HomeMy WebLinkAbout228 - Naming Streets & Establishing Grades & Curb Lines• ORDI Ai (E NO. 228 grade sball ha as follows: ORDINANCE 01' THE BO tL i3 !i E'� At the intersection with file north - _S PH[S4EFS OF THE CITY OFt easterly line of Coast Boulevard. In the event that the issuance and+ NEIL PURT IIB 4C "H IItSt(N1'1'd314 ilo.- o. sale of the bond of the district for THE NAMES BY WHICH i'Ei:- At the intersection with the port -a- t[he construction of any one or more I TAIN PUBLIC STREETS IN SAID westerly line of 30th Street. 110.2. of the proposed public Improvements CITY SHALL ?$E ASOWN AND The northeasterly curb line here - Ihre [hen the of CALLED AND CHANCING T.B X:` .before referred to of Coast Boula- � Incurred ithe indebtedness [o be incurred for indebtedness the public improvements which may NAME OF A CERTAIN' PDBLIE: vard Place is hereby fixed and be authorized. being the estimated STREET ITITHIN SAID CITY AND: established at a distance of 4 feet cost thereof and the, incidental ex- ESTA,BLISIiING THE GRADT,S Isouthwesterly of. and parallel with, penses in connection therewith. shall AND CURB Ids ES OF CERT:IIN I the northeasterly line of said Coast be represented by bonds of the dis- STREETS AND THE GRADE OF A � Boulevard Place. and the sonfhwest- trict. and shall be issued and sold by CEB.TAIS ALLEY WITHIN SAID erly curb line hereinbefore referred the Board of Trustees of the city of CITY. I !to of Coast Boulevard Place is here - Newport Beach to the highest bidder The Board of Trustees of the Catyl by fixed and established at a dis -. therefor in cash. lawful money of of Newport Beach do ordain as fill• tance of 0.50 feet northeasterly of. the United States. but for not less lows: and parallel with, the southwesterly than their parvalue and accrued in- SECTION 1. line of said Coast Boulevard i-mce. terest thereon: the proceeds from That certain public street in the SECTION 6. the sale of any such bonds shall be City of Newport Beach heretofore The official grade of 29th Street placed in the treasury of the city of commonly known and called 36th. from the northeasterly line of the Newport Beach to the credit of the Street from the northeasterly lin^ Pacific .Electric Railway company's municipal improvement district fund of the Rivo Alto to the westerly line I right -of -way to the southwesterly. and shall be applied exclusively to of Railroad Avenue . be changed and line of the Southern Pacific Railroad the purposes for which the same was shall hereafter be known and desig -' iCompany's right -of -way is hereby voted. nated as "36th Place." and the name. established to conform to the follow-. All of said bonds shall be dated the of said street is hereby declared to be I ing elevations. to -wit: 15th day of May. 1923: each and "36th Place." Along the northwesterly curb line' every bond issued and sold and the SECTION 2. of said 29th Street the grade shall money thereby represented shall That those portions of land bein- be as follows: bear interest at the rate of six per . the northwesterly 7.56 feet of Lot 5, At the intersection with the north -1 cent. per annum and which Interest Block 435. of a map of Canal Section. easterly line of the Pacific Electric. -shall be paid semi- annually on the l as recorded in Miscellaneous Millis, Railway Company's right- of -wsy.I . 15th day of November and May in !Book 4. Page 93. Records of Orange r0F,96. each year after their date until said {County. California. and the southeast At the intersection with the sUdit, -I : bonds shall have been paid. principal erly 22.14 feet of Lot 6. of the afore- ,,.sterly line of the Southern Pe aG:,, and interest. All of said bonds and said Block No. 435. which portions Railroad Company's rigs; -of -way. the interest thereon to be paid at the of said Lots heretofore deeded to the 709.00. treasury of the city of Newport Beach City of Newport Beach for Street pur- Along the southeasterly curb .tine' fn said city. County of Orange. State poses are hereby accepted as an often of said 29th Street, the grade