HomeMy WebLinkAbout4746 - General Municipal Election - 4-8-19581 2 _�. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11' 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 NWCsmed 2/4/58 (10) RESOLUTION NO. 417416 • r v . • MMOMIMOVW494 • t ri^ 1= •t' R:' rf•i °' h. t !. 1 : � t •i •1' ` • ' •.` CX) „iC,;ta„nLy � r, '.� NO • 1.. ;'i : •.t" •l.' li 11 • "' iX" i a' t Mfg s V •tj",Ai 4i MR Of Am 1149., 011 1X*1 I WHEREASs the charter of the City Of Newport Beach v9 requires a general municipal election to be hold on the 8th day of April, 1918, for the election or four members of the City Council for regular terms of four years from the following districts, to wits Second District, Third District,, Fourth District, and Seventh District; and, WHEREkS, a vacancy has occurred in District No. 6 on February 1, 1958, due to a resignation and the ohaster provides that a councilman shall be elected from the District in which a vacancy exists at the next general municipal election; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of Newport Beach, in accord- ance with the provisions of Section 8 of tution of the State of California on its certain amendments to the charter of the be submitted to the qualified electors of municipal election to be held on Tuesday 19581 Artible 11 of the Consti- own motion is proposing City of Newport Beach to said City at the general the 8th day of April, NGWO THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach does hereby resolve, declare, determine and order as follows: SECTION 1. There shall be held in the City of Newport Beach on Tuesday, the 8th day of April, 1958, a Viral municipal election of the qualified electors of said City for the purpose of electing four members of the City Council from the following districts, to nits Second District, Third District, Fourth 1. 1 District ad Seventh District, for the full term of four yearn in 2 aaaar4ame with the charter of the City of NeNpart 8eaoh, and 3 electing =w member of the City Council from the Sixth District 4 for the term of two years which is the unexpired term in said 5 district which began an the 17th day of April, 1986, and was 6 interrupted by a resignation effective FebruaM 1, 1958s, in 7 accordance with the Charter of the City Of Newport Beach. 8 SOCTION a. At the said general.munieipal election to 9 be held an Tuesday, the 8th day of April, 1958, there shall be 10 submitted to the qualified electors of the City of Newport Beach 11 the following proposed charter amendments,, to wit: 12 CHARTER AMMMM NUM? EIM 13 The language enclosed by the lines hereunder shall 14 appear on the ballot in order that the electors may vote for or 15lagainst Charter Amendment Number One. 16 17 PROPOSM =AWM ANEW NURM OEs S S 18 Shall this Title, the Preble and Sections 100, 101, YE3 19 413, 14106, ioo8, 1009, 1011, 1012, 1400 and 1301 of Q i 20 the Chester be amended to change the name of the ! 1 21 city from City of Newport leach to City Of N60ort 22 Harbor, effective upon ratification by the Legie- 9 NO i 23 lature4 24 25 Should Charter Amendment Number One receive a favorable 26 vote and be approved, the Title, the Preamble and the sections of 27 the Charter affected shall read as followas 28 "CHARTER OF THE 29 CITY ap NEWPORT SMOR a � a 30 31 "We, the People of the City of Newport Beach 32 Harbor. State of California, do ordain and ish this Charter as the organic lam of the City under the Constitution of the State. 2. 1 2 3 4 0 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3C 31 32 1K f the mannear authorized by lair. "Section 101. Succession, Rights and $1labilitles, The city of Newport Dow& l.' awl centime to own, Possess and control rights and property of every kind and nature owned, Poe - "seed or controlled by it at the tIM this Cbsrter terse offtot and shall be s bJftt to all Its debts, obligations, liabllitles and aontraots. et as ae i•:. • MY' i � a C . "The enacting clause of all ordluaven Shall be substantlally as followe t 'The City Counoil of the City of MMM art P90" Harje daft vrd1a as followsa'. Y i► # "Section 1006 "FIRST DISTRICT "TSB FIRST DISTRICT shall include all that potion of the City Included within the followiag described boundary line, to -watt "Beginnit►g