1 600 Ora -839 C 2 30 -40c shell Saxodomus nuttali 1 601 Ora -839 C 2 30 -40c shell Crepidula sp. 1 R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \CUlturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -19 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 602 Ora -839 C 2 30 -40c shell Ostrea lurida 1 603 Ora -839 C 2 30-40c shell shark centrum frag 1 604 Ora -839 C 2 30 -40c faunal Mammal bone frag 1 605 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 shell Chione spp. 20 606 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 shell Chione californiensis 13 607 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 shell Chione undatella 13 608 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 shell Chione fluctifraga 3 609 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 shell Neverita reclusjanus 1 610 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 shell Saxidomus nuttali trace 611 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 shell Crepidula sp. 4 612 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 shell Laevicardium sp. trace 613 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 shell Cerithidea sp. 1 614 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 shell Psuedochama sp. 1 615 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 shell Astraea undosa 3 616 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 shell Ostrea lurida 11 617 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 shell Mytilus sp. 1 618 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 faunal bony fish vertebra 1 619 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 faunal Rhinobatus productus centrum 1 620 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 shell Argopecten sp. 18 621 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 lithic Red Ochre 1 622 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 lithic debitage Montery Chert 1 2.7g 623 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 faunal bone mammal burned 2 624 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 lithic PP /K frag montery chart 1 0.7g 625 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 lithic debitage shatter Quartzite 1 8.1g 626 Ora -839 C 2 40 -50 lithic debitage shatter metavolcanic 2 26.2g 627 Ora -839 C 2 50 -60 shell Chione spp. 1 628 Ora -839 C 2 50 -60 shell Chione undatella 1 629 Ora -839 C 2 50 -60 shell Argopecten sp. 7 630 Ora -839 C 2 50 -60 shell Ostrea lurida 2 631 Ora -839 C 2 50 -60 shell Mytilus sp. trace 632 Ora -839 C 2 50 -60 shell Psuedochama sp. 1 633 Ora -839 C 2 50 -60 shell Anomia peruviana 1 R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -20 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 634 Ora -839 C 2 50 -60 shell Astraea unclose trace 635 Ora -839 C 2 50 -60 shell Crepidula sp. 1 636 Ora -839 C 2 50 -60 shell Calyptraea sp. 1 637 Ora -839 C 2 50 -60 lithic debitage shatter metavolcanic 5 3.6g 638 Ora -839 C 2 50 -60 lithic debitage shatter Montery Chart 2 0.6 639 Ora -839 D 1 0 -10 shell Chione spp. 2 640 Ora -839 D 1 0 -10 shell Neverita reclusianus 2 641 Ora -839 D 1 0 -10 shell Conus californica 1 642 Ora -839 D 1 0 -10 shell Argopecten sp. 1 643 Ora -839 D 1 0 -10 shell Gastropod columella 1 644 Ora -839 D 1 10 -20c shell Chione spp. 2 645 Ora -839 D 1 10 -20c shell Argopecten sp. 1 646 Ora -839 D 1 10 -20c lithic debitage shatter metavolcanic 2 1.9g 647 Ora -839 D 1 10 -20c shell debitage shatter Quartzite 1 0.4g 648 Ora -839 D 1 20 -30c shell Chione spp. 4 649 Ora -839 D 1 20 -30c shell Ceratostoma 1 650 Ora -839 D 1 20 -30c lithic debitage shatter Quartzite 1 1.2g 651 Ora -839 D 1 20 -30c lithic debitage shatter metavolcanic 2 2.1g 652 Ora -839 D 1 30-40 shell Chione spp. 1 653 Ora -839 D 1 30-40 lithic debitage shatter secondary Quartzite 1 0.4g 654 Ora -839 D 1 40 -50 shell Chione spp. 1 655 Ora -839 D 1 40 -50 lithic debitage shatter tertiary Monterey chart 1 <0.1g 656 Ora -839 D 1 40 -50 lithic debitage shatter metavolcanic 2 0.69g 657 Ora -839 D 1 50 -60 lithic debitage shatter metavolcanic 1 0.2g 658 Ora -839 E 1 0 -10c shell Chione spp. 7 659 Ora -839 E 1 0 -10c shell Argopecten sp. 3 660 Ora -839 E 1 0 -10c shell Ostrea lurida 9 661 Ora -839 E 1 10 -20c shell Chione spp. 16 662 Ora -839 E 1 10 -20c shell Chione undatella 2 663 Ora -839 E 1 10 -20c shell Chione californiensis 