HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnnual Budget 1961CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 1960-61 APPROVED BUDGET ' City of Newport Beach 1960 -61 APPROVED BUDGET ' TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY EXHIBITS PAGE Exhibit A - Comparison of Full & Part -Time Positions by Activity . . . A -1 ' Exhibit B - Comparison of Assessed Valuations & Tax Rates ... . A -2 Exhibit C - Analysis of Surplus by Funds . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . A -3 Exhibit D - Comparison of Actual &.Estimated Revenues by Fund . . . . . . . . A -4 -7 ' Exhibit E - Summary of 1960 -61 Fiscal Year Approved Budget by Function A -8 -9 Exhibit F - Equipment Outlay List 1960 -61 Approved Budget A -10 -12 GENERAL CITY OPERATIONS BUDGETS Activity Code ' City Council 0100 B -1 City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ". . . . . . . . . 0200 B -2 Administrative . . . . . . . . . 0300 B -3 ' Personnel & Civil Service . . . . • . . . . • • • .. 0400 B-4 Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0600 B -5 Purchasing & Warehousing . . . .... . . . . . . . 0700 B -6 ' City Attorney . .. : 0800 B -7 Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0900 B-8 City Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 1000 1-9 . ' Community Promotion . . . . . . . 1100 B -10 .. . Elections .... . . ... .. 1200 B -11 Debt Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1300 B -12 Insurance 1400 B -13 ' Retirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1500 B -14 Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2000 B-15-16 Fire 2300 B-17 -18 ' Harbor & 011 Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . 2500 a B -19 Civil Defense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2600 B -20 Lifeguard Service - 'Newport Dunes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2700. B -21 Lifeguard Service . . . . . . . . 2800 B -22 -23 ' Building & Safety . . . ......... . 2900 :.: B -24 Public Works Administration & Engineering . . . . . . . . . 3000 B -25 Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 3200 0 B -26 ' General Services - Summary .... . . . 8 -27 General Services - Streets, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 -4900 5 -28 -30 General Services Sanitation . . . . . . . . . . . . 5000 8 -31 ' General Services Automotive Shop : : 5200 B -32 Sewers , . 5500 B -33 Parking Meters & Lots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5600 8 -34 Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 7000 B -35 ' _ . - . . . . Parks, Beaches & Recreation Summary . . B -36 Parks, Beaches &Recreation - Administration . . . . ... 7500 B -37 Parks, Beaches & Recreation - Recreation . . . . . . . 7600 B -38 ' Parks, Beaches & Recreation - Parks, Parkways, etc.. ... 7700 8 -39 Parks, Beaches & Recreation - CDM State & City Beach Park 7800 B -40 Capital Improvements B -41 UTILITIES t Utilities Summary C -1 Water - Administration ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9000 C -2 Water - Reservoir Operations . . . . . . . . . . 9100 C -3 ' Water - Distribution Expense .. . .. : 9200 C -4 Capital' Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . C -5 Water Bond Debt Service . . . . . . . . . . 9600 C -6 ' Marinapark . ... . . .. . 9900 C -7 J ' City of Newport Beach Exhibit A IXMPARISON OF FULL & PART -TIME POSITIONS BY ACTIVITY 1959 -60 1960 -61 Activity Budget Positions Positions City Clerk 3 3 ' Administrative 4 4 Finance .14 14 Purchasing & Warehousing 5 5 ' City Attorney. 3 3 Planning- 3 3 City Hall 3. 3 Police 70 76 ' Fire 42 49 Lifeguard 10 10 'Building & Safety .10 110 t Public Works.Administatton & Engineering 9 15 Electrical 4 4 General Services - Streets 25 28 ' General Services - Sanitation 38 35 Geiieral Services - Automotive Shop 8 8 Sewers. 10 10 Parking Meters & Lots 3 3 ' Library 15 (3PT) 16 (5PT) Parks, Beaches & Recreation - Parks Beaches & Recreation Recreationtion . 2. 2: Parks, Beaches & Recreation - Parks, Parkw#s 20 24 Water - Administration 1 1 Water - Reservoir Operations 1 1 ' Water - Distribution Expense 14 14 Marinapark 4 4 1 323 347 1 ' Page A -1 ' City of Newport Beach Exhibit B ' C014PARISON OF ASSESSED VALUATIONS & TAX RATES P 1 1 P I 1 1 Property Tax Revenues:** General Fund (.83) 541,284 (.71) 552,569 (.59) 456,612 Park & Recreation Fund (:15) 95,571 (.15) 113,905 (.15) 116,088 Library Fund (.07) 1957 -58 1958 -59. 1959 -60 1960 -61 ' Advertising.Fund Actual Actual Actual Estimated, 1 Secured Property Unsecured Property 56 ,197,910 9,309;880 - -- 64,900,330 11,175,250 68.,481,510 12;019,110 76,060,540 16,594,180 91,124 (.18) 65,507,790 76,075,580 80,500,620 92,654,720 ' 25,652 (.03) 23,217 7,889 9,080 - -- 14 Tax Yield (Approximate)* 6,472 7,673 P 1 1 P I 1 1 Property Tax Revenues:** General Fund (.83) 541,284 (.71) 552,569 (.59) 456,612 Park & Recreation Fund (:15) 95,571 (.15) 113,905 (.15) 116,088 Library Fund (.07) 44,600 (.07) 53,155 (.095) 73,523 Advertising.Fund (.01) 6;371. (.91) 72594 (.005) 3,869 Retirement Fund (,14) 89,200 (.12) 91,124 (.18) 139,305 General City Bond Fund (.04) 25,486 (.04) 25,652 (.03) 23,217 Refuse Service Fund - -- - -- (.30) 232,176 (1024) 802,512 (1:10) 843,999 (11. 35)14244,790 (.88) 799.080 (.15) 136,200 (.09) 81,720 (.005) 4,540 (.20) 181,610 (.025) 19,060 (1.35 )1,22 *Delinquencies and Collection Charges deducted. **Includes Redemptions, Penalties and Interest, Solvent Credits and reductions for Delinquencies and Collection Charges`. . ' Page A -2 ' City of Newport Beach ANALYSIS OF SURPLUS BY FUND Estimated Revenue other than Adjusted Property 6 -30 -60 Taxes Surplus 1960 -61 Estimated Revenue Property Tax Taxes Transfers Rate 1960 -61 To /(From) General 163,824 1,388,042 .88 Park & Recreation - -- 97,700 015 ' Library 2,682 7,120 .09 Advertising - -- - -- ,005 Retirement - -- - -- .20 ' State Gas Tax 23,397 82,000 Traffic Safety - -- 90,000 Meter 24,769 82,000 'Parking Submerged Land Oil 10,239 140,000 Capital Outlay 10,971 20,000 General City Bond I&R - -- - -- ,025 Bond I&R 3,000 'Water Weed Abatement �-- 1,750 Water 56,403 615,000 Marinapark 5 65,000 Water Bond Construction-133,393 799,080 136,200 81,720 4,540 181,610 19,060' 155,561 21,465 1,788 (140) 6,390. (85,922) (90,000) (40,000) 22,701 50,922' (3,235) 142,398 (1,750) (142,398) (37,780) Exhibit C Less Amended Budget 1960 -61 thru 9 -12 -60 2,317,478 255,365 93,310 4,400 188,000 34,356 172,940 151,954 15,825 145,398 421,810 27,225 425,683 2,591,612 1.35 1,222a210 m 3,828,061 Estimated Surplus 6 -30 -61 189,029 19,475 O 32,413 (70,061)Q 107,195 12L393 47.1 A444 This is the current (9- 12 -60) revision of Table II, appearing on Page A-4 of the Preliminary 1960 -61 Budget. �1 For Project #32 (Traffic Signals, Riverside - Tustin - Bayshores & Dover - Bayside Drive) $14,475.00 and Engineering Aid $5,000.00 Zo Payment on Sakioka note ($89,011.33) will cover this projected deficit. Page A -3 ' City of NewportBeach Exhibit,oD ' COMPARISON OF ACTUAL & ESTIMATED REVENUES BY FUND Fund 1958 -59 1959 -60 1960 -61 ' Account Actual Actual. Estimated Code Revenues Revenues Revenues ' 02- GENERAL FUND -310 Secured. Property Tax 450,898 392,327 659,730 -311 Unsecured Property Tax 88,252 56,532 116,400 -312 Redemptions 11,430 17,768 15,000 -313 Solvent Credits 559 902 900 -314 Penalties & Interest 1,430 2;649 2,000 . -318 Franchises 51,573 61,967 70,000 -319 City Sales & Use Tax 447,905 503,174 570,000 -400 General Business Licenses 57,700 56,274 . 57,640 -401 Contractors Licenses 27,595 31,862 36,000 ' -402 Truck Permits 21,179 25,425 27,000 -403 Business License Delinquencies 818 2,007 1,400 -410 Bicycle Licenses 515 718 600 -411 Dog Licenses 5,222 1,331 5,780 ' -412 Gun Permits 1 9 20 . 