HomeMy WebLinkAboutRestaurant Association BID Agenda Packet 09/28/2016CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT BEACH RESTAURANT BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AGENDA 1600 Newport Center Drive, Suite 120 Wednesday, September 28, 2016 - 9:30 AM Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District Members: Ronald Schwartz, President Christopher Roman, Vice President Dan Miller, Treasurer Jordan Otterbein, Secretary John DeFrenza, Director Mario Marovic, Director Bruno Massuger, Director Matt Meddock, Director Catherine Pavlos, Director Brendon Salisbury, Director Jim Walker, Director The Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District meeting is subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. Among other things, the Brown Act requires that the Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District agenda be posted at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of each regular meeting and that the public be allowed to comment on agenda items before the Business Improvement District and items not on the agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District. The Chair may limit public comments to a reasonable amount of time, generally three (3) minutes per person. The City of Newport Beach’s goal is to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in all respects. If, as an attendee or a participant at this meeting, you will need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, we will attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. Please contact Mary Locey, Management Analyst, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs and to determine if accommodation is feasible at (949) 644-3031 or mlocey@newportbeachca.gov. NOTICE REGARDING PRESENTATIONS REQUIRING USE OF CITY EQUIPMENT Any presentation requiring the use of the City of Newport Beach’s equipment must be submitted to the City Manager’s Office 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. I.CALL MEETING TO ORDER II.ROLL CALL III.PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA AND NON-AGENDA ITEMS Public comments are invited on agenda and non-agenda items generally considered to be within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Newport Beach Restaurant Association Business Improvement District (NBRA BID). Speakers must limit comments to three (3) minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The NBRA BID has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on agenda or non-agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. IV.CURRENT BUSINESS 1.Approval of Minutes (Schwartz) Summary: Review the draft minutes from the July 27, 2016 meeting Recommended Action: Board to approve the July 27, 2016 meeting minutes. September 28, 2016 Page 2 Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District Meeting Attachment - Draft NBRA July 27 Meeting Minutes 2.BID Financial Reports (Miller) Summary: a) Update on BID billing and accounting services. b) Review of the BID financial reports ending August 2016. Recommended Action: a) None b) Board to accept and file the BID's August 2016 financial reports. Attachment - NBRA BID August 2016 Financial Reports 3.President's Report (Schwartz) Summary: a) Update on BID amendment b) Update on stakeholder survey and strategic planning process c) Hospitality training program Recommended Action: a-c) None 4.Marketing Report (St. Amour) Summary: a) Marketing and promotions b) PR & social media c) Newport Beach Restaurant Week Recommended Action: a-c) None 5.Industry Update (Peak) Summary: a) Discussion on EMV readers b) Industry and community events Recommended Action: a-b) None V.BOARD/COMMITTEE/COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) VI.ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 4 City of Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District Board Meeting Minutes – July 27, 2016 Newport Beach & Company 1600 Newport Center Drive, Suite 120 Newport Beach, CA 92660 I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 9.36 a.m. II. ROLL CALL Directors Present: John DeFrenza Crocker’s The Well Dressed Frank Bruno Massuger Back Bay Bistro Jordan Otterbein A Restaurant & A Market Catherine Pavlos Provenance Christopher Roman CUCINA enoteca Brendon Salisbury The Cannery Restaurant & El Cholo Ronald Schwartz Muldoon’s Irish Pub Jim Walker The Bungalow Restaurant Quorum Achieved Directors Absent: Mario Marovic Dory Deli, Malarky’s Irish Pub & Stag Bar + Kitchen Matt Meddock Sessions West Coast Deli Director Via Conference Call: Dan Miller The Village Inn BID Administrator Present: Polly Peak Newport Beach & Company Guests Present: Keith Curry City Council Member Katy Dennis Newport Beach & Company Lesley Swain Newport Beach & Company Jim Mosher Resident Gary Edkins Prudential III. