HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-26 - Newport Harbor EnsignThe Pet Protectors of Orange
County wtll meet at 7 :30 p.m.
Sunday in the Costa Mesa Clrl
Scout Hou.e to continue thelt
ftaht aeainlt clty ordinances
oompeWne the Inoculation of
dop for ra bies.
"We were railroaded rlaht
alone." Mrs. Harold Baxter, pres-
Ident ol the eroup. ehareed when
the laue wu broueht before the
. Newport Beach clty councU Mon·
day nJebt. The councU llBtened
to areumenu In favor of the
ra bies ahotJI durlog the tlm.e al·
loted fot the Pet Protectors to
pr~t thelt cue, Mn. Baxter
cJalmed. ·
Coundl r«eJved 11 letters of
protest aplnst the compulsory
rabies vacdnatlon or d I n a n c e
Monday evenlna. Mayor Dora
HIU aald that the CouncU would
alot 15 minutes for a hea.rtng.
She nplatned that the Newport
CounclJ bad taken the emereency
actJon bec:au.e of a letter from
the State Divilion of Public
Health, which declared Orange
County to be a rabies endemic
area and uldne that neeeaaary
actlon be taken.
Coundlman Gerald Bennett re·
marked, .. If we had not taken
actioa, tbe ~tate would have
cot'at Ia to do tt... .
ewport iils Over -------'1~. chooi ·B~undarY Ca
c:\": .":...~ :"::';..,:.~ Wins Plea
T. ~ Jr .. ~ ~ ..a.at -~ T Seced .... .adltd crt .... ··..ta... , .. ~ ~ o e Mr. a.,d Ia &"''htt ................... of tbe VOL I. ItO. 25-I'IVE CEJnS TBUJISDAT. I IUIVArl' iL 1156 COaOifA DEL JCA&. CALIF. -------------------------------
City Hires C. of C.
As Publicity Agent
Attt>r some debate on the pro-1Jng work on a new clty map, en-
per use ot tax money, the New· 1 cou.raglng light lnduatry to lo-
port Beach City CouncU voted 5 cate here, fighUng against ol!·
to 1 to hire the Newport Harbor shore drilling, malntatnlne o.n
Chamber ol Commen:e as adver· Information bureau, pubUclz1ng
tlslng and publicity agent for the city by answering queries by
the city at $2.<100 a year. letter and over the counter, t'&r·
Councilman Sandy M a c K a y rylng out clean up and beaudll·
moved that the request be de· cation ca.mpalgns. oonductlq
nied until the Chamber sub· crew races and the Fllaht ol the
mltted an Itemized report on how Snowbirds.
C I S the $2.400 would be spent. Coun· ------------ivi ervice cllman Jay Stoddard supported
the motion. saying that u the Hel.•pot Plans
C h D Chamber Is In a tlnandaJ pinch anges ue they should save money through
salary cuts A d City Attorney Karl Davis was "It would be all rltnt to pay n nou nee
Instructed by Newport City Coun-them for spe<-lflc ~rvices ren-
cU Monday evening to prepare dere·ci. but J am against an out· Details of the construction
an amendment to allow pension-~ r1ght erant ot mone)•," Mr. Stod-I plans (or. the two·mllllon·dollar
en to hold clvll service jobs In dard sa.id I headquatte.rs In Newport Beach
the city. The present ordinance Mr MacKay's motion was de· we-re revealed thls week by the
does not permit a pensJoner from feated 4 to 2. Voting against It Hellpot DlvisJon of Beckman In·
holding such a job it he receives were Councilmen Gerald Ben-struments, Inc.
a pension of more than $SO a nett, ~ Wilder, Clarence Higbie . HeUpot. manufacturer of pre.
month. 1 and Mayor HW. Then Mr. Ben -ctslon e 1 e c t r o nlc component&.
Chairman Edward Healy of the nett moved to grant the r~uest will erect the plant on a 15-ac:re
Civil Service Board wrote to I and thls was approved with only site on the mesa ove-Jooking
Council calling attention to pre-Mr. MacKay dissenting. 1 Newport Beach between Superior
sent regulations that require fire The Chambers reoquest. sub-Ave. and Ne-wport Blvd. The ~
and pollee personnel to live 1
mltted by ~!dent James T. ployee force wiU number about
within city JimJts. He wrote that Van Dyke a.nd s.cretary Hay 1.000 when the new facUlty em
the Board felt this was an ad-Langenhelm. said that member· into production late thls year.
mlnlstratJve matter. The city at· I &hlp had been lncreued from m With full expansion. the plant
torney was asked to draw up an to over 500, but this had not pro· will accommodate approximately
amendment. and lt necessary to vid~ eoouah funds to keep the 2.000.
prepare a charter proposition. to Chamber aelf·I'USt&lntng. Clean. contemporary Unea key·
ellDdnate th.ls restriction on rest-They d ted a number of llerV· note the multi-level mucture.
dence. ION rendered tor the city, lndud· Terraces, rocJt dec.k.a and oth•
Doris Powers Elected
Lady Anglers President
Name Peirsol
modem features wm ..... u..
Bellpot plant more the appear-
ance of a large offire building
than a manufacturing lnstalla·
tlon. Bellpot product col~ur·
quoise blue. black and whtte--
w111 be emphasi~ In the color
Lucky Ones
Missed Tr ain
City Clerk's
Father Dies
Bftand Schroude-. 16. tath~r ot
Newport City Clerk and Treu.
urer MareerY Scbroucler. died
lllond~ after a brief illnea
Serriclea ~ btid at U a.m.
~ (Wed'needQ) Ill Bait&
Mortoa)y, Ccrona 411 Mu. COD·
G"Qded by ~ an..ttber of
I.Jdo llle, Chrllt laa ~e. n.der.
-.~ ....... ..... of ................... ,...,. -u.. .,. ·111? ...... ~A.M. ...................... ..........................
aad ... bJ ....... --tn Grad .............. ... born ~a GnM a ,,.L.._.._
JUen.ta ............ .... ;.~ .. ..
Directory ..
' • CC*a !'0 0... IIOVa coutltu&ll. U w. don't look out ........:a
IAten.t ill the Youth Center 11 attet ounelvn, you can bet that ------~----......... plddq up. Qrant Howald an· the otb• areu will pu.h u.t INSURANCE
In thla .ea110n of almoat too
many an 1 II n a club annual
awucla dinner, cum elecUons o1
-ciCI:X:ICICXE:IqiCZIICI:X:ICI!~ICIICEZIICX::ICICI~II:ICII::ICJCII:::ICICI:=t otftcera and dlrecton, J ret to the 2' ' •: = ' = • ' • ' * point where I'd rather have a
nounee. tbat the eleetric:tt7 and UOUDd, u bu haJ~~Wned In tbe "Be S••-.c...._'---•• h .. t have been turned on. With put. ..... -u•'"•
thew comlort8, tllere abould be a • • • WJT8
lup crowd at tM open hou.e e A101.0C1Y STANLEY
thl8 Sundq, from 2 to 5. I urp Mebbe 1 wu p1&¥1na a little
you to come and ... the Mt-up. rou1h In my eolumn on the msuuKC::Z AGafcr
Get aequalnted 10 tbat )'OU wUI tldlool tax Jut month. 110 I'll Phone Harbor Jnt at leut know th.. 11 auc:h a apolOfbe for the u.te ot the
projec:t.. which we IGI'e)y need, words "uMCrUpulou.,' and "PI· &115 E. Cout Rllbwq
ante up for the mtement that one wbk!ll ewr)'One should he)p tapo-llke methoo.'' In nfen:lnJ Corona del liar
just slipped out, "FJ.ahln1 Ia a to t1nbh and maintain 110 that to the methoda UMd by RJih , ...._ Phone, HA 831
flne thlnr. but lt'a no subrtltute we can keep our kick ott the School Supt. Sidney DavldiiOn
tor whlakey and poltet." Which, ar.ec.. Keep ~em buay. and the 8Chool board In
lnddentally, remincla me a new • • • the hlrb acbool tax election.
book that recently came to my • a.acnoar COIIIIfG REAL ESTATE
attention. lt'a for men only, .. ya lu.t a reminder that we have Contracting
the author, Jerry D. LewU, wh011e an electlon ot clty councilmen MIKE MYERS
ICIIOOLI & 111118Ch."1 .. .....
?J.. ..lOtj ~>? Hop ~'1 . .f.~:?.!?.=
:X* :I*C*ICI"::I*CEZIICI::X::•ICI•c:J•ICI:J*C*ICI*Zx:l•a;::~e~•CII:ZIICI:X:ICI•CX:ICJCII:ZICIZ' _, many aJJttertq trophies that
I need a much darker lena In my It has been distressing and ~addening and emborrassing to listen aun &luses.
v o 1 u me Ia called ''Dealer'• comtna up on April 10. Norntna. UNION SERVICE Insurance
Choice: The World's Greatest tiona opet~ tod.,-(Tbunday) and
to the arguments over the Newport Beach-Costa Meso school bound-But lut Friday, over at the Poker Stones." Jerry lives up are open untll Feb. 16. That Ia u. s. loyel rw.. Contlnuou. day and ~
Palos Verdes way. What partlcu· aliiO the ~adllne for rectstraUon c1 *
orie.s. . Newport Harbor Yacht Club, I Jar endeared him to me wu hla In order to be able to vote In that WHIII119 a Poli,hi119 UNa &CW preparation to
The school men themselves Jleve kept their discussion on a cool-wu a delighted and more-than·
headed, professional level, but the less considered and considerate courteously recocnlzed guest o1
words of the housewives and mothers have rashly laid open many old the Newport Harbor Lady -Ani·
wounds of unkindness, snobbery, suspicion and jealousy. lera In reneral, and thelr well·
notation on the letter. ''Women election. .,.._the State exam.
don't really like poker becauM Here Ia the Uat of ~puty coun-Compl ... L..brieetioA SeMc. Call M wrltt
the chips are never two for 49c." ty clerlta who are authodzed to
Now you take It, Jerry! rerister voters: FlEE PICIC-U, a DEUVE.lY For lnlonnatJon
There hove been cruelly frank charges of "•nferior school system" liked 1955 president tn partlcu-
in Coste Meso and statements that "my children will not go to Costa lu. Herewith, a special C.Q.
The other important male on City clerk's office, Newport City ,hone Herbol )094 AL m.ER SCHOOLS
the Lady Angler's program was Hall, bom 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon. 16U N. Broactwa7, Santa ADa
nQR~ay to Stell Marshall, who Me.sa schools." That, of course, is a matter of taste. a personal affair-skippered this hlghly-entbusJas.
end good taste and good manners cannot be legislated. But that is tic bevy of female anglers
not the manner or tho spirit in which this problem is to be finally through a more than exciting
Newport Harbor's own famoua day tbrourh Frtd~; aliiO the fol· 1101 E. Co.tat Highwey et A~o
r roc e r y man, Dick RJchard, Jowtn.r 1ndlvlduala: Mrs. Marna c-• del t.4er Xlmberly 7-3511
whose neighborhood and neigh-L. OliiOn. 415 Poppy Ave., Corona ~::;:::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::~ KEUor 8-2513 borly corner-rrocery has become del Mar; Gen. Michael G. Healy. F -----__:::..... _____ _
a spot where Harborltes take 436 Morntnr Canyon Rd. Corona largest aoo Most Complete Let Me Teach You
thelr first . Ume . In . Callfornla H I g h I a n d s ; Col. Andrew W. Furniture Store in the Area. <::limA PADITDfG
solved. season.
I find myself in agreement with Harbor Highlands residents in I've sat on the s I d e II n e s
wishing to go into tho Newport School system, and my reason for throurh a good many of the an-
thinking so is bocause the area will soon be joining the City of Now-nual parUes of these gals. I'm
guests when they're showing ott SmJth (that's me), 3400 Ocean Co enJ t C1 Leuo
the Seven Wonders ot our FabU· Blvd., Corona del Mar; Ed Zube. C.ll for f,.. n¥ en .. 1\1
r:rt Beach. That, however, is only a smell segment of tho b~i prob-eager to say that this was thelr best one, to date. Perhaps 1 am
lous Southland. Dick spoke. The Balboa Island Fire Hall; Julia DECORATING S~RVICE U 8-:1648
only note I made says: "I have Mae Eggert. 1608 W. Ocean Ft., Liberty 1-5511 GLADYS TRACY · m, which concerns the e ntire area of Costa Mesa ond ewport prejudiced, but 1 can't help It if
Beach. I am more than a little fond o1
only two loves-my family and Newport; Phyllls Enrelke, 6801 1928 Irvine Ave., eo.ta Meaa
my community." Which, when Seuhore Dr., Newport; Eleanor H 0 use ••• 'a r~ en .UILDIIfQ SuPPUU you really mean it. like Dick Thayer. 1706 Miramar Dr., Bal-I think that Costa Mesa a nd Newport Beech are bound together Stell Marshall. Rer pleasant,
firmly in friendship, business end industry. I believe thet the only logi-friendly splrlt put me In a dell-
cal soluiion to the problems of populetion growth. industrial dovolop-nltely r~ptlve mood, and It
mont end schooling is to unite these two communities into one big didn't lower my opinion ot her
city of Nowdort Herbor. Cost, Mesa is just as important to the one bit when they gave her
Richard. Is worth pasting In your boa; Isabel Dodge, P Beacon CEMENT
old fedora for keeps. Bay. · Furni$hings for homes,
Elsewhere In this Newport Har· Come on and get registered so clubs, yachts. AND
bor Ensign you'll read about the that you can vote and have 3017 w. Co.tat Hi9hwey BUILDING
trophy awards a nd new officers. something to say about your N•wport S..ch
But I feel Impelled and delighted government where It counts--at All KJ.nca-Ftee Eatlmatell
to hand out a few special orchids the polls. UBERTY 8-61.()9
· d f f N Be L N what. dl.screetly put, was the economy an prospertty an uture o ewport ecn as ewport booby prize for fishing. Stell was
Beach is to Costa Mesa. probably too busy steering the
As one united city, we would tackle the egonizing dilemma of ship to worry about keeping a
school facilities in tho only manner thet cen possibly lead to a feir so-live anchovy on her hook.
lutiotl-a cooperative' effort to lond e helping hend to our neighbor, To the N.H. Lady Anglers. a
which is to holp ourselves by helping others. Our actions and decisions wish that every future president
would not then be motivated solely by telfish consideration of our own is as good as the nJce lady who
immediate neighborhood or subdivision. wears the seventh and newest
to certain Lady Anglers. Here are • • • fEATU ..
those blooms: To Dorothea Klns-e COWCIDEJn'AL
father. for winning the club 1 deny that the closing ot the u. L IIOTAL CUSTOM DauEama
champlonshJp, the points for Dunes, elaborate botel In Las TDES
which very appreciably swelled Vegas. was the result of my re· cmd cdl Ulflo• pnctacta •••
by the first. biggest. last and cent visit to that cJty of neon -.ctaate M-· ..,_
only marlin of the season by a lights and legal gambling. It PICK UP & DEI.JVK.ft
N.R.L.A. member. Even more was ent1rely coincidental. I came nua 'I I hope that there ere enough public-spirited end forward-think-past president's pin!
ing citizens in our two citio$ to corry on with the project of unifying The Lady Anglers pride them-
h selves. and justly so, on being t e two communitie~ project for which so much promising ground an all-female angling club. But noteworthy wu the fact that this home clean as a hound's tooth.(( ~~~~
marlin came not from San Diego. Saw the Black-outs of 1956, with @ -~ •......-t m.cL work was dono two years ago by our Chembers of Commerce. In past years, even as 1n the
• • • present. the male sped~ some ..
but from our strictly local Ken Murray and Marte Wilson. •......-t .._.
We poor worlcing stiffs who aro entirely on our own, and not
dregging our pay from t he public coffers, soe with amazement and
not very good grece thet our city employees ere getting for them-
solves four more heppy holidays to enjoy while we continue to slave
away. That makes e totel of more then TWO WEEKS of well-paid
vocation time-ond then some. because election days a re additionel
excuses for knocking off work. If worlcing days ore so easy to do with-
out in our public offices. may be it's a good indicator that we con do
without a whole lot more of those working days. and hence o whole
lot more of that public peyroll.
Do we sound bitter? We ore.
TI-lE. MO~N,
* Only Swift's Premium Beef Sold Here * Specials for Thurs.. Fri.. & Sat.. Jan. 26-27-28th.
HAMS ............... Wb. cw SbCIP lla1f 4 s~
Sliced Ham, _ c-... ·-98~
U TJI'S ... LACDAWJ:H lfO. 1
Sliced Bacon, 45'-
rutSJI DI.UID, 1'aTIIfQ CHICKENS, ___________ 491.