20 -420 Building Permits 39,958 61,051 65,080 -421 Electrical Permits 8,084 10,490 14,500 ' -422 Chimney Permits 526 672 750 -423 Lathing '& Plastering Permits 1,574 2,342 2,900' -424 Plumbing & Heating Permits 13,281 15,779 19,300 ' -425 Sign Permits 150 100 -475 Municipal Court Fines 36,846 75,583 93,300 Leases & Concessions: -500 American Legion 2 --- I ' -501 Balboa Bay Club 63,267 64,865 60,00 0 -502 J. A. Beek - Beacon Bay 2,979 3,026 3,200 -503 J. A. Beek - Balboa Island Ferry 2,102 2,211 2,300 -504 W. J. Carden - Telescopes 641 714 650 -505 Federal Aviation Agency 10 10 -506 Josie Fulton 150 150 150' ' -507 Lido Isle Community Association 750 750 750 -509 Pacific' Telephone 133 105 120 -510 South Coast Company 1,920 1,920 1,920 -511 G. H. Sullivan 150 150 150 -512 Water Dept:- Corporation Yard 3,600 .3,600 3,600. -513 Orange County Doctors' Community Assn. 25 25 25 -514 Welch's Coastal Concrete -515 W. A. Lotze -Parm Land. 2,700 -570 Interest on Term Deposits 5,455 10,957 8,000 -620 State Highway Maintenance 1,987 2,367 1,600 t -623 State Motor Vehicle License Fees 128,496 123,210 -624 Trailer Coach Fees .113,341 3,656 4,526 5,000 -625 State Liquor License Fees 24,651 24,049 35,000 -700 Zoning & Subdidision Fees 6,889 25,233 12,000 t -701 Plan Checking Fees 18,618 29,771 30,000 -702 Examination Fees 419 238 400 -703 Reinspection Fees 95 155 100 ' -704 Recording.Fees 9 -706 Sewer Connection Fees 9,030 9,558 11,800 -708 Sewer Main Extensions - -- 3,717 5,000 Page A-4 City of Newport Beach COMPARISON OF ACTUAL & ESTIMATED REVENUES Exhibit D BY:FUND (Cont.'d.) Fund 1958 -59 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Actual Estimated Code Revenues Revenues Revenues 02- GENERAL FUND (Cont'd.) -710 Engineering Service Fees 14,860 3,900 5,000 -714 1911 Act Incidental Expense - -- 2,693 - -- -730 Police Service Fees 1,947 4,352 4,600 -731 Animal Vaccination Fees - -- - -- 10 -732 Taxi Permits 145 330 100 -735 General Service Fees 59 :15 30 -800 Sale of Property 85 1,425 1,000 -$O1 Sale of Maps & Publications 528 682 500 -802 Sale of Street Materials 14,973 7,079 7,000 -803 Sale of Unclaimed Property 776 696 1,130 -804 Administrative Services -Rater - -- 33,158 40,220 -806 Refunds & Rebates 20,778 10,480 10,000 -807 Donations.& Contributions 25,048 53,143 23,000 -808 Damage to City Property 4,183 1,994 1,000 -809 Revenues N.O.C. 209 3,042 1,925 Total General 1,609,172 1.161,305 2,158,300 10- PARR & RECREATION FUND -310 Secured Property Tax 95,260 99,744 112,450 -311 Unsecured Property Tax 18,645 14,372 19P850 Leases & Concessiona; -452 Corona del Mar Parking Lot 16,925 22,708 50,000 -453 Corona del ,Mar.Annual, Pass 453 918 1,200 X454 Corona del Mar Rest Rooms - -- 283 75 -455 Pacific Nik-O -Lok 1,480 1,906 1,625 -555 Corona del Mar Concession - Poudrier 1,574 637 - -- -556 Corona del.Mar Concession -Tosh 8,036 5,775 '30,700 -570 Interest on Term Deposits - -- 331 - -- -740 Recreation Service Fees 361 1,193 13,600 -806 Refunds & Rebates 26 - -. - -- -807 Donations & Contributions 1,736 8,125 450 - 808 =Damage to City Property 28 - -- - -- -809 Revenues, N.O.C. 8 63 50 Total Park & Recreation 144,532 -156,055 230,000 11- LIBRARY FUND -310 Secured Property Tax 44,454 63,172 67,470 -331 Unsecured Property Tax 8,701 9,102 11,930 -570 Interest on Term Deposits - -- 210 - -- -725 Library Fines h Fees 6,163 6,598 6,900 -800 Sale of Property. 15,417 - -- -806 Refunds & Rebates 86 13 25 .. -807 Donations & Contributions 2,85.0 2,816 195' Total Library 77,671 81,911 86,500 12- ADVERTISING FUND -310 Secured Property Tax 6,351 3,325 3,750 -311 Unsecured Property Tax 1,243 479 650 -570 Interest'on Term Deposits - -- 11• --- Total Advertising 7,594 3,815 4,400• Page A -5 City of Newport Beach COMPARISON OF.ACTUAL & ESTIMATED REVENUES BY FUND (Cont!d.) ' Fund Account Code 13- RETIREMENT FUND -310 Secured Property Tax -311 Unsecured Property Tax -570 Interest on Term Deposits --- Total Retirement 20- STATE GAS TAX FUND -571 _Interest on Term Deposits -621 State'Gas Tax Apportionment -622 State .Gas Tax Engineering Aid 75,000 Total State Gas Tax 21- TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND ' -476 Municipal Court Fines - Traffic Total Traffic Safety 1958 -59 1959 -60 Actual Actual Revenues Revenues Exhibit .D 1960 -61 Estimated Revenues 76,208 119,693 149,940 14,916 17,247 26,560 -- 397 --- 91,124 137,337 176,500 7,720 2,475 1,843 2,000 66,163 70,610 75,000 5,000 51000 5,000. 73,638 - 77,453 82,000 -531 101,513 90,902 90,000 101,513 90,902 90,000 22- PARKING METER FUND ' -450 Parking Meters 49,500 65,170 70,000 =451 Balboa Parking Lot 7,720 9,599 10,700 Leases & Concessions: ' -530 Santa Ana- Laguna Stage 300 300 300 -531 L.A.Metropolitan Transit.Authority 300 300 300 -570 Interest on Term Deposits - -- 468 --- -800 Sale of Property 201 600 - -- ' -807 Donations & Contributions 800 490 -808 Damage to City Property 214 403 .200 -809 Revenues, N.O.C. - -- 1 10 Total Parking Meter 59,035 764841 82,000 23- SUBMERGED LAND OIL FUND -440 Pier Permits 2,970 4,604 3,500 Leases & Concessions: -532 Orange County Dock Lease 358 2,520 2,520 -550 Balboa Pier Concession -Kirk 1,024 2,256 1,180 ' -551 Newport Pier Concession- Farnsworth 2,922 2,728 4,000 -552 Newport Pier Concession -Hiner 1,600 3,000 2,400 -560 Royalty - Petroleum 87,851 64,124 40,000 ' -561 Royalty -Gas 2,349 1,940 2,000 -600 County Lifeguard Service 46,717 77,930 82,000 -720 Lifeguard Service Fees 1,522 2,111 2,200 -806 Refunds & Rebates - -- 215 -807 Donations & Contributions 200 -809. Revenues, N.O.C. -- 586 200 ' Total.Submerged Land Oil 147,513 161,014 140,000 24- REFUSE SERVICE FUND -310 Secured Property Tax 199,488 ' -311 Unsecured Property Tax ��� 28,745 _�= -570 Interest on Term Deposits 662 -715 Refuse Collection, 88,088 7,380 Total Refuse Service 88,088 236,275 - -- Page A -6 . City of Newport Beach Exhibit D Page A -7 COMPARISON OF ACTUAL & ESTIMATED REVENUES ' BY FUND) (Cont d.) Fund 1958 -59 1959 -60 1960 -61 ' Account Actual Actual Estimated Code Revenues Revenues Revenues ' 26- CAPITAL OUTLAYS FUND -570 Interest on Term Deposits - -- 2,398 - -- -800 Sale of Property 37,476 514,107 20,000 ' - Total Capital Outlays 37,476 516,505 20,000 30- GENERAL CITY BOND I & R FUND -310 Secured Property Tax 21,335 16,705 15,930 -311 Unsecured Property Tax 4,317 2,540 2,800 -570 Interest on Term Deposits - 66 - Total General City Bond I & R 25,652 19,311 18,730 1 31- WATER BOND 1957 I & R -953 Interest on Term Deposits 15,576 3,512 3,000 -954 Interest on Bonds 1 372 - +- - -- ' Total Water Bond 1957 I & R 15,948 3,512 3,000 40- WEED ABATEMENT FUND ' -795 Weed Abatement Fees 1,073 2,012. 1,750 Total Weed Abatement 1,073 2,012 1,750 t 50- WATER FUND -.900 Sale of Water 466,550 513,695 545,000 -901 Meter Turn -on Charges 1,546 1,298 1,200 -902 Connection Charges 44,746 49,561 50,000 ' -903 Interest.on Term Deposits 1,919 3,904 2,500 -904 Sale of Property 105 ... --- -905 Rental of Property - -- 180 180 ' -906 Refunds & Rebates 1,064 221 220 -907 Donations & Contributions 9,984 20,000 -908 Damage to City Property 449 680 400 ' .909 Revenues, N'.O.C. - -- 267 500 Total Water 526,363 589,806 600,000 51- MARINAPARH FUND ' -991 Space Rentals 63,729 63,869 64,500 -996 Refunds & Rebates 148 - -- - -- -998 Damage to City Property - -- 66 - -- ' -999 .Revenues, N.O.C. 575 485 500 Total Marinapark 64,452 64,420 65,000 60- WATER BOND 1957 CONSTRUCTION FUG ' -956 Refunds & Rebates 1,500 28,343 - -- -957 Donations & Contributions 7,500 1,414 - ' Total Water Bond 1957 Construction 9,000 29,757 - TOTAL ALL CITY REVENUES 3,079.844 4,008.231 .3.758,180 ' Page A -7 City of Newport Beach Exhibit B ' SUMMARY OF 1960 -61 FISCAL YEAR APPROVED BUDGET BY FUNCTION Salaries Maintenance Z. t Account Code Function & Activity & Wages & Operation Equipment Outlay Total to Total GENERAL CITY OPERATIONS, ' GENERAL GOVERNMENT 0100 City Council - - - 9,950 _ -_ 9,950 .28 0200 City Clerk 17,180 7,225 1,040 25,445 , .71 0300 Administrative 40;460 1,805 670 42,935 1.20 ' 0400 Personnel & Civil Service 2,200 2,200 .06 0600 Finance 72,870 12,700 2,790 88,360 2.48 0700 Purchasing & Warehousing 29,020 5,700 750 35,470 1.00 ' 0800 City Attorney 30,950 5,250 900 37,100 1.04 0900 Planning 22,705 3;670 2,400 28,775 .81 1000 City Hall 15,300 189350 500 34,150 .96 ' 1100 " Community Promotion mm_ 4,400 _-- 4,400 .12 1200 Elections 1300 Debt Service - -- 15,825 - -- 15,825 44 1400 Insurance - -m 94,170 - -- 94,170 .2.64 ' 1500 Retirement -- 188,000 188,000: .5.27 Total 7228,485 369.245 9,050 606.780. 17.01 ' PUBLIC SAFETY _ 2000 Police 531,680 59,295 18,160 609,135 17.07 2300 Fire 321,080 21,850 550 343,480 9.63 2500 Harbor & Oil Operations --- 7,400 - -- 7,400 .21 ' 2600 Civil Defense 100 600 700 .02 2700 Lifeguard Service -Dunes 17,335 150 - -- 17,485 .49 2800 Lifeguard Service Y27,905 18,000 2,150 148,055 4.15 ' 2900 Building & Safetq 65,720 '5.700 250 71,670 2.01 Total 1,063,720. 112,495 21,710 1,197.925 33.58 PUBLIC. WORKS 3000 Public Wks.Adm.& Engineering 108,650 5,925 6,340 120,915 3.39 3200 Electrical 25,740 41,875 2,540 70,155 1.97 3300 General. Services- Streets 170,830 104,500 7,875 283,205 7.94 ' 5000 General ServicesmSanitation 190,975 19,875 16,400 227,250 6.37 5200 General Services -Auto Shop 48,490 10,930 5,045 64,465 1.81 5500 Sewers 59,365 13,100 3,930 76,395 2.14` ' 5600 Parking Meters & Lots 17,730 11,875 29,605. .83 Total 621,780 208,080 42,130 871.990 -,24.45 LIBRARIES 7000 Libraries 67,110 10.935 15,265 93,310 2.62 Total 67.110 10,935 15,265 .93,310 2.62' ' PARES & RECREATION 7500 PB&R- Administration 13,100 1,700 -- 14,800 .42 7600 PB&R- Recreation 44,600 6,450 650 51,700 1.44 7700 PB&R- Parks,Parkways,etc, 102,625 16,625 7,660. 