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA AND NON-AGENDA ITEMS • Gary Edkins with Prudential introduced himself and provided an overview of his services available to NBRA Stakeholders. • Jim Mosher mentioned that the BID board is an advisory board to city council, and is subject to certain rules of governance. He also mentioned that there is a referendum proposed to City Council to amend the BID in which the categories for BID Stakeholders would change. Page 2 of 4 IV. CURRENT BUSINESS 1. NBRA BID Governance • Ms. Peak provided a general overview of the BID governance, BID Authorized activities and the meeting schedule for FY 2016-2017. 2. Approval of Minutes President Walker requested a motion to approve the minutes from the May 25, 2016, meeting. Motion: Director Schwartz moved to approve the May 25, 2016 meeting minutes. Director Salisbury seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: DeFrenza, Massuger, Otterbein, Pavlos, Roman, Salisbury, Schwartz & Walker 3. BID Financial Reports • Ms. Peak informed the board that the BID bookkeeping is currently in transition for the next couple of months and Newport Beach & Company will take over the books starting in September 2016. • Ms. Peak provided an overview of the BID Financial reports ending June 2016 that were prepared by City staff. • Assessment invoices will be sent out in September. • The BID is curbing advertising spending over the summer to ensure that there is money in the bank for monthly expenses President Walker requested a motion to approve the BID financial reports ending June 2016. Motion: Director Schwartz moved to accept and file the financial reports. Director Otterbein seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: DeFrenza, Massuger, Otterbein, Pavlos, Roman, Salisbury, Schwartz & Walker 4. President’s Report • President Walker reported on the NBRA BID and Amendment process. On August 9, 2016 – City Council will oversee the final public hearing to amend the NBRA BID, and encouraged board members to attend the meeting. • Ms. Peak reviewed the planning process August through November for an updated three year strategic plan for the NBRA BID. 5. Election of NBRA BID Officers for FY 2016-2017 • President Walker reviewed the duties and responsibilities of the Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-President and President positions. • The BID Board voted on officer positions using closed ballots that resulted in: President Ronald Schwartz Vice-President Christopher Roman Treasurer Dan Miller Secretary Jordan Otterbein Page 3 of 4 6. Delinquent Stakeholder Accounts • Director Walker provided an overview of the issue of delinquent accounts. There are currently (72) delinquent stakeholder accounts totaling $58,121 in assessment and penalty fees. • There are no ramifications for stakeholder businesses not paying the NBRA BID fee, and the City does not enforce payments. • NBRA does not have the authority to enforce businesses to comply, but can recommend to the City how to handle these delinquent businesses. • Several board members were not happy that they have paid their fees while other stakeholders have not paid. • NBRA has attempted to collect from past due accounts, and has seem some success in the past couple of years of collecting past due assessments for the current year, but not for years prior to 2014. • It was suggested waiving the past due penalty fees, but having the BID assessment fees attached to and paid with the business license. • It was clarified that in the past, the City has not allowed NBRA to revoke a business license for non-payment of NBRA BID fees. • It was recommended that there needs to be better information on the City website and notification when stakeholders apply for a business license that the NBRA exists and that stakeholders will be additionally billed for annual assessments. • NBRA can penalize delinquent stakeholders by removing their listings from the website, not allowing them to participate in NBRA events such as restaurant week, and discontinue promoting any stakeholder offers and events. • Suggestions from several board members included the following: o Enhance the communication about the NBRA BID when applying for the business license. o Provide more detailed information about the NBRA BID and how it