HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorona del Mar BID Minutes 06/27/2013 1 Corona Del Mar Business Improvement District Board Meeting Minutes June 27, 2013 Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club Board Members Present: Bernie Svalstad, Jim Walker and Keith Dawson Board Members Absent: Tina Hoover, Tom Nicholson, Scott Laidlaw and Ali Zadeh Ex Officio: None Guest(s): Nancy Gardner / Ed Selich / Ron Yeo / Linda Leonhard / Jim Mosher / Jessica Prause (The New Port Theater) / Scott Palmer/ Amy Senk / Mary Locey (BID Cooridinator, City of Newport Beach) / Karen Tringali (Residents’ Association) and Janice Fuchs (Irvine Co.) 1. Call to Order Because of the lack of a quorum , the Chairman was unable to officially convene the meeting. However, agenda items were reviewed to the extent possible with no formal action taken. 2. Roll Call Because of the lack of a quorum, no roll call was taken. 3. Public Comments Jim Mosher read a prepared statement expressing his objection to the City Council’s approval of the BID’s assessment levy for the coming fiscal year and claimed that the public was not given adequate notice of the right to protest. Mr. Mosher’s prepared statement continued with his objection to the location of the BID meeting (Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club) claiming that the meeting location violates California’s open meeting law because it is being held outside the geographic boundary over which the BID has jurisdiction. A copy of Mr. Mosher’s prepared statement is attached to these Minutes. 2 4. Approval of Minutes Because of the lack of a quorum, no corrections of the minutes of the meeting on May 23, 2013 were heard and no motion to approve the minutes was made. 5. Current Business A. City Council Report Pocket Park Update. Ed Selich reported that the pocket park has been funded in the City’s 2013-2014 budget and that a survey will be conducted so that a new legal description for the parcel can be developed. Ed estimated that the Pocket Park will be completed within six months. Other City Matters. Ed reported that the City is reviewing the location of the coastal zone boundary line with the intention of clarifying the exact location of the LCP boundary line in relation to the commercial zoning. Ed reported that the City’s balanced budget for fiscal year 2013-2014 was approved by the City Council. B. Administrative & Financial BID Financial Reports. The financial reports for May 2013 were distributed but could not be approved due to the lack of a quorum. Collection & Receivables Letter & Council Request for amnesty for penalties and interest. Linda Leonhard reported that Matt Lenton met with Monique (no last name given) in the City’s revenue department to update the BID’s aged receivables database. She reported that the BID has $108,000 in receivables, including $31,000 in late fess and penalties. Bernie stated that a special meeting of the BID Board may be necessary to approve a letter to the BID membership offering to waive late fees, penalties and interest in exchange for payment of delinquent assessments. Linda indicated that a BID brochure will accompany the letter and the BID billing. Linda added that the BID brochure needs to be updated and that more window decals need to be ordered so that they can be sent to BID members when assessments are paid. Annual Report & Budget Review – Results of City Council Action. Bernie reported that the City Council approved the BID’s budget proposal for 2013-2014 and approved the BID Board’s recommendation for six BID Board positions. Bernie noted that the BID Board will need to appoint a seventh board member. BID Board Officer Elections. No action taken due to lack of a quorum. 3 Contract Agreements and RFP Schedule Updates. Mary Locey reported that the City hopes to get the RFP for the BID Administrator position out by next week with a due date of July 15th or 16th . Mary suggested that the BID Board appoint a subcommittee to review the proposal, including whether the restaurant BID and the CDM BID should have two separate administrators or a joint administrator. Jim Walker asked if the RFP for the BID administrator was available for review. Bernie commented on the importance of reviewing the RFP before it is sent out. C. Village Maintenance Issues Sidewalk Steam Cleaning – Status. Scott Laidlaw not present. No report. Bernie reported that complaints had been received regarding noise generated by the steam cleaning and that the hours of operation had been adjusted to accommodate the complaints. Ron Yeo reported that some chewing gum residue is still present after the steam cleaning and that certain areas may need to be redone. Street Furniture Maintenance & Updates on Newspaper Racks and Bike Racks. Ron Yeo reported that he was working with Brad at the City regarding where bike racks might be located and that the location of red curbs along PCH and side streets would be re-evaluated. Ron reported that one firm services all of the paid newspaper racks and that the racks for free circulars are a problem to track down the responsible parties. Ron added that the City posted violation notices on offending newspaper racks and that the City will require that the racks be cleaned-up or removed. Ron circulated photographs of newspaper rack enclosures being utilized in other cities. Ron reported that the City contract with a powder coating vendor and that the BID should use the City vendor for any trash can enclosures and benches that need refinishing. Bernie cited the need to inventory the number of trash can enclosures and benches that need refinishing and that privately owned benches need to be brought up to City/BID standards. Bernie added that the BID needs to develop a standard for maintenance and location of newspaper racks and make recommendations to the City. Bernie noted that Ritual Juice Box had requested a bench in front of its business premises and that the possibility of relocating an existing bench should be considered. D. Revitalization / Vision Report PCH/Entry Project Update. Bernie reported that he had spoken with Mike Sinacori regarding $10,000 that was not spent in connection with the merge lane project and that those funds could be used in connection with the PCH Entry Project. Bernie added that a question exists as to whether the project is within the jurisdiction of the Coastal Commission and the City requested community outreach within the next few months concerning the project. Signal Work coordination with City. No report. 4 Project Goals & Priorities for FY 2013/2014. Bernie listed the PVH Entry Project, bike racks, street furniture maintenance, and improvements at Marguerite/PCH . Ron Yeo added bump-outs at Iris. Linda Leonhard added sidewalk paving as described in the 2006 Vision Plan. E. Parking Sub-Committee Report. Nelson\Nygaard Parking Study Update. Bernie reported that the Nelson/Nygaard contract had gone out for execution but he was unsure if it had been executed and returned to the City. The City’s Brenda Wisneski requested a subcommittee meeting with Nelson/ Nygaard which will be open to the public. Available dates were: Monday, July 8th or Monday, July 22nd. F. Marketing / Administration Report . Member Static Window Stickers & Letters. Linda Leonhard reported that the BID’s brochure needs updating as does the website. $10,000 for website upgrading was included in the 2013/2014 budget. Linda will be meeting with Gary (no last name given) to discuss the upgrading of the website. Linda noted that the annual BID billing is an opportunity to include BID promotional material with the billing. G. CDM Chamber of Commerce Report. Linda reported that the Scenic 5K was a success except for problems with the timing of the race which malfunctioned such that no awards were presented. Linda reported that the car show is the next event and that fund raising is underway. Linda added that Visit Newport will be attending the Chamber’s next luncheon. 6. CORONA DEL MAR BID ANNOUNCEMENTS - FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Bernie requested that any BID board members who are unable to attend a scheduled BID meeting are to notify him in advance of the meeting. Jim Mosher stated that not all BID members are listed in the on-line directory. Bernie indicated that the on-line directory is not up to date as website upgrades are pending. 7. ADJOURNMENT Because of a lack or quorum, the meeting was not adjourned but ended at 8:38 a.m. Next meeting: July 25, 2013