126,910 3.56 7800 CDM State & City Beach Pk. 7,160 3,245 --- 10,405 .29 167,485 28.020 8,310 203,815 5.71 ' TOTAL GENERAL CITY OPERATIONS 2.148.580 7728,7 9 4®5 2,973 83.37 ' Page A -8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 City of Newport Beach Exhibit E TOTAL ALL CITY OPERATIONS 2'258 5905 1 191 -143 11 3.567:078.1, Page A -9 SU191MR OF 1960 -61 FISCAL YEAR APPROVED BUDGET BY FUNCTION (coat'd.) Salaries Maintenance % Account & & Equipment. to Code Function & Activity Wages Operation Outlay Total Total UTILITY OPERATIONS: 9000 Water - Administration 8,815 65,270 - -- 74,085 2.08 9100 Water - Reservoir Operations 5,845 156,950 - -- 162,795 4.56 9200 Water - Distribution 78,345 84,950 20,460 183,755 5.15 9600 Water -Bond Debt Service - -- 145,398 - -- 145,398 4.08 9900 Marinapark 17,320 9,800 105 27.225 w76 TOTAL UTILITY OPERATIONS 110,325 462,368 20,565. 593,258 I TOTAL ALL CITY OPERATIONS 2'258 5905 1 191 -143 11 3.567:078.1, Page A -9 City of Newport Beach EOUIPMBBT OMAY LIST 1960 -61 APPROVED BUDOT City Clerk - 02 (Page B -2) Library Books 50 File Cabinet (4 Drawer Legal /Leek) 140 File Cabinet (Systems File) 235' Electric Typewriter 615 Administrative - 03 (Page B -3) Calculating- Adding Machine 670 Finance - 06 (Page B -5) Disbursing Machine (Sign & Protect) 650 Vehicle ( Replacement ).(License inspector) 1,600 Radiowlobile (Utility Frequency) 540 Purchasing & Warehousing - 07 (Page B -6) Electric Typewriter 450 Fork Lift (Used) 300 City Attoraev -.08 (Page B -7) Library Spoke 600 Air Conditioning Unit 300 Planning'- 09 (Page B -8) Library Books 75 Metal Desk,. 195 Chair 75 File Cabinet - Legal Size /Lock 140 Drafting Arm 140 Drafting Table 175 Vehicle (Replacement) 1.600 City Ball - 10 (Page B -9) Vacuum Cleaner - Vat Type 300 Ceaent'Parkaay in front of City Ball 200 Police - 20 (Page B -15) Tape Recorder 390 Electric Typewriter. 450 Vehicle (Replacements - 10 @ $1,350 each) 13,500 Truck - Used (For.I.D. purposes) 750 Radio - Single Frequency - for 3 Wheeler 665 Darkroom Equipment (Photographic) 2:405 Fire - 23 (Page B -17) Desks & Chairs (New. Station 01) 350 Refrigerator and 3 Bunks & Mattresses 200 Civil Defense - 26 (Page B -20) Radio - ''Portable (Utility Frequency) 600 Building & Safety - 29 (Page B -24) Drafting Table 175 Stool 50 Miscellaneous Drafting Equipment 25. ...Exhibit F 1,040 670 2,790 750.. 2,400 50o 18-,'160 550 600 250 Page A -10 ' City of Newport Beach EQUIPMENT OUTLAY LIST 1960-61 APPROVED BUDGET (cunt °d.) Public Works Administration & Engineering - 30 Library Books Dictating Machine -Tape Electric Typewriter. Desk Chair - Typing Automatic Traffic Counter (2) Drafting Tables & Machines (2) File Cabinet Pickup Truck - ' Ton Economy Miscellaneous Drafting 4 Traffic Equipment Le Roy Lettering Set Radio - Mobile (Utility Frequency) Electrical - 32 (Page B -26) Aerial Truck Ladder (Replacement) ' Radio Mobile (Utility Frequency) Streets, etc. - 33 -49 (Page B -28 & 29) Vehicle (Replacement for #326) . Painting & Striping Machine (Replacement) ' Tractor (Replacement for #333) Chair Pavement Breaker Compressor Equipment ' Shop Equipment - Miscellaneous Automotive Shop Adding Machine Pickup Truck - Trinpost Hoist Steam Cleaner Air Compressor (Page B -25) 100 468 450 195 27' 1,000 900 160 2,000 300 200' 540 L2 (Page B -32) 10 Key (Replacement) k Ton Economy (Replacement) 14,000# Capacity - Natural Gas,.Stationary (Reel:) - used:. Servers 53 (Page B -33) Vehicle -.1 Ton /Body (Replacement for #406) Radios- Mobile,(Utility Frequency) (2) 2,000 540 1,300 900 4,600 75 550 175 275 260 1,700 1,935 9 ©0 250 2,850 1,080 Parks..Beaches &Recreation r Recreation - 76 (Page B -38) Back Stop Mariners "Park' . 500 Boats Used 150 Vehicle : - Pickup Truck Chain Saw King -O -Lawn Mower S & H Power Edger ' Attachments for Grauley Tractor Radio - Mobile (Utility Frequency) Ys. etc.. -.77 (Page.B -39) 3,150 2,600 350, 350 200 470 540 6,340 2,540 7,875 5,045 3,930 650 7,660 Page A =ll City of Newport Beach EQUIPMENT OUTLAY LIST 1960 -61 APPROVED BUDGET (cont'd.) Libraries - 70 (Page B -35) . ebrary Books Five Tray Card Catalog Files (2) ✓]ook Trucks (2) ✓Book Display Rack Chairs (4) Posture Type Book Iadex,Cumulative Oicycle #tack :Table n Metal Childrens Table A 4 Chairs Desks - Typewriter (2) ' Lifeguard Service - 28 (Page B -22) Library Books Wet Suits (5 New - 1 Replacement ), ' Resucitator, Outboard Motor, and 225 BP Gray.Rarine Short Block Sanitation,- 50 (Page B -31) Truck - Cab & Chassis (Replacement of #329) Truck - Cab & Chassis (Replacement of #307) Truck - Cab 6 Chassis (Replacement of #319) Packloader (Replacement of #336) Water Distribution - 92 (Page C -4) Centrifugal Pump (Replacement of #T -406) Truck - 1' Ton (Replacement of #401) Truck - k Ton Pickup (Replacement of #403) Truck - lk Ton /Hydraulic Boom.(Repl. of #405) Tractor - (Replacement of #411) Pump - 3" H Diaphragm Air Rotor for Power Wrench Radios - Mobile (Utility Frequency) (4) 1�rinaaark - 99 (Page C -6) �Griader - Buffer Total Equipment Outlay General City Operations Utility Operations Total Equipment Outlay 13,500 157 184 220 140 209 50 125 280 400 50 2,100 1,700 2,100 2,100 10,500 1,400 2,700 1,300 7,700 4,200 480 520 2,160 105 4. , Exhibit F 15,265 2,150 16;400 20,460 105' 117,030 96,465., 117,030 Page. A-12 I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL CITY OPERATIONS BMGBTS 1960 -61 1 City of Newport Beach Fund: General Function- General Government Account Code- 0100 Page B -1 CITY COUNCIL 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code. Object /Account Expenditures Budget MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 0109 Allowances 9,003 9,000 0116 Office Supplies 73 50 0119 Suppliesy N.O.C. 61 50 0136 Conferences & Travel 911 700 0137 Departmental Meetings 111 150 0178 Professional'. Services -Other 1,623 Total 11,782 9,950 TOTAL BUDGET 11,782 9,950 Page B -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 City of Newport Beach Fund. General Function: General Government Account Code: 0200 1960 -61 Approved Budget 17,080 100 17.180 1,700 250 75 20 .150 80 4,950 ;7,225: 50. 990 1 },040 25,445 Page B -2 CITY CLERK. 1959 -60 Account Actual Code Object /Account Expenditures SALARIES 6 WAGES 0201 Regular Salaries 14,640 0203 Overtime . 55 Total 14,69 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATION 0216 Office Supplies 1,237 0222 Mtc., Office Equipt. 196 0234 Dues 6 Subscriptions. 61 0235 Automobile Allowance 6 0236 Conference & Trayel 218 02y7 Departmental' Meetings 89 0240 Publ,ishing..Expense 4,797 0278 Prof. Services -Other 1,110 Total 7,714 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 0289 Library .Books - -- 0290 Office. Equipment 554 Total 554 TOTAL BUDGET 22,963 PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions City Clerk 1 .Secretary. 1 Steno Clerk 1 1960 -61 Approved Budget 17,080 100 17.180 1,700 250 75 20 .150 80 4,950 ;7,225: 50. 990 1 },040 25,445 Page B -2 1 [1 1 1 1 City of Newport Beach Fund: General Function: General Goverment Account Code. 0300.` 1959 -60 Account Actual Code Object /Account Expenditures SALARIES & iAGES 0301 Regular 33,769 0302 Seasonal & Part -Time Total 33,769 TOTAL BUDGET 35.453 PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions City Manager 1 Assistant to. City Manager 1 Administrative,Secretary 1 Clerk III 1 4 Administrative Intern As assigned 1960 =fit Approved Budget 38,165 2,295 40 ;460 125 500 155 160 75 240 470 75 5 1,805 670 670 42,935 Page B -3 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 0315 Motor Fuels & Oils 106 0316 Office Supplies 405 0321 Mtc.; Communication Equipt. 81 0322 Mtc., Office Equipt. 146 0323 Mtc., Rolling Equipt. 49 0334 Dues & Subscriptions 220 0336 Conference & Travel 598 0337 Departmental Meetings 78 0380 Ferry Travel 1 Total 1,684 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 0390. Office Equipment ° Total TOTAL BUDGET 35.453 PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions City Manager 1 Assistant to. City Manager 1 Administrative,Secretary 1 Clerk III 1 4 Administrative Intern As assigned 1960 =fit Approved Budget 38,165 2,295 40 ;460 125 500 155 160 75 240 470 75 5 1,805 670 670 42,935 Page B -3 City of Newport Beach Fund: General Function: General Government Account Code: 0400 PERSONNEL CIVIL SERVICE 1959 -60 19PO -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget MAINTENANCE '& OPERATION 0416 Office Supplies 471 530 0434 Dues & Subscriptions 131 160 0437 Departmental Meetings 86 110 0440 Publishing Expense 349 550 0478 Prof. Services -Other 351 825 0479 Expense, N.O.C. 9 25 Total 1,397 2,200 TOTAL BUDGET 1,397 2,200 Page B -4 City of Newport Beach FINANCE Account MAINTENANCE &,OPERATION Code Object /Account 0616 SALARIES & WAGES 0601 Regular 0602 Seasonal & Part -Time 0603 Overtime 0623 Total EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 0690 Office Equipment 0691 Rolling Equipment 0693 Equipment, N.O.C. Total TOTAL BUDGET PERSONNEL Classification Finance Director Business License Inspector Accountant Supervising.Account Clerk t Clerk III Account Clerk Multilith Operator Fund: General Function: General Government Account Code: 0600 1959 -60 1960 -61 Actual Approved Expenditures Budget 58,480 - 24 22 58,526 53 8,337 81 1,409 5 75 108 134 105 633 4,502 1,016 ;1 16,459 11,269 11,269 86,254, Authorised Positions 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 14 72,870 72,870 100 5,750 75 80 1,300 50 25 300 300 100 100 200 4,000 270 12,700 650 1,600 540 2,790 88,360 Page B -5 MAINTENANCE &,OPERATION 0615 Motor Fuels & Oils 0616 Office Supplies 0618 Small Tools- Expendible .0621 Mtc., Communication Equipt. 