at an angle point in the line of the City of Newport sea" o r said e point be119g the intersection sort""Zerly prolongation of the southeaasteariy lino of Summit Street, as said strut is laid out and oh*wn upon a map of Seashore Colony Tracts recorded In Ma*el- laneous Mps Book 7, page 25, Recaads of Orange Countyo California, with the nothea>aWIV right of way lines of the State Highway OAd -60-4, being 90' feet in widths thence generally northerly and easterly along, the boundary lire of the A1ty of Newport BmOh Harbor through its v=arlma courses to an laterseatTOn` with the southeasterly line of al4og the Superior line theme Avenue to an Inter- section with the boundary line of the City of Newport Bea" b_o_ri theme generally southerly and westerly boundary line of the City of Newport aeash Hier3�n throw its varicets courses to an angle point in said City BoWWLary litre, said angle point being the Intersection of 3. 31 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 In 0. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 961 31 32 3 Y:r }fit;.. 'W u.Y'. d.r -•` }'9 }: } r. - '�'dJ' -ac. •t 4 _ ;P R 4 Y }Y waso- "Section 1008 "THIRD DISTRICT "THE THIRD DISTRICT shall include all tbAt portion Of the City included Within the following described berry line, to -wits N4 Y S.. 3 :.J 4. P a4 •9Yi`..'n }� d • J. V E 40 .� v 3? I said point being the intersection of a LUM lying northeasterly of, parallel to and dUtant 200 feet 2 8roan the U. 3. Bulkhead line between Us S. Bulkhead Stations Nos. 154 and 255 and a line north. 3 easterly of, parallel to and distant t from the U. 8. Bulkhead lino between U. 0* 4 Stations Nos. 153 and 154j than" tWIY along said parallel line to an interteatIAM with a 5 lies lying northeasterly of, parallel 8o *ad distant 200 feet from the U. S. Bulfihiad line between Us S. 6 Bulkhead Stations Noe. 152 and 1533 theme north- westerly along said parallel line to an inter- 7 section with a line lying northerly of, parallel to and distant 150 feet from the 'Us N. BulkheeA 8 Lim between U. S. EiEilkhead Stations Nos* 151 and 152E theme weterly along amid parallel line to an 9 Intersection with a line lying 8MthM8t@v2Y Of parallel to aad1,11,tant 350 feet fro01 t S. 10 Elope a:d 17 ", 3. E :' 11 a rtr],y linpe Of fitraet 12 ;=Md terly Of, gel to and ditanrt 5fl0 feet Prom U. 80 33ul khead line betaeeen Sts - 131 tions Nos. 172 and 173E thence northwesterly along said parallel line to an intersection with a line 14 lying northeasterly Of, parallel to and distant 300 Peet from the Us $. Bulkhead line bestv"n Us S. 15 EaEntead Stations Noe. 124 and 1251 the north- along said parallel line to an interotian wester ae 16 with a Jim lying northeasterly of povaSlel to and distant 350 feet from the V. S. 8teticts 17 Nos. ITS and 175E thence westerly iia a straight line to a polapt, said point being the ante rsemon of the 18 center line of State Highway CPA-43 -A 804 the line Of . 19 high tide dea�l_oated #North i,IM � filar Court Case NO. 23686E thence narthm4y along the Center line of Said State OU 3-A to the 20 point of beginning. 21 "Section 1009 22 "YOMM DISTRICT 23 "TEES HERE DISTRICT shall include all that portion Of the City included within the following described 24 boundary line, to -wits 25 "Beginning at the intersection Of the meter line 26 of state HighM cRA -43 -A and the center 11" Of Stst* Hi ay MA -60-A; thence A 17 MOM said 27 Center lisps of State KUWay MA -43 -A to an Inter- section with the northerly line of State MONOw 28 MA -60-Aj them westerly alb o"4 fly line ',an to antle point In the City boundOry,11M of the 29 City of Newport EleBdb then I daily lisps t p northerly � said t 30 its Various courses to an intersection with e southeasterly line of Superior Avenue) thence 31 northerly along said southeasterly lints of Superior Avenue to the cefiter line of 15th Street, Said point 32 also being an angle point In the Boundary Nape of the City of Newport Neveh thence generally 5. 