1 664 Ora -839 E 1 10 -20c shell Chione fluctifraga 3 665 Ora -839 E 1, shell Ostrea lurida 1 R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -21 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 666 Ora -839 E 1 10 -20c shell Neverita reclusianus 1 667 Ora -839 E 1 10 -20c shell Argopecten sp. 5 668 Ora -839 E 1 10 -20c shell Astraea undosa trace 669 Ora -839 E 1 10 -20c faunal Rabbit 1 670 Ora -839 E 1 10 -20c lithic debitage shatter 2 6.1g 671 Ora -839 E 1 20 -30 shell Chione spp. 19 672 Ora -839 E 1 20 -30 shell Chione californiensis 2 673 Ora -839 E 1 20 -30 shell Chione undatella 1 674 Ora -839 E 1 20 -30 shell Chione fluctifraga 1 675 Ora -839 E 1 20 -30 shell Ostrea lurida 2 676 Ora -839 E 1 20 -30 shell Argopecten sp. 7 677 Ora -839 E 1 20 -30 faunal mammal bone frag 2 678 Ora -839 E 1 30-40 shell Chione spp. 36 679 Ora -839 E 1 30-40 shell Chione californiensis 5 680 Ora -839 E 1 30-40 shell Chione fluctifraga 1 681 Ora -839 E 1 30 -40 shell Neverita reclusianus 2 682 Ora -839 E 1 30-40 shell Argopecten sp. 5 683 Ora -839 E 1 30-40 shell Ostrea lurida 18 684 Ora -839 E 1 30-40 shell Crepidula sp. 1 685 Ora -839 E 1 30-40 faunal mammal bone frag 3 686 Ora -839 E 1 30-40 lithics debitage cubic shatter metavolcanic 1 5.Og 687 Ora -839 E 1 40 -50 shell Chione spp. 21 688 Ora -839 E 1 40 -50 shell Chione californiensis 2 689 Ora -839 E 1 40 -50 shell Chione undatella 2 690 Ora -839 E 1 40 -50 shell Ostrea lurida 18 691 Ora -839 E 1 40 -50 shell Argopecten sp. 10 692 Ora -839 E 1 40 -50 shell Astraea undosa trace 693 Ora -839 E 1 40 -50 faunal mammal bone frag 4 694 Ora -839 E 1 40 -50 lithics debitage shatter 2 16.Og 695 Ora -839 E 1 50 -60 shell Chione spp. 18 696 Ora -839 E 1 50 -60 shell Chione californiensis 3 697 Ora -839 E 1, shell Chione undatella 2 R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \CUlturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -22 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 698 Ora -839 E 1 50 -60 shell Ostrea lurida 20 699 Ora -839 E 1 50 -60 shell Argopecten sp. 14 700 Ora -839 E 1 50 -60 shell Crepidula sp. 4 701 Ora -839 E 1 50 -60 shell Astraea undosa 1 702 Ora -839 E 1 50 -60 shell Cerithidea sp. 1 703 Ora -839 E 1 60 -70 shell Chione spp. 14 704 Ora -839 E 1 60 -70 shell Chione californiensis 1 705 Ora -839 E 1 60 -70 shell Chione undatella 1 706 Ora -839 E 1 60 -70 shell Chione fluctifraga 1 707 Ora -839 E 1 60 -70 shell Argopecten sp. 13 708 Ora -839 E 1 60 -70 shell Neverita reclusianus 1 709 Ora -839 E 1 60 -70 shell Astraea undosa trace 710 Ora -839 E 1 60 -70 shell Ostrea lurida 16 711 Ora -839 E 1 60 -70 shell Crepidula sp. 2 712 Ora -839 E 1 70 -80 shell Chione spp. 19 713 Ora -839 E 1 70 -80 shell Chione californiensis 1 714 Ora -839 E 1 70 -80 shell Crepidula sp. 2 715 Ora -839 E 1 70 -80 shell Ostrea lurida 21 716 Ora -839 E 1 70 -80 shell Astraea unclose trace 717 Ora -839 E 1 70 -80 shell Gastropod 1 718 Ora -839 E 1 70 -80 lithic debitage cubic shatter metavolcanic 3 26.6g 719 Ora -839 E 1 70 -80 shell Argopecten sp. 9 720 Ora -839 E 1 80 -90 shell Chione spp. 17 721 Ora -839 E 1 80 -90 shell Chione californiensis 2 722 Ora -839 E 1 80 -90 shell Chione undatella 1 723 Ora -839 E 1 80 -90 shell Ostrea lurida 47 724 Ora -839 E 1 80 -90 shell Argopecten sp. 16 725 Ora -839 E 1 80 -90 shell Crepidula sp. 15 726 Ora -839 E 1 80 -90 shell Acmaea persona 1 727 Ora -839 E 1 80 -90 shell Astraea undosa trace 728 Ora 839 E 1 80 -90 lithic debitage cubic shatter 3 13.7g 729 Ora -839 E 1 90 -100 shell Chione spp. 15 R: \Projects \Newport1JD15 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -23 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 730 Ora -839 E 1 90 -100 shell Chione undatella 2 731 Ora -839 E 1 90 -100 shell Neverita reclusianus 2 732 Ora -839 E 1 90 -100 shell Ostrea lurida 4 733 Ora -839 E 1 90 -100 shell Crepidula sp. 2 734 Ora -839 E 1 90 -100 shell Argopecten sp. 4 735 Ora -839 E 1 90 -100 lithic debitage cubic shatter 2 61.1g 736 Ora -839 E 1 100- sterile shell Chione spp. 2 737 Ora -839 E 1 100- sterile shell Crepidula sp. 1 738 Ora -844 B 1 10 -20c shell Chione spp. 2 739 Ora -844 B 1 10 -20c shell Ostrea lurida 2 740 Ora -844 B 1 10 -20c faunal small mammal bone frag 1 741 Ora -844 B 1 20 -30 shell Chione spp. 6 742 Ora -844 B 1 20 -30 shell Chione californiensis 1 743 Ora -844 