0622 Mtc.., Office Equipt. 0623 Mtc., Rolling Equipt. 0634 Dues & Subscriptions 0635 Automobile Allowance 0636 Conference & Travel 0637 Departmental Meetings 0638 Training Expense 0650 Equipment Rental 0678 Prof. Services -Other 0679 Expense, N.O.C. 0680 Ferry Travel Total EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 0690 Office Equipment 0691 Rolling Equipment 0693 Equipment, N.O.C. Total TOTAL BUDGET PERSONNEL Classification Finance Director Business License Inspector Accountant Supervising.Account Clerk t Clerk III Account Clerk Multilith Operator Fund: General Function: General Government Account Code: 0600 1959 -60 1960 -61 Actual Approved Expenditures Budget 58,480 - 24 22 58,526 53 8,337 81 1,409 5 75 108 134 105 633 4,502 1,016 ;1 16,459 11,269 11,269 86,254, Authorised Positions 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 14 72,870 72,870 100 5,750 75 80 1,300 50 25 300 300 100 100 200 4,000 270 12,700 650 1,600 540 2,790 88,360 Page B -5 I 1 City of Newport Beach Fund: General Function: General Goverment Account Code: 0700 PURCHASING & WAREHOUSING 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions Purchasing Agent SALARIES & WAGES Storekeeper II 1 0701 Regular 25,493 28,160 0703 Overtime 502 860 Total 25,995 29.020 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 0712 Custodial Supplies 555 550 0734 Medical Supplies 84 100 0715 Motor Fuels & Oils 95 150 0716 Office Supplies 371 600 0718 Small Tools- Expendible 18 200 0721 Mtc., Communication Equipt. 341 450 0722 Mtc., Office Equipt. 119 160 0723 Mtc., Rolling Equipt. 182 200 0727 Mtc., Buildings 671 910 0732 Utilities Expense 2,322 2,000 0734 Dues & Subscriptions 76 80 0736 Conference & Travel 13 125 0737 Departmental Meetings 52 100 0775 Tax Expense 35 70 0780 Ferry Travel 2 5 Total 4,936 5.700 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 0790 Office Equipment 257 450 0791 Rolling Equipment - 300 Total 257 750 TOTAL BUDGET 31,188 3 47 PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions Purchasing Agent 1 Storekeeper II 1 Purchasing Clerk 1 Storekeeper I 1 Serviceman 'I 1 5 Page B-6 IPage B -7 City of Newport Beach Fund: General Function: General Government ' Account.Code: 0800 CITY ATTORNEY 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget SALARIES & WAGES 0801 Regular 24,923 30,645 0802 Seasonal & Part -Time - -- 240 ' 0803 Overtime 21 65 Total 24,944 30,950 ' MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 0816 Office Supplies 377 400 0822 Mtc., Office Equipt. 26 35 0827 Mtc., Buildings 280 240 0832 Utilities Expense 184 165 0834 Dues & Subscriptions 98 100 0835 Automobile Allowance 314 450 0836 Conference., &.Travel 253 200 0837 Departmental Meetings 8 80 0851 Land /Building Rental 1,055 1,080 ' 0876 Prof. Services -Legal 595 1,000 0878 Prof: Services -Other 11319 1,500. Total 4,509 5,250 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 0889 Library Books 630 600 0890 Office Equipment 1,124 300 Total. 1,754 goo 1 TOTAL BUDGET 31,207 37,100 PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions City Attorney 1 Assistant City Attorney 1 Legal Secretary 1 I a IPage B -7 1 1 F 1 1 1 City of Newport Beach Fund: General Function: General Government Account Coder 0900 PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions Planning Director 1. Planning Draftsman 1 Secretary 1 3 Planning Intern As assigned Map Draftsman As assigned 1960-61 Approved Budget 20,400 2,030 275 22..705 150 1,650 35 100 165 300 675 500 85 10 3,670 75 725 1,600 2,400 28.775 Page B -8 PLANNING 1959 -60 Account Actual -Code Object /Account Expenditures SALARIES & WAGES 0901 Regular 17,140 0902 Seasonal & Part -Time 821 0903 Overtime 232 Total 18,193 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 0915 Motor Fuels & Oils 97 0916 Office Supplies 1,453 0922 Mtc., Office Equipt. 50 0923 Mtc., Rolling Equipt. 15 0934 Dues & Subscriptions 161 0936 Conference & Travel 454 0937 Departmental Meetings 608 0940 Publishing Expense 320 0978 Prof. Services -Other 182 0980 Ferry Travel 8 Total 3,348' EQUIPMENT OUTIAT 0989 Library Books 78 0990 Office Equipment 206 0991 Rolling Equipment --- Total 284 TOTAL BUDGET 21,825 PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions Planning Director 1. Planning Draftsman 1 Secretary 1 3 Planning Intern As assigned Map Draftsman As assigned 1960-61 Approved Budget 20,400 2,030 275 22..705 150 1,650 35 100 165 300 675 500 85 10 3,670 75 725 1,600 2,400 28.775 Page B -8 City of Newport Beach Fund: General Function: General Government Account Code: 1000 CITY HALL 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget SALARIES & WAGES 1001 Regular 11,567 12,955 1002 Seasonal & Part -Time 149 1,865 1003 Overtime 256 480 Total 11,972 15,300 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 1012 Custodial Supplies 1,070 1,200 1016 Office Supplies 57 200 1018 Small Tools - Expendible 2 75 1021 Mtc., Communication Equipt. 30 30 1022 Mtc., Office Equipt. 107 175 1025 Mtc., Equipment N.O.C. 38 50 1027 Mtc., Buildings 6,563 4,640 1032 Utilities Expense 3,451 3,000 1033 Communication Expense 8,457 8,500 1051 Land /Building Rental 480 480 1078 Prof. Services -Other 75 - Total 20,330 18,350 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 1093 Equipment, N.O.C. - -- 300 1097 Land Improvements - -- 200 Total - 500 TOTAL BUDGET 32,302 34,150 PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions Custodian Il 1 Custodian I 1 Switchboard Operator 1 3 Custodian I As assigned Page B -9 City of.Newport Beach Fund: Advertising Function: General Government. Account Code: 1100 COMM08I77 PROMOTION 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved' Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget MAINTENANCE.& OPERATION 1137 Departmental Meetings 40 400 1139 Promotional Expense 1,436 2,835 1142 Public Relations 354 1,165 Total 1,830 4,400. TOTAL BUDGET 1,830 4,400 Page B -10 City of Newport Beach ELECTIONS Fund. General Functions General Government Account Codes 1200 1959 -60 Account Actual Code Object /Account Expenditures MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATION 1219 Supplies, N.O.C. 2,266 1240 Publishing Expense 171 1278 Prof. Services -Other 3,344 Total 5;781 TOTAL BUDGET 5,781 1960 -61 Approved Budget Page 8 =11 City of Newport Beach Account Code 1398 1399 Object /Account DEBT SERVICE Retirement of Bonds Interest on Bonds Total TOTAL BUDGET 1927 Jetty Bonds Maturity Date. Payments 1927 Jetty Bonds September 1, 1960 March 1, 1961 DEBT SER ®ICE Fund: General City Bond IM Function: General Goverment Account Code: 1300 1959 -60 Actual Expenditures 22,000 1,895 23,895 23,895 1960 -61 Approved Budget 15,000 825, 15,825 15.825 Principal Interest Total $ 151000.00 $ 825:00 1 15.,825.00 Principal Interest $ $ 412.50 15,000.00 412.50 $ 15,000.00 $ 825.00 Page B -12 City of Newport Beach Fund: General Function: General Government Account Coder 1400 Page B -13 INSURANCE 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 1460 Compensation. 43,161 60,000 1462 Comprehensive Liability 9,677 13,250 1463 Comprehensive Fleet Liability 6;649 4,900 1464 Auto Material Damage 1,408 320 1465 Employee Life & Accident 5,118 5,325 1466 Surety Bonds, False Arrest & Money and Securities 1,881 1,490 1467 Employee Health Insurance 6,107 8,685 1478 Prof. Services -Other 162 200 Total 73,563 94,170 TOTAL BUDGET 73,563 941170 Page B -13 City of Newport Beach Fund: Retirement Function: General Government Account Code: 1500 Page B -14 RETIREMENT 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 1570 Current Expense 146,659 167,000 1571 Prior Years Expense - -- 20,250 1572 Administrative Expense 587 750 Total 147,246 188,000 TOTAL BUDGET 147.,246 188,000 Page B -14 [1 U City of Newport Beach Fund: General Function: Public Safety Account Code: 2000 POLICE 1959 -60 1960-61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget Page B -15 SALARIES & WAGES 2001 Regular 367,638 455,570 2602 Seasonal & Part -Time 59,088 46,850 2003 Overtime 33,968 29,260 Total 460,694 531:680 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 2010 Ammunition Supplies 925 1,150 2012 Custodial Supplies 1,010 1,150 2014 Medical Supplies 348 600 2015 Motor Fuels & Oils 11,064 12,020 2016 Office Supplies 6,244 5,000 2018 Small Tools- Expendible 299 300 2019 Supplies, N.O.C. 1,357 1,475 2021, Mtc., Communication Equipt. 