shall: lof California. public street in the City of Nev:port be as follows: SECTION 7. Beach. and the name by which said %I the intersacticu wiclt the nortlri The district formed under this Or- street shall be known and called i3 t ;;,terly ]im: of the Pacific h;lecn'ic: dinance shall be known as Municipal hereby declared to be "36th Street", 1.::it6ay Company'-, right -of -way. Improvement District No. 3 of the ' SECTION city of Newport Beach. That Lot 6. Block 432. of a 'lap of At the intot- ceetion with the south - SECTION S. Canal Section as- rocorded in 'liars]- % i6z, 1'ly tia-- or the Southern Picielf A map showing the exterior boun- ianeous Taps. Book 4, Page 98. Re- Railroad Company's right -of- way'., daries of the district with relation to cords of Orange County, California. 108.60. the territory immediately contiguous heretofore deetied to the Gty of New- .%t the intersection with tltc south -� thereto and a general description of port Reach for street pc :poses is westerly line of the Southern Pact -, the proposed improvements are on hereby accepted as an open nublic s fie Railroad Company's right -of -way.; file in the office of the Clerk of atrcet of the City o: Newport Reach ' 1113.80. the Board of Trustees of the city of and the name by %,-hich said stre,-t The nbrthccsterly slid southeust -i Newport Beach an the legislative ohall be known and called if. hereby, sety curb lines herein be Cure referred body thereof, which map shall govern celareu to be rnley Avenue." ' c "� to of 29th Street are Thereby Cisco for all details as to the extent of said I SECTION 4. - and established at. a dista.ncc- u1 1; district. and to which map all inter -' That certain public street hereto- feet northwesterly and southeasterly ested persons are hereby referred. i fore unnamed within the Cit., of 'Nov- of and parallel with the venter line SECTION 9. port Beach and deaerf oAl as follows.: of said 20th Street. , There is no newspaper of general !Beginning at it point in the north- SECTION 7 kirculation published in the city of ' westerly line of 30th Street whhich The oficial grade, of the first allay !Newport Beach six days a week. This point is 45 feet north easterly of the rortheasterly of Occtni Avenue frot'i Ordinance shall therefore be publish- northeasterly line of Coast Houle- the northwesterly line of —rd Street ed by the City Clerk of the city of vard measured along the northwest- to the southeasterly line of 3701 Newport Beach by one insertion each erly line of the aforesaid 30th Street: Street is hereby csmblishe :l to con - week for two succeeding weeks in thence northwesterly around a ear- form to the following elevations, to- NEWPORT NEWS a newspaper of cular curve with a radius of 1201 wit; ' general circulation published in the feet concave to the southwest. a dis- A;ang Inc northcas,crly- line of said city of Newport Beach less than six tance of 286.30 feet to a point in the. alley the grade shall b,: as follows: days a week. and shall take effect northeasterly line of Coast Boule -: At the intersection with fire north -' and be in force upon the completion yard: thence southeasterly along tlte� ccsfarly line of Tlrfl Stroat, 112.00.; of said publication. northeasterly line of Coast Houle- ��[ the in[orace[ion w;fih rae south- The above and foregoing Ordinance vard. a distance. of 105.20 feet to a easter;y line of :;;th Ptroet, 111.60. of Intention No. 227 was Introduced pofn[: [hence southeasterly around a At the inter ,ction with the north - at a regular meeting of the Board westerly fine of ;•'tit Street. 1.11.50. of Trustees of the city of Newport circular curve with a radius of 1176 ft. At the intersection wnh fire south - Beach held on the 19th day of Feb- concave to the southwest. a distance easterly line of 35th Street. 117.40. ruary. 1923. and finally passed and of 177.50 feet to a point in the north - At file intersection with the north - .adopted by said Board of Trustees at westerly line of the aforesaid 30th westerly line of 35tli Street. 