HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 - Powerpoint Presentation - Bruce Bartramueneral Plan Land Use Pollcy 'Statemienti on Banning Bench and Use Goals LU 6.53 I'llabiltat and Wetlands Rcaore ajn-d enhance w-c-ttands,anad wildlife, h-abitats, in accordance with the requit- -C-M -- cants. 'of state and -R,,deral agenicies. STRATEGY ,LU 6.5.6 Coordination with State and, Federal F - A g c R- CA: CS Work w' h te state anid f&deral agenclestol it . appro- Prim, idcntif�, wed ands andhabitats, to be preserved aniWor -d. ffi -n W .1 e pm-ent wfl-I be restloyed, and : lroiseo Mch de lo I fitted. aiyad [f -`-xvr E[Iauxa 4ORMK,.H',C ain CALIFORNIA 00AiSTAI '00IMRAISSA N 'BTRH CAm Anyr, ' '�efaElQIIy9P�fI:Or y �eO..ra, GYQtap2 - IrP_ISangn - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ORTHR CALIFORNIA COASTAL Alf May 19, 20,12 7ve6[ biemport Okl Company Atioe Tom', McCloskey 10801Ft st Y7m Sheet Celia Mesk CA 92627 Ncmj}4rl- Ranming 1Fanrh,.LLC AIM: Michael Nint it, 0M Quail! 50'cc, suite 100 .Newport Reutch. CA P2660 Vkohdorn,FjoeeW=1e : 'V- 541 -005 Pcapraiy Location: '.hlcxrpOrt 11t rming Ranll Ncwr,_rnt Reach, Oraag6° Comry Idaperuyittod DSYOIOpcncrdi:. iip gal of majar'y'egtloiodl Air Mr. McCooskey and Mr. McNh : IF: aJ you, d.{3', Mcloskey, fur Caking tka today to discuss mcv jai; thm is Oconrding on.Ne -poll Bandung Ramd,t and agreeing t<a Imit the Innvang in order to alllow dW ?he parties €nvo[ e! an oppartrwdlty to diseiM Stye issue. As I 1. noted during ono tole hone conversation, ©ur staff has codcanaed that ietnoval of major vegetation' has occurred at Mcwgmt Ruining .Ranch, which is located Wkbin the CMU—id Zone. Pilrsuant M Setfiori 30600(e) of the Coasts!! Atd, any person iv;shing. to perform or underta o developrieut n Lhe Coastal Zom, 'idusi obidii] a ooastaj davetoptunt per*rdt, in adslitkon to any u'th.r permi'l re!quui'ed by !ajar„ "De?elogtttenl" is defrued 6y Seedioo 301 Pd, m: "i0rvrb�p.^an!rl' me=r' are 6kr4, hr er mgder we'w. the rxrmee =r Pr aeulom of orf ¢aerd rnaterdal or diruc�irP4 349'8oryr aP dddpefnr and dmy dmdgeg ai xerA.V Pi'rtnp grueduai, tr(rmaf; .rcUdw, mr raflnwr weylr, r ge dhRg, ,effio kig. efa'[F.rgPiig mbt(mg, & EmWlida df ahy m at ukftj ckfiVe Le tkc'4Lj?4ely v.e mi mdtip qy she my wy yw. ineitir No. Der �of i7ia&9 m. 3 hdidvdtar prbsdurrrf m Jiro 5410mulp" Map Ad (CAnn ,Xrrg'wk&Se<rfm ,661'10& ,'Vr ,vrd¢ay udler 'dtW!iirin.ufrand „aerhdiluq'for 4prtd$ erupt WkEre Ike lamd 'dpxirlan lu bivWx4f maeat.ha runrrmeml Wm tllY Dkrn'+n1t Of 3p:a5 lnbltl y 4 paalie rgelrap fmr paDdfc' rrcrrsdv.d .ej eha5yc in .rare 1w., ky � siypr, pr of agpw 111"x; Plmze acts that die: d&aviprian herein oFtht vglajpan at iwaa is naafi. wessonly m colrgleda IFt deal] &&aieprdrja' on the SOijeU property Thal i; k vial at !on e t?:t (7.0pialI A-1 nuftr” MAY lop GE cancera t0 Ilid� CAnimia5i9 h., 'Actmrdhlylyr.ym ;koala not yrat CIE Cqrn rai.5._;i;ilaace- rep,aTdira3 der ril. n_u aadr sjatrtee devc7opfneet au thecandecd.property m indicaerve. ofC'a ]Nslnniegmme of, wartlniesma iq',enyr srzlb Aaraiu nE{d. }+_5.91.605 0,10WIPTt Ban_u_ng,Raimc'h) May 18, UP Page 2 of 5 i59ndfrwcrf9fi.PECwe3 /ntpl m, , ndYf1SN,arQ?wxwdnn sf��hu F�[9'!•y�ouiy.4(rrxchrrc, PJ!mAl' A+?u"?!t yw6ffs, es xndnfsJps! renVhyr anJ faE v_mnwyinr �mruedf al.nioJVC_rm The prtotectkus pmo1,ided, by 1he Gue9tud Art far "major vegeiattod' as Mscd in the Coa3tai Peat =Cad W _m_ sny dL_r mag vcgeiatN+ uomnismidies mid. 