HomeMy WebLinkAboutRestaurant Association BID Minutes 07/26/2012 Minutes of the Board of Directors of the Restaurant Association Business Improvement District Back Bay Bistro July 26, 2012 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 9:47 am. There was not a general quorum, but there was a quorum of the Executive Committee present. Directors Present: Sherri Drewry Wilma’s Jim Walker Bungalow John Robinson Amelia’s Ali Zadeh The Port Guests / General Board Members Present Jim Mosher CNB Resident Dave Salisbury Newport Landing Thomas Guliano Back Bay Joe Stapleton Newport Chamber Sam Tila Royal Thai Nicholas Wilhelm. Cedar Creek Dan Purcell CNB Resident Tara Finnegan City of Newport Beach Ron Schwartz Muldoons Nancy Lopez Combined Insurance Steve Miller Combined Insurance Ex Oficio Peggy Fort CMC Scott Palmer CNB 2. Presidents report -Jim Walker called for introductions -Jim Walker discussed the direction of the BID Administration resolution. He voiced concerns about the time pressure on Restaurant Week. 3. Minutes -Dan Purcell voiced objections about Restaurant Week. Tom Guliani made a motion to approve the minutes, motions Jim seconded, minutes were approved unanimously 4. Annual Meeting -Jim called for the annual meeting in September, but under consideration of City reorganization Recommended postponing the meeting to October. An ad hoc committee will study the details and call for a special meeting 5. Board Application -Jim Walker reiterated the application process for board members that must be done every year. Scott called for advance submission in April 2013. Peggy distributed a contact update sheet. 6. City Report -Tara stated Restaurant Week's process of selection of consultants. The board will select three board members to review the three proposals submitted for Restaurant Week. 7. Financials -Scott reported on the status of the billings; they will be out by July 27 and are expected to bring in $50,000 within the next 30 days. -Peggy reported on her expenses and her financial standing as of payments. A discussion was held about last fiscal year versus this fiscal year’s input. Peggy reminded the board that they had approved marketing plans 8. Marketing Report -Peggy asked for clarification on the status of her contract. She only has a two month extension of the past contract. She will present a month to month contract to the board. Jim Walker made a motion to continue a month to month agreement up to September or October with CMC until a direction is made by the City on an NBRA marketing contractor or a BID Administrator. It was motioned to continue a month to month agreement up to September or October with CMC until a direction is made by the City on an Restaurant Week marketing contractor . Jim Walker made a motion for each, Sherri Drewry seconded, the motions passed unanimously unanimous - Peggy reported that the Dining Guide will be ready at the end of August or beginning of September. -She also reported on promotions that the NBRA will be providing at the Taste of Newport. Jim Walker talked about the effort to include more local restaurants. Jim reported on the program to cooperate with local schools for volunteer labor. Peggy reported on the KDOC interview program for the Taste. -Jim asked that board members attend the City Council meeting at 7pm on August 14 for recognition. 9. Restaurant Week -Restaurant week will be January 18-27th. Emphasis will be on lodging tie ins, and the 10 day term will create a more “destination” feel. Cross promotions will evaluated. Peggy asked the board for opinions on buy in costs. Discussion was held about reducing the buy in: Scott Palmer mentioned that an additional 10 Restaurants would be needed to make up for lost income. Ali suggested a first time bonus for new restaurants. His program was $200 for a new restaurant, $300 early buy in, and $400 regular. Ali suggested looking at bigger chains. Dan Purcell stated Restaurant Week is tacky. He also protested against the use of interns. Thomas volunteered to go around and invite other restaurants. Peggy called for holding the price points for last year. Ali mentioned working with restaurants for their own promotions. 10. Open Comments -Jim Walker introduced Combine Insurance to present their restaurant program. Steve and Nancy have a program that offers employees individual insurance benefits in addition to any offered by the company. 11. Adjournment -The meeting adjourned at 11:03 am.