HomeMy WebLinkAbout(1985, 11/12) - S-1 - Amended1 Administrative Procedures for Implement the Traffic Phasing Ordinance - Page 5 1. The improvement will be completed no re than one year after completion of the project or pr ject phase for which the traffic analysis is being erformed; and 2. The improvement is included in the/ Circulation Element of the General Plan, and is defi d sufficiently therein to permit an I.C.U. anal sis to be performed; or 3. The improvement design has ben approved by the City Council, and is defined sufficiently to permit an I.C.U. analysis to be per f rmed. B. Projected Capacity Increases ffrom Traffic System Improvements: / r' For purposes of the traffi 'a sis, 70% of the incremental increase in intersection qap ty (based on a capacity of 1600 vehicles per hour o en time for each full traffic lane) shall be utilized./ Pon completion of the improvement, traffic vogi counts shall be updated, and any additional available M city may then be utilized in future traffic analyses. i C. Traffic Volumes: i 1. Traffic volu es shall be based on up -to -date estimates of traffic olumes expected to exist one year after completion of the project, or portion of the project, for which the traffic analysis is being performed. Such estimates shall include existing traffic as determited by annual field counts plus traffic gen- eratedr y previously approved projects or portions of proje is expected to exist in the same time period plus esti ated increases in regional traffic. If the intersection configuration being analyzed is the u timate configuration consistent with the Circulation ement or otherwise approved by the City Council, then he traffic volumes used in the analysis shall include total traffic expected to be generated from all previously approved projects even if they will not be completed at the time the subject project is completed. S-1 • Administrative Procedures for Implementing • the Traffic Phasing Ordinance — Page 6 2. The incremental regional traffic for the time period between the date of existing counts and one year after project completion will be estimated based on the rate projected by the traffic model or on a growth projection developed by the/Traffic Engineer and approved by the Planning Commission. 3. For making the 1% test ofjII.A.2., traffic volumes shall not be used which *eed the capacity of the circulation system specified in the General Plan. D. Trip Generation: Trip generation estimates f r the project shall be based on standard trip generation v Wes established by the City Traffic Engineer with the pproval of the Planning Commission or City Counci on appeal or review. These trip generation figures may be modified only when the applicant proposed specific, perma nt measures that will reduce traffic generated by the project, provided that: 1. The applicant descr bes in writing, in advance of the traffic analysis, a proposed measure, the estimated reduction in trip eneration that will result, and the basis for the esti ate. The estimate must be approved by the Planning C mission or City Council on appeal or review before the trip generation figures may be reduced. 2. The applicant pro ides the Planning Commission with a written assuranc that the proposed trip generation reduction measur will be permanently implemented, and agrees to make s id permanent implementation a condition for pr ject approval. E. Traffic Distribution: Traffic distribution shall be based on the traffic network expected to exist on year after project completion including those portions of the network associated with • previously approved projects or portions of projects expected to exist at that time. is Administrative Procedures for Implementing the Traffic Phasing Ordinance - Page 7 S -1 F. Improvements or Modifications to the Cirolation System: If the applicant wishes to propose q or changes to the circulation system to be strictly consistent with the C special assumptions as a basi/ of shall provide a description o the Planning Commission, alon justifying their use, in advaSuchproposalsmaythenbeustheyareapprovedbythePlan Council. IV. ISSUANCE OF PERMITS uautifiable improvements 4rwhich may not appear culation Element, or he traffic analysis, he prgposals in writing to supporting data t traffic analysis. Traffic Analysis if mmission and the City Permits may be issued for all,/Or a" portion of a project after an appropriate finding under I.p% has been made. A. Grading Permits: Grading permits may traffic analysis if, are waived by app1J' B. Building Permi fie issued prior to performance of the vesting rights associated with grading Where traffic system improvements have been included in the traffic analy is, building permits may be issued only after traffic syst m improvement timing has been confirmed as follows: 1. It h s been budgeted and committed for development by the ity; or 2/ applicant State or County or other governmental agency making improvement has accepted bids; or 3 improvement is to be installed or guaranteed by the in conjunction with the development project is approved by the appropriate governmental isdictions. is Adopted - February 26, 1979 Amended - November 23, 1981 Amended - November 12, 1985