HomeMy WebLinkAboutRestaurant Association BID Minutes 03/25/2015   Page 1 of 4   Newport Beach Restaurant Association Business Improvement District Board Meeting Minutes – March 25, 2015 Back Bay Bistro at The Newport Dunes Resort 1131 Back Bay Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER President Walker called the meeting to order at 9:41 a.m. II. ROLL CALL Directors Present: Jim Walker The Bungalow Restaurant Thomas Giulioni Back Bay Bistro John Robinson Amelia’s Ronald Schwartz Muldoon’s Irish Pub Alexandra Robinson Park Avenue Café Joe Campbell Ruby’s Diner Sheri Drewry Wilma’s Patio Stephen Joyce Newport Beach Tennis Club Quorum Achieved Directors Absent: Dan Miller Village Inn Cindy O’Shea Whole Foods Market & Back Bay Tavern Cathy Pavlos Provenance BID Administrator Present: Polly Peak, Marketing Consultant Newport Beach & Company City Representative Present: Mary Locey, Public Information Specialist City of Newport Beach Guests Present: Chris Trela Newport Beach Independent III. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES President Walker requested a motion to approve the minutes from the January 21, 2015, meeting.   Page 2 of 4   MOTION: Director Giulioni moved to approve the minutes from the January 21, 2015 Board meeting. Director Campbell seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Walker, Giulioni, J. Robinson, Schwartz, A. Robinson, Campbell, Joyce V. CURRENT BUSINESS A. BID FINANCIAL REPORTS • Director Giulioni reviewed the BID financials for the period ending February 2015. • Ms. Peak presented a financial overview of the Restaurant Week event. MOTION: Director Giulioni moved to accept and file the January/February financials. Director Schwartz seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Walker, Giulioni, J. Robinson, Schwartz, A. Robinson, Campbell, Joyce B. PRESIDENT’S REPORT • President Walker provided an update on the where the NBRA is tracking with regards the NBRA Strategic Plan. • President Walker and Director Giulioni reported on the Membership Advisory Committee progress. o The City will send out a survey letter to all members requesting more information about the business such as category, number of employees, occupancy, etc. o Ms. Locey will forward the final draft of the survey letter to the city attorney’s office for approval before sending it out to the membership. o The survey will also include a deadline and information about the benefits of the membership with NBRA. o The survey will be deployed by mail, email and will be available to be completed online. o Phase two of the survey will include personal outreach to restaurants for the requested information. • President Walker and Ms. Locey reviewed the Board Member Application Process. The deadline to re-apply for the NBRA Board of Directors is April 1, 2015. • There will be a special NBRA Board Meeting scheduled for April 22, 2015, to vote on board applications. • President Walker raised the issue of funding for the NBRA BID. o With the expenses needed to run and administer the BID, the current funding model allocates less than $50,000 for actual marketing and advertising.   Page 3 of 4   o President Walker suggested that the NBRA BID request more funding from the city and develop a plan on how the BID would utilize the additional funding. o President Walker will meet with Gary Sherwin and Ms. Peak to develop a proposed plan for additional funding for the NBRA BID in order to provide increased marketing and promotion for Newport Beach restaurants. C. MARKETING & INDUSTRY UPDATE • Ms. Peak presented a recap on Dine Newport Beach Restaurant Week. o Marketing & PR campaign generated over 55 million impressions and had a total media value of over $500,000. o OpenTable reported an106% increase in diners year over year. o Restaurant Week generated $4.67 million in consumer spending. • Ms. Peak provided updates on the following: o February, March and Easter restaurant promotions o DineNB.com website and social media channel metrics and goals o PR and communications metrics and goals o Stakeholder and consumer communications • Industry updates: o CRA Lobby Day on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 o NRA Show May 16-19, 2015 D. ANNUAL REPORT • Ms. Peak reviewed the draft 2014-2015 Annual Report, the draft 2015-2016 Annual Plan and the proposed 2015-2016 Operating Budget. MOTION: Director Giulioni moved to approve the NBRA BID 2014-2015 Annual Report and 2015-2016 Annual Plan and to submit it to City Council for approval. Director Walker seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Walker, Giulioni, J. Robinson, Schwartz, A. Robinson, Campbell, Joyce, Drewry MOTION: Director Drewry moved to approve the NBRA BID 2015-2016 Operating Budget and to submit it to City Council for approval. Director J. Robinson seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Walker, Giulioni, J. Robinson, Schwartz, A. Robinson, Campbell, Joyce, Drewry VI. NBRA BID ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS, WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON- DISCUSSION ITEMS) • Director Giulioni reported on the upcoming Celebrate Community event happening June 26-28, 2015, and will send out more detailed information about the event to the Board. • Ms. Locey will email information about re-applying for the NBRA BID Board.   Page 4 of 4   • Ms. Locey reminded the board that to renew the NBRA BID there will be an intent to renew with City Council on May 12 and a public hearing on May 26, 2015. VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Mr. Trela commented that he has had a far better experience working with Newport Beach & Company on NBRA promotions and events than in previous years. VIII. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:07 a.m. The next board meeting will be Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 9:30am.