HomeMy WebLinkAbout849 - Zoning & Setback Lines - ReadoptedAFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA, •County of Orange, - -- - -- - -B N....EFDD1GK - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- ------------------------- of the said County, being duly sworn, deposes and says: THAT ............ he is and at all times here mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and that . he is not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled matter; that he is the *------------ - - - - -- printer of the Newport Harbor News Press, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general cir- culation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, under date of *October 22, 1954, Case Number A 24831; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to -wit: all in the year 1960 - -- r JJ , i ............. ------- ---- . ------- ------ :.-------------- (... .............. ^J .... .. *Printer Foreman of the Printer or 'Principal Clerk of the Printer Subscribed and Sworn to before me this ._ day of .._ May------ ------------------- - - - - -' 19 --- 5Q... , %%l '' : :. .. _ Cwt - (SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County and State. My "Commission Expires -12--5 itOVEi48 -zR 16, 2903 620 she County Clerk's Filing Stamp ORDINANCEF; NO. 849 AN ORDINANCE, OF THE as shown on the District dlap CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH' aged to Ordinance Nn. fi35 i AMENDING SECTION 9102.2 and an referred 'to in Section) OF THE NEWPORT BEACH 9102.2 of said Municipal Code MUNICIPAL CODE RELAT• and made a part thereof, be, and ING TO ZONING AND SET - the same is, hereby rezoned from BACK LINES Th`e City Council of the City an R -4 District to a U District. of Newport Beach does ordain as SECTION 4: Section 91022 of follows: the Newport Beach Municipal 1: Section 9102.2 of Code is amended as follows: ISECTION the Newport Beach Municipal ,The following described real Code is amended to establish the property in the City of Newport building set -back lines for the Beach. County of �' Orange, State) hereinafter described real prop. of California, to wit: erty in the City of Newport Lot 1 in Tract 1395. s per a 96. a Beach, County of Orange, State map recorded to lan- of California, as follows: eons Map Book 10¢ Page 45, (a) That the front building of said Orange set -back line for Tract 3277, as 1 Cat1 County, - per per map recorded in Miscelum- as shown no the District Map at- Map Book 101, Page. 13, tached to Ordinance No. 635 and Records of said Orange County, as referred to in Section 9102.2 shall be ten feet (10) from the of said Municipal Code and made most Southeasterly line of Lots -. - - - - - a part thereof, be, and the same 1, 2, 3 and 4 of said Tract. is, hereby rezoned from a U Dis- (b) That the rear building set - trict to an R -3 District. back .line for Tract 8277, as per SECTION 5: Section 9102.2 of map recorded In Miscellaneous the Newport. Beach Municipal Map Book 101, Paige 13, Records ............. Code is amended as follows: of said Orange County, shall be The following described real no feet (0') along the most property in the City of Newport Northwesterly line of -Lots 11 2, Beach, County of Orange, State 3 and 4 of said `Tract Pasti of California, to wit- SECTION 2: Section 9102.2 of Lots 1 to 27, inclusive. In the Newport Beach Municipal Of Tract 1893, as per map re- Code is amended as follows: S corded in Miscellaneous Map The following described real Book 104,- Page 48, Records property in the City of Newport In of said Orange County, Beach, County of Orange, State as shown on the District Map at- of California, to wit: tached to Ordinance No. 635 and Lots 1 to 4, Inclusive, in as referred to in Section 9102.2 Tract 3277, as per map re- of said Municipal Code and made corded in Miscellaneous Map a part thereof, be, and the same Book 101, Page_ 13, Records is, hereby rezoned from a U Dis- of said Orange County, trict to an. R -3 District. as shown on the District Map at- SECTION 6: Section 9102.2 of tached to Ordinance No. 635 and the Newport Beach Municipal as referred to in Section 9102.2 Code is'amended -as follows: of said Municipal Code and made The following ` deacribed real a part thereof, be, and the same property in the City of Newport is, hereby rezoned from a U Dis- Beach, County of - Orange, State trict to an R -1 District. of California, to wit: SECTION - 3:'Section 9102.2 of A portion of Lot One the Nev rpbrt, : Beach