HomeMy WebLinkAboutAtt B - Amended 408 421 608 1106Amended Sections 408, 421, 608 and 1106 6-14-12 ATTACHMENT B Article IV - City Council Section 408 Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Mayor, or by four members of the City Council, by written notice delivered peFseRally sent to each member and publicly noticed according to the Ralah M. Brown Act. or anv successor law. and to eaeh leeal Rewsoaige of a a i held by thiS Gharter A—P Ali me.m—hers shall give their e A—A —1; P—R t, R W F t R i offeeti ,,, 1 Re ti 19:74) Section 421 Contracts. Execution. The City shall not be bound by any contract, except as hereinafter provided, unless the same shall be made in writing, approved by the City Council or employee designated by the City Council and signed on behalf of the City by the Mayor and City Clepk or by such otherof-mer afvmccrsemployee as shall be designated by the City Council, the City Clerk and the City Attorney. Any of said employees^f� shall sign a contract on behalf of the City when authorized or directed to do so by the City Council. By ordinance or resolution the City Council may authorize the City Manager or other "fes employees to bind the City, with or without a written contract, for the acquisition of equipment, materials, supplies, labor, services or other items included within the budget approved by the City Council, and may impose a monetary limit upon such authority. The City Council may by ordinance or resolution provide a method for the sale or exchange of personal property not needed in the City Service or not fit for the purpose for which intended, and for the conveyance of title thereto. Contracts for the sale of the products, commodities or services of any public utility owned, controlled or operated by the City may be made by the manager of such utility or by the head of the department or City Manager upon forms approved by the City Manager and at rates fixed by the City Council. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to the services rendered by any person in the employ of the City at a regular salary. Amended Sections 408, 421, 608 and 1106 6-14-12 Article VI - Officers and Employees The following is alternative language for consideration to replace Section 608 in its entirety: All City Councilmembers, department heads, City officers, employees, commission members, committee members, and board members shall comply with California Government Code Sections 1090 et seq., or any successor statute(s). Article XI - Fiscal Administration Section 1106 C^d-Purchasing. Under the control and direction of the City Manager there shall be established a G^d purchasing system for all City departments and agencies, except as otherwise in this Charter provided.