HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 - Tentative Agreement with the NBEL10-1 NEWPORT BEACH City Council Staff Report COUNCIL STAFF REPORT CITY OF January 26, 2016 Agenda Item No. 10 ABSTRACT: The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Newport Beach and the Newport Beach Employees League (NBEL) expired on July 1, 2015. NBEL is represented by the Orange County Employees Association. On December 7, 2015, representatives from the City and NBEL began meeting and conferring in good faith regarding wages, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment. Following City Council approval on January 12, 2016, a Tentative Agreement was reached. In furtherance of the City Council’s goal to provide greater transparency in the negotiations process, the Tentative Agreement and its associated costs are presented to afford the public the opportunity to review and comment. The final MOU for this unit will be presented for City Council consideration at the February 9, 2016, regular meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and consider the Tentative Agreement between the City of Newport Beach and the Newport Beach Employees League. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: There is no action required to fund the Tentative Agreement at this time. The estimated cost of the contract with NBEL is provided in Attachment B. The cost to implement the terms of the first year of the contract is estimated to be $397,765. TO:HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM:Dave Kiff, City Manager - 949-644-3001, dkiff@newportbeachca.gov Barbara J. Salvini, Human Resources Director 949-644-3259, bsalvini@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY:Barbara J. Salvini, Human Resources Director PHONE:949-644-3259 TITLE:Tentative Agreement with the Newport Beach Employees League Tentative Agreement with the Newport Beach Employees League January 26, 2016 Page 2 10-2 DISCUSSION: The Newport Beach Employees League (NBEL) is an exclusively recognized bargaining unit and represents 115 miscellaneous, non-safety employees in general services and utilities occupations. The City was represented by Barbara J. Salvini, Human Resources Director, Maggie Williams-Dalgart, Senior Human Resources Analyst and Steffen Catron, Field Superintendent II. The NBEL was represented by Dave Ichikawa, President, Chris Auger, Vice President, Mike Auger, Secretary, Matt Aman, Treasurer and Chief Spokesperson and OCEA Senior Employee Relations Representative Jamie Newton. Negotiations meetings began in December 2015. Following City Council approval on January 12, 2016, a Tentative Agreement was reached. Several topics were discussed during negotiations, including wage adjustments, retirement costs and associated pension contributions, healthcare and potential legislative impacts to healthcare (Affordable Care Act). The parties recognized and agreed to promote the City Council’s goal of sharing pension costs, and the NBEL members agreed to contribute an additional .65 percent toward the pension benefit for a total employee contribution of 13 percent effective January 2016. Miscellaneous employee groups were among the City’s first groups to share in pension costs and have been increasing their contribution since 2012. This contribution amount is one of the highest among Orange County agencies and provides significant long term savings while also addressing growing pension costs. The Memoranda of Understanding between the City and NBEL includes the following major provisions: Term of three and one-half years, from July 1, 2015, through December 31, 2018 Additional employee contributions to the PERS pension benefit o January 1, 2016, employees contribute an additional .65 percent, for a total employee pick up of 13 percent Wage adjustments o January 1, 2016 - 2.65% o January 1, 2017 - 2.65% o January 1, 2018 - 2.65% Increases to the cafeteria benefit, which is used to purchase medical, dental or vision insurance Tentative Agreement with the Newport Beach Employees League January 26, 2016 Page 3 10-3 o January 1, 2016, an additional $51 per month for a total benefit of $1,600 o January 1, 2017, an additional $50 per month for a total benefit of $1,650 o January 1, 2018, an additional $75 per month for a total benefit of $1,725 Reductions to the cafeteria benefit for employees who opt-out of medical coverage o January 1, 2016, reduction to $1,200 per month o January 1, 2017, reduction to $1,100 per month o January 1, 2018, reduction to $1,000 per month An agreement to reopen negotiations in July 2017 for the purpose of discussing healthcare and cafeteria benefits due to changes or revisions in law, such as the Affordable Care Act A one-time, non PERSable payment of $2,300 for all members, effective following MOU adoption Changes to the Certificate Pay program, eliminating or “sunsetting” certain certificates and adding newer and current industry certificates (will be included in MOU) A change to the Bereavement Leave policy to include employee stepparents and stepchildren Modifications to the standby pay to make it uniform throughout the unit and to clarify its application Changes to the Grievance policy to remove certain procedural steps and provide for the City Manager as the final decision The estimated cost of the Tentative Agreement with NBEL for FY2015-16 and future years is included in Attachment B. All costs are projected through FY2018-19 and are itemized by salary, supplemental pays, fringe benefits, pension, and employee offsets. The employee offsets, which include the additional employee contribution towards pension and the reduction in the cafeteria allowance, provides a combined estimated savings of $285,462 over the term of the NBEL contract. A proposed draft version of the MOU between the City and NBEL is included with this report (Attachment C; MOU revisions noted in italics). Following City Council review of the Tentative Agreement with NBEL, and ratification by the unit members, a final version of the successor MOU will be presented to the City Council at its February 9, 2016, regular meeting. Tentative Agreement with the Newport Beach Employees League January 26, 2016 Page 4 10-4 During the sunshining period, the costing information and proposed revisions to the MOU will be posted on the City’s website. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENTS: A. Tentative Agreement Between the City of Newport Beach and the Newport Beach Employees League B. Estimated Cost of 3 ½ Year Contract with NBEL C. Draft MOU between City and NBEL 10-5 10-6 AT T A C H M E N T  B Ex i s t i n g C o s t Projected Costs B a s e C o s t P e n s i o n * * T o t a l B a s e Co s t P e n s i o n T o t a l B a s e Co s t P e n s i o n T o t a l Base Cost Pension Total Base Cost Pension Total Sa l a r y 7, 8 9 7 , 7 6 3 1, 7 7 2 , 4 9 5 9, 6 7 0 , 2 5 8 10 4 , 6 4 4 23 , 4 8 5 1 2 8 , 1 2 9 3 1 6 , 7 0 6 73 , 6 9 7 3 9 0 , 4 0 3 534,388 124,352 658,740 322,326 75,005 397,331 1,574,604 12.49% ( I n c r e a s e s : 1 / 1 6 = 2 . 6 5 % ; 1 / 1 7 = 2 . 6 5 % ; 1 / 1 8 = 2 . 6 5 % ) - Su p p l e m e n t a l B e n e f i t s - Ce r t i f i c a t e P a y ( f l a t $ a m o u n t ) $5 5 / m o 42 , 1 7 1 9, 4 6 4 51 , 6 3 5 5, 2 3 3 1 , 1 7 4 6, 4 0 7 1 0 , 4 6 5 2, 4 3 5 1 2 , 9 0 0 1 0 , 4 8 0 2,439 12,919 2,160 503 2,663 34,889 0.28% Me d i C a r e ( m a n d a t o r y p a y m e n t ) 1. 4 5 % 11 5 , 1 2 9 - 1 1 5 , 1 2 9 1, 5 2 5 - 1 , 5 2 5 4 , 6 1 7 - 4 , 6 1 7 7,790 - 7,790 4,699 - 4,699 18,631 0.15% Co m p e n s a t e d A b s e n c e s ( C i t y f u n d i n g o f l i a b i l i t y ) 3. 5 0 % 27 6 , 4 2 0 - 2 7 6 , 4 2 0 3, 6 6 3 - 3 , 6 6 3 1 1 , 0 8 5 - 1 1 , 0 8 5 18,704 - 18,704 11,281 - 11,281 44,733 0.35% Su b t o t a l 8, 3 3 1 , 4 8 3 1, 7 8 1 , 9 5 9 10 , 1 1 3 , 4 4 2 11 5 , 0 6 5 24 , 6 6 0 1 3 9 , 7 2 5 3 4 2 , 8 7 3 76 , 1 3 3 4 1 9 , 0 0 6 571,362 126,791 698,153 340,466 75,508 415,974 1,672,857 Ot h e r C i t y P a i d B e n e f i t s Ca f e t e r i a P l a n ( f i x e d c o s t ) Re f e r t o M O U 2, 2 7 6 , 3 0 7 - 2 , 2 7 6 , 3 0 7 29 , 0 7 0 - 2 9 , 0 7 0 8 6 , 6 4 0 - 8 6 , 6 4 0 157,890 - 157,890 100,320 - 100,320 373,920 2.97% Em p l o y e e A s s i s t a n c e P r o g r a m ( f i x e d c o s t ) Va l u e i f u s e d 2, 8 0 4 - 2 , 8 0 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ce l l P h o n e A l l o w a n c e $8 0 / m o 44 , 1 6 7 - 4 4 , 1 6 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Li f e I n s u r a n c e ( $ 5 0 K m a x b e n e f i t ; f i x e d c o s t ) Va l u e i f u s e d 12 , 0 4 1 - 1 2 , 0 4 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Re t i r e e H e a l t h S a v i n g s A c c o u n t ( e m p l o y e r s h a r e ) Re f e r t o M O U 15 6 , 1 9 5 - 15 6 , 1 9 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2, 4 9 1 , 5 1 4 - 2 , 4 9 1 , 5 1 4 - To t a l C o m p e n s a t i o n 10 , 8 2 2 , 9 9 7 1, 7 8 1 , 9 5 9 12 , 6 0 4 , 9 5 6 On e T i m e P a y m e n t ( 1 / 1 / 1 6 ) NA N A N A N A 2 6 1 , 3 3 5 - 2 6 1 , 3 3 5 - - - - - - - - - 261,335 2.07% Ch a n g e s t o S t a n d b y P r o g r a m (2 , 5 3 0 ) - ( 2 , 5 3 0 ) ( 4 , 9 9 3 ) (4,993) (4,993) (4,993) (2,530) (2,530) (15,046) -0.12% Of f s e t - A d d l E m p l o y e e P i c k U p o f P E R S P e n s i o n C o s t s - - - - ( 2 6 , 4 8 5 ) (2 6 , 4 8 5 ) - ( 5 3 , 6 6 8 ) ( 5 3 , 6 6 8 ) - (55,083) (55,083) - (27,900) (27,900) (163,136) -1.29% ( . 6 5 % o n 1 / 1 6 ) Of f s e t - R e d u c t i o n i n t h e C a f e t e r i a A l l o w a n c e NA N A N A N A ( 5 , 8 8 0 ) - ( 5 , 8 8 0 ) ( 2 3 , 7 6 0 ) - ( 2 3 , 7 6 0 ) (47,760) - (47,760) (29,880) - (29,880) (107,280) -0.85% 12 , 6 0 4 , 9 5 6 39 5 , 2 3 5 423,225 748,207 455,984 2,022,650 16.05% * R e p r e s e n t s t h e a v e r a g e b e n e f i t ( n o t n e c e s s a r i l y c o s t ) p r o v i d e d t o q u a l i f y i n g N B E L m e m b e r s ** R e p r e s e n t s t h e C i t y ' s p a y m e n t t o w a r d P E R S p e n s i o n c o s t s ( F Y 1 6 a d j u s t e d r a t e i s 2 2 . 4 4 % ) . T h e a d j u s t e d r a t e f o r F Y 1 7 i s ( 2 3 . 2 7 % ) a n d a p p l i e d t o F Y 1 8 a n d F Y 1 9 s i n c e t h o s e r a t e s a r e u n k n o w n a t t h i s t i m e . To t a l C o s t ( L e s s O f f s e t ) Pa y / B e n e f i t s Va l u e o f Be n e f i t * F Y 1 5 - 1 6 B u d g e t (r e p r e s e n t i n g 1 1 5 f u l l - t i m e f i e l d m a i n t e n a n c e , s k i l l ed l a b o r , u t i l i t i e s , a n d g e n e r a l s e r v i c e s p o s i t i o n s ) Year 4 (FY18-19) Ye a r 2 ( FY 1 6 - 17)Year 3 (FY17-18)Costs as % of Total Com p Total Ye a r 1 ( F Y 1 5 - 1 6 ) Co s t E s t i m a t e o f S u c c e s s o r M O U w i t h t h e N e w p o r t B e a c h E m p l o y e e s L e a g u e Co n t r a c t T e r m : J u l y 1 , 2 0 1 5 t h r o u g h D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 8 1/26/16 10-7 1 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND NEWPORT BEACH EMPLOYEES LEAGUE This MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (hereinafter referred to as "MOU") is entered into with reference to the following: PREAMBLE 1. The NEWPORT BEACH EMPLOYEES LEAGUE ("NBEL"), a recognized employee organization, and the City of Newport Beach ("City"), a municipal corporation and charter city, have been meeting and conferring, in good faith, with respect to wages, hours, fringe benefits and other terms and conditions of employment. 