benefits its stakeholders. o Create a more official looking invoice when assessments are sent out. o Better define each of the proposed NBRA BID categories. o Allow businesses to select their own NBRA BID category when applying for a business license or when paying the assessment. Motion: Director Schwartz made the following motion: NBRA doesn’t oppose the collection of delinquent assessment fees and penalties. However, NBRA doesn’t have the resources or abilities to enforce the payment of delinquent accounts. If the City wishes to pursue the delinquent accounts, then NBRA recommends that the City provides a means to enforce sanctions on the past due accounts. Director Salisbury seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Massuger, Otterbein, Pavlos, Roman, Salisbury, Schwartz & Walker Nays: DeFrenza 7. Marketing Report Ms. Peak provided an overview of the current one-year contract with Newport Beach & Company for marketing, communications, PR and BID administration. Page 4 of 4 Motion: Director Schwartz moved to recommend to the City to amend the contract with Newport Beach & Company for marketing, communications, public relations and BID Administration services to a two-year agreement expiring June 30, 2018. Director Salisbury seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: DeFrenza, Massuger, Otterbein, Pavlos, Roman, Salisbury, Schwartz & Walker Nays: Ms. Peak provided a general overview of the year-round marketing and promotions. Ms. Peak asked for feedback on the timing for Newport Beach Restaurant Week in January 2017. Several board members expressed different opinions on the start dates and length of the event. It was decided to table the discussion until the September meeting. V. BOARD/COMMITTEE/COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS, WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEMS) VIII. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:21 p.m. The next board meeting will be Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. at Newport Beach & Co. Aug 31, 16 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Bill.com Money Out Clearing -161.29 1010 · Bank Balance 60,128.50 1260 · City Appropriation Acct Jan 10 1,558.45 Total Checking/Savings 61,525.66 Accounts Receivable 1310 · Accounts Receivable Bad Debt A/R -8,195.17 1310 · Accounts Receivable - Other -4,152.62 Total 1310 · Accounts Receivable -12,347.79 Total Accounts Receivable -12,347.79 Other Current Assets 1320 · Undeposited Funds 400.00 Total Other Current Assets 400.00 Total Current Assets 49,577.87 Other Assets AR Clearing -1,929.96 Total Other Assets -1,929.96 TOTAL ASSETS 47,647.91 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Equity 3900 · Retained Earnings 32,438.98 Net Income 15,208.93 Total Equity 47,647.91 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 47,647.91 2:06 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 09/13/16 Balance Sheet Cash Basis As of August 31, 2016 For management purposes only. Not prepared according to GAAP Page 1 2:26 PM 09/13/16 Cash Basis Restaurant Association Business Improvement District Budget vs. Actual July 2016 through June 2017 Jul '16 - Jun 17 Budget $ Over Budget Ordinary Income/Expense Income 4000 · NBRA Income 4010 · Member Assessment 0.00 135,000.00 -135,000.00 4015 · Late Fees 0.00 6,500.00 -6,500.00 4020 · City Matching Funds 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 Total 4000 · NBRA Income 40,000.00 181,500.00 -141,500.00 4500 · NBRW Income 4520 · Event Participation Fee-Rest Wk Event Participation -19.00 25,000.00 -25,019.00 Total 4520 · Event Participation Fee-Rest Wk -19.00 25,000.00 -25,019.00 4530 · City Grant 9,000.00 10,000.00 -1,000.00 Total 4500 · NBRW Income 8,981.00 35,000.00 -26,019.00 Total Income 48,981.00 216,500.00 -167,519.00 Gross Profit 48,981.00 216,500.00 -167,519.00 Expense 6000 NBRA Expenses - General 6160 Graphic Design / Branding 0.00 2,000.00 -2,000.00 6170 Advertising / Media 7,000.00 32,000.00 -25,000.00 6190 Website Maintenance 0.00 5,000.00 -5,000.00 6200 Digital Marketing / SEO 0.00 7,500.00 -7,500.00 6210 E-Newsletter / Blog 1,000.00 12,000.00 -11,000.00 6220 Social Media 0.00 2,000.00 -2,000.00 6240 Public Relations 0.00 2,000.00 -2,000.00 6260 Annual Meeting 0.00 2,000.00 -2,000.00 6270 Community Event Particip.0.00 2,500.00 -2,500.00 6290 Marketing Consultation 11,000.00 60,000.00 -49,000.00 6300 Adminstration / Billing 2,000.00 36,000.00 -34,000.00 6310 Operational Reimbursement 1,986.00 12,000.00 -10,014.00 6400 Research 0.00 5,000.00 -5,000.00 6100 · Collateral