HomeMy WebLinkAbout366 - Special Election, Issuance and Sale of BondsI I ORDINANCE N0. 306. thereof and supplementary thereto.! imprbVemeat[of the municipal her- " and with the general incorporation) boi- by deepening and dredging the AN ORDINAN OF THE CITY CE tate act of the S of California for channel at the entrance thereof. cities of the sixth class. fQr the and by the acquisition and con - COUNCII. AND . BOARD OF object and purpose of the caul -, strnetion of various groins for the TRUSTEES OF THE. CITY OF Batton and construction b^ aaidl purpose of controlling the tide ands NEWPORT BEACH CALLING A City of Newport Beach of a eer- -protecting the existing jetties and SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELEC- taili municipal improvement. to -'- -shore lands. and including for THIN TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ON wit: The Improvement of the mu -' said purpose the acquisition of TF•ESDAV, OCTOBER 22, 19°_9, ,nicipal harbor b deepening and lands and rights of way ?" A \D SIBMITTING TO THE .dredging the channel at the en- Opposite said proposition. and to (11 %TAF'IED NOTERS OF SAID trance thereof. and by the acqui- the right thereof on said ballot, then "Yes" "No" CITY A CERTAIN PROPOSI. sition and construction of various words and shall be THIS FOR THE I99U•1NCF. AND groins for the purpose of contrail- printed on separate lines, with vot- SALE (If' BONDS OF SAID CITY' ing the tide and protecting the ex- Ing squares. and said ballot shall 01' SEAPORT BEACH IN THE isting jetties and shore lands. and br, so ranted a.s to give a ch voter AMOUNT AND FOR THE PUR- Including for said purpose, the a clear opportunity to ate by POSES IN SAID ORDINANCE. acquisition of lands and rights of stamping a cross (X) in the blank' AND FIXING Tftfi enclosed space, on the right of. And PRECINCTS AN D POLLING )way That if the proposition of i after each of said words "Yes" and' PLACES FOR THE IfOhDING cutting the indebtedness for said "No ". his wish or choice upon said; OF SAID ELECTION, AND AP- purpose so submitted at such elect- proposition, and said ballot shall, POUMNC THE OFFICERS OF tion recivs th requisite number of be printed substantially in the fol -'. SAID ELECTION AND FI %ING votes. to -wit, two - thirds (2/3) of lowing form; Murk THEIR COMPENSATION. the votes of the qualified voters of Cross (Y) on Ballot Only said City voting at said election.) With Rubber Stamp, Never _ WHEREAS. the City Council an d bonds of said City of Newport With Pen or Pencil 1 Board of Trustees of the City of Beach in the aRm of Two Hundred This number to be torn off by Newport Beach. at a regular meet- Thousand Dollars ($200.000.00) Inspector. ing of said City Council and Board shall be issued and sold for the Fold ballot to this perforated line. of Trustees held on the 16th day purpose of acquiring and construct- leaving top margin exposed. of September. 1929, by the unani- ing said municipal improvement. ° - -- .....••°••_••••••-•^• •••- •......•........•• ...•••• °•• INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS noes (Your - fifths) vote of its mem- Said bonds shall bear interest at bets, duly passed and adopted a a rate not to exceed six per centl To vote on the proposition off Resolution declaring that the pub+ (6`70) per annum, payable somi -I incurring a bonded debt for the) [lac interest and necessity demand'annually. and the principal and�i purpose specified in such propo -; !the acquisition. construction and interest thereof shall be payable in', sition, stamp a cross (X) in the), completion by said City of New. lawful money of the United States voting square alter the word "Yes' I port Beach of a certain municipal of America. or after the word "No ". improvement, to -wit, the lmprove -.� Section 3. That for the purpose) All marks except the cross (X) ment of the municipal harbor bylof paying the principal slid inter- are •forbidden. All (list in guishingI deepening and dredging the ehan� est of such bonds. the City Council) marks or erasures are forbidden! net at the entrance thereof, and by and Board of Trustees of said City and make the ballot void. the acquisition and construction of i shall, at the time of fixing thel tax levy in the manner�� If you wrongly stamp. tear or deface this ballot. return it to the various groins for the purpose of tide : general and I for such general tax levy provided,' Inspector of Election and obtain controlling the and protecting existing jetties and shore lands. levy and collect annually each year another. slid