HomeMy WebLinkAbout175 - Central Avenue & Other ImprovementsRESOLUTION NO /7� A RESOU'TION OF THE Br"APD 1)F TPUSTFFS OF THE CITY OF NF7PPRT BEACH, ORMMING Tiir III"RnVE:1rNT OF CENTRAI. AVE- NUE AND CERTAIN OTHER STRUMS AivD AVENUES, AV -D OF CER- TAIN ALLEYS,AND THE' CTIANG.E OF CR:.DF OF CERTAIN PORTIONS THEREOF, IM IMP TTIF. I %TFRnVFIdEi'iT ACT OF 1911. The Hoard. of Truetnen of. t;lle City of Newport Beach do re- solve ae follows: SECTION 1. That the rublic interest and necessity require, and the Board of Trustees hereby order that the following work be [lone, to wit: ll That concrete pavement five. inches. (5 ") thick be constructcd in ;and upon the roadway of certain por- tions of streets and avenues in the City of :Newport Beach,, as follows: (a) '. Bay Avcnuc between tltc "Nor- 'therly prolongation of the Easterly "line of MAIN street and the Norther- ly prolongation of the Easterly curb lint of . "A" Street: - (b)' Alvarado Strcct between a line drawn from the Northeasterly to ,.,;the: Northwesterly corner of Alvarado Street and Surf Avenuc and the East- erly prolongation of the Southerly,: liue.:.of. ,.that part of CENTRAL `Avcnue'(Soiith Drivc)'lying Westerly. of Alvarado Strcet and ALVARADO ,Street between the Rastcrly prolouga- tion of -thc Northerly line of that part of CENTRAL Avcuuc (North Drivc) lying W'csterly of Alvarado Strcct and the Southerly line of Bay Avenue; and ALVARADO Street ^ between the Northerly line of LAY Avcnue and the Fasteriy prolongation of the Southerly line of BUENA VIS- TA•BOULEVARD. (c) Alvarado Place between 'the Northerly line of Bay Avcnuc and, a line drawn front the Norfhcastcrly ' corncr of Lot three (3), to the North- westerly corner of Lot,. four (4) of a Mhp of subdivision `6f Block "C,' Newport Bay Tract as, recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 5, Pagc 25, Records of ORANGE County,:. Cali- fornia. (d) Harding Strect between the Hasterly line of Cypress Strcct and the Westerly line of Adams Street. (e) Cypress Street 'bctwceu the 1lortherly line of Central Avcnuc and the Southerly line of Bay Avcnue. (f) Fernando Strcet bctvccu tilt Northerly line of Bay Avcnuc and a lint drawn from the Northeasterly corner of Lot thirteen (13) to the Northwesterly corner of Lot four- teen (14) of a map of., subdivision of Block "C;' Newport Bay Tract as recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 5, Pagc 25. Records of Orange County, California. - 1 - )By View Avenue t herly lint of Bay Ave drawn from the Pic er of Block One, ' ( f thwestcrly.'corner o of. a, M'ap of Balboa'Ba Book four'(4),_ty7 Orange County, (h)'- ,Coronado Ncrtherly line of $outherly line:, (South Drive); .tweet the Norte orth ;I Orly line of, Bay ,ndo Streit bct ntr of Lot nine 'ttE'0� di'ipioa of ,Block - s c �w . X Tract, as record cd-'m Mss bliuse ]taps. Look 5 Pagc 25 &b Oran Qe County Californra:r•:'i, (i) - Adams- ^'Streetl'• etwec ,the "Northerly line of Surf' Avenue and the Southerly line of Ccntral Avenue (South Drive); Adams Street.betwcel the Northerly line of Central Avenue (North Drive) and'thc Southerly "lin'e of Bay Avenuc; and Adam s! >. Street between the Northerly'line "oi�Bay Avenue and a line; drawn, from "�tht Alortheasterly.corner of of a gap'.. of" Balboa isay as recorded -.in" Mis llane Book 4;Pagc. 78, c .. Comity, California.!,,.,... til" Palm r. Stree'.t" . bet the I and a line I i (cc)hwt,it!: %a5(q"nttit Wf SNNW —Wa irgton. �S true -t--5_ePwccn the i.tweety{ she': ^'Fta6terl �ipprtherly lint of Bay Avenue and a Avtnud`ind 'rtht Westerly :`Baq�t,ao4.S, Wisa 112 Peet Northerly of and parallel Coast Boulevard. •- w)ish the Northerly lint of Bay NO Twenty- fi&`i1Neet: betwQm . Ayeaue. 'Main Street between Nor- the Iasterly line of Ocean .Avenue and the Weeterly.line.of Coast 41) the Avenue Bode+ vard. ;, #erly line of Surf and tine Motherly line of Central,. Avenue (cc) Twenty -sixth Street between the Easterly lint uth Urive) of Ocean , Avenue (m) "A" Street between a line _ `and tilt Westerly,line of Coast Bode.' Aaawe from the Northeasterly to tlro rViwtsttrly corner of Surf Avenue vard. (ti) Twenty, .atv'enthStreet - -;;�� el�nnd "A" Street and the Southerly to ccu the Easterly line -.,of 'Ocft_o Ant of Central Avenue (South Drive); Avenue and the Weitarly "Hui ?r4 and "A" Street between 'the North- Coast Boulevard. :' ' ''• ...', Iine of Central Avenue (North �'aAgg). 'twenty - eighth ,Street --be =r pi s) a the 5©utherly line of Bay [wren the Easttrby line of Ocaa ;, , ue Avenue and the Westerly, line at ._�- r--� -- Coast Boulevard. (n) "B" Street between the North- (Ins) Twenty- ninth' Street fictiveen°'" erly lisle : of . Surf Avenue meld the the Easterly line of Ocean,;�e� tun'' Southerly line of Central Avenue and the Westerly line ot_tCoaatwoule- . (South Drive); and "B" Street be-" sweets the Northerly line of Central vard. r'.' ..,:..,;.. . (ii) Thirtieth Street between the Avenue (North Drive) and isles SpuNl• Easterly line of Ocean A, tt e �`�,w. erly lint of Bay Avenue. 'the northerly ,pmlongdeen "of'1the<" (o) Ninth....Street between, the 3 line f r1of h Northerly line of Surf Avenue and the IulevardlygSouthely Yirtiet Strect and Thirtieth Street between Southerly lint of Geatral.:,,AnAsupv�, '-' the Easterly el_;.Caaeq BpiilF sa"'E (South Drive). .line. I.aii& -the Southwester1yt`'`lirs o1 fLe, (p) Tenth .. Street between sle Southern Pacific Railroad 'CopwIOy'a Northerly lint'of Ocean Avenue and Right -of Way. +. the Southerly line of Central Ase me (jj) Bay Avenue between likeftli;s-' (South Drive). erly line of the Southers; ..;:of�BayJivena (g) The" first alley Southerly;; %Uf Bay Avenue !'between the Westerly line of NineteeotN, Stfeet,' 0ndcIndiee .. line of 'Palm Street' and the Easterly only the. Northerly, drive thcreo line of Adams Street. ,. - „- ... -� , where Central'�Aveuueaiea'adjaeent to (h)'- The first alley:: Westerly,,', the Pacific Electric ' Railway' Com- Washington .Street between the pany a Right -of- Way);' Central' Ave- Northerly line of Central Avenue and one (South Drive)_ bemg'tbe street ly- the Southerly line of Bay Avenue..” in; South of and +"adjacent to the Pa. Ui] Whe B;ot alley Westerly 'of Mrlu 'between cifie Electric Railibay Company Right- .� btreet the Northerly of -Way, from the Easterly line: of line of Central 'Avenue and the Twenty-first Street :to the Westerly Southerly line of Bay Avenue. line of Nineteenth�Street; and Central (j) The first alley. Northe. rly,.of Avemuc (North Dnve) between the Bay Avenue between the.W�esterlj(! • Westerly line o4 Nineteenth Street 'the Westerly,;jtpa_of "B" Street; line of the fire[ alley- -eaettt of- naudo Street, thi?,Eaater k. ' and . said Central• Avenue (South Drive) an8 yrlln ,f •lR� Fernando. Street' and the firsts between the Weateily �line of Nine- Northerly of Bayy. Aveuue',Setwee`1',the,n , t000th Street and'the'Westarfy Bme it Westerly line of :Fernando Street an "B" Street.' o_ thc•Easterly line of Coronado Street, (i) Coast Bot1y�t, rd between the and "the first alley.. , Northerly of: Bayer% ?venue between Westerly`linc Northeasterly pfuln'ngation of the the of Northwesterly lWi' ,of Forty -fifth Coronado Street and the Easterly line • fitreet and the Northerly line of Thir- of Alvarado Place... • "" "''T!- '.)r'. tictY Street; and Coast Boulevard be- (k) The first 'alley :Westerly of tweest the South er)yAiae of .Thirtieth ,Fernando Street between' the North - °ern Street and the Northeasterly line of dine of the first alley Northerly Ocean Avenue— cAc�t" that par$ of of Bay Avenue and the Boutherlytline Coast Boulevard dying -between ths,, ,: of the second a11ey,,Horthei'.Iy�6 IuB troeko: between tie', rails. and within Avenue. •b:5�;! tare feel (7)' on ':Ack aide of the (1) The second alley. Northerly' of, cracks of the SoutIiera" Pacific Qtad1 Bay Avenue between the Westerly . read Company; end �.exeept t@at pert line of Fernando Street.and..the.;East- of Cosec Bonlevar&Iyip[e� etwees the .,. ..erly line of•CoronQd6'Street!"'' ' The rails within tw.bAcet.