2 3 4 1.1 U 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3C 31 32 ') q southeasterly along the boundary 11ft or Newport Bey&" bor throw v its td its intersection with the "mtenr S CRA -60 -B said Intersections * northwesterly. of, parallel to, and 41; .Beet from the U, S. Bulkhead line " , Bulkhead Stations Nos. 132 and 133; generally northwesterly along the oeu said State Hio way,- -60 -D and along line of State Highway ORA -60 -A to the begimiing. iF 9B if "Section 1011 "S=,h DISTRICT the city us oourseo of state in a line t 800 B. 8# e line of the center Point of "THE SI1 H DISTRICT shall include all that portion of the City included within the following described boundary line, to -wits .1 °Beginning at the intersection of the northeast - Orly prolongation of the northwesterly Tie of Avocado Avenue and a center line of.state High- WW ORA-60-Bj 100 feet in width, said 'paint of 1#torsection also being in the bD� :� of the City of Nee�t Bw>� �a� tbenoe game Aily northerly, easterly �d sou el Said bound - linen of the City of Newport Beam aWbor thmo its various courses to an intersao on with 'the southeasterly line of Block D, as 0,10m upon a map of Wet No. 673, recorded in Nis*e11doeous Hop Beok 20, pages lT and 13, Records of 1rezge Countya California; thence., southwesterly ;.said soutah- e40terly line of Block 'Bw and along City Boundary liras to an Intersection with. th high tine lines of the Pacific OmVU them* am- erally wester of the Pacificyocean to an intersecU with the A uthwweaterly proslongation of the soathWterly line of Poppy Avenue3 thence fly hlonag *&W scuthwesterly probation and along sSU south - easterly line of Poppy Avenue to an Intersection with the center line of Ocean Boulev,:as said Ocean Boulevard is laid out and shawth up= the no-sub of Corona del Mar recorded in Utaft1lanecus NAps Book No, a, page 67, Records of amW County.. California; thence northwesterly al®mg Said *enter line of Ocean Boulevard to an interseotUft with the center line of Marguerite Avenue} tbsnow nortth- terly along said center line of Marowi.te Avenue to an intersection with the center line of the State Highway ORA -60 -B; thence northwesterly along said center line of State 11ighway ORA-60 -Biro the point of beginning "Section 1012 "SEVESTH DISTRICT 3EVRNTH DISTRICT shall .include all that portion of the City included within the following described boundary line, to -cwita 2 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 "Beginning at the intersection of the northeast- erly prolongation of the northwaterly ilia of Avocado Avenue and the center line of tip Spate R40Way ORA -60 -8; thence southeasterly 01=9 said center line of State Highway ORA -60 - :0 . -to an Inter- aeetion with the +center° Tina of Haragerito Avenmep thanes southwesterly along the said center line of Marguerite Avenue to an intersection With the center Lim of dean Boulevard} thence soutbeasterly 4ong the said center line of Ocean Bo ulevgod �a ace Inter - section with the southeasterly line of V9M ' Avenue; theme southwesterly 41048 said Bout y lire ar Poppy Aver to an Intersection with 00 11ne of the ordinary tide of the Pacific Wean; tt ems westerly along said line of InOy b1sh tide to the Intersection with the center IU* +tt the east jetty of the Harbor entrance; theme a thoaesterly In a straight line to a point, said point being the Intersection Of the southwesterly prol flora Of the northwesterly line of 'Iris Aveme a line lying northeasterly of, parallel to and d�taaht 350 Petit from the V, So Bulbeeaad live ii. S. RuMoa$d Stations Nos. 108 and 107; theme north- westerly along last mentioned parallel line to an Intersection with the southwesterly prolongation of the northwesterly line of Avocado Av=wj thence northwesterly in a straight line to a polant, said Point being the Intersection of a line lying southerly of, parallel toe and distant .500 foot from the U. S. Bulkhead line between V, 8, Bulkhead Stations Nos, 956 and 255 and a line lying northea_ e'terly of, paral- 161 to and distant 800 feet from the go : &, Bulkhead line between U. So Bulkhead Stations idol, 154 and 255; tieence northwesterly along the last mentioned parallel line to an intersection with a line lying northeasterly of, parallel to and dish 800 feet from the U. S. Bulkhead line been U.. 8, Bulkhead Stations Nos. 153 acid 154; thence ft=,rbhftster4 in a straight line to an angle point in the bury Baia of the City of drt Bed 4WW# said angle west Sm we most southerly