HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-10 - Newport Harbor Ensignwadis I Ceurt-ol Honor . Slx Harbor Aro Boy Scouts re-ley of Troop 5 and Gary Dunn celved thetr We and Star a war~ and Mickey Wlenenea of Troop 6. Monday evenJnc at the Court of TrooP~~ particlpatlne and their Honor held at Newport Harbor .coutmuten wtile: Troop 5, New- Hleh School. Seven trooP~~ par-port Beach, WUUam Glblon; tlclpated In the event, whJcll Troop 6, eo.ta Mesa, T. W. Wlen- broucht a crowd of 8COUta and enca; Troop 63, eo.t.a Mesa, Alex pareau .Umated at 500 to the ll.too; Troop 80, CoMa Mesa. BJeh School auditorium. Vlrctl Wedektnc; Troop 81, Bal- Recelvfnc their We award bOa Uland, Matthew WaJ~ellcll; were Dennls Cole of Troop 5. Al-Troop 182. Newport Heleht.s. ·Ken- len Zamora of Troop 63 and neth Dutro; Troop 666, Costa Clarmont Sherman of Troop 666. Mesa, Ivan Myrick. Star awar~ went to Chuck Rem-0. W .• (Dick) Richard pre. MESA VOTES TUESDAY ON SCHOOL BONDS aented the attendance award to Troop 80. He a.llo cave a abort speech on the tellpOnaibllltlea of the boya in 8COutinc and of the adulta In backlni up the boys. "We depend on our boys betnl trained properly becaUie they are the ones who wtll take our places in the eommuftity," he said. Troop 81 was host troop for the Court of Honor and conducted the lmpreutve candleUght cere. mo1\Y· The a u d I to r I u m was dimmed. and u each acout re- cited and explained one bt the scout laws he turned on a light on a scout ahleld on the stage. Invocation was given by Rev. Donald Sapp of the Balboa laland Com m u n l t y Chureb. Henry Ferry, senior patrol leader of Troop 81, Introduced guests. Costa Mesa elementary acbool ministration and health building Benediction was ctven by Father c:U.etrtct voters Tuesday wUl de. and a multi-purpose building. George Pamassus of Our Lady dde whether to fioat a t8'75.000 The final new school of 10 acres, of Mt. Carmel Church, Newport1 bond laue and borrow $2.225,000 12 •classrooms, one ldndergarten, The Harbor District ataff in· from the state for a two-year an administration and health clud.s Dpuc Walto~. field exec- achool buUdlnc program. A two-bulldln& and a multi-purpose utlve; Herb Ward, chairman; Art thlrda vote II necessary to carry buUdlng wUl be built on a site Remley, eonunlaioner. The Board the election. to be selected In two yean, ac. of Advancement includes Bruce The project calla for the build-cording to the plans. Growth in Handy, chairman; John Smith, Jnc or four new elementary the dlatrlct will determlne Ita. vice chairman; Marvtn Long, achooll and to make additions tQ. selection. aec:ret&ry; John Shields and John four other 8Cbooll, Dbtrlct Super-Ten cla.aroonu are planned Turner, memben; L. E. Cock, acs.. lntendeot &. A. Ilea reported. Tbe to be added at tbe ..-School. vtae.r. IDOMJ would 80 b a '-ldncllrprta8 aDd a een- 10-..-... Crash lniures Officer Irwin Pollee Patrolman Ger-ald B. Irwin, 29, of '703 Heliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar, auttere<'. shock and possible concussion when hla private motorcycle collided wtth a car at Newport Freeway and West:mlmter Ave., Newport I"())ON and a multl-purpoee bulldJnc at the Monte VIsta School. Mr. Rea pointed out, that the school buUdJng program la only expected to t&ke care of the needs of the district for the next two years. At the present time district taxpayers are paying 40c each $100 assessed valuation In pay. lne otf $937,000 borrowed In the past from the atate to build schools. U the new S875.000 bond issue Is fioated, It will cost tax. payers 2lc for $100 assessed val- uation the first year to pay off Interest and redemption. Mr. Rea explaJned that no p~­ ment on the $2.225,000 loan from the state will be made until the $937,000 Ia paJd otf which 1a ex- pected ln 15 years. After that time the district will start ma.k· Heights. at 6:30 p.m. Monday, 1 ts th $2 .,..000 Newport pollee reported. nc paymen on e ,....., om 1rw1 tak to loan. Any loan remalntnc after Balboa Island Boy Scout Troop 81 will oWdally receive Its char· ter at a dinner meeting to be held this evening (Thursday) at the Balboa Island Community Methodist Church. Scout Ottlclal Willard CDurt. ney will present the charter to Ted Clark, Institutional represen- tative for the Newport Harbor OptJmlst Club, sponsor of tbe Troop. Scoutmaster card will be ctven to Matthew WaldeiJcb. WJLDEBS ADOPT BUT Four.day-old .John Paul arrived Monday night at the Shore Cliffs home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilder, whom be Immediately adopted as parents. The adopted baby is a bouncing boy ot nearly eight pounds. His name. accord- In& to proud parent Wilder, 1s In honor of the naval hero who was named for the biblical char- acters. I OIL TO I ILLI G I DISCO E EETI GHERE ...... Dr .. ..u.oa. ---PM!· a..daoa ... tM Job Jr .. wbo,.. Mid tbat tbe tttle to )». .. ...,.ally CICICDIIlpUalted I t Ia J a a 1 x IDOIItb&. (&uila t'boto.) Real Estate Course Given The lecal upect.a of real estate will be ecrut:lnlzed by a number of local realtors and brokers who alJDed up Tuesday night at Orange Coast College for the aprlng course In real estate belnc ottered by UCLA Extension coune. Oil Income Increasing A check for between $3.000 and A500 1a expected u the clty share of tideland oU Income for the month of January, City Man- aeer John Sallona reported Mon. day. The check for December was approximately $2,100 he ex,. plaJned. This money eoes Into a apeclal city fund r~ulred by state Law to be used for harbor purposes. "Well No. 6 hu been produ- cing In excess of 200 barrels a day since It was brought In about a month ago," Mr. Sailors said. ''This has materially In- creased our revenue." Well No. 7 Ls about ~ady to come In, he added. Wells one to five are producing on an aver. age of between 35 and 100 bar. rels of oil a day, he r~rted. The wells are located outside city limits near Coast Hwy. &nd 58th St. and are whlpstocked under the city Into clty.owned tide- lands where the oil pool Ia lo- cated. aUJLDmc msPECTOa: Jfow 1a fall cb..,. or tiM •.....-n .... •.uctlD9 ~t .. Jlayl8oad A. c..... --ly f:raal PaM aoaaa... .. baa bela wttla u.. aalJdiag Dwpw tawt beN alDce t.be IDJ.ddk of De. c.abea'. wwtr:ill9 wttla •Glldbt9 ~ hte • ..._ aatl.l Wa~tt+ee_.. lectift t.be tint of tbia ......_ lb. c .... Ia ~y f:raal Keatacky, w-. M r1 1 ... tM dlatladW .. ..._ .... ....._ .__. lrablt.dry Celm.P alks Set For Friday Tldelaods oil drilling will be the subject tomonow noon at the meeting of the Orange Councy Coast Aaoclatlon at Newport Harbor Yacht Club. On band to report on pend· Inc l~ation and propou1s reprdlnc Impounded on tunda and oil dTIIJtng wUl be Senator John Murdy and A.aemblymen Earl Stanley and Leroy I..yon. City ottlclala and civic leaden have been Invited to attend th1a meeting. Senator Murdy and AaeembJy. man Stanley have lntrodueect bills In the state l~ature pro. hiblting laland drilling for tide- lands oil along the Orange County coast. Mesa Park Sife ·OK'd de=n ~~~::;.er~ CANDIDA 1JES TO TALK law and hu reprneated the R Lonl .. dl liDUcJ ol .... ~ =:.J= JUr to ........._ Dl.rftla tiM WI .me.ter IDOft than aJ.xty people Botb the LMcue ot Civic » were enrolled ln Real Estate Iodations and the Woman'• Practice and an Appraisal Cou.ne Civic League are scheduling open taught by George Jonea. College meetlnp to which all candidates credit for these courses ls of. tor Newport Beach City Council fered and with them realtors have been Invited to express may work toward a professional their views and answer ques- certlflcate. tJons. Active tn establishing these Both meetings wlll be In the courses within reach of Harbor Council Chambers In City Hall. realtors has been the Newport The Woman's Civic League meet Board of Realtors Education ------------ Committee. Present chairman of the committee Is Muriel Pinover. Committee members l n c I u d e Louis Briggs. .Jan Bennett. Hor- ace Mazet. Charles Lee and Dick Hodges. amTBDATP.uTT Mr. and Mrs. Pat Toland of Covina entertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Joyner of Newport Beach, Mr. and Mrs. John Morri- son of Costa Mesa at the Taco Kitchen In La Verne, Jan. 30, celebrating Mrs. Fred H . .Joyner'• birthday anniversary. Mesa Census Is Ordered A special census before July 1 was ordered by the Costa Mesa City Council Monday night. The cost of the census. estl. mated at $2.000. wiU be made up two to three times by the ln. creased allocation of gas tax funds, City Manager George Cof fey said. Such funds are allo- cated to cities on the basis of population. ln& w0J be at 10 Lm. TU8da.y. The League of Civic AaodaUon will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. Feb. 24, with J. Leslie Steffen sen as moderator. Meetings had ~n SC'heduled tor Feb. 24 by the Corona del Mar Civic As.soclatlon and West Newport Improvement Assocla tlo n. but both groups cancelled their programs so that their members could attend the gen eral meeting and hear the candl dates. The Woman's Civic League Trw tuture pulr .. Jocatad ., Vktoria Ave. and the rtver. Su- pervoor Helnz .Kalaer aald that the park wfll eventu"ally Include picnic facilities and perhaps a ball diamond for Uttle League play. The 6.3-acre site Ia almost two-thirds the siu of the 10.acre Costa Mesa Park. YMCA Drive Is a Success will adjourn their Tuesday m~t The YMCA membership drive lng for the noon luncheon at the rE'port dinner held 'I'uesd h Irvine Coast Country Club. The ay nlg t , _ • p ks d .,_ ti at St. A n drew s Presbyterian ....,ague s ar an """"'""a on 1 Ch d Co ity Aft I mit urch turned lnto a victory dln-an mmun a rs com tees wUl meet at 9:30 a.m. Tues., ner as th.e three aectlons of the day, Feb. 22. In the home of Orange Coast . area turned In Mrs. B. W. Wood. 2fn Iris A~. pledges totalling nearly $4500 Corona del Mar. Walter Long ;;s a membership ot just under moor. chairman of the Newport · Beach Planning Commission. Jack Murdy of Huntington will explain zoning and annexa Beach was presented an award tion Jaws. as hiiftest single producer of cer n was en 30 years from now will be can- Hoal Memorial Hospital, where celled by the state. The school x-raya were taken to determine t.fk:Jal fl ed th t bout AI\ ---------------------------------------------------members and money for the "Y." U he received a skull fracture. 0 cur a a ...., per An early examination of wet cent of the loan would be re- Jl,fQI could show no fracture, Jt paid. wu reported Tbe olflcer'a JDOtot. 'Ibe atate money 1a heine pro. eyde hJt a car driven by Edward vlded under the law provld.lna R. aoMon, 75, of 1015 w. Balboa aid for lmpoverlahed IChool en. Blvd.. Newport Beadl. trtcta In the state. What Are You Voting For? ~2§?~:: port Beach City Hall. 3300 New., were 174 membeh and $1.350.50 ,.... to .... 11 ..... , ... of all 15 : N .._ -tM be1lot .. tiM 11-.da 15 .... tie& rt 81 d N rt Be ch for Costa Mesa; 88 members and po v ·· ewpo a · $1.011.50 tor Hunttn-on ., ___ ._ Voting Precinct "C." compris •• ......, ....... lng State and county precinct and 165 members and $1,619.00 numbers (. and s. and the pol. for Nf'Wport Beach. ling place shall be at the Balboa A special team also sJgned up IS members and SSOO. maldnc an Fire Hall, 703 E. Bay Ave., BaJ. overall total of «2 members and boa. $(.481. Voting Precinct '1>," eomprls lng State and county precinct numbers 6. and 16, and the pol. ling plac:@ shall be at the BaJboa Wand Fire Hall. 323 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island. Voting Precinct "E." comprt.. The harbor department re- lnc State and County precinct aponded on 186 calla durlnJ the numbers 7. and 32. and the pol. roontb ol January, llarbor x.-. line place .tlall be at the CoJoona Ru..U E. Cfa1a hM ~ del Mar Flre Ball. tlO Martco'd Tbe ~ PV!e ......_ Ave.. Corona del Mar. anee to nine la.rp ~ta a.Dd '-WI ... .......,, ... ~y. "' te.. City ., ...,..,.,. ...... C.llf. OMee ...t '""tf1111 ,&.111t 1111 te......,... Wdlet. 2110 E. c...t Hlt""'f· eo,.,.. 4.1 ..... ..... AM,..; 2110 E. c...t HJ9h•'f· ~ u ..,..,, c.nfen~le TEUPHONiS: HA.rtt. 1114 .... Ill' ~E~IH Ofl THE CAt.J~aHIA NIWS,AKl PUWSHEitS ASSOCIAnON AliA ef "-e NATIONAL EOITOIIAL ASSOCIATON AlVO E. HAAPA -----· ··--'-~ltor oncl '"~11•"-r 'EG HAA'A··-····--... ········-·-··········-··-····---··-·-··-·-······-···Auocloto Editor HU&H McMILLAN ····-············--···--··············-······-······ Newt f'llototropher IElT L JOHHSON~·-·-··--······--··········-·-···~·-·--·····Acl"rtisi~t~ Ol,.~tor SA~ MITCHELL -·····-··-··--··-···-·-···-···-··-··-····--··· A.tlvortitiftt. ~lntlnt lUIY STEVENSON.-·-····-··-·-···--·--···-······-··--·---··-·-··-······-···IooUooper • •' • TIM NEWPOll' HAUOl ENS16N hot bewn clot.,mln~ to b. o nowtpopor of t•norol clrculotiOft by iucltmo..t of tt.. Supof'lor Court oncl bl rooton thollltof It quoliRocl to puWlth oil pubhc notlcoa roqulrH by low • • Entol'.d •• Second Clo• Mottor 1ft tfto 'ott Office ot CAr-• dol Mor. Collf. SUISCliPTION RATES locol aubactlptton rotoa: T,.,o yoo,_s5.00; -• yoor-$).00 Outalclo of tho Horbor A...o: T-., •• ,_s7.00; -yoor-$4.00 I don't know a peat deal about plays. the dramatic k1a4. I mean. I've written a few . One wu published In thla eot. umn and ~lved vatl~ MaC:· tJon. but nobody has come up with aey suggestion that It be put on Broadway. Not even Broadway, Santa Ana. .. .., WU II AM f'UIJCII 1 e M 1 e M i I I M I i M M M M M M M M M I M I M:+ M M E i + I M I 1:¥ + And another, still a resident or my trunk. ls without publica- tion as yet. Thls one Is a favor- Ite of mine because 1t requires a single setting-the ac:tlon all takes place ln a phone booth. The climax or the thing. and may I say that It ls a c:llma.x without parallel ln the American theatre. erupts when the six prin- cipal characters are all muliJng about In the booth, each seeking solution to their own problem. 1 call It. "Oops. Right Number," and It Is available for produc. tlon at the standard rates. IUUion depend.l, IOCMWbat. on t.be tac:t t,¥t you, the •ud.lenee, are prot~ hom the hanh tuta o( pfoduction: the facti of ptOperty dlanf!!· Hence the eur. taln. When It clotH, the world of make-believe b preserved un- til lt Ia again drawn. And your mood ls sustained. Without this. you approach '-Theatre Jn the Round.'' which la, 1n essence, a production In your llvlng room, and require. tbe highest sort of professional acting~ Shakespeare ln modern clteu, or '"Mle Rose Tattoo" Played agalnat the bare back wall or the stage 1a not achieved by a Jlm l one. or a Mary Smith. Even Evans or Cor. nell hesitate to mend the audi- ence to this extent. TID aJVEA SEDf& wtt6 &b hbtortc brlc19M-famous Pal'i- alaa ....tcnara:Dtl CIDd apadOua ~ are a few of tbe aeeaea 1D Uae co~ow.w... .. ._. trait of Jtarta"' to be ..... at tbe Kewpod llarbor VDioa lll9ll lclaoo1 011 II•'LWJ ...... ...,. Cartia •av-~ ( aboft). tbe photovrapaa.. wm appear m penoa -DCIJNW, lpOIUOI'ed by the m.a wn.oa "'Wodd Hop :~:•:• I I I • I. A I I •:• •:» I I •• •:• I I. I 8 •:•:•. c:• •:• •• The Newport Harbor Commun· lty Players deserve a better hea- tre. They managed. under the trying circumstances described, to bring "MY THREE ANGELS" to life. I think you'll enjoy the production and I think you ought to go to ~tee lt. It runs three more nights. the l Oth, 11th and 12th or thls month. I think support of this community ac. Uvlty Is Important. We took some time off from the paper for a chonge during the week-en~ll of three doys. Come bock late Sunday evening to moke the amazing d iscovery thot our presence was not absolutely necessary for the continuance of the Ensign. It was still quite oU there when we got bad. What I'm really gett!ng to Is the Newport Harbor Community Player's production ol ''MY THREE ANGELS." I was Invited to see lt. And, being cooperative, congenial, and without plans for the evenlng, I went. And I'd like to 'tell you about lt. T r a"' e l o 911 e s.rt.. • Maay ~ 1Dcla«\1Ja9 ...UU. J)cry pcii'CIIde. PJ.ac:. de Ia ~ EUfel Tower, Cbatecnaa ballt by the PNDeh ldDp cmcl tbe dty of VenaWea, wW be aboWD. The journe;-gave us a rare three days of vocation without caus· ing any undue twinges of conscience, because it was at the same time o very valuable business tri~he occasion being the b7th annual convention of the California Newspaper Publishers Association. In the first place, it Is put on under conditions that tax the ability of the players. The Chap.. el Theatre at Orange Coast Col- lege Is not the Ideal setting for this. or any play. excepting per. haps. The Nativity Scene. That the players were and are able to create an Illusion of reality at all Is a testament to their com. petence. The normal conception of theatre Involves a separation of audience and actors. It also Involves a stage. curtains, and a reasonable amount of privacy for the scenery changes. I'm the wrong person to go around reviewing plays, because I always find myself most con- cerned with the unseen. unhon- ored people behlnd any produc- tion. I reel that the actors get their satisfactlo~ from the actual appearance before the audience. The applause is theirs. And, In this case, deserved. So. enough said. When you go to see ''MY THREE ANGELS" this week end. read the program and notice the names behind such Items as "properties. costumes. stage de- e« and furni.shlngs, stage con- suuctJon. art and posters. lights and prompter." A n o-...ernight trip oo t he S9uthern Pacific Lark brought us to Son Francisco at 9 a.m. Friday. and it was busines\ right away at the convention. The nature of that session of publishers can best be de- scribed by statements mode in the welcoming address given at the Friday noon luncheon by the city attorney of the