HomeMy WebLinkAbout333 - Election - Municipal Improvementssk. a newspape o[ general eirculaliour SECTION IX: TThe above des- Ayes, Trustees —L. S. WILKIN- r printed. Published and circulated cribed territory sought to be au- N, FELIX B. MODJESKI, FRED in the City of Newport Beach less) nexed shall be designated for pur- W. YOUNG, HARRY Hj WILLIAM - than six (6) days a week. to -wit, poses of convenience as "Boule- SON, CONRAD RICHTER. once a week, there being no daily vard Addition to Newport Heights Noes, Trustees —NONE. newspaper Published therein and I Area ". Absent, Trustees —NONE. one (1) insertion each week for two. SECTION X: This Ordinance, The above and foregoing Ordiu- (2) succeeding weeks shall be a being an Ordinance calling and ance Number 332, was signed and sufficient publication. otherwise relating to an election ,. approved by me this fifth day of The foregoing Ordinance Number the some shall go into effect and March, 1928. 332, was Passed at a regular meet- be in force from and after its pass- CONRAD RICHTER, ing of the City Council of the City age, approval and publication. Mayor City of Newport Beach. of Newport Beach as the legisla- SECTION XI: This Ordinance Attest: ALFRED SMITH, ,live body thereof held on the fifth shall be published once a week for Clerk City of Newport Beach. lday of March. 1928 by the follow- two (2) weeks in Newport News, F•:b_— %rch 8, 15, 22, 1924 _ ing votes, to -wit: I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 332 is a tfue and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on the 5th day of March, 1928, and that same was printed and published according to law. � V = City erk of Newport Beach. ORDINANCE N0. 433, Portion of the City of Newport Lot 1, of the Iasi mentioned _ Beach, a municipal corporation, in- Block 13; thence northwesterly I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY 0 ' corporated under the laws of the in a direct line to the north - NEWPORT BEACH BY THE Stale of California, asking that easterly corner of Lot 7, Block CITY COUNCIL AS THE LEGIS. said territory be formed into a 11 of the aforesaid Balboa LATIVE BODY THEREOF, DE. Municipal Improvement District for i Tract: thence northwesterly in CLARING ITS INTENTION TO the purpose of creating an iudebt a direct line to the northwest - CALI, A.N ELECTION WITHIN eduess to be represented by bonds erly corner of Lot 1 of the last A PROPOSED MUNICIPAL IM. of said district, the proceeds from mentioned Block 11; thence PROVEMENT DISTRICT IN the sale of which shall be used northwesterly in a direct line SAID CITY, AS DESCRIBED IN for the acquisition and construe- to the northeast corner of Lot A PETITION FILED FOR THAT tiou of public improvements which 5, of a Map of Resubdivision of PURPOSE, OR AS SAID DIS. the City of Newport Beach is auth- Block 9, Balboa, as Per map TRIC'T MAY BE— HEREAFTER orized by law to construct. and thereof recorded in Miscellane- MODIFIED, FOR THE PURPOSE Whereas, said Petition is signed il ous Maps, Book 8, Page 37, OF SUBMITTING TO THE by more than ten percent (10 %) Records of Orange County. QUALIFIED ELECT ORS OF of the qualified electors residing 'I California; thence northwest - SAID DISTRICT THE PROPOSI. to the territory which is proposed erly in a direct line to the 770N OF AUTHORIZING. THE to be formed into a Municipal Im- I northwesterly corner of Lot 1, ISSUANCE A N D SALE O F I provement District and sets forth of the aforesaid Map of Resub- BONDS OF SUCH DISTRICT IN a general description of the im- division of Block 9, Balboa; THE MANNER AND FOR THE Provement to be acquired and cou- thence northwesterly, in a di- PURPOSES SET FORTH IN structed and a general description I rect line to the northeast cor- THIS OIfDIN,INCE OF INTEN. of the exterior boundaries of such ner of Lot 6, Block B of Bay - CRIS ACCURATELY F INTEB. proposed district, and side, as per Map thereof record - ING THE EXTERIOR SCRIB. Whereas, the genuiness of the ed in Miscellaneous Maps, Book ARIES OF THE PROPOSED MU. signatures thereto has been certi- 3 Page 38, Records of Orange NICIPAL IMPROVEMENT DIS- fled to by the City Clerk of the County, California; thence City of Newport Beach, northwesterly in a direct line TRICT, SETTING FORTH A' to the northwesterly corner of GENERAL DESCRIPTION. OF1 Now. therefore. the City Council Lot 1, of the aforesaid Block B THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, of the City of Newport Beach, as of Bayside; thence northwest- ordain TO BE AC UIRED I the legislative body thereof, does Q