HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-09-07 - Newport Balboa News Times)
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\'OI.UMI! XXXV ~·" N"IIIB&a n
iThird War Loan Drive l
Opens Thurs.; Mayor'
Issues Proclamation
, I
Chairman A. B. Rousselle Says Redoubled Ef •
fort Must Be Made in This·District If High-
er Goal Is to Be Reached
Sgt. Black'a-Car,
Missing for Five
Months, Returna
Sc•· Ray__. ...... ., ...
S.W .. A-Ana:r Air .... 1111
aplla .......... Clle\'Nitll ....
trabpOrta•o• alter live ....
a bU moiJII~ wi&M41t We
drops dead
at Arches
MGIItiiiDe eM
tty· Sft-wite_..
•• , • 1 •• ..._,,
~ Y.-L-w.r __..,.
P" .. p ............ 'uW.,........., • ......... _k ___ _ .................... _
Blarlll.'a aut-wa.... ....... .,. • ..._ .__. ...,_.
alc.W• ot1 Man* II. a.& lil\1• I I !'\till :\,, 1''""'''' lola •IU ...... <'--.-""",.It Waa lakM...... 8C l.ho• ~to!(' .,f lh" 1• ... 1 1tl thl' .. -....... -..,.., __ ..
I& h..t illlf'of'tl ...... _._.. .A"h•ll 111 I I 3() ltolt11~)' ll • ..,ul '",r,... .. ........,_.-I&
UrN~ of II• t~n ... ,._.,. dlr' bttl '"'t "' .. n .... s ,.,,ound ,,, ttw .-,. ~ .._ ..... '-
f'r)' atlll """'-'n• a .,......,.. ...... • r lh,. n,i\chln(' and .. 11,•1•1""' ,_. .._. ...._,_ ...
A U.ttk O\'H a Wf'dl ~ l1. Lkmth v.·u -.:l:lhN w a ,_.., -.. aea I _. .,...
Summer Season "Sees
Largest Crowd in Years
with . Business Still Brisk
I•._ Uay lloliday Urinp Thouaanda to Area
wialt J."•n lone and Rt•nd~zvous Leadin• in
Tlwoe&•: ~lnrhanbt 1\rt-Still Uu1y
car wbk-111 Iliaci hMII .......,. • ~ Alttu·k 1M• I 1U1 aul• I"'' "'aa _, .._ .... ....,... --Opening of the 'third War Loa.n campaign is !>chedul<'d oa Ull4o ., ..... 1111 .. ....._ IIMd t•'<ltlV t .. tllr corunrr '" .,... u.-•• .,... ...._ llarl•w •ib.tnd hu,.lnt""'"''" noc-.u't1 thfo boflt llt.unmet'
for Thursday of this week. with a goal or St for aewral •• ,. -........ ... ... I "'. ... , ... .dllf'l In matn) ~···al':'l -'llh 1'1'"' cl-. n J:n•ot lUi t'Vt'r llnd wttb
-"" ,. to te.. po8cP ....,._.. 1ft&~. ·""' ,.. ·~ at l.a ,., .. .,. ...... .,... ....... ._. • llklDr) lo --..:1 l•w aml.,.."Pit"tli JC a 11tl .til klncbl ut meteba.D-for tbe ryttion. whill' Newport llarbor's quota was n>port .. ·u l•n.Ucatl... ... ..,.,.. -.r IJ:lr1 1, .. '~"· wu ''"''"'lot 11., .. ,.. "._, -. • -. ~ -r-·-
to have been doubled. according to A. B. RoussellE.', local 1 nwat ,.,... that-,.... tMr• -.n LMa l.kach, wh•,., II•· hall ...._ ...,. Thr> .. ...._, .tt ... ·l:en-that •·wn thuu"h ttk~ MJmmer ...
chainnan. At the same time Mayor Oyan Hall has lMued u I rtpt-te.. coar -1M ... ._ YlaltlnJ Mra. NNI'• l"f'lit11""~ !itlft • ...,......,., t» t"fM1 ''" l.nhur Day. Jlt'•ut•k• wlll •till come
mlutq •'-t.IMI ~ .-., I'Uid• at Lalc_.oo .. s v,u._., l1u lhr hNcia for 11nuthe~r munth whUt• ""·"•~"r l"ft'ltala wtU proclamation calllng on a1J 1 -----(for IU&C'Ill aw;... .. ., 1ftlJI taUn •'ere two ........ -·•u.:u. B '8 s I J . . prorram will alao carry • .ra:vc-r .-t , __ ..__ to __ .__ ,...._ ....__nd Cltlu>M to support the forth-notA. --·~tin .. 0 11' '-ttl~ .on .... of I MardL Ollkll and Ilia younc • 4\. .....,.., 0 en ............ ,_...,... JW" ~........ I ---~ ,.,, ~ ,.. ..... .-.,__ •-.....__ • .__ u __ tuno ol "unmrr ~C•. M tJw)o coming drive.
t.he arvlce&" , .., 111n,r u far u-lllrl{'--__,. ............ ,... ..... , ... _ 1 ,_ ..
• de: t' ... ~ ... Jbo ~ body w.·u ~Men t..n u.r · ""V'f' w.•a tillar lllt• runn-to The mayor aaya th&l every d · r~ •• a -........ Newpor' Ba a ...... " H ld ~ ,_., thtlt ttw ~-thr hurt~fnod• , .... ...._ ..... ...,. tort ahould be made to aupport the TT'e .. uy S«ttt&ry Worgantl\.'lU ' ., .....,. ~ry at OlroDa dtl Mar I -1'-lu-""'ln1am..d It• workf'n and ottw1'11 .,. .,...._ ~averlunent'a l!'fforta and l() r•IIY , .... n l pn .... nt )fr. nocaevelt In Uu• Makes p,. .. es of II t ..... OM!dklll uam natkon autos e l.,...,..., ~~~ "-'~' ... .._, u-...... '
'round IUid aid the gl~anUt· I M it pm(T&Dl. ..a ,... told F\lnt'UI &n"aa>l{rtl1"nl.o ... T--o L'l•-Y • ~Ira Gn.-.n and ct.a-..ra 1ft otJWr
t.hat mu•t bf. accompllahed If mu-In addition to being carried on I NatJ•onal Magazme· --not rocnpletM today .....Uifl& -... ..,rwt..,.., ........ " lhr """ ;tl ""'f'C'hanctiw .,.. ......
lbt fr ur nl'tworke. the broadcaet . ....S from relauw-. but bun.l b p ,. I ~ -......, ....,_. Wllh ltw u ~r thu .... k. alt-...... u. nJtlooa. war auppllea. etc. are to wlll be D"ll~ 8\'ailable to all l't· ----.., t.kl In I.-e &.l-111. It wu .._ ,....._ AMri IIUI •• _,..,ciPmaftlt '"' .,., . .._ ;;;--;.... :;:~o:;:~~ a~ :r~u! iii'~MI'Tit n dlo .ta.tlon•. It wtll Thf' s~pt'"lrber l.ue o' ~...., N~ ... tbl' OW'IIrf' Ol(·a v 0 ICe .. -...... -, ......... ,. nlef\t -"·· •hkh ..,... .......
bec:au. tbat wUl ftld Ule conflict be clrrled Into ~rnvie thf'~t.era and Jnt .. matt-ftl lll•cuhw ca.rn.l & -.eat La»-. / T, ·~.a. .. ~ ..... at· ...... ,..._ .,...U IR .,,.,.. .. ~
that mucb .ooncr. broedcut over11eu. I plcl ur~ ot the Show ao.t _... ----,.. • ._ .._ -.. ........ dittt*ttd ltodl._., ...,.
War Loan Dll'f!Clor Ted Gabmel wu thr BaJbt-a elplfeelq ..a. s Al ... ._ ~. AI .....,._ een.
P...W.nt to Speak ald t.hr pi'Ottn.m will rrpi"Mmt and ~~e<1 Ia new ume an U. a h G ~ • _...... .. ..._. ~.. ._ •-• -•• C"'" ,_ «"WI" Mw .,.... ..... a
Prf'tdckDt ROORvelt wUI o~n '20.000,000 worth of talent aDd ot'C'al'lrtn of lh~ ,,.._ War -~ mtt s et ,_., r-•........ .... • ,. .._ ...,_ ....... lo hiD ..__ IMd omt. __...... f• .....
the drive Wednuday nlcht and Ume. all of It runtr1buted to lhe campal&'n at Newport H~. ~ .... ....., 1 •• _. ...... -............ ...t _, ..._ ..... lr• ..
about 70,000,000 Americana •~ campa.tcn a1med at eelliD.c at lr W. T'hr liM' I •11'"1 rrt tile ShoW~ d d
, • tUt -...., ..._ .._ ...._ ' ¥ 0 4 -lo eta. • ............ .. lltltW opected to bear blm. an ad.dltlonal 1100 War Bond to I wu apo1'1801'ed by t.be N __ • ~ ••• ...,.. -. -....... ......,.,.._ ., ... .-. ......_. ...,ytftt to • ....., fill S~ln« tl1>m WuhiDgt.on over t'vt!ry Am~r1ran durlnr September I Harbor Klwanla C1~b. .. r••spen e • ..,.., , ...... IW , ,_ • .._ I .. Of ~~· --,_, .................. --
a vul radio network the Ctllel From Wuhlugt.on the Bond The Show Boat Idea wu., ;'t,.. •t.•rt•.....,. -~ .. ._ • ...,_ .,_. ..... Ill dw-Itt. C'.lviMIM'e Hut ....... e..,......
l!.:xi!<'Utm Ia upected. t.hl' Treu· Cavato'adr, heAcJe..l by JamM C&«· uutque In charvt.er. and _... · l•artt._ Gil' -.,.,_ .......,_ ,_. ..tit fin• n ....,..., ~ .._ .._ liP
ury ald. "to .-.a11 for a rt'dahca· ney u prutdml of the Screen II~ IUCh an euelll'llt wlWM fill Ja I T l..,..._ .. ..._ ....... . t~ •• .._. • Jllf -.t ~-
Uon o1 America ·to the war .a. Actora Oatld. w1U 111&11~·• ft&Uml. r Wu Bond •lee t.hat It wu a~· 1• -erm ~a-...... .. ~ el -td • .. ..._; at .., ...... t1111t.. ...... ot ~ UnJted Natloo• and for wlctl' appeal. 1 eel • tim place In the PYM•r w.ocaa -.. -.-.. ..._ .. _.,... -.. ....._. .._. ,_.. U.. .... ..._.._ a .._
mutruum aacritlce Ill buteo an The Feur ,.......,. I Parade ot Honda. It wu thew-"-"' ...... .,. :': ~ .._ k fW liliet fll ~ ....... cult-_.. ...... _.,
early and clecs.!Ye victory." ~re are four au~tlf"U~ tor 11(1nal ld~• nf s.r""".ry Bob Hal---,,._--.. L C _.., ... ...,._ ck •••· ....._ ftt. .......... fNa U. ~ 0r11
He wtll ~!peak about 10 minute-. aUf~K d.lfterent daya to the llln•he.d tlol th1~ .. K,!,._~la <lu.b &In ...... tcln gt a .lrt-clay ._ t.1 :r--~~ ~ 4w ... , 8j non a ._. llat• tMt .... ... ..... U. bet1ftiUDC llbortJy after 6 :40 war boad effort. offen-d by Cba. t'o-opera on w uo ._u • .rman -. ~y Ja!l wu pnw ID ,.,_. --..---Ia ~ .. tiP o ' 1 IIIIM ... roo-~ .... ..... -...,.
