HomeMy WebLinkAboutRestaurant Association BID Agenda Packet 03/27/2013TTOO::NNBBRRAA BBIIDD AADDVVIISSOORRYY BBOOAARRDD OOFF DDIIRREECCTTOORRSS RREE::MMAARRCCHH BBOOAARRDD &&NNBBRRWW RREECCAAPP MMEEEETTIINNGG --33::0000PPMM--55::0000PPMM Your attendance is very important. If you cannot attend please send an official restaurant representative, or, call Peggy Fort from CMC Inc. at: (949) 675-0501. Our next meeting is scheduled for:WWEEDDNNEESSDDAAYY,,MMAARRCCHH 2277,,22001133 @@ 33::0000PPMM **NNEEWW MMEEEETTIINNGG LLOOCCAATTIIOONN::TTHHEE IISSLLAANNDD HHOOTTEELL 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 759-0808 AAGGEENNDDAA 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER – 3:00PM 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS Public Comments are invited on agenda and non-agenda items generally considered to be within the subject matter jurisdiction of the NBRA BID. Speakers must limit comments to three (3) minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The NBRA BID has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on agenda or non-agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phone off or set them in the silent mode. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Minutes from NBRA BID January Meeting: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 5. CURRENT BUSINESS A. PRESIDENT’S REPORT -Jim Walker NBRA BID Organizational Structure Update & Strategic Plan ACTION:Extension of CMC Inc. NBRA BID Marketing Contract B. CITY REPORT -Tara Finnigan C. ADMINISTRATION & FINANCIAL REPORT -Dan Matusiewicz & Matthew Lenton, CPA NBRA BID Finance Committee Update D. NBRA BID MARKETING REPORT - Peggy Fort Miscellaneous Marketing Campaign Program Updates Newport Beach Dining Guide Recap Report 6. NBRA BID ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITMES) 7. NBRA BID BOARD MEETING ADJOURNMENT NBRA BID is subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. Among other things, the Brown Act requires that the NBRA BID agenda be posted at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of each regular meeting and that the public be allowed to comment on agenda items before the NBRA BID and items not on the agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the NBRA BID. The NBRA BID may limit public comments to a reasonable amount of time, generally three (3) minutes per person. 8. NEWPORT BEACH RESTAURANT WEEK POST EVENT RECAP MEETING – 4:00PM A. 2013 CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW, RESULTS & RECAP Presentation, Feedback & Open Discussion *NEXT NBRA BID MEETING: WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2013