HomeMy WebLinkAbout425 - Delinquent Tax Penalties:ORDINANCE NO. 425 has been "sold, is heirs, executors; for such redemption. -- administrators or other successors The amount to be paid on or : ,AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY in interclit, shall on or before April before the 20th day of April, OF NEWPORT BEACH RE- 20th, 1935, have the right to elect 1944, to effect redemption of such LATING TO THE TEMPOR. to pay such delinquent taxes in in- property, under this section, shall ARV REMISSION OF PENAL- stallments as hereinafter provided, be the sum of the following a- -TIES ON DELINQUENT and by the - 'payment of each of mounts: TAXES, PAYMENT OF DE- such installments, together with (a) Unpaid taxes computed as LINQUENT TAXES IN IN- current city 'taxes, to extend the -of prescribed in Section 1 of this S T A L L M E N T S, THE RE -. • period ".of redemption such real ordinance, with interest thereon _ DEMPTION AND SALE OF estate and to postpone the date of equal to the amount of the in- PROPERTY, SOLD TO THE Ithe sale of said property as pro- terest included in all iustallment ,!CITY. FOR . E L I N Q U_E N T vided for by Ordinance No. 15 of payments previously made, as .TAXES, .DECLARING THE the city of Newport Beach, and authorized' by this section, and in ;.,URGENCY OF THJS ORDIN, amendments thereto,. and in the addition, interest equal to the a- ANCE AND. P R O V I D I N G event said property '. has been mount of interest due at the time THAT IT SHALL TAKE EF- deeded to the City, postpone the of such redemption on the remain- • FECT IMMEDIATELY ,UPON �. re -sale of such real 'estate by the der, if any, of the amount payable ITS, FIRST PASSAGE. City. in installments, as authorized by Upon payment to the City Treas -- this section; .. The City of Newport Beach, by urer of the city of Newport Beach, (b) Unpaid taxes for'the fiscal and through its City CO14nci1, does on or before April 20th, 1935, of years following the year :ending ordain as follows: ' ten per cent (10 %) or more, of an September fth, 1934, with redemp- ` SECTION 1. The word "taxes" amount equal to the total of un- lion penalties thereon, computed . wherever used in this section, in- paid taxes, computed as prescrib- in accordance with Ordinance :.eludes all taxes and assessments ed in Section 1 of this ordinance; No. 15 of the city of . Newport ' and annual installments of assess- plus interest on the whole of,said Beach, and amendments thereto, ments charged on the tax roll of amount, at the rate of seven per- Except m in this section' other- .the city of Newport Beach: The cent (7 %) per annum, beginning wise provided, such redemption word "City" wherever used in this July 1st, 1934, to -date of. such shall be made in the manner pre - ordinance, shall mean the City -of payment, and by the "further pay- scribed by Ordinance No. 15 of -.Newport Beach. ment. on or before April 20th, the city of Newport Beacb, and In all. cases where real estate 19350 of all city taxes levied and amendments thereto. has been sold to the City, on or be- assessed for-the fiscal year 1934- SECTION 3. If any section, sub - fore September 6th, 1934, for de- 1935, together with penalties and section, sentence, clause, or phrase linquent taxes, and the city has costs due thereon; the right of re- of this ordinance is for any rea- • _not disposed of the same, the per- demption in installments hereun. son held to be unconstitutional, ..son wb.ose estate has been sold, 'der, shall"bc extended,to and in- such decision shall not affect the his heirs, executors, administrators chiding April 20th, '1936, during validity of the remaining per- or other successors in interest which time no sale of such pro; tions of this ordinance. The city shall at any time on or before the perty shall: be held, as provided Council of the city of Newport F401h day of April, 1935, have the for by Ordinance '`No.. 15 of the;. Beach hereby declares that it right to redeem such'..property, -by city of Newport BesCh, and a- would have passed this ordinance paying to the CAy treasurer of in endments.thcreto, and mo deed , irrespective of the fact that any the City of Newport Beach, the the, city 'shall be -made as pre- one or more sections, subsections, amount of taxed due thereon at the scribed by; said Ordinange�No. 15 sentences, clauses or-phrases' he " time of, such sale, and also all and amendments thereto. .;Upon declared unconstitutional. taxes that wcrc a lien upon said :payment to the City Treasurer SECTION 4. This Ordinance is .real property at the time said in each succeeding fiscal year, hereby declared an urgency meas- Aares became delinquent, and also but not later than April 20th, ure necessary for the immediate .unpaid taxes of every description until said amount has been paid preservation of the public peace, .assessed against the