11190. a regular meeting held on the 26th Street: thence northeasterly along 4[ the intersection with [the south- e. sou. of February. 1923. by the vote of the northwesterly line of said 30th easterly line of 36th Street. easterly ly the following named members there- the Street. a distance of 25 feet to they .50. of: : place of beginning. and the name by intersection vita cue j Ayes: Trustees. J. J. Schnitker. H. which said street shall be known line 6t westerly lane of ;6th Strict. 113.50. C. Sloan. Geo. Wilson, L. S. Wil- and called is hereby declared to be with [h1 s.50. the intersection with e s AL the � ,P. kinson. . "Coast Boulevard Place." I. easterly lino 37th . x. Noes: Trustees. None. I SECTION 5. I� Alone the southwesterly line of Absent: Trustees. Conrad Richter. The official grade of Coast Boule - said alley the grade shall be as fol- The above and foregoing Ordinance vard�Place which is the Street ties lows: No. 227 of the city of Newport Beach cribed and named fn Section 4 hereof.. is signed by me this 26th day of from the northeasterly line of Coast A[ the intersection with the north - i February. 1923. Boulevard to the northwesterly line; line of 33rd Street. 112.10. At the intersection with the south -I J. J. SCHNITKER of 30th Street, is hereby established: President of the Board of Trustees to conform to the following eleva - easterly line of 34th Street. 111.76, of the city of Newport Beach. tong. to -wit: At the intersection .with the north.� Attest: Along the northeasterly curb line) westerly line of 34th Strec:. III.GV. ALFRED C. SMITH )of said Coast Boulevard Place the At the intersection with the souGt Clerk of the city of Newport Beach 'grade shall be as follows: sisterly line of 35th Street, 112.00. 1st Pub. Mar. 2; last Pub_ Mar. 16. At the intersection with the north -: At the intersection with the north- easterly line of Coast Boulevard, westerly line of 35th Street, i12.OG. ` 110.70. At the intersection with the south - �At the Intersection with the north -i easterly line of 36th Street. 112.60. At the intersection with the north -1 westerly line of 30th Street. 110.02. Along the southwesterly curb line westerly line of 36th Street. .112.60.1 of said. Coast Boulevard Place the] At the intrsection. with the son t. =l - ! easterly line of 37th Street. ILI.5n. SEC IO RN RN 9.- - - - - -- - " - -- The official grade of 36th Street The official grade of Finley Ave- SECTION 711. The City Clerk shall certify to . from the northeasterly line or Ocean tote from the northeasterly Prolonga -- the- !. Passage of this Ordinance Avenue to the southwesterly - uo o- tion of the northwesterly line of 36th ant cause the same to be Published by dm- Finley Avenue, is hereby established' to conform to the Street to the westerly line of the Souttern Pacific Railroad one sertion in the Newport News. a week following eleva it , oils. to -wit -; Company's right -of -way is hereby established ly newspaper published in said City- A' long. the northwesterly curb line conform to the following eleva- This Ordinance shall take effect up- o said 36th Street, the grade shall be ,'to I tions. to -wit: Along on its passage. Passed and approved this 29th. day as follows: At the Intersection ec icon wi[U the north the northeasterly verb !Inc lot the said Finley Avenue. the grade °f March. 1923. easterly line of Ocean Avenue ]12.0 =?., shall be as follows: d, d, SCHNITKER. ' At. ❑ point opposite tlnc westerly' At tho intersection with the north- President of the Board of Trustees.. 1 :corner of the first alley northeaster :rleasterly prolongation of the north- ATTEST: of Oceai, Avenue, 112.60. westerly line of 36th Street. 108.20. ALFRED SMITH i At fire intersection with the soul,.. At the, intersection with the north- � westerly Tina of the Pacitic Eleotric Railway , easterly prolongation of the South- line of 36th City Clerk. State of California. County of Company's right- of -tva:, 112.60. ;easterly Street. ]0.8.20. At a Point onposite Orange. City of Newport Beach. SS. At the intersection with tl:e north- the nor:herly I corner of 35th Street. 