(2') N each' (m)" first alley'-- Westcrly,ivgfs nd — aideol :the'araek'.df •thb'' dEc .lblec• Anade Avenue between thef:Northerly1 trio Railway Company; 'and except line of the first alley North,e'rly of Bay: that Wt of . Coast Boulevard de- Avenue and the Southerly line of the: smhed as follows: second alley Northerly= ofee,Bay Beginning at the interseetiQn of the Avenue: Southwesterly curb line of Coast (n) The first alley, Northerly...of,' Boulevard, with a dins' " tiff hteen, feet Bay Avenue between the °'Weeterly� (18') Northwesterly` of and parallel -line of Montero Avenue and.the East -,, wttb the ¢outer line of Tbirty -$rat erlyy line of Anade Avenue. .,,,a: }; Btreet'theaeo Northwesterly along the (o) The first' alley "Westerlyj� of �! Southwesterly curb ; line: of Coast Montero Avenue 'between the North =' Boulevard a distance ,of'seveaty -three erly line of the first alley Northerly of fees (73') to a poial;'thegee Easterly Bay Avenue and the Southerly., line;. "aloe`` a circular curve; wltY a;:radiva j of the second 'alley'.Northcrly.bfi�Bay I Avenue. `:' •i of 448.34 feet, coneave; to,�tbe North y to a.point :is the - Northeasterly curb (p) The first alley Northerly. of'l 'fine of Coast Boulevard,;: which point f',Bay Avenue between the Westerly is-298 feet North* seriy of the I line of Palm Street and;the-Easteilyi- Northwtsterly Ifue oi'Airtieth Street; . line of Adams Street., ,','i•� ' • ^ ` sheave Southeasterly along the North- stt (e) The first[ alkyl °Weily'.'of, aasterly curb lint of Coast Boulevard Cypress Strect'between the Northerly,,,, a distance of seventy -three fees (73') lint of Ceniral Avenue and the South -:''. so a' point; thence along a cifeulor curve with a radius of 508.74 feet, coa- erly line[of Bay Avenue; an&thc first alley W;eaterly of Bay View Avenue cave to the Notth, to the '(ieiat of be- between the Northerly line of .Bay dying,.; ,. ; ;,,,:: .; Avenue and the Easterly prolonga- _ ineluding all those pot "a' deeia-, tion of the Northerly.,line of the we.','.5�,S; ; 'Northerly stated upon the plans Yere(nafter men- intvagCtitj�pe end alley of Be '.•Av'x'6n:k , (r)' Tlie?eeeoud all :W; Yoaed of the of said orthefly ".. above ,described' stfeefb' and avenues Bay% Avenue between the Northerly with ether .strette aid!a4enum .sad, prolongation of they Westerly lies 01' „ .-with alleys. the first alley Westerly of Bay View P. That the followicp described al- Avenue aad the )caeterly'line el.;'Far.,.J leyet is the City' of NEWPORT aaado Street '- . °Ns'• tt ;" iY? t REACH' be • surfaced with clay and (a) The first alley Northerly ' of •Bay eraveI-six Inches (6 ") thick, to-wit: Avenue betweenitlthe Westerly ` (a) The first alley Northerly of line of Adams Street and th! Easterly Day , Avenue between the Westerly line of Bay View Avenue. µ.. X• No* of.'Islaad Avenue and the Want -, ' (t) The first' alleys. Westerly "of Orly time of Lindo-Avenue. ... :. ' Third Street between •thi?-Northorly�.� live Surf Avenue Southerlyj'4!' (b) The fire' slley'?'Eapterly of of and the (,fade Avenue between Nerlherly line of Central Avenue. ' .the lice of the first alley Northerly of Bev (u) The first alley, zsaler►v'wz_, Avenue and the Weelerl''y dine of the Third Street between lhi- i'.Worlherly, live Surf A &0 a11ey Westerly of laland venue. of Avenue and lhe'Soulherly (e) The first alley Wcslerly of live of Central Avenue. Island Avenue betwets the Westerly (v) The first alley Northerly. ;of,. prolongation of the-Northerly line of Surf Avenue belweea: the': = Easler•)y' 1- tYo first alley Rorlherly o1 Bay line e! the first ,al�l�eyy. ;E'¢eterfyt;elrTtiird' ;. , "thc °W '. 'Avenue and the Southerly live of the Street, and eeterlyy`Ina'` "o!'the first alley Southerly of Buena Vista first alleyy Westerly of Steen d' Street. .' Bon(evard. '' (w). The first alley Westerly of (d) The, first alley Northerly of Bewail Street between the .Norlbvly,,r say Avenue between the Westerly lino of Surf Avenue mud lbe:',Soutb } ;` Has of Anade Avenue and the East -, erlyy line of Central Avenue.' artyy lime of Island Avenue. 'of-; (s) The, first alley •':EasleFlrr.°of leaned Street between lhT'Norl6erly (e) The ,first alley Northerly Central Avenue belw,eea,tbe.,.Wlesler -" Una of Sur! Avenue and the South. ly line of Adams Street'udAlc Fast- erly line of Central Avenue :.n. , �. , . ryly lies of Cypress Strout. (y) The first alley ;Ngrtherly"of . (f) The first alley Weslerly of Surf Avenue between' Easterly . calm Stracl%rbelweea- .the'Nortberly 3 line of Ninth Street Rod the Wester - pste C��¢re1 Avenue. and.the. South- Iy lice of the iiet alley Westerly of Fourth Street. " 'jaf11'alli.it tka gist alley eoulbedy line of Surf Avenue and the South- 'Avenue. ly..lint oP'Adama Street: ' '= '`�' u� :I r° L% ofong ms Stretrly,>and erly lime of Central (line +,West (ma) The first', alley Easterly of trey lints of th't 'roadway,. of.,Cypress'', Fourth Street between the Northerly . Street, between ,the ' Northerly: dine' of`, line of Surf Avenue sad.-the South- Central Avenue ; (North' Drive) and erlyy lies of Central Avenue'.' the Southerly lint of Bay Avenue, to-, (bb) The first alley Northerly of gtthtr with curb rtturna i thedcorear ;, 'the Sure Avenue between the Easterly line; . ners of Harding Street 'ind of first, A the first alley Easttrly.iof'Fourth jtrtd and the Wetittrly lint of the alltyy' N or therly of Central Avenue ' Along the Eaettrly line of1he 1 $st "alley Westerly of Third Street. ((% roadway of Coronado Street between (cc). The first alley Northerly of the Northerly lint of Surf Avtnut`andy 9nrt'eAivenue between. the Easterly line the Southerly line of'Centri174veuueM; of Idain Street and, the Westerly line . (South Drive),;toi6ther9with *.curb "•rt•F" of . "A" Street. turns.at the corners' of�thi'firit'allty'% (dd) Q'be 4rat alley Northerly of Northerly' of, Surf Avenue;'and'along ^' Crentral Avenue between the Easterly Westerly the Easter& "`linc:.of the roadway of yy "' line of,First Street and the lime of 'Alvarado Street. � � Coronado Strttt Central Anc'ther111 trey lint of Central Avtnut (cc) The �;first alley Northerly of Drive) and the Southerly lint of Yir �•. . Cemtral'Avemut; between the Easterly - first alley Northerly of Central Ave -', line of Alvarado Strttt and the; West- nut, together with garb- return at erly lime of Coronado Street. " " "":'< o the Soned all a corner of :flit° laat,t. M The first alley Northerly of mentioned .., o G.. Central Avenue between the Easterly Along th,,�r,..: (g) Along the"Wtattrly, .