IPWT). TTMfury depal'tl'Mnt: . Rou-111' rllh• War Finance COlD• ~ W, a. SmtUI wtwn UWy ~ ... ~ 16._,., _. ...... .._,. ,..,art ~ .... -e. ..... a......, eiMI.., ...... ..
'Ibe tull-bour. 120.000.000 abow At.lack Day, T'hur.day, Septem· mlltH ot Newport Harbor ~ Oty J~ 0 A J-. I« lao-:: ... .._.. ,._., _, ..., ,._ a ......_... wt"-....,. --, eo ....... 'n..
wUl open tram Hollywood at 6 ber ._llore bondlr and --·Kt-I j
0 I II lut Friday -~we -• ,.:.,.. a a 0 ~ :. ~-: .. IJ I ' .............. aedl· Oral .................... -
p. m .• CPWTI. wltil a aer1a ot 1-blood and t.t~ara. y th N bbed ~"Me....._~. ~--..,; 1111.:..... -....... • .... .._ ..... <1 ......_ Ia dllt ~ .... 11t1t~ ... ~lcbtmc ' the war Amertcan H-Day, Thu,.._ OU 8 a Ill ........ U. ....__ .............. ....:'::.... ,_alw'$ S J= Altllrlitlc el tM -
rrom Peart Harbor to tt. ~t day, IJeptealber 16-Make tilla a Ch ed Sf.e 6n .1 ..... Jon. ~ • c ...,. I......_ .....,. a..,, ..._. .. tllll ,_
olleaft ....... da.y for our ADMI1e&D bei'ON. arg a I fill -,.rtlwr ................... ;;;;::.;;:---~--.... , .... ----......... -~ -~~~ ~ o1 .., tmman-t Alde Pay-cay. ,.~. eep-Three. Rub c··pe ,... ., two ,....., .,... .. ---£ •. • ,. --.._~-....-a .... ~ ww ID,.._ ot ..... J:W'OpiU OoaUD-t.ember D-~ .. Am. ...,.. _.._ lft.JDS 1111....... -.. ... • fi ..... a ... .
.-... .._ ......u.. -·•• fill na------wtUt u..? ...,.._,.nt fill tile llllr • .a • Ill -. • --...., .. ., .. -_.-• tl& k ace, -·~~-......._ u. Jaa--w• nu .. r;;;;;;-u.e ~ Day~,;.unda,, e.p.. Pour Ban oteco ,out.h. t1lrM o ' •'*'« ·~e..._ 'h •-sa.._...-. 7 £7 a~ ..... ,..._.-;:-..._ e1 ;,..__. .......... ..
8out.b Pacllk," ~ 'l"reuury'a an-trm~ :lG-Today IAJ U . 8 . Sacrt· Uwm Juveolle., wrnt In t.-·J--fill lni*b lroUJ«'~Iiloe fllf ... tJte --.... Ca.-. _._ ..._ .. f._~-llr ,._. .._ .... _, tM ...... • • ~-t .ucs ... til. Hollywood flee Day-Giv .. 'tU It hu.U! NCWJ~Grt SMcb polk:e·M~y ........ Uaat at Utey ........ ~ ~ .. a 0 1 I .. ---., ..._ -. .... u. ,.. ...... ~,...,...... ......... .... l alt~mootJ only a tttW allort houre ott ,our lllouldera." Uljnp.....,. .. ..._ a-• a 7 ......,. .,. •'*"-•' ..,. ,._. ~,,,. .,.._ o.,. .... tJw rltANil
k P S ft ttPr L. W. Jobru~tm of 2311 New·~ •o more ~I)' Ia UIIIP ..,.. ~,..... • ...._ _. .. ,.._ .._ ....-, _.._.., ..,.,.
,hr .. hu IUICM''lt aAd tMt ft. A • • t port boulrva"'. ~· M-. ,... tutvre. ~ <W .,_ ~ 0 J .,., .... ill _, J~ wttllt r-ar-nwltta briftC aJI fill tlw ~ .. S ermlsslon 0 ee ported to lbe elaUon that Ul,.. 'nw two w~ found pdty • ...,.... ..._ -UUC •114 ... ,..... '-._........,_, tlwft• ,..,. 1-. W'twft tlwy.,.. JO'W, .,.._
hub captt hall b«n taken lf'Om bla Aal(\lill I& tn t.be ctty ~ ~ ft'lllllll. ........ a-· ... a, ........... --..... dr -........ """Y ....... ~
F·,sh Caught for Sport ~~:l~!fr:b:::·,:..BaJ: i~J:1~~'-= ::·::-~a:-.=n:I B' , --Sw._h ..... d.,.,..ll ... oWhtf'·· H S
out. and lbr four boyl wen picked buill._ Hmltil Rruthen Boal tallet .. • lwnll _.... ~ ._.., ·
up at IA«Una Ouch with Ute ttl,.. W~ ._ II .. ilrtd ... arty lei 1M -.... I a S ... -11ft us c e u es or
hub l"ttpa In thl'lr pouealon. 'nla ~~~~fill ~ I -..... ~ .. -.....-a _. .. e •
C&liCornJa F1ah and Game of· con.JY-1nr fooc1. hoye, thr ol~rt 111 ~ you~-· --0 A d
tlclale ha•• bHo Uked by tile ... k. Navy Help I Mit 1&. ad:niU~d lbat Ulf'Y bad F--.. ~r Pastor • .
Newport Harbor Ctlamber of Com· At the 8Uf(ewt.lon ot w. ... l8krn ai'Vf'rlll ••thcra from cara In v. ~ Am Pa it r. penlng rrange
111en:e to prrmlt aale of flab 1,( ngmoor. ('W'tiiU~nt of the N--IAI'llr BM.cb. Sava 'M:.,...~Je MiJ• ft-• ... ..:._ ~ '
C&Ufbt by apoC"t flabermeu lD CaJ, f)<.tl1 HArbor Chamber of ~ JU U 1M. ~ r IIIIa& ...--=w-
lfOrWA wat.era. I merce a lett.r bu been~ Mr~~. Abby 811ft of BaD Dlef'O Ia I' :1 PJan' Good
MIUiy aport tlllbermfll brlD( In~ to Capt. Howard N. Coulter, com-.,.,din« two WHicA with her ... IMe n..... •• t 0 rnr ta. .....
heavy cakh~ of flllh caurht by miUidJIIC tile Santa Ana Naval A.lr ter, )fra. El-'" Stan:k of 1111 ... ,..._._ ._ ~ -* ., .... ,.. .t U.. ,...pad Hanw
book ·&&d liD• bitt under t.h~ la w, Sue for IIC'ht.er-Uian-a!r cralt. Oourt a•·enu~. N~wport Bea.ch. w~ tiM ~U)' tn mad l ~~a&w:-w~ ....,. ...,. _..., .... .._ lUI·
ale of ft.Cib caiJI'bt by ..,ott flab· ukl!\lf tt reporu can be made of Hrr Ln-.ther. Mra Oecar Wilbur ot tM ~le Mtlf' lllartfld ..sa.c ,_,..,. ,__. ._ ...,.. • --..,;.!_...._ ~ «:'--wW 1111
enMn &a aot &Uowecl. ldlool• or -ruP.r1FpOtted ...mue Ute ot ~nt.e. 11 ateo vflt!Unc In bK ~ OIMl HlltJWa7 by w T J~ """*l _. • .._.,..._ .._ 1.,_. .. , 011 .._,., ... ~ ~ of thla law much tlah Navy bllmpe are on patrol duty. home f,.,.,. ....-.1 re•r• acn. ~ pr;d •F-........ • ... _., ,.._._. IJ. • ... ~ .,
IAJ "·ut.ect. not ao muC'h today u The ~an s. beiD& trted out In wu...,. "-!1, fnnnl'r rutor fft ..... r..s "'I _.. u 8 ,._1 1 u..l 11.-[llaYWiwla, ...,._....
In Uw pUt. but It do.. occur In Nnrthl'm walff• In the loe&tlnf ot Oue ... nt SJtt. and Jbe. Jobn Olrt• aMarc.b b1 the Rea. lll Ilk! 1,_ 1.1-c l'l.. ~ Ja. ..._ f"Mia ..._, ftnll 1~. llaMa ~ lrwtaneu. Pumltt.&nc ilpOrt erhnota of u.rdlnea ID particular P'ln~• at th• Balboa Yacht Club wnaa at IAe Anc•IN fllundaT ~ ,._ -... 22IMI el""" aa
fllflermm to aell t.hetr ratch w.·ould I anct Lt s. ~lteved It will pnNe va!· ovt'r t.he weell·end wer• let· told a. eo~~~nn that ''1f ~ lora~ 0 .. ......_ ..,. 1-. a • .,.._ on.. 1 u .
aaw tilla wut.ac"f'. Today ~very u~bll' pa.rtlcularty wbrn the mack-Plt'Tce'a uncl«'. L. H. RM4, aDd trade O~IIM-d bJ J-·· · ' economy powlble mu.t be utlllzed ,.r•l ~·ft· ,..,... ··"'fa .,~ Gl~ndal• m · • e 1 •-d tolal1 •tr :tw F 5 I _. •-Arwt.a _. Orrtlwrll. T:S.; •~ ~ ~ ·-,..... .., ~ ,,. ~ were,.... ~Uvf' n our ... u-,t•at ..,..,..... _..._ u. a.,.. .,., ''"' ... "'· T 30, lti...U and P&lJ.
"' the lDter-..t of wlnnlnc tbe war ---------------------------r Ud pennleelon to .. u. lf It C&ll ,... ~~:r..~=~· would""' ""1tnt f':nr-• a-a...,.. _._:..d. T:•: .,_ dr1v• _.
be extended, wtU be a factor In w IR BOJID PIOCLIMI TIOI II ·~ou:u:~~~~ Legion Head, Stu t.he ..u ..... nf tJUr lfllrmat•·-'
D I Se d r>rn"'-., tM bulldlnc ••f .... ~
UD 8p, n 8 25 WHERF..A.S. the PadnC' Cout and IIIJ of Ita dU., rrseaclnlaf,. tnllll~AJt <'If L•tlt...ntr-..