'undo, oertain cimwsilancm, even M indivrdnA :Flaim foued "n an array of eoosutl hnNtats. Voaeia€mn can a(uaiifg w "7aaior 'vegetation" based on.iis imporlancr'to ccuFd 1?ebiiWL% the luescnce of sonsiuve Spodes, or„ in dte cage of rare, ar en+Sangcrcd w8elatiotw its Jtmited_� rPigtPb1Aiipn_. Canuniaston staff has :reviewed the 6rafY',Env7ircmmcn.".ep lmtiout Repurl for Ow proposed ressdcntial and commcachl dcvelcppmamr at Nowport Bunning (Conch, which d=ribes the veget3tiorj Ga Slfe fW s 'ioip Md by the suhimi mowtog; he UPI R idnaff'm a number of &msitive hdbit;ils, itch [ag bahimis for sets5itvQ spades, within and adjac„ml'io the moa,Ted �ir, s. The anuwing m issue C1ns !Rvolvcs rrmoa•al a_F'wSffwjom that canatimti:s developmeuit iutaier the Coas[A Act arid, dwreforc, ecquaree A Wa€tO dev iOpEOGnt.,permiL Any davetopment wuvh y eondlccr d in lhc. Cp m� Zonx;*#wrl ,a vapid coastal dfwcloplzf rm peamit,'nndl with limrited GXwpdoas riot oppllmhle here,, cgns}iqutes. viaPaticnaf= seCaagpal,A4 L As noted above, the subject mou%ing is rat exempt fmm Coa &id Ael perrail ling requ to nenrs. The: DEER virar•.co:usly ohararttmizea hie aubjwt mowbg as n cormpaner% of Ongoing. oil field opetatinna 9LA purpurteelly begesn, in the ]"JWOs. The DEa .su4tsis Slid. 'ih-; e7isttiuk 61 apgr?Iti_oris, imliMing '[he movh'Pg;. aid. nteiely a. nrninmatima Of those b48a6 u6u the 1.9-0044,..and docs alathodzagon for camtintetpian of those ON operations ofwr ipL%wge.,afP'aopmition 20 under tC.el!ifcaaia. Coasted Commissions South copm Reeional 'CiDwal ?.one Gen -sm eion Commission C16w for E ieal p9udn 1io_ F-7-27-73-044. . ' To show ilea lucetioes where these ongoing oilfcid op�rntiors puponedh, occur on dao side,. clip, DRIC nctLdt P: MP of Grass s4i]7jcct to Salgaupg oilfic[! aptugfoivs. Cnmunissicn surff Ism signiftcuni omcerns: about �N'ir bar iho upap acCacatcly depiM U aeciu &4ect to, odfi'eld . ap=5urns.:pis insinnee� 'the .inap, inchvL-e ari•3iis that the C Miilissiou hug rmviously fond in a. pr VTiOLM action to 6e Euviraomenta9hi Seoskilve I aUiOatAreas. Moreover.'tbe subject gnu Png us impacrmig vegetation, lnsidf- and outside of'lho arses mapped in Ehe DhIlk as areas'su%ect po, o6guing ollfeld opcgetiant, Tlfus, flie DEIR a know•led es doi- a[ a m nismun some, wtiens of The nwveing src not Within 1'ee s=eats subjest is ci305in;g uilfieJd operinion_ This auti+.ity is iliemf xre awn ex.mpt'unpermitled develepmtent undarl akew, in violation of the Ca'astal ,(sot. The t EIR appears to slso sw.ggesc a Claim [teal thuie isi nested right to mow .the s m. PlF;rwwiwu., I= is w wtbEshtd vesled, r lg , ip arow the k1c, or even ad uppl'ication. bc&Eo the ComvpLs<sion to consider the issue. 'Them is a. z peeifao and formal process for estsbfnhing a vfted pi&t io an activrjry under the Cwnata] Act. us sot forth. :in Section _30M8 and its, �pPunenti�g,regiJntians. No .such epplk,&u on'hIs hem filcdL. and ro suclr vamed T5W hm been establiAked, 'nor don the oilfield, cpeLwor or property' owner assert, that it ',has 4Ep ,swell. °'A depelnper,mw ck dms exemhptiou from the pewit re({p&em, east of tlue kCiaesm$I acre on g€anrtda that he ]gas a vested right to coubinae his dtwelopm= is reyvired to sea, comfieure icn of ids womd , net ePaitn. 