I WD I I nDIIV1I ChuCk Roast, 35&.
how ma.nages to creep Into thelr
sanctum. And as sure u "men
wUI be men and women will
be trytng to cultivate them. the
bearded animals were muc:h In
evidence last Friday. At least, in
thls Leap Year, there was some-
what more than the usual justi-
waters. ln a remarkably slow They were worth the price.
aeuon. and lt you don't believe • • • ....,_ 5al
this Is a newsworthy accomplish-.• WHAT CDM REEDS ~ Z.-y Dcrr
ment. just ask any or us pore ol' What Corona del Mar needs Is '&a. te I..._
marllnlesa male fail ures. Just what the other sectlona of ;=:=:=::::=:::=:=:=:=:=:=:=;
:-8 ·>=•=• •• 8 8 c•:• •:•:•:• 8 the city have--an oreaniz.atlon whose alma and purposes are LelleQ-
fication for the male entertainers. :I*CIC* :I*:X:X*::I*CI*ICI*31*CX*:::ICICI31: c:a•c•cc•
EspedaUy ln the llmeUrbt of Your edlt«lal pertaining to
the &ala' blr evenlnr was the the Inventive renJus of man In-
emcee, Laguna Beach's boy, Bill terested me a creat deal. but I
Gwinn, Irish-visaged and Irish find tpat I cannot arree with you
voiced star of T.V.'s popular pro-when you say that printing must
gram. "What's the Name of That rank first among m an's lnven-
Song!" More Importantly. Bill Is lions.
a dyed-In-the-briny fisherman. There ue two other Inventions
Bill did a masterful job. With that must surely ran~ ahead of
a reputation for being anything prlnUng-ln fact without them
but a shy lad. his humor and hls prlnUng would be Impossible,
ballads touched the ladles In and, I might add, unnecessary.
just th~ proper spots all evening. They are speech and wrtUng.
looking after the Interests of Co·
rona del Mar. I thlnk we should
have a Corona del Mar Improve-
ment A.uociatlon. frankly politi-
cal when necessary, to look out
after the Interests of our com -
munity. The Civic Assoclatlon,
which Is now Inactive, was not
alowed to partJdpate In poUtical
questions under the terma of Its
And oddly enough, after he sang. Just as truly as printing Is an Bob Lamar hu been elected
"When Irish Eyes Are Smiling.'' Invention. so are speech and Fleet Captain for 1956 by the
"September Song" and "01' Man wriUng. Of the 1;}\'o. speech must Newport P.C. Fleet. succeedlng
River." It seemed to me that lt rank flrst In Importance. Speech George Schmidt. George Wells
was the heavy applause and ls man's most prlmlUve and was elected secretary.
deep-throated shouts of the male most used means of communlca-Following resolutions were ap-
element that just kept rolling Uon. Without It there would be proved at the annual dinner-
along. no cultural advance. meeting: no spinnakers wUJ be
They worked old Bi11 hard, Almost as Important Is the art used In any race that starts In-
r... ..........
Olltal L• .... llllll
1121 z. eo.t Jllgllway
C:.O.. del Mar
LJ .. ,.,
these gals did, but from where I of writing-but lt must be aec· side the Harbor; whisker poles
was sitting. the twinkle Ln his ondary to speech, u It Ia merely can be no longer than spinnaker
eye was bright enough to llluml-a specialized form of speech. poles; entries for Natlonala mUBt
nate my notes. way back In the Printing ls of tremendous lm-be submitted at least two weeka
corner o.( the dining room. I'm portance, but speech 1a Its basic In advance.
not sure whether they Invited pre-requisite and wrtttnr follows ·;~;;;;;;~=======~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ him or he, In his usual modest close behind. f
manner, Invited himself. but 1 Just think, Rop-no speeoch. no
made an underscored note that writing. No wrtUnr, no Enslen.
Bill Gwinn, come fishing season. HH
was going out with the Lady Corona ~ Mar, Callt.
Anglers on one of thelr charters. {Hop'a note: By all means -
That. I would like to see. speech first. wrltlnr second, En·
They're going to make of• Bill third.)
0uMD £limbetb ft.SO
Helen Trauhel _ 2.50
Chrysler Imperial _ 2.50
Buoc:GDMr 2.50
Charlofle Ara.tronq 2.00
a $12.00 Value
aD51ar .,.,..
In Our Shop or Tour Home
2484 Newport Blvd. Ll&.-n
eo.ta Mesa
Sale.. Service 'and ltepalra
Terms. 10 Per Cent Down
Phone Harbor 5330
Fabr1caUn1, Deal,run1 A Maintenance
or What have you; No Job
• too lure or too amall
2133 Ora,n,e, eo.ta M-., us.~
THE NEW m a c h I n e proceu
method. Reasonable prices. Av-
eraae 2 tape realdenUal blind.
Only $1.00
Blind repaired and rebuilt.
Free Pick up and delivery
Work done by appointment
Phone Liberty 8·5701,
J0 3-6669 M J0 3·827'
.,.,., •• AJIIT ..,,
A PAlin' SHOP a. W. PA'rCR
CoiQp~ Collleloft Wort · Auto Jla1llUnc
...... l:ltbaaw-'frJ' u. rlnt
.,.. ·-l 'rtb ... Ooet.a ..... -u .. ...
t I' H I' <.f II I I' T I 0 !'1. \
W... ot tile Jfwwpcwt Rarboe'
BIJb 8daool faeul~ tfttettatned
IMmber ot the J'aeulty WJva
Oua. ot Horace Enll~ and New-
port Elementary Sc:hoou at their
January meetlDJ at tbe HJ&h
Sc:booL Get acqu&tnted a~
...,. played an4 "white ele·
pba:ntr' excllanae4 du.rlne tbe
even I n 1 . Jlefrahmentl were
NrYed by the h~ Mma
~eery Whlteneck. ~ohn Me· • Gowen. Donald Bums, Webster
~~ ' "
"'""~~ S411 VIe I ••• IIA .,
a301 Coat Bwy-BA 1515
C:O...cW ...
Patronize tbe merc:bantt who
advertlse In the Newport Har·
bor Enai&'Jl.
~ones, ~obn Eehtemach, Cllnton
Sawln. Charles Funnell and
EmU Nee.me.
harbor photo lab
3121 E. Cout Bwy., CDM
--· --......,..._.__. __ _
11JJfJO• AWIUIDS Tll1a pboto .... tM ....S .,. u.. -ad ... DUlle beDirY ....... . v-t ..... f1lla otbft t.laaa Cl bW flU ~t "
J------oi PacWc Aaglen. ....... left to rigtat lin Jaaior TOW1MIIIMat ~ a.y
= wtlll .............. d •: D I g AJ. rt..1L tlllld ,._ wttla 11 10-lb. ....._ aJbCI.
1Mb; J4.u.. Af1Wbcla~ lint placle .....
Ma!Uf GMJ ~amJ4 ,:;:;;:;;;,"Zu: Through Puget Sound
..a' TOYS, Ken:-N.~lsotsal~ Is Shown by Film to Kappas
con. _. P'laiP u..s... tlae --ftce..pr..sdoeat
of U.. d& TM ,....., ._... .. daa91lt.s ol
tiM .... ~ ol ..we Aag-S... (E.Iulp
..... I Swil lear wu the In-person guest on the
Paul Coates Flashback program A cruise In a 30-foot sa.ll boat mUe trip down the coast ot Mex-
S1G1 E. Coat Bwy. Cit JC181D1De1 Col'oiMr del IICir on TV on Wednesday, Jan. 11. among the l.slands of Puget leo.
(Next to All American Market) There were 1925 films of Kenny Sound was llhown In movt .. by The meetlng; a dessert lunj:h-~:D~C:::~ ....a• 5518 doing hi& daredevil airplane Mrs. Richard Stewart at the last eon, wu held at the home of * Al8o Cit us. z. 2lld ILIa LoDv a.ac1a * stunting. Including hanging from meeting of the Kappa Kappa Mrs. Mary Lou Tonnesen, 1TIO i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiii~~~iiii a low-flying plane to snatch a Gamma Alumnae As5oclatlon of Kings Road, ClW Haven. with hat from a man on the ground. Southern Orange County held Mrs. George Barnett and Mrs.
Jan. 12. William Ingels as co-hostesses.
s.r.tD9 TIM CoatCil ANCI For 11(.-rly 10 Tears
·-, Falla from Car, Mrs. Stewart, her husband and Presid ing wa.s Mrs. Robert StraJ· ... three daughters spent two weeks tltt. pr6ident.
S..,a_ Ia• f ... -a.. last Aurust navigating through Mrs. J. Thomas Swanson aald •trafl ... Fcn.a•rl · the wtld~ness of British Colum-that the local Kappas have sold
John F. Haas. 15, of 3916 Chan-bia In their boat. "Dancer.'' $740 worth of magaz:lnes since
nel Rd .. Newport Island, suffered which was buUt by Mr. Stewart. last May, which I& sixth In the
a.-1 sa'S sewa ...__
We Are Pleased
to Announce
nat ........... .
Senlol ......... Ia ••• , ••••
_. r1HJ It SEIYE ,.
Our mechcmiaa are speciatiata# and bern
of eXJ*ienc:e cmd know bow, in .. mdDq
S)lop Pera.t?DJ1el
Doll LC1w1..,.
-st• J(~
c.o.-g. Canol1
llobert •.n..t
Eddie (Dolplt.LD U) ou.rs.
Factory Trained Mechanics
Genuine Chryaler PartB
Factory ApJX'C)Ted Semce
Accurate Diaqnoaia
Reaaonable Ba1e Schedule
Courteous Friendly Serrioe
* * *
Chrysler Plymouth Imperial
International Han'ester Trucb
11J Oc.Cia Aft. l..ogaDCI.._.. Byatt 4-1.1
a fractured left leg when thrown The problem of food wu rela-country among alumnae associ·
from a car on. Channel Rd. near tlvely simple. as they found atlons. Proceeds wtU go toward
Marcus St. Newport Beach. at clams. oysters, crab, and wild provtdlng campersblps for the
8:36 p.m. Jan. 16. He was on the berries In abundance. In another Orange County Crippled ChU ·
running board of a car being film Mrs. Stewart showed a 1500 drens' Society. In this connection
driven by Jackson M. Newbury, Kappas will help on the Easter
16, of 4008 Marcus St.. and was .. ..:.... w--..1.-Ia I :.-&-.1 seal campaign at their next I.Jberty ... ,.
thrown oll when the vehicle WIW _. ~ m~ee~tin~g~.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii----~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;,;=:;========~~~~~~~~
······~················~··········· • • • WHA ... 's • • • • • • • • • • DOING • • • • • • • • T. M. Hambroolc. your Telephone Manager in Newport Buch • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
"Shut-ins" go to school by telephone .
For many Ul or handicapped chUdren facing long confinement
at home, there'• a new interest In life theae days. Thanks to
school-to-home telephone lel'Viee, they can now "attend" claasea
regularly. A speaker-microphone Ja put in the classroom and
another In the home. They're connected by a private telephone
Une. The atudent at home bean everything hia teacher and clau-
matea say, and they bear him. A. one younpter says: "Before.
I just did lilY leuons at home and that wu that. Now something
new happens every day." The men and women of Pacific Tele-
phone work to make your telephone more useful every day.
made a left turn. il lhll•ll Will'S Will •
MA.IlDfE SCT. MOIUUS Davtd Woods. 500 of Mr. and
lfOW Olf llfACTTVE DUTY Mrs. G. A. Woods, 32S Colllns,
Marine TSgt. George W. Morris Balboa Island, Is one of 18 Whit·
was released to Inactive duty tier College students selected for
Dec. 30 upon completion of 19 Inclusion In the 1955-56 edition
years and 6 month~ service. He of "Who's Who Among Students
Is the husband of Mrs. Ann H. ln American Colleges and Unl·
Monis of 330 Ogle St., Costa versJtles."
Mesa. At the time of his retire-Davtd, who Is a senior at Whit·
ment, he was an aircraft me-tier, I& majoring In speech cor-
chanlc with Marine Aircraft Be-rectlon. He has been president of
palr Squadron 77, based at the the Lancer Society, a campus so-
Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry ctal <>r«an.lzation for men. He
Point, N. C. was also preticlent of the Ski
LECAL lfO'nCE Club and has been a member of
C%JITIFJCATE OP BUSDfESS the swimming team. For the past
Pktttiou.l PlnD If._. semester be has served a~ resi-
THE UNDERSIGNED d b dent counselor at the mens dor-
0 ere-rnltory. Re hu been appointed by certify that they ate cq,nduc-speed\ th~apist for the Monro·
tine a Yardage business at 3337 vta City Schools District upon his
E. Coast Hlehway. Corona del graduation In February. Mar, Calll. It 209 Marine Ave .•
Balboa Island, Calllomla under BUJICLAJIT IS CJIAJICED
the fictitious flrm name ot Snip Larry D. Rouse. 19. of Los An·
'n' Stitch and that aald flrm is geles was booked on a burglary
composed of the foUowtng per-h b N 11 2 28 sons whose names In full and c arge Y ewport po ce at : 1 a.m . Jan. 18. He was chargt'd places of residence are as fol· with taking :n cans of soft
lows. to-wtt: drinks and two restaurant coffee
Vlelnla G. Watson, 311 Golden· cups from the concession on tht' rod, Corona del Mar, Calllornla. Verne H. Watson, 311 Golden-end of the Newport Plt'r. opt"r·
rod, Corona del Mar, Calllornla. ated by George Hlnt'r of 398
WITNESS our hands this 9th _H_am_u_t_on_s_t._. _eos_ta_M_es_a. __
day of January, 1956.
~~~~~~-Gw~!o~n Professional
COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. o•1rectory ON nus 9th day of January.
1~. before me. a Notary Public ____ _:::MVS:.:,::.:.IC:::._ __ _
Ln and for aaJd county and state,
residing therein. duly commis-
s ioned and sworn, personally ap·
Vlreinia G. Watson
Verne H. Watson
Margaret L. Scharle
Teacher of Piano
Organist · Accompanist
Evenlnf Classes tor dulls
Corona del Mar known to me to be the persons
whose names are aubecrlbed to
the within instrument, and ack-'--Ft11RJlAL--. __ D_DI_E_CT0~11S----~
nowledeed to me tbat they exe-.--....:..:.:.:.=:=:....;:;;=;.:;.;.=;;....--,
cflted the same. Friendly Neighborhood Service
WITNESS my hand and o1fi. PARKES-RIDLEY clal 8e&L
Notary PubUc tn and for saJd llO Broadway County and State.
My Commlaalon expires ~une U 8-34331t 8-3434 Costa Mesa ~ 1~. ;:==================~ Publlab: ~an. 12-19-~ Feb. 2.
In the Harbor c.nzuaJL
'-opletw... .....
~ ••• end
bela.W,flaet , ....
N OW ... TW O
Serving the Harbor Area
Baltz Mortuary
Harbor 42
3520 E. Coast Highway
Corona del Mar
Baltz Mortuary
Uberty 8-2121
17b It Superior. Cocta Mea
ll&rbor Blvd. at Glal«
moo• ~ 5.1151
• " •• , ''· _-fit-:.• ,,
-~-.... ...
.... 11:50. wow .. -...
Know the trick of saving money in buymg towels?
Choose better qualities -like these Cannon beau-
ties in Carefree Colors. A few pennies more in the
beginning can save you dollars in the end. In
better quality bath towels, you get years longer
service, faster absorbency, larger sizes and love-
lier sty1es. Buy some in your favorite colors today!
...... ..._.._. .. ,. .... ...... .... .,.... ..~......... ··-.........
.... 3'1: .......... .. ·~ II' a ... ..... .,.. .. .-Ji .... JC4 I Ill .. ........................
--.~-----... ,.... .,. .. ....,. .... ..... ..,....... ......... ..
..... clall4 ........ --... bla .,.. .. ~ ~t ..,a~ to ....S tn. • beoll w ,.._ • dletaDt a 1111'111 to
IMII ...-.... • •tcnaarpa, to watda • tc.t beaU Ia aport-._ .. Jut ..... E'feibala .. a.y to ca:qa1re.
CALL DJl NICBOLSO!f TODAY for an appointment to ex· amine, plftttlbe and 1Jt your chlld'a eyes with the proper eyewNr.
.. w. ltua lt.l ct.....,_, u a.lsa. C4lftl .. _
SPOJITSWEAJI from W AIIJIJ Swim Sulta, Sarongs, Dresses, KelkJa "Chlldren's"
Thlnga, Muumuus, Luau Costumes, Men's Aloha
Shlrta, Glfta, Decorations, South Sea Party Decorating
140 Soutll Coaat BlYd. (oext to ~bow) La9uJaa Beac.b
UfUIDfO ftUIDDT el tile
• ............... C:O..Dd.l ..
Cb~ ............ c. c:ro.sc. .....,_,., .... Pint Jla.
-a.ly of God Quell. Coeta
11--. (Piaoto by F.._)
Shop with your home-town
merchants. Read their ads ln the
Newport Harbor Enslen.
UOl VI. LUo. ...._. a..dl
A bre~h of The Moth.r Church, Tit. Fi~ Ch11rch of Chrid , Sci•ntid , in Bo..
ton, Mea..ch.n•tta.
S11ncley School 9:15 e.m.