527 1,825 2022 Mtc., Office Equipt. 306 425 2023 Mtc., Rolling Equipt. 11,271 13,300 2027 Mtc., Buildings 1,826 500 2033 Communication Expense 5,494 7,900 2034 Dues & Subscriptions 97 75 2036 Conference & Travel 329 500.. 2037 Departmental Meetings 43 300 2038 Training Expense . 384 700 2041 Investigation Expense 875 1,600 2045 Uniform Expense . 5,527 4,500 2046 Laundry & Cleaning 286 250 2052 Range Fees 41 .450 2058 Animal Custody 367 .600 2059 Board of Prisoners 3,551 3,200 2077 Prof. Services- Engineering 1,951 -- 2078 Prof. 'Services -Other 1,563 1,400' 2080 Ferry Travel 78 75 Total 55,763 59.295 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 2090 Office Equipment --- 840 2091 Rolling Equipment 14,982 14,250 2093 Equipment, N.O.C. 50 _ 3,070 Total 15.032 la.,. ;fig TOTAL BUDGET, 531,489 609.135 Page B -15 City of Newport Beach Fund: General Functions Public Safety Account Code; 2000 POLICE (cont'd.) Page 3 -14 Authorized Classification Positions Police Chief 1 Police Captain 3 Police Lieutenant 4 Police Sergeant 9 Police Patrolman 38 Policewoman 1 Humane Officer 1 Assistant Humane Officer 1 Police Dispatcher 4 Parking Control Officer 3 Police Clerk III 2 Police Clerk II 7 Police Clerk 1 2 -lb— Police Reserves As assigned Police Matron As assigned School Crossing Guards As assigned Page 3 -14 11 1 1 City of Newport Beach Account Code Object /Account Funds General Functions Public Safety Account.C©des 2300 FIRE 1959 -60 1960 -61 Actual Approved Expenditures Budget Page B -17 SALARIES & WAGES 2301 Regular 260,010 302,450 2302 Seasonal & Part -Time 3,145 3,250 2303 Overtime 8.056 15,380 Total 271,211 321,080 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 2312 Custodial' Supplies 962 11000 2315 Motor Fuels & Oils 1,137 1,300 2316 Office Supplies 352 400 2318 Small Tools- Expendible 133 150 2319 Supplies, N.O.C. 622 600 2320 Fire Supplies 4,162 4,100 2321 Mtc., Communication Equipt. 5,921 500 2322 Mtc.,.Uffice Equipt. 76 120 2323 Mtc.9 Rolling Equipt. 2,318 2,000 2324 Mtc., Shop Equipt. 18 75 2325 Mtc., Equipment N.O.C. 187 400 2327 Mtc., Buildings 3,628 2,000 2332 Utilities' Expense 2,391 2,000 2333 Communication Expense 2,525 2,800 2334 Dues & Subscriptions 150 150 2336 Conference & Travel 4Q4 300. 2337 Departmental Meetings 120 150 2338 Training Expense . 368 400 2339 Promotional Expense 194 300 2340 Publishing Expense 289 500. 2345 Uniform Expense 660 2,000 2346 Laundry &.Cleaning 453 600 2380 Ferry Travel 5 5 Total 27.075 21,850., EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 2390 Office Equipment --- 350 2391 Rolling Equipment 36,095 2393 ;Equipment, N.O.C. 106 - -- 2394 .,Furniture & Fixtures 575 200 Total 36,776. .550 TOTAL BUDGET 335,062 343.480 Page B -17 1 City of Newport Beach Fund: General Function: Public Safety ' Account Codes 2300 FIBS (cont'd.) ' PERSONNEL Authorized. Classification Positions ' Fire Chief 1 Assistant Fire Chief 2 Fire Marshal 1 ' Fire Captain 14 Fire Inspector 1 Fire Engineer 13 ' Fireman 15 Fire Equipment Dispatcher 2 1 1 49 1 1 1 ' Page 13-18 City of Newport Beach Fund: Submerged Land Oil Function: Public Safety Account Code: 2500 HARBOR & OIL OPERATIONS 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 2531 Dehydration Chemicals 1,718 1,748 2577 Prof. Services - Engineering 5,652 5,652 Total 7,370 %400 TOTAL BUDGET 7,370'" 7.400 Page B -19 City of Newport Beach Fund: General Functions Public Safety Account Codes 2600 CIVIL DEFENSE 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 2616 Office Supplies 3 50 2619 Supplies, N.O.C: 14 50 2637 Departmental Meetings _ -.... 17 - -- Total 34 100 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 2693 Equipment, N.O.C. -- 600 Total -- 600, TOTAL BUDGET 34 7O0 Page City of Newport Beach Fund: Submerged Land Oil Function-. Public Safety Account, Code; 2700 LIFEGUARD SERVICE - NEWPORT DUNES 1959 -60 .196061 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget SALARIES & WAGES 2701 Regular 2702 Seasonal & Part -Time Total MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 2714 Medical Supplies Total TOTAL BUDGET PERSONNEL Classification Lifeguard (Acting Lifeguard Lt.) Lifeguard (Seasonal) 14,119 14,119 98 98 14.217 Authorized Positions As assigned As assigned 5,220 12,115 17.,335 150 150 17,485 Page B -21 k 1 City of Newport Beach Fund: Submerged band Oil Function: Public Safety Account Code: 2800 LIFEGUARD SERVICE 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget Page, B-22 SALARIES & WAGES 2801 Regular 47,084 53,030 2802 Seasonal & Part -Time 62,956 66,000 2803 Overtime 3,423 8,875' Total 113,463 127,905 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 2812 Custodial Supplies 139 200 2814 Medical Supplies 300 400 2815 Motor Fuels & Oils 2,497 3,375 2816 Office Supplies 282 300 2818 Small ToolsmExpendible 242 250 2819 Supplies, N.O.C. 490 10400 2820 Fire Supplies 122 150. 2821 Mtc., Communication Equipt. 189 900 2822 Mtc., Office Equipt. 45 75 2823 Mtc., Rolling Equipt. 3,787 4,100 2824 Mtc., Shop Equipt. 5 50 2825 Mtc., Equipt. N.O.C. 90 250 2827 Mtc., Buildings 132 300 2829 Mtc., Other Structures 141 300 2832 Utilities Expense 383. 350 2833 Communication Expense 2,513 3,300 2835 Automobile Allowance 7 100 2836 Conference &Travel - -- 250 2838 Training Expense 100 330 2845 Uniform Expense 659 700 2846 Laundry & Cleaning 80 150 2867 Insurance- Marine 438 500 2878 Prof. Services -Other - -- 250 2880 Ferry Travel 7 .20 Total 12,648 18.000 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 2889 Library. Books 25 50 2890 Office Equipment 28 - -- 2891 Rolling Equipment 2,545 --- 2893 Equipment, N.O.C. 12977. 2,100 Total 4,575 2„150 TOTAL BUDGET 130,686 148,055 Page, B-22 City of Newport Beach Fund.. Submerged Land Oil Function: Public Safety Account Code. 2800 LIFEGUARD SER ®ICE (coat °d.) PERSONNEL Classification Chief Lifeguard Rescue Boat Captain Lifeguard Lieutenant Lifeguard Lifeguard Dispatcher Sr, Lifeguard (Seasonal) Lifeguard (Seasonal) Authorized Positions 1 1 1 6 1 10 As assigned As assigned Page B -23 City of Newport Beach Account Code Object /Account Fund: General Functions Public Safety Account Code: 2900 BUILDING & SAFETY 1959 -60 1960 -61 Actual Approved, Expenditures Budget PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions Building & Safety Director SALARIES & WAGES Building Inspector 6 2901 Regular 53,182 65,720 2903 Overtime 3 - 'Total 5 185 65.720 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 2915 Motor Fuels & Oils 511 650 2916 Office Supplies 1,141 1,240 2918 Small Tools- Expendible 14 25 2919 Supplies, N.O.C. 62 125 2921 Mtc., Communication Equipt. 349 750 2922 Mtc., Office Equipt. 122 100 2923 Mtc., Rolling Equipt. 702 500 2934 Hues & Subscriptions 202 200 2936 Conference & Travel 300 300 2937 Departmental Meetings 13 50 2940 Publishing Expense 92 250 2978 Professional Services -Other 4,170 1,500 2980 Ferry Travel 9 10 Total 7,687 5,700 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY. 2990 Office Equipment 225 225 2991 Rolling Equipment 1,651 __e 2995 Equipment; N.O.C. 132 25 Total 2,008 250 TOTAL BUDGET 62 88Q 7167d_ PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions Building & Safety Director 1 Building Inspector 6 Plan Checker 1 Secretary I Clerk II 1 10 Page B -24 City of Newport Beach Fund: General 1 Assistant Public Works Director Function: Public Works 1 Assistant Civil Engineer Account Code: 3000 Civil Engineering Assistant 2 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION & ENGINEERING Engineering Aide 4 Junior Engineering Aide 1959 -60 1960-61 Account Clerk II Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget SALARIES & WAGES 3001 Regular 66,186 107,580 3003 'Overtime 4,304 1.070 Total 70,490 108,650 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 3015 Motor Fuels & Oils 470 600 3016 Office Supplies 1,537 1,800 3019 Supplies, N.O.C. --° 25 3020 Departmental Supplies 110 75' 3021 Mtc,, Communication Equipt. 323 550 3022 Mtc., Office Equipt; 52 50 3023 Mtc., Rolling Equipta 557 625 3034 Dues &.Subscriptions 59 100 3036 ..Conference & Travel 168 400: 3037 Departmental Meetings 97 65 3038 Training Expense ° -- 325 3077 Prof. Serviced- Engineering 2,055 m 3078 Prof, Services-Other 289 1,300 3080 Ferry Travel 10 10 3086 Prof. Services -1911 Act 148 Total 5,875 SD925 . EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 3089 Library Books 70 100 3090 Office Equipment 135 3,200 3091 Rolling Equipment - -- 2,000 3092 Shop Equipment - -- 200 3093 Equipment, N.O.C. 12107 840 Total 1,312 6:340 TOTAL BUDGET � 120.915 PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions Public Works Director 1 City Engineer 1 Assistant Public Works Director 1 Associate Civil Engineer 1 Assistant Civil Engineer 1 Civil Engineering Assistant 2 Senior Engineering Aide 1 Engineering Aide 4 Junior Engineering Aide 1 Secretary 1 Clerk II 1 15 " = .Page B -25 City of Newport Beach ELECTRICAL Fund. General Function: Public Works Account Code. 3200 PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions City Electrician 1 Maintenance Electrician 3 4 Page B -26 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget SALARIES & WAGES 3201 Regular 22,539 .25,175 3203 Overtime 310 565 Total 22,849 25,740 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 3215 Motor Fuels & Oils 367 . 