107.57. I Alfred Smith. City Clerk of.t easterly line of the Southern Pacific At the point opposite the easterly: the City Newport Beach. 'do here :' Railroad Company's righ-- of -way. Corner of '15th Street 107.57. Iby certify that the foregoing Ordin- 111.40. At a point 100 feet southeasterly ance being Ordinance No. 228, was At a point opposite the westerly on the last mentioned point. 107.7h. by the Board of Trustees of corner of the first alley southwest -j At a Point opposite the northerly (adopted said City. signed by the President of : Orly of Coast Boulevard. 110.65 i corner on 34th Street. 107.5e. said Board. and attested by the City At a point opposite the northerly, At a Point obtlosite t ;u.- easterly Clerk, all at a regular meeting there corner of the first alley southwesterly of Coast Boulevard. corner of 34th Street. 107.40. At a l of. held on the 29th. day of March 110.56. point opposit• the nortuwesr- I ti923. and that the same was,adoptest At a Point opposite the westerly i erly corner of itailroad ANPllul'. I by the following vote. to -wta: of Coast Boulevard 109.33. 1107.45. AYES: Trustees. S. J. Schnitker. H. Ccorner At a Point opposite the northerly] At a point opposite the rc rtlnuast- Ito corner C. Sloan. Geo. P. Wilson. L. S. Wilkin- rner of Coast Boulevard. 109.14. lerly of Rai) ..tduue. son. a distance of 159.60 feet north - 1197.50. `At easterly of the last mentioned point' At a point opposite tine uoaha' °st- NOES: Trustees: None. :108.35. J eriy corner of the first alle,, oasterlY ABSENT: Trustees. Conrad Rich - At a point opposite the westerly =_of Aailroc.d .'.Vence, 107.70' corner of the first alley southwesterly' At the intersection with the west- ter. - of Lake Avenue. 108.06. lerly line of the Southern- Pacific City Clerk of the City of Newport : At a point opposite the northerly' Company's right -of -way. Beach. corner of the first alley southwesterly 107.70. of Lake Avenue. 108.00. Along the sonthwesterly curb line At a point opposite the westerly of said Finley Avenue. the gra,:e shall ORDINANCE NO. 229 corner of Lake Avenue. 107.74. be as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF point posits At a point opposite the wes2lrly NEWPORT BEACH DEFINING corAner .t107.63rtherly confer of 36th Street. 108.00. ND E AND ESTAIBLISIfING THE BOLTS' -� BABIES OF A At a point opposite the westerly, At a Point opposite the south =rly MUNICIPAL IM-1 corner of Pacific Avenue. 107.04. : corner of 36th Street. 108.00. PROVEMENT DISTRICT' IN SAID 1 At a point opposite the northerly! At a point opposite tine wcaterly CITY, DESIGNATING THE NAME 1 corner of Pacific Avenue. 106.81. corner of 36th Struat. 107.37. BY WHICH IT SHALL BE KNOWN, I At the intersection with the south -.1 AL a point opposite ills southerly AND CALLING AN ELECTION 'TO1 westerly line of the Rivo Alto. 106.65. corner of 35th Street. 107.37. BE HELD WITHIN THE DI'S' -; At the intersection with the north- 1 At a distance of 100 feet southeast- TRICT, AND PROVIDING FOR THE; - -easterly line of the Rivo Alto. 107,50. �erly of the last mentioned point, SUBMISSION TO THE ELECTORS- , At a point opposite the westerly 107.05. THEREOF FOUR (4) PROPOSI- corner of Finley Avenue. 108.00.. l At a point opposite tine westerly TIOA'S OF INCURRING A DEBT Along the southeasterly curb line; corner of 34th Street, 1.7.20. BY THE ISSUANCE OF* THE of said 36th Street the grade shall be i At a point opposite tine southerly BONDS 01' SUCH IIISTSICT FOR as follows: corner of 34th Street. 107.20. THE PURPOSES, SET FORTH IN At the intersection with the north - I At a point opposite the southwest_ ORDINANCE OF INTENTION NO. 1 easterly line of Ocean Avenue. 112.85. 107.30. 227, REC'ITJNG THE OBJECTS At a point opposite the southerly , eriy corner of railroad avenue AND PURPOSES FOR WHICH THE j :corner of the first .alley. northeast - At a point o opposite the southeast- PROPOSED INDEBTEDNESS IS TO BE INCURRED, THE. NATURE ( icily of Ocean Avenue. h the At the intersection with the south- eriy corner of Railroad Avanue. 