erly in a direct line to a point AND CONSTRUCTED THEREIN �ordaiu as follows: In the northwesterly line of THE ESTIMATED COST OF SECTION I: The City Council palm Street, which point is THE PROPOSED PUBLIC IM -I of the City of Newport Beach here- 135.10 feet northeasterly of PROVEMENTS, AND OF THE by declares its intention to call an the northeasterly line of Bay INCIDENTAL EXPENSES IN - election to that portion of the City Avenue, measured along CONVECTION T H E R EWITH, of Newport Beach proposed to be the northwesterly line of said FIXING A DATE, HOUR AND formed into a Municipal Improve - I m Street; thence norlhwesl- PLACE FOR THE HEARING OF ment District, or as the same may Palm in t t direct line to the most PROTESTS, AND THE DATE ON be modified, for the purpose of 1 northerly corner of Lot 1, WHICH THE ELECTION WILL submitting to the qualified electors Block 1 of a map of Balboa BE CALLED AND HELD IN of said district the proposition of Bayside Tract, as per map SAID DISTRICT, REFERRING authorizing the issuance and sale thereof recorded in Miscellaue- TO A MAP SHOWING THE EX. of bonds of such district in the ous Maps, Book 4, Page 78, TERIOR BOUNDARIES OF SAID manner set and for the purposes here - Records of Orange County. Cal- 1 DISTRICT, WITH RELATION Cal- in forth in this Ordinance ifornia: thence southerly in a TO THE TERRITORY IMMED. of Intention. direct line to the northeasterly IATELY CONTIGUOUS THERE- SECTION II: The exterior corner of Lot 17 of a map of TO. AND A GENERAL DES -, boundaries of the proposed Muni- Subdivision of Block C, New - CRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED -! cipal Improvement District are ac- ,port Bay Tract, as per map PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ON curately described as follows: thereof recorded in Miscellane- FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE I Located in the City of New- I ous Maps, Book 5, Page 25, CLERK OF THE CITY OF NEW- i port Beach, County of Orange, Records of Orange County, Cal - PORT BEACH, WHICH MAP State of California, and begin- I ifornia: thence northwesterly SHALL GOVERN FOR ALI, DE.I niug at the southeast corner of i in a direct line to the most TAILS AS TO THE EXTENT OF Lot 28, Block 14 of the Balboa l� northerly corner of Lot 1 of SAID DISTRICT. Tract, as per map thereof re- the aforesaid Map of Subdivi- corded in Miscellaneous Slaps, siou of Block C, Newport Bay That, Whereas, on the 21st day Book 4, Page 11, Records of Tract; thence southwesterly in of November, 1927, there was filed Orange County, California; a direct line to the southwest - iu the office of the Clerk of the City thence northerly in a direct erly corner of Lot 69 of the of Newport Beach, as Clerk of the line to the northeast corner of aforesaid map of Subdivision of City Council thereof a verified Pell- Lot 14, Block 13, of the afore- Block C, Newport Bay Tract; tiou in writing signed by qualified said Balboa Tract; thence thence southwesterly in a di- 1 electors residing within territory a northwesterly in a direct line rect line to the northeast cor- which is within and constitutes a to the northwesterly corner of nor of Lot 23, Block 1 of East Newport. as per map thereof -ter line of A Street, having a - _ recorded in Miscellaneous width varying from 9.75 feet to Council of the City of Newport; Map a. Book 3, Page 37. Rec- 12 feet: and also extending Beach at or before the hour of ords of Orange County. Cali- from the center line of A seven- thirty o'clock P. M. of Mon -! fornia: thence westerly in a Street to the westerly line of 13 day. the 2nd day of April. 1928 and! direct line to the northwest Street having a width varying the hour of seven- thirty o'clock corner of Lot 21, of the last 1 from 4 feet to feet. P. M. of Monday, the 2nd day of mentioned Block 1: thence per 2. All that portion of the IAPriI. 1928 in the Council C in a direct line to the Pacific Electric Railway Com- hers of the City Council of the City c Cit y southwest corner of the last pang's right - of - way 1 y I n g of Newport Beach, in the City Hall mentioned Lot 21: thence northerly and adjacent to of said City of Newport Beach is southwesterly in a direct line Central Avenue (South Drive) 'hereby fixed as the date. hour to the northwest corner of Lot extending from a line one hun- sand place for the hearing of pro- 3. Block 11 of the aforesaid dyed (100) feet westerly of and testa. ' Map of East Newport: thence Parallel with westerly line SECTION V: The manner in' southerly in a direct line to the f Alvarado