HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-12 - Newport Harbor Ensign'
Bums Gets
Post of Tar
Grid Coach
A BB pellet broke a rev bed·
JOOm wtnclow lJl the home of Hal
Wela of 2319 Padtlc: Dr., Corona
a.1 Mar, Newport poll~ reported '1'\Meday. 'lbe BB apparently wu
flre4 from BQmde Dr., pollee
ald. 'ftle pellet wu found ~
Oft a bed 1n tbe bedroom.
Joseph Guerin Is Installed
As Kiwanis Glub President
·' lBiast Hits
Dwelling iii
IO"hid Ave. !
Van D ke Elected Swank Plan
C. of President for Tra!ler
Park A1red
Olander Is Named President
of Chest; Drive 'OYer fop'
~$ , ..... -~ ..... Qr ................ c.lf. OM. ....... .. IIi... ...... .. L c..t ......_,,e.-Ml .... . '
...... ...,._ - L C... .. ft .. ,. C.... 4el W., CelferW .,.........~ 114~1111
...... OfTHI
,_ HMPA hi•.&• W...
..... ..... .. _..,.... ....
....,. a ..,..._totbeJI_.. ~at JIMilwiDe port B.,.._ aoa..UaJtJ Youtll (ODella ........_ Y.ra 11ome
Ceat.r: ~ appoint. « '"'-), ..._ ._... and !few
wbatnw Jt taJr. to enate a ft· Or--. .
nance eommJttlle under your Yo.t ... hla blotMr·ln·law,
control I« tbe ~ ol tat. Du llcOqla. coedl at Vander· 1DI money. I th1Dk I can aJc JOU bUt. orpnlillad a team wbldt
on juR tbe man for the Job of they ea1W the 8outbern All
chaJrma.n. Let b1m plck h1l mem· Stan to pla)' the Law team 1n a
ben and tell blm to 10 to lt. c:barlt)' benef.lt at Nubvt11e on
AI tb1a column Joe& to ,_, Clu1st:mu Day. Dan played with
130 baa eome 1n to the EMlln the AD Stars. Yo.t wired f~
fot tbe Youth Center fund. Come "GermanY' Schultz. All Amerl· on. foUta. GIVE. and !era have can all·tlme center, then Jlne
ldd bueball team. thLI aummer. coach at Wt.conaln; Doul}u.
Keep •em bu.y. Keep 'em o11 the frabman eoaeb at MJchllan,
1treeta and eut do"Jl on deUD· and me, a junior 1n Medleal
: ; C : : I quency. GIVE. Send your contrl· Scllool at M.lehltan.
?tiM ~ Qop butiona to the Youth Center. Box WJth araduatee Qf 80uthem · Of .., 4, Corona ckl liar; or to Grant IICboola we played thla Harvard
• Howald. bead of the Youth Cen· outtlt in a tea of mud. "~·
:D:ICII:X::ICICIC:ICICX::D::xliCXzlixx:lci:ICI?:ICIICii:XICC:ICicli:::ICICIC ter, at ~ Helloaope Ave., Co· many.. wu 10 powerful that : : : ' • rona del M.,; ot Mra. A1 Spen· Yo.t bad h1m play rovlna center
e A JUIIL£E SUGGESTION '*'• 613 Bqonia Ave .. Corona del on deten.e and me, a auard on
Here is a good sugqestion for the coming Lobster Bake-the Mar; ot heft to the Enslen of · offeNeo wu to back out of the
ennual late fall event in Corona del Mar. Why not hold it in ~ptem· ftc.. line and be a klnda MCOnd rov-
ber this year--<luring the week when the Golden Jubilee c.lebration ·~~:red~ban season ra ce~ldlbehlnd h: ,on ~·
of the City of Newport Beech puts on in biggest show! That could wu over lalt week and tried to p~tbat nJah =~ me ~al~
be either the week-end of Sept. I S-16 or Sept. 22-23 . It would pro-turn In my unltonn. but Sun· 1y at Hu.ard for an ttme
vide a reel treat for the multitudes of visitors who'll be here to watch day' a. aport lect:Jon carried .ame • TAC2! n ft 1'1111 ·
the city celebrate its 50th birthday anniversary. lteml that wakened memories On ........ ltu ••-1 baek--• • • that would not be shushed up. a .,_... • auun .,..
• HOW AIOUT THAT ~ERGER One was the picture of former up and cauaht the ball over rny
· b bb f Conare8BJBan Hamilton Fish All· shoulder. I knew a Harvard •
1oodk eHt ~ lett~r. on peg_e -4, rtwnttten tty A'!LCtu h agebe, o American tackle Harvard 'Os·'09 taclder wu breath'i'l down my
ewpo sen . e 1s revtvmg on tmpo a~ ma er "?~ as en or thereabouta.' con atulatlna neck. and u a matter of self·
neglected of lot&-the proposed amalgamation of the CJhes of New· Kenny WashJn,ton ~n being protection I ducked my head and
port Beach and Coste Mesa into one big city. The Chambers of Com· elected to the Hall of Fame. 1 turned. CnTrash! I thouaht the
merce of the two cities sponsored a thoi'Ough and detailed survey noted the nice Jook.lng straight atanda fell on me. Inventory
two years ego, and the conclusion wos decidedly favorable toward nose of Ham Flsh. Modern sur· ~~~ tha~ Ham1 Flah had
amalgamation. Any comments? gery does wonders. What's this h d t m: -~ lh a nloeed (thche • • • got to do with football, you ask. a no IUn:u cou . ca
• ALL SET FOR THAT TOSSING It's a long story, chum, but I'll the ball) and said nose was off get around to the connect:lon, line. He, 1n very coarse lanauage We hear names whispered around os likely condidates 'for the and 1 mean that literally. It wu tor a Harvard man, was telling
coming Council etection on April 10. No commitments yet, but it's the bridge of his nose with the all and sundry that I had slugged
getting time to sh1rt procticing on to55i ng those hats in the ring. top of my football helmet. him. I suppose that he believes
• • • -Old you ever hear of a football It to this day.
Students in one of the high school classes hove o project of re·
porting on the ownership of local newspapers. let me pass on that
information to ell of you: The Ensig n is an independent newspaper.
and it is owned solely by myself end Peg-by Mr. and Mrs. Arvo E.
Hoopa. thot is. No secret partners. No minority stockholders. This ts
o matter of official record, because we publishers must publish o
swom statement of ownership once a year. Thought you might like
to know.
* Only Swift' a. Premium Beef Sold Here *
Specials for Thura., Fri., & Sat., Jan. 12-13-14th
team known as the Harvard Law The next week a newspaper
School! (It lasted one yeu.) squJb from Baton Rouge said
There was such a team made up that the All Star game down
of lettermen from different there was cancelled "because of
schools who were In the post· the physJcal condition of some
araduate school of law at Har· of the Harvard pl~ers due to
v pa[nJ>')~ .<;nu. .0161 llJ pnA the rough play of Smith of Michigan." Aa a matter ot fact
• • •:•:•:• • • • • • • • • • •:•:• It was a demonstraUon that you
don't train foe a head knocking
contest In the daas room. A nice
how·de-doo tor a young man U ·
plrlng to the aentle touch of •
surgeon having ht. name be·
smirched In this manner.
Yost publlshed a atatement In BY~~ the Nashville paper calllna at·
, , • • • a:• • • • • • >' • • •:• • tentfon to the fact that the ball
I like maps. I can look at a
map or a chart and have a won·
derful Imaginary trip to any
place In the world, any time I
want to, without even getting
out of my chair.
RJght now, I've been to Pan&·
ma to a place called Pinas Bay.
The Jetter N has a wiggle worm
over it. which rneaJU that It's
pronounced "pln-yas." It you
want to eo too, get out your Na-
tional Geolfaphlc Society map
of Mexico a.nd Central America..
Plnaa Bay la about 150 mil•
10utheast ot the Panama Canal,
and onJy about 30 miles or ao
from the Panama-Columbia bor·
carrier almost never fout.-.he 1s
too busy conaolllna the ball. If
I had taken a swing at the Fish
nose, 40,000 people would have
seen me do lt. because we were
alone ln the open field. None did
see lt. Anyhow I am glad to aee
the beezer (nose) looldng fOOd
45 yean later.
Fine ~aple fur.~itute at
tremendous reductions. •
There Ia not room for us to list all of the
many fine pieces that we have placed on
this sale. Listed here are a f~w outstanding
Store Wide Sale AI Depealaatents
F•lllll• I I •• l.ii,. . . . ••••••k•
Mcqu Cricket Chain. cmd Rockem 17.95 to 21.15
'Wmg Chain~ custom built 69 .. 95 up
TV Cabinets ~1 9S 89.95 ___ ,.. to
Lampa with hcmd-made
ahadea cmd 3 way switchea ____ from 10.95
Box spring cmd Mcittreue. _ twin me 2 pc. 39.95
What-Not ahelYH 31" 9.15
DI&Miwwe ••••• ~ ... bel
a.p .... Xl1k aa-... z... wan
• • • • • TraadJe .._ • • • • -.clra a•
a..ap. . . . . Ocanlolaal Tablea • • • •
~ ..... ~ ..... ~
· . · .. aaa~r ......... Deooeatl ..
IJMS.. 111111.
MY current interest ln this far.
away spot Is a placatortal one.
tor I wu on hand to help greet
Forest G. Sm.Jth Jr.'a Toluca
when the bit boat tJed up to the
Smith dock. out on Udo l.sle'a
Pelican Point Saturday nJaht.
The Toluea and her c::rew. under
the expert aklpperahlp of Capt.
John Vltallch, were beinl wei·
corned back home from a long
voyace that began early last No·
vember, and Included Plnas Bay,
away down around the Eighth
K CHOPS 69:.
"SWU 1 s nbUVII-aoUJID, oa
* lUTCHER IIY QIIUTY * ... ···························-·······-·······················
-IIIIIIDI ..................... -····---.... -.................. _ 41t.
IF'I •• IIIEEF, ................ F., .•
What went on, aecordlng to
Forest, wu a fisherman'• dream.
I can't tell you half of all the
thrllllna tales they brought home
with them. The Smiths sent the
Toluca down. then new down f~
their flahlna. They flew back on
Nov. 28, but their boat and c:rew
didn't start the return voyaae
unW Dec. 22. The trip back took
17 days. I'll bet that our Newport
Jetty looked m.l&hty homey to
Capt. John and b1l c::rew. AI the.y
enjoJed the ,r el come that
awaited them In the Smlth home,
you could ... a lot of J}eam.lln
their ey• that aatd. better than
worda, '1t'a sure aood to be
One result ot the fabulous
(Continued on Paae 11)
f'A'r' L !SS
IIIPLETE ••••• 111111
Featuring Nationally Advertised
Brands You Knom
Tarn moor
· Martex
St. Marys
Cole of Galifornia
W~ite Stag
kate Greenaway
love-Mitzi Dresses
Nity ite
Sffle Y,.ei
,'Mesa Kiwanis
Cfub Honors
H. H. Burnett
Barl.,. H. llt&1"fttlllt wu ..._..
l9e5 Khran.lan ot tM YMr at
the &DDual lNt•lladon dbuilr
ot u.. Colta ... ~Club. ~. Ju. 3, lD the mt.
Cout Country Club.
Mr. 8urMtt OWM lklrtMU'I Va•
rlety aAtl Burnett'• 1'018 Ia 111-. Cent.. He wu ell«*ft .._.._
ot b1a many aettvtta. on bellalf ot tbe dub and the community.
WWard C. ~ ol the
Courtney and 1.-. 'nre 0». wu
lMtalled u prMident ot eta• dub tor uns. Otbl'l' ofl'kwa srwta~Ject
Included Kt. Burnett. vice pntl·
dent; Hal' Hattkld. 811C.'fttaty,
and Dr. Robert Crawford. treaa·
urer. Dlrectora IMtalled were Dr.
Robert G. Andrewa, ~. JUchard
Button. David Gardner, Randall
P. Geddes, loeeph C. Humphrle.,
Herbert R. Jenka and Donald' T.
•••••'• .. . "" ....... ... ae.rvatlon. may be made
rarTattles ---... PBOM HADOB JU SCHOOl.
rr aADUA 1.D.1D'n1A1.
e tOO II1JCII POCI towarda thJa .ubject. At their Jo the Plaza-theee .,. a ,_,of
It JooU lUre tae foe was to ne-xt meeting LeRoy JUson, 80· Harbors tradlUona. n.e ... Oolil·
thucll lor fb.rbon 8aUJnt Club. clal ltudJe. teacher, will pi•Y for mluJon bead()(~ by Qnldr ~ "'elt OCMn raa planned for Jut tht>m a ta~ he made of the Ed· vlato bu decl<led that ..,....
Sa~y made It ouno the jetty ward R. Morrow program~ "Years does not have u lllU7 • •
and then bad to call It qu1m be-ol Crlafa." It will pertain to the Colorful tradJtJon.t u do ..._
cau• ot the aeavy tor . But the yean after World War n. hJgh achools. Since tbe .._.
foe didn't put a damper on thM.r • • • has grown so by -.. aMI
8p1tita u they donned thetr cos· • aDLZ a.va bounds. many ot the old .,....
turne. for a ShJpwreclc Party to Tbe Bible Club enjoyed at tlons have been ~ ,..
make up for the race. The party their lut meeting a talk given Pep Commissum woul41 lillie a.
wu held at a mem bers home, by their president and vice-pres-start a few new oo.. ...-u
Don Redlngton'a, In Newport !dent. Sheila Peck a nd Beverly Color Day or a SenSor Wallt. -.at
Beach. About thlrty·flve people Sutterfield. The girls dl.lcussed they would a1.ap uu tiD ,....,...
were pre.ent. which included eleven qumlon.~ on "What wlU any old tradition~ wtUeta b.a"
most of the club and a few I spend my llte for," taken from dropped by the way.W..,. .
rueata. Dancing, plng·ponr. bad· the Book of Job. They ta lked on So it would be a~tM If
mlnton. and dinner w~ enjoyed how Satan uses Jives and how you alumni wou14 10 5.-a
by all. The ocean race took a we must not let him rule our few years when yoCJ WliN at Bar·
raln check for Maret. aomeUme. llte. At a later meetJng they bor. Drag out the old YearboOII&a
• • • would like to have a Quartet and j( you do ~..,...,.,_ any. e TALKS OK GDKAifY from the Bible Institute In Loa thtnr that used to be lla'8 • ~rry Noe a, German exchange Angeles. leas tradltJonaJ. why Ju-t JoC It
student. l.s being kept pretty • • • down and addreJB It to IDIIt In
busy giving talks on bls natJve • IIAUOa Ta.ADMOKS care of the Ensign Publlab1ftc
country u he apoke aealn last The Senior Breakfast. Senior Company, COrona ~~ Mar. (An4
Thuraday night to the Hlstory Ditch Day, the Homecomtnr. the
even If you do.n't come up wttb
Club. The toplc tor dlscuu1on R1nelng of the Liberty Bell. the anything you'll have fun reman·
wu "The UnltkatJon of Ger· Freshmen Aaembly, the TUrtles bering old times.)
many." ~ny spoke on how the -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;================== ...
East and West Germans feel
wtth the Newport Harbor Cham-
ber of Commerce for the Jan. 20
meeting of the Wom en'• Com·
mJttee, to be held at noon In the
Newport Harbor Yacht Club.
S~aker will be Mrl. Thorldld
KnudiOn of Loe Anaele. and
Lido We, put president of the
Former Tar Pit Will Serve Lodge Installs
Oscar White As Recreation Headquarters Instruction In the ancient art
women'• dJvlslon of the Los An· The Jormer Tat Pit at 1714 W.
geJea a.nd Lido Iale, put proll· Balboa Blvd., In CentraJ New·
dent of the women'a division of port. wW be remodeled soon to
the Los Angeles Chamber. be used as headquarters of the
All women members of the Park, Beach a nd R«reatlon
Newport Harbor Chamber of Commlulon and also for recre ·
Commerce are now automat!· atlon actJvltles.
cally members of the Women's Work of remodeJing will start
Committee Qf the Chamber, ac-as soon as the Teen Canteen,
cording to Mrs. Norman Pease, Inc., hu been otficlally dis·
publJclty chairman. The group of 80Jved a nd the lease turned back
15, who formerly coml)Med the to the city. Teen Canteen, Inc ..
women's committee. hu become had been orranJzed as a non·
the executive board of the larrer profit organ ization to operate the
group with Mrs. T. Duncan Stew-Tar Pit. which had been built by
art as cbalnnan appointed by volunteer labor and opened as
Maurie Stanley, Cha mbft pres!· a center for youth recreation
dent. All women of the area In· eight years ago. The Tar Pit
terested t.n beautUtc.ltJon are In· never reaJJy caught on as a
vtted to attend the luncheon and center for school youth. In 1953
hear Mra. Jtnudaon. Mrs. Pease the Teen Canteen, Inc .• asked the
said. city to take over the operation
Military Training Program
Is Explained to Students
An Intensive eampa.lgn to &C·
quaint htrh IIChool .en1on In Or·
ange County with opportunJUes
eontalned In the natlon'a new
Armed Force. BeMrve Act l.s
beinr readJed by Slxth Army cl·
fleers In Santa Ana.
and their parents can obtain de·
taUed;lnformatlon about the law
and the young ma.n'a reJatlon to
It by vlaltlng hserve beadquart.
era at 1012 N. Main St., Santa
Ana. or by calJinl Kimberly
of the building, but at tha t time of gem-cutting and the fabrlca· Ocar E. (Hugh) White Jr. was
there was no recreation person· tlon on Intricate jewelry designs Installed as worshlpfuJ master of
nel to take over the job. Just are avallable u adult classes at Seafaring Masonic Lodge No. 708
last month City Council agreed Orange Coast Colle~e. Saturday evening at the t1rst of·
to have the city operate the Two claaes In lapidary, a be· fllcaJ function In the new Ma ·
building and turned It over to ginning cl&sa on Tuesdays from sonic Temple at 15th St. and St.
the Park, Beach and Recreation 7-10 p.m. and ·an Intermediate Andrews Pl., Cliff Haven. He suc·
Commission. class on Thursd ays 7 to 10. pro· ceeded Ray NleJsen.