City of Son Fran- cisco (speaking in the illness-imposed absence of hizzoner the mayor). Said the city attorney: "'I hod come here filled with trepidation, fear· ful of making some frightful faux pas like splitting on infinitive or ending o sentence with a preposition. I hod expected to see on the program many learned literary d1scussions. And instead whet do I find-It's oil business. how to get more advertising, circulation, etc.' Salesmanship Talk at OCC "Closing the Sale" will be the subject of the salesmansh ip lec- ture to be given at Orange Coast College Monday evening. accord lng to Dr. Thomas A. Blakely, dean ot adult education. John Carr. v1ce-presldent and general manager of BuUums. wUI discuss techniques approprl. ~tte to terminating a .sales trans- acUon and will answer ques- t1ons. In other words, it's a problem of how to make money. just os ony sensible business must do--because this will enable us to give you reeders better newspa~rs. Here ore some of the topics: Should I go semi-weekly. pension re· tirement plor.s. incentive pions. circuiQtion income, new look in mar· ket advertising (this new look, by the woy. being Did: Richard's method of advertising for his Richard's lido Market), equipment, ad· vertising services. mechanical bookkeeping. All in all. on extremely valuable exchange of ideas-publishers getting together and swapping idees, telling each other their prob· lems, ond trading suggestions for solving those problems. That nooo luncheon elso included $0me commenh from the guy who come the longest d istance to attend the convention-Mosoo Tsuda, secretory-general of the Japan Newspaper Publishert and Edi· tors Association, their counterpart of C NPA. Gov. Goodwin (Goodie) Knight was the speaker for the Friday evening family dinner. He is always jovial. on exuberant talker. and obviously enjoying the business of being a governor. He explained that "'I gotta tolk fa st, because Midey Rooney is coming at 9:10, and that s !mportont.' The Guv nor did hove time to talk seriously to the publ1shers. too. eAplaining the vital importance of civil de-fense and airplane spothng. than~ing newspapers for their cooperotion .,d support in the civil defense preparotions. He also commended the flewsopers for being the greatest single force egoinst socialism. At lhe instollotion banquet Soturdoy noon. there wos on excellent -end .eloquent discourse on the notion's defenses by Rileo W. Doe. vice pres1dent of So fewoy Stores, whose manner of speaking w& such os rrHtkes us inarticulate ones gowl with envy. He spoke with consid- eroble personal knowledge of the many new ""d wondrous weapons -that h~J~ been perfected for our defen-se. _S&n Francisco is still one of our favorite citie1. Not a great de.,l of f1me for travelling around. but we ployed the typicol tourist os much es pouible--the cable cor. Top of the Mark. Chinatown. Fisher· rnan·, W&,arf. A mazing how many other folh were doing the same, even at this time of year. Weather fine--sunny. no n..d for topco~ during the doytime. Gl.,d to hove hod the opportunity to get liW"&Y fer 0 while . and mighty glad to get back. LEGAL JlfOTICE LEGAL JlfOTJCE lfOTICE OF Pl1BLJC BEAJUJrG KOTJCZ OF JUWL1C D ••ma Notice Is hereby given that the Notice I• ~ cJwn that the Planning Commission or the City Planning Commfsston of the City of Newport Beach wlll hold a of Newport &a.cb wf.ll hold a public bearing on the appllca. public h.earlnc oo ~ appllc:a- t I on or EVERETT KRUWELL for tlon of wALTER KILUA.N for a a variance No. 204 to permit: the variance No. 2IB to permit: the resubdlvislon of a parcel of construction at. a duplex dwel- ground consisting of Lot 9, Block ling strt.Jctllre across the front 51, River Section, aa r~rded In portion aC a llaJldJng alte where- Book 4, Page 25, or Orange Coun-on an ~ sfncJe family t y Maps Into two building sites dwelllng 1.s ronstruc:ted ac:roa as follows: the rear partfon of two R-2 lots BLDG. SITE NO. l~nslstlng so to create one bullclng site on of the southerly 104 feet of said Iota No. lf and No. W Block 734 Lot 9 with the original 30 foot 'rract No. m and located at 714 subdivision frontage and an Goldenrod. Two dwelling units area ol 3120 square feet. are aJlowed by Sectl• 9103.21 of BLDG. SITE NO. 2--conslstlng the City Code. of the remaining northerly pot-Notlc:e t..s beMby f11ttber gtven tlon of aald Lot 9 and an adja. that a&Jd public heutnt will be c:ent pat'cel attached to safd Lot held on the 17th ct.7 ot febru. 9 by adjustment of the Santa ary 1955, at the lacMw of 7:30 p.m. Ana RJver Channel wJth an aru ln the Council Cbamben of tiMt ot 3060..60 .ca. feet and a 30.02 N~ Beech aty Ball, at toot trontare on River Ave. and wbicb t1me and place any and · aa averare depth of 102.025 feet. all JMftODI In~ ~ ·~ Jfotice t• hereby turthm-tlven pear and be beerd tbeNOD. tbat aaJd public hurl.ng wUJ be KAY Y. COPZLIN, 8ec:reta17 beN on the 17th day of hbru· Newport Beaeb Ctty uy 18. at the hour ot 7:30p.m. Plann.l.n.l Commi.IISOil 18 tM Councll Chamben of tbt W.•fiill't a..dl at7 Ball. at Aft your printlnq n..dt will b. _... U... and pJ~e~e any and hondled eof''*litntfv Md eouri· all ,._. lnW .. lll IM1 ·~ ttousfv in th. compa.t...,-equi~ .., ..., ......... ....._ ped Job Prlntinq ~ Of ~y : .. ~ lecn&a7 ~ ~.C:C:...'it~~ D -v Karge Tells of Job in Turkey Fritz Karge of Corona High. lands talked on his experiences as an engineer In Turkey at Tuesday's meeting of the Optlm. lst Club held at the VIlla Marina Restaurant. A./aood turnout of members and their wlvet wwe preae'\t celebratin6 LadJet' Day at the club. N@'Xt week's program will be a taJk on Eu.rope by past president Frank Hubbard's broth- er In law. All In aU, I think you'll like "MY THREE ANGELS." I( you don't It's because It's not your cup or tea, but you won't know unless you aee Jt. IMicll lulllart ........... Mra. Fl-ank T. O'Brien and Mra. George J. Fleury JVere preMntecS u new memben of tbe woman•• AwdlJa.ry to the Orante County Medical A.uoc:latJon at thel.r luncheon meeting Feb. 1 In Gar· den Grove. The next lecture. on· Feb. 21, will be given by 0 . W. Richard. owner of Richard's LJdo Market. who wlll speak on "Building Good Will." All lectures start at 7:30 p.m. In room 5 of the Tech· nology building and are open to the public. DemstoHear James Walker Ja mes Walker. Santa Ana at. torney, will speak on the history and philosophy of the Democratic Party at the meeting of the Coata Mesa Democratic Club at 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 17, at the Main School cafeteria in Costa Mesa. His topic wilt be "Why I am a Democrat. .. Proceeds w111 go to youth work and the Optlmlsts Boys Home from the rummage &ale to be held tomorrow f Frtday) and Sat- urday by the Opt.I.Mrs. Club or Newport Harbor. The sale will be h~ld In the Costa Mesa art'ade building at 1808 Newport Blvd. Mrs. Frank Hubbard Is ways and means chairman for Uw pooup. As:s1st1 ng her are Mrs. GeoYge Burkhardt. vice . president, and Mrs. Kay Phelps. president. Special guest apeaker was the California president or the Aux. lllary. Mrs. Fredrick Miller of Bakersfield. Delegates were se- lected to the California Auxlllary Convention to be held the first of May ln San Francisco. Announce ment was made on the fourth annual "White Cap.. Benefit luncheon party to be held March 1 at tt. Balboa Bay Clab. Oland Carrick of San Clemente and Lester Van Tatenhove or Santa Ana were speakers at the KOTICE OF PUBLIC BEAmlfG Feb. 3 meeting o( the club. Thel.r Notice 1s hereby given t.h.d the topics were tidelands oil and the Planning Comrniulon of the City county Democratic ~anlz:atlon, KOTJCE OF PUBLIC BEAmii'G or Newport Betlch wUl hold a respectively. Notlee-Is hereby gl~n that public heaTing on the appllca. Officers of the club are Dale tlw Planning Commission of Uw tlon of R. B. HAKVEY for a vaJi. V. Bott. president; Sven B'rock- Clty o( Neowport Beach wJU bokl a nce No. 205 to -,ermlt: a t~ man, vJce.presldent; Belle toes. a public hearing on the appllca-foot aetback: along Channe er. treasurer, and Mrs. lames tlon of David Ballentlne !or a Place for a twt;, ttmlly unit front-Phillips, secretary. Allan Reid of variance No. 202 to permit: a lng on 44th Strftt.. A 10 foot ..t-Corona del Mar Is chairman of frontyard .-tback of forty-sewn bac:k 1s requbed by Section the educational committee. 147) feet for a single famffy 1105.4 (() whereB Lots abutUnc Newport, Balboa. Balboa Island dwel1lng wfth attached garage. two streets must abide by u. and Corona del Mar Democrats A maximuan wtbeck or 35 1ftt .etback.a on eltllllr street. On Lot are discussing the poalbiJity of Is anowe<~ by Section 9103.15 fll z, Block 144, Tract Canal Sectloa, forming a Newport Beec:b Demo. the City Cbde. On Lot 116, Tra~ and located 01t tbe southwest cratJc Club, Mr. Reid a..ld. No. D 1'S: and located at ~ aJmer of 44th St. ~md Channel Shoreclm Rbact ~- Notice-is ht!!nby further gtvm-Notice b herdsr t\ttther gtven that aa1d J"lblk hearing will k mat a&Jd public: lleatng will b* llleld on a. 17U) day of Febru. ~d on the 17dk day of Febru- ......... , .. , . ..., ... ary 1955 ... tbe bow or 7:30 p.m. ary 1955, at th~ hour of 7:30 p.m Dr. Glle. Brown ol Oranp In ttle Cbundl Oaambers of tho lrt the Council Ola.mben of U.. Coast ColJe~ will Jll)ft.k on "'ur ~rt 8ll!acb Ctty Hall, at lfewport Beach City Hall, at IJvlnJ CoMtttutlo~ at the dJn. wbich Ua. and 'pia~ any and which Ume and! place any and ner meeting of the Oranp Coun· aDl pe-aons lntftelted may ap. aU penon• lnten.ted may ap. ty Chapter of the Military ()r(ler PHr and ~ beard thereon. .-a.r and be heerd thereon. of the World Wars W. evening RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary RAY Y. COI'ELIM, 8ec:retuy (Thunday) at Newport Harbor Newport Beach CJty Newport Bac:h Ctty Yacht Club. The dtnner meettnr Plannla• Commission Plannlnr Oammlulon wUl bertft at 7:38 p.m.. "I Ber~eve ••• Llncoln ehould be remembered Ll.ncoln lhould be remembered tow bla faJth tn the M.Uny ot lot bla faJtb ln Al'Derlea't one- Ametk:a, and lot' bll reeolute c!e-nea and for b1s unahakMba. termination that the Union be falt.h In thle nation's de«in~r preeerved no matter W'b.at the evm Jn the darkelt hours be coat. maintained thb faJth. For thJa For some unknown reuon peo. let ut honor Abraham Llncola. pie ate wont to connect Lincoln • • :• , , , , , , , ,..,._ •: • with the abolition of slavery, L and every year In every column eHers .......... ----- and speech thla bit of jumbled • • c + + • • • • • • • • • e e h._tory receives first conaldera-The Bon. City Counc:U tlon. Lincoln through hla "!:man. City ol Newport Beach cJpatlon Proclamation" focused Newport Beach, CaiJlornla attention on an unnatural lnstl~ tutlon. but It did not tree one Madam Mayor and Gentlemen: slave. Abolition came. and could The Zonta Club or Newport only come. through an amend. Harbor requests that the CJty ment to the Constitution. The Council conalder the employment XIII Amendment abolish~ slav. of a qualUI~ R«teatlonal D1· ery. rector. A well coordinated year. An amendment to the ConstJ. round program 1s greaUy need- tutlon does not Involve the pres.. ed. The planned use of ex1ttin• ,.dent In any way. A president rac:llltles of clty-owned areu and may not Instigate or veto an schools wtll provide healthful, amendment. A president may -constructive actlvltJe. for all age speak out against a propo~ed groups of our c:ltizen.s. We be· amendment u President E1s-lleve the entire city will benefit enhower when a ent to lmmea.aura\)ly. curb the executJve po was 1n Inasmuch u the Charter p1'0- the formative stage. S c:h con. vldes for a Recreational Director, demnatlon may be Inti entlal, we urge that you titke the n~ as In thls case It was, but It ts sary steps at thl• time to aje "oU the cuff" and holds no legal that our city may take advantage weight. Lincoln's proclamation of thls planning. wu JnfluenUal, but it didn't free As buslness women and tax. the slaves. Such jumbling of his-payers. we further wish to tory Mrves no purpose; adults pledge our backing and support deserve a mature and intelllgent to such a recreational program. approach to this naUon's history. There Is careful wording In the Respectfully youn. ConstJtuUon on the admittance of new states. but there is no mention of withdrawal. Had the framers or the Constitution made ZONTA CLUB OF NEWPORT HARBOR. Eva Aspln, Pre~~ldent. it clear that once adopted and LL IIOY IS WUJfED ratified the Union wu perma. APTEB BJ'ITDfQ YOtJTB nent and tbat there wu no turn. lng back. the ClvU War would Newport pollee Friday warned never have been fought. Beca•se a Balboa bland boy, who tor no ot thl.s "silence" the states felt apparent reason, hit Brian Craw. they could withdraw. ford, 13. ot 220 Dia mond Ave., M early as the War of 1812 Balboa Island, ln the DOlle, caus- there was talk of seca.slon. and lng Jt to bleed. 1urprlslng though It might be, It Police said the Incident OC· was the New England section curred In a garage at 900 S. Bay that wanted to withdraw. Tbe Front, Balboa Ialand, where sudden ending or the war of Brian wu working on a motor 1812 ended thla attempt and from a boat with .John MartJn, New England wu accused o1 U , of that adclrfta. 1Wo other treason. In 1832 South CaroJbaa boys entered U.e •ara .. and the tit.N&teDtd ... ....... but eM .......,, OOCIIII'M. quick actton of Ptecldent lack. son ended suc:h a st~. TMa ..... y ... Daa't ....... blptyl Two Modela to ChOOM From Be It noted that th .. attempta at secession had no connection with slavery. The secession of the Southern states In 1861 wu accelerated by the "do nothing" policy or President Buc:banan. Jn. deed, President Buc:banan lD hts message to Congre&s .said that he had no power under the Consti- tution to p~ent secession. For- tunate are we that Lincoln had • Fletcher Liberty 8-4229 no such fnterpret&Uon! 23211 ·~ ahod. COlT& MUA Announcing effective ~nday. Feb. 14th TeUera' WiDdOWL Accountiog Depcu tment Only 9-.30-3:30 MoDday thru triday 9-12 Saturdcry All Oihtr Deportments ~ Moaclcry thna Friday 1-12 Saturday· CorGDG del Mar lanmch 2..07 East Coest Highway 10-3 Monday Tllna '11aunctay 10-t Fddcry J .. ·~afe Dr~vers' Beautification (Oldest Peck Ci>ff1c er.s , · ~~ h ........... taater Week WGIIIil41 ..... t) 0W1Mn are a1lo a lett« 8Upport. two ciQa lut ...-bi 1M ...._ 1111*1 bJ 1i1a.JW HW and City In ...-po,.. to tbetr demands port Bead\ City Ball ee•u., out .....,_ Win e.tkd. a ClOP1 ot a ,.. OrttJnanee hu been copl• Of the new dt7 on~~na..-t111t a119Jiclt1011 tar ,..,.._ Ud a pUled to DNWnt overerowdJnJ. on Nntall to ~ OWMn. oopy ol tbe apeement subJect· one ot our ma.J« ·problema. It The coaii\IU. plaM to alp up tnc the ,...._ to "nuonabiAt requ.lree tbat JOU eeeure a ftl1tal bloc:k counclJDn on Balbo a ~ bJ tbe membert ol 1kenM Jt yo" own fl!wc than llland who wUl act u adVI8on. tbe rtn and PolJce ~ thNe unJta. A copy ot the Ordl- a.ld, ,..,._. and poUce,. ._.... of the CltJ ot. Newpott Beech and nanc.e S.. mcloeed, an• we Invite Euta Week. ~ Sta~ 01' Coun1)' law enfOI'Ce-your attentton to the lilt ol ln- ... -.. ::-~~~~:Gets Uuuer Way Here 8DNd by the Newport Harbor Po-Entry blanks m\18t be tiled by Uee Department. met 'ftnu• March 15 for the annual county day .nlpt I an. 71, ln City CcNftco dvtc beautWcatton project. tt Cllambers. lim Gllltrap wu wu announced thla week by elected preeldeftt; Toaa Wft&bt, Mrs. John W. Neff of N~ Ylce-pre.ident. and I uelie lfd[tn. Helehta. chairman for the city of ney, lleel'etarybeuura'. Newport Beach for the county. the week followlnJ the cloetnc of the contest on May 15, wW be baled on permanence. decree of accompllsbmtmt and decree ol local patttcfpatlon. The entries may be In form of a scrapbook lncludLnJ description of project. proeress made, pictures •howitJ.C Improvement. newspaper arti. cles. names of lndlvJduals and oreanlzatlon.s particlpaUne. Memben ol tbe Mm•ftt-._...t qeey." lltntctlona which outllne your The ''Roya.t." wu formed to wide contm. promote n.fe-drfvtnc &mon1 the Mrs. Robert Ma.rahall or 107 teen-aeen of t.bl1 area. 1be club Vla Florence, Lido llle, Is the 11 open to all drlven over atx. newly appointed chairman of teen years of a1e. All appUcantl the Oranee County Civic Beaut! who watked lUt week tDCluded 'nle application for llcen~~e ln-prtvtl~ under thJ1 Ordinance. Mra. Harriet Donalct. Kra. Doro-d~ cs..:rtptlon o( premJael. A well c.pnbJed ~of Block thy Brame, Mn. Betty Gurr, Mra. number of bedrooms, number of CounM.lon la beln1 enlllted In Loulle Gall&Jber, Mrs. bther beda, the number of peraona that the moct concMted areas. They Fuller, Mra. Goldh: Joeepb. Mrs. the ]W'eiJ\1Iee ean leplly accom. will uallt the youn1 people, the Marian MuUJn.., Mra. Harvey modate. owners. and the authorities, ln Som~ Mn. Chari• Bull, Mn. Here 11 tbe text of the accom. avoldln1 . trouble of all klnd..a. should contactoneoftheotftoera. n catlon commltt~ ot the Aaaocl PA.DfTEa •O'Ds J1AJ1DS A.aitiMQ Nelelltlf Don Hayton, ..,._ Richard Llllen-panylna letter: Our CJty of( Newport Beach La thai, Mn. lfotman Waban and Dear Friend: no lonaet' Just a "wmmer place." f'l de• -... tJae tlaalport aw A •.a-K. WcdllaK ~ ...... IWt-........ J, ltar'DM. Celli ..... Fr• ............. Ntcholu Brettner. Each repre. Easter Week wtll soon be here, It Is a fast growing, all year senti a local ctvtc oraanlzatlon and with It our annual vl1JtatJon home, for more than h ,ooo Interested ln flrhttna the Euter by youn1 people from our South. people. We hope that Easter Week problem. land bl~th tchoola and colleJes. time wtll be a time of relative ..... -of lb. a.d ..... ,........~ .. ~ .... _. ........ .,tiM ..... The :W.foot cabin erulaer, Sally Kay, skippered by lack HIJdon of 208% Marine Ave., Balboa Island, was able to make Its way Into Newport Harbor Sun- day Jan. 30 unders tt. own power after being pulled ott the ocean beach at 19th St., Newport Beach, by the U. S. Cout Guard. 1'1\ree other persona were aboard. People h.ve been ~eying • • , and believing that a.uon"l VIIIOW IKIIYIC& Your Clty AdmlnJstratlon has peace and qulet this year for you been plannin1 for thll event for and for aU of us. We feel sure the past alx months. We have you will etve us your support ln met with Clvtc .A.saoclatton.s. PTA helplnJ to make It so. ,roups. and all Interested ctu. Plea.ae write or eall us at the zens. ln an effort to make thla City Ball for further tnformatJon vacation time a more aat1$fae-or help of any kind that we may tory ~ence tor all concerned. Jive you. We are planning for better su. pervlaton by pollee and juvenile authorltlea.. Our people and our orca~ IJ'OUpa. u well as our busJneu men, are aroused to the Very truly yours, Dol'a 0. Hill Mayor John J . SaHora City Manaeer Ell.l SCIIOL IEWS ... Oelaldllle J. Ilona of ... eoc.t • ..,.. Jfewpol't -..cia. ,.._ ~ a.. pl1t.d a tou ef .. ty wttla 0. l.t Ma. rtM A1n:ndt Wlll9. wbida Ia statl•••d Ia 1..-aDd ltona. OC Men Help Olympic Fund ' The Lettemen'a Club of Qr. The boat ran a,round at 6 p.m.. when the port mote. faDed causin1 the craft to twerve Into the nearby aurt, Cout Guard of. flclala explained. The lf'OUDded boat wa.s ~ tree by the Coast Guard at 8:10p.m. The boat took on some water from a dama(ed rudder I)OR. anJe Cout Colle,e be-came the finrt college ,roup to contribute to the Olympic Fund u they turned ova 875 to BUl Shroeder. mana1lng director. of Helm's Our student council "sock hop" In the entertainment line. Athletic Foundation, at a.ssem. lrlttr 111'1111. on Jan. 4 turned out very well. Richard Elliot and his base and bly last week. We had approximately 360 ~~ev-Danny Arthofer with hls acord-The Orange Coast Block OC 'After •• ...... enth and elchth crade students tan played a duet. Kathy Hun. members staled a charity dance combined. aaker did a beautiful Job singing to ralae money tor the Olympic Willard D. Dlxon, 39. of 467 "Count your Blessings." The Bar. Fund. Over one million dollars Flower St., Costa Mesa. was ar. bershop Quartet entertained also. Ia needed to h elp defray ex. rested on a charJe of being in· Punch and cookies were served. penaa roc the United States toxlcated In an automobile at 1 ln the afternoon before the dance, from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m .. these ~trls (and one boy) stayed to make and put up decorations: Pat FruehJlng, Pat Bush, Barbara Nott. Rachel St~art, Mary Lu Downlnr. Ann Marie Muller, Me- linda Rork, Pat Wilcox. Jim Lewla and Barbara Ullenthal. the two teachers who stayed were Miss Jo Ann Record. gym teaclter, and MUs Beth Turpena, art teacher. The clever klds who won the team whJch will participate In 2 :04 a .m . Jan. 28 after his car prizes were Sandy Watson for Melbourne, Australia, In 195§. was Involved In an accident on girls. most decorative. Ru nners Newport Blvd. near 28th St. up were Jae Fontlus and' Jacque FA.ILUU TO llEQISTEJl Pollee said the Dixon car hit Gaston. For boys. Oashlest, It tM>tU Woodley M. Horn, 22. who told a parked car In ~nt of .......,.. wu Bruce Douglas. who had a N Bl d. ,_. __ .. Bo pollee he could not remember ewport v • ree ... u:ro:u to n. lleht of some kind In one of hls his N....-.vort Beach address, was aid G. Wood of that address. The socks. Congratulations. Student ~~ ,.._. Wood k J arrested on a charge of failure car was knoc ed approx · council members stayed alter to 1 20 r b th l to re~ .. er at 8:56 a.m. Jan. 30 mate Y eet Y e mpact. clean up. We hope everyone had 5 ""' bittln kJ _.__ Tb alter he alle<>edly ran throu<>h I a par n1 me..:.. e a good time. • • ---.aed x1 Three hearts were put on each • • • a boulevard stop at Superior Dlxon car pr~ appro · of the 6 basketball backboartb Ave. and Beacon St. Mr. Hom mately lSO feet. ltrlldn1 a clty and a monstrous blr red heart We had a tragedy last w~k told pollee that he had spent palm tr~ and tearlnJ It out by also. Ml.u Norma n-ktft·. the th ... roo'"· Tb .. ......._ wu c·-led with J&thered white crepe paper n:a '"" tour years In ftle Huntsville Prf. " ,..,., " "'~ ... IMtrumenta.l teacher, went up In T f 1 ed b 1 on the root of the movln"' v& around the edJe went over the son, exas. or al ec urr ary • Mut. ol Ceremonies .tand By the mow one day with a ,roup and two years In Leava~wortb hkle fOI' ano&he 50 feet. The a. W'aJ tM ....... ol C.. of .tudeut8. Whlle OD a toboc· Prboft for allepd vt.ol.UO.. o( ear ltr\ldl a r.nce ln fbmt o1 a ._... ·W'Ift Jell Sbdtll and can .... baJuNd the u~ n,e »Jet Act. t.ou.. at lilt wewpan Ill"-and 1n lw!r knee and wiD have a eut came to ,_ In front ot a hoWie ~d Mt.~arland. ltU~~~ on her fiJbt le1 for three week&. at 2818 N--Blvd. wh~ a ... -en nOW on rran............... A Classifi&d Ad in The Eruiqn ............ there wu whtie and red ~ She;; not In ~~ehool at all last brinqs immediate results! Coli fence and front porch were lth red h arts. 11t wee e all mla her and hope Harbor I I I+ I I I 5 and orove it! knocked down. pollee reported. ~pe~·a :'t.nd wu co:ered wi~ :::n.will be up and around &Jain wbtte paper and red hearts. • • • • ated Chambers or Commerce of Painter Earl Austln sultered Orange County, the sponsoring aeeond dee'ree burns on hll oreanlzatlon. Trophies will be awarded to hands trom a gas fire In the the community showing the most home of Mrs. NelUe Reinhart of continued beautlrlcatlon prog 2404 W. Ocean Front, Newport ress. to the entrant with the Beach. at 11:37 a.m.. last Thurs. most artt.uc project and to the day, N~rt Beach firemen re- communlty showing the most ex- tensive Improvement. Projects are eligible for competition 11 started after Aue. 1, 1954, and concluded on May 15. 1955. ported. Mr. Austin was movtnc a gas range when the plpe sprane a leak which Ignited JU from a pilot lleht. No dama1e resulted from the tire. Newport Beach has been a winner for several years. 'l"ree •••••••••.illiiiii planting, landscaplne and actlv. Jties similar to the local Arbor Day parade are all conatdeted accomplishments elleible for competition. JudJlDJ, which wUl be done AJIJ) Morry Smith's BIG WEEK END SPECIAL! IEIT I TY TIUIS., ,_, SIT., FEB.. 10-11·12111 OM T1ia ij) • 1111111! •• "SStt-T Ita•" t:--1. --.. IEII u•, ... , ~ I Wltlla -....ttr"-.,. '"F .. c:.p- "SUPER SHELL SERVICE'' * • Fonnerly Jerry Balli .............. •....-t~ ....... ., c..p~e~e-...ot&IIAr ....... Even the plano was decorated. The cltatn circled the l)'m. It COirt 15c pJua your student body card to 1et ln. The dance started off with a .nowball dance wtth the stu- dent councll member& acting ha.ta and hosteae.. The whole IYID ahook when they played a bop reeord. Two of the etrls, one seventh and one eighth, had ballons on thel' feet. Sandy Fleer looked cuf e In a pink and black checked aklrt. She had on one black sock with tiny pink bows 8fnftd all over lt. and one plnk sock with black bowl In student council last w.ek we dlxu.aed ueembltes for next year. We decided to have 'two paid auemblles. We hav~ to st1n up by MarC!h this year to have them next year. Two were not picked yet, but we dl~~eusaed such ones a.s tennis table champs, organ music, a gult\r player, a plano and sJngfng act. a chinese authority on far east. em alfalra and a puppe-t show. How many "horses" would you like? a. OQ.-.I, a ....... ~ ... tt.at. Tires • ltecapt J'ICZ UP & D&UY&IIT )pen Evt"?' Day 7 a.m. to 8 p.m IE II UPIILITEIIII sewed on lt. • • • In a basketball game with Anaheim Jut Thursday, I'm sorry to say we lost both games. The "A" game wu 31-26 and the "B" game was 35-24. Better luc:k next time, boys. GUJnfS QET DAUQ~ A dauJhter, Mara Jannlla, wu born to Mr .• and Mrs. Francis Gunn of 585 ' Park Dr., Costa Mesa, on Tuesday, Jan. 18, In Hoae Memorial Hospital. LEQAL JfOTICE 110 KJ'. Cruted for dri~n who demand bla.ziQa acc:eleratioa. t.be "Super Turbo-Fire V8"• o«en ~ ID&Ddiaa plut-perfonnance. 162 M.P. A silk-lined cyclone of power, tbe -rurbo- Fire VI" bouts the shortest stroke and hi&best com- praaioo in its field. 116 H.P. With Powu&lide•. the ·&tue-F'Iame 136 .. Jiws tbe ease ol aulOinatic shiftina at lowest price. with 6-qliDcler ec::ooomy. 1U M.P. Lowac in initial coat. uhra-thrihy. the •atue- Fiame 113 .. 6 is the world's ya.rdstick foe Tatuc and dunbilily. •Opt-..1 M GIN COli. No ..... wt.kh mpoe you cboole, you aec Cbn- ..... ..,...U.. ~ body clc:aiiD-You Ft a wJwcY n. JOil _.... apected in a low~ c.ar, (be easy .... ot ~ tro.l V1J 11111. the don ... -ot W ,_ ••...U.. You -Y<*:J! ol. three ............ a full ...... ol power ..... Mw • a: scelet -.1 -.. die ..,._ ., ...,, motoramU! CHEVROLET .................... Cure.nUy lbowm. at -..can•a ot the Amerlcan Indian 1a UDIW'· leacllr oi Otrl lc:lellt Troop ~. a-taurant, Corona del Mar, S. ~ 1n authentldt;y, cnfta. wllll liN. a. C. fWit7 ~ ., an exhlbltlon ot twel"' oU patn. manahtp and colcw. Other well ._....._, The troop•a former A ap«lal plane bu ben char-unw the chaJrm.l.ftllllp ol at- ttnp by ~Mmben ot the A.mert-knoWn art11ta repreMnted are: leadlir, Mra. Georp Sdloonover, tered to brln• IQMta ol llra. tlat Thelma PaddOCk Bo" ot eo. ean Art.l* Prot..UOnal LeaJUe. Duncan Gleuon. Beatrlx )(au-ltlatptd to Join bet huaballd at Alyne P1elda from To.u to New-.._. del liar. TheM palntlnp were •lected by rtne McCulley, Marie Clark Mil· Olympia. W a • h 1 n g t 0 n ' near port llarbo 1 tlm t th . v 1 · PetrY ltln1 llnlft' with the Jury from the ~nt exhibition ler, Clyde Scott. Ruby Usher, where be la ataUoned at n . r n e or e a · Georee ~ TV lhow wtU by the Leaeue at the Glendale Cecil Chartlberlln, Norman Hall, LewiL Marpne Bunnell wu re-en tine Ball Frld_,. nlpt at the be a feat\u"ed entertatner '~ Public Library Gallery. The pte-Mildred Kaucher, La.ry D. Green, cently elected prealdent of thla Balboa Bay Club, IPOMOred by with localltet Chet ruru and tuns now at Ragana were cho-Van Copeland and Roy M. Ropp, troop ot. el1hth lfade atrla from the Oranp County PbUh~nk Irene SdlUJer, wbo wU1 do tnter- een to be aent to the Leaeue'a wbo arranged for the exhibit. Horace Enslp School. ~ Soclety. ~~rett~v~e~d~a~n~.eee.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grand National Annual Sbow, For the past two years, Mr. named u otflcera were Sharon The occasion wm also mark Pine Arts Gall~. 15 Gramercy Ropp has had charge of the ex· Slqer u vloe pnsldent, Judy the blrtbday of one ot the JUesb, Place, New York, at the conclu-hlbltlons at Ragan's whe~ the Baker as secretary and Jean Gaz.. MJ• Vander MUler ol Dallu. slon of the ahow here March 10. one man shows by art!sts of the lay as treasurer. The troop Ia Al10 Included In the party wlll COSTA MESA STAnONERS 1711 lf....-t ami. LJ 1-1102 The spotlight Is featuring coutal region are c h an g e d planning a trip to Brea Dam In be Jame.. Harper of Abilene, Laz. "Ceremonial Night," a large can. monthly and have received ln. Fullerton next Saturday In con. ry Henry and Mr. and Mn. Caz. vas by Waano Gano, noted creasing popularity. Mr. Ropp Ia nectJon with their conservation rol Shelby and their daughter Cherokee Indlan artist whose well known, not only as an ac-badge. They are alao workJng on and eon and Mtu Shirley Rob- outstanding work In depleting compllshed artist but also for pertlOTlal health and child care erts, all of Dallas, and T. 0 . the historic llte and ceremonials having a-eated the nationally to help them earn the Curved Woodrutf of Wichita Falla. Join- FIRST CHUIICH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST JlOJ Vl.t Uft. ... .,.,. lead. A brench of th.e Mother Ourdt, Tt.. known Paaeant of the Masters, Bar. lng the party In Southern Call-• . . . directing It for eight years to fornla wW be Leslie Smith of its maturity-a ma.jor feature of Troop Z1 of eighth grade lf.rl Los Angeles. the annual Festival of Arts. La-scouts recently presented Rev. CeJebrltles planning to be James Stewart of St. Andrews .... ..... ~. II H T.Utl PHONE111E ~~ FOR A FREE EXPLANATORY TREATMENT Fit1t Church of Chriat, Sc:ientiat, in loa· ton, Meuechu.1etts. S11ndey Sc:hoot ··---9:15 e.m. S .. ndey SeNice ·····-··--·· I I :00 e.m. WedneKiey Eve"ing MNting 8:00p.m. guna Beach. present at Mrs. Karen Margreta Presbyterian Church with a Br 1 n> T bl (M It's amazJnely easy to make your dream of a slim, Youna tree In appreciation of the un n. 5 a e, rs. Bruning 1 • Is chalnnan 'of the ball) are attract ve !Iaure come true. Come In today-For a facUlties of the church which movie star Charles Coburn of Los preliminary fleure analyat.-no obligation. they he•e been allowed to uae Angeles and band leader Johnny IIAJIIIOB 17U for their meetings. As a part of Mercer and his wile. The Mer- GIBL P'Oa KacLEAifS Reeding Room loc.eted et )) IS Vle Lido. Newport 1eech., i1 open _, de'(l lrom 10:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m .. WedneKieys from 10.00 e.m. to 7:45 p.m. Fndey eveni nga frotn 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. CIOted Holideys. A daughter, Joan, 8 lbs., was born to .Mr. and Mrs. Douglas MacLean of 400 Fullerton Ave., Newport Heights, In Santa Ana Community Hospital on Tues. day. Ja n. 25. The girl joins her sister, Elizabeth, 5, and brother, Douglas, 3, ln the family. their conservation badge work cers are Lido Isle residents. Also ()pea Koa.. Wed.. & Fri. E~ the scouts visited Irvine Dam. 2117 E. Coat lhry .. MCir Jmm&De .. C.... del IIAII' Included at Mrs. Bruning's table j~;jiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iii;iii~i~~iiii;::~ A Classified 1\o '" rhe EnsiOI' brinqs immediate resulh! Cal• Harbor I I I 4-II I 5 and orove it! Th• pubhc it cord•elly inv1ted to •• tend t... church Ml'llic.a end u$a the lleed•"o Roo,., where tbe troop leader's bus-•v'll he Mrs. c. M. Hyland of band, William Spurgeon, ex. Beverly Hills, AJlan Gray of Los plalned what constitutes soil Angeles, the Charles Wheelers of erosion, why trees help the Corona del Mar, Mr. and Mrs. gTound, which wild flowers Cha rles Swlnden of Pasadena, Light their life with fJith i/Jit should be picked ana how ant. mals and plant life are Inter Mrs. Lolita Geoghegan and Mra. Fred Ferrey of Santa Ana, Leo depende nt. At a February meet-Kluthe of Fullerton a nd Thomas lng the troop will teach games Wood of Balboa. to Mrs. William Payne's fourth The Ora nge County Phllhar. grade Brownies as part ot their monte Orchestra Conductor, Frte. ST. AlfDJlEWS PaESaTT'EBIAJf Clll7RCB 15th St. lc St. Andrews Rd., acrou from Bi~b Scbool Liberty 1-3773 Paten: JIMr. Jam• S. St••art SUNDAY: Morning worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School. 9:30 and 11 :00; Sr. High Fellow- s hip, 7 p.m.; College age fel- lowship, 7:30 p.m. -TIJES. Prayer, study group, 9:30 a .m. COJOCalflTT METHODIST 4.20 W. lttb St.. Costa M..a Liberty 1-4552 R••· JOMpb W. KcShaa• Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun- day School; 9:30 and 11 :00 a.m. Mornln~ Worshlp-7 p.m. College Age MYF Service -7 p.m. High School MYF Service; 7 p.m., Sunergous Group Serv· Ice. TilE caoa:a or wr 1050 auardl St.. eo.ta M.-Libert'f 1-5711 D. C. llunt. MIAJ.ster Sunday Servlces: 9:30 a.m. Bible st udy: 11 a.m. morning wor· ship: 7 p.m. evening service. Midweek s e r v I c e , 7 p.m. Wednesday. CHRIST CIIUJICB liT THE SEA Commwlity K.thod..lat Balboa 111¥4. at 14th St.. lf.-.port BAl'bor 5229 Pastor: a... Roy A. Carboo Sunday Worship, 9:45 and 11 a .m Church Schobl: f1:45 a .m. Midweek Meeting: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday preceded by 6:30 p m. potluck. ASSEMBLY OF COD 22nd St. cS Elct.;l AYe.. C:O.ta N..a Uberty 8-37'61 a.•uead M. C. CrODlc:. Pastor Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor- ship: 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Youn~ People and Children's Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid- week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m . Ladles' Missionary Coun- cJl, Thursdays. 10:00 a.m. SEVEJfTR DAY ADVEJITJST lf.-.port lll¥d. at lolea St.. lf.-.port ···~hb Liberty 1-1532 Elder D. D. SpcnaldJ.D9 Saturday Morning Services: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11 :00 a.m. Prayer meet- Ing: Wednesday, 8:00p.m. Frl· da y Evening Vespe.rs: 8:00. ClllRCII of tM Jf.AZABEWE l.A ....... It..C...K ... ,._._, .... CltM wuu-a. Uberty .. 7111 Sbnday Services: Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship at 10:30 a.m. Evangellstlc Serv- Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. Prayer meeting, 7:30p.m. Wednesday. FI1lST CBtJBCB OF CBJUST SCIEJifTIST 3303 Via Lido, lfnrport Beach HArbor 2421 Sunday School: 9:15 a .m., Sun- day S e r v Ice : 11 :00 a.m. Wednesday Evenln~ Meeting : 8:00: Reading Room. 3315 VIa Lido. Newport Beach, open 10 a .m.-5 p.m. week days. 10 a.m .. 7:45p.m. Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m. Friday evenlnes. FIJtST BAPTIST CRUliCB Scmta A.Da A•e. at MG9DoUa Costa M..a ..... P. c. lf.umCIDD Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School ; 11 :un. Worship Services· 6 :30 p.m., Baptist Training Union: 7:30 p.m ., Evenlnr Setvtce Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., Prayer. Praise and Bible Study. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. Men'a Chorus practIce ; 8:30 p.m. Men'a Prayer Meeting. CIIU"8CII OF 0178 LADY or NT. CJlBKEL 1441 w. lkl1boa al9d.. Jf..wport llArbcw 011. P'crther s~. Patcw F~ PanaauWI ANt. Sunday Masses: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11 :30 a.m. Confession: Sat urdays and eves. of 1st Fridays and Holy Daya, from 4:00 t.