HomeMy WebLinkAboutRestaurant Association BID Agenda Packet 01/25/2012TTOO::NNBBRRAA BBIIDD BBOOAARRDD OOFF DDIIRREECCTTOORRSS RREE::JJAANNUUAARRYY BBOOAARRDD MMEEEETTIINNGG Your attendance is important. If you cannot attend please send an official restaurant representative, or, call Peggy Fort from CMC Inc. at: (949) 675-0501. Our next meeting is rescheduled for:WWEEDDNNEESSDDAAYY,,JJAANNUUAARRYY 2255TTHH ,,22001122 @@ 99::3300AAMM EELL TTOORRIITTOO GGRRIILLLL ––FFAASSHHIIOONN IISSLLAANNDD 951 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach – 949.640-2875 AAGGEENNDDAA I. CALL TO ORDER, WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS -Sheri Drewry II. ROLL CALL, RECOGNITION OF QUORUM, MINUTES -Sheri Drewry Action:Approval of Minutes from NBRA BID October Meeting: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 III. PRESIDENT’S REPORT -Sheri Drewry IV. NBRA BID FY 2011-2012 BOARD OF DIRECTOR AND EXECUTIVE BOARD APPOINTMENT Staff Report & City Council Approval Process V. CITY REPORT –Mayor, Nancy Gardner VI. NEWPORT BEACH RESTAURANT WEEK REPORT -Peggy Fort 2012 NBRW Campaign Update Post Event Recap Meeting – Set Date 2013 SEAC Proposal – Due February 15, 2012 VII. NBRA BID MARKETING REPORT -Peggy Fort NBRA BID Monthly Marketing & Media Update Report 2012 NBRA Dining Guide Production Overview & Ad Sales Restaurant Industry Educational / Networking Seminar with NBCC VIII. NBRA BID PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT -Jim Walker & Peggy Fort Merchant Alliance & American Express Partnership Opportunity & Updates IV. FINANCIAL REPORT -C. Scott Palmer New NBRA BID & NBRW Vendor Invoicing & Cash Flow Report – Peggy Fort X. OPEN FORUM & ROUNDTABLE ANNOUNCEMENTS – 10:30AM Guests are welcome to attend. Presentations and discussion is limited to five minutes. XI. MEETING ADJOURNED