(iny of I Iime:of.Corouade, Street and the West- the roadway of Washington Strttt• erly line of the first alley Easterly of between the Northerly:, lint of 1 }, Coroeado Street. . Avenue and a lint 112 feet.. o'i'(iierly ( ) The first alley Northerly of of and parallel.wiih the; Northerlgaine 1 Avenue. between the Easterly of said Bay•Avtnut. " .' Z, line of the, first °alley Easterly of Ste- (h) Curb returns at :the .South -' -i and Street and the Westerly "line of- westerly, Northwesterly, -an out the first alley Westerly of First Street. easterly; corners` V!1MaiiraoStre 'and . (bb) The first alley Weesterly of Ba Avenue. ' Srsi Street between the Northerly ) Along the Westerly lint of the" line of Surf Avenue and the Southerly roadway of "A" Street between .the=n: Northerlyy lint •. of Central ':Avenue Easterly.'pro =' flat of Central Avemtfe, (North Drive) and.the elongation "bf'the Southerly. line of the (if) The first all! 86aflfl e! Y Y first alley Northerly of Central Ave - lriret Street between the Northerly nut togtthtr'with-,%k,curbiretu " lint of Surf Avenue and the Southerly lint, of Central Avenue. Southwesterly corner of they&ait:"' n, .' tioatd alley. "''''�'� Northerly of (j) Along"the Easterly and, West -:, (jj) The first' alley. . Surf Avenue between the Easterly erly lints of the . roadway of "B "f lint of the first alley Easterly of First Street between the Northerly,, line of? Street and the Westerly line of Al. Surf Avenue =;and- .;the, Souther&y�linell �Ctatral'Avenue (South "Drive); and,. varado Street. ,.. "?� ' <�,,.. of the Faster&y and •MestCtli =1 (kk) The first, alley. Easterly of along lines of the roadway of "B11`Steeet-be -'• Fifteenth Street between the Souther- the Northerly. lint of Central ; ly lint of Central Avenue. and the tween Avenue (North Drive) and the South - Northerly line of Ocean Avenue. (11) . The firsfr; alley Northerly 'of arly lice of. Bay Avenue. , `(Y) Easterly 'and "West- Ocean Avenue between the Easterly Alongg the erly lints ot•-Ithe ;^iroadwayt ='of!:Ninth'�— .,- line of Nineteenth Street and' the Westerly line of the first alley West- Street bet the Southerly ll line of erly of Fifteenth Street,— excepting therefrom the intersections with Six- a an to- . Central (South Drivel teenth Street, Seventeenth Street and wAvecue tor- g the alleys terminating at ;sairlp Eighteenth Street - " ��•: <(t " "��' "'. (mm) The first'Ac'y Westerly of sere of part of Ninth Street. "'line °.� Piftttnth Street between the North- (t) Along the No�thcrly _Qt roadway of Bay Abe HUe bttweta'. erly, lint of Ocean Avenue and the the . the Northerly prolongation *.,of 'the.'! Southerly lint of Central Avenue. (nn) The first alley Northerly of Easterly line of Fourth Street and a ht feet (8')..Southtrfy . ofwail Ocean Avenue between the Easterly line ri e with* Ythe "' °Nortbwtwtefty'3'.'Yii'(ev lint of the first alley Easterly' of Fit- parallel:, _ of Butma Vista" $oulevar'd, 'togtthe[;}{ teenth Street and the Westerly lint of Ninth Street— excepting therefrom with a curb return at the Northwest -' Bay Avenue aad'q the intersections with •Tenth Street, Eleventh Street, Twelfth Street, Thir- my corner of Bueaa Vista Boulevard. Along the'Easttriy and West 11 teenth Street and Fourteenth Street. (m) erly limes of the'roadway of Tenth . 4:'Thaa:tigoacrttt curbs be con- strutted aloo'g'the roadways..of ter -., Street between the .Northtrlyy,�;lice tff — "Avenue and the Soufhtrly'lina� i tain portions of streets and avenues Ocean Central Avemue..(Soutl1,Drive) W,5', in the City of NEWPORT BEACH of gtthtr with curb"itturns ht ill corners i as follows: (a). Along the South lint of the of the alltpp intersecting with said part &reef 3 " roadway of Bay Avenue between a of Tenth. ^.. '(a) Alone t Easterly and,WtAt ;; lint 180 feet Westerly of and parallel trly lints oft he roadway of•E&eveath't' with the Westerly line of that part of,., Street bttwttuttb -.Northerly'I ne •of Coronado Street lying Southerlyy� of Octaa Avenue avd'ttie'SOuth erly. tlicer. Bay Avenue and a lint 210 feet Wkst. of Central Avenue (Bouth •]hive ),'to-: erly of and parallel with the last men- I gtthtr with curb .returns at :ill tor. cloned lint. ' (b) Along the Northerly line of ang with ners of the lley intersecti said part of Eleventh Strtet� the roadway of Bay Avenue between Northerly of the - (o) Along the F,aste.1- :A p WEaK t' wclfti�, the prolongation Easterly &ine`of Main Street and the Stly lines of the roadw'. ay, :'bY:' Strttt between theNort(tprly;ltpr. of Northerly prolongation of`tht'East• Octao•; Avenue: aid '':th0 Southerly Itne erly. curb lint of "A" Street. (South rive),: to-' (t) Along the "Eaite rly,.lint of the, i;'al;;Ceatril- J, - getter` witb� curb rtturna at' all tor- I roadway of Alvarado Sireit_ between, of" the nets of the alley, iottrstttimQ with.,taid.. the Westerly prolongation lint the silty South - part of:TwelftY Strait tsr- Northerly o „first trey of Central ,`Avenu "t.lying- Easterlyi (p)'rd`Alo lYe }Eaettrly amdr, 'lints -� the °roadway of Alvarado., Street and the "Weiier&y prolongation of dht Southerly lint iif "' arty eotY..Street betwetm� 6t'Norther&y aad flit. South - =, that part of Central Avenue (South Easterly of Alvarado ^-4— e'ofbOet In.-Kvenue ey lint °Of' Ctatrit Avenue' (South", i Drive),, lying, Strttt?togtthiPwith.a curb return at nvt), together with Curb returns at 'Ot the alley intersecting thttNorthtrly,`lint of the last men- a&& corners M with sail nart of Thirteenth Street. iuep`1'o thw"3 ixid -sy - � v: #tr �rlinti o _ e►ly 0i °Four -'° t e ioadway o e%Str'eetgbe tecrtY' Street between the Northerly, tween': the northerlyixrlmof':;Oceatt . Has of Ocean Avenue and the South. Aveuut and _. a line drawn eat.- right; Illy tine ••o9 -.Central Avenue (South angles to the Westerly line .of said; Drive,) together, with curb returns at Wletie'th. Streit:-.through ; a point „tai:, all corners, of "the " illey- imtersectiag the Westerly'lint. oC%a_idi. Twentieth with said. part of Fourteenth Street.. Street; which. point' is six"feet (6') (r) Along. the'Easterly and West. Northerly of the Northwesterly ,cor. :^of' Illy lines of the roadway of Sixteenth ,?;. mer Twentieth Street' and Ocean Street between the Northerly',lime'of• -' !Avenue; and, along: the Easterly line., Ocean Avenue and the Southerly, line.: of the roadway:. of.:TwentieWvS$eett, of Central Avenue. (South,,, Drive); "'to - •'-between the' Northerly. line of Octati' gether ,:,with: "curb' :retures'at all cor- '`Avenue and a line drawn at right ners;o$ the alley °intersecting with said angles to­ the, Easterly ",.curb-- linc'16i: part of Sixteenth' Street. aaid Twtntttth StrecC�th'�ough �a porn %•. '(s) Along the Easterly and West= "of in the Easterly curli.'Ime of+said,-Twin ¢' t Illy lines of-.the roadway Seven- tieth Street—which tpoin`t is'twelvt teenth Street :between the Northerly !ftef:(12') Northerly of . thc;;North line of Ocean Avenue and . tlie.Soutk - line of Ocean Avenue measured` °alting;, Illy line of Eestral "Avenue (South ,the Easterly curbf;lim *`!gfrsaid,, Twto -;. �titth•StrelL - brlve) Po et el "-4 h'ciirb `ratlirfli r4 '' "(x) Along the 'iV orthtrly.';11int., of.; the roadway of Twenty- fourth Street "' all eoinefa of the alley.,; intersecting between - the Easterly line of Ocean with said of Seventeenth Street. Avenue and a lint''4:Sil; ;fttt ,lasterly 'aste."rlj+l!ljt .part (t) Along the Easterly and West- of and parallel with the Illy lines of the roadway of Eight- of Ocean Avenue. - ` (y) . Along "the: Northerly line,' of tenth Street between the Northerly line of Ocean Avetme ;and the South- the roadway of Twenty -fifth Street„ bt_;sl Illy lint of Central Avenue (South, "i tween the Easterly hue4. of- 'Ocean':t a Avenue a line 450 feet astlrl}?> � �- curb jjt tri sting ' the •'alley' intersecting " ,and - it � -'. of and parallel �with the. Easterly line, otogether:thc" alDrive),, all corners • of with said of Eighteenth Street. of Ocean Avenue;' anti along the .part (u) Along the Westerly line of Southerly line of thc:- roadway ::',ofi'r Twenty -fifth, Street between.