Street tr to line Which the Proposition will be sub -' southwest corner of the last a one hundred. sixty -five (165) matted to the qualified electors of mentioned Lot 3; thence east -, feet westerly of and parallel the district and the bond of said erly in a direct line to the with the westerly line of Cor- district issued and sold is as fol- southeast corner of Lot 1 of the onado Street, varying in width lows: last mentioned B 1 o c k 11: from 0 feet to 9.75 feet: and The proposition shall he suh- thence southerly in a direct also extending from a line one matted to the qualified electors of line to the southwest corner of hundred. sixty -five (165) feet the district by means of a printed Lot 1. Block 1. of a Ma of Map wester) parallel with Y of and 'hallot and the proposition P position of the Newport Bay Tract, as per the westerly line of Coronado issuance and sale of the bonds of map thereof recorded in Mis- Street to the center line of the district for the acquisition and cellaneous. Maps, Book 4. Page Washington Street. having a construction of the proposed im- 16. Records of Orange County, width of 9.75 feet: and extend- Provement shall be ,printed and California: thence southeaster- Ing from the center line of stated upon the hallot together the ly in a direct line to the south- Washington Street to the cen- with words BONDS YES and west corner of Lot 11. Block 4. I ter line of Main Street. having BONDS NO so that the qualified Of the aforesaid Map of Balhoa a width of 7.50 feet: and also 'electors shall have the opportunity Tract: thence southeasterly I extending from the center line and he permitted to vote in favor along the northeasterly line of of Main Street to the center of or against the issuance and sale Surf Avenue to the place of he- line of A Street, varying in of the bonds. ginning. width from 7.50 feet to 9.75 For said election the district (The use hereinafter of the; feet: and also extending from shall constitute one (1) voting pre words "The District- means and the center line of A Street to cinct and a polling place shall he shall at all times be held and con -: the westerly line of B Street. designated and a Board of Election strued to mean the proposed Mu- varying in width from 4 feet to appointed to consist of one (1) jl Improvement District as' 9.75 feet. Inspector, one (1) Judge and one; above above described or the sa me mag The estimated coat of the ac- (1) Clerk to hold. conduct and , hereafter be modifie d as p erovided quisition of the above described i make returns of said election: the by law.) right -of -way is twenty -one thous- said election shall he a special SECTION 111: On Tuesday. the. and and sixty dollars ($21060.00) election and if. at said special 5th day of June. 1928 an and of the Incidental expenses in election, two - thirds or more of all election will be called and held in said dis connection therewith Is nine bull-I the voters voting at said election! -I trict for the purpose of suhmitting., dred and forty dollars ($940.00). The shall vote in favor of incurring and at such election there he (h) work or improvement to such bond indebtedness then the will submitted to the qualified he constructed is the paving of the issuance and sale of the bonds of voters �thcreof, the . proposition of incurr -� the P Pacific described portions of the Pacific Electric the district by the City Council .ing indebtedness by the issuance) Tway Railway Com -' the the City of Newport Beach for the e , of bonds of said district to pay the pang's right -of -way with cement and construction of the Ii coat and eXpensea of the acquisi- concrete construction. the con- struction of cement concrete ,proposed public improvement shall be authorized. lion and construction of the pro - curbs and otherwise improving said Por- SECTION posed public improvement. tions of said right -of -way. VI: The district formed under this Ordinance A general description of the red The estimated coat of the Con- shall he known as Municipal Improve -, provement proposed to be acquired struetion of the proposed work or ment District No. 6 of the City and the estimated coat thereof and Improvement upon said right -of- of Beach. of incidental expenses in con- is twelve thou sand. six bun- ,Newport the swath a general dred ($12600.00) and of the SECTION Vll: A map showing 'the deacription of the work proposed f°eidental expenses in connection exterior boundaries of said dis- Jo he done and constructed and therewith is fourteen hundred dol -' trict with relation to the territory . the estimated coat thereof and of lars ($1400.00). immediately contiguous thereto and the incidental expenses in f connec- The object and Purpose for which P P in general description of the pro- )tfon therewith are as follows: the prdppsed indebtedness is pro- (posed improvement are on file in (a) The acquisition of a right -of - l Posed to he incurred Is to the office of the Clerk of the City way for public street p ,our in- pay the cost of the acquisition of said q Council of the City of Newport tea ciuding all that portion of the right-of-way and of the incidental Beach as the legislative body there - cific Electric Railway Company's; y's expenses in connection therewith °f. which said map shall govern for right -of -way commonly referred and for the construction of the all details as to the extent oP said to as Central Avenue, which is des- described improvement thereto and district and to which map all in- b cried as follows, to -wit: the incidental expenses in connec- tereated persona are hereby re- 1. All that portion of said tlon therewith, ferred. Paci[ic Electric Railway Com- �� The acquisition of the said right- There There is no newspaper of gen- right - of - way 1 Y t ° g of-way nd the construction of the y oral circulation published in the southerly of and adjacent to 'described improvements thereto City of (6) days h Beach six Central Avenue (North' Drive) are public improvements which tb e1 a week. This Ordinance shall extending from a line one hun- City of Newport Beach is author- therefore be published by the City dred (100) feet westerly of and ized by law to acquire and con- Clerk of the City of Newport Beach parallel with the westerly line struct. by one (1) insertion each week for of Alvarado Street to a line one The estimated coat of the acqui- two (2) succeeding weeks in New - hundred. sixty -five (165) feet I sition and construction and the in- port News. a newspaper of general westerly of and parallel with cidental expenses in connection' MP circulation published in the City the westerly line of Coronado ' with said acquisition and construe- of Newport Beach (6) less than six Street and varying Y g from a tion is thirty -six thousand dollars days a week and shall take effect width of 0 feet to fifteen (15) ($36000.00) and the principal oY�.' and he in force upon P the comple- tion feet: and also extending from the indebtedness to he incurred i of said publication. a line one hundred. sixty -five therefor Is the sum of thirty -gixl The above and foregoing Ordin. (165) feet westerly of and thousand dollars ($36000.00). a°ce of Intention No. 333 was In- parallel with the westerly line SECTION 1V: Any person in- trodured at a regular meeting of, of Coronado Street to the call- terested, objecting to the formation the City Council of the City of ter line Washington Street. of the said district, or to the ex- Newport Beach held on the 20th w having a width of 9.75 feet: and Dense of said district, or to the day of February. 1928 and was fin - also extending from the center Proposed acquisition or construe -I ally, Passed and adopted by said line of Washington Street to tion of the proposed improvement. City Council at a regular meeting the center line of Main Street. or to the inclusion oY his property IIII held on the 5th day of March, 1928 having a width of 7.50 feet. and in the said district may file awrit- N by the vote of the following named also extending from the center ten Protest setting forth such ob -fi °embers thereof: line of Main Btrtek to ,the cen- Ijectfon with the Clerk of the City, 6yes,- rifs�eea -L;'g. W: {LKIs SON, FELIX B. MODJESI, FRED W. YOUNG, HARRY H. WILLIAM-, SON, CONRAD RICHTER. Noes. Trustees —NONE. Absent, Trustees —NONE. The above and foregoing Ordin- ance No. 333 of the City of Newport Beach is signed and approved by me this fifty day of March, I928. CONRAD RICHTER, Mayor of City of Newport Beach. Attest: ALFRED SMITH, Clerk of City of Newport Beach. ' Pub. —March 8, I5, 22, I928. I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of th certify that the foregoing Ordinance of an Ordinance passed by the Board held on the 5th day of March, 1925, published according to law. e City of Newport Beach, do hereby No. 333 is a true and correct copy of Trustees at a regular meeting and that same was printed and City Clerk of Newport Beac4. ORDINANCE N0. 