Development 0.00 5,000.00 -5,000.00 6280 · Dues/Memberships 0.00 500.00 -500.00 6000 NBRA Expenses - General - Other 0.00 8,000.00 -8,000.00 Total 6000 NBRA Expenses - General 22,986.00 193,500.00 -170,514.00 7000 Event Exp. Other (Rest Wk) 7100 Event Marketing Expenses 0.00 55,000.00 -55,000.00 7150 Event Operational Expenses 0.00 2,500.00 -2,500.00 7000 Event Exp. Other (Rest Wk) - Other 0.00 2,500.00 -2,500.00 Page 1 of 2 For management purposes only. Not prepared according to GAAP 2:26 PM 09/13/16 Cash Basis Restaurant Association Business Improvement District Budget vs. Actual July 2016 through June 2017 Jul '16 - Jun 17 Budget $ Over Budget Total 7000 Event Exp. Other (Rest Wk)0.00 60,000.00 -60,000.00 8000 Prior Year Expense 10,786.07 Total Expense 33,772.07 253,500.00 -219,727.93 Net Ordinary Income 15,208.93 -37,000.00 52,208.93 Other Sources/Uses Other Sources Retained Earnings (Carryover from Prior Years) 32,438.98 37,000.00 -4,561.02 Total Other Sources 32,438.98 37,000.00 -4,561.02 Net Other Sources/Uses 32,438.98 37,000.00 -4,561.02 Total Equity 47,647.91 0.00 47,647.91 Page 2 of 2 For management purposes only. Not prepared according to GAAP Date Source Name Memo Account Paid Amount 100eats, LLC. 08/09/2016 100eats, LLC.Newport Beach French Fry Ro...6210 E-Newsletter / Blog 250.00 Total 100eats, LLC.250.00 Anita Lau McElvane 08/09/2016 Anita Lau McElvane Dine Newport Beach Blog - Uni...6210 E-Newsletter / Blog 250.00 Total Anita Lau McElvane 250.00 Desert Publications, Inc 08/09/2016 Desert Publications, Inc Neighborhood Map & Calendar...6170 Advertising / Media 5,000.00 Total Desert Publications, Inc 5,000.00 Dining Out 08/09/2016 Dining Out Full Page Ad - Orange County I...6170 Advertising / Media 2,000.00 Total Dining Out 2,000.00 Newport Beach & Company08/09/2016 Newport Beach & Company Mother's Day Digital Ads, Digit...8000 Prior Year Expense 10,786.07 08/11/2016 Newport Beach & Company BID Marketing/Communication...6290 Marketing Consultation 5,000.00 08/11/2016 Newport Beach & Company BID Marketing/Communication...6300 Adminstration / Billing 1,500.00 08/11/2016 Newport Beach & Company BID Marketing/Communication...6310 Operational Reimburse...1,000.00 08/11/2016 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee - Polly ...6290 Marketing Consultation 6,000.00 08/11/2016 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee - Polly ...6300 Adminstration / Billing 500.0008/11/2016 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee - Polly ...6310 Operational Reimburse...986.00 Total Newport Beach & Company 25,772.07 Rich Manning 08/09/2016 Rich Manning Food Blog - 9 Great Hot Dog O...6210 E-Newsletter / Blog 250.00 08/09/2016 Rich Manning Food Blog - Beat the Heat with ...6210 E-Newsletter / Blog 250.00 Total Rich Manning 500.00 TOTAL 33,772.07 2:19 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 09/13/16 Expenses by Vendor Detail Cash Basis July through August 2016 Page 1 Aug 31, 16 Beginning Balance 85,198.82 Cleared Transactions Checks and Payments - 3 items -33,789.07 Total Cleared Transactions -33,789.07 Cleared Balance 51,409.75 Uncleared Transactions Checks and Payments - 1 item -400.00 Deposits and Credits - 2 items 9,118.75 Total Uncleared Transactions 8,718.75 Register Balance as of 08/31/2016 60,128.50 Ending Balance 60,128.50 2:02 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 09/13/16 Reconciliation Summary 1010 · Bank Balance, Period Ending 08/31/2016 For management purposes only. Not prepared according to GAAP Page 1 Type Date Num Name Clr Amount Balance Beginning Balance 85,198.82 Cleared Transactions Checks and Payments - 3 items General Journal 08/09/2016 AJE212 X -18,786.07 -18,786.07 Check 08/10/2016 X -17.00 -18,803.07 General Journal 08/11/2016 AJE213 X -14,986.00 -33,789.07 Total Checks and Payments -33,789.07 -33,789.07 Total Cleared Transactions -33,789.07 -33,789.07 Cleared Balance -33,789.07 51,409.75 Uncleared Transactions Checks and Payments - 1 item Sales Receipt 11/18/2014 1 Bistro Le Crillon -400.00 -400.00 Total Checks and Payments -400.00 -400.00 Deposits and Credits - 2 items Deposit 01/21/2016 118.75 118.75 Deposit 08/09/2016 9,000.00 9,118.75 Total Deposits and Credits 9,118.75 9,118.75 Total Uncleared Transactions 8,718.75 8,718.75 Register Balance as of 08/31/2016 -25,070.32 60,128.50 Ending Balance -25,070.32 60,128.50 2:03 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 09/13/16 Reconciliation Detail 1010 · Bank Balance, Period Ending 08/31/2016 For management purposes only. Not prepared according to GAAP Page 1