2. NBEL representatives and City representatives have reached agreement as to wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment for the period from July 1, 2015 through December 31, 2018 and this agreement has been embodied in this MOU. 3. This MOU, upon approval by NBEL and the Newport Beach City Council, represents the total and complete understanding and agreement between the parties regarding all matters within the scope of representation. SECTION 1. – General Provisions A. Recognition City hereby confirms its prior certification of NBEL as the recognized employee organization for the employees in the Construction and Maintenance Unit, and agrees to meet and confer and otherwise deal exclusively with NBEL on all matters within the scope of representative pertaining to said employees as authorized by law. B. Duration of Memorandum 1. Except as specifically provided otherwise, any ordinance, resolution or action of the City Council necessary to implement this MOU shall be considered effective as of July 1, 2015. This MOU shall remain in full force and effect until December 31, 2018, and the provisions of this MOU shall continue after the date of expiration of this MOU in the event the parties are meeting and conferring on a successor MOU. ATTACHMENT C 10-8 2 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 2. The terms and conditions of this MOU shall prevail over conflicting provisions of the Newport Beach City Charter, the ordinances, resolutions and policies of the City of Newport Beach, and federal and state statutes, rules and regulations which either specifically provide that agreements such as this prevail, confer rights which may be waived by any collective bargaining agreement, or are, pursuant to decisional or statutory law, superseded by the provisions of an agreement similar to this MOU. C. Release Time 1. Four NBEL officers designated by the NBEL shall collectively be granted an annual maximum of 150 hours paid release time, for the conduct of NBEL business. Such time shall be exclusive of actual time spent in collective bargaining and shall be scheduled at the discretion of the NBEL officer. Every effort will be made to schedule this time to avoid interference with City operations. 2. Release time designees shall be identified annually and notice shall be provided to the City. Release time incurred shall be reported regularly in the form and manner prescribed by the City. 3. Activities performed on release time shall include representation of members in rights disputes; preparation for collective bargaining activities, and distribution of NBEL written communication in the work place. 4. Each January, the City will examine the number of Release Time hours the Association used the preceding year. If the Association used in excess of 75% of the hours normally granted (150), the Association will be granted an additional 30 hours for that year. D. Employee Data and Access In January and July of each year, the City shall provide NBEL with a list of all unit members, including name, department, and job title. Information concerning the NBEL prepared by the NBEL will be provided to new field employees at the time of orientation. NBEL officials shall be entitled to solicit membership from field employees who are not members or who are new City employees assigned to a field department. E. Scope 1. All present written rules and current established practices and employees' rights, privileges and benefits that are within the scope of representation ATTACHMENT C 10-9 3 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 shall remain in full force and effect during the term of this MOU unless specifically amended by the provisions of this MOU. 2. The practical consequences of a Management Rights decision on wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment shall be subject to the grievance procedures. 3. Pursuant to this MOU, the City reserves and retains all of its inherent exclusive and non–exclusive managerial rights, powers, functions and authorities ("Management Rights") as set forth in the Employer-Employee Relations Resolution No. 2001-50. Management Rights include, but are not limited to, the following: (a) the determination of the purposes and functions of City Departments; (b) the establishment of standards of service; (c) to assign work to employees as deemed appropriate; (d) the direction and supervision of its employees; (e) the discipline of employees; (f) the power to relieve employees from duty for lack of work or other legitimate reasons; (g) to maintain the efficiency of operations; (h) to determine the methods, means and personnel by which operations are to be conducted; (i) the right to take all necessary actions to fulfill the Department's responsibilities in the event of an emergency; and (j) the exercise of complete control and discretion over the manner of organization, and the appropriate technology, best suited to the performance of departmental functions. The practical consequences of a Management Rights decision on wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment shall be subject to the grievance procedures. F. Conclusiveness ATTACHMENT C 10-10 4 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 With the exception of a separate MOU covering retirement issues, this MOU contains all of the covenants, stipulations, and provisions agreed upon by the parties. Therefore, for the life of this MOU, neither party shall be compelled, and each party expressly waives its rights to request the other to meet and confer concerning any issue within the scope of representation except as expressly provided herein or by mutual agreement of the parties. No representative of either party has the authority to make, and none of the parties shall be bound by, any statement, representation or agreement reached prior to the execution of this MOU and not set forth herein. As provided in the Employer-Employee Relations Resolution No. 2001-50, the City shall determine the manner in which City services are to be provided, including whether the City should provide services directly or contract out work, including work that is currently being performed by Association members. In the event the City introduces a plan to outsource services currently being performed by Association members to achieve greater efficiency and/or cost savings, and upon request by the Association, the City shall meet and confer with Association representatives to discuss the impacts of the City’s decision to contract out work. The City shall retain sole authority to decide whether or not to contract out work, including work that is currently being performed by Association members. This provision shall not limit the City’s authority to enter into such an agreement for any City services. G. Modifications Any agreement, understanding, waiver or modification of any of the terms or provisions of this MOU shall not be binding upon the parties unless contained in a written document executed by authorized representatives of the parties. The parties have determined certain contract provisions may be outdated or inconsistent with policy, charter, or Federal, State or local law. Effective during the term of the MOU City and Association representatives will review the contract document with the intent of proposing simplified and appropriate language, content and formatting. No changes to the MOU shall be effective unless approved by the City Council. H. Agency Shop 1. Unit employees, by majority vote, have elected for an Agency Shop provision. 2. The Association shall comply with all statutory and legal requirements regarding agency shop, should it be approved through the election process. This will include all requisite ATTACHMENT C 10-11 5 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 procedures for appeals, record-keeping, establishment of the service fee amount; designating acceptable charities pursuant to Section 3502.5 of the Government Code, etc. 3. Complying with agency shop provisions shall not be a condition of employment. Enforcement shall be the responsibility of the Association; utilizing appropriate civil procedures. The City will cooperate with Association efforts to achieve enforcement. 4. The collection of Association dues and/or service fees shall continue to be handled through the payroll deduction process. 5. NBEL agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City for its action pursuant to this section. SECTION 2. – Compensation A. Salary Base salary increases for all NBEL represented classifications shall be as follows and as specified in Exhibit A: Effective the pay period that includes January 1, 2016, base salaries will be increased by 2.65%. Effective the pay period that includes January 1, 2017, base salaries will be increased by 2.65%. Effective the pay period that includes January 1, 2018, base salaries will be increased by 2.65%. B. Overtime 1. Definitions (a) Overtime - Normal overtime is defined as any scheduled hours worked in excess of the basic work week. For the purposes of this section, the basic work week is 40 hours, or as determined by the Department Director and approved by the City Manager which occurs between a fixed and regularly recurring period of 168 hours - 7 consecutive 24 hour periods - beginning at 0001 on Saturday and ending at midnight the following Friday (or as otherwise designated by the City Manager). ATTACHMENT C 10-12 6 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 (b) Incidental Overtime - Incidental overtime is any extension of the basic work shift of less than 1/10 of an hour that is non-recurrent. (c) Hours Worked - Hours worked are defined as hours which employees are required to be performing their regular duties or other duties assigned by the City. 2. Compensation Overtime for all non-exempt employees shall be paid at one-and-one-half (1-1/2) times the employee’s regular rate of pay. Reporting of overtime on payroll forms will be as prescribed by the Finance Director. Incidental overtime is not compensable. 3. Overtime Pay Calculations During Week Including Holiday(s) For the purpose of calculating overtime, holidays and pre-scheduled vacation or flex leave occurring during the regular work week will count as time worked. The floating holiday is excluded from this provision. C. Standby Duty 1. Defined (a) To be ready to respond immediately to calls for service; (b) To be reachable by telephone; (c) To remain within a specified distance from his/her work station; and (d) To refrain from activities which might impair the employee's ability to perform his/her assigned duties. 