ocoiner of t2No 1701, as a81 d Tract is laid out and shoran upon a map recd in Ktscel- lanews; tea, Book 52, pers 9 and 10# i'iddords of *range County, California; thence, southeasterly and northeasterly along said City bmademy lime through its various courses to the point of beginning. +a m +► "Section 1400. Definitions. unless the provision or the context otherwise requires, as used in this Charter: O(a) aShall' is mandatory,, and 'mom'' is permissive, "(b) °Cityr is the city aced ' partment,I Oboard,I $officer,' or 'employee,' i commission, agency, officer case may be, of the City of 7. of Newport Harbor 'commission' ' s a departments board, or enployee, : as the Newport . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [ -] W 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3� "(c) #County' is the County Of WSW, "(d) $State$ is the State of C&111 msnia. "Section 1401, Oil Well Drilling, Ito drilling for,, production or refining of, oil, gas or other hydro- carbon substances shall be permitted within that area of the City included within the Uidts of the .City of ,Newport Beeah Harbor as such limits exist as of the effective da e o this Charter. "This Section shall not prohibit the drill for, production or refining of oil, gas or other l w- carbon substances within any territory *Wexed to the City after the effective date * thU Charter If such drilling, production or reF"istaic sae being conducted in such territory at the date Of the annexation thereof; but no such drMI146 produc- tion or refining shall be permitted within any territory annexed to the City after the effective date of this Charter if such activities Mere not being conducted in such territory at the date of the annexation thereof, "This Section shall not prohibit the caettInuance of production of aW well slant drilled under prop - erty within the City from a location outside of the City and in existence at the time thin Charter taken effect, Dior shall this section Preclude the City Council from permitting the slant driUlft of wells wider the surface of property within the City fro= surface locations located either outside the City Or within future annexations to the City fterein the drilling for and production of oil, and other hydrocarbon substances is permute provided that such slant drilling shall first be moved Dar a AWority of th&� ;electors voting on Sua t-prop*eItion at any special or general municipal election, and Provided further that all of the following conditions shall be complied with: "(s.) The holding of a public hearing upon any so- Plies. Lon for a permit to conduct such drilling; "(b) The requiring of the removal of all derricks and;.other surface structures used in the drilling of such well upon completion or abendonmeetit or such Well; "(o) The furnishing of a faithful woe surety bond and the maintenance of publio liability and property damage insurance by the pets ttee in amounts deemed adequate by the City Council; "(d) The screening by landscaping and the beauti- fleation of any production and maint tacili- ties.used in the operation of any such WoUl "(e) Provisions for the payment to the City of such amounts as in the sound discretion of the Council are adequate amounts for the edbration or granting of such permit, the holding of such hearing, the maldng of initial and periodic 91 1 2 3' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Inspections, the granting of easements under City property and for royalties or rentd3i "(f) The regairement that no such wail shall traverse any land wider the area of the City wherein drilling is prohibited at a vertical depth of less than four hundred feet from the surface of the ground; and "(g) Such other conditions as the City Council may prescribe by ordinance." (Strike -out type indicates words being taken out by the Amendment; underlined words are those being added by the Amendment.) 4. 37 1 2 3, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15i 16 17i w M -i7 21 22 23 2411 25 3� " }• :Ui� +a ,: :ii n r tai .fir ,i i. -, n,. _n,y ,i, ,.3' .: 3 t: � a c�.ti t -r '.. VV' .Y ✓` ' "c ':, t. .- .;.5 S3lry adk •. 4 � 5 'M z 4. e. Y..: Em ��f iYPc I.A.' 4. a.1A: 'Ati +'.1 •• a "N1 .;F 26 .i 27 28 29 30 31 32 'n ,i.:- -N," ei . wlff - ..r' ai '.,• e..min.. T+' 10. 