<' 5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 tD 8:3l. p.m. Dally M ... 8:00 a.m. "rat Friday: 6:30 a.m. and 6:00p.m N o v e n a (Perp4rtual Help): Tuesday, 7:45p.m. CIIBJST LUTR'EilA.K CBtJJICII OF COSTA MESA (Klanart Sy.od) Ameriem~ IA9ioa BalL eo.ta .... Pastor: lin. Lotbar TOI'DO'W Sunday Services: Worship Serv Ice 9 a.m. Sund•y School at 10:15 a.m. work on child care. • • • da Belinfante. will be a guest at Next week Seventh Grade Girl Scouts of Troop 28 are planning a trip to Rankin's Ranch for overnight camping lessons and fun. These girls. members ot Mrs. Fred Hunt's troop, are work- Ing o·n requirements for First Class Rank which Includes band· ages In first aid, cycling, adven- ture and camp craft. Circa ltlif Fer Sllelll Lee's Party Mualc, games and refresh- ments aU played a part In the entertainment and fun at the blrthday party of Sheila Lee McCall, who celebrated bs 81'¥· enth birthday annJveraa.ry Thura- day, Jan ZT, at a party given by her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Mc- Call, 2011 Kings Rd., Cl!lt Haven. Birthday cake and table decor- ations were .all In circus motif and each guest received a prize souvenir of the party. Guests In· eluded the honoree's 11-year-old brother, Grand McCall, Patty and Peggy Dawson, Carolee Hall, the ta ble of Mr. and Mrs. 0 . W. Richard. Mr. Richard is president of the Philharmonic Society. Also at this table will be Mrs. Ivy Frash.•r of Crystal Cove, Adrl· an Holland and Waldo Winder ol Los Angeles and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beenhouwer of New York. Shocking pink hearts and other decorations to be at the benefit ball have been m ade and are being plac~ In th~ Bay Club ballroom by supporters of the Philharmonic who have formed a decorating committ~ ace sw-.111 , ... . ........... . 'Ibe Oranp Coast Collqe IW1mmJnr pools are now o~ to the public for recreation swlmmlng on Saturdaya from 1 to 4 p.m. Season tlckeu, good until June 15, are available at S2.00 for adults and $1.50 for children. Admlsslon without sea- son tickets Ia 30c for adulta and 25c for chUdren. ST. JAMES EJI'ISCOPAL Nancy Walker, Patsy Pardoll. GDIL IIOU TO LEWIS' HOI Via Udo. Jf.-porl a.ada Andrea RoJas, Jlrmt~¥ Stewart. KlD!ater: Jimmy White and Ricky Dawson. A daughter, Connie Lynn, wu lin. Penal Moon WhMler • born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward BAJbor lDO Sunday Services: 8:30, 9:30, 1l A Cl&ssified Ad in The tnsiqn Wwt. of 990 Oak St., Costa Me.a, M I Pr 9 30 brinqs immedia te resulh! Cal' on Saturday, Jan. 8, In Hoag Me- No matter where the need may arise, we can make complete anangell'\ents, due to our con. nectlona with other dependable, moderately priced funeral dl-. rectors all over the country. Call · ua I'DtiT; we'll ...Ueve you o1. ev~ worry, and we'll a1ao .. ve you time and money. PARKES·RIDL MOA.TUAA.Y HO laOAOWAY COlT" WIIA UeMrY ....... _ .• -~., ..... • -..'-". ,... OtiDa O.M ~ ... • ,., ...... IAUOA • ~~ • liDO II~ • ST. JOA~ CRUBCII 1964 OJoa:D_p An .. Costa M..a Liberty 1-1091 UWIVEJISALIST COMK171fJTT I'ELLOWSRIP EIMU ClabbociM SIS W. Balboa lll..S.. Balboa ICilllst8: a.Y. r . w. amg. a.m. om ng ayer: : a .m H b lal Registration for Sunday School &r or I I i4-I I IS anri orove i+1 mor Hoepltal. Th~ay ~ces: 9:15 a.m r~~~~~~~~~~~~::==~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prayer Guild; 10:30 Holy Com Fatber Tbomas J, lfwt.D Suaday Kaues at' 7. I. I. 10 aad 11 :30 a .m. Weekdays: Mass at 7:00 a m. -Confession: Satur· days from 4:00 to 5:1::--7:00 to 8:15 p.m . FIBST BAPTIST CIIUBCB OP' JfEWPOIIT Balboa IIJ..S.. 1ttll & CODrt Ita.. Jfewpad HArbor 3553 Liberty I-J072 Pastcw: llabert G. Jobuoa Sunday services: 9:45 a.m .. Sun-day School; 11:00 a.m., Wor-ship Service; 7 :30 p.m. Sunday evening<" e r vI c·e ; Mid-Week Servtce: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting. Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Morn-Ing worship, 11:00 a.m. I'DST SOVTRED IIJlrnsT Clll7RCR &00 W. IICIIIllltoa St.. e-ta K ... Uberty 1-1214 Panot: Dr. lllcbard II. Poa Sunday school, 9:45 a .m.; church servtce 10:50 a.m. Training Union 7 p.m. Sunday. Evening worship 8 p.m. Sunday. Teach- ers and otflcen meetJng 7 p.m. Wednesday. Prayer service and Bible study 8 p.m . Wednesday. munlon. · IT. JOD VIJllf1fET 315 KCII'bM Aft. Balboa lalaDd ·~ 011. P'atiMr ·~u.y, .__ P'at!Mr PwDGWIU ANt. tor Sunday Masses: 7:00 a . .m. & 9:00 a.m. Con~Hslon: Saturdays and eves. of 1st Fridays and Holy Daya; 7:30 to 8:00 p.m .: Flra1 Friday Mass 8 a.m. CEXftAL SDLE CIIVRCR Or-.. Aft. at Did lt. c:o.ta M-. LDtelty I ·SJOI A.A.~ .... Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morn- Ing Servtce, 11:00: Eventnr JfEWPOWT HARBOR COROifA DEL MAlt Servlce. 7:30. Mld·week Serv LtrnfERAif CR17RCR CO~~=CR lee, Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. 2501 Cliff DT .. lf...-oort R•l~bb lll_!I=T:r,A"' BALBOA 1SLA11D Liberty 8-3631 nn.uv.-CONIIIONtn Mrl'li~IST B ... Robert Groftlund liS A901e Aft. 8alboa blalld Early service. 8:30 a.m. Sunday; ,__, a... Eclwba a-b MlDt.t•: .... Doaald lapp Chur('h 5<-h()()J. !1·30 a.m.: wor-Sunday Worship Services: 9:45 Suntf11y ~ces: q::lO a .m ship service. 11 :00 a.m .; Luther a .m., 11 :00 a .m. Sunday School: Church School; 9:30 and 11:()(' League. 7:30 p.m. 9:45 a.m. a.m WnrAhlp Servtce. This Diredbly is made pouible by theM ci.ic·mlDded bu.sineumen: WOOOW0RTH PIANO SHOP Excltlslve Agent fOT Baldwin Pianos 2610 E. Coast Hwy. Her. 3382 Corona d.t MM REE-snK Nn TAcks ... No Tape ... No Paste 2229 E. Coast Hwy. Ccwona del Mer NEWPORT HARBOR ENS16N NEWS,APER Printing-Advertising-Local News .2150 E. Coast Hwy. Her. 1114 CaroM cM1 Mer NEWPORT HARIOR IAf« l4l5 E. Coast Hwy. CoroM cW Milt NEW'ORT IALIOA SAVlN&S I LOAN ASSN. 1166 VIe LWo .. N..port INch SYMPSON & NOUAR Patntt"' and Decxntbt,f lt2 -•• ...... 2404 ... .,... ...... GENERAL SHEET ~ET Al WORKS -405 30th Stre.+ Harbor 2210 Newport a.ach THOMAS MOitl SERVlC£ Walhlng -flotl""'"' 1500 W. Wboa M. Her. l6tS.W Ne~ a.ae~t IALIOA lAY CLUI 1221 W. eo..t HJthw.Y Newpert leedl RICHARD'S UOO MARKET · better than on V a I en tine's Assorled Cltocolofe.s - 1 tempting variety of the finest milk chocol1tes, end d.rk chocol1tes with cre1ms, -,g..,._,..., nuts, crisp 1nd chewy centers. • s!• 2lb. ._ You won't h•v• to tell her -she'll U.W, when you give her Runetl StoWr c1,det. &ec:.vM they are the flnelt you can buy, they .. Y more ttwln WOfdtt words ... D ayl • speak of your lov.e wtth a Vlllentlne Card a crystal bud vue a lovely necklace a place M'ttlnc of her tableware In chlna or ateel a porcelalh figurine gUta from Karen IV\ilgrcta Imports 2653 E. Cout Hwy. HArbor 1373 Gift wrap -Ship -Delivery EWe ....... ,. YARN SHOP .,., a. c.a.t .... .., C... ..a.._ IIA _, ~====.:' ~ A«rrrc.iea and tnmuctlona WlaWJIMinl Mon. thru SaL 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thunday 1 p.m. to 5 A Gi•e Your Heart'a Desire What Her Heart t :--• I Demrea ••• ~ene. Mrs. Ted Hambrook Tritt-Ross . Wedding Due A sprin1 weddinc ls being planned by Wllllam F. Tritt of Lido We llOd Mia Laura Lee Rosa of Cuyahoga Flllls, Ohio. Their encacement has Just been announced by the brtde-to.be.'s parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Rose of Cuyahosa Falls. The IJ'OOm-to-be b the son of Mr. and Mn. William Brewster Tritt of 209 VIa Ravenna, Lido Isle. He ta a third generation Callfomlan and a graduate of UCLA. where he was president of the A.ssociat~ Men Studenta. and a member Of Varsity Club, Phi Gamma Delta, Pi Delta Ep. sllon, Alpha Kappa Pal fraternl· ties and Gold Key. . Installed in Office Mrs. Ted Bambrook wu ln- atalled u president ot the Nf!'W· port Hubor Girl Scout Counc:U for a second term In a cere- mony ln the Glrl Scout House on Jan. 25 before a sroup of co- workers and ftlend.s. Mrs. Sidney S~tndera waa ln- atalled as flrst vice-president; Library Gets Welch Books A number of books from the penonal library of the late Harry Welch, Newport Beach pioneer who died Jut year, have been presented to the Ora nge Coast library. Arnone some of the books pre- sented were the complete Win- ston Chun:hlll aet on World Wu 0 , "Up Front" by Blll Mauldin, "Everybody's PoJJtlclll W h at' • What" by George B. Shaw and "The Seventh Cross" by Anna Sec hers. PublJc use or the llbnry collec- tion ls Invited, William Haarstad stated. The library ls open dur- lnl the week from 8 a .m. t o 4:30 p.m. and from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. ST. JAKES Em<:OPAL The first Parish pot-luck aup. per of 1955 is belnc held tonight (Thursday) in the parish hall. Mrs. 1. C. McColl.stet', chairman, has suggested that each tamlly brlng enough food for slx or eight servings. Mrs. John Oertly, aecond vice. presldent; Mrs. l uanda Cum- mlnp. treuurer, llOd Mrl. wn. llam HumaJtOn, secretary. 'Ibe Clrl Scout articles of fn. corporation were revised and re- ceived the atate seal, 'Mn. Ham. brO()k reported In a ll!jt of work for 1954. By-laws were revlsed to • fit the needs of the growlne council. Nel~thborhood chairmen will now be members or the board of directors. treasurer booka wet'e audited by a certl. (Jed pubUc accounta nt and the council now has a volunteer bookkeeper, she added. The Girl Scout oUices were re built and reananged, the Glrl Scout House was repa inted and redecorated and necHS&ry re. pa!R canted out. Two Baker tents were presented the council by the California Community Foundation which will further the troop camping program. A senior ecout wu sent to the All States Camp In Wyoming and another to oouncllcw In trlllnlng camp at Azalea Trails. Board members and leaders attended many tralnlnc courses and lnstl. tutes to better leun their jobs. A wreath was made and pre· sented for Memorial Day services at city hall and senior scouts were the fiower guard. Glrl Scouts participated In the Com· munlty Chest Drive. Red Cross Drive, Veteran's Day Par ad e . Mother's March of Dimes and a:e scheduled to assl.st In the .Heart Fund Drive. A total of 312 gltls camped In 1954. Visits were made to Irv1ne Park, Peter's Can· Gla yon, Snow House. Roklll, San fROU.f Diego. O'Neill Puk. Heniser a nd SUverado. MilS. DOIIALD II. LDfCLE UL U.. ·-ltLu ADdna Sweda 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET Riddle: Wb~n ta a Grocery , Store like an old mother hen! Answer: When the Grocery Store has been feathering Its nest for seven years w aiting and wa tch· ing for some more stores to hatch aU around . . . They've hatched! Some of them are most" as big as the Grocery Store ... But they're only ch lcg . . . In I years ... Must pay tribute to the Gra nd Pu and Grand Mas who were the start of the whole thing ... The Lido Theater and p. a. palmer Incorporated. Joe Nlckertz Studebaker, Udo Rich· field Service Station , Newport Balboa Savinp and Lolln ... Of coune the GroceTY Store ta awfully proud of her oldest eon . . . VIncent's Druc store, who ta most u old u she ta . . . And those chickens! My goodness how fut they hatched once they got started . . . Bllnk of America. Lido Toyland, Williams StlltiOn· ers, Jack Bidwell's, Shavlnc Mug, Lido Fashions. Lido Beauty Shop, Vagabond House, Lido Electric. Rule'a Shoes. Shlld· dock's. Lido Bookcase, Dlck J4ac. , ker's wtth 11m Wlllker, W. 0 . Buck. Inc., Lido Realty A.aeocl· ates. Gerbudt's Studios. Blanche Fulkerson. A.l.D .... plua law. y en, dentists. docton .... any. body missed! . . . I Ill ways find what I need . . . Lido Shops hu everythlnc! ... JUttat tllla •• Ilk 41lld 01$ ~~~ Ia _...._ • 15 pwtLit Hls betrothed Is a graduate of Colorado Woman's College and Kent State University. She be- longed to Alpha Ca mma Delta college sorority. Bill ls now a.a- soclated with RCA In Los An· ceJes. Glimpses BPWH f AJI1f ears o Does the ::n In the momlnl Polio Vaccine dt......t-cdl ........ .., ...S 4$ n ...... I lalldca 0 0 0 .. ........................... Andrea Swain Is Married ::..·!·~·.u•.; •.·:.' look ever so fresh! And do you notice the birds stnglng noisily! These are clues that sprlnc is anlvtnc. Another clue is the audden a p p e a l' a n c e of new aprln& aulta at O'BJlJEI'orS. ld d L. I ct-. ..... .....,--tid..& To Dona Har y 1ng e • ... va, ... .-......... The Dr. Saulk vaccine for polio a o t Ja Ia 9 bat OCR4d _... was described by Mn. Annabelle In one of his lut offidlll duties the ceremony. 'lb~ bride' a moth-d..._ .. It _.t ....,. ec. 150 FlU IK •oKE AppcudmatelY SSO damace re- .W~ floe • fin lD tile balM ol J~b B. GW ol 31Mf. P'em&Ddo St., BalbM.. at 2:18 p.m. Sunday. the Newport Beach Fire Depart· ment reported. The fire wu con- fined to a couch. SBOBTT COWKS, COWKS CIIICI SLIPS JnLOR, fniD ..... 1.15 UTOJI. tram ........ 2.15 ~ ... ,.,... __ ....... ..................... ..U.f Yee'D 884 ..., ..... J....-U.. ... ~----­ •• t.lliaiMI' wools .ad --~~aft bMa cat fniD a ..,..N. atJoD mcrt.riCilladadlD9 fti!OGo OOittoG .ad tb• .... ll'fDtbetk yaru aa -u aa wooL tile smct ltallaD aUk t...s cm4 mogaalael l1DeL The new suits have a way of follow ing body curves and tying them Into slim shapes. They have refTeshlng trims such as a touch of velvet on the collar, a self trim applique at the hlp pocket line, or an unusual but. ton arrangement. They have a "lady" look with slightly tapered shoulders, emphasized. perhaps with a wide flat collar; they have a higher bosom; and some of the new suits have a tendency to somewhat disregard the waJst. Top otf 'fOUl' ....., suit wttb a apr1D9 coat frala CYaiUEK"S outstaDdlD9 Mlectioll llldude 1D9 tile ti.Ded fabrk:l madla by St:nock cm4 Fontmcaua aDd tile popa.Jar bopac 'lDCJ. 'l1leae ..... ., ...... coCita .. ftall. ..,.. lD tile '-t'tll to pleae 'fOG ••• aJaort. IMd.l .. -f1all leD9tb .ad wttll wide -JMdl.. .. cafta. Hayes, phyalc-theraptat from the u rector of st. James Ept.copal er receive-d In a street length __ .., ._ ~ 9lda • ..._ National Foundation of Inf~tnWe Church, Newport. Rev. Paul Moore dress of Ice wblte damask wlth taU --wdlebe _. Pualys~ at the Newport Hub« Wheeler united ln ma.rrlap Mia blue a.cce...-les ~tnd a conace ••• U.. a a =t:t¥. ,_ a. L Bu.alnea and Profealonal Worn-Andrea Jeanette Swain and Don· of blue flowwL Kn. ~e wore ....-.. .. ....._ 14 g lilt' eD dlnMr IIMM.ln& lut '11nanc1.&7 a14 11arc17 lJnc,1e m at at o'clock a ~ of etsampape cok1n4 ttllllll , I ._ • • ..... In the Jfewport B&J'tM)r Yadlt eandlellaobt .en1ce "" Saturdq, Jlbantunc wtth matdllnc ~ -... a 'a 7 ...... Club. Feb. 5. • T-lOriS and a oarsaae ol Jill* 5 a ..... _.,:111 ........ The club voted to contribute $2 The daughter of Mr. llnd Mrs. flowers. ..C. • • • I ...-t .... II ~ a member to the BPW national Frank Guland Swain of 322 Apo. Aft~ a honeymoon trlp to Ap. wm ..._ ,_ .W _,.. Ia • building fund toward locaUng lena Ave., Balboa Island, wa.s pie VaJ iey, the newlyweds wfll • trclde ,_ • _. G. &. ldl:lt• the national headquarters in presen ted at the a ltar by her make their home at Pomona. • IIOt • • • Woa.ldll't laul't • Washtncton, D. C.. Instead of father. She wore a bridal gown where both of tht>m ue attend-I cak • • • ,._. ldda .... New York. at the bustn~ meet of pa le pink tu lle a nd white lng Pomona Collt>ge. The new ......-,tll1D9 yoa weed Ia tiM lng conducted by President Ma· Chantilly lace ovt>r tatfNa. full Mrs. UnRit' Is a graduate of WG'f of bad9et tleaaa aad low zJe Bird. length with a matching pink :'\'ewport Harbor High School. 8~ dowa ~b wbea -~ Mildred Swanson led the fiag halt bonnet holding the long husband. a St'nlor at Pomona, Is J,ar..,_ parcba8es • • • MNt hA salute. Guests a ttending the din tiered ve il of silk bridal Illusion a member ot Ka ppa Delta fra. ba'f of tile ,...Jr. JadE 81~ k • ~~--u·a wlaite cottoa Wldenlaorta ner were Gerl Bryan. Betty Holt-In white and pin . ~ carnn ternlty. tis t ed I wttll v.s.at:UMs a11 OONr ·-. ma n and Helene Waggoner. The tlons and stephano orm a ------ evening prize was won by Cella s pray bridal bouqueL Our 0"'11 Dick Richard. the Thayer. a new member. The groom 's sister. Barbara Board Meets OV.'ller or this the Gr~ry Store. Lingle. served as a bridal attend. hu just been appointed Cha lr, Bro•il s.• a. To llffalt RaHII a nt. Other bridesmaids were for Luncheon man or thf' Buying CommJtt~ Karen Froseth and Jeanne Me. of Cmlfled G~ ... As you Mann. Mrs. Joseph Ta tchell was must know Certifie-d Grocer's Ia matron of honor. The bride's at. Mrs. J H. Riggs. new preosldent the world largest co-opera tive tendants were dressed a like In or tht' Women's Auxiliary of St. Food distributer with some 1800 The Newport Hubor Butfalo antique taffeta gown& of coral· Jame-s EpllK'Opal Church. entt>r members . . . NaturAlly Rich- Ra nch was visited recently by berry In ballet length made with talned the mt>mbt'rs of her board ard's ls only one of 1800 Grocen Brownie Troop 62. Besides the I pleated back fullness. Head pi~ I and committee mt>m bt'rs at a that have bandM togetht!!' u a usual drive throuch the buffalo were a wra pped bank of match luncheon on F<>b 2 in h<>r home single buylng power to form eer. herd, each girl had a buno ride. lng fabric with race veil. at 211 Bay Front. Littl<' Island. tit led Grocers ... Without thJtt Push-Ma.Ta-Ha. a Cherokee In· Best man was Seymour Bet>k. Mrs. Riggs gavt' a repor1 of her single buylnc power, 1 shudd« dian, lnvtted the party Into a William Con;ch, William Gaede attendanct' at the annual meet to th ink what Mrs HouiM!'Wife large teepee, where they sat on a nd Herbert Mooney St'rve-d as lng of tht' Women's Auxiliary of would pay for some 7.202 Items buffalo rugs llnd ll.stened to titles I ush ers tor the groom. who Is the ~ Angele-s DICX"eW. held In St. that are fo und on our shelves ... of euly Indian children. son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Paul's Cathedral. Los Angeles. Let'a JaCift • ball •.