2. Compensation (a) Standby duty compensation for all unit employees shall be capped at eight dollars ($8.00) per hour. Standby pay will not be piggybacked with any other paid time, such as call-back, scheduled or unscheduled overtime, or if working a scheduled shift. ATTACHMENT C 10-13 7 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 D. Call-Back Duty 1. Defined Call-back duty requires the employee to respond to a request to return to his/her work station after the normal work shift has been completed and the employee has left his/her normal work station. Those periods of overtime which had been scheduled by the Department Director prior to the end of the normal work shift are not considered call-back duty. 2. Compensation All personnel on call-back duty eligible for overtime pay shall be guaranteed two (2) hours pay, or pay for one-and-one-half (1-1/2) times the number of hours worked, whichever is greater. E. Accumulation of Compensatory Time Off City employees represented by the NBEL may receive compensatory time off, in lieu of cash, as compensation for overtime hours worked. Compensatory time shall be calculated at the rate of one and one half hours for each hour of overtime worked beyond the 40 hour limit of the work week. Compensatory time is to be granted only when the employer and the employee agree that the application of "Comp Time" is a desirable substitute for the payment of cash for overtime. Call-back time may be converted to comp time with supervisor approval. Employees may accumulate up to eighty (80) hours of Compensatory Time. Any hours in excess of eighty (80) will be paid off. Accumulation in excess of the eighty (80) hours may be approved at the discretion of the Department Director. F. Night Shift Differential The City agrees to pay $1.00 per hour night shift differential for Employees working a regularly scheduled work shift of which four or more hours are worked between the hours of 5p.m. and 5a.m. Overtime worked as an extension of an assigned day shift shall not qualify an employee for night shift differential. The differential pay is paid only for hours actually worked. In accordance with this provision, City agrees to pay $.50 per hour night shift differential to automotive shop mechanics for hours worked after 5:00 p.m. ATTACHMENT C 10-14 8 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 G. Acting Pay NBEL employees will be eligible to receive "acting pay" only after completing 80 consecutive hours in the higher classification. Acting pay is 107.5% of the employee's base pay rate. Once the minimum hours requirement has been satisfied, acting pay will be granted for all hours worked above 40 hours beginning with the 41st hour worked in the higher classification. H. Certification Pay Payment for State or governing body certifications will be made on a bi- weekly basis for League represented employees holding a valid and current certification in areas indicated below. Employees may submit proof of valid certificates, including renewals, upon completion. The bi-weekly payment for such eligible certificates will begin the first pay period following department approval. All amounts listed below reflect the annual benefit for the specified certificate: 1. Water or Wastewater Operator Grade I $110 Grade II $350 Grade III $450 Grade IV $650 Grade V $800 2. Backflow Certification - $220 3. Qualified Applicator Certificate - $110 for each category, up to a maximum of $330. 4. Fire Mechanic State Level I - $110 5. Fire Mechanic State Level II - $220 6. Fire Mechanic III - $400 7. Certified Arborist - $110 ATTACHMENT C 10-15 9 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 8. ASE Certification - $55 each and $220 for possessing a current ASE Master Truck Technician and $220 for possessing a current ASE Master Automobile Technician certification. 9. Commercial Driver License, Class A - $220 10. Commercial Driver License, Class B - $165 11. Public Works Certificates* I and II $300 (*18-20 Jr. College units each) 12. Water Utility Science Certificate - $300 13. Cross Connection Specialist - $110 14. Crane Certification - $110, annually 15. Forklift Trainer - $300 annually (2 employees, max) The maximum certificate pay benefit for unit members shall be $5,000 annually. The City will continue its practice of reimbursing employees for the following: 1) application, testing, and certification fees for successfully completing certification examinations for the above listed certificates, and 2) required physicals when employees obtain/renew required Class A or B Drivers Licenses. I. Court Time Employees who are required to appear in Court during their off-duty hours in connection with City business shall receive overtime compensation for the number of hours they spend in court, with a minimum of two (2) hours of such compensation. J. One-Time Payment Effective following City Council adoption of this 2015-2018 MOU, or as soon thereafter as reasonably practicable, currently employed unit members will receive a one-time payment of $2,300. The parties agree that this one-time payment does not meet the criteria under California Code of Regulations 571(b) as reportable compensation for retirement purposes. SECTION 3. - Leaves ATTACHMENT C 10-16 10 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 A. Flex Leave 1. Effective the pay period including January 1, 2013, all unit members shall accrue Flex leave at the following rates: Years of Continuous Service Hrs Accrued per Pay Period Annual hours Maximum Allowable Balance (hours) 1 but less than 5 6.00 156.00 468.00 5 but less than 9 6.61 171.86 515.58 9 but less than 12 7.23 187.98 563.94 12 but less than 16 8.15 211.90 635.70 16 but less than 20 8.77 228.02 684.06 20 but less than 25 9.38 243.88 731.64 25 and over 10.00 260.00 780.00 Members shall accrue three (3) months of flex leave upon completion of three (3) months of continuous employment with the City of Newport Beach, provided however, this amount shall be reduced by any flex leave time advanced during the first three (3) months of employment. 2. Limit on Accumulation Employees may accrue flex leave up to an accumulated total equal to seventy eight (78) times the member’s bi-weekly accrual rate. Any paid leave earned in excess of this level will be paid on an hour for hour basis in cash (spill over pay) at the employee’s hourly rate of pay. Members hired prior to July 1, 1996 shall be paid for earned flex leave in excess of the maximum permitted accrual at the member’s hourly rate of pay provided that they have utilized at least eighty (80) hours of flex leave the previous calendar year. Employees who have not utilized the required amount of leave the prior calendar year shall not be eligible to accrue time above the maximum accrual limit. Employees first hired, or rehired by the City subsequent to July 1, 1996 shall not be eligible for flex leave spill over pay and shall not be entitled to accrue flex leave in excess of the flex leave accrual threshold. 3. Method of Use Flex leave may not be taken in excess of that actually accrued and in no case, except for illness, may it be taken prior to the completion of an employee's initial probationary period. ATTACHMENT C 10-17 11 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 The Department Director shall approve all requests for flex leave taking into consideration the needs of the Department, and whenever possible the seniority and wishes of the employee. Flex leave may be granted on an hourly basis. B. Vacation Leave This section applies only to those Regular Full-time Employees hired on or before January 1, 1990 and who have elected not to enroll in the Flex Leave program. 1. Basis for Accrual/Full-Time Employees Employees entitled to vacation leave-with-pay shall accrue such leave based on years of continuous service and the number of hours in a normal work week for the position to which they are assigned in accordance with the following schedule: Years of Accrual per pay Continuous period hrs Service 0 but less than 5 3.38 5 but less than 9 3.99 9 but less than 12 4.61 12 but less than 16 5.22 16 but less than 20 5.84 20 but less than 25 6.46 25 and over 7.07 2. Limit on Accumulation Accrual of vacation days in excess of those earned for two years of continuous service is not permitted past December 31st of each year with the following exception: with approval of the Department Director, an employee may accrue vacation days in excess of the two-year limit provided all such excess accumulation is taken by March 31st of the following year. 3. Method of Use Vacation may not be taken in excess of that actually accrued. The Department Director shall schedule and approve all vacation leaves for employees taking into consideration the needs of the Department, and whenever possible, the seniority and wishes of the employee. Vacation ATTACHMENT C 10-18 12 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 leave may be granted on an hourly basis. Any fraction over an hour shall be charged to the next full hour. C. Sick Leave This section applies only to those Regular Full-time Employees hired on or before January 1, 1990 and who have elected not to enroll in the Flex Leave program. 1. Basis for accrual Full-time, regular employees shall accrue sick leave based on the number of hours in a normal work week for the position to which they are assigned in accordance with the following schedules: Normal Work Week :40 hours Service Time Monthly Accrual 0-1 year 4 hours 1-2 years 5 hours 2-3 years 6 hours 3-4 years 7 hours 4+ 8 hours 2. Method of Use (a) General Sick leave may not be taken in excess of that actually accrued. Sick leave may be granted on an hourly basis. (b) Approval Sick leave may be granted only at the discretion of or with the approval of the Department Director and as defined in the Employee Policy Manual. 3. Sick Leave Conversion Employees who at the end of the calendar year have an accrued level of sick leave equal to or greater than the full value of 50 months of accrued sick leave, and who have used six or less days of sick leave during that calendar year will be permitted (only once per year) to convert up to six (6) ATTACHMENT C 10-19 13 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 days of sick leave to either salary or paid vacation at the value of 50% (maximum value of 3 days per year). Eligible sick leave days converted to cash shall be at the employee's option. Eligible sick leave days converted to paid vacation shall require the approval of the Department Director. D. Holiday Leave 1. Subject to the provisions herein, the following days shall be observed as paid holidays by all unit members. For each designated holiday, except the Floating Holiday, members shall receive an equivalent number of hours of paid flex leave or equivalent pay. Independence Day July 4 Labor Day 1st Monday in Sept. Veteran's Day November 11 Thanksgiving Day 4th Thurs. in November Friday following Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Last 1/2 of working day Christmas Day December 25 New Year's Eve Last 1/2 of working day New Year's Day January 1 Washington's Birthday 3rd Monday in February Memorial Day Last Monday in May Martin Luther King Day 3rd Monday in January Floating Holiday July 1st - 1 day Effective the pay period including January 1, 2013 holidays will be paid based on the employee’s regular work day schedule. For example, if an employee is on a 9/80 schedule and the holiday is observed on a day that the employee is regularly scheduled to work 9 hours, the employee is entitled to receive 9 hours of holiday pay. However, if an employee is on a 9/80 schedule and the holiday is observed on a day that the employee is regularly scheduled to work 8 hours, the employee is entitled to receive 8 hours of holiday pay. Employees will receive 8 hours of holiday pay annually for the Floating Holiday. Holidays listed above (except the floating holiday) occurring on a Saturday shall be observed the preceding Friday. Holidays occurring on a Sunday shall be observed the following Monday. (Half day holidays shall be observed prior to the observed holiday). 