Men Into Servl.ce .. ld ..... H-n. "" ,. ~~ """ to"-n~ and rommunftlf'fl L~ Wf'll u Ita rJt1ua• art! deep-tn ,,.. ..tc:t«v. 'Wtu•tJw.-v" """"
1'v.·enty-tlve men from lbe. local
~ll'("tlve. aervlcl" boArd left for
Ln8 An«tlu T\tl'lldlly at 6 '48 a. m. 1 I•• t11lc" lh,.lr examln11Uona fnr en-
trAnt'•' Into the A rmv. Marlnl'!l, Co~Ut Ow1rd or Navy.-
Slunrl DuniRr. 11 rnrmbt>r uf lh"
1 lnt'RI bt llrtl IUld 1'01. lnR.nlll'r <lf lhr
1 Arrrr!C'on Leglnn f"V"I. J;:ll\'t' t ru
gTOUp their llt'nd-of( at th,. J'n-
1 clflc ElN:Ir k •lrpnt , Wtlh (otltrt
ltn.('fllb<-r •lf l hl' u •gtOn Jlri'I!Cflt
All •• thP rnut lnr. 1 hr IYiyl! w1•ro•
tn 1<p< Nl U1r t111y In lA.t! AnJ:"f'lell,
\\'ht·rl.' 1 hey woultl bl.' .-xamlned ano-1
r lau lflrll Into nnl' of Uti' !'our
"'rnndte8. drf'4'ndlnl% upon Ut!'tr
!J'If"CJIII o.ptltuolu anti lhe qufll.wl
<'I( lhl' Kf'MlfN'.
Mt'n acC'rptfil fllr the Army will
r~urn hnml' "" a 20-dAy leovc s.nd
at the I'Dd nf that Urn• will ~
JMDnt to Fort .MacArthur or A r-
lln~on for lnduC'ttnn Navy m~n
1 will fltn to "bt)o(" CIUl'IIJ. follt)lll'lnlo!
" 7..(Jav turlnugh
ll:very man fl'rl• IIUitinctlv~ly
that all the besutiful aenllm~ut.ll tn
lhl' "'orld "'el~h 1-t.han a anr1e
lovely a.ctlon.-.J. R. Lowell.
more tallromlans than any
!other public figure. It wu l
thP newspapers or the Gold-
ly cenc.-med In the rarryln~t on. of thf' "'' with tht~ ()()f'fl,.a t.11tN tn rcn • mil•· K" ... ~, .. him lwa.lll,' &dvu.r.t Jrl'ot~ utln08t lntf'nAity and 11~; &ad • "Our IAf'd 11<'11 •onlv l ~tul[ht "'"'
Wllt:REAS, the 9th da)' of ~f'mhf'r h lmpor-taw Ge .-erou• "''1nrc. but "" •1• . I plll'd It In HI• de<lvllfr n ...... 'I· I tant to all Callfomlan11, hf'ln~ thf' d&t.f' upon whlrh Ia
.., In diN JM'f'd f1f 111,. •m1,., 1, m•l·
Jf\50 California entf'rf'd thr t 1nlon of State!'! and thfl ,..Y ot Itt•. tt h•~ ~..,....., 1..-"' 1 , ••• ,
Nation; and ""'"' &M Ul,.,... t"' ~ ,..... •··''" ,,,
UA ia. '-t ant bv 1 ttr v lt•ol•· d1• "1 . \\'IIF.Rt~AS, it l" douhl)· lmpcu1ant thbt yf'ar be-nnr· ~~y eoc:k1.:v 111 lftn:•·
rau.w on that da)' "111 OJW'D thr Third War Loan ''lifUcll of uur J'""'"" "''"
Drh·e whlrh wtll ...ave f'\'f'n,· cltlua a l"f'&l opporta-qurncy IIJ!!J> m~on\ "' ''"' 1"' ~·' ""' b~ would bt> I"'"'' ni-t It tt • nit)· to pro''" hl11 11lnt't'rlty In pu11hln~ thr war pro-'mt~ milt'' ph l•••••phv ..... r .. •I'
~tram b)· bu)·ln~r; to thr all'"iOiut~ limit of hl11 ability pi~ t.o famJty lltr ..
War &ndM and War ~tamP" to makf' thr Third War llfr . and Mra 1; ... ,~.:., .. "".,,
l..oan !IIUN'f'Mful hf')'Ond f'llfW'C'latlon, to an. without IU\I. eon, Wayn.. "' ~ .. " I;"". I
lntf'rTUptlon or drla)·, '"" purrh81M" of al'mll, ammunl-arr .,andln,; th" w .... lc wtth \1••
I Jl'r'anct.' IMler, Mrw Alnofl 1!.1<'1
tlon and all othM' neceM&I'y t~uppll~ to cany on the . 127 2Ttb ...,....t. N"""l~'•rt 111 ,.1 1, .......
Sow. TIIEREFORF., I, Clyan If. Hall, Mayor of
thf' City of N~wport Beac:h, do h~l"f'b)· dHiare Tltu.
day, !Wp~mtwr 9th, to be Third War Loan Day Ia thlll
city and an'a and do ..,.... all c::ltiu.M to raDy to th ..
jp'f'&t cau!Ml In ordf'r that thf' Nation'• Wu A111111 may
tw &CC'Omplblhf'd and an 8rty and eom~ VIdor)'
fnr an """" be broud'lt &boat.
CJ~ Y AN H. HAIL, Mayor OtY of Nrwport lleaee.
,-Desk Trays
F• Off~ Papers
Juat rec:rttwd two u-nr ~ Tnty.. In O•k ""'I Walnut, ldlottl for your <1-k.
''-maklmc It "M"'' ''" ~--to pk-k up an<i ftl•· or a.tribute. .........................
~Office Suppf-
N~Tt.es Baildina' I
. -----Jill U.l .
ftrrla -. .. a • ..,... .... , wtiiJ fiiK· ...,.,._,._ ~ ~ _,. ...................... "
...... n ........ ......., ............ .. .......................... ....., ......... ,.., ....... ..,.._. ..... -._.fill ... ·---.-... thfo tWM'·
,.,.. fill .._ fi&pdJ .......... t~ ata&r nf nar
,..._.. ,__ fill K'"' r .. .
~ ..... a. Gattri at r•1• "'" r,.,... It"' 1•-
6..._. • .. -.... I ...., ... _. ..... "' ,.~ .. fJUfJ,.
................. ft ... ~ .. thf. "MJ.I'11 .... .,..
~ n e _. .. .., ..-... "' ..,_ ~ ... tiffiM 6n
,..,. ...... .,.,. -.......... ,..._., MDr _..._, aad,
~~ 1 a ...... fill ....... ... »
................... ~ ..... ,...thaa
......... -II 1 a " .... ~ "' ('••ltf'"l'•
........ ~ ... • ..... ~u.oqal
.. JilL ......................... ~ .
.. .._.. ............. , .......... ,. -,,... tlw .... fill .. w.-., , ...... ,. .. ••• .., .......... . ............................ ,.. ... "_ ..., . .., ...... ,_ ... ......,. ... ......
'"--... •• L A " st 't ._ ...... 4) ........,. t., 40,· -.-A n ................... ... ...... _.Gsa ;. ............ ,..., ..
....... .._.. &f n ..... 41 eJ W)' und
, .. .., ....... ~--............... J"f'.
................ --·. llttlw ......... ..........
ef~J·~ .. '~------------~-----en Stat~ tlnlt f!lected him to
the gubernatorial chair and 1·
I he ~ld that honor by t!'Yer a~~~m ~----------------------------------~1 ...... ~ .. --I
• DWI .... ~ 7.--------------------------...:
~ aYW~ue, T:•: liN llrllll
VM1 ........ ._..., T:d ; 0.....,
..... C.ll ~. f :d ; ......
tM IJlP arlleol.
o.ta MNa, _....trt,: .....
--...... and lttll IILrellt, t :•: "-'fta A .. a.-... •nd IOUIIIti'MI,
1 MI. Orut•• awamta Md lOtti.
a 00, Onlnp a.--Md 1M
,.,_,. II ta. 0rMc-• .._. ...
~·>'· a:cn: ... ta AM.,.
mw -s 111111 .u..t, I :CM; ......
Afta • ..,... _. ITU. .ueat, 1:•:
U...Ce e. the bleb elttoal.
c ............ ",. trtp· ..., ...
and Harbor bou'"arcl. T:IO; Yle-
tr.na and l!'la.-.,.tta. 'f;IA; ITUl
,..,_. aN1 M-ntta.. 7:42; IIUI
anrt Wllllllrr aw-. T:ta; IMJt
"'"""' an•l l'nmtlf'la, 7 ;U ; Ulenee
,,, lht> hrJrh ...-llotol
,.,,..,. M••. ~nntl lltp: lith
Mtf LA~r•rr•~. 7 3.,, IIKII anti tlar-
""" hllltll"\\ar•l 7 M , Jt,.~.tw&y and
'-~~"I',,, 1••111"\'~trd. 1 ~1 ; zt•
•'r"•·l .... 1 ~'~"""I'"'' l•t~ll~ward,
"IHI :lhl .t. .... t nn•l Oran«l', 11:01;
:tl.t and 'l'•u•Hn. M'f'l:l, c;,>lf\a MMa
ffrl'o•l l&rlll '1'111'1111 aV"IIIJ~. 11·1)3,
'"'' , ... '" ""' hljlh "''"""'
,.,..,," "' •" \\'II" ~· 1\n•l lllorhtlr.
17 "J", lin II• 1 1111•1 l!~tnll llll lll,....l.
7 'l•t l!1tk• • otr••• I nn•l 11111 Xaui.A
I An" llV""""· 7 :1:1 . Vktorta •rul
()lot Hnnlll t\n"4t'Vt!flll", 1 40; VIr ·
'''"" ,.,r,t lind•" 7 '42, lfa.mllt•m
"'"' 11•.,1••• 7 t1; then•,. llo lkA
hl.:h ... h••o,l
~""" f"•rt""r\. ftrwt tr1p On.n.c,.
"''"d ·'"'' llr'" , .. \\'rat NI'WJ"'rt.
1·:t:!, :t•nh ~ttT .. t 7 2". l.tdn f1ub·
hf)ot'tf' 7 '\1 1.1•1•• P.~ntranrr, T:SII;
lll•·n•,. 1 .. ltll• h ll(h •·~•"I
~ N;...'l"'''· ••~•.not tllp tth a&ld
c ... ·nlrftl 7 :,7 ..... PI 1;11ral(~. 11.00:
u,~ .. •·· th,. tuvh .,.hoc,.
1,,., "" •1,.1 ~.tar aN1 llalbt.a 1-.
l .. n.l ""' '"" f'llii11811N 11.1111 Pa-
l u;r 1 '"'· """"" llnd ran. 7:40;
I I lt"ll"•· I" t.h,. hiiCh achool.
''"'"'"" •1•1 'f•r and lialbc,. r. l~tNI, •"' • n1t ltiJl Apnlena aad
IIAtt .. ,.; •tr•·.-t I 1)7 . Topaa and
, .. rk, 7·:ii th"oc" ID the ll!p urtww>l.
flalt.n. Miramar fl llwe aDd C.-
tral 7:iUI , .Miram~ar anti L etNat.