107.30. OF THE IMPROVEMENT WORK westerly line of the Pacific Electric At a point Opposite the CONTEMPLATED, THE ESTT -. Railway Company's right -of -way, southwest- eriy corner of the first alley easter- MATED COST THEREOF, THE .A. 112.50. MOUNT OF THE PRINCIPAL OP- At the intersection the north -� ly ofRaiiroaci Avenue. 107.50. THE INDEBTEDNESS TO BE 1Pr- with easterly line of the Southern Pacific At the intersection with the west- CURBED THEREFOR, AND THR' erly line of the Southern Pacific RATE OF INTEREST TO BE PAID: .. Tailroad Company's right -of -way.. Railroad Company's right -of -way. 107.50. ON SAID INDEBTEDNESS; FIX -' - 111.50. l .ING THE BITE ON WHICH SUCH At a point opposite the southerly The northeasterly and southwest- erly curb lines hereinbefore referre8 ELECTION SHALL BE HELD, THE MANNER OF HOLDING THE i corner of Coast Boulevard. 100.66. i At a to of Finley Avenue are hereby fixed SAME, AND THE MANNER O[ point opposite the easter;y- ;corner of Coast Boulevard. 109.34. and established at a distance of LO VOTING FOR OR AGAINST SAM At a distance of 159.60 feet feet northeasterly and northerly. and PROPOSITIONS. north- ,easterly of the last ntan[ionec point... i0 feet southwesterly and southerly of and parallel with - 1 103.34. the center line Of said PYnley Avenue. The Board of Trustees of the city 1 At a point opposite the southerly Newport Beach p do ordain as Lol- l corner of Lake Avenue. 107.67. SECTION 10. to lows: ]At a point opposite the easterly The elevations herein given are SECTION 1. corner of Lake Avenue. 107.59. for the tops of the curbs of the res. That portion of the city of New- , i At a point opposite the southerly Pcetive streets and avenues and -Or port Beach. the exterior boundaries corner of Pacific Avenue. 106.86. tine top surface of the Pavement of 1 of which are in this Ordinance des - At a point opposite the easterly- the respective alleys, are in Loci, sad cribed. is hereby declared to he And corner of Pacific Avenue. 106.77. are shove the Mty Datum Ple:,e as is formed into and shall constitute At the intersection with the south- heretofore adopted and establishec. i,a municipal improvement list: ict westerly line of the Rivo Alto. 106.60. At all points between coneecutiv,e 'to be known as ",lunicipal Improve - At the intersection with the norm- designated points on the same side of I tarot District No. 3 of the city of easterly line of the Rivo Alto. 107.50_ the: respeciive streets and alleys. the I Newport Beach. I At a point opposite the southerly 'trade shall ennform to a true and i SECTION 2. - 'corner of Finley Avenue, 108:00. uniform gradient along [ht cuh + The exterior boundaries of Mush The northwesterly and southeast- ih.es in the ease of streets and .long 1, ctpal Improvement District No. 3 erly curb lines hereinbefore referred 'to th o e Property lins in the edge or lot the city of Newport Beach arc of 36th Street are hereby fixed alleys btrtc:eeu snip d- signated points, _ ' hereby defined and established asi and established at a distance of 10 All distances hem ,!"a designated f°II °wa: feet northwesterly and southeasterly '!mints for which ihn graci<, is herein Located in the city of Newport of and Parallel with the center ]tile of es'tablish._d are to be measured along Beach. County of Orange. State of said 36th Street. :tile curb lines in t!:c ease of e.tests California. and beginning at II. ;3. 111111 alm;g the property lines in the Bulkhead Station No. 150 as laid out case o; alleys, n:nless :;Pecificalty and shown upon a Map of Newport herein otherwise provhied. Lr cases Bay. California. showing harbor lines. where grades zse established anu rc- approved by the War. . Vepartment far to the curb lines. they are in all •]anuary 18. 1917: [hence.:eas[erly in cases established at points oppos: e a direct line to U.. $..Bulkhead Sta -; the corner mentioned of the re- tion No Tbl tlieSZCe- �esferly in a spective streets. direct hne to t7£ V Bnikhego j3ft: ' -- 4tion : -. No Ift 'thence euiitaea9t l