2. Holiday Pay Eligibility Following are the limitations on eligibility for Holiday Pay: ATTACHMENT C 10-20 14 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 (a) Holiday Pay will be paid only to employees who work their scheduled day before and scheduled day after a holiday, or are on authorized leave (e.g. approved vacation, or sick leave, that has been approved by the Department Director). (b) Newly hired employees will be eligible to receive full pay for scheduled holidays, without a waiting period. E. Bereavement Leave Bereavement leave shall be defined as “the necessary absence from duty by an employee having a regular or probationary appointment because of the death or terminal illness in his/her immediate family.” Unit members shall be entitled to forty (40) hours of bereavement leave per calendar year per incident (terminal illness followed by death is considered one incident). Bereavement leave shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of the Employee Policy Manual. Leave hours need not be used consecutively, but should occur in proximate time to the occurrence. For the purposes of this section, immediate family shall mean an employee’s father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, brother, sister, spouse/domestic partner, child, stepchild, grandparents and the employee’s spouse’s/domestic partner’s father, mother, brother, sister, child and grandparents. The provisions of this Section shall not diminish or reduce any rights a member may have pursuant to applicable provisions of State or Federal law. An employee requesting bereavement leave shall notify his/her supervisor as soon as possible of the need to take leave. F. Leave Sellback Twice annually, employees shall have the option of selling back on an hour for hour basis, accrued flex or vacation leave. In no event shall the flex or vacation leave balance be reduced below one hundred and sixty (160) hours. Hours sold back will be subject to the Retiree Health Savings Plan Part C contributions, per Section 4 (E), Retiree Medical. For the term of this MOU the Association has elected Part C contributions for Flex/Vacation at 0%. SECTION 4. – Fringe Benefits A. Health Insurance 1. Benefits Information Committee City has established a Benefits Information Committee (BIC) composed of one representative from each employee association group and up to three City representatives. The Benefits Information Committee has been ATTACHMENT C 10-21 15 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 established to allow the City to present data regarding carrier and coverage options, the cost of those options, appropriate coverage levels and other health programs. The purpose of the BIC is to provide each employee group with information about health insurance/programs and to receive timely input from associations regarding preferred coverage options and levels of coverage. 2. Medical Insurance The City has implemented an IRS qualified Cafeteria Plan. In addition to the contribution amounts listed below, the City shall contribute the minimum CalPERS participating employer’s contribution towards medical insurance for employees enrolled in a CalPERS medical plan, per Government Code Section 22892. Employees shall have the option of allocating Cafeteria Plan contributions towards the City’s existing medical, dental and vision insurance/programs. The City and the Newport Beach Employees League will cooperate in pursuing additional optional benefits to be available through the Cafeteria Plan. Unused Cafeteria Plan funds shall be payable to the employee as taxable cash back. Employees shall be allowed to change coverages in accordance with plan rules and during regular open enrollment periods. The parties recognize that from July 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 the City has contributed the PERS minimum contribution amount and $1,549 per month towards the Cafeteria Plan. Effective the first pay issue in January 2016, the City will contribute the PERS minimum contribution amount and $1,600 per month towards the Cafeteria Plan. Effective the first pay issue in January 2017, the City will contribute the PERS minimum contribution amount and $1,650 per month towards the Cafeteria Plan. Effective the first pay issue in January 2018, the City will contribute the PERS minimum contribution amount and $1,725 per month towards the Cafeteria Plan. NBEL members who do not enroll in any medical plan offered by the City must provide evidence of group medical insurance coverage, and execute an opt-out agreement releasing the City from any responsibility or liability to provide medical insurance coverage on an annual basis. ATTACHMENT C 10-22 16 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 Effective January 1, 2016, or as soon thereafter is practicable following MOU adoption, the maximum cafeteria allowance provided to employees who execute an opt-out agreement is $1,200. Effective the pay period that includes January 1, 2017, the maximum cafeteria allowance provided to employees who execute an opt-out agreement is $1,100. Effective the first pay period that includes January 1, 2018, the maximum cafeteria allowance provided to employees who execute an opt-out agreement is $1,000. 3. Dental Insurance The existing or comparable dental plans shall be maintained as part of the City’s health plan offerings as agreed upon by the Benefits Information Committee. 4. Vision Insurance The existing or comparable vision plan shall be maintained as part of the City's health plan offerings as agreed upon by the Benefits Information Committee. 5. Healthcare Reform The parties recognize that certain State and Federal laws, programs and regulations, including the Affordable Care Act, may impact future medical plan offerings. Effective July 2017, either party may request to reopen Section 4,A,(2) regarding medical insurance for the purpose of discussing alternative approaches and proposals to providing healthcare coverage. In addition, should State or Federal laws concerning taxation of healthcare benefits change, the parties agree to meet and discuss the impact of such change. B. Additional Health Insurance/Programs 1. IRS Section 125 Flexible Spending Account Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code authorizes an employee to reduce taxable income for payment of allowable expenses such as child care and medical expenses. An Association member may request that medical, child care and other eligible expenses be paid or reimbursed by the Section 125 Plan out of the employee’s account. The taxable salary of the employee will be reduced by the amount designated by the employee for reimbursable expenses. ATTACHMENT C 10-23 17 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 2. Disability Insurance The City shall provide disability insurance to all regular full time employees with the following provisions: Weekly Benefit 66.67% gross weekly wages Maximum Benefit $10,000/month Minimum Benefit $15 (STD) and $100 (LTD) Waiting Period 30 Calendar Days (STD) 180 Calendar Days (LTD) Employees shall not be required to exhaust accrued paid leaves prior to receiving benefits under the disability insurance program. Employees may not supplement the disability benefit with paid leave once the waiting period has been exhausted. Concurrent with the commencement of this program, employees assumed responsibility for the payment of the disability insurance cost in the amount of one (1%) percent of base salary. Simultaneously, the City increased base wages by one (1%) percent. 3. Life Insurance The City shall provide life insurance for all regular full-time employees in $1,000 increments equal to one times the employee’s annual salary up to a maximum of $50,000. At age 70 the City-paid life insurance is reduced by 50% of the pre-70 amount. This amount remains in effect until the employee terminates from City employment. C. Employee Assistance Program City shall provide an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through a properly licensed provider. Association members and their family members may access the EAP subject to provider guidelines. D. The Retirement Benefit 1. Retirement Formula The City contracts with PERS to provide retirement benefits for its employees. Pursuant to prior agreements and state mandated reform, the City has implemented first, second and third tier retirement benefits: ATTACHMENT C 10-24 18 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 Tier 1: For employees hired by the City on or before November 23, 2012, the retirement formula shall be the 2.5% @ 55 calculated on the basis of the best/single highest year. Tier 2: For employees first hired by the City between November 24 and December 31, 2012, or hired on or after January 1, 2013 and are current members of the retirement system, as defined in Public Employees Pension Reform Act, the retirement formula shall be 2% @ 60 calculated on the average 36 highest month’s salary. Tier 3: For employees first hired by the City on or after January 1, 2013, and who do not meet the Tier 2 criteria, the retirement formula shall be 2.0%@62 calculated on the average 36 highest month’s salary. 2. Employee Contributions The Association has agreed to share in the rising cost of pension obligations. Under the terms of this MOU, unit members will contribute additional amounts toward the PERS retirement benefit, to the extent permissible by law. Should any provision be deemed invalid, the City and Association agree to meet for the purpose of renegotiating employee retirement contributions. At the conclusion of this contract employees in each Tier will contribute 13% of pensionable pay toward the retirement benefit. Employee retirement contributions that are in addition to the normal PERS Member Contribution shall be calculated on base pay, special pays, and other pays normally reported as “PERSable” compensation, and will be made on a pre-tax basis through payroll deduction, to the extent allowable by the government tax code. It is recognized that these payments will not be reported to PERS as contributions toward either the Member or Employer rate, as provided under GC Section 20516(f). Under a separate agreement, and ratified via a contract amendment with CalPERS in 2008, the modified normal member contribution for Tier 1 employees is 10.42% of pensionable compensation. The parties recognize that from July 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015, NBEL members have been paying, in addition to the member contribution, a portion of the Employer rate under a 20516(f) cost sharing agreement. The normal Member rate and the cost sharing rate vary by Tier. However, the combined contribution rate for each Tier equals 12.35% of pensionable compensation, as provided in a prior agreement. ATTACHMENT C 10-25 19 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 Tier 1 and Tier 2 Employees: Effective the pay period including January 1, 2016, Tier 1 and Tier 2 employees