7 · 40. rntl nt ,..,lllJIIItla. 1:41 ; Olet·
tn1 •M "-'"· 7:j5, Eul H-,_,. ' n ; (.h~ to 0. 1lflll
.... Two -
'ftria United States Treuury Ad-
yertflement, Authorized by War
Bond Co~i~ Is a Contribu-
tion by These Lotal Patriotic Citi-
zeu to the All-Out War Effort!
Balboa Inn Beauty Salon ...... _4,_.._,....8&.
..._s .. -..rta-.an
....... Calli.•
Central Detrign Agency
...... 15111
.... c-& IIIP••r. N....-rt ._.
Casino Cafe . ..._,.,. . ..............
Florence Bakery
H....-t~n ...............
Way's Market ....... .............
McNally's Boat Livery .................... ,_ &. aq A-...._
Newpwt lee and Cold Stonp C..
..... lf....-t ..... ll1 Ulft*Meak.N..,...._..
OceaD View ApuU.eat. ..........
• & ..............
Bleh .... ~ Prod1ld8
.._~._.UI ... ..,.._; ..........
-'==!~.:W ....
B ... P.-. Serriee Statloa ..................
.. •• OaMnl, •• .. .....
Market Spot
....... ?: ................ -....................
a.e TaillrtDc CA.ipell7 .....................
..... o.Mnl, .....
BoaJenrd Liqlion ........ -=.. ....... ............ Olala ....
Dear• smobct Filla ..................... .,.... ... _ ................
IADW. Brial ........ .... ,.. .........
'" .. <liMnl. .....
Demde'a Cafe ................. ,. I.U'ra..&-....c..-... _
GUI' Sea Shell Cafe
..... .. ...,.,. ._. 211
.... CIMnl. ....
Bay leland Club ..... H..,.... ..... .. .., ....... .....
Boyd's Gilmore Service Statioa
..... Jlfew,.n ._. -.,_ W.v.tnaA.._
Fruk SaUora Fiah Market
& Liquor Store ..................... ;_..__ .......... N........... I
Dudek's Market ....... .,...,.....,. ,,. ,....,.... ...... o.a.e ....
Balboa Theatre
...... c.llf.
Lido Theatre
Oaatnl A..._ lf.-,.t .....
Boa.levard Feed Stoft ·
..... N-.wt.._.lta
-Jr...,.n ....... ()aMa ...
Dr. c. J. c.-..... .......... 1-..-
-· pal-.&.~--,. ... ,.. ~ ... , ... -c.--~--2 --
-t Tile Ardiel
WILL YOO .. ,TS • L&TT&a to a Prilooer of War •.. to-
aicbt? ·'
Maybe be'a cme of IJDUDie Doolittle's boys. Per~pa he
.,..1eft behjnd when Bataan fell. Anyway, he's an Ameri·
c::.a • .ct be a.-•t bad • tetter in aJooc, lone time. ·
ADd wbea you ait down to write, tell hizn why yoa
didD't buy your lhare of War Bonds last pay day.
"'Dear Joe,'' you mi&ht aay, "the old topooet was cettinc
kiDd ol thradbare, 10 I . . . ••
Mo. era. it aut. Joe mi&ht DOt undentand about the top-
caM. ~ if be'a ahiverinc in a damp J8peDae cell.
l.et'a try apiD. "'Dear Joe, I've been workiac pretty
a.nt .ct bavm't bad a vacation in over a yar. 10 • • • ,.
Bdl, better era. that out, too. They don't ever cet vaca-
tiaaa where Joe'• atayinc.
Well, what are you wait:inc for? Go ahead, write tbe
letla' to Joe. Try to write it, anyhow .
Bat miller, it aomebow you find you· can't finilh
that letter, will you, at leal, do thil fot: .. Joe? Will
~ up the 'IIIDOUDt of moaey you're puttinl into
W• BaDdl 8Dd k .. p bv,yiDa )'OW" lbare from heR .CID iD '1
P•!jnd• TaYft'll
.._Jifeapul-..1 ... ...... ~a... ... -
Newpwt S... .. A Gift Shop ....... ,, .. -.. ... ~
n••·~• . ...,•-...
Port of SeYm S.. Boat Landin&' ..... ,. .. ,..-.. .. ., o...e ._. .... • pel .....
Western Canners Co.
Newport IIMdl. Calli .
R. W. McClellan & Sou
....... Trtleldac
..... N.wpert J1eM$ 1!1
Ml1 W. Olatnl A..,.., N....,_rt lle6c:lt
Sawyer Sport Shop
..._ Newport lllleaelt I'M
!01 Marble AYe., .....,_ ..._. 0 ,, • ._ ... a. ................. ...... ,.._._ c-aanw , .... ,.,......,._,.,._.. Rot.ert v ... , .. Co. Food Basket
lilt Newport Bl"-, Voeta 11-
• l«aa52-C.LO. ·
~Woden .......... _. ....
... W. OmaiNI .._,. Jllkapel _,.
AYem~r Foataia -............ -.._~·.-•~n ·
-•• OmaiNI A-. .....
HewaniW.G&a-. .... ~ ... ~ .. ., •. a.~n~ ....... ~ .....
New a-t Bailden Sapply Co.
..... ~ ......... .a
-•• (llzllnl ..... Jb ... .....
•. I '' I ..._,._!f..._.. ....
esc....-..n 4•• ,_,.._.
Ridlanl Seely, Pllotolrapher
118....._A._ ..........
Dr. M.D. (Dwford .,. , .. ..._,._,..._.. .....
.,.,,...,... ..... Olalla ...
Fitzpatrick'• Dry Goods
..... ,. ......... Ill .
A.B.~ ........
Croft ... Nerille
.... C.... "I&'-··· ... ~
Conrad Richter., M. D.
P!lye&dan INid Sarw-PM-.: otnce, Ill: Rea.. 1t .
Office, 10'7 Ha4 St. a-we-. 111 W. C.tnl
Newport lleacla, Calli .
The Doll House
Newport · ll&la.. Plalta 8prtap
Eugene Elliott
~-· t:atate ~ne Newport ~h S8
Ml 1:. Cetttral, &.lboa
Costa Mesa Lumber Co .
C011ta 11-. c.ur.
Mesa Liquor Shop
f'tlone Newport &Melt «
l&H "' Newport aaw .. Voeta Meea
' .-,f-1/lliAV/~IIItAN ..--•
Thla United States Treasury Ad·
vertisement, Authorized by War
Bond Committee, Is a Conbibu·
tion by These Local Patriotic Citi-
zens to the All-Out War Effort!
Sportland Bowling Center
Phone Newport Beet!lt .U
Mala 8trNt, ........
General Petroleum Marine
& Boat Service
a.. L. Valli•
Trickey's Real Estate
and Trickey's Richfield
Pbone' Newoort ae.dl tt'J·I
••• 1:. Ventral 4ve~ Balboa
Sherwin· Williams Paint Co.
Ralboa Paint Store
Phone Newoort ._. ltl
111 E. Bay An .• ll&la..
North American Shipbuildin&'
Newport IJeacll, Calli.
Sam's Sea Food Cafe
%811 c:'Aut llla'llwa7
Ileal lleeda. Calli . •
Sam Stiefel
..... Jette.
PlloM Newport a-. aa 111 E. ()aatnl, .....
Conrad H. Shook
()aatneter ..... , .................... IUII.ut8eA..._...._ ....
Clyan Hall ...... .., .. .......
..._ N..,_t ..... ·-UU (laM& ......_a.-... -
Bay Shore Camp ............. .._N...-t.._.l .. o..a&-...waq,N.....,.._..
Newport Balboa Fed~al Sarinp
& Loan Auociation ....., 'H..,_.. .... , ..
.... Vlal.Wo, u.. ....
laland Realty Co.
............ ......._ -'Hotlar7
Art .. rB...__
Plloae Newport Bead~ 1'71·W
%01Apt.A-. ....... ..._.
Balboa Circle Taxi
MeHeU ... .._....
...._N....-rtiiiiMII ..
...W.O.tnl A,._
Bayside Fish Market ...... ~
Balboa Canvas Shop ...... "_ m~ !tat M., ,....,..,. ..._.
Captain C.-M. Fuller
Mn. Gertrude A. Waldron
.... Eetate
l'tiOM Ne-.ert ._. !M·a
Vance Roofing Co.
P1toee Netnert lleadl ltle HOI~ c:'Aut 111M .. Newport lllleaelt
Gus Beach Service Station
'rw-lietaa _. Newpert .U.... eea.a ...
A. J. Twist
Ileal IAtate Offlcle
Phone .Newport Beaelt %4!1
10'7 c:'Aut HIPW'a7. C.roaa ... -
Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Hoke
lteetaa .... t
Pbofte Newport BMdl tUt
tOM o-A.-e., C.roaa ... -
Roal'a Cafe
..._ N~rt lle6c:ll 111'7
lilt c:'Aut ....... 7. c--... -
0 . A. Haley
ltalboa. Yadlt 8Mia
Costa Mesa Pharmacy
A. L. Plaldey
Pllone N"'lJOrt IIMdl 111 liZt Newport BIYd., Oolta 11-
Virg's Garage
and Machine Shop
.._ N-.ert Be.dl llt4·W o.r.ar lala,ette ... ~tral, Nawpan ~
:t! -
r •
-----..-------------~~!!!!!-~!!!!!!-!!~--~-~~!!!!~~!!-~!!-~-~~-~~~~~~-NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TDIES. Newport 8lld. Calltomla.'JVEtSDAY. SEPTEMBER 7,1943 -I . --l llfillllll~ftnltlll.ttrft · CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING
I . llnit fw ·Muill
Centr al Aw ., N•wpo'"t ._."., ••"'
'01 N. ipallr a . ~""''tan. At
I"'"" .,.,,~ tor "•"' I. oU t•, In-
aur.a~, ~otAr)' P wbltc. lmo~
., •• advtoe 0Y'Ir n ,._r of ·--
.. ·••\(• ',,~. "'O"'-on 0...••, • ''CJ"' for ••••. l&)nO N~ny If'·
,.,,. pru.-n••• to t• .aO. tor
'"""" u '" ---"0" ......... _, ooor~. I room ho., ...
....... ••••••• II\ ....... ,." .. kll, tl~CI. .... 0 ................ .
All-lie 1)111 or AU1nt1c , .... . .. ~
·~ "I.NT-L or.. IH rCk It oro ··-·~·"'"'• .. "' ....... Aw • •llloo l olond , t10 lo tJO
1111nd ..... ,,, co . 101
A,.. . •••boo lolonll.
WI SI"ICI 'II.Ill. In -.. ,...,.,, ..
fta.H. our J •-'om e •owr• .. , ""
tor y~r H••..-<'f•Oft t·-lM !10
Ottwr oultrh "" !10 "" l..o ...
L o sT & F ntJNO
t..->a1 -Wflln•octoy. No..,port ••r,
If loot '>Odd I• b<>ord. No\11• ol
wood , ,.d 1n1tiAie "H fli'••'•ct
Plloftt No"'P"rt aooc" IIU "'
•1 41C
I O•l-Otl•on• t>lotrr•11n1 onll 1111
mond t>ln ol •"'-lolon<l, ,,.