�the -East.., the roadway of Nineteenth. Street be= tween a' line drawn from the North. .tr�\;trlyrlittt.pf#Oceari Av (,ter�,aA,d .li `'eight feetf(85),iEastb and'paril, easterly to the Northwesterly cooler yof .., III with the Easterly line of of Nineteenth StreeLand Ocean Ave- .,Ocean:..; � :, .11; - Avenue. , k,qi re; 'and' -'a'*Imt "d "r'awn at right angles .. (z) Along Ncuth- to the Westerly line of said Nine - sixt.li Str`of,;- adway"-tht the roadway ' oC "`Tivtnty -sixth Streit' teenth Street„ through a point in the ." between the Easterly line of Ocean Westerly line of said Nineteenth. . Avenue, and a lint East -, ";� Street, which point is 32.50 felt north- Illy of the Northwesterly corner of �ll,80„feeC.. ell of and parallel' it. E,ltl. ,�thh. lint of Ocean Aycu along- E- Nineteenth Street and Ocean Avenue; Southerly 'lii ems" ' "of . then roadway +' of ^2 the and along the Easterly line of -the.,. Twenty -sixth Street "' between the . roadway of Nineteenth Street line of Ocean and'*,.. tween a line drawn from. the North - to the Northwesterly corner ,putout lint fit' Easterly oN•agd ^'paraa `: line 21.5 ", easterly "of Nineteenth Street and Ocean Ave- 't�kl. with'the "Easterly line of OOcean with, nut and a line drawn at right angles ,•, Aveaut: {;•. -,,, ;;tk,'.. (aa) Along "`the "Not�hcfIy:tlme:'of' to the Easterly line of said Nineteenth the roadway- ^ 'of "' Twenty,- seventh '',Strttt through a point in the Easterly Street between the line of said Nineteenth Street, which line 15lfeet t Ocean Avenue and a.lint IS felt East =.a' point is 20 feet Northerly of the Illy of and parallel with the Easterly:;, Northeasterly corner of Nineteenth sterly co line of Ocean Avenue; and -" Street and Avenue; and along „alongytht` Southerly lint o the- roadway of c. the Easterly line of the roadway of t ^the:. Twenty- seventh Street b Nineteenth Street and the Southerly venue`t Easterly lint of Ocean Avenue and line of the roadway of Central Ave- a a live'16,feet. Easterly of. and pOcea i,.j• _ nue (South. Drive),- from a line 4rawn 'Easterly lint of Olean at'right angles to the Easterly`�liae of Avemtt: - _. h „-'- ` Avenue.' Nineteenth Street, through a. point in i � (bb) Along the Northerly •ara said Easterly lint of Ninttttnth Southerly linesl,of' .thE4""roaddY:e +, Street, which point is 77.32 feet North- - Twenty - eighth' Street " bet ween;,;;t��,I� Illy of the Northeasterly corner of Easterly lime of Ocean 'Ave nueF'aod;a'�im; that part of the first alley Southerly live 37.50 feet Easterly;of,aad. arallel °'" 'P of Central Avenue, which lies East- with the heater!:: hue of OCI¢n {; -Illy of .!Nineteenth Street; thenceA4tnue:'�.tr Northeasterly around• the curet' of, the - .y,��} {T ^ 41ki Nz* "t (cc) Alotlg Son berly7G curbline at the Southeasterly corner the roadway of Twenty -ninth Strttt' - of Nineteenth Street and Central Ave- between the line of Ocean nut, (South Drive) to a line drawn line 3y Avenue and. a",lime 36.50 Ertl Easter - ' at right angles to the Southerly line lin of and parallel• with the Easterly of Central Avenue (South Drive), lint of Ocean Avenues "north -, through a point in said last mentioned (der Curb returns at. -. line, which point is 24.48 feet East. rl and S westerly, and South erl of the intersection of the North- easterly ornery of trcct corners of - Thirtieth,,, Strttt; }� Illy prolongation of the Easterly line a And the first slily;: Easttrly''o }l,Ocaap';'! of Nineteenth Street, with the South- Avenue. erly line of Central Avenue, (South ' ( «) Along the.easteay; #rioa�wte�tt�`: Drive). Illy lines of -tw. r- ,0adway. ofi? !n'Z* "70 ,(v) Along the . Northerly and Avenue between a line diawtC- -,je, Southerly linen of the Roadway of "'Twenty s _ anq IN to thrtceater' lime. ,uf =yet.!Wen =;W, ;the -sixth Street between a line ,�tral''Avtnut'through,'Fa' poiafC'in, drawn from the Northeasterly to the center line, of 'said' Central- Avenue Southeasterly corner of Twenty -sixth which point is. 1483,37 feet northerly:; . Street and Central Avenue, and a line of the intersection of.the center,:llnes:;;, seventy feet (70') Easterly of and of Central • Avenue '&ad. WaS4iugtoti . parallel with the Easterly line of that Avenue, measured' along" thecepter part of Lafayette Avenue lying North- live of said ,Central., Avenue,. "acid;; a',% Illy of Twenty -sixth Street together lint drawn at rightiamgle9 to tYct ecp `Ci.. with curb returns at all corners of ter. line of -. said .; CentraG�AV*h Twenty -sixth Street and Lafayette 1, „t hr, —& 'point - m.'said "center me:.., Avenue and at all corners of the first t which point is 395.63 feet; Southerly 'of ' alley Easterly of Central Avenue ly. the intersection:, oflthe',ceutet- Iliucc,of,,; ing Northerly of Twenty -sixth Street. Central °Agenue''anA "�Tn!tnty +third " -�` " - Street,.measured -along •the ,con ter;' li)pe; .. .oEsaid Central.. Avenue: togetli&' with': curb returns at a1G;coX`%6s-- of'streets ` or alleys intersecting with or terrain- atin¢ at said oart of Central Avenue. - — 5 " Or) ': -Alen v a u ` e est rll i and betareev'^tfie;'.•.; ; asterlyi' lino *;o(„ of ratrty- seeorw Street to Coronado Street `anti " -the ^;Westerly ',4,cnrW.returri at -the °West line of Adams Strcet: and between the oV Thirty- second Street; Easterly line of Adams Street and the the Northeasterly 'and -So, Westerly line of Palm Street; and lines of the roadwa of Ci between the Easter line of Palm yard, between theouthea Street and the \Westerly line of Wash- line of Thirtieth Street and easterly prolongation of ; tRWu Yfi!° �,� 0 ct ll +'Paaar Hof, ntq thlyd;8tseetdying?Weaterty I draws. a[ngtltpangles to liac"of'Nineteenth aStret et, , K'east $ehisvard; together -with ctlr -T retwna at all corners of streets of al- Ieys intersecting with or terminhting .feet ;North TIT, .S ncrpof =sN# at said ' rt'of +Coast Boulevard; and • along. the Westerly line of the.road- I Avenue:` and. it of Nineteenth; I way of Coast Boulevard hetr ere rhw' drawn front the southeasterly, of 22nd Street`: anil''rthe'• Northerly tine of Oceall Avenue to- I draws. a[ngtltpangles to liac"of'Nineteenth aStret gether with'°a "eurb return at the point In the Easterly, line Southwesterly corner ,of: ,the r ^twit' 111% teenth Streit, which poi Northerly the' North mentioned alley. Sansionscran curbs shall the of ner of Nineteenth Streci Avenue; and along the dimensions and "at the locations l at shown upon the plans hereinafter of - Ninctecnth' Street ant re- ferred to. .. � ., ; ,:•,; ,,j! +:pti:P +1- .' . "" .' Drive) ' from 'a lind -dra wr5..; „That .concrete sidewalks 9). angles to the'taiterlyyl inches thick'be constructed in certain teenth. Street, through a Portions bf;atrcete "and avenues in the $a terly. line;aAf �.;,Nintt City of Newport-Beach, as follows::` �wnic 'li ?poinC�is`7ih:3E <ifeet;. (a) Along the Southerly `side of the Northeasterly corae[ Bay Avenue between, a line. 180 feet of the first alley Souther] Westerly of and- parallel with the Avenue. which, lies Easte Westerly line of that part of Corona. teeuth Street:: thence 'P do Street lying South of Bay Avenue around the curve.of tht'l and a.liac.210 feet Westerly of and at the Southealiterli -645ir pariiIIcC:wfth(QhcAa:4• mentioned line. tecuth,, Street v6andve Cen (b) `Along the Easterly slde.,of At- '(South Drive)'to'a' line dr that part of the first alley Northerly of Surf Avenue lying Easterly of Al. varado Street and the Westerly pro. longation of the Southerly line of that part of Central Avenue (South,Ddve) lying Easterly of Alvarado Street; and a sidewalk return at the .South- wester)yy corner • oVBay,Aveone -.and Alvaratlo Street. erly line of Adams Street, and along the Southerly side of Harding Street between the Easterly line of Cypress Street and a line 96.28 feet Easterly :�of.and parallel with the'Easterly line 'of'Cypress Street.. (d) Along' both' sides, of;;Cypress. Street between the Northerly has of .:Central 'Avenue and the Southerly line of Bay Avenue with sidewalk returns at the corners of Harding Street. (c) .Along the Easterly side of Coronado Street between the North- erly line of Surf .Avenue and the Southerly line of the first alley North- erly of Surf Avenue; and betweea'the Northerly line of thc.lasi meutioucd alley, and the .Southerly ".