shall contribute an additional .65% of pensionable compensation toward retirement costs pursuant to Government Code Section 20516 (f), for a total of 13%. Tier 3 Employees: The minimum statutory employee contribution for employees in Tier 3 is subject to the provisions of the Public Employees Pension Reform Act of 2012 (PEPRA) and equals 50% of the “total normal cost”. Effective the pay period including January 1, 2016, in addition to the statutorily required 50% contribution of total normal costs, Tier 3 employees shall make an additional contribution toward retirement pursuant to Government Code Section 20516(f), such that the total employee contribution equals 13%. In the event pension reform is modified by State or Federal legislation, resulting in changes to previously negotiated terms, the parties agree to meet and confer to discuss subsequent changes to the contract. The City contracts with PERS for the 4th Level 1959 Survivors Insurance Benefit, $500 Lump Sum Death Benefit, Sick Leave Credit, Military Service Credit, 2% Cost of Living Adjustment and the pre-retirement option settlement 2 death benefit (Section 21548). E. Retiree Medical Benefit 1. Background In 2005, the City and all Employee Associations agreed to replace the previous “defined benefit” retiree medical program with a new “defined contribution” program. The process of fully converting to the new program will be ongoing for an extended period. During the transition, employees and (then) existing retirees have been administratively classified into one of four categories. The benefit is structured differently for each of the categories. The categories are as follows: a. Category 1 - Employees newly hired after January 1, 2006. b. Category 2 - Active employees hired prior to January 1, 2006, whose age plus years of service as of January 1, 2006 was less than 50 (46 for public safety employees). c. Category 3 - Active employees hired prior to January 1, 2006, whose age plus years of service was 50 or greater (46 for public safety employees) as of January 1, 2006. ATTACHMENT C 10-26 20 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 d. Category 4 - Employees who retired from the City prior to January 1, 2006, and were participating in the previous retiree medical program. 2. Program Structure This is an Integral Part Trust (IPT) Retiree Health Savings (RHS) Program (formerly the Medical Expense Reimbursement Program “MERP”). a. For employees in Category 1, the program is structured as follows: Each employee will have an individual RHS account for bookkeeping purposes, called his or her “Employee Account.” This account will accumulate contributions to be used for health care expense after separation. All contributions to the plan are either mandatory employee contributions or City paid employer contributions, so they are not taxable to employees at the time of deposit. Earnings from investment of funds in the account are not taxable when posted to the account. Benefit payments are not taxable when withdrawn, because the plan requires that all distributions be spent for specified health care purposes. Contributions will be in three parts. Part A contributions (mandatory employee contributions): 1% of Salary. Part B contributions (employer contributions): $1.50 per month for each year of service plus year of age (updated every January 1st based on status as of December 31st of the prior year). Effective January 2008, this contribution will increase to $2.50 per month. Part C contributions (leave settlement as determined by Association): The Association will determine the level of contribution for all employees it represents, subject to the following constraints. All employees within the Association must participate at the same level, except that Safety members and Non-safety members within an Association may have different levels. The participation level should be specified as a percentage of the leave balance on hand in each employee’s leave bank at the time of separation from the City. For example, if the Association wishes to specify 50% of the leave balance as the participation level, then each member leaving the City, or cashing out leave at any other time, would have the cash equivalent of 50% of the amount that is cashed out added to the RHS, on a pre-tax basis. The remaining 50% would be paid in cash as taxable income. Individual employees would not have the option to deviate from this breakout. ATTACHMENT C 10-27 21 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 The Association has decided to participate in Part C contributions at the level of zero percent (0%) Flex/Vacation and zero percent (0%) Sick Leave. This amount may be changed, on a go forward basis, as part of a future meet and confer process. However, the participation level must be the same for all employees within the Association. Additionally, the purpose and focus of these changes should be toward long-term, trend type adjustments. Due to IRS restrictions regarding “constructive receipt,” the City will impose restrictions against frequent spikes or drops that appear to be tailored toward satisfying the desires of a group of imminent retirees. Spillover pay is not eligible for Part C contributions. Nothing in this section restricts taking leave for time off purposes. Sick leave balances may also be included in the RHS Part C contributions, but only to the extent and within all the numeric parameters specified in the Employee Policy Manual. Section 11.21 of the Manual contains a schedule, which specifies the amount of sick leave that can be “cashed out,” based on time of service. The manual also caps the number of hours that can be “cashed out” at 800, and specifies that sick leave hours are “cashed out” on a 2 for 1 basis (800 hours of sick leave are converted to 400 hours for cash purposes). Sick leave participation is a separate item from vacation/flex leave participation, and thresholds must be separately identified by the Association. Part A contributions may be included in PERS compensation. Part B and Part C contributions will not be included in PERS compensation. Part A contributions begin upon enrollment in the program and are credited to each RHS Employee Account each pay period. Eligibility for Part B contributions is set at five years of vested City employment. At that time, the City will credit the first five years’ worth of Part B contributions into the Employee Account (interest does not accrue during that period). Thereafter, contributions are made bi-weekly. Part C deposits, if any, will be made at the time of employment separation. Each Employee has a right to reimbursement of medical expenses (as defined below) from the Plan until the Employee Account balance is zero. This right is triggered upon separation. If an employee leaves the City prior to five years employment, only the Part A contributions and Part C leave settlement contributions, if any, will be in the RHS Employee Account. Such an employee will not be entitled to any Part B contributions. The exception to this is a full-time employee, participating in the program, who leaves the City due to industrial disability during the first five years of employment. In ATTACHMENT C 10-28 22 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 such cases, the employee will receive exactly five years’ worth of Part B contributions, using the employee’s age and compensation at the time of separation for calculation purposes. This amount will be deposited into the employee’s RHS account at the time of separation. Distributions from RHS Employee Accounts are restricted to use for health insurance and medical care expenses after separation, as defined by the Internal Revenue Code Section 213(d) (as explained in IRS Publication 502), and specified in the Plan Document. In accordance with current IRS regulations and practices, this generally includes premiums for medical insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, supplemental medical insurance, long term care insurance, and miscellaneous medical expenses not covered by insurance for the employee and his or her spouse and legal dependents – again only as permitted by IRS Publication 502. Qualification for dependency status will be determined by guidelines in IRC 152. If used for these purposes, distributions from the RHS accounts will not be taxable. Cash withdrawal for any other purpose is prohibited. Under recent IRS Revenue Ruling 2005-24, any balance remaining in the Employee Account after the death of the employee and his or her spouse and/or other authorized dependents (if any) must be forfeited. That particular RHS Employee Account will be closed, and any remaining funds will become general assets of the plan. The parties agree that the City’s Part B contributions during active employment constitute the minimum CalPERS participating employer’s contribution towards medical insurance after retirement. The parties also agree that, for retirees selecting a CalPERS medical plan, or any other plan with a similar employer contribution requirement, the required City contribution will be withdrawn from the retiree’s RHS account. b. For employees in Category 2, the program is the same as for those in Category 1, with the following exception: In addition to the new plan contributions listed above, current employees who fully convert to the new plan will also receive a one-time City contribution to their individual RHS accounts that equates to $100 per month for every month they contributed to the previous “defined benefit” plan, to a maximum of 15 years (180 months). This contribution will be made only if the employee retires from the City and at the time of retirement. No interest will be earned in the interim. Employees in Category 2 who had less than five years’ service with the City prior to implementation of the new program will only receive Part B contributions back to January 1, 2006 when they reach five years total service. ATTACHMENT C 10-29 23 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 c. For employees in Category 3, the program is the same as for those in Category 2, with the following exception: For employees in this category, the City will make no Part B contributions while the employees are still in the active work force. Instead, the City will contribute $400 per month into each of their RHS accounts after they retire from the City, to continue as long as the employee or spouse is still living. Each employee will contribute a flat $100 per month to the plan for the duration of their employment to partially offset part of this expense to the City. The maximum benefit provided by the City after retirement is $4,800 per year, accruing at the rate of $400 per month. There is no cash out option for these funds, and they may not be spent in advance of receipt. Employees in this category will also receive an additional one-time City contribution of $75 per month for every month they contributed to the previous plan prior to January 1, 2006, up to a maximum of 15 years (180 months). This contribution will be made to the RHS account at the time of retirement, and only if the employee retires from the City. No interest will be earned in the interim. d. For employees (retirees) in Category 4, the structure is very similar to the previous retiree medical program, except that there is no cost share requirement, and the $400 City contribution after retirement can be used for any IRS authorized purpose, not just City insurance premiums. Effective July 1, 2006, a RHS account has been opened for each retiree in this category, and the City will contribute $400 per month to each account as long as the retiree or spouse remains living. 