Arch••· H•tna M•• .. r•e, ., ,. ...
oo'e C.to Mre. ~. • .. -••·
1ft ... ,., .... ,, • ....... lola ....
P lun• ..at-J. ..~
B oA~s & 5uPPU£fl
... :l. ..... .. -, . .-
llllt•t ......................... .
"'Alii I"'& •At.. VAG& A!OtO f ''" .. -lOIO w c...e••• ....
,. ... ,_
1 'u"
t l• • .,. f t "'· Mill ..... c ..........
tth .... t•~~~t -...~~ ••" ••1 1
1'0" a.-ll-11 .. ••.• ..... ...... ..,... ...._ ... _ •••• w .... , "". ~ -.ac:~o p -'"' ....
10" .... ~.. ..... ., ...........
"'I -~-~.-....... --l-·-· ,. ...
J o) ............ .,., ... -· ··-··
o.. ........... ·--·-
........ WAIIIIT·~~ -ff/l ..,... ___ .......... .... _ ..... ~......_ ......... .. _._....-. . .--...
_. ... , ~~~ Mc!UIIt''e ....
~c-·... ...... ., ... ....
"'""'li.O-V ...... 1<w111 to -· I• .,., ., ·--............ .
PN-. lilt. AI-... "'-· ..._. .... -.-......... ....... ...... _, ........ ., .. ..
h~LP WANTaD -c;.-..
•alt.-.. ..-.. ~ eM ........ ,.; _ .. w ........
........ .... ., .... not
C-' UlpwaJ, .... ....... c..... "'-.... ,. ... .... -... , ..
M•lr WA ... TID-._ ,_ 1u .. . .............. a...,.,, ...... .
tiel _,., ..,.._ ._,, M r ..... . ......
~~~.f?OJU.U.J'IllTLES -------------------,,. ·-... ,. .· --_. .. -...... ..-.... --·--WA .. TaD-A .................. ~---+ ..
........... lit • ,, .... -u.. Bait 8u;phd
M&W"*' MY INtWiii&ift 00.
Now Is Very Active at
IRVINE LAD ...... ~ ......... ., ...
FOH aAliL-I..•r•• brick bldg.,
..... ...,.,.,~ Nft_llft .... .. , •• -, t
tond .. ,. oQ.;•p., tii(IO, To...,...
ll'and llleauy
.. ll>oa lelolld.
Co., .:11 'Aeato. .. ....
¥1ANT&D-To ..,., I or I IM4·
roc»" ........ Wftf\Uftle~. p,.fer.
.... , ... ......."" "•'•"" In
A\·~rare pun:h .. ot an atra la~e_-r buyf'ra They: are t.be U. a. •"',.. ""· J!' Newpor1 •••bo•
$100 W a.r Bnnd ~y ~v«'ry lncom,. Tn&alry 2•~ p.r cent bclftM. 1 "'"'• · Tl--'flU, Nowpor1 , .... ~... .. ....
-m n-In Southf'm California will per ~nt bond.e and % rtr eeat -----------
bf' oK MAry lhla mooUI to att&ln Oert.ltlc&t .. ol lndt'~ W
the ara'• $207,SI8,600 Third War Moulton .u-ect OM tact ANTED TO Buv
Loan q~ ror llldlvld~ the e•~ money .. &vallaMe WA""T TO .uv=;.;;.. ..... •••·
Ot thl.l artWNnt ll~.40S.to0 &a Mf'f'Unr Ult' quota 1D ~ u..ooo .... ooo. ,.,...., wotorlront
Ill aalde for II: Bclnda. wblch &a CoUiorui&. Wrlle • .,•L•-" Aw., L .. .-...
IIIOft U!ua five ~ Uw normal Blulk ckpoate In t.hW a,_ Mft ...... •· Calif. ?t.,.c
monthly pu.n:tw.ea ot t.h1a •rie•. lncrf'ued 1300 000,000 ID U.. IMl _
known u the ''peop~'1 boneS," ln liX D11111th8. and the l out hie,.,.
u.. 11 .outhem eoUDU... llbare ol the IIIC,..... "' ~ Puauc NoTICKa
ft1a ..-DC:--1 waa mad~ outllandlnr; bu bMft ....,.._
by R.obnt H. Moui&GD, chalrmaa mately IUO,OOO,OOO, lloultoa ca•TIFICATa 01' IUIINKII
ol UM n-ry Departmaat Wu pomt.fod out. PICTITIOUI FI .. M NAMa ·
nn.nc. CommiU.. for ~ D e-&Deoma tn the U.. ~o..a.. IDdlvid-'-aJoea Ia lloi&Uwlnl ,., .......... do M,..by car-
A)Uioup thio drtn ltarta ot-lfoml& 18 runnt~ about *l UMy &re ~1111' a
fk:lally l'epl. t . Moulton aru~ouneed 000 pe:r monUI, or a ~ o1 at Newpo« a.rb. Or·
u.t all pure.._. at It, P and G 000,900 .-ce Ula laooM Wu ...,. ~. ~ Uadw U..
Boodll made .&Me ~JI(. 1 will be drive. be .uc1 tldM.._ ftnD nama fJ/1 dlunel
couat.fod lll Ula Tblrd wu Loan ''If -m&U ow qucta to ~ 01)., ud U..t aiel nrm ..
total& cStntuala of tto'r .000.000 C57IIJ I. el the foUowtftl P""
Three other typq at MCUtiU.. montJI. -wtll baft IOid Ill -. .-..-....S ,-e .. el
wtJJ be offered, ~ attar lMt ftft ..eM ~ • .,.. u foll-. to-wtt: ~ptflllber t . '!bey will appeal 138'f,ooe,ooo ln Bonda to Aftllw K Rudd, 1300 Wonclw·
principally to '!'lrpontioae aDd uala. or 1.-t.baa aa.balt ot tM .,... Plu&. lAe ~ Olillt«M'-
your o * " "•""•"'-"' wtt"
C"M"'·KIIrl Kll c...mploto I<O .. IP·
mont, l"r lulll"l tO ~ -
ah•thi)Oe •••r to ••· aMttlwtel~
1\Arml-P ral-•r , ... _ ...
lftt •uct1n 1 Jwne l..a"l · ,,.,.,..,..._
....,vlo .... ,. M•-Y , .. _ If
.... .. ...... d J, " Oe·•-C•••• M IWIIf ~ ........ ,. 14T-p
f~111ty and mat«. n t.o A~Atrl* ~. 1t4ll
f\ J 8KlTH.
l.~unt y a...tl
Pub : Autr• 31, l'ept .. T, 16, and
21, l~S.
Kiwanis_to EIMt
At the rerwu -t .. ,...,..
otay ot U.. N_.,_. ...,._. 10-
-na. Club thd ..,. ot ~ •
wtU t. Uw aNIIIal ei«Uorr at -
~ ..... lew ltu-44. J.-,......
............... •<• -. ... • ••• -·· ., . ........ " _ ...... ... ._., ..• .,..... ··o.··•·~.., ................... ..-..-.
c:-,.t, ........ __ --· ...... .. .. "-
FC>f' ~~ -t•. ..., ~ _ ...... ._._ ··-"" .. , ...... _. .... ....-<1 .. oc.. ,, ....
II'IICOIIC TAll Do·--..... ...
0 L CULL v • AMOClATU ............. ............... ___ F_. ......
..,_,A~CALW ....
ANV .AGe TOOAYf .... .._ --.. --. -...... ..._ ............... --I ------....... , ........... ---·----. ...
~~ ~ ._.......=,. ... ~ Plaa•l,.. Exrtd •
~·ddt ... ~ _, tM State H ... w., I••• Oaard ot ~ .. t.M _.._ •
altii4J C'OaNitt.M.
.,_ • -... .,.,. AN•r •
.... a I -.... -····C..· ....... ~ ......... ....... .... ..., ... _. ....... ;;;;-......---·-....... _.,_ .. ,..._
-· ~--· ... I ... c..-" .....
-·· a.-.. --,.._... .. .,.,. ,.......
··-..U-4 ................ . -· -..... .,._, ........ T .. _.. .. _, ........
--~ea.. c...--. ...
CAM wAII!tfaa-...... • ............ _ .. ..... ......
A-R.e.utl AUft WMCI&I ... -..... r..--. ..... -. ...... _ ...
Fot~ SM.a
MtSCIR.LAHilOU8 ......... " ........ .................. ................. ~-~ ---... .... ..,;::., ""' m ,, ... ...... •*·-.... ... ...__ ....... __ --ftlaal...... . ..... "" .................... ...... .._y._ .........
• ~ Qoodllll ....... ..
I1Wine,.rw tot. ~ tor tiM
~t -"~~• ~ -n.u...-,.
~. t , M U :l6 •-M tM ICIIIe-
trx Grill "' aaao.. ......... a.-m••--' ,.. anllable tDC:OIM.'' IICNitAift .ad. a
.-------------------------laratklalt on tbe coauDOO ..,._ '"No IIIUa or -.-a......,..... MN O.W.. ......_, Iff ...._, for the ftnlt u..... .-rt-tJ ,.. beck dDrlftC t.bla ttPaUc ...,_ \o ......_ OIMfamAL 800iaaaJf
nc.t. el tUG ,... ...,.. u .,.._ bKJt up aur ... oa u.. ........... WiiNI:M ow -..... ~ IMil ~
--~•c-.r ' ....... ~.... .. .. = -
&MPn a c-.r ?,~----~~=~~ ........ -.-.. .-. asa•lll ..... -=-~-~ ...,... c:ae..·v a
(1'1&&~ a-. A*)
---~ eooD JSBING D ALL ,..
Llw Bait Always Available
a..-& TAQQM! ftOIIE
ala v. Kelt-'
J'1SIIING TACKI.XE 8PIIICIALIST ......,... to......_-,.,_._.Salt Water 'l'adlW
···~ c&la' . .......
ftwme,•t a,......_ owc..a-...., • ()pendnc Dii07 •t 1 A. II.
Tbe I . B. -Slleno -111r Miaawltt
,....S trtua M.TI pw -.n tor tbe &anti. Mo cme ...... pa111t to fllr fll ......._ IMI. ~ ..
WI I I ............ ., lillllt ,_,., 'Oir IMr ..,..... ...,.., ... --'I r-~ II; .... Ia .,, Its
Harbor Boy Given
Army Promotion
aat aar-cty lendlftl' 10 per ~t or 0.... ........ ._ more and 1 am dcJeq • ._...... ..a. at O.Ufontla,) 'l'a.IEPIIOfd ~~
We hope that every 8oudlllrll Oouat)' ol Oraqa. •• for latMutMal ..,. WIIIIIL Ela-
Ca.llfOI'NUI ..W coaa.k1u W..... 011 Ul .. lltb UJ o1 A\&IUIIl. ~ )'eU Ulll'l~t :~
a penon~ .. uer. After aU. tM INI, bit~ -· Lut'U. 0 . ""-· crea-. .,..ului~. l _t• ,..