'art'd MRy !tat rim ss3w'Ll5e claim in defense?" T49ABOD tem. aa. Sew_i Craisrrel Qgr st Re&ionaV Cam (l'38tr) 42 Cal::3d 52, fa3;; ea.also LT- (20", 152 C4AF,L ,4th 774)„ 785; Davis v. GCZC"i (9976) i7 CJJjpp,3r9 T01 V- 5 -1.0 -M iliewp nBamAikl; Fwkcl0 May '16; 2171'2 Pap 7 Q"3 We wmuld fu_keto w ark wj* the panics iavolwd to resedvro these issues and use rr9 like la discuss wsi� - you o,ptwu T do so. A5]Fuu armed to & dining ttur• Ie ftborie CGrtveMAG¢r;, nle tAse inrmediatelu %M:n all Mr am nviaot me by Nov 291, 2042 fn disnt q Tcsolutiuv of tfus viealsfim. '{ N11a we ushopcful Chat Wo can amicabIly, pleam be advised that u*v Coa=d Act hag 3 itarnber uf'poleotial rend is rp eAdima. vitratd 0ma of die C?o-e -jW Ac[ imc_lslding dqe f011o's9in�[ SeYuon �tl$i,T'^y akt� uhut,id'ytie Excettt¢va Lr�itEetor Gf ?dre t�TUr!r?IsRla"<daDrrrLitneS Neu gersan. hit u!c&rtakeni *r it thrtutetin$;o uftd2Yake,, ahF wivo itim inay requ yea is }+eii[IN from the CorLt411 ComiirdsSion w16how first seining a peruisit tine. ankillve Director may issue am corder ditettiag thga persun'tu re r aal desist. $tction'30$]0 stifles drat LIM C�i3til CoFt issioti UAY also issrte a cease and desist order. A eerie and dmsist order -my be subject to tams and' wriditiow Thai are necessary to avoid imparable injury to the area at to erasure Compltiflnce' wide (he Coustol ArA- Ei violslion of a cease and desist ardier czn Fm hi in civil fiiees of up to $6,1000 for each day ia'which, (be violari on persists. Addidonally, Sections 34543 and 30803 auaDorrce tht,Conunissiomh to initi,die lidgatiaa.ta erek iiijklaZI"ve relief and an uWA14 Of Giv!iJ, fines is Fespm se to any Aolctiun of tM,o f oawl Aar. 5ecirron 302A A)(1) pmvidm Ahat arty ,,TzFwrt whG viG[*zs my ia.avisian of tlio Coasuel ,ut Islay bo tubjeet, to, a pcnatfy arrinrm[ that ahait naf memd $34,4x0 end .shall rw-i be less ?hart s5ft Smdorr313$20(b) Ewing that; in atidhian to smy otht7 Ins iultiss„ ar,y persouu Oho 'knowingly and lnt°nticnailly" perdamu or undeimrukes. any develgrj7mul in viotaticn of rke Coastal Act dart be aubjw° to m clvii per uhy of Dot Less lhan $1,000 age Fooeci than .S I3,Off for 6:, h&y iri w1khi rho v°ioiation pers'osts: In adtiitioa to These other roiaeelies Section 30$12 of r_hP- Coa9 t jkex si p 'Ji lakYa fi c Y tieCii4ivt Dinctnr, after prAding formaL ncdcc and oq}p2rwn:ity fnm a Igg;!_riuya„ ttt t iordl a Abtisc of ViolEdi on. mf the Coeatal, Act agebut true propeMy if glus M1111er is; 10t tesalverl arllmirdstr_stivety. We ofBoursewouldprerer td rcsohl c tl7i,is maze Lokmally and would like to discams the op oas Our teactutivnrw6h,you ai your eaAwf wavenieni:e by the iiendlinenoted _shmc, lhank you for your tttittiultou to dus'tne'tter. if you haws any q,uesti,am Ytgudjkt tihis lanes or the paneling enf rmmeatcssse, please feel',Cree to witimct mm at (562) 590,9107 1. Sincerely, .AAdYcw Willi$ P.nfa5Cement _A -yal_ygt Cali ramia CCastw Conurtisdon Coastal. Commission NOV' wm Cf,Co 'C�I� m iss:l'o staff reviewed the Draft . Exiviromnental Impact Report .... The DEIR erroneausly characterizes the subject mowing as a om-ipiment ofangoing gill field operat ,ons, .. To Show the locations wi' er+e ,llese ongoing Oilfidelid operation on -the site, the DEIR inn ladies a map... ,commission staff has significant cord s. about whether the map accumtely depicts the areas subject to oil fiend op rations. , The DIEIR appears to suggest there is vested right to inow the site. However- there IS W established vested idhlt to LLLli3 he HY�iY6 it _i7