B 1 20 -30 shell Chione undatella 1 744 Ora -844 B 1 20 -30 shell Ostrea lurida 9 745 Ora -844 B 1 20 -30 shell Argopecten sp. 15 746 Ora -844 B 1 20 -30 shell Neverita reclusianus 1 747 Ora -844 B 1 20 -30 shell Astraea undosa trace 748 Ora -844 B 1 20 -30 shell Gastropod 2 749 Ora -844 B 1 20 -30 shell Crepidula sp. 1 750 Ora -844 B 1 20 -30 shell Ostrea lurida 1 751 Ora -844 B 1 20 -30 faunal mammal bone frag burnt 1 752 Ora -844 B 1 20 -30 lithic debitage shatter 2 0.6g 753 Ora -844 B 1 30-40 shell Chione spp. 16 754 Ora -844 B 1 30-40 shell Chione californiensis 2 755 Ora -844 B 1 30-40 shell Chione undatella 2 756 Ora -844 B 1 30-40 shell Gastropod 1 757 Ora -844 B 1 30-40 shell Cerithidea sp. 3 758 Ora -844 B 1 30-40 shell Ostrea lurida 134 759 Ora -844 B 1 30 -40 shell Cerithidea sp. 24 R: \Projects \Newport\J015 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -24 Appendix D Ranch ORA -839 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Locus Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count Wt. 760 Ora -844 B 1 30 -40 shell Astraea undosa 6 761 Ora -844 B 1 30-40 shell Saxidomus nuttali 1 762 Ora -844 B 1 30-40 shell Argopecten sp. 68 763 Ora -844 B 1 30-40 faunal small mammal bone frag 4 764 Ora -844 B 1 30-40 lithic debitage shatter 1 0.4g 765 Ora -844 B 1 40 -50 shell Chione spp. 4 766 Ora -844 B 1 40 -50 shell Chione californiensis 2 767 Ora -844 B 1 40 -50 shell Chione undatella 2 768 Ora -844 B 1 40 -50 shell Chione fluctifraga 1 769 Ora -844 B 1 40 -50 shell Argopecten sp. 28 770 Ora -844 B 1 40 -50 shell Ostrea lurida 64 771 Ora -844 B 1 40 -50 shell Astraea undosa 1 772 Ora -844 B 1 40 -50 shell Crepidula sp. 11 773 Ora -844 B 1 40 -50 faunal Calyptraea sp. 2 774 Ora -844 B 1 40 -50 faunal Myliobatis californica centrum 1 775 Ora -844 B 1 40 -50 lithics debitage shatter Montery Cheri 2 0.5g 776 Ora -844 B 1 40 -50 lithic debitage shatter metavolcanic 1 0.2g 777 Ora -844 B 1 50- sterile shell Chione californiensis 1 778 Ora -844 B 1 50- sterile shell Argopecten sp. 13 779 Ora -844 B 1 50- sterile shell Calyptraea sp. 1 780 Ora -844 B 1 50- sterile shell Crepidula sp. 4 781 Ora -844 B 1 50- sterile shell Cerithidea sp. 1 782 Ora -844 B 1 50- sterile shell Astraea undosa trace 783 Ora -844 B 1 50- sterile shell Ostrea lurida 12 784 Ora -844 B 1 50- sterile I lithic debitage I shatter 1 5.Og R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \CUlturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -25 Appendix D Ranch ORA -906 CATALOG Catalog # Site Level Class Genus Species Element Side Count Comments 1 Ora -906 80 -90 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum 1 shovelnose guitarfish 2 Ora -906 90 -100 artifact iron bolt 1 oil pipeline 3 Ora -906 90 -100 faunal Hypsopsetta guttulata caudal vertebra 1 diamond turbot 4 Ora -906 90 -100 faunal Paralabrax caudal vertebra 1 bass 5 Ora -906 90 -100 faunal shark centrum 1 6 Ora -906 90 -100 faunal Myliobatis californica centrum 1 bat stingray 7 Ora -906 90 -100 faunal rodent skull, incisor, rib 4 7a Ora -906 90 -100 metal lead slug 1 7b Ora -906 90 -100 faunal bony fish precaudal vertebra 1 7c Ora -906 90 -100 faunal shark centrum frag. 1 7d Ora -906 90 -100 faunal small mammal misc. bones 4 8 Ora -906 90 -100 shell Dentalium shell 1 9 Ora -906 100 -110 faunal Platyrhinoides triseriata centrum 1 thornback 10 Ora -906 100 -110 faunal snake vertebra 1 11 Ora -906 100 -110 faunal Mammal bone shaft 1 12 Ora -906 100 -110 faunal bony fish misc. bones 2 13 Ora -906 110 -120 faunal Rallus longirostris tarsometatarsus 1 clapper rail 13a Ora -906 110 -120 faunal Paralichthys californicus precaudal vertebra 1 Calif. Halibut 13b Ora -906 110 -120 faunal bony fish angular 1 13c Ora -906 110 -120 faunal Myliobatis californica tooth 1 bat stingray 13d Ora -906 110 -120 faunal Triakididae centrum 1 smoothhounds 13e Ora -906 110 -120 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum frag. 1 shovelnose guitarfish 13f Ora -906 110 -120 faunal bony fish bone 1 13g Ora -906 110 -120 faunal reptile vertebra 2 13h Ora -906 110 -120 faunal rodent incisor 1 13i Ora -906 110 -120 faunal small mammal misc. bones 13 13j Ora -906 110 -120 lithic red orcher 1 4.7 13k Ora -906 110 -120 shell small bead 1 14 Ora -906 110 -120 faunal Porichthys precaudal vertebra 1 15 Ora -906 110 -120 faunal bony fish caudal vertebra 