1 � A_r�ml TifRB� 2 The langusge enclosed by the lines hem shall 3 appear an the be}fot in order that the electors =W vote for or 4 against Cheater Amendment Number Three.. 5 6 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NURSER THREEc 7 Shall Section 402 of the Charter be amended to- 8 increase the reimbursement to members of the City YES 9I Council for bat -of- pocket expenditures and costs 10 from Fifty to One Hundred Dollars per month? 11 190 12 13 Should Charter Amendment Ilumber Three reoelve a favorable 14 vote and.be approved, Section 402 of the Charter shall read as 15 follows 16 " Section 402. Compensation. The me of the 17 City Council shall receive no aoupenestUM for their services as such, but shall rectefve reim- 18 bu rsewnt on order of the City Council for Council Authorized traveling and other espaxises wbcns an 19 official duty, in additions each mosiber shall receive the sum of Pity One &MAE4 pq?Urs per 20 =mth, which amount Shall be deamm W be relm- bureement of other out- of- pookst experAltures 21 and cots imposed upon hire in serving as a City Councilman, Absence Of a Councilman from all 22 g� cal calendar month shall render such during 23 Coat e"man ineligible to receive such sm for Such calendar month." 24 (Strike -wit type indicates war" being taken out by the 25 Amendmenf Underlined words . are those being added by the Amend- 26 grit. 27 28 CHARTER A14'dJDMM NUMIM FOUR 29 The language enclosed by the lines hereunder shard appear 30 on the ballot in order that the electors may vote for or against 31 Charter Amendment Number Your: 32 11. �} o 1 2 PROPOM CHARTER AMINDIMM NMEIR FOUR: 3 Shall the First paragraph of Section 1401 of the 4 Charter be emended to read: YES 5 "Section 1401. oil Well Drilling. Sip drMUe for, exploration work of any kind, 6 proQuetion or refining of, oil, gas or other bydrocarbon substances shall be permitted 7 Within that area of the City of Newport Beaech . as such limits exist as of the effective date 8 of this Charter. The prohibitions Shall in- 9 elude the City of Newport Beach. "? 10 (If Charter Amendment M=ber One is approved, NO 11 't Reach shall be Newport Harbor.) 12 Should Charter Amendment Number Four receive a favorable 13 vote and be approved, Section 1401 of the Charter shell read as 14 follows, 15 "Section 1401. Oil Well Drilling. No drilling 16 foss M29MLIM of M MWA Proftatioan or i'Qafin "p , gas or Other rtydrocarbOA sub - 17 stances shall be permitted within that swes, of the Cite W "h" 4&te to of 00, My 18 Or Newport Beach as such limits exist as or the affective date of this Charter. bit:ions 19 -maid A41- dp..the Cite 'at X- QNWart 20 "This Section shall not prohibit the drilling fear, production or refining of oil ter other 21 40roaarbon substances within MW i 43ma to the City after the effective date or 22 this Cheater if such drilling, pro4uatton or re- fining was being aonducted in much territory at 23 the date of the annexation tiareaf i bait acid such drilling, production or refining shell be permitted 24 within aM territory annexed to the City after the effective date of this Charter if such activities 25 were not being conducted In such territory at the date of the awtexation thereof. 26 "This Section shall not prohibit the cotntUviaance 27 of production of any well slant drilled tom' prop - arty within the City from a location ou"ids of the 28 City and in exiatence at the tIM this Charter tomes efftet, Nor shall this seetIon preolude the 29 City Council from permitting the s matt drUltng of wells under the surface of property within the City 30 from surface locations located either outside the City or within future annexations to the City wherein 31 the drilling for and production of oils gas and other hydrooarbon substances is permitted, provided that 32 such slant drilling shall first be approved by a majority of the electors voting on such proposition 12. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.1 9 10, 11' 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 41 at any special or general municipal election, and provided further that all of the following conditions shall be complied witha "(a) The holding of a public nearing upon any application for a permit to conduct such drilling; "(b) The requiring of the.removal of all derricks and other surface structures used in the drilling of such well upon completion or abandonment of such well; "(c) The furnishing of a faithful performance surety bond and the maintenance of public liability and property damp insurance by the permittee in amounts deemed adequate by the City Counaili "(d) he screening by landscaping and the beauti- $i sty pr�ation and maintenance facili- ties used in the operation of any such well, "(e) Provisions for the payment to the City of such amounts as in the sound discretion of the Council are adequate amounts for the conalderation or granting of such pemit, the holding of such hearing, the making of initial and periodic in- spections, the granting of easements under City property and for royalties or rentalej "(f) The requirement that no such well shall traverse any land under the area of the City wherein drilling is prohibited at a vertical depth of less than four hundred feet from the surface of the groundl and "(g) Such other conditions as the City Council may prescribe by ordinance." (Strike -out type indicates words being taken out by the ment. ) A cross (r) placed in the voting square after the word 1"YES" as set out above shall be counted in favor of the adoption lof the proposed charter amendment. A cross (a) placed in the voting square after the word "Fl0" as not out above shall be counted against .the adoption of the proposed charter amendment. SECTION 3. That the ballots to be used at said election shall be, both as to form and matter contained therein, such as may be required by law to be used thereat, 13. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 qv amnoN her" allthorIzOds Instructed and directed a Procure AnWAh any and an official ballotas notices* printed matter and all Suppliess t O u :. t v G • ICH 5. That for the purpose of h*jdIng said genera mini Iva elections there shall be twenty -five (2$) voting, Precincts within the said City consisting of either regular election precincts established for holding State or County elections, or a consolidation or some or all of such precincts. The reapeo4ive precincts, polling places of salt respeotive pre - aineets; and the respective boards of election for said respective precincts We hereby fixed, designated, appointed +aid established as folloest ygMO PRE UCT 1, comprising Stated and Ccnmty precinet mnibers '1 and 48. The polling place shall be at the Lytle Residence, I CIO Mrs. Blanche L. Lytle Mrs. Florence M. Gifford The polling place shall be at the CubbaP Residences 415 - 3Eth SUvet, Newport Beach. CLERK; Mrs. Ethel b. 94Yior CLERK. Mrs. vale, H. Sham •Y..++Yti MZCi1i+TCT 3e coaVri ing State and County precinct numbers 2 and 18. 14a 43 I The polling place shall be at the City Ball, 3300 NewPort 2 Boultrvards Newport Beach. 3 MPEMOR : Alma X. 4 +TtI E: Mrs. aladys 8. Stewart 5 OLIRKs Mamie HavYee 6 CLMM: Ada Ann Orth 7 M , ., , etmpris.3ng State end County precinct 8 Mu6srs 3 W4 S. 9 The polling place shall be at the Qr6=Vx School, 14th 10 `) and Balboa Sm1evard, Newport Beach. 11 1MPECTOR: Mrs. Julie Kae Zwert 12 II JI B: Mrs. Aurell& Mamie 13 elm: vIrs. Dorothy Robinson 14 CE+�It: Mrs. nors, III. @rigs 15 W O P—=— XX T 5, acnprising State and County precinct 16 ors IT and 47. 17 The polling place shall be at the Till Club, 515 Nest 18 Balboa SMIevard,, Newport Beach, 19 I r'NPMO R s Hazel N. Jaws 20 E: DorotkW Clwa Et(ans 21 OLM, Audrey N. Wright 22 OMK: Mrs. Janet F.I. Varey 23 G I'MINCT 6, couprisi:ng State and Canty precinct 24 mxmbers 4 said 5. 25 The polling place shall be at Waltz8 Wages 1530 FAst 26 Ocean Boulevard,, Bslboa. 27 r93PECTCR: Clyde D. Keith 28 RWGE: Antoinette M. Keith 29 CMK% Ruth K. Melrose. 30 CLERK: MJxiam P. good 31 32 15. L i 1 `]L tt# Y P . CT 7, • r /Yy�Iii oonprising State Szsd County pdr®aImt 2 19 and "28. 3 The polling place shall be at the adwan Residence, 4 2017 Miramar Drive, Balboa, 5 XWBPWTOR s Harold C. Abra dt 6 49=1 Owendol n T. Sobwan 7 CU=: Evelyn 0, Gloege 8 I CLERK: Teanne A. Christenson 9 ' Va'TM MCW4CT 8, corvrising State and City preeinet 10 nimt rs 96 and 37. 11 the polling place shall be at the Barnes Garage, 181 12 Via yantoM, Newport Beach. 