Recreation Director Bob Glng-vide Instruction on the cutting Other 1956 oUicers Lnatalled
I h IJI hi U l h and polishing of gems. Forrest Included Lester A. Smith. senior r c w move s o ce t ere Pond Is the Instructor. A begtn. from the City Hall a.s soon as an nJng jewelry ma king class Is warden; Corwin D. HorJle, junior
office space Is partitioned off. also b warden; Melwood A. Beny, sec·
There will be no change In the eld on Tuesdays from 7·10· retary; Henry Deister, treasure·;
present u se of the building by and an advanced jewelry mak· Max A. Owen, senJor deacon; Jo· lhg cla&s on Thursdays from h v A tJ other orga nizations. such as Boy 7.10. Both of these classes are sep . n sta. Junior deacon ;
Scouts and the Balboa Power Hany L. Hilliard, m a r s b a I ;
Squadron. Which now m__. th-·e taught by George Barnett. ,...__ H ,_._ 1 d .,..,~ "" VM:&r Uuouom. sen or, stewar ;
regularly. A Oassified Ad in The Ensiqn Marshall S. • McGuire, junior
Mr. Gingrich Is planning to brinqs immed iate results! Call Steward ; Emerson HUI. chap.
keep the building open during Harbor 1 11 ~1 115 ond orove it ' lain; and Ralph Irwin, tUer.
free evenings when and lt th~ ~~MMMMiMMMMMMMMMMMMiifiMMMM--la a demand. It could be used by
small groups for evening get -to-
gethers. he saJd.
Cadet Ralph W. Stephenson,
23. 80n of M.r. and Mra. Lawrence
E. Stephen80n, 411 Costa Mesa
St., ~ta Mesa, wu named to
the Dea.n'a list at the U. S. M.Ul·
tary Academy at West Point for
the month of October. The llst
includes cadets who are aca·
demtcally In the upper 20 per
cent of their clus.
>5'WAiW* ·--
1101 E. Coaat Bwy. at Jama1De1 c.o.a del KG
(!'ext to All American Market) ~:D.M:::::=t Bu.oa 1511 * Al8o at 5251 L IDd St.. la 1.-. 11eecta *
A procram of Information will
be bl'ourht to •ch h!ch eebool
In the community. Through lt.
boys 17 to 18~ yean of age
wW learn how they can fultlll
tbetr mllltary obligatio n under
the new law with a minimum
dl.srupUon to colleae or clvlllan
• • the
Locally It mearua that Army
~resentatJves wUl appear be·
fore high IIChool URJDbllet of
17 to 18~ year olds to detaU
the plan under which a student
can t.lnlab his hlrh eehool at the
same tJme he IJtarts to d.lscharre
an Imposed obligation of eight
year ot aervlce In the Army. New
provtaton.a premlt the young
man to train with a Ready Re·
8ei'Ve unit In the county and
later -after graduation -take
six months of active training.
'Ute flnt eleht weeki of active
training will be at Ford Ord, to
be followed by two weeks' leave.
Followtnr the alx montha duty
he can return to bJa "home
town" unit for the balance ot
reserve training for which he Ia
A 1t ern a. t I v e 1 for the high
acboolen are two years of draft
duty In actJve MrVIce, to be fol ·
lowed by tour yeus of reserve
Young men can take their
c;hoke of 8e'I'Vke branchee In the
Army Reeerve at the Santa Ana
beedquartera. F o 11 ow I n r are
brancbee open: Art1llery. Infan·
try, KedleaJ, MUltary Pollee, and
Keanwhlle. Interested )'OUths
money ............ ._.. ............. ,.
• • • •• •••••••• • :·· r.ts':J :
• ... -... uer • ·~ ... . -........ . • lib .... • • ••• • • ••• • • ••••• ••• • • • ••••• . ~· . . ..... . •• o.-.. •
(i]. .~ ... .!
Cllll• .. ....... .....,.
1 o t.n
For a wonderful V alue.ful Furniture SALE
Here's our story iDa nut sheD: ••• We're replacing moat ol our sofas. chairs. tables and
lampe iD the next lew months • • • 110 our floo1 models must GO! • • • if you want to make a
buy you'll boast about for yean, be sure to ..:ome early and chooee some real SCJYinga-packed
pieces off the floor ••• ti.rat come, mecma first choice!
Modern Dining Seh
Drop le•f eriension t•bles ·······-·-round nt.nsion t•~s
Buffet wii+1 Hlrldt Top ········-···-··· Side O.•in 20% off
-I = ~~ ~~~ ........... 491.50 299 0 951 ·
2 metching 69 95 Occ:.sioM.I Cftein -···-··were 91.50 • ••·
~~ ch•irs ·--·-···were 14.95 34.95 e•.
2 Coffee t•l*l I 59 95 "w..., .. style ____ .were 19.50 e ...
:.~---·..,.. 69.91 49~ 95 ...
~~·Set ---·--···w• 217.50·199.95
Sate ., 11 IOo/o • an •••an ~Meces
2 Foam Rubber 139 50
Biscuit Tuft Sofa ··-··-··were 119.95 • ••·
Fo•m Rubber
Bilcuit Tuft dleir .. .. .. . ...... ••• 19.50
Sp.O.I Ho._, built rMttr.u
end boa spring ·-········ ........ w.n 19.50
Hict.-.-Bed ----·-·················•es 179.50
Hid .. -a.d ....................... wes 249.50
Modem Bedroom Mf, et..d, double
dresser witt. mirror Mel bootc:.ae he.d-
boerd . . .. .. _ .... .... . ....... wes 293.50
TV •
SwMI dw.ir ------··--·--·w• 54.50 ~
Uphold•ed cheir ---· wes 54.95
49 .. 95
u .. , .......
Save 200/o on al pieces
... JIOW
Loung. c:bclk J t7.SO 12 ...
Drop AnD .. 157..50 .....
.... I Celltce E••••ti••
fit i1t1 t•l .iCIIfl fer Jllr Jlllllttr!
It may •••• lf you start
savlnc now with our help!
lewport Harbor Baak c._ .....
1 M•tehing l o.,. S .. ts. Bl•d Iron, 49 50
Pl•rlic: uphoktery . were 74..50 ••·
2 Convert.r Se+s. con~stin9 of ol29 95 2 sof .. .nd comer t•bl•. were 192.5 ~ ...
~d Sof. . . . .... • •• 19.95 49.95
M•tdling 24 95 Iron O.•ir wes 39.50 • ....
5 piece Dinette Set aa.dt Iron end
Fotmic:. top -. ••• 147.30
1 piece R•tten living room group
consiris of e 3 piece sec:tion.t, 2 end
tebl.n, coHN te~ end
lounge chair --· .......... w.n 215.50
Fokting chen --·-··-·· .... 1.95
c.nJ TeWes ·-··-. _w... tl.9S
CMd r.w.. _ ·-·--.... 7.95 s piece en ••'* .._.
.. dwMrt ... 0.1'1
... .,_ ~ nfl# ... ,. IKI.I •
far.Mice t.p .., ---··· ..... ~ ..... ..d ....... -...
F~ ,....._ •• lt.tl
l.-y s-
fitt.d .., ... 011 .... _ ......
s.t of • ~v.
trey ...... ·--'·" flae ... t•a • • • ...t •• , .. K .,. IJ Ulf
on &ood Eating
ivan at Coasf.College ·•...,...~~----_._........., .... ..,.....,.. ......... --.. _,.,.~...,. Peiity dan. 20
.;.UDI to -'-' autrltiOaal
--will be tbe toPie ot • ,... meet111a ledwe ..S. to ltUt at
Or .... Cout OoDete. ~
•• • ..... lam&al7 17, ba the 0111·
..... aucJitorium.
SpeU.-will '-~eanor Xlnll·
ley. f'rolll b• axteulve lltu4Me ot prtmltlve ~ lin. Ktnp·
}fy bu found then:a fNe troaa
tooth decay, arthrttll. rbeuma·
tiam. heart cn.eue, cancer ud
lnaanlty. The tntluence of diet
on aucb tmmunltlea wm be cJe.
taUed by M.ra. KJneaJey.
Mrs. KJneaJey haa atudled In
France, Italy, SWitzerland, Au.-
trla. Czechoalovakta, Gennany,
the Netherlands, Eneland and
Scotland. She bas been chaJnnan
of nutrition at the Children's
Dental Health Clinic In Lol\l
Beach and has spoken at the
........ rl~~~ ~~~~!.~~~~
~=r;=-=~~ 1 ... 1D ......... lit. Dllitlobr, 1o1m ~ & Monte q ............... at .... ear-IIDitll and TobJ " .... wno. .._ -. ar.t ID ._. .. ..., ...... are tile IDIIIIW holtl aad hMt·
._uea;A.,.atiiDe,.._. ••• -wtaowm...-~at at t111e .._ 11 w-. "1rnaiaa 111. ue1 Ill& 'hill ~ Ud the JaauU7 Balbaa &q Club
....., ........... ~Of. ..._. Patrlda ... lll¥eillcle ....... pArty belnl ..... rrl·
&e Madllnellrm U.l.al ~ ... Kew 1'au'l ,_.. of ..._ claJ, len. 30, at 1M dub. Cab'Peo
One til Mn. OouJAr• IDall'led Jolla Gr..._ Wbo Uve an llutl wtll be the J80Uf ol the party
ctauchtl!fl ltw. Ia Woodland Dr. 11a eo... 4e1 Mar. 'l'lae wttb ~&*tal Cain-m~ .. ~
HWa ....,. Loa An,pl•; the other Gnteelul are ~ ,....,... the "Cartbeel" ~..!:.::=T ....set. In Midt.ll&n. linl' tMlr boue wtatda tJMy alonr wttb the J18C _"._. or
• • • moved lnto thla put fall wh cUaae dandnr. Din.-wtll ln·
The leel'etary-tnuurer of the th~ retumecS to the beach :: elude choice of prtme ,rib or
N e w p ort Harbor Chapter of from t.o. Anpl• :ur. GNI.eda 1a lot.ter. S.P~.B.S.Q.S.A. (Which hu to do the 80n of J'red Grel8ch o1 BaJ . ------
with prHerYtne B a r b e r 1 h op boa. BJa wUe la the former A ClaSJifieo 1\d en fne Ension
Qua.rteta> la a new resident on Ellubeth Locke. ortainal owner brinqs immediate results! Ceft
Poppy Ave., CQrona del Mar. ot the Gourmet &Jteben ln Co· Harbor ,, 14-1 I IS and Ot"OYe itl
• State Convention ot the Call· S. A. Merrlken and bla wUe re-rona del Mar. The family alAIO
eently IDOftd to Corona del Mar lncludee a lara• Genaa.n ahep-
trom Bay Sborea. herd dot and a very mW.l kit·
largest end Mod Complete
Furniture Store in the Area.
a.z.AifOa JDJra.LKT •• a..
tn:llw _. a.tuw. will opea
.. Ota,. c.-C.Utll lee· ........ -••trtttea cat .,,. ~ Tllttt'Jf Ia tM C:.U.,.
fomla Federation of Women's
The fint meetlne, on January
1T, wUl be devoted to a preen·
tatlon on protein. what it Ia and
what lt can do for a penon. Mrs.
Tboueb he retired ln 1952. Mr. ten. ·
Merrlken la back at work apln
and 1.1 now .upervt.atna el&ht LAGVIIA WOIIAif - -aerv1ce atationa for .....,
Comers ln Santa Monica. lUI Kaney Lee CoAOYft, )C. of La-
llberly I-SS II
K.lnpley wm tell how to buy ln·
------~~-:-:-::-=-:::== expensive fooda and prepare KAJOa WJJIIAJIS JS o• DUTI' them and wtll dbcuss the av·
AT AD1T IUDICAL ICIIOOL eraee dally requirement& of pro-
avld avocation. howewr, la Bar· euna le.ch. wu booked by B G ~
benhop quartet linetDC· '~be Newport pollee at 1:10 p.m. lan. IDs p ••• I r ., Newport Chapter, which meeta 4 on a eha.rce of drlvinc while L L
MaJ. John R. Wllllams, 35, 80n tetn. •
at the Elka Club. sane CbrUtmu under the ID.Quenee of narcotles. Furnishings for home,,
caroLs on the Bay Queen on Sbe wu anoe.ted after her ear clubs. y.ehh.
Thursday before C h r Ia t m a 1 . alleee<UT ~~~-awtped two eara on 3017 w. Cont H;ghwey ot Mr. and ...... Raymond H. SpoJUIOrlnr the aeries ue~e
WWJams. 100 VIa Ment,9ne, Lido Assistance Leerue of Newport
IaJe, la M'J"Vinr at the newly des· Beach, Junior Assistance Learue.
lcnated Army MedJca.l Serv1ce eo.ta Mesa Friday Attemoon
s,:hool at Fort Sam BoUlton. Club, EbelJ Club ot Newport
Tex. Major Wllllams, a former ch, Junior EbelJ Club ot
.tudent at Puaclena Junior Col· Newport Beach, Lido I.ale
lep, entered the Army In May, Women's Club, Pan h e 11 en I e,
1946. BLI wUe, Edith, llves ln P.-T.A. Council, Woman's Civic
San Antonio, Tex. Learue. and Zonta Club of New·
Mary Leona Faulkner Is Wed
To Charles Gregory Zamora There are 25,000 SPEBSQSA Cout Bwy. near Jumtne Ave., N--IMc1l
members In the Unlted States. _Coto;;;;;;;;;;;;;n;;;;;a;;;;;del~;;;;;V;;;•;;'·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~~;;;;~--;;;;;..-~·;;;;;;;;;~~~ • • • r
In a ceremony ln Oar Laey of wbJte rloves. A lavender orcbJd ~verttnr an old landmark,
CDM Travel
We wW be bappy to aaabt
you wttb ...., u...J CIIJ'CIII~·
ADd Tbe
• St.aaWllp. llcdlroocL Alrlble •Botel~
• Toun • na.atn Tlcbta * KO SEIIVICE CIIAJICE *
Harbor 1246
Coline Gibbons. Dorothy
McKenna. Marguerite Hughes
Cor. E. Coast Hwy. at Orrh\d
Across trom P.O., CDM
For v .. s!
People have been
'aying , •• and
believing tftat
• •
F . •
Complete Home FumJshlnp ~
Llbwty I-U54 ~ 1131 Wewport A,..
port Beach.
S4t. Carmel Church In Newport c:onap completed her coatume, the houe w1t.h the cupola on
Beach, Mary Leona Faul.lmer The reception wu held at the Ida Avenue, Corona del Mat, la
and Charles Greeory . Zamora Elks Hall In Newport Beach, the part-~ oceupatton of Mia.
were united tn marrlare on De· which wu deeouted with bas· Janet Wood calbec:k and her 11·
cetnber 26th at U a.m. The bride keta of wbtte cb.ryu.nthemum.a. year-old daupter Sally. The _
was given tn marrtare by her The champ a 1 n e puneh was Calbeeb spend most of their
, , , , , , , , , , , -:-:• , cc father. and the double ring cere-made by Robert Allen and time ln Pasadena now, where
mony was performed by the Rev· served by Ted Scott and Alvin Mrs. Calbeck la auodated In
erend Stephen Kiley. Lypps. Attendants at the ~· reel estate with Haul Grant
The bride ta the daughter of tlon were Mrs. WOllam Van King, who al80 Uvea in Corona
:1 • • 1 1 •:1 1 • • * I 1:1 ' ' I ' Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Wagner Landingham of Corona del Mar, del Mar. During the summer the
Editor of the Ensign of 3706 Channel Place, Newport Mrs. Fred Lewis and Mrl. Don· Calbeclca expect to be spendlne
Dear Bop, Beach, and the groom 1s the son ald Bucy of Newport Beach, Mrs. m<* of their time In the harbor
In recent times I have heard Qf Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Za· Alvin Lypps ot Anahelm, Mrs. area.
many residents of the Newport mora of 13062 E. Stanford Street. Ted Scott of Santa Ana. Mrs. • • •
Beach area talk on the st•bject Santa Ana. The bride wore a Adolph Zamora of Anaheim, New Corona del Mar realdenta
of the joining of Newport Beach ballerina length dress ot pale Mrs. DomJnlc Sorcabal of Puente, on Marigold Ave. are Mr. and
and Costa Mesa as one clty. plnk selr-patterend moire with Mrs. Joseph Zamora of Los An· Mrs. Berma.nn Septoff and their
Some were for a serious consld · a cowl neckline lightly sprinkled geles. Mrs. Louis Valterza of San two children, Bobby, are 10, and
eratlon of the subject. and others with rhinestones. She wore tiny C I em en t e • and Mrs. Hector Lorin. 7%. Mrs. Septott, a native
would have none of it. rhinestone eanlngs and a short Chetne of ~sta Mesa. · C&llfomlan, Is a teacher of the
U we approach this with re· pink veil. Her long silk gloves The brides going-away dress plano a.nd has played concerts In
gard for the tutwe. It has much and tb.ree strap sandals matched was of turquoiSe blue over which Beverly ~Ls, Los Angeles and
to ofier, but lf viewed only 1n her gown.. The bridal bouquet she wore a full backed black Long Be . The head of the
the present It may seem lnad· was of pink tiger chrysanthe· fallle coat with Empress sleeves. famUy 1s wner ol Roberts Jew.