1 16 Ora -906 110 -120 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum 1 shovelnose guitarfish R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical RepoMs CulturalWchaec Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.doc D -26 Appendix D Ranch ORA -906 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Level Class Genus Species Element Side Count Comments 17 Ora -906 110 -120 faunal Triakididae centrum 1 smoothhounds 18 Ora -906 110 -120 faunal Triakididae centrum 1 smoothhounds 19 Ora -906 110 -120 faunal Rallus longirostris tarsometatarsus 1 clapper rail 20 Ora -906 110 -120 faunal gopher lowerjaw 1 21 Ora -906 110 -120 faunal vertebrate misc. bones 6 22 Ora -906 120 -130 faunal Enhydra lutris dentary R 1 locally extinct 1860 23 Ora -906 120 -130 faunal bird cervical vertebra 1 24 Ora -906 120 -130 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum 1 shovelnose guitarfish 25 Ora -906 120 -130 faunal Mammal bone end 1 26 Ora -906 120 -130 faunal Mammal bone fragments 2 27 Ora -906 120 -130 faunal bird vertebra 1 28 Ora -906 120 -130 shell Cerithidea californicus shell 1 29 Ora -906 120 -130 faunal bony fish premaxilla frag.? 1 30 Ora -906 130 -140 faunal Phalacrocorax auritus tibiotarsus 1 Double- crested cormorant 31 Ora -906 130 -140 faunal bird vertebra 1 32 Ora -906 130 -140 faunal bird bone 1 33 Ora -906 130 -140 faunal Myliobatis californica centrum 1 bat stingray 34 Ora -906 130 -140 faunal shark centrum 1 35 Ora -906 130 -140 faunal reptile vertebra 1 36 Ora -906 130 -140 faunal bony fish vertebra 1 37 Ora -906 130 -140 faunal Hypsopsetta guttulata precaudal vertebra 1 diamond turbot 38 Ora -906 130 -140 faunal Triakididae centrum frag. 1 smoothhounds 39 Ora -906 130 -140 faunal Triakididae centrum frag. 1 smoothhounds 40 Ora -906 130 -140 faunal Hypsopsetta guttulata caudal vertebra 1 diamond turbot 41 Ora -906 130 -140 faunal rodent vertebra 1 42 Ora -906 130 -140 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum 1 shovelnose guitarfish 43 Ora -906 130 -140 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum 1 burned 44 Ora -906 130 -140 faunal Parahchthys californicus precaudal vertebra 8 Calif. Halibut 45 Ora -906 130 -140 faunal Porichthys precaudal vertebra 4 midshipmen 46 Ora -906 130 -140 faunal gopher dentary 1 R: \Projects \Newport1JD15 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -27 Appendix D Ranch ORA -906 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Level Class Genus Species Element Side Count Comments 47 Ora -906 130 -140 faunal Mammal misc. bones 27 48 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal Mammal bone shaft 1 poss. Bone tool cut marks 49 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum 1 shovelnose guitartish 50 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal Triakididae centrum 1 smoothhounds 51 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal Triakididae centrum 1 smoothhounds 52 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum 1 shovelnose guitartish 53 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal shark centrum 1 burned 54 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum 1 shovelnose guitartish 55 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal bony fish centrum 1 56 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum 1 shovelnose guitartish 57 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal Triakidae centrum 1 58 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal bony fish vertebra 1 very small fish 59 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal Clupeidae vertebra 1 very small fish 60 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal bony fish precaudal vertebra 1 61 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal Paralichthys californicus caudal vertebra 1 Calif. Halibut 62 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal Paralichthys californicus caudal vertebra 1 Calif. Halibut 63 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal bony fish caudal vertebra 1 Embiotocid? 