including for said purpose the until said bonds are paid. or until ! Shall bonds of the City ! —� ! acquisition of lauds and rights of there shall be a, sum in the treas -� City set apart for that I o4 Newport Beach in I way: and Resolution ury of said to sums coming[ the sum of Two Hun - WHEREAS. said was l purpose meet all interest dred Thousand Dollars I spprovurl by the Mayor of and due for principal and oni +President of the City Council and such bonds. a tax sufficient to pay'', $200.000.00) be issued Board of Trustees of said City of the annual interest on Bald bonds. [ for the acquisition and Yes ! Newport Beach on said 16th day of i and also such of the construction by said September. 1929: and part principal I thereof as shall become due before ! City of Newport Beach I WHEREAS, tine estimated coat of the time for fixing the next gen- Of R certain municipal l such municipal improvemeM is' era] tax levy. Said tax shall be in I improvement. [o-wlq i Two Hundred Thousand Dollars I addition to all other taxes levied I the improvement of the l ($200.000.00), and such cost is and for municipal purposes. and shall I municipal harbor by - -- will be too great to be paid out I be collected at the same time and I deepening and dredg- I I `of the ordinary annual income and in the same manner as other mu- I ing the Channel at the I - revenue of said City of Newport nicipal taxes are collected. and to I entrance thereof, and ! I Beach: be used for no other purpose than I by the acquisition and NOW, THEREFORE. THE CITY the payment of said bonds and ac- I construction of various l COUNCIL AND BOARD OF TRUS- truing interest. l groins for the purpose TEES OF SAID CITY OF NEW- Section 1 That the polls ton I of controlling the tide I No PORT BEACH Do ORDAIN AS said election must open at six (6)'. I and protecting the ex- I I( ,FOLLOWS: o'clock A. M. of the day- of said isting jetties and shore I 1 Section 1. That a special mu- election, and must be kept open l lands. and including I l nicipal election be held, and the :until seven (7) o'clock P. M. of for said purpose the same is hereby called to be held, the same day. when the polls shall I acquisition of lands In said City of Newport Beach on bC Closed, provided. however. that j and rights of way? Tuesday. October 22. 19.2 for the 1f at the hour of closing there are - - purpose of submitting thereat to'' any other voters in the polling Section 6. That the five (5))) the qualified voters of said City, place or in line at tine door, whop' olect :Oii precincts last established tine proposition of Incurring on are qualified to vote and have not j and designated within said City by the part of said City of Newport been able to do so since a I' appear- the Board of Supervisors of the Beach Of a certain bonded indebt- (County ing. the polls shall be kept open of Orange. &fate of Call- edneae for the purposes Bet forth a. sufficient fficient time to enable them tO. ords, for the holding of general In said Resolution hereinafter, vote. but no one who shall arrive. elections. and which said county stated. at tine polling place after seven) precincts so established were and Section 2. That said proposition (7) o'clock P. M. shall be entitled are designated as Newport Beach to be voted on at said election so to vote, although the polls may Precincts Nos, 1. 2. 3. 4. and 5. to be held as aforesaid is as fal- be open when he arrives. respectively, shall, for the purpose Iowa: Section 5. That the ballots to of said municipal election hereto - The issuing of bonds of the City be used at said election shall con -. fore referred to in this ordinance. . of Newport Beach in the sum of Lain the following to be he and are the election precincts Two Hundred Thousand Dollars proposition voted upon b the p y qualified voters for such municipal election, and ($200.000.00) in accordance with of said City of Newport Beach at shall embrace the same terri[o rY as ' tine provisions of an act of the such election so Called to bell such county precincts. I Legislature of the State of Cali - fornia entitled "An Act authorizing i and field on Tuesday. October 22. 1929,1 Section 7. That the respectiveii polling places for the holding of in said City, to -wit. the incurring of indebtedness by "Shall bonds of tine City of New- said special election, and the cities, towns and municipal cor- port Beach in the sum of Two respective officers of said election, porations for municipal improve- Hundred Thousand Dollars g ($ 99: are hereby designated and named mints. slid regulating the acqui- 000.00) be issued for the acquisi- as follows, to -wit: sition, construction or completion tion and construction by said My I NEWPORT BEACH PRECINCT thereof." becoming a law Febrnary of Newport Beach of a certain mu- NO, 1 25. 