13 INSPECTOR: Mrs. Edythe C. Barnes 14 i JUDGE: Mrs. Adelia 'fit. SmIth 15 CLffiMK: Mrs. Pattie F. Lindgren 16 CLERK: mrs. Oiadyys Co ids 17 10'I'a+10 W=INCT 9, comprising State and County preoinet 18 numbers 11 and 40. 19 The polling place shall be at Spies Garage, 100 Via 20 Wtov Newport Beach. 21 INSPECTOR: Mrs. Marjorie E. letto 22 J'MR; tbt s. Helen A. Spies 23 CLIIMK: T've. Pose M. Christensen 24 CLERKS Ctrs. Prances Z. Martindale 25 MING PRECINCT 10, con prising ing State and County precinct 26 numbers 9 and 34. 27 The polling place shall be at the Soule Residence, 433 28 Holmmwd Drive, Newport Beach, 29 INSPECTOR: Kra. Jean C. Soule 30 JUDGE: We. Mildred J. Merrell 31 CIMIKr Atrs . Dorothy Paine 32 CLMIK: it's. Gladys Sachatt 16. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 KYaI Y. CT 171, comprising State and County Weelnet maters 20 and 42. The polling place shall be at the RoXiMm Residence, 540 Redly Avenue, Newport Beach. INSPECTOR: Lela D. MaKillan IUDGE: tars. Doris B. Ferguson CLERK; Mrs. Janet N. Foust CLERK: Ila Jean BeblLMan rq= MLCXNQT 12, comprising Stare and County preaftot numbers 15 and 45. The polling place shall be at Mitchell'$ Garage, 615 nm1ne Avenue, Newport Beach. INSPECTOR: Catherine S..Mtchell JMGE: Alice R. XcLa1A CLERIC: Ora C. Nulty. CLERK: Gertrude Worthen Vn ING PRECINCT 13, comprising State and County precinct nwbera 36 and 44. The polling place shall be at the Horace Ensign School, Irvine Avenue & CWf Drive, Newport Beach. INSPECTOR: Lyla R. Davaon J'iWB: With M. Ges38y CLERK: Gladys Ruth 611nme CLERK: Anna-Jean Sweet V( -TIM P=ZNCT 14, comprising State and County precinct numbers 35 and 46. The polling place shall be at the Residence, 1106 Nest - cliPP VA*lve, Newport Beach. INSPECTOR: airs. Marjorie A. Betz JUDGE: Mro. Helen Anderson CLERK: Mrs, Joan A. 011ver CLERK: Mrs. Mildred Reaves Stolz 17. 46 1 W.1NO PRECINCT 15, comprising State and County precinct 2 maud*r 27. 3 The polling place shall be at the Van Horn Residence, 4 25n Crestview Drive, Newport Beach. 5 INSPECTORs Clara Van Horn 6 JUDGE: Marvell I. lion Praag 7 CIMKs Vadge Milum 8 CLERK: Maxine P. House 9I VOTING PRECINCT 16, comprising State and County precinct 10 numbers 6 and 16. 11 The polling place shall be at the Keene garage, 624 12 Ramona Dive, Newport Beach. 13 INSPECTORt Leonora E. Eube 14 JUDGE: Helen P. Moak 15f CLXRKI Mrs, Irma R. Rutter 16 CLERK: Mrs, Lottie Donker 17 PRECINCT 17, comprising State and County precinct 18 numbers 10 w4 12. 19 The polling place shall be at the Fruehan Residence, 208 20 opal Avenue, Balboa Island. 21 INSPECTGRt Mrs. Virginia 0. Alexander 22 JUDGES We. Burdett Gay 23 CLERK: Mrs. Dorothy Brushan 24 CLERK: irlra . Ruth Ibbotson 25 VOTING PRECINCT 18, comprising State and County precinct 26 numbers 29 and 49. 27 The polling place shall be at Leddy Residence & Patio, 28 216 onyx, Balboa island. 29 INSPECTORI Lorraine M. Brennan 30 JUDG$r Susan S. Martin 31 CLERK: Minnie L. Smith 32 CLERKr Louise W. Leddy 18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 i 241 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 321 cti VmrING PRECINCT 19, comprising State and County precinct numbers 14, 39, and 50. The polling place shall be at Carnation School, Carnstio and Y firth, Corona del Mar. INSPECTOR: Ralph E. Wilson JUDGE: Rebecca Ann Roberds CLERK: Beatrice F. Spencer CLERK: Edward B. Stolba VOT O PRECIM 20, oomrising State and County precinct numbers 21 and 33. The polling place shall be at the R. Stuart Diehl Garage, 508 Goldenrod, Carona del Mar. MPECTOR; Helen E. Randel. JUDGE: Mary F. Smith CLERK: Edna B. Shaw CLERK: Lucile X. Shannon V—QTV a PRECINCT 21, comprising State and County precinct numbers 32 and 38. The polling place shall be at Mustard oerage, 721 Heliotrope Avenue, Corona del Mar. INSPECTOR: Mrs. Marion L. King JTWE; Mrs. Lydia Jones CLERK: Mrs, Frances B. Snyder CLERK: Mrs. Ethel S., Binnek VWXNQ PRECINCT 22, comprising State and County precinct numbers 7 and 22. The polling place shall be at Cunninghm Residence, 505 Poinsettia, Corona del Nar. INSPECTOR: Mrs. Martha Cunningham JUDGE: Margaret E. XcXXW CLERK: Alvah Ann Van Dyke CLERK: .Tune B. Kennedy 19. ug 1 YjWZ1i0 PRECINCT 23, * omprising State and County precinct 2 numbers, 30 and 43. 