Municipal Hundred Sixty -four in Block Code is amended '.as follows: Fifty-three of Irvine's Sub - The following - described real division, as shown on a Map property In the City of Newport recorded in Book 1, page 88 Beach, County of Orange, State of Miscellaneous Maps, rec- of Califorhia, to wn: ords of Orange County, Cal - Beginnisg' at the Soutn_ ifornia, and a portion of Lot westerly',gpmgt`of Lot 16, Two of Tract No. 1125, as Block 117, as _shoam upon the shown on a Map recorded map of Section R. recorded in .Book 39, pages 7 and S - in Miacellanenns Map Book of Miscellaneous Maps, me. 4. -Wage 27, Rerorda of Or- ords of Orange County, ange County, California, said I California, more particular - ly described a s follows: point lying in the Easterly a point 1n line of 18th Street; thence the a Southwesterly outthh wesstt erly line of Easterly along the Southerly said Lot One Hundred Six - line of said Block 117 to the r Southeasterly corner of Lot South 50* 10'po30" East, 11 of said Block 117; thence 766.98 feet from the most Northerly along the Easter• Westerly corner of said Lot ly line of said Lot 11 to the One Hundred Sixty -four, Northeasterly corner there- said Westerly corner being of; thence Easterly along the the center line intersection Northerly line of said Block of Seventeenth Street and 117 and along the Norther- Irvine Avenue; thence con - ly line of Block 116 and timing along the South - Block 115 of said Section B westerly line of said lot, to an intersection with.a line being the center line of lying Westerly of, parallel to Seventeenth Street, S o u t It and distant 349.90 feet from 50• 10' 30" East, 807.32 the Westerly line of 15th feet to the beginning of a Street; thence Northerly curve, concave Southwest- along said parallel line a dis- erly, having a radius of tance of 205 feet; thence 1500.00 feet; thence South - Westerly along a line parallel easterly along said curve to the Northerly line of said through an angle of 3- 19' Blocks 116 end 117 to an in- 43% a distanna of 87.14 feet tersection with the Norther- to a line. - tangent: the.nra ly prolongation of the West- South 46• 50' 47" East erly line of aforementioned along said line tangent, Lot 16, Block 117, said point 126.10 feet to the North - also lying in the Easterly westerly line of an 50.00 line of 18th Street; thence toot Right of Way as con - Southerly along said Easter- yeyed to the City of New- line of 18th Street to the port Beach, by deed recc d- IIv point of beginning, ed May 24th, 1956 in Bwk 3523, page 378 of Official • Li 0 Records of Said County; thence Noilh 43° 09' 33" Piast along the Northwest- along said curvy through erly line of said SO.W foot an angle nY Y4° 1R' 33 ", a distance Right of Way 181.88 feet; of 913.61 feet; thence South 50° 10' 30" thence North 82° 46' 11" ' East East al ong a line parallel along the Northerly line -of maid 80.00 foot Right aid with the sSouthwester - ly Of Way. 194,82 feet to oP l Lot O Hundred a point In the Westerly line Sixty -ine four, 15ne 8.89 feet; thence South 39° 49' Of the Orange County Flood 30" West, 280.00 feet; thence Control Right of Wav, as North 50° 10' 30" West, said Right of Way Is de- 396.00 fast; thence North scribed in e. deed recorded 56° 09' 56" West, 180.00 'April 7th, 1954 in Book 2705, feet to a point in a curve, page 539 of Official Records of 'Orange County, concave Westerly, having a radius of 1698.00 feet, California; said point being -curve, a ra- dial line to said curve bears In a concave Easter- North 560 09' 56" West ly, having a radius of from said point and the ra- 375.00 feet; thence North- dius point being identical SOY along said curve with the 2778.00 foot radius through an angle of 36. 49' curve hereinbefore describ. 20" a distance of 241.00 ad; thence Southwesterly feet, to the beginning of a along ;aid curve through an curve, concave Westerly, having angle of 5° 59' 26 ", a dis. a radius of 2778.00 tance of 177.53 fast to a fast; thence Northerly along line tangent; thence South said curve, being the West. 39° 49' 30" West along said erly line of said Flood Con. line tangent, 334.00 feet to trol Right of Way through the point of beginning; an angle of 38° 46' 351, a Excepting therefrom that distance of 1880.08 feet to portion of Tract 1396 as the end of said curve; thence shown on a map recorded continuing along the West. May 22, 1958, in Book 104, erly line of said Right of .Page 45 Of Miscellaneous Way, North 16° 55' 29" Maps, Records