property, to- • of ten percent (10 %) or "more -of health and safety, and shall there - .gether with all taxes that are a said total amount, together with fore take effect immediately upon " lien against the property for each interest at the same rate from its first publication. The facts year since the sale, as shown on the date of the preceding payment, constituting such necessity are the delinquent assessinent roils of or.that paid on said total amount as follows: Due to then wide . said city, or if net se assessed, CEmaining unpaid after gush .pre- spread depression many tax pay- : then upon the value of the prop- ceding payment, and upon "pay- ers have been unable to pay their erty as assessed in the year near. ment on or before April 20th, in taxes or to redeem their property est the time of such redemption, each of said succeeding fiscal from sale to the City of Newport with interest on the whole amount years, of city, taxes for each of Beach for delinquency. By per - of such taxes, at the rate of seven such years, with penalties and mitting redemption in install- per cent (7 %) per annum, com- costs due thereon, the right of ments and with minimized penali- - puted on the 1st day of July, 1934, redemption shall be extended, the ties, many tax payers will be able to the time of such redemption. • time of sale to the city shall be to redeem their property, restore The provisions of this section postponed, and the time of making the same to the tax rolls and shall be deemed to allow the re- a final deed -to the.city shall be thereby add revenue for the op- damption of such real estate on or postponed and extended for suc- eration and maintenance of local :before the 20th day of April ; —IM5, cessive periods of one year. In city government. free from the payment of any the event of the failure' to make " SECTION 5. The City Clerk costs. interest (other than the in- any. of the payments herein speci- shall certify to the seperate vote terest hercinbcfore in this section fied to be made, on or before the on the:?urifency of this ordinance Provided), penalties for delinquen- dates herein act forth, the right and its passage by the vote of cies or redemption penalties, to pay such delinquent taxes in five members of the City Coun- " which may have accrued against installments shall cease and der: cil of the City of Newport Beach, said real property on or before urinate, and such propert y" shall and cause the same to be publish - April 20th, 1935. The provisions thereupon be subject to .sale as ed once in NEWPORT'NEWS, a of this section shall have no ap- provided for by Ordinance No. newspaper printed and 'circulated • plication to the amount or .rate 15 of the city of Newport Beach, in the city of Newport Beach, and of penalties for delinquencies„ or an, amendments thereto, and in upon such publication this Ordi- UPOO.�rpdemption, for taxes for the the same manner as though no Panes shall become immediately fiactl year 1934 -1935, except as election to pay delinquent taxes in operative and take full effect. .otherwise in S_ction 2 and.�fn this installments had been made. I hereby certify that the ques- sectipn provided, such redemption No such payment, nor all of tion of the urgency of the fore- . ^hall be made in the manner -pre- .them, shall be deemed a redemp. going ordinance was passed and scribed by Ordinance No. 15 of the ' tion of the real estate, nor effect the foregoing ordinance was a- city of Newport Beach, and amend- the right, title or interest of the dopted by a vote of five members ments thereto. city thereto, but shall be deemed of the City Council of the City of SECTION 2. The word "taxes" and considered as compensation Newport Beach, at its meeting wherever used in this section, in- for _the use and occupancy of said held on the 29th day of October, eludes all taxes and assessments real estate; provided, that if 1934. • and annual installments of assess- meats each installment of delinquent AYES, COUNCILMEN: Gordon, charged on the tax roll of the city taxes and interest be paid on or Claire, Ellsworth, Garfield, Hil- of Newport Beach. The before the respective dates speci- word "city" wherever uZed in this fied in this section, and. if re- mer. section shall mean the City of demption of such property shall be NOES, COUNCILMEN: None. Newport Beach. made on or before the 20th day ABSENT, COUNCILMEN : In all cases where real estate of April, 1944, in the manner here- None. nas been sold to the city of New- inafter in this section provided, ATTEST: FRANK L. ;RINE- port Beach on or before Septem- the amounts previously paid to HART, City Clerk. her 6th, 1934. fcr delinquent taxes, the City Treasurer under the au- (SEAL) and the city has not disposed of I thority of this section, shall be Publish Nov.1 , 1934. the same. the person whose estate credited on, the amount to be paid)