• twe Adult . members In the party I Ra.rdy Lingle n of Whittier. Tht> Shf' also gave highlights COO· ba11a to be eaoct ••• Scltvdlry were Mrs. Thomas Rafferty. lead-Ungles are former Balboa Lsland N'rning tht' luncheon she attend--aigbt Cit tbe •••Ltenoo.a a.u.. er, and Mrs. Leonard Graves and residents. t.'d In the Biltmore Bowl honoring raom.. tM ~tdatled ..,-• Mrs. Easton Rhodes. Brownies I A reception was held at the ~n Douglas McArthur. Mmes.. a.-ol ·~ .. pittt.f Lncluded An n Wlnterbotham. church Immediately followlne Marshall Keeler. Arthur Aune. 08 tbe llecat r..d baU ••• Cllrol Graves. Lissa Jaycox. Cathy Jack Pinkham. Thomas B. Frost .,..._. ldda .. te be ~ - Michelson, PeCCY Ann Muller. JlE1"t&EE) JVI)CE DIES ! and Harry Casey also attended tbe ltec:lr ._ .. ..._ • Stephanie Myers, Joyce Oele. Judce M. C. Bolls. a prominent 1 the annual meeting In St. Paul's tla1a baU ••• ~ ..,.._ Christine Park. Kathy Rafferty. Orange County resident. d ied Cathe-dral. -·-d --. I ··-·--••lilted . . . ·- 1ea.ct • BaliN Vcal- •UM tbclt will aery ............ ....,. ., left pa" .... ou beaatll1al Popular In Southern Calltornla also wtll be the cardigan ·sutt and th~ two-piece dress wfth tb~ suit look-double proof of the emphalls on the costume thla spring. Linda Rhodes and Melinda su. Thursdlly, Feb. 3, In Lacuna at Guests of Mrs. Riggs Include-d • ••...u a •ll r 0 0 -. ,... man. the age of 80. Services were held Mmes. Whitney Wright. Dan Pat-Dytlla K.lap' •a.alc. tM Just a hint of the "under suit" at Baltz Mortullry ln Corona df'l tlson. Harold Beck, H. A. Hall. pdata.g frala B•11tcb Pita. weu. Much of the SJ)I'Ing color I ...&. rl •• _.... ..Ia Mar for the retired judge. who Beatrice Abell, Paul Caneen, Ann accent.t wtll be found In Clt.Y .. ~ .... 1'1... came to Santa Ana In 1880 a nd 1 McAllister. H. L. Ostrander. Peg ten. ..,. tiM .._ ,..._ • • • blou.._ and -a..i-C-n ·•-in lll...a H ld H dt M So tMt tiM II.OO tlc::fltM pu. ~ -ILI"UI ...... ucu If Litle .. .,... had lived for 27 yean ln the I Murphy. aro en re. ar. c:b-.cl wW be ._ ,..... • ......... * We GIN 1&11 a.-• .. * ............. ............. a.. .... __ ........ .-* a bow at the neck) and sprl•btly coastal recton of the County. He ,8hall Reeler. Arthur Au ne. Harry ..,.. .. llellrt ... , & patela In bata. cloves and ~ Herbert Blaltebrou~th. 64. dlf'd lllso served u judge ln Corona Casey. J11ck Pit\kham and Mary Friday nlcht b the PhllhUs tel leather belts u well last Friday ln hls home at 105 and postmaster In Inyo County. Lou Turner. monic bendlt dlnneor ~ at blou.e.. vta Antibea. Lido Isle. where he the Balboa Bay Club . • • 'I'M At O'WDCS ••• Ov ... bad beoftl a restd~nt for t.h.rft tickets are $10.00 per penon , •• lwlw y, -11ft ldM weeD. Previo\&a to bls mnea. he Obe 0 . Doan, 0 . D. hi'IY IClnl ~ the 0earwe • • • -.,.,, .. ,. .... .... wu afftllated with th~ U. An· th . f hi f'· Gobel Sbow will mn1 ••• a..t ....,.. _. •n .... . . • ae1el T\arf Oub and lived 1n Al-announces e operu ng o s o uce Farrar and Irene Sd\IU• lira. ...,_. -., tM .._ bambra. at Arthur Mu.n-aT• will dance ••• ..... -.... ._ , .. ,.. Mr. l)ab...,..,b wu bom ln Got an Itch to ,oT Mta. ...a aaua•. Aalilllll-. t1111t ....._ llradtri Ywtalhlre, Ena)and. 307 Maririe Ave., Balboa Island Jtotws. ..,._ 2171. 11 tM- (111111 It I I .... , AM IMSJ• an4 ba4l lJftd In Callfonlla for to eell ••• ,.. D..._ e1 .... __,-..._ r. .._-niM ,_... S..ll aurviWd by b1a vaU.. II l.babld. lllat • .... J ., a .., ... --. .... 'UWaa ll&hllco\tfb: a 80n. Practice devoted to visual care ane tiMre .,. a . 11w lilt .... ~ Of a... Bltad\, and a a....._ o...n 11M ldl t~PodMf. Artllw, oC JD\IIanct. 8 Telephone: Harbor 5069 1 wet • • • AM ~, ... _ .......... ., tiM JonJa )(a. .... ~ ............ . 10n1c .... o1 ~ lil1kh. Hours: ~ ot .._ 1r1 , 11 f'uMnl ....... llr. llab-~ ....... ----···-· ~P,... Ml4 TttlldQ 1a tbe 10:30 to 12 and 1 to 4, Monday, Tuesday, ._ ..._.. ~ Mortllar1. Oallta I&.& •• 1'1 • a..pe~. wtt~a -... ~ car. .. . Thutmy, ~ 10:30 to 12:30, WednM::iay ~ -. .,. ., tM Lllltll... .. ., ... a. and SatUrday ......... ~~~--~--~~~~~~~· ,--.!!!!!!2!.!~!!!!..~~ •••~:~~ e( liiilla AM. .... , ... ~------~---~------------........... -.-.......; ...... • • • --I Vog~l Vaf~e IIIT.I 1111 _..u._ .. a•••••••••••..,..,.. RW ftoon, fl.reDis.. 15Jc18 ~~ ~ lildt.ebm, floor f::i~~ e:.,r;:~ ::;a:arr.m 1 . ft. ~u uvra: area. lot. Price only .00. ts. .00-3._ loan 1i> ~-00 per month: New buyer can appl fc. .. !500.00 G". I. Loan. THE VOGEL CO. .-J E. COAST HWY. CORONA~~ MAR HARBOR 17ft HARBOR 1CT7 Tomorrow's Dream-ToJay! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR DISTINC11VE HOMES COMPLETED AND UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wtahes to purchue In the $210,000 to $30,000 cla.u we alncerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. Tbe.e homes feature Calllomla llvlng. Offered exclu- sively through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog-Free area known as Irvine Terrace--<)n Coast Highway oppo81te the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. AIIIIICIICI The New Furnished I.EL HOlES Bullt by .... c.,. Furnished by MARTIN lr von HEMERT * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leaaebold Estate in Irvine Terrace. MAY WE HAVE THE PLEASURE OF YOUR INSPECTION PHONE HARBOR 4448 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WDITH WAmll FDI AT TWO CHOICE LOCA'nONS ,.,.,. FRI. PIIOE ,,,. Garbaa-e dilposab, exhaust fans, sewers In and pd. for, luge garages. F. H. A. l•s,.cW WW DOWN PAYMENT-BALANCE LESS TIIAN RENT RESERVE YOURS NOW AND PICK COWRS TIIRU-OlJT W. A. T.,IS, Realtor -Yvi.I'IJ Hke our friendly service 393 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa Uberty S-1139 SPECULA TOR-IUILDEI-IIYESTOR N. E. CORNER OF IRIS AND FOURTII, CORONA DEL MAR r' 150 FEET ON IRIS A VENUE Cftve lots) r' TWO CORNER LOTS VA CANT r' FOUR BUNG AWWS (turnlsbed) ON OTHER 3 LOTS CONTACT YOUR LOCAL REAL TOR or lciAIUS REALn CO. 1-R&WJICD BLVD. COSTA MESA LJbeny 1-3333 C111YtiJDe WAS $IO,IGO lOW $8860 c ...... 1111 .. Cozy 3-bedr. home on good st.rHt, close to shopping center. Has fenced yard, patio, dble. gar. Owner leav-· lng, has reduced price for immediate aale to $8.950. BEl J. WHITUII I ASSOC. "Business ls Good" 3542 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar HA 1862, Eves. HA 1461 • Zlllll .. • ...... This t. one ot the few large lots lett In Corona del Mar. It Is located on the best street for rentals. alze 60'xll8', Comer 1~ and zoned for alx unlta. Pliee, 111.• OLE KANSOJif 00. Salea llamt .. .., •. ,... ...... ................ Here 11 an older turnllbed . property wtth year 'rou.nd income and a place tot Dad and Mom to relax whUe the klddles play In the tront yard or on the aandy beach a couple ot doors away. • ISI.miiEALnco. 498 Park. Balboa Ialand HA 3TI 10 DOWI PIYIEIT 3-bedr. bouae with fenced yard and other extru In Cl1lt Haven. No down pay. ment to qualllled buyers. • • • CDI RMIII -beck tum. apt., % blk. from an, $70, incl. util. \ Call Capt. Pattison ~E.,..., ....... ~ E. Cout Hwy., CDM \ HA~ 'l'c:lwn 'n''lwf In Laauna .._. hu mowd Into a new and mocJ. wn IMUqua.rten at ~ lloacJ.. • .,...... .U.aJua trontaae buli4- NICELY FURNlSHED room, pft. HAMMOND chOfd organ, Uke WI Rilb oae « two Ul*'l· Ina with 40dO area, Juat .a.. vate entr., private bath, very new, big aavlng. Danz.Sdunldt eneed ~ to 1111 MW the atnet hom tbe fonMr toea. dealtable. US Pol~ttla, COM, Plano Co., ~ N. Main, Santa and U8l4 een, 'nModon ..._ tlon. Tbe ownen. Mr. and Mn. HA _, W. AnL lne, ~ Dealtr 8100 W. Cout WUI>Ur J..ny, baw. .....S tllree ._. ' new ctn. lin-, Irene aur,, BACHELOR AFJ', newly dec., MISCELLANEOUS BED DIN G Hwy., ~ David CrJ-tal and Pat Hartley. A oompl. rum., utU. pd .. Yearly and comtorta and feather pU. u.r JUID 100•0 , ,_~ ol the new loeatJon 11 the rental f45 mo., 500!A Golden-Iowa. dlabe:t. kitchenware, one romm::PARAXEET ln VidJiltY open..cJiaplay approach wbldl fa. rod, CDM. Ll 8-4036. u ph o 1 at ere d chair, chaise ol Orchid. Identity. HA ClfG.W. cUJtatea euy perusal of all mer- GARAGE FOR atoraee _ Avall-lounge. ft3 Marigold, COM, ehancllle. able Now. BA 2925-W. HA 0478-W. 1 CAal POa IAL& FtJRN ROOM, pvt. bath and en. 10 PT. ADMIRAL refrigerator, lMl. FORD COnvertible, i9i8 ============ tra.nce--wtth or without gar. A-1 condltlon, $100. Mahogany Fc.d Engine, new Mat coven For ........ •"••• eel So. ol Rlway, COM. RA 4703-W. lamp table, $10. HA 0735-M, and Interior, radio, full boot. SMALL HOUSE. 1-bedrm., maple McAffee. Excl. top, good tirel, need.l THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 furniture, t&7.!50, year round; FOR SNOW TIME: Brand new low gear. $180. Will finance. ------------,- 4.12 Fernleal, COM, HA 3221. winter coat. size 14, beige, call HA 2121. 2-BEDR. APT., unlurn., garb. ~ed, fur collar. $25. HA D_IV_O_a_CE_A_CTI __ O_W_D_uz_. __ _ dlsp., gar., water and ga.s pd. W. A .ult tor divorce was .ebed. $95 mo. 31:11 Heliotrope, COM. SPINET PIANO-lovely tone and uled to be flied today by Rod HA 3554-M. cue only $387. Term.a.. Other Mac M 11 1 I a n of Cocta Meu 1-BEDRM. turn. apt. for rent wonderful bargains In rental agalnat Mra. Barbara MacMU- tlllti CD 723 retu.nw. trade ,In on Organs llan. The couple were marrled u es pd... M. HA · "'--aJ 1 11 htl etc. """'Y10 mere Y a I Y Jan. 29 In Yuma, ArU. M.ra. Mac-UNFURN. APT. bd.r., kitchen, Uv. scratched fn shipment. Danz.. MUJian Ia the former Barbara Schmidt, 520 No. Main, Santa Allen, daugbtu of Mr. and M.ra. rm., gas stove, relrlg., second floor, $70 month .• Util. pd. 716 Orchid, COM. Harbor 3451-W. Ana. Alton E. Allen ot PuadenL BEAUTIFUL Spinet Pianos. Rent to buy. All of term rent al- lowed. Pracflce pianos u low u $5 per mo. Danz..Schmldt 1\ Clauified Ad in The tnsiqn brinqs immediate results! Cell Harbor I 114-1 I I 5 end prove it I WUISE APTS, Carnation nr. Sea- view, COM. Modern turn. apt. Incl. utll. Yrly. or seasonal $50 up. RA 4016. Big Plano Store, 520 No. Main, ... ----------. UNJ7URNISHED, NEW. modern Santa Ana. deluxe 2-bedrm. duplex with =ru~RN,.,..... -=-2-=-bedr--:--.-=1-=~:--:-b-ath,...--, """11:-v-. -.-dl:--n. garages, aun decks, laundry rm.. kitcb.. and gar. VIew. rooms, garb. dlsp. Adults, no COM. HA 2298-W. pets. 700-A and 700.8 Acacia, STEINW A y G=RAND:-:-:=.-7Liko.-:-e--=-n=ew~. CD~. Owner, 702 Acacia, upper Big Savina-. .Alao Knabe, Klm- ap bal. Fischer, Muon lr Hamlin. OPEl Many others. Practice pianos ' as low as $85. Danz-Schmidt See 516 Jasmine, 2-bed.tm. Big Plano Store, 520 No. Main, apt. front duplex, flrepl., Santa Ana. bdwd!lrs., good heat, gar. --=""""="==---=---'----:-::-:----.-:-$75 mo. unl. Call Muriel HAMMOND Organa. AU modeu. M. Plnover, Realtor. One only slightly used almost 2604 Newport Blvd., N. B. llk.. new. Th11 11 a ,_...1&1. Harbor 4610 '" ..--Dan.z.Schmldt Hammond Head-roa SALE Oil LEASE quarters for Orange County, COMMERCIAL BLDG. next to 520 No. Maln. Santa Ana. Port Theatre, COM. Conslsta of BEAUTIFUL Electronic Organ, store 24'X24'; 2• ot!lces plus blonde cue, almost new. Mu.t large shop; 2 apts. In rear, lge. sacrifice. One only. Big aav- up, smaller down. Ideal for lng. Danz.Schmldt Great Sale, retail bu.a. 1r lt. manl. 1r horne. 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. Will convert to medical bldg. avsllfEIS aDTALI Two C2 lots avail. In rear for NOW LEASING, avall. bus. Of. oll-.t. parking. Sell or leue. flee . apace eenter CDM, 1\llt, call owner, Sandy Steiner, Ll able f« ~. dftu.t cJoetor, ' LOOKJ • Call 1•••••1 .IUIT IMD .EIIT 'SO ITUDUUEa Land Cruiser-runs excellent, automatic tr•ns., radio, heater, 2 new tires. SAVE at 1511 ·• JIVDIOif • oooa Radio, heater, 40,000 original miles. Sharp at only .. '4'1 STUDE. COlOma. TraMportation at IllS '5I CBEV. aDr.AJm: Coupe. 16,000 mUes, one owner ancf a ho~. MaJ1y accea-_.. ...... ... :tloblc .,. ... ~1..521 « BA 38Q2.1. ardUtect. lawyer. Ll 8-153l. -------,~-------------------------- Saw at only ,,. QUICK RESULTS! List yoJr Property for sale with a Multiple Listing Broker. Did you k\ ow tbls Immediately puts 200 experta to work on y~t property! AI...SO, FOR \ouR PROTECTION, ALWAYS BUY THRU A "REALTOR." NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REAL TORS 410 32nd STREET NEWPORT BEACH SITU A TIOWS W AlfTED COMPETENT SECY-references. Call HA 270-J. BABY SITI1NG, Cart' of sick, in your home by mature CDM woman. Day, night. Call before 10 a.m., after 5 p.m. HA 3192-M. SEIIVJCES ltYie Preject.a FOR RENT 8-MM 16-MM ~-MM and 16MM Sound Projecton FAST COLOR FILM SERVlCE Model Airplane Suppllea .. ,. c ••• ,...., New Location 1782 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Mesa Phone U~ 8-7042 PAINTING Earl Shefiln 273 Palmer St.-Costa Meu Uberty S-2928 COMPLETE PAINTING PAPER. HANGING SERVICE Harbor 2978-l EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS !500 31st Street. Newport Beacb OOiiiiliti I..AIIIJKUDIQ IUfiC& LAWNS, SHBUBS AJfD TllEE8 General Cl~up rr...ctma ... CO.a.A Da. IIAa .... u ..... -..., HA 1031 27 .. 1:. Cout Bwy. HARBOR 3225 All your printinq needs will be handled conveniently end court- eou$ly in the completely-.quip- ped Job Printinq Department of your Harbor Area Newspaper. Tne Ensiqn, 1104 Coast 81., COM. 'Sa IlEAC. JIAaDTOP Coupe. Radio, b eater, Over- drive. 16000 original mllea, only ~~- '51 NEJIC. f DOOa Radio, heater, overdrive. New baked enamel llnlsh. Our clearance price -lAVE Olf OR IAR 8UT VIED CAal JOHNSON & SON LIDcola & llercuy DMa. _, W. Coat Bwy .. Wpt. hoda Lm&an 1-5545 Ac:roa rro. a.u.oa ..., Club to use the classified ads in THEU.I for heM r•ulta . (Ask ........ apecla1 a.t .. liltioe nM) Phone HARBOR 1114 Today! Ben Franklin. gives you fome expert advice ahout Payroll Savings .. W\at t•o•a• yo• M.. fo••• ao Trcafer .. Dilipacc il tile Moder of Cc* Leek." Ever wished you had Sl,OOO, SS,OOO c. moreP To- day, it it actually eaay to •..e euch Jarac eume- throup the Payroll Suinp Plan. Here's how: you JUSt name a aum to your company'• pay office. Each payday, that amount wiU ~ wnh- drawn from your pay, and innated lor you in one o( the world'• fineat in.-eatmena, U. S. Smea E Sarinp Bondtl .. Linle Sttoa. fen peat Oab." Sec how quickly your •rinp ~. becautt Su- inp Bond• cam aoocl iatuett-3" wha held to ; macurity. Sip foi u little 11 SS.OO a week and ia 9 ,an, 8 montha, you11 ban ~50 t~IJ. .. Hne yoe ,....,._ to .. Te ......... il T~." Start .au. ,_, en--..... . lllp .. ,.,,..,.... Sooll!ll ... :i~ ...,_ .. ~,...., ... in ..... .... ..... l--...... q~--~ ..... ~ .,. ,., ... .., .,. ., ..... ..,.. " ...., ""'/~:'• arr ~ ,.,_,.,......., • CANDIDATES, ISSUES ON BALLOT ARE USTED (Continued from Pace 1) rett Garage, 223 Goldt>nrud 1\v,., numbfta 10, 12, and 28, and the Corona dt>l Mar. polllnc plaee ab.all be at the Vollng Pt@Clnct "K " M mprls • Frettac -...nee, 2IS Diamond lnr State and C'f•Uoly pret'tn<'l AV.., Balboa lalan4. numbera 14, and 21 , ancJ the pol Votlnr Precinct ul ... ciompna. llnr place ahall be at the eo .. Inc State and count;)t. preetnet rona del Mar Grammar SchooJ, numbers 11, and 28, and the pol-610 Carnation Ave.. Corona del lln1 place shall be at the Hitch· Mar. cock Residence, 619 VIa Lido Votlnr Pr@Cinct "L.,. comprla- Soud. Newport Beach. Inc State and County . precinct vounr Precinct "J," comprla-numbers 15, and 20, and the pol. tn1 State and county precJnct llnl place ahall be at the SmJth numbers 13. and 33, and the pol-Garare, 511 Allao Ave., Newport llnl place shall be at the Bar-Beach. VotJnc Precinct ''II." comprta. Busy Times For· Zontians New.port Harbor Zonta mem. ben h ave a· heavy Jlehedule planned today. In addJtlon to their regular luncheon meetln1 at the VIJla Marina, the poup la havin1 a deuert card party thla even1n1. (Thuraday), at the Harbor Route In eo.ta Mesa. The canuta party la another service fund project of the poup. Members or the local club will attend the Sllver Anniversary meetin1 of the Riverside Zonta Club. Saturday, ·Feb. 19. at the Mlulon Inn In Riverside. lor State and County preclnd numbers 18, and 25. and the poJl. Inc place shall be at the Deitrich Residence, 519 35th St., Newport Beach. VotJnc Precinct ''N," c:omprla- lnl State and County preclnct numbers 19, and 28. and the poll. lnr place shall be at the Schwan Patio, 2017 Miramar Ave., BaJ. boa. Votinc Precinct "0," comprta. lnl State and County precinct numbers 22, and 30, and the poll- tng place shall be at the Doane Residence, 416 Poppy Ave., Coro. na del Mar. Votlnr Pr@Cinct "P," comprla. lnl State and County pteclnct numbers 23, and 31, and the poll- Ing place sh all be at the Bates Residence, 324 Orchid Ave., eo. rona del Mar. VoUnr Precinct "Q." comprla- Jnr State and County pr@Cinct Plans for the Founders Day numbers Z7, 35, and 36, and the and Llte Membership meetlnl of poUlnc place aball be at the Hor- the Harbor View P'FA to be held ace En.alrn School, I.rvtne Ave .. at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 23, and Clllf Drive, Newport Beach. at the school were dlacuued laat The polla wlU be open between week, when the PTA Board met the houra of 7:00 a.m. and 7 ~oo at the home of Mrs. Ralph Trout-p.m. man. Corona del Mar. C. K.PRIEST, City Clerk. Mrs. Warren Clemence. presi- dent, said the theme for the gen- eral meetlnr will be "Y~'!fday, Dated: February 3rd, 1955. Today and Tomrrow." The after-C • ......_.__ noon will Include entf'rtainment l··· • r-.....