Sundey S."'ice II :00 e.m ..
W.dn•tdey Ev•ni119 MHtin9 1:00 p.m.
lt•edin9 ltoom loc.t.d et 3315 Vie
Lido, N•wport S..ch, ia o~n -.•
deyt from I 0:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m~
W•d n•ad•y• from 10:00 e.m. to 7:45
p.m. Fridey evenin91 from 7:00 p.m. to
9:00 p.m. Clot•d Holideyt,
Th• p11blic ia cordielly invit.d to et·
l•nd lh• church ••,..,ices end liM the
R .. dinq ltoom.
Light their life with fJithiJ/ IJt
15th St. 6 St. And.rewa Rd.,
CICJ'OU fnlaa Blvta Seboo1
L.Ibel'ty I.Jm
Paatcw: a... Jczaa.-L St.wart
SUNDAY: Morning worship, 9:30
and 11 a.m.; Church -School,
9:30 and 11:00; Jr. HJrh. Sr.
High and college age Fellow.
ahlps, 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer,
study group, 9:30a.m.
420 w. lttll St.. COIIta lleecr
Uberty I -4552 a... Joeepb w. McSbcme Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun· day School ; 9:30 and 11 :00
a .m. Mornlne Worsh1~7 p.m.
College Age MYF Service - 7 p.m. High School MYF Service;
8 p.m., youne adults group
THE CBUllCB or amJST 1050 Cbarcb lt.. Coeta .. _
1.lberty UIN1
D. C. Bunt. lllaliter
Sunday services: 9:45 a.m. Bible
atudy; 11 a .m. morning wor-
ahlp; 7:30 p.m. ewnlng service.
Midweek ~rvice, 7:30 p.m.
Odd reuowa Lodp,
1141 Jfewport A..._
eo.ta M.a.
LJbMoty 1-5711
Tom Ball:er, Jr .. MiJltJiter
Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible
study; 10:55 a.m. worship serv.
Ice; 7:30 p.m. evening service.
Commulllty llethodlat
Balboa BlYd. ct 14tb St.. Jfewport
HArbor 5229
Pcator: a... Jloy A. Cat1..oD
Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m.
Church School: 9:30 a.m. Mid.
week Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Wed.
nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m.
1914 OraD,. A..._ Coeta Meecr
Libftty 1·1 011
Father Tboalca J. lfnta
SUDday MGAM ct 7. L I, 10 CIDd
11:30 a.m. Weekdaya: Mua at
7:00 a.m. -Confe&."lon: Satur·
days from 4:00 to S:lS-7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
22Dd SL & Elde:l A..._ Coeta Ueecr
Liberty 1·3761 ~ M. c. Croa.lc. Paator
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor·
ship: 10:55 a.m. and evangellst
service. 7 :30p.m. Young People
and Children's Service, 6:30
p.m. Sun. Mid-week Service:
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles'
MJsslon&ry CouncU, 1bursdays
9:30 a.m. for all day. •
If ........ BIYd. ct Bol.aa St..
If ewport Bel pta
Uberty 1·1 532
Elder D. L Spaul.dJ.Dg
Saturday Morning Servlcea: Sab·
bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser·
mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet·
ing: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.
artraCB of tile lfAZABEJrE
1115 AaalMba St.. Coeta lleecr ._._, -... cu .. wmw-a
~ .. 7111 Sunday ServiCe~~: Sune!ay School,
9:30 a.m. Morning Worship at 10:30 a.m. EvangelUt.Jc Serv· Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S.,
6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meeUnc,
7:30 p.m. Wednesday.
s.3 VIc ~:r' a..da
Sunday School : 9:15 a.m., Sun·
day S e r v I c e : 11 :00 a.m.
Wednesday Evenlnc Meetine:
8:00. Reading Room. 3315 VIa
Udo, Newport Beach. open 10 a.m.·S p.m. week daya, 10 a .m.-
7:45p.m. Wednesdaya, 7·9 p.m.
Friday evenlnn.
(lllunarl I.,..S)
Am.iCGD lAgioo BalL eo.ta ....
hstolr: -... Lotlacrr Tomow
Sunday Serv1ces: Worship Serv·
Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at
10:15 a.m .
liS AC)ate A..._ Ba1bM lllaDd
lllaia*: .... DoDaJ4 lapp
Barbo« 4.515
Sunday Services: 9:30 a. m.
Church School; 9:30 and 11:00
a.m. Worship Service.
Scmta ADa An. ct Jlapollc
Coeta ~~-a... P. C. lfeu~DC~DD
Sunday Servlcea:
9:45 a.m. Sunday School; ll
;l.m. Worship Services; 6:30
p.m .• Baptist Training Union;
7:30 p.m. Evening Service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m.. Pr&yer,
Praise and Bible Study. Mon·
day: 7:30 p.m. Men's Chorus
pr act Ice; 8:30 p .m. Men'a Prayer MeeUng.
ClltrBCII or ova LADY
1'41 w. lkalboa 81•cL ...........
BAtbor 021'
Pather I~K!ley, hstolr Patber Panacuaa
Aut. aatw
Sunday Maases: 8:00 aod 10:00
and 11 :30 a.m. Confeulon: Sat·
urdaya and eves.. of Ut Frtdaya and Holy Daya from 4 :00 to 5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30
p.m. Dally Ma.a 8:00 a.m. Firat
Friday: 6:30 a.m. and 6:00p.m. N o v e n a (Perpetual Help):
Tuesday, 7:45 p.m. Fithermen'a
Mass. July and August, Sunday
4 a.m.
Ebe1l Clahboue
515 w. lkalboa 81~ Balboa
Acti.Dg lllala*z WWialll WU.,
Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Morn · Inc worship, 11 :00 a.m.
1201 Via l.Jdo, lf....-port hcrda
HArbor 1230 a... Jolua II. Parka, a.c:toc
Sunday eervtcea: 8:00 a.m. Holy
Communion; 10 a.m. Family
Service with the Cherub and Junior Cholra; 11 a.m .. worship service. Thursday Se rvIces : 9:15 a .m. Prayer GuUd; 10:30 Holy Communion.
214 llari.De A..._ lkalboa 1alaDd
llArbor 0214
rat~aer s~u.., • .__ Fatlaer Paa au
Sunday Ma..asea: 7:00 a.m. a 9:00
a .m. ConfeuJon: Saturdaya and
eves.. of l.lt Frldaya and Holy Daya; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Flnt
Friday Mau 8 a.m. Summer
Mus. July and Auguat Sunday,
ll a.m.
or JfEWP011T COIOft1lfJ1T aroaca o.-.. An. ct Drd at.
Bcalboa a1~ lltb A eo..rt Ita.: Coaf1'419Gtt•td eo.tc 11--. LJbedJ a.saa If~ lli~An. A.A.~,_..
IIAtbor 3m L.Ibel'ty 1·10'71 ..~.Arb« 5m Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Mom·
faaton B.rbert a. Jolluora ,__: a... EdwSa a-a lng ServJce, 11:00; .Evenlnc
Sunday servlcea: 9:45 a.m.. Sun· Sunday Worship Services: 9:-0 Serv1ee. 7:30. Mld·week Sel'v·
day School; ll :00 a.m., Wor· a.m., 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: lee, W • d n e • daY , 7:30 p.m.
ahfp Service: 7:30 p.m. Sunda' 9:45 a.m. Younc people meet 6:15 p.m.
evening C: e r v l c e ; Mid-Wee •&WIOIT IIAJlaoa Sund~. Service: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday L1111IEUJI aroaca __
__ ••-
Prayer Meetlnlf. 2501 CUff Dr .. lf....-port lleiPta .. ~. c.iViCii -·-•
BABBOII ASSEMBLY OF GOD Uberty a.IIU 150 W. _.. ... lt.. c.te .,_
CJaapeL loatllera CcaW. a... aoben Onal1111d ~ ...._
• Bible eou.ge. Duplicate morn1n1 eervtces -9 ,_... Dr. ••• & ._
Uberty 1-1411 a.m. and 11:15 a.m., Sunday; Sunday .:hoot. t :45 a.m.· dlurcll -... c. B. T1la.maoed Kindergarten and Pre·School MfVke u :00 a.m. Traiftifta
Sunday achool 9:30a.m., momlnc Dept. Sunday School, 9 a.m.; Union 'T p.m. Sunday. ~
worship 11 a.m. Young people 1st Grade thtouah Adult Sun· wonbJp 1 p.m. Sunday. TMcll·
8ei'Vice 6:30 p.m.. evening day School, 10 a.m.: bua pro-.. and olllcsw meettnr T p.m. ..... __ .. 7 30 .tded and Nwwry provided for w~. PrQw ..-.tee aDd
:;l:':e.::k" =:t: 7::30 :::: both .mce. and 10 a.m. SUn· Btblc ~ 7:" p.m. w~
Wedneeday. da.Y ScbooL ctq ..
!'lUa Directory Ia mocle pcwfNe by th-c:IYie.mlnded Jmeln 1 •ww
NIMOIT HA-.1101 W. .... c.-._,. c.-......
fASTOII ef lt. Allcllswe ,..._
.,,..,._ Claarela , tile .... 1--La.....-.,.. .........
............ Coaadl of
Q...._( ...... byF.a-)
O•llla PariJ II IN
...... I.FIItl
1be annual can .. ta party of
the Woman'• Society of Chriltlan
Serv:lee of the Balboa bland
Community Methodt.t Church
will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow
{Friday) In Dearborn Hall.
Proceeds will be used by the
organization to decorate Dear-
born Hall, aoclal room of the
church. Tha.e attending· will
have an opportunity to play ca·
nasta, bridge, and table games.
Doo!-prizes will be given. The
event la open to the public and
both men and women are In ·
v1ted. Tlcket.a can be purchased
In advance or at the door.
General chairman Is Mrs. Har.
old J&mes. Aaslstlng her are Mrs.
Francis Riley, Mrs.. Steve Smith,
Mrs. Wayland Dunham, and Mrs.
Ethel Coane.
Both Methodl.st Church~ of
Newport Beach, Chrlst Church by
the Sea and the Balboa Island
Community Methodllt Church,
were designated, for special rec·
ognltlon thla month by the
Southern CaJifomla·Arlzona Con·
terence of the Methodlst Church.
They were placed on the Con·
terence. Honor Roll for having
paid more than halt their bene·
volence apportionments during
the first six months of the con·
terence year. Benevolence giving
Is for weUare and mluion work
beyond the local church.
Mrs. W. C. Bradford of 3807
Seashore Dr .• Newport Beach. no·
titled Newport polJce at 12:22
p.m. Jan. 17 that abe found a boy
named Jimmy. about 2~. wear·
lng a red T shirt. jeana, grey
jacket and a blue cap with ear
muffa. OUicera brought the boy
to the pollee station. where he
waa claimed by hls mother. Mrs.
Robert Dick of 109·26th St., New·
port Beach.
.. -.. .. ... ,. ~·· . ...... _ ·-· IIAIIDWAII
BOWW.Aia ......... ...
We believe every citizen and taxpayer htu a personal •take
in the Oil and Gtu Con1ervation lnitimive
A buce increue in California'• recov-
erable oil reeervs will reau.lt from an
oil conservation measure for which title
baa been approved by the Attorney
Prohibits Waste of a Vital
Califomla Resource
This initiative differs aharply from
other oil meaaurea broucht before the
public in the. paat. It do• not permit
market demand curtailment and pro-
ration. It ia deeirned aolely to rive the
oil industry leral tools, to mateb it.
know·how, to carry out prodl,\ctlon
practices neceaaary to enable the io-
duatry to be cood atewarda of Califor-
nia's oil reaervee.
Insures continued high employment
lt will enable a maJority of the opera-
tors in a field to branc about practice.
which will prolong immeuurably the
lives of fields in which they are em·
ployed, insure continuing employment
to tboee in the induatry far beyond
present expect.ationa, and provide a
atr9ng bulwark for the corneratone
represented by oil production that
underlies California'• whole economy.
Oil means three billion dollars In
pocketb6oks of Callfomlans
The public welfare involved in rood
oil co~:~.~ervation ia indicated by the fact
that in 1954 the varioWI P.41troleum
producta derived from California oil
production added about three bUlion
doUara of new wealth to the State.
For two yean Richfield hu conduct~
a public information program about oil.
A. a public aervice and in our own aelf-
intereati we have been tellloc the
people o California how tremendoWI
quantitiea of recoverable oll are beinc
wuted by bei.q left \l.IU'eCOVered la
the CJ'()QDd.
Rlc:b.fteld eactneera han told meati.ap
of women'• rroopa, commWllty leedare
and cou.vatioli croupe bow the ph,.
leal wute of oil eou1CI be P-revented.
and the 1ize ol \be pubUc 1 ltab ia
cood oil c0081n'atloll p~
Tbeae mMtiD1a han alwaya ended
wit.b .troD~ ~OQI of IIQj)pori fM
action that would protee' tiM public
interset In We ~tal natural l'eiOUI'eL
Public hca lle•M4e4
thla conrtrudlwe odlen
It Ia beeauae of \be Vfll'Y favorable pub-
lic ,...poue to the inlormatioG pro-pam that we decided to aponeor an
initiatin meuure for an oU con.aerva-
tion law and brine the matter tlirsctl.J
befoYS the people.
Not enouch new poola are beiq d•
covered in California tO .«eep oiT pro-
duction equal to ever·lncreaalnc
demand. We are now aendin1 d.ollara
abroad lor the purchue of oil-dollara
that would ot.berwue be circulated
amonr our own people in l>&yment for
cooda and aervic:ea of a1J lrinda.
Initiative provides only sure way to
k"p Catlt.mla's •II prosperity
There ia one aure way t.o increue Cal-
llornia'a reeerv• of recoverable oil and
thWI uaure California of contlnu.d
proaperity. That w~ ia unit operation
in u many oil poola u poaaible. Cali-
fornia producera need t.be law to facil-
itate 11nitiution.
My a.ociau. R. W. Racland, and I
are the eole aponaora of the initiative
petition. But diaeuuiona wbleh we
have bad recently with other oil people
indicau that a majority of the lndu.-
try willaupport the propoaal.
We upeet the meuurs to qualify for
the ,eneral election ballot, November e, tt64.
Chas. S. Jone1
without wings
cliiDbs like a
'56 Chevrolet !
Ever level off a mountain with
your footT Nothing to it. Just point
thia new '66 Chevy uphill and eue
down on the gas.
Up you go with a quiet (hy-
draulie-hulhed valve liften now in
all eoainea-V8 or 6) rush ~power.
Thia il the car, you know, that
broke the Pikea Peak record. The
ear that c:oDq\lel"ed towerina ll'ld•
ADd vicioua nttehhack turDI to
~-itt •Piriar performanee,
IWidliDa .. &Dd camerina ability.
'l"JM.e are baiJt.-ID qualiU• tW
melD mon . dri•ma pleuure and
-.I tty for )'OU. Cbnrolet &lao o«aw . IUdl -.ltty ,...._ u .. behl,
with or without lboWder Jwue.,
IDd iDitnameat pael peddiq •
atnHolt opdom.
There ... 11 ..... Chenoleta-.u With Bodt ., rw.. Drop .. --drift ...
New Officers and Committees
Are Elected by COM Church
Zonta Glub Plans Pot-Luck
for Leap Year Day. Feb. 29
Jt.-amo.e fGr the comJnc board ~ dMconn ... are Mn. The H-Ba.rbcw Zonta Club .. _ • .....,uaJn•-"' ..... tb ot.h --.....,_..._ ft---"'-• -. 1 .......... _ ....... _ L &.J-..a._,_ --..-.~. -.. \CU.... er coun· ,_ --· ---... ....... " -·--....., -· Ia planalq a pot·ludr dln.ner for trlea, ~ the thlnp that ate n1nc, Jan. 12. at the annual din· and Mra. D. a. ltooke. ,U,.4Y memben and ,.._... on Leap happeruJ'\1 to then and with thla
Mr ot the Colona del Mar Com· ~ are Mn. J. a. ltll. Mra. nu De.>-Wed.neldaT. r~ 29. unden&.ndlnC. A&rt a new drive lllllDit7 auuda, CoftlrecaUonal. B. a. liiiJJ«, Mn. a. P. MGrrtU. An aft«Dooa card part)' Is plan· fot peace." Mn. Correa. who la n.. duarda aiftc:en f« 1tM Mn. L W. Ntltt. Mn.. C. lt. IMd for Marcil 15. In cb&rp of ,_dent cl the Zonta Club ot
are Kocm.an Brown u church Cloee, Mho C. &. Cave &Del Mn. dlae ....m. wlU be Maret.~ Santiaao, Oille, Ia In the United
ec:bool IIUperlnteadent. lOa. AI· a. E. I.Aw1.a. wbo Is a ltt. mem· llelMrt. wa.ys and meana · St.tea u a delecate to the lnter-
tbur Gruwell u dum:h cl•k. a. ber. JftAA. American Cotnnllsaton o1. wonwn.