Letten-* .,..,
t.YIR J-Pfr'll'f, Tv
-rBE Pr..at~ ftanc ~~
-.u.oa 21'71
S11'1 E. Coat Bwy .. ..., J tw C::...O del II•
vlsable. mums and a lavender orchld. • Her suede shoes and purse were elers on Balboa Island. He 1s a
In the near future people of The matron of honor was the black. She wore a smart white native .of Brocluyn, where hl.l ~==============~==~~~=~~
Newport see thls as a ta.xatlon bride's slster·in-law, Mrs. RJch · raw sUk hat and white gloves. neighbors were the famou. RJtz
problem only, with little ad· ard Wagner of Lynwood. Her Her corsage was ot orchids. Brothers (their family name waa
vantage to Newport. but let's nile green taffeta JOWD had a The bride ls a graduate of St. Joachim). He used to plat' with
look at the problem from a very bouUa nt matching net skirt and Joseph's Hospital In Orange. The orchestras In the east, still playa
long range view. Cities are built she wore o~a length gloves. ~ldegroo~ is the captain of the the violin an~1sax as a hobby,
on a long time basis and by s uc· The matron-of-honor's bouquet Observer, the yacht owned by and was a member of the Ot-
ceedlng generations. With this was of bronze and yellow tiger the W. G. Krlegers of Lido Isle. ange Coast Communlty Orches·
In mind It would seem that It chrysanthemums. Alter a honeymoon In Palm tra that gave a concert at OCC
would be reasonable to consider, The best man was the groom's Springs and Las Veras. the new· back In 1~ He Is a member of
to look at this from as long a brother Joseph Zamora of Los lyweds ar• at home at 313 21st the Elks and &lao of the Masonic
tenn as possible. Anrel~ The uabera were Rich· St., eo.ta Meaa. ~
1 Newport Beach Is almost ex· ard Wagner of Lynwood, Robert r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;.;;:;;;;;;;;;;=====-====--;..;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:,
elusively a resJdentJal area at Wagner ot Whittier, the bride's
present. having people 1n all brothers; Adolph Zamora of An·
walks of life llvtnc here, a ~t ahelm, brother of the groom;
number of retired people and and Frank Errota of San Jose, I many who are rerularly em· step-brother of the groom.
ployed. The Church was decorated
If we build with cons ideration with basket. of long-stemmed
for all ot these. we must first white chrysanthemums. The 80·
consider the matter of employ· lolst was Mrs. Mary Sheeley and
ment for the larger number, the orga.n was pl~ed by Grace
those who work, for these there Johnson.
must be manufactwlng and Mrs. W a r n e r , the bride's
there Is no place In Newport mother, wore a navy blue crepe
Beach for that. dress with suede ahoes and fa1Ue
Costa Mesa will I believe pro· pwse of the same color. Pink
vide that. but could do so a gloves and a pink hat accen~
great deal more quickly with a the costume. Her corsage was a
llttle help and encouragement lavender orchid.
from their nelrhbors to the Mrs. Charles Zamora, the bride·
south. We are blessed with one groom's mother, wore a dove
of the finest residential and rec· gray suit and hat. Her acces·
reatlonal areas on this globe. sorles were black and she wore
but If we believe that we can
contlnue as an Independent strip
along the ocean. and in the face
ot progress. I believe we are only
fooling ourselves.
It seems that a little sane
planning at present might pro·
vide a more harmonious future,
might prevent this area from
being gobbled up at some futwe
date with tar less advantage
than exists today .
lust a thought on thls subject
. .. what do you thJnk!
Arthur B. Cubbare
415 38th Street
Newport Beach
A daughter, Nlcholette Kay.
was born to Mr. and Mrs. Nlcho·
las Steele of123 Agate Ave., BaJ.
boa Island, In Hoag Memorial on
IRslll Willlll ,_,
of Val• If .lar Ctlu
A. E. Rickey, of 204 Adams
Street. Balboa, has been ofilcl·
ally awarded the title ot "best
guestlmator" by Costa Mesa Sav-
Ings and Loan Association in
Costa Mesa.
Mr. RJckey .received a prize of
a $25 aavtnp a.ccount at Costa
Mesa Savlnp at the aavlnp and
loan finn's booth at the Business
and Prof e 1 al on a 1 Women's
C h r II tm a 1 Preview at the
Rendezvous Ballroom. He est.J.
mated $187.52 u the total value
of mixed coins 1n a jar; the
actual amount wu $187.51.
Marilyn's semi-annual
Clearance ... _ Sale!
The sale you've all been waiting for~d why not ... the
buys are truly fantastic! We've something for everyone ... come see for yourself! You'll really
get a good, good buy!
Gowna, SuitL Coat.. Forma& Lingerie, Sweaters
by Famous name Designers-
Don Loper -Peggy Hunt -Tina Leser -Addie Masters -
Georgia Bullock-Bloomfield-Minx .Modes -Alexander
of California -Kay Selig -Tabak of California-Marjorie
Michael-Nan Dorsey
Sale! Sale! ,., ............ .. ..............
,._tdy ...
45.00 29.00
.,_,, ...
8.95 5..50
9.95 ------L50 49.50 35.00 10.95 __ .. _____ 7.50 55.00 ------35.GO
12.95 ·-1.00 59.95 31.00
Sale! Hosiery
... ...
1.50 pr. __ 3 pr. b 3.70
1.65 pr. 3 pr. tcx 3.15
1.35 pr. 3 pr. b 3AO
Hand painted
r=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~======Th==ur=s=da=y='=Dec===·=~=·========;; mtaVDEa ~BONE
Raymond G. Slmpeon of 512 W.
65.00 ...
98.00 • ...
110.00 7UO
14.95 10.SO
17.95 ..... 12.00
18.95 ... 11.50
n.t Ire .. ........ ,
0.._ ........... ...
... •• .... S.at.pd· ltr ........ ., ....... a..... ~ eetllely
........ wtU ala•r•• --~.Vp-wt.d ...... .., ........ ...... ..., .............. ....., ................ .
.................. 1 ... , ......... _. ..
Bay Ave., Balboa. told Newport
pollee December 17 that 801De0ne
bad etered' bll hoUM wbUe he
wu away the nllbt before. Mn.
Anna We&wr of 512~ W. Ba7
Ave., aald that at 1:40 a.m. abe
heard the window next door
breU, tbil'n lmmedlate}J' the per·
Mm left by the front door and
abe heuct an auto drive off with
a loud ubaUit.
• 22.95 13.50
24.95 ·-15.50
26.95 18.50
29.95 11.00
35.00. "00
39.95 25.00
all HATS
125.00 11.80
165.00 ..., 1as.oo na.
SALE! Sweaters -...,
10.95 7.50 .
' Petticoats -14.95
..,.,.. Wo ~ CenMt '""" "'--'
...._ Nm rieM 01t Vlo ()porto, flrwt ftrwt
""' ~d'. Market. •
All Sales Final
JOO Vi111 MAI"t"
N1wpor1 B,ath
HArbor 4.510
• '
* 3.
IWI,neap,C•• ...........
* Fr••• CLINIC .....
NIO 'ftc Lido BA OSS5
Call HArbor 1114 for Job Prilltiag
••• and my
• • • ttf soiial nole •· ,.
Aeroa the
wttlll •• .,. ..
JuQ.U7 U.. 11!11
Ob to bake a Gum Drap CalM!
Well, what's ~you! a.e's
a recipe . • • Start wHil a bowl
and beat to&fther ~ Itt. butts',
2 cups au_car and 2 ecP . . . •
...,. 10 ..._ • 5 ...-. Over_ here a1tt to,etber 4 cus-
I'IC'r L COABT iiJQ8WAT Oour, l4 tsp. clove., 1 ap. dla· c.-cW .._ ...... .., na.mon, llAI tap. ~ 80da. 2
,........!<!;Con~tln~ued~!on:.!::£:.!'!..) -~===========, cups supr . . . Ovw t.IMn eut up your curo drops (no black •
• • •
-rbe n l c e • t Cbrtstmu in
years," AJd Sa bert Leidy about ::::::========== the juat put holtda~ Besides I dauehtel' Marllyn. who Ia a BaJ.
ereetl) and eome ~ alicM U '
you wtsh (should have •at~owt
two pound.l). a8d 2 cu:pe nua
and 1 pound whJte ralslns . . •
Dredee in some of the nour m.b·
ture ... Now mix the dry ln·
crecHents alternately with 1 ~
cups apple Auce to what 7UU
started out with . . . the bowl of
auear, butter and eep . . . Ab
here's what adds the .. lt .. -2
tt111p. Brandy navo~ and 1 ap.
vanilla . . . Finally add tbe
candles and nuts . . . Ba.ke 1n a
tube pan 9 Inches aero. the top
by tour tndles deep . . • lt'e a
whopper, but you'll need plenty!
.., Aaa
JlaDy --.. talda9 off .... ---cU.ee aad ........
............ J4loN tiM look
oC ludou .._, ~ a fur
coat' ••• -.at ---....-y. .._.. waat tbe -utr" of upt.
beaated cSot-.. befon tiM cold
.... Is O'fW, aDd ..aa. It a
point to be nady to tab fall
Cldftntllgle oJ tM tint WGI'ID
sunny days wtl .. tbey appear.
To these fashion conscious
gals. particularly. we recom·
mend the very newest of tash ·
Ions already found exclusively
at O'BRIEN'S. Come In and see.
for Instance, the "interval" suits.
A new group of exceptional
ULE • IIIII ••lie ..
boa Ialand realtor. the tamlly
entertained their 10n and tamJly,
now stationed at VIctorville.
Mr. LeidY'• eon had been aerv·
lng with the armed forces eome-
where elM durtnc put holidays.
In fact Mr. Leidy's cranddaueh·
tel' attained moct of h~ 10 yean
before ahe became very w~ll ac·
qualnted w1th her rather's par·
enta. The LeidY~~ live• on Balboa
I.al and. He Ia manager of the
meat d~artment In Coast Super
Mark.et. • • •
The boys and the girls stay to
their own aides of the street In
the last block on Jasmine Ave ..
Corona del Mar Mr. and Mrs
BW Marriner of 721 Jasmine had
their thlrd boy, David. on Nov.
22. at Hoag Hospital. He weighed
six pounds and 11 ounces when
he arrived and wu still a little
fella when he wt>nt home a fe">''
days later to tight It out with
brothers Norman. age 4, and
Learn to Oence
don't YOU be a
"fallen angel!"
, ........ -. ...
Telepbalae Barbol' 1742 TODAY I
SU7 E. Coast Highway, Caroaa del Ka:r
~ 40 to 50% Off! IIAibaw.. . ms E. Coast Hwy.
Woolen Sweaten
Orlon Sweaters
Woolen Skirts
Woolen Jeney Blouses
Woolen Bermuda Shorts
Wool Flannel Pedal Pushers
Leather BooRerett ..
Terry .. In n' Outen"
Tee Shirts
Corduroy Pedal Pushers
Corduroy Bermuda Shorts
CAtton BloUMS
Sail Cloth Clamdiggera
Sail Cloth Slacb
Sail Cloth JaCkets
·* Wmd!naken
Woolen Shira Solid
Woolen ShJnl. Plaid
Sport Shirts
VIUES Fll .. *
Sweat ShiN
Woolen Jeney SlipoM
ShiRa. PriDta
Bermuda Short.
Denim Shan.
Plaid Canal Jacb ..
.,..... ..... . 1'aslf 1-llD
A pan ot wata ln the oven whUe
cake 1s bakinc will keep the
ralatna on top from buml.nc . . .
U wrapped ln toll. th1a ea.ke wUJ
keep tor weeks ...
* * * Actwdly a.. .,.... ....._
---old-U..Idlle •••
,....,. dine b.c:tE to .........
.... 't ..., ---lnaHII ••• Lard. wUe ., o.u A1 ...
wtaa.. .......... u-.s,...
bclgas aDd ............ ..
tM nctpe f1Ut be-. Qmt.
--• • • WJa1le a... .,...
adre le a .....s coas1a. --r-a•ed to a fnalt ~ I .-r·
pclllely ....S It aatn ..., ..
.,.. ....tdll"t ~ ft wttll
all 0.. fbdD9s • • • ... It
......w be -oJ tiM daaks of you Nfl..,_a..., ... ~
nady. always ~ ••• * * •
"'It's new" Plav·r Straw. ...
Imltatlon cboc:lolate le rtlht tn
the atraw ..• A. ~al. ~.
augarlee. na-.or ... u ·~ hal milk d r in Ill n 1 tluU_... around their boue, n.•-r ...._ 1Dlcht be tbe ...................
plain '1D1lk tate ~ look ...
rtch cboeolate mUir • • • WIIM
full tbe ldc1a Jaaw ,.. ... trbl
Qcl~ •••
* * *
~ Procr ''''" ~ Dt~Dce .._. n• ,,.,., ....... ,.. ........ b'J the LIM We Woaa· ~ wW ral8e 1\aadt lor lal&DCI u •• Qub wlll be Ml4 tllllt Sat· 1mprotr'ftDfftt, ~IallY t~qulp·
urdq ewnJ.na at tM Udo lale ment for tbe dilldten't play·
ChabbouM. a~ to Mn. pound.
VAN'S CLEANERS ")() v .. ,.. &~ r.fectl"t
Sll.,.r!ot CIHniiiCJ Creft11Nnl.h1p"
Ce,.f11l Hendlin<J of All Delic:ete
Febtic;a, a..d.d & L..c:e Ger,.,enh
l'tlone Herbor 5352
Pid Up l Delivety S.rvioe
Open I eJII, to 5:)() p.m.
-S.hmley, I e.llt. to 2:)() p..m,-
l-426 E. CoeJt Hwy.: Cotvee d.l Mer
a •• , .... s.m.
The eleven dtnner rroupe ot
sixteen persons each will meet
In private homes ~lnnJnr at
6:30 p.m. Hostessea wtU each
have 16 ruesta. The first hosteu
wUl serve coclc:talls and hors
d'oeuvres: the second hostess.
sa.lad; the thlrd holltess wtll
serve the entree and the fourth
wUl serve dessert. Following the
dinner, liqueur will be served In
the clubhouse at 10 p.m .
Arnone thoee to serve as ho.ts
and hostesses are Ute following:
MessTs. and Mmes: Lee McClel·
tan, Robert Frailey, Harry Hough,
lerome Belperln, l ames Harris,
Marshall Shaddock. Gene Vree·
land. Robert PhJlbrlck, lerrel
RJchards. Emery Hanson, Donald
WJU..A.aD C01711TWET. of tM Coutlwr & w.t., Ttn eo.. ..
tM ..,. ,...SCS..t of tbe Coeta
..... IUwaala Club. .. u .....
M Ill lt. 1--PL. CUff
........ (Easlp pboto)
Brewer, RJcbard Macker, Irvtng -------------
Watcher, lames Beattie, Arnold -=---II ....._,Ofec-Broyles. Arthur Reaume, Don -.....n: ~ ~
Ackerman, Edw. Harding, W. S.
Messenger, Robert Greenlnr. Wll· l.iOMIIII LM .. CI•I•• llam Johns. Harold Lacey, lobn "Be orlrlnal-or get out of the P'-. Wilson, Girard Shucbter. Edward I rut."
IZ2I E. eoa.t Jllt!a...,
CoroDa del lieu
Prtoc lAD 1
U a. 702'7 IIA 1225-
Elgin & Hamilton
Wallace Calder head
Smith Les Uttiejohn. Don Hart "It you didn't see it, don't re·
Herbe;t RUey, Burnell Forgey: peat lt."
Gerald L. McClaire, Clyde Horn, "There are dlfierent kJnds of
Harold Riggs. Ralph Holden, c. courage-sometimes It Is needed
L. SmJth. VIncent Salmacla, Mar· !or ordinary living; just ~~ get
tin Lockney, William Mlrams, out of bed some mornings.
Howard Ulo, Don Colegrove, Hal These and many othl'r state·
Dike, Charles Lamb, Ralph Tan· ments, Illustrated with hats dat·
dowsky, loe Prelnlnger. James lng back to the Civil war. pro·
Holliday, Leroy Bartholomew. vidE.'<! a hilarious and ln!orma·
Harold Feinstein, William Cow· tlv(' Ebt'll Club program on Jan.
an, M. A. Anderson, Ronald Mac-5 at Legion Hall when Mrs. Loyd
Gregor. James Gray, l . F. Nick· WhitE.> spoke on "Philosophy
ertz. Richard Smith, Robert Mar· Through Your Hat."
s hall, Leon Ware. Earl SawyE.>r, During the business session
Robert Vordale. Raymond Rosso. presided over by Mrs. Nicholas
a nd Mmes. Dorothy Ptterson, Brettner, president. a financial
Edith Ahrt'ns and Gladys Starn· report. b)•·law changl' and nl'CE.'S·
baugh. sary Ebell Clubhouse renova.
tlons wE.>re ratified. Mmes. Leon
P. Williams. S. Paul Dickerson.
CorOfte del Mer For letterhe•ds. enveloo.s cal A. D. Lynch and 0. W. Hoop
~===========~~=T~H~E~EN~S~Tb~N~. ~HA~;-;11~1;;4~=; were Introduced as new club ;;. members by Mrs. John Lamar.
3123 Eut ~~t Hi9hwey
On Many of Our rme Pieces
Liring Room.
Dining Room
up to
All Fabrics Reduced!
OHIIITZES, onglDall., to a.oo .. .... .. .. ...... lie Y II.
Hill PRIITS, ortglDcdl., to 18.00 ... . ... 1.99 Y II.
FABRICS, onglDcdl., to ss.oo I AI Yll.
UPHOLSTERY FABRICS orlg. to ,.,.oo 2.99 Yll.
345 North Coast Blvd •• Laguna Beach
Phone Hyatt 4-1996
membership chairman. Welfare
chairman. Mrs. John Boylan, ex-
presst>d apprE.>Clatlon for the gen·
erous response or gifts at Christ·
m as. which were taken to the
Orange County Hospital. • • •
Mrs. Lee BarnPS, chainnan of
thE.' Ebell Progressors Group l ,
will be In charge ot taking the
group to see Cinerama In Holly·
wood next Wednesday, lan. 18.
The group will leave by bus from
Richard's Market at 9 a.m. The
mE.>mbers wtll lunch In Holly·
wood where they please and
meet for the show at 2 p.m.
let II C•••lttea,
Irs. liapley Sap
Mrs Kent Kingsley of 1541
Ocl'an Blvd., Balboa. satd this
we"('k that she has been too busy
to takl' part In the dog owner
rampalgn In opposition to the
rompulsory vaccination of dogs
for rabies. Mrs. Kingsley said her
name had been mentioned In
connection with the cornmlttee
handling the campaign but she
Is not a mE.>mber of it.
A son, Michael Allen. was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Joh n Swen·
son of 128~ 35th St., Newport
Beach, In Hoar Memorial Hos.-
pltal on Saturday, .Jan. 7.
A son. 7 Jbs .• waa born to Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Krull o! 500
Fernleat Ave .. Corona del Mar,
In St. Joseph Hospital on Satur·
day. l an. 7.
Wedding Reception
Honors Mr. ancl Mri. ~ash -I I t'ww Udl atiMI wtww ... teMII .. ...,. ,..ada ··:==~--................................... ...... II ........ of ... aad "'* «*U*-.... am.t ...... Qrde If .. Ul Dllltl; lfJa. IAwaeDClt Blgtni. ...... A-....._ ........ atU. ...._..: CIMiarJf-.~: .......... Colaal--............. ...,..,.. LaiD& Siena ....
oda.t O.UNia Jut ...._,, ciN; IDe. IAito)r WabOn. 8Uver·
AD ol Mr. and Mn. Jlfuh'• dale, waa.: Mrs. a a y m o n d
nlne c:bUdren, their bu.abanda. Wlddlam. Saeramento; M ark
• • • of S«Kial
ay PKC
tC"'on tlnl}f'(l from Page 5)
Jlfuh, Baldwl.n Park; Clyde Huh
lr .. Redman, Ote.. and Mrs. Ralph
Moeer, Collta Meu.. Moat of their
~ ll'andchlldren and two rreat ·
..-andchlldren were preaent.