331. I I S SECTI: If at said election) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF S the majority of the votes cast on NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING port Beach in the same manner and s ORDINANCE NO. 144 OF THE at the same time as all other taxes t this Ordinance and if upon , , CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH o vassing the votes so cast thereat' of t a majority c LEVY AND COLLECTION FOR and the money realized from said: i m EACH FISCAL YEAR OF A TAX tax shall be expended for legitimate b be levied and collected and used OF TEN C in the manner ,Provided for herein. ($100.00) OF ASSESSED VALU• S SECTION VI: The Clerk of the ATION FOR ADVERTISING' providing that all such advertising City of Newport Beach shall give PURPOSES IN LIEU OF THE shall be first submitted to and ap- 1notice o of the submission of t TAX OF FIFTEEN .CENTS O Ordinance by publication of the ON EACH ONE HUNDRED money expended therefore shall p proposition to b lir($.15) O vided for by law for regular nmnic -: VERTISING PURPOSES AS against the City, duly audited, and v ipal elections and shall also give PROVIDED FOR BY SAID OR• a warrant issued upon the Tress- i notice by p DINANCE No. 144; PROVIDING., ury of the City of Newport Beach, n publishing a THE MANNER OF' -USING SUCH charged against said advertising p same time as he shall Publish the TAX AND THE TIME @F COL- fund.. s names of nominees for public office j LECTION THEREOF AND OR- Section IV: This Ordinance n DERING THE SUBMISSION OF .shall not become effective until P Prior to said election. THIS ORDINANCE TO ELECT- the same shall have been submitted S SECTION VII: The above and ORS OF THE CITY OF NEIV• to the electors of the City of New- f in Newport News, a PORT BEACH AT THE NEXT fished once i i P newspaper o NICIPAL ELECTION- within the City of Newport Beach f fn the City of Newport Beach and on the ninth day of April, I928 and The City Council of the City of at said election there shall be and' u upon said publication and being Newport Beach do ordain as fol- is hereby submitted to the electors l the votes Cast at the election as lows:. . .I o shown by the canvass of said votes Newport Beach iz hereby amended City of Newport Beach shall be and i it shall take effect and be in force. to read as follows: are hereby invited to vote for or T The above and foregoing Ordin- SECTION I: , A tax of ten cents against this Ordinance and the a ance was Passed at a regular meet - ($.I0) is hereby provided for and ' adoption thereof and the form in i ing of the City Council of the City levied in each fiscal year upon each which said Ordinance shall be sub- o of Newport Beach on the fifth day one hundred dollars ($100.00) of matted to said electors as herein -•I o of March, 1928 by the affirmative I assessed valuation of all property oefore provided for shall be as v vote of the following named mem- in the City of Newport Beach which follows: b bers thereof: is taxable therein for municipal Shall Ordinance No. 334 A Ayes, Trustees —L. S purposes. providing for the levy and S SON, FELIX B. MODJESKA, FRED SECTION II: The tax provided collection for each fiscal W W. YOUNG. HARRY H. WILLIAM- for in Section I of this Ordinance year of a tax of $10 on each S SON, CONRAD RICHTER. shall be in addition to all other $I00.00 for advertising pur- YES Noes, Trustees —NONE. taxes now authorized by law to be; n n levied. The Tax Collector shall � �vided $ ance No. 334 being passed is this 11 v day approved by me. upon the equalized assessed value 144 of the City of Newport C CONRAD RICHTER, of property assessed to such tax -1i Beach be adopted? M Mayor City of Newport B .payer and said tax shall be added I A Attest: ALFRED SMITH, to the tax roll of the City of New- Shall Ordinance No. 334 C Clerk City of Newport Beach. (port Beach and shown upon all taxiproviding for the levy and P Pub. —March 8, I928. statements and tax receipts issued collection for each fiscal b the Tax Collector The time of f t f $ IO n h collecting said tax and the mode $100.00 for advertising pur - NO and manner of levying and collect - poses in lieu of the tax of ing the tax herein provided for $,15 on each $100.00 for ad- shall be the same as is provided vertising purposes a5 for. applied applied to and governing in vided for in Ordinance No. 1 'the assessment and collection of I44 of the City of Newport I other municipal taxes in and for Beach be adopted? Ithe City of Newport Beach. I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 334 is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on the 5th day of March, 1925, and that same was printed and published according to law- City CWrk of Newport Beach.