•line ;of Cos. tral ,Avenue (South" Drive); and be- tween the Northerly line of, Central Avenue (North Drive) and the South., crly line of the firat'alley Northerly of Central Avenue. (t) Along the Westerly aide ar Washington Street between the Nor- therly line of Bay Avenue and a line 112 feet Northerly of and .Parallel with the Northerly line of said Bay Avenuc. (F) -Along the Westerly side of 'A' Street, between the Northerly line of Central Avenue (North Drive) and the Easterly prolongation of the Southerly line of the first alley North. erly of Central Avenue, (h) Along both— sides of Street between the Northerly line of Surf Avenue and the Southerly line of Central Avenue (Soulh.Drive); and between the Northerly line of Central Avenue (North Drive) and the South- erly line of Bay Avenue. (i) Along the Northerly. side �61 Bay Avenue between the Northerly prolongation of the EaslerW line of Fourth Street and a line which is flight feel (8') Southeasterly of and parallel with the Northwesterly line of Buena Vista Boulevard,.. with` sidets alk re- turn al'the Northwesterly corner. of Buena Vista Boulevard., ° ". (j) Along_ the ;r Westerly side of•; drawn from the NortheaeterIj:. f "tfie =! Northwesterly corner of. Niheleeuth" Street and; Ocean Avenue aril a lint drawn at right angles to the West= erly line of Nineteenth Street, through a point in the Westerly line of said Nineteenth Street. which ooinl is 32,50 --7- angles to tral Aven point in 91 point is 2 the`South (South'D n the 4A Twentieth erly line [ drawn at wcnuctu otrcet, .wmi feet Northerly of the corner of Twentieth Sti Avenue; and along the t of 'which point is 9, feet- Northerly'-6VijT4j Northeasterly "corner of Tweitie -, Street and Ocean Aveau I. .. '•"F"•'t (1) Along the Northerly. side'of' Twentyy fourth Street lxtweenar;ths .rMaitcrly line of -Ocean Avenue aud%tr' fine 4.50 feet Easterly of aad'pparaU- let with the Easterly "line .a crag ' AVlaaC. ' are and between M Along i Tweut - sixth;-. FAsterly line c line 19,80 feet allel with the Avenue; and al Xaaterly line of Oc !tine 15 feet 'Easter with the $asterly.li Mile; A494 along the can Avenue and, a_. terly of "and par. Orly line of Ocean the. Southerly side 1we`nky. a roe!'' a vr t e. 8aaterlY fine of Ocean Avenue "and' a line 16 feet Easterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of Ocean Ave mte. bastcrl line:'of•Ocean "'Avenue and a line 42.50' fcet'Easterly of and 1 any proiongaaon or one wea[eriyune "r- of that part of the „first _a1t—' c.- Easterly paral. lcl with the - Easterly . line of Ocean Avenue; and and along,ehe Northerly side — = -' r - - -••thk'� erly OTEeuiral Avenue; `'the of Twenty - eighth Street bctwccfi''a returns at • Southeasterlyn'`,aitd . Southwesterly corners 'of. Coronado line 285.70 feet Eas�rly of and paral. let Street. ::. with the ^,Easterly line of Ocean Avenue and a Iine,300.70 feet Easterly (v) Along the'Sonthwesterly -aide' t,� .of the last. mentioned line; and along the Southerly °side.,of,Twcnty - eighth �C` of oast Boulevard,,' between ',asslinc lf5 fee! NortliweaterlyC+ofioad pp'aa'ralId, with the Northwesterly' IinetofiThirty Street,.; between the Easterly line and a line 37.50 feet second Street and -a.linc.5, .feet"SouNi =' :�Oeean'`iAienue et Easterly of and parallel with thc.East- easterly of and paralld'witti "the ?Iaat - crly line of Occan'Avcnuc; and along mentioned. line with eidewallrreturri, st.thc Westerly corner of Thirty sec - the Southerly side of, Twenty.eighth Street between.a 309.SO: feet East- b M.50 `oad Street; and alongg the .6outh -.,, rlircet aline twc'parallel fcc East -- c,wcstcrly side of. Coaat.Boulcvard,'be. �erly line of0eeariAveaue, and a line tviecnrthe Thirtieth Southeasterly curb' line; wf Street5a_ : tlie"iNortheas4�?. 334.50 feet Easterly of and parallel erly'' reloiigatiou; ti `thc_Northwest= with the last. atentioael'line, • . erly curb line e (q) ""side�of with sidewalk return at the eorner . -moth' Stre8outherly'. 'Twenty -ninth Street between the ail streets inter seeti itfi'(ortteragta -h Easterly line "of Ocean Avenue and a stia ; at. said part of °Co ast;;�B.odle•`. line 39 feet Easterly of and parallel iroarr " "... with `thd. Easterly lice of Ocean Ave. 'sue. (w) Along they. Northerly; side„ of ; ( I Central •-Peveaac (North ,Dnve), fro"[rin , •(r). -Along the Southerly side :of the Easterly curb of Ninth "> Thirtieth Strcetbetwcca, the Easterly Street to a line 10 feet Easterly of and; Line, of.Ocmn Avenue, and a line *50 "'pirallcI parallel with said' Easterly'.e b,linc;•'.' .-North i Afiii'F,iiterly`of`anA :with they with sidewalk. return' at%'ifio -vt Easterly line of Ocean Avenue; along easterly corner of Ninth Street: and` the Southerly'side of Thirtieth Street also a sidewalk return-at ^the Worth. between the Westerly line of the first westerly corner of Fourth Street and alley. Easterly 04 Ocean .Avenue and Central Avenue )North °Drive). -;a line_2 feet, Westerly of and parallel Said concrete sidewalks :shall be-,of. °'wirh'the•.lastg Mentioned line; and the dimensions and at.. the.: locatins' along the Southerly side of Thirtieth 'shown upon the plan hereinafter men: Street between .'•the Easterly line of Nosed. "' the first'allcy Easterly. of Ocean Ave. ' i,.,. 6. That., standard .aitell, basinit of site' and aAina'2'fcet Easterly of and type No."1 be "eoiietrueted at.!thej parallel with the last mentioned line. (a) Along the Easterly and North.- lowigq.locatioyp -to -.wit: ,;,;..f "P''Z; -;? N° � �r,., )`''At the ' �lOrthwisItoily corner crly side of,.Ccntral Avenue and Cen• of Seventeenth Street `.ddd �Ceatral ;,, to tral Avenue . (North Drive) between a Avenue (North Drive) line drawn at right angles to:the con- (b) At -the Northwesterly corner tir line of Central Avenue through a of Sixteenth Street and Central Ave. point in said Center line, which point true (North Drive):. ¢" ;he; is 1483.32 feet Northerly of the in- ,(a),.-At -,,t - .- iutcrsiction,: gtgj, ., "yy tcracction of the center lines: of-Wash- Norther) eurb'litie'Of'Central•Avenuei' o:ingtondAvcnne;,:,and" L Central Avenue (North Drive)' >an - &L a�lincL 215 feet li measured' aloe the center line of g Easterly of .and Parallel' w".UG-e „ Central Avenue and a line 6 feet East - Easterly line of Sixteeath:"%Strelt' :' crly of and parallel with the Southerly (d) At the Northwcaterly"corner prolongatiomKbfiithc =.Westerly line of of Fifteenth Street and Central _Ave - Ninth Street wiih sidewsliFieturns;at ':�:.•.'_ ^:. ( tL -Drive) the corners of all streets intersecting'- wester zf(c A the' Northwesterly corner `(° with or terminating'at said part of rt of ourteort Street and, Central Central' Avenue; -said : sidewalks be. Avenue (I1lorthDriv'e ).i '` Jag' only, along: he Northerly - aide of . '(f) At the Northeasterly cornei,�ot' Avenue the North Drive of .Cen tral Avenue' a of 'Fourteenth Street and CentrallAvenns; where Central' lies adjacent to 1 (North Drive). the Pacific Electric Railway Com- (g) At the Northwesterly Corner,, pangs Right -of -Way. of Street and'Centralm*6+. (t) Along the Westerly side of one (North Drive). ; ' ..'