B. GrtcP u ftnanda1 MCNtary, e '1'8DI IILD .AIID Put ~«S.t Butb Bamune WbJeb belonp to the Pan Amett·
Ralph Morrill u tr.uurer, John Ruw:y ..... and Georfe wu -tll4 U.. ~ tor can Union meet!"• In W••"''"'•
Sadletr u aud.ltot and W. D. Hu· Weedon ..,.. elecud to the ,._. .... ~ .. ·
l A _-.., flitDd.lblp cortap at tU J&A. 5 ton. D. C. !~~~~;;~==~=~ Pie dl&lle diddle, Lucky Leaf muon u -Y ._.._ator. board ol. ~ Joinlnl L W. Zoot. ........ at U.. VWa Ma-Mrs. Correa told of the actJve
ln the mlcJdle ••• Bubbllnc be· Elec:ted to the board of deacont Pwttltt. o. M. Campbell, C. L r1na I« ber wor1t at tiM fall con· part women play In the pvem·
wttll IA11R
tween two cruata ••. Like the lit· th1a Jar are K M . Perry, A. K. Cloee, W. L. Everett and Vetne ~ bel4 Mle. Luncheon ment ot Chile. where there ate
t1e dol you'll taucb. to tute Phelpa and E. a. Becl\tel. Thoee I.Ae. A. C. Howald and Edcar cuelta lnclucJed l:wlyn Green. two women IO'Vemors and 22
11Ucb pa. ..• But don't let the already MrVtnc on thta board Hlrth were elected new' m.embenl eo.t.a Ilea realtor ; Sblrley women Judaes. The clualf1ca·
dish run away with your can are B. X. Fenton. Dr. 0. G. or the board of rellcloua eduea-Smith. ero..oacla Vlllace phar· uaau of the women In the Santi·
opener or you won't feel like Bowell, W. L Bak.kela. C. E. tlon. jolnlnc Mrs. R. X. Harvey, maey co-owner, and Allee Burk~. aro Zonta club lnclud~ lawyers,
'umplnc over the moon ••. Cave, M. A. Harwood and W. D. Mn. A. B. McBride, Mrs. Burt JtDT AIIDIL&WI. • ,...._. Balboa t.Jand dtfts ahop owner. archltec:U, brokers, an ac:trftS, 8
ThOle Grocery Rhymee never did Bumuon. Pr~ and Dr. J. IC. Ramel. Har· -'-' _.. .... a. t.M ..., A dlatlngulahed cuest at the dancer. a cabinet ma.ker and a
make any aente, •. I'm all can· New memben named to the old Dobert becomes Ute new diNctal' e1 a. •.....,..t J1Aat.r luncheon Mrs. Marla Correa of mf"mber of the United Nations
ned up over a new llne of star membft ot the Board of Benevo· c-..aty ...,.,... .. a. u.. Chill, &UIIested that Zontlant staU. Mrs. Correa's own clualtl·
boarden wbo are llvtnc rent free 'Cuba' ~ ~orr·ls lence. making a committee of ........ t:be OkoboJI IUID· cation In thls International aet'V·
t.U you take them ott our ahelvea lVI three w1th Mrs. o. M. Campbell -'I'll•••'• .. Sptrtt Lalla. Students Add Ice club La fanner. becauR ahe .. , Luck:)' Leal Instant Pie Fll· and Lowell Newlon. low& _. ~Y tcrotiat Cit owns two randlea which cover
llnp... Is Elected by New memben of the mualc: Iowa,_.. Val...tty.CoeUD1· thousands or ac:rea and produce
commlttee are Mrs. Cutleman .....aty _. QdsMU c:ou..,. t p 1• F d * * * e·b I I T k Smlth and Mrs. w. s. Spicer. .... ftnt play .. t.be &oca1 0 0 10 un "=~Stanley. Dlltrict chalr·
...... ... p lllla., ..... I n u c e r ~~. ~:~ a~~m~ a-:: =,;:::.,.::..'"loa Call't The enUre student body of man for the Amelia Earhart I ~~ ~ ..., w yoa vey Peue. The new uahers com· Newport Harbor High School put Scholarship Yund. paid tribute
t. ..,.._.t wltlal Pint of "Cuba" Morrta ol Santa Ana mlttee lnc:ludH John Sadlelr, on a "peanuts for polio drive" to this famous avlatrlx. wbo was
Bgin & Homilton
Wall ace Calder head
JEWELER .U • .....aa ,.., r.adf t. •· wu elected president of the Bib Jamee Van Dyke, Robert Mere-N El t yestft'day afternoon to rala(o a rormer Zonta member. Sh~ de· ... ...., • ~ .. auta 'n' Tucker Club at a recent meet· dlth, Donald Hayton. Lee Jack· urses ec funds for the March of Dimes. I ICrl~ the IK'holanhlp elven an-
...,..-ways Cit cdMNt • ... lnl' In the home of Mr. and Mrs. aon, Claude Scott, Robert Roper L d Each student wu atven 10 nually to a woman student of 3!23 Eaat e-n Hi9l.wey
......... Ow ...... It ool4 ta Robert McFarren, Corona Hleh· and Robert Ball. Mrs. an ers bap of peanuta. with ln.UUC· aviation In memory of Mia Ear· CoroM del Mat
• ....., • ..._. cnaat ...,...S lands. e •OIOJfATIXQ COIOO'TTEE tiona to sell .them tor aa much I :.:h~art~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~
wttll .........-cncaa • •• Ow Mrs. William Blurock of La-Mra. W. D. Humuon and Mrs. ChaUen Landers of Bal· u possible. All students wne r
..-. _. leta • ' • • CGbb-cuna was eelcted secretary; Dr. Robert Hom were named to the boa wu elected president of the exc:uaed at 1:15 to conduct tbe
_.. • •• Or ftlW coo~ • • • W. E. Mtlum of Bay Shores. nomlnat1nc committee a 1 on I Vlsttlnc Nuraes Aun. or Orange peanut sale on a houae to house
llcllala .. ,,..., • ,_ CI'*IRll membership c h a Irma n ; Mrs. with holdovers, Mn.. Joh~ Mea· Countv at the annual bualnHS bula throughout the entire high llal8la .... lor ...,._. Scott Crowley of Laauna, aaaUt· d ~-Stuart Dl-.. 1 ~---~ achool dl.strlct. The goal for the • • • •-or. ~·· """ • JUS... m-In .. or the -oup r~ntly In 1 bella llciWa Bill-. ta Goc.· ant membership chairman; C. E. ~.... D vt-and J • --11• ..,.,... • •· dr ve wu aet at $1.000. • • • ....... rce a -· ...,.. "' thelr otfices In Santa Ana . .a.... Clllllel ky. wiNd dA4 we Vandervort of Lido ble, treuu-Stetten.een. The Lay Delecates Other offlcers elected Included The project wu arranred by
ct. ....,.. •• bcld Ladrr LMf rer; Mrs. R. L. Watkins of La· for thla year wUl be Mlaa Clyde Or. E. F. Cain or Anaheim. vice CostPollcae MCh..!_eaf, A.rthh•adurofMthc:K__enMzlare cohf
..,.._, ..... tM PIWDI • • • auna. hlJrtorlan. Maynard. Mont& Perry, Mrs. ld t ~-Ed Sl t "'"' "' "' We OMIIDed rcdaLM .ad ...s.4 Other board members are Mrs. Frances Cox and A. K. Phelps.. pres en ; ...-u•. gar z.er 0 of Dimes tor Oranre County. ~ ._,_ C1D4. tllh' '89 E. Haley. Alex MacGillivray and 1 wtll Laguna Beach, secretary, and ------------•-On the memorial comm ttee Amos Travt.. of Placentia. treuu· ...s .._.... ,.. wnldll't .-t It Robert McFarren of Corona del be Mrs. John Me ado r. M.n. -r. Ebell ~01~
tiM tlaldl• ... ..._ Mar; Mrs. L. Irwin of Santa Ana • .,._ Co Ro-rt Ho V•m• •" 1"1111111111 ... ~ • • • .... nces X. """' m . "' "' Dr. Helen Robertson of New· Dr. M. E. Seacord of Fullerton. •-~-,..__ D vt-and
* .......,..,, · ......... ....,.rae a "'" port Beach r~ported on the work R. P. ICellocc Jr. of Laon•na and ~-c D c upe Travel section of Ebell w1JJ •-........ · · r · of th• medical advlsorv commit· M. S. Clark of Lacuna. Besld tb 1 urter Rev Ed "' ., have William Fritz of the World * * Lucky Leaf ln.atant Appl~ P1e
Fllllnc! But don't waste lt all
on apple plea ... Thourh you'll
find It to be the closest to a
treat\ apple pie you've ever nib·
bled on a piece of cheese wtth
... Eat plain with cream. or let
It aet acquainted with your
breaktut cernl ... Ever have
apple napjacn with pork chopl
or pork roast! . . . Add aome ap·
pie pte fUllnc to ready prepared
pancake m1x •.. Sure you can
eat them w1th pork envy!
* * * at...,....,.. ~· Aprt·
ODit. ttauwt~oM•r· •IMidMn'r· .... ..... ..... c::IMI'I'f •••
L11dt7 LMd ..... .n.ta..,. ....,.. tndtY ............... be
The next dance wtu be held es · e m n · · . tee which aeU up the medical Travel Bureau In Santa Ana aa wtn Gomke. the church staff In· policies of the association. The Saturday. F~b. 18, at the Santa cludes M ary B. Steffensen as group provides profHSional nurs· guest speakf!T for thelr next
Ana Country Club. mlnt.ter of musk. Margaret l ang care for the critically Ill pa· meeting to be held at 8 p.m
Scllarle as OC"ganl!t. ldamae
tlent.s In thetr own homes undeT Tue-sday. Feb. 7. at the Ebell
G ··rls to Hold Kelly .. office secretary. Monta supervision of their own physl· Clubhouse on 515 w . Balboa Perry u custodJan and Mn. clans.. Blvd .. Balboa.
LouiM Barrett and Mrs. W. L.l Mrs. Landers reported that the Mary Gordon from the airlines eanut a e Bakkela u wedding directors group Is Interested In coopera· wtll demomtrate packing forth~
pro-tem. tlng with fund raising activities travelleT. The mH'tln& will be
The following members. who ~ of the Community Chest and also free to the public. but a sllveT
joined Corona del Mar Commu· In acquainting the public with offeri ng w1ll be taken. a<'COrdlng
nlty Church during 1955 were I the work of the agency. The to Mrs. Frank Perew. Jt'ctlon
honored at the annual meeting: nursing croup received support c:halrman. The March meeting of
Mr. and M.ra. William Anderson. from the Community Chest In the Trav~l Section wtll featur~ Mr d Mr Robert J Ball Mrs Or. Giles Brown of Orange Cout
Harbor Alea's groups of Camp
Fire Glrla and Blue Blrds spent
t1rne durlnc recent meetings
wrapplnc can.o of peanuts tn
theb brtgbt red. white and blue
Camp Fire bands.
Peanut& wU be eold door-to·
door by the active younpt~ra
from Jan. 20 to Feb. 5 and booths
wUJ be matntaln.ed at various
c:entral &pot&.
· an 5· · ' · the ar~a havtng C'Ommunlty fund Colleg~. who will show films of Kathryn W. Barnard, MB. H. T. raising but ways of obtaining PakJstan.
Ber'rY. Mra. Maud E. Boody. Mr. m~ans for care or patients In the • • •
and Mrs. Clyde A. Bowman. Mr. fut.growlnc area where no such Ebell Book Section n will
and Mn. Stuart D. Brock, Mr. money ls avallable pose a oerl· and Mra. Wayne E. Burback and oua problem. It wu reported. have Dorothea Sheely. head 11· dauJhteor Joan Marie. Mrs. Fred brartan of the Newport Beach
LOSE··· 1'boM
EITII •••••• Ill lEI
I>mmq Tlw
Harb« 170
lnut ••• All4..., _. ta ............... ....., ...
•hlli ......... WIMllfaa
Mrs. Ralph Waterman ot eo.ta
Keaa. ehatrman ot the peanut
committee. announced that the
sale would be to further the
Camp Fire or1anlz.atlon and
funds wU be adapted to a ooon
to be Ol'ganlud board of dlrec·
ton and a council. The gtrls will
use thetr earnings to attend day
camp this summer and other
camp flre project.a.
Butterworth. Mr. and Mrs. Or· c dl Public Ubrarlea.. ~nt a re·
ville 0 . DH.rdortl and dauchtft' 90 an es • • vtew on "Red Plush and Black
Sandra Lee, Jtetv. and Mrs. Ed· Bread," a book on ttu.la at th~lr ~::::;:==::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==::==:===:::::: wtn c. Comke. Or. a nd MrL Wll· nnt m~ to ~ held at 12:30 ,r ---_., .. ..... clelldoao ln.ltl
,.,....)4 be .. • ,..,....s ..-.. ca. a1x wttla wlaipped
CNCIRl ••• AAd wttla • ....wa
JNddiR9 ta t.be -...a. you'd
belft ....... c:::r... Pie •••
So "" lillie -eipltcet -.,.... CIJP&e ... ca wttb you bcdle4
balal Well yoa tot ttl Ia auf· tans. ~ Jelly ......
•• tllat ....,. ca.
••• To ....-JOG
)jMildllltl. J)aDC.a BbMe
A Symphony J It for children!
The Orange Cou ty Philharmonic
wtth Frieda Be Infante conduct·
tna. Two Con on Saturday,
January 21 . . . 10:.30 In the
m ornlnc In the Orance Coast
Colle.-Auditorium or 3 1n the
attemoon at Fullerton Junlol'
CoUe,e Auditorium . . . The
llam Leverton, Mr. and Mrs. Althouch Mra. Eliza Brimberry Wednesday. Feb. 8. at the Ebf-11
Robert McFarren. Mr. and Mrs. was dnly 90 years old on Mon· Clubhou~. 515 W. Balboa Blvd .
Ropert M~redlth. Mrs. Genevteve day. she received more than 100 Balboa. The review will follow a
Paden. Mrs. Clifford Qu~l. Dr. birthday card& and letters or basket lunch. acordlng to Mrs
and Mrs. Robert w. Roper and concratulattons and had many Frank Per~. section chairma n
aon Robert Eueene, Mr. and Mrs. many vtsltors C'Ome to her blrlh·1 Ethel Walker, Santa Ana public
Elmo B. Roper, Mrs. Harriet day party open house glv~n by librarian. w1JI ~ the guest
Short. Mr. and Mrs. weaver H. her granddaughter wtth whom speaker at the March meet.Jna of
Shop to Open Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Marshd she makes hi!T home, Mrs. G. Hu -~ this section.
Vauehn. Mrs. carrte M. Walser. bert Pelrsol. 600 Ac:ac:la Ave .. Co· ... MVN aT¥ a ru sen an
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Weedon rona del Mar. -------.--E S A
The Jewel Box ls the name of and aon, Georce W. m, Mrs. Ul· Many of the happy birthday
a new jewelry &tore opening Frl· llan A. York. messages w~re sent by membeTS U pH 0 L S J E R II~ ' day, Feb . .2, at 2726 E. Coast of the Methodlat Church In Nam· g
Highway, Corona del Mar. Own-pa, Idaho. where Mrs. Brimberry UpbolstertD9 & l>raperf
era of the shop will be Bob Mur· was an active worker for 50 Uberty 8-C'781
phy, who now Uvea at 716 Orchid years. A number of the callt>rs 2350 ".....,o" BL c:o.to M..a
Ave., Corona del Mar. and Mary The newly elected officers of were from the Corona del Mar ~===~======~ Lou Tonnesen of 710 Kinas Rd., St. Margaret's Guild of the Costa Community Church. where she ;
Cliff Haven. Mr. Murphy, owner Mesa Eplacopal Mtsslon cond· ha.a made many friends slnce
of the South Lacuna Tlme Shop, ucted their tim monthly meet· coming to Corona del Mar. Flow-
is c:Joslnc his South Laguna Inc Jan. 18 In the home of Mrs. ers and rifts Included an orchid
Shop and movlng the ~ntlre John Teacle at 944 Congress St.. co1'!1Age for Wn. Brimberry to
watch repair equipment her~ to Costa Mesa. wear at her party. Her huge
be part or the Jewel Box. He has The ort1eera are Mrs. John Don· birthday cake. abo decorated
had 25 yean experience tn watch nelly, chairman; Mrs. John Tea· with nowers. aal~ ''Happy Birth·
repair work. gle, co-chatrman; Mrs.. Janet day, Eliza" In rro.tlnt. Miss
Mrs. Tonnesen formerly lived Deeker. ~; Mrs. Clifford Neva Cyr of Corona del Mar as·
In Corona del Mar and 1s known Thomu, treU\U'e'l', and Mrs. Bob· slated with the party.
From Bel~um. Holland. Swed~n. Cermany. Italy
• England.