The Nuhes. realdenta of Bal·
boa •Ialand for ~ years, were
rnanled Cbrlltmu day, 190e, at
the Old Workman .Ranch, Baae.tt
Community, aouth oi Baldwin
Park. The ceremopy waa con·
ducted ln the home ot Mrs.
Nub's parents. Mr. and Mra.
Mark Hutcbcrott. Mra. Edward
Ellll, Puente, who sei'Yed as a
bridesmaid to Mrs. Nash, wu In
girl Just two days later. New Ut·
tie .Tennller weighed less than
the Thanksgiving turkey when
she arrived at Hoae Upping the
scales at five pounda, four
ounces. The other glrl in that
family la her alster, are 3, named
l esslca. • • •
attendance at Saturday's reeep· -~~---------"" u~ineteen other relatives and CHu"RCHU. Book Review
friends who attended the wed· No word ot any local resldenta
being caught In the earthquake
zone ot Acapulco, Mexico. There
are a number of Harborltes In
Mexico how~ver. The George
Pennt-ys of Corona del Mar left
lut Friday with the Bill San·
fords of the Island. With them
also went Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Sage of Rancho Santa Fe. They
planned to plane to Guadalajara
and later juurney to Puerto Val·
larta. Jn Guadalajara they ex·
pected to catch up to the Col.
John Dansbys and hoped to con·
vince them to continue the jour·
ney en masse.
Wl' practically bought a lot
when Bill Sanford was telling us
about Puerto Vallarta. Jt seems
It's a little tropical port with E'X·
cellent fishing. snowy w h I t e
beaches. Inviting swimming and
lots of the C'harm of real Mex·
lco. The San!ords discovered It a
couple of years ago along with
about six other couples from New
Jersey, New York, Washington
and Canada who also make It an
annual holiday hlde·away. This
year they are Introducing the
Penneys to their favorite spot. • • •
Methlnks Allee <Mrs. Thomasl
Frost expressed a lot of people's
feelings when she said It seems
so quiet and lonesome around
the house now that all thE.' young
people hlive returned to their
schools and colleges after the
holidays. I, for one, a m having
a hE.>Ck ot a Ume getting used to
this little new year-still writ·
lng 1·9·5·5 at the top ot the
checks. • • •
Rome tor tM holldaya was
First Lt. LuciUe Keith, who ar-
rived a couple of days after
Cnrlstmas for a visit with her
parents. the Clyde D. Kelths of
1541 Miramar Dr. In Ba.lboa. Lt.
Keith has recently returned trom
a 25 mont'b tour of duty In
Japan, where she was stationed
at one of the laland outposts,
but managed to see most of the
country on trips.
She Is now stationed at Gelger
Field In Spokane and has the
rating of personnel officer ln the
Air Corps. Her famlly are hop·
lng she'll be able to spend aome
more leave wltb them In the
summer. She's following In tam·
lly footstE.>ps with he-r mU1tary
stint. Her father served In three
wars. He Is a retired cavalry of·
fleer and for a ff!W years served
as chief of sWt In Cairo. Lt.
KeJth was In the Marine Corps
during World War U.
.L lo1i11 • .,.,,
Ace 74, of UM Dies
rd~ptsolon.yean aro were at the-----------To Be Given
"""' CBJlUT cauaca aT TD au
At the reception Mrs. Irma Rev. l ohn Black. auperlntend·
Rutter sang "0 Perfect Love." ent ot the Methodlat·Whlttler
She was accompanied by Mrs. district, will apeak on "ChrtatiaN
Nor• Till many. The Rev. Donald are Leadet1'' at the Cbrlat Church
G. Sapp reviewed the wedding of by the Sea on Sunday. The com·
Mr. and Mrs. Nash, Introduced blned Sanctuary and Choraller
thPir family, and extended the choirs wm sing the anthem.
congratulations and best wishes "Lovely Appear," by Gounod.
of their friends. Paul Elsner of Balboa l.aland will
BitcluaGL 1150 graduate of
Jfewpon Batbor IIJ9h Sdaool.
11 atteadl.Dg a u ... aaoatla off!·
car bale: c:ourse at the Marlae c:o.p. Scb.oola. Quaatlco, Va.
• waa C!MDDilaalODed O.C:. 17
cdter coaap~lag a 10-w"k of.
lk:iw CIIII4Jdate course at Quem.
tic». Jba. who 11 tbe aoe of
.......... IIJtc.blacaa of a ha· oee ...,, waa ,......t of Ilia
.... --daM .. JladMw BJgll
CIDd .... letWa Ja locJtball 0114
tredL • 11 IDCIII'ried to the
,_ ..... Lcnanl ... Comer
oi a.tbe1L Waab.
FlUe ........... ,
S•c••~• II Ice &2
sing a baritone solo at both
services. Open house at the par·
sonage at 489 E. 18th St., Costa
Mesa, will ~ held by Rev. a nd
Mrs. Roy Carlson from 2 to 5
p.m. Sunday.
Ten persons will become mem -
bers of the Balboa Island Com.
munlty Methodist Church on
Sunday, according to the Rev.
Donald G. Sapp. A a a u m I n g
church membership vows at
both th(' 9:30 and 11 o'clock serv.
Ices of worship will be Mr. and
Mrs. Don Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Blair. Mr. and Mrs. John
Rost>. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwin Drap.
er. Mro; LawrE.>nce Davison and
Miss Grl'lchen Broerlng.
CDM COM\ctnfiTT C1111BCB
''Th(' Kingdom of God" wlll be
thl' sNmon topic of the Rev. Ed-
win C. Gomkt' at the 9:45 and 11
a.m. services Sunday In the Co·
rona dt'l Mar Community Church.
Rlv. GomkE.> Is holdlnr a pastor's
class In his study every Friday
a t 3:30 p.m. until EastE.>r. All
high school young people have
been urged to attend.
The annual meeting of the
congrecatlon of Newport Harbor
Lutheran Chl.lrch will ~ held
Monday, I>E>glnntnr at 6:45 p.m.
In the Parish House with a des·
sert and social period. Topics
Include the cost estimate of the
new educational unit. a revi&ed
constitution, election of new
church o[ficers and a new church
council. church program and
Funeral services for Harry D. plans for 1956.
Humphrey, 52, of 202 32nd St., EPISCOPAL lfiSSIOJf MEETS
Newport Beach, were held Satur· Reappointment of l ohn Don·
day In the Parkes·Ridley Mor· nelly as warden for 1956 by
tuary Chapel ynder auspices of Bishop Bloy was announced by
Costa Mesa Lodge No. 1457, as-the Rev. Wesley Havermale,
alated by Rev. Charles F. Hand. dean o! the Long Beach Convo·
The third In the .erlea of PI
Beta Phi aororlty Alumna& book
reov1ews will b.e held at 10:4.5
a .m. tomorrow <Frldayl 'at the
Newport Harbor Yacht Club.
Mary Greer Scarborough will
present amusing anecdotes about
a uthors with wbom she ls per·
sonally acquainted a nd will rive
revtewa o1 biographies and other
current boolul.
CoUee hour will ~ held at
10 a .m. Luncheon will be served
afterwards for those who anake
reservatioN today (Thursday).
The next IE.>Cture will be on
Friday, March 9. 'M\e proceeds
wtll got to a nursing scholarship
given by the PI Phi Alumnae
au IT.
l. E. Hendrldl, D.C.
It Ls the desire of most women
to remain s lender. Yet they un·
Intentionally make It impossible
for others to remain so. At most
day or evening parties refresh·
ments are served In addition to
the regular meals. In most cues
these dainties are calorie laden
and are soon stored In the body
as fat.
There are two ways of combat·
lng thl.s situation: First to aJclp
the preceding or following meal,
or for the women themselves to
agree oh the kind of food they
serve. Food low In calories such
as fruit, vegetables, F r en c h
dressing. erackera, etc., It daln.
Uly and carefully arraneed can
~ as delldou.s and dlllnty u the
fat tormlng ones.
a. E. B•drkb. D.C.
l'boDe: B--.. SC71 01' UIC
700 Canaatloa. ColoDa del lieu
Mr. Humphrey died In Orange cation, at the tlrst annual meet·
County General Hospital on lng of the Episcopal Mluton of IINRTS
Wednesday, lan. 4. He was a na-Costa Mesa l an. 5 In St. James
Uve of Clndnnati, Ohio, and had Parish Hall. Theodore lohn$0n IJIALL CIPTS
lived In CalltornJa since 1916 ~d and Dr. Lance Yarwood were re· & COLLECTOrs ITEJII
In Newport Beach for 10 years. elected as clerk and treasurer. From Belgium. Holland,
He was a commercial tlshennan Sweden. Germany, Italy
by trade. VJSITDfC TilE PODUEU A: England.
He Is survived by his wife, Ara--.ue l -'elrv M Myrtl M H h t th Miss Catherine Klock, an In· ....-. ....... , rs. e · ump rey o e trom Toledo Spaln home address; three sons, Rich· terlor decorator from New York,
ard Humphrey ot Newport Beach; lett Monday evenlnr after a hoJ. ua..•••'• lohn Siegfried of Long Beach and lday visit to the Southland. Mlaa 42
Hany Siegfried of Inglewood; Klock was a ruest at the home Q1J'T1
th d b•--Miss Ch 1 tt of her cousin. Mrs. Elmer Polrler --• ad •-ree aug ""'... ar o e _, .... • .,. -• Alia
Humphrey of the home address; .. o~t ;Co;f'O;;;n~a~d;e~l~M~ar~.~====~~;;;~;;;~~~~~:;::::::=:::::~ Mra. ShJrley Miller and Mrs. =
Holy Rosary was recited Mpn·
day evening at 8 p.m. In Parkes·
Rldll'y Mortuary Chapel, Costa
Mesa, for Mrs. Louise Murphy,
74, of 1.24 VIa Lido Nord. Lido
isle. H aas was celebrated Tues·
day In Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Church, Newport Beach. with
Rev. Stephen Kiley officiating.
MrL Murphy died l an. 7 In her
home after a short Ulneu. She
was a native of St. Louis, M.o.,
and had Uved tn California 43
years and on lJdo Isle for the
past 13 years. Mrs. Murphy'a
husband, John F. Murphy, pre·
ceded her in death In 1952.
CUol Cribbs of Costa Mesa: a
brother, Herbert Humphrey of
Newport Beach. and five grand·
cbUdren. He was a member o1
the Costa Mesa Moose Lodge. Help Wanted
Elz ..... ···cter .............
Holy Koury was 'iecfted Tuea.
day In Parkes-RJdley Mortuary
Chapel, eo.ta Mesa, ftJr lin.
Ellzabeth Mary Spangler, 7~ of
210 W. Wlt.on St.. Coeta Meea.
At Once
To C•ay Away
Store W'Hie Sale
w.. wu celebrated yester(lay
Harold Snyder of the Vopl In St. loacblm'• Church, eo.ta
Realty office In Corona del Mar Meaa. with Rev. Thomas 1. lferin
wu Decembet'a man of the oftldatlng.
month tc. JlatlDa the mo.t Mol· Mrs. Spanaler dJect Jan. 7 11a
tJple L1at1np that were eold Boar Memorial R011pltal ol a
during the month. w... of bll heert attadL Sbe bad llved bl
award .... received this .... Callfclm.la lor ao ,_... ud Ia
from the lfewport Harbor ~ eo.ta )(-the put 12 ,_...
8oard. a.am.a... .,. tllrw -. J:ul .,
exciting • glamoroua • Cliitinctive
lEE IT WEd ..
Auto Show
* tDJOOUf * •
eo.ta ..... l .... of ,.. ...
A Classified Ad in The Entfcp~ aocl ~of QalcqD;.t4 ......
brinqs im"*'iate ,...,.., Cell elllldrtn and 14 .,_t . .,.,....Q.
Ha rbor II 14.1115 end Grove ifl ...._
e ~Y. JU. I ftkb bJt lAIII.» Utr:Dan. 11. of
A D ,.. • ..u.t ea..s a ._. tOlt &. BAl-. m..t. ...a• 1n
In tbe a.rt nu 4oar fll. tM C* of tbe IDOUtla ••• 0 . P. V-.dl of 1128
.,._ 1. A. 1ee1c fll. • a. -w. klboa amr .. l'fewpon Beach, ftoat. Balboa l.alaD4 In a.. .,.. ecap1atMd that a poup ot
of 1Udaat41oe't ,,.,..,.,., • • • ,._.. ._,.. ,.,..tAedly cam• into or-o MW U... _...... and lue ll1a paUo and took 10me boarda
n~ all nl'* at tlGO. w.. and rock .,.elmeM and olfleert
.aoJa ~ a nfW ear CIIW'IMd by contacted tbe parenta of three
Jobn110n an4 Son. toO W. CoUt bo1l and returned ao~ petrltled
Bwy .. .._port, w1a1Je a-.. wbJcle wood ••• 'l"hree CUff Haven bo~
wu ,....... Mal -"· eo.-.... t.a.ken to thelw fat.h~ rot Hwy •••• Kr1. 1.....-A. .. &d ol ,..wtmand alta they wen ttmrw·
117 .Jade Ave .. llalboa lti&Dd. N· lnl rocb ~ the blu.lf above
ported the tMft ot a t1!IO full til• lea 8oout bue on Cout Rwy.
lenltJlnede coat on l'f.w Y..,.• ... Georee 1. Jtocll ot San Ber·
Eve rtom the VIUa Marina • . • nucllno reported the theft ol a
Offleen wamecl ftve juvenile 135 barometer, a fllO oompua
Balboa bland bOya caupt run· and two lite-saver cu.ahlona val-nine on a roof at 180t S. a.y Pt., ued at J6 from hla yacht. ''La·
Balboa Island ..• Marvin lttrk· Petra." moored at the Balboa
wood ot 700 S. Bay ft., Balboa Karina ...
Islancl, r#ported eomeone broke • IVXJ)A1'. JAJf. I
a window Krten 1n the lanai of A Mml·automatlc 22 rille found
b.la bome, but nothlne wu In a vacant Jot adjacent to the
taken; otncen theorlacl that the Aldean tract. acre. from EJ Mo ·
Intruder wu frl&htened a-.y by dna Ave. and 15th St.. Newport
the bome owner beiOI'e t.aJdnl Helchtl. wu held for Ita owner
anything . • . to claim . . . Mn. A. M. Yerkes e WDifDDAT. JAJf. • ol 132 Via Trieste, Lido Iale, re-
Robert Betley of the municipal potted that during the nJght
traUer park. Newport ~. te· aomeone cut the eround antenna
ported the theft of a $7-SO ma-wtrH to the "ham" radio atation
rtne compa.u from hla boat on at that add.rea o~tecl by her
the beach at the trailer park . . • aon, 12 . . . From $2.50 to $4 In
OUicera removed a Chrt.tmu dimes and nickels and a coin
tHe trom the mJddle of Catalina box were atolen from a aoda pop
Dr.. Newport Hetcbta. at 8:20 machlne at the Bayshore Rich ·
p.m. . .. Wayne Nord of eo.ta field service atatJon, 17th St. and
Mesa reported at 10:10 that he Cout Hwy.. by someone who
struck the rl1bt rear of a parked prled open the ooln box door to
oar In the area of Montero St. or galn entry to the machine lett
Anade St., Balboa, at 3 a.m. but outside the buUdlng . . . A live ·
was unable to locate the owner Inch empty rocket head was
of the car . . . found b y Aubrey P. R.abb of 209 e ~DAY. JAJf. 5 Opal Ave .. Balboa Island, while
A runaway Pa lo Alto boy, 16, cleaning the rear of hls prem·
was p icked up by pollc~ in a tses, apparently lett by a former
Ma riner's Mile cafe at 1:58 a.m. ocupant. which was turned over
and released to hls grandpar· to officials from the Seal Beach
enta from Corona del Mar ... ordnance disposal depot ...
Cars driven by Robert F. Cun-Mona Talbot of 2780 E. Coast
nlngharn. 18. of 505 Poinsettia Hwy., Corona del Ma r, com·
Ave., Corona del Mar. and Alvin plalned that children w e rt'
W. Evans, 44. or 2502 Crestview throwing objects at her store and
Dr .• Bay Shores. w~re Involved In that someone threw a la rge onion
an accident at Coast Hwy. and at her plate gla.s.s window, miss-
17th St. at 7:04 a.m. ... M.ra. lng It by Inches; she asked offl·
C. A. Wester or 107-28th St .. New· cers to check occasionally ... A
port Beach, reported the theft of BB gun was contlscated from two
a $4.50 work ahlrt and tour w blte Lido lsle boys and a Corona del ~ shirts valued at $4.00 from Mar boy. all 15. In the are11 of
a clothes line during the night 701 VIa Lido Soud. Lido Isle. with
... A spare tlre and whHI and Ita owner notified to have h is
four wheel oovera, w1th a total parents come to the pollee sta·
value of ~. were atolen from a tion to claim the gun ... Rich ·
new car at Johnson and Son, 900 ard Hom. 10, of 132 VIa Havre,
W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach Lido Isle, wu treated by a doc-
. . . Marie I. Thomp!IOn, 37, of tor ror a dog bite a nd the dog
200~ E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. wu q uarantined a nd r~ported to
was booked at 4:2S p.m. on a have had a rabies vaccination
felony charce of tasulng flctJ. about four months ago ... Rich·
tlous checka for allegedly cash· ard Tuttle. 12. of 524 Tustin Ave.,
lng $25 and $30 checka at Turner Newport Heights. was locatt"d a t
Drug Co. and a $2!5 cheek at Bay Newport Blvd. and l!>t h St., New-
Dept. Store • . • port R~lghts, at 9:56 p.m. af1~r
• naDAY. JIUI. I hl.a father reported the boy had
Earl W. Sparu of 208 VIa left h ome at 6 p.m. to attend a
Quito, Lido Isl e, reported that a show In Costa Mesa ...
h it and run t'ar t'auled about S30 e JIOJfDAY. JAJf. I
damage to h b car when he wu A cat which bit Stepha nie But·
stopped a t a stop algn on the Is· ton. 3"i. of 145 VIa Undine. Lido
land aide of the Lido Isle bridge lsle, was located after a two-
. . . W. D. Boeke or 715 Golden· ftouT search by otriet'rs and was
rod Ave .• Coron a del Mar. blamed quarantined ... William llllfe
neighborhood children tor br~ak· of 3126 Broad St.. N e wPo r t
ing a window In hls h ome with H~ghts. complained that four or
a shot from a BB gun . . . rtve boys, 13 to 14. threw bricks e SATUm)AT. JAJf. 7 at bls car. breaking t he wind·
Otllcera quarantined a dog shield. while It was parked In
front of 113 CollJns Ave .. Balboa
lsland ... Ed Zube of 316 Onyx
Ave .• Balboa Island. reported that
two n sh lng r~ls and a carton of
22 shells. valued at $65 wer~
atolen from h is unlocked locker
In th~ Balboa Island rtre station
... A milk truck driven by Mor·
rts Cohen of San Fernando
caused a dent In t he fender of
pollee u nit 217. parked at the
northwest oomer of Balboa Ave.
and Ma rine Av~ .. Balboa Island.
when th e truc-k backed Into t he
car. occupied by Officer Chester
Curry. who was copying a gen·
eral broadcast on h is radio ... e TUESDAY. JAJf. 10
It experienced child cue. Day•
or evenlnp. Ha 2925·W.