S.vaftft&h. c;:--Pfc:. John E.,lndlvldua.l wiD be Ole ded ... a N*'7 P\lbUc til ....S for .ud plnynwnt Job llftvrtty.
SlbWinc. eon of Mn R. L. SlhiU. fac-tor · C'...&J ....s lltat.e. ,..._.ny apo ant WI'IM1l.lftl C!llftdjttc.. Mtd
A.I.IWW •o.aaens, c.._ ..
(JJI .... -. ..
lnc. l t20 Manzanita St.. eo.ta ---peued A.rtbur K Rude and ....Uta. Olllllor1unttJ for
M-. calif. hu been promoted <--.. ~. k-. U1 DM to AAtwa,_,..t. "\'amUaM wttil
lo the rank of O>rpor~, ft WU Ration Coupon be tie Jlf'f'Mnlt WMw n&mM _,.. .. ,. Aawric&n 00..
announced tortay by Ooklllel Ber-111'--''-' to tM toN~ til-AvalleblltfY c.rtlftaatl Profe•liaul Dinda7
nard T. eutor , command!Dc ot-Dates and Data ~ and aclulowled.-1 tll me ~I
flc-n , Hunter netd. ~rrta. Lbal Uw1 ~ted the -•· .. VIa 1'01711 OOVWftl'
cpl. 8ili1Dinlt ent.en:d the aerv· M•ta and tau: R.cl M.alllpe In ...._"ft'l"r'H&M DIJ II&Dd &Dd offtc:1&l Ill YITAL WAS w-..1
..._ao...t,.aa ... ... ... .,
ac-e at Loe Al'lfd• on December ~.~-.~ .. ..,.., •allcl for 11 poa.ta Cllel) IM a. ... &~ ..._
:.0. 1M2. Prior t.o enler1Jll' Ole u f.,...,.. If, llela. IIHVke b.e att.ftlckd Newport Ha.r· X. Y . and Z. now t.o OCtober 2 I.AadM 0 . J'ruer • IUY, H. ..... Alia ...... ~Ala
bor ~UP 8CIIoel, Nnrport Bead!. now throuftl SeJI(embPr 20. lr--lf-llary ___ P\l_~_le_lo_aact __ 'or--aald-------------.. ll 0... -.. ... a...-.. H..-. caur. H.-wu -~ by oauc-oan-ca ,._...: Blu. ...,. a. .Y , a' .,
tut A.lrcnft Oompany. Lone •· ....s T lrl 8ook No. 2 -.lid -E WIIIEIS IEEIEII . Ueadl, Calif .• u elactraplat.ar. A\II'Wt 1 ttl~ ..,.._.r •·
Hla brot!Wr, lAR.oy BdUUiq. Bt&mpa u. v. aad w. ~'.ad IIIIIW 1"'---H
•• • ~ u .... Aray. · to OCtober •· umBU dated Vultee Airaaft Corp. llul&r stamp No. It til ..,_
Fishermen Get
More Insurance
Pacllk C.out n~~rmen have
won tbetr batU. for lDcreued .....,.
!~ranee, attn a cootroverey G ·
tf'ltdln« from lut July 1J, IIDd
No. 1_,.,_ ,.,.... ...uJ ••'tlllll II E:Kpandln• Ita 1 ·-... D---L Octntler 11. • .__ ..... UCM;II
ror --ana onl)': ....,. No. F.--..a-Plant
14 llDd No. 18 til &o.ll No. I nlY ~
for nve pouDdlt eeda UarouP Octo-
ber 11.
..-,y p, AIQIW II* .. ~ .......
~---,., a .....
~--em • ............ _OIIIIL..._ ......
OC*IIAD -····· ... ft;$• ..... a I _., ... ...... ........... -. ........ " ....
" --· ... ,...,
..J!s;Ji;.!. 'ti"J!•. -............... _ .:...._._ ---· ... ... ·---....... .
Dr. II. D. C..wfortl
,.--------------------------"'""' wW bt!ncefortb be pUd 1'8 e«<U war r18k iD...,ra~.OI'I "ft'J tOD.
War RaUoa Book lD-Browa
ltam~or DMat. e&DMd ftlb.
~ acllble oUa. ebeMe aDd CUUMCl
A. sept. 12 to October 2.
No Experience or Tralnln1 Needed!
......... __. ......
On*&. c.o. ~~ Anloy .. ....,
··~···~·,·~ ..,_= I at ca....~ a&Y 5JM8AU."8 lft'II&IWI IAlOJillfO
11IE ft. YEll. SCOlT1" AND JIA Y -B BOATS llilllJ 1:30 ud 1 A.. II. 84 ...... ~. 6 A. II.
Qartft' Baata A~ for 5 to 40 Penons
I'IIO!'f& ...
We Wiah to ExJft88
For the patronage we have enjoyed
this aeuon, and will hope to see our
frienda and east01fter8 early next
l .a.o-h=
'MII8 wu announced today by
04/or~ 'l'lblu. price attorney wtUI
the loc:al otn<"' ot the Otflc~ nf
Pr1ee Adm1ntJitratlon. followtnr
Act.lce• from the ~ Office
that lhl• niUre bu been appf'Oved
for all w~I!Um tlftii'J .,_._
''T1118 wtJI not_., any adnDL»
In r~tall prt.·u o1 r~ or canned
fllltl," lllatu Toblu. "elnce t he lD ·
'unuwe premium mult be ab-
IOrbed by Ule c:annff'. wtlo~ulf'r
• r tlealer •• ho bu Y• the flab.el"'llft\ ·a
F1Ab bu>·~rw had been paym,.,
anrt favo~ rrW~tlnuln~. a p~m-
•Um of 36 cent& per tea. Boet
nwnrn all ~OnJ the PacifiC
I CO&Jit fnond 1 heir fonnn r rrw
D1411Dbera preferr.d workln• Y\~e
In ~~~~ on wll.bout What t.be7
I r OI\Mde-red edequa le war r1ak ln-
1 I'IIMlllre_ By llltrf'l'ment. tbe matr
l,.r •·u rcf~rnod to thf' OPA. and
all afferlf'd cout office. pooled
1 their ftndlnR't with the re(tonAl
1 t~fficf'. rt t. f"ltJM!CII'rt Ulat wtth
1 fol'h«'nnt'n·e ~ met. c:~,. ..
will 1became a' aiiWIIe for many
flm&llf'r c:rafl which have opera.ted
abort haJided during the put ,_
B. Sept. 11 to OetoMI' 2. c. sept. :ze to Oct.ober ao. o. Oc-t 2 to October ao.
p;_ Oct tO to OCtober 10
F, Oct. 1T to October 10.
GUCIIIM: No. T ouu,_. ID "A"
book pod for • ,..._. thruuctl
Septenlber tl. An new A-Booll
ooupona m\lllt be ~ oo tront
I( COIIJIOII wtUI CU Jlca~M num•
ber uad llt&t.e ot ,...wtr&Uon.
'nre tn~on: P_l'., e&rw
Mlb 4-Book only mua b&vt
lrwpect.ed apJD by mlclntl'tt lep-
tember H .
Can With 8-Book mull Mft
Ura tupec:ted ap1D "' Oct. 11. C'V1I w1UI C-Boolll mwrt have
tlr1'a IMJif'rled q aln by Nov. ao.
8~: 8larrp No. 11 Ia Boak
No. 1 One pair ot rat.loiMd ....,_
throurtl October 11 .
PROSFJII 12 a II --------------------ll'ublllhed Eve..-y TUHdiJ end Thut"'day· Af'te""""e Volume lUCJUY
Suwnpt iM Pll)'llhlf' 1r1 Ac!va~:-12 r,o rw-r v~er 1, Or'lu't~ Count)'; 12.'1'5 .,..r y.er to tth toM: 1.\.00 P"' )'"r tl) ltfh Pnnfl
.... Appbcut Mlllt Prlelmt a Sorial S.:Ur1t)' OW4
at Time fll lrltemnr 1
llr. Paal ......
tJ. 8. Eatplo,...,.t Servb
1180 &oath Oout BIYcL
IApaa a-dl. ~.
Every ~y-8::\0 A. M. to 3:00 P. M.
......... Pr'INnU7 Employ.ci lit._ Prtme o.r .... J~
Nftd Not Appl1!
&&. ... r .a.a... o.... PI' .. I ......
.... Ourwlwa ....... .... By ...,... Odlln ... .
EY" Eumlllllod aa.... ntt ..
Dr-=~~= ,,, ............
T~~ fl. R. :M1'2
. ,,., ....,..--;--....... I
.._... oo.Y&.-..
ULft IIOIIftJUI' a.,.a., ......
•••"'-' .... c:--...... -......... ..... ..... ,.. ....... ..
...-....=-._ ~~~ .. _ .....
N.D. CAa ; .. ... ..... u,_.....aa. --·--. .......... ._ .......
"· -
Falcon Skippers, Crews Honored with Labor
Day Luncheon Given by C. Wurdemanns
ftlcoB ......_ UMlr c~• and I Other p&rtnU a nd J'1Jrlla w~r<'
~eae o1 their p&Ant• were I('UHU H~nrv Grandin. ar .. Mn~~ K~nnrlh
M a II&IW~ rtv• Labor Day a.t. "'orpn. t.lnt. Olin ~nan.
t he Belboa Yacht Club hy Mr I Mr &nl1 ~frw F f'llnk Slmpeon. Mr
aDd Vl"L Con~ Wun11'mann. W11ltnm l n"ler . Mr IUid Mm 0 H
A 8111ver J)f'rpetual t rophy, a Se-t ook and Mr~ V"'ma B&rbfor
«!ffY ol the famO\UI ~r Thnm.ut1 Mllllv .. thrr at'tlvlt1,.11 took pill<'•'
L'--t""' ,,........,v, •• ..,. pu"'""""~ tn r.t thr Yllr ht C"luh nV~'r the Labor
~ • tM ..ae-~ua. f'lll)' w••,.k·,.nd, 1\ftll mbnv ul•l
and 111 ··n~op'll\ .. 11 '''"II \'<'l" "'1Ul mt'miH•r,. Rr-11 l{ltPlllll w••r•· I•"'~""' A. ~:dv urd Hu hAn~m . .,.'" o1
Feminine Activiti~s
'n.. ..._ ot Mr. and Vl"L C. ,.,
Former lslande~ Mr. and Mrs. Robertson.