Arabesque Jf'Welry
from Toledo Spain
In the Harbor for h eT ac:t1vtt:Jes ert Miller. publJcJty. Alao In celebration of the
wtth Kappa KAppa Gamma 10. A ~ub«d dlnn~ will be I ~ent Mr. and M.ra. P~lraol took
rortty alumnae actJvtUes. She held by the CuUd 'nlursday. Feb. thelr crandmother to dinner at
will be In c:harce of the co.tume 9. In the Pariah Ball at St. James Chef's Inn. where ahe received «n 11. arowctwaf ...... A.-
jewelry 1n the ahop. which wiU ;Ep~bc:o~p~al~Ol~urc;:b~,~N~ewpo~~rt.~;;;;;;;;;~&DOth~~er~b;lrth~~~~c~ak~e.~=;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;:~~~~~~;:~
Include ortclnal pleeft by Ivy
Luby and Yona. UnW recently
Mrs. Tonne.en hu been .-ocl·
ated with Mona'• Fuhlon Jf!W·
e1ry In Beverly Hlllo. THE BIGGEST ADVANCE . pie<* wllJ be aborter, the lnmu·
ment8 will be ct.rnouttated. the pl~ plQ'ed wtl1 be explalne<t aDL POa GmaAJIDS • • • But naturally adult:o are A dauct\ter, 6 1M., 10 oz.. wu
wekome! In faet thta particular born t o Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
type at eoneen t\u been re· Gibbard of 217 ·29th St •• Newport
quelled b)' adulte ••. There wU1 Beach. ln Santa Ana Community
be a compl.te •rl• If the ,.. B-ltal on Monday. Jan. 16.
tpoMe com,.,-with that ol -;::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::;:::;:::;::=:::::;
the l'fl\&lar concerta . • •
* • * -.Sheer 'klvet
Up,stick Duo
,; Dorothy Gray-
exciting • 8lamorou1 • cli1tincti~• . .
* URCOUC * & 50N * •r:uaY *
We recommend·
To a nyone deSlring a career in the
being offered by
ln the evening division beginning
January 30. l 956
Thest> roursn have been prepared with
th~ active participation of M"veral lNd·
lng ~lect.ronlc manufacturers and are d~· sicned sped flcally to quaUty men and
w~n for work In tbls Industry.
7:00 to t :JO P.X. ,...._ Dd ,...,.. .......... , ... Jl
General Fonman,
Heltpot Corp.
Room (. TechnoloCY Bldc-
A lecture-laboratory type oC
courw for t~male land
mal~) assembler trainees.
Coven the uae of buk band toola and meuurln&
devic:H. practice tn aaem-bly operaUona typical to
the ElN:tronJaa lndu~. No
p r e v I o u o experl~ee Ot
<."'UU'8e wol'k nquirect.
7:00 .. t:JO ............
Wed........_ J-..
aedt.ll9 J-L
lb.lrt1s &..,..
Oran1e Cout CoUep
Room 3, Tec::hnoJol)' IUq.
A baste: course ln 41rect
current electrldty wtth ma -
Jor empbuta on appUeta .
Uona In tbe 11~
field. A ba~und In Rllll
School Math I n c I u d I a •
aome alpbra rtqulnct.. A
knowledp ot trlcor.oowb)'
... , ... , __ 4 ~ ........ ' .... .. ....... " "
..., ...
CDII OOWWUWIH C&WW • .. BeautJ ~ A.ebel." a OM-
"11 God .. Jar Ua" wW be the act Play about J apan, wW be ~ topic: r. tbe duplicate atqed at 6:30 p.m.. .Sunday 1n
wonblp aenkee at t :45 and u the aanctuary or the Balboa
a.m. Sunday tn the Corona del Ial a o d CommunJty Methodlat
Mar CommunJty auuch. Tbe Church. Mn. Leonard uu,ave
Jt.everend and Mrt. Edwin c. 1a the director.
Gomke are bavtnc the Senior The proeram wW be preceded
PUcrtm Fellowablp croup 1n by a 5:30 retreebment period and
their home at 6:30 p.m. 1\Jnlor a &,o'clock lnfonna.l hymn atnc.
PlliJ'lm Fellowahlp meeta 1n PU· Tbe cut includes Henry Ferry. er1m Hall ot the church at the Jeanine Bonner, Pam Elaner, Su·
aame hour aa.n Nealy, Marilyn SbOQter, Mar.
· Cl\l'et Fruehan. Sharon WaJde ·
llch, Barbara Harper, and Georee
Leorn to Donee Hauser.
The Newport Beach City Coun·
ell wtll hold an adjourned meet ·
Lng at 10 a.m. tomonow (Friday)
to discuss the city water prob·
lem and perhaps also call tor
bids on the trailer park Improve·
Phone in your news stories to JS2l E. COAST HIGHWAY
CORONA DEL MAll your local newspaper, the En· ---.-...--.-..-----Ruling Made
9n Boundary
.. treat , .. ,
Harbor Area Locations
1100 w. eoa.t IIJ9bway,
X.....-tlleacb (across from the
Balboa Bay Club)
Ll 1·'7525
216 N.CII't.M A..._ 8cllboa lllaDc1
JIAirtl« I 0
sign. Harbor 1114.
1/rti ...
We're proud of our
workmcmahip, hand
finishing and
attention to details.
Tar Tattles • • •
Members of the student coun-
cil held a joint meeting with
student court last week. Bob De·
Loni Introduced the members ol
student court and told ot Its
functlonlngs. Councll members
returned to thelr classes to give
a word picture of the penalties
that could be expected for br..ak·
lng the school laws. Plans were
made for the "Peanuts for Polio"
sale, which took place yesterday.
• • • e TEJflfiS TEAM LOSES
A girls' varsity tennis match
with Fullerton last week at home
was not a ll that could be hoped
for. We lost eight to two. l nbe·
tween sets the girls were served
milk and cookies. Better luck
next time, girls. • • • e DAifCE AFTEB THE CAKE
<Continued from Page 1) removal ol such a large area ot
assessed valuation."
Herb Jenks. member of the
Mesa School Board, said that the
reaction of the board. upon see·
lng the size of the annexation
area, was to exclaim, "My eood·
ness, that's not what we were
thinking about!" e SHOW OF BAJfDS
At the conclusion of the meet·
lng Mr. Boyd called for a show
ot handa favoring annexation to
the Newport district, and the
raising ot hands was practically
Last Friday's dance after the
Basketball game with Garden
Grove was lots of tun. Not as
well attended a.s It could have
been; there were only about
sl.xty kids there. You guys that
pass up a school dance are mJs.
sing a lot of fun a nd a chance to
bear a good band, the "Rhythm
Kings." The senior clus dld a
fine job of decorating and the
humorous murals of basketball
players around the waU. were
real clever. Punch and cookies
were served for refreshments.
Attorney Mark Soden pre·
sented the case tor the Harbor
Highlands residents at the Su· I
pervisors' hearing Tuesday. He
also handed to the supervisors a 1
petition for annexation signed
by 215 of the 300 residents In the I
area, and copies ot correspond· I
ence between the N~rt and 1 Mesa boards. He said that many
ot the Hlihlanda ~sldents had
1 moved there with the under·
standing that their chllcfren
would attend Newport schools.,
and would not have moved there L~~l3ih
J allen Green. a senior at Har·
bor High and daughter ot Mrs.
Lenora Green of 312 Diamond
Ave., Balboa Island, has been
chosen Zonta Glrl-ot-the-month
tor January.
Supt. Andersen af\d Supt. Rea
also spoke, substantially as they
had at Sunday's meeting. Mr.
Rea said that lt the Mesa district
were to lose the tAxes from the
Highlands assessed valuation.
the alternatives would be an In·
crease In the school tax and
more state ald. e DISACUENEJfT CITED
In answer to a question from
Supervisor Wlllla Warner 11 there
had been any dla&ifeement over
the original ann.x.atton bound·
ary, Mesa School Board Chair·
man Schwartz said. "Very deJI.
nltely. In Aua-ut we had In
mlnd a much smaller section
than fi nally was Included In the
Linton Slmmons. county super·
lntendent of Schools, who had
attended the joint di.acusslons In
August. said that aa tar aa he
could remember there was no
discussion then as to the exact
area. but he assumed that there
was agTeement on the area when
he received the annexation pet!·
Costa Mesa mothers represent·
lng the Main, Rea and Llndber&
School PTA.s spoke up In oppoal·
tlon to secession from the dls·
trlct. They said that the Mesa
schools needed financial rellet.
CO nlWC THE autQif G1 tbe
~ of ac:aao_..• ~· ••t aton lat Tbanclay ..,.
Nn. 0. w. IUclacmS ., .........
Bel9btl CIDd UttJe 8aabanl.
21/a·}'M:r·old daa91&t.r .C tiM
OWDen of t.be .-.. (Eulga
St. Ellz.abeth GuUd ol St. James
Episcopal Church will meet at
12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 1, at
the home ol Mrs. Robert Grlet!Sft
Sr.. 214 Carnation Ave., Corona
del Mar.
Final Days ---
Final comment came from a
Harbor Highlands mother who
said, "I didn't move here with
the Idea of helplne out an lm·
poverlshed school dlatrlct. My
children will not return to a n
Inferior schooL"
Was one ol your New Year'•
resolutions to get thing• done
promptly and on time! WeU,
then we'd better get with lt and
start malllne the little Valentine
gltt we plan to send to Aunt
Suzy back In GreenvllJe-and
not to forget Joanne away at
colleee. either. O'BRIEN'S La full
ot lovely gltt.a that wUI capture
your Valentine's heart lor sure!
Wbat c1o we aun-t? Ob..
th_.. an lob of pretty t.b1Dp
to abow yoa. If I ..,. yoar
va~eau.. rc1 be t.bJtlle4 wttJa
oae of t.be broa4 MW b~ We Must Clear The Decks • . .
our Cruise Clothes are Coming
* Robes * Loungewear * Sweaters * Hoeiery * Hats * Handbags * Coetume Jewelry
Including all of our famous brand name
merchandise in our regular stock ..
all latest styles, fabrics and colors
• All Salea
no exchancee,
ntuntt. «
charp aal•
FASHION APPAl&. .,.7 ...... ,. • ..a.;
c.. w...c:..
LAertJ e..7GI
that ant...S tbJa ... of ...... lOIS. COAKE BOXOIIEJ) baloa,• aa eat~re~y MW fabdc
For outstanding 81!1V1ce to the tb1a 18 paettt. tbaD tbe flaeat
Woman's Society ol Christian Dya-···~tt.. 1'oar v~. Serv1ce of the Balboa Island u.. wW ...._ oea of u...
aommunlty Methodist Church. ......_that •blapar of IPdD9
Mrs. Clinton T. Coane, 106 ~ to co.e -• • cIa • h• • wttla Agate Ave., Balboa Island, was OO.aiD'L
recently honored with a llte Your Valentine wllJ &lao Jove
membership In the orpnlz.atlon. one of the d a r I J n 1 abortle
ClmiiTIAif SCIEJICK caoaca nighties. ll ahe'a a lone nightie
"U we love one another, God &al. we have thoee too, but don't
dwelleth in us, and hla lcwe Ia overlook the new style and com· fort of the abortJea; they are perfected in ua." Tbe.e worda really adorable! Por the Valen· from the f.lrat eplstle of 1ohn (4:1.2) are the Golden Text of the tlne who loves pretty cloth"
Su nd a Y Lesson • Sennon on (and what ilrl does n • t f)
"Love" at the Newport Beach O'BRIEN'S have some beautiful
CbrlstJan Science church. new bouUant petticoats ready to ----;Q.;~..a;....,...,...., __ ~ whlrl thelr way Into her heart
")0 Y ••rs Ex.,-rience Petfectl119
Su.,-rior Cl•eniru~ c ,..,._n.hlp"
Careful Helldllnq of All o.liee'-
Febries, luded a Lace Gei'TMfttl
"'-Herbot 5352
Pie• Up a o.liYefY s.Mc.
o.,... I •.111. to 1:10 """ -s.tv•y .• ··"" .. JrlO , __
l4U f. Co..t Hwy.t CereM ., Waf
and aome brand new Crescendoe
cloves to keep her handa ..
wann u h,r heart. For thoee of
you who want to add sparkle to
her flncen. but are noJ quite
ready for 41amonda. tJy the new
er.cendoe "Orpbeo" 1 t u d d e d
with rhii\Mooee. ror the paf41e·
tlonlat chooee the almplJ em-
broidered "Sequenc."-ID perfect
AlrDII,_..,. 'lte ..,...,.. ............ ......................... ................ __ _
latea.~D"W ......... . ....... ................ ..
.... ,.. .. DAft .. .
lifJUII .... ~ ... .............
Save on all wool coats that are style
right and so full of value at this low,21M
low price. Reduced for January clear-
ance. Sizes '8 to 18.
Big savings on women's short coats 1s•
that are style right-Sizes 8 to 18.
Women's 1 piece Outing~as $1M
Women's Outing Gowns, Size 42 to 48 $1.44
Challie Sleeping Gowns and Pajamas ____$1.99
Girls' Warm Robes Reduced, 4 to 16 yrs. __.$4.77
Spedrd ......,.. pblclapleat
c1nlw drapee of Burllneton
MUla fabric! Gold . threaded
textured-weave cotton ·rayon.
Blind-stitched thruout. Rich
$1 ,air
lie Satllp
Sub-Teen Coats
Girls' Quilted
Lounging Pajamas
3 to 6
Girls' Corduroy Skirt
& Vest Set 7 to 14
Lounging Sox
Women's Cotton Wash
Dresses, 12 to 38,
141/z to 241/z
Girls' Outing Pajamas,
Sizes 4 to 12 yrs.
If J'OQ 11b dMeUJe. yoa11 Jotoe ......,.. .....
w_.. c1aee111e. Glowtne color-, almoet 11nt·fr~
quality, amart rounded comers, luscious trtnte.
Sturdy cotton backln&. Preshrunk. MachJne wash
In lukewarm water.
fallw tw1a .a.
6 Piece Wm. Bopn
Steak KDHe S.t
8 piece Wm. Rogers
6 Steak Knives
and Carving Set
Just think a boy's bath
robe that ia warm and
good looking. Size 4 to
16 Yrs.
........ t;::t3Jl ...... ~ "::'.::_ = MEH'I IEACII BOlE .•. ta?hr .. to=..: '-· ' .. ftft MY.......... ~
... ..._ ...,.II .. Juat the rObe for aemoe .
ru.neJ'al .cn'\ces for Mrs.. Aleta
May Helder. 82. of 1891 Newport
Ave., Coeta MtA, ~ belcll'rl·
day at Pukes-Ridley Kortuuy
in CoRa Meu. Mrs. Heldeor died
Jan. 11 at Boaa He»pltal after an
extended Ulnesa. s.tv1tft Wet"e
conducted by Rev. Charlet Hand
of eo.ta »en. Beatcte. beor niece, Mrs. Winona
Van ~. wtJ,.b whom abe re·
alcled. Y.N. Hetaer Ia aurvlved by
two alltera. M.ra. Martha Preble
of El Cent:rc:w and Mrs. Alma
Trlekey of Sacramento, two other
nleees and two nephe-ws. Mrs.
Helder wu a native of CaUtornla
and had made her residence ln
COlt& Mesa ah\Ce 1946.
.. f. H.Mrlcb, D.C.
Germ.t are not the primary
e&U8e of oolcll. Jt hu ~n shown
that the same aerma are pr~nt
1n the penon who does not have a cold. u the person who has
one. The underlylna cause of colds
and couaha la the lack of rune· tlon ol lOme or the tluuea and
Ol'lan&. Tbla lowers resistance
and predl.-poses you to disease.
eapeelally colds this time or year.
Of ooune health habits are of the utrnoat importance also. RHtstan~ of the tlasue of the
body mult be up to normal 110 that they can react quickly to
audden changes of temperature.
The mec:hantam which adapts
the body to the external temper·
ature ls entirely under the con·
trol ol the central nervous sys·
tern. We are all subject to sltght
oough.l and colds. but It ls ad· vtaabJe for the chronJc sufferer
to consult a Chiropractor. By re· leaaina nerve Irritations thru
adjuatmenta t\e allows nature to
bulJd up resiltance from within.
a. E. a..da1cb. D.C.
Jbaeea ....,_ M71 • U14
700 ~C... del Mca
CDM Travel
•• wm a. ....., to CIMiat .,... .tt.la ay -..a Gil ..
~ .. MiT. ,..,.
T• M.-y F• Awcr ...._.
WE lld'D&.a ALL LDO:S
• Around the World, $1400.00
• Around S. America. $1400.00 • Around Africa. _ .... ....$1220.00
(Approximate Rates) ....... = a.llnod. lUlU. ; •u woHoe.l
• Toa.n • Tbecltn 1"'Cbta * •o I Ea'VJCE CII.UOE * Harbor 1246
Attocd to llve on Balbo&
Island! Only 15,000 down
buya a real cute knotty pine
cottage. Nice patlo-room for
apt.-<lose to the Bay.
e OPEN e
1 TO 5 P.M..
J,.ocated on ................