. - Central Avenue between a line 8 feet (h) At the Northeastcrly'� "eorner Northerly of and, parallel with the of Thirteenth Street 4tod'Central. Ave.; Southerly 'line of that part of Thir- (North:,Drive) - ticth Street I in Westcrl of Central Y g Y . .n.ue 'Northwesterly corner- Avenue. and ;a line Amwn at right of Eleventh Street and CentrafAvenue *angles.,ito, the-. center line of Central one (North Drive).;; 'iAvenuc through'A int in said center i'O N (J) At the ortheasterly'" eorner, line, which" point' is 344 feet South- of Eleventh Stret and Central Avenue, crly' of the intersection of the center (North Drive). �"'• "` lines of Twenty -third Street and Cep- Avenue, the (k) At the Northeasterly- corner tral measured along ,eon- -of Tenth Street and Contra Avenue , ter.linc of Central Avenue, with side- .( Nortk Drive)iy� walk returns at the `corners of all I` ' '(I) At?�tfie m rseeltba, Ave6j streets intersecting with or terihinat• Northerly curb Imefoft }Cent aln in of said Dart of`Centrai•�Ayenue. Along the Southerly not (North Drive); and a I c 220;fcct'� (u). side of Westerly of and parallel with .the Central Avenue (South Drive) be- Westerly line of Ninth Street. - twcen a line dmwn�st right angles to the Southerly line of Central Avenue. -(ad At the. 9Out welt' 1 "� -. rmoU` Twellt . th Street ah6 Oyat�ftsu•' {South Drive), through ,,,a., point"in ,of 'levard. said last mentioned ,:hn'e; 'which point 7. That Standard 'curb drains be is 24.48 feet Easterly of the interact. constructed in the.. concrete curb tion of the Northerly prolongation of ' along the side of, Central the Easterly line of Nineteenth ,Northerly Avenue (South Drive) at'the4,ollow• -. -" ,Street with the'Southerly line of Cen- ing locations; to -wit:' E$st -�. tral Avenue .:(South Drive), and the (a) At distance of:2001fect Northerly yyrolongation of the' West- crly of the Northeriy,,prolongation'. erly curb 1me,.of Seventeenth Street,; "4eturns� of the Easterly . line;, of Eightccuth with`, sidewalk .at „tthc,�Sotit&? I Street. *of ' east""&Sonthw.est'�eorners'of Eight- (b) At the intersection the ten= tenth Street anil`atthc °9outhwcstcor- ter line of SeventeenthsStreet..,. nor of Seventeenth Street, and it side. ' .(e) ::At, the . interiigetibrr,)2`witkwetho- walk return it the Southeasterly tor- - ..�_.. " - Northerly protongation','of: the; West „L nor of Second Street and Central Ave - cr{d)in Street. At a distance of feet Fast- erly of the Easterly line of Sixteenth' Street. e t a: distance -,o ; fset st -I criy of the Easterly line`of Fifteenths . _boi^ rafp'...! -. nee+. ?nor# Ester y, Street. - along the ncrtherlj.'Aine ?::of �'ss-aid ":Bay+ (f) At the intersection with the Avenue, as laid out "and shown Yuyon. Northerly prolongation of the West- the aforesaid map bf 'tbc' East Side erly line of Fourteenth Street. Addition to the-Balboa Tract, and.as a distance of 220 feet East -' of shown and laid out upon a ma of 1,. erlyAt the Northerly prolongation 'of �; the3-, a- =r$ct7aS RYcjitr ee -, M. cellaneousI'Maps, Book °tl; corner of Lot';_15;-) _I6e M . 'vo n;,, nc aforesaid map.. of Scctibn: B, Newport Beach; thence westerly in 'a direct line to the northeasterly corncrof Lot 1, Block 118, of the aforesaid map of Section B, Newport Beach; thence northerly in a direct line to the north. cast corner of Lot 18, Block 218, of the aforesaid map of Section,,B, New- port Beach; thence' westerly in a di- rect,line to the southeast corner'"of Lot 6, ;of' the -last mentioned Block 218; thence northerly along the east- erly line of the last mentioned Lot 6, to the northeast corner thereof; thence westerly along t e:o_ or Iierly line of the last!mchtioncd Lot' 6, to the ..northkvvst6Hy ':. corner thereof; thenceyno'rtherly -in a direct line to 'theJnortheast corner of Lot 5; of the last mentioned Bibck "218; thence north 12 degrees 10 minutes 30 see. ,onds'cast,'145 feet to, a,:point -, thence "northwcstcrlyc'5insa 'direct line to .. the most -casteily corner of Lot 15, Block 221. of a Map of Section A, Newport _Beach,, as recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book '4; Page 21; Records of Orange County -. California; thence . northerly in a direct line to the most northerly corner of the last mentioned? Lot,45 =thence northwesterly in "a di- rect,]irtc to •the soul}icastt��rrl�� corner of °Lot, 7, Block 223, of the'ai'o`r2said. map of Section A, Newport Beach ;' thence northwesterly in a direct. line to' the. northeasterly corner of Lot 15, of'the last mentioned..Block.223; thence northwesterly in a direct line to'the. southeasterly scorner of Lot 1, Block. 224,;. of. the aforesaid:'.map. of Secti6n''7A,' Newport Beach; thence easterly in a direct line to U. S.' Bulk. head Station, No. 121, as laid out and shown upon a map, of Newport Bay, California, showing harbor lines, ap- proved'-by the War Department, Jan - _uary<;18th, 1917; thence north 79 ode= grecs 57'minutes ' 30: seconds cast, 295.90 feet to U. S.. Bulklicad Station. .No.422, +'as showntupoa thc'aforesaid tnap'of the War Department; thence south 47 degrees east 1000.70 feet to U. S. Bulkhead Station No. 123 as shown upon the aforesaid map of the War Department; thence north 54 degrees 30 minutes cast '598.70 -feet' to'U.'S. Bulkhead Station, No. 124, as shown 'upon I th:' aforesaid ,map ob,the War Dcpartmcnt;`thcnccnorth 27 de. "gre'&W-minutev,west, 3519 feet to U. S:'- Bulkhead Station, No. 125, as shown upon the aforesaid'map_ „of the ,War Department; .thence, north 66 de- grccs:302minutci west 197 feet to a 'point; thencc` southwesterly in a di- rect line. to the most easterly corner of Lot 15,�,Block 634, of a'map of the Canal Section as recorded in Mnscel- lancous''Maps; Book 4, Page, 98, Rec- ords of Orange County, California; thence westerly in a-Wrectlinc,do.the- nbrthwesterly corner of the last men - tionedlLot-115;.,thencc northwesterly iu "a'< dircct hnc'to'tlie most. easterly" corner of' Lot 12, Block 636, 'of the aforesaid map of the Canal Section; thence westerly.in'a direct line to the most northerly' corner, of Lot 10, of. the.' last mentioned Block 636; thence `' westerly in a direct line to the most easterly corner of- Lot 1; (Block '637,, f esa o the :aforid map of the Canal Section; thcncc westerly along the northerly lines of Blocks 637, 638, 539, and 441 of the aforesaid map of the Canal Section and along the westerly prolongation of the 'north- erly line of the last mentioned Block 441, of a map of the Canal Section to its intersection with the northeasterly line of Block 242, of the aforesaid map, of the Canal - Section; thence northwesterly in a direct line to the most easterly corner of Lot 1, Block 244, of the aforesaid magof;the Canal Section; thence northwesterly along the northeasterly and northerly lines of the last mcntnoncd.;Bloek, 244,4�to, the northwesterly corner ;' L6t'71, of the last mentioned' Block' 244; thence westerly in a direct line to the most westerly .nrm:r, of Lot 8, Block 145, of the aforesaid man of the. Carol -ZD- rect line tb thc. :most l terly. morner"- of Lot I5, Block 45,ofx'a "m "ayTOf3BiJG Section, as recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 4, Page 25, Rccords� of; Orange County, California; thence', southwesterly: in°a' dircct lincsto, -thc most Nsouthcrly corner of Lot 7, of. southwesterly in a direct, line to.,thcy, . most northerly corneribf Lot'3lnbyWk; '45, of a map of the Third Addition toy -. Newport Beach, as Recorded in Mis- cellaneous Maps, Book r3," Page., 31,i Records of Orange County; Califor -;T nia;.,thence southwesterly,*along' the northwesterly,, line: 60! this Al stq'mcn- tioned Lot 3,` to thc''inbst "westerly corner of the last nncnlinned Lot 3: thence outFicastcr y a ong,t e n easterly line of Ocean Avcnuc to'•th'e most southerly, corner of Lot,. 19 a , Block 21, of map , NcwpgrN Beach as .Recorded in �Mi9ec1 €ancous Miaps, Book 3,- •Pagc!?