HomeMy WebLinkAboutRestaurant Association BID Minutes 03/28/2012 Minutes of the Board of Directors of the Restaurant Association Business Improvement District Back Bay Bistro March 28, 2012 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 9:35 am. There was not a general quorum, but there was a quorum of the Executive Committee present. Directors Present: Sherri Drewry Wilma’s Jim Walker Bungalow John Robinson Amelia’s Guests / General Board Members Present Nancy Gardener Mayor CNB Jim Mosher CNB Resident Dave Salisbury Newport Landing Thomas Guliano Back Bay Bob McCaffery Dock Owners Association Joe Stapleton Newport Chamber Ex Oficio Peggy Fort CMC Scott Palmer CNB 2. Minutes -Sherri motioned for approval of the minutes from the January 25 meeting, Jim Walker seconded, approved. 3. President’s Report -The Best Practices seminar between the Chamber and the RA will be held in conjunction with Cedar Creek on May 17th from 3-5 pm. There are at least 5 sponsors. -Jim also attended the CRA seminar where they reported that Groupon type promotions are not beneficial to restaurants. Carl's Jr also announced that it will not be starting more restaurants in CA because of excessive legislation. Jim has invited a representative of the State Board of Equalization to address the issue of mandatory tip addition. 4. NBRA Partnership Development - Jim Walker asked for more inventory and vendor reports for Cedar Creek's evaluation of potential savings. He also announced cooperative data/ card processing systems. He expressed concern about food prices rising especially for independent operators, as chains actually buy cattle and other futures to assure cost management. -Jim Mosher commented on his opinion that a purchasing coop is not part of the mandate of the BID. Peggy responded that the program complies with the intent of the establishing code. 5. Council Report -Nancy announced the progress of the SEAC and the council will hold a study session on the structure and intent of the SEAC. The Restaurant Association SEAC hearing will be on April 2 at 4:00 pm at the Oasis. Peggy asked Nancy if the Restaurant BID would be able to present on the success of the campaign, Nancy asked for an email to set up a schedule. 6. Financial Report -Scott reported there was $91,857 cash on hand. Peggy noted various other income and expense details 7. Marketing Report -Peggy gave updates to the dining guide program. Dave wanted to know if the two sided design was being continued: it is not. -Jim Mosher contested the categorization of the Dining Guide, and asked for an alphabetical index. 8. Restaurant Week - The website showed 54,000 visits in January, up from prior years by 16%. Irvine was the leading inquirer of Restaurant Week info. Scott reported calls to the 800 number almost tripled in January. Yard House was up 1000% in overall business compare d to numbers from the same time last year. 9. Open Forum -Bob McCaffery discussed the raising of dock fees to pay for dredging the harbor and the seawall. He worries that this may raise costs to restaurants. Jim Walker mentioned potential raising of property tax to cover the maintenance. -Jim Mosher brought up a point about the timing of levying assessments in the BID instituting ordinance. -Sheri brought up an article by Barbara Venezia reporting that Gary Sherman wants to postpone net year's Restaurant Week. She also questioned Barbara's assertion of the amount of monies given to a consultant. A discussion was held about a response to made, if any. Jim Walker will call Gary Sherman to discuss. 10 Adjournment -The meeting adjourned at 10:37am