525 3216 Office Supplies 3 10 3218 Small Tools- Expendible 106 100 3220 Mtc., Traffic Signals 2,770 3,500 3221 Mtc,, Communication Equipt. 161 235 3223 Mtc., Rolling Equipt. 317 500 3231 Htc., Street Lighting 6,777 7,000 3232 Utilities Expense 25,058 29,900 3238 Training Expense , -- 100 3280 Ferry Travel 1 5 Total 35,560 41,875 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 3291 Rolling Equipment 2,931 - -- 3293 Equipment, N,O.C, 93 2,540 Total 3,024 2,540 TOTAL BUDGET 61,433 70,155 PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions City Electrician 1 Maintenance Electrician 3 4 Page B -26 City of Newport Beach Function° Public Works Account Code* 3300 -5200 GENERAL. SERVICES - SUMMARY Page B -27 1959-60. 1960 -61 Actual Approved Object /Account Expenditures Budget SALARIES & WA�tES Streets 137,099 170,830 Sanitation 186,178 190,975 Automotive 44,682 48,490 Total 367,959 410,295 MAINTENANCE'& OPERATION Streets 95,907 104,500 Sanitation 17,349 19,875 Automotive 9,314 10,930 Total 122,570 135,305 EQUIPMENT OUTIAY Streets 23,959 7,875 Sanitation 9,786 16,400 Automotive 5,045 Total 33,745 29,320 TOTAL.CENERAL SERVICES 524,274 574n920 Page B -27 City of Newport Beach Fund. General Function. Public Works Account Code. 3300 -4900' GENERAL SERVICES - STREETS, ETC. 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget Page B -28 SALARIES & WAGES 3301 Regular 124,837 156,480 3302 Seasonal & Part -Time 2,426 3,600 -3303 Overtime 9,836 10,756 Total 137,099 170,830 Street Construction & Maintenance. MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 3315 Motor Fuels & Oils ', 5,671 6,000 3316 Office Supplies 241 150 3318 Small Tools- Expendible 1,071 1,000` 3321 Mtc., Communication Equipt. 241 400 3323 Mtc., Rolling Equipt. 11,537 .11,000 3324 Mtc., Shop Equipt. 167 100 3334 Dues & Subscriptions 27 25 3336 Conference & Travel 84 50 3337 Departmental Meetings - -- 25 3346 Laundry & Cleaning 109 1,00 3350 Equipment Rental - -- 200 3354 Street Cleaning Expense 1,716 1,500 3355 Street Maintenance Expense 43,522 45,000 3356 'Mtc., Bridges & Viaducts 104 500 3357 Mtc., Sidewalks 4,606 5,000 3377 Prof.. Services - Engineering 206 450 3380 _. Ferry Travel 74 100 Total 69,376_ 71,600 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 3391 Rolling Equipment 10,904 2,200 3392 Shop Equipment 515 1,000 3393 Equipment; N.O.C. 134 - -- 3397 Rolling Equipment 3,206 - Total 14,759 3,200 Total Street Construction & Maintenance 221,234 245,630 Page B -28 1 1 1 1 1 1 City of Newport Beat Account Code 3454 Beach Fund: General Function: Public Works Account Coder 3300 -4900 GENERAL SERVICES - STREETS (coat °d.) 1959 -60 Actual Object /Account Expenditures Storm Drain Construction & Maintenance I MAINTENANCE & OPERATION Maintenance Expense 2;713, Total Storm Drains 2,713 Traffic Control MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 3654 Traffic Control Supplies 3655 Street Striping Supplies Total Traffic Control Harbor & Pier Maintenance Beach Cleaning MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 4650 Equipment Rental 4654 Beach Cleaning Expense Total EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 4690 Office Equipment 4691 Rolling Equipment Total Total Beach Cleaning TOTAL .BUDGET 7,530 3,501 11n031 824 4,839 2,665 8,328 2,345 285 2,630 125 1,704 1,829 9,200 9,200 11,029 256,965 1960 -61 Approved 'Budget f I ra® 6,500 4,000 10,500 750 12,900 2,000 15.650 1,500 250 1_750 c €r 75 4.600 4,675 6,675 283,205 1 Page 8 -29 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 4132 Utilities Expense 4154 Htc., Piers & Floats 4155 Mtc., Harbor Total Harbor & Pier Maintenance Weed Abatement MAINTENANCE &. OPERATION 4554 Weed Abatement - Private 4555 Weed Abatement - City Total Weed Abatement Beach Cleaning MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 4650 Equipment Rental 4654 Beach Cleaning Expense Total EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 4690 Office Equipment 4691 Rolling Equipment Total Total Beach Cleaning TOTAL .BUDGET 7,530 3,501 11n031 824 4,839 2,665 8,328 2,345 285 2,630 125 1,704 1,829 9,200 9,200 11,029 256,965 1960 -61 Approved 'Budget f I ra® 6,500 4,000 10,500 750 12,900 2,000 15.650 1,500 250 1_750 c €r 75 4.600 4,675 6,675 283,205 1 Page 8 -29 City of Newport Beach Fund. General Function. Public Works Account Code. 3300 -4900 GENERAL SERVICES - STREETS (cout'd.) PERSONNEL Page B -30 Authorized Classification Positions General Services Director 1 Concrete Crew Foreman 1 Silk Screen Technician 1 Maintenance Carpenter 1 Serviceman III 1 Motor Sweeper Operator 3 Equipment Operator 1 Serviceman 11 4 Truck.Driver 6 Clerk III 1 Serviceman I 8 28 Laborer (Seasonal) As assigned Page B -30 1 City of Newport Beach Funds General.: Authorized Classification Positions Functions Public Works ' 1 Account Codes 5000 4 Truck,Driver GENERAL SERVICES - SANITATION 19 ' S 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget ' SALARIES & WAGES 5001 Regular 159,679 166,950 5002 Seasonal & Part -Time 6,897 3,600 ' 5003 Overtime 19,602 20,425 Total 186,178 190,975 ' MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5011 Chemical Supplies 104 200 5015 Motor Fuels & Oils 7,522 7,500 5016 Office Supplies 139 345 ' 5018 Small Tools- Expendible 808 1,000 5021 Mtc., Communication Equipt. 79 155 5023 Mtc., Rolling Equipt. 8,681 108100 5034 Dues & Subscriptions 25 5045 Uniform Expense 16 _m® 5050 Equipment Rental --- 500 ' 5080 Ferry Travel 50 Total 17,349 19,875 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY ' 5091 Rolling Equipment 90786 16,400 Total 9,786 16,400 TOTAL BUDGET 213,313 227,250 PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions General Services Foreman 1 Serviceman III 1 ' Serviceman IR 4 Truck,Driver 10 Serviceman I 19 S Laborer (Seasonal) As assigned 1 1 ' Page B -31 City of Newport Beach Fund- General Function: Public Works Account Code: 5200 GENERAL SERVICES AUTOMOTIVE SHOP 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object / Account Expenditures Budget Authorized Classification Positions Chief Mechanic SALARIES & WAGES Mechanic II 1 5201 Regular 41,747 45,910 5203 Overtime 2,935 2,580 Total 44;682 48.490 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 52x5 Motor Fuels & Oils 487 600 5216 Office Supplies 296 200 5218 Small Tools, - Expendible 1,186 1,455 5219 Supplies, N.O.C. 5,217 5,800 5221 Mtc., Communication Equipt. - -- 75 5223 Mtc., Rolling Equipt. 258 800 5224 Mtc., Shop Equipt. 734 700 5238 Training Expense 96 150 5245 Uniform Expense 676 750 5246 Laundry & Cleaning 364 400 Total 91314 10.930 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 5290 Office Equipment - -- 260 5291 Rolling Equipment - -. 1,700 5292 Shop Equipment 3,085 Total 59045 TOTAL BUDGET 532996 64,465 Authorized Classification Positions Chief Mechanic 1 Mechanic II 1 Mechanic I 3 Mechanic Helper 2 Storekeeper II 1 8 Page 8 -32 City of Newport Beach Account Code Object /Account Fund: General Function: Publie'Works Account Code: 5500 SEWERS 195960 1960 -61 Actual Approved Expenditures Budget TOTAL BUDGET 72,701 PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions Assistant Water & Sewer Superintendent SALARIES & WAGE'S Sewer Technician 5501 Regular 50,6.42 5503 Overtime 3,626 3 Total 54,268 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5511 Chemical Supplies 949 5515 Motor Fuels & Oils 1,014 5518 Small Tools- Expendible 582 5519 Supplies, N.O.C. 966 5520 Supplies, New Services 334 5521 Mtc., Communication Equipt. 319 5523 Mtc., Rolling Equipt. 1,102 5524 Mtc., Shop Equipt. 