FOR-RENT Furn. bachelor apt..
COM. ground level. detached.
fenced yard. TV,I65 per month,
lease. Ha (8)5.W after
FOR RENT -rurnlllhed room.
conveniently located. private
entrance. private bath. Inquire
508 Marlcold, COM. Ra 1203-W.
FOR-RENT:-New 2·BR. homei'n
COM, completely fum ., with
f~Jace, TV, breakfast bar;
$135 a month to June 1. Ll·
betty. 8-7020.
Read Enatcn Want Ads. .... , ..... ,
Comb. radJo, record player
An anonymous person reported
a disturbance ln pl'OjOtress In an
alley at the rear of 417 Iris Avt>.,
Corona del Mar. at 1:50 A.m. b ut
officers oould not h~ar any dis·
t urbance when th~ staked out
at the ace1.e ...
New Super Market OWners
JlAXJrET laltO'I'EL tbe .....,
co ... _, ot Coat Su..-Me·
bt Sa C... Ml Me. -.._ .. .,... .... ad baa .....
• Ccd1fonakl...._t aU.C. Ita.
F« a ... .._ ot ,.ca be oper·
Cited ........ natloD Cit ·-· .ad.le ad ......... 1a LN AD· ...... <• pvc:la....s the sbl· ,SO. .._ aob MqBeld. wbo
Jut reclllatly &Old Ilia IDCII'Dt
Sa h1bocl ad Ia DOW oae of
the Iuper MCIIbt mrfi.) P'rOID
Jaocy, JIU. uaUl last IUID•
..., Mr. lla.royer ,_ a boaae
ciNl...-y dNI« f« tbe LN Aa,. ... n-. wodtlag .....
.,.. Cl ... k. N1a 01' abiDe. be·
........... Clboat I eadl IDora.lDCJ.
Mrs. llaroyer Ia a D«ti" of D·
llDota. where her dad wa. a ...u laaowD MIDJ·.-o baMball
playa 1a tbe S·I IAclgue. Tbe
Sbroyen bGYe two marriecl
ciUidnD-Jeclallle. who Ia me-
lied to Super Market pcutDer
Bomer Orboe. cmd Doaald. em
Air Force .. tercm, DOW lUper·
ri1or fa tbe Los ADgelH CJty
Sdaoola aptem. (Eoal!JD pboto) 1
........ -.. Sa JNDtawalalp '\ltb
bia l.u..·la·law 1a operatioa
of eo.t a..-Marbt. 11a •·
-....1 tM ....... Corpa 1a INI.
--E I 1M'I811i 1a JWM,
Ita. aa • ...,...s U.Ut.oaat.
MnM .. two ,..... ..........
aa a coebat JUet ad staff
otfleer 1a .... Soutb PocWc.
bddD9 part 1a •cb laYGSJoaa
aa of Kwajelela 1a Elaewetok.
Jla DOW boict. U.. ..._.. Com·
m 1vklll ot ccrptG1a. Be bad met
tbe ~ 1a tbe ICkl·WMt
wblle be waa 1a tbe aentc:.,
met tiMID agaiD here oa tiM
W..t Coat W'lille be was Cit EJ
11lro. IIUII'I1ed JMDD!e fa Jcm-
uary. JNI. 80oe after CIOIDfag
back fNIIl .,. ........ Tbey bCI'+'e
t.llNe daJldnL Bruot, '11/at
KJUt.l.a. Sl/a• aad S11.1GL 14
mocatba. aabe baa bMD wltb
tbe drcuJatioo cS.partmeat of
the BoU.,....ooct Citi.Ma lfewa.
aad al8o wotbd wttb a IDe·
bt 1a Vcm xu,. befoq com-
IJI9 ben. ( ED&l!JD pboto)
Kent Andrews Witl Direct
'Can't Take It With You'
Serving as permanent dlreoctor
for the spring season will be
-( ......... )
rom~M~tone J)ee.W <atter .wn1 f u t lle 8UQW!IItJou) -"'How
would Jt.wt a simple 'Gone lloiiW 6o lot an l.Mcrlptioo r
The WkSow-"1 JU~ that wtll be alJ rl&bt. It wu alway. the
Jut place he evft thoue,bt of
We can &bow Y.9U a home
that l.a the FIRS'PPLACE you
would want to go.
It ls a lovely t urn. 2·atory
home. lmmaculate In detaU
with apt. and g\lest accom-
modation ln an appeallng
location on Balboa laland.
See this quality vaf!l~ at once.
$37.500 •
.... lEAL n co.
498 Park. Balboa lsland HA m
~ acre. 2·bedr. home. partly
turn., flnpl., garage 6 work·
shop (all tools sta y ) .
$1500 d'own, $60 a mo.
185'7 Newport Ave .• Costa Meaa
U 8·1632; U 8·1400 Eves.
Eastside Costa Mesa court In
top year·round location. 8
units with garag..-.a total
of 6,400 sq. ft. of living area.
All units rented.
J1e1111 $7,200 ,., Jl'•
Priced at $52.500 with
$18.500 down.
3112 Newport Blvd , N.B.
Harbor 2552, Eves. U 8-5405
U 8·3186, or HA 3921-W
._,. block to beach. Both
homes have fireplaces. glass
doors, ceram ic tile, heated
baths. garages.
Splendid chance to buy
home with income unit.
Small down. NO r i n an c e charges.
1857 Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa
U 8-1632; U 8·1400 Eves.
I 32 Ft. 0tast IIIP••r
01 BAY
wmi TER.\fS
2731 W. Coast Hwy. U 8·42'i7
Newport Bt-ach
3 turn. units on half acre. Nr. Harbor Blvd. Room for add'l. units. Asking $12.000
with $4,000 down. The Newport Harbor Com-
mu»Jty Players are er~Ung 1956
witPi a new dlrector. a new play
In rehearsal, and a new theatre
just over the~~hollzon.
Kent Andrt>ws, a former teacher Unfurn. price. $1 1.000
at Jowa Sta te University, Cot> 0 University and Grinnell Collegt>. RANGE C'OAST PROPERTIES
a foundt>r of the Okoboji Sum-1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mt>Sa
aUT .OT XIUIE.D aJLL mer Theatre at Spirit Lake. Iowa. U 8·1632 ; U 8·1400 Evt'S.
JOIXI .oa T111JSTT FAJIILT and a professional radio actor for --------.:...:.......::....=-
A little boy, William Henry n. many years.
was weJoomed by his parents, Mr. Andrews has chosen for
Mr. a nd M.ra. Robert L. Trusty at his first play, the well-known
Hoar Hoepltal on Monday, Jan. "You Can't Take It With You."
9, &nd later by hls sisters Sandra. HeadJng the cast~ Sidney Mor-
a,ge 4 ~. a nd Diana, 2 ~. at 258 ris ln the role of Grandpa Van-Nicely furnished two bedrm.
Marnolla Ave .. Costa Mesa. The derbof; Mlldre<l Wade u Pene-1 S r--D -home, Immacula tely dean. a wlre recorder, Jlke new.
in perfect cond., oib .. young fellow 1.a the first grand· ope ycamore; .....,.ne uenedtct as
110n of Mr. and .Mn. Wllliam the amateur printer ; .Jackie
Nn. Ted Hambrook presided '~'rutty of 124 Tustin Ave., New· Tackaberry As the only "norma l"
at the .Jan. a Newport Harbor port Helghta. He weighed eight member ot the ~ball family;
H a r d w o o d floors.. serv1ce
porch, 2:10 volts. double ea.·
Olrl Scout Council board meet· pounds and atx ounces at birth. also Leslie Gustafson, Jack Nel· ra~. good location, near
JAnAft 11. a• aaww ..... : == -. ....
Best area-ShoreclUh
• bed.rooma. 4 bath.a
3·e&r caraee
Quality Exec. Home
All Jg. rooms
Mere. 8Witches Patlo
Corner lot
2 fireplaces
BJt.-ln ranee. OYft1 It pill Ocean view
Talloted drapes It cuatom
Forced air beaUne Excel finandnc.
~ .E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar HA.: 17C ; HA 0"1'61
To the home buyer who wishes to purchue In the $25,000 to $35.000 class w~ sl~rely recommend
the lrvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor.
These homes feature Calllomla llvlnc. Offered exclu-sively through Earl W. Stanley In a Smoc-Ftee area
known as Irvine Terrace-<>n Coast Highway opPQUte
the new lrvine Coast Country Club, Newport lfarbor.
* For recomm~ndation, we refer you to anyone wbo holds a Le~..~ebold Estate In lrvine Terrace Beacon Bay, Bayshores or ClW Haven.· '
Earl W. Stanley
Phone Harbor 4448 Fot Fu..-tber lntonnatJon
H Y• WMI 1'111 lilt .., ••.•.. , ........ ,..
PillE IE!
2091 Newport Blvd.
Newport Bea ch
Harbor 5226. day or night
COIOU DEL Ill = ~8~: !,~ubmJt-·do;m---~·~
NEW, 3-bedr., 2 bath ---·-·--··-···-·.:..=:::_~
Interesting 2-bedr .. 2 bath house
Leasehold approximately 21 yrs. to go.
Eves. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4-6222
.John MacNab, Harbor 5359 Louis Boynton Harbor 2878
lewp ... HeiPfs C..r.
Nearly new two baths.. large double garage Forced
Air H~at and f'lrt" Plat'e. Priced to sell qulduy at $14.850 Only SJ300 Down. .....
All sizes, priC"eS and locations.
--'t ... Sol med good buys. In duplexes.. triplexes and aln.les ""' .. an for ~xpa ns1on.
"you'll Like our friendly service''
W. I. T.a&s
EXCLUSIVE AGENT Liberty 8-1139 fOO E. 17th St.. eo.ta Me.a 4 pe walnut flnlah bed·
room Mt; che.t. bed. ct.re.· ..,, plate &laM minot,
oomp . .t on[1 $41.18
lng at the IJttle House, ha-lut Abo welcoming him Into the son. Joe Limon, Maurice Roland.
one after three years u presl· famJly are hla aunt and uncle, Marjorie Ba rnett. June SlnykJn business district. I lp •
d t Mr. and Ml'a. George De Roulac and Mar~aret Mack.IIWI f• BEST LOT BUY IN COSTA MESA ~l;at for a banquet and elec-of Costa Meaa. Mr. Andrews Is starting a class IEII F Level lot. meet pawd and tJoft of l.B-~ of(kfts on lan. In stage cratt me«Jng at th~ J C. ,,... ...._ • ....._
Bendix Automatle walller,
perleet. only 21 w-. ~ Comftlltte8. MY Jfv.1DY WILL IIOLD Chapel Theatre, Orang~ Cout -r ...... curbed. l!I4!'W8'I ln and pd.
headed by'Kra. Sidney Sanden. ... IIIDAT o ... lldOU Coll~e. on Wednesday evenings. lltl 111111.1 Well-bunt 3·bedr. It 2 bath S5xl36, ll·l. $2215.
llnt VSee-pr..sdent. wen ap· ()ptn boa. 'Will be held Sat· CDia.E bome with ~ted fum. c a·
pointed. urday at the ~ !(.._,., 485 TO IIE.ET 2029 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa r~ a pt. at back. Top of ORANG H~ oommlttee chatr· E. t'nh St.. c... M--. on tbe The Naom.t Circle of the New· Nam.u. Ave., <m > Corona E OOAST PaOi"iltfU:S
man Ia Mrs. WUllam 1. Ttttt. ocoeulon ot t1M ~ blrth4a)t port Harbor Lutheran Churcll U B-4'161 Ews. U 8-4156 ftl Mar. 1857 Newport Aft.. eo.ta "-a
u4 her CO·W111k .. are llbDa annlwnary o1 the bustr-. 'J"tM wUl meet at 12:30 p.m. today, Call owner: Barbot 2506·11. U 8·1632: U a-14100 J:¥a.
t.. l'fott. 8obert Trembq. Al CIIW1MI'S. Mr. and Mia. DeW'ltt ~~In the borne or Kn. AM your prinhnq nMds wiQ be r==~~~~~~;;:=-~--~~~~.:.;;~:;;:. ...
lrwlD. smith l'fewMIQ ud WcwOIIIIet. &llDCMlMe that TV "---cbon ol .&58 Ota~ hendl.d conwnientfy and court ..,..._ ldlaltL ...... eQtrt Joe Uttle&l4 WW Ave., ~ Mesa. Mn. WUllam ~ . the ~~-. A coune Ia troop taJDPifta to M 011 baacl to ,.,_ t.a1.1ta at 1 CanMtt. c1rcle pwwldeot. and ped obn Prin · ,._y-.qutp-
be bel4 at tbe aoowt aou. lan. p.m.. 2 p.na.. &M a ...._ Ktl. Bany Berah WUI lwd the Y5N' J Harbor ti~O.=t of
11. t:.IO to 12. wu a~ deftdonals. A ~ ~ The En ' II""' ,.._ ---" B1 per b1 111n. c. w.,.... 0ow1. TOVa c..._ laiiOCL wt11 rouow. '"~"' '" '-'OUT •• Ct>M
Pla•t tit the lloanl IDIIdnl A tDUr ol Wcwpwt Rutlor _.. Kma Cdal7 8aadln. 'r.d Uftloe lllall ldMol wW be made
Bamlnelc. Da~ ,_..., IM:II bJ tM tra..a .. a.te ~
Qulleftbeftf, Jolaa ~ ...... .,......,., ...., b. et 10 a.a A
WlJc.'Oa. llllalta ""'*''· "· ................... ud ........ 'Dttt. c. w. Oi'aiWI. ~ ..... wtlllle.W:at .Yma .............
aa. K. G. Doue ud Ardlw -· ....._ U.. 111111111 ...a taw. ..,. -;~~~-~--.;·1 Cll"r--··-.-n to WW,_i II ...,. ... .,.,'1-:IM dO.,. a. liM 11a 1'11 r'lll ... .,. •ss r ,... , a G" ................... Dr........ . ... -
IJrar.:... .... .. •. ... •. 01!¢t .......... -,_ llaw .c-I Hd a ..... "f!Wii: A 0 a_ Gdlt· -... ... :;; iiii --........
,._. ........ ,
t !WZ !U:1t .um IO.lT SUP
'100 LAYIIII TO DDCIID 111:D ...........
.... ow au
· 1 'nme 2 Times 3 Times
20 worc.js or leas .75 1.25 1.50
City voices
License for
Tax Default
21 to 3Cf word10os----1.00 1.50 2.00 11::;:-~ ~,.v!.. V0:::
31 to 40 word• 1.25 2.00 2.50 •-=-u..... ot __.. Ltn·
Each word over •o .03 .OS .07 INSURANCE =.-twt~·~~~
Cash m~t be received within 7 days of first insertion "Be Sure-Insure" .,,_,tar faUun to tum tn c:Jcy
._..•••••••••• • •••••••• ••• wrnt alee tax collec:tJona.
LOft UD rouau STANLEY Council acted on the reeom· J'Ga IALK mendatlon ol GordOn SJckler, u -
"·-J. ·\.·~ 4lPOR cr . . '
JILJ'If()UI'H Plua .tat1on waaon POUJm: Car key on allver trln· INSURANCE AGENCY ai.ataftt dlnctor ot flna~ Who
wWa radio, beater, tinted alua. ket cbaln nr. fth and Hello-Phone Huboi' :M'l• aaJd he hall MD~ a ftnal notice ------------Price lt,4:l0. Call Liberty 8-5326 trope, CDM. Owner may pay to lf:r. Boyer 10 days euller.
evenlncs. for act BA 11l4, The ENSIGN. 3315 E. Coaat Blab~ City Council al.o: ~GllEAT-GND .ANNIVERS-an. WAJn'D Corona del Mu • ._.ved a reque.t from
AllY SALE 1914-1956. $396 NCR BOOKXEEPEB. Rea. Phone, HA 5232 studebta •acttord Blahop an~
buys lovely Spinet atandud ~ . not ..,_ • .., s.::; ----....~~~~=::::::::::::::::--Donald C\ln1e for a license to make. Hlno-type Spinet only ~.ence 0---,. " ICIIOOLI & DftTII'OCTIOif tOw water alden In the Back Bay ~ Baldwin Acroeonlc $479 week, permanent, apply New-1n luly and Auaust: referred It
Jtlmball Spinet ~ Baby port Harbor Bank. Corona del REAL ESTATE to city mana1er and bubor mu-
Granda 1495 up. Dozens of Kar. C · ter.
othen Knabe Stelnway Hard· SALESW'"=O""MAN......--u-. -part::-:-:::-_-::tl.-::m::-:e:-,-::-pr::::-e. ontracting e Accepted the $1!50 bid of 1oel
man etc:. These instruments ferably one wbo can do alter-Insurance Eby for three feet ot elty prop.
are trade-Ins and rental re-atlons. Call ln penon mom· erty adjoint~ his property on
turns, many just llke new. tng only between 9:30 and Contlnuoua day and eveninc Balboa Blvd. at 42nd Sl, New·
Danz-Schmidt-PhUllps Ble PI· 10:30. Petite Ville, 3409 E. el..-. for preparation to port.
ano and Ore an Store 520 No. Coast. CDM. e R e e e i v e d Informational
Main, Santa Ana. 100 pianos BOOKKEEPER;.-wi--:-::th-;--:boo:---:-kk;:-ee::-=p.-:ln:-:g pasa the State exam. cople. of applications for trans-
always. machine experience or wllllng Call or write fer of alcoholle beverage licenses ~-Coupe d'Vllle. full pow-to learn. Immediate opening, of Eth~ and Lacy Ferguson to
er equlpt., electronic eye, alr. Orange Coast Colle,e. Starting For Information Fercuaon's, 7012 Coast Hwy.,
cond. Pvt. puty. Pb. HA 924. salary $278 per month. Apply AL TYLER SCHOOLS Newport, and of Ranney Schroy-
iiiiiiiOND-ORGANSall models. In person at business oftlce ln 1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana er and Homer Orbon to Coast
.......... J-.11
"'rWp " , .. II"
tUP w llalill1J7 w rw a a rw aJlllf
One only allgbUy used, almost ad:mJnJstratlon bullc:Ung, 19910 Klmberly 7-3511 Super Muket. 3347 E. Cout
like new. This ls a special. S. Harbor Blvd.. Costa Mesa. Hwy., Corona del Mar. ~!!~~~~~~~~~~ KEllog 8-2513 e Gave final approval to the : Danz . Schmidt . PhUUps Bam-HELP WAJrTED ordinance annexlnr the Seaquist mond Headquartera for Orange ------------Let Me Teach You parcel ln Newport Heights to the
County. 520 No. Maln, Santa ftl..l. CII.IRA •ADITDfG
An ~ ~ a. Convenient Class Lessons e Gave final approval to the HAMMOND CHORD Orcan, the EARN MORE ordinance re-zoning the R-2 ~r-
createst I n v en t l on ever ln THAN EVER BEFORE! U 8-5648 t1on of E. Morris Smith's prop·
mualc. The whole family can GLADYS TRACY erty at Irla Ave. and Coast Hwy. ......:.:.. •--..rs to Tour
play 1t at once without les-Our new, blgber starttne 1928 Irvine Ave .• Costa Mesa In Corona del Mar to C·lH. GardeaiDg&u. Au. Qu..ti"cma You must ...... m.. In and wage and ..._uent Increases k Be h sons. "" "' u ~ atnLDIJfQ I'OPPLJE.S e Referred to the Par . ac try lt. Danz-Schmldt-Phllllps gives you this opportunity. and Recreation Commission the by aUJ P•g ._
Great Plano and Hammond Openings now for-CEMENT request of the Elks Lodge for a QV'UT10• or TBE WEEit.