1901, and all acts amendatory j nlclpa] improvement. [o -wit, the POLLING PLACE Roehe Garage, 30th Street and • r' ' -or -Tie Mfe9argaerite F. Way, , _ _K; FFIC Ia%. ION M a r e i( We Huddleston. City of Newport Beaclt will meet Inspector —Emma B. Smith. !� NEWPORT BEACH PRECINCT at its usual place of meeting M Judge Sadie Reehe. - NQ,, G_ Monday. October 28. 1929. at the Clerkn —Mrs. Joseph A. Bodman. POLLING PLACE hour of seven - thirty o'clock P. M.. ^Uiss Helen L. Coffin. Orange County Harbor Realty and canvass the returns of said NEWPORT BEACH PRECINCT Co.. 125 Marine Avenu,�, Balboa) election and declare the result NO. 2 Island. Calif. thereof. POLLING PLACE OFFICF.T2R OF ELECTION Section 11. That the Oity Clerk City Hall. 2008 Ocean Avenue. L.,pector— Fvelyn Rider. of said City shall certify to the Newport Beach. Calif. .Judge — Theodore Hayden. S. Hu • passage and adoption of this FFICERS OF ELECTION Clerks —DOrg 1•]. Rodger. Mrs. by ance by vote of two - thirds (2/3) of /3) of Inspector— Arline E. Jasper. i Edna R. Fink. all the members of the City Council Judge —Anna Hawkins Lane. Section 8. That the compenaa- and Board of Trustees of said City, Clerks —Mrs. Nona Johnson.. tion to be paid to each of said of- and its approval by the Mayor of. Edith W. Ellsworth. ficers of election for all services' and President of said City Council, NEWPORT BEACH PRECINCT by each of said officers to be rend- and said Clerk shall cause said or- NO. 3 ered at said special municipal dinance to be published once a POLLING PLACE election shall be. and the same ter week for two (2) successive weeks' East N „ Garage. a4.. P4as hereby fixed at the sum of Ten Dol• in the Newport News. a weekly Calif. Newport. Calif. lars ($10.00). newspaper published and circu- OFFICERS ELECTION Section 9. That said special mu- lated in said City of Newport Inspector —Mrss. . Minnie Jay. nicipal election shall be held in Beach, and hereby designated for Judge —Neils Danielson. every manner. other than herein- that purpose, and thereupon and Clerks — Nellie I. Spencer, Mra. after specifically set forth. wholly thereafter the same shall take ef- Life J. Fluster in accordance with the election feet and be in full force. NEWPORT BEACH PRECINCT laws of the State of California. in No other notice of said election NO. 4 r so far as said election laws are than the publication aforesaid POLLING PLACE l applicable to municipal elections shall be necessary. Fire. Hall. at Balboa. Calif. - in cities of the sixth class of the Passed. approved and adopted OFFICERS OF ELECTION I State of California. this 23rd day of September. 1929. Inspector — Howard S.1 Bateman. Section 10. That the City Coaa- .Judge— Nellie Williamson: I cil and Board of Trustees of said I, Alfred Smith, Clcrk of the City of Newport Beach, do hereb certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 366 is a true and correct cop of an Urdinance passed by the City Council at a regular adjourned meeting held on the 23d day of September, 1989, and that same was printed and published according to law, 'XARCUS J. JOHNSON. Mayor of and President of thi City C rk of Newport Beach. Ctty Council and Board of Trus. 9SARCUS J. JOHNSON, Mayor of and President of the City Council and Board of Trus- tees of the City of Newport Beach, California. Attest: ALFRED SMITH. City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ) COUNTY OF ORANGE, )sq. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. ) I, Alfred Smith, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council and Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach is five (6); that the foregoing ordinance was pase ed by a vote of more than two- thirds (2 -3) of all the members of said City Council and Board of Trustees and approved by the Mayor of and President of the City Council and Board of Trustees at a regular meeting of said.. Board duly held on the. 23rd day of Sep - Itember, 1929, and that the said or- dinance was passed by the follow- ing vote, to -wit: �. AYES: Councilmen and Trustem Hilmer, Claire, Ellsworth, William- son, Johnson. NOES: Councilmen and Trustees None. ABSENT: Councilmen and True tees None. ALFRED SMITH. I (Seal) City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach. California. Pub. —Sept. 26; Oct. 3, 10, 1929.