3 The polling place shall be at the Doane Residence, 416 4 Avenue, Corona del Mar. 5 INSPECTOR: Marna L. Olson 6 JUDGEss Mrs. Vera Doane 7 CLERKS Mary L. Fits 8 CLERK: Virginia Taylor 9 VOTING P NCT 24, comprising State and County precinct 10 numbers 13 and 41. 11 The polling place shall be at Bear Garage, 213 Iris, 12 Corona del YAr. . 13 INSPECTOR: Nara. Katharine A. Burton 14 JUDGES Mrs. Cora Beer 15 CLERK: Mabel F. Watson 16I CLERK: Mildred C. Michelson 17 V-OTING PRECINCT 26, comprising State-and County precut 18 numbers 83 and 31. 19 The polling place small be at the Cunningham Residence, 20 3604 Ocean Boulevard, Corona del Mar. 21 INSPTrCTORs Patricia M. Shedaker 22 JUDGE: Mrs. Isabel C. Pease 23 CLERKS Mrs. Jane M. Karda*re 24 CIMIK: Earl N. Ratley 25 SECTION 6. That all of the persons hereinabove named 26 as election officers are hereby appointed as such election 27 officers, respectively, and their compensation Is hereby fixed 28 at the sum of $18.00 for each Inspector, and $15.00 for each Judge 29 and Clerk, for said election. The rental for each of such polling .30 places where a *barge is made shall be the sum of $10.00 for said 31 election. 32 20. yg 1 SECTION 7. That the polls for said election shall be 2 open at seven o'clock a.m. of the day of said election, and shell 3 remain open continuously from said time until seven o'olock p.m. 4 of the saw day, when said polls shall be closed, except as pro - 5 vided in Sections 5734 and 5735 of the Elections Code of the State 6 of California. 7 SECTION 8. That in all particulars not recited in this 8 Resolution, said election shall be held and conducted as provided 9lby law for holding municipal elections in said City. 101 SECTION 9. That the City Clerk of said City is hereby 11 lnstruoted• and directed to give notice of said election in the 12 time, form and manner as required by law and to give any further 13 or additional notice of said election in time, form and mamwr 14 as required by law and to advertise said Charter Amendments in 15 accordance with Section 8 of Article XI of the Constitution of the 16 State of California, and shall cause to be printed, on plain white I 17 paper, without watermarks, at least as many eopLes of the form of 18 ballot provided and used in each voting precinct an there are 19 voters in the precinct. Such copies shall be designated as 20 "Sample Ballot" upon their face. Said City Clerk shall co maenoe 21 to mail me Sample Ballot, postage prepaid, to each voter not more 22 than 40 nor less than 15 days before said 8th day or April, 1958, 23 The mailing of said Sample Ballots shall be owoleted at least 10 24 whole days before said flay of election. The number of such Sample 25 Ballots printed shall not exceed the total registration by more 26 than Fifteen percent (15 %). Said City Clerk shall also enclose in 27 the envelope with each of said Ballots a card stating the location 28 of the praeolnct's polling place of each voter. Only official 29 matter shall be sent in such envelope. 30 31 I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution No. 32 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach at 21. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 it8 MOtitg held on the 10th day of February, 1958, by the follow- ing vote, to wit. ATTEST: MARGERY SCHROUDER My 016rk AYES, COUN'CILMNO, je(,t G. >,d i,(c, Ott, l NOS3, COUNCILMEN. K� ABSENT COUNCILMM: V '"`4`6RA b: HILL Yo' 22. St STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY; OF NEWPORT.BEACH ) I. MARGERY SCHROUDER, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that according to the records of the City of Newport Beach filed and maintained in my office, the foregoing Resolution No. 4746 was duly and regularly adopted; passed, and approved by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held at the regular meeting place thereof, on the 10th day of February , 1958, by the following vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Hiebia, Ridhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Dated this 14th day of February 1958. � S City rc an Ex-Officio Clerk of the it Council, City of Newport Beach, State of California.