Organ Store, 520 No. Main, TELEPHONE OPERATORS lease on the city-owned lot ad-Should roaes be pruned In the
Santa Ana. -• ·n AND jolnlng the lodge hall. sprtnc! '55 PLYMOUTH Belvede£e V-8 We will train you anu you BUILDING AnW&a. Yes. It's a rood r,.....lve many other benefits. thin" to prune taa ........, hy· Club Sedan. sport trim. duo """" LEC~L I'OTJCE • """ • ..........., A ly brld teu and hYbrid perpetu-muf!ler. radio, LOW MILE· -PP -All KJnds-Free Estimates CEJITIFICATE or S'OSIJifESS ala u lOOn u their gTOWth
AGE. Cash out bargain. maybe 514~ No. Main Street UBERTY 8-6109 Pictttloua PlnD JfCDDe begins In early spring. All
take trade; pvt. party, Kl Rm. 2U-Santa Ana THE UNDERSIGNED do here-dead wood should be removed
5-1441 morn. It eves. 9:00 to 4:00 P.M. by certify that they are conduc-and It is considered good
BEAUTIFUL Spinet plano. blond. PACIFIC TELEPHONE __ ........ __ D_ITI'Df_ ........ a _____ 1 tlng a Yardage business at 3337 practJce to prune the plants
just like new save $200. 3 _____ ......... __ ......................................... E. Coast Highway. Corona del back to from four to slx buds..
rental returns. save $90 to $250 "MUSIC IJfSTJl'OcriOif,. (1....-ri:'RS Mar. Calif. & 209 Marine Ave.. Call us for more particulars. II II; 1 d lore root._ an h.,.ltGW, perfect condition new guaran-PIANO INSTRUCTION. Teresa Balboa Is land. Callforn a un er 1Dc:ladlD
the '"C1rcaa 11oM'"
tee tree delivery MaPrplev1. Ltg1 h1t Renner (Mrs. A. Renner), ac-~~cor~l~~mL:..~r~d~s the fictitious firm na m
de offl Snlisp lfOW Ia the time to pJ.aat. Walnut French o nc a · ceptlng a limited num"Ar of I 'n' Stitch and that sa rm •• 1 h 1 ~ new Ever-Match yarns. n-f ll 1 • CORON• DEL ..-• D Mahogany Spinet case '" g t Y pupils for plano. Cont't'rt. PI-atructlons for the popular composed of the o ow ng per· n £•&nn
damaeed In shipping $487. anlst of Three Continents. quick-knit TV sUppers . sons whose names In full and NURSERY
Good practice pianos from Graduate Student of Bela Bar-places of residence are as fol·
• ' I .. I ~ ' • f
·-~ -~ .... _ . ......._
PecrtarlDg f!JM MCifood. st.aa. prime .u.. dllcbls. dlldt.
the vwa MarlAa Ia ooe of 0raage Coaaty'a l1DMt ,...qg •
raata. llcmquet room Nata up to 400. Located at the bddge
to Sa1boa la1aDd. 'OOCS. ..... OWDenlalp .. the C1rque ..
rau.rto&. . $89, $94. Sl25, $173 see these at tok. 436 Serra Drive, CO M, SIT 'I' lilT SHOP lows. to·wlt: 27" E. Coa8t Bi9bway
the Great 42nd Anniversary Vlglnla G. Watson. 311 Golden-Bear h:rii:ID9 ••• Eaw SOUTH SEAS CAFE Sale. Danz · Schmidt · Phillips _H_a._2039__..~·----------313 E. Balboa Blvd. rod. Corona del Mar, California. • • Goldeluod ·
the Big Plano and Orean Store MISCEl.LAI'fEOOS Balboa Verne H. Watson. 311 Golden-":=~~~~~====~= ptJM food ••• coc:ktaO baJ' ••• 0ocw abOW'I Diptly ••• .S..
520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 100 50 USEo-PlAN.';':O~S;;--w-a-n-=-ted~ for our PL'OliBIJfG rod, Corona del Mar, California. doadD9 to the maalc of tbe en. .. ..., Decca ~
Pianos. rental service. Trade your pi· WITNESS our hands this 9th artlatL ~ to .-t to fniD lf~DOr An• ........
-Cost TERS d t • 1956 up Sabol ··~ tuna rittat •to 101. U... Nna COCOA SOFA. like new. ano on a new Spinet Grand or WA'n;Jl HEA ay 0 ..anuary. · riPt • Proa .... llood • ~of • ...._-.
$279, now 1135. 1520 Kings Rd.. Hammond Organ. HIghe st Sales. Service and Repalrs Vlretnla G. Watson
'0. L IIWT. 101 .._. AlfAJIEDI &&tiiQIR .......
CliU Haven, LI 8-5991. cash allowance during our IOE I£"11'1'AI ft Verne H. Wauon
BEAUTIFUL -Minshall Elect;rtc Great Sal; D~i~mr~-~~~· • un• vu. ~~~i~~~IA ;a. Use Eaa:... Wut a .a.. lor lenlll Orran u is S473. another n · Ups. 520 o. an. an a. PLUMBING ON 11DS 9th day of Januuy, ---~ Jl8a ~~th~m~t~~d2~n -~p~~~renbagood ~~10~~t~~ ~.~~aN~~hlk ~~5~~~~~~~~~~=~======================~ ual $995. Danz·Schmldt-Phll· practice plano. All term rent Phone Hubor 5330 In and for aald county and .tate, t"'
lips, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. allowed. Danz . Schmidt · Phil· resldlnc the!'eln, duly commt.-
SPINET-Plano like new with lips Blg Plano SaJe. 520 No. WE.LDIJfQ sfoned and sworn. pert10nally ap-
Organo S695 wonderful buy. Main. Santa Ana. Home of Fabricating, Deslgnlnc peared
Used Solovox $195. Danz-Sch-Mason·Hamlln L"ld Kna~ PI · & Malntenant't' Vlrrfnla G. Wat.on
mldt·Phllllps Big Plano and anos. TRAILERS. HITCHES. BUMPERS verne H. Watson
Organ Store. 520 No. Main. RESOLVED : or what have you; No job known to me to be the penon.
Santa Ana. Be on time for your 1956 ap· too large or too small. whoee names are subscribed to
B.EAL ESTATE cS REifTALS polntments. E tern a ·Matlc REASOkABLE RATES the wtthln Instrument. and ack·
Watch serves you accurately. 2133 Orange. Costa Mesa. nowledged to me that they ne-NICELY FURNlSifED APT. with RAY FIELDS. Jeweler, 19th LI 8-2619 cuted the same.
additional guest room. ocean & Placentia "In Vista Shop-BODT-PIUJfT sso• W1TNESS my hand and offl· vtew. Fo( lease. $100 month. ping CentPr," Costa Mesa, clal seal.
Sadlelr Real Estate, Ha. 2422. Lt. 8·8488.. PATCH'S BODY A. K. PHELPS
CDM -DELUXE NEARLY-NEW sa·., & Ro.U.t "a.p~~A~p Notary ~bllc In and for said
unfurnished d up 1 ex , 2·bed· ~ County and State.
rooms. hdw. n oors. f.a . heat, • fa .... ..a Complete Colllslon Work My Commission explr~s June
prl. patio. garage, $105 month. s,.. r -· Auto Painting 9. 1957.
Ha. 1684-R. Free Estimates-Try Us First ~bllsh: Jan. 12-19·26, Feb. 2.
NICELY FtfRNISifEDROOM. prl-American Legion Z15 15th St. 786 West lL7~h8~~SOsCosta Mesa In the Newport Harbor Ensign.
vale entrance, private bath, Meetings 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m.
nr. postotflce. bank and stores. SERVICES VElfETIAJif BLDID LAtnn)BT
325 Orchid. COM. HA 512·R. R4G4~'' ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. prl·
vate t>ntrance. bath and ga-
ra~e. In Corona del Mar. HA
4889-R or H.:...A:_;_627---:4"". :----:~:-:-:-
FREE-HI Desert VIew Home-
site. Martell Building, Yucca
FURNISHED or unfurnished. 2-
bedroom house with laundry,
on yearly lease. 417~ Hello·
trope. Corona del Mar.
WANTED-2-bedr. and den, 1~
baths, fireplace, furnace, dbl.
garage, level lot and at least
2 blkl from highway. Around
$16,000--cash. Anything! Box
A-21, c/o Ensign.
COitN'£K LOT, 3rd and Narcissus,
CDM, for aale by owner: ask-
InC. __ S:S,9!50. Call NOrmandy
5-6578, L.A.
2-BEDBOOM furntahed or ~~eml·
fu.rnlahed houte, yeuly rental,
about t&(). Ha. 5333 before
10:00 A.M. or write Box A-12,
e/o EnaJcn. CDM.
Slr.H Green Stamps
Free delivery
HA 1038 2744 E. Cout Hwy.
Pcnnhng -Decorating
LIN>nsed Contractor
!ml W. 18th Costa Mesa
Uberty 8-8628 Uberty 8-6632
HA 2976
(Evenings. week-ends>
500 31 st Street. Newport Beach
lotle Prajlcba
8·MM 16-MM 35·MM and 16MM SounJ Projedora
Model Airplane Suppllea ,
... Cszn-.
1782 J'fewport JlvcL, e-ta lhira
Phone Uberty 8-1'0C2
REPAllt AlfD Maintenance,
patnttnr. earpent. ete. lu.t
anytltlna,. leuonable. S.U.
fadJon J'Uar&nteed. 8A OUS-l. -... -... -
THE NEW m a c h I n e process
method. Reaaonable prices. Av·
erage 2 tape residential blind.
Only $1.00
Blind repaired and rebuilt.
Fr~ Pick up and delivery
Work done by appointment
Phone Uberty 8-5701.,
KI 3-6669 or 10 3 -8274
Your Family Rest11ursnt
(ClOMd Ta..say)
2515 E. Coast lllghway
Rarbcw lMI CoroDG del Mar
~.::...,..BAY NURSERY~!~:.
We're 2 , ..... ,
..... Us 0.1111'111, IlL, ....... ,
Ccae-Hear Joe Llttle&eld Talk
r--act ...... "~'' ~) ... ..... ..,. ,.._
~-·~,.._ , ........... * ._ y._ Q-•• • ,_ Utlltlr'f *
UQ. niCE
' .. -OLII1IEI
40% to 50% OFF!
Ia ............ 1:1 •• 0 -........ ,._ ...........
.. •'=h-. OU .... 111.-.W)' Ia It • wttla
ou ,.ucy of Mit wurtaw ... 111oc:1t .._ .... ._.at
........ owtat~~ea.. ........... ~.
so,r, -.... ,.,.. • ...., -...a. ......... ..... ..... ............
-·~··~~........ , .•
Permits Total $1'60-Nursing Class
Begins in Feb. In Rrsl 'W••Fa.L -~~ '56 'nle VocatJonal Nurslnr pro· .. rram at Orange Coast Collere
. wu ap-proved for reaccredttatfon
The Kew Year'a buUdtnc actlvt· •: Joe Dixon, l ·atory, l ·unlt at the lut meetfnr ol the Board
ty !c. Newport a..dt ltutecl oil ct...w.n, at 522 Rlven.lde, 88,.MO. of Vocational Nurse Examiners.
with 801'11e 1180,000 ln perm1ta e LIDO Ia& lt Ia announced by Dr. Baafl H.
4urln• U.. ftnt,..,.. fA I&JnMI7. ...., B1ll. 2-~. l·unJt PeUtaon. prealdent of O.C.C.
Major pennlte IDelac!M a -GOO ,_.f..._ at 117 Vla Lido Soud, '"The proeram Ia now accedlted
clwe1JJq on OeNa .. .,., la 0.. •aooo. by both the State Board of Nurse ron.a dellbt and a -...o dwel· • iAiaoa IILAIID Eu.mlnera and by the National
Jln• 011 W. ~ Aft. 1ft Central M. I!. ~ Jr .. add l ·.tory AleociatJon of Pract:JeaJ NurilnJ
!few port. d w el Un 1 at am Amethylt, Education," he aald. '1t often
• C0801rA Da. IIU tlO.OOO; 'Xen)'el'l Scud~!«, alter· splendid opportunities for th~
Fled Sl.m~ 1·~. 1-umt adou at 318 Ruby, $400. wtahJnr to enter thla lbort.are ctWell~ at ms f'lnt ..... • a&LMM . occupation."
117,800: Vltlfnla 8eiiN&dl. N· La V.-ne Bart, ad41tton at The Oranre Coast progr&Jl)
move portion of bulldlal at 430 PJutnme'r Court. Cypreu and wlll lOOn have the advantare of
Ac.da. 1100: G. a FoeJe.1·1tOI'J, Bay, 11.500; Albert Benqulat. add now laboratory taciUtles. These
1·unlt dwelltnr at 281.8 Ocean mn room at 444 Sevf.lle, a2,SOO; will Include enlarred dnsalnr
BJvd., $:16.000; W. E. Ft.aher, W1Wam John80n, lncreue ra· rooms and atorare areu.
2-unlt, l·nory dweUlnr at 428 rare apace at 806 W. Bay, $400. A new class tor nurses wm
Acacia, ~~; Janet Wood Cal· • •&WIOIIT start In February, with reglstra· beck. additional unit at 308 Irla, Petenon Show Cue, re-roofing tfon now avallable. Students en·
$3.500. at 2809 Newport Blvd., $130: Cot· terlng thts class wUl enter the
• DIVDfE ftll••cz ton Goff,· aim at 2116 Ne-wport hospitals In July, according to
D. D .• Andenon. add room at Blvd., $250; Lou Reed Associates, Mrs. Quesale Anderson. nursing
1524 Dolphin Terrace, $3,000. roof over yard apace, 1200 W. director. They will be eligible for e M&WIOft JIDCIITI Cout Hwy., $2,000; Robert Wes· cert111catea In .January of 1957.
H. T. Myen, fence at 324 All.to, trey, alteoratlona at 515 30th St., R.eristratlon is open to those be·
r,==::=:=;;;;:;;=:;;;;::;;:;;:;::;~=ij $200; Francls Douelu. 2-story, tween the ages ot 17 and 50.
LOllS F.
5" JD. ft.U LOU
Coumuction J.ocme
5" JD.T&Aa LOU
Pllrllr laltpae C..
1515 &. c..t llwy .. CDM
ft.. IIA 1111 ID S.SliS
2-unft dwellng at 1317 W. Bay Durtnr the final ~ven months of
Ave., $23,640. training, students receive month·
ly stipends from the ho.pltals
C I b El t where clinical work is taken. Co· u ec s operating hospitals are Santa
Ana Community and St. Joaeph's.
R. E. Harbison ........., .....
cr~~u~ ~!r ~:r,:'~~~~ ··-Ire Pr&lllll. Rarbl.ton ot M3 Tustin Ave., Newport Helrhta. ae wu elected First of two hearlnp will be
at the club'• first meeting of the held Thursday evenlnr. Jan. 19.
new year, held Jan. 3. by the Newport Beach Planning
Other o#kfts are Mra. Frank Commlaslon. on propoeed a.mend· ~ of eo.ta Mesa. vice· menta to tbe su.bdlvl.sion ordl·
presldellt; Mtl. CUra Axtater of nance.
ec.ona del Mar, .ecretary; Mrs. The.e a me n'd men t • would
Belle LaMer of Newport. re· make lt oomJ)u.lacry f« subdJ.
elected trea.l\lJw; Fred Olaon or vlden to put In aidewallta and
Corona del Mu, tereeant·&t· undercround uWity aervlce tor
anna; Ra.rrlaon Sanborn and an ornamental llchtlng system.
Got!rey Storm.son. delerates at The present ordinance makes
Jarp. thts optional.
1'~ meetlnr of the c:lub wtll A pro~ ne-w aectlon states
be at 8 p.m. Tuesday In the cale· that "telephone and u t Ill t y
tena ot the Harp« School, 18th underground systems may be re·
~.and TuatJn Ave., Costa Mesa. qulred." -~ The P 1 a n n l n c Comtnl.sslon
21o/o ... Tlllll.llll ..... , ... meeUng wUl be ln City Council
Oet!!r Friends:
January I, 1956
On behalf of the Board of Oirec:tors and the staff of Laguna Federal, I wish to
oxtond to all our account holders end friends our sincere greetings for a peaceful and
secure year ahead.
Laguna Federal, both at its Laguna Beach office and ih San Clemente branch, has
experienced a year of outstanding growth. In total assets, reservu and surplus, and in divi-
dends paid, we have broken all records in our 20-year history.