64 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal Porichthys precaudal vertebra 2 midshipman 65 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal Porichthys caudal vertebra 2 midshipman 66 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal Hypsopsette guttulata precaudal vertebra 1 diamond turbot 67 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal bony fish basioccipital 1 68 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal bony fish bone 1 69 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal bony fish precaudal vertebra 1 small fish 70 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal bird vertebra 1 71 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal Oxyura cf. O. jamaicensis femur 1 ruddy? Duck 72 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal reptile vertebra 2 73 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal bird phalanx 1 R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -28 Appendix D Ranch ORA -906 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Level Class Genus Species Element Side Count Comments 74 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal vertebrates misc. bone frags 28 75 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal bony fish misc. bone frags 7 76 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal rodent tooth 5 77 Ora -906 140 -150 faunal Hypsopsetta guttulata vertebra 1 diamond turbot 78 Ora -906 150 -160 faunal Triakididae centrum 1 smoothhounds 79 Ora -906 150 -160 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum 1 shovelnose guitarfish 80 Ora -906 150 -160 faunal Triakididae centrum 1 smoothhounds 81 Ora -906 150 -160 faunal Triakididae centrum 1 smoothhounds 82 Ora -906 150 -160 faunal Triakididae centrum 1 smoothhounds 83 Ora -906 150 -160 faunal Anas cf. A. acuta coracoid 1 northern pintail 84 Ora -906 150 -160 shell shell with asphaltum 1 tool? 85 Ora -906 150 -160 faunal Branta Cf. B. canadensisi tibiotarsus and ulna 3 Canada gpose 86 Ora -906 150 -160 faunal mammal occipital 1 87 Ora -906 150 -160 faunal mammal skull -otic? Region 1 large mammal 88 Ora -906 150 -160 faunal mammal long bone 1 large mammal 89 Ora -906 150 -160 faunal rodent skull 2 90 Ora -906 150 -160 faunal Anas cf. A. crecca femur 1 green - winged teal 91 Ora -906 150 -160 faunal bird radius 1 92 Ora -906 150 -160 faunal vertebrates misc. bone frags 4 93 Ora -906 160 -170 faunal Paralichthys californicus precaudal vertebra 1 Calif. Halibut 94 Ora -906 160 -170 faunal Porichthys precaudal vertebra 1 midshipman 95 Ora -906 160 -170 faunal Anas cf. A. acute furcula 1 northern pintail 96 Ora -906 160 -170 faunal Melanitta perspicillata carpometacarpus 1 surf scoter 97 Ora -906 160 -170 faunal Fulica americana tibiotarsus? 1 American coot 98 Ora -906 160 -170 faunal Fulica americana phalanx 1 American coot 99 Ora -906 160 -170 faunal Chen cf. C. cerulescens pelvis 1 snow goose 100 Ora -906 160 -170 faunal frog pelvis? 1 101 Ora -906 160 -170 faunal vertebrates misc. bone frags 5 102 Ora -906 160 -170 faunal bird bone 1 R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \culturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -29 Appendix D Ranch ORA -906 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Level Class Genus Species Element Side Count Comments 103 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum 1 shovelnose guitarfish 104 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum 1 shovelnose guitarfish 105 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum 1 shovelnose guitarfish 106 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum 1 shovelnose guitarfish 107 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal Triakidae centrum 1 108 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal Paralichthys californicus precaudal vertebra 1 Calif. Halibut 109 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal Porichthys caudal vertebra 1 midshipman 110 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal bony fish precaudal vertebra 1 111 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal Porchthys cleithrum? 1 112 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal Pelecanus occidentalsi coracoid 1 brown pelican 113 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal bird vertebra 1 114 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal Anas cf. A. acute coracoid 1 northern pintail 115 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal Anas cf. A. crecca coracoid 1 green - winged teal 116 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal Melanitta perspicillata tibiotarsus? 