* • a bedrooms e a batM
e Shake roof
• Ral.led fiaptone fireplace
WI. SIIF.D, 1 ... : ~::tz:~~'1fgea
• Beautl1ul panellng
1306 Park Ave., Balboa Ialand e Large aunny patio e :l Forced air furances, garbage
Harbor 264.2 dUposal, Westinghouse d14h·
wuber e Separate ~ce room e Fine eabinet inatallatlons e BuUt In electric stove and oven B/8 • DeJlahtfully decorated e Expenalvely landscaped
• Restrlcted area
Jat tile RIIIIT Size
for a couple or small family
ls this 2-bedroom home.
lovely lanai, tlled bath,
roomy mode-n k I t c h e n •
ample storage space, double
garage, 1 a n d s c a p e d and
fenced, fireplace.
Best of all the full price
for the CO'V/ attracttve home
Is $15,750 with excellent fl·
nanclng. By the way, It's
south of the highway!
Bay •• Bald Realty
Corona del Mar Ot!lce
3530 E. Coast Hwy., Harbor 5563
tor reasonable price.
WUI take $1,750 down
1857 Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa u 8-1632; u 8-1400 Eves.
• ·roo Lnt• to aa-.rt
WANTED: Yrly. A: aeuonal ren·
tals. Clients walttnc. Illand
ReaJty Co., HA 377.
FOUND: 9·fOOt Douglas aJuml·
nurn dinghy. HA 1791.
FOR SALE -Rattan bed·daven·
port and mateblnl chair. Ex·
ceUent condition. $125. Phone
Ll 8-4:582. POR-SALE....:--_-• .f'l Stu~er
Champion StatUte Cou~. New
overhauJ. Owner. Best otter
tl\.keS. Mr. Thurman, 427 Fern·
leaf, CDM.
Non-AIIer9ie-lt fr•-
low uloric~i prol•in-Foods
Harbor Health Food
and Vitamin Store
~oloped By
Clarence L. Cooper, Inc.
Bunt By
Jot\n B. Clark. QuaJJty BuUder
For prMew showing
to quallfied clients
John Abell
Harbor 1600
Evenings phone U 8 ·5386
With all Improvements In
and paid.
$2295 cash
1857 Newport Ave., Colt& Mesa u 8·lfl32; u 8-1400 Eves.
2·bedra.-:l baths-dJnlng
room-room toe pool-TER·
RIFIC view!
2731 W . Coast Hwy. U 8·42'TT
Newport Beach
Improved with 2·bedr. stucco
home. partly furn • workshop,
garaJe. 2 blocks to town.
$1,500 down, owners will
cany balance.
1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa u 8·1632: u 8-1400 Eves.
I •1111-2
61'x.318', $300 monthly Income.
' t2',000 Full Price
• • •
2 .....
~ Block from 'nltlfty, Markets,
Poet oUlce. Clean. BEST
Income location.
Bar I Baaclt Realtr
1696 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa
Uberty 8·1161
Eves.: U~rty 8 3010
Wily W TnMII?
We t\ave sn exceptlonally
attractive 3·bedr. home ln
Glendale to exchanee tor
Balboa Island.
Also excellent home In Des·
ert Hot Springs to trade for
Costa Mesa or Harbor Area.
Come In, let's talk lt over!
4.98 Park, Balboa Island RA m
Dtalp•• Fer ,..., Lhtlc
Low down payment makes
you landlord of 2 brand new
fum. homes. ~ b lock from
beach. Both have l'eramlc
tile baths with glass encl.,
Fireplaces, garages
WeU-buUt 3-bedr. A: 2 bath
t\ome with rented fum. ea.
rage apt. at back. Top of
Narctssua Ave., {720) Corona
del Mar.
Call owner, Harbor 2506 -M.
Come In and we will helv
you m ake the best dE.'al pos·
1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa
U 8-1632; U 8-1400 Eves.
$4,000 only . . . $4,000 only
185'7 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa
U 8 -1632; U 8·1400 Eves.
2216 Newport Blvd. u 8·5101
3420 W. BaJboa Blvd. Harbor 14.28
Tomorrow You Will Be Sorry You Didn't Buy These Today
COST A ~fESA SPECIALS L MUST ~ll ! 2-bedr. stucoo home. patio. fenced. nr.
Santa An11 Country Club. Orletnally priced at
$12.000. See Mr. Horvath for a special deal on this
2. Business corner -Newport Blvd .• Established gas
station • commercial bldg. Priced for quick sale,
$36,500. Tenns.
3. 3·Bedr. older home, lge. UvlnJ room. dining room.
kitchen. Near Newport Blvd. $12.000 wtth very low
down. WUl sell on contract.
4. IdH.l Medical, Dent&l or oUlce bldg. site, 110'x125'.
on Broadway. $21.500, Terms.
1. OPEN HOUSE. Sat. and Sun. 1·5 p.m. 405 Holm·
wood-Near Hospital. H•llpot.. and transportation.
J .becfnn.. 3 car garage, 1 ~ bath~autiful blrcb
cabinet woodwork. Land8caped, encl. patio.
$4.000 down
1. $2.500 down: west Newport. 2 bedrs. A: den ...
flrepl .... llot from ocean. A·l cond. $11.500. terms.
BORREGO SPRINGS 1. Lot near Country Clubhou~. $1.750. good terms; or
wUl trade for lot In HarboT Area.
001011 on 111
OCEAN FRONT, 4 bedrms. __ ... _. ____ ,_ .. .$(5,000
• • •
Coline Glbbona. Dorothy
Mcltenna. Mueuerlte Huetlea
Cor. E. Cout Bwy. at Orchid
Across from P.O .• CDM
For letterheads and envelopes.
Call the Enalgn, Harbor 1114.
"in the Crossro.,ds Villoge"
)5) N. Newport 81vd.
Uberty 1·11>424
Shop wlth your hom~·town
merchants. Read their ads 1n the
Newport Harbor En.aten, BALBOA ISUID
Leallaer. ....... $M ..
Suede wow
AIQ) ··w ...... , ..
Men's Slacks. 111-112.1111 11 ...
40% OFF
ALL .,. ...................
.. IIIII T••••ll• Ji11111 IIIL II
Business block. 2 stores. 3 apartments. Shows excellent
income. Priced $49.500.
• • •
Interesting 2-bedr .. 2 bath house
Leasehold apprOJCimatt>IY 2l yrs .. to go.
Earl w. SIMler
225 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Call Harbor 1T75
or Bayside Office Harbor 3297
Eva EdJth Maroon. HYatt 4-6222
lobn MacNab, Harbor 5359 Louis Boynton Harbor 2818
2·8edroorn and Garaee eact\ unit. with fenced yard and
private patios. Comer location, cl05e to shops ...
achoola . . . and transportation. WalkJng distance to
Bay beach.
Income wllJ pay ltself out,
$19,950 and onJy $5.000 down.
w••M• IEILn Cl.
308 'Marine Ave •• BaJboa lsland
Harbor 0234
WltJ Lilli Ftr w. wa a ... ,,
,. .. I lszllft
A DO 1T YOOasELJ' C1 W01f'T 'froB
IN 1'1IE llE.U. ESTATE ~
Wben JOU Ibn ,our P'OI*t1. for _.. wttb a UAL TOit
JOU btJM!Ot bY tlll ~ a;pll'teDee an4 !ad!~·
"W ...... 1011\1 to eel1
Newport Harbor
Board _ of Realtors
0.1'111 .........
No trills. but a lot of value-SOUD
3-bedroom, 2 bath home, nJce pat1o, picture wind~
with view, hardwood Ooora, fireplace, lots of cloeeta.
breaklast nook. d laposal, fan, etc .
Total price $23.250 with down paymenL
2ii67 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar HA.: 1741; RA (11'ST
You've Seen The Rest •• SEE ''THE BEST'' ......
her lelllllc • .,.,. H•ltlr . ........... .
To the home buyer who wt.shes to pUl't'h&ae In the $25,000 to $35.000 clua we sincerely ~mmend
the lrvlne Estaus overlooking Newport Harbor.
n-. .. homes feature Callfornla Jl\llnr. Ott~ exclu.
aJvely throueh Earl W. Stanley in a Smog.~ area known u lrvine Terrace--on Coast Highway oppoa1te
the 11ew ltvlne Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor'.
* For n!OC>rTU"Dendat1on, we refer you to anyone wbo bolcll a Lea.dlold Estate Lo Irvtne Terrace. Beacon
Bay, Bayaborea or Clllf Haven. ...,..
Earl W. Stanley
Phone Harbor 4448 Foe Fu.-ther Information
vv "
Lovely 4·bedroom hom~ and 1-bedroom apartment.
Gra.clous llvmg PLUS income
208 Marlnt> Avenut>. Balboa Island
Next door to the POSl Office
HArbor 444 Eves.: HArbor 3629·R. HArbor 4248·1
R·4 Cornt>r. i7'x100'
C·2. 45'xl50'
c ·2, 90x150'
R·4. 60'x252'
R·l, Back Bay
R 1, Back Ba.y
''}'ou'll hke our friendly service"
W. I. TilliS REILY.
Uberty 8 1139 400 E. lith St .. Costa M~
Ucht and che-erful 2-plus bedrooms. largt-Uving room.
Ureplace. double garage, dose to No. Bay and shop.
ping ana. On shore mooring, bricked patio. Complet.~l.y
$22.500-$5.000 down
..S IUY, lulllr
216 Marine Ave .• Balboa Island. Harbor ~larbor ~
I.WIIIr Frill
NHrly IM"W-3 ~tm, 2 batU-plua mald'•
Quarters. Sandy bMcb. ~
hr appointment ~ .. eaU Ml's. h7.
... ,.-r_
U ..-L
.... ~ .. ... . -..... -.... . .... ' ..... --"'• .... . . . ..
~ 1 ilDle 2Times 3 Times
20 words or lesa .75 1.25 1.50
21 to 30 words 1.00 1.50 2.00
31 to 40 word• 1.25 2.00 2.50
ch word over 40 Ea .03 .OS . 07
Cash must be received within 7 days of first insertion •••••••••••••••••••••••
rca uu
OWNER WILL SElL $1.2.000 6"
Trust Deed on a.dondo Buch
aubstantJal home. Phone Ba
~lg~. ,old boucle' uphol·
ate red. 7 tt. approx. length.
Call HA 1835-W after 7 p.m.
PLYMOUTH Plaza station wagon
with radio, beater, tinted glass.
Price $1,450. Call Uberty 8 ·5326
ARY SALE 1914-1956. $395
lovely Spinet standard buys
make. Mlrro·type Spinet only
$235 Baldwin Acrosonlc $479
Kimball Splnet $550 Baby
Grands $495 up. Dozens of
others Knabe Stelnway Hard·
man etc. These Instruments
are trade-ins a nd rental re·
turns. many just like new.
Danz·Schmldt·Phllllps Big PI·
ano and Organ Store 520 No.
Main. Santa Ana. 100 pianos
FO R SALE--This 1lze classified
ad In the Ensign, only $1.50 fOI'
3 Insertions. Call your ads to
HA 1114.
OND ORGANS aU models.
One only slightly used. almost
like new. This is a special.
Danz . Schmidt · PhUllpa Ham ·
mond Headquarters for Orange
County. 520 No. Main, Santa
OND CHORD Organ, the
greatest Invention ever In
music. The whole family can
play lt at once wtthout les·
sons. You must come In and . 11 s try lt. Danz Schmidt Phil p
Great Plano and Hammond
Organ Store, 520 No. Main.
Santa Ana.
BE-AUTIFUL Spinet plano. blond.
just like new save $200. 3
renta l returns. save $90 \o $250
perfect condition new guaran·
tee tree delivery Maple. Light
Walnut, French Provincial.
Mahogany Spinet case slightly
damaged In sh ipping $487.
Good practice pianos from
$89. $94. $1.25, $175 see these at
the Great 42nd Annlversuy
Sale. Danz . Schmidt ·Phillips
the Big Plano and Organ Store
520 No. MaJn. Santa Ana. 100
BEAUTIFUL Minshall Electonlc
Organ as I~ $475, another Min ·
shall three months old 2 m an·
ual $995. Danz·Schmldt·Phll·
lips. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana.
SPTNET -Piano llkenew-wuh
Organo $695 wonderful buy.
Used Solovox $195. Danz-Sch ·
mldt·Phllllps Big Piano and
Organ Store. 520 No. Main.
Santa Ana.
WA.NT'EI).....2-bed:r. and d~n. 1~
baths. fireplace. furnace, dbl ..
garag~. level lot and at least
2 blka from highway. Around
$16,000--ca.sh. Anything! Box
A -21, c/o Enslen-
1r experienced child care. Days
or evenlnp. Ha 2925-W.
MAnJRE WOMAN wlshes baby
sitting and care of sick, knit·
tJng or crocheting.
night. HA 3192-M.
Day or
CDM man would like gardening,
clean-up. etc. Call Kl 3·2122.
Mel Upshall.
WANTED: Ironing In my home.
Mabel Whitman, 607 Ma.ri'Je.
rite, CDM. HA 4279-J.
.. MUSIC IlfSTJlUcrJOif ..
Renner (Mrs. A. Renner), ac·
ceptlng a limited number or
pupils for plano. Concert Pi·
anist of Three Continents.
Graduate Student of Bela Bar·
tok. 436 Serra Drive, CDM,
Ha. 2039. -4: IIELP WANTED
BEAUTY OPERATOR, first class
salon. excelt. clientele. Tommy
Wilson Beauty Salon. 25t5 E.
Coast Hwy., CDM.
SALESMAN: Thls position wiJl
pay better than $200 per wk.
within 60 days. Starting salary.
$300 mo. plus com. Benefits In·
elude retirement pla n. hospl·
talization. ll!e Ins. Large nat'l.
corp. wUl select • train 3
young to work In Orange
County. Give rompl. partlcu·
Iars. exper .• age, marital sta·
tus. auto, etc. Write c/o EN·
SIGN, Box C·31 for Interview.
BeaCOI Ptrllllll
NO FEE collected from applicant
413·3lst Newport Beach
I iris
That you will be proud to tell your trlends about. New
high wages coupled with the
Ideal working conditions add
up to jobs with prestige.
Start your new job In one or
our offices near your home.
nl~ely located. years lease.
$115 month. Sa d 1 e I r Real
Estate. Ha 2422.
9:00 to 4:00 p.m.
FURNISHED-APT-., ---::-1 --:-be-d~roo-m-.
garage and utilities Included.
$75 month. Ha 2506·M.
FOR RENT-Furn. bachelor apt ..
CDM. ground level. detacht>d.
fenced yard. TV. S65 per month.
lease. Ha 0805-W a fter 6:30
p.m .
FOR RENT -furnished room.
conveniently located, prlva1e
entrance. private b ath. l nquirl?
508 Marigold. CDM. Ha 1203· W.
CALL Edna-Craig. rental-spe·
clallst w ith Doris Bray. realtOI'.
216 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island.
HA 20 or HA 64.
STUDIO APT~ w1th--=k:i-=-tc.,.h_e_n-• ..,.t lie
bath. Very nicely fum .. lnclud·
lng TV. garb. disposal, pvt.
patio lr garage. S90 per mo.
2647·A E. Coast Hwy .• CDM.
Ph. HA 5170·M.
unfuml~hed d up 1 ex, 2·bed·
rooms, hdw. tloors. f.a. heat.
fireplace prt. patio. garage,
$105 month. Ha. 1684-R.
for rent. both tum. lnqulre
509 Carnation, CDM, or phone
HA 5213-W. '
vate entrance, private bath,
nr. postotflce, bank and stores.
325 Orcllld, CDM. HA 512-R.
FOR RENT: New 2·BR. home ln
CDM. complet•ly turn.. with
fireplace, 'IV. breakfast bar;
$135 a month to June 1. Ll·
berty 8· '7(W.
P'JiE}!::Ht Desert VIew Hom•·
lite. Matttil Buildlnf, Yucca
p •
514 ~ N. Main St., Rm. 211
Santa Ana
50-USED-PIAN:-:o""'s,_w_a_n-te...,d for our
rental service. Trade your pi·
ano on a new Spinet Grand or
Hammond Organ. H I g h e s t
cash allowance during our
Great Sale. Danz-Schmfdt·Phll·
lips. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana.
$5 PER-MONTH rents a good
practice plano. All term rent
allowed. Danz · Schmidt ·Phil·
lips Big Plano Sale. 520 No.
Main, Santa Ana. Rome of
Mason·HarnUn and Kna~ Pi·
a nos.
Be on time tor your 1956 ap·
polntment.a. E tern •·Matte
Watch serves you accurately.
RAY FIELDS, Jeweler, 19th
• Placentia "In VIsta Shop·
ping Center," Costa Mesa,
Lt. 8·!K88. sn, 1 .......
.,. .. for ....
American ~eton 215 15th St.
Meetlnp 2nd .... th Wed. 8 p.m.