In this time of sound prosperity, we are grateful th.t more end more Southlend fam-
ities are entrusting their savings artd their financial future to en Auocie+ion compoMd of.
friends and neighbors. Ou• dividend rate is the highest consistent with insured wfety, end
funds are easily withdrawable.
As a New Year's note for the thrifty, may we remind you +flat aD funds placed with La-
guna Federal on or before January I 0 earn eli vidends for the fuU six-montfts period ending
Ju,... 'Ht
DECEMIER 31, 1955
First Mortgage Loans ·-· $20,938,906.54
Loans on Improved Real Estate--
principally homes in Laguna and vicinity.
Loans on Savings
Accounts -···-····-·--··· 163 ,987.02
Temporary loans for the-convenience
of our shareholden.
Real Estate Owned and
in Judgment ·---·-···
Investments and
Securities ·····-··········-·-·-380,000.00
Consisting of Federal Home loan
Bank Stock
Cash on Hand and
in Banks ·····-····-····--·-·-3,048,523 .82
Working capital on hand,
deeosited in banb.
dffice Building and
Equipment, end •
Perking lot ----
~er Assets ___ _
Savings Accounts $20,332l ll6.00
This is the amount invested with us
by more than 6200 individuals,
trustees and corporations.
Loans in Process ---2,320,472.36 .
Other Liabilities ---31,541.94
Specific Reserves 11,352.56
Reserves 1,829.805.06
Surplus _ 341 ,409.44
General Reserves
end Surplus 2,17 I ,214.50
TOTAL UA•nws $24.16Ut7.J6
A•IIIW I. HALL, Preal•••t
---"-;"";-'t . ' -
Harlior Area
Church Group
Meets Friday
'11M a.n.nu&l meetiq of the
llarbar Couneil oC Quarc:hea will
be bel4 ~t • :30 p.m. tDmonow
(J'rtdQ) at Cbrllt Cburcb by the
Sea Ill Jfewport.
b ~ of tbe J)JOir&m will
be the outeoln• prealdent. the
llw. II. C. Cronic, pa.ror of the
Jtnt ~bly ot God Church
Ia eo.ta Mesa. The Rev. lames
a...rart, putor ot St. Andrews
'"-byterlan Churcll, will be Jn.
ltaUed u the new president.
Abo on the Procnm wlll be
the announcement ot the Church
Woman and Church Man ot the
Yeu. They are aelected each
)'Mr on the buts of service ln
their local church, ~erVlce in the
community and denominational
ehwcll work.
harbor photo lab
3121 E. Coast Hwy., CDM
Coast Offers -·
X-Ray Class
A fully equipped X-ray class-
room. complete with radlogTaphlc
equipment, is now being used
by students at Orange Coast Col -
RadlogTaphlc equipment In·
eludes a fully operative table,
bucky. control panels, cassettes.
and hangers. The equipment Is
utilized !or positioning and tor
mechanical manJpulatlon only.
to l'ltllt. tMr .. au llartWa. hby Mladlo. ~t • ......, MC~JK. r..a walbr CID4
...... J'tb~Mnis. .... ~ -girl~ -· ...., 1Uia9 tiM r-• IIA t qaarten .. eo.ta ...... na. fuact c:a~~~palp voal_ta_ss_ooa ______ _
llOl V\e Llclo, NewOOft a..c.
A brarw:h of Th. Moth« Chwrch, The
-. ~ ------......
ltan4ud I Ia a d • Oodl8
aDd CUstom lpeeJaltJ• e ~a..,-Hardwa re e VeMUU BUncl&
Fi,.t Chwrdt of Cluiat, Sci..-tiat, in lot-LOCAL AGENT
ton, MeuechWMtts. 1793 NEWPORT AVE.. CXliSTA MESA Sun4iev Schooi 9:t5 e.~t~. 0 ..._CE , n.-.. Sundey S.,...lce _ t t :00 e.lft. r .. 1 : -~ 1o.7 8-~ RES. Uberty 8-5013
W.dnetdey Evening M .. ting 1:00 p.m. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ loeding Room locet.d ot ll IS Vie r
lido, Nowporl S..ch, ia open -k
deya from 10:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m ..
W~netdeya from tO;()() e.m. to 7:-45
p.m. Fridey ...,onings from 7:00 p.m. to STROOT'S ~~~
9:00 p.m. Clos.d Holidays.
"Swap Items" will be prepared
by members or "Patrol 31" for
the summer's trip to the Na·
tlonal Girl Scouting Round-up
In Michigan.
Tho public i1 cordielly invit.d to et-* Giftware * Appliances * Paints , ........ Dr£. LJ 144& e..la .... Of the sixteen gtrls tn Troop .. nd tho church soi'Yico1 end vso tho
31, chosen from all ot Orange _Ro_o_d_in~g_R_00_"'-·------------=::::======= ~~...;;;;;:;;;;============
Mrs. William Spurgeon m or
Cllft Haven wtu train the girls
for the Round-up, assisting them
with skills and outdoor living.
Diana Sanders of Newport and
Nelly Bly Young of Laguna have
been ch~n to act temporarily
as assistants to Mrs. Spurgeon.
County, Gerry Nack and Sandy
Spurgeon were selected from the
local senJor troops and Diana
Sanders and Peggy Bush were
picked as alternates. Light their life with fJith l/6
nEIIITTEJIIJUI CBnCB 15th St. • St. AncWwl Rd~
..... fl-. .... lc:llool
Uberty a...sm ._..., a... 1--L Stewart
22Dct st. 6 EWe Aftow c.n. u ..
LJbeny I.J'Nl .... eac~ ... c:. c..Jc. ......
nuT LU'I1IT CIIVJICII laD•AMA...._.t~ c..tiiA ...... ...... a.. .......
Sunday Servteea:
For the protection or students, ------------no x-radlatlon Is practiced.
Shortly before Christmas a
meeting was h~Jd by the girls
selected from eich troops, and
thetr parents, at the Girl Scout
House In Newport. Mr. Spurgeon
spoke about the Boy Scout lam·
boree and Instructed the glrls
about the kinds of equipment
they should have, and about the
type of weather they maf expect
whlle camping out for two weeks
SUNDAY: Morning worship, 9:30
and U a.m.; Church School,
9:30 and U :OO; l r. Web, Sr.
High and coUece age Fellow.
ahl~ 7 p .m.; Thursday. Prayer-.
Sunday School: 9:.30 Lm. Wor·
ahlp: 10:55 a.m. and evangeltst
Mrvice, 7:30p.m. Young People
and CbUdren'a ~rv1ce, 6:30
p.m. Sun. Mid-week Service:
9:4.5 a.m. Sunday School; 11 :Lm. Wonhtp Servteea· 6:30
p.m., Bapttat Tralnina Union;
7:30 p.m.. Eventna Sftvtce. Wedne.day: 7:30 p.m.. Prayer.
Wlty atoro In ...,.. garo .. ?
H ... T,_flr
I Slorlp
2200 ......... ai9CL
eo.ta .. ..
Plaolae E,.. 6 1-.
Liberty e.7m Uberty 1-1511
The first college X-ray class
ls now In Its second year or In-
struction at Orange Coast. Stu·
dents spend three hours per
week ln the classroom and three
hours per week ln the X-ray de·
partments of the four affiliated
hospitals: Hoag Memorial. St
Joseph's, Orange County Gen·
eral. and Santa Ana Community.
Class Instructors are Mrs. Gen·
evleve Martin and Mrs. Pauline
Holt, registered X-ray techni-
cians. At the hospitals, supervi-
sion is providde by David Brad-
street. Robert Shelton, Mildred
Wehrly, Robert Nystrom and
Davin Magg, all M.D.'s.
Mrs. Edna M. Gruwell has
moved !rom 611 OrchJd Ave .. Co-
rona del Mar. across the street
to the A. J. GruwelJs. her son
and daughter-In-Jaw, at 616 Or-
chid Ave .. while repalrs to her
home are being effected.
Read Ensign Want Ads.
carrying this sealr
1'1dl VeriW t.c 1Jfe s.J 011
u ntoaatie c .. waler lw.atu
" )'OW ... ~ fll • top.qu~.
try applltlle* .. urdiJJ built of
aat.W. tUa _., ,.., LMk
f• lhia ..U whtft ,.. bwJ, ucl
you caa J.ok fwwanl te ,_.
and run of carefree INK.....,
eemoe.. ........... dUa ...
Ia f~ _,, • auto.ade CAS ............ s.,..-.. bort-1,........, ....
The G. N. Wells are vacation·
lng In Phoenlx . . . Lois Vogel
has given her new Real estate
book to the publishers so getting
It In type is the present project. • • •
in the east • • •
A tatty puU and the tilling of
Christmas s t o c k I n g s to give
away was the actlv1ty ot a pre·
holiday party of Girl Scout Troop
No. 8. The girls h ad made stock·
The Annual Awards dinner or lng dolls and decorated purses
the Newport Harbor Board of for gifts. Members of Troop No.
Realtors wtl be next Wednesday, 8 are working on several badges:
Jan. 18, at the VIlla Marina. This outdoor, satety; akatJng, dancing
annual party of the local real· and housekeeping, according to
tors Is usually held before the their leader, Mrs. Joe Casala and
holidays. This year the party co-leaders, Mrs. William Ken-
will be highlighted with presen-nedy and Mrs. w. H. TUrner.
tatlon ot placque. for "Realtors Membe!'a of the troop are Donna
ot the Month" and there will Burdsall. Jolene Cuala, Connie a~ be man-ot·th~year awards Colucci. Claudette and Melanie
In three categorles: !or the John~n. Carol Kanold. nmmy
realtor who sold the most dollar Jane Kennedy, ~verly Kramer.
volume In multiple llstJng salb, 1ewel Leavy, Dorothy Mason,
Cor the realtor who sold the Charlene Nelson, Trisha Pelrece.
most multiple listings that were Paula Taylor and Sharon TUrner.
sold. The secretaries at the
are working hard compiling fig.
ures tor these awards. • • •
This morning's breakfast meet-
ln~t • oC the Board at the Balboa
Bay Club has George Tobias as
guest s peakeT. Mr. Toblaa, who
Jives In Costa Mesa, 1a an at·
torney with Whitlock and Tobias
In Santa Ana. He's a specialist
In real estate and hla topic Is
"Legal Alpec:u of Real Estate
Transactions." He's no relation,
by the by. to past realty presi-
dent Bill Tobias.
A fire In a city sewer depart·
ment truck caused $1!10 damage
In the Newport Beach corpora·
tlon yard at 9:19 p.m. last Thurs-
day, the Newport ~ach fire de·
partment reported. The flre dam-
aged the cab of the truck whUe
It was parked In a garage. The
tlre was put out by firemen.
A new me~~r :, the Realty Dir.ectory
Board Is Francis Brown. associ· IIVIJC atP with the Costa Mesa Vogel ____ __:::.::;.;:;:~---
.rudy group, 9:30 a.m. ·
C:OIOfUWJTT IDTII()l)IST -w. lttla lt.. eo.[' K.a ~ 1-4551 .... Joeepb w. llcllaaDe
Sunday: 9:3(.1 a.m., Churcll Sun·
day School; 9:30 and U :OO
a.m. Momlna Worsblp--7 p.m. CoUege Age "MYF Service-7
p.m. Ble b Sc:hool MYF Serv1ce; 8 p.m.. younr adults group
TD eau.,. ~ CibldT
1050 QIU'Cia lt.. c.n. ...... Lu..ty....,
D. a. &ant. ........
Sunday servicea: 9:4.5 a.m. Bible
study; 11 a.m. momlnc WW·
ship; 7:.30 p.m. evening ae:rvlce.
Midweek ae:rvtce. 7:30 p.m.
Odd r.uo..~.
1 .. lf.wpad Aftow
Llbelty 1-5711
TCIID ao.. Jr .. IIJalstw
Sunday Services: 9:4.5 a.m. Bible
.tudy; 10:55 a.m. worship aerv.
lc:e; 7:30 p.m. ewntna ae:rv~ce.
CIIJIJIT CliO ... liT 11IE lEA
C...aalty .. ......
lkdboa al-.d. .t 1ftll lt.. lfewport
IIA$ot 5111
..... ..... ...., A.-Car ...
Sunday Worship, 9:30 and U a.m.
Church School: 9:30 Lm. Mid-
week Meeting: 7:00p.m. Wed.
nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m.
ortlc-e. Margaret L. Scharle
Jack F. ~P~-, 12,
of Ceala fleu DIM
Organist . Accompanllt liM 0...... Aftow e-ta K.a
i ~-~ . ~~1·1 Evenng~ r.._~J.If..ta tor Adults laday .,_ ~1. 10 ..s 307 ~~a~~VE. 11:30 a.m. Weekdays: ... at
Jack F. Shannon. 72, or 1813 ~::J~!!~~~~ffi!!'!C~ 7:00a.m.-Confealon: Satur· Fullerton Ave., Costa Mesa, dJed ... :~ ~ 4:00 to :5:1.5-7:00 to
Wedne.day, 7:30 p.m. LadJ~
Mlalo!lary Councll, Thundaya
9:30a.m. for aU day.
lfewpot't aa.d. .t ..... lt.. Jf.-pol't ...... ..
LD*1y 1-1511 ~ D. L lpaulclla9
Saturday Morning Services: Sab ·
bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser·
mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet·
ine: Wedne.d.-y, 8:00 p.m.
C111711CII of tlae WAZAWEJfE
1-......... lt.. c.t. K.a ,.... ..... cu.. Will' •
LD1 tr f.7111
Sunday Servtoee: Sunday School,
9:30 a.m. Womtnr Wonblp at
10:30 a.m. Evanr.llalc: Serv· tee. 7 p.m. Sun ay. N.Y.P.S.,
6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer-meettne.
7:.30 p.m. Wednesday.
FDST C11171lca or c:amsT
IG1D'1UT ,. v .. ~ ~ aOCidl
Sunday School: 9:1.5 a.m., Sun·
day Serv Ice: 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday Eventnr Meetlnr :
8:00. ••dina J!oon\ 3315 VIa
Udo, Newport Beach. open 10 a.m.·5 p.m. wHit da)'S. 10 a.m.· 7:45 p.m. WednesdaJS, 7-9 p . .m.
Friday evenlnn.
ot' COITA IIUA ~t'-EJ.n.
..... , .... LeaiMir 1'0I'IIOW
Sunday Servlcet: W~lp Setv·
lee 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m.
Sunday 8erv1cea: 1 :30 L rn.
Church School..i. 9:~ and U :OO
a.m. Wonlllp ~ce .
In hls home on Wedne8day, lan. Friendly Netehborhood Serv1ce
4, after an extended Illness. Fun· f'DIST aA.PniT CIIUIICB COIIOifA DEL MAll
era! services were held Saturday P ARICES-RIDLEY o·· Jf•W-IIT \ COJOiU•Ift CAUIIQI ~ -'"" c ............ .. In the Parkes·Rldley Chapel with JrlORTUAilY ....._ al..S.. lttll & Coat Ita.. Ill ~A..._ the Rev. Charles F. Hand offici· If~
ating. I 10 Broadway ~~Arbor IIU Llbelty .. .,. •~
Mr. Shannon was bom In u 8-3433 • 8·3434 eo.ta Mesa ....._, ..._, a. J....._ ...._, .... Zdwfa a-D
Texas and had lived in Costa '"===========~ Sunday MrV!c:ee: 9:45 a.m., Sun· SundaJ Wonblp ~: 9:45 Mesa for 23 years. He was a. ;;;. daft ~l; 11:00 a.m., Wor-a.m., 11:00 a.m. SUnday Schoo~:
tailor. He la survived by his wlte, N 0 W . . •. T W 0 !.h_PnlnJ Jcee ,: v71:30c e~·~lds';~Y 9:45 a.m.
Ptalae and Bible Study. MOD·
day: 7:30 p.m. Men'a Chonn
p r a c: tl c • ; 1:.30 p.m. Men'•
taUIIQI OP on LADY or liT. CADOL 1 .. 1 w. lkdboa aJ9CL .,..,.....
~-·· rett.erl~&~ • ..._ rat~aer ~·••ua
Sunday ~: 8:00 and 10:00
and 11:30 a.m. ConfNSion: Sat·
urdaya and eve&. of 1at FrldaYt and Holy o.y. from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:ao
p.m. DaJJy )( .. 1:00 a.m. nnt
Friday: 8:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. N ovena (~a) Help):
Tuesday. 7:45 p.m. Ptabennen'a
M..., luly and Auruat. Sunday
4 a.m.
on at, •• , 'IT COIIJf1JJn'I'Y
nu..owSJID a.ua ,, ...
515 w ...... .,.... hJbea
IOal8ten .... r. w . ....,.
Sunday Sc:hool, 10:30 a.m. Mom.
1q wonhlp, u :00 a.m. -IT. JAIID U'IICOPAL
.. Yle LAde. •;r:n a.adl ~1 .... J ........... a.ct.
Sunday ae:rvlcee: 1:00 a.m. Holy
Communton ; 10 a .m. FamUy
Service wttb the Cherub a nd l unlor Chol.ra; 11 a.m .• wonhJp
service. Thunday S e r v I c e a : 9:~ un. Prayer Guild; 10:30 Holy Communion.
'1-' M--. Aftow klboa 1aJCID4
-~-~· rat~aer l~lley • ...._ r-.. ... uua
Sunday Jrl.-: 7 :00 Lm. • 8:00
Lm. Confession: Saturdaya and
eve.. of 1st Frld~ and Holy
Days: 7:30 to 8:.30 p.m.; F1m
Frl~ay Mau 8 a.m. Summer
Kaa. l uly and Aul\lft Sunday,
11 a.m.
Mrs. Emma Shannon, of the BALTZ MORTUARIES ~ce: 7:30 p.m. ·w·~-~ II&WIOIT JUDOa home address; a son, lohn Lee Prayer Meetf.n«. LUt818Q taU... PJaiT IOUiidiiii aArriiT Shannon. of Texas; two daugb· ServlnJ the Harbor .Area 1101 CUll.-.. W....,oo11 ..... tl CBU ...
ten, Mrs. lohn Gates of Bakers· Baltz Mortuary IIADOII AIIIIDLT Of' QOD r.a.ty .._~ -W.-...... eL. C... .....
field. and Mrs. 0. A. Tully of CHAPEL BY no: SEA Oape!. ._ .... CcdU. .... ...._.. ~ ta1 II ....