- by the Motbersinrers and a tree llllrll ·-1 p 1 a n t I n 1 ceremony. Hostesaes IYJ wtll be f1rat ,rade room mother-. Commander A. L. MacCubbln, The meetJnr. orl&tnally set for USN, relieved CornmandH W. R. Feb. 15. wu chanced becau.e Peeler, USN, o1 Corona del Mar of an educational meetinC at u Commandln1 OUlcer of the Harbor View Scllool that day. Naval Air B.Nerve Tnlnln& UnJt The PrA board NCCIIIliDencJed at tbe Marlne Carpi Air l'adllty, thAt MrL J. w .. ow••ll Santa Ana. Guild to Hold Fashion Show More than 20 tables have been reserved for the dessert card party and fashion show to be held next Thursday, Feb. 17. under the auspices of St. Eliza- beth's Guild of the Woman's AuxUlary at St. James Church, accordlnr to Mrs. H. L. Ostran- der, chalnnan of the Guild. .Amonr those working on the party are Miss Irene Bosom- worth, reservations; Mrs. Jerry Hall, arnngements: Mrs. Ed Rogers. prizes; Mrs. Rober.t Hom, Mrs. Dan Pattison. Mrs. Whitney Wright and Mrs. William Per- row, dessert. Models for the fashion show to be given by Bragg's Unique Shop and Miss Muffet Shoppe will be Carol carver. Yale Fer- guson, Meghan Williams. Uebble and Mandy De Costa and Melissa Ann Harris for the children's styles. and Mn. Pattl.son, Mn. John Gale Wrlrht. Mrs. Robert Oyler, Mrs. Prlacllla de Costa. Mrs.. Mary Lou Turner and Mrs. Fred Kuster. Mrs. Horace Benjamin pre- sented the book review. '1n Hla Hand" at the monthly meetin1 ol the Woman's Auxiliary held yesterday (WednHday) at tbe Parlab HoUle of St. lama Churcll. The luncheon. preced. lnl tbe bustnea meet1n1 and proeram. wu ~~e~Ved by st. l:llzaa..tb'a GuU4. repr~nt Harbor VIew School on Conunander Peele. who hu .... MI the cttlzenJ' committee for hl1h been the Commandlnl OUJcet school expansion. Information of the Naval Air Reserve Train- about the PfA benefit abow. lng Unit durlnr the put year '"The Bedrarrled Draron," dl-and a half. La retirlnr from the rected by Marthena Randall for Navy after 25 years of ~rvtce. production on March 4 and 5, Be wlll continue to make h :s wu riven to the board. M.ra. Joel home with hla famlly In Corona Beall of Co&'ona del Mar and Mra. del Mar and wm be ~UUiated Gordon McMahon of Newport with Shea.raon. Hamm111 6 Com- Helrhts are on the ticket com-pany o1 Newport Beach, u an m lttee. Investment broker. • TARS WIN 68-60 OVER INDIANS: SAINTS NEXT ay JIM QIJ.S'1'aAP Sonny Coane had 2 each from The Harbor HJgh ba.aketball the forward position and George team ts In uncontested second Schultt had 1 point. place In the Sunset League after The J u n I o r Varsity was a 6S60 wtn over the Fullerton snowed under 58 to 39 by a very Indiana Tue.day afternoon on stron1 team. the home fioor. The B and C teams held up The Tara wtll be assured of a t helr end of the bargain u they BPOt In the CIF playoUa lf they downed the Indians 29 to 28 and win their final three games-36 to 21 respectively. against Santa Ana (tomorrow, The Tar varsity suffered Its Friday. evenlnr, th•e), Oranre second defeat In league compe- <next Tuesday afternoon, here> tltlon Jut Friday, araln at the and Anaheim (Feb. 18, there)-hands ot the league leadJnr all of whom they defeated In the Huntlnrton Beach Ollers -this flrat round. time 80 to 63. Paul Neumann wu back In Dennis Fitzpatrick wu blgh f9rm wltb ~ points aralnst Ful-point man for the locals with 16 lerton. Paul Lorentzen· dropped tallJes. Paul Neumann and BW In lots o1 out.alde s hots for ,.15 Wetzel wt!f'f! next 1n line with 12 points to tie wtth Joel Newkirk points each. Eddie Pope had 11 from the vtslton foa" eecond hllh points. Frank Navarro 6; Paul ecortnr. Btu Wetzel rot hot and Lorentzen aank two Jonr shots made 12 polnta, Dennla Flb:pat· for 4 points. Larry Harper and rick made four aoaJa and two Ceor1e Scbultt had 1 point NCb. foul allots for 10 points. Larry Harper h ad 8 potnta from the M ' • • • • C 5 JM • • ' center &lot. E4dle Pope and £ub Sc::OIJts ••• : : : : : . . In celebratJon ot Boy Scout Samuel Wesley Frame. 30. of 1814% Park Ave .• Costa Mesa, died Tuesday In Orange County General Hospital. Services wUl be held at 2 p.m. today (Thurs. day) In Parkes.Ridley Mortuary with Rev. G. W. Sterns of the Foursquare Gospel Church of Riverside officiating. Mr. Frame was a native of Medina, Texas, came to Calltor- nla In 1926 and had lived In Costa Mesa for 14 years. He was a painter by trade and a mem. ber ol the Moose Lodge 1025 of Santa Ana. Survivors are h is wife. MM. Mary Frame, and a daughter, Unda. of the home address; his parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Frame of Costa Mesa; six sisters. Mrs. R. F. Pierce of Garden Grove. Mrs. G. B. Uttle of Santa Ana, Mn. J. W. Dunlap. Mrs. J. Miller and Mrs. Bob Cardwell ' and Mrs. R. Jevlne. all of Cocta Mesa. W.C.IICI.a.plil lt1estallllllll .. FASIIJOif IBOW-Barbor w a• • 9M tint look at tiM ..,.. Spda9 a.d Saamer ~ tbey IDGJ be wecubl9· The abow .... ...--t.cS by Udo r-...·... at u.. ~rYt.De eo..at:rt Club aad ..,. Dar· aat.d by Venaa Killer. Read Enslrn Want Ads. , ... IICICI..a.y. '** ww... ... aw ~Cadi­..., .._. caw 1---.t hrtoa. Fraa11t ....... ................... JUclaalod CeaJd. Dee ..... dttla. Dldl a.u.,. Gary wu.... ........ Clu1a Qccila. J~L.:. ........... twa.. hal T-U& Jeny • Daa ~ ... ..... a-.,.1 T1l1nl row-Doe •-~ aw -rr.ty. 1.,... Pntlariu. Jewry BlWanL ao. ~ lob .... laDd. Jolaa ..... Jerry ..... ....., Mertla aDd au.. ...._ ••• of S«Kial note .AGa ··- Assn. Elects • Dick Whitson Dick Whlt8on wu elected Monday as president of the New- port Beach City EmpJo)'ft'a Aaan. He was handed the ravel of of. flee at a meetin1 of the rroup In the .American Leeion Rut. ,.. celvlng It from Huco CondrJ', put president. Other officers elected Included GU Gomez. vice president; Bar· bara Macdonald, aecretar)'-~ aura, and Dorothy Palen, --~ ant aecretary-treuure. Mesa 18th St. To Be Rezoned Costa Mesa City C o u n c II •creed Monday nJrht on com- mercial re.zonlnr of a portion of 18th St. ovH-ruJLnc the declstOJl of the City Plannlnc Conun.t. alon. To be ~zoned from residential to co~clal la the portion ot 18th St. from the Post OUk:e to Orange Ave. Council a&Jd that the re-zonlo1 wu requested by AT YOUR SERVlCE: Some of training school In Pensacola. a larre majority of the property our boys with the mllltary have Florida. Donald has served hla owners. been allowed to vlalt the home overseas stint In Japan. Abo ;:::::::==::::::=::::::==::::::=::; folks lately. Airman 2/c Don home from the South Pacltlc La Lusk Is now back at his station Dan Allen, who recently was at Robins Air Force Base at glven a 30 day leave a nd hu Macon. ~rgla. after a 30-day been visiting his m other, Mrs. pass, during whleb he was home Jack Clark. Mn. Clark's other In Corona del Mar visJUng his son. Bob Allen, Is enroute home follta, the Charles Luska. Donald frr-om Austria, where he was sta Jacobson, recently vlaltlng his' tloned w1th a mountain train- father Ivan Jacob~n of Corona lng outfit. del Mar. la back at hls naval ............ I Pra•lll• ill IIYJ Robert r .• Johnson. son of Mr. 1 and Mrs. Frank P Johnson of 1 1666 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. I and husband of the former Mlss • • • The Lee Wllders' adopted baby may not be able to vote but It did anlve In time to rive an extra story to the eouncU aspi- rant. We can tell by the gurgles over the phone. however, that It I Is the real thln1 and not .tust a publicity story. Dora J. East of Santa Ana. was advanced on Jan. 1. to yeoman u.ell Noles I third class, USN. while servtnr with the StaU, Headquarters 17th Naval Dlatrlct. located at Mrs. Laura 8ftT)' of 430% Avo- the U. S. Naval Station in Ko-eado Ave .. Corona del Mar. Ia I dlak, Alaska. entmalnJnr members of EbeU JohMOn, wbo entered tbe Navy Book Sec:t1on IV toda.J' (Thurs. In ll.ucb. 1152. la a paduate ~ day) tor a DOGO ~ Newport Harbor HJch School. • • • and wu employed by Na.rm<.'O. Mrs. Byron Wella hu invited Inc. Ebell members Interested In a For letterhe•ds. envelopes c.t THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 new card section to meet at 1.2:30 p.m. Wedensday at the Ebell Clubhouse to di!Cuss organlza tion plans. LI.IUIIE TUVEL SERVICE llll.IIES • lUll liDS STEIIISIIIPS • TilliS S.m.D9 The Coastal Area For Rearly 10 Yean 213 OctGD A.._ IApDa kadl Byatt 4-1011 YII.Dn. SPECIAL Stationery ........ FlEE! We wlll penonallze any of our boxed statlonery with na~ or monorrarn tree thla week. wmE sa.&cno• •11aa • ........... .,. ". -to. a...u..c.dlt .. A..w hie 'AM e.,..l. 8LVZ IAII.S ITATICW1 * 301 Ma1n &AL80A. ~ 111 ......... -.... ...... .. ..... .. __. .......... - -· ;ad .. ledlttfet .. • 111111 ....... ctUJ,. dna.,._._.. a.._ ............... • • • ........ yow dlJld .. ~­Alma OIMen ~een·a UPPYUII PIE..scloa -E. DeiMa:r. c..ta N..a I.J!)ady 1-J'm "a truly fine nursery school" agH 2-6 lOW DPEil DAYS I WEEI Garden Center 3035 East Coast Highway at Iria Harbor 3506 CORONA del MAR Billie and Joe EWa SU99_. •.. that you ••. Get Set to Plant Now! Be em early gardeDer this year ... start NOW willa 1M lint k.atla at ~~Pring! You 11 fiDd tbcrt it pcqa o8 ••• ill loftliel-Bowen lo~r .•.• iD cWldc• gcade ......... ft9e~ wJW. your_ aelgla.... .. IIIDl plaatiDCJ theirs . • • iD M ..... _.. ftllwety Jaww that get a Mad -.at lilian •aaci-4' I! I , ~~ - BY:JlJt~~ e SPJUJfQ FEVEBt Spring. as I know It, comes early In Southern Call!ornla. Even though the orange growers are still tilling the air with amoke, these chilly moon-Ut nights, I can feel the tl.rst symp. toms of a familiar something. Back East. I'd call It Spring Fever~r perhaps Trout Fever. Out here, It's the same ailment, but with different manllesta. ttons. Instead of staying up late at night to tie trout files, I start looking over my salt water gear, calling up fishing buddies on the phone and worrying about all the yard and house work I must let done before I start to fish. e FELLOW SUP'P'EBEBS I'm not alone In my misery. The other night. Uncle Harry Rogers called. He's beg1nnlng to get Itchy too. After talking a while, we decided that the thing to do was to take a trip down to San Diego and go out on a bait boat. They say that there are stiJl some yellowtail hanging around the rock pUe. Uncle Barry ended up with a gleam In his best telephone voice. He chirped, "And maybe we can weigh In the first yellowtaU of the season!" Yep. He's got It too. And even It we don't hit the yel- lows. there are a lot of good fiahln' bonita hanging around. .,0 RT ~//,".~.. CCIRON~ D£1. M.f/l·lo(.fiJR·'qiHl'l JfOW SBOWIJfQ Stat'U Suuday. Feb. 13 e DAY DBEAJIS This same disease, also known as Fin Fever or Fishing Pox, has another trend In my own case. My mind wanders. It wanders quite far at times. Thls morn- Ing's mail didn't Jessen my su! fertng one blt. By air mall I got the weekly reports from Luis Patron's Indian Fleet and Ernie Coppel's Blbl Fleet. Things have been pretty pok.ey down Mazat- Jan way for quite a spell. Ernie's THIS SUTCH ahows tbe aew appearcmce of tiM Lido JaM Cla.b- fieet, from Jan. 2 to Jan. 22, bouae CD It wW look att.r remoct.lUDg. 81da ,.... opaaed J-. caught 29 marlin In 26 trips. Luis 19 by tbe Board of Dlndon. cmd tbe CODtract waa awa:rded to Patron reported 49 marlin, 2 sail-Qordoo PiDdlay oa bla low bid of 120.722. Tbe wodt wW be -.taaa~Ye OYWbcrul of tbe bulldlag, whlcb 1.a ICb-saW to be fish In 50 UJps between Jan. 1 nady by tbla aUDUDer. and 21. From J an. 22 to 28. It was ...:.:::::!.....::.!.....=::...:===:.__----------------The Art KlstJers have moved 2 TIE FOR REALTY AWARD AS 'MAN OF THE MONTH' even worse with only 2 marlln UNCHEON MEETING HELD from 1521 W. Balboa Blvd., New-Art Tietz Of Bay and Beac.h tallied for 11 trips. That, for Maz. L port, to 2015 E. Ocean Blvd., Bal-Realty In Costa Mesa and Hal atlan, Is away down the scale. boa. Mr. and Mra. Kistler re-Tanner of Tobias Realty In Costa But the news the postman BY LOCAL DAR CHAPTER cently returned from a trip to Mesa tied tor the "Man of the brought today got me excited all . Palm Sprints and Tucson . . . Month" award for the man who over again. and I'll be dreaming Sandy Steiner has been back ln had algned up the moo multiple owners, and the aervlce coeta only the rerular five per cent selling commiulon when 10)<!," said Mr. Tietz when asked how he wu one of the top men In the listings. again of Mazatlan. Ernie's Blbl Thirty five members were lhn I GhlrllldrScoult Hthouse. AJI ellrfUbJe the hospital ... Mr. and Mrs. Jl~tnp for the month of Janu- Fleet made 26 trips, reported 47 attendance at the lan. 26 lunc . c en n e area. as we u Frank Katnlk moved to his of-a.ry. , KIDDL&.AOED TO MEET mariln! And Luis, not far be-eon meeting of the Col. William meMmberss, are lnviG:e:~ t 1 d flee from across the street and Both received notice of wln-An oraantzattonal meetlnr of hind, counted 39 marlin for the Cabell Chapter DAR of Newport rs. purgeon, r u ea · down the road apiece ... Russ nine a plaque to be presented a mlddle-afed couples club of 25 UJps his boats made. Looks Beach In the Newport Harbor er, clarified sponsorship of Girl Bartlne has been recovering at the annual meeting of the the Corona del Mar Community like they're going to be hot In Yacht Club. I Scout troops, one of which Is from an IIJness flare-up ... Multiple Llstlng Service of the Church wlll be held tonight February again this year. It was Mrs. A. E. Stockton. regent. sponl sol red by tlhde cl hap~er. S~~ Ruth Jayred has closed her sec-Newport Harbor Area and Costa (Thursday) at the church. A pot- ) F b welcomed spedaJ guests Mrs. exp a ned the ea s, ll ms an ond Coast Propertl-oft!""" but Mesa In December. The service luck sup~ will p~e the downright fabulous ast e ru. I 1 f G 1 Sco 1 hi h """ '"" ..--'"'-~ ary. Were you there. Charlie? Edgar Hill, Newport Beach may. goa s 0 lr ut ng, hw he arote Is still working furiously at her had Its ''Kickoff'• night meeting meeting. One word of caution. Don't go or; Mrs. Donald Hummel, pres!. In close aJlgnment wit t ose original stand on Balboa Blvd. Monday In St. James EplliCOpal ;=============. dent of Hoag Hospital Auxiliary; the DAR. Each strE>SSea love of * * * Church meeting haJJ, emphu1z .. a-hopping on that DC-4 that CMA k files out of Tijuana without be· Mrs. Ralph Bonds, president of God and Country. She spo e I on The Dick HUllards, he of the lng the professional asl)ecU of lng sure you'll have a boat when Newport Harbor AJnerlcan Le. the numerous ways an organza. W. E. Fisher office, have ju.at selling re&l estate with modern )lou get there. Write, wire or gton Auxiliary; Mrs. WIUiam tlon could assist a troop, support-moved to 327 Poinsettia Ave., Co-selling techniques. phone first. We've learned that Spurgeon III. Mrs. Arthur SheiJ. lng its l~terest.s and acthlvttles rona del Mar. from 600~ La.rk.s-Hub Powers of Balboa Island. horn and Mrs. Lee E. Barnes, and In the manner In w lch a chairman ot the Multiple Listing Roberto Gorostlza, the manager th pur Ave. new chapter member. troop could be of service to e Service, was moderator of the of the MautJan Travel Bureau, Mrs. W. E. Fisher, homemaker sponsor. * * * t1 lsted b N l M rt1 Vlajes del Pacifico, la complete-Josephine and Robert Brose,. mee ng, ass Y ea a n J d bl bo chairman, announced that Arlene The speaker of the day, Mrs. N rt and Leah Williams, of Costa Mesa, moderator tor the ly rellab e an capa e a ut s ewpo Hu!f won the annual good cltl. heiJhorn, state national delense • dlscualon of Exchange proper. any kind of reservations. Better :z.enshlp DAR sponsored award chairman, depleted the present who Is an associate with Blanche ties. contact Roberto before you take for Newport Harbor Unlon High situation as to national defense Gates, are new members of the Farel Walker, -:xecutlve secre. off. School. Mrs. Bonds accepted the to be very grave, trought with I Newport Harbor Realty Board. tary, announced that January e ESTA SEKUA DAR award of merit for the Le-great responsibilities for all * * * business had toreed ahead of the And whlle you're pacldne your glon auxiliary for Its aervtce to thinking Americana. The revl.aion Nomadic Realtors: Paul and same month for 1954 by 20 per pet 316 outfit. we'll just be a.clt. ha.plta.Uzed veterana. of the UN Chapter ln 1155 and Bob Jones haw moved thetr ol-eat and lndkaticm8 .,.. that Un' her-e droollne and dreaming. The ChUdrm of the Revolution the Bricker amendment were dts. n~ to az.B Kewport Blvd. and February wW be anothu in- It 1s said that tf you ~n·t haul party will be held Feb. 26 In the cuued. It a aJl ahlny with paJnt and crease. A total ot 131 new Jist- up and go someplace, you ~n signs and everything. Lllllan lnp were sent out during Janu- get a big thrtlJ from just read. G l RL SCOUTS TO BEGIN La Perle Is working from her ary to the approximately 100 lng about it. This big help ls home since a sudden move from member oftiCH and their sales- now more than a .dre&m. It's a her oUice to make room for a men. The goal for 1955 Ia 8"' weekly publication from Mazat COOKIE SALE FRIDAY building program. million dollars, which was set Ian, published for the benefit of on the basta of the 7 mllJion do). Norte America nos who have been TOUTB BVn IX w.Ee&: lar volume done In 1954. there-or expect to go. Best of The annu&l Girl Scout cookie raise funds for the eventual es. l ohn Gordon, 14, of 2906-A "I feel this Ia the most advan- all. It's free! sale starts tomorrow IFrldayl to tablishment of a summer camp W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, tageous way of selling property IIIIUICI. .. • Come ln and mMt th~ new own.,.., Georp and Anna lou .,,, .... wltUe,... ..at • 101 Tub A"' (just of1 Miracle Mile) Ample parking It you want to enjoy MatazJan for Newport Harbor Girl Scouts, sufiered minor Injuries when his that 1a available to property from alar, or If you need further leW BllliHII HOIFI Mrs. A. 0 . Oberg, chairman. has motor scboter coJJided with a car ;:::::;:::::::::=:=====;=::::=========::===: substance for your day dreams, a nnounced. The sale will extend In the alley behind ~ W. Coast drop a line to l ose Wolfe, editor. f• Sati•.,. Alii. through Feb. 28. Hwy. at 2:30p.m. Monday, New- ''Thls Week In Matazlan." Calle -.