3. Administration Vendors have been selected by the City to administer the program. The contract expense for program-wide administration by the vendor will be paid by the City. However, specific vendor charges for individual account transactions that vary according to the investment actions taken by each employee, such as fees or commissions for trades, will be paid by each employee. The City’s Deferred Compensation Committee, or its successor committee, will have the authority to determine investment options that will be available through the plan. ATTACHMENT C 10-30 24 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 4. Value of Benefit For all purposes, including compensation comparisons, the Retiree Medical Program shall be valued at 1% of salary on which PERS retirement is based (Part A); plus .25% of other compensation (Part B). F. Tuition Reimbursement NBEL members attending accredited community colleges, colleges, trade schools or universities, or recognized professional organizations or agencies, may apply for reimbursement of one hundred percent (100%) of the actual cost of tuition, books, fees or other student expenses for approved job–related courses, seminars, or professional development programs. Maximum tuition reimbursement for employees shall be $1,500 per fiscal year Reimbursement is contingent upon the successful completion of the course. Successful completion means a grade of "C" or better for undergraduate courses and a grade of "B" or better for graduate courses. All claims for tuition reimbursement require the approval of the Human Resources Director or designee. SECTION 5. Miscellaneous/Working Conditions A. Reductions in Force/Layoffs The provisions of this section shall apply when the City Manager determines that a reduction in the work force is warranted because of actual or anticipated reductions in revenue, reorganization of the work force, a reduction in municipal services, a reduction in the demand for service or other reasons unrelated to the performance of duties by any specific employee. Reductions in force are to be accomplished, to the extent feasible, on the basis of seniority within a particular Classification or Series and this Section should be interpreted accordingly. DEFINITIONS 1. "Layoffs" or "Laid Off" shall mean the non-disciplinary termination or employment. 2. "Seniority" shall mean the time an employee has worked in a Classification or Series calculated from the date on which the employee was first granted permanent status in the current Classification or any Classification within the Series, subject to the following: ATTACHMENT C 10-31 25 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 (a) Credit shall be given only for continuous service subsequent to the most recent appointment to permanent status in the Classification or Series; and (b) Seniority shall include time spent on industrial leave, military leave, and leave of absence without pay, but shall not include time spent on any other authorized or unauthorized leave of absence. 3. "Classification" shall mean one or more full time positions identical or similar in duties not including part-time, seasonal or temporary positions. Classifications within a Series shall be ranked according to pay (lowest ranking, lowest pay). 4. "Series" shall mean two or more classifications within a Department which require the performance of similar duties with the higher ranking classification(s) characterized by the need for less supervision by superiors, more difficult assignments and more supervisory responsibilities for subordinates. The City Manager shall determine those classifications following a meet and consult process which constitute a Series. 5. "Bumping Rights", "Bumping" or "Bump" shall mean (1) the right of an employee, based upon seniority within a series to bump into a lower ranking classification within the same series, (2) to be followed by, an employee being permitted to bump into a classification within a different series. The latter bumping shall be based upon unit wide seniority and shall be limited to a classification in which the employee previously held regular status. No employee shall have the right to bump into a classification for which the employee does not possess the minimum qualifications such as specialized education, training or experience. PROCEDURE The General Services Division within the Municipal Operations Department will select employees for layoff by straight seniority department wide. This means department management has total control of position elimination and personnel reassignment within ranks, but the layoffs shall be on a straight forward "last hired-first fired" basis. The layoff system for the Utilities Division shall operate the same department- wide seniority as does the General Services Division, with the exception of the Electrical and Telecommunications sections. Because of the highly specialized skills and training of the personnel in these sections, these sections shall be treated as unique and individual unto themselves. ATTACHMENT C 10-32 26 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 In the event the City Manager determines to reduce the number of employees within a classification, the following procedures are applicable: 1. Temporary and probationary employees within any classification shall, in that order, be laid off before permanent employees. 2. Employees within a classification shall be laid off in inverse order of seniority. 3. An employee subject to layoff in one classification shall have the right to bump a less senior employee in a lower ranking classification within a series. An employee who has bumping rights shall notify the Department Director within three (3) working days after notice of layoff of his/her intention to exercise bumping rights. 4. In the event two or more employees in the same classification are subject to layoff and have the same seniority, the employees shall be laid off following the Department Director's consideration of established performance evaluations. REEMPLOYMENT Permanent and probationary employees who are laid off shall be placed on a Department re-employment list in reverse order of layoff. The re-employment list shall expire in 18 months. In the event a vacant position occurs in the classification which the employee occupied at the time of layoff, or a lower ranking classification within a series, the employee at the top of the Department re-employment list shall have the right within seven (7) days of written notice of appointment. Notice shall be deemed given when personally delivered to the employee or deposited in the U.S. Mail, first class postage prepaid, and addressed to the employee at his or her last known address. Any employee shall have the right to refuse to be placed on the re-employment list or the right to remove his or her name from the re-employment list by sending written confirmation to the Human Resources Director. SEVERANCE If an employee is laid off from their job with the City, for economic reasons, the City will grant severance pay in an amount equal to one week of pay for every full year of continuous employment service to the City of Newport Beach up to ten (10) weeks of pay. ATTACHMENT C 10-33 27 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 NOTICE Employees subject to lay-off shall be given at least thirty (30) days advance notice of the layoff or thirty(30) days pay in lieu of notice. In addition, employees laid off will be paid for all accumulated paid leave, holiday leave, (if any), and accumulated sick leave to the extent permitted by the Personnel Resolution. B. Non-Discrimination City and NBEL agree that there will be no discrimination by either party or by any of their agents against any employee because of his/her membership or non- membership in NBEL, or because of his/her race, creed, color, national origin, religious belief, political affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or age. C. Promotional Preference Where no less than two (2) unit members achieve top three ranking on a certified eligible list, selection to the position shall be made with preference given to the unit members so qualified. The Human Resources Department shall be responsible for insuring that a position vacancy announcement for all available City positions be distributed in a manner that reasonably assures unit members access to the announcements. The Human Resources Department shall oversee all testing procedures. Any employee who has achieved "regular status" may request assignment to any lateral or lower classification, and that employee may be transferred into that classification without competitive testing if both of the following conditions have been satisfied: 1. The employee meets the minimum qualifications of the classification; and, 2. The Department Director approves of the transfer. D. 9/80 Scheduling Plan The City agrees to maintain flex-scheduling where it is currently in place in the Municipal Operations Department. The Building Maintenance, Parks Maintenance, and Beach Maintenance crews will be placed on the 5/40 schedule including the Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends, or any portion of time between these Holidays at the discretion of the General Services Director. The City reserves the right to amend the program as needed to mitigate any operational problems which may arise due to budgetary cutbacks, personnel cuts or shortages, service level complaints, or any other operational reason. Should an operational problem involving service reductions or increases in cost materialize, the Department Director will notify the Association and the ATTACHMENT C 10-34 28 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 employees affected work group of the problem in writing, supported with cause. The Association and/or the employees of the affected work group, will in turn have up to ten (10) working days to respond and schedule a meeting with the Department Director. The purpose of the meeting is to propose a solution to the problem. The Department Director will consider the proposed solution and respond, in writing, within five (5) working days. If the Department Director and the work group disagree on the solution, the Association and/or employees of the affected work group will have up to five (5) working days to appeal the Department Director's decision to the City Manager, who will consider both sides of the issue and resolve the dispute, in a written decision within ten (10) days after the aforementioned meeting. In January 2011, the 9/80 flex-schedule was modified as follows: employees were provided the option of alternating Fridays off only. Employees on a 9/80 schedule with alternating Mondays or any other day off converted to Fridays off beginning in January 2011. To ensure effective coverage, employees on the 9/80 schedule were divided into groups