1 26 5528 Mtc., Plant Machinery 2,715 5531 Main Repairs 2,089 5532 Utilities Expense 3,609 5534 Dues & Subscriptions 53 5536 Conference & Travel - -- 5537 Departmental Meetings 8 5550 Equipment Rental 52 5580 Ferry Travel Total 13,818 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 5591 Rolling. Equipment --° 5593 . Equipment, N.O.C. 4,615 Total 4,_615 TOTAL BUDGET 72,701 PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions Assistant Water & Sewer Superintendent 1 Sewer Technician 1 Serviceman 111 2 Serviceman II 1 Pump Operator 3 Serviceman I ' 2. !g 56,140 3,225 59,365 1,100 1,200 700 1,100 300 650 600 50 2,000 2,500 2,500 145 50 200 5 13,100, 2,850 1,080 3,930 76,395 1 Page B -33 ' City of Newport Beach Fund: Parking Meter Function: Public Works Account Codes 5600 PARKING METERS & LOTS ' 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget SALARIES & WAGES 5601 Regular 14,503 16,375 5602 Seasonal & Part -Time 1,472 1,355 5603 Overtime 106 --- Total 16,081 17,730 ' MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5615 Motor Fuels & Oils 128 150 5616 Office Supplies 72 s0 ' 5618 Small Tools- Expendible 90 150 5620 Meters & Parts 20,389 2,500 5621 Mtc., Communication Equipt. 79 155 ' 5623 Mtc., Rolling Equipt. 129 200 5624 Mtc., Shop Equipt. - 50 5625 Mtc., Equipment N.O.C. - -- 425 5630 Mtc., Land Improvements 390 7,500 ' 5632 Utilities Expense 85 70 5635 Automobile Allowance - -- 300 5637 Departmental Meetings 17 25 t 5645 Uniform Expense 278 250 5646 Laundry & Cleaning 50 50 5678 P.rdf.- Seivices -Other 400 ' Total 22,107 .11,87s EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 5691 Rolling Equipment 2,038 ' 5693 Equipment, N.O.C. 765 Total 2,803 - TOTAL BUDGET 40,991 29 60 PERSONNEL Authorized ' Classification Positions Parking Meter Serviceman II 1 Parking Meter Serviceman I 2 ' 3 Parking Lot Supervisor As assigned ' Parking Lot Attendant As assigned ' Page B -34 City of Newport Beach Fund. Library Function-, Libraries ' Account Code. 7000 LIBRARIES ' 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget ' SALARIES & WAGES 7001 Regular 43,626 63,610 ' 7002 Seasonal & Part -Time 11,477 3,500 7003 Overtime 26 Total 55,129 67,110 1 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 7012 Custodial Supplies 415 400. 7013 Horticultural Supplies 318 125 ' 7016 Office Supplies 2,618 2,600' 7018 Small Tools- Expendible 38, 25 7019 Supplies; N.O.G. ___ 61 ' 7020 Library Periodicals 950 825 7022 Mtc., Office Hquipt. 108° 125 7026 Mtc., Library Books 932 940• 7027 Mtc., Buildings 744 700• ' 7032 Utilities Expense 1,964 2,219• 7033 Communication Expense 520 550 7034 Dues & Subscriptions 55 60 7035 t Automobile Allowance 348 265 7036 Conference &Travel 363 400 7037 Departmental Meetings 48 60 7040 Publishing Expense 100 200 ' 7050 Equipment & Book Rental 150 1,350 7080 Ferry Travel --- 30 Total 9,671 10,935 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 7089 'Library Books 13,285 13,500 7090 Office Equipment 1,173 1.,765 Total 14,458 15,2'65 ' TOTAL BUDGET 791258 93,310 ' PERSONNEL Authorized. Classification Positions City Librarian 1 Librarian II 1 Librarian ;1 1 . ' Clerk III, 2 Serviceman i 2 (1 Part -Time) Clerk II .. 3 (1 Part -Time) ' Clerk Y 16 (5 Part -Time) ' Library Page As assigned Page B -35 ' City of Newport Beach Functions Parks & Recreation Account Codes 7500 -7800 PARES, BEACHES &RECREATION -.SUNKARYj 1959 -60 1960 -61 ' Actual Approved Object /Account Expenditures Budget ' SALARIES & WAGES Administration 14,250 13,100 Recreation 27,411 44,600 Parks, Parkways, Street Trees, etc. 85,381 102,625 ' Corona del Mar State Beach Park 2»623 7,160 Total 1299665 167,485 'MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 1 Administration 2,067 1,700 Recreation 5,467 6,450 ' Parks, Parkways, Street Trees, etc. 14,525 16,625 Corona del Mar State Beach Park - 4,548 3.245 Total 26,607 28,020 ' EQUIPMENT OUTLAY Administration 1,757 - -- Recreation 1,342 650 Parks, Parkways, Street Trees, etc. 4,453 7,660 Corona del Mar State Beach Park Z=-_ --- Total 71552 8.310 TOTAL PARES, BEACHES & RECREATION BUDGETS 163,824 203,815 1 1 1 1 Page B -36 I 1 1 City of Newport Beach Fund: Park & Recreation Function: Parks & Recreation Account Code: 7500 PARES, BEACHES & RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget SALARIES & WAGES 7501 Regular 7503 Overtime Total MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 7515 Motor Fuels & Oils 7516 Office Supplies 7521 Mtc., Communication Equipt. ' 7522 Mte., Office.Equipt. 7523 Mtc., Rolling Equipt, 7527 Mtc., Buildings ' 7532 Utilities Expense 7534 Dues & Subscriptions 7536 Conference & Travel 7537 Departmental Meetings t 7580 Ferry Travel Total ' EQUIPMENT.OUTLAY 7590 Office Equipment 7591 Rolling Equipment Total TOTAL BUDGET PERSONNEL t Classification Parks, Beaches & Recreation Director Secretary 13,967; 283 14,250 166 391 79 50 184 169 441 127 280 163 17 .2,067 106 1,651 1,757 .18x074 Authorized Positions 1 1 2 12,775 325 13,100 200 300 -60 100 190 350 110 265 100 25 Page B -37 1 [1 ' Page 3-38 City of Newport Beach Fund: Park & Recreation Function° Parks & Recreation Account Code: 7600 PARRS., BEACHES & RECREATION m RECREATION ' 1959 -60 1960-61 Account Actual Approved ' Code Object/Account Expenditures 'Budget SALARIES & WAGES 7601 Regular 10,080 11,735 7602 Seasonal & Part -Time 17,331 32,865 Total 27,411 44,600 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION ' 7616 Office Supplies. 181 300 7617 Recreational Supplies 1,864 3,205 7618 Small Tools ®Expendible 21 20 7619 Supplies, N.O.C. 19 30 7622 Mtc., Office Equipt, 20 50 7625 Mtc,, Equipment N.O.C. 101 225 ' 7633 Communication .Expense i83 175 7634 Dues & Subscriptions 94 100 7635 Automobile Allowance 556 370 7636 Conference &,Travel 155 175 ' 7637 Departmental Meetings 77 75 7679 Expense, N.O.C. 696 825 7664 Bowling Green Expense 1,500 900. ' Total 5,467 6,450 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 7693 Recreation Equipment 1,342 650 ' Total 1,342 650 ' TOTAL BUDGET 34,220 51,700 ' PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions ' Recreation Supervisor 1 Community Center Director l ' 2 Recreation Leader In As assigned Recreation Leader III As assigned ' Recreation. Leader 11 As assigned Recreation Leader .I As assigned 1 [1 ' Page 3-38 r 1 1 1 11 City of Newport Beach I Fund: Park & Recreation Function: Parks & Recreation Account Code: 7700 PARES., BEACHES & RECREATION PARES PARKWAYS STREET TREES ETC. 959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget 24 Page, B-39 SALARIES & WAGES Classification Positions 7701 Regular 79,845 100,530 7702 Seasonal & Part -Time 4,536 1,430 7703 Overtime 11000 665 Custodian I Total 85,381 102,625 ?Lq,INTENANCE & OPERATION 7711 Chemical Supplies 599 500 7712 Custodial Supplies 1,600 .2,500 7713 Horticultural Supplies 3,413 5,500 7714 Medical Supplies - -- 45 7715 Motor Fuels & Oils 1,671 1,700 7716 Office Supplies --- 20 7718 Small Tools- Expendible 1,294 800 7719 Supplies, N.O.C; 67 50 7721 Mtc., Communication Equipt. 79 235 7723 Mtc., Rolling Equipt: 3,000 2,000 7724 Mtc., Shop Equipt. 651 750 7727 Mtc., Buildings 550 750 7730 Mtc., Land Improvements 524 600 7732 Utilities Expense 680 650 7734 Dues & Subscriptions 27 55 7736 Conference & Travel 141 150 7737 Departmental Meetings 14 20 7750 Equipment Rental 45 150 7780 Ferry Travel 170 i50 Total 14,525 16,625 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 7791 Rolling Equipment 4,,453 5,750 7792 SVop Equipment - -- 1,370 7793 Equipment, N.O.C. --- 540 Total 4,453 7,660 TOTAL BUDGET 104,359 126.410 24 Page, B-39 Authorized Classification Positions Park.Superintendent 1 Tree Crew Leadman 1 Park Crew Leadman 1 Groundsman Gardener II 9 Groundsman Gardener I 9 Custodian II 1 Custodian I 2 24 Page, B-39 ' City of Newport Beach Fund. Park & Recreation Function. Parks & Recreation ' Account Code. 7800 PARRS, BEACHES.& RECREATION ' CORONA DEL'MAR.STATB•.6 CITY BEACH'PARK 1959 -60 .1960 -61 Account Actual Approved ' Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget SALARIES & WAGES 7802 Seasonal & Part -Time 2,623 7,160 ' Total 2,623 7,160 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION ' 7812 Custodial Supplies 141 570 7813 Horticultural Supplies ___ 1,500 7818 Small Tools- Expendible 20 100 ' 7819 Supplies, N.O.C. 192 175 7827 Mtc.,'Buildings 159 500 7832 Utilities Expense - -- 250 7845 Uniform Expense 121 150 ' 7878 Prof. Services -Other 3,000 7879 Expense, N.O.C. 915. -° Total 4,548 3,245 ' TOTAL BUDGET 71171 10,405 PERSONNEL Authorized ' Classification Positions Park Supervisor (Seasonal) As assigned ' Park Attendant (Seasonal) As assigned 1 1 1 .. :; Page B-40 ICity of Newport Beach Fund: Capital Improvements Function: Public Works CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 1959 -60 1960 -61 Fund Activity Project Actual Approved No, Code No. Number Expenditures Budget GENERAL FUND 02 7897 001 Corporation Yard Remodeling 15,300 02 3397 635 Pedestrian Bridge -Dover & Irvine 1,000 02 5597 036 Traffic Islands - Marine & Bayside 3,000 02 3497 037 Storm Drain- McFadden & 21st St. 7,000 02 5597 038 Automatic Sewer Signal System 5,000 02 4197 039 Lido Seawall 7,000 02 3397 040 Traffic Signals & Channelization- Jamboree Road 19,900 02 3397 041 Safety Lighting at Intersection of Coast Hwy & Entrance to Irvine Terrace 1,500 123,431 59,700 PARK & RECREATION FUND 10 7797 012 Sewer Extension- Irvine Terrace Park 652 10 7897 013 Planting Public Service Area No. l 3,700 10 7797 014 •Beautification - Balboa. Island 2,300 10 7797 '015 Beautification -1, Street Park. 1,000 10 7797. 