• The cookies will sell for 50c a port pollee reported. He was Angel Flores 360 Pt., Mazatlan, President Paul A. Palmer of box. They wiJI Include the usual ~~~e~::~e~~;o~fcea :ll:ht;::; Sinaloa, Mexico. the Newport Balboa Savings and filled sandwich type, the plain Amigo Jose will be delighted Loan Assn. announces a new sbort cookies plus new sugar scooter collided with a car driven to put your name on the list. schedule of accounting depart-water and chocolate covered by William E. Hartson of 2131 And. just In case, let me tell you ment business hours, together mint flavored cookies. When unl-Fairway PJ., Costa Mesa. to do what Groucho Marx sug-with announcement of a contJnu-formed Brownies a nd Girl Scouts gests. lust say, "TeiJ h I m lng January growth which brings rlng door bells, they wiJI be pre- Groucho sent you." Only scratch total resources to a new high pared to deliver boxes of cook lea. out "Groucho" and write In well above $17.000.000. Newport Harpor Girl Scouts "C.Q." And believe me, amigo, Savings resources have grown are allowed to mit • u m mer you won't be sorry you asked nearly 8 million dollars since camps of other councii. only for a subscription. l an. 1, 1954. llfter thelr own members have Ever since I read the first Is New hours for tellers and the been acoommOcsated. sue, those marlin On my accounting department will be dreams) are twice as big as they 9:30 to 3:30 Monday through Frt-PAJITT APTEa TilE CAKE used to be. You, too, can have day and 9 to 12 on Saturday. The A Valentine's party for mem- better fishing, and wilder night-new schedule will go Into effect bers of the Senior Youth Fellow- mares If you prime you.r dream Monday. Other departments will ship of the Balboa bland Com- factory by becoming a regular observe the same Saturday munlty Methodist Church wUI be reader of ''This Week In Mazat-hours. but will remain open un. held tomorrow <Friday) evenln~ Jan." til 4 :30 Monday through Friday at the home of Dick Bridgman, for the benefit of escrow, loan, 124 Opal Ave., after the htrh ST. MDBEWS PllESaTTEIUU safe deposit and Insurance agen-school basketball game In Santa cy customers. ·Mr. Palmer said. Ana. Committeemen ana nrtng The Corona del Mar branch the atfal.r Include Sharon Walde- eontlnues on a 10 to 3 schedule Jlch, Vlcld Csenar, Marllyn Shoot. Monday through Thursday andl er, Henry Ferry, Dick Bridgman. 10 to 4 on Friday. Barbara Harper and Suale Stone. A Classified Ad in The Ensio" brinqs immediate results! Call Harbor Il l ~ IllS end prove it! The 5 ll.ll Hawalla1 Lt•P.I PaJ•• 1.&0 Q.ll Hawalla1 1aiW11 IIIIa .................... 1.10 Bal......_.bOI'b-Play Salta Wool loa lboee DeDJa Jlatlr • Slri & Sand NEW • ...... 29~ Balboa Repeat~ because of the great Interest last year, a series of pop. uJar lectures on "Piychology and Better Living" by Dr. J. Hudson Ballard will be o!fered by the St. Andrews Presbyterian Church next week. Dr. Ballard wlll speak at the momJng worship services of February 20, that evening and four auccesslve evenings during the week. Hla evenine topics will be "PIIY· chology of Love and Marriage,'' Feb. 20; 'Taclng Baalc Fear," Feb. 21; "Are You Running from Lltef.. Feb. 22; "Releulnr Our Unu.ed Bfterve," Feb. 23; and "Conmuctlve Auto Sugrestion." Feb. 24. ' ............. .. ~ ....... , 11-TIIBW .. Standard S h a d e Clotbl and Custom Speclaltlea e Drapery H a r d w a r e e Venetlan BllncSa. • Council Gets 'Pole Position' For Its C. of C. Proposition ne ar~UJ~Mnt aaam.t Umltlnt the a&ml'le ballot. the City CouncU'a ~atlon of 'nle uaument favcrina th1a tax Iundt to the Newport Harbor .llrnltation wtll be prepared by Chamber of Commerce wu pre-the Tupa.yen .U.OC:IatJon, and ~entN bY City Attorney Karl W'lll &Uo be lndudecl on the Davia at lut week's adjourned aample ballot. Malon. wu approved by the Coudellma.n A. w. Smith uked .,J. g~ " Councll and wW be Included on how It wu that the CouncU'a ~ tDt,.U41ra.Jll propotltlon. wblch would leave * ....._ tM * c.d1 T 1 0. j ...... •• the amount of funds allocated ,_. 0..... IIA • ~ to the chamber to the dt.cretlon ~~-~lllld~~--~·~·~=~pw~lt~ .... ~~~~IIU .... , .. of eouncll, cot the preterrfd po. ..... --..-.............................. . JAMES D. RAY ...... c ........ aiUon of No. 1 on the ballot. 'nlomaa Cavanau•h lohNon. 48, buJldlnc ccmt:ra.ctor, ot m E. even though It came up alter the 23rd St.. CostA Mesa. puMcl Tax11ayen A.aoclatlon pro~- away lan. 22 In the Palo. Verdes tiona estabUshlnl Umlts on Chamber funds. He saJd be Hospital In Blythe. Callf. Be wu wouJd be willing to Jet a toss of born ln Kansa.J City, Kanaa.a, and had lived ln Costa Mesa for a eoln dedde the nwnber1nf of 21 years and In Calltomla for 35 the pro~trons. Councilman Stanley Rldderbof years. He was a me mber of the New- port Harbor Elka Lod1e. He Ia survived by hla wife. Mrs. Aza Johnson; a son, Leland Russell John.tOn of Costa Mesa; a daugh. ter, Mr. loan HUmenon. of Costa Mesa; a brother, George Johnson of Coeta Mesa. and his mother. Mrs. Carrie M. Johnson of Kan- JI&S City, Ml.uourl. Services were held Jan. 26 In the Baltz ¥ortuary Costa Mesa Chapel wlth Rev. Joseph Mc- Shane officiating. G r a v e si d e .ervtces were conducted by the Newport Harbor Elka Lodge at Harbor Rest Memorial Park. aald coin toulng would set a bad precedent. City Clerk C. K. Priest said It would be too late. anyhow, to change the numbering now. be- cause the Council's proposition was formally approved as "Pro- posUion No. 1." Councilman Smith's motion to put the Taxpayers Association proposal as the No. 1 Proposi- tion. "or nip a coin for the pole )>osition,'' lost for want of a sec- ond. .. -~~· t.IFl .. -~ ,;. • • I 1M ..... .,... J, C.. WJo.-.. IlL ........ -· ry C. ec.MIIo oi 1'111Miw Aria.. dDd laullw« el lin. M••tte .. c-teUo of 217'1 hra1 laDe. Coeta ............ -£x. eKUtift omc-wttll a 8qUacl- roa of Jlarlae Aircraft Croup 11. a aait of the let Nart.e Aircraft WLD9 at tb• U. S. Kcmd Air Statioa lD Abu9L Japaa. IRVINE IERRACE TOPS JAN. BUILDING RACE Irvine Terrace Jed all areu of the city of Newport meaeh ln the total value of bulldlbf permtta luued durlnl January. The Ir- vine Terrace total wu 1470,600. New p o r t wu 11ee0nd wJth 1112.500 and Balboa third with ..,,m . e COJK)IfA DEL MD 1. S. Whyte, alterations at 416 Hazel, $500. elfEYnOIIT Henry Brooks, S.room. 2-story, 2-unlt dwelling at 6508 W. Ocean Ft., 18.000; l ack Cooper. cabana at Udo Trailer Park, $600; 0. H. • Here's the way the various tee· Kruse, cabana at TraUer Park, tiona of the clty compared: 1100; B. R. HarriJSOn, cabana at bft11e Ten'CICe ···-·----~ Trailer Park, $500; J. B. Sullivan, lf.-poft ····-· . ·-···-··· 111.510 cabana at Trailer Park. $100; T. ~ ·-··-· ·······-··-···· .,,. M. Cole. cabana at TraJier Park. 1 -.Jboa Iala:Dd . ·-··-·-··· 71.270 $100; Robert Reed. a.lteratlons at C:.C.... del llCD' __ ........ 11.150 2910 W. Newport Blvd .. $500; c. Lido 1a1e -··-.. -· ... -......... ss.-H. Deane. reroof at 209 32nd St.. CUff llaftD ........... ---·-•1.-$80; Leslie Tracy. 3 rovm. 1-story, lf.-poft .. ltlata ...... ... Jl.,. 1 unit dwelling at 219 33rd St .. --;: =~ -~~-= 1;: c ... The first week of February ac-1 r11•1 counted for $87.432 in building leW .._ 111111• permits, bring ralslnc the total for the year just over the $1.000.-1 Fred Croxon. assistant loan of. 000 mark. Largest permJt was fl eer and escrow and title expert $20,722 to the Udo llle Com-with Newport Balboa Savings munlty Association for remodel and Loan Association, has been ling of tbe clubhouse. named president of the newly Following permits \fere lasued: r e a c t I v a ted Orange County Mrs. Gertrude McCall of CIICf ' • LIDO ISLE Chapter of the American Savings Haven was elected thl d I Lido lsJe Community A.ssocla-and Loan (n.stltut.e. Ira. lcCall Help! ......,...pDriva r v ce tlon remodelling f cl bh Th I presldt>nt and askt>d to a~lst the _01 'v • 0 u ouse. e nstltute is a subdivision membership chairman with Har I ' Ia LJdo Soud, $20,722. I of tht> United States Savings and bor area memberships at the an • CLI7'P' BAVEif Loan Lea~e with headquarters nual meeting and p)('Ction of of. Jules Gage, den at 605 Kings In Chicago. Tralnang of Savings l._.. E. COAST HWY., CORONA DEl ~Al HAlt-4763 a..w.-: HAt'-.. ,,. ==~=~, .. j .... ,., 18, fleers for tbr Community Con PL. $3.500. and loan personnel ls a major Funeral services for Mrs. Min-certs Association of Laguna. e lfE\'InOIIT BEJCIITS • part of Institute activity. Mr nle Mae Stanlnger. 71, of 613 ...... .._ hi Clinton Eastman. alterations Croxon announced ttult the Or CDI ltwe~~~~r Dies, F•ral Sati.UJ .,,e mem.....,rs p c a m p a I g n c Acacia Ave.. Corona del Mar. will be held from Feb. 28 t at 1505 Haven Pl~ .,wo. ange ou~y Chapter will con- Benjamin Franklin Page. 78. of were held at 2 p.m. last Saturday 0 • auco duct a serieS of tramlng cl~ 2451 Elden Ave., Costa Mesa, In Parkes-Ridley Mortuary In =~,!'hl~n~~t t!u':~~~~~:: t: CJlftord K :~: alterations at ~eetlng Monday evenings be MATTRESSES If Cella 1111 Dill ~c.ttoa At Of•n,. Cc•Rfy't leedi~tt HCMllle L...di"t lnsti+vtfOft QUICI 24 HK'UR SERVH:i LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTtREST RAT£S EASY MONTHlY PAYMENTS FRIEIDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE WE IUY TlUST DEEDS ON WELL LOCAT£0 HO~ES LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS l LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 oc .. n AYeftiHI LAGUNA BEACH Pilotte HY 4-1177 lrreiUlar ShapM lfEW -DaUILJ)IIIC COSTA ~ESA MAnlE:SS CO. 2150 N-s-t ........ U 1-llOJ died Jan. 31 at the Orance Sanl-Costa Mesa, wtth Rev. Joseph 20 R dd gannlng thls month. Three sub- tartum after an extended Illness. W. McShane, pastor of the Costa attend the entire concert series u er Rd., $10,000. jects will be cover~ws. Services were held at Parkes-Mesa C 0 m m u n 1 t y Methodist tn Laguna and may also attend • aALBOA ISLAJU) appraisals, and savings and loan "':~~~~~~~~~~~ Ridley Mortuary Chapel, with Church, officiating. concert& tn neighboring cities Ray Realsnyder. addition at principles. - Rev. P. G. Neumann of the ""rat M when space Is avatlable. 210 Coral. $2.330; E. Milton Bag. i~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~ij~~~~~~~iii Jim Whyte Lu..ty .... ,. Office~ c..e .............. iWiflt a..w-: •" H•-'· c.r-. 4-' .,.., r • rs. Stalnlnger died Jan. 29 Bt~ptlst Church of Costa Mesa 1 The third concert In 1954-55 ley, remodelling at 117 E. Bay offlclat'ng. n Corona del Mar. She was ana-series will be the Boris and Hobe Ft., $2,000; Barker. repalr found. tlve of Evart. Michigan, and dance ensemble to be pr""'-nted atlon at 122 Grand Canal, ..uv.. Mr. Page wu a retired water came to Co d 1 M f ---~ rona e ar our-Feb. 25 at the Laguna High e SBOilE ,.. ...,.._ driller. a native of Jack.lonvUle. m ... _ ~~g onu.e ago. School AudltorJum. A-1 PLUMBING SPECIAl JZ'EI Ill BE?ADII Day & lflgtat waw Beaten Texas. had come to Oranp Survivors Include her husband, Count)' at the qe of 6 and to Earl M. Stanlnger; two sons. eo.ta Meea ln 112'L He .. aur-Earl II. Stanln&* Jr., of Blftr- vtwd b)' bJ8 wife BeUe; tour aJde and Wllllam II. 8tanlnpr .,nit Jteb of Collta M--. Hulh ot eo.ta Mesa; four allters. Mrs. of Downey. FolTest of Costa Roy Bailey of Wubincton, Mrs. Mesa and Roy of Newpqrt; one Eva Hoffmann of Oakland, Mrs. daughter. Mrs. F. C. Renwick of Jennie McConaghy of Oregon Lone Beach; 14 grandchildren and Mrs. Emma Gould of M1ch1· Warren Bremer, 11-roorn. 2· story, 1-unlt dwelllng at 218 IOif .CD 1'0 L.OIIA.RI Morning Canyon Rd., $30,000. Uo4-,_ Teoh fof s.-a SW ~ ... A 800. lobn Grover. wu born • SAL80A 1 -· • to Mr. and Mn. Donald Lohan IIIMpnt Lyal. DeW roof at 32'7 l=a5~~~~ale~~-i=~--;;·;·::·=~'rii•i'i,.~ .. i':'i'i'~! of 2201 Newport A~.. Costa laland, tt()O. ...... Mesa. ln Hoac Memorial B~ ------------ pltal on Monday. Jan. 24. $112 fill ..... . WIIINW-11 alld 14 great.grandchUdren. gan. SOif .ou TO aEED UsiM ...... ., ~'!??-SAVE .... l A son, Barton Brf'WSter, was I ·-==--F---' Pall born to Mr. and Mrs. Barton Newport Beach firemen ·ran ......,. ICJ ••Fa.l OfDATIOif G&JIIIAifT The First Baptlst Church of Newport Beach h as sent two boxes of clothlnc to GermanY ln care of Chaplain Geor1e Wled. man. former pastor of the church. Chaplain Wiedman wlll distrib- ute the clothln& to needy fami- lies In Germany. Clothing for more · shlpmenb to Germany is being collected at Ute church. ac· cordlng to Rev. Herbert Johnson.. Costa Mesa Lumber Co. LUMBER-BUILDING MA1'ERIALS Kcwpelt .... e-ta ,._ Llbertf 1-1•1 Robert Forbes BUILDER TWO IIU1IT llf COLLJSJOK WJT11 JfflROIIT CITY CAa Eleanor Grtjalua. 27. auUered a cut left hand a.nd Reginald Sepeda. 3. both of Santa Ana. a bump on the left side of hls bead In a two-car accident at 23rd St. and Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach. at 12:46 p.m . Jan. 31, Newport pollee reported. The Injured were In a car driven by George C. Se· peda of Westminster which col- lided with Newport Beach city car driven by Elmer B. Whluon Of 434 Santa Ana Ave., Newport Helaht.a. city electrical inspector. CmL .Calf TO IUAJIS A daughter. Patrice Marle. was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Rlan of 1603 Haven Pl.. ClW Haven. on Friday, Jan. 21. In Boag Me- morial Bo.pltal. MOO.U C&T DAUCIITEJI ~k. 2342 Mesa Dr .• Costa Mesa. on 16 flres during J anuary which in Hoag Memorial Hospital on resulted In $152 damace. Fin 1 B R u c E M A R T I N Monday. Jan.. 24. Chle! R. J. Briscoe has reported. The flres Included seven In IUJI-Tl..,.., _ fll£ _ UfE CUlL 800 TO CDTEJIS dwellings. three other than W'Uil buUdJngs. • one trash. one auto LOCAL AGENT A daughter, Debra Laureen, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Melton Carter of 213 Knox St.. Costa Mesa. on Tuesday, Jan. 25. In Hoag Mt>morlal Hospital. and four outside of buildings. 1793 NEWPORT AVE.. COSTA .MESA Firemen also made two rescues. 1 OFFICE: Uberty 8·5554 RES. Uberty 8-5063 five service calls. two lnvestlga ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gatlons and ran of five net>dless : calls. BJLUAJIDS CET SOK The fire prevention bureau A son, Scott Richard, was born I conducted 124 inspections during to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hilliard the month, issued seven permits. of 327 Poinsettia Ave Corona d~l conducted five investigations. Mar. In Hoag Memo;ial Hospital held seven fire drUJs in schools I on Tuesday, Jan. 25. and checked nine sets of build lng plans. KEWIIAJfS CET CUlL Paid call men conducted 53 hours of drill; paid men 94 ~ I hours of drUl. Nlnet~n company lnspectlons of business buildings and one dwelling wer• made. Merchants' PROTECTIVE SEIVICE le -a\·aJiabl. ta t.hf' NEWPORT HARBOR AREA For -plf'S. ..,OftllaUGII call L ll. CUTOif, I E .. ip t.IU. State Merchants' Police V ail___, DlwW• e1 "-T-'ft Plt"'ATE OEifX"TI~ AOEJifC1' '==-••11!1••••·•1r11a•••r······-1111'•'•••••••~ A daucbter. Susan Preston. r wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Pres- ton Moore of 1350 E. Coast Hwy .• Corona del Mar. on Thursday, lan. 27, In Hoag Memorial Hos- pltaJ. ,..... Ce• I 11 -Dr-'-' nn• A.lphalt 11le -~bber Tile rOnntea -Linoleum Tlle A daughter, Marl MJchele. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Newman of 300 Ruby Ave., Bal boa Island. In Hoag Memorial Hospital on Wednesday. Jan. 26. SOWDEIIS CET. SOif A son, John carver. was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Sowden of 1601 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa. In Hoag Memorial Hospital on Thursday, Jan. -.n. OIILT-' Lllf.C:.~ IU &. JM lt. c.tcall..a UUJrl"'' U25l 22 YHrt In Oranp County JOBWIOif QET SOlf A son, Robert Allan, wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy lohnson of 310 E. lOth St., Costa Mesa. on Saturday. Jan. 29. In Boag Memorial Hospital. LEGAL J'OTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF I THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF I ORANGE. NO. A25253 NO'MCE OF HEAJUNG OF PE'TI IOif POa QJUUO)ITAn'S TION FOil PROBATE OF WlLL' A *>n. Robert Wa.rcl. was born AND I'OR L.E I i ERS TEST A· to Mr. and Mrs. B.obert Grand. MENTAJtY. atalf of 1908 Court St.. Newport In the Matter ol the Estate of lead\. OD Monday. lan.. 31, In ~.!ect_ EV AL YN 0 A V l E S. Boat Memortal Ba.pltal. Notlc:.. Ia heftby ~n that the pet:Jtioe ol Bela Davtea 1109D YO lAilTA AliA 11Gft, for the probabl ol the Ul o1 ~e above naDMd ~nt and for C y pre u Ava.. Santa ADa the u.uance o1 JAtte.ra 'hit&· Rel&btll. 1a the MW a~ ~ ment&17 t.o tbe ~:ltloner Will be Mn. 111817 ........., f~b' ~ beud at 10 o·~ a.m. on Feb- -..... ..__. " "---• ..a.-~ ruar)' 11. ,_ at tbe court room ·-~ •--• •W.. ~ -ol DrPG'J•-4 ~ tl\e ~ .... Court ot tiM .... ol Cal ,. tn and tw tM County ol On,_,.. Dabl J&tNU7 11. ~ A -., IIMil .,_ ...... WU I. ~CI«k. ..... to ............. OnDaD ....,. A.. lt. .............. CoUt "'"' nMe If -Olnnlr a.. ()ola ~. ~ ... :MN. OaJU . ...... ba ... M rial ...... AttclfM7 ,_ • ......_. lal ...... I ;r, ..... L • f:'='j.=na.~.~ ' To The Newport Harbor Ensi9n The Official NewsP-CIJ)Gr of the City of Newport ~ach ONE YEAR Outmde ol Harbor Area . Only 3.00 _. __ 4.00 MAD. Df TIID oma .-~ CJIICK • cu. TODAY Name __ _ ·----------- Mailing Address -----------~---__........._ City and State _....;;;.__, __ .;_-----.::---~~~~......