-26, Rccordsi of, Orange County, California' Sou hcnc¢ theasterlyy nn , a direct line to the most westerly, corocrtofTLott7;,. Block' r -20, of a "'map 'of "First"' "A'dbftiomZtod Newport Beach as recorded in'Misccl lancous. Maps, Book 3, . �Pagc 27," Records of , Orange,::: Coun =i ty, Calliotula, thence' souti ca+t- erly a l o n g the _ northeasterly, line ;of Occan Avenue and Surf Ave." line to the southeasterly' corner of Lot 9, Block 2, of a neap, of Nc?vport, Bay Tract as recorded in Misccllan- cous Maps; Book 4, Page 16. Records of'Orannge County, California;. thence southeasterly in a - direct 'line to the southwesterly corner of Lot I1, Block._ ' 'of .a map of the Balboa Tract-"a's recorded in Miscellaneous, Maps, Book 4, Page 11, Records of Oraugc,Coun- ty, California; thence southeasterly , along •.the, northeasterly line *611¢Sur, Avenue to the southeasterly corner 'o ' Lot 1; Block 16, of the aforesaid map . of the Lastside Additioni, to;the_Balboa i Tract; tire' place "of- 'be "ginning+;'�ei,4c�.�t�,,, ting therefrom any lauds forming;an�t, part of any public street, or alley,. For further identification', and dc- gacription 'of '.said "4aSscssmcnt --dis l to reference is hereby "made" "td"'a: map thereof desiguated-as "Plan' No.!,266, of Assessment District for the inn- . provcnicut of Central Avenuc'"andA. othcr�strects "andivalleys= approved" by' the Board of Trustees of said �Cit on the 11th day of Apr1,::1922 ''iii "d'� now on file in the office' of"thc,'.:'City' Clerk of said City, on ;,w fch ?_the +fit -,!}i terior boundaries of said districtrarc indicated by a red border line. Section I'r;IA he reby`dctc��tncdaanuy;�tt, c,e; • -is 'hereby given, that serial. "bonds. -t0 - represent unpaid assessments'V.'aq'd; bear interest at the rate of-seven-per., cent per annum' will be issued here-. under in the manner provided*%y:the improvement Bond:.�Act of 1915, tine.. last installment of` wliieli bonds shall mature fourteen years„ from',, the 2nd'. day of. July, nczt &SSdcC d iiBkiti?'iS.y. i:' months from' their datc.1 :1.'`: Section, 4. ].Xccpt as hercinbefore. stated, all ^ the proceedings for +Tthc',aforresaid, work and improvements shall be" had and taken under and9in' "acgordancc With the provisions of an Act Iof `the' Legislature of the'Statvof''Califof Ma known and designated as the Im- provement Act of 1911;' as amenided., , I.. Seot ion 5. That in the oonstruotirn of said. improvement oertain parts of said work shall be done at gre.des hereinafter stated other than the previously existing offioial grades for said streets, and said previously existing of:rioi.al grades of certain portions of said streets are hereby modified and changed as follows: 1. The offioial grade of Bay Avenue along the northerly curb line from the easterly line of Bay View Avenue to the wester- ly line of Adams Street is hereby changed so that instead of said existing offioial grades the came shall conform to the following elevations, to wit: 'etly- corner''of )ay View "Avenue` 106.80: At a point 92.62::feet. easterly;;of thcc last Mentione& point 106.90. ,. ":Af`a •.p mt'gpposit EC northwest. erly corner .of Ada 's' Streef'I .62 ^•i The said northerly' curb -line -,qF" Bak-Ave sh'all'be located as shown on- the plans hercinbefore mentioned. 2. The offioial grade of Alvarado Street from the northerly line of Surf Avenue to the northerly line of Bay Avenue is hereby changed so that instead of said existing offioial grades the same shall oonform tc the following elevations, to wit: —Along ;, ae wes er y .curb line of'Al. iara&$ SCeet',athe :grade .,shall- be as `.;At the' intersection, with a~ straight Ifne' Iriiwu ^'fronL'�the'.,nortt� IIwesterly. totnec, �tp�cthp'rigoj't1iCa$tBFlyicorn ,of Surf A`v "en "uelapd+'r?"AtvzraAo Street 112.00 Ahaa "point oppositeJ_the °southwest Deily 'corner of Cenfral'Adenue' ?(South Drive) 109.36. 9»vA,,, At, a. poii VAj opposite , the northwest - eil "yzedr'nt'r of`Central Avenue (North! Drive) 108.54. At a point opposite:.thet:'sou�hwesF erly corner of Bay' A6enue:107A9.V' .,,At, a point. opposite'tile northwest.. I _. At, ai;p"giriE;a:'np6iite,S I 'Isouthea terly'curli? all be 10. is herein:: — 11 — . 11 3. The official grade of Main Street along the westerly curb line from the northerly line of Bay Avenue to a line 100 feet northerly of and parallel with the northerly line of said Bay Avenue is hereby changed so that instead of said existing official grades, the same shall conform to the following elevation, to wit: -At; aepo iii , `ppo (fe;?..t..e'porthwest erly. �.coinerJoViBay:. Avenue i(107:31 i,; iE At a,.point 100 feet' northeily 'of ' the`* last mentioned 'point ^.107:30. The saidwesterly Curb' line of Main Street shall be located as shown on the plans hereinbefore mentioned. 4. The official grij.de of 9th Street along the easterly curb line from the northerly line of Surf Aveuile to the southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive) is hereby changed so that instead of said existing official grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to wit: ^- �a,,:p tnt &o #th'e +ihtersection .with the'. nortlicily` Tin "eY"�'f`'of(`i`Surf "-AJenue I t0.80, �;`.: ... At a point opposite tlie southeast- ;erly`corner'of'CentraF Avenue (South' ' Drive) 108.57.".. The, said easterlyicurb. line' of 9th. -Street shall be located 'as 'shown on the plans'hercinbefore mentioned.' 5. The official grade of Bay Avenue along the northerly curb line from a line 28.11 feet westerly of and parallel with the east- erly line of 4th Street to the southeasterly line of Buena Vista Boulevard is hereby changed so that instead of said existing offi- cial grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to wit: •° t'�tlie�nt4r9ecnon ofda) %iinec28.11 feet westerly ! of =and paiiillel' with % % >the,', easterly line ; of , 4th ., Street '107.73'S"*' =;:!C' At, a'..point" opposite' the' northwest crly corner; of- Buena ;Vista Boulevard I,o7_52-,:.. ,, ... Wt *`-'point opposite, the��northeast- erly corner of Buena Vista Boule - vard 107.52. — 12 — V44 ) The official grade of Bay Avenue along the southerly curb line from the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of 4th Street, to the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of 3rd Street is hereby changed, so that instead of said existing offi- cial grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to wit: ly Street curb' lines of Gated as'shox fore mrntin.,. 6. The official grade of 4th Street from the southerly line of Central Avenue (South Drive) to the southerly line of Bay Avenue is hereby changed so that instead of said existing official grades the same shall confortg to the following elevations, to wit: c:a e'.aestery;_cu�6;dine,,.the' gradc�a6l hall'be'as; folloida:.? - " " " >; ;_ �: At a point opposite ;the southwest erly corner of Central'Avenue "(South 'Drive) - ::108.62, : At`a-'Agintfi ".opposite 'the northwest- a point, opposite the: southwest. ,Avenue erly corner ' "bf -A3ay" Avenue"f� WX The said easterly and westerly cnrb lines of 4th Street'shall be located as shown on the plan hereinbefore men- tioned: 7. The official grade of .22nd Street from the easterly line of r)cean Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard is hereby changed so that instead of said existing official grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to wit: 13- At the southwesterly corner .of Coast Boulevard 108.82. 8. The official grade of 23rd Street from the easterly line of Ooean Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard is hereby changed so that instead of said existing offioial gradeSthe same shall conform to the following elevations, to wit: T.. ong,;+t e:;n.rt ry, lri"e'':'of 23rd 'Street the grade shior c.as .follows:' At the northeasterly corner of Ocean venue 111.25. ;'. 