Texas; aix brothers and three Harbor' 0 alble CoiiJf'" DuplJcate momtna ..v1ca -t ...._,Dr. •••• & ,_
sisters. all of Tau, and nine ~E. CoMt H~"" LDelty .... 1 a.m. ud ll:l5 a .m., Bunda)'; S.::2. aehool 1:45 a.m.: churdl
grandchlldren. Corona del ..... c. a. '1'11-•11 Klnderfarten a nd Pre·Sc:bool u:GO a.aa. Tra.lnJ.ac • , Baltz Mortuary Sunday ecbool t:30 a.m.. momm. Dtopt. SundaJ ldtoo1. t a.m.: UnSoft T p.m. Iunday, ~nina
CIDJITIAJf ICIDIC2 ,...ca.,un ... W"'I U bert7 1-2121 worship u Lm. You:nr people bt Grade tbroup Adult Bun· wonblp 1 p.m. •nd~. "'-da·
....... t.e.on..sermon at the t 'lJl • Suptr~«, Colt& .._ .....tee 8:30 p.m., ewntna dQ' khoot. 10 Lift.; billa po-.. and omo.n ..tina? p.m. .... p.a___.. eYanp)t.t .w. T~ao p.m. Yktecl ancllf-*7 III'O"tded tar Wed~.,.,.,_ ~aacl Jfewpart Beach Cbrlltlan Sdence A.III'LB AAA&RV I(Jd,..... ..... T:JO .. -.... ..,........ ud 10 a.m. Sun· •w. .... T~ w.-... ehurdl Sull4aJ .. oa the nbject • ___ 110111 __ I.OCA110B WedneecSQ'. ...--4Q lcbeol. dQ',
ol "Lite." -
1be t o llow In 1 v.-.. ttom .a...--"" !Ida DiNdaly II ...._ pa·..,_ .,. ~~~~~----•.• Palma CG:I) lt the Golctee
Tat: "Tbe Led wt11 C'OIJUIWlcl h.. Jcmnpln4..-In tbe ciQ'· t:tme. and ba tiM Dleht las. .one
lh&ll be w1tb ... -IDJ' prayw vnto tM God oi1117WIL"
.. -··-·-----.-----·-·---·--------
At '!'h.
tlutu Slaom
OG The BBC GrouDda At
1221 W. Coaat Hwy. Newport Beach
10 a.m.. to 4 p.m. Daily
Come • • • J.d f"fN" to 1». d.m.d by the sttck convertibles, the gt.morow h...dtops, the
sports C4lrS end lon9, ,.P 4-doonl f 3 lucfing South Coed eutomobile cleelers heve dtosen
the crMm of the domestic end fore5cjn CM crop for displ.y in this unique euto show. So drop
in end brOWM eround-<om,.,. sfytm9t colors, en9ines end convenience feetures. Y ou1 enjoy
evwy minut. of it!
...... ,.. FREE TICKETS
... ,~ .... ,. u ••••
ll 0 Bro.dwey
l..e9UM leach,
LOU REED Chrttler-~lmperiel
Acrora from I8C
Newport INcft
Ford a ThunderWrd
1 100 w. eo..t lfvd.
Newport INch
' 519 N •• Mdwey
s.nte Ana
1000 W. Coed Hwy.
Newport leech
201 N. Mein
Sent• An•
410 Mein Strwt .
Huntington a..ch
JOHNSON I SON Lincoln, Mercury, Cont1nentel
900 W. Coest Hwy.
Newport leech
Pecbtd I ctioper
626 W . 17th St.
Sente AM
2nd 4 SycMnOre
s.nte AN
1932 Herbor, Costa M ...
220 I S. Mein, Sante Ana
2116 Newport Blvd. Newport INcft
1610 Newport ltvd.
Coste Mesa
'18 f'AIIID .. ftw·' ,.. will .. .._..,
,....11111• • IJI I .... A-. P ........ .. .. .... =::-........... ··~~~ •4 'be ft 0
.... ,. 1 • .-er .....
Rod Barrows
to Open Lido
Cenfer Store
£aDh'.C £. Q. I Win, I Loss
· · ·:· · · · For the Tars CConUnued trom Pace 2)
fbhJ.nc the Smiths found down Harbor Tar varatty buk«ball·
In Plnu Bay 1a a potential new en woo 62 to 61 a.pJ.nat Eltoel-
world recocd. whlch. 1f approved afor Hiah Scbuul Wednesday ew-
'Mte name ot Barrowa returns by th~ lDtematlonal Game Flab nln£ l an. 4, ln ~ Compton
to th~ Harbor area bualnea pic· Aun., will add another to the toumam~nt but 1oft 51 to 53
tur& u a new depart:ment store lone u.t on the Balboa An1lln1 aca.Jnst Loyola Hl&h School the
prepares to open Thursday of Club'a record abeet. Forest lr. next.evenlng.
DeJrt week In the Udo Sboppln& caulbt a 42-pound ~ flab Polnta made by the Tara In th~
Center. Tbe .wre, owned by Rod on 6-t.hJ'ead lin~. which mu.at Eltoelslor eam~ lncluded Forward
Banowa, will handle clothlne for have been a real tuale, for theee Georee Mabee, ~;1 Center Eddie
c:hlldren Cup to the aee of 12), t1ah have a ~put.at:lon for put· Pope, 18; Forward Paul Lorent·
ya.rdap and ltnens. tine up a spectacular fl&ht. Any-zen, 16; Guard Gary Green, 4.
Mr. Barrows operated the J'ltz. one Who knowa Forest Smith and and Center Tom Hou.ton, 4. Tar
patrick's Dept. Store on the New-hls many UMelflsb acttv1t1es points made In the Loyola pme
port Ocean front from 1937 to w111 join thla department In sin· Included Lorentzen, 8; Maybee,
1943 In partnership wtth hll cere congratulat:lollll, and the 12; Pope, 10: Green. 11; Guard
uncle, the late A. E. Fitzpatrick. hope that all coes well 1n th~ Dave Tamura. 5; Houston, 4, and
In 1939 he purc:hued the Myers J.G.F .A. omc:es. Forward Georee Sc:bultt., L
It Myers store In Costa Mesa and e CBAJfCE OP TITLE
re·named it Barrows. Hls wUe I was about to say that there
ran the Mesa store whiJe he would be one tear tall here In
went Into the service with the Newport. If this new record 1JI
Sea·Bees. the Navy counterpart approved, but fve changed my
of the Army Enelnef>ra. He wu mind. The rooster tl.ah that 1JI
In combat wtth the First Marine currently tops In the 20-pound
Division In the South Pacltlc, In· line test class on the I.G.F .A.
cludlne the lnvu1ons of the Gil· sheet hu the name of one of
bert hlands and lwo lima. our Harbor's ~eatest Lady Anc·
U. S. Royel Tires
w .... ;,.9 & Por..hi~WJ
After leavtne the .ervlce he len In the slot. The 38·pounder
sold the Costa Mesa store to hla we're talking about belongs to
cousin, lac.k Reinert 1 Cwhose another Udo Islander, Mrs. W.
brother MUon now ownS the for · G. (Thelma) ltrleger.
mer NeWport FltzpatrJck's store). Knowtne her u a real sports· 1101 E. eo.tt Hi9hwey et Aotecedo
Rod and hlJI wlfe became woman. we'll bet our best SDa· eo-. d.l ~ ...
ranchers on an 80·&ere farm 1n nex that she'D be as happy u ""====================· northern California, ralalng pure-Forest to see the poundaee go -
bred beef cattle. They .old the up. Thelma hu plenty of world
ranch Jut aprtne and returned records left. and anyhow, lm't
to Southern Callfomla. 'Jb~y ~ It nice to keep It right here
now maJdne their home at 1.967 among our own folks!
~ Ave .• Costa 'Mesa. The tam· e ALMOST-
fly lnc:Judes a daulbter, 2~ · Several other records came
year-old Barbara. wtthln a thin line or falllnc.
;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;=:===;;;;;;;'.~ down there In Pinas Bay. And
over In the Smith household.
there's a young face that looks
a little droopy wh en you men·
tlon world records. We mean
Forest Smith m . the aon of F. S.
l unlor, who proved his a bUJty
with the rod year before last by
taking home the cup awarded
for the Balboa Angling Club
Forest m caught a rooster llsb.
too, and bigger than his dad's
by some 8 pounds. He did the
trick on 9·thread. wh1cb Is In the
30-pound line test I.G.F .A. c:Jus.
The current mark there Is 41
pounds. 11 ounces. Forest m ·s
50-pound roocter was duly sub·
dued and welched. It looked like
a cinch tor another new world
"IVe got. :roo01 for 9 of us"
record. But then came the nckle
tlnefr of fate! In transferrin& T W 0 0 F F I C E S the prize from the Toluca to a
smaller c:ratt. something slipped.
There wu a splash and that was
the end or the tale. Divers were
put to work. but It was no u~.
The rooster was cone for good!
To S..e Yo.
• 'J'H• HOT ON•s
Then there was another tale or
a giant black sea bass that
weighed 400 pounds. Fol'eSt m
caught It on medium tac:kle.
which Is 5().pound Une test class.
This one too would have bested
the old record by &·plenty. but
It wasn't slated that way. Th~
was a little matter of some extra
h ands having to take the rod
from one deck to another. or
something. so that one w~ dis·
qualified-by thernMlves.
All we can say to Forest m la
.. Toueh luck. Pal! N~ time It'll
be your turn. Bat at that. It wu
a lot of fun. wasn't It!"
As a follow·up to last ~·· column. we Aft dellgbted to •an-
nounc:e that old fbhln' buddy,
"Uncle Bany" Rogers. wu wen
enouch to leave Roa1 Hospital
last Friday. and la now conval·
~ at home on Udo Isle.
Tb~ ~ ean supervbe the ..,ork
that SkJpper Oludc Smith Is
dolnJ on the Adequate ln Pr"eP·
aration for another fllhlnl aM·
.on. Bl.lnY up. Chuck! t want to
take a tum at whale--watc:bJnc
born a deck! My luclt from
ah~. this ...,ll. hu been
rNUy bon1ble. Not one blow!
ESCROW ava.. ... ....,.,ctei.._,ITl y OfiRAT'B)
Turnover I
on a
'Oar 'M Pont. ue ..aJ.iDc
tib .mtm1 botc:ak.!
'ADd becau.e ol our~
YolumesaJee .•. a• •rJM
•W. caD be )'Oanl
means the best
you ever saw.!
A mWl profit oa eecb c.
~. but Iota of car ..-•
lea ua live you the t.t
c:t.J in tDw1l • • • a Q. T .
IIIIRS ~iftlr
tbt wil ,.t a
'51 FOil
it ,.r tt lteny!
1 I
In Panel Talk
Mewport a.... • ,.niMJienJc:
wt11 bold Its &IIIIUl c::lllb puty -·•..;:.
at 1:10 p.m. 8AI:uNar In St. .AndJewa ... .....,_._ c;burdl. eoo 1t. A.nctrewa u.. ata Haven. .., C-•• • ••
blvltatlons have beee •nt to will • .........
all Jlrl.s wbo wlll be ,raduatlna' = uiE •• • ... ..mon at Harbor Hleh School ~~ •a:.~ ~
and all .aphomore ,ULs at Or· w caaa ,1 let. ••
aqe Coast Co 11 e 1 e . Special w. c • • at llwy .. ~ wU1 be Dean Marte Howes ll....,.t.
of Oranle Cout Colle&e and
Mrs. Fay Barbt.on. dean of pls
at HarbOr HJgh School. co
Mrs. H. 0. Boyvey, pN!lldent. s h' I K•d 0 RAL D= .. llfu Salo ;;!!nw~m~cl'e~e~~~eJ:~ c 00 I s Answer uestions ..... , ........ F• ...... Yll Dt=U~~ J . n
wtth cloth~ and accesiOrles At· PTA M t• Q • p I Evet"ett Rea, superintendent of to retire 800n." Mr. Rea became 115 1..-1 ~ the M lhll trom O'Brlens Specialty Shop. ee •ng . UIZ ane Costa Mesa elementary schools. vlce·prtnclpal of Newport Harbor n.l! Ul VI" on
Chairman Is Mrs. Nadene Cop· has reported that he wlll not re· Union High School ln 1930, later r--
len. A.UJstlng her are Mrs. Peter School children at tht-Corona can't We have a dog at home"" tlre from his Job untll the end shlttlng to bJs job with the Mesa sr ......... $1 'f'J Nollng, Invitations; Mrs.. Walter del Mar Elementary School ... "Why won't mother let ~~ ol hla contract. which has .arne elementary schools. _ =••-=
Burroucbs, hocspltallty and host· asked the questions and gave go out In a boat without a tlme to run. A report In the ===========
esses; Mrs. B.lchard Wenker and the answers at the PTA meeting grown·up!" ... "Why can't the "Optl·Porthole" publJcatlon of A CJ.,ssifieo 1\d '" rne E:n~•nr * FGI' A:ee!nbDeDt--HAr:L-}AIM *
Mrs .. William Grundy, decora: held Monday afternoon at the first, second and third graders the Optlm.lat Club of Newport brinqs immedi.,ht results! C.,ll 111Jm. .,...._ &IIIUI" •tv
tlons, =:-~urL.A~~~n~ school. carry their trays In the school Har~r quoted Mr. Rea a.s say. Harbor 1114-1115 and orove it! Ilk PIIIEIIIInu~=-:JL-.:uhppf ~~ · n • ~~~~h~to~~~~~~~~~fu~~ln&th~~~~~b~~,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~;~ refreshments. and Mrs. Carl fltth graders?" "How can we .;;;;
Ven.strom. publlclty. school five days a week!" "Why stop the trouble at the bus
We aee, more and more clearly that govern-
menta are not bringing world peace. nn:Y
'There is ONLY ONE WAY to world peace-
PEOPLE dealing with PEOPLE.
It is a practical way.
J. frank Burke
former Editor and Publisher
Always an independent editor and commen-
tator, Mr. Burke never has had a sponsor, or
"strings" upon his interpretation of . news and
events. His viewpoint is that of morality and the
public interest, rather than political party ad·
He will discuss current affairs, particularly
peace problems, starting
Friday, Jan. 13, 11 a.m.
Mr. Burke has returned to Orange county
and has built a home east of Orange.
He speaks daily at 11 a .m. Monday through
Friday. •• KPOP 1020 ·ea ... llial
stops!" These were some ol the
questions asked by the elemen-
tary school students.
Spontaneous answers to each
of the questions were (fiven by
the panel of five who repre-
sented each grade from second
to fifth. Teacher Kay Vaughn
served a.s moderator and steered
the discussion to give each child
an opportunity to answer.
Children on the panel sug.
gested. for example, that the
mother In the dog.less household
might not permit a pet because
It would make her get a "rash
on her face." They said that It
they went to school fewer days
they might have shorter vaca·
tlons or even might not be able
t o read newspapers when they
got older. They bJnted that ttte
older children who tease little
ones at the bus stops should be
brought to school to let Mrs.
Grayce Sevier (principal> "give
them a g~ talking to."
The first public performance
of the Fifth Grade Orchestra was
also a part of the PTA program.
Lewis Kidder. I n s trum e n t a 1
music supervisor. explained that
there were only two children In
the entire orchestra taking out·
side music lessons.
During the business session a
nominating committ~ Including
Mrs. Kitty Burton. Mrs. Wayne
Bellinger and Mrs. William
Lyons was a p p o 1 n t e d . Mrs.
Homer Alexander. chairman of
the honorary li!e membership
commltt~. explained about the
student loan program. Refresh·
ments were served by Kinder-
garten room mothers headed by
Mrs. Bellinger and. Including
Mrs. Joyce Koleta, Mrs. Robert
Callis, Mrs. Frederick W~. Mrs.
Ralph Schisler. Mrs. Dexter Jack-
son and Mrs. Shlrley Foster. Mrs.
J ames Ball Is overall refresh·
ment chairman.
SOI'f BOill'f TO MOD
A son. Krls Brooks. was born
1 to Mr. and Mrs. George Marks of
7304 W. Ocean Front, Newport
Beach. In Hoag Memorial Hos·
~====:::~~===========;;;:;;;:::::;;;::;;;;;;;;p;;lt;;al on Saturday. 1an. 7.
Is in Full Swing at Reinerts!
FOR WOMEN: Wool Skirts and Sweaters _ ...... _____ .. _______ ... .REDUCED 1/3 to 1/2
Play Clothes and Sportswear ---· .. ·-·~·-.. ------····-.. -· ... 112 OFF
Dresses. Robes. Housecoats ....... -·······--···· ... -......... ..REDUCED up to 1/z
Many, Many Bargains in Lingerie and Sleepwear
Girls Dresses ....... -... .. .. ·-.. --·-·--·--··.REDUCED to 1.99. 2.99. 3.99
Girls Corduroy Jackets. Reg. 7.98 -·--.. ·····-·-... -............ ...Now 4.79
Infanta and Girls Pajamas & Gowns. _ ....... ·-··-·--··.From 99c
Boys Assorted Sportahirta ·----··--·-·-·----···--·.Now 99c
Mena Sportahirta & T -Shirts ___.... lfs to 1/2 OFF
CLOSING OUT!! Mens lhald-Tan Work Panta ----·--·-...2.99.
79c cmd 69c Flcmnelll ----------only 49c:
A-Group of 98c~ 89c. 79c and 59c PriDta 3 yda.l.OO
A..orted Shoe Bargaiaa --··----------••
(AU Salee F"mal)
We De llet
a... a..... ...... ---••*••n
Ramiey Shroyer and Babe Orbon.. the new ownera of Coaat a eo~rCU1111
~tation to all of you to drop in and liCIT hello, and to take adYantage of theM auper specials. * "Our policy will be to operate a cJ,cuL hiend.ly atore, ~meet aU competition." *
SPECIALS F. TIURS., FRI., SAT ....,II.UY 12·13-14
We Carry Manning's Choice Baby Beef ExclUsiYely!
COFFEE 79•· iesson Oil 39~
Oleomargarine 2' .. 3~ DOG · FOOD 3 -1~
LAIICE. nD11 GaADB AA Willit.--...-.Jm;;:;;;;;M~G;-----------=---=-=~
EGGS o= 5~ CLEANSER 2 -1~
I_II_O_W_FLAD---------------=:.........:=---ITUKIIT IOLID •Aat-7-. Call
CO-LD-D--,--IT-A_TE_EV_AfO __ JlA_'I'EJ).....; __ ~_.U_Caa ___ __:=:;:....::;__
I f' .. ' f -,-,,, ~.
'' ' ... ...,.,