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1224 Devon Ln
1224 Devon Ln 02-06-07
1224 Devon Ln 06-18-02
E2022-0236 - Permits
E2022-0680 - Permits
ELEC21-0075 - Permits
F2021-0468 - Calcs
F2021-0468 - Misc
F2021-0468 - Permit Application
F2021-0468 - Permits
F2021-0468 - Permits (2)
H2021-0674 - Misc
H2021-0674 - Permits
H2021-0674 - Permits (2)
H2021-0674 - Standard Plans
H2021-0714 - Permits
P2022-0277 - Permits
PV2021-244 - Misc
PV2021-244 - Permit Application
PV2021-244 - Permits
R2013-1242 - Permits
S2021-0117 - Misc
S2021-0117 - Permit Application
S2021-0117 - Permits
X2007-0072 - Permit Application
X2014-0487 - Calcs
X2014-0487 - Permit Application
X2014-0487 - Permits
X2014-2312 - Permit Application
X2014-2312 - Permits
X2014-2312 - Standard Plans
X2021-3386 - Calcs
X2021-3386 - Misc
X2021-3386 - Permit Application
X2021-3386 - Permits
X2021-3386 - Permits (2)
X2021-3386 - Soils
XR2022-2192 - Calcs
XR2022-2192 - Permit Application
XR2022-2192 - Permits
XR2022-2192 - Soils
XR2022-2192 - Soils (2)