1 surf scoter 117 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal Branta cf. B. canadensisi femur 1 Canada gpose 118 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal Anas cf. A. crecca sterum 1 green - winged teal 119 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal mammal pelvis 1 120 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal Anas cf. A. acuta scapula 1 121 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal frog pelvis 1 122 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal snake vertebra 1 123 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal frog bone 1 124 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal mammal bone frag. 1 125 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal mammal misc. bone frags 7 126 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal small mammal caudal vertebra 1 127 Ora -906 170 -180 faunal mammal rib 1 128 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Branta Cf. B. canadensisi bone 1 Canada gpose 129 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Anas cf. A. cyanoptera humerus 1 cinnamon teal R: \Projects \Newport1JD15 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub)- 021610.doc D -30 Appendix D Ranch ORA -906 CATALOG (Continued) Catalog # Site Level Class Genus Species Element Side Count Comments 130 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Aechmophorus cf. A. occidentalis humerus 1 Western or Clark's Grebe 131 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Anas cf. A. clypeata sternum 1 Northern Shoveler 132 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal bird ? 1 133 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum 1 shovelnose guitarfish 134 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Triakidae centrum 1 smoothhounds 135 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum 2 shovelnose guitarfish 136 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum 1 shovelnose guitarfish 137 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum frag. 1 shovelnose guitarfish 138 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Rhinobatos productus centrum 1 shovelnose guitarfish 139 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Triakididae centrum 1 smoothhounds 140 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Triakididae centrum 1 smoothhounds 141 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Triakididae centrum 1 smoothhounds 142 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Triakididae centrum frag. 1 smoothhounds 143 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal bony fish vertebra 1 144 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal bony fish bone 2 145 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Ig. cat or dog metatarsal? 1 146 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Mammal phalanx 1 147 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Mammal? pelvis 1 148 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Mammal rib 1 149 Ora -906 180 -260 faunal Vertebrate misc bone fr. 10 R: \Projects \Newport1JD15 \Technical Reports \CulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -31 Appendix D Ranch HISTORY Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count wt. surface glass milk glass embossed: "E -CAYA" on side and "JAMES C CRANE NEW YORK" on base cosmetic jar fire affected 1 156.0 g surface glass amethyst hand tooled "flared" finish bottle finish 1 26.9g surface glass aqua embossed: "LE...." along side bottle base 1 16.3g surface ceramic white ware embossed: along base bowl base 1 20.5g surface glass amethyst rolled or folded -in /out "bead" finish bottle finish fire affected 1 9.4g surface glass clear embossed below hand tooled "prescription" finish bottle finish 1 35.1g surface glass clear hand tooled "prescription" finish bottle finish 1 26.1g surface glass clear hand tooled 'brown cap" finish bottle finish 1 31.6g surface glass green hand tooled "crown cap" finish bottle finish 1 26.1g surface glass aqua emdossed "B" (...all) in print and in script canning jar body fire affected 1 14.1g surface glass amethyst blown in (cup) mold bottle base 1 66.4g surface glass aqua lightning type jar closure canning jar finish 1 40.6g surface glass aqua semi - automatic /ABM scar on base canning jar base 1 33.3g surface glass clear straight brandy or wine finish bottle finish 1 48.6g surface