A or B, with equal numbers of staff as much as possible, including management and supervisory staff, off on alternating Fridays. To ensure ongoing compliance with Fair Labor Standards Act, and to maintain organizational efficiency, deviations from established flex days, if legally permitted, will be considered on a case-by-case basis. E. Labor Management Committee Committees shall meet on an as needed basis; names of participating unit members shall be announced to management no less than 5 work days before the scheduled meeting; cancellation for cause shall be rendered by the canceling party no less than 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting; canceled meetings shall be rescheduled to take place within 5 working days of the canceled meeting; committees shall be departmental; they may be combined in the interests of efficiency with other such committees; City participants shall include appropriate department or division heads outside the unit; the purpose of the committees shall be to resolve conflict and exchange information; a unit staff person may attend meetings; meetings shall be scheduled to last no less than one hour; grievances in process shall not be subject to resolution in meetings; matters properly dealt with in negotiations may be discussed but no agreements shall be effected on same in committee. Meetings shall be on work time. F. Discipline - Notice of Intent 1. Employees who are to be the subject of substantial punitive discipline for any misconduct or negligence shall be entitled to prior written notice of intent to discipline at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the imposition of the actual penalty. This written notice shall contain a description of the event or conduct which justifies the imposition of discipline. The notice ATTACHMENT C 10-35 29 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 shall also include the specific form of a discipline intended, and the employee shall be offered the opportunity to a hearing before their Department Director prior to the imposition of the penalty. This procedure will only be applied in cases of substantial punitive discipline. It shall be understood that a disciplinary penalty equal to an unpaid suspension of three (3) days or greater shall be substantial. All other discipline resulting in less than a three (3) day suspension will be considered non-substantial and will not be subject to the aforementioned procedure. This understanding is not intended to in any way reduce the rights of employees to due process. Employees who have become the subject to discipline and who believe that the penalty is not justified shall have access to the grievance process as established in the Employee-Employer Resolution2001-50. G. Grievance Procedure Step 1: A grievance may be filed by any employee on his/her own behalf, or jointly by a group of employees, or by a Recognized Employee Organization. A grievance shall be brought to the attention of the immediate supervisor for discussion within ten (10) business days of when the grievance arose. If the Employee is not satisfied with the decision reached through the informal discussion or if extenuating circumstances exist, the Employee shall have the right to file a formal grievance in accordance with Step 2 of this section. Grievances not presented within the time period shall be considered resolved. The supervisor shall meet with the grievant to settle grievance and give a written answer to the grievant within seven (7) business days from receipt of the grievance by the supervisor. When the immediate supervisor is also the department head the grievance shall be presented in Step 2. Step 2: If the employee is not in agreement with the decision rendered in Step 1, an employee shall have the right to present a formal grievance to the Department Director within ten (10) business days after the discussion in Step 1. The right to file a grievance petition shall be waived in the event the Employee fails to file a formal grievance within ten (10) business days after the occurrence of the incident that forms the basis of the grievance. All formal grievances shall be submitted on the form prescribed by the Human Resources Director and no formal grievance shall be accepted until the form is complete. The formal grievance shall contain a clear, concise statement of the grievance, the facts upon which the grievance is based, the rule, regulation or policy the interpretation of which is involved in the grievance, and the specific remedy or remedies sought ATTACHMENT C 10-36 30 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 by the grievant. The Department Director should render a written decision within ten (10) business days after receipt of the formal grievance. Step 3: If the formal grievance has not been satisfactorily adjusted in Step 2, it may be appealed to the City Manager within ten (10) business days after the Employee receives the decision. The City Manager may accept or reject the decision of the Department Director and shall render a written decision within ten (10) business days after conducting a grievance hearing. The decision of the City Manager shall be final and conclusive. If mutually agreeable, a meeting may be conducted involving all affected parties at any step in the grievance procedure prior to a decision. The City Manager may delegate uninvolved Department Directors to act on behalf of the City Manager to provide findings and recommendations. The findings and recommendations of the uninvolved Department Directors are advisory only and the City Manager’s decision shall be final. Time Limits: Grievances shall be processed from one step to the next within the time limit indicated for each step. Time limits shall be strictly enforced. Any time limits established can be waived or extended only by mutual agreement confirmed in writing. Any grievance not carried to the next step by the Employee within the prescribed time limit shall be deemed resolved upon the basis of the previous decision. Additionally, the City and NBEL agree to expand the grievance procedure as it relates to performance evaluations and written reprimands, permitting them to be appealed to the 3rd step of the grievance procedure. H. Probationary Period Newly hired employees shall serve a twelve (12) month probationary period. The probationary period for promoted employees shall be six (6) months. Newly hired employees shall become eligible for their first step increase after twelve (12) months. All other City rules regarding step increases shall remain unchanged. I. Failure of Probation 1. New Probation An employee on new probation may be released at the sole discretion of the City at any time without right of appeal or hearing, except as provided in Subsection 3, below. ATTACHMENT C 10-37 31 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 2. Promotional Probation (a) An employee on promotional probation may be failed at any time without right of appeal or hearing, except as provided in Subsection 3, below, and except that failing an employee on promotional probation must not be arbitrary, capricious or unreasonable. (b) An employee who fails promotional probation shall receive a performance evaluation stating the reason for failure of promotional probation. (c) When an employee fails his or her promotional probation, the employee shall have the right to return to his or her former class provided the employee was not in the previous class for the purpose of training for a promotion to a higher class. When an employee is returned to his or her former class, the employee shall serve the remainder of any uncompleted probationary period in the former class. (d) If the employee's former class has been deleted or abolished, the employee shall have the right to return to a class in his or her former occupational series closest to, but no higher than, the salary range of the class which the employee occupied immediately prior to promotion and shall serve the remainder of any probationary period not completed in the former class. 3. Probationary Release An employee who alleges that his or her probationary release was based on discrimination by the City, may submit a grievance within ten (10) days after receipt of the Notice of Failure of Probation. J. Accident Reporting The City will require that all traffic collisions involving City vehicles shall be reviewed by the traffic division supervisor of the Newport Beach Police Department to prevent any unnecessary reports from being forwarded to the DMV. Also, the vehicle accident review board will evaluate the supervisor's field report prior to making its preventable/non-preventable determination. K. Injury Prevention Program (IPP) Until such time as the Injury Prevention Program (IPP) is fully developed the following understandings apply: ATTACHMENT C 10-38 32 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 1. The City will indemnify and hold harmless from civil and criminal prosecution NBEL members for any liability which might arise out of the City's IPP (mandated by SB198). Once the program has been fully developed and implemented, the IPP will come into full force and effect. 2. The City will take into consideration the adequacy of training prior to issuing discipline or depreciated performance evaluations to employees who have been determined to be in non-compliance to the City's IPP. 3. The City agrees to identify, at the beginning of each department's IPP the individuals who are ultimately responsible for the administration of the plan. 4. The City agrees to incorporate representatives of the NBEL on the IPP safety committees in all departments where the NBEL has representation obligations. 