Honored with Trio of Week-En€1 Parties
the winn"rll of lh,. Hl"8t lhrre In 111ll1tllnn I<) lhr Hl!UAI rrowl1. :>lr lind l!tlno A s ttl! ha,...hon,
pLaeee In th• Fall'on 11C'rle11. F:n·l 1..1 E. !'1. RoM, \I~N. 11n f>l•l·lmu• B<l\'llhh• ,fr" ,, n• 11r l~'ll"a li<IIUld, Watt., 120t We« Bay aven!H'. ·
Newport ..._ ...... u. .:ae ot Mesa Home Scene of ('nLVC"d upon thco cup thl• yeu are mt'rrhfr rof th,· rlub wu a g'IJ'"": .,n;l ("hn•lln•· ""'''" r•hoenlx.
the namf'l of Rill RMiviA R<on I Bunda~ Annlhtr old nHmb<-r anc1 1,1.,111.'lll••r , f !\l r aJIII lllll. AJien
Ynun(love 1\ftd Jl'nlnlc l!llmJ*lll. fr. Navy man. f'lnrlly ~lt'tl'lllf, WllA 0 N. r'hCJenht, 16th and 1\Uflln. O?sU
8 llndce «"'UP party Bwaday "e·IBridoe Luncheon ~lin«. ~
Other aklpelC'ra pl"l•.enl for the w••ek-tml V1~il••r nt lhf' r lub. Al•·l · '" "ll. "Il l ,.:\1 hurr.:• nllpllnl ,.,,...,.
IWiebeon weff' Sonny loior.r~. ratr w uA Ill onr Umt nnUonAl 11 tho• c·.,~tn M•·Hrr C'< n munity
Jack Hu.kell, noo S<'hnt'k. 'rood., ~nlrw· C'hu.mp)lm. 'hureh Wo-dnf'lldnv l'VI'OIDif at nlne
RIP IICtlf't' wu woa ~ Mn.
Carder Uvi.Dptoae. Mr. Watt•
r.rc"ftftd -.:ond prt•. and Mn.
P"nd BDrckcor. UUnt.. ctlr11trnlll'n. DaM ~mllh. r~ratll t.H• Mabe~ Oake10 tuu N'lllmr•l •··l•PI H •
lladlpn. Grant Baldwin and Don 1 f r""" Nt"W York City • whrr,. ah•·1 r.tr Hkhllrtl/l m anti hill bn •l,...t·-1
'nlompeoa. ~~nl thrr.• W(·l'k~ lii,IChiJIIIot•ln~: Oll•l lw "'' ,.. t. .. t h l(r•tJu.rted from I
Ref~b _,.. ~ at
tbe ca.-cl tbe -.lac to th~
)1--. aM ,._.._ E.. . cr-· rr~m~ra wf're n orolhy nth'fl<11n~ Urr thr•nfr•· ~ht' ala" I r-; .. w JYin H llr~ u n 1., 0 hrgtl
Rftltel. Trial McNelllh, Mr. and ~p('flt 11nm•! tlmr ln Prlnr,.tun. llchool 1-'nllo~lr~ ht• graduation I
M"'. }f r. H~ndr1•·klltlll, Marj N J , tsrklnK " lhrt•f' wrf'k •'ntlrll<' 11 ,, •r<~~ •• ltv•• llrttf,. .,... ""' att.-LJd..l N~~. U ruta Lrwlll. Bubllra 1 at l h t W"lltmlnatn Choir rt)lh~lf·' 'tl ~1 p A 1 ~ oil 0 Beard .. ~. Bob Rempel. Dick Mll·l :u11l trtutly;nl(' unt.lo·r thf' dlrrr l r <•( 1
:, a." 11 tr~l•·r n~ ~~·:.~ ~~.:. ~f:~:ll
"~ Ot.nler UYI.DptoDe, Fr-ed aaufecor. LNtn 111bt'U. Hen.ry
Eawrt. J . A. O&nt.. lAw Wallace.
~ ~ aed c. B. Rudd.
11kan. Mimi ~Jerbl ... Jt iUI Smith. thl' .-hor1J J t•hn Jo' nlr y Wtlll:w 1· I k r A ' IIIli
Gilbert ~mlth, Jrnn Jfllhn. ~rr 1000 Mu•' UakN. who Is MMI•I· ls.r •. " ro ... r, a 1101 ••· ~c:•t K~h MO'lfall, Dick Dunlap 'Ull m(f'5110r of m •uoll' a t p"""'. thr :Suvy on Ft>IJnlBry 4, 194. "'" R h 1 Han p 111 """ " ..,_, • .,,.,, • laAA o •un•lmlt.lt Jim [)no"''"•· Tf'd • r oen aw. • •h·nll junlnr M Ots;:r, hn.tl WI h1•r ~I 1 h 1 11 h .:--~-----•-_._....._ Ka.rkc atmpeon -....,,., k .·n•t .:u ... 4 at-u.-v ... ~rlubl.' -::. , I"'"" !IIOl'•' Krlt u••tmn '" r
Lucy ~1"11t11. Be& Blms-. Vr. At " I 011 r•l ot ~lrHtrm. m{>o·tlnto: l•ffi<" '" Jllolbor •.
....., Orudbl, Jr., ao, QraMJry, M....., All• Ia P.hllll t>f Pa..~·nA I bt ... n •·mJ•h•\'1'\l at u,.. tt'lt'phvn
G. N. ~f:lln Mr R F. HI\Jit· ~nlut duv niJ:ht. lhrn nt'w mem S -:--CJ b Ch 'ld -~ Jlnnk Walta. Bartlara CUn· !)e,. Wt•re &ecrptf'd by the Balboa ew mg u • I ren
dltf ud M nedlUI Cu'C Yacht Clttb. F:tt~ln L. !>Iunny of EnJ'oy Beach Picnic
Nrwpnrt lleac'h and RJatph L lltlu
fir I ,.,
IIIII tile
Bill If
nf r oro11.11 d,.l Mar wt>rr ~lvcon rC'J(·
ul&r m .. mt..r..tllp. anti Bill Fkktr .
11 aludf'lll at Pomona, waa ~ a
Ju nlor me,mber.
R. L. Boyds Entertain
at Dinner Party Mon.
lff'ntbC'ra 1 f th" N.•wm.: Oub
mtt on t ht 1><-ru·h al ('nrvrna dt<l I
Mar Jut TburJttllly f , r a )')tl'DIJ
m~~K· •
Thl'lflf' memllf'ra prc9r'nt --.·t-n-1
U1t-.t.fN<Iatnt'tl Ml•dr•'tl Merro•ll
Lfoonura Zubf'. fl11rr" Jf'skll, ant.l
Zfonnbla Frott.. AJl""l81 fu..lll was ----------""""'-.., Mary O:>le. Ctlll•ll"ffl who en)o)'fll
AI a fa'""'eU dinMr for aevcral the picnic wert' o~raJdi.De Jullo. Plain T alb-lira. Dorotlly .MacDaaald ol
aurnnwr rHi~ll who an ntum -JciAn Zubfo. Donna Zubfo. Atfrtod wa•r 1_.Y. UPT£11_,. ._ R.twnMe. wllo 11M bM!n a ~
Ina to the city, Mr. and lln. Rob-Me~ll. Martin f"'T-NNC. Naocy Cok M U S ( C dim fll w-.._ .--fll lira Zd1a S. s.ndar 110 I
ert L. Boyd ol Corona del Mar Oennle ("t)fl', Marilyn Nacll, QeraJ-d ~.: w . .....,.. y ~ a.. .tftet. Newplllt a.dl,• IIDir '
entertained a p-oup ol frienda at dlnc Nuk. Kt'nnf'th Nac-ll. I*· ....... z ~ -.. a. -.-r, left 1ut ww11 to ,..
the SunMI cal~ 1n O.ta MHB ot.by ,.owler and KaJ PridlluL a, r..t-d l:t 5 «.-. ~ .._ «<L lira. laJ' t.. to a..r ..._ • tile IDiud
Monday ewnJnc. ...._ uso o.a.r. 2:u OrcMf.. c... ... dtJ'.
PIIICft at t1w dlnnn tabi~. Corona del Mar Red --· -------which wu centnt'd with zlnnlu , .._, ... 0.. _. lira W ao,d • Oonma del
1ri varioul ahadN ot '"· -"'Cross Workrooms ...._ _. .... .......,lut fttdlt.J ...... muked for the Metar~. and M"· F' .. c--1 ,_. ..,_ e L a t.e t p. a. ... • a ........... .t U.. Bal·
damH 0yan HaJJ. Jack wu.on. Moved to Palisades st s. we ._. ... • .. o... a-a. ...._ .......... Tedlt a.-u.. • < ., ~-. r ,...--· ••• -.... A-. ......_: Jack C~WtW, s,t. and M rs. John ~:;'~ --,_ .. -_. F z , ....... ~ ... -.r . ._ ...... y. a. .... ,. 1 &ed Plforft, Mn. Jew BoRo, MJ. El· W1tb the ~ 01 the N-~· -.__ ~ -wtaa U. tnJ4t1 1 ....,, .. aake
wanda Johnston, the Mean. 0Nn r'tlllldenee tile Oonlaa del .._, ... ..,.;, ~ WP...... 6Jr -pa. otrl I I .. t P. a ... ~ -put ot .....
H.a.D. Jedl Boyd. ~ HaiMt_ en-wortr,._.. lta-.e ._ u.t. OIIIMIJ eA , • jWt .....,._ ......_ O.la. -..ara.
and tM '*' .,., halt... c.IIAn.-M fr'OIII that bu!JdlQc to tile -..,. a _,. ...., n .................... a..
dJai~ room at the ~ Ta-are • a ,..._ ........ • ftl& 'Y, ~ ..._
Mr. Mil Mrw. w-., BrMae and ftm. It bu bHn &(IDCIII.Inee4 ....... a ~ «<L ,_-....... ft .• ....-y. .._. ot
..,.,_ Da~cl. at ~ .-at two s-t.ftl' w11J ('OIItin~ -.._ k'aa -c.-.. --.. ,.... ........ UjWt ........
...-. Ia aouu.nl cautomla re-dayw aed 1'\MedaJ• rro. 1 te t _,. ..,t «tL DIP » ~ .. a-· _. -....
eetly wtUit lira. Alma RaUl. UT wiUl V..... J . .S. V\Uitald M ehar--,.. -.t1 .. .... ,_ 9 a. a .. t p. a. .. OINM
21Ul lib'Mt. Nnrpon BMda. and man. 8urp;.J cii'NIII&nc ,....._.. Pr ; $Ieee Dta OF. • _. atr <W. ......_ ...... ..p:.l
oOMr NlaUna lfr. an-. .. a ••-will be 011 w.-...a,. ,._ Aray Air a.,. a& ..._ ~ • 2 • • a. a t.e t p. a. lU
,_,.... Ill u.. u.a.M. ud ~ t to • u uauaa with 11ra ~ n. -.. ...._ ., -... ,.... ---. ....._ ....._ ta,. el Use PMifte lat4rduiJ Mu1llpn Ia ebarp. Eyer 'I _. .. ..,.. D S C , ..._ a JWt --.r ID 2 a.,
Tadat ILa IIU... WednHdaJ aft-a ..-a..._ ............ .--.... -......r Gila....._ 12: .. -
eone~-.. tile_,.., -.tr wt11t .. ..._ llr. ~_.I .... .
!:f:.c;cl llaya
=r.=·-.......................... ,._._., ~ ......... _ .... ... l.,:~--~·=-·=··=!!!~ -a .. ~~ -........-. 119 .... a .. ..a ...... ;as ............... .. .; .... • ' a ..................... -......... ..... ~-............... ...