glass amethyst straight brandy or wine finish ABM bottle finish 1 31.48 surface glass amethyst MM, "B" with extended serifs, (BrockawayGlass Co.) whiskey bottle base 1 34.9g surface glass amethyst oval base bottle base 1 21.3G surface glass clear embossed "CALL. ", T" panel body frag 1 12.8g surface glass amethyst embossed "...3 G.Co." with irregular polygon base bottle base 1 19.9g surface ceramic stoneware salt glazed crock body fragment 1 7.3g surface ceramic white ware shell edged, embossed with transfer printed under glaze rim sherd 1 36.2g surface ceramic porcelain undecorated 3 1/2" dia. base 1 16.0g surface ceramic stoneware undecorated 6 1/2" dia. Base 1 64.2g surface glass milk glass 2" dia. canning jar liner 1 13.Og surface glass amethyst "flat or patent' finish bottle finish fire affected 1 21.2g surface glass amber blob top finish bottle finish 1 4.7g surface glass clear "flat or patent' finish bottle finish 1 46.4 surface glass clear small mouth external thread finish bottle finish 1 25.6 R: \Projects \Newpor \J015 \Technical Reports \CUlturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -32 Appendix D Ranch HISTORY (Continued) Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count wt. surface glass clear bead finish (medicinal) bottle finish 1 8.2g surface glass clear small mouth external thread finish bottle finish 1 25.4g surface glass clear stretch marks on neck bottle neck 1 12.9g surface glass amethyst drinking glass with fluted base glass base 1 20.2g surface glass clear base fragment round base 1 11.3g surface glass amber embossed "D. MEINKE..." ...AN FR..." body fragment 1 41.8g surface glass clear medicinal panel embossed "...A. SLO... "; "...MOND PHA..." with increments along sidebody body fragment 1 8.5g surface glass clear oval pressed glassbase w/ star burst design pickle /relish dish 1 29.9g surface glass amethyst large serving platter rim sherd 2 123.2g surface glass clear window pane pane fragment 1 8.9g surface bone mammal 2" long, machine cut long bone 1 4.1g surface construction ceramic household insulator embossed "...P.P.INC. 5... "; "ALL..." ceramic insulator 1 121.5g surface ceramic white ware shell edged, embossed along edge rim sherd 2 19.7g surface ceramic stoneware flat base fragment 1 10.4g surface ceramic semi - porcelain shell edged embossed rim sherd 1 5.Og surface ceramic white ware shell edged embossed rim sherd 1 11.8 surface ceramic white ware flo blue base fragment 1 17.9g suface ceramic porcelain red transferware teacup handel 1 8.Og surface ceramic porcelain green handpainted underglaze body fragment 1 4.8g surface ceramic earthenware "VIENNA..." body fragment 1 5.5g surface ceramic white ware flo blue body fragment fire affected 1 5.Og surface ceramic Ironstone Tea leaf pattern transferware "Anthony Shaw England" 1 8.1g surface ceramic white ware blue embossed rim rim sherd 1 1.6g STP #1 0 -20cm glass clear misc. undiagnostic fragments bottle glass 10 57.1g STP #1 0 -20cm glass clear misc. undiagnostic fragments bottle glass fire affected 6 62.Og STP #1 0 -20cm glass amethyst body fragment bottle glass fire affected 1 5.5g STP #1 0 -20cm glass clear embossed "DR... ", medicinal panel bottle glass 1 10.g' R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \CUlturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -33 Appendix D Ranch HISTORY (Continued) Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count wt. STP #1 0 -20cm glass clear bead finish bottle glass 1 15.2g STP #1 0 -20cm glass amber misc. undiagnostic fragments bottle glass 6 23.1 STP #1 0 -20cm glass cobalt body fragment bottle glass 1 1.4g STP #1 0 -20cm glass aqua finish bottle glass fire affected 1 6.3g STP #1 0 -20cm glass olive body fragment bottle glass 1 3.9g STP #1 0 -20cm glass light green thick body frag bottle glass 1 7.7g STP#1 0 -20cm glass clear bead finish bottle finish 2 14.9g STP#1 0 -20cm glass clear window pane flat glass 2 3.9g STP #1 0 -20cm glass clear condimint bottle glass 2 13.6g STP#1 0 -20cm glass clear thin glass lamp chimmney 2 1.2g STP #1 0 -20cm metal steel fastener garter 1 2.Og STP #1 0 -20cm construction brick brick brick 1 4.6 STP #1 0 -20cm ceramic white ware bowl rim and base 4 29.1g STP #1 0 -20cm ceramic porcelain bowl rim and base 1 12.4g STP #1 0 -20cm ceramic porcelain body fragment 1 5.9g STP #1 20 -40cm ceramic