Of Orange West, 1.35.62 fact to a point; county and excepting there. said - point being in the from that portion of Tract Westerly prolongation of 1893 as shown on a map re. the center line of Mariners corded Mey 22, 1958, in Book Drive, as shown on a Map 104, Page 48 Of Miscellaneous of Tract No. 3004, recorded Maps, Records of Orange in Book 92, pages 1 and 2 County lying within the here. Of Miscellaneous Maps, rec- inbefore described parcel; ords of Orange County, as shown on the District Map at. California, said point being tached to Ordinance No. 635 and also the most Easterly cor. as referred to In Section 9102.2 ner of the land conveyed to of said Municipal Code and made the City of Newport Beach a part thereof, be, and the by deed recorded July 22nd, same is, hereby rezoned from a U Dis. 1957 in Book 3978, page 537 trict to an R -1 District. of Official Records of said SECTION 7: The Citv Engin. County; thence South 86° ear of the City of Newport Beach 56' 18" West along the said is hereby Instructed and directed Westerly prolongation of to change the District Maps so the center line of Mariners as to show the building set -back Drive and the Southerly line lines described in Section 1 here of the land conveyed to the - of and the . Cityy of Newport Beach, 106.71 feet to the beginning zoning changes de. scribed in Sections 2 through 6 of a curve, concave South. hereof, and, as said District Maps easterly, having a radius of shall have been so amended, the 710.00 feet; thence Westerly same shall remain in full force' and Southwesterly along and effect and be a part of Ordi- said curve and along said I nance No. 635 of the City of Southerly line of the land Newport Beach and Section conveyed Newport Beach 9102.2 of the Newport Beach and along the Southerly Municipal Code. line of the land conveyed SECTION 8: This Ordinance to the Newport Beach Eby shall be published once in the entarv, School et, by Newport Harbor News Press, a d decd recorded July July newspaper of general circulation,, 1957 geth, Book 3970, page printed and published in the City fi Of Official Records of Or. . of Newport Beach, and the same County, California, shall be effective 30 days after through through angle of 33° 15' the date of its adoption. di a distance of 41ent; This Ordinance was intro. feet feet to a line tangent; duced at a regular meeting of thence South 53° 40' 24 the City Council of the City of West along said line tan. Newport Beach, held on the 26th gent and along the South. day of May, 1958, and was easterly line of the land adopted on the 9th day of June, conveyed to the Newport 1958; on April 11, 1960, this Beach Elementary School Ordinance was set for public District, 16.46 feet; thence hearing on April 25, 1960, and South 36° 19' 36" East, was re- adopted on the 25th day 140.00 feet; thence South 53° of April, 1960, by the following 40' 24" West, 198.00 feet to vote, to wit: a point in a curve, concave AYES, Councilmen: Stoddard, Westerly, having a radius Hart, Lorenz, Somers, King. of 2158 feet, a radial line to sley, Atkinson, Cook said curve bears North NOES, Councilmen: None 87° 13' 39" West from ABSENT Councilmen: None said point and the radius ATTEST: Point being identical with MARGERY SCHROUDER the 2778.00 foot radius City Clerk curve hereinbefore describ. JAMES B. STODDAR.D. ad; thence Southwesterly Mayor - No. 620 — News-Press 5/4,60 • STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE SS. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH I, ....... Margery . Schrouder-------------------------- --------- -- - - - - - -- City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance Y Y 9 9 ---------------------------- ------------------------------- ----- No ...... ...... .4: --------- - - - - -- -was duly and regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held at the regular meeting place thereof, on the ....... 25gr! ..... day. of-----------------A PT' i ................. ............... 19 --- 60 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN Stoddard, Hart, Lorenz, Somers, Itingsiey, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Atkinson, Cook None NOES: COUNCILMEN------ -- ------ e ABSENT: COUNCILMEN--- No ------ ne ---------------------------------------------------------------------•-------------------------------•------------------- Dated this----- 9th day ofY 60 NB 130 -500 12/56 City Clerk end Fx -Offic Clerk of the Ci+y Council, City of Newport Be ch, State of California