,-en r~.:r G,:h:~n r., at 400 mllq
-,n hc:n w1UI a .bp Zt-ro Gr a M-
.:rscirr.i~t oe dletr t.lla ~here lan't
~.:a tb w fer e-cJ ... ~ ao ._
Ar.n7 •d die lfny ...,._ • m•t~J
~ p!cturu Gt utual dot llpta
and .... h t\.la •• ~~GNible .. -
student I .e-..
•on oN
CAN PIUIT IUUIU -.... -............. ....... ,......,....,.,._..,.
.... .... • IUIIIQt of tut1
""" ...... -.uctl .. apple. ..... ,.. .. plum. 'nw7 .....
.. -.t.to....um.lundt boa.
• aeaua tlllat fntur. mild taodl; a 11M lllft&d for wa&a. .well ..._... and fr.nda touL c.. ..... riM'Md ~
wtth hit butter ..a a quick
ud lMtJ INMrt.
tr ,,..... . ............
1 pl. _ ... ~-••tJI ,...~
Ill ...... • pl alke4 a,a.... ~ .. lJ. ltJr llft.L 'WNa k .w+-. .... ,u. •• ,.,, ... ,.
....,..., .... d ....... c -11
..c.IIMtl«lllaJ• hi ••..0. .. ,..
""" a Uttla Ia C"Mlf'4. Pafk Into 1114. !lt.nU_. jt'llJ ria•-ae4 ......
See cookboolu nnd puhltr 11 lons t.. other fruit huller N'<'illf'F
~ .......... .._,,.........
........ tile ....................... _. .-r. --..., -
r ,.....~ ......... r..s...-o.-.o...,........ ........ fiC ......... lee
IMt ..u. . ...._..,... _.. • Me a • 2 ..,_=~~t;~~~~ DNEiju.v
.... •o.. .•. o.y-.....
..._..A .. D't.Wetle
.. .behell81'"-'•A.-D , ..... , ..... .-4 ...... u ,,_,.,.,.,. w CH LW.r OU •••"•a,:•••••• Ualted ltatft 11M•1P?p.W •~ .....
A -'fldeat ...,1, ctf .._
........... tYi~naiaM
__, ·-,.. • lt .. ,_ tMcWI..... .
~ ...... ·-,.. ... JOUr ..... ,~.-...-·ttluat..U
•••• '*-a "'OM-A·o.,'" 1'Miet ....., ..,. .
l DllD & MY· I M1 Yll TMI
pnmlmately .70 ,_ tM .... "" .... --... .. 1------------
uu. quilt. ....... lilt -...... .. ... Gioorp a.dJI Mrs.~ M-. diiAAr-. ot a.lQataa.ub_,_._.... ..._ b 11ieb at.a _..
ka.lttiq. bu ~ UiiM -lilt -* • 7 2' .. ... ..... .... ... A.lr 0..,. yamtortbtmaklqellalee ..... ,___.,...._ .. _~C 1 ._ ....... ..._,_
for boeptt&la t. bl aacl tanat -7-...a na et • «<L .._ -,.,. e 2 *' .._.., tMa -
one ~ to lmlt tiM.a .....,. ,..., a.. ~ •• • a.. 44 t
I'D&)' c:al.l al tbt Bahlaa P'Ndee• .. 2 0 ,>~ -..
0 $ ....... le -'t •wtGI
Uoa Roc.. for ta.. ,....... atrt ....t.r «tL a. lAc
Mrs. Reinhold Dessert
Bridge Hostess Friday
pp= r OF? , • ...,...,. ............. ~,_.. .. .............. , .......
fora..,_._. ... ._..,.
~ .. .,......., 2
Delwrt bfid«e at the hc.w ol ......... Did .. ...._. _... ......... 81no lilt ,_,
Mra ... E. Retabold, 111 1Dnr1t 11Q • • & u1 M 2 .. Ia _. -a.. ..... ...
lllronl., BaJboa l.altud. au.rtled U.. • ~.,. ... -~., .... -.. • I ' '• ~thJy m..uq at a ..._, .,_. -.1 ,._ Y-* M I a «<L Qa .....
f"'UP lut P'rid&J an.mo-. ,.._ c-._. ..... Ia a..._, fl6-........... c:w6lly
IUI.nhold boa!• wu ......_. Ia ~_. ... Willi ... ai..... ..... 'IW ,_. ~ ...,_
SUIIUIN'r prdaa flowen tor t.a.. ..._... 51 al., ..a --...s.. ... • .._ .._ .._
~ Cllll-~... .... ,,, .. 1 ......
DIJo>'lllc' u.. aftenoait•a· ulbltj. _, ...., .._, • -....... ~. ....,.
wtre the v..,.._ a... pw .. 2 .................. .. ...... -....... ......
Jlic1a.a-.. Ill .,.... ....... ....
... tllciU ead .... ..., ........ .,.
aU • pert ol'tbe ............ ntu-
.... plJota .... --....... ..... ._).-ultla__,lw•
to rnnillld --w.. MIIJ fill tbe ...
-itT • .., ...........
.. •• , t
C' I 4 • ...... ......... beard. K . v. Dllb. w.,.. Ruper. ....... De -... ---~-· ... _ ...
................. _. .. a ... J . A. O&Dt. Harokl WaMra't1ri . .._..a.--~ lfleloe:lr-------------------------,
i;2 ~~.,~A~ .. ;.a;sa~~· ~~~~!l~Hal~~W~W~8111lltb~~·~ilan'7::~W:·:e~e~~:~Uid: lAule ID a P 55 _,. C nsa.,.,.. _, a ..... y...,_ «fL .,._. GMe the !toet.e-. eMl; ta e.d. DIP ...._ ..-. -"WR Mtnt 'IOU '10 IIIIOWSE AROWflr _. .... ..,. z a ..._ ..__ C. & LOUCKS
. r-'""" ·-~,..· _ L%1V 4 'j
'I'OUT Oo•f'I'WII'W•t ..... ~
·~wrttf'r a... .... an 2r ...
Th•"'a"'• ae tMtr .. ys.., ..-&
... mall,. a ..ne7 ef ~ ""'"'""""· , ... ,.
....... ..... X .. S1teJ1t1 .....W _. ftA'I'IOIIDY
• I •W'. , ....... ..
~ ........ ...
...... I I ...... Onela ..... ~
""'..a'" ..... "Oiff" Joye
-E. Ba7 AYftl~ Balboa
General Automobile and ~arine Repairing
Oftr 'l'wmty·Fiw Yean' Experience
Tele .... Newport BeKh 225
Can all the fruit and Vl'!;clabics
In HalOn you ca.,./ Juat l')t' 11urc I
ol your h()IM canntna ml'lhotl$. I
A tree lnltructlon munual pre· I ' l
rhn~tf' '74S for C'Ompt.t• .,.._..
tnr ... rml\tln•. ~n t·n,.~ ....,.
)'OUN loda;r-o•ve ..W -~
YOUR TYPEWRITER NEEDS! Bef .. Y • o.ild • Remodel ••• putd by the Homt' Strvlct' 1)('. t.
pu1.rnftlt la youn for the 11sk· l
lllq at aJ\1 omc. ol your au ..,..,. !(......_ T--..-..... -.. ..., ... Ji~Mr{ .......... ~
Hen are .,.. appedee caacalizen. and ocbet sua·
a••i.Na, coo. Tbcy are youn u pert of W eber't
a..d • wice. You'll 6od eech and all a real help.
•• Irick .. .u 10 llice ~ il pou
..,.lbrllaife.n.air~•an •"--'
DeLat ......... ......
iodwred wim lum111 io row wbiw
IMd? ~ it -"ina 10 it if it cloa
OCICW }UM be.! •lpouajy with M
ea·balft ( roca.ry cy~) aod Daly a
lump will ,mll&io
tu..-..m-2mh'••-·...., ~CUPIIIPI \4-.-u
l ..... ........-1
• •
Add «hit ,loel 10 rout U. of _._ IDIIiw
.tithn.. lc't .,od ftllwr hoc Ot cold .
I ..,_ ..-.d nw I atR 1.-..d'-'a~tt
~ -1 cup ,_ad nw I c.p -•.._, alf!f? ,,.. cw aaaeocl
~ aap ,,_Dd ODioe .Z eas \4 c.p chopped .,.,... I mblapooa .W
ley oil
2 aapa d.ry Weber' • Selt &Ad pepp..-co llr.d cnlllbt .-.
Wia all i"'lcd~nn IOifthtr chcHouJhlr: ptKk ,
ci&hdr tnco • ~I Jreucd loef pu. Baltr. un·
conrcd, ia a mockratr onn I} )0 ckve-n ) I«
1\1 hours, bulin3 orcuronally wuh hcH warer,
cooJOm~. or roroaro lUter Srrvr hoc wich to-
maro MIJ(.t', For ldr.onn, .!tee and wrvr" cold
on lrmicc wuh botlcd drnsrnJ or nuyonMiw.
Yes-1his popular loaf not only has iu own o.rural•hit«·
bread ftavor and texture, it MJo contains rhe vitamiiU and
minerals narural to whole grain whear. You might say it'l
like enjoying l wo kinds of bread in O M . Try it today-and
keep oo ~ervioa it.
i#IS~ ",. 01.-lnalnlcttona on home dry. blc method~; on pi'\!S<'rVtnl non·
Kid "-Ptabl-. and on fruita
.-1 tomatOH; a.nd fruit juic-t-1, J'ddet ud ~llshH. jams. con-~ and 1<'111~. You" for the llldac at U¥ o6.1e ol rour au
I sur.
GOOD CONDITION? ....T_.__._~
• '+ ... ~ ......
..... _ .... , ........
......... , ,_, c.-
........ 2 ..... _. .,.a lw ..._ ef np.
BIJ•• ••llftll Ml _,AIR
~""" ~ ..., lcuf 1'011 ffW fA. _..
4torottot.. To~ co,.. o/ "'• fv,..urit~ 1'0" -
Mtvo 11M .-'11 Mw t.w.. ..._ ,...oe co.-..,._._
...._ Bal...,. ...., rw a eewce.--. ••• a _. ....-
...... tielft ........... ... .... .., .... -.~ .. .__, ••a ••CIIICIIIt _. --_. te .... , ...... ~Dr., ... '""'-....... .......
-eiW .... ediia. ' u,.. .. ~ ..... --1 w..-,.. -~ .... wtlll il will·f-~ ·-· LiqiiW ... a. 2 TeWrt r-. ~ .....-a' a t.e ._ ................ _......,
WBY DOJrr YOU ftT u ! I
c.tlta&~ ... ......_.,. a-C'IB!It ......_ ., ... a-.
_....,, n _._ .........
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CarpetWorb .... ........... u.sw ............... .._ _ ........ ..
~ ..... -.-~, .. -.... ---------------------------------=
Thl ere
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to .
phc -· firs
thiJ c
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the ~= cot
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