_. ..... e WD)Jq8D,AY, PD. J Mrs. M ade Zra.llk ot 408 Co- Circle. Corona Hirh- reportl: that twice recently '"'"'"'••. wu slphon@d from the her brother-In-law, Don J Cam,mon, 310 Marine Ave .. Bai- Ave., 'Balboa Island, whiJe l ~;::;~ln front of her home ... found evidence of gas being siphoned from a ear at Sandy's Motel, 2931 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar ... Cars driven by Kathleen H. King of 2476 Elden Ave., Costa Mesa, and Georre L. Broadford, 2136 E. Balboa Bl vd., Balboa, were In- volved In an accident on Balboa Blvd. near Belvue Lane, Balboa. ~~~~~~~~~~~--------------------------- THE WORLD Is as near as YOUB PHONE Call HA 1246 NO SERVICE CHARGE lJDO TRAVEL BUREAU SCll VIA LIDO ·Lido Shopping Center .......................................... DIRECTORY Margaret L. Scharle Tr>acher of Plano Organist · Accompanist Evening Classes lor Adults 3CJ1 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar Lawrence K. Gundrum, M.D. 419 NEWPOm' BLVD. Newport Beach Practice limited to Diseases ul Ear, Nose. Throat ; Allal)' Office Hours: by appointment Uberty 8-5433 or 8-2237 Tough Luck, ' You OJ' Coot Looll: out. you old ooot. Opeo. ....ae. .. Or-.. eow... ty Coob bela beea preckr!=sd by tM Stat. .T&U ...S. CcaD.e ....,., snt. ~9 to U.. Older. coob JIICI'f a. tabr.. wttboat ,..,.ad to IIOUIUil dally IJ..mJtL ill _.... .-aJ. CGllfonlla couatiM. la-- cladJDg oun. where ~ is em -..abwM'a-c:. ot •coot&. '!'lui NCI80D g-1-.-WCIT to pn-nat ..... -Fuzak cmd WCigDCilla dlcttoG- ary dncrthn CD0ta CIS rail-like aqucrtlc-blnb--or dolt.L A dolt. ot coune. is a stupid pend.. a du.aw or blockhead. wblcb Ill~ that tbb opMI - could be m ighty daDget-ou to aome. Allyway. a bU111tlD9 U- CITilN it; NqV.iNd ODd ahootiag boun ca-. lllllJ~ to dayllgtat bov&. .......... DlP-towla lD CDIIIpiii'Citift aafety. e TWUUDAT. PD. J CAn OOUided at Newport Bi'ld. and 32nd St.. Newport BH:dl. at 9:10 a.m. driven by J. 1.: 0'9on- nor of 2205% W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, and Alma M. Cralr of U7-27th St., Newport Beach ... Franct. Romero, 9, of. 712 Larkspur Ave., Corona ~1 Mar. rode his bicycle out from a driveway and ran Into the left front fender of the car of Mr.J. John J. Enos on Haul Dr., Co-- rona del Mar, at 4 :25 p.m ... - PoUce sent a doctor to the home of Joh n D. Muon ol !.iOf, Poin- settia Ave., Corona del M'u, at 8:08 p.m. to treat him fat a cut hand ... e FJIIDAT, FEa. C A boy, 16. h om Crivitz, Will .. was taken to juvenUe hall after being found hltch-h lklnr to Florida at Coast Hwy. and Bay- aide Dr. after reporttnr that he had hltc:h -hllt@d from -Wiaconsln to California ... Mrs. WIU(am Jahns of 119 Via Koron, Lido Isle, report~ the theft of a hub cap from her car eSATUBDAY, P'Ea. 5 Marlon Scobey of 427 Dahlia Ave., Corona del Mar, reported the left rear door and fender on her car damaged. apparently by a hit and run car ... Wil- liam Silze of 3(J1 Iris Ave .. Co- rona del Mar, reported the theft of the spare $50 Ure and wheel !rom his truck parked In front of his home . . . Peter Reed of the Lido Trailer Park used a powerful magnet to retrieve two hub caps hf> noticed on the bol- o! the bay between $lips 188 189 a t the park ... StnfDAT, FEL I A boy stretch@d a rope across alley at 318 Buena VL«a Blvd., Balboa, and another boy rode his bicycle by and caurht himself across the neck; both Friendly Neighborhood Service Parkes-Ridley Mortuary Formerly Grauel Chapel LEGAL WOTICE had left the scene before ~!~~~~~~~~W~; \ ~~~?-~ arrived . . . ~1tnatd 11 0 Broadway U 8-M33 1-. 8-3434 Costa Mesa NO ... TW O BALTZ MORTUARIES Servin&' the Harbor Area ila!tz Mortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA Harbor 42 3520 E. Cout Highway Corona del Mar Baltz Mortuary . Liberty 8-2121 17h &: Superior, Costa Mesa AMPLE PARKING BOTH LOCATIONS INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" WITH STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Res. Phone. Liberty 8-7315 You bring the laundry We do the work .. , of 401 Irvine Ave .. New- Heights. report@d the spare taken from the rear bum per mountin1 on his car parked on I ....... St. Mar lrvtne A ve. CContlnutd on Pap 12) Letter to Members of Beach Elementary District Board Sirs: Alonr with other Interested of t.hll district l wl1h express my appreciation In re- to the re~eareh and work :\~~~~;I :~;;::::~:~ In the matter of Cards by the committee your sponsorship. feel that a large step hu taken In the right direction t1tt;s1~~~ ~::~bring about ~rtaln rullng111 are more fully In keepln1 the desires of the people of :~~i~l~{,;~:.~ I district. In particular I want to compli- ment you on the carrying out ol WASTE niE sug-gestion of the committee to IUbmit to the parents a ques- tlonatre In re1ard to report cards tor the sixth, .seventh, and eighth grade levels. The results of this New Low PriCes UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT WASHEREIIE asa Eat c-t Bwy. Corolla del ICar (aero. boat. J•'s) - ' --.a..=-~~--·---cas She'll tell you to use the classified ads in TIE b-Mtii-lto (Ad ....... ,,.,. a· u« Nit) n.e llt1ht.,...... Cblti>l« RMI AuxUJuy h.td their mom- in&' ineeth1&' Pel,_ 1 at the horDe Mn. f. GOrdon Smith, 327 Cat- Drive, lfewpott Helahta. ~~::~~~~ Mn. Smith 1ftte Ml'd8. 1 Payne, J'. N. MI!Collom James T. Moultrup. A report waa made on ticket ialet lor the comlna Edna Steama Dayton .eae. of book re- ¥1~ to be h eld at the Lido Theatre, whkh wtll ralae money to finance the work of the newly formed '1\nnor-Board at the ba.- pltaJ. 'Mckebl are In charre Mrs. Hal Dike. ~uxiliary Unit !"":..:":"'A.!;."': Gets Citation KotaJa. • ..,Dadwav. Coeta Newport Harbor UnJt 291. M-. ,...uy waa pro••ted Amerlcan Le1lon Auxiliary, haa to LWpunll Ja a.....,. wiMN received an "Early Blrd" clta- IN .. • clerkotfJUt Ill ...._ lion from the national American qaaten lattMy of the 1ft Ia-Leaton AuxlJI.-y for rolnr over t-trr Dt~·· '7tb l'iel4 Ar-the quota In the rnerp~ip tWert 8attaUo& Coqonll CU. drive . biaoa cadftd oww lat New members are Ru th Smith, JWy fNm em ..-ipz~M~Dt .t Beatri~. Costa Mesa: Nettie Forl Jen•1"'9· Ga. Be ...... 1Miat1:h•w~ 504 Avocado Ave., Co- tiM AnDy Ia Sept-beY, IISS. del Mar; Henrietta Olander, • BALBOA*· • Open ~~~Sat. & SunciGy Enioy Rides & ~ames I . Tilt .. F..U, fw I "TIIP 1111111 Tl. UY" -SaL I IlL Oa .... U. of aaJboir" " \ OWLY St. Andrews Rd .. CUff Haven; 1==:=: Gloria Johnson. 428 St. Andrews Rd.., Cliff Haven; and Edith Bo- ettol 330 St. Andrew&. Rd., Haven. N~ membe-rs of the juniors are Sandra Leutwyler, 120 E. 15th St., Clllf Haven, and Musical Tea On Feb. lith Janet and Joan Boetto, 3JO St. -. United Chu-h Women of "' ... Andrews Rd .. Cliff Haven. Newport Harbor will hold thelr The ritual team of the Auxnt. annual benefit musical tea at ary went to Santa Ana Jan. 2 p.m. Friday, Feb. 11. at St. to serve at a joint lru:tallatlon Andrews Prf>flbyterian Church. of new members of the Oranee The program will feat ure the County Legion and Lerlon Aux- girls' chorus. dlrected by Miss lllary. Ritual team members are Marie Hiebsch and a string In-Captain Alma Thompson, Zen- atrument group under the lead. obla Frost, Mona Hayden, MU- ershlp or Clinton Sawin, all from dred Bonds. BIUy Leutwyler, EI- Newport Harbor Hizh School. leen InnA. Jean Markham. Jose- Followlnr the program In th••1t>hlne Hud~n and Helen Randel. sanctuary, the -tea and aoclal . and Mrs. •Herb Thompson's hour will be held In the aoclal Dennl.s played the aceotdion hall. PrOCftds wUI to the abRnce of the musldan. Week Day aeup;,u. '"-d~ the apeeial projed: ot United Church Women. Gin 1'011 IIACGVDI A dau,hter, Dontta waa born to Jl(r, and ml II. Maqum .. 221 ' I ~ ..... J I ean,... u. """"'" dol liar, --al _... W-y,t.b.J. N ....,. prin~no noodo wil bo ._..,in tha ~• ... •M pod Job l'tlnflnq ~-1 -Horl>or ArM Tho e..;q., 1104 ~ Callt. ua ., J ....... lo.Jbrrch .............. * MUIJCAL ~::::::-,_. =.:md-··? 6 OtMI- UCOJID PLAYa~~ -TAn UCOJIDID "-o &o..,_IMb.-.. "'"It wW .. •t~ .. ~T'lliarr ' r --- • , • • • District I · WJLLIAJI C. KJKDER JR. Law Studeat District 2 JAT STOTTLEJI1'1lE .. .,. District 3 Dimes Ma·rch , Nets $7,386 A grand total of $7,386.43 was collected for the March of Dimes, Mrs. John W . Tubbs, general chairman. announced this week. Mothers collected $3,552.63 of the sum on the night of Jan. 31 dur- Ing their Mother's March. The harbor area was divided Into 12 dlstrlcts. each headed by a captain who chose her work- ers from the PTA. the Newport Harbor Business and Profession. al Women's Club, volunteer mothers and the Girl Scout&. They obtained more than $1,000 this year over last year's march. District 4 Mrs. Tubbs ntended thanks to the pollee department for their cooperation, the service clubs, the PTA groups. schools and the CLAJlEXCE A. BIGBIE entire community who were gen. _________________ A_ttomey _____ _ erous with their contributions . CHUR£HES Candidates for City Council Invited to Kiwanis Meeting CiiiiiSfil\JI ICI&IIe& caullCII "Truly 111.7 toul walteth upon God: from hla cometh my aal- vatlon." This verse from Psalms 162:1> ·will be the Golden Text of the LessonSermon on "Soul'' at the Newport Beach Church of Christ, Scientist. Sunday. CDK C0)()(1JWITT CJI1JJICB a&WiOIIT IIAimOa LU"''D.UJJ ""Cettin. Spiritual &.111~ will be the .ermon topic at both momlne .ervtces Sunday at Newport Harbor L u t h e r a n Church. Pastor Robert B. Gron- lund will deliver the ~rmon based on the parable of the four soils. All 15 candidates for Newport BMch City CouncU have been ln· vtted to the 'l'hursday noon meet. In~ of the Newport Harbor Kl· wants Club on Feb. 24 at the VII. Ia M a r I n a Restaurant. Bob Schwamb, chairman of the Pub- lic and Busln~ Affairs Com. mlttee, wlU be In charge of the program. Sbe will ~ak about "A Student Looka at Europe... Dr. Ja.rnea Thornton, vice-president of Qr. an~ Coast College and chair- man of the Kiwanis Support of Churches Committee, will be In charge of the program. Rev. Edwin Gomke will talk CB.UST CIIUJICB 8T TBE SEA Speaker at the Feb. 17 noon A Boy Scout program will be presented at the noon meeting today (Thursday) on the occa s1on of the Boy Scout birthday anniversary. with program chair. man Verne K~psel In charge. 1 on "The Christ Whom We "Brotherhood -A W a y to meeting next week will be Chris. Preach" at the Sunday services Peace" will be the Sunday ser. tine Rogers. an Orange Coast at the Corona del Mar Commun. mon topic for the morning serv-College student who went to Eu- lty Church. The Church School Guild will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday In the Social Hall, with Mrs. M. J. Shannon, Mrs. Lowell THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 ) Newlon and Mrs. J. K . Ha mel as hostesses. Rev. Gomke will s how pictures and slides that he took while In North Africa. UlUVEIISALIST FE.LLOWSBD Yes~ We Do District 6 District 7 Second Talk On Missions "Methodism and Ita Work In Hawaii" will be the subject of an illustrated talk by Dr. J. Wesley Bole at Christ Church By the Sea Sunday evening. The Sun. clay eventna proeram will be the MCOnd In a ~lal series on MJsalons during February. Rev. Frederick Ringe's sermon topic on Sunday will be "The Couraee to Say No." M. H. Thompson of Balboa will play a violin selection accompanied by Mrs. Frederick Ringe at the plano. The Sunday school ls working on a puppet show de- plctJng good race relations to be part of a Famlly Night program on Feb. 27. The Fellowship meets at tbe· Ebell Club Bou~e, ~5 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. PRINTING Dr. Hole Is a noted Met.hodlat layman and church lead« In the ual9••••1Sf' WOIOJf IIEKT Southland area. He let"VH u 'Ibe Auoctatlon of UnJveraal-treuurer f« the Southern CalJ- famta.Arlmna Conference of the KethocUat Church. Hla admln'-" tratlve work keeps him In touch with 348 Methodln churchea In th1a area. The Sunday evenln1 Mtulon JII'OI"&ms begin at 6 p.m. )Vlth a mack supper .erved by one of the women'• ctrcl• ol. the dlurd\. There are ltUdy arou .. 'I Ill F , tbr a4ultl and ,outh beltnntna . .. :!t 5!t o'=-"":::!~ ,,,,.1111 Ptltl••• tbe and'UU7 at T:2» p.m. Contrtbutlona whldl wtll make ........ 0. .... cauac:a It po.tble to provide each e&e-AT &YAif'W' nv ICIIOOi. CHECK TinS LIST FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS: ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BUSINESS CARDS STATEMENTS ORDER BLANKS CIRCULARS POSTERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WEDDING INVITATIONS RECEPTION CARDS ANNOUNCEMENTS MENUS PAMPHLETS BOOKLETS MAGAZINES PHONE US AT HARBOR 1114 ADd Our a. .. uta.Uw Willie Glad To CaD On Yoa En lgn • Are Cross Country Meet Police Guard Fishing Boats Newport pollee last Thursday night we-re ukl!d to keep watch on tour local commercial fiahtna boats to avoid any damage due to a union strike In Lone Beach. Arthur Mello ot 2806 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, requestrd pollee to auard the BUly Boy and Mello Boy at Norm's Landing. 'Ihe harbor department said they were asked to watch these two boats and the. HInde and Uttle West Coast moorl!d at Delaney Bros. Fish Market. Mr. Mello told pollee he wa.s afraid that acid mlrht be thrown on their nets or other damage caused to the boats. He said that the local boatmen did not belone to the Long Beach union a11d that they would continue to fish u Jong as they can sell what they catch. At 10:04 p.m. Thursday the harbor department checked out a car parked near Delaney Bros. occupied by Joseph Cottone J r., 22. and Vincent Maz:tello, 32, both of San Pedro. The two men later told pollee they were as. signed to follow Delaney Bros. trucks to see where they sell their fish. ··~·-... , ..... l11i 1J1r 0111 If HOUII ·-· ....... C._pllsDI'IIl Mrs. Wanda Ruth Moore, of lfKX> Vllelle Pl. Newport Beach, suffered a deep lacera- tion In her left forearm when she pushed her a rm throueh the front dovr glass in the home Jack Stater a t 3206 Marcus Ave., Newport Beach. police reported at 10:50 p.m. Sunday. Mn. Moore was brought Stater to the pollee station, pollee put her undet arrest Intoxication charge and took to Hoag Hospital for treatment. Fifteen stitches were required to Housekeeper Elizabeth Mead. close the laceration In her fore--·, Of 201 Morning Canyon Rd., ....... arm and one stitch to close a cut Shore Cliff&. pushed a man In-truder-out of the front door of on her left wrist, pollee said. When Mr. Stater refused the house at 8:55 a.m. Friday, open the door of hla home, Mn. Mrs. George Weddon of that ad- dress notified Newport pollee at MOOI'e became an&TY and shoved 10:49 a.m. that day. her hand and arm throueh the Mrs. Wtddon uld that abe class. police uld. 41-ove away from her home. The man entered. apparently believ- ing the house was unoccupied. When he discovered the house- keeper, he said that he was hun. gry and wanted $5. pol ke report- ed. The housekeeper pushed the Intruder out of the front door and ran through the house to Jock the back door. She described him as being about 23, wearing a Balboa blue outfit. IBOWlfiES MAIE DO~ Brownie Troop 32 under the leadership of Mrs. David Martin and Mrs. James Haug are prepar- Ing for International Juliette Low Day. Members are making pipe cleaner dolls dressed u girls from the many countries where Scouting exists. They hope to display the dolls at the Girl Scout birthday celebration In March . A Clllssified Ad in The Ensiqn brinqs immedil!te resulh! Call Harbor I I !4-1115 and orove it l "''""' Surprlzes and Trimmings cmd of courM Graber au ... Boaey Comll BM Wax caadlH "Tour Vary Owa'" Penoaalbed StaUoaery THE BALBO AN Sensational Offer-- $1 Trade-in Allowance OD all'f old caa Opnu--ally ldJul all'f abapa oa. purc:bcue of the lfaw lmPIO"d "'DAZEY"" Orig!Dal Wall-type CAJI OPEifEB ...... ........ ...... .._ IIAGIIKT ~BJOLUOII soLD ames 1111 ----y-.... -OW; c.. 0$ u Allow •• liM CAl< OPEif£8 I ' aw an.r -·- .._ IPIUG 'IBLOIID. MALENKOV RESIGNATION IS TOASTMASTER TOPIC --,.. -"' -lliDIOf ·-· Oocona dol -· -· ...... Or ..... Colulb .u. ot Jlrur-ymen. .,-. at tbe aqodaliola me«J.na lll&bt (Ween.day) at the Park Gnenhcxge, .... .... TO aE A WADED Dr llJUICII GET FlEE nc1m AJfT DAY • EVE.BT DAY (See It • Diapky)--at ..U. BAIHWI USIET IARIETS ' (No. 2: Coad SapM' 11.-bt.-33-17 L Coc111t Bwy .. CaniDa del liar-) (lfo. 1: ltut & rs-t~c~. c.to ac ... ) Jo Coopecutt. Wttll '11M DAVIS BROWI CIIPUY POLGE" PUt S IIP-IIA%WELL BOUSE CIIASE & SAJOOD--IW"----"'AIIlfDIGS . COFFEE 89h Grapefruit Juice 19¢ CRACKERS 23¢ DOGc-FOODlDP• 69¢ WESSOif---Qt. aotu. OIL Qt. llottla 59¢ \ ·.-!FllTS &I f CfJABll> lfOaTIIED PlPftX · APPLES 41bs.25c PMCT SWEET .AVEL ORANGES 4 lbs. 25c AVOCADOS 2 for 19c aoMADrE LETTUCE 2for19c swuson 4for TUllEY PIES 99¢ CIICID, BEEF, IIDIDSETZ French Fries 2for29c ~ci.iets 2for45c co J • HetT. '~be next meetina wUl ' held at the Harbor Houe 7:00 p.m. Tuaday. UTJfOI.DS-ll"'dS. lloll Aluniinum Foil IT!" • I. IL CADIIIS .....-... ..... ....,. .......... . _ .... ._ .... _, ........ r- ..,. J..t .... -.. I" IWIItr te ....... .,.. ... ...,. ............. ... .. .. ••. ,.. f'" cat ·-= ,._.,,. Aa.r-...r--.· • STATE FAll liS. M. --.m. Cedi .. Toelcrr I • • 1CJ¢ B E A N S : 1(1( -...~--L ~--.. -U-,R--.-...~,---... ----==:4~:;"'----c !i A=£.~:=.,, ea."==------.-..~· 2~§~( "m""•"•"'•'"•'"n..-~, .. , ..... =-..... =-------,-=-,-=H--Tomato Cake Mix ~"::" ~· lEW DAllY PRICES Cake GK>LDEifSTATE ii~~iHi=iili~ii------~~ SKI~ ••••• lc.qt. NMP'IUN Half & HaN 19c "· 3ScQT. :mnnAA~ _ !~~!~~ilk 2 qts. 23c EGGS . doL Fruit Cocktail 31¢ 53~ DENS 291. PICNIC HAMS PORK STEAK 49i.. PUIIE . PorkSausage, 3u!'J 00 GROUND BEEF CIIVCZ .. MNiiD ..... POT ROAST 39c BONE ROAST 45c ..... · . 49c 7-Boile Roast 43c BACON ==. 4aL • '