5. The City agrees to include representatives from the NBEL in a meet and consult role, as part of the process which will be employed for the incorporation of changes in the IPP. L. Safety Shoes The present policy and practices regarding the supply and maintenance of safety shoes shall remain in place except for the following changes as they apply to the accelerated wear provisions. If the soles of the safety shoes wear out within a year, the employee should present the shoes to his/her supervisor. If the supervisor agrees that the soles are worn out, he will authorize the employee to purchase a new pair of shoes at City expense. If the supervisor judges that the uppers are in good condition, he will authorize the employee to have the shoes resoled at City expense. M. Uniforms It shall be understood by the NBEL and its members that employees who report for work either "out of uniform" or in "dirty" or "otherwise substandard" uniforms will be sent home without additional prior notice and without pay. Such incidents shall further be documented and regularly repeated violations of the uniform standards will subject the employee to progressive discipline up to and including dismissal for negligence and/or misconduct. Employees represented by the NBEL will be permitted to wear specified and approved shorts as part of the City approved optional uniform. The shorts must ATTACHMENT C 10-39 33 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 be dark blue in color, the inseam must be no less than 4 and 1/2 inches after shrinkage. They must be worn in combination with the standard City uniform shirt of the optional (golf style) City uniform shirt, and they must be worn with either white or blue socks. The optional uniform shall be considered proper and acceptable year round. Department Directors may make individual exceptions to this optional uniform agreement through the establishment of Departmental Policy in the interest of reasonable safety considerations. As permissible by law, the City shall report as pensionable compensation the value of provided uniforms at $95 annually in accordance with PERS requirements. N. Voluntary Training Program The Department shall, when the need for additional or replacement individuals possessing a commercial driver’s license is anticipated, establish a voluntary training program that will allow employees to qualify for the license. O. In-Service Supervisory and Safety Training The City will continue its program of providing supervisory and motivational training for Supervisors and Crew Chiefs. The program, will if possible, be expanded to include non-supervisory personnel wherever practical. The equipment operator training program will continue on an as needed basis. Course subject matter may include, but not limited to: interpersonal working relationships, public service, performance evaluation techniques, employee counseling and discipline, harassment avoidance, defensive driving, substance abuse, skills and safety methods and procedures, and wellness. P. Clean-Up Time When necessary, each employee shall be permitted up to fifteen (15) minutes of paid City time at the end of each work shift to perform work related job site and personal clean-up and to put away tools and equipment. The amount of clean-up time shall be limited to the actual needs of the employee. Q. Rest Periods Employees shall be allowed rest period of fifteen (15) minutes during each four (4) consecutive hours of work. Such rest periods shall be scheduled in accordance with the requirements of the Department, but in no case shall rest periods be scheduled within one (1) hours of the beginning of the ending of a work shift or lunch period. The City may designate the location or locations at which rest periods may be taken. ATTACHMENT C 10-40 34 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 Rest periods shall be considered hours worked and employees may be required to perform duties, if necessary. R. Service Awards For the purposes of determining service awards, if an employee has been employed by the City on more than one occasion, non-consecutive time will be considered as part of total service. Prior to system implementation, an employee is required to individually notify the awards committee of all of the service time. S. Employee Handbook There will be a consolidation of documents to be given to each employee. This consolidation will be comprised of the Employee Policy Manual, related Departmental Rules and Regulations; Employee/Employer Resolutions and a copy of this Memorandum of Understanding. More information may be included. T. Direct Deposit All newly hired employees shall participate in the payroll direct deposit system. U. Salary on Reclassification The City will amend its Employee Policy Manual to provide for a minimum salary increase of five (5%) percent upon reclassification (not to exceed the maximum of the new salary range). V. Duration The terms of this MOU are to remain in full force and effect from the first pay period of fiscal year 2015-16 through the pay period that includes December 31, 2018. Proposals for the succeeding MOU must be submitted ninety days prior to the expiration of the MOU (October 2, 2018), in accordance with Section 18, Timetable for Submission of Requests of the Employer-Employee Relations Resolution. W. Separability Should any part of this MOU or any provision herein contained be rendered or declared invalid, by reason of any existing or subsequently enacted Legislation, or by decree of a Court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidation of such part or portion of this MOU shall not invalidate the remaining portion hereto, and same shall remain in full force and effect; provided, however, that should provisions of this MOU relating to any schedule adjustment be declared invalid, City agrees to ATTACHMENT C 10-41 35 Newport Beach Employees League 2015-18 provide alternative benefits agreeable to NBEL, to employees, which will cause such employees to receive the same amount of money as they would have received had such provision not been declared invalid. Signatures are on the next page. ATTACHMENT C 10-42 10-43 EXHIBIT A 2.65% Position Title Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum2 Automotive Parts Buyer $24.46 $34.45 $4,239.99 $5,971.22 Beach Maint Supervisor $32.01 $45.07 $5,547.75 $7,812.76 Concrete Finisher $24.81 $34.88 $4,300.49 $6,045.95 Concrete Maint Crew Chief $27.66 $38.96 $4,795.12 $6,752.32 Concrete Supervisor $32.01 $45.07 $5,547.75 $7,812.76 Equipment Maint Supervisor $33.64 $47.33 $5,830.66 $8,204.20 Equipment Mechanic I $21.70 $30.50 $3,761.37 $5,286.20 Equipment Mechanic II $25.09 $35.32 $4,348.53 $6,122.46 Equipment Mechanic, Sr $27.66 $38.96 $4,795.12 $6,752.32 Equipment Operator I $22.48 $31.68 $3,896.59 $5,490.82 Equipment Operator II $23.65 $33.27 $4,099.43 $5,766.60 Facilities Maint Spvsr $32.01 $45.07 $5,547.75 $7,812.76 Facilities Maint Tech $24.81 $34.88 $4,300.49 $6,045.95 Facilities Maint Wrkr II $20.42 $28.71 $3,538.96 $4,976.61 Facilities Maint Crew Chief $27.66 $38.96 $4,795.12 $6,752.32 Groundsworker I $19.81 $27.88 $3,433.98 $4,832.49 Groundsworker II $21.82 $30.74 $3,782.72 $5,328.90 M & O Specialist $27.66 $38.96 $4,795.12 $6,752.32 Maintenance Worker I $20.42 $28.71 $3,538.96 $4,976.61 Maintenance Worker II $21.43 $30.16 $3,715.11 $5,227.49 Park Maint Crew Chief $27.66 $38.96 $4,795.12 $6,752.32 Park Maint Supervisor $32.01 $45.07 $5,547.75 $7,812.76 Senior Services Van Driver $19.67 $27.68 $3,409.07 $4,798.68 Storm Drain/St Swp Supr $32.01 $45.07 $5,547.75 $7,812.76 Street Maint Crew Chief $27.66 $38.96 $4,795.12 $6,752.32 Street Maint Supervisor $32.01 $45.07 $5,547.75 $7,812.76 Strm Drn/St. Swp Crew Chief $27.66 $38.96 $4,795.12 $6,752.32 Utilities Crew Chief $27.66 $38.96 $4,795.12 $6,752.32 Utilities SCADA Coordinator $29.67 $41.76 $5,142.08 $7,238.06 Utilities Specialist $22.93 $32.27 $3,974.88 $5,594.01 Utilities Specialist, Sr.$24.65 $34.69 $4,272.02 $6,012.14 Utilities Supervisor $32.01 $45.07 $5,547.75 $7,812.76 Water Production Operator $29.06 $40.89 $5,037.10 $7,086.82 Water Production Supervisor $33.64 $47.33 $5,830.66 $8,204.20 Water Quality Coordinator $32.01 $45.07 $5,547.75 $7,812.76 37 Newport Beach Employees League Represented Classifications and Pay Rates Effective January 1, 2016 - 2.65% adjustment Hourly Pay Rate Monthly Pay Rate ATTACHMENT C 10-44 2.65% Position Title Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum2 Automotive Parts Buyer $25.11 $35.36 $4,352.09 $6,129.57 Beach Maint Supervisor $32.86 $46.26 $5,695.43 $8,019.15 Concrete Finisher $25.47 $35.80 $4,414.36 $6,206.08 Concrete Maint Crew Chief $28.39 $39.99 $4,921.45 $6,932.02 Concrete Supervisor $32.86 $46.26 $5,695.43 $8,019.15 Equipment Maint Supervisor $34.53 $48.58 $5,985.45 $8,421.27 Equipment Mechanic I $22.28 $31.31 $3,861.01 $5,426.76 Equipment Mechanic II $25.75 $36.26 $4,464.18 $6,284.37 Equipment Mechanic, Sr $28.39 $39.99 $4,921.45 $6,932.02 Equipment Operator I $23.08 $32.52 $3,999.79 $5,636.72 Equipment Operator II $24.28 $34.15 $4,207.97 $5,919.62 Facilities Maint Spvsr $32.86 $46.26 $5,695.43 $8,019.15 Facilities Maint Tech $25.47 $35.80 $4,414.36 $6,206.08 Facilities Maint Wrkr II $20.96 $29.47 $3,633.26 $5,108.27 Facilities Maint Crew Chief $28.39 $39.99 $4,921.45 $6,932.02 Groundsworker I $20.33 $28.62 $3,524.73 $4,960.60 Groundsworker II $22.40 $31.55 $3,882.36 $5,469.47 M & O Specialist $28.39 $39.99 $4,921.45 $6,932.02 Maintenance Worker I $20.96 $29.47 $3,633.26 $5,108.27 Maintenance Worker II $22.00 $30.96 $3,812.97 $5,366.27 Park Maint Crew Chief $28.39 $39.99 $4,921.45 $6,932.02 Park Maint Supervisor $32.86 $46.26 $5,695.43 $8,019.15 Senior Services Van Driver $20.19 $28.41 $3,499.82 $4,925.01 Storm Drain/St Swp Supr $32.86 $46.26 $5,695.43 $8,019.15 Street Maint Crew Chief $28.39 $39.99 $4,921.45 $6,932.02 Street Maint Supervisor $32.86 $46.26 $5,695.43 $8,019.15 Strm Drn/St. Swp Crew Chief $28.39 $39.99 $4,921.45 $6,932.02 Utilities Crew Chief $28.39 $39.99 $4,921.45 $6,932.02 Utilities SCADA Coordinator $30.46 $42.87 $5,279.08 $7,430.22 Utilities Specialist $23.54 $33.13 $4,079.86 $5,741.69 Utilities Specialist, Sr.$25.30 $35.61 $4,385.89 $6,172.28 Utilities Supervisor $32.86 $46.26 $5,695.43 $8,019.15 Water Production Operator $29.83 $41.97 $5,170.55 $7,275.42 Water Production Supervisor $34.53 $48.58 $5,985.45 $8,421.27 Water Quality Coordinator $32.86 $46.26 $5,695.43 $8,019.15 38 Newport Beach Employees League Represented Classifications and Pay Rates Effective January 1, 2017 - 2.65% Adjustment Hourly Pay Rate Monthly Pay Rate ATTACHMENT C 10-45 2.65% Position Title Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum2 Automotive Parts Buyer $25.78 $36.30 $4,467.74 $6,291.49 Beach Maint Supervisor $33.73 $47.49 $5,846.67 $8,230.89 Concrete Finisher $26.14 $36.75 $4,531.79 $6,369.77 Concrete Maint Crew Chief $29.14 $41.05 $5,051.34 $7,115.29 Concrete Supervisor $33.73 $47.49 $5,846.67 $8,230.89 Equipment Maint Supervisor $35.45 $49.87 $6,143.81 $8,643.68 Equipment Mechanic I $22.87 $32.14 $3,964.21 $5,570.88 Equipment Mechanic II $26.43 $37.22 $4,581.61 $6,451.62 Equipment Mechanic, Sr $29.14 $41.05 $5,051.34 $7,115.29 Equipment Operator I $23.69 $33.38 $4,106.55 $5,786.18 Equipment Operator II $24.92 $35.05 $4,320.06 $6,076.20 Facilities Maint Spvsr $33.73 $47.49 $5,846.67 $8,230.89 Facilities Maint Tech $26.14 $36.75 $4,531.79 $6,369.77 Facilities Maint Wrkr II $21.52 $30.25 $3,729.34 $5,243.50 Facilities Maint Crew Chief $29.14 $41.05 $5,051.34 $7,115.29 Groundsworker I $20.87 $29.38 $3,617.25 $5,092.26 Groundsworker II $22.99 $32.39 $3,985.56 $5,613.59 M & O Specialist $29.14 $41.05 $5,051.34 $7,115.29 Maintenance Worker I $21.52 $30.25 $3,729.34 $5,243.50 Maintenance Worker II $22.58 $31.78 $3,914.39 $5,508.61 Park Maint Crew Chief $29.14 $41.05 $5,051.34 $7,115.29 Park Maint Supervisor $33.73 $47.49 $5,846.67 $8,230.89 Senior Services Van Driver $20.73 $29.16 $3,592.34 $5,054.90 Storm Drain/St Swp Supr $33.73 $47.49 $5,846.67 $8,230.89 Street Maint Crew Chief $29.14 $41.05 $5,051.34 $7,115.29 Street Maint Supervisor $33.73 $47.49 $5,846.67 $8,230.89 Strm Drn/St. Swp Crew Chief $29.14 $41.05 $5,051.34 $7,115.29 Utilities Crew Chief $29.14 $41.05 $5,051.34 $7,115.29 Utilities SCADA Coordinator $31.27 $44.01 $5,419.65 $7,627.72 Utilities Specialist $24.16 $34.01 $4,188.39 $5,894.71 Utilities Specialist, Sr.$25.97 $36.55 $4,501.54 $6,335.97 Utilities Supervisor $33.73 $47.49 $5,846.67 $8,230.89 Water Production Operator $30.62 $43.08 $5,307.55 $7,467.58 Water Production Supervisor $35.45 $49.87 $6,143.81 $8,643.68 Water Quality Coordinator $33.73 $47.49 $5,846.67 $8,230.89 39 Newport Beach Employees League Represented Classifications and Pay Rates Effective January 1, 2018 - 2.65% Adjustment Hourly Pay Rate Monthly Pay Rate ATTACHMENT C 10-46