't ,At the northwesterly'' corner of the first. alley. easterly. 'of.; _Avenue lying', northerly;ofj: rA`iStieet'110.49. At the northeasterly', corner of' the last mentimied" alley'' 1 10.37. ;?�. +,4: r %';At' the `northwesterly: ;corner - of ':Coast Boulevard 10827 -Along the soutl}eily kLne tlof a23ed" Street the grade shall >bees�folloa §i+ - ^At" thel-! s out heasterly ;corner of ;baOcean Avenue,51,1.1.22. Afthe Gout , esterly corner of'the first .alley easterly' of Ocean. Avenue lying southerly of 23rd Street 110.07." At the southeasterly<,corner, of .the; m . ,last entionedt;ilk. jj 114b.053t At 'the 'southwesterly corner of Coast Boulevard 108.82. g, The official grade of 24th Street from the easterly line of Ocean Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard is hereby Changed so that instead of said existing official grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to wit: Along -the northerly= Iln'oV ot. 24th, Street .the;�gradeeialiall he'as follows:'" ml At t the:' lnortheasterly'• corner.. of ' O c e a n `Avenue. 111.95, C At the northwesterly corner of 'the' first alley. easterly. of Ocean . Avenue 111.07. . An,thy.......h. ...1........_. ___r .h- .._ At the northwester'l'y:' corner of Coast:' Boulevard`' 108.09. 'SiAlong'. the_,., southerly _. line ;P02400 Street the.grade sha11�;6etas'%llows: 'At' the "southeasterly�'.:corncr of O. cean .,Avenue,137;95`.'rz. „;c•,:” At' the.'.aout6we'sterly..corner of the first alley"easterly'tiPr Ocean.-Avenue. �.., s r -At'the southeasterly corner of the; last mentiened''alley.'110.94. ' At' the` southwesterly corner' of Coast Boulevard 108.11. — 14 — 10. The official grade of 25th Street' from the easterly line of Ocean Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard is hereby changed so that instead of said existing official grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to wit: ;... 9u}iA'o th; $tree4 the ,graddjj tial ?ylie °.as ioilowec.,1; At [hcnor[lir Ste rly `corner, Ocean .Avenue 111.83. .':A t- othe`uortnwg aterly�corner of the lir.ct . nllcy ea4tcrl'y lot ecan Avenue" 111;11. . , ;.,CAI, lie, t `[hcastctly cornergof that; ]astrom mt i�tlejrl`y], 93.x, j " }1I 'At .the nortlnvcs[erly =?''corner, 'of •I Coast Poulevar'd 108.00. . & r .%Alongy,thct,souttt�esl,�.linc of-.25th„ S tre c t. ih: e, Ygr38ef +shall7be.?3as'�fo11dw4:'� ' -At tliu " „'snu[hcas[erly., ',corner of- 0c611 , .... -, 111.78.;% ?i• ".''... :•'- Ari :thc so- thwester y corner ofr•the'? first alley, easterly., o Ocean,Avenue 111.05. r.” . At the' southeasterly; llcorner of the .last mentioned- allcy4l0.93. . `At tlic so- thwesterly corner of Coast Ronlevard 108.07. 11. The official grade of 26th Street from the easterly line of Ocean Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard is hereby changed so that instead of said existing official grades the same shall conform to the following elevations, to wit: � S.— - un11 .0 as meows: t the ,northeasterly -'corner of- 11.0 At Along,.ahe souGhS ly Lne'icof�26iW Street:tIt kr—ade shaIIl;be as: follows.. A[ the s'o'utheasterly corner of Occan Avenuc .111.86. At, the southwesterly corner-of,: the first alley °:easterly;'Of ?Ocean "'Avenue` - 111.26. At the southeasterly corner of the, lnst°,mentio- led "lley 110.94...,, At the southwesterly ..' - garner "i5f: Coast Pnulcvard 10.404. 12. The official grade along the northerly curb line of Central Avenue (North Drive) from the easterly line of 9th Street to the easterly line of Alvarado Street is hereby changed so that — 15 — I In instead of said existing official grades the same shall oonfornl to the following elevations, to wit: '�crly corner, of 3rd Strect 108.58. I erly con?cr 'of 2ud'.Sfrcct6109�.43.���.i At .a �60iui :topp65ite;;the"ndrtheast.1 crly-corifcF�df'12nd'Sfiect 109.47.. At'a.point opposite the northwest -. rly corricr of�,;tsla�iul ?;,vcuue 109.26. At.a point bppRite..,the� northeast. erPyrcp'_(nker,of.: Isla e "109:49: At a point }Opposit'r the northwest -' crly corner i�E "'Alvarado' Street 10854: At a point opposite the northeast-, erly corner of A varadn Street 108.80. The offioial grade along the southerly curb line of Central Avenue (South Drive) from the easterly line of 9th Street to the easterly line of Alvarado Street is hereby changed so that instead of said existing offioial grades the same shall oonfornl to the following elevations, to wit: erly corner. of,9th'?' �ouu Sireera108:57:- Al a point' oppositcgOHic south 'erly3coruer of; 4th 9trect:lo8.r,2.' At point <�ppnsi6] the south erly .corner of pith .Street..]OS,57. At a point opposi tc' the south% erly corncr.lof.3rd Street '109:04' At' a point opposite "the south erly A corner. of 3rd Strect,1109:06. At a point oUi ?<?sitc.jhe� southa crly corner of 2nd Sfrcii 110.03.°`= At a; UOinl site the ?south, erly corner of'2nd'.Street 110.09, At anoint opposite"thc sonthw erly corner of 1st Street?170.08,, At: a�p0int opppsitc th soothe erly corner of Flst'Stre`et;- 110,08. At a pointtoppnsitc"the'�sou thw erly corner of Alvariklo Street -I <IAt-- a;pDint .opposite the PsontlYf erly corner, Alvarado` 'Sire ClOS The said fm- i6crly -'curb line of C nue (South 'Drive)" shall`ae :located as shown oil the plans licreinbefore mentioned: — 16 — Trus All i 0A -'along the -'curb or street and , line .iu. which said,, points are ...s.y.... - further- particidars as "to,,sgch ing official grades _of th said 'streets lreicinlieforc the grades at ichich die proposal to he done., SECTION 6. That sealed bids for said work shall be received up to 7:30 o'clock P.M. of the 15th day of May, 1922, at which time Bvid bids will be ?'.,ublioly opened, exealmined and declared by this Board. The City Clerl: is hereby directed to post a notice invit- ing sealed bids for said work with the speoi.fi.oaticlas therefor, conspicuously for .fi.ve daya, on or near the council chamber door of this Board, and to nubli0i a Like notice referring to the specifieati.ons posted or on file twice in the Newport News, a weekly newspaper published and circulated in said City and hereby designated for ti. +t purpose, there being no daily news- paper in said City. Passed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach this�cL�ir of /!.;::ril, 1a4;; Pre�s7 leht of the Board of Trustees - 17 - `b STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF ORANGE, ); CITY cF NEWPORT BEACH, ) SS. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly passed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach at thcirG� regular meeting held on the .IZ4�� day of April, 1922, by the following vote: AYES: TRUSTEES NOES: TRUSTEES ABSENT: TRUSTEES City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach — 18 — STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ) SS I, MARGERY SCHROUDER, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that according to the records of the City of Newport Beach filed and waintained in my office, the foregoing Resolution No. 175 was duly and Board regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the *Sb:y v7 4Q of Trustees adjourned of the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regulaV meeting of Board said (3s(tl held at the regular meeting place thereof, on the 27th day of April J �9 22, by the following vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILME14; Schnitker, Sloan, Wilson, Richter, Burke NOES1 COUNCILMEN: None ABSENTI COUNCILMEN: None Dated this 21st day of January �9 59 City Clerk an Ex- Officio Clerk of e City Council, ity of Newport Beach, State of California.