016 Beautification -Irvine Terrace Park 500 10 7797 017 Beautification- Newport Pier & McFadden 1,425 10 7797 018 Beautification- Bayside, Carnation to Marine 1,075 10 7797 019 Beautification -West Jetty.Viev Park 550 10 7797 020 Beautification -Cliff Drive Park 600 10 7797 021 Beautification -Tree Farm 2,000 ,10 7797 022 Beautification - Bayside Dr., Carnation to Marine 1,025 10 7797 023 Beautification- Mariners Park 2,350 10 7797 024 Beautification -Las Arenas Park 625 10 7797 025 Beautification- Balboa Blvd. Center Planting 1,550 10 7797 026 Beautification -Rest Rooms, 15th St. 20,000 10 7897 027 Beautification -CDM Parking Lot "B" 8,450 10 7897 028 . Beautification -CDM Curbing, Planters 'Parking Lot "A' 400 10 7897 029 Beautification -CDM Access to Pirates Cove 4,000 45,537 _ 5_� 11 LIBRARY FUND 44 I22 PARKING METER FUND 4,930 -- CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND 26 2396 003 Fire Station #1 Construction 61,500 26 3396 004 PE Land Acquisition & Construction, Newport Blvd. from 23rd to `30th 69,754 26 26 7096 2394 005 006 Addition to Balboa Library Fite Station #1 Furnishings 18,200 2,500 417,136 151,954 TOTAL BUDGET 59911078 263,856 -Page B-41 I 1 City of Newport Beach Function: Utilities Account Codes 9000 -9900 UTILITIES - SUMMARY Object /Account WATER FUND SALARIES & WAGES Administration Reservoir Operations Distribution Expense Total MAINTENANCE &OPERATION Administration Reservoir Operations Distribution Expense Total EQUIPMENT OUTLAY Administration Reservoir Distribution Expense Total ' TOTAL WATER FUND WATER BOND 1957 I&R FUND DEBT SERVICE ' TOTAL WATER BOND 1957 I&R.FUND MARINAPARR FUND SALARIES & WAGES MAINTENANCE & OPERATION EQUIPMENT OUTLAY TOTAL MARINAPAR& FUND TOTAL UTILITIES 1959 -60 Actual Expenditures 8,248 5,318 72,224 85,790 55,463 140,377 62,361 258,201 444 155 7.165 7,764 351, 755 149,898 149,898 15,002 9,621 405 25,028 526, 681 1960 -61 Approved Budget 8,815 5,845 78,345 93,005 65,270 156,950 84,950 307,170 20,460 20,460 420,635 145,398 145,398 17,320 9,800 105 27,225 593,258 Page C -1 1 1 City of Newport Beach Fund: Water Function: Utilities Account Cedes 9000 WATER - ADMINISTRATION 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions Water & Sewer Superintendent 1 Page C -2 SALARIES & WAGES 9001 Regular 8,217 .8,815 9003 Overtime 1 31 Total 8,248 8,815 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 9015 Motor Fuels & oils 59 60 9016 Office.Supplies 221 300 9021 Mtc., Communication Equipt. 79 155 9023 Mtc., Rolling Equipt. 87 150 9034 Dues & Subscriptions 34 35 9036 Conference & Travel 8 135 9037 Departmental Meetings 52 50 `9051 Land /Building Rental 3,660 3,600 9060 Insurance - Compensation 1,853 2,095 9062 Insurance- Compensation Liability 2,924 3,315 9063 Insurance -Comp. Fleet Liability 1,625 1,225 9064 Insurance -Auto Material Damage 347 80 9065 Insurance- Employee Life & Accident 356 380 9067 Insurance - Employee Health 422 380 9070 Retirement Expense- Current 8,013 8,800' 9071 Retirement Expense -Prior Years --- 1,650 9072 Retirement Expense- Administration 36 40 9075 Tax Expense 2,529 2.600 9083 Administrative Services 33,158 40,220 Total 55,463 65,270 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 9090 Office. Equipment 444 Total 444 TOTAL BUDGET 64,155 74,085 PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions Water & Sewer Superintendent 1 Page C -2 tCity of Newport Beach Fund: Water Functions Utilities ' Account Code. 9100 WATER - RESERVOIR OPERATIONS ' 1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Actual Approved Code Object /Account Expenditures Budget SALARIES & WAGES 9101 Regular 4,992 5,415 ' 9103 Overtime 326 .430 Total 5,318 5,845 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION ' 9110 Ammunition Supplies 48 50 9111 Chemical Supplies 1,757 1,335 9112 Custodial Supplies 43 75 ' 9115 Motor Fuels & Oils 96 150 9118 Small Tools- Expendible 109 75 9120 Purchase of Water 134,134 150,000 ' 9122 Mtc., Office Equipt. 30 50 9123 Mtc., Rolling Equipt. 51 125 9127 Mtc., Buildings 322 350 9128 Mtc., Plant Machinery 277 300 ' 910 Mtc., Land Improvements 300 9132 Utilities.Expense 2,954 3,600 9133 Coemunication Expense 556 540 ' Total 140,377 156,950 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 9193 Equipment, N.O.C. 155 ' Total 155 --- ' TOTAL BUDGET 145.850 162,795 ' PERSONNEL Authorized Classification Positions ' Reservoir Operator 1 1 1 - ' Page C -3 City of Newport Beach Fund: Water Function: Utilities Account Code:. 9200 WATER - DISTRIBUTION EXPENSE t1959 -60 1960 -61 Account Approved Approved Code Object /Account Budget Budget SALARIES & WAGES 9201 Regular 67,786 74,045 9203 Overtime 4,438 4,300 ' Total 72,224 78,345 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION ' 9211 Chemical Supplies 235 100 9212 Custodial Supplies 63 100 9215 Motor Fuels & Oils. 1,783 2,000 ' 9218 Small Tools - Expandible 1,524 1,800 9219 Supplies, N.O.C. 581 600 9220 Supplies, New Services 31,270 30,000 9221 Mtc., Communication Equipt. 475 750 ' 9223 Mtc., Rolling Equipt. 2,284 2,000 9224 Mtc., Shop Equipt. 347 400 9227 Mtc., Buildings 60 150 ' 9228 Mtc., Plaint Machinery 408 650 9230 Mtc., Land Improvements 13 9231 Water Main Repairs 22,017 45,000 9232 Utilities Expense 1,175 700 ' 9238 Training Expense 126 9250 Equipment Rental - -- 700 Total 62,361 84,950 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 9291 Rolling Equipment 5,498 17,300 ' 9292 Shop Equipment 1,667 9293 Equipment, N.O.C. 3,160 Total 20,460 ' TOTAL BUDGET 14' 183,755 ' PERSONNEL ' Classification Water Shop Foreman Serviceman III Meter Reader II Serviceman II Meter Reader I Serviceman I Authorized Positions 1 3 1. 3 2 4 14 Page C-4 City of Newport Beach CAPITAL DWROVEMENTS WATER FUND WATER BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND FundB Water & Water Bond Construction Function; Utilities 1959 -60 1960 -61 Actual Approved Expenditures Budget. 57,192 - -- 5,955 °- Page C -5 City of Newport Beach Funds Water Bond 1957 I&R Interest Function: Utilities 1957 Water Bonds $ Account Code: 9600 $ 65,122.50 WATER BOND DEBT SERVICE - Bonds 10,000.00 1959 -60 .1960 -61 Account Actual Approved: Code Object /Account Expenditures 'Budget Maturity Date Payments DEBT SERVICE Principal 9678 Professional Services -Other 275 - -- 9698 Retirement of Bonds 80,000 80,000 9699 Interest on Bonds 69,623 65,398 70,000.00 Total 149,898 145,398 May 1, 1961 TOTAL BUDGET 149,898 145,3 98 Page C -6 Principal Interest Total 1957 Water Bonds $ 70,000.00 $ 65,122.50 $135,122.50 1925 Water Bonds 10,000.00 275.00 10,275.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 65,397.50 145,397.50. Maturity Date Payments Principal Interest 1957 Water Bonds - November 1, 1960 $ 70,000.00 $ 33,480.00 May 1, 1961 31,642.50 $ 70,000.00 $ 65,122.50 1925 Water Bonds: October 1, 1960 $ 10,000.00 $ 275.00 Page C -6 ' City of Newport Beach Account Code Object /Account SALARIES & WAGE'S 9901 Regular 9903 Overtime Total EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 9990 Office Equipment 9993 Equipment, N.O.G. Total TOTAL BUDGET PERSONNEL Classification Marinapark Manager Marinapark Attendant Groundsman Gardener II Marinapark Clerk Fund: Marinapark Function: Utilities Account Code: 9900 1959 -60 Actual Expenditures 14,970 32 15,002 253 960 4 62 104 58 440 21 85 113 1,050 1,230 4,626 180 73 6 71 285 9,621 197 208 405 259028 Authorised Positions 1 1 1 1 4 1960 -61 Approved Budget 17,320 17.320 300 1,000 5 75 125 100 615 15 150 175 1,550 750 4,200 150 80 85 100 80 245 .9.880 105 105 Page C -7 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 9912 Custodial Supplies 9913 Horticultural Supplies 9914 Medical Supplies 9915 Motor Fuels & Oils 9916 Office Supplies 9918 Small Tools- Expeudible 9921 Mtc., Communication Equipt. 9922 Mtc., Office Equipt. 9923 Mtc., Rolling Equipt. 9924 Mtc., Shop Equipt. 9927 Mtc., Buildings 9930 Mtc., Land Improvements 9932 Utilities Expense 9933 Communication.Expense 9934 Dues & Subscriptions 9935 Automobile Allowance 9936 Conference & Travel 9939.. Promotional Expense 9950 Equipment Rental Total EQUIPMENT OUTLAY 9990 Office Equipment 9993 Equipment, N.O.G. Total TOTAL BUDGET PERSONNEL Classification Marinapark Manager Marinapark Attendant Groundsman Gardener II Marinapark Clerk Fund: Marinapark Function: Utilities Account Code: 9900 1959 -60 Actual Expenditures 14,970 32 15,002 253 960 4 62 104 58 440 21 85 113 1,050 1,230 4,626 180 73 6 71 285 9,621 197 208 405 259028 Authorised Positions 1 1 1 1 4 1960 -61 Approved Budget 17,320 17.320 300 1,000 5 75 125 100 615 15 150 175 1,550 750 4,200 150 80 85 100 80 245 .9.880 105 105 Page C -7