Painting -Decorating
Lt•'-"'"'f'd Contrtu•tnr 878 W. 18th Costa Mes~~ LI~ 8-8628 =1&12 MPLETE P~O
(Evenlnp. wee.k·enda)
'SOO ~lilt Str!f!. Jlf..-pm1 ~1tt'h •• ,.., ...•.
·~ ...... -~ ll,.. ........ .. . ' A_._ f/1 llUIIC ·CT-.. f jj ae• -·
1 $72,000 Is Issued
• ~ c
• 1t •
~ For Dalton Restaurant
._ mooo buUct•q permit baa 110.000: a 1. lleGNC«, npa1r
been taan out tot tbe eaJ.uae-a.. c~amap to cuare at 112S w .
met ol the termer UGo --.u. hY Aw., a.ooo.
rant on the bq f:ront tn Udo e UZ..OA IILAirD
Center, to become the lite ol the Dr. C. a. Barnett. clote tn I,10tdl
Bob Dalton Be8taurant a ,.._ at m Ruby, 11,!100: 1:. B. Cham·
3452 VIa ()porto. It wtU be a two· ben, remode1Unl at at9 E. lay
story bu041nt. with a one·unlt n.. SS.!JOO; bbtn Baker, re·lld·
dwelllnl on the teeond atocy. in& at D O.rand Canal, $1,300;
t I.IIC •C ,,. MC .. IOOO ta Ut .... tHA• u .. 4 _.._ fW 8,LIIC e VI SCU-18 Tjt ••• t aa6•
Permlta llaued durlna the put Gertrude Waldron, atan at 308
wHk totalled $200,000 brlnlfn.g liladM, m
the amount f~ the month put • ••wroaT
$500.000. The January recot'd wm Bob Dalton and Todd Johnlon,
be considerably unde-r the total reR&urant and 1·unlt apartment ot January, 1955, When $929,985 at 3H8·3452 Vla ()porto. f72,000;
ln permits were l.aaued. Dr. N. P. Andenon, outalde st.aln
The following permlta were Ia· at 4610 W. <>eean n., $1..000:
sued durlne the put week: Wayne Bandy, ~ build· , ..
ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA • coaoxA DEL 110 lnr at 201 28th st., $100; Cedi
Howard Richard&, 2-.t.ory, 1· Walker, enJM'te 1araee at 6209
unJt dwelling at 413 Acacia, Seashore Dr., JT97.
$19.350: John Pranklln, add bath
-·-· oc..ons 0'4. rc._o tOUNOA•• . ---........ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ...... --· ...... '"' N at 3317 Ocean. $1.200; R. M.
Johnaon. remodel11ng and add
fireplace at 517 Orchid. $2.200: •oo"'"''• • ., ac•Ot.M'.O. • tiC o•••or: C. ... tY r\......0 COCIIMIISIIO. !fM .. II It••• HOME
PAA ?" 011 Ot'OMANC.t WO. ..!.!.!_ ,.._TtO • ., tiC •o•u 01 ~avta~• .M"MAIJ It ltM. M.rl. S. M. Reber, add 1-atory, 1·
unit dwelllng at 225J,i Mari'Je·
rite, 14.000; Harry Welsh, store·
room over ga.raee at 2211 Water·
front. $1.600: Dr. Barnett. partl·
tlon at 234.5 & Coast Hwy.,
The Board of Supervisors of the
County of Orange do ordaln as
follows: •
SECTION 1. That Section 1 of
Subsection B of Section 19 of Or·
dinance No. 351 entitled, "An
0 r d I n a nee Establlshlng Land
Classifications and D I s t r I c t s
within the Unincorporated Terri·
tory of Orange County and Regu·
latlng the Uses of Property there·
ln. Adopting Sectional Maps of
TaJitr Alto TrMiflrl
F-••r Dill at 18
Frederick Raymond TaylOI' Sr.,
76, of 34 Balboa Coves. founder
and owner of the Taylor Auto
Transport ot Long Beach. died
Jan. 16 In Hoag Hospital. He was
a native of Canada.
Survivors Include his wife. Gay·
nell ; a son. Frederick Taylor Jr .•
and two grandsons. Services were
held Jan. 19 at Melrose Abbey
Chapel, with the Rev. Donald
Sapp of the Balboa Island Meth·
odlst Church officiating. The
Baltz Costa Mesa Chapel was In
charge of arrangements.
The Answen to Your
Gardening Quntiona
b7 •w Fervuoa
QUESTION: Is It all right to
plant other flowers In rose
AWSWER: Other flowers may
be planted as ground cover tn
rose beds but they should be
planta which won't take too
much of the food the roses need. Some examples are
8Weet alyssum. pansies, petu·
nlas. lobelia, verbena, and
violas. Call us fOI' planting dJ·
rectlons It you wtah.
Time to plaDt t.n root .......
gladlolu bGD& ad '::Z:j
dt.; JaR call ..
S&ll c.... Tl'adl89 ~~ CORONA DEL MAB
17" .. c.-...... ., ..... = . ., .... • ad
Said Dlstrlcts. Detlnlng the Terms Clerk and ex·oUiclo clerk of the
Used In Said Ordinance, Provfd· Board or SupenUors of Orange
lng for the Adjustment. Enforce· County, California, do hereby
ment and Amendment thereof certifY that at a reeular meeting
and .Pretcrtblng Penalties for Ita of the Board of Supervfaon held
Violation" be amended by ad· on the 17th day of January, 1956.
ding thereto OU Field Map B. the foregotne Ordinance contain·
Sheet 1 of 1 Sheet. lng two (2) .eocUon.s. wu ron·
SEC110N 2. Thta Ordinance aldered section by section and
shall ta.k~ etfect and be ln force that the aald Ordlnanoe was
thirty (30) daya from and after then passed and adoptN u a
Ita pusare and before the expl· whole ~ the followtne vote~
ration of Lltteen ( 15) days after AYES': S U PER V I SOBS C. M.
the paaaaee thereof shall be FEA THER.LY. HEINZ KAISER.
published once ln the Newport RALPH J. McFADDEN, WM. H.
Harbor Enatrn. a newspaper HIRSTElN AND WTLLIS H. WAR·
publlabed In the County of Or· NER.
ange, State of California, to· NOES: SUPERVISORS NONE.
gether with the names of the ABSENT: SUPERVISORS NONE.
members of the Board of Super. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I
vbors votlne for and aeatnst the have hereunto set my h and and
same. atfixed the ottlctal 8eal of the
WILLIS H. WARNER Board ot S u p e r v I a o r a ol the
Maet:O Corp., 1-story, 1-untt
dweJUnr at 729 Santana Dr .•
$17,970; 1-st.ory, 1-unlt dwelllne
at 700 Santana Dr" $25.910.
e xzwrotrr DlGIITI
Dr. David Nielsen. remove ga·
rage from tl2 Westminster, $400;
William Cltta, .nclose porch, 546
Tustin, $100.
L. D. Markel. 2-story, 1-untt
dwelling at 204 VIa Ithaca,
Chairman ot the Board of Su-County of Orange, State of Call·
pervisora . of Oranee County, fornla, this 17th day ot January,
Romer Smith. storage apace at
Balboa Market. $25; Walter Dfl·
ley, water heater at 505·507 Bay
Ave., $150; WIJllam Patton, re· T W 0 0 F F ICE 5
pairs at 316 Alvarado Pl., $1.000;
A. G. Roach. greenhouse at 2124
E. Balboa Blvd., $2,000; J. D. Rlll·
yard. repalra at 720 W. Balboa
Blvd., $300; William Cannon. r~·
modelllne at 1205 W. Bay Ave.,
Calltomwa. 1956.
ATTEST: (Seal)
County Clerk and e:x .offlclo
Clerk of the Board ot Supervisors
of Orange County. Caltlornla.
I, L. B. W AU..ACE. County
County Clerk and ex-officio
Clerk of the Board of Supervl·
sors of Orange County, Call·
Deputy <SEAL)
Publish: Newport Harbor Ensign
January 26. 1956
e WEDJfi:SDAT. JAW 11 rHted on an lntoxlcatton charge
Mrs. Chrla, Lawler of 209 Arne· at Park Ave. and Marine Ave ..
thyst Ave.. Balboa Island, re· Balboa Island, at 10:18 p.m. and
ported the theft of a white slip, was released to h ls par·ents later
a maternity slip and 30 soda pop to appear In juvenile court ...
bottles from h er back yard . . . Motorists nearly ran into a utili·
David L. Taylor. 19, of Crestline ty pole rolled Into Riverside
and Lester V. Gutknecht. 18. of Ave. near Coast Hwy., Newport
Long Beach, were charged with Beach. at 10:57 p.m. by juveniles;
soliciting without a license tn the Edison Co. was asked to re·
the Balboa area ... Cars driven move lt . . . A hit and run car
by M. M. Gibbons of Sherman damaeed a parked car at 208
Oaks and M. E. Wagner of La· Topaz Ave., Balboa Island. ~~·
guna Beach were Involved ln a lstered to George Loynd of 213
minor accident at R1verstde Ave. Topaz Ave ....
and Coast Hwy., Newport Beach e SATUJIDAT. JAW. 14
... The telephone company re· Tom Malone of 2500 W. Coast
ported a boat on flre In the jetty Hwy., Newport Beach, com-
at 8:28p.m. and a harbor depart· p!!\lned that kids broke 16 foot
ment boat was dispatched. but of windows alx foot high from a
no boat fire could be located . . . buUdlng be was moving at that
A pane of elus was found address . . . Luis Bestard, 64,
broken In a window at 117 Ruby boat hand from the yacht. Pink
Ave., Balboa Island, but there Cloud, moored at Lido Penln·
wu no Illegal entry . . . aula wa.a reported m..laslne alone
Mrs. Richard Undholm of 1205 with hta clothlng and belonr·
W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, lngs ... Cars driven by Glenn
reported the theft from her E. Johnston, 35. of 501·31st St.,
clothesline of three men's white Newport ~ach and Daniel B.
dress ahlrta valued at $12 . . . Silverthorne. 31, of Santa Ana,
e11IVJISI)AT. JAW. 12 were Involved ln an aocldent at
CREDIT BUREAU ., w..-. o.-.. eo.atr
ltormerly ot Newport Beach.
t.aeuna ~•cb lr eo.u Metal
•at...tdreA....,PO ....
Uberty .. 7141 •.....-rt ....,
'" -.n:u LOAW
Construction l.ocma
s,r, 10-TEAJt LOAW
Poirier lertcap Co.
I ISIS B. Coat Bwy .. CDM
Pb. IIA a.I-CJ S.SJ~
!_:Metro Ule luunmce FUDCSI)
••••• Coltrlllor
J446 E. COAST HwY ~
H~ 476J
a..w-: H~ 41t6
Cars driven by Frank Rich· 32nd St. and Newport Blvd.,
mond of 215 E. Bay Front, Bal· Newport ~ach ... nres and
boa laland, and Tega Singh of wheels valuecj at 1550 were N ·
El ~ntro, Wtft Involved In an ported stolen from can parked
aoeldent at Bayside Dr. and ln the 900 block W. Cout Hwy.,
Cout Hwy .... Ctvfl Defense r~· Newport Beach, owned by John·
ported from the Udo Isle tower .on and Son, Uncoln and Mer·
at 5:28 p.m. that a nare was cury Dealer of Newport Beach,
bumtne about four miles at •• the third auch lou recentlY . • . M A T T R E S S E S
dlrec:tly .outh of the tower; the M.ra. Luther MorrlD of 2:24 Ruby ~-Cotto.
Coast Guard headquarters ln Ave .. Balboa laland, gave oUI · PO......._
Lonr Beach wu notltled . . . A cen tlve corroded rounds of 30.6 ln•cular _Sila.,e.
Balboa llrl. 8. who ran away ammunition f~ dllpoNI . . • Jflt'W-R.vJLDIJIQ
from home waa found 20 min· e IU11DAT, JU. 11 COSTA MESA MAnlESS CO.
To Serve Yot~
222 Oc..n Av•.
PHONE HY. 4-1177
60 I N. B C.mino Real
PHONE HY ecinth 2-1195
-tft' ...._ 2-1196
ut.ea later at Balboa Blvd and P. C. Carr ot 1231 W. Bay Aw., i~2~110~~~~....,~-~u~;!!I-~I~)OJ~~;;;;;;~;;;;;~;;;;;;~ Matn st., Balboa, and returned Newport Beach, compla.lne4 that ~=========== home . • • A car ,..lltered to a hit and ru:n car cau.ed flO ... Lawrence or loanne Kelcl\er ot damare to a pJcket tenet at bJ.1 "-Ct• ..... -Da ' ' a ••
!50S-36th st., Newport 'leach. re-f8tdence . . . M.n. Henry Bru· ~alt Tile-lubber "nJe save
rnoney ........... u. ... ..,..._..,...r.
• • • •• • • • • • ••••••• • • • •••••• . .._ .. .... -... . . ... ..... . . ~ .... ~
a. ... .............
eetved m.fnol' d&mafe while derlln of 401 !f. Ba.y Front. Bal· Pormlee -Uno&twD 'nl•
parbd at d ·38th St.. Newport (Oclntlnuecl -Pael ., IJ-~· ala Till' Lllf~.u· BNdt. when ltnlCk by a car -v drtwn by l'Yank E. Jordan of • •• &. lftllt II. c.e. ..... .... LDIJI1T ..... 1JJ1 !f.-pert Blvd., Coeta -ea. 22 y..,. lD 0rante 0Du.nt1 enmAT.JU. u
A fUU ·lencth wool coat valued
at ... 75 wu stolen from Jo.J:n•a
Or1ctnall. aar7 Newport Blvd ..
Newport Beach, IIOIMtJme be-
tween Dec. 7 and Dec. u . . .
OIDcln quralltiDed a doC
whldl bit 0.,. Qneftlq, .. pi
-Yla Lore~. Uclo r.Jt . • • A ...,. llland JOidlt., 17, wu ....
Orco Block Co •
BUILDING JLOCIB......AU. &W •u TYPES , ...... , ...
.... , 1111 ......
••••~•s•z•••s•• aw orrJC& Oi'D&D Fr0111 1M POLICE BL01Ta Boat Handling 4PORT
I ~ I ..... A )j. "'•.. • • .., .. ,
c-... . .,......, ...... ,
VIvian Lelch
"lft• .....
OJl band to .,... ....... at the
opecUna ot ...., --ome. ot IDWIIIton Dtvtnl&~ ~ iJI!e .. In Loe Ani ....... lfonrlan
L. lrown ot CGrona HJ1hlanda,
who Ia 110ne manapr for the
Rubor Area.
f Course Slated
(Continued h'om Pap•8) ... Mn.. ~oeepb AnMrac:ln, 58, r4
boa Island. re-ported the theft ot 112 Am e thy • t Ave., Balboa A bule eoune In p11otlq and
a ts wb lte nylon ear eovft' from Island. wu taken horne after ahe unaJJ boet handlln,. tree and
ber eu . . . Kn. Lueille D. Cor· fainted tn ~ef's Inn. Corona del ope to the publlc, wlll start at
Patrollbe the merchants who rlcan of ~n reported the theft Mar, and wu treated by a phyal· 7:30p.m. Monday, Jan. 30, tn the
adverttM tn the Newport Jlar.. of a f400 wuhlnl madlJne from elan . . . <>mcen were unable to Horace EDallft School. Cll.tf
bot EMIIIL a porch at ~-43rd St., Newport loea~ teeft·a1en tn a ear wbo Raftn. and continue e~tch Mon· --~~---wwww'i ~adl. from where ahe wu mov· dlued two CGrona del Mar boys day ft'ellinl for 12 ... loo.a. ~ tnr . . . Paul A. Parrlah of Z3 to the home ol Mra. MUdred ~11 Th.la coui"M tn boattnr safety
Monte Vlata St., Coeta Keu. ot .a2 Beltotrope Ave., Corona Ia sponsored by the 11th dlatrtct
complained that 8Qmeone threw del Mar, at 10::58 p.m .. threaten· Coast Guard Awdl.lary. It con·
* llfp••• ....... , ,, ....
IIADOaiMI ......... .....,, ..................
a beer bottle at h1a ear, break· 1n1 to beat them up . . . a1Ra ot aeamanabJp, pUotJnc.
Inc a windoW, while tt wu e UTVJIDA~ JAJf. 11 rules ol the road, aida to navtp-
parked on Newport Blvd., near Wanda Moore ot 211 ~ McFad· tlon, boet bandllq. equipment
J1tb St., !f e w p or t a..ch . • . den Pl .. Newport ~acb. reported reculatlona and the mariner's
Harry l&SO« of the Union S«v· that 10meone took~ cub from compaa
Ice Statlon. Cout Hwy. and Avo· he bUlfold Which ahe left for 10 'nle knowledre rained wiJl be
eado Ave., Corona del Mar, re· minute. ori the bar In Stac. 2111 uteful whether a penon owns
pCil'ted that someone tried to McFadden Pl .... George Myers an outboard motor boat. aa11
bftak Into tbe ltation but the ol 111·2:5th St.. Newport Beach, boat or an Inboard cru.IRr. Non·
entry wu ~ . . . reported two men tJchting ln the boat owners are alao Invited to e TVDDAY. JAIL 17 street In front of bla residence at learn. Instrueton ,wUl Include Dr.