white ware "Maastricht Pottery CO" "ABBY' Transferware Flo Blue 1 41.3g STP #1 20 -40cm ceramic white ware misc. bowl fragments rim and base 4 19.7 STP #1 20 -40cm bone mammal femur proximal portion broken 1 22.Og STP #1 20 -40cm bone mammal rib and cut long bone small sections saw cut 2 3.4g STP #1 20 -40cm bone mammal rib section fire affected 1 1.5g STP #1 20 -40cm glass clear misc. undiagnostic fragments bottle opalized 6 23.7g STP #1 2040cm glass olive body fragment bottle bubbles 1 7.Og STP #1 20 -40cm glass aqua misc. undiagnostic fragments bottle some opalized 4 13.1g STP #1 20 -40cm glass amber undiagnostic fragment bottle 1 2.4 STP #1 20 -40cm glass clear flat glass window pane 3 3.4g STP#1 20 -40cm glass light olive undiagniostic fragment bottle 1 1.9g STP#1 20 -40cm glass clear faux pearl jewelry hatpin 1 .4g STP#1 20 -40cm ceramic porcelain misc. undiagnostic fragments 3 1.7g STP #1 20 -40cm ceramic porcelain hand painted teacup 1 1.8g STP #1 20 -40cm metal nail wire nail 1 2.5g STP #1 40 -60cm glass olive applied or champagne finish bottle finish opalized 1 39.78 R: \Projects \Newport1J015 \Technical Reports \GulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -34 Appendix D Ranch HISTORY (Continued) Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count wt. STP #1 40 -60cm glass clear flared finish bottle finish opalized 1 26.88 STP #1 40 -60cm glass amber pontil scar; "black glass" base fragment 3 61.6g STP #1 40 -60 -cm glass amber embossed "35 "; "B" w /pontil scar base fragment "black glass" 2 38.Og STP #1 40 -60 -cm construction ceramic insulator frament 1 41.6 STP #1 40 -60 -cm glass amber embossed "...A..." body fragment 2 5.7g STP #1 40 -60 -cm glass olive wine bottle neck fragment 3 25.3g STP#1 40 -60 -cm glass milk glass Embossed "...Y D..." canning lid 1 1.3g STP#1 40 -60 -cm glass amber Beer bottle fragments body fragment 5 20.8g STP #1 40 -60 -cm glass clear wine /brandy finish finish frament 3 20.5g STP#1 40 -60 -cm glass aqua misc. undiagnostic fragments body fragment 5 13.6g STP #1 40 -60 -cm glass clear misc. undiagnostic fragments body fragment opalized 14 50.3g STP #1 40 -60 -cm bone mammal talus cow? 1 134.Og STP #1 40 -60 -cm bone mammal long bone small animal 3 5.6g STP #1 40 -60 -cm bone mammal long bone ? articulating surface fire affected 1 1.8g STP #1 40 -60 -cm metal nails wire nails 4 heads oxidized 11 29.1g STP #1 40 -60 -cm I metal screw large thread no head oxidized 1 5.Og STP #1 40 -60 -cm metal copper wire bare oxidized 2 1.4g STP#1 40 -60 -cm metal misc. metal hinge bracket partial oxidized 1 73.98 STP#1 40 -60 -cm metal misc. metal container with cap partial oxidized 1 67.8g STP#1 40 -60 -cm metal misc. metal roller w/ bearings 4.2 "x 1.8" oxidized 1 403.8g STP #1 40 -60 -cm metal misc. metal misc. undiagnostic fragments oxidized 26 312.1g STP #1 40 -60 -cm shell barnacle 1 1.2 STP #1 40 -60 -cm ceramic stoneware salt glazed crock body fragment 5 35.2g STP #1 40 -60 -cm ceramic Ironstone Tea leaf pattern transferware "Anthony Shaw England" 1 9.9g STP #1 40 -60 -cm ceramic white ware bowl fragments fire affected 17 80.3g STP #1 40 -60 -cm ceramic white ware embossed beaded rim rim sherd 1 3.7g STP #1 40 -60 -cm construction plaster material imprint on both surfaces wall covering 1 3.9.g STP #1 40 -60 -cm shell mytilus black mussel fire affected? 1 1.6g STP #1 60 -80cm glass aqua LID slag fire affected 2 27.Og STP #1 60 -80cm glass clear LID opalized fire affected 1 1_2g R: \Projects \NewporAJ015 \Technical Reports \GulturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -35 Appendix D Ranch HISTORY (Continued) Unit Level Class Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Count wt. STP #1 60 -80cm bone mammal UID fire affected 1 1.2g STP #1 60 -80cm construction copper wire 1 .6g STP #1 60 -80cm construction copper screen fragments 3 .3g STP #1 60 -80cm metal nail large wire nail w/ charcoal attached fire affected 1 12.5g STP#1 60 -80cm metal misc. metal misc. undiagnostic fragments oxidized 19 51.6g STP #1 60 -80cm metal nail wire nail fragments 2 heads oxidized 2 1.1g STP#1 60 -80cm glass UID slag fire affected 1 .4g STP #1 60 -80cm construction Plaster material imprint on both surfaces wood imbeded fire affected 2 1.7g R: \Projects \Newport1JD15 \Technical Reports \CUlturalWchaeo Tech Rpt (pub }021610.doc D -36 Appendix D