Charles Carrick of M15 Ocean 3:29 a.m.; oftlcen advUed the Irvine E. Laby, Al. Obf:ra, Mal
Blvd., Corona del Mar, com· men to co home . . . Donald Flnk and John Neerhout.
plalned that 10meone threw b1a Sherman. ~. of 133·46th St.,
redwood flower pots and two 1ar· Newport ~cb. was arrested on
bap paUa full of 1arbace over a drunk drlvtnc charge at 9:51
the cll.ft at the rear of bla home p .. m. on Cout Hwy. near Irvine
• . . Wllll.am lobnaon, 11, of Tenace . . . Cordon Wevtll o.f
400% Clubhouse Ave., Newport 1!l6l Miramar Dr., Balboa, re· ~ach. reported the theft of his ported brealdnc up a fight Newport Harbor BJch School !I!R!R!R!R!!!•!!!!••!!!!!•!!!J!!O!!R!!R!!a!·~~~~~~~~~~~~ $18 wheeled sled from near New· amonra larce croup of juvenUea wu second lowest In co.t per port Blvd. and VIa Udo. Newport wbo Wft'e drlnklnc In the street student ot all the four·year high / Beach ... Earl Graham of 3613 ln front of hla home at 10:02 lcboola ln Oranre County for the
IWOMDAT, JAJfVAft' .. ... •a WICMI' 11AD0a ...... I
&;., L•• •lk11r ·-··
At 2
n..atr ..
w. Balboa Blvd., Newport ~acb. p.m. . . . 1954·55 ICbool year, accordJnc to
reported ru was alphoned from e I UifDAT, JAJf. 22 the tlnanclal report at County ~;;::;~~~~~~;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~::;;~;:;;~ hla clty truck parked at the rear A ganr fight In progress on Supt. of Schools Linton T. Slm-r
of b1a home . . . the main beach, Corona del Mar, mona.
-.--~ ....... ·= ...................
TO WAIT FOR TOMOIUlOW -. . -·kiiiiAY ·
A-... -.:S.'W.I.T -I 1M. ........ .._ Jl.ell7
Wallen .....,
Ill .....
....... -..ao..-.&T
T~ OUtlol ... tONw~
..,.. Scpar• J!IDfle" •--.....----••u ,..._ .......
--.-. .............. ..._,_.&I • _.., •• * CAIIt'OOlf~AL.mD.&Y, ~Y, 80MDAY * r.pA4t~.o ;;; II~•&] ...... -......... .
-----.._ --:W:=!
e WED•UDAT. JAJf. 11 wa.a broken up when oftic4!fll ar· Cost Pft' student at Harbor MIUIIY V• E II IE II%
Dlftlactift J111.,_ ••• h I I ~ Mrs. Lawrence Lamb of 4409 rived . . . Officers con!l.scated a High wu reduced from S388
Seuhore Dr~ Newport Beach, re-six·lncb buntlng knife from a 1361. or $27, durinc 1.954 ·55. Har·
ported the theft of a S6 nylon Udo We boy, 8. after he fright· bor High's $361 was $35 under ••IEJ•ITII. ........
parachute· type car cover from ened another LJdo Isle boy, 7, the county high achool average ..rwlll •
her ear •.. Carrell Foreman of by uslnglt In a dangerous man· of $396. Average cost per stu-l;.;;;~!;;;.;;;;;;4ti~;;L;.;C~a~•~t;;m~..s.;;;;;_~~=~·~•;•;•~ 2285 Tu.ttln Ave., Cocta Mesa. ner ... Boys shooting bows and dent of all high IChoola In the t
reported the theft of a bottle of arrows In the ~ea ot 1756 Ocean county dropped $32. from $428 to
morphine. three morphine sQr· Blvd .. Balboa, were warned to be $396.
rettes. and a hypo syringe and more careful . . . Merlene Dahl ...... "~·~~·~~-needle from the medicine cab!· of Garden Grove wa.s taken to
net on his boat. Airline F. Hoag Memorial Hospital by ain·
moored In the harbor . . . Mrs. bulanc::e suffering a hlp Injury c. N. McEasthron of 2100 Ocean wh~ she fell while baby.slttlng
Blvd .. Balboa, reported tbe theft In the Robert Voorhies res!dence.
of a $UJ15 plastic car cover ... 2532 VIsta Dr .• Bay Shores; neigh·
About $100 cash and a $13 check bora took over the baby.slttJng
was reported stolen from a cash unUl the parents arrived home.
box In the lnner·otfice of the
Ocean Front Hotel, 2306 W.
Ocean Front. Newport Beach . . .
Mal J. Flnk of 608 Begonia Ave ..
Corona del Mar. reported the theft
of from $75 to $100 In tools from
the boat. Admiral, moored at
Norm's Landing, Newport Beach
. . . Can driven by Bruce Rob·
bins, 23. of Glendora and John
Baker, 78. of Newport Beach,
were Involved ln an accident at
Rlvft'alde Ave. and Coast Hwy.,
Newport Beach, at 5:19 p.m. ...
e1'11VWSDAT. JAil. 11
David Panter, 5, of 113·29th
st., Newport Beach, wu Injured
when he ran from behind a
parked ear and wu btt by a ear
A ga.sollne fire caused S8 dam·
aged to the car of Elwood Plulf
of 1881 Wallace St.. Costa Mesa,
at 11:05 a . .m. last Thursday In
a garace 4t 409·29th St., New·
port Beach, the Newport Beach
fire department reportM. The car
wu belnr overhauled and the
ru line wu 4Jaconnected. Gu
spilled to the floor when the
rear end of the car was jacked
up and the fumes reached an
electric heatft' nearby to start
the blaze, firemen reported.
Your Family Restaurant
2515 E. Coat JDPwar
~~-C....del ...
c•o TVDS) W.sd"a l~._.
WEICDIB Olrl. Y 11 OZ. sa. a.~y r a s• a 1'4·
·A New Concept 1n Pe.nonaJ
Radio. Ear Phone and Carry-
Inc Cue Optional. EJrtra.
driven by James F. Harvey, 21, ol
US·29th St., Newport Beach, ln
front of 119·29th St. at 2:40 p.m.
. . . S. W. Richardson of 334
Buena Vl.sta Blvd.. Balboa. re·
ported the theft of hla 8~·foot
$250 aall boat from the beach In
front of his home ... Two West
Here They Are!
New Chevrolet Task•Force Trucks for '56! . Newport juvenile boys were
charged with car tampering In
front of 3808 Channel Pl.. New·
port Beach, where they were at·
tempting to start a ear and ad-
mitted stealing a gallon of gas
from a nearby truck . . . Mrs.
Paul Lund of 6606 W. Ocean
i ._.__.._._._._._._._._._.__..__.._._._._._._._.. Front. Newport Beach, reported
that while .mak.lnr a left tum
Into 6500 W. Coast Hwy., her car SAVE Will A
F1r.r'a PlllcJ
was struck In the rear by an·
other car, which knocked the left
rear bumper guard off her car;
the man driver lett the scene
before r e f e r e n c e s were ex·
changed ... e J'BIDAT. JAJf. 2D
Alva A. Newland of 212 VIa
Lido Nord. Udo Isle, complained
that he recently replaced win·
•LOCAL AG£NT dows In hls house at 2026 E.
1793 NEWPORT AVE.. COSTA MESA Ocean Front. Balboa. and now
OFFICE: Ubftt:y 8-5554 RES. Uberty 8·5063 four or five more windows have ri.i~i~~i~E~;~~======~~~~l BB boles In them ... Blll Pohls· ton of Udo lsle reported the
theft of a $25 electrlc razor from
his car parked near VIa Lido and
VIa Malaga, Newport Beach ... VIC r: COUAs•
() ~Ucuu;
......................... ~ ........... IMYIDs. --11-efO pCaalt .. ._. ......
-. ........... ..-.... -.La ............. • .............. v...--, ..... a..-..
IW2 •
Beverly Worthen, 29, of Carden
Grove, was taken to Hoag Me-
morial RCM~Pital sulferlnr trora
shock. attft' her eu went out of
control and struck the highway
divider at 19th St. an4 Balboa
Blvd., Newport BMch. at 8 p.m .
1020 Oil the dial
&ar ....... ~
FGIDI rr Ecllt&w
SANTA ANA BEGAfER __ .... .... _, ..... ,
u a.m--lfew. aad ClCIIDIMftt.
U:15 a.m-V.n.l IUb,_.,
II 0 ft D A 1' (U !15) "'bdlnMl ...... J:ldanDattoa.•
TUIBDAY (U:l.l) .... Old M
•• ~ atJIIDa'"
WJ:DJUIDA1' CU :l5) ..,_.,. _ .........
niDAY CU:ll) -riM UDIW ...................
Now th... .. •ore ,. • ..,. than .,_. why
anything less is an old-fashioned truck I
Aa ..... 1111c • wlnl•• fw ewwy ..._, A 1 .. 11 ••tt••at, ....._
...... Yl fw .,..Y ..... ,.., II pea .... tillll II 11 ., I liili 6 '11
.... , ................ c-............ ..., ...... ...,. ......................... ,_. .....
New '$6 a. ... cncb bciQa JOil
eew power-a lllat..crote vs • for
ever, mocW. ......... cowpeuioa
~. lbat '** ...... power puDCb ..... ..., Mel,__._.,.. ....
n.. .. a • •nca~nnled
.., to a hefty 19.$0().1). O.V.W.
n.. ....... -·--· tl'll-. ---... ..., ---· ..... ,_. ol ~a-.Y'fitt • f II ..... h aw nllkt,a .. ....._.~ ..,_ n
CciJrit il IDd loot ·-O'fld
p ... Pall& ............
•• ~......_..Tfwatca
A ~..,....•va ~w._,
Modrf .............. v ..........
tt.od ~ • ,.,. .... 11c 0,..,. ..
e..ry s... .............. ..,. .. ..... ,11 'ht •l ... : ......
Va ... , • Cuc1 ',.....,.._.
T'...._Tff-.lr•r•u4•M .... .......................
•n......,. .. ~..~:~.--. • .... .. .................. , ,. ...._ ...... ._.,_..
lAY ......... a 1-lla&WiCMi' DDOa ai8ICIIf
--.. '1'0 11&&'1' ,_.,. ........ .., amL
,.. Jlalboa •• ., ... , C'lllb wtll A claQibwr, Pamtia by, wu
Mid Ita aoau&l ..,..,Ill and born to -.. an4 Mrs. Wtwam
eledloll ol omc.n tamonow f'eri\UioD ol 0 Golclenro4 Ave.,
(f'rlday) ~ at tbe Clodt Colona clel Mar, Oll Monday, Jan.
Cowltry Club, Whittier. U. 1n Boq Memodal B~ltat
and come to
ONE & ·oNE for $1
MOllE roa OlfLY II..,
A Spedal Groap flola Oa.r ~ Stock
Sbes S to 12
SU.. 2 to 8lc
1/4 •• 1/3
mau••• SWEATEal • SKDI'ts
CAnl PAin"'
n..unn:L PAJAMAS
-1/2 OFF
230 BJ'OCidwa,. LaguDa Beach HYatt 4-71•
oae of the TOWD CIDd Surf Shos-••• park lD our lot
Handel and Schubert Music
on First Children's Concert
'nle followb\1 proaram wW be tbe l'OWla people of th1a county,
played by the Oranp County and that you will make every ef.
Pbllharmonlc Orche.tra at the fort wtth ua to make thla f1nt
two chllc!ren'a ooncerta Saturday: ec:mcert .uch a au~ that the
Water lCualc by Handel, Tbe Society will f~ juatlfied ln ar·
Btr4a by Raplpl, first move· nnatna a llefles of audl con·
ment of the Unfinlahed Sym-eerta."
phony by Sehubert and the Clu· Since the concerts are tree the
alcal Symphony by ProkotJelf. actlviUes of the Oranae County
Tbe mornlne concert will be Phllbarmonlc Soelety are aup·
held at 10:30 a.m. In the Oranp ported larply throuch member·
Coast Collette auditorium, and ahJpe. Olildren'a memberablpa
the afternoon concert at 3 p.m. are $5.00; patrons $10.00 OC' more:
1n the Fullerton Junior Collette sponaora. 1!0 or more; Loa Clen-
audJtorlu.m. toe memberships, $100; donor,
Frieda Bellnlante will conduet. ~ or more. and members of the orchestra Membenhlp contributions may
wlll demonstrate the various In-be dlrected to be uee4 apecJtlcal-
strumenta and explain the muste ly Cot dllldren'a concerts lt the
to be performed. donor wt.al\ea. accord1n1 to Mrs.
Children must be chaperoned Moreland Letthold on the Harbor
by adults, acoordlne to the an· committee of the Phllbarmonlc.
nouneement trom the PhUhar· She uke4 that new memben
monte Society. This announce· deslrnate their names u they
ment stated that "the Interest wllfh them carried on the roster
and cooperation at this first con· In aendln1 their memberahlp to
cert w111 Indicate to the Society Mrs. Karen Ma.rereta Brunine. of
the response of the county to Corona del Mar executive dlrec-
youth concerts. We hope that tor of the Orane-e County PhU-
I111J II ... 11M :IIIII 111%1 ,., CX::*~~~,.. '* a.alt7 aoud topdMr with wtU ._ IMI4 Aua. 1().11. It .. aa·
the I"Ml~ ..,. t.roal Lapu DOUnOM ..,. ..... ....... ~aln
ancl San a.u.a• an4l jolnt ln· :•: ..... ::lon.:-:.. ................ ...
ltallatJon ol the ome.. ol the
boar4a. .,...4lnl with Mr. Cot·
ton ol San Dt.to wtU be h1t .u ..
an4 Kr. an4 lira. B. ladaton
Polnth.ta, .tate eec:retuy of the
reel~ a.oclation.
Spec:tal au..a IDr the momJna
ltanclu4 ... a de Ooth8
an4 CuJea~D ~tt• e Drapery Hardware e VenetlaD IIJDda. A. bur11ar entete4 the ottkel IDcl\lcle mayan of the dti•
of Dr. lohn S. Allen an4 Dr. l[en. wboee real~ boar4a are bell\1 • I __ ~ _ Mp
neth Hamel at 900 W. Balboa IDatalled. N.wport Harbor oftl. -!J. g~ g
Blvd., Newport Beaeh. took P> cera to be lDitalled wUJ Include
cub an4 $10 tn ltam~ and Roy KcCar4le, pr81dent, Kabel * ._.. tM * C'ell
tamed 6n two aterlllzen, New· rttzmorria and Art Adair, vice JIMt oea. IIA 1M
port pollee reported lut Thura-presJdenta, and Ka~ Ollon u • ... lt.. •...-t .._. da~ · ~~~~~~-~~~~~~-~~====~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ncy toWtne $8 wu taken ;:
from a metal ca&h box In a desk CORAL Bea Salo In Dr. Allen's suite, oUieera aald, uty n and a lterUI.zer wu turned on.
A loclc on a drawer wu jimmied
open In a deek tn the aulte of IIS~c••al of the .. ~Oinlh" Dr. Hamel and $1.2 euh and the 1W1
atampa removed. A.noth~ lteri-, ~
llzer wu turned on. NarcotJea S'lff' $1 and ayrlnges were untouched. ......_. lOW
The burelar apparently entered
the bulldJne tbroueh an un-* FOI' A..-Mntment-HArbor 1878 * locked door oU Ninth' St. r--UZR PIIIDIOI 1732~=-:li.-:A.Poppy
you t~l. as we do. that instruc-harmonic Society.
tlve orchestra concerts till a =========-==,...........-==--=----·
definite need In the education of
30-Year Rllllle•l
of Costa leu Dies
Funeral services for August
BendJin, 76, who had lived for
30 years In Costa Mesa, were
held Friday at Parkes-RJdley
Mortuary In Costa Mesa.
Mr. Bendlln died Jan. 10 at hla
home at 313 Rochester St., Costa
Mesa. He was a retired farmer
and subdivider. He was born In
Russia and came to the United
States 57 years aeo.
Surviving him are hla wife,
Mrs. Nora May Bendlln. and two
sons and two daughters, George
and August Bendlln of Costa
Mesa, Mrs. Marlon Flaher of
Costa Mesa and Mrs. Horace
Nimmo of Santa Ana, a nd 11
Rev. James Stewart of St. An·
drews Presbyterian Church con·
ducted the services. Interment
was at Harbor Rest Memorial
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iNured Savinp and Loan AI&Od-
atioft.. Wltb :J.4 biJII• ctollan ol
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P"'l Nvinp _,nt dollua Ia Ul
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atJona. Not only do you pt u.cd-
leat rwtuma ~OW' IDOOq ~ (01' )'OW' COCiliiiOidty ud
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doll ol inJUI'ed S.vlnp atld Loan,
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